
                         TEACHERS INSURANCE AND ANNUITY

                             ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA

                          As Amended February 21, 1996

                                   ARTICLE ONE


     Section 1.  Annual  Meeting.  The annual  meeting of  stockholders  for the
election  of  trustees  and for the  transaction  of such other  business as may
properly  come  before the meeting  shall be held in the month of November  each
year at the office of the Association in the City of New York on a day and at an
hour  specified  by notice  mailed at least  thirty days in advance.  The notice
shall be in writing and shall be signed by the chairman, or the president,  or a
vice president, or the secretary.

     Special  meetings of the stockholders may be held at the said office of the
Association whenever called by the chairman, or by the president, or by order of
the  board  of  trustees,  or by  the  holders  of at  least  one-third  of  the
outstanding  shares of stock of the  Association,  or may be held subject to the
provisions of the emergency bylaws of the Association.

     Section 2. Notice.  It shall be the duty of the secretary not less than ten
nor more than forty days prior to the date of each  meeting of the  stockholders
to cause a notice of the meeting to be mailed to each stockholder.

     Section 3. Voting.  At all meetings of stockholders  each stockholder shall
be  entitled  to one vote upon each share of stock owned by him of record on the
books of the Association ten days before the meeting.  Stockholders  may vote in
person or by proxy appointed in writing.

     Section 4.  Quorum.  The presence in person or by proxy of the holders of a
majority of the shares in the  Association  shall be necessary  to  constitute a
quorum at any meeting of stockholders.

     Section 5. Telephonic Participation. At all meetings of stockholders or any
committee  thereof,  stockholders  may  participate  by  means  of a  conference
telephone or similar communications equipment allowing all persons participating
in the meeting to hear each other at the same time.  Participation by such means
shall constitute presence in person at a meeting.

                                   ARTICLE TWO


     Section 1. General  Management.  The general  management  of the  property,
business and affairs of the Association shall be vested in the board of trustees
provided by the charter. A trustee need not be a stockholder.


     Section 2. Quorum.  One-third of the trustees shall  constitute a quorum at
all  meetings  of the  board.  If less  than a quorum  shall be  present  at any
meeting,  a majority of those  present may adjourn the meeting from time to time
until a quorum  shall  attend.  In case of a vacancy  among the  trustees of any
class through death,  resignation or other cause, a successor to hold office for
the unexpired  portion of the term may be elected at any meeting of the board at
which a quorum  shall be  present.  Such  successors  shall not take  office nor
exercise  the  duties  thereof  until  ten days  after  written  notice of their
election shall have been filed in the office of the  Superintendent of Insurance
of the State of New York.

     Section  3.  Annual  Meeting.  There  shall be a  meeting  of the  board of
trustees in the month of November each year on a day and at an hour specified in
a notice mailed at least ten days and not more than twenty days in advance. This
shall be known as the annual  meeting of the board of trustees.  At this meeting
the board shall elect  officers,  appoint  committees  and  transact  such other
business as shall properly come before the meeting.

     Section 4. Other  Meetings.  Stated meetings of the board of trustees shall
be held on such dates as the board by standing  resolution may fix. No notice of
such stated meetings need be given.  Special meetings of the board may be called
by order of the chairman,  the president,  or the executive  committee by notice
mailed at least one week prior to the date of such meeting, and any business may
be transacted at the meeting.

     Section  5.  Telephonic  Participation.  At all  meetings  of the  board of
trustees  or any  committee  thereof,  trustees  may  participate  by means of a
conference  telephone or similar  communications  equipment allowing all persons
participating in the meeting to hear each other at the same time.  Participation
by such means shall constitute presence in person at a meeting.

     Section 6. Action Without a Meeting.  Where time is of the essence, but not
in lieu of a regularly  scheduled  meeting of the board of trustees or committee
thereof,  any action  required  or  permitted  to be taken by the board,  or any
committee thereof, may be taken without a meeting if all members of the board or
the committee consent in writing to the adoption of a resolution authorizing the
action.  The resolution and the written  consents  thereto by the members of the
board or  committee  shall be filed with the minutes of the  proceedings  of the
board or committee.

     Section 7. Trustees  Compensation  and  Expenses.  A trustee may be paid an
annual stipend and fees and such other  compensation  or emolument in any amount
first  authorized  by the board in  accordance  with  Section 1 of Article  Five
hereof,  including,  but not limited to, a deferred  compensation  benefit,  for
meetings of the board that he/she  attends and for services that he/she  renders
on or for committees or  subcommittees  of the board;  and each trustee shall be
reimbursed for  transportation and other expenses incurred by him/her in serving
the Association.

     Section 8. Chairman. The chairman, and in his absence the president,  shall
preside at all meetings of the board.

                                  ARTICLE THREE


     Section 1.  Election.  At each annual  meeting the board of trustees  shall
elect  the  executive  officers  of the  corporation  including  a  chairman,  a
president,  one or more vice  presidents,  and such other executive  officers as
they may  determine.  Each such  executive  officer  shall hold office until the
close of the next  annual  meeting  of the  board  


or, if earlier, until his retirement,  death,  resignation or removal. The board
may appoint other officers and agents, assign titles to them and determine their
duties;  such  officers and agents shall hold office  during the pleasure of the
board of trustees.  It may appoint  persons to act  temporarily  in place of any
officers of the Association who may be ab-sent,  incapacitated, or for any other
reason  unable to act or may  delegate  such  authority  to the chief  executive

     Section  2.  Removal  of  Officers.  Any  officer  elected  by the board of
trustees  may be  removed  by the  affirmative  votes of a  majority  of all the
trustees  holding  office.  Any other officer may be removed by the  affirmative
votes of a majority of all members of the executive committee holding office.

     Section 3. Removal of Other Employees. All other agents and employees shall
hold their  positions  at the  pleasure of the  executive  committee  or of such
executive  officer as the  executive  committee  may  clothe  with the powers of
engaging and dismissing.

     Section 4. Qualifications.  The chairman and the president shall be members
of the board of trustees,  but none of the other officers need be a trustee. One
person  may hold  more than one  office,  except  that no  person  shall be both
president and secretary.

     Section 5. Chief Executive  Officer.  The board of trustees shall designate
either the chairman or the president as chief executive officer.  Subject to the
control of the board of trustees and the  provisions of these bylaws,  the chief
executive  officer  shall be charged with the  management  of the affairs of the
Association,  and shall perform such duties as are not specifically delegated to
other  officers  of the  Association.  He shall be ex  officio  a member  of all
standing  committees  except the  nominating  and  personnel  com-mittee,  audit
committee  and the  committee on  reimbursement  agreements  with CREF. He shall
report  from  time  to time to the  board  of  trustees  on the  affairs  of the

     Section 6.  Chairman.  The  chairman,  when  present,  shall preside at all
meetings of the  stockholders  and of the board. He shall be ex officio chairman
of the executive  committee.  He may appoint  trustee  committees,  except those
appointed by the board of trustees, and may appoint members to fill vacancies on
trustee  committees  appointed by the board when such occur between  meetings of
the trustees.  If the chairman is not the chief executive officer,  he shall, in
addition to the foregoing, perform such functions as are delegated to him by the
chief executive officer.

     Section  7.  President.  The  president,  in the  event of the  absence  or
disability  of the chairman,  shall  perform the duties of the chairman.  If the
president  is not the  chief  executive  officer,  he  shall  assist  the  chief
executive  officer  in his  duties  and  shall  perform  such  functions  as are
delegated to him by the chief executive officer.

     Section 8. Absence or Disability of Chief Executive Officer. In the absence
or disability of the chief executive  officer,  the president,  if he is not the
chief  executive  officer,  or the  chairman,  if he is not the chief  executive
officer,  or if neither is  available,  a vice  president so  designated  by the
executive  committee or chief executive  officer shall perform the duties of the
chief executive  officer,  unless the board of trustees  otherwise  provides and
subject to the provisions of the emergency bylaws of the Association.

     Section 9.  Secretary.  The  secretary  shall give all required  notices of
meetings of the board of trustees,  and shall attend and act as secretary at all
meetings  of the  board  and of the  executive  committee  and keep the  records
thereof. He shall keep the seal of the corporation, and shall perform all duties
incident to the office of  secretary  and such other duties as from time to time
may be assigned to him by the board of trustees, the executive committee, or the
chief executive officer.


     Section 10. Other Officers. The chief executive officer shall determine the
duties  of the  executive  officers  other  than the  chairman,  president,  and
secretary and of all officers other than executive  officers,  and he may assign
titles to and determine the duties of non-officers.

                                  ARTICLE FOUR


     Section 1.  Appointment.  At each annual  meeting of the board of trustees,
the board shall appoint an executive committee,  a finance committee, a mortgage
committee, a nominating and personnel committee, an audit committee, a committee
on reimbursement agreements with CREF, a committee on products and services, and
a committee on corporate  governance and social  responsibility,  each member of
which shall hold office until the close of the next annual  meeting of the board
and until a successor shall be appointed or until the member shall cease to be a
trustee except that for the audit  committee,  the board may specify a different
period of membership.  The board of trustees,  the executive  committee,  or the
chairman may appoint such other trustee committees and subcommittees as may from
time to time be found  necessary  or  convenient  for the proper  conduct of the
business of the  Association,  and designate  their duties.

     Section 2. Executive Committee. The executive committee shall consist of at
least seven  trustees  including the chairman and the  president.  Three members
shall  constitute a quorum,  among whom only one salaried officer may be counted
for that purpose.  The executive  committee  shall meet in regular meeting as it
may from time to time determine,  and in special meeting  whenever called by the
chairman,  and shall be vested with full powers of the board of trustees  during
intervals  between  the  meetings  of the board in all  cases in which  specific
instructions  shall  not have  been  given  by the  board of  trustees  and,  in
particular, said committee:

     (a)  shall  have  general  supervision  of  the  contracts  issued  by  the
Association,  and  of all  matters  relating  to the  selection  of  risks,  the
determination  of premium  rates,  and of any other  questions  of detail in the
conduct of the  business  which may be referred to the  executive  committee  by
resolutions of the board of trustees.

     (b) Shall have  supervision  of the rules and  methods  for  recording  the
vouchers, accounts, receipts and disbursements of the Association.

     (c)  Shall,  in the event of an acute  emergency,  as  defined  by  Article
Seven-A--Insurance,  of the New York State Defence Emergency Act, (Section 9177,
Unconsolidated  Laws of New York) and any amendments thereof, be responsible for
the emergency  management of the Association as provided in the emergency bylaws
of the Association.

     Section 3. Finance  Committee.  The finance  committee shall consist of the
chief executive officer, of three other trustees,  and such additional trustees,
if any, as the board of trustees or the  executive  committee  may appoint.  Two
members shall  constitute a quorum,  among whom only one salaried officer of the
Association may be counted for that purpose.

     (a) Subject to review by the board of trustees the finance  committee shall
determine the investment policies of the Association.


     (b) The finance  committee  shall  supervise the investment of the funds of
the  Association -- other than  investments in real estate and real estate loans
- -- including  purchase,  sale, exchange or conversion of securities and loans on
collateral.  No loan or investment other than policy loans, real estate and real
estate mortgages shall be made or disposed of without  authorization or approval
by the finance committee.

     Section 4. Mortgage Committee.  The mortgage committee shall consist of the
chief executive officer, of three other trustees,  and such additional trustees,
if any, as the board of trustees or the  executive  committee  may appoint.  Two
members shall  constitute a quorum,  among whom only one salaried officer of the
Association may be counted for that purpose.

     Subject  to the  provision  of  Article  Four,  Section 3 (a) the  mortgage
committee  shall  supervise the  investment of the funds of the  Association  in
loans secured by real estate  mortgages and in real estate.  No such  investment
shall be made or disposed of without  authorization  or approval by the mortgage

     Section 5. Nominating and Personnel Committee. The nominating and personnel
committee  shall  consist of five  trustees  who are not  officers  or  salaried
employees of the Association and whose terms do not expire in the year following
their  appointment.  Three  members  shall  constitute  a  quorum.  In the  year
following their appointment the committee shall nominate  executive officers and
the standing  committees for the annual meeting of the board of trustees,  shall
designate  the principal  officers of the  Association,  shall  recommend to the
board of trustees the annual  compensation of the principal  officers and of any
salaried  employee if the level of  compensation  to be paid to such employee is
equal to, or greater than,  the  compensation  received or to be received by any
principal officer, nominate trustees to fill interim vacancies and; if requested
by the TIAA  Board of  Overseers,  shall  recommend  the  names of  persons  for
election as trustees at the annual meeting of the stockholders. In addition, the
committee  shall approve the titles and base salaries of all appointed  officers
and the base  salaries of executive  officers,  other than those  designated  as
principal  officers or those officers to be paid on an equal or greater level of
compensation with principal officers,  and shall recommend the provisions of any
incentive  salary  compensation  program(s)  and  determine  the  amounts of any
incentive  salary payments for those officers  included in any incentive  salary

     Section 6. Audit  Committee.  The audit committee shall consist of at least
three,  and not more  than  five,  trustees  who are not  officers  or  salaried
employees  of the  Association.  Two  members  shall  constitute  a quorum.  The
committee shall itself,  or through public  accountants or otherwise,  make such
audits and  examinations of the records and affairs of the Association as it may
deem necessary.

     Section  7.  Committee  on  Reimbursement  Agreements.   The  committee  on
reimbursement agreements shall consist of three trustees who are not officers or
employees of the  Association.  The  committee  shall  review the  reimbursement
agreements  among TIAA,  CREF,  TIAA-CREF  Individual & Institutional  Services,
Inc.,  and  TIAA-CREF  Investment  Management,  Inc.,  and make  recommendations
regarding them to the board of trustees.

     Section 8. Committee on Products and Services. The members of the committee
on products  and services  shall  consist of at least seven  trustees.  A quorum
shall consist of a majority of the members and not less than a quorum shall meet
jointly  with the CREF  Committee on Products and Services to review and oversee
the design, development, improvement, and marketing of new and existing products
and services. In addition, the committee shall review the specifications for and
oversee the implementation stages of new technology-based  services and computer
programs at participating institutions.


     Section 9. Committee on Corporate Governance and Social Responsibility. The
committee on corporate governance and social responsibility shall consist of not
less than five  trustees and such  additional  trustees as the board of trustees
may appoint. No such trustee shall be an officer or salaried employee of TIAA.

     A  committee  quorum  shall  consist  of a  majority  of the  members.  The
committee is responsible for addressing all corporate social  responsibility and
corporate  governance  issues  including  the  voting  of  TIAA  shares  and the
initiation of appropriate  shareholder  resolutions.  In addition, the committee
will  develop  and  recommend  specific  corporate  policy  in these  areas  for
consideration by the TIAA board of trustees.

     Section 10. Reports.  Within a reasonable  time after their  meetings,  all
such  committees  and  subcommittees  shall  report their  transactions  to each

                                  ARTICLE FIVE

                       Salaries, Compensation and Pensions
                       to Trustees, Officers and Employees

     Section 1. Salaries and Pensions. The Association shall not pay any salary,
compensation or emolument in any amount to any officer, deemed by a committee or
committees of the board to be a principal  officer pursuant to subsection (b) of
Section 1202 of the  Insurance  Law of the State of New York, or to any salaried
employee  of the  Association  if the level of  compensation  to be paid to such
employee is equal to, or greater than, the  compensation  received by any of its
principal  officers,  or to any trustee  thereof,  unless such  payment be first
authorized  by a  vote  of  the  board  of  trustees  of  the  Association.  The
Association  shall not make any  agreement  with any of its officers or salaried
employees  whereby it agrees that for any services rendered or to be rendered he
shall receive any salary,  compensation  or emolument  that will extend beyond a
period  of  thirty-six  months  from  the  date of  such  agreement,  except  as
specifically  permitted  by the  Insurance  Law of the  State  of New  York.  No
principal  officer or employee of the class  described in the first  sentence of
this  section,  who is paid a salary for his  services  shall  receive any other
compensation,  bonus or emolument from the Association,  directly or indirectly,
except  in  accordance  with a plan  recommended  by a  committee  of the  board
pursuant to subsection  (b) of Section 1202 of the Insurance Law of the State of
New York and approved by the board of trustees.  The Association shall not grant
any pension to any officer or trustee,  or to any member of his family after his
death,  except that the  Association  may  pursuant to the terms of a retirement
plan and other  appropriate staff benefit plans adopted by the board provide for
any person who is or has been a salaried officer or employee,  a pension payable
at the  time  of  retirement  by  reason  of age or  disability  and  also  life
insurance, health insurance and disability benefits.

     Section 2.  Prohibitions.  No trustee or officer of the  Association  shall
receive,  in addition  to fixed  salary or  compensation,  any money or valuable
thing, either directly or indirectly,  or though any substantial interest in any
other corporation or business unit, for negotiating,  procuring, recommending or
aiding in any purchase or sale of property,  or loan, made by the Association or
any affiliate or subsidiary  thereof,  nor be pecuniarily  interested  either as
principal,  coprincipal, agent or beneficiary, either directly or indirectly, or
through any substantial  interest in any other  corporation or business unit, in
any such purchase,  sale or loan;  provided that nothing herein  contained shall
prevent the  Association  from  making a loan upon a policy held  therein by the
borrower not in excess of the net reserve value thereof.


                                   ARTICLE SIX

               Indemnification of Trustees, Officers and Employees

     The  Association  shall  indemnify,  in the manner  and to the full  extent
permitted  by law,  each  person  made or  threatened  to be made a party to any
action,  suit  or  proceeding,  whether  or  not  by  or in  the  right  of  the
Association,  and whether  civil,  criminal,  administrative,  investigative  or
otherwise,  by reason of the fact that he or his testator or intestate is or was
a trustee,  officer or employee of the Association or, while a trustee,  officer
or employee of the Association,  served any other corporation or organization of
any type or kind,  domestic  or foreign,  in any  capacity at the request of the
Association.  To the full extent  permitted  by law such  indemnification  shall
include judgments,  fines, amounts paid in settlement,  and expenses,  including
attorneys' fees. No payment of  indemnification,  advance or allowance under the
foregoing  provisions  shall be made unless a notice  shall have been filed with
the  Superintendent  of  Insurance of the State of New York not less than thirty
days prior to such payment  specifying the persons to be paid, the amounts to be
paid,  the manner in which payment is authorized  and the nature and status,  at
the time of such notice, of the litigation or threatened litigation.

                                  ARTICLE SEVEN

                            Execution of Instruments

     The board of trustees or the  executive  committee  shall  designate who is
authorized to execute certificates of stock, proxies, powers of attorney, deeds,
leases,  releases of mortgages,  satisfaction pieces, checks, drafts,  contracts
for  insurance  or  annuity  and  instruments  relating  thereto,  and all other
contracts  and  instruments  in writing  necessary  for the  Association  in the
management of its affairs, and to attach the Association's seal thereto; and may
further  authorize  the extent to which such  execution may be done by facsimile

                                  ARTICLE EIGHT


     No disbursements of $100 or more shall be made unless the same be evidenced
by a voucher signed by or on behalf of the person, firm or corporation receiving
the money and correctly describing the consideration for the payment, and if the
same be for services and disbursements,  setting forth the services rendered and
an itemized statement of the disbursements made, and if it be in connection with
any  matter  pending  before  any  legislative  or public  body,  or before  any
department or officer of any  government,  correctly  describing in addition the
nature of the matter and of the interest of such corporation therein, or if such
voucher  cannot be obtained,  by an affidavit  stating the reasons  therefor and
setting forth the particulars above mentioned.

                                  ARTICLE NINE

                                 Corporate Seal

     The seal of the Association shall be circular in form and shall contain the
words  "Teachers  Insurance  and  Annuity  Association  of  America,  New  York,
Corporate Seal,  1918," which seal shall be kept in the custody of the secretary
of the Association  and be affixed to all  instruments  requiring such corporate


                                   ARTICLE TEN


     Article  One of  these  bylaws  can be  amended  or  repealed  only  by the
affirmative  vote of the holders of a majority of the outstanding  shares of the
capital  stock of the  Association,  such vote being cast at a meeting held upon
notice stating that such meeting is to vote upon a proposed  amendment or repeal
of such bylaw.

     Any other  bylaw may be amended or  repealed at any meeting of the board of
trustees  provided  notice of the  proposed  amendment or repeal shall have been
mailed to each  trustee  at least one week and not more than two weeks  prior to
the date of such meeting.
