RepliGen                                              Letter from the President

To Our Shareholders:

There is no escaping the fact that fiscal 1995 was a difficult year for
biotechnology companies. Structural changes in the pharmaceutical industry and
healthcare environment, coupled with a scarcity of new capital, motivated us to
review the business strategy outlined in last year's annual report. The current
business environment combined with the reduction of our valuation underscore the
need to use cash reserves more effectively. Consequently, through a rigorous
self-examination we have developed an innovative plan that we anticipate will
position Repligen to meet the challenges of the fluctuating industry landscape
in pursuit of revenues, profit and enhanced shareholder return.

*Reconfiguring for Success

Our business planning process during fiscal 1995 was challenging. Difficult
choices had to be made to preserve short-term cash reserves and ensure the
company's long-term viability. Our first step was to prioritize our diverse
product portfolio resulting in the selection of a single, lead product
candidate. This was achieved by a newly established cross-disciplinary team
headed by Chief Operating Officer Leslie Hudson, Ph.D., formerly of Glaxo,
Incorporated. The team reviewed each of our development programs and identified
recombinant platelet factor-4 (rPF4) as the product candidate to which we would
devote the majority of our resources.

As expected, several promising programs in cancer and organ transplantation
were suspended as a result of this prioritization process. These cutbacks were
done in order to intensify our efforts in rPF4. Moreover, we reduced our total
work force and implemented other stringent cost-cutting measures. Combined,
these changes are expected to save Repligen $12 million a year, cutting our
annual expenditure rate nearly in half.

The second significant component in our new business plan involves the
formation of two strategic business units (SBU): the Allegro Biologics Division
and the Therapeutics Research Division. These two entities should enable
Repligen to capitalize on existing strengths and build a business that is
responsive to industry needs.

*Strategic Business Units

Ongoing fundamental changes in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical
industries convince us that process development and contract manufacturing will
be in high demand in the future. Repligen has a unique ability to provide
companies with a preclinical and phase I/II clinical manufacturing capability.
Already Repligen's expertise has been demonstrated by our established track
record in the development and manufacture of bulk proteins. Led by newly
appointed General Manager Ashley Lawton, Ph.D., formerly of Celltech Biologics,
Inc., the Allegro Biologics Division is designed to create a revenue-generating
specialty business focused on the development and manufacture of FDA-regulated
protein-based products. Alternatively, this SBU could be strategically partnered
to provide funding for research and product development if such an arrangement
is in the best interest of the Company.

The overall objective of the Therapeutics Research Division is to advance
research concepts into mature programs suitable for third-party support. The
SBU's first objective is to develop rPF4, including accelerating and supporting
the clinical development of our new, cost-effective, commercial product form of
rPF4. The long-term strategy of this SBU is to rebuild our research effort by
partnering at least one of our technology platforms. As funding allows, we
intend to continue in-house research efforts on the B-7/CD28 pathway (immune
modulation program) and the chemokine platform in the area of cell regulation.

*Intensified Efforts on rPF4 Program

As a result of the reconfiguration, our commitment to rPF4 has never been
greater. Our decision to focus on rPF4 was triggered by promising results
established in recent clinical studies for both cardiovascular (restoration of
coagulation) and cancer (inhibition of tumor growth) indications. We continue to
seek a commercial partner for rPF4; success in this endeavor is critical to our
ability to complete this important program.

rPF4's safety and biological activity in cardiovascular patients was
demonstrated in data published in the scientific journal Circulation (April 15,
1995) by researchers from The University of North Carolina Hospitals. In June
1994, the Texas Heart Institute began a phase I/II trial to further evaluate the
safety of rPF4 and its ability to reverse the effects of heparin in coronary
artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery patients. Furthermore, analysis of
pharmacoeconomic data, obtained from two studies sponsored by Repligen but
carried out by recognized, independent experts in this field, clearly
establishes a strong economic rationale to pursue rPF4 for cardiovascular

For cancer, the Mayo Clinic and Dana Farber Cancer Institute are conducting
dose-finding, tumor-directed clinical trials of rPF4 in glioma (brain tumor)
patients to reaffirm rPF4's safety profile and biological activity in patients
with no therapeutic options. Preliminary phase I/II data presented by
researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, and Repligen at
the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) in May 1995 demonstrated that
systemically delivered rPF4 has an effect on and is well tolerated by
AIDS-related Kaposi's sarcoma patients. A year earlier at ASCO, researchers from
The Graduate Hospital of Philadelphia also reported antitumor response and
product safety for rPF4 -- the first data providing evidence of an antitumor
response with rPF4 as an angiogenesis inhibitor and potential new cancer

*Eli Lilly Contract Extended

Repligen and Eli Lilly and Company have been collaborating since 1992 to
develop a CD11b-targeted therapeutic for acute inflammation. In February 1995,
we agreed to extend our collaboration until November 1996 with funding from
Lilly, during which time the program will be transferred to Lilly. Lilly also
agreed to new milestone payments and to increasing the royalties which Repligen
will receive on sales of the genetically engineered humanized version of the
product, h60.1, which is poised to enter clinical testing. Lilly's extension
represents a strong vote of confidence in our anti-CD11b/h60.1 program.

*Future Outlook

The choices made during fiscal 1995 regarding program and staffing cutbacks
were not easy. We believe strongly in the potential of the people who have left
us. We wish them well and thank them for the many contributions they made to

In summary, Repligen remains committed to maximizing shareholder value
through the dual SBU concept outlined above. We will continue to examine new
opportunities that will position Repligen, and thus you, for success.


[Signature of Sandford D. Smith]

Sandford D. Smith
President and Chief Executive Officer

One Kendall Square, Building 700
Cambridge, MA 02139
Telephone: 617-225-6000
Telefax: 617-494-1786                        (c)Repligen Corporation, Aug. 1995