
1.       PARTIES.
         This Sub-Sublease, dated September 1, 1997, is made between Maxxis
         2000, Inc. (IS14, Inc.) ("Subtenant #1"), and Simons Engineering, Inc.
         ("Subtenant #2").

2.       MASTER LEASE.
         DowElanco (Sublessor) is the lessee under a written lease dated
         November 23, 1993, wherein The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New
         York ("Lessor") leased to Sublessor the real property located in the
         City of Roswell, County of Fulton, State of Georgia, described as 1080
         Holcomb Bridge Road - Roswell Summit, Building 100, Suite 135 ("Master
         Premises"). Said lease is herein referred to as the "Master Lease" and
         is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". The Mutual Life Insurance Company of
         New York transferred, sold, assigned and conveyed all of their interest
         to QRE Holding Company. QRE Holding Company transferred, sold, assigned
         and conveyed all of their interest to Realty Associates Fund IV, L.P.
         (New Owner). DowElanco is the Sublessor under a written sublease dated
         February 14, 1997, wherein Maxxis 2000, Inc., also known as IS14, Inc.,
         (Subtenant #1) is the Sublessee of said premises. Said sublease is
         attached hereto as Exhibit "B".

3.       PREMISES.
         Sublessor and Subtenant #1 hereby sub-subleases to Subtenant #2 on the
         terms and conditions set forth in this Sub-sublease the following
         portion of the Master Premises ("Premises"): Approximately 3,938 square
         feet, Building 100, Suite 135. Subtenant #2 agrees to take the premises
         "As Is"; and that no tenant improvement work is to be performed by
         Realty Associates Fund IV, L.P. as the landlord relative to the

         Sublessor and Subtenant #1 warrant and represent to Subtenant #2 that
         the Master Lease has not been amended or modified except as expressly
         set forth herein, that Sublessor and Subtenant #1 are not now, and as
         of the commencement of the Term hereof will not be, in default or
         breach of any of the provisions of the Master Lease, and that Sublessor
         and Subtenant #1 have no knowledge of any claim by Lessor the Sublessor
         or Subtenant #1 are in default or breach of any of the provisions of
         the Master Lease or Sublease.

5.       TERM.
         The Term of this Sub-Sublease shall commence on September 8, 1997
         ("Commencement Date"), or when Lessor consents to this Sub-Sublease (if
         such consent is required under the Master Lease), whichever shall last
         occur, and end on November 30, 1998 ("Termination Date"), unless
         otherwise sooner terminated in accordance with the provisions of this
         Sub-Sublease. In the event the Term commences on a date other than the
         Commencement Date, Sublessor, Subtenant #1 and Subtenant #2 shall
         execute a memorandum setting forth the actual date of commencement of
         the Term. Possession of the Premises ("Possession") shall be delivered
         to Subtenant #2 on the commencement of the Term. If for any reason
         Subtenant #1 does not deliver Possession to Subtenant #2 on the
         commencement of the Term, Subtenant #1 shall not be subject to any
         liability for such failure, the Termination Date shall not be extended
         by the delay, and the validity of this Sub-Sublease shall not be
         impaired, but rent shall abate until delivery of Possession.
         Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Subtenant #1 has not delivered
         Possession to Subtenant #2 within ten (10) days after the Commencement
         Date, then at any time thereafter and before delivery of Possession,
         Subtenant #2 may give written notice to Subtenant #1 of Subtenant #2's
         intention to cancel this Sub-Sublease. Said notice shall set forth an
         effective date for such cancellation which shall be at least three (3)
         days after delivery of said notice to Subtenant #1. If Subtenant #1
         delivers Possession to Subtenant #2 on or before such effective date,
         this Sub-Sublease shall remain in full force and effect. If Subtenant
         #1 fails to deliver Possession to Subtenant #2 on or before such
         effective date, this Sub-Sublease shall be canceled, in which case all
         consideration previously paid by Subtenant #2 to Subtenant #1 on
         account of this Sub-Sublease shall be returned to Subtenant #2, this
         Sub-Sublease shall thereafter be of no further force or effect, and
         Subtenant #1 shall have no further liability to Subtenant #2 on account
         of such delay or cancellation. If Subtenant #1 permits Subtenant #2 to
         take Possession prior to the commencement of the Term, such early
         Possession shall not advance the Termination Date and shall be subject
         to the provisions of this Sub-Sublease, including without limitation
         the payment of rent.

6.       RENT.
         6.1 Minimum Rent. Subtenant #2 shall pay to Subtenant #1 as minimum
         rent, without deduction, setoff, notice, or demand, at 1901 Montreal
         Rd., Suite 108, Tucker, Georgia 30084 


         or at such other place as Subtenant #1 shall designate from time to
         time by notice to Subtenant #2, the sum of Five Thousand Three Hundred
         Thirty-Two and 71/100 Dollars ($5,332.71) per month, in advance on the
         first day of each month of the Term. Subtenant #2 shall pay to
         Subtenant #1 upon execution of this Sub-Sublease Five Thousand Three
         Hundred Thirty-Two and 71/100 Dollars ($5,332.71) as rent for September
         1997. If the Term begins or ends on a day other than the first or last
         day of the month, the rent for the partial month shall be prorated on a
         per diem basis. Additional provisions: Rent commencement will begin
         September 8, 1997.

         On the date of execution of this Sub-sublease by Subtenant #2,
         Subtenant #2 will pay to Subtenant #1 a security deposit in the amount
         of $5,332.71 for Subtenant #2's faithful performance of Subtenant #2's
         obligation hereunder (hereinafter "Security Deposit"). If Subtenant #2
         fails to pay rent or other charges when due under this Sub-sublease, or
         fails to perform any of its other obligations hereunder, Subtenant #1
         may use or apply all or any portion of the Security Deposit for the
         payment of any rent or other amounts then due hereunder and unpaid, for
         the payment of any other sum for which Subtenant #1 may become
         obligated by reason of Subtenant #2's default or breach, or for any
         loss or damage sustained by Subtenant #1 as a result of Subtenant #2's
         default or breach. If Subtenant #1 so uses any portion of the Security
         Deposit, Subtenant #2 shall, within (10) days after written demand by
         Subtenant #1, restore the Security Deposit to the full amount
         originally deposited, and Subtenant #2's failure to do so shall
         constitute a default under this Sub-sublease. Subtenant #1 shall not be
         required to keep the Security Deposit separate from its general
         accounts, and shall have no obligation or liability for payment of
         interest on the Security Deposit. In the event Subtenant #1 assigns its
         interest in this Sub-sublease, Subtenant #1 shall deliver to its
         assignee so much of the Security Deposit as is then held by Subtenant
         #1. Within ten (10) days after the Term has expired, or Subtenant #2
         has vacated the Premises, or any final adjustment pursuant to Paragraph
         5(b) hereof has been made, whichever shall last occur, and provided
         Subtenant #2 is not then in default of any of its obligations
         hereunder, the Security Deposit, or so much thereof as had not
         theretofore been applied by Subtenant #1, shall be returned to
         Subtenant #2 or to the last assignee, if any, of Subtenant #2's
         interest hereunder.

         The Premises shall be used and occupied only for general office
         purposes, and for no other use or purpose.

         Subtenant #2 shall not assign this Sub-Sublease or further sublet all
         or any part of the Premises without the prior written consent of
         Sublessor and Subtenant #1 which consent shall not be unreasonably
         withheld (and the consent of Lessor, if such is required under the term
         of the Master Lease).

         All applicable terms and conditions of the Master Lease are
         incorporated into and made a part of this Sub-Sublease as if Sublessor
         were the lessor thereunder, Subtenant #1 the lessee thereunder,
         Subtenant #2 the sublessee thereunder, and the Premises the Master
         Premises. Subtenant #2 assumes and agrees to perform the lessee's
         obligations under the Master Lease during the Term to the extent that
         such obligations are applicable to the Premises, except that the
         obligation to pay rent to Lessor under the Master Lease shall be
         considered performed by Subtenant #2 to the extent and in the amount
         rent is paid to Subtenant #1 in accordance with Section 6 of this
         Sub-Sublease. Subtenant #2 shall not commit or suffer any act or
         omission that will violate any of the provisions of the Master Lease.
         Sublessor and Subtenant #1 shall exercise due diligence in attempting
         to cause Lessor to perform its obligations under the Master Lease for
         the benefit of Subtenant #2. If the Master Lease terminates, this
         Sub-Sublease shall terminate and the parties shall be relieved of any
         further liability or obligation under this Sub-Sublease, provided
         however, that if the Master Lease terminates as a result of a default
         or breach by Sublessor, Subtenant #1 or Subtenant #2 under this
         Sublease, Sub-Sublease and/or the Master Lease, then the defaulting
         party shall be liable to the nondefaulting party for the damage
         suffered as a result of such termination. Notwithstanding the
         foregoing, if the Master Lease gives Sublessor, or Subtenant #1 any
         right to terminate the Master Lease in the event of the partial or
         total damage, destruction, or condemnation of the Master Premises or
         the building or project of which the Master Premises are a part, the
         exercise of such right by Sublessor or Subtenant #1 shall not
         constitute a default or breach hereunder.

         * Except as specifically set forth within this Sub-Sublease. This
         Sub-Sublease is not to be construed as an amendment to the Lease
         Agreement in any report.


         If Sublessor, Subtenant #1, Subtenant #2, or Broker shall commence an
         action against the other arising out of or in connection with this
         Sub-Sublease, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its
         costs of suit and reasonable attorney's fees.

         Subtenant #1 and Subtenant #2 each warrant that they have dealt with no
         other real estate broker in connection with this transaction except:
         Richard Bowers & Co., who represents Subtenant #1 and Cushman &
         Wakefield who represents Subtenant #2.

13.      COMMISSION.
         Upon execution of this Sub-Sublease, and consent thereto by Lessor (if
         such consent is required under the terms of the Master Lease),
         Subtenant #1 shall pay Broker a real estate brokerage commission in
         accordance with Subtenant #1's contract with Broker for the
         sub-subleasing of the Premises, if any, and otherwise in the amount of
         Seven Thousand One Hundred Forty-Five and 83/100 Dollars ($7,145.83) to
         be divided $4,763.89 to Cushman & Wakefield of Georgia, Inc. and
         $2,381.94 to Richard Bowers for services rendered in effecting this
         Sub-Sublease. Broker is hereby made a third party beneficiary of this
         Sub-Sublease for the purpose of enforcing its right to said commission.

14.      NOTICES.
         All notices and demands which may or are to be required or permitted to
         be given by either party on the other hereunder shall be in writing.
         All notices and demands by Subtenant #1 to Subtenant #2 shall be sent
         by United States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the Subtenant #2
         at the Premises, and to the address hereinbelow, or to such other place
         as Subtenant #2 may from time to time designate in a notice to
         Subtenant #1. All notices and demands by Subtenant #2 to Subtenant #1
         shall be sent by United States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to
         Subtenant #1 at the address set forth herein, and to such other person
         or place as Subtenant #1 from time to time designate in a notice to
         Subtenant #2. Copies of any notices that are sent between the
         Sublessor, Subtenant #1 and Subtenant #2 should be sent to Realty
         Associates Fund IV, L.P.

         To: Subtenant #1: 1700 Westlake Avenue North, Suite 400, Seattle,
                           Washington 98109
         To: Subtenant #2: One West Court Square, P.O. Box 1286, Decatur, 
                           Georgia 30301-1286


16.      COMPLIANCE.
         The parties hereto agree to comply with all applicable federal, state
         and local laws, regulations, codes, ordinances and administrative
         orders having jurisdiction over the parties, property or the subject
         matter of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the 1964 Civil
         Rights Act and all amendments thereto, the Foreign Investment In Real
         Property Tax Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation
         and Liability Act, and The Americans With Disabilities Act.

Subtenant #1:  Maxxis 2000, Inc.         Subtenant #2:  Simons Engineering, Inc.

By:  /s/ Thomas O. Cordy               By:   /s/ George T. Ragsdale
   ---------------------------------      --------------------------------------
Title:  President                      Title:   Vice President
      ------------------------------         -----------------------------------
Date:   9/2/97                         Date:   9/2/97
     -------------------------------        ------------------------------------



The undersigned ("Sublessor"), Lessee under the Master Lease, hereby consents to
the foregoing Sub-sublease without waiver of any restriction in Master Lease
concerning further assignment or subletting. Sublessor certifies that, as of the
date of Sublessor's execution hereof, Sublessor or Subtenant #1 are not in
default or breach of any of the provisions of the Master Lease or Sublease, and
that the Master Lease or Sublease has not been amended or modified except as
expressly set forth in the foregoing Sub-Sublease.

Sublessor:  DowElanco

By:   /s/ T. E. Lingafelter

Title:   Manager, Site Operations

Date:   Sept. 3, 1997

CONSULT YOUR ADVISORS - This document has been prepared for approval by your
attorney. No representation or recommendation is made by Broker as to the legal
sufficiency or tax consequences of this document or the transaction to which it
relates. These are questions for your attorney.

In any real estate transaction, it is recommended that you consult with a
professional, such as a civil engineer, industrial hygienist or other person,
with experience in evaluating the condition of the property, including the
possible presence of asbestos, hazardous materials and underground storage


Subtenant #1 agrees to steam clean the carpet.


                                    EXHIBIT A

                                 LEASE AGREEMENT
                           ROSWELL SUMMIT OFFICE PARK

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

                  ITEM                                                                                PAGE
                  ----                                                                                ----

       1.         Lease Data and Exhibits                                                                1
       2.         Premises                                                                               2
       3.         Commencement - Expiration Dates                                                        2
       4.         Rent                                                                                   3
       5.         Security Deposit                                                                       3
       6.         Uses                                                                                   3
       7.         Services and Utilities                                                                 3
       8.         Cost of Services and Utilities                                                         5
       9.         Real Property Taxes                                                                    7
      10.         Improvements                                                                           7
      11.         Care of Premises                                                                       7
      12.         Acceptance of Premises                                                                 7
      13.         Special Improvements                                                                   7
      14.         Access                                                                                 8
      15.         Damage or Destruction                                                                  8
      16.         Waiver of Subrogation                                                                  8
      17.         Indemnification and Liability Insurance                                                9
      18.         Assignment and Subletting                                                             10
      19.         Advertising                                                                           11
      20.         Liens and Insolvency                                                                  11
      21.         Defaults                                                                              11
      22.         Quiet Enjoyment                                                                       12
      23.         Priority                                                                              12
      24.         Surrender of Possession                                                               12
      25.         Removal of Property                                                                   12
      26.         Non-Waiver                                                                            12
      27.         Holdover                                                                              12
      28.         Condemnation                                                                          13
      29.         Notices                                                                               13
      30.         Costs and Attorney's Fees                                                             14
      31.         Landlord's Liability                                                                  14
      32.         Waiver of Jury Trial                                                                  14
      33.         Estoppel Certificates                                                                 14
      34.         Transfer of Landlord's Interest                                                       15
      35.         Right to Perform                                                                      15
      36.         Substituted Premises                                                                  15
      37.         Exculpation of Landlord                                                               15
      38.         Hazardous Waste                                                                       15
      39.         ADA                                                                                   16
      40.         General                                                                               16
      41.         Signature Blocks                                                                      19
                  Exhibit "A" - Floorplan
                  Exhibit "B" - Special Stipulations


                                 LEASE AGREEMENT

                           ROSWELL SUMMIT OFFICE PARK

         THIS LEASE (the "Lease") made this 23rd day of November, 1993, between

         As parties thereto, Landlord and Tenant agree that the following terms
as used herein shall have the meanings provided in this Section 1, unless
otherwise specifically modified by provisions of this Lease:


         1.1      Office Park: ("Park), known as Roswell Summit park situated on
                  the real property located at 1080 Holcomb Bridge Road,
                  Roswell, Georgia 30076.

         1.2      Premises: Consisting of that area in Building 100 (the
                  "Building), on the first floor and known as Suite 135 as
                  outlined on Exhibit A.

         1.3      Agreed Areas: As used in this Lease, Landlord and Tenant agree
                  to the following areas and percentage:

         Total rentable area of the Building         63- 286 s.f.
         Area of Tenant's Premises                   3,516 s.f.
         Tenant prorated share of common area        422 s.f.
         Tenant total rentable area                  3,938 s.f.
         Tenant percentage of the Building           6.22 % *

         * This percentage shall not vary with the occupancy of the Building.

         1.4      Leasehold Improvement Plan Date: September 15, 1993

         1.5      Lease Commencement Date: December 1, 1993 or such earlier or
                  later date as provided In Section 3 hereof ("Commencement

         1.6      Expiration Date: November 30, 1998

         1.7      Rent: Rent shall be $4,577.93 per month, which is $54,935.16
                  per year ("Base Rent"). This Base Rental shall increase in the
                  second year and each subsequent year by three percent (3%)
                  compounded annually. Said increases shall be paid on a monthly
                  basis beginning with the first month of the second year, and
                  continue for each succeeding year of this Lease. Tenant has
                  paid to Landlord on the date hereof $4,577.93 to be applied to
                  the first full month's rent payable plus any prorated month
                  which is applicable.

         1.8      Notices and Payment Address:

                  Tenant:          DowElanco
                                   9330 Zionsville Road
                                   Indianapolis, IN 46268
                                   ATTN: Director, Site Operations

                  Landlord:        The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York
                                   5775-E Glenridge Drive
                                   Suite 100
                                   Atlanta, GA 30328
                                   ATTN: Regional Vice President

                  With a copy of all notices to:

                                   5775-B Glenridge Drive
                                   Suite 220
                                   Atlanta, GA 30328
                                   ATTN: Vice President


         1.9      Exhibits: The following exhibits and riders are made apart of
                  this Lease:

                  Exhibit A - Floor plan of Premises
                  Exhibit B - Special Stipulations

2.       PREMISES: Landlord does hereby lease to Tenant, and Tenant does hereby
         lease from Landlord, upon the terms and conditions herein set forth,
         the Premises described in Section 1.2 hereof and as more particularly
         shown on Exhibit A attached hereto and Incorporated herein.


                  3.1      Lease Commencement Date: The Lease Commencement Date
                           shall be:

                  3.1.1    The date specified in Section 1.5 unless notice is
                           delivered pursuant to Subsection 3.1.2 or unless
                           Tenant occupies earlier, pursuant to Subsection

                  3.1.2    Such earlier or later date as may be specified in a
                           notice delivered to Tenant at least thirty (30) days
                           before such date upon which the Premises, together
                           with the common facilities for access and service
                           thereto, have been completed; or

                  3.1.3    If Tenant shall occupy the Premises for Permitted
                           Uses prior to the date specified In Subsection 1.5 or
                           in the notice provided under Subsection 3.1.2, the
                           date of such early occupancy.

         3.2      Tenant Obligations: If Tenant's improvements are not completed
                  on the Lease Commencement Date specified in Section 1.5 or as
                  provided in Subsection 3.1.2 above, whichever is applicable,
                  due to the failure of Tenant to fulfill any obligation
                  pursuant to the terms of this Lease or any Exhibit thereto,
                  including without limitation Tenant's failure to comply with
                  the Plan Delivery Date described in section 1.4, the Lease
                  shall be deemed to have commenced upon the Lease Commencement
                  Date specified in Section 1.5 or as provided in Subsection
                  3.1.2 above, as applicable.

         3.3      Tenant's Termination Rights: In the event a Lease Commencement
                  Date as provided in Subsection 3.1.2 above does not occur
                  within sixty (60) days following the Lease Commencement Date
                  specified in Section 1.5. Tenant may terminate this Lease by
                  written notice; provided, however, that such period may at
                  Landlord's sole option be extended by any period, not to
                  exceed one (1) year from the Lease Commencement Date specified
                  in Section 1.5 for delays due to casualties, acts of God,
                  strikes, shortages of labor or materials or other causes
                  beyond the reasonable control of Landlord. If the Lease
                  Commencement Date has not occurred within such extension
                  period, this Lease shall be deemed null and void and all
                  rights and obligations of the parties shall terminate.
                  Termination under this Subsection 3.3 shall be Tenant's sole
                  remedy and Tenant shall have no other rights or claims
                  hereunder at law or in equity.

         3.4      Confirmation of Commencement Date: When a Lease Commencement
                  Date as provided in Subsection 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 above has been
                  established as a later or earlier date than the Lease
                  Commencement Date provided in Section 1.5 hereof, Landlord
                  shall confirm the same to Tenant in writing.

         3.5      Expiration Date: The Lease shall expire on the date specified
                  in Section 1.6, except that such date may be extended if an
                  occupancy later than specified in Section 1.5 occurs and is
                  confirmed per Section 3.4

4.       RENT: Tenant shall pay Landlord the rental stated in Section 1.7 hereof
         ("Base Rent") and Additional Rent as provided in Sections 8 and 9 and
         any other additional payments under this Lease without deduction or
         offset, payable in lawful money in the United States in advance on or
         before the first day of each month to Landlord at the address noted in
         Section 1.8 hereof, or to such other party or at such other place as
         Landlord may hereafter from time to time designate in writing. Rent for
         any partial month at the beginning or end of the Lease term shall be

5.       SECURITY DEPOSIT: As security for the full and faithful performance of
         every covenant or condition of this Lease to be performed by Tenant,
         Tenant has paid to Landlord the Security Deposit of -0- , receipt of
         which is hereby acknowledged. If Tenant shall default with respect to
         any covenant or condition of this Lease, including but not limited to
         the payment of Rent, Additional Rent or any other payment due under
         this Lease, Landlord may apply all or part of the Security Deposit to
         the payment of any sum in default or any other sum which Landlord may
         be required to spend or incur by reason of Tenant's default, or any
         other sum which Landlord may in its reasonable discretion deem
         necessary to spend or incur by reason of Tenant's default. In such
         event, Tenant shall upon demand deposit with Landlord the amount so
         applied to replenish said Security Deposit. If Tenant shall have 


         fully complied with all of the covenants and conditions of this Lease,
         but not otherwise, the amount of the Security Deposit then held by
         Landlord shall be repaid to Tenant within thirty (30) days after the
         expiration or termination of this Lease. In the event of Tenant's
         default, Landlord's right to retain the Security Deposit shall be
         deemed to be in addition to any and all other rights and remedies at
         law or in equity available to Landlord for Tenant's default under this
         Lease. Landlord may, in the event the Security Deposit is depleted, at
         Landlord's discretion, apply any unpaid rent received at the time of
         the execution of the Lease for the purposes of the deposit.

6.       USES. The premises are to be used only for general office purposes
         ("Permitted Uses"), and for no other business or other purposes without
         the written consent of Landlord. No act shall be done by Tenant or
         Landlord in or about the Premises that is unlawful or that will
         increase the existing rate of insurance on the Building. Tenant or
         Landlord shall not commit or allow to be committed any waste upon the
         Premises, or any public or private nuisance or other act or thing which
         disturbs the quite enjoyment of any other tenant in the Building.
         Tenant shall not, without the written consent of Landlord, use any
         apparatus, machinery or device in or about the Premises which will
         cause any substantial noise or vibration. If any of Tenant's office
         machines and equipment should disturb the quite enjoyment of any other
         Tenant in the Building, then Tenant shall provide adequate insulation,
         or take such other action as may be necessary to eliminate the
         disturbance. Tenant shall comply with all laws relating to its use or
         occupancy of the premises and shall observe such reasonable rules and
         regulations as may be adopted and made available to Tenant by Landlord
         from time to time for the safety, care and cleanliness of the Premises
         and/or the Building, and for the preservation of good order therein.


         7.1      Duty of Landlord: As long as Tenant is not in default under
                  any of the provisions of this Lease, Landlord shall maintain
                  or cause to be maintained the Premises and the public and
                  common areas of the Park, such as lobbies, elevators, stairs,
                  corridors, and restrooms, in reasonably good order and
                  condition except for damage occasioned by any act or omission
                  of Tenant, the repair of which damage shall be paid for by

         7.2      Hours of Service: From 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on weekdays
                  ("Normal Business Hours") and 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on
                  Saturday ("Saturday Mornings") (excluding legal holidays),
                  Landlord shall furnish the Premises with electricity for
                  lighting and operation of low power usage office machines,
                  water, heat and air-conditioning, and elevator service.

         7.3      Additional Services: During all other hours, Landlord shall
                  furnish such service except for heat and air-conditioning. If
                  requested by Tenant, the Landlord shall furnish heat and
                  air-conditioning at times other than Normal Business Hours and
                  Saturday Mornings and the cost of such services as established
                  by Landlord shall be paid by Tenant as additional payment,
                  payable as provided in Section 4.

                  Landlord shall also provide light replacement service for
                  landlord-furnished lights, toilet room supplies, window
                  washing at reasonable intervals, and customary building
                  janitorial service five days per week, Monday through Friday.
                  No janitorial service shall be provided Saturdays, Sundays, or
                  legal holidays. The cost of any janitorial service or other
                  types of services provided or caused to be provided by
                  Landlord to Tenant which are in addition to the services
                  ordinarily provided Park Tenants shall be paid in the manner
                  provided for payment of Rent in Section 4 of this Lease.

         7.4      Disclaimer. Landlord shall not be liable for any loss, injury
                  or damage to property caused by or resulting from any
                  violation, interruption, or failure of such services due to
                  any cause whatsoever or from failure to make any repairs or
                  perform any maintenance. No temporary interruption or failure
                  of such services incident to making of repairs, alterations,
                  or improvements, or due to accident, strike, or conditions or
                  events beyond Landlord's reasonable control shall be deemed an
                  eviction of Tenant or relieve Tenant from any of Tenant's
                  obligations hereunder.

         7.5      Heat Producing Equipment: Tenant shall not install any
                  equipment or lights in the Premises which will utilize
                  electrical service or generate an amount of heat in excess of
                  that typically used or found in a normal business office use
                  of the Premises with small business machines, except as
                  provided to the contrary in Special Stipulations. In the event
                  Tenant utilizes electrical current in excess of the amount
                  typically utilized as aforesaid or installs equipment which
                  generates heat in excess of the amount typically found as
                  aforesaid, then the Landlord shall have the right to charge
                  Tenant as additional rent a reasonable sum as reimbursement
                  for the direct costs of such additional use or service
                  necessary by reason of Tenant's use. In the event of a
                  disagreement as to the reasonableness of that amount of such
                  additional rent, the opinion of a qualified local independent
                  engineer mutually selected by the Landlord and Tenant shall be
                  binding upon Landlord and Tenant.


         7.6      Additional Rent: In addition, Tenant shall in advance, on the
                  first day of each month during the Lease Term, pay Landlord
                  the reasonable amount estimated by Landlord as the cost of
                  furnishing electricity directly relating to the leased
                  premises for the operation of such high power usage equipment
                  and for the reasonable amount estimated by Landlord as the
                  cost of operation and maintenance of supplementary
                  air-conditioning units as necessitated by Tenant's use of
                  equipment which generates an undue amount of heat. The Rent
                  stated in Section 1,7 hereof does not include any amount to
                  cover the cost of furnishing electricity or such additional
                  air-conditioning for such purposes unless so stated therein,
                  and such costs shall be paid by Tenant in the manner provided
                  for payment of Rent in Section 4 of this Lease. Upon ten (10)
                  days written notice to Tenant of estimated cost and Tenant's
                  payment to Landlord of such cost, Landlord shall install and
                  operate at Tenant's cost a monitoring metering system In the
                  Premises to measure the added demands electricity, heating,
                  ventilation, and air-conditioning systems resulting from
                  Tenant's heat generating high power equipment usage, and
                  after-hours service requirements. In the event of non-payment
                  of additional payments due from Tenant for any of the above
                  described additional services, Landlord shall have the same
                  rights with respect to such non-payment as it has with respect
                  to the non-payment of Rent hereunder.


         8.1      Definitional Terms: In addition to the Rent provided in
                  Section 1.7 of this Lease, Tenant shall pay to Landlord
                  increases under this Paragraph 7 as "Additional Rent". These
                  increases shall be made as provided herein, utilizing the
                  following definitions:

          "Cost of Utilities" shall mean all expenses paid or
                           incurred by Landlord for electricity, water, gas,
                           sewers, and similar utilities, including any
                           surcharge imposed for these services.

          "Other Operational Costs" shall mean all other
                           expenses paid or incurred by Landlord for
                           maintaining, operating and repairing the Building and
                           the personal property used in conjunction therewith,
                           including, without limitation, the costs of refuse
                           collection, supplies, janitorial and cleaning
                           services, window washing, landscape maintenance,
                           seasonal plantings, services of independent
                           contractors, compensation (including employment taxes
                           and fringe benefits) of all persons who perform
                           duties in connection with the operation, maintenance
                           and repair of the Building, its equipment and the
                           Land upon which it is situated, insurance premiums,
                           licenses, permits and inspection fees, customary
                           management fees and accounting expenses, real
                           property taxes, and any other expense or charge
                           whether or not hereinbefore described which in
                           accordance with generally accepted accounting and
                           management practices would be considered an expense
                           of maintaining, operating or repairing the Buildings.

                  Depreciation or amortization of costs
                                     required to be capitalized in accordance
                                     with generally accepted accounting 
                                     practices (except Operating Costs shall 
                                     include amortization of capital 
                                     improvements made subsequent to the initial
                                     development of the building which are 
                                     designed that actually improve the
                                     operating efficiency of the Building,
                                     provided that such amortization costs shall
                                     not exceed expected savings In Operating
                                     Costs resulting from such capital
                                     improvements). Any excess shall be included
                                     as an operating expense under

                  8.1.2    "Calendar Lease Year" shall mean a twelve (12) month
                           period beginning January 1 and ending December 31.
                           'Partial Lease Year' shall mean any other period of
                           time other than a full calendar year.

                  8.1.3    "Actual Costs" shall mean the actual expenses paid or
                           incurred by Landlord for Operating costs during any
                           Calendar Lease Year of the term hereof.

                  8.1.4    "Estimated Cost Allocable to the Premises" shall mean
                           Landlord's estimate of cost allocable to the Premises
                           for the following Calendar Lease Year to be given by
                           Landlord to Tenant pursuant to Section 8.3 below.

         8.2      Base Amount: The base operating costs allocable to the
                  Tenant's premises shall be the 1994 Actual Costs.

8.3      Additional Rent for Increases in Cost: Thirty (30) days prior to the
         commencement of each Calendar lease year (excluding the first Lease
         Year) during the term hereof, Landlord shall furnish Tenant a 


         written statement of the Estimated Cost Allocable to the Premises for
         such Calendar Lease Year, and a calculation of the Additional Rent as
         follows: One-twelfth (1/12) of the amount, if any, by which such amount
         exceeds the Base Amount shall be Additional Rent payable by Tenant as
         provided In Section 4 for each month during such Calendar Lease Year.
         If at any time or times during such Calendar Lease Year, it appears to
         Landlord that the Estimated or Actual Cost Allocable to the Premises
         will vary from Landlord's estimate by more than five percent (5%) on an
         annualized basis, Landlord may, by written notice to Tenant, revise its
         estimate for such Calendar Lease Year and Additional Rent payments by
         Tenant for such Calendar Lease Year shall be based on such revised

8.4      Actual Costs: Within ninety (90) days after the close of each Calendar
         Lease Year during the term thereof, or as soon thereafter as practical,
         Landlord shall deliver to Tenant a written statement setting forth the
         Actual Costs allocable to the Premises during the preceding Calendar
         lease Year. If such costs for any Calendar Lease Year exceed Estimated
         Costs Allocable to the Premises paid by Tenant to Landlord pursuant to
         the preceding Section 8.3, then the amount of such overpayment by
         Tenant shall be credited by Landlord to the next month's Rent payable
         by Tenant.

8.5      Determinations: The determination of Actual Costs and Estimated Costs
         shall be made by Landlord to most accurately reflect operating costs
         pertaining to the Tenant's premises.

8.6      End of Term: If this Lease shall terminate on a day other than the last
         day of a Year, the amount of any adjustment between Estimated Costs
         Allocable to the Premises with respect to the Year in which such
         termination occurs shall be prorated on the basis which the number of
         days from the commencement of such Year in which such termination
         occurs to and Including such termination date bears to 365; and any
         amount payable by Landlord to Tenant or Tenant to Landlord with respect
         to such adjustment shall be payable within thirty (30) days after
         delivery by Landlord to Tenant of the statement of Actual Cost
         allocable to the Premises with respect to such Partial Year.

8.7      Further Adjustment: In the event the average occupancy level of the
         Building in any Lease Year was not ninety-five percent (95%) or more of
         full occupancy, then in making the calculations in 8.3 and 8.4 the
         Estimated Costs and Actual Costs for such year shall be proportioned
         among the Tenants by the Landlord to reflect those costs which would
         have occurred had the Building been ninety-five percent (95%) occupied
         during such year.

8.8      Base Year: Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Section 8
         or in Section 9, the Rent payable by Tenant shall in no event be less
         than the Rent specified in Section 1.7 of this Lease.

8.9      Non-Payment of Additional Rent: In the event of non-payment of the
         Additional Rent hereunder, Landlord shall have the same rights with
         respect to such non-payment of Rent hereunder.


         9.1      "Real Property Taxes": under subsection shall mean
                  taxes on real property described in Paragraph 2 above and
                  personal property (including all tenant Improvements which are
                  paid for by Landlord and not reimbursed by Tenant) which are
                  assessed as real property and have not been paid by Tenant
                  directly to the taxing authority; charges and assessments
                  levied with respect to the Land, the Building, any
                  improvements, fixtures and equipment, and all other property
                  of Landlord, real or personal, used directly in the operation
                  of the Building and located in or on the Building; and any
                  taxes levied or assessed in addition to or personal property
                  taxes, or any other tax upon leasing of the Building or rents
                  paid or collected, but not including any federal or state
                  income tax or franchise tax.

         9.2      Taxes on Improvements Paid for by Tenant and Not Reimbursed by
                  Landlord: Tenant shall pay, prior to delinquency, all personal
                  property taxes with respect to all property of Tenant located
                  on the Premises or the Building. As used in this Section 9.2
                  and Section 15.4, "Property of Tenant" Includes improvements
                  which are paid for by Tenant and not reimbursed by Landlord
                  (and improvements originally paid for by Landlord, the costs
                  of which are reimbursed by Tenant). In the event property of
                  Tenant is assessed as real property, Tenant shall pay the
                  taxes thereon as Additional Rent.

10.      IMPROVEMENTS: Upon expiration or sooner termination of this Lease, all
         improvements and additions to the Premises, except Tenant's trade
         fixtures, shall be deemed property of Landlord.

11.      CARE OF PREMISES: Tenant shall take good care of the Premises. Tenant
         shall not make any alterations, additions or improvements in or to the
         Premises, or make changes to locks on doors, or add, disturb or in any
         way change any plumbing or wiring without first obtaining the written
         consent of Landlord and, where appropriate, such work will be performed
         in accordance with plans and specifications approved by Landlord. All
         damages or injury done to the Premises or Park by Tenant or by any
         person who may be in or upon the Premises or Park with the express or
         implied consent of Tenant, including but not limited to cracking or
         breaking of glass of any windows and doors, shall be paid for by Tenant
         and Tenant shall pay for all damage to the contractors, agents,
         invitees, licensees, or


         employees. All normal repairs necessary to maintain the Premises in
         a tenantable condition shall be done by or under the direction of
         Landlord and at Landlord's expense except as otherwise provided herein.
         Landlord shall be the sole judge as to what repairs are necessary.

12.      ACCEPTANCE OF PREMISES: If this Lease shall be entered into prior to
         the completion of construction of the Building or completion of Tenant
         Improvements in the Premises to be occupied by Tenant, the acceptance
         of the Premises by Tenant shall be deferred until receipt by the Tenant
         of a Certificate of Occupancy certifying that the Tenant's portion of
         the Building Is ready for occupancy. Within five (5) days after receipt
         of such notice, Tenant shall make such inspection of the Premises as
         Tenant deems appropriate and, except as otherwise notified by Tenant In
         writing to Landlord within such period, Tenant shall be deemed to have
         accepted the Premises in their then condition. If, as a result of such
         inspection, Tenant discovers minor deviations or variations from the
         plans and specifications for Tenant's improvements of a nature commonly
         found on a "punch list" (as that term is used in the construction
         industry), Tenant shall promptly notify Landlord of such deviations.
         The existence of such punch list items shall not postpone the
         Commencement Date of this Lease nor the obligation of Tenant to pay

13.      SPECIAL IMPROVEMENTS: Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for Landlord's
         cost of making all special improvements requested by Tenant, including
         but not limited to counters, partitioning, electrical and telephone
         outlets and plumbing connections other than as shown on Exhibit A or
         other attachments hereto as being furnished by Landlord; provided,
         however, Tenant shall not be obligated to pay for the cost of any
         special improvements made without a written request to Tenant by

14.      ACCESS: Tenant shall permit Landlord and its agents to enter into and
         upon the Premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting
         the Premises or for the purpose of cleaning, repairing, altering or
         improving the Premises or the Park. Nothing contained in this Section
         14 shall be deemed to impose any obligation upon the Landlord not
         expressly stated elsewhere in this Lease. When reasonably necessary
         Landlord may temporarily close entrances, doors, corridors, elevators
         or other facilities without liability to Tenant by reason of such
         closure and without such action by Landlord being construed as an
         eviction of Tenant or release of Tenant from the duty of observing and
         performing any of the provisions of this Lease. Provided, however, that
         such interference is such as to cause the premises to be untenantable
         and such interference continues for a period of more than fifteen (15)
         consecutive business days, then rent shall abate beginning on the
         fifteenth (15th) day. Landlord shall have the right to enter the
         Premises with prior written notice for the purpose of showing the
         Premises to prospective tenants within the period of 180 days prior to
         the expiration or sooner termination of the lease term.


         15.1     Damage Repair: If the Premises shall be destroyed or rendered
                  untenantable, (either wholly or in part) by fire or other
                  casualty, Landlord may, at its option, restore the Premises to
                  their previous condition, and in the meantime the monthly Rent
                  shall be abated I n the same proportion as the untenantable
                  portion of the Premises bears to the whole thereof, and this
                  Lease shall continue in full force and effect. If the damage
                  is due directly or indirectly, to the willful misconduct of
                  Tenant, or its officers, contractors, licensees, agents,
                  servants, employees, guests, invitees or visitors, there shall
                  be no abatement of Rent except to the extent Landlord receives
                  proceeds from any applicable insurance policy to compensate
                  Landlord for loss of Rent.

         15.2     Termination for Material or Uninsured Damages: If the Building
                  shall be destroyed or damaged by fire or other casualty
                  insured against under Landlord's fire and extended coverage
                  insurance policy to the extent that more than ten percent
                  (10%) thereof is rendered untenantable or in the case the
                  Building shall be materially destroyed or damaged by any other
                  casualty other than those covered by such Insurance policy,
                  notwithstanding that the Tenant Premises may be unaffected
                  directly by such destruction or damage, Landlord may at its
                  election, with prior written consent of any first mortgagee,
                  terminate this Lease by notice In writing to Tenant within
                  sixty (60) days after such destruction or damage. Such notice
                  shall be effective thirty (30) days after receipt thereof by

         15.3     Business Interruption: Other than rental abatement provided in
                  Section 15.1 no damages, compensation or claim shall be
                  payable by Landlord for inconvenience or loss of business
                  arising from interruption of business, repair or restoration
                  of the Building or Premises. Landlord shall use its best
                  efforts to effect repairs and restoration In a prompt manner.

         15.4     Insurance: Landlord shall at all times during the term of this
                  Lease carry a policy of commercial general liability insurance

16.      WAIVER OF SUBROGATION: Whether the loss or damage is due to the
         negligence of either Landlord or Tenant, their agents or employees or
         any other cause, Landlord and Tenant to each herewith and hereby
         release and relieve the other, their agents or employees, from
         responsibility for, 


         and waive their entire claim of recovery for (I) any loss or damage to
         the real or personal property of either located anywhere in the Park,
         Including the Buildings themselves, arising out of or Incident to the
         occurrence of any of the perils which are covered by their respective
         fire Insurance policies, with extended coverage endorsements, or (II)
         loss resulting from business Interruption at the Premises or loss of
         rental income from the Park, arising out of or Incident to the
         occurrence of any of the perils which may be covered by the business
         interruption insurance policy and by the loss of rental Income
         insurance policy held by Landlord or Tenant. Each party shall cause its
         Insurance carriers to consent to such waiver of all rights of
         subrogation against the other party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no
         such release shall be effective unless the aforesaid insurance policy
         or policies shall expressly permit such a release or contain a waiver
         of the carrier's right to be subrogated.


         17.1     Indemnification and Hold Harmless:

                  (a) Tenant and Landlord hereby indemnify and hold each other
                  harmless from and against any injury, expense, damage,
                  liability or claim, imposed on Landlord or Tenant by any
                  person whomsoever, whether due to damage to the Premises,
                  claims for injuries to the person or property of any other
                  tenant of the Building or of any other person in or about the
                  Building or the Property for any purpose whatsoever, or
                  administrative or criminal action by a governmental authority,
                  if such injury, expense, damage, liability or claim results
                  either directly or indirectly from the act, omission,
                  negligence, misconduct or breach of any provisions of this
                  Lease by Tenant or Landlord, the agents, servants, or
                  employees of Tenant or Landlord, or any other person entering
                  in the Building or upon the Premises under express or implied
                  invitation or consent of Tenant or Landlord.

         17.2     Tenant's Insurance: Tenant shall carry (at its sole expense
                  during the Term) (I) fire and extended coverage insurance
                  insuring Tenant's Improvements to the Premises and any and all
                  furniture, equipment, supplies, contents and other property
                  owned, leased, held or possessed by Tenant and contained
                  therein, such insurance coverage to be in an amount equal to
                  the full replacement value of such improvements and property,
                  as such may increase from time to time; (ii) worker's
                  compensation insurance as required by the laws of the State of
                  Georgia; and (iii) commercial general liability coverage on an
                  occurrence basis for injury to or death of a person or persons
                  and for damage to property occasioned by or arising out of the
                  condition, use, or occupancy of the Premises, or other
                  portions of the Building or Property, including contractual
                  liability and such other coverages and endorsements as are
                  reasonably required by Landlord, such policy to have a
                  combined single limit of not less than Three Million and
                  no/100 Dollars ($3,000,000) for any bodily injury or property
                  damage occurring as a result of or in connection with the
                  above. Landlord and Landlord's property manager shall be named
                  additional insureds on the policies required hereunder and
                  such policies shall provide that the coverage thereunder is
                  primary to, and not contributing with, any policy carried by
                  any such additional insured. Tenant shall have included in all
                  policies of insurance respectively obtained by it with respect
                  to the Building or Premises a waiver by the Insurer of all
                  right of subrogation against the Landlord in connection with
                  any loss or damage thereby insured against, and Landlord shall
                  have included in all property insurance policies required to
                  be maintained by Landlord under this lease a waiver by the
                  insurer of all right of subrogation against the Tenant in
                  connection with any loss or damage thereby insured against. To
                  the full extent permitted by law, Landlord as to its property
                  insurance policies and Tenant as to all its policies, each
                  waives all right of recovery against the other for, and agrees
                  to release the other from liability for, loss or damage to the
                  extent such loss or damage results from a cause covered by
                  valid and collectible insurance in effect at the time of such
                  loss or damage; provided however, that the foregoing release
                  by each party is conditioned upon the other party's carrying
                  insurance with the above described waiver of subrogation to
                  the extent required above, and if such coverage is not
                  obtained or maintained by either party, then the other party's
                  foregoing release shall be deemed to be rescinded until such
                  waiver is either obtained or reinstated. All said insurance
                  policies shall be carried with companies licensed to do
                  business in the State of Georgia reasonably satisfactory to
                  Landlord having. a Best's Rating of A XII or better and shall
                  be noncancellable and nonamendable except after thirty (30)
                  days written notice to Landlord. At Landlord's request, duly
                  executed certificates of such insurance shall be delivered to
                  Landlord prior to the Commencement Date and at least thirty
                  (30) days prior to the expiration of each respective policy
                  term. Landlord shall have the right to periodically review the
                  coverages required hereunder and in the event Landlord deems
                  It reasonably necessary to require additional coverage
                  resulting from inflation or from increases in jury verdicts or
                  other economic conditions in the jurisdiction where the
                  Property is located, Tenant shall obtain the coverage
                  requested by Landlord. Notwithstanding any other provisions in
                  this Lease to the contrary, Tenant shall have the right to
                  self-assume or obtain insurance from an insurance company that
                  is a wholly owned subsidiary of one (1) of the two (2) general
                  partners of the Tenant which insurance company must have a
                  Best's Rating of A XII or better, for all or a portion of the
                  risk which Tenant is required to provide insurance coverage
                  under this Lease. In the event Tenant self-assumes the risk,
                  it will be responsible for all losses and liabilities to the


                  same extent as if valid and collectible insurance were in
                  effect. The foregoing provision concerning the right to
                  self-assume shall only apply to the Tenant as of the date of
                  this Lease, and to no successors and/or assigns unless
                  consented to by Landlord in its sole discretion.


         18.1     Assignment of Sublease: Except to a wholly owned subsidiary or
                  affiliate of Tenant, Tenant shall not sell, assign, mortgage
                  or transfer this Lease, sublet the Premises or any part
                  thereof or allow any transfer by operation of law. Tenant
                  shall, by written notice, advise Landlord of its desire from,
                  on and after a stated date (which shall not be less than
                  thirty (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days after the date
                  of Tenant's notice) to sublet any part or all of the Premises
                  for any part of the term hereof, and, in such event, Landlord
                  shall have the right, to be exercised by giving written notice
                  to Tenant twenty (20) days after receipt of Tenant's notice)
                  to terminate this Lease as to the portion of the Premises
                  therein described as of the date stated in Tenant's notice.
                  Such notice by Tenant shall state the name and address of the
                  proposed subtenant, and Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a
                  true and complete copy of the proposed sublease with said
                  notice. If said notice shall specify all of the Premises, and
                  Landlord shall give said termination notice with respect
                  thereto, this Lease shall terminate on the date stated in
                  Tenant's notice. If, however, this Lease shall terminate
                  pursuant to the foregoing with respect to less than all the
                  Premises, the rental (as determined in paragraph 4) and taxes
                  (as determined in paragraph 9) shall be adjusted on a pro rata
                  basis to the number of square feet retained by Tenant and this
                  Lease as so amended shall continue thereafter in full force
                  and effect. If Landlord, upon receiving said notice by Tenant
                  with respect to any of the Premises, shall not exercise its
                  right to terminate, Landlord will not withhold unreasonably
                  its consent to Tenant's subletting the Premises specific in
                  said notice provided that all Increases in rent under a
                  sublease shall be paid to Landlord.

         18.2     Sublease Obligations. Any subletting hereunder by Tenant shall
                  not result in Tenant being released or discharged from any
                  liability under this Lease. As a condition to Landlord's prior
                  written consent as provided for in this paragraph, the
                  subtenant or subtenants shall agree in writing to comply with
                  and be bound by all of the terms, covenants, conditions,
                  provisions and agreements of this Lease and Tenant shall
                  deliver to Landlord, promptly after execution, an executed
                  copy of each sublease and an agreement of said compliance by
                  each subtenant.

         18.3     Void Assignment or Subletting: Any sale, assignment, mortgage,
                  or transfer of the Lease or subletting which does not comply
                  with the provisions of this paragraph shall be void.

19.      ADVERTISING: Tenant shall not inscribe any inscription, or post, place,
         or in any manner display any sign, graphics, notice, picture, placard
         or poster, or any advertising matter whatsoever, anywhere in or about
         the Premises or the Park at places visible (either directly or
         indirectly as an outline or shadow on a glass pane) from anywhere
         outside Tenant's occupied area or at the entrance to Premises without
         first obtaining landlord's written consent thereto, such consent to be
         at Landlord's sole discretion. Any such consent by Landlord shall be
         upon the understanding and condition that Tenant will remove the same
         at the expiration or sooner termination of this Lease and Tenant shall
         repair any damage to the Premises or the Park caused thereby.

20.      LIENS AND INSOLVENCY: Tenant shall keep the Premises and the Park free
         from any liens arising out of any work performed, materials ordered or
         obligations incurred by or on behalf of Tenant, and Tenant indemnifies
         and holds Landlord harmless from any liability for such liens,
         including without limitation, liens arising from work performed
         pursuant to Exhibit "A'. If Tenant becomes insolvent, voluntarily or
         involuntarily bankrupt, or if a receiver or assignee or other
         liquidating officer is appointed for the business of Tenant, then
         Landlord may terminate this Lease and Tenant's right of possession
         under this Lease at Landlord's option and In no event shall this Lease
         or any rights or privileges hereunder be an asset of Tenant under any
         bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization proceedings.

21.      DEFAULTS: Time is the essence hereof, and it shall be deemed a default
         if Tenant shall violate or breach or fail to keep or perform any
         covenant, agreement term or condition of this Lease including without
         limitation Tenant's obligation to make any and all payments due under
         this Lease, whether or not such payments are defined as Rent or
         Additional Rent, and if such default or violation shall continue or
         shall not be remedied within at least ten (10) days (or, if no default
         in the Rent, Additional Rent or any other payments due hereunder Is
         involved, within twenty (20) days) after notice in writing thereof is
         given by Landlord to Tenant, specifying the matter claimed to be In
         default, Landlord, at its option, may Immediately declare this Lease
         terminated, and all Tenant's rights hereunder shall be terminated.
         Landlord may re-enter the Premises using such force as may be
         reasonably necessary, and repossess itself thereof, as of its former
         estate, and remove all persons and property from the Premises.
         Notwithstanding any such re-entry, the liability of Tenant for the full
         Rent, Additional Rent and other payments provided for herein shall not
         be extinguished for the balance of this Lease, and Tenant shall make
         good to Landlord any deficiency arising from such re-letting of the
         Premises, plus the costs and expenses of renovating, altering and
         reletting the Premises, and including attorney's and/or broker's 


         fees incident to Landlord's re-entry or reletting. Tenant shall pay any
         such deficiency each month as the amount thereof is ascertained by
         Landlord or, at Landlord's option, Landlord may recover, in addition to
         any other sums, the amount at the time of judgment the balance of the
         term after judgment exceeds the amount thereof which Tenant proves
         could be reasonably avoided, discounted at the rate of seven percent
         (7%). In reletting the Premises, Landlord may grant Rent concessions
         and Tenant shall not be credited therefore. Nothing herein shall be
         deemed to affect the right of Landlord to recover for indemnification
         under Section 16 herein arising prior to the termination of this Lease.
         In addition to the remedies for Tenant default provided herein,
         Landlord shall have any and all other rights at law or in equity in the
         event of Tenant's default.

22.      QUITE ENJOYMENT: So long as Tenant Is not in default under any of the
         terms and conditions of this Lease, Tenant may peaceably and quietly
         have, hold and enjoy the Premises for the term of this Lease.

23.      PRIORITY: Upon demand by Landlord or the holder of any first mortgage
         or deed of trust now existing or that may hereafter be placed upon the
         Premises or the Park, Tenant will execute the Agreement of
         Subordination of Mortgage. In the absence of such Agreement, Tenant
         agrees that this Lease shall be subordinate to any first mortgage or
         deed of trust now existing or hereafter placed upon the Premises or
         Park and that any and all advances to be made thereunder, and to
         interest thereon, and all renewals, replacements or extension thereof.
         Upon demand by Landlord or any first mortgagee as defined above, Tenant
         shall execute and deliver subordination and adornment agreements
         satisfactory in form and substance to such first mortgagee.

24.      SURRENDER OF POSSESSION: Upon expiration of the term of this Lease,
         whether by lapse of time or otherwise, Tenant shall promptly and
         peacefully surrender the Premises to Landlord in as good condition as
         when received by Tenant from Landlord or as thereafter improved,
         reasonable use and wear and tear excepted.

25.      REMOVAL OF PROPERTY: Tenant shall remove all of its moveable property
         and trade fixtures which can be removed without damage to the Premises
         at the termination of this Lease either by expiration of term or other
         cause, and shall pay Landlord any damages for injury to the Premises or
         Park at the termination of this Lease or when Landlord has the right of
         re-entry, Landlord may, in accordance with the provisions of applicable
         statutes covering commercial Landlord and Tenant matters, remove and
         store said property without liability for loss thereof or damage
         thereto, such storage to be for the amount and at the expense of
         Tenant. If Tenant shall not pay for a period of thirty (30) days or
         more, Landlord may, at its option, sell, or permit to be sold, any or
         all such property at public or private sale, in such manner and at such
         times and places as Landlord in its sole discretion may deem proper,
         with ten (10) days notice to Tenant, or as required under applicable
         statues, and shall apply the proceeds of such sale: first, to the cost
         and expense of such sale, including reasonable attorney's fees actually
         incurred; second, to the payment of the costs or charges for storing
         any such property; third, to the payment of any other sums of money
         which may then be or thereafter become due Landlord from Tenant under
         any of the terms hereof, and fourth, the balance if any, to Tenant.
         Tenant shall remain liable for any differences.

26.      NON-WAIVER: Waiver by Landlord of any breach of any term, covenant or
         condition herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of such
         term, covenant, or condition; or of any subsequent breach of the same
         or any other term, covenant, or condition of this Lease, other than the
         failure of Tenant to pay particular rental so accepted, regardless of
         Landlord's knowledge of such preceding breach at the time of acceptance
         of such Rent.

27.      HOLDOVER: If Tenant shall, with the written consent of Landlord, hold
         over after the expiration of the term of this Lease, such tenancy shall
         be deemed a month-to-month tenancy, which tenancy may be terminated as
         provided by applicable state law. During such tenancy. Tenant agrees to
         pay Landlord the fair market value for the Premises which shall be
         reasonably determined by Landlord but in no event less than the amount
         paid in the last month of the expired term and to be bound by all of
         the terms, covenants and conditions herein specified, so far as


         28.1     Substantial Taking: If twenty percent (20%) or more of the
                  Premises or of such portions of the Park as may be required
                  for the reasonable use of the Premises, are taken by eminent
                  domain, this Lease shall automatically terminate as of the
                  date title vests in the condemnation authority, and all Rents,
                  Additional Rents, and other payment shall be paid to that

         28.2     Partial Taking: In case of a taking of less than twenty
                  percent (20%) of the Premises, or a portion of the Park not
                  required for the reasonable use of the Premises, then this
                  Lease shall continue in full force and effect, and the Rent
                  shall be equitably reduced based on the proportion by which
                  the floor area of the Premises is reduced, such rent reduction
                  to be effective as of the date title to such portion vests in
                  the condemnation authority.


         28.3     Awards and Damages: Landlord reserves all rights to damages to
                  the Premises for any partial or entire taking by eminent
                  domain, and Tenant hereby assigns to Landlord any right Tenant
                  may have to such damages or awards, and Tenant shall make no.
                  claim against Landlord or the condemning authority for damages
                  for termination of the leasehold interest or interference with
                  Tenant's business. Tenant shall have the right, however, to
                  claim and recover from the condemning authority compensation
                  for any loss to which Tenant may be out for Tenant's moving
                  expenses, business interruption or taking of Tenant's personal
                  property (not including Tenant's leasehold interest) and any
                  other award to which Tenant may be entitled, provided that
                  such damages do not reduce the sums otherwise payable by the
                  condemnor to Landlord.

29.      NOTICES:

         29.1     Addresses: All notices under this Lease shall be in writing
                  and deliverable in person or sent by registered or certified
                  mail to Landlord and to Tenant at the addresses provided in
                  Section 1.8 and to the holder of any first mortgage or deed of
                  trust at such place as such holder shall specify to Tenant in
                  writing; or such other addresses as, may from time to time, be
                  designated by any such party in writing. Notices mailed as
                  aforesaid shall be deemed given on the date of such mailing.

         29.2     Additional Notice Required of Tenant: Tenant agrees to give to
                  Mortgagees and/or Trust Deed Holders, by registered mail, a
                  copy of any notice of default served upon the Landlord,
                  provided that prior to such notice Tenant has been notified in
                  writing (by way of Notice of Assignment of Rents and Lease, or
                  otherwise) of the addresses of such Mortgagees and/or Trust
                  Deed Holders. Tenant further agrees that if Landlord shall
                  have failed to cure such default within the time provided for
                  In this Lease, then the Mortgagees and/or Trust Deed Holders
                  shall have an additional thirty (30) days within which to cure
                  such default or if such default cannot be cured within that
                  time, then such additional time as may be necessary if within
                  such thirty (30) days any Mortgagee and/or Trust Deed Holder
                  has commenced and is diligently pursuing the remedies
                  necessary to cure such default (including but not limited to
                  commencement of foreclosure proceedings if necessary to affect
                  such cure), In which event this Lease shall not be terminated
                  while such remedies are being so diligently pursued.

30.      COSTS AND ATTORNEYS FEES: If Tenant or Landlord shall bring any action
         for any relief against the other, declaratory or otherwise, arising out
         of this Lease, Including any suit by Landlord for the recovery of Rent,
         Additional Rent or other payments hereunder, or possession of the
         Premises, the losing party shall pay the prevailing party a reasonable
         sum for attorneys' fees in such suit, at trial and on appeal, and such
         attorneys' fees shall be deemed to have accrued on the commencement of
         such action.

31.      LANDLORD'S LIABILITY: Anything in this Lease to the contrary
         notwithstanding, covenants, undertakings and agreements herein made on
         the part of Landlord are made and intended not as personal covenants.
         undertakings and agreements or for the purpose of binding Landlord
         personally or the assets of Landlord except Landlord's interest in the
         Premises and Park, but are made and intended for the purpose of binding
         only the Landlord's interest in the Premises and Park, as the same way,
         from time to time, be encumbered. No personal liability or personal
         responsibility is assumed by, nor shall at any time be asserted or
         enforceable against Landlord or its partners or their respective heirs,
         legal representatives, successors and assigns on account of the Lease
         or on account of any covenant, or undertaking or agreement of Landlord
         contained in this Lease.



33.      ESTOPPEL CERTIFICATES: Tenant shall, from time to time, upon written
         request of Landlord, execute, acknowledge and deliver to Landlord or
         its designee a written statement stating: the date this Lease was
         executed and the date it expires; the date Tenant entered into
         occupancy of the Premises; the amount of minimum monthly rent and the
         date to which such rent has been paid; and certifying the following:
         that this Lease is In full force and effect and has not been assigned,
         modified, supplemented or amended in any way (or specifying the date
         and terms of agreement so affecting this Lease); that this 


         Lease represents the entire agreement between the parties as to this
         leasing; that all conditions under this Lease to be performed by the
         Landlord have been satisfied, including but without limitation, all
         co-tenancy requirements, if any; that all required contributions by
         landlord to Tenant on account of Tenant's improvements have been
         received; that on this date there are no existing defenses or offsets
         which the Tenant has against the enforcement of this Lease by the
         Landlord; that no Rent has been paid more than one month in advance;
         and that no security has been deposited with Landlord (or, is so, the
         amount thereof). It is intended that any such statement delivered
         pursuant to this paragraph may be relied upon by a prospective
         Purchaser of Landlord's interest or assignee of any mortgage upon
         Landlord's Interest in the Park. Failure by Tenant to respond within
         ten (10) days of receipt by Tenant of a written request by Landlord as
         herein provided shall constitute an event of default of this lease.

34.      TRANSFER OF LANDLORD'S INTEREST: In the event of any transfer or
         transfers of Landlord's Interest in the Premises or the Park, other
         than a transfer for security purposes only, the transferor shall be
         automatically relieved of any and all obligations and liabilities on
         the part of Landlord accruing from and after the date of such transfer,
         and Tenant agrees to attorn to the transferee.

35.      RIGHT TO PERFORM: If Tenant shall fail to pay any sum of money, other
         than Rent and Additional Rent required to be paid by it hereunder or
         shall fail to perform any other act on its part to be performed
         hereunder, and such failure shall continue for ten (10) days after
         written notice thereof by Landlord, Landlord may, but shall not be
         obligated so to do, and without waiving or releasing Tenant from any
         obligations of Tenant, make any such payment or perform any such other
         act on Tenant's part to be made or performed as provided in this Lease.
         Landlord shall have (in addition to any other right or remedy of
         Landlord) the same rights and -remedies in the event of the non-payment
         of sums due under this Section as in the case of default by Tenant in
         the payment of Rent.

36.      SUBSTITUTED PREMISES: In the event Premises rented to Tenant are less
         than 7,000 square feet in area, Landlord reserves the right, at its
         option and upon giving thirty (30) days written notice in advance to
         the Tenant, to transfer and remove the Tenant from Premises to any
         other available rooms and offices of substantially equal size and area
         and equivalent rental in the Building of which Premises are a part, or
         other buildings within the Pa Landlord shall bear the expense of said
         removal including, but not limited to, cost of moving, telephone cable
         installation, computer cable, and stationery replacement costs, as well
         as the expense of any renovations or alterations necessary to make the
         new space substantially conform in layout and appointment with the
         original Premises. Landlord may exercise the right to so relocate
         Tenant under this paragraph at any time including but not limited to,
         the period before Tenant takes possession of Premises. If Landlord
         moves Tenant to such new space, this Lease and each and all of its
         terms, covenants and conditions shall remain in full force and effect
         and be deemed applicable to such new space, and such new space shall
         thereafter be deemed to be the "Premises". It is agreed that Park shall
         mean any of those present buildings known as, or future buildings that
         may be built adjacent to and be known as, Roswell Summit Office Park,
         Holcomb Bridge Road, Roswell, Georgia.


         Landlord's liability with respect to or arising from or in connection
         with this Lease shall be limited solely to Landlord's interest in the
         Building. Neither Landlord, any of the partners of Landlord, any
         officer, director, principal, trustee, policyholder, shareholder nor
         employee of Landlord shall have any personal liability whatsoever with
         respect to this Lease.

         Landlord shall have absolutely no personal liability with respect to
         any provision of this Lease or any obligation or liability arising from
         this Lease or in connection with this Lease. Tenant shall look solely
         to the equity of the Landlord in the Building for the satisfaction of
         any money judgment to Tenant. Such exculpation of liability shall be
         absolute and without exception whatsoever.


         Neither Tenant, its successors or assigns, nor any permitted assignee
         or sublessee, licensee or other person or entity acting by or through
         Tenant, shall (either with or without negligence) cause or permit the
         escape, disposal or release of any "Hazardous Substances, or Materials"
         (as hereunder defined). Tenant shall not allow the storage or use of
         such Hazardous Substances or Materials In any manner not sanctioned by
         law and by the highest standards prevailing in the industry for the
         storage and use of such Hazardous Substances or Materials, nor allow to
         be brought into the Building or the Premises any such Hazardous
         Substances or Materials except to use in the ordinary course of
         Tenant's business, relative to office copiers and then only if such
         Hazardous Substances or Materials are not prohibited by (and are only
         in amounts permitted by) law, after notice is given to Landlord of the
         identity of such Hazardous Substances or Materials. Without limitation,
         Hazardous Substances or Materials shall include any biologically or
         chemically active substance and any waste, substance or material
         described in Section 101 (14) of the Comprehensive Environmental
         Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended from time
         to time, 42 U.S.C. Section 9601 et seq., the Resource Conservation and
         Recovery Act, as amended from time to time, 42 U.S.C. Section 6901 et
         seq., any applicable state or local laws and the regulations adopted
         under these acts. If any lender or governmental agency shall ever


         testing to ascertain whether or not there has been any release of
         Hazardous Substances or Materials, then the reasonable costs thereof
         shall be reimbursed by Tenant to Landlord upon demand as additional
         charges if such requirement applies to the Premises. In addition,
         Tenant shall execute affidavits, representations and the like from time
         to time at Landlord's request concerning Tenant's best knowledge and
         belief regarding the presence of Hazardous Substances or Materials on
         the Premises. Tenant indemnifies and covenants and agrees at its sole
         cost and expense, to protect and save Landlord harmless against and
         from any and all damages, losses, liabilities, obligations, penalties,
         claims, litigation, demands, defenses, judgments, suits, proceedings,
         costs, or expenses of any kind or of any nature whatsoever (including
         without limitation, reasonable attorney's fees and expert's fees) which
         may at any time be imposed upon, incurred by or asserted or awarded
         against Landlord arising from or out of any Hazardous Substances or
         Materials on, in, under or affecting the Premises, the Building or the
         Property or any part thereof as a result of any act or omission by
         Tenant, its successors or assigns, or any permitted assignee, permitted
         sublessee or licensee or other person or entity acting at the direction
         with the consent of Tenant. The within covenants shall survive the
         expiration or earlier termination of the Lease Term.

39.      ADA

         Tenant shall be responsible for compliance with Title III of the
         American with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA") within the Premises and
         Landlord shall be responsible for compliance with Title III of the ADA
         relative to the Common Areas within the remainder of the Building.

40.      GENERAL:

40.1     Headings: The title to sections of this Lease are not a part of this
         Lease and shall have no effect upon the construction or interpretation
         of any part hereof. This Lease shall be construed and governed by the
         laws of the State of Georgia.

40.2     Heirs and Assigns: All of the covenants, agreements, terms and
         conditions contained in this Lease shall inure to and be binding upon
         Landlord and Tenant and their respective heirs, executors,
         administrators, successors and assigns.

40.3     No Brokers: Tenant represents and warrants to Landlord that it has not
         engaged any broker, finder, or other person who would be entitled to
         any commission or fees in respect of the negotiation, execution or
         delivery of this Lease other than C.B. Commercial Real Estate Group,
         Inc. and shall indemnify and hold harmless Landlord against any loss,
         cost, liability or expense incurred by Landlord as a result of any
         claim asserted by any other broker, finder or other person on the basis
         of any arrangements or agreements made or alleged to have been made by
         or on behalf of Tenant. The provisions of this Section 40.3 shall not
         apply to brokers with whom Landlord has an express written brokerage

40.4     Entire Agreement: This Lease contains all covenants and agreements
         between Landlord and Tenant relating In any manner to the Rent, use and
         occupancy of the Premises and Tenant's use of the Park and other matter
         set forth in this Lease. No prior agreements or understanding
         pertaining to the same shall be valid or of any force or effect and the
         covenants and agreements of this Lease shall not be altered, modified
         or added to except in writing signed by Landlord and Tenant.

40.5     Severability: If any clause or provision of this Lease Is or becomes
         illegal, invalid, or unenforceable because of present of future laws or
         any rule or regulation of any governmental body or entity, effective
         during its term, the intention of the Lease shall not be affected
         thereby, unless such invalidly is, in the sole determination of
         Landlord, essential to the rights of both parties, in which event
         Landlord has the right to terminate this Lease on written notice to

40.6     Late Charges: Tenant hereby acknowledges that late payment to Landlord
         of Rent or other sums due hereunder will cause Landlord to incur costs
         not contemplated by this Lease, the exact amount of which will be
         extremely difficult to ascertain. If any Rent or other sum due from
         Tenant is not received by Landlord or Landlord's designated agent
         within ten (10) days after its due date, then Tenant shall pay to
         Landlord a late charge equal to the maximum amount permitted by law (
         and in the absence of any governing law, such overdue amount shall bear
         interest at two (2) points over the prevailing Prim ' e Rate as quoted
         by The Wall Street Journal percent change as of the first day of the
         month in which said Rent becomes past due), plus reasonable attorney's
         fees incurred by Landlord by reason of Tenant's failure to pay Rent
         and/or other charge when due hereunder. The parties hereby agree that
         such late charges represent a fair and reasonable estimate of the cost
         that Landlord will incur by reason of Tenant's late payment. Landlord's
         acceptance of such late charges shall not constitute a waiver of
         default with respect to such overdue amount or estop Landlord from
         exercising any of the other rights and remedies granted hereunder.

40.7     Force Majeure: Time periods for Landlord's or Tenant's performance
         under any provisions of this Lease shall be extended for periods of
         time during which the non-performing party's performance is 


         prevented due to circumstances beyond the party's control, including
         without limitation, strikes, embargoes, governmental regulations, acts
         of God, war or other strife.

40.8     Homestead and Attorney's Fees: Tenant hereby waives and renounces for
         itself any and all homestead or exemption rights which it may have
         under or by virtue of the Constitution and Laws of the United States
         and the State of Georgia, and any other state as against any debt
         Tenant may owe Landlord under this Lease, and Tenant hereby transfers,
         conveys and assigns to Landlord all homestead or exemption rights which
         may be allowed or set apart to Tenant including such as may be set
         apart in bankruptcy proceedings, to pay any debt Tenant may owe
         Landlord hereunder.

40.9     No Waiver: No failure or delay of Landlord to exercise any right or
         power given it herein or to insist upon strict compliance by Tenant
         with any obligation imposed on it herein, and no custom or practice or
         either party hereto at variance with any term hereof shall constitute a
         waiver or a modification of the terms hereof by Landlord of any right
         it has herein to demand strict compliance with the terms hereof by
         Tenant. No officer, agent, or employee of Landlord has or shall have
         any authority to waive any provisions of this Lease unless such waiver
         is expressly made in writing and signed by an authorized officer of

40.10    Time of Essence: Time is of the essence of this Lease.

40.11    No Estate in Land: This Lease shall create the relationship of Landlord
         and Tenant between Landlord and Tenant; no estate shall pass out of
         Landlord and Tenant has only a usufruct which is not subject to levy
         and sale.

40.12    Construction: This Lease shall be construed under the laws of the State
         of Georgia.

40.13    No Access to Roof: Tenant shall have no right of access to the roof of
         the Premises or the Building and shall not install, repair or replace
         any aerial, fan, air-conditioner or other device on the roof of the
         Premises of the Building without the prior written consent of Landlord.
         Any aerial, fan, air-conditioner or other device installed without such
         written consent shall be subject to removal, at Tenant's expense,
         without notice, at any time.

40.14    Parking: Tenant shall have the right to occupy on a nonassigned,
         nonexclusive basis, and without charge, four (4) parking spaces in the
         parking lot adjacent to the Building for each 1,000 square feet of the
         Premises. Tenant agrees to abide by such reasonable rules and
         regulations for parking use as Landlord may from time to time impose.

40.15    Tenant Improvement Allowance: Landlord shall construct the Premises
         from slab floor to finished and installed ceiling grid, using building
         standard materials in accordance with construction drawings which shall
         be prepared based upon the floor plan set forth in Exhibit A and which
         shall be approved by Tenant, whose approval shall not be unreasonably
         withheld. No construction of improvements will commence until the final
         construction drawings have been approved and initialed by the Tenant.
         Once construction of the improvements has commenced, any subsequent
         modifications to the construction drawing shall be made at Tenant's

40.16    Defective Condition. Tenant agrees to use reasonable efforts to report
         in writing to Landlord any defective condition in or about the Premises
         known to Tenant, and further agrees to attempt to contact Landlord by
         telephone immediately in such instance.


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Lease has been executed the day and year first above set


                                       Real Estate Vice President


TENANT:                       DOWELANCO



                              SOCIAL SECURITY and/or FEDERAL I.D. NUMBER


                              Notary Public

JDD1047                       State of Indiana:
                              County of Marion:

                              Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for
                              Johnson County, State of Indiana, personally
                              appeared Douglas C. Vawter and acknowledged the
                              execution of this instrument this ________ day of
                              ________________, 1993.






                                   EXHIBIT "B"

                              SPECIAL STIPULATIONS


         Provided this Lease is then if full force and effect and Tenant is in
         full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Lease, Landlord
         hereby grants to Tenant an option to renew this Lease for one period of
         five (5) years, at a rental rate equal to the rental rate then being
         offered by Landlord to tenants desiring to lease comparable space in
         the Building or in other buildings comparable to the Building, with
         comparable amenities and services and comparable parking rights and
         privileges, and with consideration of a refurbishment allowance of Five
         and no/100 Dollars ($5.00) per rentable square foot, as such rate is
         established by Landlord in its reasonable judgment. Tenant shall notify
         Landlord no more than twelve (12) months and no less than ten (10)
         months prior to the end of the Term if Tenant desires to renew this
         Lease under the terms of this Paragraph. If Tenant does give such
         notice, Landlord shall indicate to Tenant at least nine (9) months
         prior to the end of the Term the rental rate which shall be in effect
         for the Term as extended, on the basis as above described. Tenant shall
         have thirty (30) days from the date Landlord makes such offer to either
         accept or reject such offer. If Tenant rejects such offer or fails to
         respond within such thirty (30) day period, then this Lease shall
         terminate as of the end of the Term as established herein. If Tenant
         accepts such offer, then the Term shall be extended by said five (5)
         year period, upon the same terms and conditions as contained in this
         Lease, and the rent for such period shall be the rent as offered by
         Landlord and accepted by Tenant pursuant to the terms and conditions of
         this Paragraph.


         Provided this Lease is then in full force and effect and Tenant is in
         full compliance with the terms and conditions of this Lease, Landlord
         hereby grants to Tenant an option to terminate this Lease at the end of
         the thirty-sixth (36th) month of the term. For purposes of this Section
         42, the thirty-sixth (36th) month of the term shall be November, 1996.
         If Tenant elects to terminate this Lease at the end of the thirty-sixth
         (36th) month of the term, Tenant shall provide Landlord with
         irrevocable written notice of its Intent to terminate no later than the
         end of the thirtieth (30th) month of the term. In consideration of
         Landlord permitting an early termination of this Lease, Tenant agrees
         to pay Landlord a termination fee (the "Termination Fee") which will be
         in an amount equal to the unamortized tenant improvement costs and
         brokerage commissions and six (6) months rent (escalated Base Rent and
         Additional Rent) which Termination Fee must be delivered simultaneously
         with delivery of Tenant's irrevocable written notice of early


                                    EXHIBIT B

1.       PARTIES.
         This Sublease, dated ___________________, 1997 is made between
         DowElanco ("Sublessor"), and IS 14 Inc. ("Sublessee").


         Sublessor is the lessee under a written lease dated November 23, 1993,
         whereinQRE Holding, a California Corporation ("Lessor") leased to
         Sublessor the real property located in the City of Roswell, County of
         Fulton, State of Georgia, described as 1080 Holcomb Bridge Road -
         Roswell Summit, Building 100, Suite 135 ("Master Premises"). Said lease
         is herein referred to as the "Master lease" and is attached hereto as
         Exhibit "A."

3.       PREMISES.

         Sublessor hereby subleases to Sublessee on the terms and conditions set
         forth in this Sublease the following portion of the Master Premises
         ("Premises"): Approximately 3,938 square feet, Building 100, Suite 135.
         The Sublessee agrees to take the premises "As Is"; and that no tenant
         improvement work is to be performed by QRE Holding Company as the
         landlord relative to the Sublease.


         Sublessor warrants and represents to Sublessee that the Master Lease
         has not been amended or modified except as expressly set forth herein,
         that Sublessor is not now, and as of the commencement of the Term
         hereof will not be, in default or breach of any of the provisions of
         the Master Lease, and that Sublessor has no knowledge of any claim by
         Lessor that Sublessor is in default or breach of any of the provisions
         of the Master Lease.

5.       TERM.

         The Term of this Sublease shall commence on February 15, 1997,
         ("Commencement Date"), or when Lessor consents to this Sublease (if
         such consent is required under the Master Lease), whichever shall last
         occur, and end on November 30, 1998 , ("Termination Date"), unless
         otherwise sooner terminated in accordance with the provisions of this
         Sublease. In the event the Term commences on a date other than the
         Commencement Date, Sublessor and Sublessee shall execute a memorandum
         setting forth the actual date of commencement of the Term. Possession
         of the Premises ("Possession") shall be delivered to Sublessee on the
         commencement of the Term. If for any reason Sublessor does not deliver
         Possession to Sublessee on the commencement of the Term, Sublessor
         shall not be subject to any liability for such failure, the Termination
         Date shall not be extended by the delay, and the validity of this
         Sublease shall not be impaired, but rent shall abate until delivery of
         Possession. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if Sublessor has not
         delivered Possession to Sublessee within ten (10) days after the
         Commencement Date, then at any time thereafter and before delivery of
         Possession, Sublessee may give written notice to Sublessor of
         Sublessee's intention to cancel this Sublease. Said notice shall set
         forth an effective date for such cancellation which shall be at least
         three (3) days after delivery of said notice to Sublessor. If Sublessor
         delivers Possession to Sublessee on or before such effective date, this
         Sublease shall remain in full force and effect. If Sublessor fails to
         deliver Possession to Sublessee on or before such effective date, this
         Sublease shall be canceled, in which case all consideration previously
         paid by Sublessee to Sublessor on account of this Sublease shall be
         returned to Sublessee, this Sublease shall thereafter be of no further
         force or effect, and Sublessor shall have no further liability to
         Sublessee on account of such delay or cancellation. If Sublessor
         permits Sublessee to take Possession prior to the commencement of the
         Term, such early Possession shall not advance the Termination Date and
         shall be subject to the provisions of this Sublease, including without
         limitation the payment of rent. In addition the Subtenant has no right
         to extend the lease term.

6.       RENT.

         6.1      Minimum Rent. Sublessee shall pay to Sublessor as minimum
                  rent, without deduction, setoff, notice, or demand, at
                  Director - Site Operations - DowElanco - 9330 Zionsville Road
                  - Indianapolis, IN 46268 or at such other place as Sublessor
                  shall designate from time to time by notice to Sublessee, the
                  sum of Five Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Two and 71/100
                  Dollars ($5,332.71) per month, in advance on the first day of
                  each month of the Term. Sublessee shall pay to Sublessor upon
                  execution of this Sublease Five Thousand Three Hundred Thirty
                  Two and 71/100 Dollars ($5,332,71) as rent for March 1997. If
                  the Term begins or ends on a day other than the first or last
                  day of a month, the rent for the partial 


                  months shall be prorated on a per diem basis. Additional
                  provisions: Rent commencement shall begin March 1, 1997.


         Sublessee shall deposit with Sublessor upon execution of this Sublease
         the sum of Fifteen Thousand Nine Ninety Eight Hundred and 12/100
         Dollars ($15,998.12) as security for Sublessee's faithful performance
         of Sublessee's obligations hereunder ("Security Deposit"). If Sublessor
         fails to pay rent or other charges when due under this Sublease, or
         fails to perform any of its other obligations hereunder, Sublessor may
         use or apply all or any portion of the Security Deposit for the payment
         of any rent or other amount then due hereunder and unpaid, for the
         payment of any other sum for which Sublessor may become obligated by
         reason of Sublessee's default or breach, or for any loss or damage
         sustained by Sublessor as a result of Sublessee's default or breach. If
         Sublessor so uses any portion of the Security Deposit, Sublessee shall,
         within ten (10) days after written demand by Sublessor, restore the
         Security Deposit to the full amount originally deposited, and
         Sublessee's failure to do so shall constitute a default under this
         Sublease. Sublessor shall not be required to keep the Security Deposit
         separate from its general accounts, and shall have no obligation or
         liability for payment of interest on the Security Deposit. In the event
         Sublessor assigns its interest in this Sublease, Sublessor shall
         deliver to its assignee so much of the Security Deposit as is then held
         by Sublessor within (10) days after the Term has expired, or Sublessee
         has vacated the Premises, or any final adjustment pursuant to
         Subsection 6.2 hereof has been made, whichever shall last occur, and
         provided Sublessee is not then in default of any of its obligations
         hereunder, the Security Deposit or so much thereof as had not
         theretofore been applied by Sublessor, shall be applied to the last two
         months of the term, if any, of Sublessee's interest hereunder.


         The Premises shall be used and occupied only for general office
         purpose, and for no other use or purpose.


         Sublessee shall not assign this Sublease or further sublet all or any
         part of the Premises without the prior written consent of Sublessor
         which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld (and the consent of
         Lessor, if such is required under the term of the Master Lease).


         All applicable terms and conditions of the Master Lease are
         incorporated into and made a part of this Sublease as if Sublessor were
         the lessor thereunder, Sublessee the lessee thereunder, and the
         Premises the Master Premises, except for the following: None*.
         Sublessee assumes and agrees to perform the lessee's obligations under
         the Master Lease during the Term to the extent that such obligations
         are applicable to the Premises, except that the obligation to pay rent
         to Lessor under the Master Lease shall be considered performed by
         Sublessee to the extent and in the amount rent is paid to Sublessor in
         accordance with Section 6 of this Sublease. Sublessee shall not commit
         or suffer any act or omission that will violate any of the provisions
         of the Master Lease. Sublessor shall exercise due diligence in
         attempting to cause Lessor to perform its obligations under the Master
         Lease for the benefit of Sublessee. If the Master Lease terminates,
         this Sublease shall terminate and the parties shall be relieved of any
         further liability or obligation under this Sublease, provided however,
         that if the Master Lease terminates as a result of a default or breach
         by Sublessor or Sublessee under this Sublease and/or the Master Lease,
         then the defaulting party shall be liable to the nondefaulting party
         for the damage suffered as a result of such termination.
         Notwithstanding the foregoing, if the Master Lease gives Sublessor any
         right to terminate the Master Lease in the event of the partial or
         total damage, destruction, or condemnation of the Master Premises or
         the building or project of which the Master Premises are a part, the
         exercise of such right by Sublessor shall not constitute a default or
         breach hereunder.

*Except as specifically set forth within this sublease, this sublease is not to
be construed as an amendment to the Lease Agreement in any report.


         If Sublessor, Sublessee, or Broker shall commence an action against the
         other arising out of or in connection with this Sublease, the
         prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its costs of suit and
         reasonable attorney's fees.



         Sublessor and Sublessee each warrant that they have dealt with no other
         real estate broker in connection with this transaction except: CB
         COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE GROUP, INC., who represents the Sublessor and
         Richard Bowers & Co. who represents Sublessee. In the event that CB
         COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE GROUP, INC. represents both Sublessor and
         Sublessee, Sublessor and Sublessee hereby confirm that they were timely
         advised of the dual representation and that they consent to the same,
         and that they do not expect said broker to disclose to either of them
         the confidential information of the other party.

13.      COMMISSION.

         Upon execution of this Sublease, and consent thereto by Lessor (if such
         is under the terms of the Master Lease), Sublessor shall pay Broker a
         real estate brokerage commission in accordance with Sublessor's
         contract with Broker for the subleasing of the Premises, if any, and
         otherwise in the amount of Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Twenty Nine and
         96/100 Dollars ($9,829.96), for services rendered in effecting this
         Sublease. Broker is hereby made a third party beneficiary of this
         Sublease for the purpose of enforcing its right to said commission.

14.      NOTICES.

         All notices and demands which may or are to be required or permitted to
         be given by either party on the other hereunder shall be in writing.
         All notices and demands by the Sublessor to Sublessee shall be sent by
         United States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the Sublessee at the
         Premises, and to the address hereinbelow, or to such other place as
         Sublessee may from time to time designate in a notice to the Sublessor.
         All notices and demands by the Sublessee to Sublessor shall be sent by
         United States Mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the Sublessor at the
         address set forth herein, and to such other person or place as the
         Sublessor may from time to time designate in a notice to the Sublessee.
         Copies of any notices that are sent between the Sublessor and Sublessee
         should be sent toQRE Holding Company as the Landlord.

         To Sublessor:  Director-Site Operations-DowElanco-9330-Zionsville 
                        Road-Indianapolis, IN 46268

         To Sublessee:  1700 Westlake Avenue North, Suite 400, Seattle, 
                        Washington 98109


         A LETTER BY THE LESSOR. (DATED _____________________).

16.      COMPLIANCE.

         The parties hereto agree to comply with all applicable federal, state
         and local laws, regulations, codes, ordinances and administrative
         orders having jurisdiction over the parties, property or the subject
         matter of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, the 1964 Civil
         Rights Act and all amendments thereto, the Foreign Investment In Real
         Property Tax Act, the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation
         and Liability Act and The Americans With Disabilities Act.

         Sublessor:   DOWELANCO             Sublessee:  IS 14, INC.
                   ----------------------             --------------------------

         By: /s/ Douglas   C. Vawter        By: /s/ James W. Brown
            -----------------------------      ---------------------------------

         Title: Director Site Operations    Title: President
               --------------------------         ------------------------------

         Date: 2/14/97                      Date: 2/14/97
              ---------------------------        -------------------------------


                          LESSOR'S CONSENT TO SUBLEASE

The undersigned ("Lessor), lessor under the Master Lease, hereby consents to the
foregoing Sublease without waiver of any restriction in the Master Lease
concerning assignment or subletting. Lessor certifies that, as of the date of a
execution hereof, Sublessor is not in default or breach of any of the provisions
of the Master Lease, and that the Master Lease has not been amended or modified
except as expressly set forth in the foregoing Sublease.







- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
CONSULT YOUR ADVISORS - This document has been prepared for approval by your
attorney. No representation or recommendation is made by Broker as to the legal
sufficiency or tax consequences of this document or the transaction to which it
relates. These are questions for your attorney.

In any real estate transaction, it is recommended that you consult with a
professional, such as a civil engineer, industrial hygienist or other person,
with experience in evaluating the condition of the property, including the
possible presence of asbestos, hazardous materials and underground storage
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Sublessor agrees to sell Sublessee the three (3) existing work stations for
$550.00 each. These work stations will become the property of the Sublessee at
the end of the lease term.