LONG TERM INCENTIVE PLAN

                                   ARTICLE 1:


1.1.     ESTABLISHMENT. Insurance Management Solutions Group, Inc., a Florida
         corporation, (the "Company") hereby establishes an incentive
         compensation plan to be known as the "Insurance Management Solutions
         Group, Inc. Long Term Incentive Plan" (the "Plan").

1.2.     PURPOSE. The purpose of the Plan is to (a) attract, retain and motivate
         participating employees of the Company and its subsidiaries through
         awards of shares of the Common Stock of the Company (the "Shares"),
         options to purchase Shares (the "Options") and Stock Appreciation
         Rights (the "SARs"), (b) encourage employee ownership of Shares and (c)
         encourage participating employees to think and act like owners of the

1.3.     MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SHARES. The maximum number of Shares that may be
         issued under the Plan is 875,000, subject to adjustment as provided
         in Section 9.1. Such Shares may be issued through the purchase of
         either authorized and unissued Shares, or issued Shares acquired by the
         Company. If an Option is surrendered or for any other reason ceases to
         be exercisable in whole or in part, the Shares that are subject to such
         Option, but as to which the Option has not been exercised, shall again
         become available for offering under the Plan.

1.4.     STATUS. It is the intention of the Company that incentive stock options
         granted under the Plan qualify as "incentive stock options" under
         Section 422 of the Code, and the regulations promulgated thereunder.
         The provisions of the Plan with respect to ISOs, accordingly, shall be
         construed in a manner consistent with such requirements. Except with
         respect to ISOs, no Award under the Plan is intended to qualify for
         special treatment or status under the Code.

                                   ARTICLE 2:


2.1.     DEFINITIONS. The following words and terms as used herein shall have
         that meaning set forth therefor in this Article 2 unless a different
         meaning is clearly required by the context.

         2.1.1. "Award" shall mean any Option, Restricted Share, SAR or cash
         payment granted or awarded under the Plan.

         2.1.2. "Award Agreement(s)" shall mean any document, agreement or
         certificate deemed by the Committee as necessary or advisable to be
         entered into with or delivered to a Participant in connection with the
         grant of an Award under the Plan.


         2.1.3. "Board" or "Board of Directors" shall mean the Board of
         Directors of the Company.

         2.1.4. "Committee" is defined in Article 3.1.

         2.1.5. "Code" shall mean the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
         Reference to a specific section of the Code shall include a reference
         to any successor provision.

         2.1.6. "Company" shall mean Insurance Management Solutions Group, Inc.,
         a Florida corporation, and its successors.

         2.1.7. "Effective Date" is defined in Section 9.7.

         2.1.8. "Eligible Employee" shall mean any individual employed by the
         Company, any Subsidiary who meets the eligibility requirements of
         Article 4, or any individual who is employed as a consultant or advisor
         by the Company that provides bona fide services not in connection with
         a capital transaction.

         2.1.9. "Fair Market Value" of the Shares shall mean the closing price
         on the date in question (or, if no Shares are traded on such day, on
         the next preceding day on which Shares were traded) of the Shares on
         the principal securities exchange in the United States on which such
         stock is listed, or if such Shares are not listed on a securities
         exchange in the United States, the closing price on such day in the
         over-the-counter market as reported by the National Association of
         Security Dealers Automated Quotation System (NASDAQ), or NASDAQ's
         successor, or if not reported on NASDAQ, the fair market value of such
         Shares as determined by the Committee in good faith and based on all
         relevant factors.

         2.1.10. "ISO" shall mean an incentive stock option granted in
         accordance with the provisions of Article 5 of the Plan.

         2.1.11. "NSO" shall mean a nonqualified stock option granted in
         accordance with the provisions of Article 6 of the Plan.

         2.1.12. "Option" shall mean an ISO or an NSO.

         2.1.13. "Optionee" shall mean an Eligible Employee to whom an Option is
         granted under the Plan.

         2.1.14. "Participant" shall mean an Eligible Employee, who in
         accordance with the terms of the Plan, is approved by the Committee for
         participation in the Plan as a recipient of an Award and who receives
         an Award.

         2.1.15. "Plan" shall mean the Insurance Management Solutions Group,
         Inc. Long Term Incentive Plan, as set forth herein and as amended from
         time to time.

         2.1.16. "Restricted Share(s)" shall mean any Shares granted or awarded
         to a Participant in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the


         2.1.17. "SAR" shall mean a Stock Appreciation Right granted in
         accordance with the provisions of Article 7 of the Plan, which as to
         each SAR entitles the Participant to receive payment equal to the
         excess of (1) the Fair Market Value of a Share at the time of payment
         or exercise over (2) a specified price or value set or established at
         the time of grant of the SAR.

         2.1.18. "Shares" shall mean shares of the common stock of the Company.

         2.1.19. "Subsidiary" shall mean any corporation that at the time
         qualifies as a subsidiary of the Company under the definition of
         "subsidiary corporation" contained in Section 424(f) of the Code.


         2.1.20. "10% Stockholder" shall mean an individual who owns more than
         10% of the total combined voting power of all classes of stock of the
         Company or of a parent or subsidiary corporation.

2.2.     USAGE. Whenever appropriate, words used in the singular shall be deemed
         to include the plural and vice versa, and the masculine gender shall be
         deemed to include the feminine gender.

                                    ARTICLE 3


3.1.     COMMITTEE. This Plan shall be administered by a committee appointed by
         the Board of Directors (the "Committee"). The Committee shall consist
         of not less than two (2) nor more than five (5) persons, each of whom
         shall be a member of the Board and none of whom shall be eligible to
         participate under the Plan. The Board of Directors may from time to
         time remove members from, or add members to, the Committee. Vacancies
         on the Committee, howsoever caused, shall be filled by the Board of

3.2.     ORGANIZATION. The Committee shall select one of its members as
         chairman, and shall hold meetings at such time and places as it may
         determine. The acts of a majority of the Committee at which a quorum is
         present, or acts reduced to or approved in writing by a majority of the
         members of the Committee, shall be valid acts of the Committee.

3.3.     POWER AND AUTHORITY. Subject to the provisions of the Plan, the
         Committee shall have full authority, in its discretion: (a) to
         determine from among Eligible Employees those persons who shall become
         Participants; (b) to determine the nature, amount and terms and
         conditions of all Awards under the Plan, in accordance with and subject
         to the specific limitations and requirements set forth in the Plan; and
         (c) to interpret the Plan, the terms of all Awards and Award Agreements
         and any other agreement or instrument awarded, issued or entered into
         under the Plan, and to prescribe, amend and rescind rules and
         regulations with respect to the administration of the Plan. The
         interpretation and construction by the Committee of any provision of
         the Plan, any Award or any other agreement or instrument awarded,
         issued or entered into under the Plan, and all other determinations and
         decisions of the Committee pursuant to the provisions of the Plan,
         shall be final, conclusive and binding on all Participants and other
         affected persons. All actions and policies of the Committee, to the
         extent they deal with ISOs, shall be consistent with the qualification
         of ISOs as incentive stock options under Section 422 of the Code.


3.4.     DISCRETIONARY AUTHORITY. The Committee's decision to authorize the
         grant of an Award to an Eligible Employee at any time shall not require
         the Committee to authorize the grant of an Award to that employee at
         any other time or to any other employee at any time; nor shall its
         determination with respect to the size, type or terms and conditions of
         the Award to be granted to an Eligible Employee at any time require it
         to authorize the grant of an Award of the same type or size or with the
         same terms and conditions to that employee at any other time or to any
         other employee at any time. The Committee shall not be precluded from
         authorizing the grant of an Award to any Eligible Employee solely
         because the employee previously may have been granted an Award of any
         kind under the Plan.

3.5.     NO LIABILITY. No member of the Committee shall be liable for any action
         or determination made in good faith with respect to the Plan.

                                    ARTICLE 4


4.1.     GENERALLY. Any person, including any officer but not a person who is
         solely a director, who is in the employ of the Company or any
         Subsidiary on the date of a grant of an Award shall be an Eligible
         Employee, able to participate in the Plan in accordance with the terms
         of the Plan. The Committee shall have the sole power to determine if
         the eligibility requirements have been satisfied.

4.2.     PARTICIPANT STATUS. In accordance with the provisions of Section 3.3,
         the Committee, in its sole discretion, from time to time may select
         from among Eligible Employees persons to become Participants in the
         Plan. Any Eligible Employee so selected and who remains an Eligible
         Employee shall become a Participant upon the approval of such status by
         the Committee, which approval shall be conclusively evidenced by the
         award or grant of an Award to a Participant.

4.3.     ISO ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENT. Notwithstanding any provision of the Plan
         to the contrary, no person shall be eligible to receive any ISOs under
         the Plan if such person would not be able to qualify for the benefits
         of incentive stock options under Section 422 of the Code.

                                    ARTICLE 5


5.1.     GRANT. Any ISO granted pursuant to the Plan shall be authorized by the
         Committee and shall be evidenced by certificates or agreements in such
         form as the Committee from time to time shall approve, which
         certificates or agreements shall comply with and be subject to the
         terms and conditions hereinafter specified. Upon the granting of any
         ISO, the Committee shall promptly cause the Optionee to be notified of
         the fact that such Option has been granted. The date on which the
         Committee approves the grant of an ISO shall be considered to be the
         date on which such Option is granted.

5.2.     NUMBER OF SHARES. Each ISO shall state the number of Shares to which it


5.3.     OPTION PRICE. Each ISO shall state the option price, which option price
         shall be determined by the Committee in its discretion. Notwithstanding
         the foregoing, the option price in no event shall be less than 100% of
         the Fair Market Value of the Shares on the date of grant of the Option;
         or, in the case of an ISO being issued to an Eligible Employee who is a
         10% Stockholder at the time an ISO is granted, 110% of the Fair Market
         Value of the Shares on the date of grant.

5.4.     METHOD OF EXERCISE. An Optionee may exercise an ISO during such time as
         may be permitted by the Option and the Plan by providing written notice
         to the Committee, tendering the purchase price in accordance with the
         provisions of Section 5.5, and complying with any other exercise
         requirements contained in the Option or promulgated from time to time
         by the Committee.

5.5.     METHOD OF PAYMENT. Payment of the option price upon the exercise of the
         ISO shall be in: (a) United States dollars in cash or by check, bank
         draft or money order payable to the order of the Company; (b) in the
         discretion of and in the manner determined by the Committee, by the
         delivery of Shares already owned by the Optionee; (c) by any other
         legally permissible means acceptable to the Committee at the time of
         grant of the Option (including cashless exercise as permitted under the
         Federal Reserve Board's Regulation T, subject to applicable legal
         restrictions); or in the discretion of the Committee, through a
         combination of (a), (b) and (c) of this Section. If the option price is
         paid in whole or in part through the delivery of Shares, the decision
         of the Committee with respect to the Fair Market Value of such Shares
         shall be final and conclusive.


         5.6.1.   Unless otherwise specified in writing by the Committee at the
                  time of grant or in the Award Agreement, each ISO shall be
                  exercisable, in whole or in part, only in accordance with the
                  "Vesting Schedule" which is attached to and hereby made a part
                  of this Plan. To the extent not exercised, exercisable
                  installments of ISOs shall be exercisable, in whole or in
                  part, in any subsequent period, but not later than the
                  expiration date of the Option. The Committee shall determine
                  the expiration date of the Option at the time of the grant of
                  the Option; provided, however, that no ISO shall be
                  exercisable after the expiration of ten (10) years from the
                  date it is granted; or, in the case of a 10% Stockholder, no
                  ISO shall be exercisable after the expiration of five (5)
                  years from the date it is granted. Not less than one hundred
                  (100) Shares may be exercised at any one time unless the
                  number exercised is the total number at the time exercisable
                  under the Option.

         5.6.2.   Within the limits described above, the Committee may impose
                  additional requirements on the exercise of ISOs. When it deems
                  special circumstances to exist, the Committee in its
                  discretion may accelerate the time at which an ISO may be
                  exercised if, under previously established exercise terms,
                  such Option was not immediately exercisable in full, even if
                  the acceleration would permit the Option to be exercised more
                  rapidly than the vesting set forth in the attached Vesting
                  Schedule, or as otherwise specified by the Committee, would

5.7.     ADDITIONAL LIMITATIONS. The aggregate Fair Market Value (determined as
         of the time an ISO is granted) of the Shares with respect to which ISOs
         are exercisable for the first time by any Optionee in any calendar year
         under the Plan and under all other incentive stock option plans of


         the Company and any parent and subsidiary corporations of the Company
         (as those terms are defined in Section 424 of the Code) shall not
         exceed $100,000.


         5.8.1.   In the event that an Optionee shall cease to be employed by
                  the Company or a Subsidiary for any reason other than his or
                  her death, subject to the conditions that no ISO shall be
                  exercisable after its expiration date, such Optionee shall
                  have the right to exercise the ISO at any time within ninety
                  (90) days after such termination of employment to the extent
                  his or her right to exercise such Option had accrued pursuant
                  to this Article 5 at the date of such termination and had not
                  previously been exercised; such ninety (90) day period shall
                  be increased to one (1) year for any Optionee who ceases to be
                  employed by the Company or a Subsidiary because he is disabled
                  (within the meaning of Section 22(e)( 3) of the Code) or who
                  dies during the ninety (90) day period and the Option may be
                  exercised within such extended time limit by the Optionee or,
                  in the case of death, the personal representative of the
                  Optionee or by any person or persons who shall have acquired
                  the Option directly from the Optionee by bequest or
                  inheritance. Whether an authorized leave of absence or absence
                  for military or governmental service shall constitute
                  termination of employment for purposes of the Plan shall be
                  determined by the Committee, whose determination shall be
                  final and conclusive.

         5.8.2.   In the event that an Optionee shall die while in the employ of
                  the Company or a Subsidiary and shall not have fully exercised
                  any ISO, the ISO may be exercised, subject to the conditions
                  that no ISO shall be exercisable after its expiration date, to
                  the extent that the Optionee's right to exercise such Option
                  had accrued pursuant to this Article 5 at the time of his or
                  her death and had not previously been exercised, at any time
                  within one (1) year after the Optionee's death, by the
                  personal representative of the Optionee or by any person or
                  persons who shall have acquired the Option directly from the
                  Optionee by bequest or inheritance.

         5.8.3.   No ISO shall be transferable by the Optionee otherwise than by
                  will or the laws of descent and distribution.

         5.8.4.   During the lifetime of the Optionee, an ISO shall be
                  exercisable only by him or her and shall not be assignable or
                  transferable, and no other person shall acquire any rights


         5.9.1.   As soon as practicable after the exercise of an ISO, the
                  Company shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Optionee
                  exercising the ISO a certificate or certificates representing
                  the Shares purchased upon the exercise.

         5.9.2.   Certificates representing Shares to be delivered to an
                  Optionee will be registered in the name of the participating
                  employee, or if the Optionee so directs, by written notice to
                  the Company, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, in
                  the names of the Optionee and one such other person as may be
                  designated by the participating Optionee, as joint tenants
                  with rights of survivorship.

5.10.    RIGHTS AS A STOCKHOLDER. An Optionee shall have no rights as a
         stockholder with respect to any Shares covered by his or her ISO until
         the date on which he or she becomes a record owner of the Shares
         purchased upon the exercise of the Option (the "record ownership
         date"). No adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary or
         extraordinary, whether in cash, securities or other property),
         distributions, or other rights for which the record date is prior to
         the record ownership date, except as provided in Article 9.

         and conditions and within the limitations of the Plan, the Committee
         may modify outstanding ISOs granted under the Plan, or accept the
         surrender of outstanding ISOs (to the extent not theretofore exercised)
         and authorize the granting of new Options in substitution therefor (to
         the extent not theretofore exercised). The Committee shall not,
         however, modify any outstanding ISO so as to specify a lower option
         price or accept the surrender of outstanding ISOs and authorize the
         granting of new Options in substitution therefor specifying a lower
         option price. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, no modification
         of an ISO shall, without the consent of the Optionee, alter or impair
         any of the rights or obligations under any ISO theretofore granted
         under the Plan.

5.12.    LISTING AND REGISTRATION OF SHARES. Each ISO shall be subject to the
         requirement that if at any time the Committee shall determine, in its
         discretion, that the listing, registration or qualification of the
         Shares covered thereby upon any securities exchange or under any state
         or federal laws, or the consent or approval of any governmental
         regulatory body, is necessary or desirable as a condition of, or in
         connection with, the granting of such ISO or the issuance or purchase
         of Shares thereunder, such ISO may not be exercised unless and until
         such listing, registration, qualification, consent or approval shall
         have been effected or obtained free of any conditions not acceptable to
         the Committee. Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the contrary, if
         the provisions of this Section become operative, and if, as a result
         thereof, the exercise of an ISO is delayed, then and in that event, the
         term of the ISO shall not be affected.

5.13.    OTHER PROVISIONS. The ISO certificates or agreements authorized under
         the Plan shall contain such other provisions, including, without
         limitation, restrictions upon the exercise of the Option, as the
         Committee shall deem advisable. Any such certificate or agreement shall
         contain such limitations and restrictions upon the exercise of the ISO
         as shall be necessary in order that such Option will be an incentive
         stock option as defined in Section 422 of the Code, or to conform to
         any change in the law.


                                    ARTICLE 6


6.1.     GRANT. Any NSO granted pursuant to the Plan shall be authorized by the
         Committee and shall be evidenced by certificates or agreements in such
         form as the Committee from time to time shall approve, which
         certificates or agreements shall comply with and be subject to the
         terms and conditions hereinafter specified. Upon the granting of any
         NSO, the Committee shall promptly cause the Optionee to be notified of
         the fact that such Option has been granted. The date on which the
         Committee approves the grant of a NSO shall be considered to be the
         date on which such Option is granted.

6.2.     NUMBER OF SHARES. Each NSO shall state the number of Shares to which it

6.3.     OPTION PRICE. Each NSO shall state the option price, which option price
         shall be determined by the Committee in its discretion and may be equal
         to, less than or greater than 100% of the Fair Market Value of the
         Shares on the date of grant.

6.4.     METHOD OF EXERCISE. An Optionee may exercise a NSO during such time as
         may be permitted by the Option and the Plan by providing written notice
         to the Committee, tendering the purchase price in accordance with the
         provisions of Section 6.5, and complying with any other exercise
         requirements contained in the Option or promulgated from time to time
         by the Committee.

6.5.     METHOD OF PAYMENT. Payment of the option price upon the exercise of the
         NSO shall be: (a) in United States dollars in cash or by check, bank
         draft or money order payable to the order of the Company; (b) in the
         discretion of and in the manner determined by the Committee, by the
         delivery of Shares already owned by the Optionee; (c) by any other
         legally permissible means acceptable to the Committee at the time of
         grant of the Option (including cashless exercise as permitted under the
         Federal Reserve Board's Regulation T, subject to applicable legal
         restrictions); or in the discretion of the Committee, through a
         combination of (a), (b) and (c) of this Section. If the option price is
         paid in whole or in part through the delivery of Shares, the decision
         of the Committee with respect to the Fair Market Value of such Shares
         shall be final and conclusive.


         6.6.1.   Unless otherwise specified in writing by the Committee at the
                  time of grant or in the Award Agreement, each NSO shall be
                  exercisable, in whole or in part, only in accordance with the
                  attached Vesting Schedule.To the extent not exercised,
                  exercisable installments of NSOs shall be exercisable, in
                  whole or in part, in any subsequent period, but not later than
                  the expiration date of the Option. The Committee shall
                  determine the expiration date of the Option at the time of the
                  grant of the Option; provided, however, that no NSO shall be
                  exercisable after the expiration of ten (10) years from the
                  date it is granted. Not less than one hundred (100) Shares may
                  be exercised at any one time unless the number exercised is
                  the total number at the time exercisable under the Option.

         6.6.2.   Within the limits described above, the Committee may impose
                  additional requirements on the exercise of NSOs. When it deems
                  special circumstances to exist, the Committee in its


                  discretion may accelerate the time at which a NSO may be
                  exercised if, under previously established exercise terms,
                  such Option was not immediately exercisable in full, even if
                  the acceleration would permit the Option to be exercised more
                  rapidly than the vesting set forth in the attached Vesting
                  Schedule, or as otherwise specified by the Committee, would


         6.7.1.   In the event that an Optionee shall cease to be employed by
                  the Company or a Subsidiary for any reason other than his or
                  her death, subject to the conditions that no NSO shall be
                  exercisable after its expiration date, such Optionee shall
                  have the right to exercise the NSO at any time within ninety
                  (90) days after such termination of employment to the extent
                  his or her right to exercise such Option had accrued pursuant
                  to this Article 6 at the date of such termination and had not
                  previously been exercised; such ninety (90) day period shall
                  be increased to one (1) year for any Optionee who ceases to be
                  employed by the Company or a Subsidiary because he is disabled
                  (within the meaning of Section 22(e)( 3) of the Code) or who
                  dies during the ninety (90) day period, and the Option may be
                  exercised within such extended time limit by the Optionee or
                  in the case of death, the personal representative of the
                  Optionee or by any person or persons who shall have acquired
                  the Option directly from the Optionee by bequest or
                  inheritance. Whether an authorized leave of absence or absence
                  for military or governmental service shall constitute
                  termination of employment for purposes of the Plan shall be
                  determined by the Committee, whose determination shall be
                  final and conclusive.

         6.7.2.   In the event that an Optionee shall die while in the employ of
                  the Company or a Subsidiary and shall not have fully exercised
                  any NSO, the NSO may be exercised, subject to the conditions
                  that no NSO shall be exercisable after its expiration date, to
                  the extent that the Optionee's right to exercise such Option
                  had accrued pursuant to this Article 6 at the time of his or
                  her death and had not previously been exercised, at any time
                  within one (1) year after the Optionee's death, by the
                  personal representative of the Optionee or by any person or
                  persons who shall have acquired the Option directly from the
                  Optionee by bequest or inheritance.

         6.7.3.   No NSO shall be transferable by the Optionee otherwise than by
                  will or the laws of descent and distribution.

         6.7.4.   During the lifetime of the Optionee, an NSO shall be
                  exercisable only by him or her and shall not be assignable or
                  transferable, and no other person shall acquire any rights


         6.8.1.   As soon as practicable after the exercise of a NSO, the
                  Company shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the Optionee
                  exercising the NSO a certificate or certificates representing
                  the Shares purchased upon the exercise.

         6.8.2.   Certificates representing Shares to be delivered to an
                  Optionee under the Plan will be registered in the name of the
                  Optionee, or if the Optionee so directs, by written notice to


                  the Company, and to the extent permitted by applicable law, in
                  the names of the Optionee and one such other person as may be
                  designated by the Optionee, as joint tenants with rights of

6.9.     RIGHTS AS A STOCKHOLDER. An Optionee shall have no rights as a
         stockholder with respect to any Shares covered by his or her NSO until
         the date on which he or she becomes a record owner of the Shares
         purchased upon the exercise of the Option (the "record ownership
         date"). No adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary or
         extraordinary, whether in cash, securities or other property),
         distributions, or other rights for which the record date is prior to
         the record ownership date, except as provided in Article 9.

         and conditions and within the limitations of the Plan, the Committee
         may modify outstanding NSOs granted under the Plan, or accept the
         surrender of outstanding NSOs (to the extent not theretofore exercised)
         and authorize the granting of new Options in substitution therefor (to
         the extent not theretofore exercised). The Committee shall not,
         however, modify any outstanding NSO so as to specify a lower option
         price or accept the surrender of outstanding NSOs and authorize the
         granting of new Options in substitution therefor specifying a lower
         option price. Notwithstanding the foregoing, however, no modification
         of an NSO shall, without the consent of the Optionee, alter or impair
         any of the rights or obligations under any NSO theretofore granted
         under the Plan.

6.11.    LISTING AND REGISTRATION OF SHARES. Each NSO shall be subject to the
         requirement that if at any time the Committee shall determine, in its
         discretion, that the listing, registration or qualification of the
         Shares covered thereby upon any securities exchange or under any state
         or federal laws, or the consent or approval of any governmental
         regulatory body, is necessary or desirable as a condition of, or in
         connection with, the granting of such NSO or the issuance or purchase
         of shares thereunder, such NSO may not be exercised unless and until
         such listing, registration, qualification, consent or approval shall
         have been effected or obtained free of any conditions not acceptable to
         the Committee. Notwithstanding anything in the Plan to the contrary, if
         the provisions of this Section become operative, and if, as a result
         thereof, the exercise of a NSO is delayed, then and in that event, the
         term of the NSO shall not be affected.

6.12.    OTHER PROVISIONS. The NSO certificates or agreements authorized under
         the Plan shall contain such other provisions, including, without
         limitation, restrictions upon the exercise of the Option, as the
         Committee shall deem advisable.


                                    ARTICLE 7


7.1.     GRANT. The Committee, in its sole discretion, from time to time may 
         authorize the grant of SARs to a Participant. An SAR may be granted in
         connection with all or any portion of a previously or contemporaneously
         granted Award (other than an SAR), or by itself and not in connection
         with any other Award. An SAR may be granted at the time of grant of the
         related Option and shall be subject to the same terms and conditions as
         the related Option, except as this Article 7 may otherwise provide. The
         grant of SAR shall be evidenced either by provisions in the Option to
         which it relates or by a separate written agreement between the Company
         and the Participant, which shall comply with and be subject to the
         terms and conditions of the Plan and shall be in such form as the
         Committee from time to time shall approve (an "SAR Agreement"). The SAR
         Agreement may contain such additional terms, conditions or limitations,
         not inconsistent with the specific provisions of the Plan, as may be
         approved by the Committee in it sole discretion.

7.2.     TERMS AND CONDITIONS. Each SAR granted under the Plan shall be
         exercisable or payable at such time or times, or upon the occurrence of
         such event or events, and in such amounts or types of consideration
         (including cash or Shares) as the Committee shall specify in the SAR
         Agreement. Subsequent to the grant of an SAR, the Committee, at any
         time before complete termination of such SAR, may accelerate the time
         or times at which such SAR may be exercised or paid in whole or in

7.3.     EXERCISE.

         7.3.1.   An SAR shall be exercised by surrendering the SAR Agreement
                  or, if the SAR was granted in connection with an Option, the
                  surrender of the related Option together with any SAR
                  Agreement, or the portion(s) thereof pertaining to the Shares
                  with respect to which the SAR is exercised, and providing the
                  Company with a written notice in such form and containing such
                  information (including the number of Shares with respect to
                  which the SAR is being exercised) as the SAR Agreement or the
                  Committee may specify. The date on which the Company receives
                  such surrender and notice shall be the date on which the
                  related Option, or portion thereof, shall be deemed
                  surrendered and the SAR shall be deemed exercised.

         7.3.2.   An SAR granted in connection with an Option shall be
                  exercisable only at such time or times, to such extent and by
                  such persons as the Option to which it relates shall be
                  exercisable, provided that an SAR granted in connection with
                  an ISO shall not be exercisable on any date on which the Fair
                  Market Value of a Share is less than or equal to the per share
                  exercise price of the ISO. An SAR shall be canceled when, and
                  to the extent that, any related Option is exercised, and an
                  Option shall be canceled when, and to the extent that, the
                  Option is surrendered to the Company upon the exercise of a
                  related SAR.

7.4.     PAYMENT. To effect payment or exercise of an SAR, the Company shall
         make payment to the Participant in cash or Shares (valued at their Fair
         Market Value on the date of payment or exercise) or in combination of
         cash and Shares as provided in the SAR Agreement. If payment is to be
         made in Shares, upon such exercise, the Participant shall be entitled
         to receive that number


         of Shares which have an aggregate Fair Market Value on the exercise
         date equal to the amount by which the Fair Market Value of one Share on
         the exercise date exceeds the Option price per share of any related
         Option or the Fair Market Value on the date of grant of the SAR, as the
         case may be, multiplied by the number of Shares covered by the related
         Option or the SAR, as the case may be, or portion thereof, surrendered
         in connection with the exercise of the SAR.

7.5.     EXPIRATION. An SAR granted in connection with or related to an Option,
         unless previously exercised or canceled, shall expire upon the
         expiration of the Option to which it relates. Any other SAR, unless
         previously exercised or canceled, shall expire upon the tenth
         anniversary of its grant. The exercise of an SAR granted in connection
         with an Option shall result in a pro rata surrender or cancellation of
         any related Option to the extent the SAR has been exercised.


         7.6.1.   In the event that a Participant shall cease to be employed by
                  the Company or a Subsidiary for any reason other than his or
                  her death, subject to the conditions that no SAR shall be
                  exercisable after its expiration date, such Participant shall
                  have the right to exercise the SAR at any time within ninety
                  (90) days after such termination of employment to the extent
                  his or her right to exercise such SAR had accrued pursuant to
                  this Article 7 at the date of such termination and had not
                  previously been exercised; such ninety (90) day period shall
                  be increased to one (1) year for any Participant who ceases to
                  be employed by the Company or a Subsidiary because he is
                  disabled (within the meaning of Section 22(e)(3) of the Code)
                  or who dies during the ninety (90) day and the SAR may be
                  exercised within such extended time limit by the Participant
                  or, in the case of death, the personal representative of the
                  Participant or by any person or persons who shall have
                  acquired the SAR directly from the Participant by bequest or
                  inheritance. Whether an authorized leave of absence or absence
                  for military or governmental service shall constitute
                  termination of employment for purposes of the Plan shall be
                  determined by the Committee, whose determination shall be
                  final and conclusive.

         7.6.2.   In the event that a Participant shall die while in the employ
                  of the Company or a Subsidiary and shall not have fully
                  exercised any SAR, the SAR may be exercised, subject to the
                  conditions that no SAR shall be exercisable after its
                  expiration date, to the extent that a Participant's right to
                  exercise such SAR had accrued in accordance with the
                  provisions of this Article 7 at the time of his or her death
                  and had not previously been exercised, at any time within one
                  (1) year after a Participant's death, by the personal
                  representative of a Participant or by any person or persons
                  who shall have acquired the SAR directly from a Participant by
                  bequest or inheritance.

         7.6.3.   No SAR shall be transferable by a Participant otherwise than
                  by will or the laws of descent and distribution.

         7.6.4.   During the lifetime of a Participant, an SAR shall be
                  exercisable only by him or her and shall not be assignable or
                  transferable, and no other person shall acquire any rights

         after the exercise or payment of an SAR payable in whole or in part in
         Shares, the Company shall deliver or cause to


         be delivered to the Participant exercising the SAR for Shares a
         certificate or certificates representing the Shares issuable upon such
         purchase or exercise. Certificates representing Shares to be delivered
         to a Participant will be registered in the name of the Participant or
         if the Participant so directs, by written notice to the Company, and to
         the extent permitted by applicable law, in the names of the Participant
         and one such other person as may be designated by the Participant, as
         joint tenants with rights of survivorship.

7.8.     LISTING AND REGISTRATION OF SHARES. Each SAR shall be subject to the
         requirement that if at any time the Committee shall determine, in its
         discretion, that the listing, registration or qualification of any
         Shares covered thereby upon any securities exchange or under any state
         or federal laws, or the consent or approval of any governmental
         regulatory body, is necessary or desirable as a condition of, or in
         connection with, the issuance or purchase of Shares, such SAR may not
         be paid or exercised unless and until such listing, registration,
         qualification, consent or approval shall have been effected or obtained
         free of any conditions not acceptable to the Committee. Notwithstanding
         anything in the Plan to the contrary, if the provisions of this Section
         become operative, and if, as a result thereof, the exercise of an SAR
         is delayed, then and in that event, the term of the SAR shall not be

7.9.     RIGHTS AS A STOCKHOLDER. In general, the holder of an SAR shall have no
         rights as a stockholder. The holder of an SAR under which Shares are
         issuable upon payment or exercise shall have no rights as a stockholder
         of the Company until the date on which he or she becomes a record owner
         of the Shares issued upon the payment or exercise of the SAR (the
         "record ownership date"). No adjustment shall be made for dividends
         (ordinary or extraordinary, whether in cash, securities or other
         property), distributions, or other rights for which the record date is
         prior to the record ownership date, except as provided in Article 9.

                                    ARTICLE 8


8.1.     GENERAL. The Committee, in its sole discretion, from time to time may
         authorize the grant of Restricted Shares to a Participant. In making
         any such grant of Restricted Shares, the Committee may grant Restricted
         Shares without the requirement of any cash payment or may require a
         cash payment from a Participant in an amount no greater than the
         aggregate Fair Market Value of the Restricted Shares as of the date of
         grant in exchange for, or as a condition precedent to, the completion
         of the grant and the issuance of the Restricted Shares.

8.2.     RESTRICTION PERIOD. All Restricted Shares issued under Article 8 shall
         be subject to certain restrictions as set forth in Section 8.3, which
         restrictions shall continue in effect for such period of time as is
         specified in the Award Agreement (the "Restriction Period"). The Award
         Agreement may contain such additional terms, conditions or limitations,
         not inconsistent with the specific provisions of the Plan, as may be
         approved by the Committee in it sole discretion.

8.3.     CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS. Until the expiration of the Restriction Period,
         Restricted Shares shall be subject to the following restrictions: (a)
         the Participant shall not be entitled to take possession of the
         certificate or certificates representing the Shares; (b) the Restricted
         Shares may not be sold, transferred, assigned, pledged, conveyed,
         hypothecated or otherwise disposed of (other than by 


         operation of law); and (c) the Shares may be forfeited immediately as
         provided in Section 8.4. In addition, the Committee, as specified in
         writing at the time of grant or in the Award Agreement, may condition
         the right to receive Restricted Shares upon the satisfaction of such
         additional terms, conditions or limitations, including but not limited
         to performance criteria, as may be approved by the Committee in its
         sole discretion.

8.4.     TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT. Unless otherwise specified by the Committee
         in writing at the time of the Award or in the Award Agreement, if the
         employment of a Participant is terminated for any reason other the
         death or disability (within the meaning of Section 22(e)(3) of the
         Code) of the Participant before the expiration of the Restriction
         Period, the Restricted Shares shall be forfeited immediately and all
         rights of a Participant to such Shares shall terminate immediately
         without further obligation on the part of the Company. Unless otherwise
         specified by the Committee in writing at the time of the Award or in
         the Award Agreement, if a Participant's employment is terminated by
         reason of the death or disability (within the meaning of Section
         22(e)(3) of the Code) of the Participant before the expiration of the
         Restriction Period, (a) the number of Restricted Shares held by the
         Company for a Participant's account pursuant to Section 8.6 shall be
         reduced by partial forfeiture in an amount of Restricted Shares in
         proportion equal to the percentage of the total Restriction Period
         remaining after a Participant's termination of employment, (b) the
         restrictions on the unforfeited balance of such Restricted Shares shall
         lapse on the date the Participant's employment terminated and (c) the
         certificate or certificates representing the Shares upon which the
         restrictions have lapsed shall be delivered to the Participant (or, in
         the event of the Participant's death, to his or her legal

8.5.     DISTRIBUTION OF RESTRICTED SHARES. If a Participant to whom Restricted
         Shares have been issued pursuant to Article 8 remains in the continuous
         employment of the Company or a Subsidiary until the expiration or
         waiver by the Board of the Restriction Period and the satisfaction of
         any other conditions imposed by the Award Agreement, with respect to
         the Restricted Shares in question, all restrictions applicable to such
         Restricted Shares shall lapse and the certificate or certificates
         representing the Shares that were granted to the Participant shall be
         delivered to the Participant.


         8.6.1.   As soon as practicable after a grant of Restricted Shares,
                  unless the Award Agreement provides for a different issuance
                  procedure, the Company shall issue certificates representing
                  the Restricted Shares registered in the name of the holder of
                  Restricted Shares.

         8.6.2.   To administer the restrictions imposed on Restricted Shares
                  under the Plan and the Award Agreement, certificates
                  representing Restricted Shares (to the extent they are issued
                  under the Award Agreement prior to satisfaction of such
                  restrictions) shall not be delivered to Participants but shall
                  be delivered to the Company to be held by the Company as
                  safekeeping agent for the benefit of each Participant. A
                  written safekeeping receipt evidencing the Shares so held in
                  safekeeping, bearing the name of the Participant, indicating
                  the number of the certificate or certificates and the number
                  of Shares so represented shall be delivered promptly to each
                  Participant. In its capacity as safekeeping agent for
                  Participants, the Company shall act in accordance with
                  instructions received from such Participants, which
                  instructions are to be confirmed in writing if deemed


                  appropriate by the Company. The safekeeping agency shall not
                  affect the rights of Participants as owners of Restricted
                  Shares, nor shall such agency affect the restrictions imposed
                  on Restricted Shares under the Plan or the Award Agreement.

         8.6.3.   Upon the lapse, satisfaction or waiver of the Restriction
                  Period and any other restrictions imposed on Restricted Shares
                  under the Plan or the Award Agreement, any safekeeping agency
                  arrangement adopted pursuant to Section 8.6.2 shall terminate
                  and the certificates representing the Shares owned by
                  Participants, registered in the name(s) of the Participants,
                  shall be delivered promptly to such Participants.

8.7.     WAIVER OF RESTRICTIONS. The Committee, in its sole discretion, may at
         any time waive or accelerate the expiration of any or all restrictions
         with respect to Restricted Shares issued pursuant to this Article 8.

8.8.     RIGHTS AS A STOCKHOLDER. A Participant receiving Restricted Shares
         shall have no rights as a stockholder with respect to any Restricted
         Shares grant to him or her under the Plan until the date on which he or
         she becomes a record owner of the Restricted Shares (the "record
         ownership date"). No adjustment shall be made for dividends (ordinary
         or extraordinary, whether in cash, securities or other property),
         distributions, or other rights for which the record date is prior to
         the record ownership date, except as provided in Article 9.


                                    ARTICLE 9



         9.1.1.   In the event of any increase or decrease in the number of
                  issued Shares resulting from a stock split or other division
                  or consolidation of shares or the payment of a stock dividend
                  (but only on Shares) or any other increase or decrease in the
                  number of Shares effected without any receipt of consideration
                  by the Company, then, in any such event, the number of Shares
                  that remain available under the Plan, the number of Shares
                  covered by each outstanding Option, the exercise price per
                  Share covered by each outstanding Option, the number of Shares
                  covered by each outstanding SAR and the price per Share and
                  the number and any purchase price for any Restricted Shares
                  granted but not yet issued, in each case, shall be
                  proportionately and appropriately adjusted for any such
                  increase or decrease.

         9.1.2.   Subject to any required action by the stockholders, if any
                  change occurs in the Shares by reason of any recapitalization,
                  reorganization, merger, consolidation, split-up, combination
                  or exchange of shares, or of any similar change affecting
                  Shares, then, in any such event, the number and type of Shares
                  then covered by each outstanding Option, the purchase price
                  per Share covered by each outstanding Option, the number of
                  Shares covered by each outstanding SAR and the exercise price
                  per Share and the number and any purchase price for any
                  Restricted Shares granted but not yet issued, in each case,
                  shall be proportionately and appropriately adjusted for any
                  such change.

         9.1.3.   In the event of a change in the Shares as presently
                  constituted that is limited to a change of all of its
                  authorized shares with par value into the same number of
                  shares with a different par value or without par value, the
                  shares resulting from any change shall be deemed to be Shares
                  within the meaning of the Plan.

         9.1.4.   To the extent that the foregoing adjustments relate to stock
                  or securities of the Company, such adjustments shall be made
                  by, and in the discretion of, the Committee, whose
                  determination in that respect shall be final, binding and
                  conclusive; provided, however, that any Option granted
                  pursuant to Article 5 shall not be adjusted in a manner that
                  causes such Option to fail to continue to qualify as an
                  incentive stock option within the meaning of Section 422 of
                  the Code.


         9.1.5.   Except as hereinabove expressly provided in this Section, an
                  Eligible Employee or a Participant shall have no rights by
                  reason of any division or consolidation of shares of stock of
                  any class or the payment of any stock dividend or any other
                  increase or decrease the number of shares of stock of any
                  class or by reason of any dissolution, liquidation, merger or
                  consolidation, or spin-off of assets or stock of another
                  corporation; and any issuance by the Company of shares of
                  stock of any class, securities convertible into shares of
                  stock of any class, or warrants or options for shares of stock
                  of any class shall not affect, and no adjustment by reason
                  thereof shall be made with respect to, the number or price of
                  Shares, any Option, any SAR or any Restricted Shares granted
                  but not yet issued.

         9.1.6.   The existence of the Plan, or the grant of an Option, SAR or
                  Restricted Shares under the Plan, shall not affect in any way
                  the right or power of the Company to make adjustments,
                  reclassifications, reorganizations or changes of its capital
                  or business structure or to merge or to consolidate, or to
                  dissolve, to liquidate, to sell, or to transfer all or any
                  part of its business or assets.

9.2.     TAX ABSORPTION PAYMENTS. The Company may, but is not required to, make
         a cash payment, either directly to any Participant or on a
         Participant's behalf, in an amount that the Committee estimates to be
         equal (after taking into account any federal and state taxes that the
         Committee estimates to be applicable to such cash payment) to any
         additional federal and state income taxes that are imposed upon a
         Participant as a result of the granting of any Award under the Plan (a
         "Tax Absorption Payment"). In determining the amount of any Tax
         Absorption Payment, the Committee may adopt such methods and
         assumptions as it considers appropriate, and it shall not be required
         to examine the individual tax liability of any Participant. The
         decision to make any Tax Absorption Payment shall be made by the
         Committee at the same time as the grant of the Award to which it

9.3.     AMENDMENT OF THE PLAN; TERMINATION. The Board shall have the right to
         revise, amend or terminate the Plan at any time without notice;
         provided, however, that without shareholder approval the Board may not
         (a) increase the aggregate number of Shares that may be issued pursuant
         to this Plan, (b) extend the period during which any Award may be
         granted, (c) extend the term of the Plan, or (d) modify the
         requirements as to eligibility for participation hereunder; provided,
         further, that no such action may be taken, without the consent of the
         Participant to whom any Award shall have been granted, that adversely
         affects the rights of such Participant concerning such Award, except as
         such termination or amendment of this Plan is required by statute, or
         rules or regulations promulgated thereunder, or as otherwise permitted
         hereunder. The foregoing prohibitions in this Section shall not be
         affected by adjustments in shares and purchase price made in accordance
         with the provisions of Section 9.1.

9.4.     APPLICATION OF FUNDS. The proceeds received by the Company from the
         sale of Shares or the exercise of Awards pursuant to the Plan will be
         used for general corporate purposes.

9.5.     NO IMPLIED RIGHTS TO EMPLOYEES. The existence of the Plan and the
         granting of Awards under the Plan shall in no way give any employee the
         right to continued employment or the right to receive any additional
         Awards or any additional compensation under the Plan, or otherwise
         provide any employee any rights not specifically set forth in the Plan
         or in any Option, SAR or Award Agreement.



         9.6.1.   The Company shall have the power to withhold, or require a
                  Participant to remit to the Company, an amount sufficient to
                  satisfy any federal, state or local withholding or other tax
                  due from the Company with respect to any amount payable and/or
                  shares issuable under the Plan, and the Company may defer such
                  payment or issuance unless indemnified to its satisfaction.
                  Whenever under the Plan payments are to be made in cash, such
                  payments shall be made net of an amount sufficient to satisfy
                  any federal, state or local withholding tax liability.

         9.6.2.   Subject to the consent of the Committee, with respect to (i)
                  the exercise of an NSO, (ii) the lapse of restrictions on
                  Restricted Stock, or (iii) the issuance of any other stock
                  Award under the Plan, a Participant may make an irrevocable
                  election (an "Election") to (A) have shares of Common Stock
                  otherwise issuable under (i) withheld, or (B) tender back to
                  the Company shares of Common Stock received pursuant to (i),
                  (ii), or (iii), or (C) deliver back to the Company pursuant to
                  (i), (ii), or (iii) previously acquired shares of Common Stock
                  having a Fair Market Value sufficient to satisfy all or part
                  of the Participant's estimated tax obligations associated with
                  the transaction. Such Election must be made by a Participant
                  prior to the date on which the relevant tax obligation arises.
                  The Committee may disapprove of any Election, may suspend or
                  terminate the right to make Elections, or may provide with
                  respect to any Award under this Plan that the right to make
                  Elections shall not apply to such Awards.

         9.6.3.   CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO EFFECTIVENESS. Subject to the approval
                  of the Plan by the stockholders of the Company within 12
                  months after its adoption by the Board of Directors, the Plan
                  shall become effective upon the satisfaction of all the
                  following conditions, with the Effective Date of the Plan
                  being the date that the last of the following conditions is

                  the adoption of the Plan by the Board of
                                    Directors; and
                  the effectiveness of the Company's
                                    Registration Statement on Form S-1 relating
                                    to the Company's initial public offering, as
                                    filed with the SEC (File No.__________ ).]


                                VESTING SCHEDULE:


                   Number of Years from              Percentage of Shares
                  Date Option is Granted                  Exercisable
                     Less than 1 year                          0%
               1 year but less than 2 years                   20%
              2 years but less than 3 years                   40%
              3 years but less than 4 years                   60%
              4 years but less than 5 years                   80%
                     5 years or more                         100%