AYO CLAIMS AGREEMENT

THIS AYO CLAIMS AGREEMENT, entered into as of this _____ day of ___________,
_______________________________________________ (the "Company").

                                R E C I T A L S:

The Company writes homeowner's policies, in FWUA Eligible Areas in Florida. Such
policies may exclude windstorm coverages and, if so, such windstorm coverages
are written with the FWUA. In the event of losses under FWUA policies, the FWUA
has agreed to appoint the Company to process and handle claims on properties
which are covered both by the Company's policies and FWUA policies (the "FWUA

NOW, THEREFORE, it is agreed as follows:

1.  APPOINTMENT. The FWUA hereby appoints the Company to process, handle and
    adjust all FWUA Claims on properties which are covered both by an FWUA
    policy and a policy issued by the Company.

2.  TERM AND TERMINATION. This Agreement shall commence on the above date and
    shall continue for a period of one (1) year thereafter or until terminated
    under Section 6, whichever first occurs. If not terminated under Section 6
    before the end of such one (1) year term, it shall continue in effect for
    successive one (1) year terms or until this Agreement has been terminated
    under Section 6 hereof, whichever occurs first.

    (a) process and adjust all FWUA Claims and perform its obligations in
        compliance with the FWUA's Adjuster Manual and in conformance with
        generally accepted standards in the claims adjustment business and in a
        manner comparable to the services performed by the Company in the
        voluntary market and not in violation of any statute governing unfair
        claim-handling practices, exercising at all times ordinary care and
        diligence in the performance of such duties (the "Servicing

    (b) transmit to the FWUA, promptly after a loss occurrence, copies of all
        loss notices (which shall contain such information as the FWUA shall
        require) and, when the FWUA Claim has been fully adjusted, furnish a
        closing report and such back-up documentation supporting payment of the
        FWUA Claims as the FWUA shall reasonably require;

    (c) advance all payments and engineering expenses required by the Adjuster

    (d) assign all FWUA Claims to approved, independent adjusting firms or
        qualified adjusting staff in accordance with the Company's established
        standards; and

    (f) in the event of litigation, promptly forward the matter to the FWUA for


    (a) upon receipt of loss notices, verify coverages, establish reserves and 
        set up a file pending receipt of prescribed status reports and/or
        closing report;

    (b) upon receipt of closing report and back-up documentation  
        acceptable to the FWUA, pay all FWUA Claims;

    (c) provide such coverage information on policies involving  
        FWUA Claims as the Company shall reasonably require;
    (d) provide the Company with copies of the FWUA Adjuster Manual and 
        copies of all amendments to its Manual of Procedures or other documents
        which affect FWUA obligations to its policyholders;
    (e) provide training on policy coverages and other matters on an 
        as-needed basis, including the adjuster "Train the Trainer" programs
        for the Company's use in the certification of staff and independent

    (a) The FWUA shall pay to the Company for the performance of its services
        hereunder an administrative fee equal to 3.3% of the amount of each 
        loss paid.

    (b) The FWUA shall reimburse the Company for the fees and expenses of all
        staff adjusters and independent adjusters in accordance with the
        current FWUA Adjuster Fee schedule attached hereto.

    (c) The Company shall be entitled to receive only such fees and cost
        reimbursements as are specifically authorized under this Agreement and
        shall not receive reimbursement for any costs, fees, fines, penalties,
        damages or expenses incurred in any proceeding arising from: (i) the
        failure of the Company to perform its services hereunder in accordance
        with the Servicing Standards, as reasonably applied; or (ii) a finding
        that the Company acted in bad faith in the adjustment of an FWUA
    (d) The Company shall be compensated for its services and shall be
        reimbursed for its expenses hereunder within 30 days after payment of
        an FWUA Claim.

6.  TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this Agreement upon 90 days written
    notice to the other. All books, records, files, policies, contracts,
    supplies and related material furnished by the FWUA to the Company in the
    performance of its services hereunder shall remain the property of the
    FWUA and shall be returned by the Company to the FWUA upon termination.

7.  RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES. The Company shall be deemed an independent
    contractor, performing its services hereunder free from any supervision or
    control by the FWUA, except as may be exercised by the FWUA in connection
    with enforcing the Servicing Standards. The Company shall have no right or
    authority to bind or obligate the FWUA with respect to any FWUA Claim
    without the prior approval of the FWUA. All employees or agents of the
    Company performing duties hereunder shall be solely and exclusively under
    the Company's direction and control and shall not be deemed employees of
    the FWUA.

8.  AUDIT.

    (a) The Company shall maintain adequate books, records, reports and other
        documents relating to its services hereunder which shall be separate
        and apart from those pertaining to services performed by it in the
        voluntary market and all of them shall be open for inspection, audit
        and copying by the FWUA and its agents or other representatives at all
        reasonable time. The Company shall cooperate fully with all of such
        agents or other representatives during audits or examinations conducted
        by them and shall permit them to have full access during normal
        business hours of all such books, records, reports and other material.

    (b) At any time during the term hereof and on or before one hundred twenty
        (120) days after the termination hereof, the FWUA may conduct an audit
        of the Company's FWUA operations to determine whether the Company has
        performed its obligations hereunder in compliance with the Servicing
        Standards and this Agreement.


    (a) The Company agrees to indemnify the FWUA against and hold it harmless
        from any and all payments of money (including fines, damages,
        liabilities, liens, losses, costs and expenses, including attorneys'
        fees, whether incurred in anticipation of trial, at trial or on
        appeal), imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the FWUA, arising
        out of or resulting directly or indirectly from the obligations of the
        Company under Section 3 of this Agreement or arising out of any claim,
        action, suit or proceeding relating to the obligations of the Company
        under Section 3 hereof.

    (b) The FWUA agrees to indemnify the Company against and hold it harmless
        from any and all payments of money (including fines, damages,
        liabilities, liens, losses, costs and expenses, including attorneys'
        fees, whether incurred in anticipation of trial, at trial or on
        appeal), imposed on, incurred by or asserted against the Company,
        arising out of or resulting directly or indirectly from the obligations
        of the FWUA under Section 4 of this Agreement or arising out of any
        claim, action, suit or proceeding relating to the obligation's of the
        FWUA under Section 4 hereof.

10. ARBITRATION. Any dispute between the FWUA and the Company (the "parties")
    regarding performance of the provisions of this Agreement shall be resolved
    by the parties and if not so resolved, shall be resolved solely by binding
    arbitration in accordance with rules and procedures of the American
    Arbitration Association (AAA). When demand for arbitration is made, each
    party will select an arbitrator and the two arbitrators will select a third
    from a panel provided by the AAA. Arbitrators shall have familiarity with
    dispute resolution in the insurance industry. Each party will pay the
    expenses it incurs and bear the expenses of the third arbitrator equally.
    Unless both parties agree otherwise, arbitration will take place in Duval
    County, Florida. All decisions of the arbitrators will be binding on the


    (a) This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties and their legal
        representatives, successors and assigns and is being executed and is
        intended to be performed in the State of Florida and shall be
        construed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of that

    (b) Neither this Agreement nor any term hereof may be changed, waived,
        discharged, amended or terminated orally, but only by an instrument in
        writing signed by the parties.

    (c) This Agreement is solely between the FWUA and the Company and no
        insured, agent, producer, claimant or other person having or asserting
        a claim against either the FWUA or the Company shall have or acquire
        any rights by reason of the execution and delivery of this Agreement or
        the performance of any obligations or duties hereunder.



IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be
executed by their duly authorized officers as of the date and year first above


Attest:                                   FLORIDA WINDSTORM
                                          UNDERWRITING ASSOCIATION

                                          By: /s/ William Schmitz

                                          Title: Assistant Manager
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Attest:                                   BANKERS INSURANCE GROUP

                                          By: /s/ Robert S. Gantley

                                          Title: Vice President - Claims
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