Grant Douglas Publishing, Inc.


THIS CONSULTING AGREEMENT made this May, day of 14, 1998 by and between Grant
Douglas Publishing, Inc.
2232 E. Semoran Blve.
Apopka, Florida 32703
Telephone (407) 884-0444

a Florida Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "GDP") and Revenge Marine
(hereinafter referred to as "COMPANY"), collectively SRI and COMPANY hereinafter
referred to as "the parties."


WHEREAS, COMPANY wishes to utilize Opportunist magazine for the purpose of
advertising and/or publishing of information in various publications produced by
(GDP) and in consideration thereof;

1.       GDP agrees to provide the following, in various publications, See
         ADDENDA A with written copy and or final film to be provided by
         COMPANY, GDP will send and or forward to COMPANY all inquiry
         information received by GDP.
2.       COMPANY agrees to pay GDP a fee in U.S. funds or other valuable
         consideration for the above mentioned services in the total amount of
         118,000 free trading shares. See Addenda B for the terms on free
         trading stock.
3.       This agreement is non-cancelable and the full total amount of the above
         mentioned compensation or fee shall become immediately due and payable
         to GDP in the event of any default by Company, GDP shall not be
         obligated hereunder to insert, place or publish COMPANY'S advertisement
         or information in Opportunist Magazine and the full and total amount of
         the above mentioned compensation or fee shall remain due and payable to
4.       This agreement may be executed in counterparts, not withstanding the
         date or dates upon which this agreement is executed and delivered by
         any of the parties and shall be deemed to be an original and all of
         which will constitute on and the same agreement, effective as of the
         reference date first written above. The fully executed telecopy (fax)
         version of this agreement shall be construed by all parties hereto as
         an original version of said agreement.
5.       In the event that either party is in default of the terms and
         conditions of this agrement and legal action is initiated or suiet be
         entered as a result of such default, the pervailling party shall be
         entitled to recover all costs incurred as a result of such default,
         including all costs, reasonably attorney fees, expenses in cout coss
         through trial, appeal and to final disposition.


6.       It is mutually agreed by and between the parties that this agreement is
         governed and construed under the laws of the State of Florida, County
         of Orange which courts shall have jurisdiction over all matter and
         disputes related hereto.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hands on execution of this

For and in Behalf of COMPANY;
/s/ William C. Robinson
William C. Robinson

For and in Behalf of GDP;
/s/ Roy Meadows
Roy Meadows, President


Grant Douglas Publishing, Inc.
Date: 5/14/98

1. It is mutual agreed by and between the parties hereto, that in the event of
GDP opts or agrees to accept shares of COMPANY's free trading stock now as full
or partial payment for any part or portion of GDP/s compensation or fee under
this agreement, that the number of such shares necessary for such equal value
alternative compensation shall be determined pursuant to a formulas or
computation that discounts the stock from the bid price at the rate of 50% bases
solely upon the bid as of the date of execution of the agreement or such other
subsequent written agreement to accept said stock as alternative compensation.

2. COMPANY acknowledges and agrees GDP shall not provide or continue to provide
service until all fees are paid. COMPANY acknowledges that it has verified with
its corporate council, accountants, corporate officers, board of directors,
executive decision makers, and appropriate stock exchanges that said stock can,
in fact, be timely delivered to GDP as agreed.

3. COMPANY agrees that in the event the stock has not been received in GDP's
account within (10) ten days of the dated of execution of this agreement or any
subsequent written agreements related hereto, COMPANY shall pay to GDP in U.S.
funds an additional amount dqual to 5% of such equal value alternative
compensation as liquidated damages. This shall contined for each and every 10
day period that said stock is not received by GDP. Said funds to be wired to
GDP, without notice, within (3) three days of any such default.

4. Time period for options begins when S&P or Moodys is current financial
statements, DTC sheets, current shareholder list and payment per contract is

For and in Behalf of COMPANY;
/s/ William C. Robinson
William C. Robinson
For and in Behalf of GDP;
/s/ Roy Meadows
Roy Meadows, President