MEMORANDUM To: Neal Aronson From: Dan Abrams Date: May 14, 1996 Subject: U.S. Franchise Systems ("USFS") -- Franchise Loan Program -- Revised The following are the general terms upon which Nomura Asset Capital Corporation ("NACC") would provide a comprehensive construction and permanent loan program for eligible USFS franchisees, including both the Microtel and Hawthorne Suites brands. Additional brand financing will be considered by NACC as and when acquired by USFS. GENERAL - ------- Commitment Term: 2 years Facility Size: $200 million -- consideration will be given to expanding facility based on experience and attainment of benchmarks to be discussed Lender: NACC -- all loans would be made directly by NACC to the Borrowers; USFS would conduct Construction Loan/Permanent Loan commitment due diligence and underwriting based upon NACC standards: upon USFS's delivery to NACC of complete underwriting package, NACC will have 5 business days to approve/disapprove Borrower for Construction Loan/Permanent Loan commitment; NACC will be responsible for closing the transaction; closings will generally occur within 30 days of NACC's approval of Borrower Closings: Provided that there are no regulatory or other legal impediments, loans will be closed in Atlanta, GA, and will be originated through an entity bearing a "USFS" designation CONSTRUCTION LOAN PARAMETERS - ---------------------------- Borrower: Special purpose entity Loan to Cost: 70% 1 Equity: 30% of Cost -- Borrower must demonstrate availability of equity moneys, which may require posting of full amount in cash, letter of credit or other adequate security, in NACC's discretion: equity moneys must be expended prior to initial draw on Construction Loan Draws: Monthly, upon presentation of evidence of work completed in accordance with approved plans and specifications, and architect's certificate as to work completed and of adequate funds to complete construction Collateral: First mortgage lien on the land and improvements as built; completion bond; Construction Loan will be recourse to the principal economic entity or persons behind the SPE Borrower until certificate of occupancy Term: Construction draws must be completed within 9 months of first draw. Entire Construction Loan term will not exceed 27 months for Microtels and 30 months for Hawthorne Suites (inclusive of draw period) Interest Rate: Floating at Prime plus 1.0% per annum; any additional spread obtained by USFS will be shared 50/50 between NACC and USFS; if NACC syndicates the entire Construction Loan, and such syndication is at an effective yield of less than Prime plus 1.0%, NACC and USFS will share 50/50 in the differential in interest between the syndication rate and Prime plus 1.0% Amortization: None Construction Loan Commitment Fee: 0.50% of committed Construction Loan amount Condition to Construction Loan Commitment: Execution by Borrower and NACC of Permanent Loan commitment letter and payment by Borrower of minimum permanent loan commitment fee of 0.50% Repayment: Construction Loan will automatically convert to Permanent Loan at maturity (or earlier at Borrower's option once there are 12 full months of operation) PERMANENT LOAN PARAMETERS - ------------------------- Borrower: Special purpose entity 2 Amount: Maximum amount based on DSCR of 1.4:1 using NACC underwritten NOI and debt service constant equal to the greater of the actual constant and 10.48%; provided, that the maximum amount will in no event exceed 90% of the cost to build. For this purpose, "cost" may include all third-party hard and soft costs, including financing fees, paid by the Borrower relating to construction of the property. In addition, where NACC has advanced the Construction Loan, NACC will commit to fund proceeds at least sufficient to satisfy the entire Construction Loan, such proceeds to take the form of the Permanent Loan plus. If the proceeds of such loan are insufficient, Mezzanine Financing, as described below Mezzanine Financing: Mezzanine Financing will take the form of a preferred equity interest in the Borrower entity; the term of the Mezzanine Financing will be between 3-5 years; interest will accrue and be payable at LIBOR plus (i) 450 bps for three-year term, (ii) 550 bps for four-year term or (iii) 650 bps for five-year term; fully amortizing on a straight-line basis over term; Borrower will be required to apply between 50% and 75% (as determined by NACC in its discretion) of excess cash flow to amortization Funding: Borrower can request funding of the Permanent Loan at any time following 12 full months of operation and no later than 27 or 30 months, as the case may be, following issuance of the Permanent Loan commitment Collateral: First mortgage lien on property: Borrower with more than one funded property will be required to either (i) cross-default and cross-collateralize all such properties (see below for reduction in interest rates resulting from certain crossed situations) or if loans to one borrower aggregate to greater than $15 million, (ii) hold each property in a separate bankruptcy remote entity and provide acceptable opinions of counsel relating to substantive non-consolidation; Permanent Loan will be non- recourse Term/Amortization: 10-year term/20-year fully amortizing schedule or 11-year term/22-year fully amortizing schedule Interest Rate: 10-year US Treasury rate or 11-year interpolated US Treasury rate (depending on selected term) plus indicated spread DSCR Spread Crossed Spread 1.4:1 370 bps 355 bps 1.6:1 325 bps 310 bps 1.8:1 280 bps 270 bps 2.0:1 235 bps 225 bps 3 Crossed spreads available for any pool of 4 or more geographically diversified crossed properties Underwritten NOI: Trailing 12-month actual cash flow adjusted, if necessary, to reflect FF&E expenditures of 5% of gross revenues and 4% management fee, NACC reserves the right to set forth other pro forma adjustments to cash flow as it deems reasonably necessary, such as to reflect the impact of future competitive properties, and consistent with its hotel underwriting procedures and practices at the time of the execution of the Permanent Loan commitment FF&E Reserves: The Borrower will be required to fund reserves on a monthly basis equal to 2.5% in Year 1, 3.25% in Year 2 and 4.0% in Year 3 and thereafter. Properties that are not new (Hawthorne conversions) will require reserves of 4% of gross revenues Debt Service Reserve/ Lockbox: 2 months debt service reserve will be required in lieu of a lockbox for initial 9 or 10 years (depending on term selected); lockbox will be instituted commencing in year 10 or 11 (depending on term selected); NACC will have the option to initiate a lockbox in the event of a default under the loan; Lockbox will be required if NACC funds Mezzanine Financing (and until Mezzanine Financing is paid off) Prepayment: Locked out for 2 years following securitization by NACC; thereafter Treasury equivalent yield maintenance -- specific procedure for prepayment to be discussed Sale of Property: Loan may be assumed by qualified purchaser Permanent Loan Commitment Fee: If NACC is construction lender -- 0.5% If NACC is not construction lender -- 1.0% In each case payable to NACC at time of commitment, based on amount of Construction Loan Permanent Loan Funding Fee: If NACC is construction lender -- 1.0% If NACC is not construction lender -- 0.5% In each case payable to NACC at time of funding, based on amount of Permanent Loan actually funded (including make- up if prior Permanent Loan commitment fee is based on a lower projected amount for the Permanent Loan than actually funded) 4 Fee Arrangement: NACC and USFS will share on a 50/50 basis in the aggregate Construction Loan/Permanent Loan commitment funding fees in excess of either 1.25% or 1.00% (depending on whether the NACC construction loan is issued), on a per Borrower basis, at the time that the Borrower pays such fees -- with the initial 1.25% or 1.00%, as the case may be, being retained by NACC and any excess over such amounts being shared as on when paid by the Borrower. Following is a summary of the loan fee structure and sharing arrangements: NACC No NACC Const. Loan Const. Loan Const. Loan Com. Fee 0.50% 0.00% Perm. Loan Com. Fee 0.50% 1.0% Perm. Loan Fund Fee 1.00% 0.50% --------- --------- 2.00% 1.50% Fees shared over 1.25% 1.00% Firm Commitment: The Permanent Loan commitment would be binding on NACC and the Borrower, including the principal economic entity or persons behind the SPE 1