1993 Annual Report 



Shareholders' Meeting: 
The annual meeting of shareholders will be held on May 6, 1994 at 10:30 A.M. 
in the Cole Auditorium of the Greenwich Library, West Putnam Avenue at 
Dearfield Drive, Greenwich, Connecticut. 

Stock Listing: 
New York Stock Exchange 
Ticker Symbol: DYA 
NYSE-Composite Transactions 
Symbol: DynaAmer 

Additional Information: 
A copy of the Company's annual report on Form 10-K filed with the Securities 
and Exchange Commission will be furnished, without charge, on the written 
request of a shareholder. Requests should be forwarded to the Company, 
attention of the Secretary, 
475 Steamboat Road, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830-7197 

Executive Offices: 
475 Steamboat Road 
Greenwich, Connecticut 
Tel. 203-869-3211 

Transfer Agent and Registrar: 
P.O. Box 644 
Mail Stop 45-02-09 
Boston, Massachusetts 
Tel. 617-575-2900 

Independent Auditors: 
1111 Summer Street 
Stamford, Connecticut 
Tel. 203-326-8200 





President's Message ........................................  2 
Management's Discussion and 
 Analysis ..................................................  4 
Consolidated Balance Sheets  ...............................  7 
Consolidated Statements of 
 Operations ................................................  8 
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' 
 Equity  ...................................................  9 
Consolidated Statements of 
 Cash Flows ................................................ 10 
Notes to Consolidated Financial 
 Statements ................................................ 11 
Report of Independent Auditors  ............................ 20 
Selected Financial Data .................................... 21 
Segments of Business ....................................... 22 
Range of Stock Prices and Dividend 
 Information ............................................... 23 
Divisions and Subsidiary  .................................. 24 
Directors and Officers ...................... Inside Back Cover 

Dynamics Corporation of America is a diversified manufacturer of commercial 
and industrial products founded in 1924 and incorporated in New York. Its 
corporate headquarters are in Greenwich, Connecticut and its shares are 
listed on the New York Stock Exchange (trading symbol: DYA). The Company's 
seven plants are located in California, Connecticut, Ohio and Pennsylvania. 
Its five separate business units manufacture electronic components such as 
Zero Insertion Force (ZIF(tm)) printed circuit board retainers and heat 
dissipators; frequency control components and oscillators; commercial and 
consumer appliances sold under the Waring(R), Acme Juicerator(R), 
Qualheim(tm), Blendor(R) and NuBlend(R) tradenames; air distribution systems 
sold under the Anemostat(R), Anemotrak(R) and Envirotrak(R) tradenames; 
vision frames and louvers for fire rated doors; and air conditioning, related 
equipment for power plant and other applications, mobile vans and 
transportable shelters (including the Environ(R)) for specialized electronic 
and medical diagnostic equipment such as CT and MRI scanners. The Company 
also invests from time to time in shares of other businesses. The Company 
currently holds a 37.3% stake in CTS Corporation ("CTS"), an Indiana 
corporation headquartered in Elkhart whose shares are listed on the New York 
Stock Exchange (trading symbol: CTS). CTS is a manufacturer of electronic and 
electromechanical components and subsystems for the automotive, 
communications equipment, data processing, defense and aerospace, instruments 
and controls and consumer electronic markets. 





1993--What a challenging year it was! 

Managing the performance of Dynamics Corporation of America during the past 
few years while meeting the challenges of a depressed economy, low consumer 
confidence, major personnel layoffs, and the continuing uncertainty of the 
promised but elusive recovery has, at times, required the patience of Job and 
the wisdom of Solomon to survive and prosper. However, by perseverance and in 
spite of the many setbacks, DCA's continuing operations have managed to 
remain profitable, although not to the degree that management had planned or 
worked so hard to achieve. 

For the year ended December 31, 1993, Dynamics Corporation of America 
reported income from continuing operations of $2,677,000, or $.68 per share, 
on sales of $101,329,000. This compared with income from continuing 
operations of $3,333,000, or $.85 per share, on sales of $110,243,000 for the 
year ended December 31, 1992. Income in 1992 was increased by a resolution of 
prior years tax matters of $780,000, or $.20 per share. 

Included in income from continuing operations, before accounting changes, is 
the Company's proportionate share of the results of the CTS Corporation, in 
which DCA presently has a 37.3% ownership, for the year ended December 31, 
1993, in accordance with the equity method of accounting required for that 
investment, which was income of $1,619,000, or $.41 per share, compared to a 
loss of $442,000, or $.11 per share, for last year. 

The Company reported net income for the year ended December 31, 1993 of 
$961,000, or $.24 per share, compared with net income of $2,123,000, or $.54 
per share, in 1992. 

Net income for the year ended December 31, 1993 included DCA's proportionate 
share of CTS' net charge for onetime accounting changes, related to post 
retirement benefits other than pensions and accounting for income taxes, 
amounting to $1,716,000, or $.44 per share. 

The Company fell considerably short of its planned sales and profit goals for 
the year. The largest contributors to the 1993 shortfall were the Anemostat 
Products Division and the Waring Products Division. These two divisions 
experienced more than $13 million in lower sales than in 1992 and recorded 
losses of approximately $400,000 as compared to earnings of approximately 
$4,300,000 (pretax) in the 1992 period. Unfortunately, as we begin 1994, 
market conditions for these operations have not materially improved although 
we expect the benefits gained from their restructuring in 1993 will allow 
both to be more competitive. 

At our annual meeting held on May 7, 1993, I reported to you on the progress 
being made by our wholly owned subsidiary International Electronic Research 
Corporation. Through that date, this operation had recorded bookings of 
$1,650,000 for its newly developed thermal products for various 
microprocessors being introduced into the computer marketplace. These strong 
bookings continued throughout the year resulting in sales at IERC of 
$8,348,000--a 57% increase over the prior year. Operating income increased 
fivefold. This outstanding performance continues into 1994 with bookings in 
January and February for these same products already exceeding $2.7 million. 
There is no guarantee that this order rate will continue but it is a great 

As in 1992, DCA did not borrow any funds during the year under the Revolving 
Credit Agreement with its banks and the Company again demonstrated its 
continuing ability to generate positive cash flow as its cash and cash 
equivalents at year end increased to $8,969,000 as compared to $6,095,000 in 




In 1993, the management of the CTS Corporation began to realize the benefits 
of its restructuring of operations, aggressive new product development and a 
very strong automotive market for its products. These actions resulted in CTS 
achieving net sales of $236,979,000, an increase of $9,588,000 or 4.2% over 
1992, and operating earnings of $11,021,000, which increased significantly 
from $4,098,000 in 1992. Before the Financial Accounting Standards Board 
mandated accounting changes, earnings per share were $1.27 compared to $.37 
in 1992. Operating cash flow at CTS was also positive and increased by $4.7 
million over 1992 reflecting the company's continued emphasis on balance 
sheet management. 

On a personal note, it is with profound regret and sadness that I inform you 
that Edward J. Mooney, our valued director, officer and colleague, who 
celebrated his 40th year with DCA prior to his retirement in December, died 
on February 7, 1994. On the occasion of his 25th year with the Company in 
1978, the Board of Directors adopted the following resolution: 

"RESOLVED, that we, his fellow Directors, record our utmost respect and 
admiration and express our appreciation and gratitude to Edward J. Mooney for 
his many years of devotion to duty, abundant talent, uncompromising 
integrity, fortitude, keenness of mind and sound counsel. He has been a 
champion of right, philosopher, teacher and pillar of strength, all of which 
have left an indelible mark on those who have come in contact with him and 
have contributed immeasurably to the survival, growth and success of this 

Our admiration, so well expressed 15 years ago, only grew in the ensuing 
years. His abundant talent, friendship, wise counsel and wit will be missed 
by all his fellow employees and the many and significant contributions that 
he made are a lasting legacy for DCA. We hereby extend to his family our 
heartfelt sympathy in their great loss. 

The challenges of 1993 have been many; the disappointments confronted; the 
successes gratefully accepted. As we prepare to confront new challenges, we 
feel confident that a financially sound, debt free DCA is in a position to 
capitalize on the opportunities afforded to it to grow and prosper. 

We sincerely thank those employees who responded to the challenges this past 
year with their hard work, dedication and ingenuity. We also thank our 
shareholders for their continued support and encouragement. 

Andrew Lozyniak 
Chairman of the Board 
and President 

March 11, 1994 




The following discussion, unless otherwise noted, pertains to continuing 

Results of Operations 
(1993 compared to 1992) 

Sales decreased $8,914,000 or 8.1%. Sales in the Electrical Appliances and 
Electronic Devices segment decreased $8,452,000 as sales of electrical 
appliances decreased $10,364,000 with lower sales of juicer products and 
blenders partially offset by increased sales of specialty consumer products. 
Sales of electronic devices increased $1,912,000 as sales of new heat 
dissipating devices for computer microprocessors more than doubled while 
sales of frequency control devices decreased. Sales in the Fabricated Metal 
Products and Equipment segment decreased $2,894,000 as air, door and systems 
product sales declined due to the weak market for new industrial and 
commercial construction and renovation, as well as competitive pricing. Sales 
in the Power and Controlled Environmental Systems segment increased 
$2,432,000 due principally to increased shipments under a multi-unit, 
defense-related custom mobile order to a Government prime contractor, which 
were partially offset by sales declines in power plant products. 

Gross profit decreased $5,664,000 to 24.5% from 27.6% of sales. Gross profit 
in the Electrical Appliances and Electronic Devices segment decreased 
significantly due to lower sales of electrical appliances and lower sales and 
manufacturing yields in the frequency control and hermetic seal product 
lines, offset in part by the effect of increased sales of higher margined 
heat dissipating devices. In the Fabricated Metal Products and Equipment 
segment, gross profit decreased due to lower sales, especially of higher 
margined systems products and services, and price competition. Gross profit 
in the Power and Controlled Environmental Systems segment decreased due to 
price competition for reduced defense procurements and a declining medical 
products market for mobile vans and transportable shelters. 

Selling, general and administrative expenses decreased $2,099,000 due to 
lower commission, freight and sales promotion expenses in all segments of the 
Company. The decrease was primarily volume related. 

Other income increased $301,000. Royalty income increased $963,000 from the 
initial royalty under a technology transfer agreement with a customer in the 
Power and Controlled Environmental Systems segment. Staff restructurings 
resulted in charges of $470,000, principally for severance, in the current 
year. In 1992, the sale of excess property and plant resulted in a gain of 

Income taxes amounted to $617,000, a decline of $547,000 principally because 
of lower income before taxes. The year to year comparison of income taxes was 
also affected by the favorable resolution of certain tax matters in 1992 
amounting to $780,000. The 1993 effective tax rate is higher than the 
applicable 34% Federal statutory rate primarily because of state income taxes 
which were offset in part by non-taxable income and foreign tax credits. 

The cumulative effect to January 1, 1992 of the Company's adoption of 
Financial Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") Statement No. 109, "Accounting 
for Income Taxes," resulted in a charge of $942,000 to 1992 earnings. 

Equity in CTS Corporation 

Equity in the earnings of CTS Corporation before accounting changes by CTS 
increased $2,061,000 primarily as a result of CTS' increase in such earnings 
of $4,669,000. 

During the quarter ended March 31, 1993, the Company recorded its 
proportionate share of CTS' net charge from its adoption of FASB Statement 
No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than 
Pensions," a charge of $1,896,000, or $.49 per share, and FASB Statement No. 
109, "Accounting for Income Taxes," a credit of $180,000, or $.05 per share. 
These onetime, non-cash accounting changes were adopted by CTS as cumulative 
effects to January 1, 1993. 

The Company's equity ownership in CTS was 37.3% at year end compared to 37.2% 
at the end of the previous year. The change in the equity ownership 
percentage is attributable to purchases of CTS stock by the Company. 

Liquidity and Financial Resources 

In 1993, the Company increased cash and cash equivalents $2,874,000 by 
generating $5,166,000 from operating activities while using $882,000 and 
$1,410,000 in investing and financing activities, respectively, as disclosed 
in the statement of cash flows. The discontinued Fermont division required 
cash of $370,000 for operating activities. Cash and marketable securities, 
other than shares of CTS, amounted to $9,656,000 at December 31, 1993. The 
Company did not borrow dur- 




ing the year under its $27,000,000 Revolving Credit Agreement or the 
$10,000,000 uncommitted line with its banks. The entire amount of the credit 
facilities is available for use by the Company. 

Liquidity and financial resources are considered adequate to fund planned 
Company operations, including capital expenditures and payment of dividends. 
The Company intends to continue its stated policy of reviewing potential 
acquisitions which it believes could enhance its growth and profitability. 

Management anticipates that the Company's deferred tax assets will be 
realized based upon its expectation of future taxable income. The Company's 
income from continuing operations before income taxes aggregated $9,089,000 
for the three years ended December 31, 1993. Sustaining this income level 
would be sufficient to realize deferred tax assets over the tax recovery 
period. Although they are not expected to be required, the Company has 
available various tax planning strategies, including property sale and 
leaseback strategies, to supplement taxable income from operations in order 
to realize deferred tax assets. The Company will require taxable income of 
$15,396,000 ($14,742,000 of ordinary income and $654,000 of capital gain 
income) to realize its net deferred tax assets of $5,999,000 at December 31, 
1993. Under applicable carryback provisions of the current Internal Revenue 
Code, $5,858,000 of the prior years' taxable income could be utilized to 
realize temporary differences, including all capital related items. The 
Company in large measure controls the reversal of $5,501,000 of temporary 
differences and a significant portion of the remaining differences is 
expected to reverse during the next five years. 

The effect on the Company's income taxes of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation 
Act of 1993 was not significant in 1993 and is not expected to be significant 
in the foreseeable future. 

The Company continues to test its prototype units toward the goal of securing 
first article approval from the U.S. Government of the 3KW generator sets 
designed and manufactured by the discontinued Fermont division. Management 
believes the reserve for this discontinued operation is adequate, although 
the additional time for testing has extended the projected contract 
completion date into 1996. (See Note 3 to the Consolidated Financial 

Staff restructuring costs of $470,000 in 1993, principally for severance, 
will result in cash outflows of approximately $369,000 and reduced salary 
costs of approximately $1,500,000 in 1994. 

The Company has been notified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
("EPA") that it is a Potentially Responsible Party ("PRP") regarding 
hazardous waste cleanup at a non-Company site in Connecticut and at a Company 
site in California. Certain of the PRPs at the Connecticut site have agreed 
with the EPA to fund a feasibility study at the site and have sued the 
Company and other PRPs who have not agreed to share the costs. A property 
owner adjacent to the California site has sued the Company and others for 
allegedly causing contamination of their property. The Company incurred costs 
of $273,000 in 1993 to fund engineering studies and conduct investigations of 
the California site and to pay related expenses. The Company also has 
received notice from a state environmental agency that it is a PRP with 
respect to a non-Company site in Pennsylvania, and is a defendant in two 
lawsuits seeking contribution for Superfund cleanup costs relating to two 
other non-Company sites in that state. 

The amount of future environmental-related expenditures and the extent of 
insurance coverage is not determinable at this time. Based upon its knowledge 
of the extent of the Company's exposure and current statutes, rules and 
regulations, management believes that the anticipated costs resulting from 
claims and proceedings with respect to the above mentioned sites, including 
possible remediation, the extent of which is presently unknown, will not 
materially affect the financial position of the Company. However, it is 
possible, but unanticipated at this time, that future results of operations 
or cash flows could be materially affected by an unfavorable resolution of 
these matters. 

In 1993 the Company expended $426,000, including the $273,000 at the 
California site, to manage hazardous substances, to monitor pollutants, to 
test for contaminants and to provide for required clean-up activities, a 48% 
increase in such expenditures over the prior year. 

In complying with federal, state and local environmental protection statutes 
and regulations, the Company has altered or modified certain manufacturing 
processes and expects to do so in the future. Such modifications to date have 
not significantly increased capital expenditures or affected earnings or the 
competitiveness of the Company. 

During 1993, the Company adopted FASB Statement No. 112, "Employers' 
Accounting for Postemployment Benefits" and FASB Statement No. 115, 
"Accounting for Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities," the 
impact of which was not significant. 

The impact of inflation on the operations of the Company was not material. 




Results of Operations 
(1992 compared to 1991) 

Sales decreased $1,719,000 or 1.5%. Sales in the Electrical Appliances and 
Electronic Devices segment increased overall by $2,249,000 or 3.7%. Sales of 
electrical appliances, driven primarily by consumer demand for juicer and 
other specialty products, increased $7,887,000 or 19.7%. Sales of electronic 
components declined $5,638,000 as procurement for defense-related product 
applications declined and manufacturing difficulties resulted in lost 
business in the communication and data processing industries. Recently 
developed electronic heat dissipating devices began to generate significant 
sales toward the end of 1992 which offset in part the decline in 
defense-related products. Sales in the Power and Controlled Environmental 
Systems segment decreased $5,792,000. Sales of power plant products were 
lower because a majority of the shipments on a major foreign order occurred 
in 1991. Sales of mobile and transportable medical products declined 
substantially due to delays in the release by Magnetic Resonance Imaging 
(MRI) manufacturers of the next generation product for mobile applications 
and in part to a maturing market for the existing models of MRI products for 
mobile applications. Sales in the Fabricated Metal Products and Equipment 
segment increased $1,824,000 primarily on the strength of laboratory, 
isolation and clean room systems and door products. Sales of air products for 
commercial and industrial applications declined in line with lower levels of 
commercial building construction. 

Gross profit increased $2,577,000 to 27.6% from 24.9% of sales. Gross profit 
in the Electrical Appliances and Electronic Devices segment increased in the 
aggregate and as a percentage of sales, because increased sales of electrical 
appliances offset the effects of lower sales and production levels of 
electronic components. Gross profit in the Power and Controlled Environmental 
Systems segment increased in the aggregate and as a percentage of sales, 
contributing significantly to overall improved Company gross profit. 
Aggressive cost controls and improved gross margins on power plant and 
medical product shipments contributed to the current year's improvement. 
Gross profit in the Fabricated Metal Products and Equipment segment improved 
primarily because of increased sales of more profitable systems products. 
Other air products continued to experience a decline in gross profit 
percentage as a result of reduced volume and competitive pressures on 
pricing. Door products also experienced increased price competition. 

Selling, general and administrative expenses increased $184,000. Advertising 
for electrical appliances increased approximately $1,000,000, primarily for 
the NuBlend(tm) blender, and legal and incentive plan expenses declined 
approximately $850,000. 

Other income increased $71,000. Income from marketable securities activity 
declined $422,000 following the planned liquidation at a net gain in 1991 of 
substantially all of the Company's current marketable securities portfolio, 
and the resultant elimination of dividend income from such securities. The 
sale of surplus property and plant resulted in a gain of $554,000 in 1992. 
Income from a non-refundable escrow deposit of $254,000 was recorded in the 
prior year. 

Income taxes amounted to $1,164,000 and reflected a $780,000 favorable 
resolution of prior year tax matters. Accordingly, the effective tax rate 
differs substantially from the statutory rate of 34%. The Company adopted 
FASB Statement No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes." The effect of the 
adoption of FASB Statement No. 109 on the current year's income tax provision 
was not significant. However, the cumulative effect of this change to January 
1, 1992, resulted in a $942,000 charge to the current year's earnings. 

Equity in CTS Corporation 
Losses from the equity investment in CTS Corporation amounted to $442,000 
which compared unfavorably to income of $650,000 which the Company reported 
in 1991. The $1,092,000 year to year decrease, equivalent to $.28 per share, 
in the Company's proportionate share of CTS' operating results was due 
primarily to CTS' $2,313,000 decline in net income. The Company's equity 
ownership was 37.2% at year end compared to 37.4% at the end of the previous 
year. The .2% decline is attributable to common stock issued by CTS in 
conformity with employee plans. 

Discontinued Unconsolidated Affiliate 
Equity in the loss of a discontinued unconsolidated affiliate (Farmhand, 
Inc.) amounted to $20,000 through the date of disposition compared to a loss 
of $492,000 in the prior year. The loss on disposition of the Company's 
equity interest in Farmhand amounted to $248,000, or $.06 per share. 




Dynamics Corporation of America 
Consolidated Balance Sheets 
(dollar amounts in thousands) 

 As of December 31,                                                             1993       1992 
Current Assets: 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                   $  8,969    $  6,095 
 Accounts receivable, less allowances of $531 and $600                         16,287      19,691 
 Inventories--Note 2                                                           18,092      21,175 
 Other current assets--Note 6                                                   1,897       1,126 
 Current assets of discontinued operation--Note 3                               1,408       2,450 
 Deferred income taxes                                                          4,542       4,425 
                                                                                 ----     ------- 
   Total Current Assets                                                        51,195      54,962 
Property, Plant and Equipment, at cost, less accumulated depreciation and 
  amortization--Notes 4 and 8                                                   3,906       4,187 
Equity Investment in CTS Corporation--Note 5                                   57,037      57,795 
Other Assets--Note 6                                                            1,769       1,469 
Deferred Income Taxes                                                           1,457       1,875 
                                                                                 ----     ------- 
   Total Assets                                                              $115,364    $120,288 
                                                                                 ====     ======= 
Current Liabilities: 
 Current installments of long-term debt                                      $    400    $    411 
 Accounts payable                                                               3,617       5,782 
 Accrued expenses and sundry liabilities--Notes 3 and 7                        12,602      14,087 
 Federal income taxes payable                                                   2,354       2,353 
                                                                                 ----     ------- 
   Total Current Liabilities                                                   18,973      22,633 
Long-term Debt--Note 8                                                            623       1,023 
Other Liabilities--Note 9                                                       2,954       3,916 
                                                                                 ----     ------- 
   Total Liabilities                                                           22,550      27,572 

Contingencies--Note 15 
Stockholders' Equity--Notes 10 and 11 
Preferred Stock, par value $1 per share--authorized 894,000 shares--none 
Series A Participating Preferred Stock, par value $1 per share--authorized 
  106,000 shares--none issued 
Common Stock, par value $.10 per share--authorized 10,600,000; outstanding 
  3,889,751 and 3,903,035 shares                                                  389         390 
Paid-in Additional Capital                                                     11,451      11,573 
Retained Earnings                                                              81,125      81,015 
Deferred Compensation                                                            (151)       (262) 
                                                                                 ----     ------- 
   Total Stockholders' Equity                                                  92,814      92,716 
                                                                                -----     ------- 
   Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                                $115,364    $120,288 
                                                                              =======     ======= 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 




Dynamics Corporation of America 
Consolidated Statements of Operations 
(dollar amounts in thousands, except per share data) 

 For the Years ended December 31,                                    1993      1992       1991 
Net sales                                                         $101,329  $110,243    $111,962 
Cost of sales                                                       76,526    79,776      84,072 
                                                                    ------    ------     ------- 
Gross profit                                                        24,803    30,467      27,890 
Selling, general and administrative expenses                        24,071    26,170      25,986 
                                                                    ------    ------     ------- 
                                                                       732     4,297       1,904 
Other income, net--Note 12                                             943       642         571 
                                                                    ------    ------     ------- 
Income from continuing operations before items shown below           1,675     4,939       2,475 
Income tax charge (benefit)--Note 13                                   617     1,164        (105)
                                                                    ------    ------     ------- 
Income from continuing operations before equity in CTS 
  Corporation                                                        1,058     3,775       2,580 
Income (loss) from equity investment in CTS Corporation, net of 
  income tax charges of $52, $87 and $99                             1,619      (442)        650 
                                                                    ------    ------     ------- 
Income from continuing operations                                    2,677     3,333       3,230 
                                                                              ------     ------- 
Discontinued operations:

 Equity in loss of discontinued unconsolidated affiliate, 
   net of income tax benefits of $13 and $309                                    (20)       (492) 
 Loss on disposition of unconsolidated affiliate, net of 
   income tax benefit of $169--Note 6                                            (248) 
 Operating losses of discontinued division, net of income tax 
   benefit of $739--Note 3                                                                (1,393) 
 Provision for disposition of discontinued division, net of                             
 income tax benefit of $1,322--Note 3                                                     (2,678) 
                                                                              ------     ------- 
Loss from discontinued operations                                               (268)     (4,563) 
                                                                    ------    ------     ------- 
Income (loss) before changes in accounting methods                   2,677     3,065      (1,333) 
Equity in CTS' cumulative effect to January 1, 1993 of changes 
  in accounting methods--Note 5                                     (1,716) 
Cumulative effect to January 1, 1992 of change in accounting for 
  income taxes--Note 13                                                         (942) 
                                                                    ------    ------     ------- 
Net income (loss)                                                   $  961   $ 2,123    ($ 1,333) 
                                                                    ======   =======     ======= 
Income (loss) per common share: 
 Continuing operations                                                $.68      $.85        $.83 
 Discontinued operations                                                        (.07)      (1.17) 
 Equity in CTS' cumulative effect to January 1, 1993 
   of changes in accounting methods                                   (.44) 
 Cumulative effect to January 1, 1992 of change in accounting 
   for income taxes                                                             (.24) 
                                                                      ----      ----       ----- 
 Net income (loss)                                                    $.24      $.54       ($.34) 
                                                                      ====      ====       ===== 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 




Dynamics Corporation of America 
Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity 
(dollar amounts in thousands) 
For the Years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991 

                                                   Common                 Paid-in                                Total 
                                                   shares       Par    additional  Retained     Deferred  stockholders' 
                                              outstanding*     value      capital  earnings  compensation       equity 
                                               ----------    -------    --------    ------    ----------   ----------- 
Balance at December 31, 1990                    3,879,666       $388      $11,313   $81,881       ($415)       $93,167 
Shares issued and issuable from treasury 
  pursuant to benefit plans and other              44,861          4          559                  (328)           235 
Shares acquired for treasury                          (43)                               (1)                        (1) 
Amortization of deferred compensation and 
  related tax charges                                                         (55)                  317            262 
Net loss                                                                             (1,333)                    (1,333) 
Cash dividends ($.20 per share)                                                        (781)                      (781) 
                                                ---------        ---       ------    ------      ------        ------- 
Balance at December 31, 1991                    3,924,484        392       11,817    79,766        (426)        91,549 
Shares issued and issuable from treasury 
  pursuant to benefit plans                         2,303                      17                                   17 
Shares acquired for treasury and pursuant 
  to stock plans                                  (23,752)        (2)        (207)      (91)         19           (281) 
Amortization of deferred compensation and 
  related tax charges                                                         (54)                  145             91 
Net income                                                                            2,123                      2,123 
Cash dividends ($.20 per share)                                                        (783)                      (783) 
                                                ---------        ---       ------    ------      ------        ------- 
Balance at December 31, 1992                    3,903,035        390       11,573    81,015        (262)        92,716 
Shares issued and issuable from treasury 
  pursuant to benefit plans and other               3,727          1           65                   (32)            34 
Shares acquired for treasury and pursuant 
  to stock plans                                  (17,011)        (2)        (183)      (70)         58           (197) 
Amortization of deferred compensation and 
  related tax charges                                                          (4)                   85             81 
Net income                                                                              961                        961 
Cash dividends ($.20 per share)                                                        (781)                      (781) 
                                                ---------       ----       ------    ------      ------           ---- 
Balance at December 31, 1993                    3,889,751       $389      $11,451   $81,125       ($151)       $92,814 
                                                =========       ====       ======    ======      ======       ======== 
*Net of shares held in treasury--3,285,410, 3,272,126, and 3,250,677 voting 
shares at December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively. The cumulative cost 
of treasury shares at December 31, 1993 amounted to approximately $34,400. 
Includes non-voting shares outstanding of 4,810 at December 31, 1993. 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements. 




Dynamics Corporation of America 
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 
(dollar amounts in thousands) 

 For the Years ended December 31,                                       1993          1992           1991 
Operating activities: 
 Net income (loss)                                                    $   961       $ 2,123        ($1,333) 
 Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash 
   provided by (used in) operating activities: 
   Depreciation and amortization                                        1,227         1,190          1,179 
   Deferred income taxes                                                  301         1,141         (2,921) 
   Increase (decrease) in allowance for net unrealized losses 
     on marketable securities                                            (180)           46            269 
   Net realized losses on current marketable securities                   121 
   Purchases of marketable securities, net                               (534) 
   Loss from equity investments in unconsolidated 
    affiliates before income taxes                                         45           388             52 
   Loss on disposition of unconsolidated affiliate 
     before income tax benefit                                                          417 
   Dividends from CTS                                                     767         1,271          1,439 
   Gain on sale of property                                                            (554) 
   Issuance of Company Common Stock                                        34            17            235 
   Increase (decrease) in other liabilities                              (962)          952          2,439 
   Decrease (increase) in other assets                                   (347)           82            209 
   Other, net                                                              85            91            262 
   Changes in operating assets and liabilities: 
    Decrease (increase) in accounts receivable                          3,404        (2,442)         2,265 
    Decrease (increase) in inventories                                  3,083          (670)         3,205 
    Decrease (increase) in other current assets                          (178)          129            592 
    Decrease in accounts payable, accrued expenses and 
      sundry liabilities                                               (3,704)       (3,156)        (2,274) 
    Increase (decrease) in Federal income taxes payable                     1          (439)          (231) 
   Decrease (increase) in current assets of discontinued 
    operation                                                           1,042        (1,277)         2,226 
                                                                       ------        ------         ------ 
 Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities                    5,166          (691)         7,613 
                                                                       ------        ------         ------ 
Investing activities: 
 Sales of marketable securities, net                                                                 1,801 
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment                              (929)         (973)          (994) 
 Purchases of property, plant and equipment for discontinued 
  operation                                                                                            (54) 
 Proceeds from sale of property                                                         966 
 Proceeds from disposition of unconsolidated affiliate                                1,700 
 Proceeds from note receivable                                             47             2 
                                                                       ------         -----          ----- 
 Net cash provided by (used in) investing activities                     (882)        1,695            753 
                                                                       ------         -----          ----- 
Financing activities: 
 Principal payments under lines of credit, capital lease 
  obligations and mortgages                                              (432)         (406)        (3,576) 
 Borrowings under lines of credit                                                                    1,200 
 Purchases of treasury stock                                             (197)         (281)            (1) 
 Dividends paid                                                          (781)         (783)          (781) 
                                                                       ------        ------         ------ 
 Net cash used in financing activities                                 (1,410)       (1,470)        (3,158) 
                                                                       ------        ------         ------ 
Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                        2,874          (466)         5,208 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                          6,095         6,561          1,353 
                                                                       ------        ------         ------ 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                              $ 8,969       $ 6,095        $ 6,561 
                                                                       ======       =======        ======= 

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these statements.




Dynamics Corporation of America 

Note 1: Significant Accounting Policies 

(a) The accompanying consolidated financial statements include the accounts 
of the Company and its subsidiaries, all of which are wholly owned. 
Investments in unconsolidated affiliates are accounted for by the equity 
method of accounting. All material intercompany transactions and accounts 
have been eliminated in consolidation. 

(b) Revenues are reported on contracts, principally government related, based 
on the proportion of units completed to units contracted. Costs related to 
such revenues are based on estimated average costs for units contracted. 

(c) Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. Inventory costs 
have been determined by the last-in, first-out (LIFO) method for 
approximately 42% (1993) and 40% (1992) of inventories, excluding inventories 
subject to progress billings under contracts. Costs for other inventories 
have been determined principally by the first-in, first-out (FIFO) method. 

(d) Depreciation is computed on the straight-line and declining balance 
methods over the estimated useful lives of assets. 

(e) Realized gain or loss on the sale of marketable securities is determined 
using specific cost identification. In 1993, the Company adopted Financial 
Accounting Standards Board ("FASB") Statement No. 115, "Accounting for 
Certain Investments in Debt and Equity Securities," the impact of which was 
not significant. The Company's current marketable securities are considered 
trading securities. 

(f) Research and development costs are expensed as incurred and amounted to 
$1,252,000 (1993), $1,203,000 (1992) and $1,041,000 (1991). 

(g) Per share data is based upon the weighted average number of common and 
common equivalent shares outstanding during the periods. 

(h) For purposes of the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows, the Company 
considers all investment instruments with a maturity of three months or less 
at the time of purchase to be cash equivalents. 

(i) In 1993, the Company adopted FASB Statement No. 112, "Employers' 
Accounting for Postemployment Benefits," the impact of which was not 

Note 2: Inventories 

                                    1993        1992 
                                     (in thousands) 
Raw materials and supplies        $ 7,251     $ 7,019 
Work in process                     6,426       7,966 
Finished goods                      4,076       4,585 
                                   ------      ------- 
                                   17,753      19,570 
                                   ------      ------- 
Inventories subject to 
  progress billings                 1,189       2,603 
Progress billings                    (850)       (998) 
                                   ------      ------- 
                                      339       1,605 
                                   ------      ------- 
                                  $18,092     $21,175 
                                   ======      ======= 

The excess of current replacement cost over LIFO cost of inventories amounted 
to $950,000 (1993) and $863,000 (1992). 

The United States Government has liens on substantially all inventories 
subject to progress billings. 




Notes to Consolidated 
Financial Statements (continued) 

Note 3: Discontinued Operation-- 
Fermont Division 
The Company determined to discontinue operations at its Fermont Division, a 
manufacturer of electrical power systems for government and commercial 
markets, effective as of September 30, 1991, and put the assets and business 
up for sale. In conjunction with the discontinuance, the Company recorded a 
provision for disposition of $5,600,000 for costs estimated to be incurred 
prior to Fermont's disposition, including $3,629,000 for operating losses 
during the phaseout period. The provision for disposition in the Consolidated 
Statement of Operations in 1991 was reduced by $1,600,000 before taxes for 
the favorable settlement of a court action involving a contract for the sale 
of 60 KW engine generator sets to the Government. Fermont's sales for the 
years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991 were $5,248,000, $14,655,000, 
and $5,257,000, respectively. 

The Company will fulfill all contractual obligations of Fermont, including 
its obligations under its contract with the U.S. Government to supply 3 KW 
engine generator sets, currently projected to be completed in 1996, unless a 
buyer for the business assumes performance of its contracts. The Company has 
submitted a proposed change order to the Government seeking several million 
dollars in equitable compensation for delay damages and added costs of 
obtaining first article approval of the prototype 3KW generator sets and for 
related matters (see Note 15). 

Current assets of the discontinued operation consist primarily of accounts 
receivable and inventories. Accounts payable and accrued expenses and sundry 
liabilities include $822,000 and $944,000 at December 31, 1993 and 1992, 
respectively, related to the division's operations. 

Note 4: Property, Plant and Equipment (in thousands) 

                                                   1993                              1992 
                                                  -------                          ------- 
                                       Fixed     Capital                Fixed      Capital 
          Classification               Assets     Leases     Total      Assets     Leases      Total 
- ----------------------------------     ------     ------     ------     ------     ------      ------ 
Land and improvements                 $   983               $   983    $   983                $   983 
Buildings and improvements              8,979     $2,270     11,249      8,987     $2,270      11,257 
Machinery, equipment, furniture 
  and fixtures                         21,768        651     22,419     21,070        739      21,809 
Leasehold improvements                    507                   507        474                    474 
                                       ------     ------     ------     ------     ------      ------ 
                                       32,237      2,921     35,158     31,514      3,009      34,523 
Less accumulated depreciation and 
  amortization                         28,802      2,450     31,252     27,951      2,385      30,336 
                                       ------     ------     ------     ------     ------      ------ 
                                      $ 3,435     $  471    $ 3,906    $ 3,563     $  624     $ 4,187 
                                       ======     ======     ======     ======     ======      ====== 



Note 5: Equity Investment in CTS Corporation 

The Company's holdings aggregated 1,920,900 shares of CTS Corporation ("CTS") 
common stock at December 31, 1993 and 1,918,100 shares at December 31, 1992 
and 1991. The Company's equity ownership in CTS was 37.3%, 37.2% and 37.4% at 
December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively. Included in Accounts Payable 
at December 31, 1993 was $54,000 for purchases of CTS common stock. 

The market value of the Company's investment in CTS amounted to $37,938,000 
and $33,567,000 at December 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively. The market value 
of the Company's investment in CTS on February 22, 1994 amounted to 
$42,780,000, on holdings of 1,922,700 shares. Under the Control Share 
Acquisitions Chapter of the Indiana Business Corporation Law, 1,020,000 of 
the Company's shares of CTS stock presently have no voting rights. 

The excess of the carrying amount of the Company's investment over the 
underlying equity in the net assets of CTS, net of accumulated amortization 
of $6,690,000, amounted to $13,879,000 at December 31, 1993 and is being 
amortized over twenty-five years using the straight-line method ($772,000 in 
1993). At December 31, 1993, dividends paid by CTS to the Company exceeded 
the Company's aggregate share of CTS' net income by $1,563,000. 

CTS operates primarily in one business segment, electronic and 
electromechanical components and subsystems, in worldwide markets. Summarized 
financial information derived from CTS' 1993 Annual Report to Stockholders 

                             Year Ended December 31, 
                           1993       1992        1991 
                          ------     ------       ------- 
                                  (in thousands) 
Net sales               $236,979    $227,391    $229,536 
                         =======     =======     ======= 
Gross earnings          $ 47,344    $ 41,101    $ 40,418 
                         =======     =======     ======= 
Earnings before 
  cumulative effect 
  of changes in 
  principles            $  6,570    $  1,901    $  4,214 
Cumulative effect of 
  benefits                (5,096) 
Cumulative effect of 
  taxes                      482 
                          ------     ------       ------- 
Net earnings            $  1,956    $  1,901     $  4,214 
                          ======     ======       ======= 
Current assets          $ 97,266    $ 87,376     $ 91,493 
                          ======     ======       ======= 
Noncurrent assets       $ 87,798    $ 83,397     $ 84,868 
                          ======     ======       ======= 
Current liabilities     $ 49,888    $ 37,262     $ 39,569 
                          ======     ======       ======= 
  liabilities           $ 15,973    $ 14,139     $ 14,307 
                          ======     ======       ======= 
Stockholders' equity    $119,203    $119,372     $122,485 
                          ======     ======       ======= 

The Company recognized its proportionate share, in accordance with the equity 
method of accounting, of CTS' net charge from its adoption of FASB Statement 
No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than 
Pensions," a charge of $1,896,000, or $.49 per share, and FASB Statement No. 
109, "Accounting for Income Taxes," a credit of $180,000, or $.05 per share. 
These onetime, non-cash accounting changes were adopted by CTS in the first 
quarter of 1993 as cumulative effects to January 1, 1993. 

CTS is required to file annual and other reports, including audited annual 
financial statements, with the Securities and Exchange Commission and such 
reports and statements are available for review at the offices of the 
Securities and Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. The Company has relied 
on CTS' financial information to compile its financial statements. 



Notes to Consolidated 
Financial Statements (continued) 

Note 6: Other Assets 

Other Current Assets 
Other current assets include marketable equity securities at market of 
$687,000 (1993) and $95,000 (1992), with a cost basis of $2,115,000 (1993) 
and $1,702,000 (1992). 

                                   1993        1992 
                                   (in thousands) 
Other Assets 
Note receivable from sale of 
  investment in Farmhand         $  404      $  451 
Property, plant and 
  discontinued division             208         328 
Cash surrender value of life 
  insurance                       1,157         690 
                                 ------      ------ 
                                 $1,769      $1,469 
                                 ======      ====== 

The Company's investment in Farmhand, a privately held farm and other 
equipment manufacturer, was sold in December, 1992, in exchange for 
$1,700,000 in cash and a $500,000 note, at six percent interest per annum, 
payable quarterly through 2009. The current portion of the note is included 
in Other Current Assets. 

Note 7: Accrued Expenses and Sundry Liabilities 

                                      1993        1992 
                                      (in thousands) 
Salaries, wages, commissions 
  and employee benefits            $ 2,680     $ 3,569 
Taxes, other than Federal 
  income taxes                       1,183       1,330 
Advertising                            495         700 
Insurance                              616         880 
Customer contract claims, 
  including price adjustments 
  and refunds                        2,800       2,800 
Advances from customers                448         478 
Warranties                           1,182       1,672 
Discontinued division                1,350       1,334 
Other                                1,848       1,324 
                                    ------      ------ 
                                   $12,602     $14,087 
                                    ======      ====== 

Note 8: Long term Debt and Credit Facilities 

Long-term Debt 

                                      1993        1992 
                                      (in thousands) 
Industrial revenue bonds, 7.35% 
  payable through 1994              $  108      $  215 
Mortgage notes, 9% payable 
  through 1996                         171         239 
Obligations under capital 
  leases                               744         980 
                                    ------      ------ 
                                     1,023       1,434 
Less current portion                   400         411 
                                    ------      ------ 
                                    $  623      $1,023 
                                    ======      ====== 

The industrial revenue bonds and mortgages are collateralized by land, 
buildings and improvements having a net book value of $339,000 at December 
31, 1993. 

Capital leases generally provide that the Company pay property taxes and 
operating costs. Certain capital leases contain renewal and/or purchase 

Minimum lease payments under capital leases total $1,074,000, including 
$330,000 representing interest. Minimum lease payments in each year for the 
next five years are: $277,000, $166,000, $80,000, $50,000 and $45,000. The 
present value of the current portion of such payments is $218,000 at December 
31, 1993. 

The aggregate principal payments of long-term debt (excluding capital leases) 
for the next three years are: $182,000, $82,000 and $15,000. 

The Company leases real estate and equipment under operating leases. Certain 
of the leases contain renewal options and escalation clauses relating to 
taxes and maintenance. Rental expense amounted to $676,000, $711,000 and 
$773,000 for the years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively. 

Minimum lease payments under operating leases total $1,947,000. Minimum lease 
payments in each year for the next five years are: $477,000, $321,000, 
$272,000, $224,000 and $185,000. 

Interest payments amounted to $118,000, $148,000 and $181,000 for the years 
ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively. 




Notes to Consolidated 
Financial Statements (continued) 

Credit Facilities 
The Company has a Revolving Credit Agreement with banks which provides a line 
of credit of up to $27,000,000 through September 30, 1994 at the lower of the 
prime rate or other rate options available at the time of borrowing. The 
Company pays a commitment fee of 3/8% based on the unused portion of the 
line. The Agreement provides that, at the option of the Company, the 
principal outstanding at September 30, 1994 may be converted to a four year 
term loan, with interest at the lower of 1/4% over the prime rate or other 
rate options, payable in equal semi-annual principal installments. The 
Agreement contains restrictions which, among other things, require the 
Company to have income from continuing operations before equity in the 
operating results of unconsolidated affiliates for the year and in at least 
one of any two consecutive fiscal quarters. The Agreement requires 
maintenance of certain financial ratios and contains other restrictive 
covenants, including a restriction on dividends. 

The Company also has an uncommitted line of credit with a bank amounting to 
$10,000,000. The Company does not pay any fee for the uncommitted line and 
therefore the availability of the line is at the discretion of the bank. 

Outstanding letters of credit, principally related to imports and bid and 
performance bond obligations, amounted to $6,039,000 at December 31, 1993. 

Note 9: Other Liabilities 

                             1993        1992 
                               (in thousands) 
  Accrued pension cost      $2,145      $1,680 
  Discontinued division        809       2,236                             
                             ------      ----- 
                            $2,954      $3,916 
                             ======      ===== 

Note 10: Stockholders' Equity 

1980 Restricted Stock and Cash Bonus Plan 
The Plan, prior to amendment, provided for the discretionary award or sale of 
up to 400,000 shares of common stock to key executives. The shares awarded or 
sold are subject to restrictions against transfer as well as repurchase 
rights of the Company which, in effect, provide for the lapse of restrictions 
at the rate of 20% per year beginning one year from the award or sale. In 
addition, the Plan provides for a cash bonus to the participant equal to the 
fair market value of the shares on the date said restrictions lapse in the 
case of an award, or the excess of the fair market value thereof as of such 
date over the original purchase price if the shares were purchased, with a 
limit upon the total bonuses paid to any participant during the 5-year period 
of twice the fair market value of the shares on the date of award or sale. 
The Plan was amended in 1988 to make additional shares available for issuance 
to replenish the Plan for shares awarded since its inception. At December 31, 
1993, 1992, and 1991, 370,500, 368,700 and 367,900 shares, respectively, were 
available for award or sale under the Plan. 

In addition to the shares issued and amortization of deferred compensation 
included in the Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity, the Company 
accrued bonuses of $58,000 (1993), $146,000 (1992) and $178,000 (1991) and 
reacquired (at no cost) through forfeitures 3,800 (1993) and 800 (1992) 
previously issued restricted shares pursuant to the Plan. 

1986 Stock Plan for Outside Directors 
The Plan provides for a portion of outside directors' compensation to be 
deferred and to be paid in shares of the Company's common stock upon a 
director's retirement, disability or death. Under the Plan, common stock 
units (payable in shares of the Company's common stock on a one-for-one 
basis) are credited to the directors based on their service as outside 
directors each year. Common stock units of 449 (1993), 351 (1992) and 462 
(1991) were credited to the outside directors. In 1992, 1,251 shares were 
distributed under the Plan to a deceased director's estate. The total number 
of units in the Plan is 4,027 at December 31, 1993. 

Note 11: Preferred Stock Purchase Rights 
In 1986 the Company declared a distribution to shareholders of record on 
February 14, 1986 of one preferred stock purchase right for each outstanding 
share of the Company's voting and non-voting common stock. Under certain 
conditions, each right may be exercised to purchase one one-hundredth of a 
share of a newly created series of participating preferred stock at an 
exercise price of $80. The rights become exercisable ten days after a public 
announcement that a party or group has acquired or obtained the right to 
acquire 20% or more of the Company's common stock in a transaction not 
previously approved by the Board of Directors of the Company, or after 
commencement or public announcement of a tender offer for 25% or more of the 
Company's common stock. The rights, which are non-voting, expire on February 
14, 1996 unless 




Notes to Consolidated 
Financial Statements (continued) 

extended and may be redeemed by the Company at a price of $.05 per right at 
any time prior to their expiration or prior to the acquisition by a party or 
group of 20% of the Company's common stock, unless approved by the Board of 
Directors. The participating preferred stock to be purchased upon exercise of 
the rights will be nonredeemable. 

In the event the Company is acquired in a merger or other business 
combination transaction after the rights become exercisable, provision shall 
be made so that each holder of a right shall have the right to receive, upon 
exercise thereof and payment of the then current exercise price, that number 
of shares of common stock of the surviving company which at the time of such 
transaction would have a market value of two times the exercise price of the 
right. If the Company is the surviving company, each holder would have the 
right to receive for the then current exercise price preferred stock of the 
Company with a market value of two times the exercise price. 

Note 12: Other Income, Net 

                              1993       1992        1991 
                                     (in thousands) 
Income (Expense): 
 Income                      $  181     $ 123       $ 108 
 Expense                       (118)     (148)       (180) 
                             ------     -----       ----- 
                                 63       (25)        (72) 
Dividend income                  27                    72 
Net gains (losses) on 
  current marketable 
  Realized on sales            (121)                  573 
  Change in   unrealized 
   loss                         180       (46)       (269) 
Royalty income                1,207       244         226 
Gain on sale of property                  554 
Division sale 
  termination fee                                     254 
Restructuring costs, 
  principally severance        (470) 
Other, net                       57       (85)       (213) 
                             ------     -----       ----- 
                             $  943     $ 642       $ 571 
                             ======     =====       ===== 

Note 13: Income Taxes 
Income tax charge (benefit) from continuing operations consists of: 

                              1993       1992        1991 
                                     (in thousands) 
Current income taxes: 
 Federal                      $211      $  199      $ 302 
 State                          77         276        319 
                              ----       -----      ----- 
                               288         475        621 
                              ----      -----       ----- 
Deferred income tax 
  charges (credits): 
 Federal                       204         563       (618) 
 State                         125         126       (108) 
                              ----      ------      ----- 
                               329         689       (726) 
                              ----      ------      ----- 
                              $617      $1,164      ($105) 
                              ====      ======      ===== 

Deferred income tax charges (credits) result from the following: 

                             1993        1992        1991 
                                    (in thousands) 
Inventory                   ($572)      ($167)      $ 304 
Employee benefits             (94)       (167)       (392) 
Discontinued operations, 
  restructuring and 
  customer contract 
  adjustments                 438         632        (468) 
Warranties                    152        (176)        148 
Patent infringement 
  judgment                                471        (159) 
Deferred income               372 
Other, net                     33          96        (159) 
                             ----        ----       ----- 
                             $329        $689       ($726) 
                             ====        ====        ==== 

A reconciliation of the Federal statutory rate to the Company's consolidated 
effective tax rate for continuing operations follows: 

                             1993        1992        1991 
Statutory rate               34.0%       34.0%       34.0% 
State income taxes, net 
  of Federal income tax 
  benefit                     8.0         5.4         2.2 
Resolution of prior 
  years tax matters                     (15.8)      (41.0) 
Employee benefits            (3.9) 
Foreign tax credits          (3.4) 
Other, net                    2.1                      .6 
                             ----        ----       ----- 
                             36.8%       23.6%       (4.2%) 
                             ====        ====       ===== 




 Significant components of the Company's deferred tax assets and liabilities 
at December 31 are as follows: 

                                   1993        1992 
                                    (in thousands) 
Deferred tax assets: 
 Warranty reserve                 $  504      $  655 
 Bad debt allowance                  195         210 
 Uniform cost capitalization 
   and inventory valuation 
   allowances                      1,820       1,247 
 Employee benefit plans            1,690       1,452 
 Investments                         470         469  
 Reserve for discontinued 
  division                           875       1,453 
 Reserve for customer 
  contract  claims                   624         630 
 Depreciation                        375         420 
 Other, net                          272         190 
                                   -----       ----- 
                                   6,825       6,726 
 Valuation allowance for 
   deferred tax assets              (335)       (314) 
                                   -----       ----- 
  Total deferred tax assets        6,490       6,412 
                                   -----       ----- 
Deferred tax liabilities: 
 Deferred income                    (372) 
 Other, net                         (119)       (112) 
                                   -----       ----- 
Total deferred tax 
  liabilities                       (491)       (112) 
                                   -----       ----- 
Net deferred tax assets           $5,999      $6,300 
                                   =====       ===== 

Effective January 1, 1992, the Company changed its method of accounting for 
income taxes from the deferred method to the liability method required by 
FASB Statement No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes." The effect of the 
adoption of FASB Statement No. 109 on the 1992 income tax provision was not 
significant. However, the cumulative effect of this change to January 1, 1992 
resulted in a $942,000 charge to 1992 earnings. 

Income tax payments, net of refunds, amounted to $302,000, $1,329,000 and 
$187,000 for the years ended December 31, 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively. 

Note 14: Employee Benefit Plans 
The Company has a noncontributory defined benefit retirement plan covering 
substantially all of its employees. The benefits are based on the employee's 
years of service and career average compensation. Pension costs are generally 
funded to the extent of tax deductible amounts. Contributions are intended to 
provide not only for benefits attributed to service to date but also for 
those expected to be earned in the forthcoming year. The Company also 
contributes to a multi-employer plan, which provides defined benefits, as 
required by collective bargaining agreements. 

A summary of the components of net periodic pension cost of the defined 
benefit plan and the total contributions charged to pension expense for the 
multi-employer plan follows: 

                             1993        1992        1991 
                                    (in thousands) 
Defined benefit plan: 
 Service cost--benefits 
   earned during the 
   period                   $   628    $   726     $   612 
 Interest cost on 
   projected benefit 
   obligation                 1,402      1,346       1,305 
 Actual return on plan 
   assets                    (2,085)    (1,780)     (1,607) 
 Net amortization and 
   deferral                     520        346         231 
                             ------     ------     ------- 
Net pension charges for 
  defined benefit plan          465        638         541 
Multi-employer plan             294        299         294 
                             ------     ------     ------- 
Net periodic pension 
  cost                      $   759    $   937     $   835 
                             ======     ======     ======= 

Net periodic pension cost for the defined benefit plan includes $87,000 
(1993), $105,000 (1992) and $138,000 (1991) charged against accrued expenses 
of the discontinued Fermont division. Net periodic pension cost for the 
defined benefit plan for 1992 includes $83,000 of additional charges under 
FASB Statement No. 88, "Employers' Accounting for Settlements and 
Curtailments of Defined Benefit Pension Plans and for Termination Benefits," 
relating to an early retirement offer at one of the Company's divisions. 

Assumptions used in accounting for the defined benefit plan as of December 31 

                             1993        1992        1991 
Discount rate                7.50%       7.75%       7.75% 
Rate of increase in 
  compensation levels        5.0 %       5.0 %       5.0 % 
Expected long-term rate 
  of return on assets        9.0 %       9.0 %       9.0 % 

The following table sets forth the funded status and amounts recognized in 
the consolidated balance sheets 



Notes to Consolidated 
Financial Statements (continued) 

at December 31, 1993 and 1992 for the Company's defined benefit pension plan: 

                                      1993          1992 
                                         (in thousands) 
Actuarial present value of 
  benefit obligations: 
 Accumulated benefit 
   obligation, including vested 
   benefits of $16,744 and 
   $15,010                          ($18,681)     ($17,112) 
 Effect of salary projections         (1,463)       (1,529) 
                                      ------        ------ 
 Projected benefit obligation 
  for service rendered to date       (20,144)      (18,641) 
Plan assets at fair value             17,257        16,095 
                                      ------        ------ 
Projected benefit obligation in 
  excess of plan assets               (2,887)       (2,546) 
Unrecognized net loss from past 
  experience different from 
  assumed and effect of changes 
  in assumptions                       2,497         2,974 
Prior service cost not yet 
  recognized in net periodic 
  pension cost                           317           354 
Unrecognized net asset 
  remaining from initial 
  application of FASB Statement 
  No. 87                              (2,072)       (2,462) 
                                     -------        ------ 
Accrued pension cost                ($ 2,145)      ($1,680) 
                                     =======        ====== 

The 1993 change in the discount rate from 7.75% to 7.50% resulted in a 
$689,000 increase in the projected benefit obligation. Plan assets are 
invested in cash equivalents, guaranteed investment contracts, and equity 
stocks, including common stock of the Company having a market value of 
$1,500,000 and $1,300,000 at December 31, 1993 and 1992, respectively. 

Information concerning the Company's share of related estimated plan benefits 
and assets is not available for the multi-employer plan. 

The Company has a Savings and Investment Plan for all employees not covered 
by collective bargaining agreements, which qualifies as a profit sharing plan 
under Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Company's 
contributions under the Plan are based on specified percentages of employee 
contributions and were $342,000 (1993), $316,000 (1992) and $578,000 (1991). 

Note 15: Contingencies 

The Company is a supplier to the United States Government under contracts and 
subcontracts on which there are cost allocation, cost allowability and 
compliance issues under examination by various agencies or departments of the 
Federal government. In the course of the resolution of these issues, the 
Company may be required to adjust certain prices or refund certain payments 
on its government contracts and subcontracts. The Company believes that any 
such price adjustments or refunds will not have a materially adverse effect 
on the financial position of the Company. 

In April, 1992, the Company submitted a proposed change order to the 
Government seeking several million dollars in equitable compensation for 
constructive changes made by the Government to a contract for the supply of 
3KW generator sets to be manufactured by the Company's discontinued Fermont 
division. The Company is not able to predict the outcome of its proposed 
change order at this time. The Government has executed a contract 
modification to continue prototype testing of the 3KW generator set which 
resumed in September 1993. Negotiations on a possible settlement of the 
proposed change order, which commenced in late May 1993, have recently 
resumed after a delay by the Government. 

The Company has been notified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
("EPA") that it is a Potentially Responsible Party ("PRP") regarding 
hazardous waste cleanup at a non-Company site in Connecticut and at a Company 
site in California. Certain of the PRPs at the Connecticut site have agreed 
with the EPA to fund a feasibility study at the site and have sued the 
Company and other PRPs who have not agreed to share the costs. A property 
owner neighboring the Company site in California has sued the Company and 
others for allegedly causing contamination at the neighbor's property. In 
addition, the Company has received notice from a state environmental agency 
that it is a PRP with respect to a non-Company site in Pennsylvania, and is 
also a defendant in two lawsuits seeking contribution towards the Superfund 
cleanup costs relating to two other non-Company sites in that state. Based 
upon its knowledge of the extent of the Company's exposure and current 
statutes, rules and regulations, management believes that the anticipated 
costs resulting from claims and proceedings with respect to the above 
mentioned sites, including remediation, the extent and cost of which are 
presently unknown, will not materially affect the financial position of the 

With respect to other claims and actions against the Company, it is the 
opinion of Management that they will not have a material effect on the 
financial position of the Company. 



Note 16: Industry Segments: 
See Financial Information About Industry Segments on pages 22 and 23 of this 

 Note 17: Quarterly Financial Data (Unaudited): 
(dollar amounts in thousands, except per share data) 

                                                      Three months ended                                    Year 
                               March 31           June 30         September 30       December 31 
                            ---------------   ---------------    ---------------   ---------------     ---------------- 
Net sales                        $25,591           $25,719            $24,241           $25,778            $101,329 
                                 =======           =======            =======           =======            ======== 
Gross profit                     $ 6,731           $ 6,516            $ 5,764           $ 5,792            $ 24,803 
                                 =======           =======            =======           =======            ======== 
Income from continuing 
  operations                     $   618           $   727            $   233           $ 1,099(b)         $  2,677 
                                 =======           =======            =======           =======            ======== 
Net income (loss)               ($ 1,098)(a)       $   727            $   233           $ 1,099            $    961 
                                 =======           =======            =======           =======            ======== 
Income (loss) per share: 
 Income from continuing 
   operations                    $   .16           $   .18            $   .06           $   .28(b)         $    .68 
                                 =======           =======            =======           =======            ======== 
 Net income (loss)              ($   .28)(a)       $   .18            $   .06           $   .28            $    .24 
                                 =======           =======            =======           =======            ======== 
Net sales                        $24,076           $27,528            $28,252           $30,387            $110,243 
                                 =======           =======            =======           =======            ======== 
Gross profit                     $ 6,613           $ 7,808            $ 7,745           $ 8,301            $ 30,467 
                                 =======           =======            =======           =======            ======== 
Income from continuing 
  operations                     $   545 (c)       $   793            $   679           $ 1,316(e)         $  3,333 
                                 =======           =======            =======           =======            ======== 
Net income (loss)               ($   359)(d)       $   788            $   667           $ 1,027(f)         $  2,123 
                                 =======           =======            =======           =======            ======== 
Income (loss) per share: 
 Income from continuing 
   operations                       $.14 (c)          $.20               $.18             $.33(e)              $.85 
                                    ====              ====               ====             ====                 ==== 
 Net income (loss)                 ($.09)(d)          $.20               $.17             $.26(f)              $.54 
                                    ====              ====               ====             ====                 ==== 
(a) The Company recognized its proportionate share, in accordance with the 
equity method of accounting, of CTS' net charge from its adoption of FASB 
Statement No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other 
Than Pensions," a charge of $1,896 ($.49 per share), and FASB Statement No. 
109, "Accounting for Income Taxes," a credit of $180 ($.05 per share). These 
onetime, non-cash accounting changes were adopted by CTS as cumulative 
effects to January 1, 1993. 

(b) Increased by $608 ($.16 per share) from initial royalty under a 
technology transfer agreement. Includes a charge of $286 ($.07 per share) for 
restructuring costs, principally severance. 

(c) Increased by $349 ($.09 per share) from the sale of property. 

(d) Includes a charge of $942 ($.24 per share) for the cumulative effect to 
January 1, 1992 of a change in the Company's method of accounting for income 
taxes from the deferred method to the liability method required by FASB 
Statement No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes." 

(e) Increased by $780 ($.20 per share) for resolution of prior years tax 

(f) Includes a charge of $248 ($.06 per share) for the loss on disposition of 
the Company's equity investment in Farmhand, Inc. 


Report of Ernst & Young, Independent Auditors 

1111 Summer Street 
Stamford, Connecticut 06905 
Phone: 203 326 8200 
Fax: 203 358 9644 

To the Board of Directors and Stockholders of Dynamics Corporation of America 

We have audited the accompanying consolidated balance sheets of Dynamics 
Corporation of America as of December 31, 1993 and 1992, and the related 
consolidated statements of operations, stockholders' equity, and cash flows 
for each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1993. These 
financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our 
responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based 
on our audits. The financial statements of CTS Corporation (a corporation in 
which the Company had a 37.3% interest at December 31, 1993) have been 
audited by other auditors whose report, which included an explanatory 
paragraph for CTS Corporation's accounting changes discussed in Note 5 to 
these consolidated financial statements, has been furnished to us; insofar as 
our opinion on the consolidated financial statements relates to data included 
for CTS Corporation, it is based solely on their report. 

We conducted our audits in accordance with generally accepted auditing 
standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to 
obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free 
of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, 
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. 
An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and 
significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall 
financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits and the report 
of other auditors provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. 

In our opinion, based on our audits and the report of other auditors, the 
financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material 
respects, the consolidated financial position of Dynamics Corporation of 
America at December 31, 1993 and 1992, and the consolidated results of its 
operations and its cash flows for each of the three years in the period ended 
December 31, 1993, in conformity with generally accepted accounting 

As discussed in Note 13 to the consolidated financial statements, in 1992 the 
Company changed its method of accounting for income taxes. As discussed in 
Note 5 to the consolidated financial statements, in 1993 CTS Corporation 
changed its method of accounting for income taxes and post-retirement health 
care and life insurance benefits. 

(Signature of Ernst & Young) 

February 22, 1994 


Selected Financial Data 
(amounts in thousands, except share data) 

 Year ended December 31,                      1993               1992              1991               1990           1989 
Net sales                                   $  101,329       $  110,243        $  111,962         $  110,306      $  116,792 
                                            ==========       ==========        ==========         ==========      ========== 
Gross profit                                $   24,803       $   30,467        $   27,890         $   27,146      $   27,050 
                                            ==========       ==========        ==========         ==========      ========== 
   Income (loss) from continuing operations 
  before equity in CTS                      $    1,058(a)    $    3,775(c)     $    2,580(f)      $    1,559(h)          ($2)(i)
Income (loss) from equity investment in 
  continuing operations of CTS                   1,619             (442)              650                893           2,586 
                                            ----------       ----------        ----------         ----------      ---------- 
Income from continuing operations                2,677            3,333             3,230              2,452           2,584 
Loss from discontinued division                                                    (4,071)(g)         (1,550)           (455)

Equity in income (loss) of discontinued
 unconsolidated affiliate                                           (20)             (492)               201             225
Loss on disposition of unconsolidated 
  affiliate                                                        (248)(d)                                       
Equity in CTS' cumulative effect to January   
  1, 1993 of changes in accounting methods      (1,716)(b)    
Cumulative effect to January 1, 1992 of   
  change in accounting for income taxes                            (942)(e) 
                                            ----------       ----------        ----------         ----------      ---------- 
Net income (loss)                           $      961       $    2,123           ($1,333)        $    1,103      $    2,354 
                                            ==========       ==========        ==========         ==========      ========== 
Average common shares outstanding            3,902,164        3,915,224         3,914,312          3,914,682       4,026,207 
                                            ==========        =========        ==========         ==========      ========== 
Amounts per common share: 
 Income from continuing operations                $.68             $.85              $.83               $.63            $.64 
                                                  ====             ====              ====               ====            ==== 
 Net income (loss)                                $.24             $.54             ($.34)              $.28            $.58 
                                                  ====             ====              ====               ====            ==== 
 Cash dividends                                   $.20             $.20              $.20               $.20            $.20 
                                                  ====             ====              ====               ====            ==== 
 Stockholders' equity (j)                       $23.86           $23.75            $23.33             $24.01          $23.72 
                                                ======           ======            ======             ======          ====== 
Total assets                                $  115,364       $  120,288        $  122,020         $  125,999      $  127,345 
                                            ==========       ==========        ==========         ==========      ========== 
Long-term debt                              $      623       $    1,023        $    1,313         $    1,625      $    1,927 
                                            ==========       ==========        ==========         ==========      ========== 
(a) Increased by $608 ($.16 per share) from initial royalty income under a 
technology transfer agreement. Includes a charge of $286 ($.07 per share) for 
restructuring costs, principally severance. 

(b) The Company recognized its proportionate share, in accordance with the 
equity method of accounting, of CTS' net charge from its adoption of FASB 
Statement No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other 
Than Pensions," a charge of $1,896 ($.49 per share), and FASB Statement No. 
109, "Accounting for Income Taxes," a credit of $180 ($.05 per share). These 
onetime, non-cash accounting changes were adopted by CTS as cumulative 
effects to January 1, 1993. 

(c) Increased by $780 ($.20 per share) for resolution of prior years tax 
matters and $349 ($.09 per share) from the sale of property. 

(d) Loss on disposition of the Company's equity investment in Farmhand Inc. 
($.06 per share). 

(e) Cumulative effect to January 1, 1992 of a change in the Company's method 
of accounting for income taxes from the deferred method to the liability 
method required by FASB Statement No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes" 
($.24 per share). 

(f) Includes income from a resolution of prior years' tax matters of $1,015 
($.26 per share) and from a nonrefundable escrow deposit of $155 ($.04 per 
share) from the decision by Halton OY of Finland not to proceed with the 
purchase of the Company's Anemostat Division. 

(g) Includes a charge of $2,678 ($.68 per share) for estimated operating 
losses and costs during the phaseout period of the Company's Fermont 

(h) Increased by $448 ($.12 per share) from the reversal of an overaccrual in 
the prior year for a consumer product line restructuring and related product 
discontinuance and $277 ($.07 per share) from interest income on refunds of 
Federal income taxes, and reduced by charges of $1,051 ($.27 per share) for 
costs in connection with a patent infringement judgment, $655 ($.17 per 
share) for realized and unrealized losses on the Company's current marketable 
securities and $560 ($.14 per share) for a special warranty program. 

(i) Includes a charge of $496 ($.12 per share) to establish a reserve for 
unrealized losses on the Company's current marketable securities portfolio, a 
charge of $1,854 ($.46 per share) for a consumer product line restructuring 
and related product discontinuance and income of $385 ($.10 per share) from 
settlement of a business interruption claim. 

(j) Based upon shares outstanding at end of period. 

The above Selected Financial Data should be read in conjunction with the 
Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company, including the Notes to 
Consolidated Financial Statements, appearing elsewhere in this Annual Report. 



Segments of Business 
During 1993 the Company continued its operations in a number of manufacturing 
businesses conducted by four divisions and a subsidiary, each of which 
operates as a separate unit and each of which maintains its own sales, 
administration, accounting, marketing, engineering and manufacturing 
operations. Corporate headquarters determines policy and provides such 
services as legal counsel, accounting, financing, cash management, auditing, 
insurance, public relations and long-range planning guidance. 

The methods of distribution and marketing utilized by the Company vary by 
operation. In general, sales for all the Company's segments combine some 
direct selling in certain market areas with appropriate manufacturers' 
representatives, wholesalers, distributors and/or dealers. 

The operations are classified into three industry segments: electrical 
appliances and electronic devices, fabricated metal products and equipment, 
and power and controlled environmental systems. 

Segments are grouped according to similarities in profitability, risk, growth 
potential, material and labor composition of products and/or capital 

These segments accounted for the following net sales, operating results and 
other financial data for each of the three years in the period ended December 
31, 1993: 

 Financial Information About Industry Segments 

 Year ended December 31:                           1993           1992            1991 
                                                               (in thousands) 
Net Sales: 
 Electrical Appliances and Electronic 
  Devices                                        $ 53,813       $ 62,265        $ 60,016 
 Fabricated Metal Products and Equipment           22,347         25,241          23,417 
 Power and Controlled Environmental Systems        25,169         22,737          28,529 
                                                 --------       --------        -------- 
                                                 $101,329       $110,243        $111,962 
                                                 ========       ========        ======== 
Operating Profit (Loss): 
 Electrical Appliances and Electronic 
  Devices                                        $  1,438       $  3,619        $  3,620 
 Fabricated Metal Products and Equipment              498          1,667           1,785 
 Power and Controlled Environmental Systems         2,399          1,821            (722) 
                                                 --------       --------        -------- 
                                                    4,335          7,107           4,683 
 Corporate Expenses                                (2,719)        (2,451)         (2,930) 
 Interest Income (Expense), net                        52            (31)            (87) 
 Other Income, net                                      7            314             809 
                                                 --------       --------        -------- 
                                                 $  1,675       $  4,939        $  2,475 
                                                 ========       ========        ======== 
Depreciation and Amortization: 
 Electrical Appliances and Electronic 
  Devices                                        $    795       $    741        $    704 
 Fabricated Metal Products and Equipment              255            253             249 
 Power and Controlled Environmental Systems           157            187             222 
 Corporate                                             20              9               4 
                                                 --------       --------        -------- 
                                                 $  1,227       $  1,190        $  1,179 
                                                 ========       ========        ======== 
Capital Expenditures: 
 Electrical Appliances and Electronic 
  Devices                                        $    748       $    707        $    767 
 Fabricated Metal Products and Equipment              149            348             218 
 Power and Controlled Environmental Systems            31             44              90 
 Corporate                                             22             29 
                                                 --------       --------        -------- 
                                                 $    950       $  1,128        $  1,075 
                                                 ========       ========        ======== 
Identifiable Assets: 
 Electrical Appliances and Electronic 
  Devices                                        $ 23,317       $ 24,110        $ 23,592 
 Fabricated Metal Products and Equipment            8,154          8,924           8,375 
 Power and Controlled Environmental Systems        10,837         15,435          13,746 
 Corporate                                         71,440         69,041          71,993 
                                                 --------       --------        -------- 
                                                  113,748        117,510         117,706 
                                                 --------       --------        -------- 
Assets of Discontinued Operations                   1,616          2,778           4,314 
                                                 --------       --------        -------- 
                                                 $115,364       $120,288        $122,020 
                                                 ========       ========        ======== 




Financial Information About Industry Segments (continued) 

 Year ended December 31:                                                      1993       1992        1991 
                                                                              (dollar amounts in thousands) 
U.S. Government Sales, direct and indirect (occurring predominantly in 
  the Power and Controlled Environmental Systems segment), including 
  indirect sales in that segment to a single customer in excess of 10% 
  (1993)                                                                    $18,151    $13,360     $12,112 
                                                                             ======     ======       ======= 
Export Sales                                                                $ 8,787    $10,137     $17,279 
                                                                             ======     ======       ======= 
Classes of Products representing 10% or more of Company net sales: 
 Electrical Appliances and Electronic Devices: 
  Consumer and Commercial Portable Electrical Appliances                       37.0%      43.5%       35.7% 
  Quartz Crystal Products                                                                             10.6% 
 Fabricated Metal Products and Equipment: 
  Air Distribution Equipment and Controls                                      22.1%      22.9%       20.9% 

See page 24 for the classification of the Company's present manufacturing 
Divisions and Subsidiary for segment purposes and a brief description of 

Total revenue by industry segments includes sales to all unaffiliated 
customers including the U.S. Government. 

Operating profit is total revenues less operating expenses. Identifiable 
assets by industry segments are those assets that are used in the Company's 
operations in each industry. Corporate assets are principally cash, 
receivables, assets of discontinued operations and marketable securities, 
including the Company's equity investment in CTS Corporation, substantially 
all of which is held by its wholly owned subsidiary, LTB Investment 

It should be noted that the reported information follows the pronouncements 
of the Financial Accounting Standards Board and does not follow the Company's 
internal allocation procedures relating to interest, other income and certain 
administrative costs such as management, legal and financial. Accordingly, 
the information may not be indicative of the financial results of, or 
investments in, the reported segments were they independent organizations, or 
useful for comparison with operations of other companies. 

Range of Stock Prices and Dividend Information 

The Company's Common Stock (Voting) is traded on the New York Stock Exchange 
(ticker symbol: DYA). There is no market for the Non-Voting Common Shares of 
the Company. 

The prices of the Company's Common Stock and dividends paid during 1993 and 
1992 are as follows: 

                       New York Stock Exchange         Dividends Paid 
                 ---------------------------------     ---------------- 
                      1993               1992          1993      1992 
                  HIGH      LOW     HIGH      LOW 
                  ----     ----      ----     ---- 
1st Quarter     14-3/8    12-7/8      12     9-7/8     $.10      $.10 
2nd Quarter     16-3/8    13-7/8   14-3/8   11-1/2 
3rd Quarter        17     15-1/2   15-1/4   13-3/8     $.10      $.10 
4th Quarter     17-3/4    14-7/8   13-7/8   11-3/4 

As of February 22, 1994 there were 4,233 shareholders of record. 

The Board of Directors of the Company established a semi-annual dividend 
policy in January 1978 and expects to continue this policy. At its January 
1984 meeting, the Board of Directors established the regular semi-annual 
dividend rate of ten cents ($.10) per share. The first payment for 1994 was 
made on March 1 to shareholders of record as of the close of business on 
February 15, 1994. 

The number of employees of the Company as of December 31, 1993 was 1,062. 




DCA's Manufacturing Divisions and Subsidiary 

The following is the classification of the Company's present operations 
for industry segment purposes and a brief description of each: 

Electrical Appliances 
and Electronic Devices 

135 West Magnolia Blvd. 
Burbank, California 

Designs and manufactures the Zero Insertion Force (ZIF(tm)) printed circuit 
board retainer, ZIF II using tool free concept, thermally efficient coldwalls 
and enclosures using the integrated ZIF(tm) or the machined ZIF(tm) 
technology approach for high performance electronic systems, heat 
dissipators/sinks and other components related to thermal management of 
electronic systems for the Military/Aerospace, computer and commercial market 
place worldwide. 

Carlisle, Pennsylvania 

Designs and manufactures quartz crystals, crystal oscillators and 
glass-to-metal hermetic seal packages for sales to customers worldwide. 
Primary applications include telecommunications, computers, hybrid 
microcircuits, navigation, position location, military communication, medical 
imaging and guidance systems. 

New Hartford, Connecticut 

Manufactures commercial and consumer portable electrical appliances such as 
the original Blendor(R) and the NuBlend(R) blender, mixers, can openers, food 
processors, juicers, juice extractors, coffee preparation products, ice cream 
makers and food dehydrators and steamers sold under the Waring(R), Acme 
Juicerator(R) and Qualheim(tm) brand names for both the domestic and export 

Power and Controlled 
Environmental Systems 

ELLIS AND WATTS DIVISION 4400 Glen Willow Lake Lane 
Batavia, Ohio 

Manufactures special air conditioning equipment, liquid cooling systems, 
fluid transfer units, air handling equipment, special fans, dehydrators, 
mobile vans and transportable suites (Environ(R)) for specialized electronic 
and medical diagnostic equipment, including "CT" Scanners, Lithotriptors and 
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) systems, for government, industry, medical 
and power plant use. 

Fabricated Metal 
Products and Equipment 

888 North Keyser Avenue 
Scranton, Pennsylvania 

Designs, manufactures and markets a broad line of air distribution equipment 
with both pneumatic and electronic controls to meet the need for total 
environmental control in laboratories, industrial buildings, commercial 
buildings, and air distribution in aircraft, marine and rail equipment. Brand 
names include Anemostat(R), Anemotherm(R), Multi-Vent(R), Anemotrak(R) and 
Envirotrak(R). Anemostat also manufacturers a line of UL(R) approved vision 
frames and louvers for fire rated doors. 




Dynamics Corporation of America

 Business Consultant 
 Vice President-Finance and 
 Chief Financial Officer of the 
 President, Highpoint Enterprises 
 Vice President and General 
 Counsel of the Corporation 
 Vice Chairman, Shawmut Bank 
 Chairman of the Board and 
 President of the Corporation 
 Vice Chairman of the Board, 
 Vice President and Secretary 
 of the Corporation 
 Financial Advisor 

+Member of Audit Committee 
*Member of Compensation Committee 


 Chairman of the Board and 
 Vice Chairman of the Board, 
 Vice President and Secretary 
 Vice President and General 
 Vice President-Finance and 
 Chief Financial Officer 

** Retired at year end 



Dynamics Corporation of America 
475 Steamboat Road 
Greenwich, Connecticut 06830-7197 
