
     Company wishes to employ  Executive and Executive  wishes to enter into the
employ of Company on the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement.

     NOW,  THEREFORE,  in  consideration  of  the  facts,  mutual  promises  and
covenants contained herein and intending to be legally bound hereby, Company and
Executive agree as follows:

     1.  EMPLOYMENT.  Company  hereby  employs  Executive and  Executive  hereby
accepts  employment by Company for the period and upon the terms and  conditions
contained in this Agreement.


          (a) The Executive is engaged hereunder as the Company's  President and
Chief Operating  Officer and agrees to perform the duties and services  incident
to that position. The Executive will report to the Board of Directors of Company
on a regular  basis.  Within 30 days after six months of  employment  under this
Agreement  have  elapsed,  the Board of  Directors  of Company  shall  convene a
meeting in order to consider  promotion  of  Executive  to the position of Chief
Executive Officer, based upon his performance to date.

          (b)  Throughout  the term of this  Agreement,  Executive  shall devote
substantially  all of his working  time,  energy,  skill and best efforts to the
performance  of his  duties  hereunder  in a manner  which will  faithfully  and
diligently  further the business and interests of Company.  The foregoing  shall
not be construed, however, as preventing the Executive from investing his assets
in such form or manner as will not require services on the part of the Executive
in the  operations  of the business in which such  investment is made that would
interfere with his obligations  hereunder,  and provided such business is not in
competition with the company or, if in competition, such business has a class of
securities registered under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the interest
of  Executive  therein is solely that of an investor  owning not more than 3% of
any class of the outstanding equity securities of such business.

     3. TERM.  This  Agreement  shall be for a term of  thirty-six  (36) months,
commencing  as of March 6,  2000,  and ending on March 5,  2003,  unless  sooner
terminated as hereinafter provided. This Agreement shall terminate at the end of
the original term,  provided,  however,  that the parties hereto shall, at least
sixty (60) days prior to the end of the term  hereof,  use their best efforts to
determine whether the Agreement will be renewed or renegotiated.


          (a) For all services to be rendered by  Executive to Company  pursuant
to this Agreement,  Executive shall receive an annual base salary of Two Hundred
and Fifty  Thousand  Dollars  ($250,000),  payable in accordance  with Company's
regular payroll practices in effect from time to time.

          (b) In addition  to  Executive's  base  salary,  Company  shall pay to
Executive a cash bonus for each year that Executive's employment continues under
this  Agreement.  The amount of this bonus shall be dependent and based upon the
achievement of certain corporate objectives that shall be determined mutually by
Executive  and  Company,  and shall be in an amount of up to 50% of  Executive's
annual base salary.  It is anticipated  that these corporate  objectives will be
tied at least in part to fiscal  year  performance.  The bonus  shall be payable
within  60 days of the end of the  fiscal  year to which it  relates.  The first
bonus  pursuant to this  section  would  therefore be payable by August 31, 2000
(Company's  fiscal  year end is June  30),  and shall be  prorated  to take into
account  the period of time  during  fiscal  year 2000 that  Executive  actually
worked with Company.  Likewise,  in the event that this Agreement is not renewed
at the end of its term and Executive is entitled to bonus under this section for
fiscal year 2003, such bonus shall be prorated in the same manner.

          (c) Throughout the term of this Agreement and as long as they are kept
in force by Company,  Executive  shall be entitled to participate in and receive
the benefits of any profit  sharing or  retirement  plans and any health,  life,
accident or  disability  insurance  plans or programs  made  available  to other
similarly  situated  executives  of Company.  Specifically,  Executive  shall be
provided  family  medical and dental  coverage at Company's  expense.  Executive
shall be entitled to four (4) weeks paid  vacation  during each year of the term
of this Agreement.

          (d) Company will provide  Executive  with an  automobile  allowance of
$500 per month and Company will reimburse  Executive for all reasonable expenses
incurred by Executive in connection with the  performance of Executive's  duties
hereunder, including mobile phone and club memberships, upon receipt of vouchers
therefor and in accordance with Company's regular  reimbursement  procedures and
practices in effect from time to time.

          (e) The Company shall grant to Executive  options to purchase up to an
aggregate of Eight Hundred  Thousand  (800,000)  shares of the Company's  common
stock,  par value $0.001 per share,  at an exercise price per share equal to the
last sale price of a share of such  common  stock as of the close of business on
the day prior to the  execution and delivery of this  Agreement,  as reported by
Nasdaq, pursuant to a separate Stock Option Grant Agreement (the "Plan").

     5. DISABILITY.  If Executive becomes unable to perform his duties hereunder
due to partial or total  disability  or  incapacity  resulting  from a mental or
physical  illness,  injury  or any  other  cause  ("Disability"),  Company  will
continue the payment of  Executive's  base salary at its then current rate for a
period of twelve (12) weeks  following  the date  Executive  is first  unable to
perform his duties due to such  disability or  incapacity.  Thereafter,  Company
shall have no  obligation  for base  salary or other  compensation  payments  to
Executive  during the  continuance of such  disability or incapacity,  except as
provided in the Company's disability policy, if any.

     6. DEATH. If Executive dies, all payments  hereunder shall cease at the end
of the month in which  Executive's  death shall occur and Company  shall have no
further  obligations  or liabilities  hereunder to  Executive's  estate or legal
representative or otherwise.


AFTER CHANGE IN CONTROL.  If (i) Company shall terminate Executive without Cause
(as defined in Paragraph 8 below),  (ii) Company shall  discontinue the business
operation in which Executive is employed,  or (iii) there is a Change in Control
(as  hereinafter  defined)  and as a  result  of such  Change  in  Control,  the
Executive leaves the employ of Company for Good Reason (as hereinafter defined),
then,  on the  occurrence  of any of such events,  Company shall have no further
obligations or liabilities hereunder to Executive,  except Company shall (A) pay
Executive  an amount  equal to one-half  his annual base  salary,  to be paid in
accordance with the regular payroll  practices of Company;  (B)  notwithstanding
anything to the contrary  contained in the Plan, the vesting of the  installment
of options that except for the  termination  of  employment  would have been the
next to  vest,  shall  be  accelerated  to the  date of  termination  and  shall
thereafter  be  exercisable  in  accordance  with the Plan;  and (C) continue to
provide  Executive with family  medical and dental  coverage for a period of six
months. In addition,  in the event of termination of Executive  pursuant to this
Paragraph, the restrictions of subparagraph 10(a) shall terminate.

          (a)  Change in  Control.  The term  "Change in  Control"  shall mean a
change in control of a nature  that would be required to be reported in response
to Item 6(e) of  Schedule  14A of  Regulation  14A issued  under the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934,  as amended (the  "Exchange  Act") as in effect as of the
date hereof, or if Item 6(e) is no longer in effect,  any subsequent  regulation
issued under the Exchange Act for a similar purpose,  whether or not the Company
is subject to such reporting  requirements;  provided that, without  limitation,
such a change in control shall be deemed to have occurred if:

               (i) other than Irwin L. Gross or Global  Technologies,  Ltd., any
"person"  is or becomes the  "beneficial  owner" (as defined in Rule 13d-3 under
the  Exchange  Act),  directly  or  indirectly,  of  securities  of the  Company
representing  50% or more of the  combined  voting power of the  Company's  then
outstanding securities;

               (ii) during any period of two  consecutive  years (not  including
any period prior to the date of the Agreement), individuals who at the beginning
of such period  constitute the Board of Directors,  and any new director,  whose
election by the Board or nomination  or election by the  Company's  stockholders
was approved by a vote of at least  two-thirds  of the  directors  then still in
office  who  either  were  directors  at the  beginning  of the  period or whose
election or  nomination  for elections was  previously  approved,  cease for any
reason to constitute a majority of the Board; or

               (iii) the  business  of the Company is disposed of by the Company
pursuant to a liquidation, sale of assets of the Company, or otherwise.

          (b) Good  Reason.  "Good  Reason"  shall mean the  occurrence  after a
Change in Control of any of the following events without the Executive's express
written consent:

               (i)  any   change   in  the   Executive's   title,   authorities,
responsibilities  (including  reporting  responsibilities),  which  represent  a
demotion  from  his  status,  title,  position  or  responsibilities  (including
reporting  responsibilities)  as in effect  immediately  prior to the  Change in
Control;  the assignment to him of any duty or work  responsibilities  which are
inconsistent with such status, title, position or work responsibilities;  or any
removal of the  Executive  from or  failure to appoint or reelect  him to any of
such positions,  except in connection with the termination of his employment for
Disability,  retirement or Cause, as a result of the Executive's death or by him
other than for Good Reason;


               (ii) a reduction  by the Company in the  Executive's  annual base
salary as in effect on the date hereof or as the same may be increased from time
to time; or

               (iii)  the  failure  of the  Company  to  obtain  a  satisfactory
agreement  from any  successor  or assign of the  Company to assume and agree to
perform this Agreement.

     8.  TERMINATION FOR CAUSE.  Company may discharge the Executive and thereby
terminate his employment hereunder for the following reasons (for "Cause"):

          (a) habitual intoxication;

          (b) habitual illegal drug use or drug addition;

          (c) conviction of a felony,  materially adversely affecting Company or
where such conviction  significantly  impairs the Executive's ability to perform
his duties hereunder;

          (d) while acting in his  capacity as  Executive of Company,  knowingly
engaging in any unlawful  activity which could  materially  adversely affect the

          (e) gross  insubordination,  gross negligence,  or willful and knowing
violation of any expressed direction or regulation  established by Company which
is materially injurious to the business or reputation of Company;

          (f)  misappropriation  of corporate funds or other acts of dishonesty;

          (g) the  Executive's  material  breach of this  Agreement in any other
respect,  provided that the Company notifies the Executive in writing indicating
with reasonable  detail the nature of the breach and the Executive fails to cure
the breach or render it non-material within 15 days after receipt of notice.

     In the event that Company discharges the executive for Cause, Company shall
pay to Executive  the portion,  if any, of the  Executive's  base salary for the
period up to the date of  termination  which remains  unpaid.  The Company shall
have no further obligation or liability under this Agreement.

     9. COMPANY  PROPERTY.  All  advertising,  sales,  manufacturers'  and other
materials  or  articles  or  information,   including  without  limitation  data
processing  reports,   customer  sales  analyses,   invoices,   price  lists  or
information,  samples,  budgets,  business  plans,  strategic  plans,  financing
applications, reports, memoranda, correspondence,  financial statements, and any
other  materials  or data of any kind  furnished  to  Executive  by  Company  or
developed by  Executive  on behalf of Company or at  Company's  direction or for
Company's use or otherwise in connection with Executive's  employment hereunder,
are and shall remain the sole and confidential  property of Company;  if Company
requests the return of any such  materials at any time during or at or after the
termination of Executive's  employment,  Executive shall immediately deliver the
same to Company.



          (a)  During  the term of this  Agreement  and for a period of one year
after the termination of his employment with Company for any reason  whatsoever,
Executive  shall not directly or  indirectly  induce or attempt to influence any
executive of Company to terminate his or her  employment  with Company and shall
not engage in (as a principal,  partner,  director,  officer,  agent, executive,
consultant or otherwise) or be financially  interested in any business operating
within the geographical area described in Exhibit "A", attached hereto, which is
involved  in  business  activities  which  are the same as,  similar  to,  or in
competition  with  business   activities   carried  on  by  Company,   or  being
definitively  planned by Company,  at the time of the termination of Executive's
employment.  However,  nothing  contained  in this  Paragraph  10 shall  prevent
Executive from holding for investment no more than three percent of any class of
equity  securities  of a company  whose  securities  are  traded  on a  national
securities exchange or the Nasdaq System.

          (b) During  the term of this  Agreement  and at all times  thereafter,
Executive shall not use for his personal  benefit,  or disclose,  communicate or
divulge  to, or use for the  direct or  indirect  benefit of any  person,  firm,
association  or company  other than the  Company,  any  material  referred to in
Paragraph 9 above or any information  regarding the business  methods,  business
policies, procedures,  techniques,  research or development projects or results,
trade secrets, or other knowledge or processes of or developed by the Company or
any names and  addresses  of  customers  or clients,  any data on or relating to
past,  present or prospective  customers or clients,  or any other  confidential
information relating to or dealing with the business operations or activities of
Company,  made known to Executive  or learned or acquired by Executive  while in
the employ of Company.  The limitations of this paragraph shall not apply to any
information that has become previously disclosed to the public by the Company or
has become public knowledge other than by a breach of this Agreement.

          (c)  Any  and  all  reports,  plans,  budgets,  writings,  inventions,
improvements,  processes, procedures and/or techniques which Executive may make,
conceive, discover or develop, either solely or jointly with any other person or
persons,  at any time during the term of this Agreement,  whether during working
hours or at any other time and whether at the request or upon the  suggestion of
the Company or otherwise,  which relate to or are useful in connection  with any
business now or hereafter  carried on or contemplated by the Company,  including
developments  or expansions of its present  fields of  operations,  shall be the
sole and exclusive property of Company.  Executive shall make full disclosure to
Company of all such reports, plans, budgets, writings, inventions, improvements,
processes,  procedures  and  techniques,  and  shall  do  everything  reasonably
necessary or desirable to vest the absolute title thereto in Company.  Executive
shall  write and  prepare  all  specifications  and  procedures  regarding  such
inventions, improvements, processes, procedures and techniques and otherwise aid
and assist  Company so that  Company can prepare  and present  applications  for
copyright or Letters  Patent  therefor and can secure such  copyright or Letters
Patent wherever possible, as well as reissues, renewals, and extensions thereof,
and can obtain the record  title to such  copyright  or patents so that  Company
shall be the sole and absolute  owner  thereof in all  countries in which it may
desire to have copyright or patent  protection.  Executive shall not be entitled
to any additional or special compensation or reimbursement regarding any and all
such writings, inventions, improvements, processes, procedures and techniques.

          (d)  Executive  acknowledges  that the  restrictions  contained in the
foregoing  subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c), in view of the nature of the business
in which Company is engaged,  are  reasonable  and necessary in order to protect
the legitimate interests of Company, and that any violation thereof would result


in irreparable injuries to Company,  and Executive therefore  acknowledges that,
in the event of his  violation of any of these  restrictions,  Company  shall be
entitled  to obtain from any court of  competent  jurisdiction  preliminary  and
permanent  injunctive  relief as well as damages and an equitable  accounting of
all earnings,  profits and other  benefits  arising from such  violation,  which
rights  shall be  cumulative  and in addition to any other rights or remedies to
which Company may be entitled.

          (e) If the period of time or the area  specified in  subparagraph  (a)
above should be adjudged unreasonable in any proceeding, then the period of time
shall be  reduced  by such  amount of time or the area  shall be  reduced by the
elimination  of such portion  thereof or both so that such  restrictions  may be
enforced  in such area and for such time as is  adjudged  to be  reasonable.  If
Executive  violates any of the restrictions  contained in such subparagraph (a),
the restrictive  period shall not run in favor of Executive from the time of the
commencement  of any such violation  until such time as such violation  shall be
cured by Executive to the satisfaction of Company.

     11. PRIOR AGREEMENTS. Executive represents to Company (a) that there are no
restrictions,  agreements or  understandings  whatsoever to which Executive is a
party which would prevent or make  unlawful his  execution of this  Agreement or
his  employment  hereunder,  (b) that his  execution of this  Agreement  and his
employment hereunder shall not constitute a breach of any contract, agreement or
understanding,  oral or written,  to which he is a party or by which he is bound
and (c) that he is free and able to  execute  this  Agreement  and to enter into
employment  by  Company.  In the  event,  however,  that  Executive  is  named a
defendant  in  any  legal  action  or  proceeding   alleging  a  breach  of  the
non-compete,  non-solicitation  or confidentiality  provisions of his employment
contract with Aetna US Healthcare in connection  with his employment  hereunder,
Company  agrees to indemnify  and hold  Executive  harmless  against any claims,
damages,  losses,  judgments,  expenses,  costs or other liabilities (including,
without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) arising therefrom.

     12.  INDEMNIFICATION.  Company  maintains  and shall  continue  to maintain
Directors and Officers Errors and Omission  coverage with a minimum  coverage of
at least Fifteen  Million  Dollars  ($15,000,000).  Any deductible and all other
costs and expenses  which may be incurred by Executive as a result of his acting
in his capacity as an Officer of the Company shall be paid by Company.


          (a) Indulgences, Etc. Neither the failure nor any delay on the part of
either  party to  exercise  any right,  remedy,  power or  privilege  under this
Agreement  shall  operate as a waiver  thereof,  nor shall any single or partial
exercise of any right,  remedy, power or privilege preclude any other or further
exercise of the same or of any other  right,  remedy,  power or  privilege,  nor
shall any waiver of any right,  remedy,  power or privilege  with respect to any
occurrence  be construed as a waiver of such right,  remedy,  power or privilege
with respect to any other occurrence.  No waiver shall be effective unless it is
in writing and is signed by the party asserted to have granted such waiver.

          (b) Controlling Law. This Agreement and all questions  relating to its
validity,  interpretation,   performance  and  enforcement  (including,  without
limitation,  provisions concerning limitations of actions), shall be governed by
and  construed  in   accordance   with  the  laws  of  the  State  of  Delaware,


notwithstanding  any  conflict-of-laws  doctrines  of  any  jurisdiction  to the
contrary,  and  without  the aid of any canon,  custom or rule of law  requiring
construction against the draftsman.

          (c) Notices. All notices,  requests,  demands and other communications
required  or  permitted  under this  Agreement  shall be in writing and shall be
deemed  to  have  been  duly  given,  made  and  received  only  when  delivered
(personally,  by courier  service such as FedEx or by other  messenger)  against
receipt or upon actual receipt of registered or certified mail, postage prepaid,
return receipt requested, addressed as set forth below:

               (i)   If to Company:

                     The Network Connection, Inc.
                     1811 Chestnut Street
                     Suite 120
                     Philadelphia, PA  19103
                     Attention:  Chief Executive Officer

               (ii)  If to Executive:

                     Robert Pringle




In  addition,  notice  by mail  shall be by air mail if  posted  outside  of the
continental  United  States.  Either  party  may  alter  the  address  to  which
communications  or  copies  are to be sent by giving  notice  of such  change of
address in conformity with the provisions of this subparagraph for the giving of

          (d) Exhibits.  All Exhibits attached hereto are hereby incorporated by
reference into, and made a part of, this Agreement.

          (e) Binding Nature of Agreement;  No Assignment.  This Agreement shall
be  binding  upon and  inure to the  benefit  of the  parties  hereto  and their
respective heirs, personal representatives,  successors and assigns, except that
no party may assign or transfer its rights nor delegate  its  obligations  under
this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party hereto.

          (f) Execution in  Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in any
number of  counterparts,  each of which  shall be deemed  to be an  original  as
against  any party  whose  signature  appears  thereon,  and all of which  shall
together  constitute one and the same  instrument.  This Agreement  shall become
binding when one or more  counterparts  hereof,  individually or taken together,
shall  bear  the  signatures  of all  of the  parties  reflected  hereon  as the

          (g)  Provisions  Separable.  The  provisions  of  this  Agreement  are
independent of and separable from each other, and no provision shall be affected
or rendered  invalid or  unenforceable by virtue of the fact that for any reason
any other or others of them may be invalid or unenforceable in whole or in part.


          (h) Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire understanding
between  the parties  hereto with  respect to the  subject  matter  hereof,  and
supersedes  all  prior  and   contemporaneous   agreements  and  understandings,
inducements or conditions, express or implied, oral or written, except as herein
contained.  The  express  terms  hereof  control  and  supersede  any  course of
performance and/or usage of the trade inconsistent with any of the terms hereof.
This  Agreement  may not be modified or amended  other than by an  agreement  in

          (i) Paragraph  Headings.  The Paragraph and  subparagraph  headings in
this Agreement have been inserted for  convenience of reference  only; they form
no part of this Agreement and shall not affect its interpretation.

          (j)  Gender,  Etc.  Words used  herein,  regardless  of the number and
gender  specifically  used,  shall be deemed and  construed to include any other
number, singular or plural, and any other gender, masculine, feminine or neuter,
as the context indicates is appropriate.

          (k) Number of Days.  In  computing  the number of days for purposes of
this  Agreement,  all days shall be counted,  including  Saturdays,  Sundays and
Holidays; provided, however, that if the final day of any time period falls on a
Saturday,  Sunday or Holiday,  then the final day shall be deemed to be the next
day which is not a Saturday,  Sunday or Holiday. For purposes of this Agreement,
the term "Holiday"  shall mean a day, other than a Saturday or Sunday,  on which
national  banks with branches in the  Commonwealth  of  Pennsylvania  are or may
elect to be closed.


                  IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties have caused this Agreement to
be executed and delivered in  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  as of the date first
above written.

                                   THE NETWORK CONNECTION, INC.

                                   By: /s/ Irwin L. Gross
                                       Irwin L. Gross,
                                       Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


                                   /s/ Robert Pringle
                                   Robert Pringle


                                   EXHIBIT "A"

          Under  Paragraph  11,   Noncompetition,   Trade  Secrets,   Etc.,  the
geographic area shall be as follows:
