WASHINGTON, DC  20549

                                      Form 10-K

         (Mark One)

                   For Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1993



                   Commission File Number:  1-4639

                                    CTS CORPORATION                   
               (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                    Indiana                            35-0225010           
         (State or other jurisdiction of         (IRS Employer Identifi-
         incorporation or organization)          cation Number)

         905 West Boulevard North, Elkhart, Indiana             46514      
          (Address of principal executive offices)            (Zip Code)

         Registrant's telephone number, including area code:   219-293-7511

         Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                 Name of Each Exchange 
              Title of Each Class                 on Which Registered     

         Common stock, without par value         New York Stock Exchange

         Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act:  None

         Indicate by check mark whether the  registrant has:  (1) filed  all
         reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securit-
         ies Exchange Act  of 1934 during  the preceding  12 months (or  for
         such shorter period that  the registrant was required to  file such
         reports),  and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for
         the past 90 days.
                           Yes    X             No        

         Indicate by check mark if disclosure  of delinquent filers pursuant
         to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not
         be  contained, to the best of registrant's knowledge, in definitive
         proxy or  information statements incorporated by  reference in Part
         III of this Form 10-K or any amendment to this Form 10-K.    

                          Yes    X              No    
         There were  5,169,354 shares  of Common  Stock, without  par value,
         outstanding on March 11, 1994.

         The  aggregate market value of  the voting stock  held by non-affi-
         liates of  CTS Corporation was  approximately $68 million  on March
         11, 1994.


               (1)  Portions of the CTS Corporation 1993 Annual Report  for
                    the fiscal year  ended December 31, 1993,  incorporated
                    by reference in Part I and Part II.

               (2)  Portions of the 1994 Proxy Statement for annual meeting
                    of  stockholders   to  be  held  on   April  29,  1994,
                    incorporated by reference in Part III.

               (3)  Certain portions  of the CTS Corporation Form  10-K for
                    the 1987 fiscal year ended January 3, 1988, incorporated
                    by reference in Part IV.

               (4)   Certain portions  of  Registration Statement  No.  33-
                     27749, effective   March   23, 1989, incorporated   by
                     reference in Part IV.

               (5)  Certain portions of the 1989 Proxy Statement for annual
                    meeting   of   stockholders   held  April   28,   1989,
                    incorporated by reference in Part IV.

               (6)  Certain portions  of the CTS Corporation Form  10-K for
                    the 1989  fiscal year ended December 31, 1989, incorporated
                    by reference in Part IV.

               (7)  Certain portions  of the CTS Corporation  Form 10-K for
                    the  1991   fiscal  year   ended  December   31,  1991,
                    incorporated by reference in Part IV.

               (8)  Certain portions  of the CTS Corporation  Form 10-K for
                    the  1992  fiscal   year  ended   December  31,   1992,
                    incorporated by reference in Part IV.

                           EXHIBIT INDEX -- PAGES 16 AND 17


                                        Part I

          Item 1.   Business


          The  registrant, CTS Corporation (CTS  or Company), is an Indiana
          corporation  incorporated in  1929 as  a successor  to a  company
          started in 1896.  CTS' principal executive offices are located at
          905  West  Boulevard  North, Elkhart,  Indiana  46514,  telephone
          number (219) 293-7511.

          CTS designs,  manufactures and sells electronic  components.  The
          engineering and manufacturing of CTS products is performed  at 15
          facilities  worldwide.    CTS  products are  sold  through  sales
          engineers, sales representatives, agents and distributors.

          In  March  1987,  a  settlement  was  announced between  CTS  and
          Dynamics  Corporation  of  America  (DCA), terminating  the  sale
          process of the Company and resolving all disputes between CTS and
          DCA.  Subsequently, the United States Supreme Court held that the
          Control  Share  Acquisition Chapter  was  constitutional.   As  a
          result of the  Court's decision,  the issue of  voting rights  of
          1,020,000 shares  of CTS common stock acquired by DCA in 1986 was
          submitted  to a  vote  of CTS  stockholders  at the  1987  annual
          meeting.  A majority of all shares eligible to vote was necessary
          to grant  voting rights.   DCA was  not eligible to  vote on  the
          issue.  The stockholders voted not to grant voting rights  to DCA
          on these  shares.  The  Court's decision did  not have an  impact
          with  respect to voting rights on additional shares of CTS common
          stock  previously acquired by DCA.   In May  1988, the settlement
          agreement expired pursuant to its terms.  At the end of 1993, DCA
          owned 1,920,900 shares (37.3%) of CTS common stock, including the
          1,020,000 shares without voting rights.

          In  January 1990, the  Company formally announced  the closing of
          its Switch Division located in Paso Robles, California. The  Paso
          Robles manufacturing  operations were relocated to  the Company's
          facilities in Taiwan and Bentonville, Arkansas.  During 1992, the
          Company completed the sale of the Paso Robles manufacturing plant
          and most of the associated real  estate for $1.9 million.  A pre-
          tax gain of  $0.9 was realized from the sale.   The manufacturing
          operations  for certain  variable  resistor  and selector  switch
          products, which formerly were performed in Elkhart, Indiana, were
          also transferred to Bentonville in 1990, to take advantage of any
          efficiencies  to be  gained in  consolidating such  operations in
          Bentonville.  The buildings  located in Elkhart which housed  the
          plastics  molding,  and  element production,  were  vacated, with
          these  manufacturing operations being  consolidated into the main
          Elkhart plant.  

          CTS announced  in  July  1990 that  its  facility  near  Glasgow,
          Scotland,  would be  expanded in  order to  manufacture and  sell
          additional  electronic products  in  Europe.   The total  capital


          investment has been approximately $10 million as  of December 31,
          1993.   Automotive  throttle position  sensors and  precision and
          clock  oscillators  were  added  to  the  product  lines  already
          manufactured in  Scotland.  The  decision to expand  the Scottish
          facility was  based on  several factors, including  the excellent
          business climate and skills base in Scotland and  the anticipated
          full participation of the United Kingdom in the European Economic
          Community.   The expansion of  the Scotland facility represents a
          major  effort by  CTS  to serve  the  large and  rapidly  growing
          European market on a direct basis.

          In November 1991, construction  was completed on a 53,000  square
          foot manufacturing  facility in Bangkok, Thailand.   During 1992,
          the Company idled operations at this facility.

          Also during 1991, the Company significantly reduced the operating
          activities at its  Brownsville, Texas, facility and plans to sell
          this property.  

          The  manufacturing  space  owned  by  CTS  in  Hong  Kong,  which
          consisted  of two floors in  a multi-story building,  was sold in
          March  1991.    One  floor  was  leased   back  by  CTS  for  the
          continuation  of  its  manufacturing  operations  in  Hong  Kong.
          During 1992,  the Company terminated this  lease and discontinued
          its manufacturing operations in Hong Kong.  


          All  of  the  Company's  products  are  considered  one  industry
          segment.   Sales to unaffiliated customers,  operating profit and
          identifiable assets, by geographic area, are contained in "Note I
          -  Business Segment and Non-U.S.  Operations," pages 21-22   , of
          the  CTS  Corporation 1993  Annual  Report,  and is  incorporated
          herein by reference.  


          CTS is primarily in the business of developing, manufacturing and
          selling a broad line of electronic components principally serving
          the electronic needs of original equipment manufacturers (OEM).

          The  Company sells classes of  similar products consisting of the

               Automotive control devices         Loudspeakers 
               Electronic connectors              Programmable switches
               Frequency control devices          Resistor networks
               Hybrid microcircuits               Selector switches
               Industrial electronics             Variable resistors

          Most products  within these  product classes are  manufactured by
          CTS from purchased raw materials or subassemblies.  Some products
          sold by CTS are purchased and resold under the Company's name.


          During the  past  three years,  five classes  of similar  product
          lines accounted for  10% or more  of consolidated revenue  during
          one or more years, as follows:

                                         Percent of Consolidated Revenue

           Class of Similar Products      1993         1992        1991

           Automotive Control Devices      26           20          18

           Frequency Control Devices       15           17          16

           Hybrid Microcircuits            14           11           7

           Electronic Connectors           14           17          15

           Resistor Networks               14           16          18


          CTS estimates that its products  have been sold in the  following
          segments of the  electronics OEM and distribution  markets and in
          the  following percentages  during  the  preceding  three  fiscal

                                         Percent of Consolidated Revenue

                     Markets              1993         1992        1991

           Automotive                      32           25          22

           Data Processing                 22           20          20

           Communications Equipment        17           18          19

           Defense and Aerospace           12           17          19

           Instruments and Controls         9           12          11

           Distribution                     4           5           5

           Consumer Electronics             4           3           4
                      Total               100%         100%        100%

          Products  for  the  automotive market  include  throttle position
          sensors,  switch assemblies for  operator interface,  exhaust gas
          recirculation  subsystems, variable  resistors  and switches  for
          automotive  entertainment  systems  and  other  applications, and


          Products   for  the  data   processing  market  include  resistor
          networks,  frequency control  devices, programmable  switches and
          hybrid microcircuits.   Products for this  market are principally
          used in computers and computer peripheral equipment.

          In  the  communications equipment  market,  CTS  products include
          frequency  control  devices,  switches  and   resistor  networks.
          Products  for  this  market  are principally  used  in  telephone
          equipment and in telephone switching systems.

          CTS  products  for  the  defense and  aerospace  market,  usually
          procured  through government  contractors or  subcontractors, are
          electronic   connectors,    hybrid   microcircuits,   backpanels,
          frequency control devices and programmable key storage devices.

          Products for  the instruments and controls  market include hybrid
          microcircuits, variable  resistors and switches.   Principal  end
          uses  are  medical  electronic devices  and  electronic  testing,
          measuring and servicing instruments.

          In  the   distribution  market,  CTS'  primary  products  include
          programmable  switches, resistor  networks and  frequency control
          devices.   In this market,  standard CTS products are  sold for a
          wide variety of applications.

          Products  for the consumer electronics market, primarily variable
          resistors   and   switches,   are   principally  used   in   home
          entertainment equipment and appliances.

                              MARKETING AND DISTRIBUTION

          Sales  of   CTS  electronic  components  to   original  equipment
          manufacturers  are  principally   by  CTS  sales   engineers  and
          manufacturers representatives.   CTS maintains  sales offices  in
          Elkhart, Indiana;  Detroit, Michigan; and in  the United Kingdom,
          Hong  Kong,  Taiwan and  Japan.   Various  regions of  the United
          States are  serviced  by sales  engineers  working out  of  their
          homes.     The  sale  of  electronic   components  is  relatively
          integrated  such that most  of the product lines  of CTS are sold
          through the same  field sales  force.  Approximately  36% of  net
          sales  in  1993  were  attributable  to  coverage  by  CTS  sales

          Generally,  CTS sales  engineers  service  the Company's  largest
          customers  with   application  specific  products.     CTS  sales
          engineers  work  closely  with  major  customers  in  determining
          customer  requirements  and  in  designing  CTS  products  to  be
          provided to such customers.

          CTS uses  the services  of independent sales  representatives and
          distributors  in  the United  States  and  foreign countries  for
          customers not serviced  by CTS sales engineers.   Sales represen-
          tatives  receive commissions from CTS.  During 1993, about 60% of
          net sales were attributable to coverage by sales representatives.
          Independent distributors purchase products from CTS for resale to
          customers.  In 1993, independent distributors accounted for about
          4% of net sales.

                                    RAW MATERIALS

          Generally,  CTS' major  raw materials  are steel,  copper, brass,
          certain  precious metals, resistive  and conductive inks, passive
          components  and semiconductors,  used  in  several CTS  products;
          ceramic  materials used  particularly  in resistor  networks  and
          hybrid microcircuits; synthetic quartz  used in frequency control
          devices; and  laminate material  used in printed  circuit boards.
          These  raw  materials are  purchased  from  several vendors,  and
          except for certain semiconductors,  CTS does not believe  that it
          is  dependent on one  or on a very  few vendors.   In 1993 all of
          these  materials were  available in  adequate quantities  to meet
          CTS' production demands.                                         
          The Company does not presently anticipate any raw material short-
          ages which  would significantly affect production.   However, the
          lead times between the placement of orders for certain raw mater-
          ials  and  actual delivery  to CTS  are  quite variable,  and the
          Company may from time to time be required to order raw  materials
          in quantities and at  prices less than optimal to  compensate for
          the variability of lead times for delivery.

          Precious  metals   prices  have  a  significant   effect  on  the
          manufacturing  cost  and selling  prices  of  many CTS  products,
          particularly  some  programmable switches,  electronic connectors
          and resistor networks.  CTS has continuing programs to reduce the
          precious metals content of several products, when consistent with
          customer specifications.

                                   WORKING CAPITAL

          CTS  does not  usually  buy inventories  or manufacture  products
          without actual or reasonably  anticipated customer orders, except
          for some  standard,  off-the-shelf  distributor  products.    The
          Company is not generally required to carry significant amounts of
          inventories  to  meet  rapid delivery  requirements  because most
          customer  orders are for custom  products.  CTS  has entered into
          "just-in-time" arrangements with certain major customers in order
          to meet customers' just-in-time delivery needs.  

          CTS  carries raw materials, including certain semiconductors, and
          certain work-in-process and finished goods  inventories which are
          unique  to  a  particular  customer  or  to  a  small  number  of
          customers,  and in the event of reductions in or cancellations of
          orders, some inventories are not useable or cannot be returned to
          vendors  for  credit.   CTS  generally  imposes  charges for  the
          reduction  or  cancellation of  orders  by  customers, and  these
          charges are usually sufficient to cover the financial exposure of
          CTS to  inventories which are unique to a customer.  CTS does not
          customarily grant special return privileges or payment privileges
          to customers,  although CTS' distributor program  permits certain
          returns.    CTS'  working  capital  requirements  are   generally
          cyclical but not seasonal.

          Working  capital  requirements  are  generally dependent  on  the
          overall business  level.  During 1993,  working capital decreased
          slightly to $47.4 million.  Cash represents a significant part of
          the Company's working capital.  Most of CTS' cash at December 31,
          1993,  was  held in  U.S.-denominated  cash  equivalents for  the
          credit  of the various non-U.S. operations.  The cash, other than
          approximately $5  million, is  generally available to  the parent

                           PATENTS, TRADEMARKS AND LICENSES

          CTS  maintains a  program of  obtaining and  protecting U.S.  and
          non U.S.  patents and trademarks.  CTS believes that the success of
          its business  is not  materially  dependent on  the existence  or
          duration of any patent, group of patents or trademarks.

          CTS licenses  the manufacture  of several electronic  products to
          companies  in the United States  and non U.S. countries.   In 1993
          license and  royalty income was 0.03% of net sales.  CTS believes
          that the success of its business is not materially dependent upon
          any licensing  arrangement where  CTS is  either the  licensor or

                                   MAJOR CUSTOMERS

          CTS' 15 largest customers  represented about 62%, 58% and  59% of
          net sales in 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively.

          Of the  net sales to unaffiliated  customers, approximately $40.1
          million, $30.7 million and $29.9 million were  derived from sales
          to   General  Motors   Corporation  in   1993,  1992   and  1991,
          respectively.    About $24.0  million,  $19.3  million and  $23.5
          million   were  derived  from  sales  to  International  Business
          Machines Corporation in 1993,  1992 and 1991, respectively.   CTS
          is dependent  upon these and  other customers  for a  significant
          percentage of  its sales and profits, and the loss of one or more
          of these customers or reduction of orders by one or more of these
          customers  would  have  a  materially  adverse  effect  upon  the

                                  BACKLOG OF ORDERS

          Backlog  of  orders  does  not necessarily  provide  an  accurate
          indication of present  or future  business levels for  CTS.   For
          many electronic  products, the  period between receipt  of orders
          and  delivery is relatively short.   For large  orders from major
          customers that may constitute backlog over an  extended period of


          time, production scheduling and delivery are subject to change or
          cancellation by the customers on relatively short notice.  At the
          end of 1993, the  Company's backlog of orders was  $70.5 million,
          compared with $64.0 million  at the end of  1992.  This  increase
          was  primarily attributable  to increased demand  from automotive

          The backlog of orders at the end of 1993 will generally be filled
          during the 1994 fiscal year.

                                 GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS

          CTS believes  that about 12% of its net sales are associated with
          purchases   by  the  U.S.   Government  or  foreign  governments,
          principally for defense and aerospace applications.  Because most
          CTS   products  procured   through  government   contractors  and
          subcontractors are  for military end  uses, the level  of defense
          and  aerospace market sales  by CTS is  dependent upon government
          budgeting and funding of programs utilizing electronic systems.  
          Almost  all  CTS  sales  involving government  purchases  are  to
          primary government contractors or subcontractors.  CTS is usually
          subject  to contract  provisions  permitting termination  of  the
          contract,  usually  with  penalties payable  by  the  government;
          maintenance  of specified  accounting procedures;  limitations on
          and  renegotiations of  profits; priority  production scheduling;
          and  possible penalties or fines against CTS for late delivery or
          substandard quality. Such contract provisions have not previously
          resulted in material uncertainties or disruptions for CTS.


          CTS competes  with many domestic and non U.S. manufacturers prin-
          cipally  on the  basis of  product features,  price, engineering,
          quality, reliability,  delivery and service.   Most product lines
          of  CTS  encounter  significant   competition.    The  number  of
          significant competitors varies from product line to product line.
          No single competitor competes with CTS in every product line, but
          many  competitors are larger and more diversified than CTS.  Some
          competitors are  divisions or affiliates  of customers.   CTS  is
          subject to competitive risks  typical in the electronics industry
          such  as shorter  product life  cycles and  new  products causing
          existing  products to become obsolete.                           

          Some  customers  have reduced  or plan  to  reduce the  number of
          suppliers  while   increasing  the   volume  of  purchases   from
          independent  suppliers.    Most  customers  are demanding  higher
          quality,  reliability and delivery standards from  CTS as well as
          competitors.  These trends may create opportunities for CTS while
          also increasing the risk of loss of business to competitors.


          The Company believes that it competes most successfully in custom
          products  manufactured to  meet  specific  applications of  major
          original equipment manufacturers.

          CTS believes that it has some advantages over certain competitors
          because of its ability to apply a broad range of technologies and
          materials  capabilities  to  develop  products  for  the  special
          requirements  of customers.   CTS  also believes  that it  has an
          advantage over some competitors in its capability to sell a broad
          range of products manufactured to relatively consistent standards
          of  quality and delivery.  CTS believes that the relative breadth
          of its  product lines  and relative  consistency  in quality  and
          delivery across product lines  is an advantage to CTS  in selling
          products to customers.

          CTS  believes  that it  is one  of  the largest  manufacturers of
          automotive throttle position sensors.

                             OPERATIONS AND EXPORT SALES

          Information about  revenue from sales to  unaffiliated customers,
          operating profit and identifiable  assets, by geographic area, is
          contained in "Note I - Business Segment and Non-U.S. Operations,"
          pages 21-22 of  the CTS  Corporation 1993 Annual  Report, and  is
          incorporated herein by reference.

          In 1993 approximately 28% of net sales to unaffiliated customers,
          after  eliminations, were  attributable  to non-U.S.  operations.
          This represents an increase from 24% of net sales attributable to
          non-U.S.  operations in  1992.   About 39%  of total  CTS assets,
          after   eliminations,  are   non-U.S.     Except  for   cash  and
          equivalents, a substantial portion of these assets cannot readily
          be liquidated.  CTS believes that the business risks attendant to
          its  present non-U.S. operations,  though substantial, are normal
          risks for non-U.S. businesses, including  expropriation, currency
          controls and  changes in  currency exchange rates  and government


          In 1993, 1992  and 1991, CTS spent  $5.7, $6.1 and $5.7  million,
          respectively, for  research and  development.  Most  CTS research
          and  development activities  relate  to new  product and  process
          developments or the improvement of product materials.  Many  such
          research and development activities are for the benefit of one or
          a limited number of customers or potential customers.

          During  1993, the Company did not enter into any new, significant
          product lines, but continued  to introduce additional versions of
          existing  products in  response  to present  and future  customer


                            ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION LAWS

          In  complying   with  federal,  state   and  local  environmental
          protection laws, CTS has modified certain manufacturing processes
          and expects to continue  to make additional modifications.   Such
          modifications  that  have  been  performed  have  not  materially
          affected  the  capital  expenditures,  earnings   or  competitive
          position of CTS.

          Certain processes in the manufacture of the Company's current and
          past  products create  hazardous waste  by-products as  currently
          defined by federal and  state laws and regulations.   The Company
          has  been notified  by the  U.S Environmental  Protection Agency,
          state  environmental  agencies  and,  in  some  cases,  generator
          groups,  that it  is or  may be  a Potentially  Responsible Party
          (PRP) regarding  hazardous waste  remediation at  several non-CTS
          sites.  The factual circumstances of each site are different; the
          Company has determined  that its role  as a PRP  with respect  to
          these  sites, even  in the  aggregate, will  not have  a material
          adverse effect on the  Company's business or financial condition,
          based on the following:  1)  the Company's status as a de minimis
          party;  2)  the large  number of  other  PRPs identified;  3) the
          identification  and participation  of  many larger  PRPs who  are
          financially viable; 4) defenses concerning the nature and limited
          quantities of materials  sent by  the Company to  certain of  the
          sites; and 5) the Company's experience to-date in relation to the
          determination  of its allocable share.  In addition to these non-
          CTS sites,  the  Company has  an  ongoing practice  of  providing
          reserves for  probable remediation  activities at certain  of its
          manufacturing locations  and for  claims and  proceedings against
          the  Company with respect to other environmental matters.  In the
          opinion   of   management,   based   upon   presently   available
          information, either  adequate provision  for  probable costs  has
          been  made, or the  ultimate costs resulting  will not materially
          affect  the  consolidated  financial   position  or  results   of
          operations of the Company. 

          There   are  claims   against   the  Company   with  respect   to
          environmental matters which the Company contests.  In the opinion
          of management, based upon presently available information, either
          adequate  provision  for potential  costs has  been made,  or the
          costs which  ultimately might  result will not  materially affect
          the consolidated  financial position or results  of operations of
          the Company.


          CTS employed an average of 3,975  persons during 1993.  About 47%
          of these persons were  employed outside the United States  at the
          end  of 1993.  Approximately  309 employees in  the United States
          were covered  by collective bargaining agreements  as of December
          31,  1993.   The  two collective  bargaining agreements  covering
          these employees will expire in 1996.


          Item 2.   Properties

          CTS operations or facilities are at the following locations.  The
          owned   properties  are   not  subject   to  material   liens  or

                                  Approximate    Owned or     Expiration
                 Location         Square Feet     Leased         Date
           Elkhart, IN              521,813       Owned           -

           Berne, IN                248,726       Owned           -

           Singapore                158,926       Owned*          -
           Kaohsiung, Taiwan        132,887       Owned*          -

           Ontario, Canada          111,740       Owned           -

           West Lafayette, IN       105,983       Owned           -
           Sandwich, IL              94,173       Owned           -

           Brownsville, TX           84,679       Owned           -

           Bentonville, AR           72,000       Owned           -
           Glasgow, Scotland         75,000       Owned           -

           New Hope, MN                                       December, 
           (Science Center Dr.)      55,000      Leased          1998

           Bangkok, Thailand         53,000       Owned           -

           Matamoros, Mexico         50,590       Owned*          -
           Baldwin, WI               39,050       Owned           -

           Cokato, MN                36,000       Owned           -

                  TOTAL           1,839,567

           * Buildings are located on land leased under renewable leases.


          The Company  is currently seeking  to sell some,  or all,  of the
          Streetsville, Ontario, Canada, facility and related property, and
          the Brownsville, Texas, manufacturing building. 

          The  Company constructed  the Bangkok, Thailand,  facility during
          1991.  This  facility was idled during 1992 and  was idle for all
          of 1993.

          The Company regularly assesses  the adequacy of its manufacturing
          facilities  for  manufacturing  capacity,  available   labor  and
          location  to the  markets and major  customers for  the Company's
          products.  CTS also reviews the operating costs of its facilities
          and may from time to time relocate facilities or certain manufac-
          turing activities  in order to achieve  operating cost reductions
          and improved asset utilization and cash flow. 

          Item 3.   Legal Proceedings

          Contested   claims   involving    various   matters,    including
          environmental claims  brought by  government agencies, are  being
          litigated  by CTS, both in  legal and administrative  forums.  In
          the  opinion  of  management,   based  upon  currently  available
          information,  adequate provision  for  potential costs  has  been
          made,  or  the costs  which  might  ultimately  result from  such
          litigation  or administrative  proceedings  will  not  materially
          affect the consolidated financial position  of the Company or the
          results of operations.

          Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders

          During the fourth  quarter of 1993, no  issue was submitted to  a
          vote of CTS stockholders.

                                       PART II

          Item 5.   Market for the Registrant's Common Equity and Related  
                    Stockholder Matters

          The principal market  for CTS common stock is the  New York Stock
          Exchange.    Information relative  to  the high  and  low trading
          prices for  CTS Common Stock  for each  quarter of  the past  two
          years and the frequency and  amount of dividends declared  during
          the   previous  two   years  can   be  located   in  "Stockholder
          Information," page 10, of the CTS Corporation 1993 Annual Report,
          incorporated herein by reference.  On March  11, 1994, there were
          approximately 1,182 holders of record of CTS common stock.

          The Company intends to continue a policy of considering dividends
          on  a quarterly  basis.   The declaration  of a dividend  and the
          amount of any such dividend  are subject to earnings, anticipated
          working   capital,  capital  expenditure   and  other  investment


          requirements,  the  financial condition  of  CTS  and such  other
          factors as the Board of Directors deems relevant.

          Item 6.   Selected Financial Data

          A  summary of selected  financial data for  CTS, for  each of the
          previous  five  fiscal  years,  is contained  in  the  "Five-Year
          Summary," page  11, of  the CTS  Corporation 1993 Annual  Report,
          incorporated herein by reference.

          Certain  divestitures  and  closures of  businesses  and  certain
          accounting changes affect  the comparability of  information con-
          tained in the "Five-Year Summary."                 

          Item 7.   Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                    Condition and Results of Operations

          Information  about liquidity,  capital resources  and results  of
          operations, for the three previous fiscal years,  is contained in
          "Management's Discussion and Analysis of  Financial Condition and
          Results  of  Operations (1991-1993),"  pages  25-27,  of the  CTS
          Corporation 1993 Annual Report, incorporated herein by reference.

          Item 8.   Financial Statements and Supplementary Data

          Consolidated  financial statements,  meeting the  requirements of
          Regulation S-X,  and the  Report of Independent  Accountants, are
          contained  in  pages 12-24  of  the CTS  Corporation  1993 Annual
          Report, incorporated  herein by  reference.  Quarterly  per share
          financial data  is provided in  "Stockholder Information,"  under
          the subheading,  "Quarterly Results of Operations", and "Per Share
          Data," on page 10 of the CTS  Corporation 1993 Annual Report, and
          is incorporated herein by reference.

          Item 9.  Changes in and Disagreements With Accountants on        
                   Accounting and Financial Disclosure

          There were no disagreements.

                                       PART III

          Item 10.   Directors and Executive Officers of the Registrant

          Information responsive  to Items 401(a) and  401(e) of Regulation
          S-K pertaining to directors of CTS is contained in the 1994 Proxy
          Statement under  the caption "Election of  Directors," pages 4-5,
          filed  with  the  Securities  and  Exchange  Commission,  and  is
          incorporated herein by reference. 

          Information responsive  to Item 405 of  Regulation S-K pertaining
          to compliance with Section 16(a)  of the Securities Exchange  Act


          of  1934 is  contained  in the  1994  Proxy Statement  under  the
          caption "Compliance with Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange
          Act  of 1934,"  page 5,  filed with  the Securities  and Exchange
          Commission, and is incorporated herein by reference.  

          The individuals listed were elected as executive officers  of CTS
          at  the annual  meeting of the  Board of  Directors on  April 30,
          1993, and are expected  to serve as executive officers  until the
          next annual meeting of the Board of Directors, scheduled on April
          29,  1994, at  which  time  the  election  of  officers  will  be
          considered again by the Board of Directors.

                     Name              Age        Position and Offices
           Joseph P. Walker             55    Director, Chairman,
                                              President and Chief
                                              Executive Officer

           Philip T. Christ             62    Group Vice President 

           Stanley J. Aris              53    Vice President Finance and
                                              Chief Financial Officer
           Jeannine M. Davis            45    Vice President, Secretary
                                              and General Counsel

           Gary N. Hoipkemier           39    Treasurer

           George T. Newhart            51    Corporate Controller

          Joseph P. Walker  has served as Chairman of  the Board, President
          and Chief Operating  Officer of CTS since 1988.   Mr. Walker is a
          Director of NBD Bank and NBD Bank,N.A. and the National Association
          of Manufacturers.  

          Philip  T. Christ  was  elected Group  Vice President,  effective
          July 2, 1990.   Mr. Christ served  as a Senior Vice  President at
          Simplex Time Recorder from 1976-1986.  

          Stanley  J. Aris  was elected Vice  President, Finance  and Chief
          Financial Officer, effective May 18, 1992.  Prior to joining CTS,
          Mr. Aris  worked for two  years as  a business consultant.   From
          1989 to 1990 Mr. Aris served as Vice President, Finance of Hypres

          Jeannine M.  Davis,  an  employee since  1980,  served  as  legal
          counsel from  1980-1983, Assistant  Secretary from  1982-1983 and
          Assistant  General  Counsel  from  1983-1984.   She  was  elected
          Secretary in 1983, General Counsel  in 1984 and Vice President in


          Gary  N. Hoipkemier became an  employee in November  1989 and was
          elected  Treasurer  on December  15, 1989.    He served  as Chief
          Financial Officer of Riblet Products Corporation from 1988-1989. 

          George T. Newhart  was elected Corporate  Controller on June  19,
          1989.   Prior to joining the  Company in June 1989,  he was Chief
          Financial and  Administrative Officer  of the Chelsea  Electronic
          Distribution Group from 1987-1989.

          Item 11.   Executive Compensation

          Information responsive  to Item 402 of  Regulation S-K pertaining
          to  management  remuneration  is  contained  in  the  1994  Proxy
          Statement in the captions "Executive Compensation," pages 6-7 and
          "Director Compensation,"  page  11, filed with  the Securities
          and Exchange Commission, and is incorporated herein by reference.

          Item 12.   Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and   

          Information responsive  to Item 403 of  Regulation S-K pertaining
          to security ownership of certain beneficial owners and management
          is   contained  in  the  1994  Proxy  Statement  in  the  caption
          "Securities  Beneficially Owned  by  Principal  Stockholders  and
          Management,"  pages 2-4  filed with  the Securities  and Exchange
          Commission, and is incorporated herein by reference.

          Item 13.   Certain Relationships and Related Transactions

          DCA owned  1,920,900 (37.3%) of the  Company's outstanding common
          stock  as of December 31, 1993.   CTS purchased products from DCA
          totalling about $145,000 in 1993, $93,000 in 1992 and $192,000 in
          1991, principally  consisting of certain component  parts used by
          CTS in the manufacture of frequency control devices.   CTS had no
          sales to DCA in 1993 or 1992, and sales to DCA were under $70,000
          in 1991. 

                                       PART IV

          Item 14.  Exhibits, Financial Statement Schedules and Reports on 
                    Form 8-K

          (a) (1) and (2)

          The   list  of  financial   statements  and  financial  statement
          schedules required by Item 14 (a)(1) and (2) is contained on page
          S-1 herein.


          (a)(3)   Exhibits

               (3)(a)    Articles  of  Incorporation, as  amended April 16,
                         1973, previously  filed as  exhibit (3)(a)  to the
                         Company's  Form  10-K for  1987,  and incorporated
                         herein by reference.

               (3)(b)    Bylaws,  as amended and  effective June  25, 1992,
                         previously   filed  as   exhibit  (3)(b)   to  the
                         Company's Form  10-K  for 1992,  and  incorporated
                         herein by reference.

               (10)(a)   Employment agreement dated June 28,  1991, between
                         CTS  and  Joseph  P. Walker,  previously  filed as
                         exhibit (10)(a)  to  the Company's  Form 10-K  for
                         1991, and incorporated herein by reference.

               (10)(b)   Prototype    indemnification    agreement,    with
                         Lawrence J.  Ciancia,  Gerald  H.  Frieling,  Jr.,
                         Andrew  Lozyniak,  Edward  J.  Mooney,  Joseph  P.
                         Walker,  Philip   T.  Christ,  Stanley   J.  Aris,
                         Jeannine M.  Davis, Gary N.  Hoipkemier and George
                         T. Newhart, previously filed as exhibit (10)(b) to
                         the Company's Form 10-K for 1991, and incorporated
                         herein by reference.

               (10)(c)   CTS Corporation 1982 Stock Option Plan, as amended
                         February 24, 1989, was previously filed as exhibit
                         (10)(d) to  the Company's Form 10-K  for 1989, and
                         is incorporated herein by reference.

               (10)(d)   CTS Corporation 1986  Stock Option Plan,  approved
                         by  the  stockholders  at  the  reconvened  annual
                         meeting on May 30, 1986.  The CTS Corporation 1986
                         Stock  Option Plan  is contained  in Exhibit  4 to
                         Registration  Statement  No.  33-27749,  effective
                         March  23, 1989,  and  is  incorporated herein  by

               (10)(e)   CTS Corporation  1988  Restricted Stock  and  Cash
                         Bonus  Plan,  as  adopted  by  the  CTS  Board  of
                         Directors on  December 16,  1988, and approved  by
                         stockholders at the 1989 annual meeting  of stock-
                         holders on  April 28,  1989.  The  CTS Corporation
                         1988  Restricted  Stock  and  Cash  Bonus  Plan is
                         contained in Appendix A,  pages 11-15, of the 1989
                         Proxy   Statement  for   the  annual   meeting  of
                         stockholders  held  April   28,  1989,  under  the
                         caption "CTS Corporation 1988 Restricted Stock and
                         Cash   Bonus  Plan,"  previously  filed  with  the
                         Securities   and   Exchange  Commission,   and  is
                         incorporated herein by reference.

               (13)      CTS Corporation 1993 Annual Report.

               (21)      Subsidiaries of CTS Corporation.

               (23)      Consent  of Price  Waterhouse to  incorporation by
                         reference of  this Annual Report on  Form 10-K for
                         the  fiscal year 1993 to Registration Statement 2-
                         84230 on Form  S-8 and Registration Statement  33-
                         27749 on Form S-8.


               Indemnification Undertaking

               For  the purposes  of complying  with the amendments  to the
               rules governing Form S-8 (effective July 13, 1990) under the
               Securities Act   of 1933, the  undersigned registrant hereby
               undertakes   as   follows,   which  undertaking   shall   be
               incorporated  by  reference  into registrant's  Registration
               Statements on Form  S-8 Nos. 2-84230  (filed June 13,  1983)
               and 33-27749 (filed March 23, 1989):

                    Insofar as indemnification for liabilities arising
                    under the Securities Act  of 1933 may be permitted
                    to directors, officers and controlling  persons of
                    the   registrant   pursuant   to   the   foregoing
                    provision, or  otherwise, the registrant  has been
                    advised that in the  opinion of the Securities and
                    Exchange   Commission   such  indemnification   is
                    against   public  policy   as  expressed   in  the
                    Securities   Act  of   1933  and   is,  therefore,
                    unenforceable.   In  the  event that  a claim  for
                    indemnification  against  such liabilities  (other
                    than the  payment  by the  registrant of  expenses
                    incurred  or  paid  by   a  director,  officer  or
                    controlling  person  of   the  registrant  in  the
                    successful   defense  of   any  action,   suit  or
                    proceeding)  is asserted by such director, officer
                    or  controlling  person  in  connection  with  the
                    securities being registered, the  registrant will,
                    unless in  the opinion  of its counsel  the matter
                    has been settled  by controlling precedent, submit
                    to   a  court  of   appropriate  jurisdiction  the
                    question  whether  such indemnification  by  it is
                    against public policy as  expressed in the Act and
                    will be governed by the final adjudication of such



          Pursuant  to the  requirements  of Section  13  or 15(d)  of  the
          Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,  the registrant has duly caused
          this  report to  be  signed on  its  behalf by  the  undersigned,
          thereunto duly authorized.

              Stanley J. Aris 
                                              Vice President Finance       
                                              and Chief Financial Officer  

          Pursuant  to the requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of
          1934,  this report has been signed below by the following persons
          on  behalf of  the registrant  and in  the capacities and  on the
          dates indicated.

          B y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                  Lawrence J. Ciancia,

          B y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                  Patrick J. Dorme,

                                                  Gerald H. Frieling, Jr.,

          B y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                  Andrew Lozyniak,

          B y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                  Joseph P. Walker,

          B y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                  George T. Newhart,
                                                  Corporate Controller
                                                  and principal accounting
          B y _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                  Jeannine M. Davis,
                                                  Vice President, Secretary
                                                  and General Counsel     

                              ANNUAL REPORT ON FORM 10-K

                        ITEM 14(a) (1) AND (2) AND ITEM 14(d)


                            FINANCIAL STATEMENT SCHEDULES

                             YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1993

                           CTS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES

                                   ELKHART, INDIANA

                          FORM 10-K - ITEM 14(a) (1) AND (2)

                           CTS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES


          The  following consolidated financial  statements of CTS Corpora-
          tion  and  subsidiaries included  in  the  annual report  of  the
          registrant to its  shareholders for the  year ended December  31,
          1993, are incorporated by reference in Item 8:

               Consolidated balance sheets  - December  31, 1993,  and
               December 31, 1992

               Consolidated  statements  of  earnings  -  Years  ended
               December 31, 1993, December  31, 1992, and December 31,

               Consolidated statements of stockholders' equity - Years
               ended December 31, 1993,  December 31, 1992, and Decem-
               ber 31, 1991

               Consolidated  statements of  cash  flows -  Years ended
               December 31, 1993, December  31, 1992, and December 31,

               Notes to consolidated financial statements

          The following  consolidated financial statement schedules  of CTS
          Corporation and subsidiaries, are included in item 14(d):


               Schedule V - Property, plant and equipment             S-3

               Schedule VI - Accumulated depreciation of
               property, plant and equipment                          S-4

               Schedule VIII - Valuation and qualifying
               accounts                                               S-5

          All other schedules for which provision is made in the applicable
          accounting regulations of the  Securities and Exchange Commission
          have been omitted because they  are inapplicable, not required or
          the information is included  in the consolidated financial state-
          ments or notes thereto.




To the Board of Directors
of CTS Corporation

Our audits of the consolidated financial statements referred to in our
report dated February 7, 1994 appearing on page 24 of the CTS Corporation 
1993 Annual Report to Stockholders, (which report and consolidated financial 
statements are incorporated by reference in this Annual Report on Form 10-K) 
also included an audit of the Financial Statement Schedules listed in 
Item 14(a) of this Form 10-K.  In our opinion, these Financial Statement 
Schedules present fairly, in all material respects, the information set forth 
therein when read in conjunction with the related consolidated financial 


South Bend, Indiana
February 7, 1994


                 CTS CORPORATION SCHEDULE V - PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT (In thousands of dollars)

                                                 Balance at                              Other   
                                                Beginning of   Additions                Changes -    Balance at  
               Classification                      Period       at Cost  Retirements  Add (Deduct)  End of Period
            Year ended December 31, 1993:
               Land                                $   1,161                                            $   1,161
               Buildings and improvements             38,056     $ 1,566    $     30     $    (84)(c)      39,508
               Machinery and equipment               144,583       9,187      14,694         (466)(a)     138,328
            Construction-in-progress                   2,780         943                     (312)(a)       3,411
                                                    $186,580     $11,696     $14,724      $(1,144)       $182,408

            Year ended December 31, 1992:
               Land                                $   1,181                $     20                    $   1,161
               Buildings and improvements             34,312     $ 3,766       1,194      $ 1,832 (a)      38,056
               Machinery and equipment               152,488       7,851      12,351         (897)(a)     144,583
            Construction-in-progress                   6,915      (2,786)                    (560)(a)       2,780
                                                    $194,896     $ 8,831     $13,565      $(3,582)       $186,580

            Year ended December 31, 1991:
               Land                                $     881                              $   322 (a)   $   1,181
               Buildings and improvements             37,242     $   811    $  3,105           74 (a)      34,312
               Machinery and equipment               146,245      11,477       7,202        2,154 (a)     152,488
            Construction-in-progress                   4,012       3,679                     (769)(a)       6,915
                                                    $188,380     $15,967     $10,307      $   856        $194,896

            (a) Changes in classification and miscellaneous adjustments.
            (b) Items transferred to Property Not Used in Business.
            (c) Currency translation adjustment.

                                            (In thousands of dollars)

                                                 Balance at   Charged to                 Other   
                                                Beginning of   Costs and                Changes -    Balance at  
               Classification                      Period      Expenses  Retirements  Add (Deduct)  End of Period


            Year ended December 31, 1993:
               Buildings and improvements          $  19,960     $ 1,542    $     30      $  (153)(c)   $  21,319
               Machinery and equipment               118,091       9,663      13,959         (577)(a)     113,247
                                                                                               29 (c)            
                                                    $138,051     $11,205     $13,989      $  (701)       $134,566

            Year ended December 31, 1992:
               Buildings and improvements          $  20,173     $ 1,564     $ 1,673     $     (1)(a)   $  19,960
               Machinery and equipment               120,895       9,413      11,613          345 (a)     118,091
                                                    $141,068     $10,977     $13,286      $  (708)       $138,051

            Year ended December 31, 1991:
               Buildings and improvements           $ 18,991     $ 1,532     $   940       $1,175 (a)   $  20,173
               Machinery and equipment               116,182      10,913       6,526          432 (a)     120,895
                                                    $135,173     $12,445      $7,466      $   916        $141,068

            (a) Changes in classification and miscellaneous adjustments.
            (b) Items transferred to Property Not Used in Business.
            (c) Currency translation adjustment.

            The following is a summarization of the estimated  useful lives used in computing depreciation of  property,
            plant and equipment:

                                                                        Estimated Life

                                    Building and improvements                       10 to 40 years
                                    Machinery and equipment                          3 to 15 years


                            CTS CORPORATION SCHEDULE VIII - VALUATION AND QUALIFYING ACCOUNTS(In thousands of dollars)

                                                 Balance at   Charged to  Charged to
                                                Beginning of   Costs and     Other                     Balance at  
               Classification                      Period      Expenses     Accounts     Deductions    End of Period

            Year ended December 31, 1993:

               Allowance for doubtful receivables       $303        $521         $86           $200            $710

            Year ended December 31, 1992:

               Allowance for doubtful receivables       $420        $157         $ 7 (a)       $281  (b)       $303

            Year ended December 31, 1991:

               Allowance for doubtful receivables       $490        $ 47         $72 (a)       $189  (b)       $420

            (a) Recoveries.
            (b) Uncollectible accounts written off. 


(In thousands of dollars except per share data)                       

                       Quarterly Results of Operations

                                         Before                 Net
                 Net     Gross OperatingChanges inAccounting  Earnings
               Sales  Earnings  EarningsAccounting   Changes     (Loss)
1st quarter $ 60,439   $12,620   $ 2,579    $1,767   $(4,614)  $(2,847)
2nd quarter   62,613    12,711     3,043     1,810               1,810
3rd quarter   58,107    10,285     2,189     1,063               1,063
4th quarter   55,820    11,728     3,210     1,930               1,930
            $236,979   $47,344   $11,021    $6,570   $(4,614)   $1,956
1st quarter $ 59,342   $11,513    $1,498    $  867              $  867
2nd quarter   57,700    10,129       359       504                 504
3rd quarter   56,155    10,026       641       188                 188
4th quarter   54,194     9,433     1,600       342                 342
            $227,391   $41,101    $4,098    $1,901              $1,901

                               Per Share Data

                                         Before                 Net
                               DividendsChanges inAccounting  Earnings
             High(a)    Low(a)  DeclaredAccounting   Changes    (Loss)
1st quarter    $19.50  $17.25     $.10     $ .34       $(.89)    $(.55)
2nd quarter     21.00   17.00      .10       .35                   .35
3rd quarter     22.38   20.25      .10       .21                   .21
4th quarter     22.00   19.13      .10       .37                   .37
                                  $.40     $1.27       $(.89)    $ .38
1st quarter    $22.63  $17.25     $.1875   $ .17                 $ .17
2nd quarter     24.50   19.63      .1875     .10                   .10
3rd quarter     24.50   19.25      .1875     .03                   .03
4th quarter     19.50   17.13      .1000     .07                   .07
                                  $.6625   $ .37                 $ .37
(a) The market price range of CTS Corporation common stock on the New York
    Stock Exchange for each of the quarters during the last two years.

(In thousands of dollars except per share amounts)
                                Year Ended                      
                                           December 31December 31December 31
                                               1993      1992      1991
Net sales                                     $236,979  $227,391  $229,536
Cost of goods sold                             189,635   186,290   189,118
     Gross earnings                             47,344    41,101    40,418
Selling, general and administrative expenses    36,323    37,855    35,980
Gain on sale of property 
  and other related provisions--Note B                      (852)   (1,857)
     Operating earnings                         11,021     4,098     6,295
Other (expenses) income:
  Interest expense                                (980)   (1,267)   (1,316)
  Interest income                                  580       656     1,157
  Other                                           (361)      334       108
     Total other expenses                         (761)     (277)      (51)
Earnings before income taxes and cumulative effect
  of changes in accounting principles             10,260     3,821     6,244
Income taxes--Note H                               3,690     1,920     2,030
Earnings before cumulative effect of changes 
  in accounting principles                         6,570     1,901     4,214
Cumulative effect of accounting change - 
  postretirement benefits--Notes A and G          (5,096)
Cumulative effect of accounting change -
  income taxes--Notes A and H                        482
     Net earnings                              $   1,956 $   1,901 $   4,214
     Net earnings per share:
       Before accounting changes                    $1.27     $.37      $.82
       Cumulative effect on prior years of 
         accounting changes                          (.89)
       Net earnings per share                        $.38     $.37      $.82
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial


Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity                        
(In thousands of dollars)                                          CumulativeDeferred
                                                   Common RetainedTranslation Compen-  Treasury
                                                    Stock Earnings Adjustment  sation     Stock    Total
  Balances at December 31, 1990                   $34,487 $102,110    $ 1,598   $(257) $(15,640)$122,298
Net earnings                                                 4,214                                 4,214
Cash dividends of $.75 per share                            (3,842)                               (3,842)
Issued 1,700 shares on exercise of stock options      (15)                                   49       34
Nonemployee Directors' stock retirement plan                                       15                 15
Currency translation adjustment                                          (304)                      (304)
Deferred compensation recognized                                                   70                 70
  Balances at December 31, 1991                    34,472  102,482      1,294    (172)  (15,591) 122,485
Net earnings                                                 1,901                                 1,901
Cash dividends of $.6625 per share                          (3,410)                               (3,410)
Issued 23,400 shares on exercise of stock options    (204)                                  669      465
Nonemployee Directors' stock retirement plan                                        7                  7
Currency translation adjustment                                        (2,157)                    (2,157)
Issued 3,600 shares net on restricted
 stock and cash bonus plan                            (23)                        (80)      103
Deferred compensation recognized                                                   81                 81
  Balances at December 31, 1992                    34,245  100,973       (863)   (164)  (14,819) 119,372
Net earnings                                                 1,956                                 1,956
Cash dividends of $.40 per share                            (2,061)                               (2,061)
Nonemployee Directors' stock retirement plan                                        8                  8
Currency translation adjustment                                          (186)                      (186)
Issued 1,000 shares on restricted stock and     
  cash bonus plan                                      (9)                        (19)       28         
Stock compensation                                    (14)                                   45       31
Deferred compensation recognized                                                   83                 83
  Balances at December 31, 1993                   $34,222 $100,868    $(1,049)  $ (92) $(14,746)$119,203
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.


CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS                                  December 31 December 31
(In thousands of dollars)                                           1993        1992
Current Assets
  Cash and equivalents                                         $  23,534  $  18,455
  Accounts receivable, less allowances (1993--$710; 1992--$303)   30,627     27,880
    Finished goods                                                5,064      8,996
    Work-in-process                                              15,344     14,192
    Raw materials                                                15,651     14,034
     Total inventories                                           36,059     37,222
  Other current assets                                            1,929      3,819
  Deferred income taxes--Note H                                   5,117
     Total current assets                                        97,266     87,376
Property Plant and Equipment 
  Buildings and land                                             40,669     39,463
  Machinery and equipment                                       141,739    147,117
     Total property, plant and equipment                        182,408    186,580
  Less accumulated depreciation                                 134,566    138,051
     Net property, plant and equipment                           47,842     48,529
Other Assets
  Goodwill, less accumulated amortization
   (1993--$6,330; 1992--$5,398)                                   5,801      6,679
  Prepaid pension expense--Note G                                32,845     26,859
  Other                                                           1,310      1,330
     Total other assets                                          39,956     34,868
Total Assets                                                   $185,064   $170,773
Current Liabilities     
  Notes payable--Note C                                       $  12,822  $   5,827
  Current maturities of long-term obligations                       341        799
  Accounts payable                                               11,611     11,408
  Accrued salaries and wages                                      5,802      4,334
  Accrued taxes other than income                                 1,823      2,187
  Other accrued liabilities                                      17,489     12,707
     Total current liabilities                                   49,888     37,262
Long-term Obligations--Note D                                     4,995     10,826
Deferred Income Taxes--Note H                                     5,329      3,313
Postretirement Benefits--Note G                                   5,649
Stockholders' Equity
  Common stock-authorized 8,000,000 shares without
   par value; issued 5,807,031 shares                            34,130     34,081
  Retained earnings                                             100,868    100,973
  Cumulative translation adjustment                              (1,049)      (863)
                                                                133,949    134,191
     Less cost of common stock held in treasury
      (1993--653,607 shares; 1992--656,207 shares)                14,746    14,819
     Total stockholders' equity                                  119,203    119,372
Total Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity                      $185,064   $170,773
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial


(In thousands of dollars)
                                                       Year Ended                    
                                               December 31December 31December 31
                                                   1993      1992      1991
Cash flows from operating activities:
  Net earnings                                     $ 1,956   $ 1,901   $ 4,214
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings
   to net cash provided by operating activities:
     Cumulative effect of change in accounting for:
       Postretirement benefits                       5,096
       Income taxes                                   (482)
     Depreciation and amortization                  12,143    11,665    13,102
     Deferred income taxes                             767       303       741
     Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment     (17)     (944)   (3,652)
     Translation loss                                  384        92       130
     Deferred compensation                              91        88        85
     Provision for disposition of operations                     621       366
     Changes in:              
       Accounts receivable                          (2,747)    2,473    (2,272)
       Inventories                                   1,163     3,442     4,534
       Prepaid pension expense                      (5,986)   (4,907)   (4,915)
       Other                                         1,941    (2,114)    2,910
       Accounts payable and accrued liabilities      1,627     2,258      (239)
       Income taxes payable                          1,629    (2,040)    1,071
       Total adjustments                            15,609    10,937    11,861
         Net cash provided by operating activities  17,565    12,838    16,075

Cash flows from investing activities:
  Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment  998     1,401     6,963
  Capital expenditures                             (11,696)   (8,831)  (15,967)
  Other                                                          129
  Cash (used in) discontinued operations                                (1,252)
         Net cash used in investing activities     (10,698)   (7,301)  (10,256)

Cash flows from financing activities:
  Proceeds from issuance of long-term obligations              2,938     7,872
  Payments of long-term obligations                 (6,179)   (2,348)   (5,042)
  (Decrease) increase in notes payable               6,898    (2,319)       40
  Stock options exercised                                        465        34
  Dividends paid                                    (2,061)   (3,857)   (3,845)
         Net cash used in financing activities      (1,342)   (5,121)     (941)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash               (446)      (92)     (130)
Net increase in cash                                 5,079       324     4,748
Cash at beginning of year                           18,455    18,131    13,383
Cash at end of year                                $23,534   $18,455   $18,131
Supplemental cash flow information
  Cash paid during the year for:
    Interest                                       $ 1,076   $ 1,206   $ 1,526
    Income taxes - net                               1,294     2,819       557
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the consolidated financial


NOTE A - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

Principles of Consolidation:  The consolidated financial statements
include the accounts of the Company and its wholly-owned subsidiaries. 
All intercompany accounts and transactions have been eliminated.

Inventories:  Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or market. 
Cost is principally determined using the first-in, first-out method.

Property, Plant and Equipment:  Property, plant and equipment are
stated at cost.  Depreciation is computed over the estimated useful
lives of the assets principally on the straight-line method.  

Goodwill:  The excess of cost over the fair value of net assets of
businesses acquired is amortized on the straight-line method over the
periods expected to be benefited.

Retirement Plans:  The Company has various defined benefit and defined
contribution retirement plans covering a majority of its employees. 
The Company's policy is to annually fund the defined benefit pension
plans at or above the minimums required under the  Employee Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).     

Research and Development:  Research and development costs consist of
expenditures incurred during the course of planned search and
investigation aimed at discovery of new knowledge which will be useful
in developing new products or processes, or significantly enhancing
existing products or production processes, and the implementation of
such through design, testing of product alternatives or construction of
prototypes.  The Company expenses all research and development costs as
they are incurred.

Income Taxes:  The Company provides deferred income taxes for
transactions reported in different periods for financial reporting and
income tax return purposes pursuant to the requirements of Financial
Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Statement No. 109.  The underlying
differences consist primarily of depreciation differences, pension
income, postemployment benefits, certain nondeductible accruals and
inventory reserves.
Translation of Foreign Currencies:  The financial statements of all of
the Company's non-U.S. subsidiaries, except the United Kingdom
subsidiary, are remeasured into U.S. dollars using the U.S. dollar as
the functional currency with all translation adjustments included in
the determination of net income.  The financial statements of the
Company's United Kingdom subsidiary are translated into U.S. dollars
principally at the current exchange rate with resulting translation
adjustments made directly to the "Cumulative translation adjustment"
component of stockholders' equity. 

NOTE A - Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued)

Financial Instruments:  The Company's financial instruments consist
primarily of cash, cash equivalents and obligations under notes payable
and long-term debt.  In accordance with the requirements of FASB
Statement No. 107, Disclosures about Fair Value of Financial
Instruments, the Company is providing the following fair value
estimates and information regarding valuation methodologies.  The
carrying value for cash and cash equivalents approximates fair value. 
Interest rates on substantially all of the notes payable and long-term
debt fluctuate based on market rates.  The carrying value for these
borrowings approximates fair value.

Cash Equivalents:  The Company considers all highly liquid investments
with a maturity of three months or less from the purchase date to be
cash equivalents.

Concentration of Credit Risk:  The Company sells its products to
customers primarily in the automotive, data processing, communications
equipment and defense and aerospace industries, primarily in North
America, Europe and the Pacific Rim.  The Company performs ongoing
credit evaluations of its customers to minimize credit risk.  The
Company generally does not require collateral.

Accounting Changes:  Effective January 1, 1993, the Company adopted the
provisions of FASB Statement No. 106, Employers' Accounting for
Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions and FASB Statement No. 109,
Accounting for Income Taxes.  For postretirement benefits, the Company
changed its practice from expensing these costs as incurred to accruing
these costs during the employees' active working careers.  For income
taxes, the Company changed its practice from following FASB Statement
No. 96, of the same title, which required a similar approach in
computing deferred income taxes.  The primary change was to recognize
deferred tax benefits that were not recognized under FASB Statement No.

Earnings Per Share:  Earnings per common share are based on the
weighted average number of shares outstanding.  

NOTE B - Sale of Property and Other Related Provisions

During 1992, the Company sold the assets of its tool, die and machinery
business recognizing a pretax gain of $587,000. Also, during 1992, the
Company sold its Paso Robles, California, manufacturing plant and most
of the associated real estate and recognized a net pretax gain of
$886,000. Additionally, during 1992, the Company incurred $621,000 of
expense to close its remaining Hong Kong manufacturing operations.

During 1991, the Company completed the sale of its Hong Kong
manufacturing facility for $5,720,000 and signed an agreement to lease
back a portion of the space for its manufacturing needs.   A pretax
gain of $3,587,000 was realized on the sale, and the proceeds were used
to reduce debt.  Also, during 1991, the Company provided $1,730,000 for
planned further restructuring of several of its businesses, including
$614,000 relating to Hong Kong.

NOTE C - Short-term Borrowings

Short-term borrowings consist of demand notes payable to various banks
with an average interest rate of 4.4% at December 31, 1993, 4.8% at
December 31, 1992, and 7.0% at December 31, 1991.  The notes were
issued in connection with unsecured lines of credit arrangements, the
unused portions of which totaled $5,977,000 at December 31, 1993. 
These arrangements are generally subject to annual renewal and
renegotiation, and may be withdrawn at the banks' option.

Average daily short-term borrowings, including borrowings denominated
in non-U.S. currencies, during 1993, 1992, and 1991 were $12,051,000,
$6,269,000 and $7,039,000, respectively.  The weighted average interest
rates, computed by relating interest expense to average daily short-
term borrowings, were 4.3% in 1993, 5.4% in 1992 and 6.9% in 1991. 

The maximum amount of short-term borrowings at the end of any month
during 1993, 1992 and 1991 was $13,842,000, $8,334,000 and $8,501,000,
respectively.  The short-term borrowings outstanding at December 31,
1991, were $8,160,000.

NOTE D - Long-term Obligations

Long-term obligations were comprised of the following:

(In thousands)
                                               1993        1992
Long-term debt:
  Revolving credit agreements, average
   interest rates of 6.1% in 1993
   and 5.1% in 1992, due in 1996 and 1997   $3,959        $ 8,612

  Industrial revenue bonds, interest
   at varying rates (4.1% to 5.0% in 1993
   and 4.1% to 5.0% in 1992), due in varying
   installments through 1995                   441            932

  Other                                        770            988
                                             5,170         10,532

  Less current maturities                      341            799
     Total long-term debt                    4,829          9,733

Operating lease obligation, net of 
 sublease income                               166          1,093
     Total long-term obligations            $4,995        $10,826

The Company has unsecured revolving credit agreements totaling
$49,000,000 with four banks, of which $4,000,000 expires in 1996 and
$45,000,000 expires in 1997.  Interest rates on these borrowings and
the industrial revenue bonds fluctuate based upon market rates.  The
Company pays an average commitment fee of three-tenths percent per
annum on the revolving credit agreements.  The credit agreements
require, among other things, that the Company maintain certain minimum
working capital, current ratio, cash flow, interest coverage and
tangible net worth requirements.  

Estimated annual maturities of long-term debt during the four years
subsequent to 1994 are as follows:  1995--$473,000; 1996--$4,152,000;
1997--$185,000; 1998--$185,000.

NOTE E - Operating Leases

The Company leases certain facilities and machinery and equipment under
noncancellable operating leases which expire at various dates through
1998 and thereafter.  Certain of these leases contain renewal options. 
All leases require the Company to pay property taxes, insurance and
normal maintenance. 
Future minimum annual rental payments at December 31, 1993, for all
noncancellable operating leases, are as follows:

Year                                    (In thousands)
1994                                     $ 411  
1995                                       302
1996                                       263
1997                                       172
1998                                       172 
Thereafter                                 153

Total minimum rental payments           $1,473

NOTE F - Stock Plans

Under the Company's stock option plans, options may be granted to
officers and key employees in the form of incentive stock options or
nonqualified stock options.  

Options are granted at the fair market value on the grant date and are
exercisable generally in cumulative annual installments over a maximum
ten-year period, commencing at least one year from the date of grant. 
Upon the exercise of stock options, payment may be made using cash,
shares of the Company's common stock or any combination thereof.

Information regarding the Company's stock option plans is as follows:
                                    Number of      Price Per
                                      Shares         Share  

Outstanding at January 1, 1992        100,650  $19.75 to $25.50

Granted                                13,000   19.75
Exercised                             (23,400)  19.75 to 20.625
Expired or cancelled                  (30,500)  19.75 to 25.50  

Outstanding at December 31, 1992       59,750   19.75 to 25.50

Granted                                11,000   19.125
Exercised                                 --   --
Expired or cancelled                  (26,100)  19.75 to 25.50  
Outstanding at December 31, 1993       44,650   19.125 to 20.625

Exercisable at December 31, 1993       25,900   19.75 to 20.625 

Available for future grants at
  December 31, 1993                   251,989                   

The Company has a discretionary Restricted Stock and Cash Bonus Plan
(Plan) which reserves 400,000 shares of the Company's common stock
for sale, at market price or below, or award to key employees. 
Shares awarded or sold are subject to restrictions against transfer
and repurchase rights of the Company.  In general, restrictions lapse
at the rate of 20% per year beginning one year from the award or
sale.  In addition, the Plan provides for a cash bonus to the
participant equal to the fair market value of the shares on the dates
restrictions lapse, in the case of an award, or the excess of the
fair market value over the original purchase price if the shares were
purchased.  The total bonus paid to any participant during the
restricted period is limited to twice the fair market value of the
shares on the date of award or sale.  

Under the Plan during 1993, 1,000 shares were awarded leaving 379,400
shares available for award or sale at December 31, 1993.  During
1992, 6,000 shares were awarded and 2,400 shares were forfeited due
to terminations.  No shares were awarded during 1991.  In addition to
the shares issued and the amortization of deferred compensation
included in the Consolidated Statements of Stockholders' Equity, the
Company accrued $68,000, $82,000 and $75,000 for additional
compensation payable under the provisions of the Plan in 1993, 1992
and 1991, respectively.

NOTE F - Stock Plans (continued)

The Company has a Stock Retirement Plan for nonemployee Directors. 
This retirement plan provides for a portion of the total compensation
payable to nonemployee Directors to be deferred and paid in Company
stock. Compensation of $8,000, $7,000 and $15,000 was recognized
under this plan in 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively.                 

NOTE G - Employee Retirement Plans

Defined benefit plans

The Company has a number of noncontributory defined benefit pension
plans (Plans) covering approximately 43% of its employees.  Plans
covering salaried employees provide pension benefits that are based
on the employees' compensation prior to retirement.  Plans covering
hourly employees generally provide benefits of stated amounts for
each year of service.

Net pension income for the Plans in 1993, 1992 and 1991 includes the
following components:
                                         (In thousands)
                                  1993        1992        1991  
Service cost--benefits earned
 during the year                 $ 2,143     $ 2,375     $ 1,926
Interest cost on projected  
 benefit obligation                4,632       4,670       4,644
Actual return on plan assets        (13,622) (13,667)    (16,735)
Net amortization and deferral        861       1,715       5,250
Net pension income               $(5,986)    $(4,907)    $(4,915)
The following table details the funded status of the Plans at
December 31, 1993, and December 31, 1992:
                                               (In thousands)
                                            1993           1992
Actuarial present value of benefit
   Vested benefits                       $ 59,722       $ 53,988
   Nonvested benefits                       2,610          2,634
   Accumulated benefit obligation        $ 62,332       $ 56,622
Plan assets at fair value                $121,966       $112,568
Projected benefit obligation               67,282         61,264
Plan assets in excess of the projected
 benefit obligation                        54,684         51,304
Unrecognized prior year service cost          351            413
Unrecognized net gain                      (8,883)        (9,356)
Unrecognized net asset                    (13,307)       (15,502)
Prepaid pension expense                  $ 32,845       $ 26,859

Assumptions used in determining net pension income and the funded
status of U.S. defined benefit pension plans were as follows:

NOTE G - Employee Retirement Plans (continued)

                                        1993      1992     1991
Discount rates                          7.25%     7.75%    7.75%
Rates of increase in compensation 
  levels (salaried plan only)           5%-7%     5%-7%    5%-7%
Expected long-term rate of return
  on assets                               10%       10%      10%

Effective with the December 31, 1993, measurement date, the
discount rate was revised to 7.25% from 7.75% to better reflect
current market conditions.  As a result of the change in discount
rates, the December 31, 1993, projected benefit obligation
increased by $3,500,000.  The change in discount rates had no
effect on 1993 pension income, but will reduce future annual
pension income by $130,000.

The majority of U.S. defined benefit pension plan assets are
invested in common stock, including $3,933,000 in CTS common
stock, U.S. government bonds and cash and equivalents.  The
balance is invested in corporate bonds, a private equity fund,
non-U.S. bonds and convertible issues.
Because the domestic plans are fully funded, the Company made no 
contributions to the U.S. Plans during 1993, 1992 or 1991. 
Benefits paid by all Plans during 1993, 1992, and 1991 were
$4,289,000, $3,900,000 and $3,707,000, respectively.

Contributions of $174,000, $223,000 and $164,000 were made to the
non-U.S. Plans in 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively.

Defined contribution plans

The Company sponsors a 401(k) Plan and several other defined
contribution plans which cover some of its non-U.S. employees and
its domestic hourly employees not covered by a defined benefit
pension plan.  Contributions and costs are generally determined
as a percentage of the covered employees' annual salary.  Amounts
expensed for the 401(k) Plan and the other plans totaled
$2,532,000 in 1993, $1,998,000 in 1992 and $1,915,000 in 1991. 

Postretirement health and life insurance plans

In addition to providing pension benefits, the Company provides
certain health care and life insurance programs for retired
employees.  Substantially all of the Company's domestic employees
become eligible for these benefits if they reach normal
retirement age while working for the Company.  Effective January
1, 1993, the Company implemented, on the immediate recognition
basis, FASB Statement No. 106, "Employers' Accounting for 

NOTE G - Employee Retirement Plans (continued)

Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions" which resulted in a
noncash charge of $5,096,000, net of an income tax benefit of
$3,123,000, or $.99 per share.  
Summary information on the Company's plans as of December 31,
1993, is as follows:

                                                   (In thousands)

     Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation:             
       Active employees                                  $(1,479)
       Retirees and dependents                            (5,560)

     Accumulated postretirement benefit obligation        (7,039)
     Fair value of plan assets                                  
     Funded status                                        (7,039)
     Unrecognized net gain                                  (187)

     Postretirement benefit obligation                   $(7,226)

The accumulated postretirement benefit obligation was determined
using relevant actuarial assumptions and the terms of the
Company's medical, dental and life insurance plans, including the
effects of capped Company contribution rates and discontinuance
of Company payments toward retiree health and dental insurance
effective January 1, 1996.  The effect of a 1.0% annual increase
in the assumed medical inflation rate of zero would be
insignificant.  Measurement of the accumulated postretirement
benefit obligation was based on a 7.75% discount rate at January
1, 1993, and at 7.25% at December 31, 1993.  The discount rate
was revised to better reflect current market conditions.  The
change in discount rates did not significantly change the
accumulated postretirement benefit obligation, had no effect on
the 1993 postretirement expense and will not have a significant
impact on future annual postretirement expense.

The Company funds medical and dental costs as incurred and funds
life insurance benefits through term life insurance policies. 
The Company plans to continue funding these benefits on a pay-as-
you-go basis.  The components of net periodic postretirement
benefit expense for 1993 are as follows:

                                                   (In Thousands)

     Service cost-benefits earned during period             $ 43
     Interest cost on accumulated benefit obligation         637

     Net expense                                            $680

NOTE H - Income Taxes

Effective January 1, 1993, the Company adopted the provisions of
FASB Statement No. 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes."  FASB
Statement No. 109 replaced FASB Statement No. 96, of the same
title, which the Company previously used to account for income
taxes.  The effect of adopting FASB Statement No. 109 is to
recognize deferred tax benefits that were not recognized under
FASB Statement No. 96.  The cumulative effect of the change in
the method of accounting for income taxes as of the beginning of
1993 increased earnings by $482,000 or $.10 per share.  Prior
years' financial statements have not been restated to reflect the
provisions of FASB Statement No. 109.  The information disclosed
for 1992 and 1991 is computed under the requirements of FASB
Statement No. 96.

The components of earnings before income taxes and cumulative
effect of changes in accounting principles comprise the

 (In thousands)
                                       1993      1992      1991
Domestic                             $ 8,965   $ 5,151    $1,748
Non-U.S.                               1,295    (1,330)    4,496
    Total                            $10,260   $ 3,821    $6,244

The provision for income taxes charged to earnings before
cumulative effect of changes in accounting principles comprise
the following:

                                            (In thousands)
                                       1993     1992      1991
  Federal                             $  908    $  292    $  155
  State                                  375       207       100
  Non-U.S.                             2,124     1,115     1,034
    Total current                      3,407     1,614     1,289
  Federal                                154       648       950
  State                                  429
  Non-U.S.                              (300)     (342)     (209)
    Total deferred                       283       306       741
    Total provision for
     income taxes                     $3,690    $1,920    $2,030

The gross U.S. deferred income tax expense in 1993 was

NOTE H - Income Taxes (continued)

Significant components of the Company's deferred tax liabilities
and assets at December 31, 1993, are:

                                            (In thousands)
Depreciation                                   $   270          
Pensions                                        11,176          
Other                                            1,013          
Gross deferred tax liabilities                  12,459          
Postemployment benefits                          2,513          
Inventory reserves                               1,777          
Loss carryforwards                               8,119          
Credit carryforwards                             3,764
Nondeductible accruals                           3,064          
Other                                              802          
Gross deferred tax assets                       20,039          
Net deferred tax assets                          7,580          
Deferred tax assets valuation               
  allowance                                     (8,023)         
     Total                                     $  (443)         

During 1993, the valuation allowance was increased as a result of
an increase in unutilized net operating loss carryforwards in
some taxing jurisdictions and decreased by the utilization of net
operating losses in other jurisdictions.  The net decrease in the
valuation allowance was $911,000.

A reconciliation of the Company's effective income tax to the
statutory federal income tax follows:

                                               (In thousands)
                                           1993      1992      1991
Taxes at the U.S. statutory rate        $ 3,488   $ 1,299    $2,123
State income taxes, net of federal
 income tax benefit                         531       176       100
Non-U.S. income taxed at rates
 different than the U.S. statutory rate   1,494     1,511       (50)
Utilization of net operating loss
 carryforwards and benefit of
 scheduled tax credits                   (1,842)   (1,751)     (525)
Alternative Minimum Tax                               711          
Other                                        19       (26)      382
    Provision for income taxes          $ 3,690   $ 1,920    $2,030

NOTE H - Income Taxes (continued)

Undistributed earnings of certain non-U.S. subsidiaries amounting to
$34,300,000 at December 31, 1993, are intended to be permanently
invested and accordingly, no provision has been made for non-U.S.
withholding taxes on these earnings.  In the event all undistributed
earnings were remitted, approximately $4,000,000 of withholding tax
would be imposed.

The Company has tax basis net operating loss carryforwards and
business credit carryforwards of approximately $25,200,000 and
$3,000,000, respectively, at December 31, 1993.  A portion,
$15,400,000, of the net operating loss and all of the business credit
carryforwards expire between the years 2000 and 2006.  The remainder
of the net operating loss carryforwards has an unlimited carryforward
period.  In addition, the Company has alternative minimum tax credit
carryforwards of approximately $867,000, which have no expiration

NOTE I - Business Segment and Non-U.S. Operations

The Company's operations comprise one business segment, the
manufacturing of electronic components.  Electronic components include
production and sale of resistor networks, variable resistors,
frequency control devices, electronic connectors, hybrid
microcircuits, automotive control devices, switches, loudspeakers and
industrial electronics.

Sales to a major automotive manufacturer were $40,100,000 in 1993,
$30,700,000 in 1992 and $29,900,000 in 1991.  Sales to a major
computer manufacturer were $24,000,000 in 1993, $19,300,000 in 1992
and $23,500,000 in 1991.  

The non-U.S. operations or facilities are located in Taiwan,
Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, United Kingdom, Canada and Mexico.  
Net sales to unaffiliated customers from other non-U.S. operations in
the aggregate equaled 16%, 14% and 16% of the consolidated total for
each of the years 1993, 1992 and 1991, respectively.  Net sales to
unaffiliated customers from the United Kingdom operation equaled 12%,
10% and 10% of the consolidated total for 1993, 1992 and 1991,

Net assets of subsidiaries located in non-U.S. countries as of
December 31, 1993, and December 31, 1992, are summarized as follows:
                                                   (In thousands)
                                                   1993      1992
Net current assets                              $19,910   $21,643
Property, plant and equipment--net               23,899    24,696
Goodwill and other long-term assets               2,304     2,458
Long-term obligations                            (4,699)   (6,418)
Deferred income taxes                              (174)     (233)
    Total net assets of non-U.S. 
      subsidiaries                               $41,240  $42,146

Net sales by geographic area include both sales to unaffiliated
customers and transfers between geographic areas.  Such transfers are
accounted for primarily on the basis of a uniform intercompany
pricing policy.  Operating profit is total revenue less operating
expenses.  In computing operating profit, none of the following items
have been added or deducted: general corporate expenses, interest
expense, other income and expenses and income taxes.  Identifiable
assets by geographic area are those assets that are used in the
Company's operations in each such area.  The Corporate Office assets
are principally property and equipment and other noncurrent assets.

Summarized financial information concerning the geographic areas of
operation for 1993, 1992 and 1991 is shown in the following table. 
The caption "Eliminations" includes intercompany sales and other
transactions which are eliminated or adjusted in arriving at
consolidated data.  

NOTE I - Business Segment and Non-U.S. Operations (continued)

Geographic Area                                    (In thousands)
                                              1993      1992      1991
Net Sales
    Sales to unaffiliated customers         $170,566  $172,646  $170,564
    Transfers to non-U.S. area                 4,484     4,469     2,736
                                             175,050   177,115   173,300
  Other Non-U.S.: 
    Sales to unaffiliated customers           37,868    32,743    36,682
    Transfers to domestic area                10,397    15,703    21,524
                                              48,265    48,446    58,206
  United Kingdom:
    Sales to unaffiliated customers           28,545    22,002    22,290
    Transfers to domestic area                   149       388          
                                              28,694    22,390    22,290
  Eliminations                               (15,030)  (20,560)  (24,260)
          Total net sales                   $236,979  $227,391  $229,536
Operating Profit 
  Domestic                                  $ 12,060  $  8,237  $  5,834
  Other Non-U.S.                               4,476     2,860     5,119
  United Kingdom                                 910    (1,313)      475
  Gain on sale of property 
    and other related provisions                          (852)   (1,857)
                                              17,446    10,636    13,285
  Eliminations                                   (19)      (51)      (21)
                                              17,427    10,585    13,264
  General corporate expenses                   6,406     6,487     6,969
  Operating profit                            11,021     4,098     6,295
  Other expenses--net                           (761)     (277)      (51)
    Earnings before income taxes and 
      cumulative effect of changes in
      accounting principles                 $ 10,260  $  3,821  $  6,244
Assets Apportioned by Area
  Domestic                                  $ 73,256  $ 78,747  $ 82,102
  Other Non-U.S.                              54,452    48,331    53,522
  United Kingdom                              18,398    17,847    21,673
                                             146,106   144,925   157,297
  Eliminations                                (5,047)   (2,972)   (6,714)
                                             141,059   141,953   150,583
  Corporate assets                            44,005    28,820    25,778
          Total assets                      $185,064  $170,773  $176,361


    NOTE I - Business Segment and Non-U.S. Operations (continued)

Geographic Area                                    (In thousands)
                                              1993      1992      1991
Capital Expenditures
  Domestic                                  $  7,318  $  4,062  $  5,999
  Other Non-U.S.                               3,300     1,790     4,142
  United Kingdom                               1,078     2,979     5,826
          Total                             $ 11,696  $  8,831  $ 15,967


NOTE J - Supplemental Statement of Earnings Information

The following costs and expenses were charged to operations:

                                                 (In thousands)

                                          1993       1992       1991 
Maintenance and repairs                $  3,778    $ 3,248    $ 3,779

Depreciation of property, plant
 and equipment                           11,211     10,977     12,445

Amortization of intangible assets           932        688        657

Research and development costs            5,708      6,092      5,656

Rent expense                              1,241      1,172      1,153

Royalties, taxes (other than payroll taxes and income taxes) and
advertising costs were each less than one percent of the total sales for
each of the three years.                       

NOTE K - Contingencies

Certain processes in the manufacture of the Company's current and past
products create hazardous waste by-products as currently defined by
federal and state laws and regulations.  The Company has been notified by
the U.S Environmental Protection Agency, state environmental agencies
and, in some cases, generator groups, that it is or may be a Potentially
Responsible Party (PRP) regarding hazardous waste remediation at several
non-CTS sites.  The factual circumstances of each site are different; the
Company has determined that its role as a PRP with respect to these
sites, even in the aggregate, will not have a material adverse effect on
the Company's business or financial condition, based on the following: 
1) the Company's status as a de minimis party; 2) the large number of
other PRPs identified; 3) the identification and participation of many
larger PRPs who are financially viable; 4) defenses concerning the nature
and limited quantities of materials sent by the Company to certain of the
sites; and/or 5) the Company's experience to-date in relation to the
determination of its allocable share.  In addition to these non-CTS
sites, the Company has an ongoing practice of providing reserves for
probable remediation activities at certain of its manufacturing locations
and for claims and proceedings against the Company with respect to other
environmental matters.  In the opinion of management, based upon
presently available information, either adequate provision for probable
costs has been made, or the ultimate costs resulting will not materially
affect the consolidated financial position or results of operations of
the Company. 

Certain claims are pending against the Company with respect to matters
arising out of the ordinary conduct of its business.  In the opinion of
management, based upon presently available information, either adequate
provision for anticipated costs has been made by insurance, accruals or
otherwise, or the ultimate anticipated costs resulting will not
materially affect the Company's consolidated financial position or
results of operations.

NOTE L - Related Party Transactions

Dynamics Corporation of America (DCA) owned 1,920,900 shares (37.3%) of
the Company's outstanding common stock at December 31, 1993.  In 1987,
CTS shareholders voted not to grant DCA voting rights on 1,020,000 of
these shares.  In addition to stock ownership, as of December 31, 1993,
two representatives of DCA serve on the Company's Board of Directors. 
The normal business transactions between the Company and DCA are




To the Stockholders and 
Board of Directors of CTS Corporation

In our opinion, the accompanying consolidated balance sheets and the
related consolidated statements of earnings, stockholders' equity and of
cash flows present fairly, in all material respects, the financial
position of CTS Corporation and its subsidiaries at December 31, 1993,
and 1992, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for
each of the three years in the period ended December 31, 1993, in
conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.  These
financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management;
our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements
based on our audits.  We conducted our audits of these statements in
accordance with generally accepted auditing standards which require that
we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about
whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.  An
audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the
amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, assessing the
accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management,
and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.  We believe
that our audits provide a reasonable basis for the opinion expressed

As discussed in the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements, effective
January 1, 1993, the Company changed its method of accounting for income
taxes by adopting Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 109,
"Accounting for Income Taxes."  Also effective January 1, 1993, the
Company changed its method of accounting for postretirement healthcare
and life insurance benefits by adopting, on an immediate recognition
basis, Statement of Financial Accounting Standards No. 106, "Employers'
Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions."

Price Waterhouse

South Bend, Indiana
February 7, 1994



                AND RESULTS OF OPERATIONS (1991 - 1993)

Liquidity and Capital Resources

The table below highlights significant comparisons and ratios related
to liquidity and capital resources of CTS Corporation (CTS or Company)
for each of the last three years.

(In thousands)
                                December 31  December 31 December 31
                                       1993         1992        1991 
Net cash provided by (used in):
     Operating activities           $ 17,565    $ 12,838    $ 16,075
     Investing activities            (10,698)     (7,301)    (10,256)
     Financing                        (1,342)     (5,121)       (941)
Working capital                     $ 47,378    $ 50,114    $ 51,924
Current ratio                           1.95        2.34        2.31
Interest-bearing debt               $ 17,992    $ 16,359    $ 18,738
Cash and equivalents                  23,534      18,455      18,131
Net tangible worth                   113,402     112,693     115,026
Ratio of interest-bearing debt
     to net tangible worth               .16         .15         .16

During 1993, positive cash flow from operating activities increased by
$4.7 million from 1992, primarily due to the $9.6 million increase in
sales, which resulted in a $4.7 million increase in earnings before
accounting changes.  

Cash flow in 1992 from operating activities was $3.2 million below
that generated in 1991, primarily due to the 1992 earnings decline of
$2.3 million, payment of various restructuring costs and tooling
expenditures.  Our efforts to improve collection of receivables,
reduce inventories and better manage payables offset payments for
income taxes and other liabilities, but not the reduced earnings and
payments for tooling.

A significant noncash component of operating earnings during the 1991
to 1993 period was pension income of $6.0 million in 1993, $4.9
million in 1992 and $4.9 million in 1991.  During 1993, the Company
paid $4.3 million in benefits and no cash contributions were required. 
As a result of the Company's overfunded pension position, no cash
contributions are anticipated to be required in the immediate future
to meet the Company's pension benefit obligations.

The major investment activity during the last three years was capital
expenditures, which totaled $11.7 million in 1993, $8.8 million in
1992 and $16.0 million in 1991.  The major capital expenditures in
1993 were for new products and product line enhancements, as well as
selected capacity increases.  The decrease in 1992 from 1991 reflects
the significant one-time investments made in 1991, which included $8.9
million for facility expansions in Scotland and Thailand.  The Company
expects to increase its capital expenditures in 1994 over 1993 levels. 
These capital expenditures primarily will be for new products and cost
reduction programs.

The net cash used for financing activities in 1993 primarily reflects
loan renegotiations which reduced certain non-U.S. long-term debt and
increased short-term borrowings, and additional short-term borrowings
at certain non-U.S. locations.  The primary financing use of cash in
1992 was the elective paydown of $1.7 million in debt, compared to
increases in debt of $2.9 million in 1991.  

Dividends paid in 1993 were $2.1 million, compared to $3.9 million in
1992 and $3.8 million in 1991.  In response to the 1992 decrease in
cash provided by operations, the Company reduced its annual quarterly
dividend from $.1875 to $.10 per share effective with its February
1993 payment.  

At the end of 1993, 1992 and 1991, most of the Company's cash was held
in U.S.-denominated cash equivalents for the credit of the various
non-U.S. subsidiaries.  The cash, other than approximately $5 million,
is available to the parent Company.

At the end of 1993, CTS had $49.0 million of borrowing capacity, of
which $45.0 million was available under two long-term revolving credit
agreements, both of which were renegotiated in 1993.  The U.S.
revolving agreement of $45.0 million, which expires in April 1997, is
the Company's primary credit vehicle and, together with cash from
operations, should adequately fund the Company's anticipated cash

Results of Operations

The table below highlights significant information with regard to the
Company's results of twelve months of operations during the past three
fiscal years.
                                        (In thousands)
                             December 31  December 31  December 31
                                   1993         1992         1991  

Net sales                       $236,979     $227,391     $229,536
Gross earnings                    47,344       41,101       40,418
Gross earnings as a 
  percent of sales                  20.0%        18.1%        17.6%
Selling, general and 
  administrative expense        $ 36,323     $ 37,855     $ 35,980
Selling, general and
  administrative expense
  as a percent of sales             15.3%        16.6%        15.7%
Gain on sale of property and
  other related provisions                        852        1,857
Operating earnings              $ 11,021     $  4,098     $  6,295
Operating earnings as a 
  percent of sales                   4.7%         1.8%         2.7%
Earnings before income taxes 
  and cumulative effect of
  changes in accounting
  principles                    $ 10,260     $  3,821     $  6,244
Income taxes                       3,690        1,920        2,030
Income tax rate                     36.0%        50.2%        32.5%

From 1992 to 1993, total sales increased by 4.2%, primarily due to
increased sales in our automotive product lines, which more than
offset sales declines in our military connector and frequency controls

From 1991 to 1992 total sales decreased less than 1% as increased
sales of automotive, electrocomponents and microelectronics products
were offset by continued declining demand for resistor and connector
products from our mainframe computer and military customers.

During the three-year period 1991-1993, overall sales have increased 
to the automotive market from 22% to 32%, decreased in the defense
and aerospace market from 20% to 12% and remained fairly constant in
our other market areas.

The Company's 15 largest customers represented 62% of net sales in
1993, 58% in 1992 and 59% in 1991.  One customer, a major manufacturer
of automobiles, comprised 17% of net sales in 1993, compared with 14%
for 1992 and 13% for 1991.  Another customer, a major manufacturer of 

data processing equipment, comprised 10% of net sales in 1993,
compared with 8% in 1992 and 10% in 1991.  

Because most of CTS' revenues are derived from the sale of custom
products, the relative contribution to revenues of changes in unit
volume cannot be meaningfully determined.  The Company's products are
usually priced with reference to expected or required profit margins,
customer expectations and market competition.  Pricing for most of the
Company's electronic component products frequently decreases over time
and also fluctuates in accordance with total industry utilization of
manufacturing capacity.  

During 1993, improvement was realized in gross earnings, primarily due
to higher sales volume, production efficiencies and higher absorption
of manufacturing expenses.  Gross earnings were relatively similar in
1992 and 1991.  

Selling, general and administrative expenses, in dollars and as a
percent of sales, decreased during 1993, primarily as a result of the
cost containment and expense reduction programs in place during the
year.  During 1992, selling, general and administrative expenses
increased slightly over 1991.  A portion of the higher 1992 expenses
in this area was due to problems caused by defective parts from a
supplier.  Also, during 1992, the Company continued to incur start-up
costs in conjunction with its European expansion efforts.

During 1992, the Company continued to dispose of nonproductive assets,
including its closed Paso Robles facility and assets of its tooling
business.  These major asset sales generated cash of $2.7 million and
a net pretax gain of $1.5 million.

During 1991, the Company completed the sale of its Hong Kong
manufacturing facility for $5.7 million, realizing a pretax gain of
$3.6 million.  After a restructuring provision of $0.6 million, a net
pretax gain of $3.0 million was realized from the Hong Kong facility

The primary reason for the operating earnings increase in 1993 from
1992 was the increased automotive product sales.  The overall decrease
in 1992 operating earnings from 1991 is primarily a result of the 1991
gain on the sale of the Hong Kong property and 1992 losses in our
military connector and frequency control products businesses.  A
portion of the frequency control business loss was caused by a
supplier-related defective component, which resulted in direct
expenses of approximately $2.0 million and negatively affected our
1992 and 1993 sales. A settlement was negotiated with this vendor in
1993 and the Company recognized a $2.25 million recovery.

The lower effective tax rate for 1993, as compared to 1992, is a
result of improved earnings which resulted in an increase in net
operating loss carryforward utilization.  Additionally, several non-
U.S. locations, where no tax benefit was available, incurred losses in
1992 which resulted in the higher 1992 effective tax rate.

The effects of the new accounting pronouncements FASB 106, "Employers'
Accounting for Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions," and FASB
109, "Accounting for Income Taxes," have been discussed in financial
statement footnotes, Note G and Note H, respectively.  Relative to
Financial Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 112, "Employers'
Accounting for Postemployment Benefits," which is effective for fiscal
years beginning after December 15, 1993, the Company believes that the
impact, if any, will be insignificant.

In terms of environmental issues, the Company has been notified by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as well as state agencies and
generator groups, that it is or may be a Potentially Responsible Party
regarding hazardous waste remediation at non-CTS sites.  Additionally,
the Company provides reserves for probable remediation activities at
certain of its manufacturing locations.  These issues are discussed in
Note K - Contingencies.


             FIVE - YEAR SUMMARY
             (In thousands of dollars except per share data)

                                          % of               % of               %of                %of              %of
                                            1993   Sales       1992  Sales       1991  Sales       1990  Sales      1989  Sales

          Net sales                     $236,979   100.0   $227,391   100.0   $229,536   100.0   $251,044   100.0  $261,961  100.0
          Cost of goods sold             189,635    80.0    186,290    81.9    189,118    82.4    202,115    80.5   209,973   80.2

               Gross earnings             47,344    20.0     41,101    18.1     40,418    17.6     48,929    19.5    51,988   19.8

          Selling, general and
          administrative expenses         36,323    15.3     37,855    16.6     35,980    15.7     38,051    15.2    35,945   13.7

          (Gain) on sale of property
           and other related provisions                        (852)   (0.3)    (1,857)   (0.8)       796     0.3

               Operating earnings         11,021     4.7       4,098    1.8      6,295     2.7     10,082     4.0    16,043    6.1

          Other (expenses)                  (761)   (0.4)       (277)  (0.1)       (51)    0.0       (549)   (0.2)    1,338    0.5
          Earnings before income taxes 
          and cumulative effect
          of changes in                   10,260     4.3       3,821    1.7       6,244    2.7      9,533     3.8    17,381    6.6
          accounting principles

          Income taxes                     3,690     1.6       1,920    0.9       2,030    0.9      2,193     0.9     3,128    1.2
          Net earnings--before        
          accounting changes               6,570     2.7       1,901    0.8       4,214    1.8      7,340     2.9    14,253    5.4 

          Cumulative effect on prior  
          years of accounting changes (a) (4,614)   (1.9)
               Net earnings                1,956     0.8       1,901    0.8       4,214    1.8       7,340    2.9    14,253    5.4

          earnings--beginning of year    100,973             102,482            102,110             98,629           87,786      

          Dividends declared              (2,061)             (3,410)            (3,842)            (3,859)          (3,410)

          Retained earnings--end of     
          year                          $100,868            $100,973           $102,482           $102,110          $98,629      

          Average shares outstanding   5,152,556           5,141,936          5,122,433          5,168,688        5,456,192

          Net earnings per share:
          Before accounting           
          changes                          $1.27               $0.37              $0.82              $1.42            $2.61      

          Cumulative effect 
          on prior years of
          accounting changes              (0.89)
          Net earnings                    $0.38                $0.37              $0.82              $1.42            $2.61

          Cash dividends per share        $0.40                $0.6625            $0.750             $0.750           $0.625

          Capital expenditures            11,696               8,831             15,967             11,821           10,843
          Depreciation and               
          amortization                    12,143              11,665             13,102             13,052           13,396      


          Current assets                 $97,266           $87,376           $91,493           $91,152         $94,831

          Current liabilities             49,888            37,262            39,569            39,102          37,914
          Current ratio                  1.9 to 1          2.3 to 1          2.3to 1           2.3to1          2.5to1

          Working capital                $47,378           $50,114           $51,924           $52,050         $56,917

          Inventories                     36,059            37,222            40,855            45,389          46,508
          Property, plant and            
          equipment--net                  47,842            48,529            53,828            53,207          54,600      

          Total assets                   185,064           170,773           176,361           172,525         176,584

          Short-term notes payable        12,822             5,827             8,160             7,750           1,786
          Long-term obligations            4,995            10,826            11,297             8,858          12,004

          Stockholders' equity           119,203           119,372           122,485           122,298         124,878

          Common shares outstanding    5,153,424         5,150,824         5,123,824         5,122,124        5,464,278
          Equity (book value) per        
          share                           $23.13            $23.18            $23.91            $23.88          $22.85   

          OTHER DATA

          Stock price range (dollars per
          share to the nearest 1/8)     $22.38-$17.00     $24.50-$17.13     $24.00-$16.38     $23.63-$16.00      $25.50-$22.25

          Average number of employees      3,975             4,335             4,847             5,540           5,931

          Number of stockholders at      
          year-end                         1,198             1,278             1,343             1,439           1,524         

          (a)The Company adopted FASB106,"Employers' Accounting for Postretirement Benefits 
             Other Than Pensions" and FASB 109, "Accounting for Income Taxes," as of January 1, 1993.

                                      EXHIBIT 22

                           CTS CORPORATION AND SUBSIDIARIES

          CTS Corporation (Registrant), an Indiana corporation


          CTS Corporation, a Delaware corporation

               CTS Singapore,  Pte. Ltd., a Republic  of Singapore

               CTS of Panama, Inc., a Republic of Panama corporation

                    CTS  Components Taiwan,  Ltd.,1  a Taiwan,  Republic of
                    China corporation

                    CTS de Mexico S.A.,1 a Republic of Mexico corporation
               CTS Export Corporation, a Virgin Islands corporation

          CTS of Canada, Ltd., a Province of Ontario (Canada) corporation

               CTS Manufacturing (Thailand) Ltd.,1 a Thailand corporation

          CTS Electronics Hong Kong Ltd.,1 a Republic of Hong Kong

          CTS Corporation U.K. Ltd., a United Kingdom corporation

          CTS Printex, Inc., a California corporation

          CTS Micro Peripherals, Inc., a California corporation

               Micro Peripherals Singapore (Private) Limited, a Republic of
                      Singapore corporation

          Corporations  whose names  are indented  are subsidiaries  of the
          preceding non-indented  corporations.  Except as  indicated, each
          of  the above subsidiaries is  100% owned by  its parent company.
          Operations of all subsidiaries and divisions are consolidated in
          the financial statements.

               1    Less  than  1% of  the outstanding  shares of  stock is
                    owned  of  record by  nominee shareholders  pursuant to
                    national laws regarding resident or nominee ownership.

                                                EXHIBIT 23


We hereby consent to the incorporation by reference in the Prospectuses 
constituting part of the Registration Statements on Form S-8 (No. 2-84230 
and No. 33-27749) of CTS Corporation of our report dated February 7, 1994 
appearing on page 24 of the 1993 CTS Corporation Annual Report to Stockholders 
which is incorporated in this Annual Report on Form 10-K.  We also consent to 
the incorporation by reference of our report on the Financial Statement 
Schedules, which appears on page S-2 of this Form 10-K.


South Bend, Indiana
March 17, 1994