Location: {{HOTELADDRESS1}} 

                                            ID Number: {{IDNUMBER}} 

                                            Date: ___________________________ 

                      HAWTHORN SUITES FRANCHISING, INC. 

                               TABLE OF CONTENTS

      RECITALS                                                      PAGE 
1.    THE LICENSE  ..................................................1 
2.    GRANT OF LICENSE ..............................................2 
3.    LICENSEE'S RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................2 
4.    LICENSOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................5 
5.    PROPRIETARY RIGHTS ............................................7 
6.    RECORDS AND AUDITS ............................................7 
7.    INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE  ......................................8 
8.    TRANSFER  .....................................................9 
9.    CONDEMNATION AND CASUALTY ....................................12 
10.   TERMINATION  .................................................13 
11.   AGREEMENT IS RENEWABLE .......................................16 
12.   RELATIONSHIP OF PARTIES  .....................................16 
13.   MISCELLANEOUS ................................................17 


                               LICENSE AGREEMENT

   Dated          , between Hawthorn Suites Franchising, Inc. ("Licensor" or 
"HFI") and {{ENTITYNAMECAPS}}, a {{ENTITYTYPE}} ("Licensee"), whose address is 


1. The License. 

   Licensor has been licensed by Hawthorn Suites Associates ("HSA"), under the 
terms of an agreement dated March 26, 1996 (the "HSA Agreement"), the right to 
use and license others to use a unique concept and system relating to the 
establishment and operation of certain hotels that operate under the name 
"HAWTHORN SUITES" ("Hawthorn Hotels" or the "Hotel System"). Hawthorn Hotels 
are all-suites hotels in which the lodging units each contain sleeping 
quarters, bath, living room, and kitchen. You have independently investigated 
the risks of the business to be operated hereunder, including current and 
potential market conditions, competitive factors and risks, and have read 
Licensor's "Offering Circular for Prospective Franchisees", and have made an 
independent evaluation of all such facts. Aware of the relevant facts, you 
desire to enter into this agreement ("Agreement") in order to obtain a license 
to use the Hotel System in the operation of a Hawthorn Suites hotel located 
at {{HOTELADDRESS1}}, {{HOTELADDRESS2}} (the "Hotel"). 

   A. The Hotel. The Hotel comprises all structures, facilities, 
appurtenances, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and entry, exit, parking and 
other areas from time to time located on the land identified on the plot plan 
most recently submitted to and acknowledged by Licensor in anticipation of 
the execution of this Agreement, or located on any land from time to time 
approved by Licensor for additions, signs or other facilities. The Hotel 
currently includes the facilities listed on Attachment A hereto. No change in 
the number of approved standard suites or guest rooms (which are hereinafter 
referred to collectively as "Suites") and no other significant change in the 
Hotel shall be made without Licensor's approval. Redecoration and minor 
structural changes that comply with Licensor's standards and specifications 
shall not be considered significant. You represent that you are entitled to 
possession of the Hotel during the entire License Term, as defined in 
Paragraph 2 hereof, without restrictions that would interfere with any of 
your obligations under this Agreement. 

   B. The Hotel System. The Hotel System is composed of elements, as 
designated from time to time by Licensor, designed to identify Hawthorn 
Suites hotels to the consuming public and/or to contribute to such 
identification and its association with quality standards. The Hotel System 
at present includes, without limitation, the trade names, trademarks, and 
service marks, "HAWTHORN SUITES" and such other trade names, trademarks, and 
service marks as are now designated (and may hereafter be designated by 
Licensor in writing) as part of the Hotel System (hereinafter "Proprietary 
Marks"); prototypical architectural plans, designs, and layouts, including, 
without limitation, site plan, floor plan, and lobby plan; access to a 
centralized reservation system; a national Hawthorn Suites directory (the 
"National Directory"); management and personnel training, and training 
programs and materials; management and operational procedures and techniques 
as prescribed in the Confidential Manual (hereinafter the "Manual"); standards 
and specifications for construction, equipment, and furnishings, as described 
in the Manual; advertising, marketing, and promotional programs; and such 
other improvements that Licensor may make from time to time. 


2. Grant of License. Licensor hereby grants to you a license (the "License") 
to use the Hotel System only at the Hotel, only in connection with the 
operation of the Hotel and, only in accordance with this Agreement, beginning 
with the date hereof and terminating as provided in Paragraph 10 hereof (the 
"License Term"). During the License Term, neither Licensor nor any affliate of 
Licensor nor any franchisee, shall develop, license, or permit any authorized 
Hawthorn Hotel within the territorial boundaries as defined in Attachment B 
hereto (the "Territory"). Your rights to the Territory shall automatically 
terminate if the Hotel's Quality Assurance Score (defined in Paragraph 4.C. 
hereof) falls below 425, or its then-current equivalent, and you are unable 
to increase the score to 425 within sixty (60) days of the inspection, or if 
this Agreement is otherwise terminated in accordance with Section 10 hereof. 
This Agreement does not limit Licensor's right, or the rights of any parent, 
subsidiary, division or affiliate of Licensor, to use or license to others 
the Hotel System or any part thereof at any location outside of the 
Territory. Further, Licensor, or its parent, subsidiary, division or 
affiliate may conduct any business activity or license other hospitality 
concepts under brands other than the Proprietary Marks outside and within the 
Territory. You acknowledge that Licensor, its parent, subsidiaries, divisions 
and affiliates are and may in the future be engaged in other business 
activities including activities related to transient lodging, which may be or 
may be deemed to be competitive with the Hotel System; that facilities, 
programs, services and/or personnel used in connection with the Hotel System 
may also be used in connection with such other business activities of 
Licensor, its parent, subsidiaries, divisions or affiliates; and that you are 
acquiring no rights hereunder other than the right to use the Hotel System in 
connection with a Hawthorn Suites Hotel as specifically defined herein in 
accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 

3. Licensee's Responsibilities. 

   A. Operational and Other Requirements. During the License Term, you shall: 

   (1) maintain a high moral and ethical standard and atmosphere at the 
   (2) maintain the Hotel in a clean, safe and orderly manner and in first 
       class condition; 
   (3) provide efficient, courteous, and high-quality service to the public; 
   (4) operate the Hotel twenty four (24) hours a day, every day; 
   (5) strictly comply in all respects of the Hotel System and the Manual and 
       with all other policies, procedures and requirements of Licensor which 
       may be from time to time communicated to you; 
   (6) strictly comply with Licensor's reasonable requirements to use only 
       reliable sources of supplies for the Hotel including any suppliers 
       approved by Licensor; 
   (7) strictly comply with Licensor's requirements as to: 
       (a) the types of services, products, and amenities that may be used, 
           promoted or offered at the Hotel; 
       (b) use, display, style and type of signage; 
       (c) directory and reservation service listings of the Hotel; 
       (d) training of persons to be involved in the operation of the Hotel, 
           including all expenses incurred by you associated therewith; 
       (e) participation in all marketing, reservation service, advertising, 
           training and operating programs designated by Licensor as 
           System-wide (or area-wide) programs in the best interests of 
           hotels using the Hotel System; 
       (f) maintenance, appearance and condition of the Hotel; and 
       (g) quality and type of service offered to customers at the Hotel. 


   (8)  use such automated guest service and/or hotel management and/or 
        telephone system(s) as Licensor shall specify, including any 
        additions, enhancements, supplements or variants developed during the 
        term hereof; 
   (9)  participate in and use the those reservation services as Licensor 
        shall specify, including any additions, enhancements, supplements or 
        variants thereof which may be developed during the term hereof; 
   (10) adopt improvements or standard changes to the Hotel System as may be 
        from time to time designated by Licensor, which improvements are not 
        intended to cause undue hardship; 
   (11) strictly comply with all governmental requirements including the 
        filing and maintenance of any required trade name or fictitious name 
        registrations, pay all taxes, and maintain all governmental licenses 
        and permits necessary to operate the Hotel in accordance with the 
        Hotel System; 
   (12) permit inspection of the Hotel by Licensor's representatives at any 
        time and give them free lodging for such time as may be reasonably 
        necessary to complete their inspections; 
   (13) insure that no part of the Hotel or the Hotel System is used to 
        further or promote a competing business or other lodging facility, 
        except as Licensor may approve for those competing businesses or 
        lodging facilities owned, licensed, operated or otherwise approved by 
        Licensor or its parent, divisions, subsidiaries and/or affiliates; 
   (14) in all respects use your best efforts to reflect credit upon and 
        create favorable public response to the Proprietary Marks; 
   (15) promptly pay to Licensor all amounts due Licensor, its parent, 
        divisions, subsidiaries and/or affiliates as royalties or fees or for 
        goods or services purchased by you; 
   (16) comply with Licensor's requirements concerning confidentiality of 
        information, and, specifically: treat the Manual and all supplements 
        and revisions as confidential; use all reasonable efforts to keep the 
        information confidential; not copy the Manual in any way, nor make it 
        available to any unauthorized person; disclose information contained 
        in the Manual only to persons who must have access to it in 
        connection with their employment with you; and obtain each such 
        person's agreement to keep such information confidential; and 
   (17) conduct your advertising in a dignified manner and conform to the 
        standards and requirements as Licensor may specify from time to time 
        in writing; submit samples of all advertising and promotional 
        materials to Licensor for approval; and discontinue use of any 
        disapproved material upon receipt of such written notice. 

   B. Performance of the Work. You agree to perform the construction and 
renovation and/or conversion work on the property including, without 
limitation, the purchase of furniture, fixtures, and equipment set forth on 
Attachment C hereto and incorporated herein by reference (the "Work"). You 
acknowledge that your agreement to perform the Work is an essential element 
of the consideration relied upon by Licensor in entering into the Agreement. 
Your failure to perform the Work in accordance with Licensor's requirements 
and specifications (including the progress, milestone completion and other 
dates specified in Attachment "C") shall constitute a material breach of your 
obligations under this License. Licensee may not commence operation of the 
Hotel as a Hawthorn Hotel without Licensor's written authorization. 
Notwithstanding any consent by Licensor to the authorized conditional opening 
of the Hotel, all upgrading shall be completed and the Hotel shall otherwise 
be in compliance with the Agreement no later than the date contained in 
Attachment C. 

   C. Upgrading of the Hotel. Licensor shall review the Quality Assurance 
Scores (as defined in Paragraph 4.C. hereof) of the Hotel upon each five (5) 
year anniversary of the opening of the Hotel. If over the previous five (5) 
year period, the Hotel has failed to maintain an average score of four 
hundred fifty 


(450) or greater out of a possible five hundred (500) (or its then-current 
equivalent), Licensor may require modernization of the Hotel, softgood 
rehabilitation (including but not limited to carpet, drapes, bedspreads) or 
other upgrading of the Hotel. If the upgrading requirements contained in this 
Paragraph 3.C. cause you undue hardship, you may terminate this Agreement by 
paying a fee computed according to Paragraph l0.E 

   D. Fees. 

   (1) For each month (or part of a month) during the License Term, you shall 
       pay to Licensor by the tenth (10th) of the following month: 

       (a) a royalty fee equal to five percent (5%) of the Gross Room 
           Revenues of the Hotel, with deductions for sales and room taxes 
           only ("Gross Room Revenues"); 
       (b) an "Advertising Fund Contribution" of 2.5 percent of Gross Rooms 
           Revenue. The Advertising Fund Contribution payments do not include 
           the cost, installation or maintenance of reservation services 
           equipment or training. Licensor may, in its sole discretion and at 
           any time, increase the Advertising Fund Contribution amount above 
           by no more than ten percent (10%) per year provided that 
           Licensee's Advertising Fund Contributions shall not exceed a 
           maximum of three percent (3.0%). Licensee hereby acknowledges any 
           such increase shall not be imposed unless a similar increase is 
           imposed on all licensees operating under the Hotel System 
           according to license agreements that contain provisions similar to 
           this Paragraph 3(D)(l)(b) providing for such increased 
           contributions by licensees; and 
       (c) an amount equal to any sales, gross receipts, or similar tax 
           imposed on Licensor and calculated solely on payment required 
           hereunder, unless the tax is an optional alternative to an income 
           tax otherwise payable by Licensor. 
   (2) "Gross Room Revenues" shall mean the gross receipts attributable to or 
       payable for the rental of Suites at the Hotel, including, without 
       limitation, the net proceeds (after deduction of the expenses of 
       adjustment and collection) of use and occupancy, or for business 
       interruption, rent loss, or similar insurance with respect to the 
       Hotel (provided that insurance proceeds shall be included in Gross 
       Room Revenues only when and to the extent actually received). Gross 
       Room Revenues shall not include gratuities to employees or service 
       charges levied in lieu of such gratuities, which, in either case, are 
       payable to employees, or federal, state, and local taxes or fees 
       collected by you for transmittal to the appropriate taxing 
   (3) All monthly payments required by this Agreement shall be submitted to 
       Licensor together with all reports required under this Agreement. 
       Licensor may require that all monthly payments required under this 
       Agreement shall be made by telegraphic transfer, automatic debit 
       arrangement, or other means as Licensor may specify from time to time, 
       to a bank account designated by Licensor. In the event such 
       arrangements are made, Licensor shall be responsible for the cost of 
       connection to such service and you shall maintain sufficient funds in 
       your bank account to pay all such debited obligations. Any payment or 
       report not actually received by Licensor on or before such date shall 
       be deemed overdue, or, if an automatic debit or similar arrangement is 
       utilized and funds are insufficient to cover your payment obligation, 
       any amounts unpaid on or before such date shall be deemed overdue. If 
       any payment is overdue, you shall pay to Licensor, in addition to the 
       amount overdue, interest on such amount from the day it was due until 
       paid at one and a half percent (1.5%) per month or the maximum rate 
       permitted by law, whichever is less. Entitlement to such interest 
       shall be in addition to any of the remedies Licensor may have. 


    (4) A standard initial fee for additional Suites equal to the higher of 
       (a) Four Hundred Dollars ($400) per room; or (b) the then-current per 
       room charge for the Application Fee per room, shall be paid by you to 
       Licensor on your submission of an application to add any Suites to the 
       Hotel. As a condition to Licensor granting its approval of such 
       application, Licensor may require you to upgrade the Hotel, subject to 
       Paragraph 3.C. 
   (5) Local and regional marketing programs and related activities may be 
       conducted by you, but only at your expense and subject to Licensor's 
       requirements. Reasonable charges may be made by Licensor for optional 
       advertising materials ordered or used by you for such programs and 
   (6) Licensee shall pay all fees for travel agent commissions and global 
       distribution systems (e.g., Sabre, Apollo, or other online 
       distribution system, whether processed through Licensor, Licensor's 
       reservation system, third party reservation systems, or directly to 

4. Licensor's Responsibilities. 

   A. Training. During the License Term, Licensor shall continue to specify 
and provide required and optional training programs at various locations that 
Licensor shall designate. Reasonable charges may be made for required 
training materials. Travel, lodging and other expenses of you and your 
employees shall be borne by you. If such training is held at your Hotel, you 
must provide Licensor's representatives lodging at the Hotel at no cost to 

   B. Reservation Services. Provided that Licensee is in full compliance with 
its material obligations under this Agreement, Licensor will afford Licensee 
access to reservation services for the Hotel. 

   C. Consultation on Operations, Facilities and Marketing. If a new 
development, Licensor shall provide you with a set a confidential 
prototypical plans and specifications, which must be adapted by your 
architects and engineers. Licensor will review your site layout and working 
drawings prepared by your architects, and any other related plans and 
specifications. In addition Licensor shall, from time to time at Licensor's 
sole discretion, make available to you consultation and advice in connection 
with operations, facilities and marketing, including lists of suppliers for 
Hotel fixtures, furnishings, signs, and other equipment. Licensor shall also 
periodically evaluate the performance of the Hotel, but in any case at least 
once each year, by assessing the quality of the Hotel's facility and services 
according to certain criteria developed by Licensor (the "Quality Assurance 

   D. Use of Advertising Fund Contribution. The Advertising Fund Contribution 
shall be used by Licensor for costs associated with advertising, promotion, 
publicity, market research and other marketing programs and related 
activities, cost of maintaining and producing a National Directory, as well 
as reservations programs, services and overhead for individuals directly 
related to national and local marketing and reservations. For the purpose of 
this Paragraph, overhead shall be limited to individuals directly related to 
the Reservation or Marketing departments such as the Vice President of 
Marketing and costs related to the financial management of the fund. Licensor 
shall not use any of the funds in the Advertising Fund Contribution to pay 
for marketing directly related to the sale of franchises. Licensor is not 
obligated to expend funds for marketing or reservation services in excess of 
the amounts received from licensees using the Hotel System. In the event 
excess amounts remain at the end of any taxable year, all expenditures in the 
following taxable year(s) shall be made first out of accumulated earnings 
from previous years, next out of earnings in the current year, and finally 
from contributions. Advertising Fund Contribution shall not be an asset of 
Licensor, and an audit of the operation of the Advertising Fund Contribution 
shall be prepared 


annually by an independent certified public accountant selected by Licensor 
and shall be made available to you on request. Licensor shall maintain the 
National Directory, listing the address and telephone number of all Hawthorn 
Suites operating under the Hotel System. 

   E. Application of Manual. Licensor shall provide you, on loan, one (1) 
copy of the Manual. All hotels operated within the Hotel System shall be 
subject to the Manual, as it may from time to time be modified or revised by 
Licensor, including limited exceptions which may be made by Licensor based on 
local conditions or special circumstances. Each change in the Manual must be 
explained in writing to you at least thirty (30) days before it goes into 

   F. Other Arrangements for Marketing Etc. Licensor may enter into 
arrangements for development, marketing, operations, administrative, 
technical and support functions, facilities, programs, services and/or 
personnel with any other entity and may use any facilities, programs, 
services and/or personnel used in connection with the Hotel System in 
connection with any business activities of its parent, subsidiaries, 
divisions or affiliates. 

   G. Inspections/Compliance Assistance. Licensor has the right to inspect 
the Hotel at any time, with or without notice to you, to determine if the 
Hotel is in compliance with the standards and rules of operation set forth in 
the Manual. If the Hotel fails to comply with such standards and rules of 
operation, Licensor may, at its option and at your cost, require an action 
plan to correct the deficiencies. You must then take all steps necessary to 
correct any deficiencies within the times established by Licensor. Licensor's 
approval of an action plan does not waive any rights it has or may have under 
this Agreement nor does it relieve you of any obligations under this 

5. Proprietary Rights. 

   A. Ownership of the Hotel System and Proprietary Marks. You acknowledge 
and shall not contest, either directly or indirectly, Licensor's unrestricted 
and exclusive right to license the Hotel System and any element(s) or 
component(s) thereof, and acknowledge that Licensor has the sole right to 
grant licenses to use all or any element(s) or component(s) of the Hotel 
System. You specifically agree and acknowledge that HSA is the owner of all 
right, title and interest in and to the Proprietary Marks together with the 
goodwill symbolized thereby and that you shall not contest directly or 
indirectly the validity or ownership of the marks either during the term of 
this Agreement or at any time thereafter. All improvements and additions 
whenever made to or associated with the Hotel System by the parties to this 
Agreement or anyone else, and all Proprietary Marks, and all goodwill arising 
from your use of Licensor's marks shall inure to the benefit of and become 
the property of HSA. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement, no 
monetary amount shall be assigned as attributable to any goodwill associated 
with your use of the Hotel System or any element(s) or component(s) of the 
Hotel System including the name or marks. 

   B. Trademark Disputes. Licensor and/or HSA shall have the sole right and 
responsibility to handle disputes with third parties concerning use of all or 
any part of the Hotel System, and you shall, at your reasonable expense, 
extend your full cooperation to Licensor and/or HSA in all such matters. All 
recoveries made as a result of disputes with third parties regarding use of 
the Hotel System or any part thereof shall be for the account of Licensor 
and/or HSA. Neither Licensor nor HSA need initiate suit against alleged 
imitators or infringers and may settle any dispute by grant of a license or 
otherwise. You shall not initiate any suit or proceeding against alleged 
imitators or infringers or any other suit or proceeding to enforce or protect 
the Hotel System. 


   C. Protection of Name and Marks. Both parties shall make every effort 
consistent with the foregoing to protect and maintain the Proprietary Marks 
and their distinguishing characteristics. You agree to execute any documents 
deemed necessary by Licensor, HSA or their respective counsel to obtain 
protection for Licensor's marks or to maintain their continued validity and 
enforceability. You agree to use the names and marks associated with the 
Hotel System only in connection with the operation of a Hawthorn Hotel and in 
the manner authorized by Licensor and you acknowledge that any unauthorized 
use thereof shall constitute infringement of Licensor's and HSA's rights. You 
must notify Licensor immediately, in writing, of any infringement or 
challenge to your use of Licensor's marks or of any unauthorized use or 
possible misuse of Licensor's marks or Licensor's proprietary information. 

6. Records and Audits. 

   A. Monthly Reports. At least monthly, you shall prepare a statement which 
shall include all information concerning Gross Rooms Revenue, other revenues 
generated at the Hotel, room occupancy rates, reservation data and other 
information required by Licensor that may be useful in connection with 
marketing and other functions of Licensor, its parent, subsidiaries, 
divisions or affiliates (the "Data"). The Data shall be the property of 
Licensor. By the tenth (10th) of each month, you shall submit to Licensor a 
statement setting forth the Data for the previous month and reflecting the 
computation of the amounts then due under Paragraph 3.D hereof. The statement 
shall be in such form and detail as Licensor may reasonably request from time 
to time, and may be used by Licensor for its reasonable purposes. Licensor 
shall not willingly or knowingly provide Data on your property as an 
inducement to develop other hotel brands in your market area. 

   B. Preparation and Maintenance of Records. You shall, in a manner and form 
satisfactory to Licensor and utilizing accounting and reporting standards as 
reasonably required by Licensor, prepare on a current basis (and preserve for 
no less than four (4) years), complete and accurate records concerning Gross 
Rooms Revenue and all financial, operating, marketing and other aspects of 
the Hotel, and maintain an accounting system which fully and accurately 
reflects all financial aspects of the Hotel and its business. Such records 
shall include but not be limited to books of account, tax returns, 
governmental reports, register tapes, daily reports, and complete quarterly 
and annual financial statements (profit and loss statements, balance sheets 
and cash flow statements). 

   C. Audit. Licensor or its designated agents shall have the right at any 
time to examine and copy, at its expense, all books, records, and your tax 
returns related to the Hotel and, at its option, to have an independent audit 
made. If an inspection or audit should reveal that payments have been 
understated in any report to Licensor, then you shall immediately pay to 
Licensor the amount understated upon demand, in addition to interest from the 
date such amount was due until paid, at one and one half percent (1.5%) per 
month or the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is less. In such event, 
Licensor shall also have the right to require that all your future financial 
statements related to the Hotel be audited at your expense for each fiscal 
year by an independent certified public accounting firm selected by you and 
approved by Licensor. If an inspection discloses an underpayment to Licensor 
of five percent (5%) or more of the total amount that should have been paid 
to Licensor during any six (6) month period, you shall, in addition to 
repayment of such understated amount, with interest, reimburse Licensor for 
any and all costs and expenses incurred in connection with the inspection or 
audit (including, without limitation, reasonable accounting and attorneys' 
fees). The foregoing remedies shall be in addition to any other remedies 
Licensor may have, including, without limitation the remedies for default. 

   D. Annual Financial Statements. At Licensor's request, you shall submit to 
Licensor as soon as available but not later than ninety (90) days after the 
end of your fiscal year, complete financial 


statements for such year. You shall certify them to be true and correct and 
to have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting 
principles consistently applied, and any false certification shall be a 
breach of this Agreement. Licensor may also request, from time to time, gross 
operating profits percentages and certain operating statistics (i.e. energy 
and repairs costs) which you must provide. 

7. Indemnity and Insurance. 

   A. Indemnity. It is understood and agreed that nothing in this Agreement 
authorizes either party to make any contract, agreement, warranty or 
representation on the other's behalf, or to incur any debt or other 
obligation in the other's name, and that neither party shall in any event 
assume liability for, or be deemed liable hereunder as a result of, any such 
action, or by reason of any act or omission of the other party or any claim 
or judgement arising therefrom. You shall indemnify and hold Licensor and 
HSA, their parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, directors, agents, 
and employees, harmless against any and all claims arising directly or 
indirectly from, as a result of, or in connection with, your operation of the 
Hotel, including claims of intentional or negligent conduct by you, and any 
claims of acts or omissions by Licensor or HSA relating to the operation of 
the Hotel System (even though Neither HSA nor Licensor is actively involved 
in the operation or supervision of the Hotels), as well as the costs, 
including reasonable attorneys' fees, of defending against them. You agree 
that all of the obligations of Licensor under this Agreement are to you, and 
no other party is entitled to rely on, enforce, or obtain relief for breach 
of such obligations either directly or indirectly or by subrogation. Licensor 
shall not indemnify or hold you harmless against any action or claim by any 
third party based upon Licensor's exercise of any of its rights in accordance 
with the terms of this Agreement. 

   B. Insurance. During the License Term, you shall comply with all insurance 
requirements of any lease or mortgage covering the Hotel, and Licensor's 
specifications for insurance as to amount and type of coverage as may be 
reasonably specified by Licensor from time to time in writing, and shall in 
any event maintain as a minimum the following insurance underwritten by an 
insurer approved by Licensor: 

       (1) employer's liability and workers' compensation insurance as 
           prescribed by applicable law; and 

       (2) comprehensive general liability insurance (with products, completed 
           operations and independent contractors coverage) and comprehensive 
           automobile liability insurance, all on an occurrence basis naming 
           Licensor and its then current parent, subsidiaries, divisions, 
           affiliates and their successors and assigns as additional insureds 
           and underwritten by an insurer approved by Licensor, with 
           single-limit coverage for personal and bodily injury and property 
           damage of at least Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) for each 
           occurrence. In addition, Dram Shop/Liquor Liability insurance shall 
           also be provided for the same named insureds and under the same 
           limits and coverage amounts. In connection with all significant 
           construction at the Hotel during the License Term, you shall cause 
           the general contractor to maintain with an insurer approved by 
           Licensor comprehensive general liability insurance (with products, 
           completed operations and independent contractors coverage) in at 
           least the amount of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) for each 
           occurrence with Licensor and its then current parent, subsidiaries, 
           divisions, affiliates and their successors and assigns named as 
           additional insureds. 

   C. Changes in Insurance. Simultaneously herewith, annually hereafter and 
each time a change is made in any insurance or insurance carrier, you shall 
furnish to Licensor certificates of insurance including the term and coverage 
of the insurance in force, the persons insured, and the fact that the 


may not be cancelled, altered or permitted to lapse or expire without thirty 
(30) days' advance written notice to Licensor. 

8. Transfer. 

   A. Transfer by Licensor. Licensor shall have the right to transfer or 
assign all or any part of its rights or obligations in this Agreement to any 
person or legal entity, and you hereby consent to such transfer. 

   B. Transfer by Licensee. 

       (1) You understand and acknowledge that the rights and duties set forth 
           in this Agreement are personal to you, and that Licensor has 
           entered into this Agreement in reliance on your business skill, 
           financial capacity, and character, and that of your partners or 
           shareholders. Accordingly, neither you nor any immediate or remote 
           successor to any part of your interest in this Agreement, nor any 
           individual, partnership, corporation, or other legal entity which 
           directly or indirectly owns any interest in this Agreement or in 
           you shall sell, sign, transfer, convey, give away, mortgage, or 
           otherwise encumber any direct or indirect interest in this 
           Agreement (including any ownership interest in you), the Hotel, or 
           a substantial portion of the assets (including building and real 
           estate) of the Hotel without the prior written consent of Licensor. 
           Licensor's written consent shall not be required to mortgage the 
           building and real estate on the site of the Hotel premises to a 
           bank or other financial institution, provided that you remain the 

       (2) If the transfer is equal to less than a fifty percent (50%) equity 
           interest in you and does not have the effect of transferring 
           control (as described in Paragraphs (3) and (4) below), the 
           transfer shall not require the prior approval of Licensor, provided 
           that you notify Licensor in writing of such transfer within thirty 
           (30) days following such transfer. 

       (3) If a transfer, alone or together with other previous, simultaneous, 
           or proposed transfers, would have the effect of transferring a 
           controlling interest in this Agreement, you, the Hotel, or greater 
           than fifty percent (50%) of the assets (including building and real 
           estate) of the Hotel, such transfer shall require Licensor's prior 
           approval, and Licensor may, in its sole discretion, require any or 
           all of the following as conditions of its approval, which approval 
           shall not be unreasonably withheld: 

          (a) all of your accrued monetary obligations to Licensor and its 
              subsidiaries and affiliates and all other outstanding 
              obligations related to the Hotel shall have been satisfied and 
              you are not otherwise in default; 

          (b) the transferee, and all shareholders in the transferee, shall 
              demonstrate to Licensor's satisfaction that the transferee and 
              its shareholders or general partners, as appropriate, meet 
              Licensor's then current qualifications being applied to new 
              applicants including, business standards, ability to conduct 
              the Hotel (as may be evidenced by prior related business 
              experience or otherwise), and have adequate financial resources 
              and capital to operate the Hotel; 

          (c) transferee and the shareholders or general partners in the 
              transferee shall execute the standard form license agreement 
              then being offered to new Hotel System licensees and such other 
              ancillary agreements as Licensor may require for the Hotel and 
              the general manager shall complete the initial training program 
              then in effect for new licensees; 


          (d) the Hotel shall be upgraded to conform to the then-current 
              standards and specifications for hotels operating under the 
              Hotel System if the most recent Quality Assurance Score was 
              below four hundred and fifty (450). In any event, all 
              deficiencies noted on the most recent inspection must be 
              remedied by the transferee within ninety (90) days of such 
              transfer. You shall complete any upgrade required under this 
              Paragraph within the time specified by Licensor; 

          (e) You shall pay a transfer fee equal to Two Thousand Five Hundred 
              Dollars ($2,500.00), for a term equal to the balance of the 
              original term of this License. No fee shall be required for 
              transfers to the spouse, issue, parent, or sibling of a partner 
              or shareholder in you, or from one partner or shareholder to 
              another. If the transferee requests approval of a term greater 
              than the remaining term of this License, the then-current 
              standard minimum application fee, prorated according to the 
              period of time requested which exceeds the original term of 
              this License, shall be paid to Licensor; 

          (f) the transferor shall have executed a general release, in a form 
              satisfactory to Licensor, of any and all claims against 
              Licensor and its officers, directors, shareholders, and 
              employees, in their corporate and individual capacities, 
              including, without limitation, claims arising under federal, 
              state, and local laws, rules, and ordinances; 

          (g) the transferee, and all shareholders or general partners in the 
              transferee, shall enter into a written assignment, in a form 
              satisfactory to Licensor, assuming and agreeing to discharge 
              all of your obligations under this Agreement; 

          (h) you shall remain liable for all obligations to Licensor and its 
              subsidiaries and affiliates in connection with the Hotel prior 
              to the effective date of the transfer and shall execute any and 
              all instruments reasonably requested by Licensor to evidence 
              such liability. 

       (4) For the purposes of this Agreement, "control" shall mean the 
           possession, direct or indirect, of the power to direct or cause the 
           direction of the management and policies of a person, corporation 
           or other business entity, whether through the ownership of voting 
           securities, by contract, or otherwise. 

       (5) Any purported assignment or transfer, by operation of law or 
           otherwise, not having the prior written consent of Licensor shall 
           be null and void and shall constitute a material breach of this 
           Agreement, for which Licensor may then terminate without 
           opportunity to cure pursuant to Paragraph 10.C. of this Agreement, 
           and seek injunctive relief as well as monetary damages. 

   C. Transfers of the License or Equity Interest in Licensee Upon Death. 
Upon your death or mental incompetency or of a person owning all or any 
interest in you, the executor, administrator, or personal representative of 
such person shall transfer within three (3) months after such death or mental 
incompetency his interest to a third party approved by Licensor. Such 
transfers, including, without limitation, transfers by devise or inheritance, 
shall be subject to the same conditions as any inter vivos transfer. However, 
in the case of transfer by devise or inheritance, if the heirs or 
beneficiaries of any such person are unable to meet the conditions in this 
Paragraph 8, the personal representative of the deceased shareholder shall 
have reasonable time to dispose of the deceased's interest in you, which 
disposition shall be subject to all the terms and conditions for transfers 
contained in this Agreement. If the interest is not disposed of within nine 
(9) months, Licensor may terminate this Agreement. 

   D. Registration of a Proposed Transfer of Equity Interests. Securities in 
you may be offered to the public only with the prior written consent of 
Licensor, which consent shall not be unreasonably 


withheld. All materials required by federal or state law for the sale of any 
interest in you shall be submitted to Licensor for review prior to filing 
with any government agency; and any materials to be used and any exempt 
offering shall be submitted to Licensor for review prior to their use. No 
offering by you shall imply (by use of the Proprietary Marks or otherwise) 
that Licensor is participating as an underwriter, issuer, or officer of you 
or Licensor's securities; and Licensor's review of any offering shall be 
limited solely to the subject of the relationship between you and Licensor. 
You and other participants in the offering must fully indemnify Licensor in 
connection with the offering. For each proposed offering, you shall pay to 
Licensor a non-refundable fee of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00), or such 
greater amount as is necessary to reimburse Licensor for its reasonable cost 
and expenses associated with reviewing the proposed offering, including, 
without limitation, legal and accounting fees. 

   E. Non-Waiver of Claims. Licensor's consent to a transfer of any interest 
in the license granted herein shall not constitute a waiver of any claims it 
may have against the transferring party, nor shall it be deemed a waiver of 
Licensor's right to demand exact compliance with any of the terms of this 
Agreement by the transferee. 

   F. Licensor's Right of First Refusal. If in the event that any party 
holding any direct or indirect interest in this License, in you, or in all or 
substantially all of the assets of the Hotel desires to accept any bonafide 
offer from a third party to purchase such interest, you shall notify Licensor 
as provided in Paragraph 13.F. hereof, and shall provide such information and 
documentation relating to the offer as Licensor may require. Licensor shall 
have the right and option, provided the third party wishes to remove the 
Hotel from the Hotel System, exercisable within thirty (30) days after 
receipt of such written notification, to send written notice to the seller 
that Licensor intends to purchase the seller's interest on the same terms and 
conditions offered by the third party. If Licensor elects to purchase the 
seller's interest, closing on such purchase shall occur within ninety (90) 
days from the date of notice to the seller of the election to purchase by 
Franchisor. If Licensor elects not to purchase the seller's interest, any 
material change thereafter in the terms of the offer from a third party shall 
constitute a new offer subject to the same rights of first refusal by 
Licensor as in the case of the third party's initial offer (minor changes to 
the offer shall not constitute a new offer and shall be subject to the notice 
period of the initial offer). Failure of Licensor to exercise the option 
afforded by this Paragraph 8.F. shall not constitute a waiver of any other 
provision of this Agreement, including all of the requirements of this 
Paragraph 8.F., with respect to a proposed transfer. In the event the 
consideration, terms, and/or conditions offered by a third party are such 
that Licensor may not reasonably be required to furnish the same 
consideration, terms, and/or conditions, then Licensor may purchase the 
interest proposed to be sold for the reasonable equivalent in cash. If the 
parties cannot agree within thirty (30) days on the reasonable equivalent in 
cash of the consideration, terms, and/or conditions offered by the third 
party, an independent appraiser shall be designated by Licensor at Licensor's 
expense, and the appraiser's determination shall be binding. 

   G. No Right of First Refusal. In the event that you receive an offer from 
a third party to purchase the Hotel and the third party wishes to keep the 
Hotel in the Hotel System, Licensor shall have no right of first refusal 
provided the third party meets the qualifications set forth in Paragraph 8. 

9. Condemnation and Casualty. 

   A. Condemnation. You shall, at the earliest possible time, give Licensor 
full notice of any proposed taking of the Hotel by eminent domain. In the 
event the Hotel is taken by eminent domain, Licensor shall give due and 
prompt consideration, without any obligation, to transferring this Agreement 
to a nearby location selected by you and approved by Licensor as promptly as 
reasonably possible, and in any event within four (4) months of the taking. 
If the new location is approved by Licensor and the transfer 


authorized by Licensor and if you open a new hotel at the new location in 
accordance with Licensor's specifications within two (2) years of the closing 
of the Hotel, the new hotel shall thenceforth be deemed to be the Hotel 
licensed under this Agreement. If a condemnation takes place and a new hotel 
does not, for whatever reason, become the Hotel under this Agreement in 
strict accordance with this Paragraph (or if it is reasonably evident to 
Licensor that such shall be the case), this Agreement will terminate 
forthwith upon notice thereof by Licensor to you, without the payment of 
liquidated damages hereunder. 

   B. Casualty. If the Hotel is damaged by fire or other casualty, you shall 
expeditiously repair the damage. If the damage or repair requires closing the 
Hotel, you shall immediately notify Licensor, shall repair or rebuild the 
Hotel in accordance with Licensor's standards, shall commence reconstruction 
within four (4) months after closing, and shall reopen the Hotel for 
continuous business operations as soon as practicable (but in any event 
within twenty four (24) months after closing of the Hotel), giving Licensor 
ample advance notice of the date of reopening. If the Hotel is not reopened 
in accordance with this Paragraph 9.B., this Agreement shall forthwith 
terminate upon notice thereof by Licensor to you, with the payment of 
liquidated damages calculated in the manner set forth in Paragraph 10.E. 

   C. No Extensions of Term. Nothing in this Paragraph 9 shall extend the 
License Term but you shall not be required to make any payments pursuant to 
Paragraphs 3.D. (1), (2) or (3) for periods during which the Hotel is closed 
by reason of condemnation or casualty. 

10. Termination. 

   A. Expiration of Term. 

   (1) If this Agreement is for a new Development, rather than a Conversion 
       from another type of existing lodging facility, then the term of this 
       Agreement shall expire without notice effective 20 years from the 
       authorized opening date, subject to earlier termination as set forth 
       herein. The parties shall initial the agreement here is the Agreement 
       is for a new Development: [if a New Development: initial here] ______. 

   (2) If this Agreement is for a Hotel to be converted to a Hawthorn Suites 
       Hotel from another type of existing lodging facility, then the term of 
       this Agreement shall expire without notice effective 10 years from the 
       authorized opening date, subject to earlier termination as set forth 
       herein. The parties shall initial the agreement here is the Agreement 
       is for a Conversion: [if a Conversion: initial here] ________. 

   (3) Liquidated Damages. The parties recognize the difficulty of 
       ascertaining damages to Licensor resulting from premature termination 
       of this Agreement, and have provided for liquidated damages in 
       Paragraph 10.E. below, which liquidated damages represent the parties' 
       best estimate as to the damages arising from the circumstances in 
       which they are provided. 

   B. Default with Opportunity to Cure. 

   (1) Except as provided in Paragraphs 10.C. hereof, you shall have thirty 
       (30) days (unless otherwise specified herein or in the notice by 
       Licensor) from receipt of written notice of a default within which to 
       remedy such default. If any such default is not cured within that 
       time, or such longer period as applicable law may require (or such 
       longer period as may be reasonably required by you to cure any 
       non-monetary default if you immediately commence, diligently and in 
       good faith pursue, and cure such default), this Agreement shall 
       terminate without further notice to you effective immediately upon the 
       expiration of 


       the thirty (30) day period, expiration of any extended period as 
       described above, or such longer period as applicable law may require. 
       Alternatively, Licensor may, at its option, suspend your access to the 
       reservation system until such default has been cured to Licensor's 
       satisfaction. You shall be in default hereunder for any failure to 
       comply with any of the requirements imposed by this Agreement, as it 
       may from time to time reasonably be supplemented by the Manual, or to 
       carry out the terms of this Agreement in good faith. 

   (2) If during the twelve (12) months preceding a notice of default in (1) 
       above you shall have engaged in a violation of this Agreement for 
       which a notice of default was given and such default was remedied, the 
       period given to remedy defaults thereafter shall, if and to the extent 
       permitted by law, be ten (10) days instead of thirty (30). 

   (3) In any judicial proceeding in which the validity of termination is at 
       issue, Licensor shall not be limited to the reasons set forth in any 
       notice sent under this Paragraph. 

   (4) Licensor's notice of termination or suspension of services as 
       described in Section 10(B)(1) shall not relieve you of your 
       obligations hereunder. 

   C. Immediate Termination by Licensor. This Agreement shall immediately 
terminate without notice to you if: 

   (1) (a) you, or any Guarantor of your obligations hereunder (a 
           "Guarantor"), shall generally not pay your debts as they become due 
           or shall admit in writing an inability to pay your debts, or shall 
           make a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; or 

       (b) you, or any Guarantor, shall commence or consent to any case, 
           proceeding or other action seeking reorganization, arrangement, 
           adjustment, liquidation, dissolution or composition of you or your 
           debts under any law relating to bankruptcy, insolvency, 
           reorganization or relief of debtors, or seeking appointment of a 
           receiver, trustee, custodian or other similar official for it or 
           for all or any substantial part of its property; or 

       (c) you, or any Guarantor, shall take any corporate or other action to 
           authorize any of the actions set forth above in Paragraphs (a) or 
           (b); or 

       (d) any case, proceeding or other action against you or any such 
           guarantor shall be commenced seeking to have an order for relief 
           entered against it as debtor, or seeking reorganization, 
           arrangement, adjustment, liquidation, dissolution or composition 
           of it or its debts under any law relating to bankruptcy, 
           insolvency, reorganization or relief of debtors, or seeking 
           appointment of a receiver, trustee, custodian or other similar 
           official for it or for all or any substantial part of its 
           property, and such case, proceeding or other action (i) results in 
           the entry of an order for relief against it which is not fully 
           stayed within seven (7) business days after the entry thereof or 
           (ii) remains undismissed for a period of forty-five (45) days; or 

       (e) an attachment remaining on all or a substantial part of the Hotel 
           or of your or any Guarantor's assets for thirty (30) days; or 

       (f) you or any Guarantor fails, within sixty (60) days of the entry of 
           a final judgment against you in any amount exceeding Fifty 
           Thousand Dollars ($50,000), to discharge, vacate or reverse the 
           judgment, or to stay execution of it, or if appealed, to discharge 
           the judgment within thirty (30) days after a final adverse 
           decision in the appeal; or 


   (2) you cease to operate the Hotel at the Location or under the 
       Proprietary Marks, or loses possession or the right to possession of 
       all or a significant part of the Hotel, except as otherwise provided 
       in Paragraph 9 hereof; or 

   (3) you contest in any court or proceeding Licensor's ownership of the 
       Hotel System or any part of it, or the validity of any of the 
       Proprietary Marks; or 

   (4) a breach of Paragraph 8 hereof occurs; or 

   (5) you fail to continue to identify the Hotel to the public as a Hawthorn 
       Hotel; or 

   (6) any action is taken toward dissolving or liquidating you or any 
       Guarantor, if it is a corporation or partnership, except for death of 
       a partner; or 

   (7) you or any of your principals is, or is discovered to have been, 
       convicted of a felony (or any other offense if it is likely to 
       adversely reflect upon or affect the Hotel, the Hotel System, the 
       Proprietary Marks and the goodwill associated therewith, the Licensor, 
       the Licensor's parent or your affiliates or subsidiaries in any way); 

   (8) you knowingly maintain false books and records of account or knowingly 
       submits false reports or information to Licensor; or 

   (9) if you intentionally disclose or divulge the contents of the Manual or 
       other trade secrets or confidential information provided to you by 
       Licensor to any unauthorized person or fail to exercise reasonable 
       care to prevent such disclosure; or 

   (10) if you intentionally or negligently make any material false 
        statements or omissions to Licensor in connection with your 

   D. De-identification of Hotel Upon Termination. You shall take whatever 
action is necessary to assure that no use is made of any part of the Hotel 
system at or in connection with the Hotel or otherwise after the license term 
ends. This shall involve, among other things, returning to Licensor the 
Manual and all other materials proprietary to Licensor, removal of all 
distinctive signs, changing the telephone listing and removal of all items 
bearing the Hawthorn Hotel logo, name, trademarks and/or service marks. 
Further, until all modifications required by this Paragraph 10.D. are 
completed, you shall (i) maintain a conspicuous sign at the registration desk 
in a form specified by Licensor stating that the Hotel is no longer 
associated with the Hotel System, and (ii) advise all customers or 
prospective customers telephoning the Hotel that it is no longer associated 
with the Hotel System. Anything not done by you within thirty (30) days after 
the license term ends, may be done at your expense by Licensor or its agents, 
who may enter upon the premises of the Hotel for that purpose. 

   E. Payment of Liquidated Damages. If this Agreement terminates pursuant to 
Paragraphs 3.B., 9.B., 10.C. or 10.D. above at any time after the first 
twenty four (24) months of operation, you shall promptly pay Licensor (in 
addition to any amounts then due to Licensor, and only as liquidated damages 
for the premature termination of this Agreement, and not as a penalty or as 
damages for breaching this Agreement or in lieu of any other payment) a lump 
sum based on the average occupancy rate for the twelve (12) months preceding 
the termination as follows: 

   1. if the occupancy rate was less than fifty percent (50%) then you shall 
      pay no liquidated damages; 

   2. if the occupancy rate was fifty percent (50%) to fifty nine and nine 
      tenths percent (59.9%) then you shall pay an amount equal to twelve 
      (12) months of fees required under Paragraph 3.D.1; 

   3. if the occupancy rate was sixty percent (60%) to sixty nine and nine 
      tenths percent (69.9%) then you shall pay an amount equal to twenty 
      four (24) months of fees required under Paragraph 3.D.1; 

   4. if the occupancy rate was seventy percent (70%) or greater then you 
      shall pay an amount equal to thirty six (36) months of fees required 
      under Paragraph 3.D.1; 

   5. if this Agreement terminates at any time during the first twenty four 
      (24) months of operation, you shall promptly pay to Licensor liquidated 
      damages equal to thirty six (36) times the average monthly payment 
      under Paragraph 3.D.1. 

11. Renewal. Licensee may apply to renew this Agreement for a term of ten 
years. Licensor will require submission of a completed application on 
Licensor's then current form, submission of an application fee in the amount 
equal to the then current fee charged to new licensees, and Licensor's 
approval of the application. Licensor's approval of the application will be 
granted or denied in Licensor's sole discretion, and may be conditionally 
granted based upon satisfaction of certain conditions such as Licensee's 
renovation and/or upgrading of the Hotel to then-applicable Hotel System 

12. Relationship of Parties. 

   A. No Agency Relationship. You are an independent contractor. Neither 
party is the legal representative or agent of, or has the power to obligate 
(or has the right to direct or supervise the daily affairs of) the other for 
any purpose whatsoever. Licensor and you expressly acknowledge that the 
relationship intended by them is a business relationship based entirely on, 
and defined by, the express provisions of this Agreement and that no 
partnership, joint venture, agency, fiduciary or employment relationship is 
intended or created by reason of this Agreement. 

   B. Licensee's Notices to Public Concerning Independent Status. You shall 
take such steps as are necessary and such steps as Licensor may from time to 
time reasonably request to minimize the chance of a claim being made against 
Licensor for anything that occurs at the Hotel, or for acts, omissions or 
obligations of you or anyone associated or affiliated with you or the Hotel. 
Such steps may, for example, include giving notice in private rooms, public 
rooms and advertisements, on business forms and stationery, and any other 
materials, making clear to the public that Licensor is not the owner or 
operator of the Hotel and is not accountable for what happens at the Hotel. 
Unless required by law, you shall not use the word "Hawthorn" or any similar 
words in your corporate, partnership, or trade name, nor authorize or permit 
such use by anyone else. You shall not use the word "Hawthorn" or any other 
name or mark associated with the Hotel System to incur any obligation or 
indebtedness on behalf of Licensor. 

   C. Third Party Beneficiary. You hereby acknowledge that HSA is a third 
party beneficiary under this Agreement, with the independent right to enforce 
your obligations hereunder and to obtain such remedies for any failure on 
your part to perform your obligations to the full extent permitted by this 
Agreement and in the place of the Licensor. 

13. Miscellaneous. 

   A. Severability and Interpretation. The remedies provided in this 
Agreement are not exclusive. In the event any provision of this Agreement is 
held to be unenforceable, void or voidable as being contrary to the law or 
public policy of the United States or any other jurisdiction entitled to 
exercise authority hereunder, all remaining provisions shall nevertheless 
continue in full force and effect unless deletion of the provision(s) deemed 
unenforceable, void or voidable impairs the consideration for this Agreement 
in a manner which frustrates the purpose of the parties or makes performance 
commercially impracticable. In the event any provision of this Agreement 
requires interpretation, such interpretation shall be based on the reasonable 
intention of the parties in the context of this transaction without 
interpreting any provision in favor of or against any party hereto by reason 
of the drafting of the party or its position relative 


to the other party. Any covenant, term or provision of this Agreement which, 
in order to effect the intent of the parties, must survive the termination of 
this Agreement, shall survive any such termination. 

   B. Binding Effect. This Agreement shall become valid when executed and 
accepted by Licensor at Atlanta, Georgia. It shall be deemed made and entered 
into in the state of Georgia and shall be governed and construed under and in 
accordance with the laws of the state of Georgia. In entering into this 
Agreement, you acknowledge that it has been sought, voluntarily accepted and 
become associated with Licensor who is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, and 
that this Agreement contemplates and shall result in business relationships 
with Licensor's headquarter's personnel. The choice of law designation 
permits, but does not require that all suits concerning this Agreement be 
filed in the state of Georgia. 

   C. Exclusive Benefit. This Agreement is exclusively for the benefit of the 
parties hereto and it shall not give rise to liability to a third party, 
except as otherwise specifically set forth herein. No agreement between 
Licensor and anyone else is for the benefit of you. 

   D. Entire Agreement. This is the entire Agreement (and supersedes all 
previous agreements including without limitation, any commitment agreement 
between the parties concerning the Hotel) between the parties relating to the 
Hotel. Neither Licensor nor any other person on Licensor's behalf has made 
any representation to you concerning this Agreement or relating to the Hotel 
System, which representation is not fully set forth herein or in Licensor's 
"Offering Circular for Prospective Franchisees." No change in this Agreement 
shall be valid unless in writing signed by both parties. No failure to 
require strict performance or to exercise any right or remedy hereunder shall 
preclude requiring strict performance or exercising any right or remedy in 
the future. 

   E. Licensor's Withholding of Consent. Licensor's consent, wherever 
required, may be withheld if any default by you exists under this Agreement. 
Approvals and consents by Licensor shall not be effective unless evidenced by 
a writing duly executed on behalf of Licensor. 

   F. Notices. Any and all notices required or permitted under this Agreement 
shall be in writing and shall be delivered by any means which shall provide 
evidence of the date received, to the respective parties at the following 
addresses unless and until a different address has been designated by written 
notice to the other party: 

Notices to LICENSOR: Hawthorn Suites Franchising, Inc. 
                     13 Corporate Square, Suite 250 
                     Atlanta, Georgia 30329 
                     (404) 321-4045 

Notices to you:      {{ENTITYNAMECAPS}} 
                     Atten: {{PCNAME}} 

   Any notice shall be deemed to have been given at the date and time it is 
evidenced to have been received. 

   G. Descriptive Headings. The descriptive headings in this Agreement are 
for convenience only and shall not control or affect the meaning or 
construction of any provision in this Agreement. 


H. Management of the Hotel. You must at all times retain and exercise 
direct management control over the Hotel's business. You shall not enter into 
any lease, management agreement or other similar arrangement for the 
operation of the Hotel or any part thereof (including without limitation, 
food and/or beverage service facilities), with any independent entity without 
the prior consent of Licensor. 


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date 
first stated above. 







    Jon Leven 
    Vice President Franchise Sales and 

        Asst. Secretary 



   As an inducement to Hawthorn Suites Franchising, Inc. ("Licensor") to 
execute the above License Agreement, the undersigned, jointly and severally, 
hereby unconditionally warrant to Licensor and its successors and assigns 
that all of Licensee's representations in the License Agreement and the 
application submitted by Licensee to obtain the License Agreement are true 
and guarantee that all of Licensee's obligations under the above License 
Agreement, including any amendments thereto whenever made (the "Agreement"), 
shall be punctually paid and performed. 

   Upon default by Licensee or notice from Licensor, the undersigned shall 
immediately make each payment and perform each obligation required of 
Licensee under the Agreement. Without affecting the obligations of the 
undersigned under this Guaranty, Licensor may without notice to the 
undersigned extend, modify or release any indebtedness or obligation of 
Licensee, or settle, adjust or compromise any claims against Licensee. The 
undersigned waive notice of amendment of the Agreement and notice of demand 
for payment or performance by Licensee. 

   Upon the death of an individual guarantor, the estate of such guarantor 
will be bound by this Guaranty but only for defaults and obligations 
hereunder existing at the time of death, and the obligations of the other 
guarantors shall continue in full force and effect. 

   The Guaranty constitutes a guaranty of payment and performance and not of 
collection, and each of the guarantors specifically waives any obligation of 
Licensor to proceed against Licensee on any money or property held by 
Licensee or by any other person or entity as collateral security, by way of 
set off or otherwise. The undersigned further agree that this Guaranty shall 
continue to be effective or be reinstated as the case may be, if at any time 
payment or any of the guaranteed obligations is rescinded or must otherwise 
be restored or returned by Licensor upon the insolvency, bankruptcy or 
reorganization of Licensee or any of the undersigned, all as though such 
payment has not been made. 

   IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each of the undersigned has signed this Guaranty as of 
the date of the above Agreement. 

Witnesses:                              Guarantors: 

                                        {{GUARANTOR1}}, Legal Signature 

                                        {{GUARANTOR2}}, Legal Signature 



Facilities (Paragraph 1): 

 Site-Area and general description:        A Hawthorn Suites hotel located at 

Number of approved Suites:                {{ROOMS}} 

Ownership of Licensee (Paragraph 8): 

 {{ENTITYNAMECAPS}}                                 100% 



The Territory is defined as that area bordered by: 


                                  ATTACHMENT C

   You acknowledge that every detail of the Hotel System is important to 
Licensor and other licensees operating under the Hotel System in order to 
develop and maintain the standards and public image of the Hotel System. You 
agree to comply with the details of the Hotel System as specified by Licensor 
in the Manual, or otherwise in writing, and not to deviate therefrom. 

   The dates below set forth the development schedule for the Hotel, whether 
new development or upgrading an existing facility. 

   1) You shall submit preliminary plans, including site layout and outline 
      specifications adapting Licensor's then-prototypical plans on or before 
      a date 3 months from the date of this License Agreement. 

   2) You shall submit complete working drawings and specifications for the 
      Hotel and Hotel premises, including its proposed equipment, 
      furnishings, facilities and signs with such detail and containing such 
      information as Licensor may request on or before a date 6 months from 
      the date of this License Agreement. 

   The Plans as submitted to Licensor shall conform to then prevailing Hotel 
System standards, including the construction standards set forth in the 
Manual. Construction shall not begin unless and until Licensor has approved 
the Plans. Thereafter, no change shall be made to the Plans without the 
advance consent of Licensor. Notwithstanding the foregoing, after the Plans 
have been approved, if in the course of actual construction any change in the 
Plans occurs, you shall notify Licensor promptly. Licensor shall determine 
whether construction has been completed in accordance with the Plans. 

   3) Construction of the Hotel shall commence on or before a date 9 months 
      from the date of this License Agreement. Commencement of construction 
      shall mean excavation and poured footings with a finished building 
      slab. Once the construction has commenced, it shall continue 
      uninterrupted (except for interruption by reason of events constituting 
      force majeure) until construction is completed. You shall, within five 
      (5) days of the commencement of construction, provide written notice to 
      Licensor that construction has begun. As used in this License, "force 
      majeure" means an act of God, war, civil disturbance, government 
      action, fire, flood, accident, hurricane, earthquake or other calamity, 
      strike or other labor dispute, or other action beyond the control of 

   4) The Hotel shall be furnished, equipped and shall otherwise be made 
      ready to open for business in accordance with the License not later 
      than a date 15 months from the date of this License Agreement 
      ("Completion Date"). 

   5) If the Hotel shall be a Conversion from an existing lodging facility to 
      a Hawthorn Suites hotel, following is a required timetable for certain 
      required changes/upgrades. All Work shall be completed no later than 9 
      months from the date of this License. 

Requirements                                  By (date): 


You shall, within ten (10) days of the Completion Date, submit a written 
request to Licensor for Licensor to conduct a final inspection. Upon receipt 
of such request, Licensor shall promptly conduct such final inspection. You 
shall open for business within ten (10) days after receipt of Licensor's 
authorization to do so. The date upon which you receive authorization to open 
for business shall be the "Opening Date". You shall not open for business 
until Licensor provides final approval and authorization in writing. 

   The Hotel shall not be opened for business as a Hawthorn Hotel unless and 

   (i) Licensor has approved and accepted, in advance, in writing the 
       construction of the Hotel in accordance with the Plans; the 
       installation of all items of equipment, furniture, signs, computer 
       terminals and related supplies; and the hiring and training of staff 
       necessary to operate the Hotel in accordance with Licensor's 

   (ii) no accounts are past due to Licensor, its parent, divisions, 
        subsidiaries or affiliated companies by you; 

   (iii) you are in full compliance with all of the terms of this License 

Notwithstanding anything else herein to the contrary, Licensor may authorize 
License to open and operate the Hotel even though you have not fully complied 
with the terms of this License, provided that you agree to fulfill all 
remaining terms of this License on or before the dates designated by 
