Aetna Life Insurance and Annuity Company
                           Variable Annuity Account C

                       Aetna Insurance Company of America

                        Supplement dated August 21, 2000

The information in this Supplement updates and amends certain information
contained in the Prospectuses dated May 1, 2000. You should read this Supplement
along with the applicable Prospectus.

Aetna Inc. ("Aetna"), the ultimate parent company of Aetna Life Insurance and
Annuity Company ("ALIAC") and Aetna Insurance Company of America ("AICA"), has
entered into an agreement to sell certain of its businesses, including ALIAC and
AICA, to ING Groep N.V., an integrated financial services provider. Consummation
of the transaction is subject to a number of contingencies, including receipt of
required shareholder, regulatory and other consents and approvals and other
closing conditions. Aetna has said that its goal is to close the transaction by
the end of 2000.

Following the close of the transaction, ALIAC and AICA will each continue to be
responsible for all contracts issued by it.

X.INGS2-00                                                           August 2000