AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

                                  By and Among

                                  GEOTRAC, INC.

                           DANIEL J. AND SANDRA WHITE
                          BANKERS INSURANCE GROUP, INC.



                            Dated as of May 12, 1998


                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

I.       THE MERGER ..........................................................................................2

         Section 1.01. The Merger ............................................................................2
         Section 1.02. Effective Time ........................................................................2
         Section 1.03. Tax-Free Reorganization................................................................2
         Section 1.04. Closing ...............................................................................2
         Section 1.05. Board of Directors; Officers

II.      CONVERSION OF SHARES ................................................................................3

         Section 2.01. Conversion of Shares ..................................................................3
         Section 2.02. Issuance of IMSG Common Stock .........................................................4
         Section 2.03. Assistance in Consummation of the Merger ..............................................4
         Section 2.04. Financing .............................................................................5
         Section 2.05. Option and Exchange Agreement .........................................................5
         Section 2.06. Cross-License Agreement ...............................................................7

III.     REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF GEOTRAC AND THE WHITES ............................................7

         Section 3.01. Corporate Organization and Power ......................................................7
         Section 3.02. Authorization of Agreement ............................................................7
         Section 3.03. Validity ..............................................................................8
         Section 3.04. Consents and Approvals ................................................................8
         Section 3.05. Title to Shares .......................................................................8
         Section 3.06. Capitalization of Geotrac..............................................................8
         Section 3.07. Litigation Relating to Transaction ....................................................8
         Section 3.08. Broker's or Finders' Fees .............................................................8
         Section 3.09. Taxes and Liabilities .................................................................8
         Section 3.10. Financial Statements ..................................................................9
         Section 3.11. No Undisclosed Liabilities ............................................................9
         Section 3.12. No Default ...........................................................................10
         Section 3.13. Environmental Matters ................................................................10
         Section 3.14. Insurance ............................................................................10
         Section 3.15. Compliance With Law ..................................................................11
         Section 3.16. Intellectual Property ................................................................11
         Section 3.17. Disclosure ...........................................................................11


IV.      REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF BANKERS, IMSG AND BIG ...........................................11

         Section 4.01. Corporate Organization and Power ....................................................11
         Section 4.02. Authorization of Agreement ..........................................................11
         Section 4.03. Validity ............................................................................12
         Section 4.04. Consents and Approvals ..............................................................12
         Section 4.05. Title to Shares .....................................................................12
         Section 4.06. Capitalization of Bankers ...........................................................12
         Section 4.07. Capitalization of IMSG ..............................................................12
         Section 4.08. Taxes and Liabilities ...............................................................13
         Section 4.09. Litigation Relating to Transaction ..................................................13
         Section 4.10. Broker's or Finders' Fees ...........................................................13
         Section 4.11. Financial Statements ................................................................13
         Section 4.12. No Undisclosed Liabilities ..........................................................14
         Section 4.13. No Default ..........................................................................14
         Section 4.14. Environmental Matters ...............................................................14
         Section 4.15. Insurance ...........................................................................15
         Section 4.16. Compliance With Law .................................................................15
         Section 4.17. Intellectual Property ...............................................................15
         Section 4.18. Disclosure ..........................................................................16

V.       CONDITIONS PRECEDENT ..............................................................................16

         Section 5.01. Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Bankers, IMSG and BIG ........................16
         Section 5.02. Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Geotrac and the Whites .......................17

VI.      TERMINATION AND ABANDONMENT .......................................................................20

         Section 6.01. Termination..........................................................................20
         Section 6.02. Procedure and Effect of Termination .................................................20

VII.     INDEMNIFICATION; REMEDIES..........................................................................20

         Section 7.01. Survival of Representations and Warranties ..........................................20
         Section 7.02. Indemnification by Geotrac and the Whites ...........................................20
         Section 7.03. Indemnification by Bankers, IMSG and BIG ............................................21
         Section 7.04. Third Party Claims ..................................................................21
         Section 7.05. Further Limitations. ................................................................24
         Section 7.06. Limitations on Amount of Whites .....................................................24
         Section 7.07. Limitations on Indemnification Of BIG, IMSG and Bankers .............................25


VIII.    MISCELLANEOUS .......................................................................................25

         Section 8.01. Expenses, Etc .........................................................................25
         Section 8.02. Publicity .............................................................................25
         Section 8.03. Execution in Counterparts .............................................................25
         Section 8.04. Notices ...............................................................................26
         Section 8.05. Amendments, Supplements, Etc ..........................................................26
         Section 8.06. Entire Agreement ......................................................................27
         Section 8.07. Applicable Law ........................................................................27
         Section 8.08. Attorney's Fees .......................................................................27
         Section 8.09. Representation Acknowledged ...........................................................27
         Section 8.10. Binding Effect Benefits ...............................................................27
         Section 8.11. Assignability .........................................................................28
         Section 8.12. Bankers' Employees ....................................................................28
         Section 8.13. Guarantee .............................................................................28



  Exhibit or Schedule                        Description                                         SS. Ref.
  -------------------                        -----------                                         --------
  2.01(a)                          Subordinated Promissory Note                                  2.01(a)

  2.01(d)                          Schedule of Other Stockholders                                2.01(d)

  2.04(c)                          Terms of Preferred Stock of the Company                       2.04(c)

  2.05                             Option and Exchange Agreement                                 2.05

  3.09(a)                          Taxes and Liabilities                                         3.09(a)

  3.09(d)(1)                       Financial Statements of Geotrac                               3.09(d)

  3.09(d)(2)                       Schedule of Permitted Payments                                3.09(d)

  4.08(e)(1)                       IMSG and Bankers Financial Statements                         4.08(e)

  5.01(d)                          Opinion of Geotrac's Counsel                                  5.01(d)

  5.01(g)                          Employment Agreement                                          5.01(g)

  5.02(d)                          Opinion of counsel to Bankers, IMSG and BIG                   5.02(d)

  5.02(m)(2)                       Corporate Governance Agreement                                5.02(m)(2)

  5.02(m)(3)                       Tax Indemnity Agreement                                       5.02(m)(3)

  5.02(m)(4)                       Registration Rights Agreement                                 5.02(m)(4)

  7.02(d)                          Tax Indemnity Exclusion                                       7.02(d)


                          AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF MERGER

         This Agreement and Plan of Merger ("Agreement"), dated as of May 12,
1998, by and among the following parties:

         a)       Geotrac, Inc., an Ohio corporation located at 3900 Laylin
                  Road, Norwalk, Ohio 44857 ("Geotrac"); and

         b)       Daniel J. White ("White"); and

         c)       White and his wife Sandra (the "Whites"); and

         d)       Bankers Hazard Determination Services, Inc., a Florida
                  corporation located at 360 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg,
                  Florida 33701, ("Bankers") or assigns; and

         e)       Insurance Management Solutions Group, Inc., a Florida
                  corporation located at 360 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg,
                  Florida 33701 ("IMSG"); and

         f)       Bankers Insurance Group, Inc., a Florida corporation located
                  at 360 Central Avenue, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 ("BIG").


         Whereas, on July 31, 1997 Geotrac acquired from Strategic Holdings USA,
Inc. ("Strategic") all of the issued and outstanding shares of capital stock of
SMS Geotrac, Inc. ("SMS Geotrac"), a Delaware corporation, and Bankers
simultaneously acquired forty-nine percent (49%) of the issued and outstanding
shares of capital stock of Geotrac (all of which will be referred to as the
"Geotrac Acquisition");

         Whereas, Bankers and Geotrac desire to merge Geotrac with and into
Bankers, with Bankers being the surviving corporation (the "Company") and
changing its name to Geotrac, Inc. (the "Merger");

         Whereas, as a result of the Merger the Company would be one hundred
percent owned by IMSG; and

         Whereas, for federal income tax purposes, it is intended that the
Merger shall qualify as a tax-free reorganization within the meaning of Sections
368(a)(1)(A) and 368(a)(2)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended
(the "Code").

         Now, Therefore, in consideration of the foregoing premises and other
valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby
acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:



         Section 1.01. The Merger. Subject to the terms and conditions of this
         Agreement and in accordance with the Florida Statute 607.1101 et seq.
         ("Florida Statute") at the Effective Time (as defined in Section 1.2
         below), Geotrac and Bankers shall consummate the Merger pursuant to
         which (i) Geotrac shall be merged with and into Bankers and the
         separate corporate existence of Geotrac shall thereupon cease, and (ii)
         bankers shall be the successor or surviving corporation in the Merger
         (the "surviving corporation" or the "Company") and shall continue to be
         governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Pursuant to the Merger,
         (x) the Articles of Incorporation of Bankers, as in effect immediately
         prior to the Effective Time, shall be the Articles of Incorporation of
         the Surviving Corporation until thereafter amended as provided by law
         and such Articles of Incorporation, and (y) the By-laws of Bankers, as
         in effect immediately prior to the Effective Time, shall be the By-laws
         of the Surviving Corporation until thereafter amended as provided by
         law, the Articles of Incorporation of the Surviving Corporation and
         such By-laws.

         Section 1.02. Effective Time. Bankers and Geotrac will cause a
         Certificate of Merger (the "Certificate of Merger") with respect to the
         Merger to be executed and filed on the date of the Closing (as defined
         in Section 1.04) (or on such other date as Bankers and Geotrac may
         agree) with the Secretary of State of the State of Florida and with the
         Secretary of State of the State of Ohio. The Merger shall become
         effective on the date on which the Certificate of Merger has been duly
         filed with the Secretary of State or such time as is agreed upon by the
         parties and specified in the Certificate of Merger, and such time is
         hereinafter referred to as the "Effective Time."

         Section 1.03. Tax-Free Reorganization. The parties intend to adopt this
         Agreement as a tax-free plan of reorganization and to consummate the
         Merger in accordance with the provisions of Section 368(a)(1)(A) and
         368(a)(2)(D) of the Code. In this regard, IMSG and Bankers (i)
         represent that they presently intend, and that at the Effective Time
         will continue to intend, to cause the Surviving Company to continue
         Geotrac's historic business or use a significant portion of Geotrac's
         assets in a business within the meaning of Section 368 of the Code and
         (ii) covenant and agree that IMSG and the Surviving Corporation will
         conduct their businesses in a manner which will not jeopardize the
         characterization of the Merger as a reorganization within the meaning
         of Section 368 of the Code.

         Section 1.04. Closing. The closing of the Merger (the "Closing") will
         take place at 10:00 a.m., local time, on a date to be specified by the
         parties, which shall be no later than May 28, 1998 (the "Closing
         Date"), at the offices of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP,
         2300 BP America Building, 200 Public Square, Cleveland, Ohio 44114,
         unless another time, date or place is agreed to in writing by the
         parties hereto.



         Section 1.05. Board of Directors; Officers. The directors and officers
         of Geotrac immediately prior to the Effective Time shall be the
         directors and officers of the Surviving Corporation, in each case
         until their respective successors are duly elected and qualified.


         Section 2.01. Conversion of Shares.

         a) Except for those shares identified in, and as set forth in Sections
         2.04(c) and (d), each share of Geotrac common stock, without par value
         ("Geotrac Common Stock"), issued and outstanding immediately prior to
         the Effective Time (other than shares to be canceled pursuant to
         Section 2.0l (c) and (d) hereof) shall, at the Effective Time, by
         virtue of the Merger and without any action on the part of the holder
         thereof, be converted into (i) the right to receive a number of duly
         authorized, validly issued, fully paid and nonassessable shares of
         common stock, par value $.01, of IMSG ("IMSG Common Stock") equal to
         the Exchange Rate (as defined below) and (ii) One Million Five Hundred
         Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000) in the form of a subordinated promissory
         note (the "Note") issued by the Company and guaranteed by IMSG and BIG.
         The Note will be subordinate to the Huntington Loan (as defined below)
         or any refinancing of such loan on terms reasonably acceptable to the
         Whites. Such Note will be due and payable on January 6, 2000, with
         interest payable quarterly at the Prime Rate (as defined). Prime Rate
         shall mean the rate published in the Wall Street Journal as the base
         rate on corporate loans posted by at least 75% of the nation's 30
         largest banks. A copy of the Note is attached hereto as Exhibit

         b)       For purposes hereof, the "Exchange Rate" shall mean:

                  (i)      The quotient of (A) Five Million Seven Hundred and
                           Sixty-Six Thousand and One Hundred and Eighty-One
                           Dollars ($5,766,181), subject to adjustment as
                           provided below, (the "Aggregate Price") and (B) the
                           fair market value of one share of Common Stock of
                           IMSG, which shall be the initial public offering
                           price of IMSG's Common Stock to be issued in the
                           proposed underwritten public offering (the "IPO").

                  (ii)     In the event the IPO is not consummated prior to the
                           Effective Time the Exchange Rate shall be the
                           quotient of (A) the Aggregate Price and (B) $12.00,
                           subject to adjustment if an IPO is consummated within
                           three (3) years of the Effective Time and the initial
                           public offering price is less than or exceeds $12.00
                           per share.



         c)       All shares of Geotrac Common Stock that are owned by Bankers
                  shall, at the Effective Time, be canceled and retired and
                  shall cease to exist and no IMSG Common Stock shall be
                  delivered in exchange therefor.

         d)       All of the shares of Geotrac Common Stock that are owned by
                  the stockholders identified on Exhibit 2.01(d) hereof (the
                  "Other Stockholders") shall at the election of the Other
                  Stockholder (i) at the Effective Time, be canceled and retired
                  and shall cease to exist and no IMSG Common Stock shall be
                  delivered in exchange thereof and the Other Stockholders shall
                  receive cash in the aggregate amount of $728,069 for their
                  shares of Geotrac Common Stock and shall be entitled to the
                  amount set forth opposite their name on Exhibit 2.01(d) with
                  payment for their shares of Geotrac Common Stock being made on
                  or before December 1, 1998, or (ii) at the Effective Time be
                  converted into IMSG Common Stock at a conversion ratio equal
                  to the Exchange Ratio.

         e)       On and after the Effective Time, holders of certificates which
                  immediately prior to the Effective Time represented
                  outstanding shares of Geotrac Common Stock (the
                  "Certificates") shall cease to have any rights as stockholders
                  of Geotrac, except the right to receive the consideration set
                  forth in this Article II (the "Merger Consideration") for each
                  share of Geotrac Common Stock held by them.

         f)       After the Effective Time, all of the issued and outstanding
                  shares of capital stock of the Company will be owned by IMSG.

         Section 2.02. Issuance of IMSG Common Stock.

         a)       The manner in which each share of Geotrac Common Stock (other
                  than shares to be canceled as set forth in Section 2.01(c) and
                  (d)) will be converted into IMSG Common Stock shall be as set
                  forth in this Section 2.02.

         b)       No certificates or scrip representing fractional shares of
                  IMSG Common Stock shall be issued upon the surrender for
                  exchange of Certificates representing shares of Geotrac Common
                  Stock, no dividend or distribution with respect to shares
                  shall be payable on or with respect to any fractional share
                  and such fractional share interests shall not entitle the
                  owner thereof to vote or to exercise any other rights of a
                  stockholder of IMSG. In lieu of any such fractional shares,
                  each holder of Geotrac Common Stock who otherwise would be
                  entitled to receive a fractional share of IMSG Common Stock
                  pursuant to the Merger will be paid an amount in cash equal to
                  such fractional interest multiplied by the quotient of the
                  Aggregate Price divided by the Exchange Rate.

         Section 2.03. Assistance in Consummation of the Merger. Each of IMSG,
         Bankers, BIG, Geotrac and the Whites shall provide all reasonable
         assistance to, and shall cooperate



         with, each other to bring about the consummation of the Merger as soon
         as practicable in accordance with the terms and conditions of this

         Section 2.04. Financing.

         a)       The parties hereto acknowledge that Geotrac currently has an
                  outstanding loan from The Huntington National Bank of
                  Cleveland, Ohio ("Huntington") (the "Huntington Loan") in the
                  principal amount of Eight Million Seven Hundred and Fifty
                  Thousand Dollars ($8,750,000). The parties hereto agree that
                  the Company will assume the Huntington Loan in connection with
                  the Merger, on terms and conditions acceptable to the Company,
                  the Whites, IMSG and Huntington. In the event Huntington is
                  unwilling to continue to loan money to the Company, IMSG shall
                  be responsible for obtaining replacement financing on terms
                  acceptable to the Whites. The parties hereto acknowledge that
                  the terms and conditions set forth in the existing Huntington
                  loan are acceptable. IMSG agrees to advance such funds to the
                  Company as are necessary, and not otherwise available in the
                  Company, to carry the cost of servicing the Huntington Loan
                  (or any refinancings thereof) and the Note issued to the
                  Whites pursuant to Article II hereof. Any funds advanced by
                  IMSG to the Company shall be treated as a loan to the Company.

         b)       Upon consummation of the Merger, White shall have the
                  authority, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors
                  of the Company, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld,
                  to sell that portion of the business of Bankers that White
                  shall deem appropriate, together with making available for
                  employment by purchaser, personnel who choose to accompany the
                  part of the business sold. The proceeds of such sale or sales
                  shall be used to reduce the debt of the Company to Huntington.
                  Any proceeds of such sale or sales in excess of the amount
                  required to satisfy the Huntington Loan shall be used to
                  redeem the preferred stock of the Company held by IMSG.

         c)       The parties hereto acknowledge that Bankers obtained Six
                  Million Seven Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($6,750,000)
                  from the sale of its preferred stock and a loan from South
                  Trust (the "South Trust Loan"). The proceeds from the sale of
                  Bankers preferred stock and the South Trust Loan were invested
                  in Geotrac. Bankers, IMSG and BIG hereby agree that prior to
                  the Effective Time, IMSG will assume the South Trust Loan in
                  exchange for the Bankers preferred stock. The preferred stock
                  will be exchanged for cumulative 8 1/2% preferred stock of the
                  Company the terms of which are set forth on Exhibit 2.04(c)
                  hereto. In the event IMSG closes an underwritten public
                  offering ("IPO"), the parties hereto agree that a portion of
                  the proceeds from such IPO will be contributed to the capital
                  of the Company and used to redeem the outstanding preferred
                  stock of the Company.



         d)       At the time the Company is required to make the payments to
                  the Other Stockholders as required by Section 2.01(d) hereof,
                  IMSG has agreed to loan the Company up to Seven Hundred and
                  Twenty-Eight Thousand and Sixty-nine Dollars ($729,069). The
                  proceeds of the loan may be used by the Company to pay the
                  amounts owed to the Other Stockholders identified on Exhibit
                  2.01(d) hereof as consideration for their Shares of Geotrac
                  Common Stock. Such advance will be treated as a debt of the
                  Company and will accrue interest annually at the Prime Rate,
                  with principal and interest payable at any time on or after
                  December 31, 1999.

         Section 2.05. Option and Exchange Agreement.

         a)       The parties will enter into an Option and Exchange Agreement
                  that provides, in the event the Effective Time occurs before
                  the consummation of the IPO, and if the IPO does not close
                  prior to April 1, 2001, the Whites will be entitled to elect

                  (i)      exchange (the "Exchange") the IMSG Common Stock
                           received as part of the Merger consideration pursuant
                           to Section 2.01 hereof for twenty percent (20%) of
                           the shares of Common Stock of the Company on a fully
                           diluted basis plus cash equal to:

                           (A)      The amount of any federal, state and local
                                    income tax owed by the Whites as a result of
                                    the exchange of shares and the receipt of
                                    any tax gross-up payment made to the Whites
                                    such that the Whites will receive an after
                                    tax amount equal to the amount of the
                                    federal, state and local income tax due as a
                                    result of the exchange, plus

                           (B)      Twenty percent (20%) of any dividends that
                                    are paid with respect to the Company Common
                                    Stock between the date of the Merger and the
                                    date of the exercise of the option, less

                           (C)      Dividends paid to the Whites with respect to
                                    the IMSG Common Stock issued to them in
                                    connection with the Merger, or

                  (ii)     elect to have their shares of IMSG redeemed by IMSG
                           for a promissory note of IMSG in the principal amount
                           of Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000) (which principal
                           amount will increase at a compounded rate equal to
                           the Prime Rate on the date of the Merger, from the
                           date of the Merger to the date of issuance). The note
                           shall provide for monthly payments, shall amortize
                           over a five year period, shall bear interest at a
                           rate equal to the Prime Rate on the date of issuance
                           and shall balloon after one year and shall be
                           guaranteed by BIG. From and after April 1, 2001



                           the election under this Section 2.05 must be made
                           within 30 days of written demand by IMSG to the
                           Whites. The terms and conditions of the foregoing
                           option are as set forth in the Option and Exchange
                           Agreement as set forth on Exhibit 2.05 hereto.

         b)       The Option and Exchange Agreement will further provide, from
                  and after the third anniversary of the Effective Time of the
                  Merger and provided the IPO has not been consummated, the
                  Whites will have an option to require BIG to purchase the
                  shares of Common Stock of IMSG or the Company, as the case may
                  be, owned by them in return for twenty percent (20%) of the
                  fair market value of the common stock of the Company. The fair
                  market value is to be determined based on an independent
                  appraisal of the Company without any discounts for minority
                  interests or otherwise determined by an independent appraiser
                  selected by the Whites and BIG. The terms and conditions of
                  the Option and Exchange Agreement are set forth on Exhibit
                  2.05 hereto.

         Section 2.06. Cross-License Agreement. Upon consummation of the Merger
         the Cross-License Agreement dated July 31, 1997, between Geotrac and
         Bankers (the "Cross License Agreement") will be terminated and any
         obligations to make payments thereunder will be terminated.


         Geotrac and the Whites represent and warrant to Bankers, IMSG and BIG
         as follows:

         Section 3.01. Corporate Organization and Power. Geotrac is a
         corporation duly organized, validly existing and in good standing under
         the laws of the State of Ohio. Geotrac has the corporate power and
         authority to execute, deliver and perform its obligations under this

         Section 3.02. Authorization of Agreement. The execution, delivery and
         consummation of this Agreement by Geotrac has been duly authorized by
         the Board of Directors and the shareholders of Geotrac in accordance
         with all applicable laws and the Articles of Incorporation and Code of
         Resolutions of Geotrac, and at the Closing no further corporate action
         will be necessary on the part of Geotrac or its shareholders to make
         this Agreement valid and binding on Geotrac and enforceable against
         Geotrac in accordance with its terms. The execution, delivery and
         consummation of this Agreement by Geotrac (i) is not contrary to the
         Articles of Incorporation or Code of Regulations of Geotrac, (ii) does
         not now and will not, with the passage of time, the giving of notice or
         otherwise, result in a violation or breach of, or constitute a default
         under, any term or provision of any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust,
         lease, instrument, order, judgment, decree, rule, regulation, law,
         contract, agreement or any other restriction to which Geotrac is a
         party or to which Geotrac or any of its assets is subject or bound, and
         (iii) will not result in the



         creation of any lien or other charge upon the shares of Common Stock of
         Geotrac or the assets of Geotrac.

         Section 3.03. Validity. This Agreement has been duly executed and
         delivered by Geotrac and constitutes the legal, valid and binding
         obligation of Geotrac, enforceable against Geotrac in accordance with
         its terms.

         Section 3.04. Consents and Approvals. No order, authorization, approval
         or consent from, or filing with, any person or entity or any federal or
         state governmental or public body or other authority having
         jurisdiction over Geotrac is required for the execution, delivery and
         performance of this Agreement.

         Section 3.05. Title to Shares. The Stockholders have full right, power
         and authority to sell, issue, convey and deliver to Bankers, in
         accordance with the terms of this Agreement, good and valid title,
         beneficially and of record, to all 510 shares of Common Stock of
         Geotrac owned by them in the amounts set forth on Schedule 2.01(d)
         hereto, free and clear of all restrictions, claims, liens, charges,
         encumbrances and rights of others.

         Section 3.06. Capitalization of Geotrac. The total authorized capital
         stock of Geotrac is 1,000 shares of Common Stock, without par value,
         all of which shares have been validly issued and are presently
         outstanding. Geotrac does not hold any shares of capital stock as
         treasury shares. There are no outstanding subscriptions, options,
         agreements, contracts, calls, commitments or demands of any character
         to which Geotrac or the Whites or the Other Stockholders are a party
         which restrict the transfer of the Geotrac Common Stock owned by the
         Whites or the Other Stockholders or otherwise related to the Geotrac
         Common Stock owned by the Whites.

         Section 3.07. Litigation Relating to Transaction. There are no actions,
         suits, proceedings or claims pending before any court, arbitrator or
         government agency against or affecting Geotrac which might enjoin or
         prevent the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this

         Section 3.08. Broker's or Finders' Fees. All negotiations relative to
         this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby have been
         carried out by Geotrac directly with Bankers without the intervention
         of any person on behalf of Geotrac in such manner as to give rise to
         any claim by any person against Bankers for a finder's fee, brokerage
         commission or similar payment.

         Section 3.09. Taxes and Liabilities.

         a)       Except as set forth on Schedule 3.09 (a), Geotrac (i) has
                  filed, and will file, on a timely basis (including all
                  extensions), all federal income tax returns and all state and
                  local income or franchise tax returns (collectively, "Tax
                  Returns") required to



                  be filed by Geotrac for all years or periods ending on or
                  before the Closing Date accurately reflecting in all respects
                  income or franchise taxes owing to the United States or any
                  state or local government, and (ii) has paid in full, or set
                  up an adequate reserve for the payment of, all taxes
                  (including interest, penalties and additions to tax) shown to
                  be due on such Tax Returns. Except as set forth on Schedule
                  3.09 (a), all such Tax Returns are, or will be, true, correct
                  and complete in all material respects.

         b)       To the knowledge of Geotrac, there are no outstanding
                  agreements or waivers extending the statutory period of
                  limitations applicable to any Geotrac federal income tax
                  return for any period ending on or before the Closing.

         c)       Geotrac has made or will make available to Bankers for
                  inspection, complete and correct copies of all federal income
                  tax returns of Geotrac.

         d)       Except for the transactions set forth in the Geotrac financial
                  statements attached hereto as Exhibit 3.09(d)(1) and as
                  contemplated by this Agreement and permitted on Schedule
                  3.09(d)(2), Geotrac shall not commit to additional financial
                  obligations including, but not limited to, declaration or
                  payment of dividends, issuance of stock options, or incurrence
                  of additional debt.

         Section 3.10. Financial Statements. The financial statements of Geotrac
         attached hereto as Exhibit 3.09 (d)(1) do not contain any untrue
         statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required
         to be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements
         therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not
         misleading. Such financial statements fairly present in all material
         respects the financial position and the results of operations and cash
         flows of Geotrac as at the dates thereof or for the periods presented
         therein. At Closing, the Company shall deliver financial statements for
         the year ended December 31, 1997 and the quarter ended March 31, l998
         that have been prepared from, and are in accordance with, the books and
         records of Geotrac, have been prepared in accordance with United States
         generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP") applied on a
         consistent basis during the periods involved (except as may be
         indicated in the notes thereto) and fairly present in all material
         respects the consolidated financial position and the consolidated
         results of operations and cash flows (and changes in financial
         position, if any) of Geotrac as at the dates thereof or for the periods
         presented therein.

         Section 3.11. No Undisclosed Liabilities. Except (a) to the extent
         disclosed in the Geotrac financial statements delivered herewith, (b)
         for liabilities and obligations incurred in the ordinary course of
         business consistent with past practice, during the period from March
         31, 1998 through the date of this Agreement and (c) otherwise known to
         Bankers, Geotrac has not incurred any liabilities or obligations of any
         nature, whether or not accrued, contingent or otherwise, that have, or
         would be reasonably likely to have, a



         material adverse effect on Geotrac or would be required to be reflected
         or reserved against on a balance sheet of Geotrac (including the notes
         thereto) prepared in accordance with GAAP.

         Section 3.12. No Default. The business of Geotrac is not being
         conducted in default or violation of any term, condition or provision
         of (a) its Certificate of Incorporation or By-laws or similar
         organizational documents, (b) any agreement pursuant to which Geotrac
         is bound or (c) any federal, state, local or foreign law, statute,
         regulation, rule, ordinance, judgment, decree, order, writ, injunction,
         concession, grant, franchise, permit or license or other governmental
         authorization or approval applicable to Geotrac excluding from the
         foregoing clauses (b) and (c), defaults or violations that,
         individually or in the aggregate, would not have a material adverse
         effect on Geotrac or would not, or would not be reasonably likely to,
         materially impair the ability of Geotrac to consummate the Merger or
         the other transactions contemplated hereby. No investigation or review
         by any governmental entity with respect to Geotrac is pending or, to
         the best knowledge of Geotrac and the Whites, threatened, nor to the
         best knowledge of Geotrac and the Whites, has any governmental entity
         indicated an intention to conduct the same.

         Section 3.13. Environmental Matters. As of the date of this Agreement,
         Geotrac is in compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws and
         there are no Environmental Liabilities and Costs of Geotrac that would
         have or are reasonably likely to have an adverse effect on Geotrac.

         For purposes of this Section 3.13, the following definitions shall

         "Environmental Laws" means all applicable foreign, federal, state and
         local laws, common law, regulations, rules and ordinances relating to
         pollution or protection of health, safety or the environment.

         "Environmental Liabilities and Costs" means all liabilities,
         obligations, responsibilities, obligations to conduct cleanup, losses,
         damages, deficiencies, punitive damages, consequential damages, treble
         damages, costs and expenses (including, without limitation, all
         reasonable fees, disbursements and expenses of counsel, expert and
         consulting fees and costs of investigations and feasibility studies and
         responding to government requests for information or documents), fines,
         penalties, restitution and monetary sanctions, interest, direct or
         indirect, known or unknown, absolute or contingent, past, present or
         future, resulting from any claim or demand, by any person or entity,
         whether based in contract, tort, implied or express warranty, strict
         liability, joint and several liability, criminal or civil statute,
         under any Environmental Law, or arising from environmental, health or
         safety conditions, as a result of past or present ownership, leasing or
         operation of any properties, owned, leased or operated by Geotrac.



         Section 3.14. Insurance. As of the date hereof, Geotrac is insured by
         insurers against such losses and risks and in such amounts as are
         customary in the businesses in which they are engaged. All policies of
         insurance and fidelity or surety bonds are in full force and effect.
         Descriptions of these plans and related liability coverage have been
         previously provided to Bankers.

         Section 3.15. Compliance With Law. Geotrac has complied in all material
         respects with all laws, statutes, regulations, rules, ordinances, and
         judgments, decrees, orders, writs and injunctions, of any court or
         governmental entity relating to any of the property owned, leased or
         used by them, or applicable to their business, including, but not
         limited to, equal employment opportunity, discrimination, occupational
         safety and health, environmental, interstate commerce, antitrust laws,
         ERISA and laws relating to taxes.

         Section 3.16. Intellectual Property. Geotrac owns or has adequate
         rights to use all patents, trademarks, service marks, trade names,
         service names, copyrights, technology, know-how, processes, trade
         secrets, customer lists and other intellectual property, intangible
         property and proprietary rights (collectively, the "Intellectual
         Property") used in or necessary for the conduct of their respective
         businesses as now conducted without, to the best knowledge of Geotrac
         and the Whites, any infringement or alleged infringement of the rights
         of others. Geotrac is not in default in the payment of any royalties,
         license fees or other consideration to any owner or licensor of any
         Intellectual Property used in or necessary for the conduct of their
         respective businesses as now conducted, nor otherwise is in default in
         any material respect in the performance of any of their respective
         obligations to any such owner or licensor, and no such owner or
         licensor, nor any such agent or representative, has notified Geotrac in
         writing of any claim of any such infringement, violation or default.

         Section 3.17. Disclosure. The representations, warranties or
         disclosures of information made by Geotrac and the Whites in this
         Agreement, the Schedules and Exhibits hereto or any certification
         delivered or to be delivered pursuant to this Agreement, taken as a
         whole, do not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit
         to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements made
         therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not


         Bankers, IMSG and BIG represent and warrant to Geotrac and the Whites
         as follows:

         Section 4.01. Corporate Organization and Power. Bankers, IMSG and BIG
         are corporations duly organized, validly existing and in good standing
         under the laws of the State of Florida. Bankers, IMSG and BIG each have
         the corporate power and authority to



         execute, deliver and perform their respective obligations under this
         Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereby and

         Section 4.02. Authorization of Agreement. The execution, delivery and
         consummation of this Agreement by Bankers, IMSG and BIG has been duly
         authorized by their respective boards of directors and shareholders in
         accordance with all applicable laws and their respective Certificate of
         Incorporation and By-Laws or other charter documents, and at the
         closing no further corporate action will be necessary on the part of
         Bankers, IMSG and BIG or any of their shareholders to make this
         Agreement valid and binding on Bankers, IMSG and BIG and enforceable
         against Bankers, IMSG and BIG in accordance with its terms. The
         execution, delivery and consummation of this Agreement by each of
         Bankers, IMSG and BIG (i) is not contrary to its Certificate of
         Incorporation or By-Laws or other charter documents of any of Bankers,
         IMSG or BIG, and (ii) does not now and will not, with the passage of
         time, the giving of notice or otherwise, result in a violation or
         breach of, or constitute a default under, any term or provision of any
         indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, lease, instrument, order, judgment,
         decree, rule, regulation, law, contract, agreement or any other
         restriction to which any of Bankers, IMSG or BIG is a party or to which
         any of their assets is subject or bound and (iii) will not result in
         the creation of any lien or other charge upon the capital stock of the
         Company or IMSG.

         Section 4.03. Validity. This Agreement has been duly executed and
         delivered by Bankers, IMSG and BIG and constitutes the legal, valid and
         binding obligation of Bankers, IMSG and BIG, enforceable against
         Bankers, IMSG and BIG in accordance with its terms.

         Section 4.04. Consents and Approvals. No order, authorization, approval
         or consent from, or filing with, any person, entity or federal or state
         governmental or public body or other authority having jurisdiction over
         Bankers, IMSG or BIG is required for the execution, delivery and
         performance by any of them of this Agreement.

         Section 4.05. Title to Shares. IMSG has full right, power and authority
         to sell, issue, convey and deliver to the Whites, in accordance with
         the terms of this Agreement, good and valid title, beneficially and of
         record, to all of the shares of IMSG Common Stock to be issued in
         accordance with Section 2.01 hereof, free and clear of all
         restrictions, claims, liens, charges, encumbrances and rights of

         Section 4.06. Capitalization of Bankers. The authorized capital stock
         of Bankers is 500 shares of Common Stock, $1.00 par value per share, of
         which 500 shares have been validly issued to IMSG, 1,000,000 shares of
         Class A Preferred Stock of which none of the shares are issued and
         outstanding and 1,000,000 shares of Class B Preferred Stock of which
         675,000 shares have been validly issued to IMSG. Bankers does not hold
         any shares of capital stock as treasury shares. Except as contemplated
         by this Agreement, there are no outstanding subscriptions, options,
         agreements, contracts, calls,


       commitments or demands of any character to which Bankers is a party which
       restrict the transfer of the capital stock of Bankers.

       Section 4.07. Capitalization of IMSG. The total authorized capital stock
       of IMSG consists of 100,000,000 shares of Common Stock, $.01 par value
       per share, of which 20,000,000 have been validly issued to BIG. Except as
       set forth on Schedule 4.07, IMSG does not hold any shares of capital
       stock as treasury shares. Except as contemplated by this Agreement and
       the IPO, there are no outstanding subscriptions, options, agreements,
       contracts, calls, commitments or demands of any character to which IMSG
       is a party which restrict the transfer of the capital stock of IMSG.

       Section 4.08. Taxes and Liabilities.

       a)     IMSG and Bankers (i) have filed on a consolidated basis, and will
              file, on a timely basis (including all extensions), all federal
              income tax returns and all combined or unitary state and local
              income or franchise tax returns (collectively, "Tax Returns")
              required to be filed by IMSG and Bankers for all years or periods
              ending on or before the Effective Time accurately reflecting in
              all respects income or franchise taxes owing to the United States
              or any state or local government, and (ii) has paid in full, or if
              not paid in full prior to the Effective Time will pay in full when
              due, all taxes (including interest, penalties and additions to
              tax) shown to be due on such Tax Returns. All such Tax Returns
              are, or will be, true, correct and complete in all material

       b)     There are no outstanding agreements or waivers extending the
              statutory period of limitations applicable to any IMSG or Bankers
              federal income tax return for any period ending on or before the

       c)     IMSG and Bankers have made or will make available to Geotrac for
              inspection, complete and correct copies of all federal income tax
              returns of IMSG and Bankers.

       Section 4.09. Litigation Relating to Transaction. There are no actions,
       suits, proceedings or claims pending before any court, arbitrator or
       government agency against or affecting Bankers, IMSG or BIG which might
       enjoin or prevent the consummation of the transactions contemplated by
       this Agreement.

       Section 4.10. Broker's or Finders' Fees. All negotiations relative to
       this Agreement and the transactions contemplated hereby have been carried
       out by Bankers, IMSG or BIG directly with Geotrac and White, without the
       intervention of any person on behalf of Bankers, IMSG or BIG in such
       manner as to give rise to any claim by any person against Geotrac and
       White for a finder's fee, brokerage commission or similar payment.


       Section 4.11. Financial Statements. The financial statements of IMSG and
       Bankers attached hereto as Exhibit 4.08 (e)(1) do not contain any untrue
       statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to
       be stated therein or necessary in order to make the statements therein,
       in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.
       Such financial statements fairly present in all material respects the
       consolidated financial position and the consolidated results of
       operations and cash flows of IMSG and its consolidated subsidiaries as at
       the dates thereof or for the periods presented therein. On or before the
       Closing, IMSG shall deliver consolidated financial statements for the
       three period ended December 31, 1997 and the quarter ended that have been
       prepared from, and are in accordance with, the books and records of IMSG
       and/or its consolidated subsidiaries, have been prepared in accordance
       with United States generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP")
       applied on a consistent basis during the periods involved (except as may
       be indicated in the notes thereto) and fairly present in all material
       respects the consolidated financial position and the consolidated results
       of operations and cash flows (and changes in financial position, if any)
       of IMSG and its consolidated subsidiaries as at the dates thereof or for
       the periods presented therein.

       Section 4.12. No Undisclosed Liabilities. Except (a) to the extent
       disclosed in the IMSG financial statements delivered herewith and (b) for
       liabilities and obligations incurred in the ordinary course of business
       consistent with past practice, during the period from March 31, 1998
       through the date of this Agreement, neither IMSG nor any of its
       subsidiaries have incurred any liabilities or obligations of any nature,
       whether or not accrued, contingent or otherwise, that have, or would be
       reasonably likely to have, a material adverse effect on IMSG and its
       subsidiaries or would be required to be reflected or reserved against on
       a consolidated balance sheet of IMSG and its subsidiaries (including the
       notes thereto) prepared in accordance with GAAP.

       Section 4.13. No Default. The business of IMSG and each of its
       subsidiaries is not being conducted in default or violation of any term,
       condition or provision of (a) its respective Certificate of Incorporation
       or By-laws or similar organizational documents, (b) any agreement
       pursuant to which IMSG or its subsidiaries is bound or (c) any federal,
       state, local or foreign law, statute, regulation, rule, ordinance,
       judgment, decree, order, writ, injunction, concession, grant, franchise,
       permit or license or other governmental authorization or approval
       applicable to IMSG or any of its subsidiaries excluding from the
       foregoing clauses (b) and (c), defaults or violations that, individually
       or in the aggregate, would not have a material adverse effect on IMSG and
       its subsidiaries or would not, or would not be reasonably likely to,
       materially impair the ability of IMSG to consummate the Merger or the
       other transactions contemplated hereby. No investigation or review by any
       governmental entity with respect to IMSG or any of its subsidiaries is
       pending or, to the best knowledge of IMSG, threatened, nor to the best
       knowledge of IMSG, has any governmental entity indicated an intention to
       conduct the same.


       Section 4.14. Environmental Matters. As of the date of this Agreement,
       IMSG is in compliance with all applicable Environmental Laws and there
       are no Environmental Liabilities and Costs of IMSG and its subsidiaries
       that would have or are reasonably likely to have an adverse effect on
       IMSG and its subsidiaries.

       For purposes of this Section 4.14, the following definitions shall apply:

       "Environmental Laws" means all applicable foreign, federal, state and
       local laws, common law, regulations, rules and ordinances relating to
       pollution or protection of health, safety or the environment.

       "Environmental Liabilities and Costs" means all liabilities, obligations,
       responsibilities, obligations to conduct cleanup, losses, damages,
       deficiencies, punitive damages, consequential damages, treble damages,
       costs and expenses (including, without limitation, all reasonable fees,
       disbursements and expenses of counsel, expert and consulting fees and
       costs of investigations and feasibility studies and responding to
       government requests for information or documents), fines, penalties,
       restitution and monetary sanctions, interest, direct or indirect, known
       or unknown, absolute or contingent, past, present or future, resulting
       from any claim or demand, by any person or entity, whether based in
       contract, tort, implied or express warranty, strict liability, joint and
       several liability, criminal or civil statute, under any Environmental
       Law, or arising from environmental, health or safety conditions, as a
       result of past or present ownership, leasing or operation of any
       properties, owned, leased or operated by the Company or any of its

       Section 4.15. Insurance. As of the date hereof, IMSG and each of its
       subsidiaries are insured by insurers against such losses and risks and in
       such amounts as are customary in the businesses in which they are
       engaged. All policies of insurance and fidelity or surety bonds are in
       full force and effect. Descriptions of these plans and related liability
       coverage have been previously provided to Geotrac and the Whites.

       Section 4.16. Compliance With Law. IMSG and its subsidiaries have
       complied in all material respects with all laws, statutes, regulations,
       rules, ordinances, and judgments, decrees, orders, writs and injunctions,
       of any court or governmental entity relating to any of the property
       owned, leased or used by them, or applicable to their business,
       including, but not limited to, equal employment opportunity,
       discrimination, occupational safety and health, environmental, interstate
       commerce, antitrust laws, ERISA and laws relating to taxes.

       Section 4.17. Intellectual Property. IMSG and Bankers owns or has
       adequate rights to use all patents, trademarks, service marks, trade
       names, service names, copyrights, technology, know-how, processes, trade
       secrets, customer lists and other intellectual property, intangible
       property and proprietary rights (collectively, the "Intellectual


       Property") used in or necessary for the conduct of their respective
       businesses as now conducted without, to the best knowledge of IMSG and/or
       Bankers, any infringement or alleged infringement of the rights of
       others. Neither IMSG nor Bankers is in default in the payment of any
       royalties, license fees or other consideration to any owner or licensor
       any Intellectual Property used in or necessary for the conduct of their
       respective businesses as now conducted, nor otherwise is in default in
       any material respect in the performance of any of their respective
       obligations to any such owner or licensor and no such owner or licensor
       nor any such agent or representative, has notified IMSG or Bankers in
       writing of any claim of any such infringement, violation or default.

       Section 4.18. Disclosure. The representations, warranties or disclosures
       of information made by IMSG, Bankers or BIG in this Agreement, the
       Schedules and Exhibits hereto or any certification delivered or to be
       delivered pursuant to this Agreement, taken as a whole, do not contain
       any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact
       necessary in order to make the statements made therein, in light of the
       circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.


       Section 5.01. Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Bankers, IMSG and
       BIG. The obligations of Bankers, IMSG and BIG to consummate the
       transactions contemplated by this Agreement are subject, at the option of
       Bankers, IMSG and BIG, to the satisfaction at or prior to the Effective
       Time of each of the following conditions:

       a)     Accuracy of Representations and Warranties. The representations
              and warranties of Geotrac and the Whites contained in this
              Agreement or in any certificate or document delivered to Bankers,
              IMSG or BIG pursuant hereto shall be true and correct in all
              material respects on and as of the Effective Time as though made
              at and as of that date, and Geotrac and the Whites shall have
              delivered to Bankers, IMSG or BIG a certificate to that effect.

       b)     Compliance with Covenants. Geotrac shall have performed and
              complied with all terms, agreements, covenants and conditions of
              this Agreement to be performed or complied with by them at or
              prior to the Effective Time, and Geotrac and the Whites shall have
              delivered to Bankers, IMSG or BIG a certificate to that effect.

       c)     Legal Actions or Proceedings. No legal action or proceeding shall
              have been instituted or threatened seeking to restrain, prohibit,
              invalidate or otherwise affect the consummation of the
              transactions contemplated hereby.

       d)     Opinion of Counsel for Geotrac. Bankers, IMSG and BIG shall have
              received the opinion of Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff,
              LLP, counsel for Geotrac,


              dated the Closing Date, satisfactory in form and substance to
              Bankers, IMSG and BIG and its counsel, to the effect set forth in
              Exhibit "5.01 (d)" hereto.

       e)     Material Adverse Change. There shall not have occurred a material
              adverse change to the business or assets of Geotrac since the date
              of this Agreement.

       f)     Shareholders Agreement. Bankers, IMSG, Geotrac and the Whites
              shall have terminated the Shareholders' Agreement dated July 31,

       g)     Employment Agreement. Geotrac and Daniel J. White shall have
              entered into an Employment Agreement in the form of Exhibit "5.01
              (g)" attached hereto.

       h)     Good Standing. Bankers, IMSG and BIG shall have received certified
              copies of certificates of good standing for Geotrac from the
              Secretary of State of the State of Ohio. 

       i)     Resolution. Bankers, IMSG and BIG shall have received an executed
              Resolution of the Board of Directors and Shareholders of Geotrac
              authorizing the transactions contemplated by this Agreement and
              Exhibits and Schedules attached hereto and authorizing the
              termination of the 401(K) Plan of Geotrac at or prior to the
              Effective Time.

       j)     Cross License Agreement. The Cross License Agreement shall be

       k)     Huntington Loan. Huntington shall have consented to the
              transactions contemplated hereby.

       1)     Releases. Releases from each of the Other Stockholders shall have
              been delivered to Geotrac in a form satisfactory to BIG, IMSG and

       m)     Representation Letter. Grant Thornton shall have received a
              representation letter from Daniel White in a form acceptable to

       n)     Financial Statements. Geotrac shall have delivered the financial
              statements specified in Section 3.10 and such financial statements
              must be reasonably acceptable to BIG, IMSG and Bankers.

       Section 5.02. Conditions Precedent to Obligations of Geotrac and the
       Whites. The obligations of Geotrac and the Whites under this Agreement
       are subject, at the option of Geotrac and the Whites, to the satisfaction
       at or prior to the Effective Time of each of the following conditions:


       a)     Accuracy of Representations and Warranties. The representations
              and warranties of Bankers, IMSG or BIG contained in this Agreement
              or in any certificate or document delivered to Geotrac pursuant
              hereto shall be true and correct in all material respects on and
              as of the Effective Time as though made at and as of that dates
              and Bankers, IMSG or BIG shall have delivered to Geotrac and the
              Whites a certificate to such effect.

       b)     Compliance with Covenants. Bankers, IMSG and BIG shall have
              performed and complied with all terms, agreements, covenants and
              conditions of this Agreement to be performed or complied with by
              them at or prior to the Closing, and Bankers, IMSG and BIG shall
              have delivered to Geotrac and the Whites a certificate to that

       c)     Legal Actions or Proceedings. No legal action or proceeding shall
              have been instituted or threatened seeking to restrain, prohibit,
              invalidate or otherwise affect the consummation of the
              transactions contemplated hereby.

       d)     Opinion of Counsel to Bankers, IMSG and BIG. Geotrac shall have
              received the opinion of C. Anthony Sexton, counsel for Bankers,
              IMSG or BIG, dated the Closing Date, satisfactory in form and
              substance to Geotrac and their counsel, to the effect set forth in
              Exhibit "5.02(d)" hereto.

       e)     Material Adverse Change. There shall not have occurred a material
              adverse change in the business or assets of Bankers, IMSG or BIG
              since the date of this Agreement.

       f)     Shareholders Agreement. Bankers, IMSG, Geotrac and the Whites
              shall have terminated the Shareholders' Agreement dated July 31,

       g)     Employment Agreement. The Company and Daniel J. White shall have
              entered into an Employment Agreement in the form of Exhibit 5.01
              (g) attached hereto.

       h)     Good Standing and Charter Documents. Geotrac shall have received
              certified copies of certificates of good standing for Bankers,
              IMSG and BIG in the states of incorporation and received certified
              copies of the Articles of Organization and By-laws or other
              organizational documents of each of Bankers, IMSG and BIG.

       i)     Resolutions. Geotrac shall have received certified copies of the
              resolutions of the Board of Directors and Shareholders, where
              necessary, of each of Bankers, IMSG and BIG authorizing the
              transactions contemplated by this Agreement and the Exhibits and
              Schedules attached hereto.


       j)     Cross License Agreement. The Cross License Agreement shall be

       k)     Huntington Loan. Huntington shall have consented to the
              transaction contemplated hereby or IMSG shall have secured
              replacement financing on terms acceptable to Geotrac and the

       l)     South Trust Loan. IMSG shall have purchased the preferred stock of
              the Company originally issued to Heritage Hotel Holding Company in
              connection with the South Trust Loan.

       m)     Additional Documents. The following additional documents shall be
              executed and delivered:

              1.     The Option and Exchange Agreement.

              2.     The Corporate Governance Agreement attached hereto as
                     Exhibit 5.02(m)(2)

              3.     The Tax Indemnity Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit
                     5.02(m)(3) hereto relating to the indemnity provided by
                     IMSG and BIG to the Whites for any costs, expenses, losses,
                     damages or liabilities they may incur as a result of the
                     Merger not qualifying as a tax-free reorganization within
                     the meaning of Sections 368(a)(1)(A) or 368(a)(2)(D) of the
                     Code, or the exchange rights or put rights provided to the
                     Whites pursuant to the Option and Exchange Agreement
                     constituting "boot."

              4.     The Registration Rights Agreement attached hereto as
                     Exhibit 5.02(m)(4).

              5.     An opinion from Grant Thornton, a tax advisor to BIG, to
                     the effect that the Merger will qualify as a tax-free
                     reorganization within the meaning of Sections 368 (a)(l)(A)
                     and 368 (a)(2)(D) of the Code, the cost of which shall be
                     borne by Bankers in a form acceptable to the Whites.

              6.     A certificate of IMSG and Bankers providing Geotrac and
                     White with certain factual representations of IMSG and
                     Bankers reasonably requested by Geotrac and the Whites as
                     necessary to confirm that neither IMSG nor the Surviving
                     Corporation will take any action on or after the Effective
                     Time that would jeopardize the tax-free nature of the

              7.     Grant Thornton shall have received a representation letter
                     from BIG, IMSG and Bankers in a form acceptable to it.


              8.     IMSG shall have delivered the consolidated financial
                     statements identified in Section 4.11 and such consolidated
                     financial statements must be reasonably acceptable to
                     Geotrac and the Whites.

              9.     Geotrac and the Whites shall have received Releases from
                     each of the Other Stockholders in a form reasonably
                     acceptable to Geotrac and the Whites.


       Section 6.01. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated at any time
       prior to the Closing:

       a)     by the mutual consent of Bankers, IMSG or BIG and Geotrac and the
              Whites; or

       b)     by either Bankers, IMSG or BIG or Geotrac if the Closing
              contemplated in Section 1.04 above shall not have occurred on or
              before May 28, 1998 or such later date as may be agreed upon by
              the parties hereto or any of the Conditions Precedent of that
              party are not met.

       Section 6.02. Procedure and Effect of Termination. In the event of
       termination of this Agreement and abandonment of the transactions
       contemplated hereby by any or all of the parties pursuant to Section
       6.01, written notice thereof shall forthwith be given to the other party
       to this Agreement and this Agreement shall terminate and the transactions
       contemplated hereby shall be abandoned, without further action by any of
       the parties hereto. If this Agreement is terminated as provided herein,
       no party shall have any liability or further obligation to any other
       party to this Agreement pursuant to this Agreement, except that the
       parties preserve and shall retain their rights if another party breaches
       any representations or warranties or covenants contained herein.


       Section 7.01. Survival of Representations and Warranties. The
       representations and warranties of Geotrac and the Whites in Article II
       and of Bankers, IMSG or BIG in Article III shall survive the Closing for
       one year.

       Section 7.02. Indemnification by Geotrac and the Whites. Geotrac and the
       Whites shall indemnify Bankers, IMSG or BIG and the stockholders,
       directors, employees and agents of Bankers, IMSG or BIG in their capacity
       as such (collectively, the "Bankers, IMSG or BIG Indemnified Parties')
       from and against and shall hold the Bankers, IMSG or BIG Indemnified
       Parties harmless from:

       a)     any proceeding, claim, liability loss, damage or deficiency,
              including any and all reasonable costs and expenses (including,
              but not limited to, reasonable legal and


              accounting fees) related to any of the foregoing (collectively,
              "Loss"), resulting from or arising out of any material inaccuracy
              in or material breach of any representation or warranty by Geotrac
              contained in this Agreement.

       b)     any Loss resulting from or arising out of a breach or
              nonperformance of any covenant or obligation of Geotrac under this

       c)     any Loss resulting from or arising out of the claims of any
              broker, finder or other person acting in a similar capacity on
              behalf of Geotrac or the Whites in connection with the
              transactions contemplated herein; and

       d)     any Loss relating or pertaining to any Geotrac tax or other
              liability of any nature whatsoever (including interest, penalties
              and additions to tax) payable with respect to any period ending on
              or prior to Closing except for liabilities disclosed on the
              attached Exhibit "7.02(d)."

       Section 7.03. Indemnification by Bankers, IMSG and BIG. Bankers, IMSG and
       BIG shall indemnify Geotrac and the stockholders, directors, employees
       and agents of Geotrac in their capacity as such and the Whites
       (collectively, the "Geotrac Indemnified Parties") from and against, and
       shall hold the Geotrac Indemnified Parties harmless from:

       a)     any Loss resulting from or arising out of any material inaccuracy
              in or material breach of any representation or warranty by
              Bankers, IMSG or BIG in this Agreement;

       b)     any Loss resulting from or arising out of any breach or
              nonperformance of any covenant or obligation of Bankers, IMSG or
              BIG under this Agreement;

       c)     any Loss resulting from or arising out of the claims or any
              broker, finder or other person acting in similar capacity on
              behalf of Bankers, IMSG or BIG in connection with the transactions
              contemplated herein; and

       d)     any Loss relating or pertaining to any Bankers, IMSG or BIG tax or
              other liability of any nature whatsoever (including interest,
              penalties and additions to tax) payable with respect to any period
              ending on or prior to the Closing.

       Section 7.04. Third Party Claims.

       a)     Notice of Claim. If any legal proceeding is instituted or any
              claim is asserted by any third party in respect of which the
              Geotrac Indemnified Parties on the one hand, or Bankers, IMSG or
              BIG Indemnified Parties on the other hand may be


              entitled to indemnity hereunder, the party asserting such right to
              indemnity (the "Indemnified Party") shall give the party from whom
              indemnity is sought (the "Indemnifying Party") written notice
              thereof A delay in giving notice shall only relieve the
              Indemnifying Party of liability to the extent the Indemnifying
              Party Suffers actual prejudice because of the delay.

              The Indemnifying Party shall have 30 days after receipt of such
              notice to decide whether it will agree to be responsible for the
              claim and provide indemnity hereunder.

       b)     Indemnifying Party Accepts Responsibility. If the Indemnifying
              Party decides to accept responsibility and liability for such
              claim and proceeding and provides written notice (the "Response
              Notice") to such effect to the Indemnified Party within-such
              30-day period, the Indemnifying Party shall be fully responsible
              for undertaking and conducting, through counsel of its own
              choosing and its own expense, the settlement or defense of such
              claim or proceeding. If a court of competent jurisdiction
              determines that the Indemnifying Party was not required to provide
              indemnity for such claim, the Indemnified Party shall reimburse
              the Indemnifying Party for all of the Losses incurred by it in
              providing indemnity for the third-party claim and pursuing its
              claim against the Indemnified Party. If a court of competent
              jurisdiction determines that the Indemnifying Party was required
              to provide indemnity for such claim, the Indemnifying Party shall
              reimburse the Indemnified Party for all of the Losses, costs or
              expenses, incurred by the Indemnified Party in defense of the
              Indemnifying Party's claim. If a court of competent jurisdiction
              determines that the Indemnifying Party was required to provide
              indemnity for part, but not all of such third-party claim, the
              Indemnified Party shall reimburse the Indemnifying Party far the
              Losses, costs and expenses incident to the defense of the
              third-party claim in proportion to the responsibility allocated by
              such court, and each party shall bear its own costs and expenses
              with respect to the Indemnifying Party's claim against the
              Indemnified Party.

              The indemnified Party shall have the rights with counsel of its
              own choice and at its own expense, to participate in, but not
              control the defense and settlement of any claim or proceeding for
              which the Indemnifying Party accepts responsibility hereunder. In
              addition, if, at any time the Indemnified Party believes that a
              claim is not, (in fact) the proper subject for indemnification by
              the Indemnifying Party, the Indemnified Party may assume from the
              Indemnifying Party responsibility for and control of such claim or
              proceeding; provided that the Indemnified Party reimburses the
              Indemnifying Party for all of the losses, costs and expenses
              incurred by it to such date in defense of such claims. If the
              Indemnified Party assumes control of a claim pursuant to this
              paragraph, it thereby becomes fully responsible and liable for the
              defense and settlement thereof, and waives any right


              to assert any further indemnification obligation with respect to
              such claim against the Indemnifying Party.

              Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, if, in the
              reasonable opinion of the Indemnified Party any Third Party Claim
              or the litigation or resolution thereof involves an issue or
              matter which could have a material adverse effect on the business
              operations assets, properties or prospects of the Indemnified
              Party (including, without limitation, the administration of the
              tax returns and responsibilities under the tax laws of the
              Indemnified Party), the Indemnified Party shall have the right to
              control the defense compromise and settlement of such Third Party
              Claim undertaken by the Indemnifying Party, and the costs and
              expenses of the Indemnified Party in connection therewith shall be
              included as part of the indemnification obligations of the
              Indemnifying Party hereunder. If the Indemnified Party shall elect
              to exercise such right, the Indemnifying Party shall have the
              right to participate in, but not control, the defense/compromise
              and settlement of such Third Party Claim at its sole cost and
              expense. Any compromise or settlement of such Third Party Claim
              shall be subject to the approval of the Indemnifying Party, which
              approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or

       c)     Indemnifying Party Declines Responsibility. If the Indemnifying
              Party fails to deliver a Response Notice timely, or delivers a
              Response Notice and declines responsibility and liability for such
              claim or proceeding, the Indemnified Party shall undertake,
              conduct and control through counsel of its own choosing and at its
              expense, the settlement or defense of such claim. Notwithstanding
              the foregoing, the Indemnified Party shall retain the right, after
              the completion or resolution of such claim or proceeding, to
              assert a claim against the Indemnifying Party alleging that it
              should have provided indemnity hereunder. If a court of competent
              jurisdiction determines that the Indemnifying Party was required
              to provide indemnity for such claim, the Indemnifying Party shall
              reimburse the Indemnified Party for all of the Losses costs and
              expenses incurred by the Indemnified Party in defending such claim
              and pursuing its claim against the Indemnifying Party. If a court
              of competent jurisdiction determines that the Indemnifying Party
              was not required to provide indemnity for such claim, the
              Indemnified Party shall reimburse the Indemnifying Party for all
              of the Losses, costs and expenses incurred by the Indemnifying
              Party in defense of the Indemnified Party's claim. If a court of
              competent jurisdiction determines that the Indemnifying Party was
              required to provide indemnity for part, but not all of such
              third-party claim the Indemnifying Party shall reimburse the
              Indemnified Party for the Losses, costs and expenses incident to
              the defense of the third-party claim in proportion to the
              responsibility allocated by such court, and each party shall bear
              its own costs and expenses with respect to the Indemnified Party's
              claim against the Indemnifying Party.


              The Indemnifying Party shall have the right with counsel of its
              own choice at its own expense, to participate in but not control
              the defense and settlement of any claim or proceeding for which it
              initially declines responsibility. In addition, if at any time,
              the Indemnifying Party believes that the claim is, in fact, the
              proper subject for indemnity by it, the Indemnifying Party may,
              subject to the last paragraph of Section 7.04(b) hereof, assume
              from the Indemnified Party responsibility for and control of such
              claim or proceeding; provided that the Indemnifying Party
              reimburses the Indemnified Party for all of the Losses, costs and
              expenses incurred by it to such date in defense of such claim. If
              the Indemnifying Party assumes control of a claim pursuant to this
              paragraph, it thereby becomes fully responsible and liable for the
              defense and settlement thereof, and waives any right to claim back
              against the Indemnified Party or otherwise object to its
              indemnification obligations with respect thereto.

       d)     Cooperation. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the
              Indemnifying Party and Indemnified Party Shall at all times
              cooperate with each other in the defense of any third-party claim
              or proceeding and the party controlling such defense shall, upon
              request by the other party provide reasonable updates and
              summaries of such matter. Each party agrees that it shall not,
              without the written consent of the other, settle or compromise any
              action or claim in any manner that would materially and adversely
              affect the other party, other than as a result of money damages or
              money payments.

       Section 7.05. Further Limitations.

       a)     Exclusive Remedy. The indemnification provisions of this Article
              VII shall be the exclusive remedy following the Closing Date for
              any breaches or alleged breaches of any representations,
              warranties or covenants under this Agreement. Each of the parties
              hereto, on behalf of itself and its officers, directors,
              employees, security holders, partners, affiliates, agents or
              representatives (collectively, such party's "Representatives"),
              agrees not to bring any actions or proceedings, at law, equity or
              otherwise against any other party or its Representatives, in
              respect of any breaches of any representation or warranty of this
              Agreement, except pursuant to the express provisions of this
              Article VI, unless there has been an instance of fraud. The
              parties hereby agree that no party has made any representations or
              warranties, express or implied, with respect to this Agreement or
              the matters contemplated hereby except as explicitly set forth in
              this Agreement.

       b)     No Indemnification For Known Breaches of Representations and
              Warranties. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary
              contained herein, in the event that any party to this Agreement
              had actual knowledge, on or before the Effective Time, of the
              specific facts upon which a claim for indemnification for breach


              representations and warranties by any other party is based, then
              the harmed party shall have no liability for any Loss resulting
              from or arising out of such claim.

       Section 7.06. Limitations on Amount of Whites.

       a)     The Whites will have no liability (for indemnification or
              otherwise) with respect to the matters set forth in Section
              7.02(a) hereof until the total of all damages with respect to
              Section 7.02(a) exceeds $ 10,000, and then only for the amount by
              which such damages exceed $10,000.

       b)     Subject to the provisions of Section 7.06, in addition, the Whites
              will have no liability (for indemnification or otherwise) with
              respect to the matters set forth in Section 7.02 relating to
              breaches of Sections 3.01 through 3.04, 3.07 and 3.09 through 3.17
              for the amount of damages exceeding 51% of the total amount.

       c)     Additionally, in no event shall the amount of damages paid by the
              Whites with respect to the matters set forth in Section 7.02(a)
              (for indemnification or otherwise) exceed $1,500,000.

       Section 7.07 Limitation on Indemnification of BIG, IMSG, and Bankers.

       a)     BIG, IMSG and Bankers will have no liability (for indemnification
              or otherwise) with respect to the matters set forth in Section
              7.03(a) hereof until the total of all damages with respect to
              Section 7.03(a) exceeds $10,000 and then only with respect to the
              damages exceed $10,000.

       b)     In no event shall the damages paid by BIG, IMSG and Bankers in the
              aggregate with respect to the matters set forth in Section 7.03(a)
              (for indemnification or otherwise) exceed $3,000,000.

       c)     Upon the consummation of an IPO by IMSG, the obligations of BIG
              with respect to the matters set forth in Section 7.03 shall cease
              as of the date of the Closing of such IPO.


       Section 8.01. Expenses. Etc. Whether or not the transactions contemplated
       by this Agreement are consummated, none of the parties hereto shall have
       any obligation to pay any of the fees and expenses of the other party
       incident to the negotiation, preparation and execution of this Agreement,
       including the fees and expenses of counsel, accountants, investment
       bankers and other experts.


       Section 8.02. Publicity. The parties hereto agree to cooperate in issuing
       any press release or other public announcement concerning this Agreement
       or the transactions contemplated hereby Nothing contained herein shall
       prevent any party from at any time furnishing any information required by
       any government authority.

       Section 8.03. Execution in Counterparts. For the convenience of the
       parties, this Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts, each
       of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall
       constitute one and the Same instrument.

       Section 8.04. Notices. All notices which are required or may be given
       pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be
       sufficient in all respects if (i) delivered personally, (ii) mailed by
       registered or certified mail, return receipt requested and postage
       prepaid, or (iii) sent via a nationally recognized overnight courier
       service or (iv) sent via facsimile confirmed in writing to the recipient
       in each case as follows:

              If to Geotrac, White or the Whites:

                     Geotrac, Inc.
                     3900 Laylin Road
                     Norwalk, Ohio 44057
                     Attention: Daniel J. White
                     Telephone (419) 668-8899
                     Telecopy: (419) 668-9266

              with a copy to:

                     Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff LLP
                     2300 BP America Building
                     200 Public Square
                     Cleveland, Ohio 44114
                     Attention: Ira Kaplan, Esq.
                     Telephone (216) 363-4567
                     Telecopy: (216) 363-4588

              If to Bankers, the Company, IMSG or BIG, to:

                     Bankers Hazard Determination Services, Inc.
                     360 Central Avenue
                     St. Petersburg, Florida 33701
                     Attention: C. Anthony Sexton, Esq.
                     Telephone: (813) 823-4000 extension 4894
                     Telecopy: (813) 823-6518


              or such other address or addresses as either party hereto shall
              have designated by notice in writing to the other party hereto.

       Section 8.05. Amendments, Supplements, Etc. At any time this Agreement
       may be amended or supplemented by such additional agreements, articles or
       certificates, as may be determined by the parties hereto to be necessary,
       desirable or expedient to further the purposes of this Agreement, or to
       clarify the intention of the parties hereto, or to add to or modify the
       covenants, terms or conditions hereof or to effect or facilitate any
       governmental approval or acceptance of this Agreement or to effect or
       facilitate the filing or recording of this Agreement or the consummation
       of any of the transactions contemplated hereby. Any such agreement,
       article or certificate must be in writing and signed by both parties. No
       oral or unexecuted agreement, promise or undertaking shall be effective
       to modify, amend or alter the terms of this Agreement in any manner

       Section 8.06. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, its Exhibits, Schedules
       and Annexes and the documents executed on the Closing Date in connection
       herewith, constitute the entire agreement between the parties hereto with
       respect to the subject matter hereof and supersede all prior agreements
       and understandings, oral and written, between the parties hereto with
       respect to the subject matter hereof. No representation, warranty
       promise, inducement or statement of intention has been made by either
       party which as not embodied in this Agreement or such other documents;
       and neither party shall be bound by, or be liable for, any alleged
       representation, warranty, promise, inducement or statement or intention
       not embodied herein or therein.

       Section 8.07. Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and
       construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, without
       regard to conflicts of law principles. However, jurisdiction and venue
       for any action brought to enforce the terms or conditions of this
       Agreement or any of its Exhibits or Schedules shall be the domicile of
       the defendant or respondent in any such action.

       Section 8.08. Attorney's Fees. If any party to this Agreement should
       bring a Court action alleging breach of this Agreement or seeking to
       enforce, rescind, renounce, declare void or terminate this Agreement or
       any provisions thereof, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover
       all of its legal expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees and costs
       (including legal expenses for any appeals taken), and to have the same
       awarded as part of the judgment in the proceeding in which such legal
       expenses and attorney's fees were incurred.

       Section 8.09. Representation Acknowledged. The parties acknowledge that
       each party and its counsel have reviewed and revised this Agreement and
       that the normal rule of construction to the effect that any ambiguities
       are to be resolved against the drafting party


       shall not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement or any
       amendments or exhibits hereto.
       Section 8. 10. Binding Effect, Benefits. This Agreement shall inure to
       the benefit of and be binding upon the parties hereto and their
       respective successors, heirs and permitted assigns. Notwithstanding
       anything contained in this Agreement to the contrary, nothing in this
       Agreement, expressed or implied, is intended to confer on any person
       other than the parties hereto or their respective successors and assigns,
       any rights, remedied obligations or liabilities under or by reason of
       this Agreement.

       Section 8.11. Assignability. Neither this Agreement nor any of the
       parties rights hereunder shall be assignable by any of the parties hereto
       without the prior written consent of the other parties hereto; provided,
       however, that the parties may assign a security interest in their rights
       to receive indemnification hereunder as part of a grant of collateral
       security to secure any indebtedness for money borrowed by the Company or
       Geotrac from a bank or other financial institution.

       Section 8.12. Bankers' Employees. It is contemplated that subsequent to
       the Merger, the Company will offer for sale certain assets related to the
       business of Bankers including the opportunity to hire current personnel
       managing the assets related to such business. In addition, certain
       current employees of Bankers will be offered positions with the Company
       and certain employees will choose to accompany the sale of the business
       to a third party. As to those current employees of Bankers who do not
       become employees of the Company or a third party, IMSG shall assume
       responsibility for their employment under the same terms and conditions
       as they are currently employed. IMSG and BIG agree not to solicit for
       employment those individuals who choose to be employed by the Company or
       take a position with a third party.

       Section 8.13. Guarantee. BIG hereby unconditionally guarantees the
       performance of the duties, obligations and covenants of Bankers and IMSG
       under this Agreement, the Exhibits and Schedules hereto and any other
       agreements executed and delivered herewith or contemplated hereby, which
       guarantee shall terminate and cease to exist upon the consummation of an
       IPO involving the capital stock of IMSG.

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Agreement has been duly executed and delivered
by the duly authorized officers of the parties hereto as of the day and year
indicated below.

WITNESSES                           Bankers Hazard Determination Services, Inc.

/s/ Leslie A.                       BY: /s/
- -------------------------               ---------------------------------------

/s/ C. Anthony Sexton               AS ITS: Corp Sec'y           DATE:  5-12-98
- -------------------------                   --------------------      ---------

WITNESSES                           Insurance Management Solutions Group, Inc. 

/s/ Leslie A.                       BY: /s/
- -------------------------               ---------------------------------------

/s/ C. Anthony Sexton               AS ITS: Corp Sec'y           DATE:  5-12-98
- -------------------------                   --------------------      ---------

WITNESSES                           Bankers Insurance Group, Inc.

/s/ Leslie A.                       BY: /s/
- -------------------------               ---------------------------------------

/s/ C. Anthony Sexton               AS ITS: Corp Sec'y           DATE:  5-12-98
- -------------------------                   --------------------      ---------

WITNESSES                           Geotrac, Inc. 

/s/ Leslie A.                       BY: /s/ David J. White
- -------------------------               ---------------------------------------

/s/ C. Anthony Sexton               AS ITS: President            DATE:  5-12-98
- -------------------------                   --------------------      ---------

WITNESSES                           Insurance Management Solutions Group, Inc. 

/s/ Leslie A.                        /s/ Daniel J. White         DATE:  5-12-98
- -------------------------           ----------------------------      ---------
                                         Daniel J. White

/s/ C. Anthony Sexton                               
- -------------------------          



/s/ Leslie A. Drorbton          /s/ Sandra White   DATE: 5-12-98
- --------------------------      -----------------        --------

- --------------------------
