RELATING TO SHAREHOLDERS' RIGHTS

                                      * * *

                                   ARTICLE III


         Section 1. The Trustees may, without Shareholder approval, authorize
one or more classes of Shares (which classes may be divided into two or more
series), Shares of each such class or series having such preferences, voting
powers and special or relative rights or privileges (including conversion
rights, if any) as the Trustees may determine and as shall be set forth in the
Bylaws. The number of Shares of each class or series authorized shall be
unlimited except as the Bylaws may otherwise provide. The Trustees may from
time to time divide or combine the Shares of any class or series into a greater
or lesser number without thereby changing the proportionate beneficial interest
in the class or series.

                                      * * *


         Section 4. Shareholders shall have no preemptive or other right to
subscribe to any additional Shares or other securities issued by the Trust.


         Section 5. Shares shall be deemed to be personal property giving only
the rights provided in this Declaration of Trust or the Bylaws. Every
Shareholder by virtue of having become a Shareholder shall be held to have
expressly assented and agreed to the terms of this Declaration of Trust and the
Bylaws and to have become a party hereto and thereto. The death of a
Shareholder during the continuance of the Trust shall not operate to terminate
the same nor entitle the representative of any deceased Shareholder to an
accounting or to take any action in court or elsewhere against the Trust or the
Trustees, but only to the rights of said decedent under this Trust. Ownership
of Shares shall not entitle the Shareholder to any title in or to the whole or
any part of the Trust property or right to call for a partition or division of
the same or for an accounting, nor shall the ownership of Shares constitute the
Shareholders partners. Neither the Trust nor the Trustees, nor any officer,
employee or agent of the Trust shall have any power to bind personally any
Shareholder, nor except as specifically provided herein to call upon any
Shareholder for the payment of any sum of money or assessment whatsoever other
than such as the Shareholder may at any time personally agree to pay.


                                 ARTICLE IV
                                The Trustees


         Section 1. Subject to the voting powers of one or more classes or
series of Shares as set forth in the Bylaws, in each year beginning in 1993, at
the annual meeting of Shareholders or at any special meeting held in lieu
thereof, or at any special meeting held before 1993, the Shareholders shall fix
the number of and elect a Board of not less than three Trustees each of whom
shall serve until the next I annual meeting or special meeting in lieu thereof
and until the election and qualification of his or her successor. or until he
or- she sooner dies, resigns or is removed. At any meeting called for the
purpose and subject to the voting powers of one or more classes of Shares as set
forth in the Bylaws, a Trustee may be removed by vote of the holders of
two-thirds of the outstanding Shares entitled to vote, except that a Trustee
elected by the holders of one or more classes of Shares may be removed only by
vote of the holders of two-thirds of the Shares entitled to vote for such
Trustee. The initial Trustees, each of whom shall serve until the first meeting
of Shareholders at which Trustees are elected and until his or her successor is
elected and qualified, or until he or she sooner dies, resigns or is removed,
shall be George Putnam and Lawrence J. Lasser and such other persons as the
Trustee or Trustees then in office shall, prior to any sale of Shares pursuant
to a public offering, elect.

                                      * * *


         Section 6. Subject to a favorable Majority Shareholder Vote, the
Trustees may, at any time and from time to time, contract for exclusive or
nonexclusive advisory and/or management services with any corporation, trust,
association or other organization (the "Manager"), every such contract to
comply with such requirements and restrictions as may be set forth in the
Bylaws; and any such contract may contain such other terms interpretive of or
in addition to said requirements and restrictions as the Trustees may
determine, including, without limitation, authority to determine from time to
time what investments shall be purchased, held, sold or exchanged and what
portion, if any, of the assets of the Trust shall be held uninvested and to
make changes in the Trust's investments. The Trustees may also, at any time and
from time to time, contract with the Manager or any other corporation, trust,
association or other organization, appointing it exclusive or nonexclusive
distributor or principal underwriter for the Shares, every such contract to
comply with such requirements and restrictions as may be set forth in the
Bylaws; and any such contract may contain such other terms interpretive of or
in addition to said requirements and restrictions as the Trustees may


         The fact that:

        (i)      any of the Shareholders, Trustees or officers of the Trust is
        a shareholder, director, officer, partner, trustee, employee, manager,
        adviser, principal underwriter or distributor or agent of or for any
        corporation, trust, association, or other organization, or of or for
        any parent or affiliate of any organization, with which an advisory or
        management contract, or principal underwriter's or distributor's
        contract, or transfer, Shareholder servicing or other agency contract
        may have been or may hereafter be made, or that any such organization,
        or any parent or affiliate thereof, is a Shareholder or has an interest
        in the Trust, or that

        (ii)     any corporation, trust, association or other organization with
        which an advisory or management contract or principal underwriter's or
        distributor's contract, or transfer, Shareholder servicing or other
        agency contract may have been or may hereafter be made also has an
        advisory or management contract, or principal underwriter's or
        distributor's contract, or transfer, Shareholder servicing or other
        agency contract with one or more other corporations, trusts,
        associations, or other organizations, or has other business or

shall not affect the validity of any such contract or disqualify any
Shareholder, Trustee or officer of the Trust from voting upon or executing the
same or create any liability or accountability to the Trust or its Shareholders.


                                  ARTICLE V
                  Shareholders' Voting Powers and Meetings


         Section 1. Subject to the voting powers of one or more classes or
series of Shares as set forth in this Declaration of Trust or in the Bylaws,
the Shareholders shall have power to vote only (i) for the election of Trustees
as provided in Article IV, Section 1, (ii) for the removal of Trustees as
provided in Article IV, Section 1, (iii) with respect to any Manager as
provided in Article IV, Section 6, (iv) with respect to any termination of this
Trust to the extent and as provided in Article IX, Section 4, (v) with respect
to any merger, consolidation or sale of assets of the Trust to the extent and
as provided in Article IX, Section 5, (vi) with respect to any conversion of
the Trust as provided in Article IX, Section 6, (vii) with respect to any
amendment of this Declaration of Trust to the extent and as provided in Article
IX, Section 9, (viii) to the same extent as the stockholders of a Massachusetts
business corporation as to whether or not a court action, proceeding or claim
should or should not be brought or maintained derivatively or as a class action
on behalf of the Trust or the Shareholders, and (ix) with respect to such
additional matters relating to the Trust as may be required by this Declaration
of Trust, the Bylaws or any registration of the Trust with the Securities and
Exchange Commission (or any successor agency) or any state, or as the Trustees
may consider necessary or desirable. Each whole Share shall be entitled to one
vote as to any matter on which it is entitled to vote and each fractional Share
shall be entitled to a proportionate fractional vote. Notwithstanding any other
provision of this Declaration of Trust, on any matter submitted to a vote of
Shareholders, all Shares of the Trust then entitled to vote shall, except as
otherwise provided in the Bylaws, be voted in the aggregate as a single class
without regard to classes or series of . Shares. There shall be no cumulative
voting in the election of Trustees. Shares may be voted in person or by proxy.
A proxy with respect to Shares held in the name of two or more persons shall be
valid if executed by any one of them unless at or prior to exercise of the
proxy the Trust receives a specific written notice to the contrary from any one
of them. A proxy purporting to be executed by or on behalf of a Shareholder
shall be deemed valid unless challenged at or prior to its exercise and the
burden of proving invalidity shall rest on the challenger. Until Shares of any
class or series are issued, the Trustees may exercise all rights of
Shareholders and may take any action required by law, this Declaration of Trust
or the Bylaws to be taken by Shareholders as to such class or series.


         Section 2. There shall be an annual meeting of the Shareholders in
each year beginning in 1993 on the date fixed in the Bylaws at the office of
the Trust in Boston, Massachusetts, or at such other place as may be designated
in the call thereof, which call shall be made by the Trustees. In the event
that such meeting is not held in any year on the date fixed in the Bylaws,
whether the omission be by oversight or otherwise, a subsequent special meeting
may be called by the Trustees and held in lieu of the annual meeting with the
same effect as though held on such date. Special meetings of Shareholders of
any or all classes or series may also be called by the Trustees from time to
time for the purpose of taking action upon any matter


requiring the vote or authority of the Shareholders of such class or series as
herein provided or upon any other matter deemed by the Trustees to be necessary
or desirable. Written notice of any meeting of Shareholders shall be given or
caused to be given by the Trustees by mailing such notice at least seven days
before such meeting, postage prepaid, stating the time, place and purpose of
the meeting, to each shareholder entitled to vote at such meeting at the
Shareholder's address as it appears on the records of the Trust. If the
Trustees shall fail to call or give notice of any meeting of Shareholders for a
period of 30 days after written application by Shareholders holding at least
25% of the then outstanding Shares of all classes and series entitled to vote
at such meeting requesting a meeting to be called for a purpose requiring
action by the Shareholders as provided herein or the Bylaws, then Shareholders
holding at least 25% of the then outstanding Shares of all classes and series
entitled to vote at such meeting may call and give notice of such meeting, and
thereupon the meeting shall be held in the manner provided for herein in case
of call thereof by the Trustees. Notice of a meeting need not be given to any
Shareholder if a written waiver of notice, executed by him or her before or
after the meeting, is filed with the records of the meeting, or to any
Shareholder who attends the meeting without protesting prior thereto or at its
commencement the lack of notice to him or her.


         Section 3. A majority of Shares entitled to vote on a particular
matter shall be a quorum for the transaction of business on that matter at a
Shareholders' meeting, except in that where the Bylaws require that holders of
any class or series shall vote as an individual class or series, then a
majority of the aggregate number of Shares of that class or series entitled to
vote shall be necessary to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business
by that class or series. Any lesser number shall be sufficient for
adjournments. Any adjourned session or sessions may be held, within a
reasonable time after the date set for the original meeting, without the
necessity of further notice. Except when a different vote is required by any
provision of this Declaration of Trust or the Bylaws, a majority of the Shares
voted shall decide any questions and a plurality shall elect a Trustee,
provided that where the Bylaws require that the holders of any class or series
shall vote as an individual class or series, a majority of the Shares of that
class or series voted on the matter (or a plurality with respect to the
election of a Trustee) shall decide that matter insofar as that class or series
is concerned.


         Section 4. Any action taken by Shareholders may be taken without a
meeting if a majority of Shareholders entitled to vote on the matter (or such
different proportion thereof as shall be required by any express provision of
this Declaration of Trust or the Bylaws) consent to the action in writing and
such written consents are filed with the records of the meetings of
Shareholders. Such consent shall be treated for all purposes as a vote taken at
a meeting of Shareholders.



         Section 5. The Bylaws nay include further provisions, not inconsistent
with this Declaration of Trust, regarding Shareholders' voting powers, the
conduct of meetings and related matters.

                                   ARTICLE VI

         The Trustees may each year, or more frequently if they so determine,
distribute to the Shareholders of each class or series such amounts as the
Trustees may determine subject to the preferences, special or relative rights
and privileges of the various classes or series of Shares. Any such distribution
to the Shareholders of a particular class or series shall be made to said
Shareholders pro rata in proportion to the number of Shares of such class or
series held by each of them. Such distributions shall be made in cash or Shares
or other property or a combination thereof as determined by the Trustees.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                                      * * *


         Section 4. In case any Shareholder or former Shareholder shall be held
to be personally liable solely by reason of his or her being or having been a
Shareholder and not because of his or her acts or omissions or for some other
reason, the Shareholder or former Shareholder (or his or her heirs, executors,
administrators or other legal representatives or, in the case of a corporation
or other entity, its corporate or other general successor) shall be entitled to
be held harmless from and indemnified against all loss and expense arising from
such liability.

                                   ARTICLE IX


         Section 1. All persons extending credit to, contracting with or having
any claim against the Trust shall look only to the assets of the Trust for
payment under such credit, contract or claim, and neither the Shareholders nor
the Trustees, nor any of the Trust's officers, employees or agents, whether
past, present or future, shall be personally liable therefor. Nothing in this
Declaration of Trust shall protect any Trustee against any liability to which
such Trustee would otherwise be subject by reason of willful misfeasance, bad
faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard of the duties involved in the
conduct of the office of Trustee.


         Every note, bond, contract, instrument, certificate or. undertaking
made or issued by the Trustees or by any officer or officers shall give notice
that this Declaration of Trust is on file with the Secretary of State of The
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and shall recite that the same was executed or
made by or on behalf of the Trust or by them as Trustee or Trustees or as
officer or officers and not individually and that the obligations of such
instrument are not binding upon any of them or the Shareholders individually but
are binding only upon the assets and property of the Trust, and may contain such
further recital as he or she or they may deem appropriate, but the omission
thereof shall not operate to bind any Trustee or Trustees or officer or officers
or Shareholder or Shareholders individually.

                                      * * *


         Section 4. Unless terminated as provided herein, the Trust shall
continue without limitation of time. Subject to the voting powers of one or more
classes or series of Shares as set forth in the Bylaws, the Trust may be
terminated at any time by vote of Shareholders holding at least two-thirds of
the Shares entitled to vote (provided, however, if such termination is
recommended by two-thirds of the total number of the Trustees then in office,
the vote of a majority of the Shares entitled to vote shall be sufficient
authorization) or by the Trustees by written notice to the Shareholders. Upon
termination of the Trust, after paying or otherwise providing for all charges,
taxes, expenses and liabilities, whether due or accrued or anticipated, of the
Trust as may be determined by the Trustees, the Trust shall, in accordance with
such procedures as the Trustees consider appropriate, reduce the remaining
assets to distributable form in cash or shares or other property, or any
combination thereof, and distribute the proceeds to the Shareholders, ratably
according to the number of Shares held by the several Shareholders on the date
of termination, except to the extent otherwise required or permitted by the
preferences and special or relative rights and privileges of any classes or
series of Shares.


         Section 5. The Trust may merge or other corporation, association,
trust or may sell, lease or exchange all or its assets, including its good
conditions and for such consideration at any meeting of Shareholders called
liquidate or dissolve when and as authorized, by the affirmative vote of the
holders of not less than two-thirds of the Shares entitled to vote, provided,
however, that if such merger, consolidation, sale, lease or exchange is
recommended by two-thirds of the total number of Trustees then in office, the
vote of the holders of a majority of the Shares entitled to vote shall be
sufficient authorization. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as
requiring approval of the Shareholders for any sale of assets in the ordinary
course of business of the Trust. The provisions of this Section shall be
subject to the voting powers of one or more classes or series of Shares as set
forth in the Bylaws.



         Section 6. Subject to the voting powers of one or more classes or
series of Shares as set forth in the Bylaws, the Trust may be converted at any
time from a "closed-end company" to an "open-end company" as those terms are
defined in Section 5(a)(2) and 5(a)(1) of the 1940 Act, respectively, as in
effect on the date of the execution hereof, upon the approval of such a
proposal, together with any necessary amendments to the Declaration of Trust to
permit such a conversion, by the holders of two-thirds of the Shares entitled
to vote, except that if such proposal is recommended by two-thirds of the total
number of Trustees then in office, such proposal may be adopted by a vote of
the majority of the Shares entitled to vote. Upon the adoption of such proposal
and related amendments by the Trust's Shareholders as provided above, the Trust
shall, upon complying with any requirements of the 1940 Act and state law,
become an "open-end" investment company. Such affirmative vote or consent shall
be in addition to the vote or consent of the holders of the Shares otherwise
required by law, the Bylaws or any agreement between the Trust and any national
securities exchange.


         Section 7. The original or a copy of this instrument and of each
amendment hereto shall be kept at the office of the Trust where it may be
inspected by any Shareholder. A copy of this instrument and of each amendment
hereto shall be filed by the Trust with the Secretary of State of The
Commonwealth of Massachusetts and with the Boston City Clerk, as well as any
other governmental office where such filing may from time to time be required.
Anyone dealing with the Trust may rely on a certificate by an officer of the
Trust as to whether or not any such amendments have been made and as to any
matters in connection with the Trust hereunder, and, with the same effect as if
it were the original, may rely on a copy certified by an officer of the Trust to
be a copy of this instrument or of any such amendments. In this instrument and
in any such amendment, references to this instrument and all expressions like
"herein", "hereof" and "hereunder" shall be deemed to refer to this instrument
as amended or affected by any such amendments. Headings are placed herein for
convenience of reference only and shall not be taken as a part hereof or control
or affect the meaning, construction or effect of this instrument. This
instrument may be executed in any number of counterparts each of which shall be
deemed an original.

                                      * * *


         Section 9. Subject to the voting powers of one or more classes or
series of Shares, as set forth in the Bylaws, this Declaration of Trust may be
amended at any time by an instrument in writing signed by a majority of the
then Trustees (a) when authorized to do so by vote of Shareholders holding a
majority of the Shares entitled to vote, except that an amendment amending or
affecting the provisions of Section 1 of Article IV, Section 4, 5 or 6 of this
Article IX or this sentence shall require the vote of Shareholders holding
two-thirds of the Shares entitled to vote, or (b) without Shareholder approval
as may be necessary or desirable in order to authorize one or more classes or
series of Shares as provided in Section 1 of Article III. Amendments having the
purpose of changing the name of the Trust or of supplying any omission, curing
any ambiguity or curing, correcting or supplementing any defective or
inconsistent provision contained herein shall not require authorization by
Shareholder vote.
