ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION


                              LAS VEGAS SANDS, INC.

     Pursuant to the provisions of Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 7, Chapter 78,
the undersigned officers do hereby certify: 

     FIRST: The name of the corporation is
                LAS VEGAS SANDS, INC.

     SECOND: The Board of Directors of the corporation duly adopted the
following resolutions on November 6, 1997:

             RESOLVED, that it is advisable in the judgment of the Board of
         Directors of the corporation that the entire text of the Articles of
         Incorporation of the corporation be amended and restated to read as

             FIRST: The name of the corporation is
                        LAS VEGAS SANDS, INC.

             SECOND: The location of the principal place of the corporation
         within the State of Nevada is 3355 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Room 1A,
         in the City of Las Vegas, County of Clark, State of Nevada, and the
         Resident Agent in charge thereof is Lionel Sawyer & Collins, located at
         1700 Bank of America Plaza, 300 South Fourth Street, Las Vegas, Nevada,

             THIRD: The purpose for which the corporation is formed and the
         nature of business proposed to be transacted and carried on by it shall


         limited to the following: (i) to construct, hold, own, manage, market
         and operate a hotel, casino, resort, meeting, convention, retail and
         entertainment complex known as the Venetian Casino Resort (the
         "Property"), located at 3355 Las Vegas Boulevard, South Las Vegas,
         Nevada, (ii) to engage in the casino gaming, hotel, and resort business
         at the Property and elsewhere and any activity and business incidental,
         directly related or similar thereto (including, without limitation, (a)
         acting as the managing member of Venetian Casino Resort, LLC
         ("Venetian"), (b) owning and operating a meeting and convention
         facility at the Property or other hotel/casino resorts operated by the
         corporation and (c) owning and operating a retail and entertainment
         mall at the Property known as the Grand Canal Shops Mall prior to its
         transfer to a direct or indirect subsidiary of the Company and other
         retail and entertainment malls at other hotel/casino resorts operated
         by the corporation), (iii) to enter into and perform any casino lease
         or casino management agreement to operate any casino to be located on
         the Phase II Land (as defined in the Loan Documents (as defined below))
         or any other casino owned or operated by an Affiliate of the
         corporation or Venetian, (iv) to own equity interests in any Person
         that (a) are engaged or proposed to be engaged in any business
         described in this Article Third, (b) are formed to hold, own and
         develop the Phase II Land and (c) are formed to acquire and hold
         directly or indirectly equity interests in any Persons described in
         clauses (iv)(a) and (b), (v) to enter into any transaction with any of
         its Affiliates (as defined below) or Venetian to the extent permitted
         under these Articles of Incorporation, and (vi) to engage in any
         business or


         activity that is a reasonable extension, development or expansion
         thereof or ancillary thereto, including any hotel, entertainment,
         convention, trade show, meeting, recreation, retail sale or other
         activity or business designed to promote, market, support, develop,
         construct or enhance the casino gaming, hotel and resort business
         operated by the corporation (including, without limitation, incurring
         indebtedness or providing guarantees, security interests or others
         forms of credit support in connection with the business activities
         described above, to the extent permitted by these Articles of
         Incorporation, and owning and operating joint ventures to supply
         materials or services for the construction or operation of the

             FOURTH: The authorized capital of the corporation shall be Three
         Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($300,000.00), consisting of Three
         Million (3,000,000) shares of stock of the par value of Ten Cents
         ($.10) per share. Each such share, when issued, shall have one (1)

             The corporation shall not issue any stock or securities except in
         accordance with the provisions of the Nevada Gaming Control Act and the
         Regulations thereunder. The issuance of any stock or securities in
         violation thereof shall be ineffective and such stock or securities
         shall be deemed not to be issued and outstanding until (1) the
         corporation shall cease to be subject to the jurisdiction of the Nevada
         Gaming Commission, or (2) the Nevada Gaming Commission shall by
         affirmative action, validate said issuance or waive any defect in


             No stock or securities issued by the corporation and no interest,
         claim or charge therein or thereto shall be transferred in any manner
         whatsoever except in accordance with the provisions of the Nevada
         Gaming Control Act and the regulations thereunder. Any transfer in
         violation thereof shall be ineffective until (1) the corporation shall
         cease to be subject to the jurisdiction of the Nevada Gaming
         Commission, or (2) the Nevada Gaming Commission shall, by affirmative
         action, validate said transfer or waive any defect in said transfer.

             If the Commission at any time determines that a holder of stock or
         other securities of this corporation is unsuitable to hold such
         securities, then until such securities are owned by persons found by
         the Commission to be suitable to own them (a) the corporation shall not
         be required or permitted to pay any dividend or interest with regard to
         the securities, (b) the holder of such securities shall not be entitled
         to vote on any matter as the holder of the securities, and such
         securities shall not for any purposes be included in the securities of
         the corporation entitled to vote, and (c) the corporation shall not pay
         any remuneration in any form to the holder of the securities.

             FIFTH: The members of the governing board of the corporation shall
         be styled "Directors."

             Subject to the limitations set forth in this Article Fifth, the
         number of directors may, at any time or times, be fixed, increased or
         decreased by a duly adopted amendment to these Articles of
         Incorporation, or in such manner as shall be provided in the By-Laws of
         the corporation or by an amendment to


         the By-Laws of the corporation duly adopted by either the Board of
         Directors or the stockholders. At all times, at least one director
         shall be designated by a stockholder resolution or written consent as
         the "Stockholder Director." Any director serving as the Stockholder
         Director shall remain the Stockholder Director until he or she ceases
         to be a director or is removed as Stockholder Director by a stockholder
         resolution or written consent. If the vacancy occurs due to the death,
         disability or removal of a Stockholder Director, the Board of Directors
         shall call a special meeting of stockholders at the earliest possible
         date permitted under applicable law to elect a new Stockholder
             The corporation shall, commencing at the time the indebtedness
         under the Loan (as defined below) is incurred and continuing for so
         long as the Loan remains outstanding, have at least one director (the
         "Special Director") who is not, at the time of initial appointment and,
         at any time during the one year period immediately preceding the time
         of initial appointment, was not (a) an employee, officer, director,
         stockholder or partner of the corporation, Venetian or any of their
         Affiliates; (b) a customer, supplier or other Person (as defined below)
         who derives more than 10% of its revenues from its activities with the
         corporation, Venetian or any of their Affiliates; (c) a Person or other
         entity controlling or under common control with any such employee,
         officer, director, stockholder, partner, customer, supplier or other
         Person; or (d) a member of the immediate family of any such employee,
         officer, director, stockholder, partner, customer, supplier or other
         Person; except that, in each case, the Special Director may hold a
         non-controlling interest in, and may act


         as a director and/or officer of, Affiliates of the corporation or
         Venetian; provided that, (i) such Affiliates do not transact more than
         a de minimis portion of their business with the corporation, Venetian,
         or any of their Affiliates which is currently involved in, or will in
         the future be involved in, the development of the Property (a "Project
         Affiliate"), or any Affiliate which owns a direct or indirect interest
         in any Project Affiliate, and (ii) the aggregate value of such
         non-controlling interest comprises only a minor portion of the Special
         Director's net worth. The Special Director may retain counsel, at the
         corporation's expense, to advise the Special Director as to his or her
         qualifications and duties as set forth herein. For purposes of these
         Articles of Incorporation, an "Affiliate" of any Person shall mean any
         Person that, directly or indirectly, controls or is controlled by, or
         is under direct or indirect common control with, such Person; provided,
         that, the corporation and Venetian shall not be deemed Affiliates for
         purposes of these Articles of Incorporation. "Control," as used with
         respect to any Person, shall mean the possession, directly or
         indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the
         management and policies of such Person, whether through the owner ship
         of voting securities or by contract or otherwise. "Loan," as used
         herein shall mean (i) any indebtedness of the corporation and Venetian
         under the Credit Agreement, among the corporation, Venetian, and the
         lenders named therein, Goldman Sachs Credit Partners, L.P., as arranger
         and syndication agent, and The Bank of Nova Scotia, as administrative
         agent, as revised, amended, modified or restated, (ii) any indebtedness
         of the corporation and


             Venetian under the credit agreement between the corporation,
         Venetian, and GMAC Commercial Mortgage Corporation, as revised,
         amended, modified or restated, (iii) any indebtedness under the 12-1/4%
         Mortgage Notes due 2004, issued by the corporation and Venetian
         pursuant to the Indenture, among the corporation, Venetian, certain
         guarantors named therein and First Trust National Association, as
         trustee, as revised, amended, modified or restated, or (iv) any
         indebtedness under the 14-1/4% Senior Subordinated Notes due 2005,
         issued by the corporation and Venetian pursuant to the Indenture, among
         the corporation, Venetian, certain guarantors named therein and First
         Union National Bank, as trustee, as revised, amended, modified or
         restated. "Person" shall mean any individual, corporation, limited
         liability company, partnership, joint venture, estate trust,
         unincorporated association, any federal, state, county or municipal
         government or any bureau, department or agency thereof and any
         fiduciary acting in such capacity on behalf of any of the foregoing.
             In the event of the death, incapacity, resignation or removal of
         the Special Director, during the period in which the corporation is
         required to have a Special Director, the Board of Directors or the
         stockholders, by vote at a duly held meeting of the stockholders or by
         unanimous written consent, shall promptly appoint a replacement Special
         Director satisfying the requirements of the foregoing paragraph. To the
         extent a Special Director receives compensation, it will be paid by
         the corporation from its own funds.


             In accordance with N.R.S. 78.330(3), in all matters over which the
         Board of Directors shall have voting power, the Special Director and
         the other directors shall each have one vote and the Stockholder
         Director shall have a number of votes equal of the total number of
         votes held by the Special Director and the other directors plus one.
         Except as specifically set forth in this Article FIFTH, the rights of
         the stockholders and directors of the corporation under applicable law
         shall not be limited or otherwise affected.
             SIXTH: The capital stock of the corporation, after the amount of
         the subscription price has been paid, shall not be subject to
         assessment to pay the debts of the corporation, and no stock issued as
         fully paid shall be assessable or assessed, nor shall the private
         property of the stockholders, directors or officers of this corporation
         be subject to the payment of any corporate debts to any extent

             SEVENTH: The corporation shall have perpetual existence.

             EIGHTH: Every person who was or is a party, or is threatened to be
         made a party to or is involved in any action, suit or proceeding,
         whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative, by reason of
         the fact that he or a person of whom he is the legal representative is
         or was a director or officer of the corporation, or is or was serving
         at the request of the corporation as a director or officer of another
         corporation, or as its representative in a partner ship, joint venture,
         trust or other enterprise, shall be indemnified and held harmless to
         the fullest extent legally permissible under the laws of the State of
         Nevada from time to time against all expenses, liability and loss


         attorneys' fees, judgments, fines and amounts paid or incurred in
         connection therewith). Such right of indemnification shall be a
         contract right which may be enforced in any manner desired by such
         person. Such right of indemnifica tion shall not be exclusive of any
         other right which such directors, officers or representatives may have
         or hereafter acquire, and, without limiting the generality of such
         statement, they shall be entitled to their respective rights of
         indemnification under any by-law, agreement, vote of stockholders,
         provision of law, or otherwise, as well as their rights under this
             The personal liability of a director or officer of the corporation
         or its stockholders shall be limited to the full extent provided by
         Nevada law for damages for breach of fiduciary duty as an officer or
         director. This provision shall not eliminate the liability of a
         director or officer for acts or omissions which involve intentional
         misconduct, fraud, a knowing violation of the law, or the payment of
         dividends in violation of N.R.S. 78.300.
             Expenses of directors and officers incurred in defending a civil or
         criminal action, suit or proceeding must be paid by the corporation as
         they are incurred and in advance of the final disposition of the
         action, suit or proceed ing, upon receipt of and undertaking by or on
         behalf of the director or officer to repay the amount if it is
         ultimately determined by a court of competent jurisdiction that he is
         not entitled to be indemnified by the corporation. This does not affect
         the rights to advancement of expenses which corporate personnel other
         than directors or officers may be entitled under any contract or
         otherwise by law.


             Without limiting the application of the foregoing, the Board of
         Directors may adopt by-laws from time to time with respect to
         indemnifica tion, to provide at all times the fullest indemnification
         permitted by the laws of the State of Nevada, and may cause the
         corporation to purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any person
         who is or was a director or officer of the corporation, or is or was
         serving at the request of the corporation as a director or officer of
         another corporation, or as its representative in a partnership, joint
         venture, trust or other enterprise against any liability asserted
         against such person and incurred in any such capacity or arising out of
         such status, whether or not the corporation would have the power to
         indemnify such person.
             NINTH: Unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors, no
         holder of stock of the corporation shall be entitled, as a matter of
         right, to purchase or subscribe for any stock of any class which the
         corporation may issue or sell, whether or not exchangeable for any
         stock of the corporation of unissued shares authorized by the Articles
         of Incorporation of the corporation as originally filed or by any
         amendment thereof, or out of shares of stock of the corporation
         acquired by it after the issue thereof, and whether issued for cash,
         labor performed, personal property, real property, or leases thereof,
         nor shall such person be entitled to any right of subscription to any
         thereof; nor, unless otherwise determined by the Board of Directors,
         shall any holder of any shares be entitled to such, as a matter of
         right, to purchase or subscribe for any obligation which the
         corporation may issue or sell that shall be convertible


         into or exchangeable for any shares of the stock of its capital stock
         of any class or classes.
             TENTH: Commencing at the time the indebtedness under the Loan is
         incurred and continuing for so long as the Loan remains outstanding,
         the unanimous affirmative vote of all of the members of the Board of
         Directors (including, without limitation, the Special Director) shall
         be necessary to authorize the corporation on its own behalf, or, in its
         capacity as managing member of Venetian, on behalf of Venetian, to (i)
         cause Venetian or any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries to (a)
         file a bankruptcy, insolvency or reorganization petition or otherwise
         institute insolvency proceedings or otherwise seek any relief under any
         laws relating to the relief from debts or the protection of debtors
         generally for the corporation, Venetian or any of its direct or
         indirect subsidiaries; (b) seek or consent to the appointment of a
         receiver, liquidator, assignee, trustee, sequestrator, custodian or any
         similar official for it or all or any portion of the properties of the
         corporation Venetian, or any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries; or
         (c) make any general assignment for the benefit of the creditors of the
         corporation, Venetian or any of its direct or indirect subsidiaries; or
         (ii)(a) dissolve, liquidate, merge or consolidate the corporation or
         Venetian with or into any Person or convey or transfer all or
         substantially all of its properties and assets to any Person, except as
         permitted by the documents evidencing, securing or otherwise relating
         to the Loan (the "Loan Documents"); (b) engage, or cause or permit
         Venetian to engage, in any transaction or joint activity of any kind
         with an


         Affiliate, to the extent inconsistent with the provisions of the Loan
         Documents; (c) amend the organizational documents of the corporation or
         Venetian in any way bearing upon the maintenance of the corporation's
         or Venetian's separate identity, except as permitted under the Loan
         Documents; or (d) voluntarily terminate or amend, or cause or permit
         Venetian to terminate or amend, the Amended and Restated Reciprocal
         Easement, Use and Operating Agreement, among Venetian, Grand Canal
         Shops Mall Construction, LLC and Grand Canal Shops Mall, LLC and the
         Sale and Contribution Agreement, among Venetian, Grand Canal Shops Mall
         Construction, LLC and Grand Canal Shops Mall, LLC (or any similar
         replacement agreement).

             ELEVENTH: So long as any of the Loan remains outstanding, the Board
         of Directors shall not authorize the corporation or Venetian to take
         title to any personal or real property other than in the name of the
         corporation or Venetian, as applicable.

             TWELFTH: So long as the Loan remains outstanding, the corporation
         shall not, and shall not permit Venetian to, commingle its property
         with the property of any of its Affiliates, except as permitted under
         the Loan Documents.

             THIRTEENTH: So long as the Loan remains outstanding, the
         corporation shall, and shall cause Venetian to, (a) pay solely from its
         assets, or Venetian's assets, as applicable, all obligations of any
         kind incurred by it and not pay from its assets, or Venetian's assets,
         as applicable, the obligations of any other Person, except to the
         extent otherwise expressly permitted under


         the Loan Documents; (b) conduct business solely in its own name and
         hold itself out as a separate entity; (c) not enter into or be a party
         to any transaction with any Affiliate, except on terms which are no
         less favorable to the corporation (or to Venetian, as applicable) than
         would be obtained in a comparable arm's length transaction with an
         unrelated third party, except as permitted under the Loan Documents;
         (d) not acquire obligations or securities of its stockholders or
         members or any Affiliates of such stockholders or members, except to
         the extent otherwise expressly permitted under the Loan Documents; (e)
         not make loans to any other Person or buy or hold evidence of
         indebtedness issued by any other Person, except as permitted under the
         Loan Documents; (f) maintain its bank accounts, books and records on a
         separate basis from those of any other Person and maintain a principal
         executive and administrative office through which its business is
         conducted separate from that of any Affiliate; provided, however, that
         the corporation (or Venetian, as applicable) and any of its Affiliates
         may have offices in the same location provided there is a fair and
         appropriate allocation of overhead costs, if any, among the corporation
         (or Venetian, as applicable) and/or any such Affiliate, and each of the
         corporation (or Venetian, as applicable) and any such Affiliate bears
         its fair share of such costs; (g) disclose in any consolidated
         financial statements for a group of which the corporation is a member,
         the corporation's separate legal existence and indicate that the assets
         and liabilities of the corporation are intended to be available only to
         the creditors of the corporation; (h) observe all corporate or limited
         liability company formalities


         regarding its existence, including, without limitation, paying the
         salaries of its own employees, if any (or paying a proportionate share
         of the salary of any employee of any Affiliate who performs work for
         both the corporation (or Venetian, as applicable) and such Affiliate),
         preparing, filing and paying all taxes on the corporation (or Venetian,
         as applicable) and, in the case of the corporation, conducting regular
         meetings (at least once annually) of the Board of Directors and
         memorializing the determinations of the Board of Directors on all
         significant transactions; (i) use separate stationery, invoices and
         checks; (j) correct any known misunderstanding regarding its separate
         identity; (k) not identify itself as a division of any other Person;
         and (l) not amend Articles Third, Fifth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth,
         Thirteenth and Fourteenth of these Amended and Restated Articles of
         Incorporation in any material manner, except as permitted under the
         Loan Documents. Nothing hereinabove contained shall in any way limit
         the ability of: (i) the corporation to pay dividends to its
         stockholders or (ii) Venetian to make distributions to its members.
             FOURTEENTH: So long as the Loan remains outstanding, the
         corporation shall not be, and the corporation shall not permit Venetian
         to be, the obligor or guarantor of, or otherwise be responsible for,
         the payment of any obligations for borrowed money, except as permitted
         under the Loan Documents.


     FURTHER RESOLVED, that a special meeting of stockholders be and it is
hereby called and that notice be given in the manner prescribed by the Bylaws of
the corporation and by Nevada Revised Statutes, Title 7, Chapter 78, unless such
stockholders shall waive the notice of meeting in writing or unless all of said
stockholders shall dispense with the holding of a meeting and shall take action
upon the proposed amended and restated Articles of Incorporation (the "Amended
and Restated Articles") by a consent in writing signed by them; and

     FURTHER RESOLVED, that, in the event that the stockholders shall adopt the
Amended and Restated Articles by a vote in favor thereof by at least a majority
of the voting power or by a written consent in favor thereof signed by all of
them without a meeting, the corporation is hereby authorized to prepare and
execute by its President or a Vice President and by its Secretary or an
Assistant Secretary a certificate setting forth the Amended and Restated
Articles and to cause the same to be filed pursuant to the provisions of Nevada
Revised Statutes, Title 7, Chapter 78.

     THIRD: The total number of outstanding shares having voting power of the
corporation is 50,001, and the total number of votes entitled to be cast by the
holders of all such outstanding shares is 50,001.

     FOURTH: The holders of all of the outstanding shares having voting power
dispensed with the holding of a meeting of stockholders and adopted the
amendments and restatement herein certified by a consent in writing signed by
all of them. Signed on November 6, 1997.
                                                      Las Vegas Sands, Inc.

                                                 By: /s/ William P. Weidner
                                                     Name: William P. Weidner
                                                     Title: President

                                                 By: /s/ David Friedman
                                                     Name: David Friedman
                                                     Title: Secretary



      This instrument was acknowledged before me on November 10, 1997 by William
P. Weidner as President of Las Vegas Sands, Inc.

                                      /s/ Bonnie R. Bruce
                                      NOTARY PUBLIC

                                      Appointment Number: 97-0398-1        

                                      My commission expires: January 24, 2001