THIS FLOOD INSURANCE SERVICES AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is entered into
by and between INSURANCE MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS, INC. ("Vendor"), St. Petersburg,
Florida, and FARMERS SERVICES CORPORATION ("Company"), a Nevada Corporation.

         WHEREAS, Vendor has been designated by FIA as a "qualified performer"
for the provision of services to WYO Carriers under the NFIP; and

         WHEREAS, Company wishes to engage the services of Vendor to administer
certain of Company's obligations under the WYO Flood Program in the state(s)
set forth herein.

         NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF the mutual covenants and agreements
hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto do covenant and agree as follows:


         A.   Appointment - Company hereby appoints Vendor to supervise and
              administer its WYO Flood Program in those states ("Applicable
              States") specified in the attached "Territory Schedule", attached
              to and hereto made a part of this Agreement. Vendor hereby
              accepts such appointment, and the grant of authority, and agrees
              to carry out the resulting duties and responsibilities to the
              best of its ability, knowledge, skill, and judgment, and in
              accordance with the highest reasonably attainable standards of
              quality generally utilized in the insurance and data processing

         B.   Authority - Company hereby grants Vendor the authority to act for
              and on behalf of Company in matters required for Vendor to
              properly supervise and conduct the handling of the aforesaid WYO
              Flood Program, including the authority to collect and remit
              premiums, process applications and other forms, issue policies,
              and process claims, all in a manner consistent with, pursuant to
              and as authorized by the provisions of the National Flood
              Insurance Act of 1968 (as amended), the regulations of the NFIP,
              FIA, FEMA and the terms of this Agreement.


         A.   Policy Administration: - Vendor shall administer Company's WYO
              Flood Program policies ("WYO Policy", or the plural, "WYO
              Policies") and in accordance therewith shall be responsible for
              the following policy administration functions: compliance with
              community eligibility/rating criteria; policyholder eligibility
              determination; WYO Policy issuance; WYO Policy endorsements; WYO
              Policy cancellations; WYO Policy correspondence; payment of
              agents' commissions to the Company for disbursement to its
              agents; and, the receipt, recording, control, timely deposit, and
              disbursements of premium funds in connection with the foregoing,
              all in accordance with the WYO Flood Program Financial Control
              Plan ("Financial Control Plan") requirements established by



              the FIA. Further, Vendor shall promptly reply to written and
              telephone inquiries from policyholders and/or producers regarding
              any WYO Policy administered pursuant to this Agreement.

         B.   Full Claim Service - Company shall have responsibility for the
              administration and processing of WYO Policy claims ("Claim")
              under this Agreement. Vendor shall provide "Full Claim Service",
              which shall be defined as processing and administering a Claim
              from the Claim's inception until closing. It is hereby agreed and
              understood that Company may, upon ninety (90) days advance
              written notice to Vendor, terminate the Full Claim Service
              portion of this Agreement while leaving the remainder of duties
              and obligations under this Agreement intact. In such event,
              Company shall no longer be obligated to pay Vendor the Claims
              Administration Fee as described in the attached Claims
              Administration Fee Schedule.

              The Claim shall be processed and administered in accordance with 
              the following procedures:

              1.  Processing. Vendor shall provide Claims processing in
                  accordance with the Arrangement and the Financial Control
                  Plan, and as further described in the Claims Administration
                  Schedule attached hereto. Vendor may also rely on information
                  and direction contained in the WYO Flood Program Claims
                  Manual, the FEMA Adjuster Manual, the Flood Insurance
                  (Agent's) Manual, the standard flood insurance policy, the
                  WYO Operational Overview, and/or other WYO Flood Program
                  instructional material.

              2.  Catastrophe Office. A catastrophe team may be engaged at the
                  discretion of the Vendor to provide Claims support. Vendor
                  shall coordinate activities and shall provide information to
                  the FIA or its designee whenever a flood insurance
                  catastrophe office is established.

         C.   Statistical Reporting - Vendor shall prepare and submit, to FIA,
              monthly financial and statistical reports, reconciliations,
              certifications, and statistical tapes on Company's behalf, in
              accordance with WYO Flood Program Accounting Procedures and the
              Transaction Record Reporting and Processing Plan ("TRRP Plan").
              Vendor shall submit copies of all monthly reports to the Company.

         D.   Company Agents - Vendor shall provide to each Company Agent
              appointed under this Agreement, a limited license to use Vendors
              FloodWriter(C)(TM) software program, and a current flood zone
              determination for any WYO Policy application submitted pursuant
              to this Agreement. Further, excluding records required to be
              maintained by Company in accordance with the FloodWriter(C)(TM)
              software license, Vendor shall keep appropriate records, in
              conformity with Internal Revenue Services regulations, for the
              purpose of preparing 1099 reports for Company Agent's commissions
              and Adjuster's fees paid by Vendor on behalf of Company. The
              expense for the above services has been incorporated into the
              Vendor's Monthly Service Fee.



         E.   Time Standards - Vendor shall use its best efforts to adhere to
              certain time standards for performance, as may be outlined and
              amended from time to time within the FEMA/FIA Financial
              Assistance/Subsidy Arrangement ("Arrangement").


         A.   Banking Arrangement - Vendor and Company shall establish banking
              arrangements which comply with the Arrangement and other WYO
              Flood Program requirements, and which will provide for the
              establishment of a NFIP restricted account ("Restricted Account")
              with Company as custodian, and a FEMA letter of credit ("Letter
              of Credit"), with additional accounts as needed to facilitate
              operations, all in conformity with FEMA/FIA guidelines. Company
              shall grant specific Vendor employees check-signing authority on
              any Restricted Account and the authority to initiate appropriate
              drawdowns against Company's Letter of Credit, in order for Vendor
              to act on Company's behalf in making disbursements for Company
              liabilities established by the Arrangement, the WYO Flood
              Program, and this Agreement. All such authorizations shall be in
              writing and may be revoked, amended or modified at any time by
              Company upon thirty (30) days advance written notice to Vendor.

         B.   Premium Remittance - Vendor shall be liable to the FIA for any
              premiums Vendor has received on WYO Flood Program business
              written under this Agreement. Vendor shall establish procedures
              for a timely deposit and remittance of funds to the U.S. Treasury
              via authorized automatic clearinghouse mechanism. Gross premium
              collected by Vendor, for WYO Flood Program business written under
              this Agreement, shall be remitted to the FIA by Vendor net of the
              established NFIP Allowable Expenses. "Allowable Expenses" shall
              mean a WYO Carrier's operating and administrative expenses.

         C.   Financial Data - Vendor shall maintain supporting documentation
              for all bank accounts over which it has authority. At least
              quarterly, Vendor shall prepare financial data, by state,
              reflecting all debits and credits with respect to WYO Flood
              Program business written pursuant to this Agreement, including
              agents' commissions and Vendor's Servicing Fees paid, during the
              preceding quarter.


         Vendor shall keep adequate records of its performance of the services
         provided pursuant to this Agreement, which shall be subject to review
         by the Company during customary business hours and upon prior
         notification, as agreed to by Vendor, which agreement shall not be
         unreasonably withheld. Vendor shall retain such records for a period
         of six (6) years unless otherwise agreed.

         Company, and any insurance regulatory officials authorized by law,
         shall have the authority to inspect and audit the books and records of
         Vendor and its assignees which pertain to the business of Company,
         including but not limited to policy files and loss and claim files, at
         any time during reasonable business hours, and they may make copies or
         extracts of any records pertaining



         thereto. Vendor shall provide auditors and inspectors of Company any
         assistance that they may reasonably require in order for Company to
         confirm compliance with the provisions of this Agreement. Vendor shall
         notify Company of any audit or pending audit of Vendor by any person
         or entity other than either of the parties or any of their agents. If
         an audit by a regulatory authority results in Vendor or Company being
         notified that Vendor or any of its subcontractors is not in
         compliance with any generally accepted accounting principle or other
         audit requirement, Vendor shall, at its own expense and within the
         time period specified, comply with such regulatory authority.


         A.   Monthly Service Fee - Company shall pay Vendor a monthly
              servicing fee ("Servicing Fee") as specified in the "Servicing
              Fee Schedule", attached to and hereto made a part of this

         B.   Claims Administration Fee - In addition to the above Servicing
              Fee, Company shall pay Vendor a claim administration fee ("Claim
              Administration Fee") as specified in the "Claims Administration
              Fee Schedule", attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement.

         C.   Additional Expenses - In accordance with the Arrangement, Company
              shall be liable for operating, administrative and production
              expenses, including but not limited to any State premium taxes,
              agents' commissions, or any other expense of whatever nature
              incurred by the Company in the performance of its obligations
              under the Arrangement.

         D.   Vendor Expenses - In consideration of the Servicing Fees and
              Claims Administration Fees paid to Vendor, Vendor shall pay the
              general expenses of processing the WYO Flood Program Policies,
              including those of policy administration, cash management, claims
              processing and financial and transactional reporting.

         E.   WYO Flood Program Reimbursements - Any WYO Flood Program
              Reimbursements made pursuant to the Arrangement, including, but
              not limited to, those for Vendor's portion of unallocated loss
              adjustments, the allocated loss adjustments, and for approved
              special allocated loss expenses, shall be payable to Vendor upon
              receipt by Company.


         A.   Flood Zone Determination Services - At no additional costs to
              Company, Vendor shall provide flood zone determinations to the
              Company or Company's Agents to assist in writing a flood policy
              or policies to be placed with the Company.

         B.   Agent or Company Training - Vendor will provide, at no additional
              cost to Company, four (4) training sessions per Agreement Year
              and training material manuscripts suitable



              for reproduction by Company to Company or Company's agents. The
              training materials provided by Vendor shall be in such form that
              they are suitable for filing with the appropriate Departments of
              Insurance and satisfy the requirements set forth in order for
              continuing education credits to be awarded to those agents who
              successfully complete the training session(s). Company agrees to
              provide the training facility. Additional requests for training
              by the Company will be charged at a rate of $125 per day plus per
              diem and associated travel expense; reasonable per diem and
              travel expense to be determined by the Company. Vendor will
              require and Company agrees to provide thirty (30) days notice
              for all training sessions, unless otherwise agreed.

         C.   Marketing Material - Company may use Vendor's previously
              developed marketing or promotional materials, which Vendor may
              customize and produce for Company at Company's expense.

         D.   Additional Fees and Service - Additional services not defined in
              this Agreement may be provided as mutually agreed upon between
              the Company and Vendor in writing.

         E.   Toll Free Telephone Number/Call Center - Vendor shall establish
              and maintain toll free telephone number(s) on behalf of the
              Company's WYO business, at no additional charge to Company.
              Company shall own the toll free telephone number(s) which shall
              be in the name of Company. Incoming calls shall be answered in
              the name of the Company. The toll free telephone number(s) shall
              be maintained by Vendor in good working order to accept all
              inbound calls during the designated hours of operation, as
              further described in the Claims Administration Schedule attached
              to and made part of this Agreement. Best efforts will be made to
              remedy any equipment or line failures in a timely manner.


         A.   Confidential and Proprietary Information -

              1.  During the course of performance under this Agreement, Vendor
                  will obtain or have access to certain proprietary information
                  of Company or its Affiliates or Subsidiaries including,
                  without limitation, names of contract owners, insureds,
                  beneficiaries, the identity and production of Farmers' Agents
                  and District Managers, compensation levels, the identity and
                  types of insurance purchased, and Farmers' distribution
                  network (the "Company Confidential Information"). Company
                  Confidential Information may also include rate manuals,
                  experience reports, and underwriting standards to the extent
                  such information applies specifically to Company's
                  policyholders and Policies. Each party acknowledges that all
                  such material is offered on a proprietary basis, for the sole
                  purpose of enhancing this Agreement. Further, each party
                  agrees that the original owner of these materials is deemed
                  to be the sole owner of these materials. Vendor will only
                  disclose Company Confidential Information to those persons
                  who require such information for the purpose of this
                  Agreement and how have been advised



                  and agree to be bound by the terms of this Section.

              2.  During the course of information under this Agreement,
                  Company will obtain or have access to certain proprietary
                  information of Vendor. Each party acknowledges that all such
                  material is offered on a proprietary basis, for the sole
                  purpose of enhancing this Agreement. Further each party
                  agrees that the original owner of these materials is deemed
                  to be the sole owner for these materials. Company will only
                  disclose Vendor's Confidential Information to those persons
                  who require such information for the purpose of this
                  Agreement and who have been advised and agree to be bound by
                  the terms of this Section.

              3.  Each party further warrants, represents, undertakes and
                  agrees, for itself, its agents, employees and

                  i.     to keep the other party's Confidential Information
                         confidential to the extent it is not already available

                  ii.    to use the other party's Confidential Information only
                         as is necessary to carry out the terms and conditions
                         of this Agreement;

                  iii.   not to disclose such information to others without the
                         prior written consent of the party who has claim to
                         the Confidential Information under the terms of this
                         Agreement. Such disclosure may be permitted if
                         required by applicable law or governmental regulations
                         or by order of a court of competent jurisdiction, in
                         which case prior to making such disclosure written
                         notice must be given to the party with legal right of
                         ownership under this Agreement. Such notice shall
                         describe in reasonable detail the proposed content of
                         such disclosure and shall permit the non-disclosing
                         party to review and comment upon the form and
                         substance of such disclosure; and

                  iv.    upon the termination, to return to the other party or,
                         at its option, destroy all documents, electronic data
                         or records, and all other materials containing
                         Confidential Information. Vendor shall also require
                         all third parties with which it has contracted to
                         return to Company all Confidential Information. If a
                         party chooses to destroy rather than return
                         Confidential Information, it shall provide the other
                         party with a written, signed statement certifying that
                         all such Confidential Information has been destroyed.

         B.   Trademarks, Service Marks, Trade Names - Neither party shall use
              or duplicate the name(s), trademark(s), servicemark(s), or trade
              name(s) (whether registered or not) of the other party in public
              releases or advertising or in any other manner unless such use or
              duplication is specifically authorized in writing by the other
              party, except that Vendor may include Company's name in a list of
              clients/customers without such authorization.



         C.   Agreement Terms - Neither party shall disclose information as to
              specific terms of this Agreement, in particular any details about
              the work performed or the Service Fees or claims Administration
              Fees paid, without prior written consent of the other party.

         D.   Company's Records - Vendor shall maintain system integrity and
              data security necessary to protect Company's records and data
              from loss and damage and to protect against unauthorized
              disclosure of Company's Confidential Information as described in
              section VII(A) above.

         E.   Public Disclosure - The disclosure restrictions provided in this
              section shall be extinguished at the time and to the extent that
              the Confidential Information becomes generally available to the
              public domain without the fault of either Vendor or Company.


         A.   Term of Agreement - This Agreement shall become effective on the
              date that this document is executed by Company and by Vendor. The
              initial term and subsequent terms shall expire on the last day of
              the Arrangement Year ("Termination Date"), and this Agreement
              shall automatically renew for additional one-year terms beginning
              on October lst of each year, subject to the termination
              provisions set forth below. The term Arrangement Year refers to
              the annual policy issuing period established under the
              Arrangement commencing on October 1st of one year and concluding
              on September 30th of the following year.

         B.   Termination Without Cause - This Agreement may be terminated,
              without cause, at any time after the initial one (1) year term by
              either party upon written notice of termination to the other, not
              less than ninety (90) days prior to the Termination Date.

         C.   Termination for Cause - Any party may immediately terminate this
              Agreement for cause upon written notice to the other party in the
              event of:

              1.  Bankruptcy, receivership, of either party, regardless of
                  whether any of these occur voluntarily or involuntarily; or

              2.  Failure by any party to fulfill a material obligation under
                  this Agreement, provided that such party has been notified in
                  writing of such failure and such failure continues without
                  cure for a period of ninety (90) days after written notice

         D.   Accounting - Upon termination of this Agreement, Vendor shall,
              within thirty (30) days following termination, fully account to
              Company for all of its responsibilities and activities pursuant
              to this Agreement.




         A.   Limit of Liability - Vendor shall not be liable for any lost
              profits, business goodwill, or other consequential, punitive,
              special or incidental damages incurred by the Company, unless
              such damages result from Vendor's gross negligence or willful

         B.   Indemnification of Company - Vendor shall indemnify, defend and
              hold harmless Company, its officers, directors, agents, employees
              and shareholders from and against any and all claims, suits,
              hearings, actions, damages, liabilities, fines, penalties, costs,
              losses or expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, caused
              by or resulting from any breach of this Agreement, misconduct,
              error, omission, or other unauthorized act by Vendor or Vendor's
              officers, directors, shareholders, agents or representatives,
              except to the extent that such alleged misconduct, act, error,
              omission or other unauthorized or improper act is primarily
              attributable to Company. Vendor's indemnification under this
              paragraph shall be in accordance with the limitations set forth
              in this Agreement.

         C.   Indemnification of Vendor - Company shall indemnify, defend and
              hold harmless Vendor, its officers, directors, agents, employees
              and shareholders from and against any and all claims, suits,
              hearings, actions, damages, liabilities, fines, penalties, costs,
              losses or expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees, caused
              by or resulting from any breach of this Agreement, misconduct,
              error, omission, or other unauthorized act by Company or
              Company's officers, directors, shareholders, agents or
              representatives, except to the extent that such alleged
              misconduct, act, error, omission or other unauthorized or
              improper act is primarily attributable to Vendor.

         D.   Notice of Claim - All parties agree to promptly give the other
              notice upon being notified or becoming aware of an allegation or
              claim, which could give rise to a claim under this section.


         A.   Resolution of Disputes by Arbitration. The parties agree that all
              controversies or disputes arising out of, in connection with, or
              which relate to this Agreement or performance under this
              Agreement, which cannot be resolved by mutual agreement, shall be
              submitted to arbitration for resolution, as herein provided.

         B.   Selection of Arbitrators

              1.  Arbitration shall be by a panel of three neutral arbitrators,
                  each of which shall be an active or former officer of an
                  insurance administrator. In addition, each arbitrator shall
                  meet the requirements of, and shall agree to act in
                  accordance with, the Code of Ethics for Arbitrators in
                  Commercial Disputes sponsored by the American Bar Association
                  and the American Arbitration Association, except to the
                  extent that conduct prohibited by such Code is specifically
                  permitted by the terms of this Agreement.



              2.  Within thirty (30) days after receipt of a demand for
                  arbitration, each party shall designate its arbitrator.

              3.  The arbitrators so designated shall, within thirty (30) days
                  of designation, select the third arbitrator. Arbitrators may
                  consult with the party nominating them as to acceptability of
                  persons under consideration for appointment by them as third
                  arbitrator. If the third arbitrator has not been selected
                  within that time, each arbitrator shall, within fifteen (15)
                  days, nominate three qualified individuals to serve as the
                  third arbitrator. The American Arbitration Association shall
                  appoint a third arbitrator from the persons nominated who
                  meet the qualifications described in this Agreement.

         C.   Arbitration Procedure.

              1.  Arbitration shall begin upon the filing by one of the parties
                  of a written demand for arbitration. Such demand shall
                  contain a statement setting forth the nature of the dispute,
                  the amount involved, if any, and the remedy sought. Such
                  demand shall be served upon the other party by certified
                  mail, return receipt requested.

              2.  Within sixty (60) days after the arbitration panel has been
                  finalized, the parties shall submit their dispute or
                  controversy to the panel of arbitrators for decision. The
                  site for the arbitration hearing shall be Los Angeles,
                  California, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties. The
                  rules for the gathering of evidence, taking of discovery or
                  depositions, if any, and the conduct of the hearing shall be
                  such rules as are included in the Commercial Arbitration
                  Rules of the American Arbitration Association as of the date
                  the arbitration panel was finalized, to the extent not
                  inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement. The parties
                  may agree to use modified rules to expedite the arbitration
                  process. The formal rules of evidence need not apply, in the
                  arbitrators' discretion, to the hearing.

              3.  All arbitrators shall participate in the deliberations and a
                  decision on any matter shall be by a majority of the

              4.  The final decision of the arbitration panel shall be
                  submitted in writing, in such form as the arbitrators
                  determine, within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of
                  the arbitration hearing. The decision of the arbitrators
                  shall be final, except that an appeal may be taken only for
                  one or more of the reasons assigned for vacating an award by
                  the Uniform Arbitration Act as enacted by the State of
                  California, which law shall apply and govern the arbitration
                  process contemplated hereunder, to the extent not
                  inconsistent with this Agreement.

         D.   Costs of Arbitration Proceeding. Each party shall bear the cost
              of its own arbitrator. The costs of the arbitration proceeding,
              including the fees of the third arbitrator, shall be



              borne equally by the parties, unless the arbitration panel orders
              otherwise. The panel, in its discretion, may also allocate and
              award other reasonable out-of-pocket costs of the parties,
              including reasonable attorney's fees, as it deems fair and
              equitable under the circumstances.

         E.   Confidentiality. The parties agree, and the appointed arbitrators
              shall agree as part of their acceptance of nomination, to keep
              confidential and not disclose to persons not connected with the
              arbitration the details of the arbitration proceeding and all
              information received by them in connection therewith, except as
              may be required by process of law.


         A.   Applicable Law - This Agreement in all matters arising thereunder
              shall be governed by and determined in accordance with the laws
              of the State of California.

         B.   Entire Agreement - This Agreement, and any exhibits, schedules or
              addenda attached hereto, contain all of the prior oral and/or
              previously written agreements, representations, and arrangements
              between the parties hereto. There are no representations or
              warranties other than those set forth herein. No change or
              modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless the same
              shall be in writing and signed by all of the parties hereto. All
              schedules, addendum of any kind, or attachments to this Agreement
              shall be made a part of this Agreement and shall be subject to
              all terms and conditions of this Agreement.

         C.   Company Warranties - Company warrants that its insurer affiliates
              have entered into an agreement with FEMA pursuant to which they
              are authorized to issue WYO Policies, and that they are licensed
              to engage in the insurance business in all jurisdictions in which
              it has duly authorized Vendor to issue WYO Policies or other
              insurance coverage on the Company's behalf, or so deemed.
              Further, Company warrants to Vendor that it and its insurer
              affiliates will comply with the laws of the state or states
              covered by this Agreement and with the rules and regulations of
              all regulatory authorities having jurisdiction over their
              activities, and shall, whenever necessary, maintain at their own
              expense all required licenses to transact business in such
              states, or so deemed.

         D.   Vendor Warranties - Vendor warrants to Company that it is duly
              authorized and incorporated to transact the business of servicing
              insurance companies. Further, Vendor warrants to Company that it
              will comply with the laws of the state or states covered by this
              Agreement and with the rules and regulations of all regulatory
              authorities having jurisdiction over Vendor's activities, and
              shall, whenever necessary, maintain at its own expense all
              required licenses to transact business in such states.



         E.   Invalidation - Should any part of this Agreement for any reason
              be declared invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity
              of any remaining portion, which remaining portion shall remain in
              full force and effect as if the Agreement had been executed with
              the invalid portion thereof eliminated. It is, therefore,
              declared the intention of the parties hereto that each of them
              will have executed the remaining portion of this Agreement
              without including therein any such part, parts or portion which
              may, for any reason, be hereafter declared void.

         F.   Construction of Agreement - The parties acknowledge that each
              party and its counsel have reviewed and revised this Agreement
              and that the normal rule of construction to the effect that any
              ambiguities are to be resolved against the drafting party shall
              not be employed in the interpretation of this Agreement or any
              amendments or exhibits hereto.

         G.   Miscellaneous - Words of a gender used in this Agreement shall be
              held to include any other gender, the words in a singular number
              held to include the plural, when the sentence so requires.
              Section headings are intended for purposes of description only
              and shall not be used for purposes of interpretation of this

         H.   Notices - Any and all notices, designations, consents, offers,
              acceptances, or any other communication provided for herein shall
              be given in writing by hand delivery, by overnight carrier, by
              registered or certified mail or by facsimile transmission and
              shall be addressed as follows:

              As to Company                Farmers Services Corporation
                                           4680 Wilshire Boulevard
                                           Los Angeles, CA 90010
              Fax Number:                  (213) 932-3950
              Attention:                   Jim Griffin, Manager

              As to Vendor                 Insurance Management Solutions, Inc.
                                           360 Central Avenue
                                           St. Petersburg, FL 33701
              Fax Number:                  (813) 823-6518
              Attention:                   Kathy Batson, Senior Vice President

              Notices sent by hand delivery shall be deemed effective on the 
              date of hand delivery. Notices sent by overnight carrier shall be
              deemed effective on the next business day after being placed into
              the hands of the overnight carriers. Notices sent by registered
              or certified mail shall be deemed effective on the third business
              day after being deposited into the post office. Notices sent by
              facsimile transmission shall be deemed to be effective on the day
              when sent if sent prior to 4:30 p.m. (the time being determined
              by the time zone of the recipient) otherwise they shall be deemed
              effective on the next business day.



         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto by their respective duly
authorized representatives have executed this Agreement to be effective as of
the ____day of________, 19___.

"Vendor"                                  "Company"


By:  /s/ Jeffrey S. Bragg                 By:  /s/ [signature illegible]
   ---------------------------------         ----------------------------------

Date:    January 14, 1999                 Date:    January 12, 1999
     -------------------------------           --------------------------------



                             SERVICING FEE SCHEDULE

Company shall pay Vendor a monthly Servicing Fee, for all Policy administration
services rendered by Vendor pursuant to this Agreement, in accordance with the
schedule below:

                                                          SERVICING FEE:
- ----------------------------------                  -------------------------
            0 - 100,000                                         6%
         100,001 - 250,000                                    5.75%
            250,001 - +                                        5.5%

The Service Fee shall be retained from the Restricted Account as an Allowable
Expense payable to Vendor. Any reduction in Servicing Fees, resulting from the
attainment of a certain number of policies in-force as specified above, shall
only be applicable to WYO Flood Program business administered by Vendor after
Company's number of policies in-force reaches that certain specified level and
during the balance of that Arrangement Year. At renewal of the Agreement, the
Servicing Fee shall initially be based on the Company's number of policies
in-force during the prior Arrangement Year, and then modified on a quarterly
basis in accordance with the above Servicing Fee Schedule.




In accordance with the corresponding claims service, Company shall pay Vendor
the following Claims Administration Fees:

1.  Full Claim Service. Vendor shall retain 1.65% of Claim Catastrophe Fee.

    The above Claims Administration Fees shall be retained from the Restricted 
    Account as an Allowable Expense payable to Vendor.



                               TERRITORY SCHEDULE

Company hereby appoints Vendor to supervise and administer its WYO Flood
Program in the following "Applicable States":

The United States, its Territories and Possessions or such states that Company
or its insurer affiliates may be licensed by State law to engage in the
property insurance business and as may be mutually agreed upon in writing
between Company and Vendor.




Vendor will provide to Company the following claims administration services:

1.   Vendor shared customer service representatives will be available each
     business day by telephone at (800) numbers between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
     (Eastern Time). Such customer service representatives will answer claims
     administration related calls. If Vendor reasonably believes that a
     catastrophic flood event has or is likely to occur, Vendor will (i)
     activate, and maintain thereafter during the term of such event, a claim
     reporting mailbox on the 1 (800) numbers to allow Company Issuing Agents
     and Insureds to report claims at times other than those specified above,
     and (ii) check such mailbox at the following intervals and respond to
     emergency calls received: once between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. (Eastern
     Time) each business day; every two hours between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
     (Eastern Time) each business day; and every two hours between 8:00 a.m.
     and 10:00 p.m. (Eastern Time) each Saturday, Sunday and Vendor Holiday.

2.   Upon receipt of claims by Company Agents or Insureds, Vendor will, either
     through subcontracts with independent claims adjusters ("Independent
     Adjusters") or through Company staff adjusters ("Company Adjusters"),
     investigate and process such claims. Company will instruct Vendor as to
     whether to use Independent Adjusters or Company Adjusters in the
     investigating and processing of claims and Vendor will comply with such
     instructions. Independent Adjusters will be approved by Company in advance
     of performing any services with respect to Written Policies.

3.   Independent Adjusters and Company Adjusters will service claims in
     accordance with the FIA/NFIP Claims Service Instructions. Company will
     promptly answer in writing any questions with respect to the
     interpretation of such Instructions. Company will promptly resolve any
     issues concerning Written Policies that Vendor is unable to resolve
     through Vendor's standard procedures.

4.   For each claim requiring a claim disbursement, Vendor will input the
     amount of such disbursement into the WYO Claim System for processing.

5.   Vendor will (i) print and mail checks for claims disbursements to the
     Insured and provide a copy thereof to the associated Company Issuing
     Agent, unless otherwise directed in writing by Company, and (ii) manage
     the inventory of check stock and envelopes used in this process.

6.   Vendor will conduct periodic audits of a random selection of the pending
     and closed files of Independent Adjusters. Such audits will be conducted
     once per calendar year, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Company and
     Vendor. Such audits will consist of a review of the following: timeliness
     of loss reporting; quality of investigation and supervision; expense
     control; promptness of settlement and payments; and compliance with
     procedures established by Company, Vendor, FEMA and FIA. The results of
     such audits will be delivered by Vendor to Company.

7.   On a weekly basis, Vendor will remit to an account designated by Company
     any unallocated loss



     adjustment expenses paid pursuant to Article III.C.1 of the WYO 
     Arrangement, as applicable, net of amounts to be retained by Vendor 
     pursuant to Section III.

8.   Vendor will notify Company of any pending or threatened litigation against
     Company arising out of or related to any claim involving a Written Policy
     of which Vendor becomes aware. Vendor will furnish documents, information
     and personnel in connection with any litigation arising out of or related
     to, claims by Insureds as reasonably requested by Company or its counsel,
     at no additional charge except for Vendors' out-of-pocket costs for travel
     and travel-related expenses, which costs will be subject to the
     determinations of the Company. Company will have complete authority,
     control and responsibility for any such litigation.

9.   Vendor will update the adjuster file within the WYO Claim System with
     those additions and deletions provided to Vendor from time to time by

10.  Upon mutual agreement of the Company and Vendor, Vendor will produce
     pre-loss notices for catastrophes that consist of at least 350 anticipated
     losses. Vendor shall ship such notices via overnight courier to the
     applicable Issuing Agents.
