New Providence

                           ADOPTED AS OF June 18, 1999

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED
                            MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION


                             STEINER LEISURE LIMITED

                            Harry B. Sands & Company
                          Counsel and Attorneys-at-Law
                                 Nassau, Bahamas


                    The International Business Companies Act

                            Company Limited by Shares

                              AMENDED AND RESTATED

                            MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATION


                             STEINER LEISURE LIMITED

         1. The name of the Company is STEINER LEISURE LIMITED.

         2. The registered office of the Company will be situated in the
Chambers of Messrs. Harry B. Sands & Company, Fifty Shirley Street, Nassau,

         3. The registered agent of the Company will be Harry B. Sands &
Company, Fifty Shirley Street, Nassau, Bahamas.

         4. The object or purpose for which the Company is established is to
engage in any act or activity that is not prohibited under any law for the time
being in force in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas.

                  (1)      The Company may not:

                           (a)      carry on business with persons resident in
                                    the Commonwealth of The Bahamas;

                           (b)      own an interest in real property situated in
                                    the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, other than
                                    a lease referred to in paragraph (e) of
                                    subclause (2) of this clause;

                           (c)      carry on banking or trust business as
                                    defined by the Banks and Trust Companies
                                    Regulation Act;

                           (d)      carry on business as an insurance or a
                                    reinsurance company; or

                           (e)      carry on the business of providing the
                                    registered office for companies.

                  (2)      For the purposes of paragraph (a) subclass (l) of
this clause, the Company shall not be treated as carrying on business with
persons resident in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas by reason only that:

                           (a)      it makes or maintains deposits with a person
                                    carrying on business within the Commonwealth
                                    of The Bahamas;

                           (b)      it makes or maintains professional contact
                                    with counsel and attorneys, accountants,
                                    bookkeepers, trust companies, management
                                    companies, investment advisers or other
                                    similar persons carrying on business within
                                    the Commonwealth of The Bahamas;

                           (c)      it prepares or maintains books and records
                                    within the Commonwealth of The Bahamas;


                           (d)      it holds, within the Commonwealth of The
                                    Bahamas, meetings of its directors or

                           (e)      it holds a lease of property for use as an
                                    office from which to communicate with
                                    members or where books and records of the
                                    company are prepared or maintained;

                           (f)      it holds shares, debt obligations or other
                                    securities in a company incorporated under
                                    this Act or under the Companies Act;

                           (g)      shares, debt obligations or other securities
                                    in the company are owned by any person
                                    resident in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas
                                    or by any company incorporated under this
                                    Act or under the Companies Act; or

                           (h)      it conducts any of its operations with a
                                    person without knowing or having reasonable
                                    cause to believe that such person is a
                                    person resident in The Bahamas.

         6. The liability of the members is limited by shares.

         7. Shares in the Company shall be issued in the currency of the United
States of America.

         8. The authorized capital of the Company is One Million One Hundred
Thousand Dollars ($1,100,000) and is made up of One Hundred and Ten Million
(110,000,000) shares of which of which One Hundred Million (100,000,000) are
Common Shares, par value $0.01 per share (the "Common Shares"), and Ten Million
(10,000,000) are Preferred Shares, par value $.01 per share (the "Preferred

         9. The following is a statement fixing certain of the designations and
the powers, voting rights, preferences and relative, participating, optional and
other rights of the Common Shares and the Preferred Shares, and the
qualifications, limitations or restrictions thereof, and of the authority with
respect thereto expressly granted to the Board of Directors of the Company to
fix any such provisions not fixed by this Amended and Restated Memorandum of
Association or the Amended and Restated Articles of Association of the Company:

                  (1) The Board of Directors is hereby expressly vested with the
authority to adopt a resolution or resolutions providing for the issue of
authorized but unissued Preferred Shares, which shares may be issued from time
to time, in one or more series and in such amounts as may be determined by the
Board of Directors in such resolution or resolutions. The powers, voting rights,
designations, preferences and relative, participating, optional or other special
rights, if any, of each series of Preferred Shares and the qualifications,
limitations or restrictions, if any, of such preferences and/or rights
(collectively, the "Series Terms"), shall be such as are stated and expressed in
the resolution or resolutions providing for the issue of such series of
Preferred Shares (the "Series Terms Resolution") adopted by the Board of
Directors. The powers of the Board of Directors with respect to the Series Terms
of a particular series (any of which powers may, by resolution of the Board of
Directors, be specifically delegated to one or more of its committees, except as
prohibited by law) shall include, but not be limited to, determination of the

                           (a)      The number of shares constituting that
                                    series and the distinctive designation of
                                    that series;

                           (b)      The dividend rate on the shares of that
                                    series, whether such dividends, if any,
                                    shall be cumulative, and, if so, the date or
                                    dates from which dividends payable on such
                                    shares shall accumulate, and the relative
                                    rights of priority, if any, of payment of
                                    dividends on shares of that series;

                           (c)      Whether that series shall have voting
                                    rights, in addition to any voting rights
                                    provided by law, and, if so, the terms of
                                    such voting rights;

                           (d)      Whether that series shall have conversion
                                    privileges with respect to shares of any
                                    other class or classes of shares or of any
                                    other series of any class of shares, and, if
                                    so, the terms and conditions of such
                                    conversion upon the occurrence of such
                                    events as the Board of Directors shall


                           (e)      Whether the shares of that series shall be
                                    redeemable, and, if so, the terms and
                                    conditions of such redemption, including
                                    their relative rights of priority, if any,
                                    of redemption, the date or dates upon or
                                    after which they shall be redeemable,
                                    provisions regarding redemption notices, and
                                    the amount per share payable in case of
                                    redemption, which amount may vary under
                                    different conditions and at different
                                    redemption dates;

                           (f)      Whether that series shall have a sinking
                                    fund for the redemption or purchase of
                                    shares of that series by the Company, and,
                                    if so, the terms and amount of such sinking

                           (g)      The rights of the shares of that series in
                                    the event of voluntary or involuntary
                                    liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of
                                    the Company, and the relative rights of
                                    priority, if any, of payment of shares of
                                    that series;

                           (h)      The conditions or restrictions upon the
                                    creation of indebtedness of the Company or
                                    upon the issuance of additional Preferred
                                    Shares or other capital shares ranking on a
                                    parity therewith, or prior thereto, with
                                    respect to dividends or distribution of
                                    assets upon liquidation;

                           (i)      The conditions or restrictions with respect
                                    to the issuance of, payment of dividends
                                    upon, or the making of other distributions
                                    to, or the acquisition or redemption of,
                                    shares ranking junior to the Preferred
                                    Shares or to any series thereof with respect
                                    to dividends or distribution of assets upon

                           (j)      Any other designations, preferences, powers
                                    and rights and any qualifications,
                                    limitations or restrictions thereon as may
                                    be fixed by resolution or resolutions of the
                                    Board of Directors under the International
                                    Business Companies Act, 1989 of the
                                    Commonwealth of the Bahamas; and

                           (k)      Any of the Series Terms, including voting
                                    rights, of any series may be made dependent
                                    upon facts ascertainable outside this
                                    Amended and Restated Memorandum of
                                    Association and the Series Terms Resolution,
                                    provided that the manner in which such facts
                                    shall operate upon such Series Terms is
                                    clearly and expressly set forth in this
                                    Amended and Restated Memorandum of
                                    Association or in the Series Terms

                  (2) Subject to the rights of the holders of any series of
Preferred Shares set forth in any Series Terms Resolution, the Board of
Directors may, in its discretion, out of funds legally available for the payment
of dividends and at such times and in such manner as determined by the Board of
Directors, declare and pay dividends on the Common Shares of the Company.

                  (3) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up
of the Company, whether voluntary or involuntary, after payment or provision for
the payment of the debts and other liabilities of the Company and the payment or
setting aside for payment of any preferential amount due to the holders of any
series of Preferred Shares, the holders of Common Shares, subject to the rights
of the holders of any class of shares or series ranking on a parity with the
Common Shares as to the payments or distributions in such event, shall be
entitled to receive ratably any and all assets of the Company remaining to be
paid or distributed.

                  (4) The holders of the Common Shares shall be entitled at all
meetings of shareholders to one vote for each such share held by them.

                  (5) Holders of Common Shares shall have no cumulative voting
rights and no preemptive rights.

                  (6) Unless otherwise provided in a Series Terms Resolution
with respect to a particular series of Preferred Shares, all Preferred Shares
redeemed or acquired by the Company (as a result of conversion or otherwise)
shall be retired and restored to the status of authorized but unissued shares.


                  (7) Unless otherwise provided with respect to a particular
series of Preferred Shares in a Series Terms Resolution, no holder of capital
shares of the Company shall have any preemptive or other right, except as such
rights are expressly provided by contract, to purchase or subscribe for or
receive any shares of any class, or series thereof of the Company, whether now
or hereafter authorized, or any warrants, options, bonds, debentures or other
securities convertible into, exchange able for or carrying any right to purchase
any shares of any class, or series thereof of the Company.

         10. Shares in the Company shall only be issued as registered shares.

         11. Only an individual may serve as a director of the Company.

         12. Directors shall not be entitled to appoint alternate directors.

         13. Any amendment to this Memorandum of Association must be approved by
the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes of shareholders entitled to vote
thereon, except that the directors may amend this Memorandum to

                           (a)      divide the shares, including issued shares
                                    of a class or series into a larger number of
                                    shares of the same class or series; or

                           (b)      the shares, including issued shares, of a
                                    class or series into a smaller number of
                                    shares of the same class or series,
                                    provided, however, that where shares are
                                    divided or combined under (a) or (b) of this
                                    paragraph 13, the aggregate par value of the
                                    new shares must be equal to the aggregate
                                    par value of the original shares.

                                        ADOPTED:         June 18, 1999
