ISUZU DEALER SALES
                               SERVICE AGREEMENT

AGREEMENT effective the 23rd day of April, 1990.

                                 by and between

                          AMERICAN ISUZU MOTORS INC.,

          a California corporation (hereinafter called "Distributor")


(an individual) (partnership formed in the State of Robertson Oldsmobile Cadillac Inc.  )
(corporation incorporated in the State of           Georgia                             )
(doing business as                                  Moss Robertson Isuzu                )
whose business location is                          2355 Browns Bridge Rd. 
                                                    Gainesville, GA 30501
(hereinafter called "Dealer").


The purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the basic rights, duties and
procedures that apply to the relationship and business transactions between
Distributor and Dealer, and to provide for the sale and servicing of Isuzu
Products in a manner that will best serve the interests of Distributor, Dealer,
and owners and purchasers of Isuzu Products.  This Agreement sets forth the
rights which Dealer will enjoy as an Authorized Isuzu Dealer; the
responsibilities which Dealer assumes in consideration of these rights; and the
respective rights and obligations of Distributor and Dealer to each other.  The
parties recognize that the success of Distributor and Dealer depends upon
mutual understanding and cooperation between Distributor and Dealer and how well
they each fulfill their respective responsibilities.

Distributor's basic responsibility is to promote and market Isuzu Products in
the United States and to endeavor to establish a sales network of dealers that
can provide effective sales and service efforts at the retail level.  Dealer's
basic responsibility is to actively and effectively promote the retail sale of
Isuzu Products and to provide courteous and efficient service of Isuzu
Products.  Distributor and Dealer will endeavor to fulfill their respective
responsibilities through aggressive, sound, ethical selling practices and
through conscientious regard for customer service.

Distributor and Dealer shall refrain from engaging in conduct or activities
which might be detrimental to or reflect adversely upon the reputation of
Distributor, Manufacturer, Dealer or Isuzu Products and shall engage in no
discourteous, deceptive, misleading or unethical practices or activities.

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and the promises and
agreements herein contained, it is hereby mutually agreed between the parties
hereto as follows:

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                        SECTION 1. APPOINTMENT OF DEALER

Subject to the conditions and provisions set forth in this Agreement, 
Distributor hereby:

(1)  appoints Dealer as an Authorized Isuzu Dealer;

(2)  grants Dealer the non-exclusive right to buy Isuzu Cars, Isuzu Trucks and
     Isuzu Parts and Accessories from Distribution for resale at or from
     Dealer's Dealership Location; and

(3)  grants Dealer a non-exclusive right, subject to and in accordance with the
     provisions of this Agreement, to identify itself as an Isuzu Dealer and to
     use and to display, in the conduct of its dealership operations, the
     various trademarks, tradenames, service marks and other word and design
     marks that Distributor uses or will use in connection with the promotion or
     sale of or are or will be applied to Isuzu Products.

                         SECTION 2. ACCEPTANCE BY DEALER

Dealer hereby accepts said appointment and grants and acknowledges that:

(1)  Except as otherwise provided by applicable laws, Distributor shall have the
     absolute right to appoint other persons to conduct dealership operations in
     connection with Isuzu Products and to contract with such persons in
     connection therewith;

(2)  Except as expressly provided in this Agreement or with the prior written
     consent of Distributor (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld),
     neither said appointment, said grants nor this Agreement may be
     transferred, assigned or sold to any third party, whether separately or in
     connection with any sale of the assets of or ownership interests in Dealer,
     by Dealer or its management or owners;

(3)  No fee or other monetary consideration has been paid by Dealer to
     Distributor for said appointment or grants or as consideration for
     Distributor's entering into this Agreement and no property right or
     interest, direct or indirect, is sold, conveyed or transferred to Dealer by
     this Agreement.


In consideration of said appointment and grants and subject to the conditions
and provisions of this Agreement, Dealer agrees to:

(1)  establish and maintain at Dealer's Dealership Location the Dealership
     Facilities described in this Agreement in the manner set forth in this

(2)  actively and effectively promote the sale at retail (and, if Dealer elects,
     the leasing and rental) of Isuzu Products at and from Dealer's Dealership
     Location in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement; 

(3)  conduct quality service for Isuzu Vehicles in accordance with the
     provisions of this Agreement;

(4)  perform all additional responsibilities specified in this Agreement; and

(5)  secure and maintain all licenses required for the conduct of an Isuzu
     dealership at and from Dealer's Dealership Location and to furnish
     Distributor with written notice of securing such licenses. This Agreement
     will not be valid until and unless Dealer shall have furnished Distributor
     with written notice specifying the date and the identifying number, if any,
     of each such license secured by Dealer. Dealer shall notify Distributor
     immediately in writing if Dealer shall fail to secure any such license or
     if any such license shall expire and Dealer shall fail to obtain a renewal
     thereof or if any such license is suspended or revoked, specifying the
     effective date of any such expiration, suspension or revocation.

Page 2


                       SECTION 4. OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT

(a)  This Agreement has been entered into by Distributor in reliance upon:

     (i)  Dealer's representation and agreement that the following named persons
          are all of the persons who have an ownership interest in Dealer:

                                                                                   Percentage Interest.

     1.   (Name)                 E. MOSS ROBERTSON, JR                                  
          ----------------------------------------------------------------------      100        (%)
          (Residence Address)    905 MEMORIAL DRIVE  GAINESVILLE, GA 30501          

     2.   (Name)
          ----------------------------------------------------------------------                 (%)
          (Residence Address)

     3.   (Name)
          ----------------------------------------------------------------------                 (%)
          (Residence Address)

     4.   (Name)
          ----------------------------------------------------------------------                 (%)
          (Residence Address)

     5.   (Name)
          ----------------------------------------------------------------------                 (%)
          (Residence Address)

     6.   (Name)
          ----------------------------------------------------------------------                 (%)
          (Residence Address)

     (ii) Dealer's representation and agreement that the following named person,
          and only the following named person shall be Dealer's Executive
          Manager and shall have full authority and responsibility for the
          operating management of Dealer in performance pursuant to this

(Name)                      E. MOSS ROBERTSON, JR          Title    PRESIDENT
- ----------------------------------------------------------       --------------

(Residence Address)         905 MEMORIAL DRIVE  GAINESVILLE, GA 30501
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(b)  This Agreement has been entered into by Distributor in reliance upon, and
     in consideration of, the personal qualifications and representations with
     respect thereto of the above-named persons. In view of the personal nature
     of this Agreement and its objectives and purposes, this Agreement and the
     rights and privileges conferred on Dealer hereunder are not assignable,
     transferable or saleable by Dealer. Dealer agrees that any change in the
     ownership or operating management of Dealer specified herein requires the
     prior written consent of Distributor. Dealer shall give Distributor prior
     notice of any proposed change in said ownership or management and immediate
     notice of the death or incapacity of any Owner or Executive Manager. No
     such change, and no assignment of this Agreement or of any right or
     interest herein, shall be effective against Distributor unless and until
     embodied in an appropriate amendment to or assignment of this Agreement, as
     the case may be, duly executed and delivered by Distributor and by Dealer.
     Distributor shall not unreasonably withhold its consent to any such change.

                                                                          Page 3


                              SECTION 5. PROVISIONS

form No.     , are hereby incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement
with the same force and effect as if set forth at length herein and the term
"this Agreement" as used herein, includes said "ISUZU DEALER SALES AND SERVICE
AGREEMENT ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS". Dealer agrees to be bound by and comply with
the provisions of the Service Policies and Procedures Manual, the Parts Policies
and Procedures Manual and all other manuals heretofore or hereafter issued by
Distributor to Dealer and all amendments, revisions and supplements thereto, and
all bulletins and instructions heretofore or hereafter issued by Distributor to

                           SECTION 6. ENTIRE AGREEMENT

Unless expressly referred to and incorporated herein, this Agreement cancels,
supersedes and annuls all prior agreements, contracts and understandings between
Distributor and Dealer, and there are no representations, promises, agreements
or understandings except as described herein, all negotiations, representations
and understandings being merged herein.


(a)  The failure of either party at any time to require performance by the other
     party of any provisions hereof shall in no way affect the full right to
     require such performance at any time thereafter. Nor shall the waiver by
     either party of a breach of any provision hereof constitute a waiver of any
     succeeding breach of the same or any other such provisions nor constitute a
     waiver of the provision itself.

(b)  No waiver, modification or change of any of the terms of this Agreement or
     change or erasure of any printed part of this Agreement or addition to it
     (except filling of blank spaces and lines) will be valid or binding on
     Distributor unless approved in writing by the President or the Senior Vice
     President and General Manager of Distributor.

                                 SECTION 8. TERM

This Agreement shall have a term commencing an the effective date hereof and
shall continue in effect until terminated in accordance with the provisions of
this Agreement.

                            SECTION 9. APPLICABLE LAW

This Agreement shall be deemed to have been made in and shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California; provided,

(a)  Unless Dealer's Dealership Location is situated in California, Dealer shall
     have none of the rights or duties provided for in the California Statutes
     regulating the relationship between motor vehicle manufacturers,
     distributors and dealers, but shall have the rights and duties provided in
     the like laws, if any, of the state in which Dealer's Dealership Location
     is situated; and

(b)  If performance by either Distributor or Dealer of any provision of this
     Agreement contravenes a law of any state or jurisdiction where such
     performance is to take place, the performance of such provision shall be in
     accordance with the requirements of such law to the extent, and only to the
     extent, that such performance contravenes such law and only to the extent
     and while such law is deemed or held to be valid and applicable to such

                                                                          Page 4


                       SECTION 10. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT

This Agreement, and any addendum or amendment, or notice with respect thereto,
shall be valid and binding an Distributor only when it bears the signature of
either the President or the Senior Vice President and General Manager of
Distributor. This Agreement shall bind Dealer only when signed by a duly
authorized officer of Dealer if a corporation; by one or more of the general
partners of Dealer it a partnership; or by Dealer if an individual.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement in triplicate as of
the day and year first above written at Whittier, California.

DEALER   Robertson Oldsmobile Cadillac        DISTRIBUTOR
         DBA Moss Robertson Isuzu
                                              AMERICAN ISUZU MOTORS INC.
- --------------------------------------

By /s/ C. MOSS ROBERTSON JR.                  By /s/ J.E. PULLY
  ------------------------------------          --------------------------------
  Title   President                             Title   Sr. Vice President and
       -------------------------------                 -------------------------
                                                        General Manager

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