Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves
            Annual Report December 31, 1993



"Life is full of surprises. I need to know
if I can rely on our investment money
when I need it.

"With this Fund, I've earned tax-free
income and while having easy access
to my investment."

Fund Facts

In this report:
Answers to two
timely questions you
should ask your
Fund's managers.
* How has the Fund sought attractive yields
in today's low interest rate environment?
* How has the
significant decline
in tax-free money
market yields affected the Fund?

Five Facts Every Shareholder Should Know About
Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves
1    The Fund's objective is to seek the highest possible current income
     exempt from Federal income tax that is consistent with stability of
2    The Fund's compounded yield for the 12 months ended December 31, 1993,
     was 1.81%. The corresponding yield without compounding was 1.79%. For
     investors in the 36% tax bracket, these yields would be equivalent to
     a taxable yield of 2.83% with compounding and 2.80% without
3    As of December 31, 1993, the Fund's seven-day yield was 1.87% with
     compounding, and 1.85% without compounding.
4    To help insulate the portfolio from volatility, the Fund's managers
     invest primarily in municipal obligations carrying high credit ratings
     from rating organizations such as Standard & Poor's and Moody's.
5    "The end of the year has brought a substantial influx of investment
     dollars into the municipal market, driving the prices of short-term
     securities up and their effective yields down. In anticipation of this
     trend, we had lengthened the average maturity of the Fund, locking in
     relatively higher interest rates through the end of the year. We
     anticipate a moderate rise in interest rates in early 1994 and are
     positioned to respond at that time."
                  Portfolio Manager, Michael Carbuto, December 31, 1993

2    Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves

Report to Shareholders

Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves provided shareholders with a compounded
annualized yield of 1.81% for the 12 months ended December 31, 1993. The
corresponding yield without compounding was 1.79%. For investors in the 36% tax
bracket, this equates to a taxable yield of 2.83% with compounding and 2.80%
without compounding.

In general, the municipal bond market has performed very well throughout 1993.
The U.S. economy has remained in a slow growth mode; interest rates have
remained in a relatively low range despite occasional periods of volatility; and
investors have sought out the tax-exempt market in increasing numbers since the
passage of the Clinton Administration's tax package. All of these factors have
combined to generate above-average performance.

Municipal securities with maturities of 6 to 12 months have frequently offered
a significant advantage, on an after-tax basis, over equivalent taxable
investments. We have maintained a relatively long average maturity in the Fund's
portfolio to generate higher yields.

This strategy left the Fund in a well-protected position when, in late November
and early December, the short-term tax-exempt market experienced a dramatic
influx of investment dollars that temporarily drove rates down to abnormally low
levels. However, we expect short-term tax-exempt rates to firm somewhat in early
1994, as the imbalance between supply and demand eases. With an average maturity
of 71(1) days, the Fund was able to provide attractive yields even during a 
period of artificially low rates, and will be in an excellent position to 
capitalize on higher rates in the first quarter of 1994.

To ensure stability of principal, the Fund's managers continue to emphasize high
quality short-term tax-exempt investments. The Fund's portfolio consisted
entirely of these high quality securities at December 31, 1993.

We will continue to monitor the interest rate environment on a day-to-day basis,
to seek the best possible position for the Fund. We look forward to serving your
investment needs in the future.
(James C. Swain signature)             (Jon S. Fossel signature)

James C. Swain                         Jon S. Fossel
Chairman                               President
Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves   Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves
January 21, 1994

"The Fund was able to provide attractive
yields even during a period of artificially low rates."

1. The Fund's portfolio and dollar-weighted average portfolio maturity are
subject to change.

3    Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves

Statement of Investments December 31, 1993 

                                                                                 Face          Market Value 
                                                                                 Amount        See Note 1 

Municipal Bonds and Notes--97.5% 

Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Revenue Refunding 
Bonds, Safeway, Inc. Project, 2.75%, 6/1/94(2)                                   $  400,000      $  400,080 
Alaska Industrial Development Authority Revenue Bonds, Providence 
Medical Office Building, 2.55%(1)                                                   885,000         885,000 
Tempe, Arizona Industrial Development Authority Revenue Refunding 
Bonds, Safeway, Inc. Project, 2.75%, 5/2/94(2)                                      600,000         600,000 

Subiaco, Arkansas Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, Cloves Gear 
& Products, 3.36%(1)                                                                850,000         850,000 

Arapahoe County, Colorado Multifamily Housing Revenue Refunding 
Bonds, Hunters Run Rental Apartments Project, 3.80%(1)                            1,000,000       1,000,000 

Dade County, Florida Housing Finance Authority Multifamily Mortgage 
Revenue Bonds, Flamingo Plaza Apartments, Series 18, 3.20%(1)                       900,000         900,000 
Orange County, Florida Housing Finance Authority Multifamily Housing 
Revenue Refunding Bonds, Monterey, Series B, 3.30%(1)                               800,000         800,000 
Hawaii State Department Budget and Finance Special Purpose Mortgage 
Revenue Bonds, Kuakini Medical Center Project, 3%(1)                              1,000,000       1,000,000 

Illinois State General Obligation Certificates of Participation, 3.50%, 6/15/94   1,000,000       1,002,338 
Lakemoor, Illinois Multifamily Housing Revenue Subordinated Bonds, 
Lakemoor Apartments, Series C, 2.90%, 3/10/94(2)                                  1,000,000       1,000,000 
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois Multifamily Housing Mortgage Revenue Bonds, 
3.20%, 7/1/94(2)                                                                  1,000,000       1,000,000 
Ottawa, Kansas Industrial Revenue Refunding Bonds, 
Laich Project, 3.36%(1)                                                             900,000         900,000 
Wichita, Kansas Multifamily Revenue Bonds, Shore, Inc. Project, 2.60%(1)            800,000         800,000 
Massachusetts State Industrial Finance Agency Industrial Development 
Revenue Bonds, Hazen Paper Co., 3.55%(1)                                            550,000         550,000 

Madison Heights, Michigan Economic Development Corp. Revenue Bonds, 
Red Roof Inns Project, 2.60%(1)                                                     100,000         100,000 
Michigan State Job Development Authority Revenue Bonds, East Lansing 
Residence Associates Project, Series 1984, 2.90%(1)                                 500,000         500,000 
New Jersey--6.3% 
New Jersey Economic Development Authority Manufacturing Facilities 
Revenue Bonds, VPR Commerce Center Project, 3.40%(1)                                500,000         500,000 
New Jersey State Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency Revenue Bonds, 
Series A, 3%, 4/1/94(2)                                                           1,000,000       1,000,000 

                               4 Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves 

                                                                                 Face           Market Value 
                                                                                 Amount         See Note 1 

Cuyahoga County, Ohio Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 
Southwest Ltd. Partnership, 3%, 12/1/94(2)                                       $  500,000     $   500,000 
Licking County, Ohio Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 
Power Industries, Inc. Project, 2.80%, 6/1/94(2)                                    400,000         400,000 
Miami Valley, Ohio Tax-Exempt Bond Trust, 4.88%, 10/15/94(2)                      1,090,000       1,090,000 
Scioto County, Ohio Health Care Facilities Revenue Bonds, 
Hill View Retirement Center, 2.75%, 6/1/94(2)                                       375,000         375,000 
Cleveland County, Oklahoma Public Facilities Authority Multifamily Housing 
Revenue Bonds, Hunt Development Project, Series A, 3.40%(1)                       1,000,000       1,000,000 
Mid-West Tax-Exempt Mortgage Bond Trust Certificates, 2.50%, 1/14/94(2)              15,000          15,000 
Chartiers Valley, Pennsylvania Industrial and Commercial Development 
Authority Revenue Refunding Bonds, Sycamore Creek Project, 
2.70%, 3/1/94(2)                                                                    485,000         485,023 
Commonwealth Tax-Exempt Mortgage Bond Trust Six-Month Demand 
Certificates, Series A, 2.95%, 5/1/94(2)                                            155,000         155,000 
Pennsylvania Energy Development Authority Revenue Bonds, 
Continental Energy Associates Project, 3.20%(1)                                     900,000         900,000 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Hospitals and Higher Educational Facilities 
Authority Hospital Revenue Bonds, Friends Hospital, Series A, 3.20%(1)              600,000         600,000 
South Carolina--5.9% 
Florence County, South Carolina Industrial Development Revenue Bonds, 
Stone Container Corp., 2.75%(1)                                                     400,000         400,000 
South Carolina Jobs Economic Development Authority Industrial 
Development Revenue Refunding Bonds, Wellman, Inc. Project, 3.25%(1)              1,000,000       1,000,000 
Knox County, Tennessee Industrial Development Board Revenue Bonds, 
Weisgarber Partners, 2.45%(1)                                                     1,000,000       1,000,000 

Murray City, Utah Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds, IHC Hospital, 
AMBAC Insured, 3%, 5/15/94                                                          600,000         600,313 

Washington State General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series R-94A, 
3.25%, 8/1/94                                                                     1,000,000       1,001,755 

Total Investments, at Value (Cost $23,309,509)                                         97.5%     23,309,509 

Other Assets Net of Liabilities                                                         2.5         587,398 

Net Assets                                                                            100.0%    $23,896,907 

1. Floating or variable rate obligation maturing in more than one year. The 
interest rate, which is based on specific, or an index of, market interest 
rates, is subject to change periodically and is the effective rate on 
December 31, 1993. A demand feature allows the recovery of principal at any 
time, or at specified intervals not exceeding one year, on up to 30 days' 
2. Put obligation redeemable at full face value on the date reported. 

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 

                               5 Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves 

Statement of Assets and Liabilities December 31, 1993 

Investments, at value (cost $23,309,509)--see accompanying statement            $23,309,509 
Cash                                                                                351,523 
Shares of beneficial interest sold                                                  465,701 
Interest                                                                            128,155 
Other                                                                                10,405 
Total assets                                                                     24,265,293 

Payables and other liabilities: 
Shares of beneficial interest redeemed                                              266,974 
Dividends                                                                            45,478 
Distribution assistance--Note 3                                                      20,806 
Other                                                                                35,128 
Total liabilities                                                                   368,386 

Net Assets                                                                      $23,896,907 

Composition of 
Net Assets 
Paid-in capital                                                                 $23,897,803 
Accumulated net realized loss from investment transactions                             (896) 
Net assets--applicable to 23,897,803 shares of beneficial interest outstanding  $23,896,907 

Net Asset Value, Redemption Price and Offering Price Per Share                  $      1.00 

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 

                               6 Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves 

Statement of Operations For the Year Ended December 31, 1993 

Investment Income 
Interest                                                                    $687,607 

Management fees--Note 3                                                      118,909 
Transfer and shareholder servicing agent fees--Note 3                         74,240 
Distribution assistance--Note 3                                               42,869 
Registration and filing fees                                                  34,926 
Custodian fees and expenses                                                   23,022 
Shareholder reports                                                           20,302 
Legal and auditing fees                                                        9,810 
Trustees' fees and expenses                                                    1,596 
Other                                                                          9,483 
Total expenses                                                               335,157 
Less assumption of expenses by Oppenheimer Management Corporation--Note 3    (73,570) 
Net expenses                                                                 261,587 
Net Investment Income                                                        426,020 

Net Realized Gain on Investments                                                 452 

Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting from Operations                        $426,472 

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 

                               7 Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves 

Statements of Changes in Net Assets 

                                                                 Year Ended December 31, 
                                                                 1993           1992 
Net investment income                                            $   426,020    $   566,929 
Net realized gain on investments                                         452             -- 
Net increase in net assets resulting from operations                 426,472        566,929 

Dividends and Distributions 
to Shareholders                                                     (426,020)      (567,167) 

Beneficial Interest 
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting from beneficial 
interest transactions--Note 2                                       (835,869)       908,869 

Net Assets 
Total increase (decrease)                                           (835,417)       908,631 
Beginning of year                                                 24,732,324     23,823,693 
End of year                                                      $23,896,907    $24,732,324 

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 

                               8 Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves 

Financial Highlights 

                                              Year Ended December 31, 
                                              1993       1992      1991      1990       1989(1) 
Per Share Operating Data: 
Net asset value, beginning of period            $1.00      $1.00     $1.00     $1.00     $1.00 

Income from investment operations-- 
net investment income and 
net realized gain on investments                  .02        .02       .04       .05       .06 

Dividends and distributions to shareholders      (.02)      (.02)     (.04)     (.05)     (.06) 

Net asset value, end of period                  $1.00      $1.00     $1.00     $1.00     $1.00 

Ratios/Supplemental Data: 
Net assets, end of period (in thousands)      $23,897    $24,732   $23,824   $22,628    $9,383 

Average net assets (in thousands)             $23,781    $24,810   $25,347   $15,968    $5,207 

Number of shares outstanding at end of 
period (in thousands)                          23,898     24,734    23,825    22,628     9,383 

Ratios to average net assets: 
Net investment income                            1.79%      2.28%     4.00%     5.21%     5.72%(2) 
Expenses, before voluntary assumption 
by the Manager                                   1.41%      1.32%     1.22%     1.44%     1.50%(2) 
Expenses, net of voluntary assumption 
by the Manager                                   1.10%      1.00%     1.00%     1.00%     1.00%(2) 

1. For the period from January 3, 1989 (commencement of operations) to December 31, 1989. 
2. Annualized. 

See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements. 

                               9 Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves 

Notes to Financial Statements 

1. Significant Accounting Policies 
Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves (the Fund) is registered under the 
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended, as a diversified, open-end 
management investment company. The Fund's investment advisor is Oppenheimer 
Management Corporation (the Manager). The following is a summary of 
significant accounting policies consistently followed by the Fund. 

Investment Valuation. Portfolio securities are valued on the basis of 
amortized cost, which approximates market value. 

Federal Income Taxes. The Fund intends to continue to comply with provisions 
of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to regulated investment companies and 
to distribute all of its taxable income to shareholders. Therefore, no 
federal income tax provision is required. 

Distributions to Shareholders. The Fund intends to declare dividends from net 
investment income each regular business day and pay such dividends monthly. 
To effect its policy of maintaining a net asset value of $1.00 per share, the 
Fund may withhold dividends or make distributions of net realized gains. 

Other. Investment transactions are accounted for on the date the investments 
are purchased or sold (trade date). Realized gains and losses on investments 
are determined on an identified cost basis, which is the same basis used for 
federal income tax purposes. 

2. Shares of Beneficial Interest 
The Fund has authorized an unlimited number of no par value shares of 
beneficial interest. Transactions in shares of beneficial interest were as 

                                         Year Ended December 31, 1993       Year Ended December 31, 1992 
                                         Shares           Amount            Shares         Amount 
Sold                                         38,650,212     $ 38,650,212      40,632,217    $ 40,632,217 
Dividends and distributions reinvested          356,917          356,917         547,727         547,727 
Redeemed                                    (39,842,998)     (39,842,998)    (40,271,075)    (40,271,075) 

Net increase (decrease)                        (835,869)    $   (835,869)        908,869    $    908,869 

3. Management Fees And Other Transactions With Affiliates 
Management fees paid to the Manager were in accordance with the investment 
advisory agreement with the Fund which provides for an annual fee of .50% on 
the first $250 million of net assets with a reduction of .025% on each $250 
million thereafter, to .40% on net assets in excess of $1 billion. The 
Manager has agreed to assume Fund expenses (with specified exceptions) in 
excess of the most stringent applicable regulatory limit on Fund expenses. In 
addition, the Manager has voluntarily undertaken to assume Fund expenses in 
excess of 1.10% of average annual net assets. This voluntary undertaking was 
terminated, effective January 22, 1994. 

Oppenheimer Shareholder Services (OSS), a division of the Manager, is the 
transfer and shareholder servicing agent for the Fund, and for other 
registered investment companies. OSS's total costs of providing such services 
are allocated ratably to these companies. 

Under an approved plan of distribution, the Fund may expend up to .20% of its 
net assets annually to reimburse Oppenheimer Funds Distributor, Inc. (OFDI), 
a subsidiary of the Manager, for amounts paid to brokers, dealers, banks and 
other institutions for costs incurred in distributing shares of the Fund. 
During the year ended December 31, 1993, OFDI paid $7,202 to an affiliated 
broker/dealer as reimbursement for distribution-related expenses. 

                               10 Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves 

Independent Auditors' Report 
The Board of Trustees and Shareholders of Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash 

We have audited the accompanying statement of assets and liabilities, 
including the statement of investments, of Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash 
Reserves as of December 31, 1993, the related statement of operations for the 
year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for the years ended 
December 31, 1993 and 1992, and the financial highlights for the period 
January 3, 1989 (commencement of operations) to December 31, 1993. These 
financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the 
Fund's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these 
financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits. 

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing 
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to 
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and 
financial highlights are free of material misstatement. An audit also includes 
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures 
in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities 
owned at December 31, 1993 by correspondence with the custodian. An audit 
also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant 
estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial 
statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis 
for our opinion. 

In our opinion, such financial statements and financial highlights present 
fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Oppenheimer 
Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves at December 31, 1993, the results of its operations, 
the changes in its net assets, and the financial highlights for the respective 
stated periods, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. 


Denver, Colorado 
January 21, 1994 

                               11 Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves 

Federal Income Tax Information  (Unaudited) 

In early 1994, shareholders will receive information regarding all dividends 
and distributions paid to them by the Fund during calendar year 1993. 
Regulations of the U.S. Treasury Department require the Fund to report this 
information to the Internal Revenue Service. 

None of the dividends paid by the Fund during the fiscal year ended December 
31, 1993 are eligible for the corporate dividend-received deduction. The 
dividends were derived from interest on municipal bonds and are not subject 
to federal income tax. To the extent a shareholder is subject to any state or 
local tax laws, some or all of the dividends received may be taxable. 

The foregoing information is presented to assist shareholders in reporting 
distributions received from the Fund to the Internal Revenue Service. Because 
of the complexity of the federal regulations which may affect your individual 
tax return and the many variations in state and local tax regulations, we 
recommend that you consult your tax advisor for specific guidance. 

                               12 Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves 

Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves

Officers and Trustees    James C. Swain, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
                         William A. Baker, Trustee
                         Charles Conrad, Jr., Trustee
                         Jon S. Fossel, Trustee and President
                         Raymond J. Kalinowski, Trustee
                         C. Howard Kast, Trustee
                         Robert M. Kirchner, Trustee
                         Ned M. Steel, Trustee
                         Michael A. Carbuto, Vice President
                         Andrew J. Donohue, Vice President
                         George C. Bowen, Vice President, Secretary and
                         Lynn M. Coluccy, Assistant Treasurer
                         Robert G. Zack, Assistant Secretary

Investment Advisor       Oppenheimer Management Corporation

Distributor              Oppenheimer Funds Distributor, Inc.

Transfer and Shareholder Oppenheimer Shareholder Services
Servicing Agent

Custodian of             Citibank, N.A.
Portfolio Securities

Independent Auditors     Deloitte & Touche

Legal Counsel            Meyer, Swanson & Adams, P.C.

This is a copy of a report to shareholders of Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash
Reserves. This report must be preceded or accompanied by a Prospectus of
Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves. For material information concerning the
Fund, see the Prospectus.

13    Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves

The Family of OppenheimerFunds

OppenheimerFunds offers over 30 funds designed to fit virtually every 
investment goal. Whether you're investing for retirement, your children's 
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When you invest with OppenheimerFunds, you can feel comfortable knowing that 
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And you're investing with a leader in global, growth stock, and flexible 
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than $25 billion under Oppenheimer's management and that of our affiliates.

As an OppenheimerFunds shareholder, you can easily exchange shares of 
eligible funds of the same class by mail or by telephone for a small 
administrative fee.(1) For more information on OppenheimerFunds, please 
contact your financial advisor or call us at 1-800-525-7048 for a 
prospectus. You may also write us at the address shown on the back cover. 
As always, please read the prospectus carefully before you invest.

Specialty Stock Funds          Global Bio-Tech Fund                      Gold & Special Minerals Fund
                               Global Environment Fund

Stock Funds                    Discovery Fund                            Global Fund
                               Time Fund                                 Oppenheimer Fund
                               Target Fund                               Value Stock Fund
                               Special Fund

Stock and Bond Funds           Main Street Income & Growth Fund          Equity Income Fund
                               Total Return Fund                         Asset Allocation Fund
                               Global Growth & Income Fund

Bond Funds                     High Yield Fund                           Strategic Short-Term Income Fund
                               Champion High Yield Fund                  Investment Grade Bond Fund
                               Strategic Income &Growth Fund             Mortgage Income Fund(3)
                               Strategic Income Fund                     U.S. Government Trust
                               Strategic Diversified Income Fund         Government Securities Fund
                               Strategic Investment Grade Bond Fund

Tax-Exempt Funds               New York Tax-Exempt Fund(2)               Tax-Free Bond Fund
                               Main Street California Tax-Exempt Fund(2) Insured Tax-Exempt Bond Fund
                               Pennsylvania Tax-Exempt Fund(2)           Intermediate Tax-Exempt Bond Fund
                               Florida Tax-Exempt Fund(2)

Money Market Funds             Money Market Fund                         Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves
                               Cash Reserves
1. The fee is waived for PhoneLink exchanges between existing accounts. Exchange privileges are subject to change or termination.
2. Available only to residents of those states.
3. Formerly GNMA Fund.

OppenheimerFunds are distributed by Oppenheimer Funds Distributor, Inc., 
Two World Trade Center, New York, NY 10048-0203. (C) Copyright 1994 Oppenheimer
Management Corporation. All rights reserved.

14  Oppenheimer Tax-Exempt Cash Reserves Fund

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"Whatever your needs, we're ready to assist you."


Barbara Hennigar 
Oppenheimer Shareholder Services



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