Exhibit No. 10.30

                             SUMMARY OF THE PROPOSED

                                February 15, 1999

         The Genuine Parts Company 1999 Annual Incentive Bonus Plan (the "Bonus
Plan") will be a replacement for the existing Genuine Parts Company Annual
Incentive Bonus Plan (the "Predecessor Plan"), which is scheduled to expire on
December 31, 1999.

         The Bonus Plan provides for the payment of annual monetary awards to
each participant equal to a percentage of such participant's base salary based
upon the achievement by the Company of certain "Performance Goals" as discussed
below. The Bonus Plan is intended to preserve the Company's federal income tax
deduction for annual bonus payments under the Bonus Plan to "covered employees"
(as defined below) during the years 1999 to 2003 by meeting the requirements for
performance-based compensation under Section 162(m) of the Code. The Bonus Plan
will be effective as of January 1, 1999 and has a term of five (5) years,
subject to earlier termination by the Board of Directors.

         The following is a summary of the Bonus Plan.

         ELIGIBILITY. Participation in the Bonus Plan is limited to the
executive officers of the Company and any other employee(s) of the Company or
its subsidiaries which the Committee, at the time it sets Performance Goals for
a particular year, reasonably believes may be deemed to be a "covered employee"
for such year under Code Section 162(m), as the same may be amended from time to
time. Under Code Section 162(m), a covered employee currently is defined as any
individual who, on the last day of the taxable year, is (i) the chief executive
officer of the Company or acting in that capacity, or (ii) one of the four
highest compensated officers of the Company (other than the chief executive
officer) determined pursuant to the executive compensation rules under the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

         PERFORMANCE GOALS. Each participant in the Bonus Plan shall be eligible
to receive bonuses in connection with a particular fiscal year during the term
of the Bonus Plan if the Company (or, for certain executive officers, one or
more subsidiaries or divisions of the Company) meets or exceeds certain
performance goals ("Performance Goals") set every year by the Committee. Not
later than ninety (90) days after the commencement of any fiscal year during the
term of the Bonus Plan (or such other date as may be permitted or required by
the Code), the Committee will set in writing Performance Goals based upon (a)
the achievement by the Company (or one or more subsidiaries or divisions of the
Company) of a specified target return, or target growth in return, on equity or
assets, (b) the Company's stock price, (c) the achievement by the Company (or
one or more subsidiaries or divisions of the Company) of a specified target, or
target growth in, revenues, net income (which may be on a pre-tax or after-tax
basis) or earnings per share, (d) the achievement of objectively determinable
goals with respect to service or product delivery, service or product quality,
sales, inventory management, customer satisfaction, meeting budgets and/or
retention of employees, or (e) any combination of the goals set forth in (a)
through (d) above. At the time the Committee sets the Performance Goals for a
particular fiscal year, it also sets in writing the percentages of each
participant's salary which will be awarded to such participant if the Company
(or one or more subsidiaries or divisions of the Company, as applicable)
achieves the various Performance Goals.


         LIMITATION OF BENEFITS. In no event shall any participant receive bonus
payments under the Bonus Plan in connection with any one fiscal year which
exceed $2,000,000.

         PLAN ADMINISTRATION. The Bonus Plan will be administered by the
Compensation and Stock Option Committee. The Committee shall set the Performance
Goals in connection with each fiscal year during the term of the Bonus Plan. The
Committee may amend the Bonus Plan at any time, provided that no such amendment
may, without the approval of the shareholders of the Company, change the
material terms of a Performance Goal or effect such other change that would
cause the loss of any tax deduction to the Company under Code Section 162(m)
absent shareholder approval. Payments under the Bonus Plan shall be made
promptly after the Committee certifies in writing that the relevant Performance
Goals and other terms of the Bonus Plan were satisfied in connection with such
payments. Notwithstanding the above, the Committee may, in its discretion,
reduce the amount of compensation otherwise payable to participants under the
Bonus Plan.
