January 10, 2000

O'Shaughnessy Funds, Inc.
O'Shaughnessy Cornerstone Growth Fund
35 Mason Street
Greenwich, Connecticut 06830

O'Shaughnessy Funds, Inc.
O'Shaughnessy Aggressive Growth Fund
35 Mason Street
Greenwich, Connecticut 06830

Dear Sirs:

     We  are  acting  as  counsel  to  O'Shaughnessy  Funds,  Inc.,  a  Maryland
corporation in connection with the proposed transfer of substantially all of the
assets of the O'Shaughnessy  Aggressive Growth Fund ("Aggressive  Growth Fund"),
an investment  portfolio of  O'Shaughnessy  Funds,  Inc.,  to the  O'Shaughnessy
Cornerstone  Growth Fund  ("Cornerstone  Growth  Fund"),  a separate  investment
portfolio  of  O'Shaughnessy   Funds,  Inc.,  in  exchange  for  shares  of  the
Cornerstone Growth Fund (the "Shares"), and the assumption by Cornerstone Growth
Fund of substantially all of Aggressive Growth Fund's  liabilities,  pursuant to
an Agreement and Plan of  Reorganization  (the  "Agreement").  The  transactions
contemplated  by the  Agreement  are  collectively  referred  to  herein  as the

     In connection with the filing of the Registration Statement, you have asked
for  our  opinion   regarding  the  federal  income  tax   consequences  of  the

     We have  participated in the preparation of the  O'Shaughnessy  Funds, Inc.
Registration  Statement on Form N-14 (the  "Registration  Statement")  relating,
among other things,  to the Shares of  Cornerstone  Growth Fund to be offered in
exchange for the assets of Aggressive Growth Fund, and containing the Prospectus
and Proxy Statement relating to the  Reorganization  (the  "Prospectus"),  filed
with the Securities and Exchange  Commission (the "Commission")  pursuant to the
provisions of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and
the  rules  and  regulations  of the  Commission  thereunder.  In  addition,  in
connection  with  rendering  the opinions  expressed  herein,  we have  examined
originals or copies,  certified or otherwise identified to our satisfaction,  of
such other  documents,  records and  instruments as we have deemed  necessary or
appropriate for the purpose of rendering this opinion, including the form of the
Agreement included as Exhibit I to the Prospectus.

     In  our  examination  of the  foregoing  documents,  we  have  assumed  the
genuineness  of all  signatures,  the  authority  of  each  signatory,  the  due
execution and delivery of all documents by all parties,  the authenticity of all
agreements,   documents,   certificates  and  instruments  submitted  to  us  as
originals,  the  conformity  of the  Agreement as executed and  delivered by the
parties  with the form of the  Agreement  contained in the  Prospectus,  and the
conformity  with  originals  of  all  agreements,  documents,  certificates  and
instruments submitted to us as copies.

     In  rendering  the  opinions  expressed  herein,  we have  assumed that the
transactions  contemplated  by the Agreement  will be  consummated in accordance
therewith  and as described  in the  Prospectus.  As to other  questions of fact
material  to this  opinion,  we have  assumed,  with your  approval  and without
independent  investigation  or  verification,  that the following  facts will be
accurate and complete as of the consummation of the Reorganization (the "Closing

     1. The fair market  value of the Shares to be  received by each  Aggressive
Growth Fund  shareholder will be equal to the fair market value of the shares of
Aggressive  Growth Fund surrendered in exchange therefor upon the liquidation of
Aggressive Growth Fund.

     2. There will be no plan or intention by  Aggressive  Growth Fund to redeem
its shares prior or incident to and as part of the Reorganization.  For purposes
of this assumption,  shares of Aggressive Growth Fund required to be redeemed by
Aggressive  Growth  Fund  prior  to the  Reorganization  and  not as part of the


O'Shaughnessy Cornerstone Growth Fund
O'Shaughnessy Aggressive Growth Fund
January 10, 2000
Page 2

Reorganization  but in  the  ordinary  course  of its  business  as an  open-end
investment  company  pursuant to Section 22(e) of the Investment  Company Act of
1940, as amended (the "ICA"), shall not be taken into account.

     3. Pursuant to the  Agreement,  Aggressive  Growth Fund will  distribute in
complete liquidation of Aggressive Growth Fund, the Shares of Cornerstone Growth
Fund received by Aggressive Growth Fund in the Reorganization.

     4. The liabilities of Aggressive Growth Fund assumed by Cornerstone  Growth
Fund  pursuant to the  Reorganization,  plus the  liabilities,  if any, to which
assets transferred  pursuant to the Reorganization  will be subject,  constitute
less  than  20% of the  total  consideration  for the  Reorganization,  all such
liabilities  will have been incurred by  Aggressive  Growth Fund in the ordinary
course  of  its  business,  and  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund  will  pay  no  other
consideration, except for the Shares, in connection with the Reorganization.

     5. All  expenses  incurred by  Aggressive  Growth Fund with  respect to the
Reorganization  will be borne by Aggressive  Growth Fund.  Each  shareholder  of
Aggressive  Growth Fund will pay its respective  share of the expenses,  if any,
incurred in connection with the Reorganization. Cornerstone Growth Fund will pay
the expenses, if any, incurred by it in connection with the Reorganization.

     6. No  intercorporate  indebtedness will exist between  Cornerstone  Growth
Fund and Aggressive Growth Fund that was issued, acquired, or will be settled at
a discount.

     7. Aggressive Growth Fund will not own, directly or indirectly, nor will it
have  owned  during the five years  preceding  the  Closing  Date,  directly  or
indirectly, any stock of Cornerstone Growth Fund.

     8. The assets of Aggressive  Growth Fund transferred to Cornerstone  Growth
Fund will  include  all assets  owned by  Aggressive  Growth Fund at fair market
value on the Closing Date subject to all known  liabilities of Aggressive Growth
Fund at such time.

     9. In accordance  with the terms of the Agreement,  Aggressive  Growth Fund
will transfer all of its business and will transfer assets to Cornerstone Growth
Fund  representing at least 90% of the fair market value of the net assets,  and
at least 70% of the fair market value of the gross  assets,  held by  Aggressive
Growth  Fund  immediately  prior to the  Reorganization.  For  purposes  of this
assumption,  amounts paid by Aggressive  Growth Fund to shareholders who receive
cash or other property,  amounts paid to dissenters,  amounts used by Aggressive
Growth  Fund  to  pay  its  reorganization  expenses  and  all  redemptions  and
distributions  (other than regular,  normal  redemptions  and dividends) made by
Aggressive Growth Fund immediately preceding the Reorganization will be included
as  assets  of   Aggressive   Growth   Fund  held   immediately   prior  to  the

     10.  The  fair  market  value  of the  assets  of  Aggressive  Growth  Fund
transferred  to  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund  will  equal  or  exceed  the  sum of
liabilities  assumed by Cornerstone Growth Fund, plus the amount of liabilities,
if any, to which the transferred assets will be subject.

     11. Aggressive Growth Fund will not be under the jurisdiction of a court in
a Title 11 or similar  case  within the meaning of Section  368(a)(3)(A)  of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code").

     12. No cash will be paid to the  shareholders of Aggressive  Growth Fund in
lieu of fractional Shares.

     13. For federal income tax purposes, Aggressive Growth Fund will qualify as
a regulated investment company (as defined in Code Section 851) and will have so
qualified  since its formation.  The provisions of Code Sections 851 through 855
apply to  Aggressive  Growth Fund and will continue to apply through the Closing

     14. As of the Closing  Date,  Aggressive  Growth Fund will have declared to
its  shareholders  of record a dividend or dividends  payable  prior to closing,
which  together  with all  previous  such  dividends  will  have the  effect  of
distributing all of Aggressive Growth Fund's  investment  company taxable income
plus the excess of its interest  income,  if any,  excludable  from gross income
under Code Section 103(a) (including by virtue of prior Section  853(b)(5)(C) of
the Code) over its  deductions  disallowed  under Sections 265 and 171(a)(2) for
the taxable  year of  Aggressive  Growth Fund ending on the Closing Date and all
its net capital gain  realized in such taxable  year.


O'Shaughnessy Cornerstone Growth Fund
O'Shaughnessy Aggressive Growth Fund
January 10, 2000
Page 3

     15. Neither  Cornerstone  Growth Fund nor any person related thereto within
the  meaning of Treasury  Regulation  Section  1.368-1(e)  will have any plan or
intention to reacquire  any of the Shares of  Cornerstone  Growth Fund issued in
the  Reorganization.  For  purposes of this  assumption,  Shares of  Cornerstone
Growth Fund  required to be redeemed by  Cornerstone  Growth Fund not as part of
the  Reorganization but in the ordinary course of its business as a portfolio of
an open-end investment company pursuant to Section 22(e) of the ICA shall not be
taken into account.

     16. Following the Reorganization, Cornerstone Growth Fund will continue the
historic  business of  Aggressive  Growth Fund or use a  significant  portion of
Aggressive Growth Fund's historic business assets in its business.

     17. Cornerstone Growth Fund will not own, directly or indirectly,  nor will
it have owned  during the five years  preceding  the Closing  Date,  directly or
indirectly, any shares of Aggressive Growth Fund.

     18.  Cornerstone  Growth Fund will not be under the jurisdiction of a court
in a Title 11 or similar case within the meaning of Code Section 368(a)(3)(A).

     19. For federal income tax purposes,  Cornerstone  Growth Fund will qualify
as a regulated investment company (as defined in Code Section 851) and will have
so qualified  since its  formation.  The provisions of Code Sections 851 through
855  apply to  Cornerstone  Growth  Fund  prior to the  Reorganization  and will
continue to apply after the Closing Date.

     20. No  compensation  received by any  shareholder-employee  of  Aggressive
Growth Fund will be separate  consideration for the Reorganization;  none of the
Shares of Cornerstone Growth Fund received by any  shareholder-employee  will be
separate  consideration for, or allocable to, any employment agreement;  and any
compensation  paid to any  shareholder-employee  will be for  services  actually
rendered and will be commensurate with amounts paid to other parties  bargaining
at arm's length for similar services.

     We note  that we are  members  of the Bar of the State of New York and that
our opinion is expressly limited to the federal laws of the United States.

     Based on the foregoing and subject to the  assumptions  and limitations set
forth above and such examination of law as we have deemed  necessary,  it is our
opinion that the  Reorganization  should constitute a reorganization  within the
meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(C) of the Code. Assuming the Reorganization does so
qualify, we are of the opinion that:

     1. Aggressive Growth Fund and Cornerstone Growth Fund will each be a "party
to a reorganization" within the meaning of Section 368(b) of the Code;

     2. Pursuant to Sections  361(a),  361(c)(1) and 357(a) of the Code, no gain
or loss will be  recognized  by  Aggressive  Growth  Fund upon the  transfer  of
substantially  all of its assets to Cornerstone  Growth Fund in exchange  solely
for Shares of Cornerstone  Growth Fund as a result of the Reorganization and the
assumption by Cornerstone  Growth Fund of substantially all of Aggressive Growth
Fund's  liabilities,  if any,  or  upon  the  distribution  (whether  actual  or
constructive) of the Shares of Cornerstone  Growth Fund in complete  liquidation
of Aggressive Growth Fund;

     3.  Pursuant  to  Section  1032(a)  of the  Code,  no gain or loss  will be
recognized by Cornerstone  Growth Fund upon its acquisition of Aggressive Growth
Fund's assets solely in exchange for Shares of  Cornerstone  Growth Fund and the
assumption by Cornerstone  Growth Fund of the  liabilities of Aggressive  Growth

     4.  Pursuant  to  Section  362(b) of the Code,  the basis of the  assets of
Aggressive  Growth Fund acquired by Cornerstone  Growth Fund will be the same as
the basis of such assets when held by Aggressive  Growth Fund immediately  prior
to the Reorganization;

     5.  Pursuant  to Section  1223(2) of the Code,  the  holding  period of the
assets of  Aggressive  Growth  Fund  acquired  by  Cornerstone  Growth Fund will
include the period during which such assets were held by Aggressive Growth Fund;

O'Shaughnessy Cornerstone Growth Fund
O'Shaughnessy Aggressive Growth Fund
January 10, 2000
Page 4

     6.  Pursuant  to  Section  354(a)(1)  of the Code,  no gain or loss will be
recognized by a shareholder  of Aggressive  Growth Fund upon the exchange of his
or her shares of Aggressive Growth Fund solely for Shares of Cornerstone  Growth
Fund, including fractional Shares, in liquidation of Aggressive Growth Fund;

     7. Pursuant to Section  358(a)(1) of the Code,  the aggregate  basis of the
Shares of  Cornerstone  Growth Fund  received by former  Aggressive  Growth Fund
shareholders  will be the same as the basis of  Aggressive  Growth  Fund  shares
surrendered in exchange therefor;

     8. Pursuant to Section  1223(1) of the Code,  the holding period for Shares
of Cornerstone  Growth Fund received by each  shareholder  of Aggressive  Growth
Fund in exchange  for his or her shares of  Aggressive  Growth Fund will include
the period during which such shareholder  held shares of Aggressive  Growth Fund
(provided  Aggressive Growth Fund shares were held as capital assets on the date
of the exchange); and

     9. The taxable  year of  Aggressive  Growth Fund will end on the  effective
date of the  Reorganization  and  pursuant  to  Section  381(a)  of the Code and
regulations  thereunder,  Cornerstone  Growth Fund will succeed to and take into
account  certain tax attributes of Aggressive  Growth Fund, such as earnings and
profits and capital loss carryovers.

     The opinions expressed herein are based upon currently  applicable statutes
and regulations and existing judicial and administrative interpretations. We can
provide no assurance that such statutes or regulations,  or existing judicial or
administrative interpretations thereof, will not be amended, revoked or modified
(possibly  prior to the  Closing  Date)  in a  manner  which  would  affect  our
conclusions. Finally, we note that this opinion is solely for the benefit of the
addressees  hereof in  connection  with the  transaction  described  herein and,
except as otherwise  provided  herein,  should not be referred to, used,  relied
upon  or  quoted  (with  or  without  specific  reference  to our  firm)  in any
documents, reports, financial statements or otherwise, without our prior written

     We hereby  consent  to the  filing of this  opinion  as an  exhibit  to the
Registration  Statement  and to the use of our name and to any  reference to our
firm  in the  Registration  Statement  or in the  Prospectus  constituting  part
thereof.  In giving such  consent,  we do not  thereby  admit that we are in the
category of persons whose consent is required  under Section 7 of the Securities
Act or the rules and regulations of the Commission thereunder.

                                Very truly yours,

                                /s/ Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
                                Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP