Dimensional  Visions  Group,  Ltd.  (the  "Corporation"  or  "Company"),  a
Delaware corporation,  pursuant to Section 151(g) of the General Corporation Law
of the State of Delaware, as amended, hereby certifies that:

     1.  The  Board of  Directors  of the  Corporation,  pursuant  to  authority
expressly vested in it by the provisions of the Company's  Restated  Certificate
of  Incorporation,  duly adopted the  following  resolution  creating the fourth
series of the  Preference  Stock of the  Corporation  to  consist  initially  of
600,000  shares and fixing the  designations,  preferences  and rights,  and the
qualifications,  limitations  and  restrictions  thereof,  of the shares of such
series at a meeting duly held on August 26, 1995:

          RESOLVED, That pursuant to authority expressly granted to the Board of
          Directors  by the  provisions  of this  Corporation's  Certificate  of
          Incorporation,  the Board of Directors hereby creates the third series
          of the Preference  Stock of the  Corporation  to consist  initially of
          600,000 shares  ("Fourth  Series") and hereby fixes the  designations,
          preferences   and  rights,   and   qualifications,   limitations   and
          restrictions thereof, of the shares of such series (in addition to the
          designations,   preferences   and  rights,   and  the   qualification,
          limitations and restrictions  thereof, set forth in the Certificate of
          Incorporation  which are applicable to this  Corporation's  Preference
          Stock of all series) as follows:

               (1) Designation of Series.  The Fourth Series shall be designated
by the Series P Convertible Participating Preferred Stock.

               (2) Number of Shares.  The number of shares of the Fourth  Series
shall be 600,000,  which  number from time to time may be increased or decreased
(but not  below  the  number  of  shares  of the  series  then  outstanding)  by
resolution of the Board of Directors of the Corporation.

               (3)  Dividends.  Dividends  will be paid on the  Fourth  Series P
Convertible  Participating Preferred Stock to the extent that dividends are paid
on the Corporation's Common Stock.

               (4)  Redemption.  Shares  of  the  Fourth  Series  P  Convertible
Participating Preferred Stock shall not be redeemable.

               (5) No  Liquidation  Preference.  In the event of a voluntary  or
involuntary liquidation,  dissolution or winding up of the Corporation,  holders
of shares of the Fourth Series shall have no liquidation preference over holders
of the Corporation's  Common Stock. Holders of shares of the Fourth Series shall
participate  ratably  with  holders  of the  Corporation's  Common  Stock in the
distribution  of assets with each share of the Fourth Series  accounting for ten
(10)  shares  of  the  Corporation's   Common  Stock.   Nether  the  merger  nor
consolidation  of the Corporation  with or into any  corporation,  nor any sale,
transfer or lease of all or part of the Corporation's  assets, shall be deemed a
liquidation of the Corporation within the meaning of this paragraph (5).

               (6) Conversion  Rights. Any holder of shares of the Fourth Series
may convert any or all of such shares into fully paid and non-assessable  shares
of Common Stock of the  Corporation  (hereafter  called  "Common  Stock") on the
terms, at the times, and in the manner hereinafter set forth.

               (a) Shares of the  Fourth  Series  may be  converted  at any time
after  January  1,  1996,  or at such  time  that the  number  of  shares of the
Company's  authorized  but  unissued  Common  Stock are  available to allow 100%
conversion  of the entire  issued and  outstanding  Fourth  Series P Convertible
Participating  Preferred  Stock,  into shares of Common Stock at the rate of ten
(10) shares of Common Stock for each share of the Fourth Series, such rate to be
subject to adjustment as hereinafter provided.

               (b) Any  holder of  shares of the  Fourth  Series  who  elects to
convert them shall surrender the certificate therefor at the principal office of
any Transfer Agent, or the Corporation as the case may be, for such shares, with
the form of written  notice  endorsed on such  certificate  of his  elections to
convert them completed.  If necessary under the circumstances,  such certificate
shall be  endorsed  for  transfer or  accompanied  by  executed  instruments  of
transfer,  together with such other  transfer  papers as the transfer  Agent may
reasonably require.  The Corporation or such Transfer Agent, as the case may be,
may require,  as a condition to the exercise of the  conversion  privilege,  the
payment  of any  transfer  tax or  other  governmental  charge  (but not any tax
payable upon the issue of stock  deliverable  upon such  conversion) that may be
imposed  upon  any  transfer  incidental  or  prior  to the  conversion,  or the
submission of proper proof that the same has been paid. The conversion privilege
shall be deemed to have been exercised,  and the shares of Common Stock issuable
upon such  conversion  shall be deemed  to have been  issued,  upon the date the
Transfer  Agent,  or the Corporation as the case may be, receives for conversion
the certificate  representing such shares with the required terms for conversion
satisfied, except that as to any shares of such series which are surrendered for


conversion on a date which is less than five  business  days  preceding the date
fixed for the  determination  of holders of Common  Stock  entitled  to received
rights  to  subscribe  for or to  purchase  shares  of  Common  Stock  or  other
securities  of the  Corporation  convertible  to Common  Stock,  the  conversion
privilege  shall be deemed  to have  been  exercised  on the  business  day next
succeeding  the date  fixed for such  determination.  Each  person  entitled  to
receive the Common Stock issuable upon such conversion  shall from the same date
be  treated  as the  record  holder of such  Common  Stock,  and the  person who
surrenders such shares for conversion  shall on that date cease to be treated as
the record holder of the shares surrendered.

               (c) The  Corporation  shall  not  issue  in  connection  with the
conversion  of shares of the Fourth  Series  certificates  for a fraction of one
share of Common  Stock,  but in lieu  thereof  shall pay to any person who would
otherwise  be  entitled  thereto  an  amount  of case  equal  to  such  fraction
multiplied  by the Market Price of the Common Stock on the last  business day of
the week preceding the week in which the conversion privilege was deemed to have
been  exercised.  As used herein,  "Market  Price" means the last  reported sale
price  regular way on such day or, in case no such  reported sale takes place on
such day,  the  reported  closing bid price  regular  way, in either case on the
principal national  securities exchange on which the Common Stock is then listed
or, if not listed on any national securities exchange,  the closing bid price in
the  over-the-counter  market as reported by any New York Stock Exchange  member
firm selected from time to time by the Board of Directors for that purpose.

               (d) As soon as practicable after the effective date of conversion
of any shares of the Fourth Series,  the Corporation shall deliver to the person
or persons  entitled  thereto,  at the principal office of the Transfer Agent at
which such stock was surrendered for conversion,  certificates  representing the
shares of Common  Stock and any cash to which such  person or  persons  shall be
entitled on such conversion.

               (e) The  conversion  rate set forth in  subparagraph  (a) of this
paragraph (6) shall be subject to adjustment as follows:

                    (i) if the Corporation  subdivides the outstanding shares of
               its Common Stock into a greater number of shares or combines them
               into a smaller number of shares,  the  conversion  rate in effect
               immediately  prior to such  subdivision or  combination  shall be
               proportionately  increased or decreased  effective at the opening


               of  business  on the  day  following  the  day  upon  which  such
               subdivision or combination becomes effective;

                    (ii) if the Corporation  fixes a record date for the purpose
               of determining the holders of shares of Common Stock, entitled to
               receive any  dividend in Common  Stock,  the  conversion  rate in
               effect   immediately   prior  to  such   record   date  shall  be
               proportionately increased effective at the opening of business on
               the day  following  such record  date,  provided  that if for any
               reason the plan to pay such  dividend in Common  Stock is legally
               abandoned  before  payment,  then  any  adjustment  made  in  the
               conversion  rate by reason of the  passage  of such  record  date
               shall be canceled as of the date the plan is abandoned; and

                    (iii) the  issuance  to all  holders of Common  Stock of the
               Corporation  of rights to  subscribe  to Common  Stock at a price
               lower than 90% of the Market Price (defined  above) thereof as of
               the  close  of  business  on the  last  business  day of the week
               preceding  such  issuance of rights shall be deemed to constitute
               the  payment  of a  dividend  in Common  Stock to the  holders of
               shares of Common  Stock (and the record date  therefore  shall be
               deemed to have been fixed as the date of issuance of such rights)
               of that number of shares  which is  determined  by  dividing  the
               Market  price  per  share as of such  time  into  the  difference
               between (a) the total  Market Price as of such time of the number
               of shares  purchasable  upon  exercise of such rights and (B) the
               total offering price of such shares.

               (f) In case of

                    (i) any  reclassification  or change of the Common  Stock of
               the  Corporation  other than a change in its par value,  a change
               from  par  value  to  no  par  value  or  case  provided  for  in
               subparagraph (c) of this paragraph (6), or

                    (ii) a merger of  consolidation  in which the Corporation is
               not the continuing corporation,

               provisions  shall  be  made  so  that  the  Fourth  Series  shall
               thereafter  have the right to convert each share thereof into the
               kind and  amount  of  shares  of stock  or  other  securities  or
               property receivable upon such reclassification, change, merger or
               consolidation  by a holder  of the  number  and kind of shares of


               capital  stock of the  Corporation  into which such shares of the
               Fourth Series were convertible  immediately prior thereto. In any
               such case the Board of Directors  shall  determine  the manner in
               which the  adjustments  provided for in  subparagraph  (e) of the
               paragraph (6) shall thereafter be made.

               (g) Whenever the conversion rate is required to be adjusted:

                    (i) the Corporation  shall file a certificate  setting forth
               such  adjusted  conversion  rate and the  facts  upon  which  the
               adjustment  is based with the  Transfer  Agents for shares of the
               Fourth  Series and the  Transfer  Agents for the Common Stock and
               thereafter (until further adjusted) the adjusted  conversion rate
               shall be as set forth in such certificate; and

                    (ii) the  Corporation  shall  mail  notice of such  adjusted
               conversion rate to each holder of shares of the Fourth Series.

               (7) Voting Rights. Except as provided below, holders of shares of
the  Fourth  Series  shall have the  general  power to vote in the  election  of
directors and for all other  purposes,  on the basis of ten (10) votes per share
of the Fourth Series.  Holders of shares of the Fourth Series shall not have the
general  power to vote on any  matters on which they are  entitled  to vote as a
series or as part of the class of Preference Stock, regardless of series.

     2. This instrument will become effective as of the beginning of business on
September 5, 1995.


     IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the  Company  has caused  its  corporate  seal to be
hereunto affixed and this certificate to be signed by George S. Smith, its Chief
Executive Officer, and attested by Joann Furman, its  Secretary/Treasurer,  this
5th day of September, 1995.

                                        DIMENSIONAL VISIONS GROUP, LTD.

                                        By: /s/ George S. Smith
                                            George S. Smith
                                            Chief Executive Officer



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Joann Furman