As Filed With the Securities and Exchange Commission On January 12, 2000
                                               Securities Act File No. 333-91421

                             WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM N-14
                             REGISTRATION STATEMENT
                           THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933

                        (Check appropriate box or boxes)

                            O'SHAUGHNESSY FUNDS, INC.
             (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in its Charter)

                        (Area Code and Telephone Number)

                                 35 Mason Street
                          Greenwich, Connecticut 06830
                    (Address of Principal Executive Offices:
                     Number, Street, City, State, Zip Code)

                             James P. O'Shaughnessy
                                 35 Mason Street
                          Greenwich, Connecticut 06830
                     (Name and Address of Agent for Service)
                                   COPIES TO:

       COUNSEL FOR THE FUND:                        Steven J. Paggioli
Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP      Investment Company Administration, LLC
       The Chrysler Building                           915 Broadway
        405 Lexington Avenue                            Suite 1605
      New York, New York 10174                   New York, New York 10010
 Attention: Joel H. Goldberg, Esq.

    As soon as practicable  after the Registration  Statement  becomes effective
under the Securities Act of 1933.

           Shares of Beneficial Interest, Par Value $.0001 per share.

No filing  fee is  required  because of  reliance  on  Section  24(f)  under the
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended.


                            O'SHAUGHNESSY FUNDS, INC.
                                 35 MASON STREET
                          GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT 06830

                         TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 25, 2000


      NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a joint special meeting of  shareholders  (the
"Meeting") of the  O'Shaughnessy  Dogs of the Market(TM)  Fund (the "Dogs of the
Market  Fund") and the  O'Shaughnessy  Aggressive  Growth Fund (the  "Aggressive
Growth  Fund" and  together  with the Dogs of the  Market  Fund,  the  "Acquired
Funds") of O'Shaughnessy Funds, Inc. ("O'Shaughnessy Funds") will be held at the
Stamford Marriott, 2 Stamford Forum, Stamford, Connecticut, on February 25, 2000
at 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time, for the following purposes:

      (1) With respect to the Dogs of the Market Fund,  to approve or disapprove
an Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization  (the "Value Funds Agreement and Plan")
providing for the acquisition of substantially all of the assets, and assumption
of substantially  all of the liabilities,  of the Dogs of the Market Fund by the
O'Shaughnessy   Cornerstone  Value  Fund  (the  "Cornerstone   Value  Fund")  of
O'Shaughnessy  Funds,  solely  in  exchange  for an  equal  aggregate  value  of
newly-issued shares of the Cornerstone Value Fund. The Value Funds Agreement and
Plan also provides for distribution of such shares of the Cornerstone Value Fund
to shareholders of the Dogs of the Market Fund in liquidation of the Dogs of the
Market Fund. A vote in favor of this proposal will constitute a vote in favor of
the liquidation of the Dogs of the Market Fund;

      (2) With respect to the  Aggressive  Growth Fund, to approve or disapprove
an Agreement and Plan of Reorganization  (the "Growth Funds Agreement and Plan")
providing for the acquisition of substantially all of the assets, and assumption
of substantially  all of the liabilities,  of the Aggressive  Growth Fund by the
O'Shaughnessy  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund  (the  "Cornerstone  Growth  Fund")  of
O'Shaughnessy  Funds,  solely  in  exchange  for an  equal  aggregate  value  of
newly-issued  shares of the Cornerstone  Growth Fund. The Growth Funds Agreement
and Plan also provides for distribution of such shares of the Cornerstone Growth
Fund  to  shareholders  of the  Aggressive  Growth  Fund in  liquidation  of the
Aggressive  Growth Fund. A vote in favor of this proposal will constitute a vote
in favor of the liquidation of the Aggressive Growth Fund; and

      (3) To  transact  such other  business  as  properly  may come  before the
Meeting or any adjournment thereof.

      The  Board of  Directors  of  O'Shaughnessy  Funds  has fixed the close of
business  on  January  5,  2000 as the  record  date  for the  determination  of
shareholders  entitled  to  notice  of,  and to  vote  at,  the  Meeting  or any
adjournment thereof.

      A complete list of the shareholders of each of the Acquired Funds entitled
to vote at the Meeting  will be  available  and open to the  examination  of any
shareholders  of each  Acquired  Fund for any  purpose  germane to such  Meeting
during  ordinary  business hours from and after February 11, 2000 at the offices
of such  Acquired  Fund,  35 Mason  Street,  Greenwich,  Connecticut  and at the


      Each of the enclosed  proxies is being solicited on behalf of the Board of
Directors of O'Shaughnessy Funds.

                       By Order of the Board of Directors,

                       Steven J. Paggioli
                       Secretary, O'Shaughnessy Funds, Inc.

Greenwich, Connecticut
Dated: January 12, 2000

                            O'SHAUGHNESSY FUNDS, INC.
                                 35 MASON STREET
                          GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT 06830

                            O'SHAUGHNESSY FUNDS, INC.

                                FEBRUARY 25, 2000

      This  Proxy   Statement  and   Prospectus   (this  "Proxy   Statement  and
Prospectus")  is furnished in  connection  with the  solicitation  of proxies on
behalf of the Board of Directors  (the "Board of  Directors")  of  O'Shaughnessy
Funds,  Inc., a Maryland  corporation  ("O'Shaughnessy  Funds"),  for use at the
Joint Special Meeting of Shareholders  (the "Meeting") of O'Shaughnessy  Dogs of
the  Market(TM)  Fund (the "Dogs of the Market Fund" or an "Acquired  Fund") and
O'Shaughnessy  Aggressive  Growth  Fund  (the  "Aggressive  Growth  Fund"  or an
"Acquired  Fund," and together  with the Dogs of the Market Fund,  the "Acquired
Funds")  of  O'Shaughnessy  Funds.  The  Meeting  has been  called to approve or
disapprove the proposed Agreement and Plan of Reorganization  (each a "Plan" and
collectively,  the "Plans")  between  each of the Acquired  Funds and each other
fund of  O'Shaughnessy  Funds set forth  below  (each an  "Acquiring  Fund," and
collectively, the "Acquiring Funds"):

     Acquired Fund                             Acquiring Fund
     -------------                             --------------
Dogs of the Market Fund       O'Shaughnessy    Cornerstone   Value   Fund   (the
                              "Cornerstone  Value Fund," and  together  with the
                              Dogs of the Market Fund, the "Value Funds")

Aggressive Growth Fund        O'Shaughnessy   Cornerstone   Growth   Fund   (the
                              "Cornerstone  Growth  Fund," and together with the
                              Aggressive Growth Fund, the "Growth Funds")

The Plan with respect to the Value Funds is sometimes  referred to herein as the
"Value Funds  Agreement  and Plan" and the Plan with respect to the Growth Funds
is sometimes  referred to herein as the "Growth Funds  Agreement and Plan." Each
Plan  provides  for  the  acquisition  by  the  respective   Acquiring  Fund  of
substantially  all of the assets,  and  assumption of  substantially  all of the
liabilities,  of the respective  Acquired Fund,  solely in exchange for an equal
aggregate  value of  newly-issued  shares of the respective  Acquiring Fund. The
reorganization  of the Value  Funds and the Growth  Funds  shall be  hereinafter
referred  to  as  the  "Value  Funds   Reorganization"  and  the  "Growth  Funds
Reorganization,"  respectively,  and collectively such reorganizations  shall be
referred to as the  "Reorganizations,"  and individually as a  "Reorganization."
Immediately  upon  the  receipt  by an  Acquiring  Fund  of  the  assets  of the
respective  Acquired  Fund  and the  assumption  by such  Acquiring  Fund of the
liabilities of such Acquired Fund, and as part of the respective Reorganization,
such Acquired Fund will  distribute the shares of the Acquiring Fund received in
such  Reorganization  to the  shareholders  of such Acquired Fund in liquidation

      Holders  of  shares  of an  Acquired  Fund  will  receive  shares  of  the
respective  Acquiring  Fund,  which will be subject to the same  management fees
(with  respect to the  Cornerstone  Value Fund,  the "Value  Fund  Corresponding
Shares,"  with  respect  to  the  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund,  the  "Growth  Fund
Corresponding  Shares,"  and  collectively  the  "Corresponding  Shares," as the
context requires),  as the shares of such Acquired Fund. The aggregate net asset
value of the  Corresponding  Shares  to be  issued  in a  Reorganization  to the
shareholders of an Acquired Fund will equal the aggregate net asset value of the
outstanding  shares of such Acquired Fund, as set forth in the respective  Plan.
The Acquired  Funds and the  Acquiring  Funds  sometimes  are referred to herein
collectively  as the  "Funds"  and  individually  as a  "Fund,"  as the  context
requires.  The  Acquiring  Funds  following  the  Reorganizations  sometimes are
referred to herein  collectively as the "Combined Funds" and individually as the
"Pro Forma  Cornerstone  Value Fund" or "Value Combined Fund" in the case of the
Cornerstone  GrowthValue  Fund and the "Pro Forma  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund" or
"Growth Combined Fund" in the case of the Cornerstone Growth Fund.

      This  Proxy   Statement   and   Prospectus   serves  as  a  prospectus  of
O'Shaughnessy   Funds  under  the  Securities  Act  of  1933,  as  amended  (the
"Securities  Act"), in connection with the issuance of the Corresponding  Shares
by the Acquiring Funds to the Acquired
Funds pursuant to the terms of the Reorganizations.

      The Dogs of the Market Fund, the Aggressive  Growth Fund, the  Cornerstone
Value Fund and the Cornerstone  Growth Fund are separate series of O'Shaughnessy
Funds, a diversified,  open-end  management  investment company registered under
the Investment  Company Act of 1940, as amended (the "Investment  Company Act").
Both the Dogs of the Market Fund and the Cornerstone  Value Fund seek to provide
their  respective   shareholders  with  total  return,   consisting  of  capital
appreciation  and current  income.  They both seek to achieve  their  investment
objective through a process of Strategy Indexing(R) which is pursued through the
implementation  of an investment  strategy  developed by  O'Shaughnessy  Capital
Management,  Inc.,  the Funds'  investment  manager  (the  "Manager").  For more
information regarding the process of Strategy  Indexing(R),  see "Summary -- The
Funds --  Comparison  of the  Funds  --Value  Funds --  Investment  Policies  --
Strategies"  and  "--  How  Each  Strategy   Works."  Both  Value  Funds  invest
substantially all of their

respective  assets  in  common  stocks  selected  through  this  strategy.   The
Aggressive  Growth Fund and the  Cornerstone  Growth Fund seek to provide  their
respective  shareholders  with  capital  appreciation  and  long-term  growth of
capital,   respectively.  The  Aggressive  Growth  Fund  seeks  to  achieve  its
investment  objective through  implementation  of proprietary  aggressive growth
models  developed  by  the  Manager.  For  more  information  relating  to  such
proprietary  aggressive growth models, see "Summary -- The Funds --Comparison of
the Funds -- Growth Funds -- Investment Policies -- Strategies." The Cornerstone
Growth Fund also seeks to achieve its investment  objective through a process of
Strategy  Indexing(R).  See "Summary -- The Funds  --Comparison  of the Funds --
Growth Funds --  Investment  Policies --  Strategies"  and "-- How each Strategy
Works." There can be no assurance that, after the Reorganizations,  the Combined
Funds will achieve their respective investment objectives.

      The current prospectus relating to the Acquiring Funds, dated November 28,
1998, as supplemented (the "Acquiring Funds  Prospectus"),  accompany this Proxy
Statement and Prospectus and are  incorporated  herein by reference.  The Annual
Reports to  Shareholders of the Acquiring Funds for the year ended September 30,
1999  also  accompany  this  Proxy   Statement  and   Prospectus.   The  current
prospectuses  relating to the Acquired  Funds,  each dated November 28, 1998, as
supplemented (the "Acquired Funds Prospectuses," and together with the Acquiring
Funds Prospectus,  the "O'Shaughnessy Funds Prospectuses") (which Acquired Funds
Prospectuses  are also  incorporated  herein by  reference)  and a statement  of
additional  information  relating  to the Funds,  dated  November  28, 1998 (the
"O'Shaughnessy  Funds  Statement"),  have been  filed  with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission (the "Commission").  Such documents may be obtained, without
charge,  by writing  the Funds at the  address  above,  or by calling  toll-free




      This Proxy  Statement and Prospectus  sets forth concisely the information
about the Acquiring  Funds that  shareholders  of the  respective  Acquired Fund
should know  before  considering  the  applicable  Reorganization  and should be
retained  for  future   reference.   The  Acquired  Funds  have  authorized  the
solicitation  of proxies in connection  with the  Reorganizations  solely on the
basis of this Proxy Statement and Prospectus and the accompanying documents.

     Additional  information contained in a statement of additional  information
relating to the  Reorganizations  (the  "Statement of Additional  Information"),
including pro forma financial statements of the Pro Forma Cornerstone Value Fund
giving effect to the consummation of the Value Funds Reorganization,  is on file
with the Commission.  The Statement of Additional  Information is available from
the Funds without charge, upon request by calling the toll free telephone number
set forth above or by writing the Funds at their  principal  executive  offices.
The Statement of Additional Information,  dated January 12, 2000 is incorporated
by reference into this Proxy Statement and Prospectus.

      The Commission maintains a web site ( that contains the
Statement of Additional Information,  the O'Shaughnessy Funds Prospectuses,  the
O'Shaughnessy  Funds  Statement,  other material  incorporated  by reference and
other information regarding the Funds.

      The address of the  principal  executive  offices of the Funds is 35 Mason
Street, Greenwich,  Connecticut 06830, the telephone number is 1-877-OSFUNDS and
the web address is



                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


INTRODUCTION                                                                 -3-

SUMMARY                                                                      -4-
   The Reorganizations                                                       -4-
   Fee Tables                                                                -6-
   The Funds                                                                 -9-

   Value Funds                                                              -24-
   Growth Funds                                                             -24-
   All Funds                                                                -25-

COMPARISON OF THE FUNDS                                                     -26-
   Financial Highlights                                                     -26-
   Management                                                               -29-
   Expenses                                                                 -31-
   Purchase, Exchange and Redemption of Shares                              -32-
   Performance                                                              -32-
   Shareholder Rights                                                       -33-
   Dividends                                                                -33-
   Tax Information                                                          -33-
   Transactions                                                             -33-
   Portfolio Turnover                                                       -33-
   Additional Information                                                   -34-

THE REORGANIZATIONS                                                         -35-
   General                                                                  -35-
   Terms of the Plans                                                       -36-
   Potential Benefits to Shareholders as a Result of the Reorganizations    -37-
   Federal Income Tax Consequences of the Reorganizations                   -38-
Capitalization                                                              -39-

INFORMATION CONCERNING THE MEETING                                          -40-
   Date, Time and Place of Meeting                                          -40-
   Solicitation, Revocation and Use of Proxies                              -40-
   Record Date and Outstanding Shares                                       -41-
   Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management
   of the Funds                                                             -41-
   Voting Rights and Required Vote                                          -42-

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                                                      -43-

LEGAL PROCEEDINGS                                                           -43-

LEGAL OPINIONS                                                              -44-

EXPERTS                                                                     -44-

SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS                                                       -44-



      This Proxy  Statement and  Prospectus is furnished in connection  with the
solicitation  of  proxies  on behalf of the  Board of  Directors  for use at the
Meeting  to be  held at the  Stamford  Marriott,  2  Stamford  Forum,  Stamford,
Connecticut  on February  25,  2000,  at 4:00 p.m.,  Eastern  Time.  The mailing
address for the Acquired Funds is 35 Mason Street, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830.
The  approximate  mailing date of this Proxy Statement and Prospectus is January
21, 2000.

      Any person  giving a proxy may revoke it at any time prior to its exercise
by executing a superseding  proxy, by giving written notice of the revocation to
the Secretary of the Acquired Fund of which such person is a shareholder  at the
address indicated above or by voting in person at the Meeting of shareholders of
such Acquired Fund. All properly  executed  proxies  received prior to a Meeting
will be voted at such Meeting in accordance with the instructions marked thereon
or  otherwise  as provided  therein.  Unless  instructions  to the  contrary are
marked,  properly  executed  proxies will be voted "FOR" the proposal to approve
the Plans.

      The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on January 5, 2000
as the record date for the determination of shareholders  entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the Meeting or any  adjournment  thereof.  Approval of the Plans
will require the affirmative  vote of  shareholders  of the applicable  Acquired
Fund representing not less than a majority of the total number of votes entitled
to be cast  thereon.  Shareholders  of each  Acquired Fund will vote as a single
class on the proposal to approve the Plan of such Acquired Fund. Approval of the
Plan with respect to one Acquired  Fund is not dependent on approval of the Plan
with respect to the other  Acquired  Fund.  Properly  executed  proxies that are
returned but that are marked  "abstain" or with respect to which a broker-dealer
has  declined  to vote on any  proposal  ("broker  non-votes")  are  counted for
purposes of determining  the presence or absence of a quorum for the transaction
of business.  Because they are not votes in favor of the proposal, they have the
effect of a negative  vote.  Each share of an  Acquired  Fund is entitled to one
vote. See "Information Concerning the Meeting."

      The Board of  Directors  currently  knows of no  business  other than that
discussed above that will be presented for consideration at the Meeting.  If any
other matter is properly presented,  it is the intention of the persons named in
the enclosed proxy to vote in accordance with their best judgment.




EXISTENCE  OF  THE  DOGS  OF  THE  MARKET  FUND;   and  the  term  "Growth  Fund
Reorganization"  refers  to (i)  the  acquisition  of  substantially  all of the
assets,  and  assumption  of  substantially  all  of  the  liabilities,  of  the
Aggressive Growth Fund by the Cornerstone  Growth fund solely in exchange for an
equal  aggregate  value of the Growth Fund  Corresponding  Shares,  and (ii) the
subsequent  distribution of such Corresponding Shares to the shareholders of the
Aggressive Growth Fund in liquidation  thereof.  The Value Funds  Reorganization
and the Growth  Funds  Reorganization  are  sometimes  referred to  collectively
herein as the "Reorganizations" and individually as a "Reorganization."

                               THE REORGANIZATIONS

      At a meeting of the Board of Directors held on October 18, 1999, the Board
of Directors  unanimously  approved a proposal that each  Acquiring Fund acquire
substantially  all  of  the  assets,   and  assume   substantially  all  of  the
liabilities,  of the  respective  Acquired  Fund solely in exchange for an equal
aggregate value of such Acquiring Fund's  Corresponding Shares to be distributed
to the  shareholders  of such  Acquired  Fund.  In  addition,  the Growth  Funds
Reorganization  was  unanimously  re-approved  at a  meeting  of  the  Board  of
Directors held on December 30, 1999.

      Based upon their evaluation of all relevant  information,  Fund management
and the  Board  of  Directors  have  determined  that the  Reorganizations  will
potentially benefit the shareholders of the Acquired Funds. First, following the
Reorganizations,  shareholders  of an Acquired  Fund will  remain  invested in a
diversified  open-end  fund which has the same Manager,  substantially  the same
investment objective and similar, though not identical, investment techniques. A
second advantage to shareholders  relates to the potential for reduced operating
expenses due to economies of scale. The net assets of the Cornerstone Value Fund
and  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund as of  September  30, 1999 were  $26,305,050  and
$120,772,225, respectively. These would increase by the amount of the net assets
of  each  of the  Acquired  Funds  at the  time  of the  Reorganizations.  As of
September 30, 1999, those amounts were approximately  $17,721,091 in the case of
the  Dogs of the  Market  Fund  and  $12,069,000$12,244,928  in the  case of the
Aggressive  Growth Fund. Since the expenses of the Combined Funds will therefore
be spread over a larger asset base, Fund management  anticipates  that all Funds
are likely to benefit from reduced  overall  operating  expenses (on a pro forma
basis)  over  time  as a  result  of  economies  of  scale  expected  after  the
Reorganizations.  See  " --  Fee  Tables";  "The  Reorganizations  --  Potential
Benefits to Shareholders as a Result of the  Reorganizations" and "Comparison of
the Funds -- Expenses."

      The  Board  of  Directors,  including  all of the  directors  who  are not
"interested  persons," as defined in the Investment  Company Act, has determined
that the Value Funds  Reorganization and Growth Funds  Reorganization are in the
best  interests of the Dogs of the Market Fund and the  Aggressive  Growth Fund,
respectively. In addition, since the Corresponding Shares of each Acquiring Fund
will be  issued  at net  asset  value  in  exchange  for the net  assets  of the
respective  Acquired  Fund having a value equal to the aggregate net asset value
of the shares of the  respective  Acquired Fund  outstanding as of the Valuation
Time (as  defined  herein),  the net asset  value  per  share of the  respective
Acquiring  Fund  should  remain  virtually  unchanged  solely as a result of the
respective  Reorganization.  Thus,  the  Reorganizations  should  not  result in
dilution  of net  asset  value  of the  Acquiring  Funds  immediately  following
consummation   of   the   Reorganizations.   However,   as  a   result   of  the
Reorganizations,  a  shareholder  of an  Acquired  Fund  would  hold  a  smaller
percentage of ownership in the  respective  Acquiring Fund than he or she did in
that Acquired Fund prior to the respective Reorganization.

      If all of the requisite  approvals are obtained and certain conditions are
either met or waived, it is anticipated that the  Reorganizations  will occur as
soon as practicable thereafter, provided that the Funds have

obtained prior to that time an opinion
of counsel  concerning the tax consequences of the  Reorganizations as set forth
in the Plans. The Plans may be terminated,  and the  Reorganizations  abandoned,
whether  before or after  the  requisite  approval  by the  shareholders  of the
Acquired Funds, at any time prior to the Exchange Date (as defined herein),  (i)
by the Board of  Directors;  (ii) by an Acquired  Fund if any  condition to such
Acquired  Fund's  obligations  has not been fulfilled or waived;  or (iii) by an
Acquiring Fund if any condition to such  Acquiring  Fund's  obligations  has not
been fulfilled or waived.


                                   FEE TABLES

      Actual and Pro Forma Fee Table for  Shareholders of the Cornerstone  Value
Fund,  the Dogs of the Market Fund,  the Pro Forma  Cornerstone  Value Fund, the
Cornerstone   Growth  Fund,  the  Aggressive  Growth  Fund  and  the  Pro  Forma
Cornerstone Growth Fund, each as of September 30, 1999

                                                    ACTUAL                                    ACTUAL
                                          -------------------------                 --------------------------
                                                                       PRO FORMA                                  PRO FORMA
                                           VALUE FUND   MARKET FUND   VALUE FUND    GROWTH FUND    GROWTH FUND   GROWTH FUND
                                           ----------   -----------   ----------    -----------    -----------   -----------
Maximum Sales Charge (Load) Imposed
on Purchases
(as a percentage of offering price).......   None         None           None          None            None          None
Maximum Sales Charge (Load)
 Imposed on Dividend Reinvestment.........   None         None           None          None            None          None
Maximum Deferred Sales Charge (Load)
 (as a percentage of original purchase
 price or redemption proceeds,
 whichever is lower)......................   None         None           None          None            None          None
Redemption Fee (a) (on shares held
 less than 90 days).......................   1.50%        1.50%          1.50%         1.50%           1.50%         1.50%
Exchange Fee (a)(b) (on shares held
 less than 90 days).......................   1.50%        1.50%          1.50%         1.50%           1.50%         1.50%
  Management Fees(c)......................   0.74%        0.74% (d)      0.74%         0.74%           0.74% (d)     0.74%
  Rule 12b-1 Fees.........................   None         None           None          None            None          None
  Other Expenses..........................   0.64%        0.35% (d)      0.51%         0.41%           1.23% (d)     0.41%
Total Fund Operating Expenses.............   1.38%        1.09% (d)      1.25%         1.15%           1.97% (d)     1.15%


- ------------------

(a)  A 1.5%  redemption  fee  payable  to the Funds will be  assessed  on shares
     purchased  and  held  for  less  than  90  days.  Shareholders  who  effect
     redemptions of Fund shares by wire transfer will pay a $12.00 wire transfer
     fee.  See  "Information  About Your  Account--Redemption  of Shares" in the
     O'Shaughnessy Funds Prospectuses.

(b)  Shareholders who effect exchanges of shares of a Fund for shares of another
     Fund by telephone in accordance with the exchange privilege will be charged
     a $5.00  exchange  fee in addition to any fees  applicable  as indicated in
     footnote (a). See "Information About Your  Account--Exchange  Privilege" in
     the O'Shaughnessy Funds Prospectuses.

(c)  See  "Management  and  Organization  of  the  Fund --  Management"  in  the
     O'Shaughnessy Funds Prospectuses.

(d)  To limit the Fund's expenses,  the Manager voluntarily agreed to reduce its
     fees or reimburse  such Fund through  September 30, 1999 to ensure that the
     total operating  expenses of the Dogs of the Market Fund and the Aggressive
     Growth Fund did not exceed  1.09% and 2.00%,  respectively,  of average net
     assets  annually  (the  "expense  cap").  Any such  reductions  made by the
     Manager in its fees or  reimbursement of expenses with respect to such Fund
     are subject to reimbursement by such Fund to the Manager  (recapture by the
     Manager),  provided  such Fund is able to effect such  reimbursement  while
     keeping total  operating  expenses at or below the annual  expense cap, and
     that no  reimbursement  will be made after  September 30, 2000. Any amounts
     reimbursed  will have the effect of increasing  fees otherwise paid by such
     Fund. In absence of any reimbursements,  the overall operating expenses, as
     a percent of net  assets,  for the Dogs of the Market  Fund and  Aggressive
     Growth Fund would have been 1.50% and 2.23%,  respectively,  for the fiscal
     period ended September 30, 1999.


These  examples  are  intended to help you compare the cost of  investing in the
Funds with the cost of investing in other mutual funds.


                                                                CUMULATIVE EXPENSES PAID FOR THE PERIOD OF:
                                                                1 YEAR      3 YEARS    5 YEARS    10 YEARS
                                                                ------      -------    -------    --------
An  investor  would  pay the  following  expenses  on a
 $10,000  investment  and  assuming  (1) the Total  Fund
 Operating Expenses set forth in the table above for the
 relevant  Fund,  (2) a 5% annual return  throughout the
 period and (3) redemption at the end of the period:
Cornerstone Value Fund ........................................  140          436         753      1,652
Dogs of the Market Fund(a) ....................................  111          346         600      1,325
Pro Forma Cornerstone Value Fund* .............................  127          396         685      1,506

Cornerstone Growth Fund .......................................  117          365         632      1,393
Aggressive Growth Fund (b) ....................................  199          617       1,059      2,286
Pro Forma Cornerstone Growth Fund* ............................  117          365         632      1,393

- ----------
* Assuming the Reorganization had taken place on October 1, 1998.

(a)  Absent  certain fee  reductions  and  reimbursements  by the Manager of the
     expenses of the Dogs of the Market Fund, such  cumulative  expenses that an
     investor  in that Fund would pay for the period of one year,  three  years,
     five  years  and  ten  years  would  be  $152,   $473,   $816  and  $1,784,

(b)  Absent  certain fee  reductions  and  reimbursements  by the Manager of the
     expenses of the Aggressive  Growth Fund, such  cumulative  expenses that an
     investor  in that Fund would pay for the period of one year,  three  years,
     five  years  and  ten  years  would  be  $225,  $695,  $1,191  and  $2,552,

The foregoing  Fee Table is intended to assist  investors in  understanding  the
costs and expenses that a shareholder  bears  directly or indirectly as compared
to the costs and expenses  that would be borne by such  investors on a pro forma
basis taking into account the consummation of the Reorganizations.  The Examples
set forth above assume  reinvestment  of all  dividends  and  distributions  and
utilize a 5% annual rate of return as mandated by  Commission  regulations.  THE
Reorganizations  --  Potential  Benefits  to  Shareholders  as a  Result  of the
Reorganizations,"  "Comparison  of the Funds -- Management,",  and "-- Purchase,
Exchange and Redemption of Shares."


                                    THE FUNDS

BUSINESS OF THE FUNDS .............   The  Funds  are   organized   as  separate
                                      investment   portfolios   or   series   of
                                      O'Shaughnessy     Funds,     a    Maryland
                                      corporation, which was incorporated on May
                                      20,  1996.  Each  of the  Funds  commenced
                                      operations  on  November  1,  1996.

                                      As of  September 30, 1999, the  net assets
                                      of the Funds were as follows:

                                      Dogs of the Market Fund       $17,721,091
                                      Cornerstone Value Fund        $26,305,050
                                      Aggressive Growth Fund        $12,244,928
                                      Cornerstone Growth Fund       $120,772,225


                                      INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES

                                      Both the Dogs of the  Market  Fund and the
                                      Cornerstone  Value  Fund  seek to  provide
                                      their respective  shareholders  with total
                                      return, consisting of capital appreciation
                                      and current income.

                                      INVESTMENT POLICIES

                                      GENERAL.  Each of the Value Funds seeks to
                                      achieve its investment objective through a
                                      process of Strategy Indexing(R),  which is
                                      pursued through the  implementation  of an
                                      investment   strategy   developed  by  the
                                      Manager.  For more  information  regarding
                                      the process of Strategy  Indexing(R),  see
                                      "--  Strategies" and "-- How Each Strategy
                                      Works"  below.  There can be no  assurance
                                      that,     after    the     Value     Funds
                                      Reorganization,  the Pro Forma Cornerstone
                                      Value  Fund will  achieve  its  investment

                                      STRATEGIES.  The Dogs of the  Market  Fund
                                      seeks to achieve its  objective  through a
                                      process of Strategy Indexing(R),  which is
                                      pursued through implementation of the Dogs
                                      of the  Market  Strategy.  The Dogs of the
                                      Market  Strategy  entails the selection of
                                      30  common   stocks  from  the  Dow  Jones
                                      Industrial  Average(1)  and  the  S&P  400
                                      Industrial  Average  using  the  following

                                      1. Ten stocks in the Fund's portfolio will
                                      be the highest yielding  stocks  from  Dow

- ----------
(1) "Dow Jones Industrial  Average" is a trademark of Dow Jones & Company,  Inc.
    ("Dow Jones"). Neither the Funds nor the Manager is affiliated with, nor are
    the Funds sponsored by, Dow Jones. Dow Jones has not participated in any way
    in the creation of the Funds or in the  selection of stocks  included in the
    Funds,  nor has Dow Jones reviewed or approved any  information  included in
    this Proxy Statement Prospectus.


                                      2.  Twenty  stocks  will  be  the  highest
                                      yielding   stocks   from   the   S&P   400
                                      Industrial  Average  that  also  have  (a)
                                      market capitalization exceeding $1 billion
                                      and  (b)  an   issue   of   common   stock
                                      outstanding  rated A or higher by Standard
                                      & Poor's.

                                      The   Cornerstone   Value  Fund  seeks  to
                                      achieve its investment objective through a
                                      process of Strategy Indexing(R),  which is
                                      pursued through the  implementation of the
                                      Cornerstone     Value    Strategy.     The
                                      Cornerstone  Value  Strategy  involves the
                                      selection     of    the     50     highest
                                      dividend-yielding  common  stocks from the
                                      O'Shaughnessy  Market Leaders Universe(TM)
                                      that  have   historical   trading   volume
                                      sufficient   to  allow  for  the  Fund  to
                                      purchase the required  number of shares as
                                      of the Re-Balance Date (as defined below).
                                      See "-- How Each Strategy Works" below.

                                      The    O'Shaughnessy     Market    Leaders
                                      Universe(TM)  consists  of those  domestic
                                      and  foreign  stocks  in  the  Standard  &
                                      Poor's    Compustat   ("S&P    Compustat")
                                      database  (the  "COMPUSTAT(R)   Database")
                                      which are not power utility  companies and
                                      which  have  (i)  market   capitalizations
                                      exceeding the average of the  COMPUSTAT(R)
                                      Database;  (ii)  twelve  month sales which
                                      are fifty percent greater than the average
                                      for  the  COMPUSTAT(R)  Database;  (iii) a
                                      number of shares outstanding which exceeds
                                      the average for the COMPUSTAT(R) Database;
                                      and  (iv)  cash  flow  which  exceeds  the
                                      average  for  the  COMPUSTAT(R)  Database.
                                      Currently,    the   O'Shaughnessy   Market
                                      Leaders   Universe(TM)   consists  of  the
                                      stocks of 399 issuers.

                                      Other than assets  temporarily  maintained
                                      in cash or liquid  short- term  securities
                                      pending   investment  to  meet  redemption
                                      requests  or to comply  with  federal  tax
                                      laws  applicable to mutual funds,  each of
                                      the  Dogs  of  the  Market  Fund  and  the
                                      Cornerstone   Value   Fund   will   invest
                                      substantially  all of its assets in common
                                      stocks  selected  through  its  respective
                                      Strategy described above.

                                      HOW    EACH    STRATEGY    WORKS.     Upon
                                      implementation  of the Dogs of the  Market
                                      Strategy,  the Manager purchased 30 stocks
                                      for  the  Dogs  of  the  Market   Fund  as
                                      dictated  by  such   Strategy,   based  on
                                      information  as of that  date.  The Fund's
                                      holdings  of each  stock in its  portfolio
                                      were initially  weighted equally by dollar
                                      amount.   Thereafter,   the   Manager  has
                                      re-balanced  the  portfolio  of  the  Fund
                                      annually   in  the  first   month  of  the
                                      succeeding year (the  "Re-Balance  Date"),
                                      in  accordance  with the Fund's  Strategy,
                                      based  on  information  on  or  about  the
                                      immediately  preceding  December  31. That
                                      is, on the  Re-Balance  Date of each year,
                                      stocks  meeting  the  Dogs  of the  Market
                                      Strategy's   criteria   on  or  about  the
                                      immediately   preceding  December  31  are
                                      purchased  for the Fund to the  extent not
                                      then held, stocks which no longer meet the
                                      criteria as of such date are sold, and the
                                      holdings  of all  stocks  in the Fund that
                                      continue   to  meet   the   criteria   are
                                      appropriately  increased  or  decreased to
                                      result in equal weighting of all stocks in
                                      the portfolio.


                                      Upon  commencement  of  operations  of the
                                      Cornerstone   Value   Fund,   the  Manager
                                      purchased  50  stocks  for  that  Fund  as
                                      dictated   by  its   Strategy,   based  on
                                      information   as   of    commencement   of
                                      operations  of the Fund.  The  Cornerstone
                                      Value Fund's holdings of each stock in its
                                      portfolio were initially  weighted equally
                                      by dollar amount.  Thereafter, the Manager
                                      has  re-balanced  (and will in the  future
                                      re-balance)    the    portfolio   of   the
                                      Cornerstone  Value Fund on the  Re-Balance
                                      Date,  in  accordance   with  such  Fund's
                                      Strategy, based on information on or about
                                      the  immediately  preceding  December  31.
                                      That is,  on the  Re-Balance  Date of each
                                      year, stocks meeting the Cornerstone Value
                                      Strategy's   criteria   on  or  about  the
                                      immediately   preceding  December  31  are
                                      purchased for the  Cornerstone  Value Fund
                                      to the extent not then held,  stocks which
                                      no  longer  meet the  criteria  as of such
                                      date are  sold,  and the  holdings  of all
                                      stocks in the Cornerstone  Value Fund that
                                      continue   to  meet   the   criteria   are
                                      appropriately  increased  or  decreased to
                                      result in equal weighting of all stocks in
                                      the portfolio.

                                      When  the Dogs of the  Market  Fund or the
                                      Cornerstone  Value Fund  receives new cash
                                      flow from the sale of its shares  over the
                                      course of the year,  such cash will  first
                                      be used to the  extent  necessary  to meet
                                      redemptions.  The balance of any such cash
                                      will be  invested  in the stocks  selected
                                      for such Fund  pursuant to its  respective
                                      Strategy as of the most recent rebalancing
                                      of the Fund's portfolio,  in proportion to
                                      the current  weightings  of such stocks in
                                      the portfolio and without any intention to
                                      rebalance  the  portfolio  on  an  interim
                                      basis.   It  is   anticipated   that  such
                                      purchases  will  generally  be  made  on a
                                      weekly basis, but may be on a more or less
                                      frequent  basis in the  discretion  of the
                                      Manager,  depending  on  certain  factors,
                                      including  the  size of the  Fund  and the
                                      amount  of  cash  to be  invested.  To the
                                      extent  redemptions  exceed  new cash flow
                                      into  a  Fund,   such   Fund   will   meet
                                      redemption  requests by selling securities
                                      on a pro rata basis,  based on the current
                                      weightings  of  such   securities  in  the
                                      portfolio.  Thus,  interim  purchases  and
                                      sales   of   securities   between   annual
                                      Re-Balance  Dates will be based on current
                                      portfolio  weightings  and  will  be  made
                                      without   regard  to   whether  or  not  a
                                      particular  security continues to meet the
                                      Fund's Strategy criteria.

                                      Each of the  Dogs of the  Market  Fund and
                                      Cornerstone    Value    Fund    offers   a
                                      disciplined  approach to investing,  based
                                      on a buy  and  hold  philosophy  over  the
                                      course of each year,  which ignores market
                                      timing and rejects active management. Each
                                      of  the  Dogs  of  the  Market   Fund  and
                                      Cornerstone  Value Fund will adhere to its
                                      respective   Strategy  regardless  of  the
                                      performance  of  the  stock  market  in  a
                                      particular period.

                                      The  Manager  anticipates  that the stocks
                                      held in the  portfolio of each of the Dogs
                                      of the Market Fund and  Cornerstone  Value
                                      Fund will remain the same  throughout  the
                                      course  of a  year,  despite  any  adverse
                                      developments   concerning  an  issuer,  an
                                      industry,  the economy or the stock market
                                      generally.  However,  if during the course
                                      of a year it is  determined  that earnings
                                      or other  factual  criteria  that form the
                                      basis for  selecting a security  are false
                                      or  incorrect,  the Manager  reserves  the
                                      right  to  replace  such a  security  with


                                      another   meeting  the   criteria  of  the
                                      applicable   Strategy.    Also,   due   to
                                      purchases and  redemptions  of Fund shares
                                      during  the year,  changes  in the  market
                                      value  of the  stock  positions  held in a
                                      Fund's  portfolio and compliance  with the
                                      federal tax laws,  it is likely that stock
                                      positions will not be weighted  equally at
                                      all times during a year.

                                      Each of the  Dogs of the  Market  Fund and
                                      Cornerstone    Value    Fund    will    be
                                      substantially  fully  invested  in  stocks
                                      selected as described above at all times.

                                      Because the Cornerstone Value Fund adheres
                                      to a disciplined Strategy and invests only
                                      in  the  stocks   selected   through   its
                                      Strategy,  it is anticipated  that as soon
                                      as practicable after the completion of the
                                      Value  Funds  Reorganization,   the  Value
                                      Combined   Fund   will  be   required   to
                                      liquidate  a  substantial  portion  of the
                                      assets  acquired  from  the  Dogs  of  the
                                      Market  Fund.  Such  a  liquidation   will
                                      entail transaction costs and may result in
                                      tax consequences to shareholders. See "The
                                      Reorganizations   --  Federal  Income  Tax
                                      Consequences   of  the   Reorganizations."
                                      However,   following   the   Value   Funds
                                      Reorganization,  shareholders  of the Dogs
                                      of the Market Fund will remain invested in
                                      a  diversified  fund  which  has the  same
                                      Manager, substantially the same investment
                                      objective   and   similar,    though   not
                                      identical, investment techniques. See "The
                                      Reorganizations--Potential   Benefits   to
                                      Shareholders    as   a   Result   of   the

                                      CASH AND  SHORT-TERM  SECURITIES.  Each of
                                      the Value Funds may  temporarily  invest a
                                      portion  of its  total  assets  in cash or
                                      liquid   short-term   securities   pending
                                      investment  of such  assets  in  stocks in
                                      accordance  with  the  Fund's   investment
                                      strategy, to meet redemption requests, and
                                      in the case of the Cornerstone Value Fund,
                                      to the extent necessary to comply with the
                                      federal tax laws  applicable  to regulated
                                      investment    companies.     Unlike    the
                                      Cornerstone Value Fund, which will not use
                                      investments   in   cash   and   short-term
                                      securities    for   temporary    defensive
                                      purposes,  the Dogs of the Market Fund may
                                      invest a portion  of its assets in cash or
                                      liquid  short-term   securities  for  such
                                      purposes, but is under no obligation to do

                                      Short-term  securities  in which the Value
                                      Funds may invest include  certificates  of
                                      deposit,    commercial    paper,    notes,
                                      obligations  issued or  guaranteed  by the
                                      U.S.  Government or any of its agencies or
                                      instrumentalities,      and     repurchase
                                      agreements involving such securities.  See
                                      "-- All Funds --  Investment  Policies  --
                                      Repurchase Agreements," below.

                                      The   Manager   does  not  expect   assets
                                      invested  in  cash  or  liquid  short-term
                                      securities  to exceed 5% of a Value Fund's
                                      total assets at any time.


                                      ILLIQUID  SECURITIES.   The  Dogs  of  the
                                      Market  Fund may  invest  up to 15% of its
                                      assets in  illiquid  securities.  Illiquid
                                      securities are securities  which cannot be
                                      readily   resold   because   of  legal  or
                                      contractual  restrictions  or which cannot
                                      otherwise  be marketed,  redeemed,  put to
                                      the issuer or a third party,  which do not
                                      mature  within  seven  days,  or which the
                                      Manager,  in  accordance  with  guidelines
                                      approved  by the Board of  Directors,  has
                                      not   determined   to   be   liquid.   The
                                      Cornerstone  Value Fund will not invest in
                                      illiquid securities.

                                      The Dogs of the Market Fund may  purchase,
                                      without  regard to the  above  limitation,
                                      securities  that are not registered  under
                                      the Securities Act but that can be offered
                                      and  sold  to   "qualified   institutional
                                      buyers"   under   Rule   144A   under  the
                                      Securities Act, provided that the Board of
                                      Directors  or  the  Manager   pursuant  to
                                      guidelines   adopted   by  the   Board  of
                                      Directors,  continuously determines, based
                                      on the trading  markets  for the  specific
                                      Rule 144A security, that it is liquid.

                                      INDUSTRY  CONCENTRATION.  Each  Value Fund
                                      may not invest  more than 25% of its total
                                      assets in any one industry (excluding U.S.
                                      Government securities).  The concentration
                                      policy is a fundamental policy.

                                      If upon  rebalancing,  the stocks selected
                                      by  a  Value  Fund's  investment  strategy
                                      would  result  in  more  than  25% of such
                                      Fund's total  assets  being  invested in a
                                      single  industry,   the  Manager  will  be
                                      required to deviate  from such  investment
                                      strategy in investing  the portfolio so as
                                      not to violate  such Fund's  concentration

                                      FOREIGN  SECURITIES.  The Value  Funds may
                                      invest in securities  of foreign  issuers.
                                      The Dogs of the Market  Fund may invest up
                                      to  25%  of  its  total   assets  in  such
                                      securities,  while the  Cornerstone  Value
                                      Fund  is  not  limited  in the  amount  of
                                      foreign securities that it may invest in.

                                      The  Value  Funds may  invest  in  foreign
                                      securities   either   through  (i)  direct
                                      purchase of securities of foreign  issuers
                                      or  (ii)  purchase  of  ADRs,   which  are
                                      dollar-denominated  securities  of foreign
                                      issuers    traded   in   the   U.S.   Such
                                      investments increase  diversification of a
                                      Fund's  portfolio and may enhance  return,
                                      but they also involve  some special  risks
                                      such as  exposure to  potentially  adverse
                                      local political and economic developments,
                                      nationalization   and  exchange  controls;
                                      potentially  lower  liquidity  and  higher
                                      volatility; possible problems arising from
                                      regulatory practices that differ from U.S.
                                      standards;  the  imposition of withholding
                                      taxes  on  income  from  such  securities;
                                      confiscating taxation; and the chance that
                                      fluctuations  in  foreign  exchange  rates
                                      will  decrease  the   investment's   value
                                      (favorable   changes  can   increase   its
                                      value).  These  risks are  heightened  for
                                      investment  in  developing  countries  and
                                      there  is no  limit  on  the  amount  of a
                                      Fund's  foreign  investments  that  may be
                                      invested in such countries.


                                      The Value Funds may invest in ADRs through
                                      both     sponsored     and     unsponsored
                                      arrangements.  The issuers of  unsponsored
                                      ADRs  are  not   obligated   to   disclose
                                      material information in the United States,
                                      and   therefore,   there   may  not  be  a
                                      correlation  between such  information and
                                      the market value of the ADRs.

                                      WARRANTS.  The Dogs of the Market Fund may
                                      invest in  warrants.  Warrants are similar
                                      to options  to  purchase  securities  at a
                                      specific price valid for a specific period
                                      of time.  The Dogs of the Market  Fund may
                                      not invest  more than 5% of its net assets
                                      (at the time of  investment)  in  warrants
                                      (other   than  those   attached  to  other
                                      securities).  If the  market  price of the
                                      underlying   security  never  exceeds  the
                                      exercise  price,  the  Dogs of the  Market
                                      Fund will lose the  entire  investment  in
                                      the warrant. Moreover, if a warrant is not
                                      exercised   within  the   specified   time
                                      period,  it will become  worthless and the
                                      Dogs of the  Market  Fund  will  lose  the
                                      purchase  price and the right to  purchase
                                      the underlying  security.  The Cornerstone
                                      Value  Fund does not  currently  intend to
                                      invest in warrants.

                                                    GROWTH FUNDS

                                      INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES

                                      The   Cornerstone   Growth  Fund  and  the
                                      Aggressive  Growth  Fund  seek to  provide
                                      their   respective    shareholders    with
                                      long-term  growth of capital  and  capital
                                      appreciation, respectively.

                                      INVESTMENT POLICIES

                                      GENERAL. The Cornerstone Growth Fund seeks
                                      to  achieve   its   investment   objective
                                      through a process of Strategy  Indexing(R)
                                      which    is    pursued     through     the
                                      implementation  of an investment  strategy
                                      developed   by  the   Manager.   For  more
                                      information   regarding   the  process  of
                                      Strategy Indexing(R),  see "-- Strategies"
                                      and "-- How Each  Strategy  Works"  below.
                                      The   Aggressive   Growth  Fund  seeks  to
                                      achieve its investment  objective  through
                                      implementation  of proprietary  aggressive
                                      growth  models  developed  by the Manager.
                                      For  more  information  relating  to  such
                                      proprietary  aggressive growth models, see
                                      "--  Strategies"  below.  There  can be no
                                      assurance  that,  after the  Growth  Funds
                                      Reorganization,  the Pro Forma Cornerstone
                                      Growth Fund will  achieve  its  investment

                                      STRATEGIES.  The  Cornerstone  Growth Fund
                                      seeks to achieve its investment  objective
                                      through a process of Strategy Indexing(R),
                                      which    is    pursued     through     the
                                      implementation  of the Cornerstone  Growth
                                      Strategy.  The Cornerstone Growth Strategy
                                      selects  the 50  stocks  with the  highest
                                      one-year price appreciation as of the date
                                      of  purchase  from the  O'Shaughnessy  All
                                      Stocks  Universe(TM)  that  also  meet the
                                      following  criteria:  (i) annual  earnings
                                      that are higher  than the  previous  year,
                                      (ii) a price-to-sales ratio below 1.5, and
                                      (iii) historical trading volume sufficient
                                      to  allow  for the  Fund to  purchase  the


                                      required   number  of  shares  as  of  the
                                      Re-Balance Date. A stock's  price-to-sales
                                      ratio is computed  by dividing  the market
                                      value of the  stock by the  issuer's  most
                                      recent twelve month sales. See "--How Each
                                      Strategy Works" below.

                                      The O'Shaughnessy All Stocks  Universe(TM)
                                      consists of all the  domestic  and foreign
                                      common stocks in the COMPUSTAT(R) Database
                                      with market capitalizations exceeding $172
                                      million.   Currently,   the   COMPUSTAT(R)
                                      Database consists of the stocks (including
                                      American  Depository Receipts ("ADRs")) of
                                      9,778 issuers,  and the  O'Shaughnessy All
                                      Stocks Universe(TM) consists of the stocks
                                      of 3,869 issuers.

                                      The   Aggressive   Growth  Fund  seeks  to
                                      achieve   its   objective    through   the
                                      implementation  of proprietary  aggressive
                                      growth  models  developed  by the Manager.
                                      The  Fund's   portfolio   will   generally
                                      consist   of   approximately   45  stocks,
                                      selected  through  implementation  of  the
                                      Manager's  proprietary  aggressive  growth
                                      models.  At the  time  of  purchase,  such
                                      stocks   will   generally    possess   the
                                      following characteristics:

                                      1.  a market  capitalization  in excess of
                                          $150 million;

                                      2.  outstanding price  performance  during
                                          the last six months or one year period
                                          prior to purchase;

                                      3.  high  earnings  gains  during  the one
                                          year  period  prior to  purchase;  and
                                          expected high future earnings gains in
                                          the   general   consensus   of  market

                                      It  is  expected   that  the   proprietary
                                      aggressive   growth  models  used  by  the
                                      Manager  in   selecting   stocks  for  the
                                      Aggressive  Growth Fund's  portfolio  will
                                      select  stocks  for   investment   without
                                      regard to capitalization,  except that the
                                      issuers  must have market  capitalizations
                                      in excess of $150 million. The majority of
                                      these  stocks  will be  common  stocks  of
                                      domestic corporations and ADRs.

                                      The  Manager  may  invest  the  Aggressive
                                      Growth  Fund's  assets in stocks  which do
                                      not meet all of the above criteria, if, in
                                      the  opinion of the  Manager,  such stocks
                                      possess  characteristics similar to stocks
                                      meeting such  criteria.  In addition,  the
                                      Manager  may  continue  to hold a stock in
                                      the  Aggressive  Growth  Fund's  portfolio
                                      which no longer meets the initial criteria
                                      for  investment  if the  Manager  believes
                                      such  investments  are consistent with the
                                      Fund's investment objective.

                                      Other than assets  temporarily  maintained
                                      in cash or  liquid  short-term  securities
                                      pending   investment  to  meet  redemption
                                      requests  or to comply  with  federal  tax
                                      laws  applicable  to  mutual  funds,   the
                                      Cornerstone   Growth   Fund  will   invest
                                      substantially  all of its assets in common
                                      stocks  selected  through  its  respective
                                      Strategy described above.

                                      HOW EACH STRATEGY WORKS. Upon commencement
                                      of  operations of the  Cornerstone  Growth
                                      Fund, the Manager  purchased 50 stocks for
                                      that  Fund as  dictated  by its  Strategy,
                                      based   on    information    as   of   the


                                      commencement  of  operations  of the Fund.
                                      The Cornerstone  Growth Fund's holdings of
                                      each stock in its portfolio were initially
                                      weighted   equally   by   dollar   amount.
                                      Thereafter,  the Manager  has  re-balanced
                                      (and will in the  future  re-balance)  the
                                      portfolio of the  Cornerstone  Growth Fund
                                      on the Re-Balance Date, in accordance with
                                      the Fund's Strategy,  based on information
                                      on  or  about  the  immediately  preceding
                                      December  31.  That is, on the  Re-Balance
                                      Date  of each  year,  stocks  meeting  the
                                      Cornerstone Growth Strategy's  criteria on
                                      or   about   the   immediately   preceding
                                      December   31  are   purchased   for   the
                                      Cornerstone  Growth Fund to the extent not
                                      then held, stocks which no longer meet the
                                      criteria as of such date are sold, and the
                                      holdings of all stocks in the  Cornerstone
                                      Growth  Fund  that  continue  to meet  the
                                      criteria  are  appropriately  increased or
                                      decreased to result in equal  weighting of
                                      all stocks in the portfolio.

                                      When the Cornerstone  Growth Fund receives
                                      new cash flow from the sale of its  shares
                                      over the  course  of the  year,  such cash
                                      will first be used to the extent necessary
                                      to meet  redemptions.  The  balance of any
                                      such cash will be  invested  in the stocks
                                      selected for the  Cornerstone  Growth Fund
                                      pursuant  to its  Strategy  as of the most
                                      recent    rebalancing    of   the   Fund's
                                      portfolio,  in  proportion  to the current
                                      weightings of such stocks in the portfolio
                                      and without any intention to rebalance the
                                      portfolio  on  an  interim  basis.  It  is
                                      anticipated   that  such   purchases  will
                                      generally be made on a weekly  basis,  but
                                      may be on a more or less frequent basis in
                                      the  discretion of the Manager,  depending
                                      on certain factors,  including the size of
                                      the  Fund  and  the  amount  of cash to be
                                      invested. To the extent redemptions exceed
                                      new cash flow into the Cornerstone  Growth
                                      Fund,   the  Fund  will  meet   redemption
                                      requests  by selling  securities  on a pro
                                      rata   basis,   based   on   the   current
                                      weightings  of  such   securities  in  the
                                      portfolio.  Thus,  interim  purchases  and
                                      sales   of   securities   between   annual
                                      Re-Balance  Dates will be based on current
                                      portfolio  weightings  and  will  be  made
                                      without   regard  to   whether  or  not  a
                                      particular  security continues to meet the
                                      Fund's Strategy criteria.

                                      Unlike the Aggressive  Growth Fund,  which
                                      utilizes   an   actively   managed   stock
                                      selection approach, the Cornerstone Growth
                                      Fund  offers  a  disciplined  approach  to
                                      investing,   based   on  a  buy  and  hold
                                      philosophy  over the  course of each year,
                                      which  ignores  market  timing and rejects
                                      active management.  The Cornerstone Growth
                                      Fund   will   adhere   to   its   Strategy
                                      regardless of the performance of the stock
                                      market in a particular period.

                                      The  Manager  anticipates  that the stocks
                                      held in the  portfolio of the  Cornerstone
                                      Growth   Fund   will   remain   the   same
                                      throughout  the course of a year,  despite
                                      any  adverse  developments  concerning  an
                                      issuer,  an  industry,  the economy or the
                                      stock market generally. However, if during
                                      the course of a year it is determined that
                                      earnings or other  factual  criteria  that
                                      form the basis for  selecting  a  security
                                      are  false  or   incorrect,   the  Manager
                                      reserves  the  right  to  replace  such  a
                                      security with another meeting the criteria
                                      of the Cornerstone Growth Strategy.  Also,
                                      due to purchases and  redemptions  of Fund


                                      shares  during  the year,  changes  in the
                                      market value of the stock  positions  held
                                      in the Cornerstone Growth Fund's portfolio
                                      and compliance  with the federal tax laws,
                                      it is likely that stock positions will not
                                      be weighted  equally at all times during a

                                      The   Cornerstone   Growth  Fund  will  be
                                      substantially  fully  invested  in  stocks
                                      selected as described above at all times.

                                      Because   the   Cornerstone   Growth  Fund
                                      adheres  to  a  disciplined  Strategy  and
                                      invests   only  in  the  stocks   selected
                                      through its  Strategy,  it is  anticipated
                                      that  as  soon as  practicable  after  the
                                      completion    of    the    Growth    Funds
                                      Reorganization,  the Growth  Combined Fund
                                      will   be   required   to    liquidate   a
                                      substantial portion of the assets acquired
                                      from the  Aggressive  Growth Fund.  Such a
                                      liquidation will entail  transaction costs
                                      and  may  result  in tax  consequences  to
                                      shareholders.  See "The Reorganizations --
                                      Federal  Income  Tax  Consequences  of the
                                      Reorganizations."  However,  following the
                                      Growth Funds Reorganization,  shareholders
                                      of the Aggressive  Growth Fund will remain
                                      invested in a  diversified  fund which has
                                      the same Manager,  substantially  the same
                                      investment  objective and similar,  though
                                      not identical,  investment techniques. See
                                      "The  Reorganizations--Potential  Benefits
                                      to   Shareholders   as  a  Result  of  the

                                      CASH AND  SHORT-TERM  SECURITIES.  Each of
                                      the Growth Funds may temporarily  invest a
                                      portion  of its  total  assets  in cash or
                                      liquid   short-term   securities   pending
                                      investment  of such  assets  in  stocks in
                                      accordance  with  the  Fund's   investment
                                      strategy, to meet redemption requests, and
                                      in  the  case  of the  Cornerstone  Growth
                                      Fund,  to the extent  necessary  to comply
                                      with the  federal tax laws  applicable  to
                                      regulated investment companies. Unlike the
                                      Cornerstone  Growth  Fund,  which will not
                                      use  investments  in cash  and  short-term
                                      securities    for   temporary    defensive
                                      purposes,  the Aggressive  Growth Fund may
                                      invest a portion  of its assets in cash or
                                      liquid  short-term   securities  for  such
                                      purposes,  but are under no  obligation to
                                      do so.

                                      Short-term  securities in which the Growth
                                      Funds may invest include  certificates  of
                                      deposit,    commercial    paper,    notes,
                                      obligations  issued or  guaranteed  by the
                                      U.S.  Government or any of its agencies or
                                      instrumentalities,      and     repurchase
                                      agreements involving such securities.  See
                                      "-- All Funds --  Investment  Policies  --
                                      Repurchase Agreements," below.

                                      The   Manager   does  not  expect   assets
                                      invested  in  cash  or  liquid  short-term
                                      securities to exceed 5% of a Growth Fund's
                                      total assets at any time.

                                      ILLIQUID SECURITIES. The Aggressive Growth
                                      Fund may invest up to 15% of its assets in
                                      illiquid  securities.  Illiquid securities
                                      are  securities  which  cannot be  readily
                                      resold  because  of legal  or  contractual
                                      restrictions or which cannot  otherwise be
                                      marketed, redeemed, put to the issuer or a
                                      third  party,  which do not mature  within
                                      seven  days,  or  which  the  Manager,  in


                                      accordance with guidelines approved by the
                                      Board of Directors,  has not determined to
                                      be liquid.  The  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund
                                      will not invest in illiquid securities.

                                      The  Aggressive  Growth Fund may purchase,
                                      without  regard to the  above  limitation,
                                      securities  that are not registered  under
                                      the Securities Act but that can be offered
                                      and  sold  to   "qualified   institutional
                                      buyers"   under   Rule   144A   under  the
                                      Securities Act, provided that the Board of
                                      Directors  or  the  Manager   pursuant  to
                                      guidelines   adopted   by  the   Board  of
                                      Directors,  continuously determines, based
                                      on the trading  markets  for the  specific
                                      Rule 144A security, that it is liquid.

                                      SMALL CAP STOCKS.  Unlike the portfolio of
                                      the  Cornerstone  Growth Fund,  which will
                                      typically  include  larger  capitalization
                                      stocks,   it  is   anticipated   that  the
                                      Aggressive  Growth Fund's  portfolio  will
                                      include  small cap  stocks  (i.e.,  stocks
                                      whose issuers have market  capitalizations
                                      exceeding  $150  million  but less than $1
                                      billion).  Small cap  stocks  may  present
                                      greater    opportunities    for    capital
                                      appreciation  and a higher degree of risk;
                                      they  tend  to  be  more   vulnerable   to
                                      financial  and  other  risks  and thus are
                                      more volatile than stocks of larger,  more
                                      established    companies.    Because   the
                                      Aggressive   Growth  Fund  may  invest  in
                                      stocks   with    greater    than   average
                                      volatility,    which    may    result   in
                                      substantial  declines in the Fund's  share
                                      price,  it is  suitable  only for the most
                                      aggressive investors.

                                      INDUSTRY  CONCENTRATION.  Each Growth Fund
                                      may not invest  more than 25% of its total
                                      assets in any one industry (excluding U.S.
                                      Government securities).  The concentration
                                      policy is a fundamental policy.

                                      If upon  rebalancing,  the stocks selected
                                      by  a  the   Cornerstone   Growth   Fund's
                                      investment  strategy  would result in more
                                      than 25% of the Fund's  total assets being
                                      invested in a single industry, the Manager
                                      will be  required  to  deviate  from  such
                                      investment   strategy  in  investing   the
                                      portfolio  so as not to violate the Fund's
                                      concentration policy.

                                      FOREIGN  SECURITIES.  The Growth Funds may
                                      invest in securities  of foreign  issuers.
                                      The  Aggressive  Growth Fund may invest up
                                      to  25%  of  its  total   assets  in  such
                                      securities,  while the Cornerstone  Growth
                                      Fund  is  not  limited  in the  amount  of
                                      foreign securities that it may invest in.

                                      The  Growth  Funds may  invest in  foreign
                                      securities   either   through  (i)  direct
                                      purchase of securities of foreign  issuers
                                      or  (ii)  purchase  of  ADRs,   which  are
                                      dollar-denominated  securities  of foreign
                                      issuers    traded   in   the   U.S.   Such
                                      investments increase  diversification of a
                                      Fund's  portfolio and may enhance  return,
                                      but they also involve  some special  risks
                                      such as  exposure to  potentially  adverse
                                      local political and economic developments,
                                      nationalization   and  exchange  controls;
                                      potentially  lower  liquidity  and  higher
                                      volatility; possible problems arising from
                                      regulatory practices that differ from U.S.
                                      standards;  the  imposition of withholding
                                      taxes  on  income  from  such  securities;


                                      confiscating taxation; and the chance that
                                      fluctuations  in  foreign  exchange  rates
                                      will  decrease  the   investment's   value
                                      (favorable   changes  can   increase   its
                                      value).  These  risks are  heightened  for
                                      investment  in  developing  countries  and
                                      there  is no  limit  on  the  amount  of a
                                      Fund's  foreign  investments  that  may be
                                      invested in such countries.

                                      The  Growth   Funds  may  invest  in  ADRs
                                      through  both  sponsored  and  unsponsored
                                      arrangements.  The issuers of  unsponsored
                                      ADRs  are  not   obligated   to   disclose
                                      material information in the United States,
                                      and   therefore,   there   may  not  be  a
                                      correlation  between such  information and
                                      the market value of the ADRs.

                                      WARRANTS.  The Aggressive  Growth Fund may
                                      invest in  warrants.  Warrants are similar
                                      to options  to  purchase  securities  at a
                                      specific price valid for a specific period
                                      of time.  The  Aggressive  Growth Fund may
                                      not invest  more than 5% of its net assets
                                      (at the time of  investment)  in  warrants
                                      (other   than  those   attached  to  other
                                      securities).  If the  market  price of the
                                      underlying   security  never  exceeds  the
                                      exercise price, the Aggressive Growth Fund
                                      will  lose the  entire  investment  in the
                                      warrant.  Moreover,  if a  warrant  is not
                                      exercised   within  the   specified   time
                                      period,  it will become  worthless and the
                                      Aggressive   Growth  Fund  will  lose  the
                                      purchase  price and the right to  purchase
                                      the underlying  security.  The Cornerstone
                                      Growth Fund does not  currently  intend to
                                      invest in warrants.

                                                        ALL FUNDS

                                      INVESTMENT POLICIES

                                      REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS.  As described above
                                      in   "Comparison   of   the   Funds--Value
                                      Funds--Cash and Short-Term Securities," or
                                      "Comparison    of    the     Funds--Growth
                                      Funds--Cash  and  Short-Term  Securities,"
                                      each  Fund  may   invest   in   short-term
                                      securities    pursuant    to    repurchase
                                      agreements.  The Funds may only enter into
                                      repurchase  agreements  with a member bank
                                      of   the   Federal   Reserve   System   or
                                      well-established securities dealer in U.S.
                                      government  securities.  In the event of a
                                      bankruptcy or default by the seller of the
                                      repurchase  agreement,  a Fund may  suffer
                                      delays and incur costs or possible  losses
                                      in  liquidating  the  underlying  security
                                      which is held as collateral, and such Fund
                                      may  incur  a  loss  if the  value  of the
                                      collateral declines during this period. As
                                      a matter of  operating  policy,  the Funds
                                      may not  invest  more  than  15% of  their
                                      respective   total  assets  in  repurchase
                                      agreements  maturing  in more  than  seven

                                      LENDING  OF  PORTFOLIO  SECURITIES.   Like
                                      other  mutual  funds,  each  Fund may from
                                      time  to time  lend  securities  from  its
                                      portfolio  to  banks,  brokers  and  other
                                      financial  institutions to earn additional
                                      income.  The  principal  risk is that  the
                                      borrower may default on its  obligation to
                                      return  borrowed  securities,  because  of
                                      insolvency or otherwise.  In this event, a
                                      Fund could experience delays in recovering
                                      its securities and capital.  In accordance
                                      with  applicable  law,  each  Fund may not
                                      lend portfolio securities  representing in
                                      excess of 33 1/3% of its respective  total
                                      assets.    The   lending   policy   is   a
                                      fundamental policy.


                                      BORROWING. Each Fund may borrow money from
                                      banks  in an  amount  up  to  33%  of  its
                                      respective total assets for  extraordinary
                                      or  emergency  purposes  such  as  meeting
                                      anticipated  redemptions,  and may  pledge
                                      assets in connection  with such borrowing.
                                      The  borrowing  policy  is  a  fundamental

                                      HEDGING AND RETURN ENHANCEMENT STRATEGIES.
                                      The Funds are permitted to utilize certain
                                      hedging and return enhancement  strategies
                                      and   techniques   such  as   options   on
                                      securities and securities indices, futures
                                      contracts  on  securities  and  securities
                                      indices and options on futures  contracts,
                                      as described below.

                                      Futures (a type of  potentially  high-risk
                                      derivative)  are  often  used to manage or
                                      hedge  risk,   because   they  enable  the
                                      investor  to buy or sell an  asset  in the
                                      future at an agreed  upon  price.  Options
                                      (another potentially high-risk derivative)
                                      give the investor  the right,  but not the
                                      obligation,  to buy or sell an  asset at a
                                      predetermined  price  in the  future.  The
                                      Funds may buy and sell futures and options
                                      contracts   for  any  number  of  reasons,
                                      including:   to  manage  their  respective
                                      exposure to changes in securities  prices;
                                      as an efficient  means of adjusting  their
                                      respective  overall  exposure  to  certain
                                      markets;  in an effort to enhance  income;
                                      and to  protect  the  value  of  portfolio
                                      securities.  The Funds may purchase, sell,
                                      or   write   call  and  put   options   on
                                      securities, financial indices and futures.

                                      Futures  contracts  and  options  may  not
                                      always be successful hedges;  their prices
                                      can be highly  volatile.  Using them could
                                      lower  a  Fund's  total  return,  and  the
                                      potential loss from the use of futures can
                                      exceed a Fund's initial investment in such

                                      As a matter of operating  policy,  initial
                                      margin  deposits  and  premiums on options
                                      used  for  nonhedging  purposes  will  not
                                      equal  more than 5% of a Fund's  net asset

                                      FIRM COMMITMENT AGREEMENTS AND WHEN-ISSUED
                                      PURCHASES.    The   Funds   may   purchase
                                      securities   under   a   firm   commitment
                                      agreement or on a when-issued  basis. Firm
                                      commitment   agreements  and   when-issued
                                      purchases   call  for  the   purchase   of
                                      securities  at an  agreed-upon  price on a
                                      specified  future date, and would be used,
                                      for  example,  when a decline in the yield
                                      of   securities   of  a  given  issuer  is
                                      anticipated.  A Fund as purchaser  assumes
                                      the  risk of any  decline  in value of the
                                      security  beginning  on  the  date  of the
                                      agreement or purchase.  The Funds will not
                                      enter  into  such   transactions  for  the
                                      purpose of  leveraging,  and  accordingly,
                                      will  segregate  liquid  assets  with  its
                                      custodian     equal     (on    a     daily
                                      market-to-market  basis) to the  amount of
                                      its commitment to purchase the when-issued
                                      securities and  securities  subject to the
                                      firm commitment agreement.

                                      DIVERSIFICATION. In order to maintain each
                                      Fund's status as a diversified  investment
                                      company,  with  respect to 75% of a Fund's
                                      total assets:  (i) not more than 5% of the
                                      Fund's  assets  may  be  invested  in  the


                                      securities of a single  issuer  (excluding
                                      U.S.  Government  Securities);  and (ii) a
                                      Fund  may not  hold  more  than 10% of the
                                      outstanding  voting securities of a single
                                      issuer.  The  diversification  policy is a
                                      fundamental policy.

                                      COMPUSTAT(R)   DATABASE.    Although   S&P
                                      Compustat    obtains    information    for
                                      inclusion   in   or   for   use   in   the
                                      COMPUSTAT(R)  Database  from sources which
                                      S&P  Compustat  considers  reliable,   S&P
                                      Compustat  does not guarantee the accuracy
                                      or  completeness   of  the   COMPUTSTAT(R)
                                      Database. S&P Compustat makes no warranty,
                                      express or  implied,  as to the results to
                                      be  obtained  by the  Funds,  or any other
                                      persons  or  entity  from  the  use of the
                                      COMPUSTAT(R) Database. S&P Compustat makes
                                      no  express  or  implied  warranties,  and
                                      expressly   disclaims  all  warranties  of
                                      merchantability    or   fitness    for   a
                                      particular  purpose  with  respect  to the
                                      COMPUSTAT(R) Database. "Standard & Poor's"
                                      and  "S  &  P"  are   trademarks   of  The
                                      McGraw-Hill Companies,  Inc. The Funds are
                                      not sponsored,  endorsed, sold or promoted
                                      by S&P Compustat  and S&P Compustat  makes
                                      no     representation     regarding    the
                                      advisability of investing in the Funds.

                                      PRINCIPAL RISK FACTORS

                                      For a discussion of the principal risks of
                                      investing  in each  Fund,  see  "Principal
                                      Risk Factors and Special Considerations."


                                      GENERAL OVERSIGHT.  O'Shaughnessy Funds is
                                      governed  by a  Board  of  Directors  that
                                      meets   regularly  to  review  the  Funds'
                                      investment,   performance,  expenses,  and
                                      other  business  affairs.   The  Board  of
                                      Directors elects the Funds' officers.

                                      MANAGER.  The Manager  acts as  investment
                                      manager  of  each  Fund   pursuant   to  a
                                      management  agreement  with  O'Shaughnessy
                                      Funds  on  behalf   of  the   Funds   (the
                                      "Management  Agreement").  In its capacity
                                      as  investment  manager,  the  Manager  is
                                      responsible  for selection and  management
                                      of each Fund's portfolio investments.  For
                                      its services, each Fund pays the Manager a
                                      fee  each  month,  at the  annual  rate of
                                      0.74%  of the  Fund's  average  daily  net

                                      PORTFOLIO     MANAGEMENT.     James     P.
                                      O'Shaughnessy   has  had  the   day-to-day
                                      responsibility  for managing the portfolio
                                      of each Fund and  developing and executing
                                      each Fund's  investment  program since the
                                      commencement  of  operations of each Fund.
                                      For the past ten years, Mr.  O'Shaughnessy
                                      has served as Chairman and Chief Executive
                                      Officer  of  the  Manager,   and  in  such
                                      capacity,  has managed equity accounts for
                                      high net worth  individuals  and served as
                                      portfolio  consultant to a unit investment
                                      trust. Mr.  O'Shaughnessy is recognized as
                                      a   leading    expert   and   pioneer   in
                                      quantitative  equity  analysis.  He is the
                                      author of three  financial  books,  INVEST
                                      LIKE THE BEST,  WHAT WORKS ON WALL  STREET
                                      and HOW TO RETIRE RICH.


                                      DISTRIBUTOR. First Fund Distributors, Inc.
                                      (the    "Distributor"),    a    registered
                                      broker-dealer,   acts  as  the   principal
                                      distributor  of the  shares of the  Funds.
                                      The  Distributor   provides   distribution
                                      services  to the  Funds  at no cost to the

                                      ADMINISTRATOR.      Pursuant     to     an
                                      Administration   Agreement,   as  amended,
                                      Investment  Company  Administration,   LLC
                                      (the     "Administrator")     serves    as
                                      administrator    of   the    Funds.    The
                                      Administrator       provides       certain
                                      administrative services,  including, among
                                      other    responsibilities,    coordinating
                                      relationships with independent contractors
                                      and agents,  preparing  for  signature  by
                                      officers  and  filing  certain   documents
                                      required for  compliance  with  applicable
                                      laws and regulations,  preparing financial
                                      statements,    and   arranging   for   the
                                      maintenance of books and records.  For its
                                      services, each Fund pays the Administrator
                                      a fee each  month,  at the annual  rate of
                                      0.10% of the  first  $200  million  of the
                                      Fund's  average daily net assets and 0.03%
                                      of such net assets over $200 million.  The
                                      Administrator   and  the  Distributor  are
                                      under  common  control  and are  therefore
                                      considered affiliates of each other.

                                      See    "Comparison   of   the   Funds   --
                                      Management" for more information regarding
                                      the management of the Funds.


                                      SHARES.   As  with   all   mutual   funds,
                                      investors purchase shares when they invest
                                      in the Funds.  These  shares are a part of
                                      the Funds'  authorized  capital stock, but
                                      share   certificates   are  not  generally

                                      Each  full  share  and  fractional   share
                                      entitles  the  shareholder  to:  receive a
                                      proportional  interest  in the  respective
                                      Fund's capital gain distributions and cast
                                      one  vote  per  share  on   certain   Fund
                                      matters,   including   the   election   of
                                      directors,    changes    in    fundamental
                                      policies,  or  approval  of changes in the
                                      Management Agreement.

                                      OVERALL EXPENSE RATIO.  The actual overall
                                      operating  expenses,  as a percent  of net
                                      assets,  as of September  30,  1999,  were
                                      1.09% for the Dogs of the Market  Fund and
                                      1.38%  for  the  Cornerstone  Value  Fund.
                                      Absent    certain   fee   reductions   and
                                      reimbursements   by  the  Manager  of  the
                                      expenses  of the Dogs of the Market  Fund,
                                      the  overall  operating  expenses  of such
                                      Fund,  as a percent  of net  assets  would
                                      have  been  1.50%  for the  fiscal  period
                                      ended  September  30,  1999.  If the Value
                                      Funds  Reorganization  had taken  place on
                                      October 1,  1998,  the  overall  operating
                                      expenses,  as a percent of net assets, for
                                      the  Value  Combined  Fund on a pro  forma
                                      combined basis would have been 1.25% as of
                                      such date.

                                      The actual overall operating expenses,  as
                                      a percent of net assets,  as of  September
                                      30,  1999,  were 1.97% for the  Aggressive
                                      Growth Fund and 1.15% for the  Cornerstone
                                      Growth Fund. Absent certain fee reductions
                                      and  reimbursements  by the Manager of the
                                      expenses of the  Aggressive  Growth  Fund,
                                      the overall  operating  expenses  for such


                                      Fund,  as a percent  of net  assets  would
                                      have  been  2.23%  for the  fiscal  period
                                      ended  September  30, 1999.  If the Growth
                                      Funds  Reorganization  had taken  place on
                                      October 1,  1998,  the  overall  operating
                                      expenses,  as a percent of net assets, for
                                      the  Growth  Combined  Fund on a pro forma
                                      combined basis would have been 1.15% as of
                                      such date.

                                      PURCHASE  OF SHARES.  The  procedures  for
                                      purchasing  shares  are the  same  for all
                                      Funds,  see  "Comparison  of the  Funds --
                                      Purchase,   Exchange  and   Redemption  of
                                      Shares  --   Purchase   of   Shares"   and
                                      "Information  About Your  Account"  in the
                                      O'Shaughnessy Funds Prospectuses.

                                      REDEMPTION OF SHARES.  The  procedures for
                                      redeeming  shares  are  the  same  for all
                                      Funds,  see  "Comparison  of the  Funds --
                                      Purchase,   Exchange  and   Redemption  of
                                      Shares  --   Redemption   of  Shares"  and
                                      "Information  About Your  Account"  in the
                                      O'Shaughnessy Funds Prospectuses.

                                      DIVIDENDS.  The Funds  currently  have the
                                      same policy with respect to dividends. See
                                      "Comparison of the Funds -- Dividends" and
                                      "Information On  Distributions  and Taxes"
                                      in the O'Shaughnessy Funds Prospectuses.

                                      NET ASSET  VALUE.  The price at which each
                                      Fund's shares are purchased or redeemed is
                                      the Fund's next determined net asset value
                                      per share.  The net asset  value per share
                                      is  calculated  as of the close of the New
                                      York Stock  Exchange  ("NYSE")  (currently
                                      4:00 p.m.,  Eastern time) on each day that
                                      the NYSE is open for  business and on each
                                      other day in which  there is a  sufficient
                                      degree of  trading  in a Fund's  portfolio
                                      securities  that  the  current  net  asset
                                      value  of  the   Fund's   shares   may  be
                                      materially  affected  by  changes  in  the
                                      value of the Fund's portfolio  securities.
                                      For further  discussion on net asset value
                                      and how it is determined,  see "Comparison
                                      of the Funds -- Additional  Information --
                                      Net Asset Value" and "Valuation of Shares"
                                      in the O'Shaughnessy Funds Statement.

                                      TAX  CONSIDERATIONS.  The tax consequences
                                      associated with an investment in shares of
                                      an  Acquired  Fund are  substantially  the
                                      same  as the tax  consequences  associated
                                      with  an   investment  in  shares  of  the
                                      respective     Acquiring     Fund.     See
                                      "Information on  Distributions  and Taxes"
                                      in the O'Shaughnessy Funds Prospectuses.

                                      For a more detailed  discussion  regarding
                                      potential   tax    consequences   of   the
                                      Reorganizations,  see "The Reorganizations
                                      -- Federal Income Tax  Consequences of the

                                      THE PROCESS OF STRATEGY  INDEXING(R),  THE
                                      CORNERSTONE   GROWTH  STRATEGY,   AND  THE
                                      CORNERSTONE  VALUE STRATEGY ARE PATENTS OF
                                      O'SHAUGHNESSY  CAPITAL  MANAGEMENT,  INC.,
                                      U.S. PATENT #5,978,778.



     Many of the investment  risks  associated with an investment in an Acquired
Fund are  substantially  the same as those  associated with an investment in the
respective  Acquiring Fund. A discussion of certain principal risks of investing
in the Funds is set forth below.  See "Investment  Policies and  Limitations" in
the O'Shaughnessy  Funds Statement for a more detailed  discussion of investment
risks associated with an investment in the Funds.



     The Strategy Indexing(R) utilized by the Value Funds provides a disciplined
approach to investing,  based on a buY and hold philosophy  during the course of
each year, which ignores market timing and rejects active management.  Each such
Fund will adhere to its respective  investment  strategy  (subject to applicable
federal  tax  requirements  relating  to  mutual  funds),  despite  any  adverse
developments  concerning an issuer, an industry, the economy or the stock market
generally.  This could  result in  substantial  losses to a Value  Fund,  if for
example,  the stocks  selected  for such Fund's  portfolio  for a given year are
experiencing financial difficulty,  or are out of favor in the market because of
weak performance,  poor earnings forecast,  negative publicity or general market
cycles.  The Value Funds are not  appropriate  investments for those who are not
comfortable with the applicable Fund's investment strategy.

     There can be no  assurance  that the market  factors that caused the stocks
held in each such Fund's portfolio to meet its respective  investment strategy's
investment  criteria as of  rebalancing  in any given year will continue  during
such year until the next  rebalancing,  that any negative  conditions  adversely
affecting a stock's  price will not develop  and/or  deteriorate  during a given
year, or that share prices of a stock will not decline during a given year.

     As described above, the portfolio of the Value Funds is rebalanced annually
in accordance with its respective investment strategy. Rebalancing may result in
elimination of better performing assets from such Fund's portfolio and increases
in investments in securities with relatively lower total return.



     The Strategy Indexing(R) utilized by the Cornerstone Growth Fund provides a
disciplined approach to investing, based on a buy and hold philosophy during the
course of each year, which ignores market timing and rejects active  management.
The Cornerstone  Growth Fund will adhere to its investment  strategy (subject to
applicable  federal  tax  requirements  relating to mutual  funds),  despite any
adverse developments concerning an issuer, an industry, the economy or the stock
market  generally.  This could result in substantial  losses to the  Cornerstone
Growth Fund, if for example,  the stocks selected for the Fund's portfolio for a
given year are  experiencing  financial  difficulty,  or are out of favor in the
market because of weak performance,  poor earnings forecast,  negative publicity
or general  market  cycles.  The  Cornerstone  Growth Fund is not an appropriate
investment  for  those  who are  not  comfortable  with  the  Fund's  investment

     There can be no  assurance  that the market  factors that caused the stocks
held  in  the  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund's  portfolio  to  meet  its  investment
strategy's investment criteria as of rebalancing in any given year will continue
during  such  year  until the next  rebalancing,  that any  negative  conditions
adversely affecting a stock's price will not develop and/or deteriorate during a
given  year,  or that share  prices of a stock will not  decline  during a given

     As  described  above,  the  portfolio  of the  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund is
rebalanced annually in accordance with its investment strategy.  Rebalancing may
result in elimination of better  performing  assets from the Cornerstone  Growth
Fund's  portfolio and increases in  investments  in securities  with  relatively
lower total return.

     The foregoing risks are not applicable to the Aggressive Growth Fund, which
is an actively managed fund.




     The fundamental  risk associated with any common stock fund,  including all
of the Funds,  is the risk that the value of the stocks it holds might decrease.
Stock  values may  fluctuate  in response  to the  activities  of an  individual
company  or  in  response  to  general   market  and/or   economic   conditions.
Historically,  common stocks have provided  greater  long-term  returns and have
entailed  greater  short-term risks than other  investment  choices.  Smaller or
newer  issuers are more  likely to realize  more  substantial  growth as well as
suffer  more  significant  losses  than  larger  or  more  established  issuers.
Investments  in such  companies can be both more volatile and more  speculative.
The Funds are not appropriate  investments for those who are unable or unwilling
to assume the risk involved generally with investment in common stocks. See "The
Funds -- Comparison of the Funds -- Investment Policies -- Small Cap StockS" for
a discussion of the special risks  applicable to the  Aggressive  Growth Fund in
connection with its investment in small cap stocks.

     Although the stocks in which the Aggressive Growth Fund may invest have, in
the Manager's  judgment,  the potential to provide superior return,  such stocks
are likely to be subject to greater than  average  price  volatility,  which may
result in  substantial  declines in such Fund's  share price.  Accordingly,  the
Aggressive Growth Fund is suitable only for the most aggressive investors.


     As the year 2000 began,  the Funds did not experience any notable  problems
arising  from the  inability  of computer  systems used by the Manager and other
service providers to properly process and calculate information related to dates
beginning  January 1, 2000.  This is  commonly  known as the "Year 2000  Issue."
There can be no assurance that some computer systems will not malfunction in the
future  as a result  of the Year  2000  Issue.  Although  the  Manager  does not
anticipate  that its  services  or the  services  of the  Funds'  other  service
providers will be adversely affected as a result of the Year 2000 Issue, it will
continue  to monitor the  situation.  If  malfunctions  related to the Year 2000
Issue do arise, the Funds and their investments could be adversely affected,  as
well as companies in which the Funds invest.


     There is no  guarantee  that the  investment  objective  of a Fund  will be
achieved or that the value of a  shareholder's  investment  in the Fund will not


                             COMPARISON OF THE FUNDS


     DOGS OF THE MARKET FUND.  The financial  information  in the table below is
included  in  the  Dogs  of the  Market  Fund's  Annual  Report.  The  financial
information  for  the  year  ended  September  30,  1999  has  been  audited  by
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP,  independent  accountants,  whose report thereon is
included in that Fund's 1999 Annual Report.  The financial  information  for the
two prior  periods has been  audited by  McGladrey & Pullen,  LLP,  whose report
thereon is included in that Fund's 1998 Annual Report. The financial  statements
and  financial  highlights  included  in the1998  Annual  Report and 1999 Annual
Report of the Dogs of the Market Fund are  incorporated  by  reference  into the
O'Shaughnessy  Funds  Statement  and the  Statement of  Additional  Information,


                                        FOR THE YEAR     FOR THE YEAR     NOVEMBER 1, 1996*
                                           ENDED            ENDED             THROUGH
                                        SEPTEMBER 30,    SEPTEMBER 30,      SEPTEMBER 30,
                                            1999            1998                1997
                                            ----            ----                ----


Net asset value, beginning of period      $11.40          $ 11.96             $10.00
                                          ------          -------             ------
Income from investment operations:
  Net investment income (loss)             0.23              0.10                .10
  Net realized and unrealized gain
   (loss) on investments                   0.97              0.02               1.87
                                          ------          -------             ------
Total from investment operations           1.20              0.12               1.97
                                          ------          -------             ------
Less distributions:
 From net investment income               (0.14)            (0.09)             (0.01)
 From net realized gains                  (0.31)            (0.59)             (0.00)
                                          ------          -------             ------
Total distributions                       (0.45)            (0.68)             (0.01)
                                          ------          -------             ------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD            $12.15          $ 11.40             $ 11.96
                                          ======          =======             =======
TOTAL RETURN                               10.36%            0.74%              19.74%**

Net assets, end of period (millions)      $ 17.7          $  22.6             $   7.2

Ratio of expenses to average net assets:
 Before expense reimbursement               1.50%            1.46%               4.28%+
 After expense reimbursement                1.09%            1.46%               1.99%+

Ratio of net investment income (loss)
 to average net assets:
 Before expense reimbursement               1.17%            1.24%              (0.51%)+
 After expense reimbursement                1.58%            1.24%               1.78%+
Portfolio turnover rate                     63.31%          44.35%             118.44%

- ----------
*  Commencement of operations.
** Not annualized.
+  Annualized.


     CORNERSTONE  VALUE FUND.  The financial  information  in the table below is
included  in  the  Cornerstone   Value  Fund's  Annual  Report.   The  financial
information  for  the  year  ended  September  30,  1999  has  been  audited  by
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP,  independent  accountants,  whose report thereon is
included in that Fund's 1999 Annual Report.  The financial  information  for the
two prior  periods has been  audited by  McGladrey & Pullen,  LLP,  whose report
thereon is included in that Fund's 1998 Annual Report. The financial  statements
and  financial  highlights  included in the 1998  Annual  Report and 1999 Annual
Report of the  Cornerstone  Value Fund are  incorporated  by reference  into the
O'Shaughnessy   Funds   Statement  and  Statement  of  Additional   Information,


                                           FOR THE YEAR                        NOVEMBER 1, 1996*
                                               ENDED       FOR THE YEAR ENDED      THROUGH
                                           SEPTEMBER 30,     SEPTEMBER 30,       SEPTEMBER 30,
                                               1999              1998               1997
                                               ----              ----               ----
Net asset value, beginning of period          $10.84            $11.50              $10.00
                                              ------            ------              ------
Income from investment operations:
 Net investment income (loss)                  0.33               0.21                0.15
 Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
     on investments                            1.49              (0.70)               1.37
                                              ------            ------              ------
Total from investment operations               1.82              (0.49)               1.52
                                              ------            ------              ------
Less distributions:
 From net investment income                   (0.26)             (0.17)              (0.02)
 From net realized gains                      (0.50)                 --                 --
                                              ------            ------              ------
Total distributions                           (0.76)             (0.17)              (0.02)
                                              ------            ------              ------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD                $11.90            $10.84              $11.50
                                              ======            ======              ======
TOTAL RETURN                                   17.12%            (4.32%)             15.21%**

Net assets, end of period (millions)          $26.30            $21.90              $13.50

Ratio of expenses to average net assets:
 Before expense reimbursement                   1.38%             1.45%               2.66%_
 After expense reimbursement                    1.38%             1.45%               1.85%_

Ratio of net investment income (loss)
 to average net assets:
 Before expense reimbursement                   2.58%             2.12%               1.93%+
 After expense reimbursement                    2.58%             2.12%               2.73%+
Portfolio turnover rate                       122.79%            51.56%               2.01%

- ----------
*  Commencement of operations.
** Not annualized.
+  Annualized.


     AGGRESSIVE  GROWTH FUND.  The financial  information  in the table below is
included  in  the  Aggressive   Growth  Fund's  Annual  Report.   The  financial
information  for  the  year  ended  September  30,  1999  has  been  audited  by
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP,  independent  accountants,  whose report thereon is
included in that Fund's 1999 Annual Report.  The financial  information  for the
two prior  periods has been  audited by  McGladrey & Pullen,  LLP,  whose report
thereon is included in that Fund's 1998 Annual Report. The financial  statements
and  financial  highlights  included in the 1998  Annual  Report and 1999 Annual
Report of the  Aggressive  Growth Fund are  incorporated  by reference  into the
O'Shaughnessy   Funds   Statement  and  Statement  of  Additional   Information,


                                           FOR THE YEAR                         NOVEMBER 1, 1996*
                                               ENDED       FOR THE YEAR ENDED       THROUGH
                                           SEPTEMBER 30,     SEPTEMBER 30,        SEPTEMBER 30,
                                               1999               1998               1997
                                               ----               ----               ----

Net asset value, beginning of period          $10.73            $14.29              $10.00
                                              ------            ------              ------
Income from investment operations:
 Net investment income (loss)                  (0.18)            (0.15)              (0.06)
 Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
   on investments                               4.75             (3.21)               4.35
                                              ------            ------              ------
Total from investment operations                4.57             (3.36)               4.29
                                              ------            ------              ------
Less distributions:
 From net realized gains                       (0.69)            (0.20)                 --
                                              ------            ------              ------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD                $14.61            $10.73              $14.29
                                              ======            ======              ======
TOTAL RETURN                                   43.51%           (23.70%)            42.90%**

Net assets, end of period (millions)          $12.20            $8.30                $5.60
Ratio of expenses to average net assets:
 Before expense reimbursement                   2.23%            2.24%               7.01%+
 After expense reimbursement                    1.97%            2.00%               1.98%+

Ratio of net investment income (loss)
 to average net assets:
 Before expense reimbursement                  (1.78%)          (1.77%)             (6.41%)+
 After expense reimbursement                   (1.52%)          (1.53%)             (1.39%)+
Portfolio turnover rate                        193.84%          206.30%              104.77%

- ----------
*  Commencement of operations.
** Not annualized.
+  Annualized.


     CORNERSTONE  GROWTH FUND.  The financial  information in the table below is
included  in  the  Cornerstone   Growth  Fund's  Annual  Report.  The  financial
information  for  the  year  ended  September  30,  1999  has  been  audited  by
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP,  independent  accountants,  whose report thereon is
included in that Fund's 1999 Annual Report.  The financial  information  for the
two prior  periods has been  audited by  McGladrey & Pullen,  LLP,  whose report
thereon is included in that Fund's 1998 Annual Report. The financial  statements
and  financial  highlights  included in the 1998  Annual  Report and 1999 Annual
Report of the  Cornerstone  Growth Fund are  incorporated  by reference into the
O'Shaughnessy   Funds   Statement  and  Statement  of  Additional   Information,


                                                                                   NOVEMBER 1, 1996*
                                        FOR THE YEAR ENDED    FOR THE YEAR ENDED       THROUGH
                                           SEPTEMBER 30,         SEPTEMBER 30,       SEPTEMBER 30,
                                              1999                  1998                1997
                                              ----                  ----                ----

Net asset value, beginning of period        $   9.57               $15.30              $10.00
                                            --------               ------              ------
Income from investment operations:
 Net investment income (loss)                  (0.09)               (0.07)              (0.02)
 Net realized and unrealized gain (loss)
   on investments                               2.88                (3.88)               5.32
                                            --------               ------              ------
Total from investment operations                2.79                (3.95)               5.30
                                            --------               ------              ------
Less distributions:
 From net investment income                       --                   --                  --
 From net realized gains                          --                (1.78)                 --

Total distributions                               --                (1.78)                 --
                                            --------               ------              ------
NET ASSET VALUE, END OF PERIOD              $  12.36               $ 9.57              $15.30
                                            ========               ======              ======
TOTAL RETURN                                  29.15%               (27.63%)             53.05%**

Net assets, end of period (millions)        $120.80                $80.40              $91.30
Ratio of expenses to average net assets:
 Before expense reimbursement                  1.15%                 1.16%               1.63%+
 After expense reimbursement                   1.15%                 1.16%               1.56%+

Ratio of net investment income (loss)
 to average net assets:
 Before expense reimbursement                 (0.84%)               (0.86%)             (1.19%)+
 After expense reimbursement                  (0.84%)               (0.86%)             (1.12%)+
Portfolio turnover rate                      125.19%               119.98%              15.52%

- ----------
*  Commencement of operations.
** Not annualized.
+  Annualized.


     GENERAL OVERSIGHT.  O'Shaughnessy Funds is governed by a Board of Directors
consisting of four  individuals,  three of whom are not "interested  persons" as
defined in the Investment Company Act. After the  Reorganizations,  the Board of
Directors  will  continue to serve as the Board of  Directors  of  O'Shaughnessy
Funds.  The Board of Directors meets regularly to review the Funds'  investment,
performance, expenses, and other business affairs. The Board of Directors elects
the Funds'  officers.  See "Directors and Officers" in the  O'Shaughnessy  Funds


     The directors and officers of O'Shaughnessy Funds, their business addresses
and principal  occupations  during the past five years are listed below.  Unless
otherwise  indicated,  each  person's  address  is 35 Mason  Street,  Greenwich,
Connecticut 06830.

- ---------------------           --------                  -----------------------------------------
James P. O'Shaughnessy*     Director, President       Chairman  and  Chief  Executive   Officer  of  the
Age: 39                     and Treasurer             Manager, 1988 - present; author of INVEST LIKE THE
                                                      BEST, WHAT WORKS ON WALL STREET, and HOW TO RETIRE

C. Flemming Heilmann        Director                  President and  Director,  Danish  American,  N.Y.;
Age: 60                                               Former Chairman and CEO, Brockway Standard,  Inc.,
                                                      1989-1994; Director, Porter Chadburn, Inc.; Porter
                                                      Chadburn,  plc;  Wheaton,  Inc.;  Danish  American
                                                      Chamber of  Commerce,  N.Y.;  American  Friends of
                                                      Cambridge  University;   Trustee,  Royal  Wessanen
                                                      Group U.S. Trust.

Robert E. Ix                Director                  Retired  Chairman and Chief  Executive  Officer of
Age:  70                                              Cadbury Schweppes, Inc.; Director, Loctite Corp.

Joseph John McAleer         Director                  Founder and President, MCA Associates,  Inc. (ship
Age:  69                                              broker), 1983 - present;  General Partner,  Sixtus
                                                      Limited   Partnership;   President  and  Director,
                                                      Salesian   Sisters   Partners   Circle;   Trustee,
                                                      American Merchant Marine Museum Foundation.

Steven J. Paggioli          Vice President and        Executive Vice  President and Director,  Wadsworth
Age:  49                    Secretary of              Group   since   1986;   Vice   President   of  the
                            O'Shaughnessy Funds       Distributor  since  1989;  Vice  President  of the
                                                      Administrator since 1990.

- ----------
* Interested person, as defined in the Investment Company Act.

     Pursuant to the terms of the Management  Agreement with O'Shaughnessy Funds
on behalf of the Funds,  the Manager pays the  compensation  of all officers and
directors who are  affiliated  persons of the Manager.  Pursuant to the terms of
the  Administration  Agreement,  the Administrator  pays the compensation of all
officers that are affiliated persons of the Administrator.

     O'Shaughnessy  Funds pays directors who are not  interested  persons of the
O'Shaughnessy  Funds  (each,  a  "Disinterested  Director")  fees for serving as
directors. Specifically,  O'Shaughnessy Funds pays each Disinterested Director a
$9,750  annual   retainer  paid   quarterly,   together  with  such   director's
out-of-pocket  expenses  relating to attendance at meetings.  Each Fund pays one
quarter of the foregoing fees.

     The following table sets forth the aggregate compensation the Funds paid to
the Disinterested Directors for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999.

                                             PENSION OR
                         AGGREGATE       RETIREMENT BENEFITS
- ----------------          ------           -------------      ------------------
C. Flemming Heilman       9,750                None                 9,750
Robert E. Ix              9,750                None                 9,750
Joseph John McAleer       9,750                None                 9,750

- ----------
*    During the fiscal period year September 30, 1999,  aggregate directors fees
     and expenses in the amount of $29,596 were allocated to the Funds.


     Because the Manager and the Administrator  perform substantially all of the
services  necessary  for the  operation  of the  Funds,  the  Funds  require  no
employees. No officer,  director or employee of the Manager or the Administrator
receives any compensation from the Funds for acting as a director or officer.

     MANAGEMENT  ARRANGEMENTS AND FEES.  O'Shaughnessy Capital Management,  Inc.
(previously  defined as the "Manager")  acts as investment  manager of each Fund
pursuant to the Management Agreement. In its capacity as investment manager, the
Manager is  responsible  for selection and  management of each Fund's  portfolio
investments.  For its services,  each Fund pays the Manager a fee each month, at
the  annual  rate of 0.74% of the Fund's  average  daily net  assets.  After the
consummation  of the  Reorganizations,  the  Manager  will  continue  to perform
management services for each Combined Fund under the Management  Agreement.  The
pro forma effective fee rate of each Combined Fund after taking into account the
consummation  of the  Reorganizations  would be 0.74%  of each  Combined  Fund's
average daily net assets.

     The Manager's office is located at 35 Mason Street, Greenwich,  Connecticut
06830.  The Manager was  incorporated  in 1988.  The Manager serves as portfolio
consultant to a unit investment trust and provides  investment advisory services
to investment companies and individual and institutional accounts with assets in
excess of $800 million. See "Management of the Funds" in the O'Shaughnessy Funds

     PORTFOLIO  MANAGEMENT.  James  P.  O'Shaughnessy  has  had  the  day-to-day
responsibility  for  managing  the  portfolio  of each Fund and  developing  and
executing each Fund's investment program since the commencement of operations of
each Fund. For the past ten years, Mr.  O'Shaughnessy has served as Chairman and
Chief Executive Officer of the Manager, and in such capacity, has managed equity
accounts for high net worth individuals and served as portfolio  consultant to a
unit investment  trust. Mr.  O'Shaughnessy is recognized as a leading expert and
pioneer in  quantitative  equity  analysis.  He is the author of three financial

     DISTRIBUTOR.  First  Fund  Distributors,  Inc.  (previously  defined as the
"Distributor"), a registered broker-dealer, acts as the principal distributor of
the shares of the Funds.  The address of the  Distributor  is 4455 E.  Camelback
Road, Suite 261 E, Phoenix, Arizona 85018. The Distributor provides distribution
services  to the Funds at no cost to the Funds.  After the  consummation  of the
Reorganizations,  the Distributor will continue to provide distribution services
to each Combined Fund.

     ADMINISTRATION  ARRANGEMENTS  AND  FEES.  Pursuant  to  the  Administration
Agreement,  Investment Company  Administration,  LLC (previously  defined as the
"Administrator")  serves  as  administrator  of  the  Funds.  The  Administrator
provides   certain    administrative    services,    including,    among   other
responsibilities,  coordinating  relationships with independent  contractors and
agents,  preparing  for  signature by officers  and filing of certain  documents
required  for  compliance  with  applicable  laws  and  regulations,   preparing
financial  statements,  and arranging for the  maintenance of books and records.
For its  services,  each Fund pays the  Administrator  a fee each month,  at the
annual rate of 0.10% of the first $200 million of the Fund's  average  daily net
assets  and 0.03% of such net  assets  over $200  million.  The  address  of the
Administrator  is 4455 E. Camelback Road,  Suite 261 E, Phoenix,  Arizona 85018.
The Administrator and the Distributor are under common control and are therefore
considered   affiliates   of  each  other.   After  the   consummation   of  the
Reorganizations,  the  Administrator  will  continue  to perform  administrative
services for each  Combined  Fund under the  Administration  Agreement.  The pro
forma  effective  fee payable to the  Administrator  by each Combined Fund after
taking into account the consummation of the Reorganizations would be the same as
that fee currently paid by each Fund.


     The Management  Agreement  identifies the expenses to be paid by each Fund.
In addition to the fees paid to the Manager,  each Fund pays certain  additional
expenses,  including  but not limited  to, the  following:  shareholder  service
expenses;  custodial,  accounting,  legal, and audit fees;  administrative fees;
costs of preparing and printing  prospectuses  and reports sent to shareholders;
registration fees and expenses;  proxy and annual meeting expenses (if any); and
Disinterested  Director fees and expenses.  The Manager  voluntarily  agreed to,
until  September  30, 1999,  reduce fees payable to it by the Dogs of the Market
Fund and the  Aggressive  Growth  Fund or  reimburse  such  Funds to the  extent


necessary to limit each such Fund's aggregate annual operating expenses to 1.09%
and 2.00%,  respectively,  of its average net assets (previously  defined as the
"expense  cap").  Any  such  reductions  made  by the  Manager  in its  fees  or
reimbursements  of expenses  with respect to such Funds are subject to recapture
by the Manager  provided the  applicable  Fund is able to effect such  recapture
while keeping total  operating  expenses at or below the annual expense cap, and
that no recapture will be made after September 30, 2000. Any amounts  reimbursed
will have the effect of increasing fees otherwise paid by such Funds.

     The total operating  expenses,  as a percent of net assets, as of September
30,  1999,  were  1.09%  for the  Dogs of the  Market  Fund  and  1.38%  for the
Cornerstone Value Fund. Absent certain fee reductions and  reimbursements by the
Manager of the  expenses  of the Dogs of the Market  Fund,  the total  operating
expenses of such Fund,  as a percent of net assets would have been 1.50% for the
fiscal period ended  September 30, 1999. If the Value Funds  Reorganization  had
taken place on October 1, 1998, the overall operating expenses,  as a percent of
net assets,  for the Pro Forma Cornerstone Value Fund on a pro forma basis would
have been 1.25% as of September 30, 1999. The overall operating  expenses,  as a
percent of net assets,  as of September 30, 1999,  were 1.97% for the Aggressive
Growth  Fund and 1.15% for the  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund.  Absent  certain  fee
reductions and  reimbursements  by the Manager of the expenses of the Aggressive
Growth Fund, the overall  operating  expenses for such Fund, as a percent of net
assets would have been 2.23% for the fiscal period ended  September 30, 1999. If
the Growth Funds  Reorganization had taken place on October 1, 1998, the overall
operating  expenses,  as a percent of net assets,  for the Pro Forma Cornerstone
Growth Fund on a pro forma basis would have been 1.15% as of September 30, 1999.
After consummation of the Reorganizations, certain fixed costs, such as printing
of  prospectuses  and  reports  sent to  shareholders,  legal and audit fees and
registration  fees would be spread across a larger asset base.  Over time,  this
would  tend to  lower  the  expense  ratio  borne  by  shareholders  of both the
Acquiring  Funds and the Acquired  Funds,  but the effect would be  considerably
more  significant in the case of  shareholders  of the Acquired  Funds.  This is
because the Acquired  Funds are smaller,  and effective  September 30, 1999, the
Manager  ceased its  previous  practice of reducing  certain fees payable by, or
reimbursing  certain expenses to, the Acquired Funds in order to ensure that the
Acquired Funds maintained  their total operating  expenses below certain levels.
Accordingly,  Fund management  believes that the Reorganizations are in the best
interest  of the  Funds.  See "The  Reorganizations  --  Potential  Benefits  to
Shareholders as a Result of the Reorganization" and "Summary -- Fee Tables."


     The procedures for purchasing and redeeming shares of a Fund as well as the
exchange  privileges  are the same for all Funds.  See  "Information  About Your
Account" in the O'Shaughnessy Funds Prospectuses.

     Each of the Funds has the right to close  the  account  of any  shareholder
that fails to  maintain  an account  balance  with such Fund of $2,500 for three
months or longer due to  redemptions,  after giving such  shareholder 60 days in
which to increase the balance. The Aggressive Growth Fund has not exercised such
right with respect to  shareholders  with account  balances of less than $2,500;
however,  the Growth  Combined  Fund may choose to exercise  such right to close
small   shareholder   accounts   after   consummation   of  the   Growth   Funds


     GENERAL. The following tables provide performance information for shares of
the Funds for the periods  indicated.  Past  performance  is not  indicative  of
future performance.

  ------            --------------   ----------    --------------    -----------
year ended
September 30, 1999    10.36%          17.12%          43.51%           29.15%

September 30, 1999+   10.01%           8.89%          16.10%           12.68%

- ----------
+    Average Annual total returns.
*    Each of the Funds commenced operations on November 1, 1996.
(1)  Absent certain fee reductions and reimbursements by the Manager of expenses
     of the Dogs of the Market Fund and the  Aggressive  Growth Fund,  the total
     returns for such Funds would have been lower than those  state  above.  See
     "Summary--Fee Tables."



     Each full share and fractional  share of a Fund entitles the shareholder to
receive  a  proportional   interest  in  the  respective   Fund's  capital  gain
distributions and cast one vote per share on certain Fund matters, including the
election of directors,  changes in fundamental  policies, or approval of changes
in the Management Agreement.  Voting rights are not cumulative,  so that holders
of more than 50% of the shares voting in the election of directors  can, if they
choose to do so, elect all the  directors of a Fund,  in which event the holders
of  the  remaining  shares  are  unable  to  elect  any  person  as a  director.
Corresponding  Shares  issued  in the  Reorganizations  will be  fully  paid and
nonassessable  and  will  have  no  preemptive  rights.  In  the  event  of  the
liquidation of a Fund,  shareholders of such Fund are entitled to share pro rata
in the net assets of such Fund available for distribution to shareholders.

     The Funds are not required to hold annual  meetings and do not intend to do
so  except  when  certain  matters,  such as a change  in a  Fund's  fundamental
policies, are to be decided. In addition, shareholders representing at least 10%
of all eligible  votes may call a special  meeting if they wish, for the purpose
of voting on the removal of any Fund director.


     The Funds  currently  have the same policy with respect to dividends.  Each
Fund declares and pays dividends (if any) annually.  In addition,  if a Fund has
net capital gains for the year (after subtracting any capital losses),  they are
usually  declared and paid in December to  shareholders of record on a specified
date that month.


     The tax consequences associated with an investment in shares of an Acquired
Fund are  substantially  the  same as the tax  consequences  associated  with an
investment in shares of the  respective  Acquiring  Fund.  See  "Information  on
Distributions and Taxes" in the O'Shaughnessy Funds Prospectuses.


     In executing portfolio transactions,  the Funds seek to obtain the best net
results,  taking into account such factors as price  (including  the  applicable
brokerage commission or dealer spread), size of order,  difficulty of execution,
operational facilities of the firm involved and the firm's risk in positioning a
block of  securities.  While the Funds  generally  seek  reasonably  competitive
commission  rates,  the Funds do not  necessarily  pay the lowest  commission or
spread available. In addition, consistent with the Conduct Rules of the National
Association  of  Securities  Dealers,  Inc.,  the Manager may consider  sales of
shares  of the Funds as a factor in the  selection  of  brokers  or  dealers  to
execute  portfolio   transactions  for  the  Fund.  For  additional  information
regarding  procedures  for engaging in portfolio  transactions,  see  "Portfolio
Transactions" in the O'Shaughnessy Funds Statement.


     As described  above,  in accordance with each Acquiring  Fund's  investment
strategy,  an Acquiring Fund's portfolio will be rebalanced based on information
on or about  December 31 of each year.  That is, stocks  meeting the  respective
investment strategy's criteria will be purchased for the Fund's portfolio to the
extent not then held, stocks which no longer meet the criteria will be sold, and
the holdings of all stocks in the  portfolio  that continue to meet the criteria
will be appropriately increased or decreased to result in equal weighting of all
stocks in the portfolio.


     The  portfolio  turnover  rate is  calculated  by dividing  the lesser of a
Fund's annual sales or purchases of portfolio securities (exclusive of purchases
or sales of securities whose maturities at the time of acquisition were one year
or less) by the monthly average value of the securities in the portfolio  during
the year. High portfolio turnover involves  correspondingly  greater transaction
costs in the form of  brokerage  commissions  and dealer  spreads,  which a Fund

     Neither  Fund has  placed a limit on its  rate of  portfolio  turnover  and
securities  may be sold without  regard to the time they have been held when, in
the opinion of the Manager, the investment  considerations  warrant such action.
Under normal conditions, the annual turnover rate should not exceed 50% and 100%
for the Cornerstone Value Fund and Cornerstone Growth Fund,  respectively.  Each
of the Dogs of the Market Fund and Aggressive  Growth Fund  anticipates that its
respective  annual  turnover rate should not exceed 50% and 200%,  respectively,
under normal conditions. The portfolio turnover rates for the Dogs of the Market
Fund, the Cornerstone Value Fund, the Aggressive Growth Fund and the Cornerstone
Growth Fund, for the fiscal year ended September 30, 1999, were 63.31%, 122.79%,
193.84% and  125.19%,  respectively.  A high  portfolio  turnover  may result in
adverse tax  consequences,  such as an increase in capital gain dividends.  High
portfolio turnover may also involve correspondingly greater transaction costs in
the form of dealer spreads and brokerage  commissions,  which are borne directly
by  the  Funds.   See  "Portfolio   Transactions--Portfolio   Turnover"  in  the
O'Shaughnessy  Funds  Statement  for  further  information  regarding  portfolio

     Because each of the Acquiring  Funds adheres to a disciplined  Strategy and
invests only in the stocks selected through its Strategy, it is anticipated that
as soon as practicable  after the  completion of the applicable  Reorganization,
each of the Combined  Funds will be required to liquidate a substantial  portion
of the assets  acquired from the respective  Acquired  Fund.  Such a liquidation
will  entail   transaction   costs  and  may  result  in  tax   consequences  to
shareholders.  See "The Reorganizations--Federal  Income Tax Consequences of the


     NET ASSET  VALUE.  The price at which each Fund's  shares are  purchased or
redeemed is the Fund's next determined net asset value per share.  The net asset
value per share is calculated as of the close of the NYSE  (currently 4:00 p.m.,
Eastern  time) on each day that the NYSE is open for  business and on each other
day in which  there is a  sufficient  degree of  trading  in a Fund's  portfolio
securities  that the  current  net  asset  value  of the  Fund's  shares  may be
materially affected by changes in the value of the Fund's portfolio  securities.
Each Fund  determines  the net asset value per share by  subtracting  the Fund's
total liabilities from the Fund's total assets (the value of the securities that
the Fund holds plus cash and other assets),  dividing the remainder by the total
number of shares outstanding, and adjusting the result to the nearest full cent.

     Securities  listed on the NYSE,  American  Stock Exchange or other national
exchanges  are valued at the last sale price on such  exchange  on the day as of
which  the net  asset  value per  share is to be  calculated.  Over-the  counter
securities  included in the NASDAQ National Market System are valued at the last
sale  price.  If there is no sale on a  particular  security  on such day, it is
valued at the mean between the bid and asked prices.  Other  securities,  to the
extent that market quotations are readily available,  are valued at market value
in  accordance  with  procedures  established  by the  Board of  Directors.  Any
securities  and  other  assets,  for which  market  quotations  are not  readily
available,  are  valued  in good  faith in a manner  determined  by the Board of
Directors best to reflect their fair value.

     SHAREHOLDER  SERVICES.  The Funds  offer the same  shareholder  services to
their  respective  shareholders.  For information  regarding such services,  see
"Information  About Your Account -- Shareholder  Services" in the  O'Shaughnessy
Funds Prospectuses.

     INDEPENDENT AUDITORS.  Currently  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP serves as the
independent  auditors of the Funds. If the Reorganizations are completed,  it is
currently anticipated that  PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP will continue to serve as
the independent  auditors of the Combined Funds. The principal  business address
of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is 1177 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York

     CUSTODIAN.  Firstar Bank Milwaukee (the  "Custodian") acts as the custodian
of each of the Funds.  If the  Reorganizations  are  completed,  it is currently
anticipated  that the  Custodian  will continue to serve as the custodian of the
Combined  Funds.  The  principal  business  address of the  Custodian  is 615 E.
Michigan Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202.


     TRANSFER AGENT.  Firstar Mutual Fund Services,  LLC (the "Transfer Agent"),
615 E. Michigan Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202, serves as the transfer agent
with  respect  to each  Fund,  pursuant  to a  transfer  agency  agreement  with
O'Shaughnessy  Funds.  The  Transfer  Agent  is  responsible  for the  issuance,
transfer and redemption of shares and the opening,  maintenance and servicing of
shareholder  accounts.  If the  Reorganizations  are completed,  it is currently
anticipated that the Transfer Agent will continue to serve as the transfer agent
of the Combined Funds. See "Information About Your Account--Purchase of Shares,"
"--Exchange  Privilege," and "--Redemption of Shares" in the O'Shaughnessy Funds

     CAPITAL  STOCK.  Each of the  Funds has  25,000,000,000  shares of a single
class  authorized,  par value $.0001 per share.  See "Other  Information" in the
O'Shaughnessy   Funds  Statement  for  further  discussion  of  the  rights  and
preferences  attributable  to shares of the Funds.  See  "Summary -- Fee Tables"
above  and  "About  The  Funds--Transaction  and Fund  Expenses"  in each of the
O'Shaughnessy   Funds  Prospectuses  for  further  discussion  on  the  expenses
attributable to shares of the Funds.

     SHAREHOLDER INQUIRIES.  Shareholder inquiries may be addressed to each Fund
at the  address  or  telephone  number  set  forth  on the  cover  page  of this

                               THE REORGANIZATIONS


     Under the Value Funds Agreement and Plan, the  Cornerstone  Value Fund will
acquire  substantially  all of the assets,  and assume  substantially all of the
liabilities,  of the Dogs of the Market  Fund  solely in  exchange  for an equal
aggregate  value of Value Fund  Corresponding  Shares.  Under the  Growth  Funds
Agreement and Plan, the Cornerstone  Growth Fund will acquire  substantially all
of  the  assets,  and  assume  substantially  all  of  the  liabilities,  of the
Aggressive Growth Fund solely in exchange for an equal aggregate value of Growth
Fund  Corresponding  Shares.  Upon receipt by an Acquired Fund of  Corresponding
Shares,  such  Acquired  Fund  will  liquidate  through a  distribution  of such
Corresponding Shares to its shareholders, as described below.

     Generally,  the assets  transferred  by an Acquired Fund to the  respective
Acquiring  Fund will include all  investments  of such Acquired Fund held in its
portfolio  as of the  Valuation  Time (as  defined  in the  Plans) and all other
assets of such Acquired Fund as of such time.

     Each Acquired Fund will distribute the Corresponding  Shares received by it
in connection with its  Reorganization  pro rata to its shareholders in exchange
for  such  shareholders'  proportional  interests  in such  Acquired  Fund.  The
Corresponding  Shares received by an Acquired Fund's  shareholders will have the
same  aggregate  net asset  value as each such  shareholder's  interest  in such
Acquired Fund as of the Valuation  Time. See "-- Terms of the Plans -- Valuation
of Assets and  Liabilities"  for  information  concerning the calculation of net
asset value.  The  distribution  will be accomplished by opening new accounts on
the books of the respective  Acquiring Fund in the names of all  shareholders of
such Acquired Fund,  including  shareholders holding shares in certificate form,
and  transferring  to  each  shareholder's   account  the  Corresponding  Shares
representing such shareholder's  interest  previously credited to the account of
such  Acquired  Fund.   Shareholders   holding  an  Acquired  Fund's  shares  in
certificate form may receive certificates  representing the Corresponding Shares
credited to their account in respect of such  Acquired  Fund's shares by sending
the certificates to the Transfer Agent accompanied by a written request for such

     Since  the  Corresponding  Shares  will be  issued  at net  asset  value in
exchange  for the net assets of an  Acquired  Fund  having a value  equal to the
aggregate  net  asset  value  of the  shares  of  such  Acquired  Fund as of the
Valuation  Time, the net asset value per share of the respective  Acquiring Fund
should  remain  virtually  unchanged  solely  as  a  result  of  the  applicable
Reorganization.  Thus, the Reorganizations  should not result in dilution of net
asset value of the Acquiring  Funds  immediately  following  consummation of the
Reorganizations.  However, as a result of the Reorganizations,  a shareholder of
an Acquired Fund would hold a smaller  percentage of ownership in the respective
Acquiring  Fund  than  he  or  she  did  in  the  Acquired  Fund  prior  to  the


     If the  shareholders of the Acquired Funds approve the  Reorganizations  at
the  Meeting,  all  required  regulatory  approvals  are  obtained,  and certain
conditions  are either met or waived,  it is expected  that the  Reorganizations
will  take  place   during  the  first   calendar   quarter  of  2000.   Neither
Reorganization is dependent on the consummation of the other Reorganization.




     VALUATION OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES.  The respective assets and liabilities
of the Acquired Funds and the Acquiring Funds will be valued as of the Valuation
Time.  The assets in each Fund will be valued  according to the  procedures  set
forth under "Valuation of Shares" in the O'Shaughnessy Funds Statement. Purchase
orders for an Acquired  Fund's  shares  which have not been  confirmed as of the
Valuation  Time will be treated as assets of such  Acquired Fund for purposes of
the respective  Reorganization;  redemption requests with respect to an Acquired
Fund's shares which have not settled as of the Valuation Time will be treated as
liabilities of such Acquired Fund for purposes of the respective Reorganization.

     DISTRIBUTION  OF  CORRESPONDING  SHARES.  On the  next  full  business  day
following the Valuation  Time (the  "Exchange  Date"),  each Acquiring Fund will
issue to the  respective  Acquired  Fund a number of  Corresponding  Shares  the
aggregate  net asset value of which will equal the  aggregate net asset value of
shares of such Acquired Fund as of the Valuation  Time.  Such Acquired Fund will
then liquidate and distribute the  Corresponding  Shares received by it pro rata
to its shareholders in exchange for such shareholders' proportional interests in
such Acquired  Fund. The  Corresponding  Shares  received by an Acquired  Fund's
shareholder  will have the same aggregate net asset value as such  shareholder's
interest in such Acquired Fund as of the Valuation Time.

     EXPENSES.   The   expenses  of  each   Reorganization   that  are  directly
attributable  to each Fund and the conduct of its business will be deducted from
the assets of that Fund as of the Valuation Time. These expenses are expected to
include the expenses  incurred in preparing  materials to be  distributed to the
Board of  Directors,  legal  fees  incurred  in  preparing  Board  of  Directors
materials,  attending  Board  meetings and  preparing the minutes  thereof,  and
accounting  fees  associated with each Fund's  financial  statements.  The Funds
shall bear, pro rata  according to their  respective net assets on the Valuation
Date, all expenses  incurred in connection  with the respective  Reorganization,
including,  but not  limited  to, all costs  related to the  preparation  of the
respective Plan, the preparation and distribution of the registration  statement
of which this Proxy  Statement and  Prospectus is a part,  the cost of preparing
and filing a ruling  request  with the IRS (if  applicable),  other filing fees,
legal and accounting fees,  printing costs,  portfolio  transfer taxes (if any),
and  any  similar   expenses   incurred  in  connection   with  the   respective

     REQUIRED  APPROVALS.  The completion of each  Reorganization is conditioned
upon,  among other  things,  the  receipt of certain  regulatory  approvals.  In
addition, the O'Shaughnessy Funds Articles of Incorporation (as amended to date)
requires  approval  of  each  Reorganization  by  the  affirmative  vote  of the
respective Acquired Fund's shareholders  representing no less than a majority of
the total number of votes entitled to be cast thereon.

     AMENDMENTS  AND  CONDITIONS.  The Plans may be amended at any time prior to
the Exchange Date with respect to any of the terms therein.  The  obligations of
each  Acquired  Fund and  Acquiring  Fund  pursuant to the  respective  Plan are
subject to various conditions,  including a registration  statement on Form N-14
being  declared  effective  by the  Commission,  the  requisite  approval of the
respective  Reorganization by such Acquired Fund's shareholders,  the receipt of
an opinion of counsel as to tax matters,  and the confirmation by the respective
Acquired Fund and Acquiring Fund of the continuing  accuracy of their respective
representations and warranties contained in such Plan.


     TERMINATION, POSTPONEMENT AND WAIVERS. Each Plan may be terminated, and the
respective  Reorganization  abandoned  at any  time,  whether  before  or  after
adoption thereof by the respective  Acquired Fund's  shareholders,  prior to the
Exchange  Date or the  Exchange  Date  may be  postponed:  (i) by the  Board  of
Directors;  (ii) by an Acquired Fund if any  condition to such  Acquired  Fund's
obligations  has not been fulfilled or waived;  or (iii) by an Acquiring Fund if
any condition to such  Acquiring  Fund's  obligations  has not been fulfilled or


     Fund  management  and  the  Board  of  Directors  have  identified  certain
potential   benefits  to  shareholders  that  are  likely  to  result  from  the
Reorganizations.  First,  following  the  Reorganizations,  shareholders  of  an
Acquired Fund will remain invested in a diversified  open-end fund which has the
same Manager,  substantially the same investment  objective and similar,  though
not  identical,  investment  techniques.  That is,  both of the Value Funds seek
large,  blue chip  companies  with high  dividend  yields that  suggest that the
company's stock is undervalued. Dividend yield is the final determinant of stock
selection for both Funds.  The main difference is the universe from which stocks
are  selected:  the Dogs of the Market Fund  includes  stocks  based on dividend
yield from the thirty-stock  Dow Jones Industrial  Average and the 400-stock S&P
400 Industrial  Average.  The Cornerstone  Value Fund, on the other hand,  holds
stocks  based on their  dividend  yield from the  O'Shaughnessy  Market  Leaders
Universe(TM),  which consists of over 600 issuers.  The other  difference is the
number of stocks  held by each Fund - thirty by the Dogs of the Market  Fund and
fifty  by the  Cornerstone  Value  Fund,  making  the  latter  a  somewhat  more
diversified portfolio. With respect to the Growth Funds, both ultimately rely on
price momentum as the final criterion for stock  selection.  The stock selection
strategy of the Aggressive Growth Fund is composed of eight quantitative models,
all of which have as a final  criterion  price  momentum.  The  strategy  of the
Aggressive Growth Fund is to buy inexpensive  stocks (determined on the basis of
low  price-to-sales   ratios,  a  price/earnings   growth  rate  of  3-5  and  a
price/earnings ratio of less than 40), that are growing or are projected to grow
in value (based on certain objective factors  identified by the Manager) and are
moving in price (26 and 52 week price momentum). The strategy of the Cornerstone
Growth Fund is to buy inexpensive  stocks,  based on a low price to sales ratio,
that are moving in price (price momentum).

     A second  advantage to  shareholders  relates to the  potential for reduced
operating  expenses  over  time due to  economies  of scale  expected  after the
Reorganizations.  The net assets of the  Cornerstone  Value Fund and Cornerstone
Growth  Fund  as of  September  30,  1999  were  $26,305,050  and  $120,772,225,
respectively.  These  would  increase by the amount of the net assets of each of
the Acquired Funds at the time of the Reorganizations. As of September 30, 1999,
those  amounts  were  approximately  $17,721,091  in the case of the Dogs of the
Market Fund, and $12,244,928 in the case of the Aggressive Growth Fund.  Certain
fixed costs,  such as printing of prospectuses and reports sent to shareholders,
legal and audit  fees,  and  registration  fees would be spread  across a larger
asset base.  This would tend to lower the expense ratio borne by shareholders of
both the  Acquiring  Funds  and the  Acquired  Funds,  but the  effect  would be
considerably more significant in the case of shareholders of the Acquired Funds.
This is because the Acquired  Funds are smaller,  and  effective  September  30,
1999, the Manager ceased its previous  practice of reducing certain fees payable
by, or  reimbursing  certain  expenses to, the Acquired Funds in order to ensure
that  the  Acquired  Funds  maintained  their  total  operating  expenses  below
specified  levels.  See "Summary -- Fee Tables" and  "Comparison of the Funds --
Expenses." As described  above under  "Comparison  of the Funds -- Management --
Management Arrangements and Fees" and "--Administration  Arrangements and Fees,"
after the Reorganizations,  the Combined Funds will, on a pro forma basis, pay a
management  fee and  administration  fee to the Manager  and the  Administrator,
respectively,  at the same effective annual rate as currently paid by the Funds.
To  illustrate  potential  benefits  to the  Acquired  Funds as a result  of the
Reorganizations,  including potential economies of scale, on September 30, 1999,
the total  operating  expenses as a percent of net  assets,  for the Dogs of the
Market Fund were 1.09% (based on Fund net assets of approximately $17.7 million)
and the total operating expenses, as a percent of net assets, for the Aggressive
Growth  Fund  were  1.97%  (based  on Fund net  assets  of  approximately  $12.2
million).  Absent the  aforementioned  fee reductions and  reimbursements by the
Manager of the expenses of the Dogs of the Market Fund and the Aggressive Growth
Fund, the total  operating  expenses of such Funds,  as a percent of net assets,
would have been  1.50% and 2.23%,  respectively,  for the  fiscal  period  ended
September 30, 1999. If the  Reorganizations  had taken place on October 1, 1998,
the total  operating  expenses,  as a percent of net  assets,  for the Pro Forma
Cornerstone Value Fund and the Pro Forma Cornerstone Growth Fund, on a pro forma
combined basis, would have been 1.25% (based on Fund net assets of approximately
$44.0  million)  and 1.15%  (based on Fund net  assets of  approximately  $132.9
million), respectively, each as of September 30, 1999.


     The  following  table  sets forth the total net assets of each of the Value
Funds and each of the Growth Funds as of the dates indicated.

                               TOTAL NET ASSETS OF

  ----            -----------      ----------      -----------       -----------
As of 9/30/97     $ 7,248,063     $13,469,376      $ 5,584,248      $ 91,258,550
As of 9/30/98     $22,627,210     $21,926,393      $ 8,342,782      $ 80,378,649
As of 9/30/99     $17,721,091     $26,305,050      $12,244,928      $120,772,225

     The table  illustrates  that the net assets of the  Cornerstone  Value Fund
have  experienced  an  increase,  while the net assets of the Dogs of the Market
Fund  have  recently  experienced  a  decrease.  The  net  assets  of  both  the
Cornerstone Growth Fund and the Aggressive Growth Fund have recently experienced
increases,  but to a much more substantial degree in the case of the Cornerstone
Growth Fund. Were these trends to continue, the Acquiring Funds would experience
increasing  economies of scale,  which should have the effect of reducing  their
overall  operating  expense ratios.  The Aggressive Growth Fund would experience
less  significant  benefits and the Dogs of the Market Fund would experience the
opposite result,  that is, a higher operating  expense ratio due to a continuing
reduction  in assets.  Although  there can be no  certainty  that the  foregoing
trends would in fact continue,  the Manager believes that the economies of scale
that may be realized as a result of the  Reorganizations  would be beneficial to
the shareholders of the Acquired Funds.

     Based  on  the  foregoing,  the  Board  of  Directors  concluded  that  the
Reorganizations   present  no  significant  risks  or  costs  (including  legal,
accounting and administrative  costs) that would outweigh the benefits discussed

     In approving the  Reorganizations,  the Board of Directors  determined that
the net  asset  value of the  Funds  would  not be  diluted  as a result  of the
Reorganizations. See "The Reorganization -- General."


     GENERAL. Each Reorganization has been structured with the intention that it
qualify  for Federal  income tax  purposes  as a tax-free  reorganization  under
Section  368(a)(1)(C)  of the  Code.  As a  condition  to the  closing  of  each
Reorganization, each of the Value Funds and Growth Funds will receive an opinion
of Swidler Berlin Shereff  Friedman,  LLP  substantially  to the effect that for
Federal  income tax purposes:  (a) each of the  respective  Reorganizations,  as
described  herein,  should  constitute  a  reorganization  within the meaning of
Section   368(a)(1)(C)  of  the  Code  and  (b)  assuming  that  the  respective
Reorganization  qualifies  as a  reorganization  within  the  meaning of Section
368(a)(1)(C)  of the  Code:  (i) each  Fund  will be  deemed a  "party"  to such
Reorganization  within  the  meaning  of  Section  368(b) of the  Code;  (ii) in
accordance  with  Section  354(a)(1)  of the  Code,  no  gain  or  loss  will be
recognized  by  a   shareholder   of  an  Acquired  Fund  upon  the  receipt  of
Corresponding  Shares in the  respective  Reorganization  solely in exchange for
their shares of such Acquired Fund;  (iii) in accordance with Section 358 of the
Code, immediately after each Reorganization,  the tax basis of the Corresponding
Shares  received  by a  shareholder  of the  respective  Acquired  Fund  in such
Reorganization  will be equal, in the aggregate,  to the tax basis of the shares
of such Acquired Fund surrendered in exchange therefor;  (iv) in accordance with
Section  1223(1) of the Code,  the holding  period of the  Corresponding  Shares
received by a shareholder of an Acquired Fund in the  respective  Reorganization
will include the holding period of the shares of such Acquired Fund  immediately
prior to such  Reorganization  (provided that at the time of such Reorganization
the shares of such Acquired Fund were held as capital assets); (v) in accordance
with Sections 361(a),  361(c)(1) and 357(a) of the Code, no gain or loss will be
recognized by an Acquired Fund on the  acquisition of  substantially  all of the
assets, and assumption of substantially all of the liabilities, of such Acquired
Fund by the respective  Acquiring Fund solely in exchange for the  Corresponding
Shares or on the  distribution  of the  Corresponding  Shares  to such  Acquired
Fund's  shareholders;  (vi) under Section 1032 of the Code, no gain or loss will
be  recognized  by an  Acquiring  Fund on the  exchange  of its  shares  for the
respective  Acquired  Fund's assets and the assumption by such Acquiring Fund of
such Acquired Fund's liabilities; (vii) in accordance with Section 362(b) of the
Code,  the tax  basis of the  assets  of an  Acquired  Fund in the  hands of the


respective  Acquiring  Fund will be the same as the tax basis of such  assets in
the hands of such Acquired Fund  immediately  prior to the  consummation  of the
respective  Reorganization;  (viii) in  accordance  with Section  1223(2) of the
Code, the holding period of the transferred  assets in the hands of an Acquiring
Fund  will  include  the  holding  period  of such  assets  in the  hands of the
respective Acquired Fund; and (ix) the taxable year of an Acquired Fund will end
on the effective date of the respective  Reorganization  and pursuant to Section
381(a) of the Code and  regulations  thereunder,  the respective  Acquiring Fund
will succeed to and take into account  certain tax  attributes  of such Acquired
Fund, such as earnings and profits and capital loss carryovers.

     An opinion of counsel does not have the effect of a private  letter  ruling
from the IRS and is not  binding  on the IRS or any court.  If a  Reorganization
fails to qualify as a  reorganization  within the  meaning of Section 368 of the
Code, the  Reorganization  would be treated as a taxable sale of assets followed
by a taxable liquidation of the respective Acquired Fund.

     To the extent an Acquiring Fund has unrealized capital gains at the time of
the respective  Reorganization,  the respective Acquired Fund's shareholders may
incur  taxable  gains  in  the  year  that  such  Acquiring  Fund  realizes  and
distributes those gains. This will be true  notwithstanding  that the unrealized
gains were  reflected in the price of such  Acquiring  Fund's shares at the time
they  were  exchanged  for  assets  of  such  Acquired  Fund  in the  respective
Reorganization.  Conversely,  shareholders  of an  Acquiring  Fund will share in
unrealized  capital gains of the  respective  Acquired Fund after the respective
Reorganization and bear a tax consequence on the subsequent  realization of such
gains.  It is anticipated  that each Combined Fund will dispose of a substantial
portion of its investment portfolio as soon as practicable after consummation of
the  respective  Reorganization,  and any  income  or gain  resulting  therefrom
generally will be distributed to  shareholders  of the applicable  Combined Fund
(in  either  cash  or  additional  shares),   which  will  be  taxable  thereto.
Shareholders  should  consult  their tax  advisers  regarding  the effect of the
Reorganizations  in light of their  individual  circumstances.  As the foregoing
relates  only to  Federal  income tax  consequences,  shareholders  also  should
consult  their  tax  advisers  as to the  foreign,  state,  local  and other tax
consequences of the Reorganizations.

     STATUS AS A  REGULATED  INVESTMENT  COMPANY.  All Funds  have  elected  and
qualified to be taxed as regulated  investment  companies under Sections 851-855
of the  Code,  and after  the  Reorganizations,  the  Combined  Funds  intend to
continue to operate so as to qualify as regulated investment companies.


     The  following  table  sets  forth  as  of  September  30,  1999:  (i)  the
capitalization  of the Dogs of the Market Fund, (ii) the  capitalization  of the
Cornerstone  Value  Fund,  (iii) the pro forma  capitalization  of the Pro Forma
Cornerstone  Value  Fund,  as  adjusted  to  give  effect  to  the  Value  Funds
Reorganization,  (iv) the  capitalization of the Aggressive Growth Fund, (v) the
capitalization  of  the  Cornerstone   Growth  Fund,  and  (vi)  the  pro  forma
capitalization  of the Pro Forma  Cornerstone  Growth Fund,  as adjusted to give
effect to the Growth Funds Reorganization.



                                               UNAUDITED                                      UNAUDITED
                                               PRO FORMA                                      PRO FORMA
                -----------     ----------     -----------    -----------     -----------    ------------
 NET ASSETS:   $17,721,091     $26,305,050    $44,026,141    $12,244,928    $120,772,225    $133,017,153

 OUTSTANDING:    1,459,090       2,210,552      3,699,676        838,354       9,773,751      10,761,906

 SHARE:        $     12.15     $     11.90    $     11.90    $     14.61    $      12.36    $      12.36

- ----------



     The Meeting will be held on February 25, 2000, at the Stamford  Marriot,  2
Stamford Forum, Stamford, Connecticut, at 4:00 p.m., Eastern Time.


     A shareholder executing and returning a proxy has the power to revoke it at
any time prior to its exercise by executing a superseding proxy or by submitting
a notice of  revocation  to the  Secretary of the Dogs of the Market Fund or the
Aggressive  Growth Fund,  as the case may be.  Although  mere  attendance at the
Meeting  will not  revoke a proxy,  a  shareholder  present at the  Meeting  may
withdraw his or her proxy and vote in person.

     All shares represented by properly executed proxies received at or prior to
the Meeting,  unless such proxies previously have been revoked, will be voted at
the Meeting in accordance with the directions on the proxies; if no direction is
indicated on a properly executed proxy, such shares will be voted "FOR" approval
of the respective Plan.

     It is not  anticipated  that any  matters  other than the  adoption  of the
respective  Plan will be brought  before the  Meeting.  If,  however,  any other
business  properly  is brought  before  the  Meeting,  proxies  will be voted in
accordance with the judgment of the persons designated on such proxies.



     Only  holders  of record of  shares of the  Acquired  Funds at the close of
business  on January 5, 2000 (the  "Record  Date") are  entitled  to vote at the
Meeting or any adjournment thereof. At the close of business on the Record Date,
there were  1,059,336.310 and 818,391.462  shares of the Dogs of the Market Fund
and the  Aggressive  Growth  Fund,  respectively,  issued  and  outstanding  and
entitled to vote.


     To the knowledge of each Fund,  as of the December 31, 1999,  the following
shareholders, if any, owned more than 5% of the outstanding voting securities of
such Fund:

                               NAME AND ADDRESS                                PERCENTAGE AND
NAME OF FUND                    OF SHAREHOLDER                                TYPE OF OWNERSHIP
- ------------                    --------------                                -----------------

Dogs of the Market Fund    Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.                     28.88%; record ownership
                           101 Montgomery Street
                           San Francisco, California

                           Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith Inc.,      6.74%; record ownership
                            for the Sole Benefit of its Customers
                           4800 Deer Lake Dr. E. Fl. 3
                           Jacksonville, Florida 32246

Aggressive Growth Fund     Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.                     21.54%; record ownership
                            for the Exclusive Benefit of Customers
                           101 Montgomery Street
                           San Francisco, California

                           National Investor Services Corp. for           7.55%; record ownership
                            the Exclusive Benefit of Customers
                           55 Water Street, Fl. 32
                           New York, New York 10041

Cornerstone Value Fund     Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.                     41.75%; record ownership
                           101 Montgomery Street
                           San Francisco, California

                           National Investor Services Corp. for           6.93%; record ownership
                            the Exclusive Benefit of Customers
                           55 Water Street, Fl. 32
                           New York, New York 10041

Cornerstone Growth Fund    Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.                     31.78%; record ownership
                           101 Montgomery Street
                           San Francisco, California

                           Enjayco Omnibus Account                        13.95%; record ownership
                           P.O. Box 17909
                           Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217


     Assuming that Charles Schwab & Co., Inc.  ("Charles  Schwab") owns the same
number of shares of the Dogs of the Market Fund, the Aggressive Growth Fund, the
Cornerstone  Value  Fund  and  the  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund  on  the  date  of
consummation of the Reorganizations as on December 31, 1999, Charles Schwab will
own of record, on a pro form basis,  1,178,246.309  and 3,239,897.796  shares of
the Value Combined Fund and Growth Combined Fund, respectively, after completion
of the Reorganizations.

     Assuming that Merrill Lynch Pierce  Fenner & Smith Inc.  ("Merrill  Lynch")
owns the same  number of shares  of the Dogs of the  Market  Fund on the date of
consummation of the Value Funds  Reorganization as on December 31, 1999, Merrill
Lynch will own of record, on a pro forma basis,  114,614.114 shares of the Value
Combined Fund after completion of the Value Funds Reorganization.

     Assuming  that National  Investor  Services  Corp.  owns the same number of
shares of the Aggressive  Growth Fund and the Cornerstone Value Fund on the date
of  consummation  of the  Reorganizations  as on  December  31,  1999,  National
Investor Services Corp. will own of record, on a pro forma basis 183,840.513 and
522,959.374  shares of the Value  Combined  Fund and the Growth  Combined  Fund,
respectively, after completion of the Reorganizations.

     Assuming that Enjayco Omnibus Account owns the same number of shares of the
Cornerstone  Growth  Fund  on the  date  of  consummation  of the  Growth  Funds
Reorganization  as on December 31,  1999,  Enjayco  Omnibus  Account will own of
record, on a pro forma basis,  1,344,427.212  shares of the Growth Combined Fund
after completion of the Growth Funds Reorganization.

     At December 31, 1999, the directors and officers of the O'Shaughnessy Funds
as a group (12 persons)  owned an  aggregate of less than 1% of the  outstanding
shares of the Dogs of the Market Fund and owned an  aggregate of less than 1% of
the outstanding shares of common stock of O'Shaughnessy Funds.

     At December 31, 1999, the directors and officers of the O'Shaughnessy Funds
as a group (12 persons)  owned an  aggregate of less than 1% of the  outstanding
shares of the  Aggressive  Growth Fund and owned an aggregate of less than 1% of
the outstanding shares of common stock of O'Shaughnessy.

     At December 31, 1999, the directors and officers of the O'Shaughnessy Funds
as a group (12 persons)  owned an  aggregate of less than 1% of the  outstanding
shares of the  Cornerstone  Value Fund and owned an aggregate of less than 1% of
the outstanding shares of common stock of O'Shaughnessy Funds.

     At December 31, 1999, the directors and officers of the O'Shaughnessy Funds
as a group (12 persons)  owned an  aggregate of less than 1% of the  outstanding
shares of the Cornerstone  Growth Fund and owned an aggregate of less than 1% of
the outstanding shares of common stock of O'Shaughnessy Funds.


     Each share of an Acquired  Fund is  entitled  to one vote.  Approval of the
Value Funds  Agreement and Plan and the Growth Funds Agreement and Plan requires
the  affirmative  vote of  shareholders  of the Dogs of the Market  Fund and the
Aggressive Growth Fund, respectively, representing a majority of the total votes
entitled to be cast thereon.

     Broker-dealer  firms holding shares of any of the Acquired Funds in "street
name"  for  the  benefit  of  their  customers  and  clients  will  request  the
instructions  of such  customers  and clients on how to vote their shares before
the Meeting. Broker-dealer firms will not be permitted to grant voting authority
without  instructions  with  respect to the  approval of the Plans.  Each of the
Acquired Funds will include shares held of record by  broker-dealers as to which
such  authority has been granted in its tabulation of the total number of shares
present for purposes of determining whether the necessary quorum of shareholders
exists.  Properly  executed  proxies  that are  returned  but  that  are  marked
"abstain"  or broker  non-votes  will be counted as present for the  purposes of


determining a quorum.  Since approval of the Value Funds  Agreement and Plan and
Growth Funds  Agreement and Plan requires the  affirmative  vote of shareholders
representing  no less than a majority of the shares entitled to vote of the Dogs
of the Market Fund and the Aggressive Growth Fund, respectively, abstentions and
broker  non-votes  will have the same effect as a vote  against  approval of the
Value Funds  Agreement and Plan or Growth Funds  Agreement and Plan, as the case
may be.

     A quorum for each  Acquired  Fund for  purposes of the Meeting  consists of
one-third of the shares of such  Acquired  Fund entitled to vote at the Meeting,
present in person or by proxy.  If, by the time  scheduled for each  Meeting,  a
quorum of the applicable  Acquired  Fund's  shareholders  is not present or if a
quorum is present but sufficient votes in favor of the Value Funds Agreement and
Plan or Growth Funds  Agreement  and Plan,  as the case may be, are not received
from the  shareholders  of the  respective  Acquired  Fund, the persons named as
proxies may propose one or more  adjournments  of such Meeting to permit further
solicitation of proxies from shareholders. Any such adjournment will require the
affirmative  vote of a majority of the shares of the  applicable  Acquired  Fund
present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote at the session of the Meeting
to be  adjourned.  The persons  named as proxies  will vote in favor of any such
adjournment if they determine that  adjournment and additional  solicitation are
reasonable and in the interests of the shareholders of such Acquired Fund.

                             ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

     The expenses of  preparation,  printing and mailing of the enclosed form of
proxy, the  accompanying  Notice and this Proxy Statement and Prospectus will be
borne by the Funds pro rata according to the aggregate net assets of each Fund's
portfolio  on the  date  of the  Value  Funds  Reorganization  or  Growth  Funds
Reorganization,  as the case may be. Such expenses are currently estimated to be
approximately $45,000 in the aggregate.

     Each of the Acquired  Funds will  reimburse  banks,  brokers and others for
their  reasonable  expenses in forwarding  proxy  solicitation  materials to its
beneficial  owners of shares of and will reimburse  certain  persons that it may
employ for their reasonable expenses in assisting in the solicitation of proxies
from such beneficial owners.

     In order to obtain the  necessary  quorums at the  Meetings,  supplementary
solicitation may be made by mail, telephone,  telegraph or personal interview by
officers of the Acquired Funds. The cost of soliciting  proxies will be borne by
the Acquired Funds on a pro rata basis.

     This Proxy Statement and Prospectus does not contain all of the information
set forth in the registration statements and the exhibits relating thereto which
O'Shaughnessy  Funds has filed on behalf of the Funds with the Commission  under
the Securities Act and the Investment  Company Act, to which reference is hereby

     The Funds are subject to the  informational  requirements of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  and in accordance  therewith file reports and
other  information  with the  Commission.  Proxy  material,  reports  and  other
information  filed by the  Funds  (or by  O'Shaughnessy  Funds on  behalf of the
Funds) can be inspected  and copied at the public  reference  facilities  of the
Commission  in  Washington,  D.C.  and at the New York  Regional  Office  of the
Commission at Seven World Trade Center, New York, New York 10048. Copies of such
materials also can be obtained by mail from the Public Reference Branch,  Office
of  Consumer   Affairs  and  Information   Services,   Securities  and  Exchange
Commission,   Washington,  D.C.  20549,  at  prescribed  rates.  The  Commission
maintains  a web  site  (  that  contains  the  Statement  of
Additional Information, the O'Shaughnessy Funds Prospectuses,  the O'Shaughnessy
Funds Statement,  other material incorporated by reference and other information
regarding the Funds.


                                LEGAL PROCEEDINGS

     There  are no  material  legal  proceedings  to which any of the Funds is a

                                 LEGAL OPINIONS

     Certain legal matters in connection with the Reorganizations will be passed
upon for the  Funds by  Swidler  Berlin  Shereff  Friedman,  LLP,  The  Chrysler
Building, 405 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10174.


     The financial  highlights of the Funds included in this Proxy Statement and
Prospectus   have   been  so   included   in   reliance   on  the   reports   of
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP and McGladrey & Pullen, LLP,  independent  auditors,
given on their  authority as experts in auditing and  accounting.  The principal
business address of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP is 1177 Avenue of the Americas,
New York, New York 10036. The principal  business address of McGladrey & Pullen,
LLP is 555 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10017-2416.

                              SHAREHOLDER PROPOSALS

     A shareholder  proposal intended to be presented at any subsequent  meeting
of  shareholders of an Acquired Fund must be received by such Acquired Fund in a
reasonable  time before the Board of  Directors'  solicitation  relating to such
meeting is to be made in order to be considered  in such  Acquired  Fund's proxy
statement and form of proxy relating to the meeting.

                              By Order of the Board of Directors,

                              STEVEN J. PAGGIOLI
                              Secretary, O'Shaughnessy Funds, Inc.


                                                                       EXHIBIT I


                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

    a. DEFINITIONS                                                          I-1
    b. USE OF DEFINED TERMS                                                 I-4
    c. SECTIONS AND EXHIBITS                                                I-4
    d. MISCELLANEOUS TERMS                                                  I-4

2.  THE REORGANIZATION(S)                                                   I-4
    a. TRANSFER OF ASSETS                                                   I-4
    b. ASSUMPTION OF LIABILITIES                                            I-4
    e. INTEREST; PROCEEDS                                                   I-5
    f. VALUATION TIME                                                       I-5
    g. EVIDENCE OF TRANSFER                                                 I-5
    h. TERMINATION                                                          I-5

    a. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                                 I-5
    b. Intentionally left blank                                             I-5
    d. LITIGATION                                                           I-5
    e. MATERIAL CONTRACTS                                                   I-6
    f. UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES                                              I-6
    g. TAXES I-6
    h. ASSETS                                                               I-6
    i. CONSENTS                                                             I-6
    j. N-14 REGISTRATION STATEMENT                                          I-6
    k. CAPITALIZATION                                                       I-6

    a. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                                 I-7
    b. Intentionally left blank                                             I-7
    d. LITIGATION                                                           I-7
    e. MATERIAL CONTRACTS                                                   I-7
    f. UNDISCLOSED LIABILITIES                                              I-7
    g. TAXES                                                                I-7
    h. CONSENTS                                                             I-7
    i. N-14 REGISTRATION STATEMENT                                          I-7
    j. CAPITALIZATION                                                       I-8
    k. CORRESPONDING SHARES                                                 I-8

5.  COVENANTS                                                               I-8
    a. SPECIAL SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING                                        I-8
    b. UNAUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS                                       I-8
    c. SHARE LEDGER RECORDS OF THE ACQUIRING FUND                           I-9
    d. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS                                                  I-9
    e. TERMINATION OF THE ACQUIRED FUND                                     I-9
    f. FILING OF N-14 REGISTRATION STATEMENT                                I-9
    g. CORRESPONDING SHARES                                                 I-9
    h. TAX RETURNS                                                          I-9
    j. CONFIRMATIONS OF TAX BASIS                                           I-9
    k. SHAREHOLDER LIST                                                     I-9
    l. THE ACQUIRING FUND'S CONTINUED EXISTENCE                             I-10


6.  EXCHANGE DATE                                                           I-10

7.  CONDITIONS OF THE ACQUIRED FUND                                         I-10
    a. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES                                       I-10
    b. PERFORMANCE                                                          I-10
    c. SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL                                                 I-10
    e. DELIVERIES BY THE ACQUIRING FUND                                     I-10
    f. NO ADVERSE CHANGE                                                    I-11
    g. ABSENCE OF LITIGATION                                                I-11
    h. N-14 REGISTRATION STATEMENT                                          I-11
    j. COMMISSION ORDERS OR INTERPRETATIONS                                 I-11

8.  CONDITIONS OF THE ACQUIRING FUND                                        I-11
    a. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES                                       I-11
    b. PERFORMANCE                                                          I-12
    c. SHAREHOLDER APPROVAL                                                 I-12
    e. DELIVERIES BY THE ACQUIRED FUND                                      I-12
    f. NO ADVERSE CHANGE                                                    I-12
    g. ABSENCE OF LITIGATION                                                I-12
    h. N-14 REGISTRATION STATEMENT                                          I-12
    j. COMMISSION ORDERS OR INTERPRETATIONS                                 I-12
    k. DIVIDENDS                                                            I-12

9.  TERMINATION, POSTPONEMENT AND WAIVERS                                   I-12
    a. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT                                             I-13
    b. COMMISSION ORDER                                                     I-13
    c. EFFECT OF TERMINATION                                                I-13
    d. WAIVERS; NON-MATERIAL CHANGES                                        I-13

    a. SURVIVAL                                                             I-14
    d. INDEMNIFICATION PROCEDURE                                            I-14

11. OTHER MATTERS                                                           I-15
    a. LEGEND                                                               I-15
    b. FURTHER ASSURANCES                                                   I-15
    c. NOTICEs                                                              I-15
    d. ENTIRE AGREEMENT                                                     I-16
    e. AMENDMENT                                                            I-16
    f. GOVERNING LAW                                                        I-16
    g. ASSIGNMENT                                                           I-16
    h. FEES AND EXPENSES                                                    I-16
    i. SEVERABILITY                                                         I-16
    j. HEADINGS                                                             I-16
    k. COUNTERPARTS                                                         I-16



     THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF REORGANIZATION  (this "Agreement") is made as of
the  5th  day  of  January,  2000,  by and  between  O'SHAUGHNESSY  FUNDS,  INC.
("O'Shaughnessy  Funds") on behalf of each Acquired Fund (as defined herein) and
each Acquiring Fund (as defined herein), each a separate investment portfolio of
O'Shaughnessy Funds.

                             PLANS OF REORGANIZATION

     WHEREAS,  this  Agreement  constitutes  a  separate  agreement  and plan of
reorganization  between  each  of  the  following  group  of  parties:  (i)  the
O'Shaughnessy  Dogs of the  Market(TM)  Fund (the "Dogs of the Market Fund") and
the  O'Shaughnessy  Cornerstone  Value Fund (the  "Cornerstone  Value Fund," and
together  with the Dogs of the  Market  Fund,  the "Value  Funds")  and (ii) the
O'Shaughnessy  Aggressive  Growth Fund (the  "Aggressive  Growth  Fund") and the
O'Shaughnessy  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund (the  "Cornerstone  Growth  Fund,"  and
together with the Aggressive  Growth Fund, the "Growth Funds").  The Dogs of the
Market  Fund and the  Aggressive  Growth Fund are  sometimes  referred to herein
collectively as the "Acquired  Funds" and individually as an "Acquired Fund," as
the context requires. The Cornerstone Value Fund and the Cornerstone Growth Fund
are  sometimes  referred to herein  collectively  as the  "Acquiring  Funds" and
individually as an "Acquiring Fund," as the context requires;

     WHEREAS,  each  reorganization  will consist of (i) the  acquisition  of an
Acquired  Fund's  Assets (as defined  herein),  and  assumption of that Acquired
Fund's Assumed Liabilities (as defined herein), by the respective Acquiring Fund
solely in exchange for an aggregate  value of shares of such Acquiring Fund (the
"Corresponding  Shares"),  equal to the net asset value of such Acquired  Fund's
Assets  determined  in  accordance  with  Section  2(c)  hereof,  and  (ii)  the
subsequent   distribution  by  that  Acquired  Fund  of  such  Acquiring  Fund's
Corresponding  Shares to its  shareholders  in exchange  for such  shareholders'
respective shares of the Acquired Fund in liquidation of the Acquired Fund (each
a "Reorganization" and collectively, the "Reorganizations");

     WHEREAS, it is intended that each Reorganization  described herein shall be
a  reorganization  within the meaning of Section  368(a)(1)(C)  of the  Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and any successor provision; and

     WHEREAS, the consummation of one Reorganization is not conditioned upon the
consummation of the other Reorganization.


     NOW,  THEREFORE,   in  order  to  consummate  each  Reorganization  and  in
consideration  of the premises and the covenants and agreements  hereinafter set
forth, and for other good and valuable  consideration,  the receipt and adequacy
of which are  hereby  acknowledged,  and  intending  to be legally  bound,  each
Acquired Fund and Acquiring Fund hereby agrees as follows:

1. Defined Terms; Sections and Exhibits; Miscellaneous Terms.

     a.  Definitions.  As used  herein the  following  terms have the  following
respective  meanings  (such  definitions  to be equally  applicable  to both the
singular and plural forms of the terms defined):

          "ACQUIRED  FUND"  has  the  meaning  ascribed  thereto  in  the  first
paragraph under the heading "Plans of  Reorganization"  hereof.  For purposes of
this  Agreement,  the term "Acquired Fund" shall refer to the Dogs of the Market
Fund in respect of the Value Funds Reorganization and the Aggressive Growth Fund
in respect of the Growth Funds Reorganization.

          "ACQUIRING  FUND"  has  the  meaning  ascribed  thereto  in the  first
paragraph under the heading "Plans of  Reorganization"  hereof.  For purposes of
this Agreement,  the term "Acquiring Fund" shall refer to the Cornerstone  Value
Fund in respect of the Value Funds  Reorganization  and the  Cornerstone  Growth
Fund in respect of the Growth Funds Reorganization.


          "AGGRESSIVE GROWTH FUND" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the first
paragraph under the heading "Plans of Reorganization" hereof.

         "AGREEMENT"  has  the  meaning  ascribed  thereto  in the  introduction

          "ASSETS" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2(a) hereof.  For
purposes of this  Agreement,  the term "Assets" shall refer to the Assets of (i)
the Dogs of the Market  Fund in the case of the Value Funds  Reorganization  and
(ii) the Aggressive Growth Fund in the case of the Growth Funds Reorganization.

          "ASSUMED LIABILITIES" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2(b)
hereof.  For purposes of this Agreement,  the term "Assumed  Liabilities"  shall
refer to the Assumed  Liabilities of (i) the Dogs of the Market Fund in the case
of the Value Funds  Reorganization  and (ii) the  Aggressive  Growth Fund in the
case of the Growth Funds Reorganization.

          "CODE" has the meaning  ascribed  thereto in the first paragraph under
the heading "Plans of Reorganization" hereof.

          "COMMISSION" shall mean the Securities and Exchange Commission.

          "CORNERSTONE  GROWTH  FUND" has the  meaning  ascribed  thereto in the
first paragraph under the heading "Plans of Reorganization" hereof.

          "CORNERSTONE VALUE FUND" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the first
paragraph under the heading "Plans of Reorganization" hereof.

          "CORRESPONDING  SHARES" has the meaning ascribed thereto in the second
paragraph under the heading "Plans of  Reorganization"  hereof.  For purposes of
this Agreement, the term "Corresponding Shares" shall refer to the Corresponding
Shares  of (i) the  Cornerstone  Value  Fund  in the  case  of the  Value  Funds
Reorganization  and (ii) the  Cornerstone  Growth Fund in the case of the Growth
Funds Reorganization.

          "DOGS OF THE  MARKET  FUND" has the  meaning  ascribed  thereto in the
first paragraph under the heading "Plans of Reorganization" hereof.

          "EXCHANGE  ACT" shall mean the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as

          "EXCHANGE DATE" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 6 hereof.

          "FUNDS" shall mean the Value Funds and the Growth Funds.

          "GOVERNMENTAL    AUTHORITY"    shall   mean   any    governmental   or
quasi-governmental  authority including, without limitation, any Federal, state,
territorial,  county,  municipal  or other  governmental  or  quasi-governmental
agency, board, branch, bureau,  commission,  court, arbitral body, department or
other  instrumentality  or political unit or  subdivision,  whether  domestic or

          "GROWTH FUNDS  REORGANIZATION"  consists of (i) the acquisition of the
Aggressive Growth Fund's Assets,  and assumption of the Aggressive Growth Fund's
Assumed  Liabilities,  by the Cornerstone  Growth Fund solely in exchange for an
aggregate value of Corresponding Shares of the Cornerstone Growth Fund, equal to
the net  asset  value of the  Aggressive  Growth  Fund's  Assets  determined  in
accordance with Section 2(c) hereof, and (ii) the subsequent distribution by the
Aggressive  Growth  Fund of such  Corresponding  Shares to its  shareholders  in
exchange for such shareholders'  respective shares of the Aggressive Growth Fund
in liquidation of the Aggressive Growth Fund.

          "INDEMNIFIED  PARTY" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 10(b)

          "INDEMNIFYING PARTY" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 10(b)

          "INVESTMENT  COMPANY ACT" means the Investment Company Act of 1940, as


          "INVESTMENTS"  shall  mean,  with  respect  to  each  Person,  (i) the
investments  of such Person shown on the schedule of its  investments  as of the
date set  forth  therein;  and (ii) all  other  assets  owned by such  Person or
liabilities incurred as of such date.

          "LIEN" shall mean any security agreement, financing statement (whether
or  not  filed),  mortgage,  lien  (statutory  or  otherwise),  charge,  pledge,
hypothecation,  conditional  sales  agreement,  adverse claim,  title  retention
agreement or other security interest,  encumbrance,  restriction, deed of trust,
indenture,  option, limitation,  exception to or other title defect in or on any
interest or title of any vendor,  lessor, lender or other secured party to or of
such Person under any conditional  sale, lease,  consignment,  or bailment given
for security  purposes,  trust receipt or other title  retention  agreement with
respect to any  property  or asset of such  Person,  whether  direct,  indirect,
accrued or contingent.

          "LOSSES" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 10(b) hereof.

          "MATERIAL ADVERSE EFFECT" shall mean, with respect to any Person,  any
event,  circumstance or condition that, individually or when aggregated with all
other similar events,  circumstances  or conditions could reasonably be expected
to have, or has had, a material  adverse effect on: (i) the business,  property,
operations,  condition  (financial  or  otherwise),  results  of  operations  or
prospects  of such Person or (ii) the ability of such Person to  consummate  the
transactions  contemplated  hereunder in the manner contemplated  hereby,  other
than, in each case, any change relating to the economy or securities  markets in

          "N-14  REGISTRATION  STATEMENT"  has the meaning  ascribed  thereto in
Section 3(j) hereof.

          "O'SHAUGHNESSY   FUNDS"  has  the  meaning  ascribed  thereto  in  the
introduction hereof.

the  combined  statement of  additional  information  of the Funds,  dated as of
November 30, 1998, as amended or supplemented.

          "PERMITTED  LIENS" shall mean,  with  respect to any Person,  any Lien
arising by reason of (i) taxes, assessments, governmental charges or claims that
are  either  not yet  delinquent,  or being  contested  in good  faith for which
adequate reserves have been recorded, (ii) the Federal or state securities laws,
and (iii)  imperfections  of title or encumbrances as do not materially  detract
from the value or use of the Assets or materially affect title thereto.

          "PERSON" shall mean any  individual,  corporation,  limited  liability
company, limited or general partnership, joint venture, association, joint stock
company,  trust,  unincorporated  organization,  or  government or any agency or
political subdivision thereof.

          "PROHIBITED  ASSETS" has the meaning  ascribed thereto in Section 2(a)
hereof. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Prohibited Assets" shall refer
to the  Prohibited  Assets of (i) the Dogs of the Market Fund in the case of the
Value Funds  Reorganization  and (ii) the Aggressive  Growth Fund in the case of
the Growth Funds Reorganization.

          "REORGANIZATION"  and  "REORGANIZATIONs"  have the  meanings  ascribed
thereto  in the first  paragraph  under the  heading  "Plans of  Reorganization"
hereof. For purposes of this Agreement, the term "Reorganization" shall refer to
the Value Funds Reorganization or the Growth Fund Reorganization, as the context

          "SECURITIES ACT" means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

          "SBSF" has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 6 hereof.

          "VALUATION  TIME" has the  meaning  ascribed  thereto in Section  2(f)

          "VALUE FUNDS  REORGANIZATION"  consists of (i) the  acquisition of the
Dogs of the  Market  Fund's  Assets,  and  assumption  of the Dogs of the Market
Fund's Assumed Liabilities, by the Cornerstone Value Fund solely in exchange for
an aggregate value of Corresponding  Shares of the Cornerstone Value Fund, equal
to the net asset value of the Dogs of the Market  Fund's  Assets  determined  in
accordance with Section 2(c) hereof, and (ii) the subsequent distribution by the


Dogs of the Market  Fund of such  Corresponding  Shares to its  shareholders  in
exchange for such shareholders' respective shares of the Dogs of the Market Fund
in liquidation of the Dogs of the Market Fund.

     b. Use of Defined Terms. Any defined term used in the plural shall refer to
all members of the  relevant  class,  and any defined  term used in the singular
shall refer to any one or more of the members of the relevant class.  The use of
any gender shall be applicable to all genders.

     c.  Sections and  Exhibits.  References  in this  Agreement to Sections and
Exhibits are to Sections and Exhibits of and to this Agreement. The Exhibits, if
any, to this  Agreement are hereby  incorporated  herein by this reference as if
fully set forth herein.

     d.  Miscellaneous  Terms.  The term "or" shall not be exclusive.  The terms
"herein," "hereof," "hereto,"  "hereunder" and other terms similar to such terms
shall refer to this Agreement as a whole and not merely to the specific article,
section,  paragraph or clause where such terms may appear.  The term "including"
shall mean "including, but not limited to."

2. The Reorganization(s).

     a. Transfer of Assets.  Subject to receiving the requisite  approval of the
shareholders  of the  Acquired  Fund,  and to the  other  terms  and  conditions
contained herein, on the Exchange Date, the Acquired Fund shall convey, transfer
and  deliver to the  Acquiring  Fund,  and the  Acquiring  Fund shall  purchase,
acquire and accept from the  Acquired  Fund,  free and clear of all Liens (other
than  Permitted  Liens),  substantially  all of the assets  (including  interest
accrued as of the Valuation Time on debt  instruments)  of the Acquired Fund (as
to each  Acquired  Fund,  such  assets  (excluding  the  Prohibited  Assets) are
collectively  referred to herein as the "Assets").  Notwithstanding  anything to
the contrary in this  Agreement,  the  Acquired  Fund shall retain and shall not
convey,  transfer or deliver to the Acquiring Fund, and the Acquiring Fund shall
not purchase,  acquire or accept any Assets that the Acquiring  Fund advises the
Acquired  Fund in writing it is not  permitted  to  acquire  (collectively,  the
"Prohibited Assets").

     b. Assumption of Liabilities.  Subject to receiving the requisite  approval
of the  shareholders of the Acquired Fund, and to the other terms and conditions
contained herein, on the Exchange Date, the Acquiring Fund will assume and agree
to pay, perform and discharge when due  substantially all of the obligations and
liabilities  of the Acquired  Fund then  existing,  whether  absolute,  accrued,
contingent or otherwise (with respect to each Acquired Fund,  collectively,  the
"Assumed  Liabilities");  PROVIDED  that recourse for such  liabilities  will be
limited to the net Assets of the Acquired Fund  acquired by the  Acquiring  Fund

     c.  Issuance and  Valuation of  Corresponding  Shares.  Full  Corresponding
Shares,  and to the extent necessary,  a fractional  Corresponding  Share, of an
aggregate  net asset  value  equal to the net asset  value of the  Assets of the
Acquired  Fund  acquired  by  the  Acquiring  Fund   hereunder,   determined  as
hereinafter provided, shall be issued by the Acquiring Fund to the Acquired Fund
in exchange for the Assets. The net asset value of each of the Acquired Fund and
the  Acquiring  Fund  shall be  determined  in  accordance  with the  procedures
described in the O'Shaughnessy  Funds Statement of Additional  Information as of
the  Valuation  Time.  Such  valuation  and  determination  shall be made by the
Acquiring Fund in  cooperation  with the Acquired Fund. The Acquiring Fund shall
issue its Corresponding  Shares to the Acquired Fund in one certificate or share
deposit receipt registered in the name of the Acquired Fund.

     d.  Distribution  of  Corresponding  Shares to Acquired Fund  Shareholders.
Pursuant to this Agreement, as soon as practicable after the Valuation Time, the
Acquired Fund will distribute all  Corresponding  Shares received by it from the
Acquiring Fund in connection  with the  Reorganization  to its  shareholders  in
exchange for their corresponding  shares in the Acquired Fund. Such distribution
shall be accomplished by the opening of shareholder accounts on the share ledger
records  of the  Acquiring  Fund  in the  amounts  due the  shareholders  of the
Acquired Fund based on their respective  holdings in the Acquired Fund as of the
Valuation Time and the delivery by the Acquired Fund of the certificate or share
deposit  receipt  evidencing the  Corresponding  Shares  received by it from the
Acquiring Fund  hereunder to Firstar Mutual Fund Services,  LLC, as the transfer
agent;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that the  Acquiring  Fund shall not permit any such
shareholder of the Acquired Fund to (i) receive dividends or other distributions
on Corresponding Shares in cash (although such dividends and distributions shall
be credited  to the account of such  shareholder  established  on the  Acquiring
Fund's books in accordance with this Section), (ii) exercise exchange privileges
with  respect to such  Corresponding  Shares,  if any, or (iii) pledge or redeem
such Corresponding Shares unless such shareholder has delivered a certificate or


certificates  evidencing  his or her shares in the Acquired Fund  accompanied by
duly executed stock powers, duly surrendered his or her outstanding receipts for
shares of the Acquired Fund or, in the event of lost,  stolen or destroyed stock
certificates  or receipts for shares,  posted  adequate bond or submitted a lost
certificate  affidavit,  as the case may be. The  Acquired  Fund  shall,  at its
expense,  request its  shareholders  to deliver  any such stock  certificate(s),
surrender  such  receipts  for  shares,  post  adequate  bond or  submit  a lost
certificate  affidavit,  as the case may be. In the event that a shareholder  is
not  permitted to receive  dividends  or other  distributions  on  Corresponding
Shares in cash as provided in this Section,  the  Acquiring  Fund shall pay such
dividends  or  other   distributions   in   additional   Corresponding   Shares,
notwithstanding  any election such  shareholder  may have made  previously  with
respect to the payment of  dividends  or other  distributions  on  Corresponding

     e.  Interest;  Proceeds.  The Acquired Fund will pay or cause to be paid to
the Acquiring Fund any interest or proceeds it receives on or after the Exchange
Date with respect to its Assets.

     f. Valuation Time. The Valuation Time shall be 4:00 P.M.,  Eastern Time, on
March 3, 2000,  or such earlier or later day and time as may be mutually  agreed
upon in writing between the parties hereto (the "Valuation Time").

     g.  Evidence of Transfer.  The  Acquiring  Fund and the Acquired  Fund will
jointly  file any  instrument  as may be  required  by the State of  Maryland to
effect the transfer of the Assets to the Acquiring Fund.

     h.  Termination.  The Acquired Fund's existence as a separate  portfolio of
O'Shaughnessy  Funds will be  terminated  as soon as  practicable  following the
Exchange Date by making any required filings with the State of Maryland.

     i. Separate Agreements; Reorganizations not Conditioned on Each Other. Each
of the  respective  parties  hereto  hereby  agrees  that this  Agreement  shall
constitute a separate agreement and plan of reorganization between (i) the Value
Funds in respect of the Value Funds  Reorganization and (ii) the Growth Funds in
respect of the Growth Funds Reorganization. The respective parties further agree
that the consummation of the Value Funds Reorganization shall not be conditioned
on the consummation of the Growth Funds  Reorganization  and the consummation of
the Growth Funds  Reorganization shall not be conditioned on the consummation of
the Value Funds Reorganization.

3. Representations and Warranties of the Acquired Fund.

     The Acquired Fund represents and warrants to the Acquiring Fund as follows:

     a.  Financial  Statements.  The Acquiring  Fund has been  furnished with an
accurate,  correct  and  complete  statement  of assets  and  liabilities  and a
schedule of Investments of the Acquired Fund, (i) each as of September 30, 1998,
said  financial  statements  having been  examined by  McGladrey & Pullen,  LLP,
independent  public  accountants  and (ii) each as of September  30, 1999,  said
financial  statements  having  been  examined  by  PricewaterhouseCoopers   LLP,
independent  public  accountants.  Such  examined  financial  statements  fairly
present in all material respects the financial  position of the Acquired Fund as
of the dates and for the  periods  referred to therein  and in  conformity  with
generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis.

     b. Intentionally left blank

     c. Prospectus and Statement of Additional  Information.  The Acquiring Fund
has been furnished with the Acquired Fund's Prospectus, dated November 30, 1998,
as amended or  supplemented,  and said  Prospectus  does not  contain any untrue
statement of a material  fact or omit to state any material  fact required to be
stated therein or necessary to make the statements  therein, in the light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading.  Insofar as it relates
to  the  Acquired  Fund,  the   O'Shaughnessy   Funds  Statement  of  Additional
Information  does not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
state any material fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the
statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under which they were made,
not misleading.

     d.  Litigation.  There are no  material  claims,  actions,  suits or legal,
administrative or other proceedings pending or, to the knowledge of the Acquired
Fund,  threatened against the Acquired Fund that could reasonably be expected to
have a Material  Adverse  Effect on the Acquired  Fund. The Acquired Fund is not
charged  with  or,  to  its  knowledge,   threatened  with  any  violation,   or
investigation of any possible violation, of any provisions of any Federal, state
or local law or regulation or  administrative  ruling  relating to any aspect of
its business that could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect
on the Acquired Fund.


     e. Material Contracts. There are no material contracts outstanding to which
O'Shaughnessy  Funds,  on behalf of the Acquired  Fund, is a party that have not
been  disclosed  in  the  N-14  Registration  Statement,   the  Acquired  Fund's
Prospectus, the O'Shaughnessy Funds Statement of Additional Information or which
will not  otherwise be disclosed to the  Acquiring  Fund prior to the  Valuation

     f.  Undisclosed  Liabilities.  To its  knowledge,  the Acquired Fund has no
material  liabilities,  contingent or  otherwise,  other than those shown on its
statements of assets and liabilities  referred to herein,  those incurred in the
ordinary  course of its business since September 30, 1999, and those incurred in
connection with the Reorganization.

     g.  Taxes.  The  Acquired  Fund has filed (or caused to be  filed),  or has
obtained extensions to file, all Federal,  state and local tax returns which are
required to be filed by it, and has paid (or caused to be paid) or has  obtained
extensions  to pay,  all taxes shown on said returns to be due and owing and all
assessments  received by it, up to and  including  the taxable year in which the
Exchange  Date  occurs.  All tax  liabilities  of the  Acquired  Fund  have been
adequately  provided for on its books, and no tax deficiency or liability of the
Acquired Fund has been  asserted and no question  with respect  thereto has been
raised by the Internal  Revenue  Service or by any state or local tax  authority
for taxes in excess of those  already paid, up to and including the taxable year
in which the Exchange Date occurs.

     h. Assets.  The Acquired Fund has good and marketable  title to the Assets,
free and clear of all Liens,  except for Permitted  Liens.  The Acquired Fund is
the direct sole and exclusive  owner of the Assets.  At the Exchange Date,  upon
consummation of the transactions  contemplated  hereby,  the Acquiring Fund will
have good and  marketable  title to the  Assets,  free and  clear of all  Liens,
except for Permitted Liens.

     i.  Consents.  No  filing  or  registration  with,  or  consent,  approval,
authorization  or order of, any Person is required for the  consummation  by the
Acquired  Fund of the  Reorganization,  except  for (i) such as may be  required
under the Securities  Act, the Exchange Act, and the  Investment  Company Act or
state  securities  laws (which term as used herein shall include the laws of the
District  of Columbia  and Puerto  Rico),  (ii) the  approval of not less than a
majority of the shares of the Acquired Fund entitled to vote thereon,  and (iii)
the  approval  of a  majority  of the  members  of the  Board  of  Directors  of
O'Shaughnessy Funds.

     j. N-14 Registration Statement.  The registration statement filed, or to be
filed, by O'Shaughnessy Funds on Form N-14 relating to the Corresponding  Shares
to be issued pursuant to this  Agreement,  which includes the proxy statement of
the Acquired Fund and the  prospectus of the Acquiring  Fund with respect to the
transactions  contemplated herein, and any supplement or amendment thereto or to
the documents therein (as amended,  the "N-14 Registration  Statement"),  on the
effective  date  of  the  N-14  Registration  Statement,  at  the  time  of  the
shareholders'  meeting  referred to in Section  5(a) hereof and on the  Exchange
Date,  insofar as it relates to the Acquired Fund (i) complied,  or will comply,
as the case may be, in all material respects,  with the applicable provisions of
the  Securities  Act, the Exchange  Act and the  Investment  Company Act and the
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder,  and (ii) did not, or will not, as
the case may be,  contain  any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to
state any material fact  required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the
statements  therein,  in light of the circumstances  under which they were made,
not misleading;  PROVIDED,  HOWEVER,  that the representations and warranties in
this  subsection  shall apply only to statements  in or omissions  from the N-14
Registration  Statement made in reliance upon and in conformity with information
furnished by the Acquired Fund for use in the N-14 Registration Statement.

     k. Capitalization.  The Acquired Fund is authorized to issue 25,000,000,000
shares of a single class,  par value  $0.0001 per share.  As of the date hereof,
the  Acquired  Fund  has  1,059,336.310  shares  (in the case of the Dogs of the
Market Fund) and 818,391.462  shares (in the case of the Aggressive Growth Fund)
issued and outstanding.  All issued and outstanding  shares of the Acquired Fund
are duly authorized,  validly issued,  fully paid and non-assessable and free of
preemptive  rights.  Except for in connection with any automatic  investment and
dividend and distribution reinvestment plan available to its shareholders, there
are no options,  warrants,  subscriptions,  calls or other rights, agreements or
commitments  obligating  the  Acquired  Fund  to  issue  any  of its  shares  or
securities convertible into its shares.


4. Representations and Warranties of the Acquiring Fund.

     The Acquiring Fund represents and warrants to the Acquired Fund as follows:

     a.  Financial  Statements.  The Acquired  Fund has been  furnished  with an
accurate,  correct  and  complete  statement  of assets  and  liabilities  and a
schedule of  Investments  of the  Acquiring  Fund,  (i) each as of September 30,
1998, said financial statements having been examined by McGladrey & Pullen, LLP,
independent  public  accountants  and (ii) each as of September  30, 1999,  said
financial  statements  having  been  examined  by  PricewaterhouseCoopers   LLP,
independent  public  accountants.  Such  examined  financial  statements  fairly
present in all material respects the financial position of the Acquiring Fund as
of the dates and for the  periods  referred to therein  and in  conformity  with
generally accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis.

     b. Intentionally left blank.

     c.  Prospectus and Statement of Additional  Information.  The Acquired Fund
has been furnished with the Acquiring Fund's Prospectus and said Prospectus does
not  contain  any  untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or omit to state  any
material fact required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the statements
therein,  in the light of the  circumstances  under  which they were  made,  not
misleading. Insofar as it relates to the Acquiring Fund, the O'Shaughnessy Funds
Statement of Additional  Information  does not contain any untrue statement of a
material fact or omit to state any material  fact required to be stated  therein
or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under
which they were made, not misleading.

     d.  Litigation.  There are no  material  claims,  actions,  suits or legal,
administrative  or  other  proceedings  pending  or,  to  the  knowledge  of the
Acquiring Fund,  threatened  against the Acquiring Fund that could reasonably be
expected to have a Material  Adverse Effect on the Acquiring Fund. The Acquiring
Fund is not charged with or, to its knowledge, threatened with any violation, or
investigation of any possible violation, of any provisions of any Federal, state
or local law or regulation or  administrative  ruling  relating to any aspect of
its business that could reasonably be expected to have a Material Adverse Effect
on the Acquiring Fund.

     e. Material Contracts. There are no material contracts outstanding to which
O'Shaughnessy  Funds,  on behalf of the Acquiring Fund, is a party that have not
been  disclosed  in  the  N-14  Registration  Statement,  the  Acquiring  Fund's
Prospectus,  or the O'Shaughnessy  Funds Statement of Additional  Information or
which  will  not  otherwise  be  disclosed  to the  Acquired  Fund  prior to the
Valuation Time.

     f.  Undisclosed  Liabilities.  To its knowledge,  the Acquiring Fund has no
material  liabilities,  contingent or  otherwise,  other than those shown on its
statements of assets and liabilities  referred to herein,  those incurred in the
ordinary  course of its business as an investment  company  since  September 30,
1999 and those incurred in connection with the Reorganization.

     g.  Taxes.  The  Acquiring  Fund has filed (or caused to be filed),  or has
obtained extensions to file, all Federal,  state and local tax returns which are
required to be filed by it, and has paid (or caused to be paid) or has  obtained
extensions  to pay,  all taxes shown on said returns to be due and owing and all
assessments  received by it, up to and  including  the taxable year in which the
Exchange  Date  occurs.  All tax  liabilities  of the  Acquiring  Fund have been
adequately  provided for on its books, and no tax deficiency or liability of the
Acquiring  Fund has been asserted and no question with respect  thereto has been
raised by the Internal  Revenue  Service or by any state or local tax  authority
for taxes in excess of those  already paid, up to and including the taxable year
in which the Exchange Date occurs.

     h.  Consents.  No  filing  or  registration  with,  or  consent,  approval,
authorization  or order of, any Person is required for the  consummation  by the
Acquiring  Fund of the  Reorganization,  except for (i) such as may be  required
under the Securities  Act, the Exchange Act, and the  Investment  Company Act or
state  securities  laws (which term as used herein shall include the laws of the
District of Columbia and Puerto Rico) and (ii) the approval of a majority of the
members of the Board of Directors of O'Shaughnessy Funds.

     i. N-14 Registration  Statement.  The N-14 Registration  Statement,  on its
effective date, at the time of the shareholders'  meeting referred to in Section
5(a) hereof and on the  Exchange  Date,  insofar as it relates to the  Acquiring
Fund (i) complied, or will comply, as the case may be, in all material respects,
with the applicable  provisions of the Securities  Act, the Exchange Act and the


Investment Company Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, and
(ii) did not, or will not, as the case may be, contain any untrue statement of a
material fact or omit to state any material  fact required to be stated  therein
or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under
which  they  were   made,   not   misleading;   PROVIDED,   HOWEVER,   that  the
representations and warranties in this subsection shall apply only to statements
in or omissions from the N-14  Registration  Statement made in reliance upon and
in conformity  with  information  furnished by the Acquiring Fund for use in the
N-14 Registration Statement.

     j. Capitalization. The Acquiring Fund is authorized to issue 25,000,000,000
shares of a single class,  par value  $0.0001 per share.  As of the date hereof,
the  Acquiring  Fund has  2,063,520.557  shares (in the case of the  Cornerstone
Value  Fund) and  9,670,207.142  shares (in the case of the  Cornerstone  Growth
Fund) issued and outstanding. All issued and outstanding shares of the Acquiring
Fund are duly authorized, validly issued, fully paid and non-assessable and free
of preemptive rights. Except for in connection with any automatic investment and
dividend and distribution reinvestment plan available to its shareholders, there
are no options,  warrants,  subscriptions,  calls or other rights, agreements or
commitments  obligating  the  Acquiring  Fund  to  issue  any of its  shares  or
securities convertible into its shares.

     k. Corresponding Shares.

          i. The Corresponding  Shares to be issued by the Acquiring Fund to the
     Acquired  Fund and  subsequently  distributed  by the Acquired  Fund to its
     shareholders  as  provided  in this  Agreement  have been duly and  validly
     authorized and, when issued and delivered pursuant to this Agreement,  will
     be legally and validly issued and will be fully paid and  nonassessable and
     will have full voting rights, and no shareholder of the Acquiring Fund will
     have any preemptive right of subscription or purchase in respect thereof.

          ii. At or prior to the Exchange Date, the  Corresponding  Shares to be
     issued by the Acquiring Fund to the Acquired Fund on the Exchange Date will
     be duly  qualified  for  offering to the public in all states of the United
     States  in which the sale of shares of the  Acquiring  Fund  presently  are
     qualified,  and there are a  sufficient  number of such  shares  registered
     under  the  Securities  Act,  the  Investment  Company  Act and  with  each
     pertinent state securities commission to permit the transfers  contemplated
     by this Agreement to be consummated.

5. Covenants.

     a.  Special  Shareholders'  Meeting.  The  Acquired  Fund  agrees to call a
special meeting of its  shareholders as soon as practicable  after the effective
date of the N-14  Registration  Statement  for the  purpose of  considering  the
Reorganization as described in this Agreement.

     b. Unaudited Financial Statements.

          i. The Acquired Fund hereby  agrees to furnish to the Acquiring  Fund,
     at or prior to the Exchange Date, for the purpose of determining the number
     of Corresponding  Shares to be issued by the Acquiring Fund to the Acquired
     Fund  pursuant to Section  2(c) hereof,  an accurate,  correct and complete
     unaudited  statement of assets and  liabilities  of the Acquired  Fund with
     values  determined in accordance  with Section 2(c) hereof and an unaudited
     schedule of  Investments  of the Acquired Fund  (including  the  respective
     dates and costs of  acquisition  thereof),  each as of the Valuation  Time.
     Such  unaudited  financial  statements  will fairly present in all material
     respects the  financial  position of the Acquired  Fund as of the dates and
     for the  periods  referred  to therein  and in  conformity  with  generally
     accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis.

          ii. The Acquiring  Fund hereby agrees to furnish to the Acquired Fund,
     at or prior to the Exchange Date, for the purpose of determining the number
     of Corresponding  Shares to be issued by the Acquiring Fund to the Acquired
     Fund  pursuant to Section  2(c) hereof,  an accurate,  correct and complete
     unaudited  statement of assets and  liabilities  of the Acquiring Fund with
     values  determined in accordance  with Section 2(c) hereof and an unaudited
     schedule of  Investments  of the Acquiring  Fund  (including the respective
     dates and costs of  acquisition  thereof),  each as of the Valuation  Time.
     Such  unaudited  financial  statements  will fairly present in all material
     respects the financial  position of the Acquiring  Fund as of the dates and
     for the  periods  referred  to therein  and in  conformity  with  generally
     accepted accounting principles applied on a consistent basis.


     c. Share Ledger  Records of the Acquiring  Fund. The Acquiring Fund agrees,
as soon as practicable after the Valuation Time, to open shareholder accounts on
its share ledger records for the shareholders of the Acquired Fund in connection
with the  distribution  of  Corresponding  Shares by the  Acquired  Fund to such
shareholders in accordance with Section 2(c) hereof.

     d. Conduct of Business.  The Acquired Fund and the Acquiring  Fund covenant
and agree to operate their respective  businesses as presently conducted between
the date hereof and the Exchange Date; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the Acquired Fund
shall be permitted to sell those Assets that constitute Prohibited Assets.

     e.  Termination  of the  Acquired  Fund.  O'Shaughnessy  Funds  agrees that
following the  consummation  of the  Reorganization,  (i) it will  terminate the
existence  of the  Acquired  Fund in  accordance  with the laws of the  State of
Maryland and any other  applicable  law;  (ii) it will not make on behalf of the
Acquired Fund any  distributions of any  Corresponding  Shares other than to the
shareholders  of the  Acquired  Fund and  without  first  paying  or  adequately
providing  for the payment of all of the  liabilities  of the Acquired  Fund not
assumed hereunder, if any; and (iii) on and after the Exchange Date it shall not
conduct any business on behalf of the Acquired  Fund except in  connection  with
the termination of the Acquired Fund.

     f. Filing of N-14 Registration Statement. O'Shaughnessy Funds will file the
N-14 Registration Statement with the Commission and will use its best efforts to
cause  the N-14  Registration  Statement  to become  effective  as  promptly  as
practicable after the filing thereof.

     g. Corresponding  Shares. The Acquired Fund agrees that it will not sell or
otherwise dispose of any of the  Corresponding  Shares to be received by it from
the Acquiring Fund in connection with the Reorganization, except in distribution
to the shareholders of the Acquired Fund in accordance with the terms hereof.

     h. Tax Returns.  Each of the  respective  parties hereto agrees that by the
Exchange  Date all of its Federal and other tax returns and reports  required to
be filed on or before such date shall have been filed and all taxes shown as due
on said returns either shall have been paid or adequate liability reserves shall
have been  provided  for the  payment of such  taxes.  In  connection  with this
provision,  each of the respective  parties hereto agrees to cooperate with each
other in filing any tax return, amended return or claim for refund,  determining
a  liability  for taxes or a right to a refund of taxes or  participating  in or
conducting any audit or other proceeding in respect of taxes. The Acquiring Fund
agrees to retain for a period of ten (10) years  following the Exchange Date all
returns,  schedules and work papers and all material  records or other documents
relating  to tax matters of the  Acquiring  Fund for its  taxable  period  first
ending  after  the  Exchange  Date  and  for  all  prior  taxable  periods.  Any
information  obtained under this subsection shall be kept confidential except as
otherwise  may be necessary in  connection  with the filing of returns or claims
for refund or in  conducting  an audit or other  proceeding.  After the Exchange
Date,  the  Acquired  Fund shall  prepare,  or cause its agents to prepare,  any
Federal,  state or local tax returns,  including any Forms 1099,  required to be
filed by the Acquired  Fund with respect to the  Acquired  Fund's final  taxable
year ending with its complete  liquidation  and for any prior periods or taxable
years and  further  shall cause such tax returns and Forms 1099 to be duly filed
with the appropriate taxing  authorities.  Notwithstanding any of the foregoing,
any expenses  incurred by an Acquired  Fund (other than for payment of taxes) in
connection  with the  preparation  and filing of said tax returns and Forms 1099
after the Exchange  Date shall be borne by the Acquired  Fund to the extent such
expenses  have been  accrued  by the  Acquired  Fund in the  ordinary  course of
business  without  regard to the  Reorganization;  any excess  expenses shall be
borne by O'Shaughnessy Capital Management, Inc. at the time such tax returns and
Forms 1099 are prepared.

     i. Combined  Proxy  Statement  and  Prospectus  Mailing.  The Acquired Fund
agrees to mail to its  shareholders  of record  entitled  to vote at the special
meeting of  shareholders  at which  action is to be  considered  regarding  this
Agreement,  in sufficient time to comply with requirements as to notice thereof,
a combined  Proxy  Statement  and  Prospectus  which  complies  in all  material
respects with the applicable provisions of Section 14(a) of the Exchange Act and
Section  20(a) of the  Investment  Company  Act,  and the rules and  regulations
promulgated thereunder.

     j.  Confirmations  of Tax  Basis.  The  Acquired  Fund will  deliver to the
Acquiring Fund on the Exchange Date  confirmations or other adequate evidence as
to the  tax  basis  of  each  of the  Assets  delivered  to the  Acquiring  Fund
hereunder, certified by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

     k. Shareholder  List. As soon as practicable after the close of business on
the Exchange  Date, the Acquired Fund shall deliver to the Acquiring Fund a list
of the names and addresses of all of the  shareholders of record of the Acquired
Fund on the Exchange Date and the number of shares of the Acquired Fund owned by


each such  shareholder  as of such date,  certified to the best of its knowledge
and  belief by the  transfer  agent or by  O'Shaughnessy  Funds on behalf of the
Acquired Fund.

     l. The Acquiring Fund's Continued Existence.  Following the consummation of
the Reorganization, the Acquiring Fund expects, and agrees to use all reasonable
efforts,  to stay in existence and continue its business as a separate portfolio
of an open-end  management  investment  company  registered under the Investment
Company Act.

6. Exchange Date. The closing of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement
shall be at the offices of Swidler Berlin Shereff  Friedman,  LLP ("SBSF"),  The
Chrysler  Building,  405 Lexington Avenue,  New York, New York, at 10:00 A.M. on
the next full business day following the Valuation Time, or at such other place,
time and date agreed to by each of the respective  parties hereto.  The date and
time upon which such closing is to take place shall be referred to herein as the
"Exchange  Date." Except with respect to Prohibited  Assets,  to the extent that
any of the Assets,  for any reason,  are not  transferable on the Exchange Date,
the Acquired  Fund shall cause such Assets to be  transferred  to the  Acquiring
Fund's  account  with Firstar Bank  Milwaukee at the earliest  practicable  date

7. Conditions of the Acquired Fund.

     The  obligations  of the Acquired  Fund  hereunder  shall be subject to the
satisfaction,  at or before the  Exchange  Date (or such  other  date  specified
herein),  of the conditions set forth below.  The benefit of these conditions is
for the  Acquired  Fund  only and may be  waived,  in  whole or in part,  by the
Acquired Fund at any time in its sole discretion.

     a.  Representations  and Warranties.  The representations and warranties of
the  Acquiring  Fund made in this  Agreement  shall be true and  correct  in all
material  respects when made,  as of the  Valuation  Time and as of the Exchange
Date all with the same  effect as if made at and as of such  dates,  except that
any  representations  and warranties  that relate to a particular date or period
shall be true and correct in all material respects as of such date or period.

     b.  Performance.  The Acquiring  Fund shall have  performed,  satisfied and
complied with all covenants, agreements and conditions required to be performed,
satisfied  or  complied  with by it  under  this  Agreement  at or  prior to the
Exchange Date.

     c. Shareholder  Approval.  This Agreement shall have been adopted,  and the
Reorganization shall have been approved,  by the affirmative vote of the holders
of not less than a  majority  of the  shares of the  Acquired  Fund,  issued and
outstanding and entitled to vote thereon, voting together as a single class.

     d. Approval of Board of Directors of  O'Shaughnessy  Funds.  This Agreement
shall have been adopted and the  Reorganization  shall have been approved by the
Board of Directors of O'Shaughnessy Funds.

     e.  Deliveries by the Acquiring Fund. At or prior to the Exchange Date, the
Acquiring  Fund  shall  deliver to the  Acquired  Fund,  against  receipt of the
Acquired Fund's Assets in accordance with Section 2(a) hereof, the following:

          i. the unaudited  financial  statements of the Acquiring Fund required
     by Section 5(b)(ii) hereof;

          ii. an  opinion of SBSF,  in form and  substance  satisfactory  to the
     Acquired  Fund,  substantially  to the effect that,  for Federal income tax
     purposes,  (i) the transfer of the Assets to the Acquiring Fund in exchange
     solely for the  Corresponding  Shares and the  assumption  by the Acquiring
     Fund of the Assumed  Liabilities as provided for in this  Agreement  should
     constitute a reorganization  within the meaning of Section  368(a)(1)(C) of
     the Code,  and (ii) assuming that such  transfer,  exchange and  assumption
     qualifies as a reorganization within the meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(C) of
     the Code: (a) each of the respective  parties hereto will be deemed to be a
     "party" to the  Reorganization  within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the
     Code; (b) in accordance  with Section  361(a),  361(c)(1) and 357(a) of the
     Code,  no gain  or loss  will be  recognized  by the  Acquired  Fund on the
     acquisition of the Assets,  and assumption of the Assumed  Liabilities,  by
     the Acquiring  Fund solely in exchange for the  Corresponding  Shares or on
     the  distribution  of  the  Corresponding  Shares  to the  Acquired  Fund's
     shareholders as provided for in this  Agreement;  (c) under Section 1032 of
     the Code, no gain or loss will be  recognized by the Acquiring  Fund on the
     receipt  of the Assets in  exchange  for the  Corresponding  Shares and the
     assumption by the Acquiring Fund of the Assumed Liabilities as provided for
     in this Agreement; (d) in accordance with Section 354(a)(1) of the Code, no
     gain or loss will be recognized  by a  shareholder  of the Acquired Fund on


     the  receipt  of  Corresponding  Shares  in the  Reorganization  solely  in
     exchange  for its  shares of the  Acquired  Fund;  (e) in  accordance  with
     Section 362(b) of the Code, the tax basis of the Assets in the hands of the
     Acquiring  Fund  will be the same as the tax  basis of such  Assets  in the
     hands of the Acquired Fund  immediately  prior to the  consummation  of the
     Reorganization; (f) in accordance with Section 358 of the Code, immediately
     after  the  Reorganization,  the  tax  basis  of the  Corresponding  Shares
     received by a shareholder of the Acquired Fund in the  Reorganization  will
     be equal, in the aggregate,  to the tax basis of the shares of the Acquired
     Fund  surrendered  in exchange  therefor;  (g) in  accordance  with Section
     1223(1)  of the  Code,  the  holding  period  of the  Corresponding  Shares
     received by a shareholder of the Acquired Fund in the  Reorganization  will
     include the holding  period of the shares of the Acquired Fund  immediately
     prior   to  the   Reorganization   (provided   that  at  the  time  of  the
     Reorganization  the  shares  of the  Acquired  Fund  were  held as  capital
     assets);  (h) in accordance  with Section  1223(2) of the Code, the holding
     period of the Assets in the hands of the  Acquiring  Fund will  include the
     holding  period of such Assets in the hands of the Acquired  Fund;  and (i)
     the taxable year of the Acquired Fund will end on the effective date of the
     Reorganization  and pursuant to Section 381(a) of the Code and  regulations
     thereunder,  the  Acquiring  Fund will  succeed  to and take  into  account
     certain tax attributes of the Acquired  Fund,  such as earnings and profits
     and capital loss carryovers.

     f. No Adverse Change.  There shall have occurred no material adverse change
in the financial  position of the Acquiring Fund since  September 30, 1999 other
than  changes  in its  portfolio  securities  since  that date or changes in the
market  value  of its  portfolio  securities,  each in the  ordinary  course  of

     g.  Absence  of   Litigation.   There  shall  not  be  pending  before  any
Governmental  Authority  any  material  litigation  with  respect to the matters
contemplated by this Agreement.

     h. N-14 Registration Statement.  The N-14 Registration Statement shall have
become  effective  under the Securities  Act, and no stop order  suspending such
effectiveness  shall have been  instituted  or, to the  knowledge  of any of the
respective parties hereto, contemplated by the Commission.

     i.  Compliance  with Laws;  No Adverse  Action or Decision.  Since the date
hereof, (i) no law, statute, ordinance, code, rule or regulation shall have been
promulgated,  enacted or entered that restrains,  enjoins, prevents,  materially
delays,  prohibits or otherwise makes illegal the performance of this Agreement,
the  Reorganization or the consummation of any of the transactions  contemplated
hereby and thereby;  (ii) the  Commission  shall not have issued an  unfavorable
advisory  report  under  Section  25(b)  of  the  Investment  Company  Act,  nor
instituted  or  threatened  to  institute  any  proceeding   seeking  to  enjoin
consummation of the Reorganization under Section 25(c) of the Investment Company
Act,  and (iii) no other  legal,  administrative  or other  proceeding  shall be
instituted or threatened by any  Governmental  Authority which would  materially
affect the financial  condition of the Acquiring Fund or that seeks to restrain,
enjoin,  prevent,  materially  delay,  prohibit or  otherwise  make  illegal the
performance of this Agreement,  the Reorganization or the consummation of any of
the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.

     j.  Commission  Orders or  Interpretations.  The  Acquired  Fund shall have
received from the Commission such orders or  interpretations as SBSF, as counsel
to the  Acquired  Fund,  deems  reasonably  necessary  or  desirable  under  the
Securities  Act  and  the  Investment   Company  Act  in  connection   with  the
Reorganization;  PROVIDED, that such counsel shall have requested such orders or
interpretations as promptly as practicable, and all such orders shall be in full
force and effect.

8. Conditions of the Acquiring Fund.

     The  obligations of the Acquiring  Fund  hereunder  shall be subject to the
satisfaction,  at or before the  Exchange  Date (or such  other  date  specified
herein),  of the conditions set forth below.  The benefit of these conditions is
for the  Acquiring  Fund  only and may be  waived,  in whole or in part,  by the
Acquiring Fund at any time in its sole discretion.

     a.  Representations  and Warranties.  The representations and warranties of
the  Acquired  Fund  made in this  Agreement  shall be true and  correct  in all
material  respects when made,  as of the  Valuation  Time and as of the Exchange
Date all with the same  effect as if made at and as of such  dates,  except that
any  representations  and warranties  that relate to a particular date or period
shall be true and correct in all material respects as of such date or period.


     b.  Performance.  The Acquired  Fund shall have  performed,  satisfied  and
complied with all covenants, agreements and conditions required to be performed,
satisfied  or  complied  with by it  under  this  Agreement  at or  prior to the
Exchange Date.

     c. Shareholder  Approval.  This Agreement shall have been adopted,  and the
Reorganization shall have been approved,  by the affirmative vote of the holders
of not less than a  majority  of the  shares of the  Acquired  Fund,  issued and
outstanding and entitled to vote thereon, voting together as a single class.

     d. Approval of Board of Directors of  O'Shaughnessy  Funds.  This Agreement
shall have been adopted and the  Reorganization  shall have been approved by the
Board of Directors of O'Shaughnessy Funds.

     e.  Deliveries by the Acquired  Fund. At or prior to the Exchange Date, the
Acquired Fund shall deliver to the Acquiring Fund, against the assumption by the
Acquiring Fund of the Assumed  Liabilities and the receipt of the  Corresponding
Shares in  accordance  with  Sections  2(b) and (c)  hereof,  respectively,  the

          i. the unaudited financial statements of the Acquired Fund required by
     Section 5(b)(i) hereof;

          ii. an  opinion of SBSF,  in form and  substance  satisfactory  to the
     Acquiring Fund, with respect to the matters  specified in Section  7(e)(ii)

     f. No Adverse Change.  There shall have occurred no material adverse change
in the financial  position of the Acquired  Fund since  September 30, 1999 other
than  changes  in its  portfolio  securities  since  that date or changes in the
market  value  of its  portfolio  securities,  each in the  ordinary  course  of

     g.  Absence  of   Litigation.   There  shall  not  be  pending  before  any
Governmental  Authority  any  material  litigation  with  respect to the matters
contemplated by this Agreement.

     h. N-14 Registration Statement.  The N-14 Registration Statement shall have
become  effective  under the Securities  Act, and no stop order  suspending such
effectiveness  shall have been  instituted  or, to the  knowledge  of any of the
respective parties hereto, contemplated by the Commission.

     i.  Compliance  with Laws;  No Adverse  Action or Decision.  Since the date
hereof, (i) no law, statute, ordinance, code, rule or regulation shall have been
promulgated,  enacted or entered that restrains,  enjoins, prevents,  materially
delays,  prohibits or otherwise makes illegal the performance of this Agreement,
the  Reorganization or the consummation of any of the transactions  contemplated
hereby and thereby;  (ii) the  Commission  shall not have issued an  unfavorable
advisory  report  under  Section  25(b)  of  the  Investment  Company  Act,  nor
instituted  or  threatened  to  institute  any  proceeding   seeking  to  enjoin
consummation of the Reorganization under Section 25(c) of the Investment Company
Act,  and (iii) no other  legal,  administrative  or other  proceeding  shall be
instituted or threatened by any  Governmental  Authority which would  materially
affect the  financial  condition of the Acquired Fund or that seeks to restrain,
enjoin,  prevent,  materially  delay,  prohibit or  otherwise  make  illegal the
performance of this Agreement,  the Reorganization or the consummation of any of
the transactions contemplated hereby or thereby.

     j.  Commission  Orders or  Interpretations.  The  Acquired  Fund shall have
received from the Commission such orders or  interpretations as SBSF, as counsel
to the  Acquired  Fund,  deems  reasonably  necessary  or  desirable  under  the
Securities  Act  and  the  Investment   Company  Act  in  connection   with  the
Reorganization;  PROVIDED, that such counsel shall have requested such orders or
interpretations as promptly as practicable, and all such orders shall be in full
force and effect.

     k.  Dividends.  Prior to the Exchange  Date,  the Acquired  Fund shall have
declared  a  dividend  or  dividends  which,  together  with all  such  previous
dividends,  shall have the effect of distributing to its shareholders all of its
investment  company  taxable  income for the period from  October 1, 1999 to and
including the Exchange  Date, if any (computed  without  regard to any deduction
for dividends paid),  and all of its net capital gain, if any,  realized for the
period from October 1, 1999 to and including the Exchange Date.


9. Termination, Postponement and Waivers.

     a.  Termination of Agreement.  Notwithstanding  anything  contained in this
Agreement to the contrary,  subject to Section 10(a) hereof,  this Agreement may
be terminated and the  Reorganization  abandoned at any time (whether  before or
after adoption  thereof by the  shareholders  of the Acquired Fund) prior to the
Exchange Date, or the Exchange Date may be postponed, by notice in writing prior
to the Exchange Date

          i. by either of the respective parties hereto if :

               (1)  the Boards of Directors of O'Shaughnessy  Funds so agrees in

               (2)  the  transactions  contemplated  by this  Agreement have not
                    been consummated by July 15, 2000; PROVIDED,  however,  that
                    the right to terminate or postpone this Agreement under this
                    Section 9(a)(i)(2) shall not be available to any party whose
                    failure to fulfill any  obligation  under this Agreement has
                    been  the  cause  of,  or   resulted   in,  the  failure  of
                    consummation  of  the  transactions   contemplated  by  this
                    Agreement on or before such date; or

               (3)  any Governmental  Authority of competent  jurisdiction shall
                    have  issued  any  judgment,  injunction,  order,  ruling or
                    decree or taken any other action  restraining,  enjoining or
                    otherwise prohibiting this Agreement,  the Reorganization or
                    the  consummation  of any of the  transactions  contemplated
                    hereby or  thereby  and such  judgment,  injunction,  order,
                    ruling,   decree   or  other   action   becomes   final  and
                    non-appealable;   PROVIDED,   that  the  party   seeking  to
                    terminate this Agreement pursuant to this Section 9(a)(i)(3)
                    shall  have used its  reasonable  best  efforts to have such
                    judgment,  injunction, order, ruling, decree or other action
                    lifted, vacated or denied.

          ii.  by an  Acquired  Fund if any  condition  of the  Acquired  Fund's
     obligations set forth in Section 7 of this Agreement has not been fulfilled
     or waived by it; or

          iii. by an Acquiring  Fund if any  condition of the  Acquiring  Fund's
     obligations set forth in Section 8 of this Agreement has not been fulfilled
     or waived by it.

     b. COMMISSION  ORDER. If any order or orders of the Commission with respect
to this  Agreement  shall be issued prior to the Exchange  Date and shall impose
any terms or conditions which are determined by action of the Board of Directors
of  O'Shaughnessy  Funds to be acceptable,  such terms and  conditions  shall be
binding as if a part of this Agreement  without  further vote or approval of the
shareholders of the Acquired Fund, unless such terms and conditions shall result
in a change in the method of computing the number of Corresponding  Shares to be
issued by the Acquiring  Fund to the Acquired  Fund in which event,  unless such
terms  and  conditions  shall  have  been  included  in the  proxy  solicitation
materials  furnished  to the  shareholders  of the  Acquired  Fund  prior to the
meeting at which the  Reorganization  shall have been  approved,  this Agreement
shall not be consummated and shall  terminate  unless the Acquired Fund promptly
shall call a special meeting of shareholders at which such conditions so imposed
shall be submitted  for approval and the requisite  approval of such  conditions
shall be obtained.

     c. Effect of  Termination.  In the event of  termination  of this Agreement
pursuant to the provisions  hereof, the same shall become null and void and have
no further force or effect,  and there shall not be any liability on the part of
either of the  respective  parties  hereto or Persons  who are their  directors,
trustees, officers, agents or shareholders in respect of this Agreement.

     d. Waivers;  Non-Material  Changes. At any time prior to the Exchange Date,
any of the  terms or  conditions  of this  Agreement  may be waived by the party
hereto  that is entitled to the  benefit  thereof,  if, in the  judgment of such
party after consultation with its counsel, such action or waiver will not have a
material  adverse  effect on the benefits  intended  under this Agreement to the
shareholders  of the respective  party, on behalf of which such action is taken.
In addition,  the respective  parties hereto have delegated to their  respective
investment adviser the ability to make non-material changes to this Agreement if
such  investment  adviser deems it to be in the best  interests of the trust for
which it serves as investment adviser to do so.


10. Survival of Representations and Warranties; Indemnification.

     a. Survival.  The respective  representations  and warranties  contained in
Sections  3  and  4  hereof  shall  expire  with,  and  be  terminated  by,  the
consummation  of the  Reorganization,  and  neither  the  Acquired  Fund nor the
Acquiring  Fund nor any of their  officers,  directors  or  trustees,  agents or
shareholders  shall have any liability with respect to such  representations  or
warranties  after the  Exchange  Date.  This  provision  shall not  protect  any
officer,  director,  trustee,  agent or  shareholder of the Acquired Fund or the
Acquiring  Fund against any liability to the entity for which such Person serves
in such capacity, or to its shareholders,  to which such Person would be subject
by reason of willful  misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross  negligence,  or  reckless
disregard of the duties in the conduct of such office.

     b.  Indemnification  Obligations  of the Acquired  Fund.  The Acquired Fund
hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Acquiring Fund from and against
any and all losses, claims,  damages,  liabilities,  costs (including reasonable
attorneys'   fees)  and   expenses   (including   expenses   of   investigation)
(collectively,  "Losses")  which the  Acquiring  Fund may incur or  sustain as a
result of,  relating to or arising out of, (i) any  corporate  obligation of the
Acquired Fund, whether consisting of tax deficiencies or otherwise,  required to
be paid by the  Acquiring  Fund and  based  upon a claim or claims  against  the
Acquired  Fund which  were  omitted or not  fairly  reflected  in the  financial
statements   delivered   to  the   Acquiring   Fund  in   connection   with  the
Reorganization; (ii) any breach or alleged breach in any material respect of any
warranty,  or the inaccuracy in any material respect of any  representation,  as
the case may be, made by the  Acquired  Fund;  (iii) the  failure or  threatened
failure,  in any material respect, of the Acquired Fund to fulfill any agreement
or covenant of the Acquired Fund contained in this Agreement;  or (iv) any claim
is made alleging that (a) the N-14  Registration  Statement  included any untrue
statement of a material  fact or omitted to state any material  fact required to
be stated therein or necessary to make the statements  therein,  in the light of
the  circumstances  under which they were made,  not misleading or (b) the Proxy
Statement and Prospectus  delivered to the shareholders of the Acquired Fund and
forming a part of the N-14 Registration  Statement included any untrue statement
of a material  fact or omitted to state any material  fact required to be stated
therein  or  necessary  to make  the  statements  therein,  in the  light of the
circumstances under which they were made, not misleading, except insofar as such
claim is based on written  information  furnished by the  Acquiring  Fund to the
Acquired  Fund.  The  party  being  indemnified  is  referred  to  herein as the
"Indemnified  Party" and the  indemnifying  party is  referred  to herein as the
"Indemnifying Party."

     c.  Indemnification  Obligations of the Acquiring  Fund. The Acquiring Fund
hereby  agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Acquired Fund from and against
any and all Losses which the Acquired  Fund may incur or sustain as a result of,
relating to or arising out of, (i) any breach or alleged  breach in any material
respect  of any  warranty,  or the  inaccuracy  in any  material  respect of any
representation, as the case may be, made by the Acquiring Fund; (ii) the failure
or threatened failure, in any material respect, of the Acquiring Fund to fulfill
any agreement or covenant of the Acquiring Fund contained in this Agreement;  or
(iii)  any  claim is made  alleging  that (a) the  N-14  Registration  Statement
included  any  untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or  omitted  to state any
material fact required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the statements
therein,  in the light of the  circumstances  under  which they were  made,  not
misleading or (b) the Proxy  Statement and Prospectus  delivered to shareholders
of the  Acquired  Fund and  forming  a part of the N-14  Registration  Statement
included  any  untrue  statement  of a  material  fact or  omitted  to state any
material fact required to be stated  therein or necessary to make the statements
therein,  in the light of the  circumstances  under  which they were  made,  not
misleading,  except  insofar  as such  claim  is based  on  written  information
furnished by the Acquired Fund to the Acquiring Fund.

     d. Indemnification  Procedure.  In the event that any claim is made against
the Acquiring Fund in respect of which  indemnity may be sought by the Acquiring
Fund from the Acquired Fund under Section 10(b) hereof, or in the event that any
claim is made against the  Acquired  Fund in respect of which  indemnity  may be
sought by the Acquired Fund from the Acquiring  Fund under Section 10(c) hereof,
then the Indemnified  Party,  with  reasonable  promptness and before payment of
such claim,  shall give written notice of such claim to the Indemnifying  Party.
If no  objection  as to the  validity  of the  claim is made in  writing  to the
Indemnified  Party by the  Indemnifying  Party within thirty (30) days after the
giving of notice  hereunder,  then the Indemnified  Party may pay such claim and
shall be entitled to  reimbursement  therefor,  pursuant to this Agreement.  If,
prior to the termination of such thirty-day  period,  objection in writing as to
the validity of such claim is made to the  Indemnified  Party,  the  Indemnified
Party  shall  withhold  payment  thereof  until the  validity  of such  claim is
established  (i) to the  satisfaction  of the  Indemnifying  Party, or (ii) by a
final  determination  of  a  court  of  competent  jurisdiction,  whereupon  the
Indemnified  Party may pay such  claim and shall be  entitled  to  reimbursement
thereof,  pursuant to this  Agreement,  or (iii) with respect to any tax claims,
within seven (7) calendar days following the earlier of (A) an agreement between
the Acquired  Fund and the Acquiring  Fund that an indemnity  amount is payable,
(B) an assessment of a tax by a taxing authority,  or (C) a  "determination"  as
defined in Section  1313(a) of the Code. For purposes of this Section,  the term


"assessment"  shall have the same  meaning as used in Chapter 63 of the Code and
Treasury Regulations  thereunder,  or any comparable provision under the laws of
the  appropriate  taxing  authority.  In  the  event  of  any  objection  by the
Indemnifying Party, the Indemnifying Party promptly shall investigate the claim,
and if it is not satisfied with the validity  thereof,  the  Indemnifying  Party
shall conduct the defense against such claim. All costs and expenses incurred by
the Indemnifying Party in connection with such investigation and defense of such
claim shall be borne by it. These indemnification provisions are in addition to,
and not in limitation of, any other rights the parties may have under applicable

11. Other Matters.

     a. Legend. Pursuant to Rule 145 under the Securities Act, and in connection
with  the  issuance  of  any  shares  to any  Person  who  at  the  time  of the
Reorganization   is,  to  its  knowledge,   an  affiliate  of  a  party  to  the
Reorganization pursuant to Rule 145(c) of the Securities Act, the Acquiring Fund
will cause to be affixed upon the certificate(s)  issued to such Person (if any)
a legend as follows:


and,  further,  that stop transfer  instructions will be issued to the Acquiring
Fund's  transfer  agent with  respect to such  shares.  The  Acquired  Fund will
provide the  Acquiring  Fund on the Exchange  Date with the name of any Acquired
Fund shareholder who is to the knowledge of the Acquired Fund an affiliate of it
on such date.

     b. Further  Assurances.  Each party hereto  covenants and agrees to provide
the  other  party   hereto  and  its  agents  and  counsel   with  any  and  all
documentation, information, assistance and cooperation that may become necessary
from  time  to  time  with  respect  to the  transactions  contemplated  by this

     c. Notices. Any notice, report or other communication hereunder shall be in
writing  and shall be given to the Person  entitled  thereto  by hand  delivery,
prepaid certified mail or overnight  service,  addressed to the Acquired Fund or
the Acquiring Fund, as applicable, at the address set forth below. If the notice
is sent by certified  mail,  it shall be deemed to have been given to the Person
entitled  thereto  five (5)  business  days after being  deposited in the United
States mail and if the notice is sent by overnight  service,  it shall be deemed
to have been given to the Person entitled  thereto one (1) business day after it
was deposited  with the courier  service for delivery to that Person.  Notice of
any  change in any  address  listed  below also shall be given in the manner set
forth  above.  Whenever  the  giving of notice is  required,  the giving of such
notice may be waived by the party entitled to receive such notice.

     If to the Acquired Fund and/or the Acquiring Fund, to:

         35 Mason Street
         Greenwich, Connecticut 06830
         Attention:  James P. O'Shaughnessy

     With a copy to:

         Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
         The Chrysler Building
         405 Lexington Avenue
         New York, New York 10174
         Attention:  Joel H. Goldberg, Esq.


     d. Entire Agreement.  This Agreement  contains the entire agreement between
the  parties  hereto  with  respect  to  the  matters  contemplated  herein  and
supersedes all previous agreements or understandings between the parties related
to such matters.

     e.  Amendment.  Except as set forth in Section 9(d) hereof,  this Agreement
may be amended,  modified,  superseded,  canceled,  renewed or extended, and the
terms or covenants hereof may be waived,  only by a written instrument  executed
by the  respective  parties  hereto  or, in the case of a  waiver,  by the party
waiving compliance. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement,
no waiver by either  party hereto of any breach by the other party hereto of any
condition  or  provision  of this  Agreement to be performed by such other party
shall be deemed a waiver of a similar or  dissimilar  provision  or condition at
the same or at any prior or subsequent time.

     f.  Governing  Law.  This  Agreement  shall be  construed  and  enforced in
accordance with, and the rights of the parties shall be governed by, the laws of
the State of New York  applicable to agreements made and to be performed in said
state, without giving effect to the principles of conflict of laws thereof.

     g.  Assignment.  This Agreement shall not be assigned by any of the parties
hereto, in whole or in part,  whether by operation of law or otherwise,  without
the prior written  consent of the other party hereto.  Any purported  assignment
contrary to the terms hereof shall be null, void and of no effect.

     h. Fees and Expenses.  With respect to expenses incurred in connection with
the Reorganization, (i) the Acquiring Fund shall pay all expenses incurred which
are solely  attributable  to the Acquiring Fund and the conduct of its business,
(ii) the  Acquired  Fund  shall  pay all  expenses  incurred  which  are  solely
attributable to the Acquired Fund and the conduct of its business, and (iii) the
Acquired Fund and the Acquiring  Fund shall pay all other  expenses  incurred in
connection with the  Reorganization pro rata according to each fund's net assets
on the Valuation Date,  including,  but not limited to, all costs related to the
preparation and distribution of the N-14 Registration  Statement.  Such fees and
expenses  shall  include  costs of  preparing  and  filing a federal  tax ruling
request (if  applicable),  legal and accounting  fees, state securities fees (if
any),  printing costs,  filing fees,  portfolio transfer taxes (if any), and any
similar  expenses  incurred in connection  with the  Reorganization.  If for any
reason the Reorganization is not consummated, a party shall not be liable to the
other  party  hereto for any damages  resulting  therefrom,  including,  without
limitation,  consequential  damages,  except to the extent that such party acted
with willful misfeasance, bad faith, willful misconduct or reckless disregard.

     i.  Severability.  Any term or provision of this Agreement which is invalid
or  unenforceable  in  any  jurisdiction  shall,  as to  such  jurisdiction,  be
ineffective  to the  extent  of  such  invalidity  or  unenforceability  without
rendering  invalid or  unenforceable  the remaining terms and provisions of this
Agreement or affecting  the validity or  enforceability  of any of the terms and
provisions of this Agreement in any other jurisdiction.

     j. Headings. Headings to sections in this Agreement are intended solely for
convenience  and no provision of this  Agreement is to be construed by reference
to the heading of any section.

     k.  Counterparts.   This  Agreement  may  be  executed  in  any  number  of
counterparts,  each of which, when executed and delivered, shall be deemed to be
an  original  but  all  such  counterparts  together  shall  constitute  but one


     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the date
first set forth above.

With respect to the Value Funds Reorganization:

                          O'SHAUGHNESSY FUNDS, INC.,
                          on behalf of O'Shaughnessy Dogs of the Market(TM) Fund


                         O'SHAUGHNESSY FUNDS, INC.,
                         on behalf of O'Shaughnessy Cornerstone Value Fund


With respect to the Growth Funds Reorganization:

                         O'SHAUGHNESSY FUNDS, INC.,
                         on behalf of O'Shaughnessy Aggressive Growth Fund


                         O'SHAUGHNESSY FUNDS, INC.,
                         on behalf of O'Shaughnessy Cornerstone Growth Fund



                            O'SHAUGHNESSY FUNDS, INC.
                    O'Shaughnessy Dogs of the Market(TM) Fund
                      O'Shaughnessy Aggressive Growth Fund
                                 35 Mason Street
                          Greenwich, Connecticut 06830

     This Statement of Additional  Information is not a prospectus and should be
read in  conjunction  with  the  Proxy  Statement  and  Prospectus  (the  "Proxy
Statement  and  Prospectus"),  dated  January 12, 2000,  which has been filed by
O'Shaughnessy Funds, Inc.  ("O'Shaughnessy  Funds" or the "Registrant") relating
to the  Reorganizations  (as defined herein).  Copies of the Proxy Statement and
Prospectus may be obtained at no charge by writing to the O'Shaughnessy Funds at
the  address  indicated  above  or by  calling  toll-free  1-877-OS-FUNDS.  This
Statement of Additional  Information has been incorporated by reference into the
Proxy Statement and Prospectus.

     Unless otherwise indicated, capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise
defined have the same  meanings as are given to them in the Proxy  Statement and

     Further  information about  O'Shaughnessy  Funds is contained in the Funds'
Prospectuses  and  combined  Statement  of  Additional  Information,  each dated
November  30,  1998,  and the  Annual  Reports  of the Funds for the year  ended
September 30, 1999.  The Funds'  combined  Statement of Additional  Information,
dated November 30, 1998,  and the Annual Reports of the Acquiring  Funds for the
year ended September 30, 1999 are incorporated herein by reference and accompany
this Statement of Additional Information.

     The   Securities   and   Exchange   Commission   maintains   a   web   site
(  that contains the prospectuses  and combined  statement of
additional  information of the Funds,  other material  incorporated by reference
and other information regarding the Funds.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS

General Information                                                          B-2

Financial Statements                                                         B-2

Pro  Forma   Combined   Statement  of  Assets  and
  Liabilities  for  the  O'Shaughnessy  Dogs  of the
  Market(TM)  Fund  and  O'Shaughnessy   Cornerstone
  Value Fund as of September 30, 1999 (Audited)                              F-1

Pro Forma Combined Statement of Operations for the
  O'Shaughnessy  Dogs  of the  Market(TM)  Fund  and
  O'Shaughnessy  for the Cornerstone Value Fund year
  ended September 30, 1999 (Audited)                                         F-2

Statement of Investments for the O'Shaughnessy Cornerstone Value Fund        F-3

Statement of Investments for the O'Shaughnessy Dogs of the MarketFund        F-4

Pro Forma Combined  Statement of  Investments  for
  the O'Shaughnessy Cornerstone Value Fund (combined
  with Dogs of the Market Fund)                                              F-5

 The date of this Statement of Additional Information is January 12, 2000


                               GENERAL INFORMATION

     The  shareholders  of the  O'Shaughnessy  Dogs of the Market(TM)  Fund (the
"Dogs of the Market Fund" or an "Acquired  Fund") and  O'Shaughnessy  Aggressive
Growth Fund (the  "Aggressive  Growth Fund" or an "Acquired  Fund," and together
with the Dogs of the Market Fund, the "Acquired  Funds") of O'Shaughnessy  Funds
are each being asked to approve an  Agreement  and Plan of  Reorganization  (the
"Plan"). The Plan provides for the acquisition by the O'Shaughnessy  Cornerstone
Growth  Fund  (the  "Cornerstone   Growth  Fund"  or  an  "Acquiring  Fund")  of
substantially  all of the assets,  and  assumption of  substantially  all of the
liabilities,  of the  Aggressive  Growth  Fund,  solely in exchange for an equal
aggregate value of newly-issued  shares of the O'Shaughnessy  Cornerstone Growth
Fund.  The  Plan  further  provides  for the  acquisition  by the  O'Shaughnessy
Cornerstone Value Fund (the "Cornerstone  Value Fund" or an "Acquiring Fund" and
together  with  the   Cornerstone   Growth  Fund,  the  "Acquiring   Funds")  of
substantially  all of the assets,  and  assumption of  substantially  all of the
liabilities,  of the Dogs of The Market  Fund,  solely in exchange  for an equal
aggregate value of newly-issued  shares of the  O'Shaughnessy  Cornerstone Value
Fund.  Each such  transaction  is referred to herein as a  "Reorganization"  and
collectively,  as the "Reorganizations." The consummation of a Reorganization is
not conditioned upon the consummation of the other Reorganization.  The Acquired
Funds and the Acquiring Funds are sometimes  collectively  referred to herein as
the "Funds".

     A Joint Special Meeting of the Acquired Funds' shareholders to consider the
Reorganizations  will  be held  at the  Stamford  Marriott,  2  Stamford  Forum,
Stamford,  Connecticut  on February 25, 2000, at 4:00 p.m.,  Eastern  Time.  The
approximate  mailing date of the Proxy  Statement and  Prospectus is January 21,

     For further information about the  Reorganizations,  see the Combined Proxy
Statement and Prospectus.

                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

     Unaudited Pro forma  financial  statements  reflecting  consummation of the
Value Funds Reorganization are included herein.

     Audited  financial  statements and  accompanying  notes for the fiscal year
ended  September  30, 1999 for the Funds and the  independent  auditor's  report
thereon are incorporated  herein by reference from the Funds'  respective Annual
Report  to   Shareholders,   which   accompany   this  Statement  of  Additional


O'Shaughnessy Cornerstone Value Fund
(Combined with Dogs of The Market Fund)

as of September 30, 1999

                                                                                                      Pro Forma
                                                 Cornerstone      Dogs of the       Pro Forma        Cornerstone
                                                 Value Fund       Market Fund      Adjustments       Value Fund
                                                 ----------       -----------      -----------       ----------
   Investments in securities, at value         $25,949,235        17,667,126                         43,616,3613
   Cash                                                                               10,533  1           10,533
      Portfolio securities sold                    528,239           341,560                             869,799
      Fund shares sold                               8,160             5,456                              13,616
      Dividends and interest                        97,720            47,527                             145,247
   Deferred organization costs                      10,532            10,533         (10,533) 1           10,532
   Prepaid expenses and other                       21,829            20,789          42,618
         Total assets                           26,615,715        18,092,991               0          44,708,706
      Fund shares repurchased                       10,560            35,277                              45,837
      Fund advanced by custodian                   256,741           317,354                             574,095
      Advisory fee                                  16,898             2,908                              19,806
      Administration fee                             3,397             1,606                               5,003
   Accrued expenses                                 23,069            14,755                              37,824
         Total liabilities                         310,665           371,900               0             682,565
NET ASSETS                                     $26,305,050        17,721,091               0          44,026,141
   capital                                     $24,820,527        16,971,347       1,552,944  2       43,344,818
   (Accumulated) Undistributed net investment
     (loss) income                                 565,497           271,390        (271,390) 2          565,497
   (Accumulated) Undistributed net realized
     (loss) gain on investment transactions      1,820,214         1,281,554      (1,281,554) 2        1,820,214
   Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation)
     of investments                               (901,188)         (803,200)                         (1,704,388)
         Net assets                            $26,305,050        17,721,091               0          44,026,141

- ----------
1.   Unamortized  Organization  Costs of the Acquired  Fund to be  liquidated on
     effective date of the respective Reorganization.
2.   (Accumulated)   Undistributed   Net  Investment   Income  and  Gain  to  be
     distributed and assumed to be reinvested in additional Fund shares.
3.   Because the  Cornerstone  Value Fund adheres to a disciplined  Strategy and
     invests only in the stocks selected through its Strategy, it is anticipated
     that as  soon as  practicable  after  the  completion  of the  Value  Funds
     Reorganization,  the Value  Combined  Fund will be required to  liquidate a
     substantial  portion  of the  assets  acquired  from the Dogs of the Market


O'Shaughnessy Cornerstone Value Fund
(Combined with Dogs of The Market Fund)

For the Period Ended September 30, 1999

                                                                                                Pro Forma
                                                   Cornerstone    Dogs of the     Pro Forma     Cornerstone
                                                   Value Fund     Market Fund    Adjustments    Value Fund
                                                   ----------     -----------    -----------    ----------
     Dividends 1                                   $  968,020        567,835                     1,535,855
     Interest                                           8,380          2,862                        11,242
     Other                                            122,728         24,237                       146,965
         Total income                               1,099,128        594,934            0        1,694,062
     Advisory fees                                    204,286        164,117                       368,403
     Transfer agent fees                               32,449         26,293       (4,500) 5        54,242
     Administration fees                               37,053         32,127      (12,591) 3        56,589
     Custodian fees                                    26,647         16,315      (13,000) 6        29,962
     Registration fees                                 20,878         25,793      (15,000) 3        31,671
     Accounting fees                                   21,768         20,985      (20,000) 7        22,753
     Professional fees                                 11,794          9,794       (9,794) 3        11,794
     Reports to shareholders                           10,001         21,999      (10,000) 3        22,000
     Insurance fees                                     2,218          2,052        4,270
     Directors' fees                                    7,399          7,399       14,798
     Miscellaneous fees                                 3,114          3,000       (3,000) 3         3,114
     Amortization of deferred organization costs        5,038          5,037       (5,037) 3         5,038
          Total expenses                              382,645        334,911      (92,922)         624,634
          Less: expense reimbursement                                (92,281)      92,281  4             0
          Net expenses                                382,645        242,630         (641)         624,634
              Net investment (loss) income            716,483        352,304          641        1,069,428
  Net realized gain from security transactions      2,269,047      1,470,454                     3,739,501
  Net change in unrealized appreciation
   of investments                                     553,549        694,626                     1,248,175
    Net realized and unrealized gain on
     investments                                    2,822,596      2,165,080            0        4,987,676
      Net Increase in Net Assets Resulting
       from Operations                             $3,539,079      2,517,384          641        6,057,104

- ----------
1.   Net of foreign  withholding  tax of $23,142 and $6,544 for the  Cornerstone
     Value Fund and Dogs of the Market Fund, respectively.
2.   Assumed expense reductions during the period reflecting the Growth Combined
3.   Assumed  expense  subsidy not needed  during period  reflecting  the Growth
     Combined Fund.



                                                                                         INDUSTRY                 NON-INCOME
    --------                  ------         -------------                ------------   --------    ----------   ---------
Auto Manufacturers             9,000    Ford Motor Company                   451,688      451,688       1.72%
Auto Parts & Equipment        13,000    Dana Corporation                     482,625      482,625       1.83%
Banks                         10,200    BANC ONE CORPORATION                 355,087
Banks                          8,600    BankAmerica Corporation              478,912
Banks                         13,500    BankBoston Corporation               585,562
Banks                          8,600    First Union Corporation              305,838
Banks                         16,300    KeyCorp                              420,744
Banks                          6,800    National Australia Bank Ltd.         501,925
Banks                          9,900    PNC Bank Corp.                       521,606
Banks                         12,100    Summit Bancorp                       392,494     3,562,168     13.54%
Beverages                     11,300    Diageo PLC                           468,244      468,244       1.78%
Chemicals                     11,400    Eastman Chemical Company             456,000
Chemicals                      5,800    The Dow Chemical Company             659,025     1,115,025      4.24%
Distribution/Wholesale        15,600    Genuine Parts Company                414,375      414,375       1.58%
Financial Services            11,200    Union Planters Corporation           456,400      456,400       1.73%
Food                           6,600    General Mills, Inc.                  535,425
Food                          17,700    Nabisco Group Holdings Corp.         265,500      800,925       3.04%
Forest Products & Paper       19,400    Westvaco Corporation                 497,125
Forest Products & Paper       10,400    Weyerhaeuser Company                 599,300     1,096,425      4.17%
Holding Companies -
Diversified                   27,700    Tomkins PLC                          470,900      470,900       1.79%
Household Product/Wares       16,600    Fortune Brands, Inc.                 535,350      535,350       2.04%
Insurance                     12,300    SAFECO Corporation                   344,400
Insurance                     14,800    The St. Paul Companies, Inc.         407,000      751,400       2.86%
Iron/Steel                    24,700    Allegheny Teledyne Incorporated      416,812
                                        Anglo American Corporation of South
Iron/Steel                    18,277    Africa                              1,021,227
Iron/Steel                    32,400    British Steel PLC                    834,300     2,272,339      8.64%       *
Machinery - Diversified       15,600    Deere & Company                      603,525      603,525       2.29%
Mining                        10,800    Rio Tinto plc                        766,800      766,800       2.91%
Miscellaneous Manufacturing   10,900    Cooper Industries, Inc.              509,575
                                        Minnesota Mining and
Miscellaneous Manufacturing    7,000    Manufacturing Corp.                  672,438
Miscellaneous Manufacturing   15,400    Tenneco Inc.                         261,800     1,443,813      5.49%
Oil & Gas Producers            7,700    Atlantic Richfield Company           682,412
Oil & Gas Producers            5,433    BP Amoco ADR                         602,044
Oil & Gas Producers            6,300    Chevron Corporation                  559,125
Oil & Gas Producers           32,300    Imperial Petroleum, Inc.             672,244
Oil & Gas Producers           30,300    Occidental Petroleum Corporation     700,688
Oil & Gas Producers           12,000    Phillips Petroleum Company           585,000
                                        Shell Transport and Trading
Oil & Gas Producers           13,900    Company                              632,450
Oil & Gas Producers           14,600    Sunoco, Inc.                         399,675
Oil & Gas Producers            9,800    Texaco Inc.                          618,625
Oil & Gas Producers           17,700    USX-Marathon Group                   517,725     5,969,988     22.70%
Packaging & Containers        16,900    Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.      409,825       409,825      1.56%
Retail                        11,100    J.C. Penny Company                   381,563       381,563      1.45%
Telephone                               Compania Anonima Nacional
                              28,700    Telefonos d                          769,519
Telephone                     17,800    Telefonica de Argentina S.A.         469,475
Telephone                     10,600    Telefonos de Mexico                  755,250
Telephone                      8,400    U S  WEST Inc.                       479,325    2,473,569       9.40%
Tobacco                        9,900    Philip Morris Companies Inc.         338,456
Tobacco                        5,866    RJ Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc.   158,382      496,838       1.89%
Transportation                12,400    CSX Corporation                      525,450      525,450       2.00%
Total Common Stocks
  (cost $26,850,423): 98.65%                 25,949,235

Total Investment in Securities
  (cost $26,850,423): 98.65%                 25,949,235
Other Assets less Liabilities:  1.35%           355,815
Total Net Assets 100.0%                     $26,305,050

* Non-income producing security.



                                                                              MARKET     INDUSTRY                 NON-INCOME
    INDUSTRY                  SHARES          SECURITY NAME                   VALUE      SUBTOTAL    INDUSTRY %   PRODUCING
    --------                  ------          -------------                   -----      --------    ----------   ---------
Auto Manufacturers             8,700    General Motors Corporation            547,556      547,556     3.09%
Auto Parts & Equipment        30,300    Cooper Tire & Rubber Company          534,038
Auto Parts & Equipment         6,289    Delphi Automotive Systems             101,017
Auto Parts & Equipment        11,700    The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company    563,063    1,198,118     6.76%
Banks                          5,700    J.P. Morgan & Co., Incorporated       651,225      651,225     3.67%
Chemicals                     15,700    Air Products and Chemicals            456,281
Chemicals                     11,100    E.I. du Pont de Nemours and
                                        Company                               675,712
Chemicals                     22,300    Nalco Chemical Company              1,126,150    2,258,143    12.74%
Consumer Products             14,900    American Greetings Corporation        383,675      383,675     2.17%
Cosmetics/Personal Care       13,600    International Flavors &
                                        Fragrances, Inc.                      469,200      469,200     2.65%
Distribution/Warehouse        18,500    Genuine Parts Company                 491,406      491,406     2.77%
Electrical Componen &
Equipment                     10,000    Emerson Electric                      631,875      631,875     3.57%
Electronics                   10,300    Johnson Controls, Inc.                683,019      683,019     3.85%
Food                          11,400    Bestfoods                             552,900
Food                          19,200    ConAgra, Inc.                         433,200
Food                          10,700    H.J. Heinz Company                    460,100
Food                          17,700    Kellogg Company                       662,644
Food                          13,900    Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc.               412,656    2,521,500    14.23%
Housewares                    14,600    Newell Rubbermaid, Inc.               417,013      417,013     2.35%
Machinery - Construction &
Mining                        12,900    Caterpillar Inc.                      707,081      707,081     3.99%
Miscellaneous Manufacturing    8,600    Eastman Kodak Company                 648,762
                                        Minnesota Mining and
Miscellaneous Manufacturing    8,200    Manufacturing Corp.                   787,713
Miscellaneous Manufacturing   16,100    National Service Industries, Inc.     507,150    1,943,625    10.98%
Oil & Gas Producers            7,500    Chevron Corporation                   665,625
Oil & Gas Producers            8,400    Exxon Corporation                     637,875
Oil & Gas Producers           12,400    Royal Dutch Petroleum Company - ADR   732,375    2,035,875    11.49%
Packaging & Containers        16,100    Bernis Company                        545,387      545,387     3.08%
Retail                        15,050    The May Dept. Stores Company          548,384      548,384     3.09%
Telephone                      9,900    AllTELL Corporation                   696,712      696,712     3.93%
Tobacco                       11,700    Philip Morris Companies Inc.          399,994
Tobacco                       17,800    UST, Inc.                             537,338      937,332     5.29%
Total Common Stocks
  (cost $18,470,326): 99.70%                 17,667,126

Total Investment in Securities
  (cost $18,470,326): 99.70%                 17,667,126
Other Assets less Liabilities: 0.30%             53,965
Total Net Assets 100.0%                     $17,721,091



                                                                              MARKET     INDUSTRY                 NON-INCOME
    INDUSTRY                  SHARES          SECURITY NAME                   VALUE      SUBTOTAL    INDUSTRY %   PRODUCING
    --------                  ------          -------------                   -----      --------    ----------   ---------
Auto Manufacturers            9,000    Ford Motor Company                   451,688
Auto Manufacturers            8,700    General Motors Corporation           547,556       999.244        2.27%
Auto Parts & Equipment       30,300    Cooper Tire & Rubber Company         534,038
Auto Parts & Equipment       13,000    Dana Corporation                     482,625
Auto Parts & Equipment        6,289    Delphi Automotive Systems            101,017
Auto Parts & Equipment       11,700    The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company   563,063     1,680,743        3.82%
Banks                        10,200    BANC ONE CORPORATION                 355,087
Banks                         8,600    BankAmerica Corporation              478,912
Banks                        13,500    BankBoston Corporation               585,562
Banks                         8,600    First Union Corporation              305,838
Banks                         5,700    J.P. Morgan & Co. Incorporated       651,225
Banks                        16,300    KeyCorp                              420,744
Banks                         6,800    National Australia Bank Ltd.         501,925
Banks                         9,900    PNC Bank Corp.                       521,606
Banks                        12,100    Summit Bancorp                       392,494     4,213,393        9.57%
Beverages                    11,300    Diageo PLC                           468,244       468,244        1.06%
Chemicals                    15,700    Air Products and Chemicals           456,281
                                       E.I. du Pont de Nemours and
Chemicals                    11,100    Company                              675,712
Chemicals                    11,400    Eastman Chemical Company             456,000
Chemicals                    22,300    Nalco Chemical Company             1,126,150
Chemicals                     5,800    The Dow Chemical Company             659,025     3,373,168        7.66%
Consumer Products            14,900    American Greetings Corporation       383,675       383,675        0.87%
                                       International Flavors &
Cosmetics/Personal Care      13,600    Fragrances, Inc.                     469,200       469,200        1.07%
Distribution/Wholesale       15,600    Genuine Parts Company                414,375
Distribution/Wholesale       18,500    Genuine Parts Company                491,406       905,781        2.06%
Electricial Components &
Equipment                    10,000    Emerson Electric                     631,875       631,875        1.43%
Electronics                  10,300    Johnson Controls, Inc.               683,019       683,019        1.55%
Financial Services           11,200    Union Planters Corporation           456,400       456,400        1.04%
Food                         11,400    Bestfoods                            552,900
Food                         19,200    ConAgra, Inc.                        433,200
Food                          6,600    General Mills, Inc.                  535,425
Food                         10,700    H.J. Heinz Company                   460,100
Food                         17,700    Kellogg Company                      662,644
Food                         17,700    Nabisco Group Holdings Corp.         265,500
Food                         13,900    Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc.              412,656     3,322,425        7.55%
Forest Products & Paper      19,400    Westvaco Corporation                 497,125
Forest Products & Paper      10,400    Weyerhaeuser Company                 599,300     1,096,425        2.49%
Holding Companies -
Diversified                  27,700    Tomkins PLC                          470,900       470,900        1.07%
Household Product/Wares      16,600    Fortune Brands, Inc.                 535,350       535,350        1.22%
Housewares                   14,600    Newell Rubbermail, Inc.              417,013       417,013        0.95%
Insurance                    12,300    SAFECO Corporation                   344,400
Insurance                    14,800    The St. Paul Companies, Inc.         407,900       751,400        1.71%
Iron/Steel                   24,700    Allegheny Teledyne Incorporated      416,812
Iron/Steel                   18,277    Anglo American Corporation of
                                       South Africa                       1,021,227
Iron/Steel                   32,400    British Steel PLC                    834,300     2,272,339        5.16%      *
Machinery - Construction &
Mining                       12,900    Caterpillar Inc.                     707,081       707,081        1.61%
Machinery - Diversified      15,600    Deere & Company                      603,525       603,525        1.37%
Mining                       10,800    Rio Tinto plc                        766,800       766,800        1.74%
Miscellaneous Manufacturing  10,900    Cooper Industries, Inc.              509,575
Miscellaneous Manufacturing   8,600    Eastman Kodak Company                648,762
Miscellaneous Manufacturing   7,000    Minnesota Mining and
                                       Manufacturing Corp.                  672,438
Miscellaneous Manufacturing   8,200    Minnesota Mining and
                                       Manufacturing Corp.                  787,713
Miscellaneous Manufacturing  16,100    National Service Industries, Inc.    507,150
Miscellaneous Manufacturing  15,400    Tenneco Inc.                         261,800     3,387,438        7.69%
Oil & Gas Producers           7,700    Atlantic Richfield Company           682,412
Oil & Gas Producers           5,433    BP Amoco ADR                         602,044
Oil & Gas Producers           6,300    Chevron Corporation                  559,125
Oil & Gas Producers           7,500    Chevron Corporation                  665,625
Oil & Gas Producers           8,400    Exxon Corporation                    637,875
Oil & Gas Producers          32,300    Imperial Petroleum, Inc.             672,244
Oil & Gas Producers          30,300    Occidental Petroleum Corporation     700,688
Oil & Gas Producers          12,000    Phillips Petroleum Company           585,000
Oil & Gas Producers          12,400    Royal Dutch Petroleum Company -ADR   732,375
Oil & Gas Producers          13,900    Shell Transport and Trading Company  632,450



                                                                              MARKET     INDUSTRY                 NON-INCOME
    INDUSTRY                  SHARES          SECURITY NAME                   VALUE      SUBTOTAL    INDUSTRY %   PRODUCING
    --------                  ------          -------------                   -----      --------    ----------   ---------
Oil & Gas Producers          14,600    Sunoco, Inc.                         399,675
Oil & Gas Producers           9,800    Texaco Inc.                          618,625
Oil & Gas Producers          17,700    USX-Marathon Group                   517,725      8,005,863      18.18%
Packaging & Containers       16,100    Bernis Company                       545,387
Packaging & Containers       16,900    Crown Cork & Seal Company, Inc.      409,825        955,212       2.17%
Retail                       11,100    J.C. Penny Company                   381,563
Retail                       15,050    The May Dept. Stores Company         548,384        929,947       2.11%
Telephone                     9,900    ALLTELL Corporation                  696,712
Telephone                    28,700    Compania Anonima Nacional
                                       Telefonos d                          769,519
Telephone                    17,800    Telefonica de Argentina S.A.         469,475
Telephone                    10,600    Telefonos de Mexico                  755,250
Telephone                     8,400    U S  WEST Inc.                       479,325      3,179,281       7.20%
Tobacco                       9,900    Philip Morris Companies Inc.         338,456
Tobacco                      11,700    Philip Morris Companies Inc.         399,994
Tobacco                       5,866    RJ Reynolds Tobacco Holdings, Inc.   158,382
Tobacco                      17,800    UST, Inc.                            537,338      1,434,170       3.26%
Transportation               12,400    CSX Corporation                      525,450        525,450       1.19%
                                                                         43,616,361    43,6161,361      99.07%
Total Common Stocks
  (cost $45,320,749): 99.07%                    43,616,361

Total Investment in Securities
  (cost $45,320,749):99.07%                     43,616,361
Other Assets less Liabilities:  0.93%              409,780
Total Net Assets 100.0%                        $44,026,141

* Non-income producing security.


                                     PART C
                                OTHER INFORMATION


     Each officer and director of  O'Shaughnessy  Funds shall be  indemnified by
O'Shaughnessy  Funds to the full extent  permitted under the General Laws of the
State of Maryland,  except that such indemnity shall not protect any such person
against any liability to O'Shaughnessy Funds or any stockholder thereof to which
such person  would  otherwise be subject by reason of willful  misfeasance,  bad
faith,  gross  negligence  or reckless  disregard of the duties  involved in the
conduct of his office.  Absent a court determination that an officer or director
seeking  indemnification  was not  liable on the  merits  or  guilty of  willful
misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross  negligence or reckless  disregard of the duties
involved in the conduct of his office,  the decision by  O'Shaughnessy  Funds to
indemnify  such  person  must be based  upon  the  reasonable  determination  of
independent legal counsel or the vote of a majority of a quorum of the directors
who are  neither  "interested  persons,"  as defined in Section  2(a)(19) of the
Investment  Company Act, nor parties to the proceeding  ("non-party  independent
directors"),  after  review of the facts,  that such  officer or director is not
guilty of willful misfeasance, bad faith, gross negligence or reckless disregard
of the duties  involved in the conduct of his office.  Each officer and director
of O'Shaughnessy Funds claiming indemnification within the scope of this Article
V shall be  entitled  to advances  from  O'Shaughnessy  Funds for payment of the
reasonable  expenses  incurred by him in connection with proceedings to which he
is a party in the manner and to the full extent permitted under the General Laws
of the State of Maryland without a preliminary  determination as to his ultimate
entitlement to indemnification (except as set forth below);  provided,  however,
that the person seeking  indemnification  shall provide to O'Shaughnessy Funds a
written  affirmation  of his good  faith  belief  that the  standard  of conduct
necessary for  indemnification by O'Shaughnessy Funds has been met and a written
undertaking  to repay any such  advance,  if it should  ultimately be determined
that the  standard of conduct has not been met,  and  provided  further  that at
least one of the following additional  conditions is met: (a) the person seeking
indemnification  shall  provide a  security  in form and  amount  acceptable  to
O'Shaughnessy  Funds for his  undertaking;  (b)  O'Shaughnessy  Funds is insured
against losses  arising by reason of the advance;  (c) a majority of a quorum of
non-party  independent  directors,  or  independent  legal  counsel in a written
opinion,  shall  determine,  based on a review  of facts  readily  available  to
O'Shaughnessy  Funds at the time the advance is proposed to be made,  that there
is reason to believe that the person seeking  indemnification will ultimately be
found to be  entitled  to  indemnification.  O'Shaughnessy  Funds  may  purchase
insurance on behalf of an officer or director protecting such person to the full
extent permitted under the General Laws of the State of Maryland, from liability
arising  from his  activities  as officer or  director of  O'Shaughnessy  Funds.
O'Shaughnessy  Funds,  however,  may not  purchase  insurance  on  behalf of any
officer or director of O'Shaughnessy  Funds that protects or purports to protect
such person from  liability to  O'Shaughnessy  Funds or to its  stockholders  to
which such officer or director  would  otherwise be subject by reason of willful
misfeasance,  bad faith,  gross negligence,  or reckless disregard of the duties
involved in the conduct of his office.  O'Shaughnessy Funds may indemnify,  make
advances  or purchase  insurance  to the extent  provided  in this  Article V on
behalf  of  an  employee  or  agent  who  is  not  an  officer  or  director  of
O'Shaughnessy  Funds.  The Registrant has purchased an insurance policy insuring
its officers and Directors against  liabilities,  and certain costs of defending
claims  against such  officers and  Directors,  to the extent such  officers and
Directors  are  not  found  to  have  committed  conduct   constituting  willful
misfeasance,   bad  faith,   gross  negligence  or  reckless  disregard  in  the
performance of their duties.  Article IV of the Management Agreement between the
Registrant  and  O'Shaughnessy   Capital  Management  limits  the  liability  of
O'Shaughnessy   Capital   Management   to   liabilities   arising  from  willful
misfeasance,  bad  faith  or  gross  negligence  in  the  performance  of  their
respective  duties or from  reckless  disregard of their  respective  duties and
obligations.  In Section  6(b) of the  Distribution  Agreement  relating  to the
securities  being  offered  hereby,  the  Registrant  agrees  to  indemnify  the
Distributor  and each person,  if any, who controls the  Distributor  within the
meaning of the Securities Act of 1933 (the  "Securities  Act"),  against certain
types  of  civil  liabilities  arising  in  connection  with  this  Registration
Statement or the Proxy  Statement  and  Prospectus  and  Statement of Additional
Information.  Insofar  as  indemnification  for  liabilities  arising  under the
Securities Act may be permitted to Directors,  officers and controlling  persons
of the  Registrant  and the  principal  underwriter  pursuant  to the  foregoing
provisions or otherwise,  the Registrant has been advised that in the opinion of
the Securities and Exchange  Commission such  indemnification  is against public
policy as expressed in the Act and is,  therefore,  unenforceable.  In the event
that a claim  for  indemnification  against  such  liabilities  (other  than the
payment by the Registrant of expenses  incurred or paid by a Director,  officer,
or  controlling  person  of the  Registrant  and the  principal  underwriter  in
connection  with the  successful  defense of any action,  suit or proceeding) is
asserted  by such  Director,  officer  or  controlling  person or the  principal
underwriter in connection with the shares being registered, the Registrant will,
unless in the opinion of its counsel the matter has been settled by  controlling
precedent,  submit to a court of appropriate  jurisdiction  the question whether
such  indemnification  by it is  against  public  policy  as  expressed  in  the
Securities Act and will be governed by the final adjudication of such issue.



Exhibit No.
- -----------

     1.   (a) Articles of Incorporation of the Registrant. (1)

          (b) Articles of Amendment, dated July 2, 1996. (1)

     2.   Amended and Restated By-laws of the Registrant. (2)

     3.   Not applicable.

     4.   Form of  Agreement  and  Plan of  Reorganization  (filed  herewith  as
          Exhibit I to the Proxy  Statement  and  Prospectus  contained  in this
          Registration Statement).

     5.   Instrument defining rights of shareholders  (incorporated by reference
          to Exhibits 1(a), 1(b) and 2 above).

     6.   Management Agreement between the Registrant and O'Shaughnessy  Capital
          Management, Inc. (2)

     7.   Distribution   Agreement   between  the   Registrant  and  First  Fund
          Distributors, Inc. (2)

     8.   Not applicable.

     9.   Custody  Agreement  between the  Registrant and Firstar Trust Company.

     10.  Not applicable.

     11.  Opinion and consent of Swidler Berlin Shereff  Friedman,  LLP, counsel
          to the Registrant.

     12.  (a)  Opinion  and consent of Swidler  Berlin  Shereff  Friedman,  LLP,
               counsel to the Registrant, regarding certain tax matters relating
               to the Growth Funds Reorganization.

          (b)  Opinion  and consent of Swidler  Berlin  Shereff  Friedman,  LLP,
               counsel to the Registrant, regarding certain tax matters relating
               to the Value Funds Reorganization.

     13.  (a)  Transfer  Agency,  Dividend  Disbursing  Agency  and  Shareholder
               Servicing  Agency  Agreement  between the  Registrant and Firstar
               Trust Company. (2)

          (b)  Administration  Agreement  between the  Registrant and Investment
               Company Administration, LLC. (2)

          (c)  Fund  Accounting  Agreement  between the  Registrant  and Firstar
               Trust Company. (2)

     14.  (a)  Consent of McGladrey & Pullen, LLP.

          (b)  Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

     15.  Not applicable.

     16.  Power of Attorney. (3)

     17   (a)  Prospectus   dated   November  30,  1998  of  the   O'Shaughnessy
               Cornerstone Value Fund and the O'Shaughnessy  Cornerstone  Growth
               Fund. (4)

          (b)  Prospectus dated November 30, 1998 of the  O'Shaughnessy  Dogs of
               the Market(TM)Fund. (4)

          (c)  Prospectus   dated   November  30,  1998  of  the   O'Shaughnessy
               Aggressive Growth Fund. (4)


          (d)  Combined  Statement of Additional  Information dated November 30,
               1998 of the Funds. (4)

          (e)  Combined  Semi-Annual Report to Shareholders of the O'Shaughnessy
               Cornerstone Value Fund and the O'Shaughnessy  Cornerstone  Growth
               Fund for the six-month period ended March 31, 1999.(4)

          (f)  Form of Proxy for the O'Shaughnessy  Dogs of the Market(TM) Fund.

          (g)  Form of Proxy for the O'Shaughnessy Aggressive Growth Fund.

          (h)  President's Letter. (4)

          (i)  Combined  Annual  Report  to  Shareholders  of the  O'Shaughnessy
               Cornerstone  Value Fund,  the  O'Shaughnessy  Cornerstone  Growth
               Fund,  the  O'Shaughnessy  Dogs  of the  MarketTM  Fund  and  the
               O'Shaughnessy Aggressive Growth Fund for the year ended September
               30, 1999.

- ----------
(1)  Previously  filed  with  Registration  Statement  on Form  N-1A  (File  No.
     333-7595) on July 3, 1996, and incorporated herein by this reference.

(2)  Previously  filed with  Pre-Effective  Amendment No. 1 to the  Registration
     Statement  on Form  N-1A  (File No.  333-7595)  on  October  9,  1996,  and
     incorporated herein by this reference.

(3)  Included on the signature page of the Registrant's  Registration  Statement
     on Form  N-14  (File  No.  333-91421)  filed  on  November  22,  1999,  and
     incorporated herein by this reference.

(4)  Previously  filed  with  Registration  Statement  on Form  N-14  (File  No.
     333-91421) on November 22, 1999, and incorporated herein by this reference.


     (a) The undersigned  Registrant agrees to prior to any public reoffering of
the  securities  registered  through the use of a prospectus  which is a part of
this  Registration  Statement  by any  person  or party  who is  deemed to be an
underwriter  within  the  meaning  of Rule  145(c) of the  Securities  Act,  the
reoffering  prospectus will contain the information called for by the applicable
registration form for reofferings by persons who may be deemed underwriters,  in
addition  to the  information  called for by the other  items of the  applicable

     (b) The undersigned  Registrant  agrees that every prospectus that is filed
under  paragraph  (a)  above  will  be  filed  as part  of an  amendment  to the
Registration  Statement  and will not be used until the  amendment is effective,
and that, in determining any liability  under the 1933 Act, each  post-effective
amendment shall be deemed to be a new registration  statement for the securities
offered therein, and the offering of the securities at that time shall be deemed
to be the initial bona fide offering of them.



     As required by the Securities Act of 1933,  this Amendment to  Registration
Statement has been signed on behalf of the Registrant, in the city of Greenwich,
and State of Connecticut, on the 11th day of January, 2000.

                             O'SHAUGHNESSY FUNDS, INC.

                             By: /s/ James P. O'Shaughnessy
                                 James P. O'Shaughnessy,

     As required by the Securities Act of 1933, this Registration  Statement has
been  signed  by the  following  persons  in  the  capacities  and on the  dates

        Signatures                        Title                        Date
        ----------                        -----                        ----

James P. O'Shaughnessy*            President (Chief Executive
- -------------------------------    Officer)
James P. O'Shaughnessy

James P. O'Shaughnessy*            Treasurer (Chief Financial
- -------------------------------    and Accounting Officer)
James P. O'Shaughnessy

C. Flemming Heilmann*              Director
- -------------------------------
C. Flemming Heilmann

Joseph John McAleer*               Director
- -------------------------------
Joseph John McAleer

Robert E. Ix*                      Director
- -------------------------------
Robert E. Ix

* By: /s/ James P. O'Shaughnessy                                January 11, 2000
    (James P. O'Shaughnessy, Attorney-in-Fact)


                                  EXHIBIT INDEX

Exhibit No.
- -----------

11          Opinion and consent of Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP, counsel
            to the Registrant.

12        (a)  Opinion  and consent of Swidler  Berlin  Shereff  Friedman,  LLP,
               counsel to the Registrant  regarding certain tax matters relating
               to the Growth Funds Reorganization.

          (b)  Opinion  and consent of Swidler  Berlin  Shereff  Friedman,  LLP,
               counsel to the Registrant  regarding certain tax matters relating
               to the Value Funds Reorganization.

14        (a)  Consent of McGladrey & Pullen, LLP.

          (b)  Consent of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP.

17        (f)  Form of Proxy for the O'Shaughnessy Dogs of the Market(TM)Fund.

          (g)  Form of Proxy for the O'Shaughnessy Aggressive Growth Fund.

          (i)  Combined  Annual  Report  to  Shareholders  of the  O'Shaughnessy
               Cornerstone  Value Fund,  the  O'Shaughnessy  Cornerstone  Growth
               Fund,  the  O'Shaughnessy  Dogs  of the  MarketTM  Fund  and  the
               O'Shaughnessy Aggressive Growth Fund for the year ended September
               30, 1999.