Exhibit 4


     THIS AGREEMENT AND PLAN OF  REORGANIZATION  (the "Agreement") is made as of
this _____ day of  _________,  2002,  between on  Vanguard  Whitehall  Funds,  a
business trust formed under the laws of the State of Delaware with its principal
place of business at on P.O. Box 2600,  Valley  Forge,  PA 19482 (the  "Vanguard
Trust"), on behalf of Vanguard Mid-Cap Fund, a series of the Vanguard Trust (the
"Acquiring  Fund"),  and PIC Investment Trust, a business trust formed under the
laws of the State of Delaware with its principal  place of business at 300 North
Lake Avenue, Pasadena,  California 91101-4106 (the "Provident Trust"), on behalf
of the  Provident  Investment  Counsel Mid Cap Fund A, a series of the Provident
Trust (the "Selling Fund").

     This   Agreement  is  intended  to  be,  and  is  adopted  as,  a  plan  of
reorganization and liquidation within the meaning of Section 368(a)(1)(F) of the
United  States  Internal  Revenue  Code of 1986,  as amended (the  "Code").  The
reorganization of the Selling Fund on (the "Reorganization") will consist of (i)
the  transfer  of all of the assets of the Selling  Fund in exchange  solely for
units of on  beneficial  interest  (the  "Shares")  of the  Acquiring  Fund (the
"Acquiring  Fund Shares"),  (ii) the assumption by the Acquiring Fund of certain
identified  liabilities of the Selling Fund; and (iii) the  distribution,  after
the  Closing  Date  (as  defined  in  paragraph  1.2 on of this  Agreement),  of
Acquiring Fund Shares to the  shareholders of the Selling Fund in liquidation of
the  Selling  Fund as  provided  on in this  Agreement,  all upon the  terms and
conditions set out below.

     WHEREAS,  the Vanguard Trust and the Provident Trust are each registered as
an open-end management investment company under on the Investment Company Act of
1940, as amended (the "1940 Act");

     WHEREAS,  the Selling Fund, in reliance on Section  12(d)(1)(E) of the 1940
Act,  invests  substantially  all of its  assets in on Shares of the PIC Mid Cap
Portfolio,  a New York trust that is registered  as an investment  company under
the 1940 Act (the "Master on Fund");

     WHEREAS,  the Acquiring  Fund and the Selling Fund are  authorized to issue
shares of beneficial interest;

     WHEREAS,  the Board of  Trustees,  including a majority of the trustees who
are not  "interested  persons" (as defined in the on 1940 Act),  of the Vanguard
Trust has determined with respect to the Acquiring Fund that the exchange of all
of the assets of the on Selling  Fund for  Acquiring  Fund Shares is in the best
interests of the Acquiring Fund and its shareholders;

     WHEREAS,  the Board of  Trustees,  including a majority of the trustees who
are not  "interested  persons" (as defined under the 1940 Act), of the Provident
Trust has  determined  with respect to the Selling Fund that the exchange of all
the assets of, and  certain  identified  liabilities  of, the  Selling  Fund for
Acquiring  Fund Shares is in the best  interests  of the Selling Fund and its on
shareholders; and

     WHEREAS, The purpose and effect of the Reorganization is to change the form
of  organization  of the Selling Fund from a on series of  Provident  Trust to a
series of the Vanguard Trust, and the parties anticipate that the Reorganization
will provide on long-term  benefits to the Selling Fund and its  shareholders by
immediately  reducing expenses and providing access to a larger, more on diverse
complex of funds, which can appeal to a broader spectrum of investors,  and thus
increase  the size and  efficiency  of the on  Acquiring  Fund and  increase the
likelihood of the realization of economies of scale.

     NOW THEREFORE,  in consideration  of the mutual promises  contained in this
Agreement, the Vanguard Trust and the Provident on Trust agree as follows:

                                    ARTICLE I

                        LIQUIDATION OF THE SELLING FUND

     1.1 Subject to the terms and  conditions  set out in this  Agreement and on
the basis of the representations and on warranties  contained in this Agreement,
the Provident  Trust agrees to transfer the Selling  Fund's assets in the manner
set out in on paragraph  1.2 of this  Agreement to the Acquiring  Fund,  and the
Vanguard  Trust  agrees in exchange  for such  assets:  (a) to deliver to on the
Selling Fund the number of Acquiring Fund Shares, including fractional Acquiring
Fund Shares,  determined by dividing the value of the Selling Fund's net assets,
computed in the manner and as of the time and date set out in  paragraph  2.1 of
this Agreement,  by the net asset value of one Acquiring Fund Share, computed in
the  manner  and as of the time and  date  set out in  paragraph  2.2 of this on
Agreement; and (b) to assume certain identified liabilities of the Selling Fund,
as set out in paragraph 1.3 of this Agreement.  Each of these  transactions will
take place at the closing  provided for in paragraph 3.1 of this  Agreement (the

     1.2 The assets of the Selling  Fund to be acquired  by the  Acquiring  Fund
will  consist  of all  property  of  the  Selling  on  Fund  including,  without
limitation,  all  cash,  securities,  commodities  and  futures  interests,  and
dividend or interest  receivables  on that are owned by the Selling Fund and any
deferred or prepaid  expenses shown as an asset on the books of the Selling Fund
on the on  closing  date  described  in  paragraph  3.1 of this  Agreement  (the
"Closing Date").

          The  Provident  Trust,  on  behalf of the  Selling  Fund,  shall  have
provided  on or  before  the date  hereof  the  Vanguard  on Trust  with (a) the
financial  statements  of the  Selling  Fund  as of and for  its  most  recently
completed fiscal year (the "Financial on Statements"),  and (b) a list of all of
the Selling  Fund's  assets as of the date of execution of this  Agreement.  The
Provident on Trust,  on behalf of the Selling  Fund,  represents  that as of the
date of the  execution  of this  Agreement  no changes  have  occurred in on its
financial  position as reflected in its  Financial  Statements  other than those
occurring in the ordinary course of its business in connection with the purchase
and sale of securities  and the payment of its normal  operating  expenses.  The
Provident  Trust, on behalf of the Selling Fund,  reserves the right to sell any
of the Selling Fund's assets but will not, without the prior written approval of
the Vanguard  Trust,  acquire any  additional  assets for the Selling Fund other


than instruments of the type in which the Acquiring Fund is permitted to invest.
The Provident  Trust, on behalf of the Selling Fund,  will,  within a reasonable
time prior to the Closing on Date, furnish the Vanguard Trust with a list of the
assets,  if any, on the Selling Fund's list referred to in the first sentence of
on this  paragraph  that  do not  conform  to the  Acquiring  Fund's  investment
objectives,  policies  and  restrictions.  In the event that the on Selling Fund
holds any assets that the Acquiring Fund may not hold, the Selling Fund will use
its best efforts to dispose of such on assets prior to the Closing Date.

     1.3 The  Provident  Trust,  on behalf  of the  Selling  Fund,  will seek to
discharge all of the Selling Fund's known on liabilities and  obligations  prior
to the Closing Date,  other than those  liabilities and  obligations  that would
otherwise be on discharged at a later date in the ordinary course of the Selling
Fund's business.  Except as specifically  provided in this paragraph on 1.3, the
Acquiring  Fund will  assume  the  liabilities,  expenses,  costs,  charges  and
reserves  reflected on the Audited  Statements of on Assets and  Liabilities (as
defined in paragraph 4.1(g)) and the Unaudited Financial  Statements (as defined
in paragraph 7.8), as on well as liabilities  incurred in the ordinary course of
the  Selling  Fund's  business  occurring  after  the date of the  Unaudited  on
Financial Statements (collectively, the "Liabilities").  The Acquiring Fund will
assume only the Liabilities and will not, except as on specifically  provided in
this  paragraph  1.3,  assume  any  other  contingent,   unknown,  or  unaccrued
liabilities, all of which will remain the obligation of the Selling Fund.

     1.4 As  provided  in  paragraph  3.4 of this  Agreement,  as soon after the
Closing Date as is practicable (the "Liquidation  Date"),  the Selling Fund will
liquidate  and  distribute  on a  proportionate  basis  to  the  Selling  Fund's
shareholders  of record on determined as of the close of business on the Closing
Date (the "Selling Fund  Shareholders") the Acquiring Fund Shares it receives on
pursuant to paragraph 1.1 of this Agreement.  This  liquidation and distribution
will be  accomplished by the transfer of the Acquiring Fund Shares then credited
to the account of the Selling  Fund on the books of the  Acquiring  Fund to open
accounts on the share records of the Acquiring  Fund in the names of the Selling
Fund Shareholders  representing the respective proportionate number of Acquiring
on Fund Shares due those shareholders.  All issued and outstanding Shares of the
Selling Fund ("Selling Fund Shares") will on  simultaneously  be canceled on the
books of the Selling  Fund and all  certificates  relating  to the Selling  Fund
Shares,  if any, will be marked  "Cancelled."  The Acquiring Fund will not issue
certificates  representing the Acquiring Fund's Shares in connection with the on
exchange of Acquiring Fund Shares for shares of the Selling Fund.

     1.5 After the  Reorganization,  ownership of Acquiring  Fund Shares will be
shown on the books of the  Acquiring  Fund's on  transfer  agent.  Shares of the
Acquiring  Fund will be issued in the manner  described in the Acquiring  Fund's
current prospectus and on statement of additional information.

     1.6 As soon as practicable after  distribution of the Acquiring Fund Shares
pursuant to paragraph 1.4 of this Agreement but in any event within 180 calendar
days after the Closing Date the Selling Fund will be  terminated  as a series of
the Provident on Trust  ("Termination  Date"). In addition,  the Provident Trust
will as soon as practicable after the Termination Date take all other on actions
in connection with the termination of the Selling Fund as required by applicable


     1.7  Any  reporting  responsibility  of the  Selling  Fund  to  any  public
authority is and will remain the responsibility of on the Selling Fund up to and
including the Closing Date and the Termination Date.

     1.8 Any transfer  taxes payable upon issuance of the Acquiring  Fund Shares
in a name other than the  registered  holder of Selling Fund Shares on the books
of the Selling  Fund as of that time will,  as a condition  of the  issuance and
transfer,  be paid by on the person to whom the Acquiring  Fund Shares are to be
issued and transferred.

                                   ARTICLE II


     2.1 The value of the  Selling  Fund's  assets  to be  acquired  under  this
Agreement  will be the value of the assets  computed  as of the close of regular
trading on the New York Stock  Exchange,  Inc.  (the "NYSE") on the Closing Date
(the time and date being on referred to as the "Valuation  Date" for purposes of
this Agreement), using the valuation procedures set out in the Selling Fund's on
then-current prospectus and/or statement of additional information.

     2.2 The net asset value of the Acquiring  Fund Shares will be the net asset
value  per  share  computed  as of  the  Valuation  Date,  using  the  valuation
procedures  set  out in the  Acquiring  Fund's  then-current  prospectus  and/or
statement of additional on information.

     2.3 The number of Acquiring Fund Shares to be issued (including  fractional
shares, if any) in exchange for the Selling Fund's net assets will be determined
by dividing the value of the net assets of the Selling Fund determined using the
same valuation  procedures referred to in paragraph 2.1 of this Agreement by the
net asset value per share of the Acquiring Fund determined in on accordance with
paragraph 2.2 of this Agreement.

     2.4 All  computations  of value will be made in accordance with the regular
practices of the Vanguard Trust, subject to on this Article II.

                                   ARTICLE III

                            CLOSING AND CLOSING DATE

     3.1 The Closing Date for the Reorganization  will be June 14, 2002, or such
other  date  agreed to in  writing by the on  Vanguard  Trust and the  Provident
Trust.  All acts  taking  place at the  Closing  will be  deemed  to take  place
simultaneously  as of the on  close  of  business  on the  Closing  Date  unless
otherwise provided.  The Closing will be held as of 4:00 p.m., at the offices of
the on Vanguard Trust, 100 Vanguard Blvd.,  Malvern,  PA 19355, or at such other
time and/or place agreed to by the Vanguard Trust and the on Provident Trust.

     3.2 The  Acquiring  Fund will  arrange for its  custodian to deliver at the
Closing a certificate  of an authorized  officer  stating that:  (a) the Selling
Fund's portfolio securities,  cash and any other assets will have been delivered
in proper form to the on Acquiring Fund prior to or on the Closing Date, and (b)
all  necessary  taxes,  including  all  applicable  federal  and state  stock on


transfer stamps,  if any, will have been paid, or provision for payment has been
made, in conjunction with the delivery of portfolio on securities.

     3.3 In the event that on the Valuation Date (a) the NYSE or another primary
trading  market for portfolio  securities  of the Acquiring  Fund or the Selling
Fund is closed to trading or trading on the market is restricted; or (b) trading
or the  reporting  on of trading on the NYSE or  elsewhere  is disrupted so that
accurate appraisal of the value of the net assets of the Acquiring

Fund or the Selling  Fund is  impracticable,  the Closing Date will be postponed
until the first business day after the day when normal trading has fully resumed
and reporting has been restored.

     3.4 The Provident Trust, on behalf of the Selling Fund, will deliver at the
Closing a list of the names and addresses of the Selling Fund  Shareholders  and
the number of  outstanding  Selling Fund Shares  owned by each such  shareholder
immediately prior on to the Closing or provide evidence that the information has
been provided to the Acquiring  Fund's transfer agent. The Vanguard on Trust, on
behalf of the Acquiring Fund,  will issue and deliver a confirmation  evidencing
the Acquiring  Fund Shares to be credited to the Selling  Fund's  account on the
Closing  Date to the  Secretary  of the  Provident  Trust  or  provide  evidence
satisfactory  to the on Provident Trust that the Acquiring Fund Shares have been
credited to the Selling Fund's account on the books of the Acquiring Fund. on At
the Closing,  each party to this  Agreement will deliver to the other party such
bills of sale, checks, assignments,  share on certificates,  if any, receipts or
other documents as the other party or its counsel may reasonably request.

                                   ARTICLE IV


     4.1 The  Provident  Trust,  on behalf of the Selling Fund,  represents  and
warrants to the Vanguard Trust as follows:

          (a) The Selling Fund is a series of the  Provident  Trust,  a business
trust duly organized,  validly existing,  and in good standing under the laws of
the State of Delaware;

          (b) The Provident Trust is a registered open-end management investment
company and its registration with the on Securities and Exchange Commission (the
"Commission")  as an investment  company under the 1940 Act is in full force and
on effect;

          (c) The  Provident  Trust is not,  and the  execution,  delivery,  and
performance  of this  Agreement  (subject to on  approval  of the  Selling  Fund
Shareholders)  will  not  result,  in  a  violation  of  any  provision  of  its
Declaration  of  Trust  or on any  material  agreement,  indenture,  instrument,
contract,  lease or other  undertaking to which the Provident Trust on behalf on
of itself or on behalf of the Selling  Fund is a party or by which its  property
is bound;


          (d) The  Provident  Trust will turn over all of the books and  records
relating to the Selling Fund (including all on books and records  required to be
maintained  under the 1940 Act and the Code and the rules and regulations  under
the 1940 Act and the Code) to the Vanguard Trust at the Closing;

          (e) The Provident Trust has no contracts or other  commitments  (other
than this Agreement) with respect to the on Selling Fund that will be terminated
with liability to the Selling Fund prior to the Closing Date;

          (f) Except as  previously  disclosed in writing to and accepted by the
Vanguard Trust, no litigation or on  administrative  proceeding or investigation
of or before any court or  governmental  body is  presently  pending  or, to the
Provident  Trust's  knowledge   threatened,   against  the  Provident  Trust  in
connection  with the Selling Fund or any of its  properties  or assets that,  if
adversely  determined,  would materially and adversely affect the Selling Fund's
financial condition or the conduct of its business. The Provident Trust knows of
no facts that might form the basis for the  institution of such  proceedings and
is not a party to or subject to the provisions of any order,  decree or judgment
of any court or  governmental  body that  materially  and adversely  affects its
business or the business of the Selling Fund or the Provident Trust's ability to
consummate the transactions contemplated by this Agreement;

          (g) The statements of assets and  liabilities  of the Provident  Trust
relating to the Selling Fund for each annual period beginning with  commencement
of the Selling Fund and ending on October 31, 2001 (the  "Audited  Statements of
Assets  and  Liabilities")  have been  audited  by  McGladrey  & Pullen,  LLP or
PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP, as applicable,  each certified public  accountants,
and are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently
applied,  and those  statements  (copies  of which  have been  furnished  to the
Acquiring Fund) fairly reflect the financial condition of the Selling Fund as of
such dates, and no known contingent  liabilities of the Selling Fund exist as of
such dates that are not disclosed in those statements;

          (h) Since October 31, 2001, no material adverse change has occurred in
the Selling Fund's financial  condition,  assets,  liabilities or business other
than changes occurring in the ordinary course of business,  or any incurrence by
the Selling Fund of indebtedness  maturing more than one year from the date that
such indebtedness was incurred,  except as otherwise disclosed in writing to the
Vanguard Trust prior to the Closing Date. For the purposes of this  subparagraph
(h), a decline in net asset  value per share or the total  assets of the Selling
Fund in the ordinary  course of business does not constitute a material  adverse

          (i) At the Closing  Date,  all federal and other tax returns and other
reports or filings with respect to the Selling Fund required by law to have been
filed by the Closing Date will have been filed,  and all federal and other taxes
will  have  been paid so far as due,  or  provision  will have been made for the
payment of those taxes and, to the best of the Provident Trust's  knowledge,  no
such tax return is currently  under audit and no  assessment  has been  asserted
with respect to such a return;


          (j) For  each of its  prior  fiscal  years of  operation  and for each
subsequent  quarter end of the current fiscal year, the Provident  Trust has met
the requirements of Subchapter M of the Code for  qualification and treatment of
the  Selling  Fund as a  regulated  investment  company;  and all of the Selling
Fund's issued and outstanding shares have been offered and sold in compliance in
all material respects with applicable federal and state securities laws;

          (k) At the date of this Agreement,  all issued and outstanding Selling
Fund Shares are,  and at the Closing  Date will be, duly and validly  issued and
outstanding,  fully paid and  non-assessable.  All of the issued and outstanding
Selling Fund Shares will, at the time of Closing,  be held by the persons and in
the amounts set out in the records of the Provident  Trust's  transfer  agent as
provided in paragraph 3.4 of this  Agreement.  The Provident Trust does not have
outstanding  any options,  warrants or other rights to subscribe for or purchase
any of the Selling Fund's Shares,  nor is any security  convertible  into any of
the Selling  Fund's shares  currently  outstanding  (other than by exchange from
other series of Provident Trust);

          (l) At the Closing  Date,  (i) the Provident  Trust,  on behalf of the
Selling  Fund,  will have  redeemed  all Shares of the  Master  Fund held by the
Selling Fund and received  in-kind a  distribution  of a pro rata portion of the
assets of the Master Fund in accordance  with applicable law, (ii) the assets of
the Selling  Fund will not be  composed,  in whole or in part,  of Shares of the
Master Fund, and (iii) the Provident  Trust will have good and marketable  title
to the Selling Fund's assets to be transferred to the Acquiring Fund pursuant to
paragraph 1.2 of this  Agreement,  and full right,  power and authority to sell,
assign,  transfer and deliver the assets under the terms and  conditions of this
Agreement and, upon delivery and payment for the assets, the Acquiring Fund will
acquire good and marketable  title to them,  subject to no  restrictions  on the
full transfer of the assets,  including such  restrictions  as might arise under
the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "1933 Act"), other than as disclosed
to the Vanguard Trust;

          (m) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been
duly  authorized by all necessary  actions on the part of the Provident  Trust's
Board of Trustees and, subject to the approval of the Selling Fund Shareholders,
this Agreement will  constitute a valid and binding  obligation of the Provident
Trust,  enforceable  against the Provident  Trust in accordance  with its terms,
subject  to  the  effect  of  bankruptcy,   insolvency,  fraudulent  conveyance,
reorganization,  moratorium  and other laws relating to or affecting  creditors'
rights and to general equity principles;

          (n) The  information to be furnished by the Provident Trust for use in
no-action letters,  applications for exemptive orders,  registration statements,
proxy materials and other documents that may be necessary in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement will be accurate and complete in all
material  respects  and  will  comply  in all  material  respects  with  federal
securities and other laws and  regulations  under those laws applicable to those


          (o) The proxy statement of the Selling Fund (the "Proxy Statement") to
be included in the Registration  Statement  referred to in paragraph 5.7 of this
Agreement  (insofar as it relates to the Selling  Fund) will,  on the  effective
date of the  Registration  Statement  and on the Closing  Date,  not contain any
untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact required to
be stated in the Proxy  Statement  or necessary  to make the  statements  in the
Proxy Statement,  in light of the circumstances under which such statements were
made, not materially misleading; and

          (p) The current  prospectus  and statement of  additional  information
filed  with  the  Commission  as  part  of the  Provident  Trust's  registration
statement  on Form  N-1A,  insofar  as they  relate  to the  Selling  Fund  (the
"Provident Trust  Registration  Statement")  conform in all material respects to
the applicable  requirements  of the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act and the rules and
regulations  thereunder  and do not include any untrue  statement  of a material
fact or omit to state any material  fact  required to be stated in the Provident
Trust  Registration  Statement or necessary to make the statements  therein,  in
light  of  the  circumstances   under  which  they  were  made,  not  materially

     4.2 The Vanguard  Trust,  on behalf of the Acquiring  Fund,  represents and
warrants to the Provident Trust as follows:

          (a) The Acquiring  Fund is a series of the Vanguard  Trust, a business
trust duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good standing under the laws of
the State of Delaware;

          (b) The Vanguard Trust is a registered open-end management  investment
company and its registration with the Commission as an investment  company under
the 1940 Act is in full force and effect;

          (c) The current  prospectus  and statement of  additional  information
filed with the Commission as part of the Vanguard Trust's registration statement
on Form N-1A, which will become effective prior to the Closing Date,  insofar as
they relate to the Acquiring Fund (the "Vanguard Trust Registration  Statement")
conform in all material respects to the applicable  requirements of the 1933 Act
and the 1940 Act and the rules and regulations of the Commission  thereunder and
do not  include  any untrue  statement  of a material  fact or omit to state any
material fact required to be stated in the Vanguard Trust Registration Statement
or necessary to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under
which they were made, not materially misleading;

          (d) The  Vanguard  Trust  is  not,  and the  execution,  delivery  and
performance of this Agreement will not result, in a violation of its Declaration
of Trust or any material agreement,  indenture,  instrument,  contract, lease or
other  undertaking  to which the Vanguard Trust on behalf of itself or on behalf
of the Acquiring Fund is a party or by which its property is bound;

          (e) The current  prospectus  and statement of  additional  information
filed with the Commission as part of the Vanguard Trust's registration statement
on Form N-1A relating to the Acquiring Fund conform in all material  respects to
the applicable  requirements  of the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act and the rules and
regulations  thereunder  and do not include any untrue  statement  of a material


fact  or  omit  to  state  any  material  fact  required  to be  stated  in that
registration  statement or necessary to make the statements in the  registration
statement,  in light of the  circumstances  under  which  they  were  made,  not

          (f) Except as  previously  disclosed in writing to and accepted by the
Provident Trust, no litigation or administrative  proceeding or investigation of
or  before  any  court or  governmental  body is  presently  pending  or, to the
Vanguard Trust's knowledge,  threatened against the Vanguard Trust in connection
with the  Acquiring  Fund or any of its  properties or assets that, if adversely
determined, would materially and adversely affect the Acquiring Fund's financial
condition or the conduct of its business.  The Vanguard  Trust knows of no facts
that might form the basis for the  institution of such  proceedings and is not a
party to or subject to the  provisions  of any order,  decree or judgment of any
court or governmental body that materially and adversely affects its business or
the business of the Acquiring Fund or the Vanguard Trust's ability to consummate
the transactions contemplated in this Agreement;

          (g) The Acquiring Fund has had no material  business  operations,  and
has  no  material  assets  or  liabilities   since  [DATE],   the  date  of  its

          (h) At the Closing Date, all federal and other tax returns and reports
with  respect to the  Acquiring  Fund  required by law to have been filed by the
Closing  Date will have been  filed,  and all  federal and other taxes will have
been paid so far as due,  or  provision  will have been made for the  payment of
those taxes;

          (i) The Vanguard Trust intends to meet the  requirements of Subchapter
M of the  Code  for  qualification  and  treatment  of the  Acquiring  Fund as a
regulated investment company in the future;

          (j)  At the  date  of  this  Agreement,  all  issued  and  outstanding
Acquiring  Fund  Shares are,  and at the Closing  Date will be, duly and validly
issued  and  outstanding,  fully  paid  and  non-assessable,  with  no  personal
liability  attaching to the ownership of those shares.  The Vanguard  Trust does
not have  outstanding any options,  warrants or other rights to subscribe for or
purchase any Acquiring  Fund Shares,  nor is any security  convertible  into any
Acquiring Fund Shares currently outstanding;

          (k) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement has been
duly  authorized  by all necessary  actions on the part of the Vanguard  Trust's
Board of  Trustees,  and this  Agreement  will  constitute  a valid and  binding
obligation  of the Vanguard  Trust  enforceable  against the  Vanguard  Trust in
accordance  with its terms,  subject to the  effect of  bankruptcy,  insolvency,
fraudulent conveyance, reorganization,  moratorium and other laws relating to or
affecting creditors' rights and to general equity principles;

          (l) The  Acquiring  Fund  Shares to be  issued  and  delivered  to the
Selling Fund, for the account of the Selling Fund Shareholders,  under the terms
of this Agreement,  will at the Closing Date have been duly authorized and, when
so issued and delivered,  will be duly and validly issued Acquiring Fund Shares,
and will be fully paid and non-assessable  with no personal liability  attaching
to the ownership of those shares;


          (m) The  information  to be furnished by the Vanguard Trust for use in
no-action letters,  applications for exemptive orders,  registration statements,
proxy materials and other documents that may be necessary in connection with the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement will be accurate and complete in all
material  respects  and  will  comply  in all  material  respects  with  federal
securities and other laws and  regulations  under those laws applicable to those

          (n) The Proxy Statement to be included in the  Registration  Statement
referred to in  paragraph  5.7 of this  Agreement  (insofar as it relates to the
Acquiring Fund) will, on the effective date of the Registration Statement and on
the Closing Date, not contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to
state a material fact required to be stated in the Proxy  Statement or necessary
to make the  statements in the Proxy  Statement,  in light of the  circumstances
under which such statements were made, not materially misleading; and

          (o) The Vanguard Trust agrees to use all reasonable  efforts to obtain
the approvals and authorizations required by the 1933 Act and the 1940 Act as it
may deem  appropriate  in order to continue the operations of the Acquiring Fund
after the Closing Date.

                                    ARTICLE V


     5.1 The Vanguard Trust will operate the business of the Acquiring Fund, and
the  Provident  Trust will  operate the  business of the  Selling  Fund,  in the
ordinary  course  between the date of this  Agreement and the Closing Date.  The
Vanguard Trust and the Provident Trust agree for purposes of this Agreement that
the declaration  and payment of customary  dividends and  distributions  will be
considered to have been paid in the ordinary course of business.

     5.2 The Provident Trust, on behalf of the Selling Fund, will call a meeting
of its  shareholders  to consider  and act upon this  Agreement  and to take all
other  actions in  coordination  with the  Vanguard  Trust  necessary  to obtain
approval of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     5.3 The Provident Trust, on behalf of the Selling Fund,  covenants that the
Acquiring  Fund Shares to be issued under this  Agreement are not being acquired
for the purpose of making any  distribution  other than in  accordance  with the
terms of this Agreement.

     5.4 The Provident  Trust,  on behalf of the Selling  Fund,  will assist the
Vanguard Trust in obtaining all information  that the Vanguard Trust  reasonably
requests concerning the beneficial ownership of the Selling Fund's Shares.

     5.5 Subject to the provisions of this Agreement, the Vanguard Trust and the
Provident  Trust each will take,  or cause to be taken,  all action,  and do, or
cause to be done,  all  actions,  reasonably  necessary,  proper or advisable to


consummate and make effective the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement,
including any actions required to be taken after the Closing Date.

     5.6 As promptly as practicable,  but in any case within forty-five calendar
days after the Closing  Date,  the  Provident  Trust will  furnish the  Vanguard
Trust,  in such form as is  reasonably  satisfactory  to the Vanguard  Trust,  a
statement of the earnings and profits of the Selling Fund for federal income tax
purposes that will be carried over to the Acquiring  Fund as a result of Section
381 of the Code, and that will be certified by the Selling Fund's  President and
its Treasurer.

     5.7 The Provident  Trust,  on behalf of the Selling Fund,  will provide the
Vanguard Trust with  information  reasonably  necessary for the preparation of a
prospectus (the  "Prospectus") that will include the Proxy Statement referred to
in  paragraphs  4.1(o) and 4.2(m) of this  Agreement,  all to be  included  in a
registration  statement  on Form N-14 of the Vanguard  Trust (the  "Registration
Statement"),  in compliance  with the 1933 Act, the  Securities  Exchange Act of
1934 (the "1934  Act") and the 1940 Act in  connection  with the  meeting of the
Selling  Fund's  shareholders  to consider  approval of this  Agreement  and the
transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     5.8 As promptly as  practicable,  but in any case within  thirty days after
the Closing Date,  the  Provident  Trust,  on behalf of the Selling  Fund,  will
furnish the Vanguard Trust with a statement containing  information required for
purposes of complying  with Rule 24f-2 under the 1940 Act. A notice  pursuant to
Rule 24f-2 will be filed by the Acquiring  Fund  offsetting  redemptions  by the
Selling  Fund during the fiscal year ending on or after the Closing Date against
sales of the Acquiring Fund Shares;  and the Provident Trust agrees that it will
not net  redemptions  during that period by the Selling  Fund  against  sales of
shares of any other series of the Provident Trust.

     5.9 As promptly as practicable,  but in any case within the period required
by applicable law or regulation,  the Provident  Trust, on behalf of the Selling
Fund,  will file all federal and other tax returns and other  reports or filings
with respect to the Selling Fund required by applicable  law or regulation to be

                                   ARTICLE VI


     The  obligations  of the  Provident  Trust to consummate  the  transactions
provided  for in  this  Agreement  will  be  subject,  at its  election,  to the
performance by the Vanguard Trust of all obligations to be performed by it under
this  Agreement  on or  before  the  Closing  Date  and,  in  addition  to those
obligations to the following specific conditions:

     6.1 All  representations  and warranties of the Vanguard Trust contained in
this Agreement will be true and correct in all material  respects as of the date


of this  Agreement  and,  except  as they may be  affected  by the  transactions
contemplated by this  Agreement,  as of the Closing Date with the same force and
effect as if made on and as of the Closing Date.

     6.2 The  Vanguard  Trust  will  have  delivered  to the  Provident  Trust a
certificate  executed in its name,  and on behalf of the Acquiring  Fund, by its
Chief  Executive  Officer,  President  or  Vice  President  and  its  Secretary,
Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer,  in form and substance reasonably satisfactory
to the Provident  Trust and dated as of the Closing Date, to the effect that the
representations  and warranties of the Vanguard Trust made in this Agreement are
true and correct at and as of the Closing  Date,  except as they may be affected
by the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, and as to such other matters
as the Provident Trust may reasonably request.

     6.3 The Provident  Trust will have received on the Closing Date a favorable
opinion from Morgan, Lewis & Bockius,  LLP, counsel to the Vanguard Trust, dated
as of the Closing  Date, in form and substance  reasonably  satisfactory  to the
Provident Trust, and based upon customary  certificates  with respect to matters
of fact from the officers of the Vanguard Trust, covering the following points:

          (a) the Acquiring Fund is a separate  series of the Vanguard  Trust, a
business trust duly organized,  validly  existing and in good standing under the
laws of the State of Delaware and the Vanguard  Trust has the trust power to own
all of the Acquiring Fund's  properties and assets and to carry on the Acquiring
Fund's business as presently conducted;

          (b) the Vanguard  Trust is registered  as an investment  company under
the  1940  Act,  and,  to  such  counsel's   knowledge,   the  Vanguard  Trust's
registration with the Commission as an investment  company under the 1940 Act is
in force and effect with respect to the Acquiring Fund;

          (c) this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by
the Vanguard Trust and, assuming that the Prospectus, Registration Statement and
Proxy Statement  comply with the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act and the 1940 Act and the
rules  and  regulations  under  those  laws  and,  assuming  due  authorization,
execution and delivery of the Agreement by the Provident  Trust,  is a valid and
binding obligation of the Vanguard Trust enforceable  against the Vanguard Trust
in accordance with its terms,  subject to the effect of bankruptcy,  insolvency,
fraudulent conveyance, reorganization,  moratorium and other laws relating to or
affecting creditors' rights generally and to general equity principles;

          (d) the  Acquiring  Fund  Shares to be issued  to the  Selling  Fund's
shareholders as provided by this Agreement are duly authorized and upon delivery
will be validly  issued and  outstanding  and are fully paid and  non-assessable
with  no  personal  liability  attaching  to  ownership  of the  Shares,  and no
shareholder of the Acquiring Fund has any preemptive  rights to  subscription or
purchase in respect of the Shares;

          (e) the  execution  and  delivery of this  Agreement  did not, and the
consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated  hereby  will not,  result in a
violation  of  the  Vanguard  Trust's  Declaration  of  Trust  or in a  material
violation  of any  provision of any  agreement  relating to the  Acquiring  Fund


(known to such counsel) to which the Vanguard Trust is a party or by which it or
its  properties  are bound or, to the knowledge of such  counsel,  result in the
acceleration  of any  obligation  or the  imposition  of any penalty,  under any
agreement,  judgment,  or decree to which  the  Vanguard  Trust is a party or by
which it or its properties are bound;

          (f)  to  the  knowledge  of  such  counsel,   no  consent,   approval,
authorization  or order of any court or  governmental  authority  of the  United
States or State of Delaware is required  for the  consummation  by the  Vanguard
Trust of the actions  contemplated in this  Agreement,  except such as have been
obtained under the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act and the 1940 Act;

          (g) the descriptions in the Proxy Statement, insofar as they relate to
the Vanguard Trust or the Acquiring  Fund, of statutes,  legal and  governmental
proceedings,  investigations,  orders,  decrees  or  judgments  of any  court or
governmental  body in the United States,  and contracts and other documents,  if
any, are accurate and fairly present the information required to be shown;

          (h)  such  counsel  does  not  know of any  legal,  administrative  or
governmental proceeding,  investigation,  order, decree or judgment of any court
or  governmental  body,  insofar  as they  relate to the  Vanguard  Trust or the
Acquiring  Fund or its assets or  properties,  pending,  threatened or otherwise
existing on or before the effective  date of the  Registration  Statement or the
Closing Date, which are required to be described in the  Registration  Statement
or to be filed as exhibits to the Registration  Statement that are not described
and filed as required or that  materially  and  adversely  affect the  Acquiring
Fund's business; and

          (i) the Vanguard Trust  Registration  Statement is effective under the
1933 Act and the 1940 Act and no  stop-order  suspending  its  effectiveness  or
order pursuant to section 8(e) of the 1940 Act has been issued.

          Counsel  also will state that they have  participated  in  conferences
with  officers  and other  representatives  of the  Vanguard  Trust at which the
contents of the Proxy Statement,  the Vanguard Trust Registration  Statement and
related  matters were discussed  and,  although they are not passing upon and do
not assume any responsibility for the accuracy,  completeness or fairness of the
statements  contained in the Proxy Statement and the Vanguard Trust Registration
Statement  (except to the  extent  indicated  in  paragraph  (g) of their  above
opinion),  on the basis of the foregoing  information (relying as to materiality
upon the opinions of officers and other  representatives of the Vanguard Trust),
they do not believe that the Proxy Statement and the Vanguard Trust Registration
Statement as of their  respective  dates,  as of the date of the Selling  Fund's
shareholders' meeting, and as of the Closing Date, contained an untrue statement
of a material  fact or omitted to state a material fact required to be stated in
the Proxy Statement and the Vanguard Trust  Registration  Statement or necessary
to  make  the  statements  in  the  Proxy   Statement  and  the  Vanguard  Trust
Registration  Statement in the light of the circumstances  under which they were
made not misleading.


     The opinion may state that  counsel  does not express any opinion or belief
as to the Financial Statements or other financial data, or as to the information
relating to the  Provident  Trust or the Selling  Fund,  contained  in the Proxy
Statement or the Vanguard Trust Registration Statement, and that such opinion is
solely for the benefit of the  Provident  Trust and its trustees  and  officers.
Such  counsel  may  rely as to  matters  governed  by the  laws of the  State of
Delaware  on an opinion of local  counsel  and/or  certificates  of  officers or
trustees of the Acquiring Fund. The opinion also will include such other matters
incident to the  transaction  contemplated  by this  Agreement as the  Provident
Trust may reasonably request.

     In this paragraph 6.3, references to the Proxy Statement include and relate
only to the text of such Proxy Statement and not, except as specifically  stated
above, to any exhibits or attachments to the Proxy Statement or to any documents
incorporated by reference in the Proxy Statement.

                                   ARTICLE VII


     The obligations of the Vanguard Trust to complete the transactions provided
for in this Agreement will be subject,  at its election,  to the  performance by
the  Provident  Trust of all the  obligations  to be  performed by it under this
Agreement on or before the Closing  Date and, in addition to those  obligations,
the following conditions:

     7.1 All  representations and warranties of the Provident Trust contained in
this Agreement will be true and correct in all material  respects as of the date
of this  Agreement  and,  except  as they may be  affected  by the  transactions
contemplated by this  Agreement,  as of the Closing Date with the same force and
effect as if made on and as of the Closing Date.

     7.2 The  Provident  Trust  will  have  delivered  to the  Vanguard  Trust a
statement of the Selling Fund's assets and liabilities,  together with a list of
the Selling  Fund's  portfolio  securities  showing the tax costs bases (and, if
different from tax costs, book costs) of those securities by lot and the holding
periods of those  securities as of the Closing Date,  certified by the Treasurer
or Assistant  Treasurer of the Provident Trust.  Such list of tax cost bases and
holding periods shall reflect any  allocations  and adjustments  which may arise
under the Code and/or Treasury Regulations as a result of the in-kind redemption
from the Master Fund to the  Selling  Fund  (including,  but not limited to, any
allocations and adjustments in accordance with Sections 732(b) and 732(c) of the
Code and any wash sale  adjustments) and will be in such a form as to enable the
Vanguard  Fund to  accurately  determine  the tax cost bases for the  securities
received  from the Selling  Fund on a lot basis  without the need to consult any
additional schedules of allocation or adjustment.

     7.3 The Provident  Trust will have  delivered to the Vanguard  Trust on the
Closing Date a  certificate  executed in its name,  and on behalf of the Selling
Fund,  by its Chief  Executive  Officer,  President  or Vice  President  and its
Secretary,  Treasurer or Assistant  Treasurer,  in form and substance reasonably
satisfactory  to the  Vanguard  Trust and dated as of the Closing  Date,  to the


effect that the  representations  and warranties of the Provident  Trust made in
this  Agreement  are true and correct at and as of the Closing  Date,  except as
they may be affected by the transactions  contemplated by this Agreement, and as
to such other matters as the Vanguard Trust shall reasonably request; and

     7.4 The Vanguard  Trust will have  received on the Closing Date a favorable
opinion of Paul,  Hastings,  Janofsky  & Walker  LLP,  counsel to the  Provident
Trust,  dated  as  of  the  Closing  Date,  in  form  and  substance  reasonably
satisfactory to the Vanguard Trust, and based upon customary  certificates  with
respect to matters of fact from the officers of the  Provident  Trust,  covering
the following points:

          (a) the Selling Fund is a separate  series of the Provident  Trust,  a
business  trust that is duly  organized,  validly  existing and in good standing
under the laws of the State of Delaware  and the  Provident  Trust has the trust
power to own all of the Selling Fund's properties and assets and to carry on the
Selling Fund's business as presently conducted;

          (b) the Provident  Trust is registered as an investment  company under
the  1940  Act  and,  to  such  counsel's   knowledge,   the  Provident  Trust's
registration with the Commission as an investment  company under the 1940 Act is
in force and effect with respect to the Selling Fund;

          (c) this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by
the  Provident  Trust  and,  assuming  that  the  Prospectus,  the  Registration
Statement and the Proxy Statement comply with the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act and the
1940 Act and the rules and  regulations  under  those  laws  and,  assuming  due
authorization, execution and delivery of the Agreement by the Vanguard Trust, is
a valid and binding  obligation of the Provident Trust  enforceable  against the
Provident  Trust  in  accordance  with  its  terms,  subject  to the  effect  of
bankruptcy,  insolvency, fraudulent conveyance,  reorganization,  moratorium and
other laws relating to or affecting  creditors,  rights generally and to general
equity principles;

          (d) the  execution  and  delivery of the  Agreement  did not,  and the
consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Agreement will not, result
in a violation of the Provident  Trust's  Declaration  of Trust or in a material
violation of any provision of any agreement  relating to the Selling Fund (known
to such counsel) to which the  Provident  Trust is a party or by which it or its
properties  are  bound  or,  to the  knowledge  of such  counsel,  result in the
acceleration  of any  obligation  or the  imposition  of any penalty,  under any
agreement,  judgment  or decree to which  the  Provident  Trust is a party or by
which it or its properties are bound;

          (e)  to  the  knowledge  of  such  counsel,   no  consent,   approval,
authorization  or order of any court or  governmental  authority  of the  United
States or State of Delaware is required for the  consummation  by the  Provident
Trust of the  transactions  contemplated in this Agreement,  except such as have
been obtained under the 1933 Act, the 1934 Act and the 1940 Act;

          (f) the descriptions in the Proxy Statement, insofar as they relate to
the Provident  Trust or the Selling Fund,  of statutes,  legal and  governmental
proceedings,  investigations,  orders,  decrees  or  judgments  of any  court or
governmental  body in the United States,  and contracts and other documents,  if
any, are accurate and fairly present the information required to be shown; and


          (g)  such  counsel  does  not  know of any  legal,  administrative  or
governmental proceeding,  investigation,  order, decree or judgment of any court
or governmental body, insofar as they relate to the Provident Trust, the Selling
Fund or its assets or properties,  pending,  threatened or otherwise existing on
or before the effective date of the Registration  Statement or the Closing Date,
which are required to be described in the Registration  Statement or to be filed
as exhibits to the  Registration  Statement  that are not described and filed as
required or that materially and adversely affect the Selling Fund's business.

     Counsel also will state that they have  participated  in  conferences  with
officers and other  representatives of the Provident Trust at which the contents
of the Proxy Statement and related matters were discussed and, although they are
not  passing  upon  and do not  assume  any  responsibility  for  the  accuracy,
completeness  or fairness of the  statements  contained  in the Proxy  Statement
(except to the extent indicated in paragraph (f) of their above opinion), on the
basis of the foregoing  information (relying as to materiality upon the opinions
of officers  and other  representatives  of the  Provident  Trust),  they do not
believe that the Proxy  Statement as of its date,  as of the date of the Selling
Fund's  shareholder  meeting,  and as of the Closing  Date,  contained an untrue
statement of a material  fact or omitted to state a material fact required to be
stated in the Proxy  Statement  regarding  the Selling Fund or necessary to make
the statements in the Proxy Statement  regarding the Selling Fund not misleading
in the light of the circumstances under which they were made.

     The opinion may state that  counsel  does not express any opinion or belief
as to the Financial Statements or other financial data, or as to the information
relating to the Vanguard  Trust or the  Acquiring  Fund,  contained in the Proxy
Statement, and that such opinion is solely for the benefit of the Vanguard Trust
and its trustees and officers.  The opinion also will include such other matters
incident to the transaction contemplated by this Agreement as the Vanguard Trust
may reasonably request. Such counsel may rely as to matters governed by the laws
of the State of Delaware on an opinion of local counsel and/or  certificates  of
officers or directors of the Provident Trust.

     In this paragraph 7.4, references to the Proxy Statement include and relate
only to the text of the Proxy  Statement and not to any exhibits or  attachments
to the Proxy  Statement  or to any  documents  incorporated  by reference in the
Proxy Statement.

     7.5 The Vanguard  Trust will have  received on the Closing Date a favorable
opinion of Paul, Hastings,  Janofsky & Walker LLP, addressed to, and in form and
substance  reasonably  satisfactory to the Vanguard Trust  substantially  to the
effect that, provided the redemption in-kind of all Shares of the Master Fund by
the Selling Fund, as contemplated  hereby,  is carried out as described  herein,
and based upon customary  certificates  with respect to matters of fact from the
officers of the Provident Trust, that for federal income tax purposes:

          (a) the Selling Fund will  recognize no gain or loss on the redemption
in-kind of all of its Shares of the Master Fund in  accordance  with Section 731
of the Code;


          (b) the basis of assets received by the Selling Fund on the redemption
in-kind of all of its  Shares of the  Master  Fund will be the same basis as the
basis  which the Selling  Fund had in its Shares of the Master Fund  immediately
prior to the  redemption,  less any cash  distributed,  and will be allocated to
such assets in accordance with Section 732(b) and Section 732(c) of the Code;

          (c) the holding  period of the assets  received by the Selling Fund on
the redemption  in-kind of its Shares of the Master Fund will include the period
during which the Master Fund held those Shares under Section 735(b) of the Code.

     7.6 The Vanguard Trust will have received from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP a
letter  addressed to the Vanguard  Trust dated as of the  effective  date of the
Registration Statement in form and substance satisfactory to the Vanguard Trust,
to the effect that:

          (a)  they are  independent  public  accountants  with  respect  to the
Provident  Trust  within  the  meaning  of  the  1933  Act  and  the  applicable
regulations under the 1933 Act;

          (b) in their  opinion,  the Financial  Statements and per share income
and capital changes of the Selling Fund included or incorporated by reference in
the  Registration  Statement  and  reported  on by them comply as to form in all
material  respects with the applicable  accounting  requirements of the 1933 Act
and the rules and regulations under the 1933 Act;

          (c) on the basis of limited  procedures  agreed  upon by the  Vanguard
Trust and the  Provident  Trust and described in the letter (but not an audit in
accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards)  with respect to the
unaudited  pro forma  financial  statements  of the Selling Fund included in the
Registration  Statement and the Proxy  Statement,  and inquiries of  appropriate
officials  of the  Provident  Trust  or the  officers  of  the  Provident  Trust
responsible  for  financial  and  accounting  matters,  nothing  came  to  their
attention that caused them to believe that (i) the unaudited pro forma financial
statements do not comply as to form in all material respects with the applicable
accounting  requirements of the 1933 Act and the rules and regulations under the
1933 Act, or (ii) the unaudited pro forma  financial  statements  are not fairly
presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on
a basis substantially consistent with those of the audited Financial Statements;

          (d) on the basis of limited  procedures  agreed  upon by the  Vanguard
Trust  and  the  Provident  Trust  and  described  in  the  letter  (but  not an
examination  in accordance  with generally  accepted  auditing  standards),  the
information relating to the Selling Fund appearing in the Registration Statement
and the Proxy  Statement  that is expressed in dollars or percentages of dollars
(with the  exception of  performance  comparisons)  has been  obtained  from the
accounting records of the Selling Fund or from schedules prepared by officers of
the Provident Trust having  responsibility  for financial and reporting  matters
and  the   information  is  in  agreement  with  these  records,   schedules  or
computations made from those documents.


         7.7 The  Provident  Trust will have  delivered to the  Vanguard  Trust,
pursuant to paragraph 4.1(g) of this Agreement,  copies of Financial  Statements
of the Selling Fund as of and for its most recently completed fiscal year.

         7.8 The Vanguard  Trust will have received from  PricewaterhouseCoopers
LLP a letter  addressed to the Vanguard Trust and dated as of the Valuation Date
stating  that  as of a date  no more  than  three  business  days  prior  to the
Valuation  Date,  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLC  performed  limited  procedures in
connection with the Provident Trust's most recent unaudited financial statements
relating to the Selling Fund (the "Unaudited Financial Statements") and that (a)
nothing  came to  their  attention  in  performing  the  limited  procedures  or
otherwise  that led them to believe that any changes had occurred in the assets,
liabilities,  net assets, net investment income, net increase  (decrease) in net
assets from operations or net increase (decrease) in net assets as compared with
amounts as of the  Selling  Fund's most  recent  audited  fiscal year end or the
corresponding  period in the Selling  Fund's most recent  audited  fiscal  year,
other than changes occurring in the ordinary course of business and (b) based on
the  limited  procedures,  no change has  occurred  in their  report on the most
recent  audited  Financial  Statements  of the Provident  Trust  relating to the
Selling Fund.

                                  ARTICLE VIII

                                  SELLING FUND

The obligations of the Vanguard Trust and the Provident Trust, respectively,  to
complete  the  transactions  provided for in this  Agreement  are subject to the
performance  by the  other  party of such  other  party's  obligations,  and the
following conditions:

     8.1 This Agreement and the transactions contemplated in this Agreement will
have been  approved  by the  requisite  vote of the  holders of the  outstanding
shares of the Selling Fund in  accordance  with the  provisions of the Provident
Trust's  Declaration  of Trust and  applicable  law and certified  copies of the
votes evidencing the approval will have been delivered to the Acquiring Fund.

     8.2 On the  Closing  Date,  no  action,  suit or other  proceeding  will be
pending  before  any  court or  governmental  agency  in which it is  sought  to
restrain or prohibit, or obtain damages or other relief in connection with, this
Agreement or the  transactions  contemplated by this  Agreement.  On the Closing
Date,  the Commission  will not have issued an unfavorable  report under Section
25(b) of the 1940 Act,  nor  instituted  any  proceeding  seeking  to enjoin the
consummation  of the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement under Section
25(c)  of the  1940  Act,  and no  action,  suit  or  other  proceeding  will be
threatened  or pending  before any court or  governmental  agency in which it is
sought to restrain or prohibit,  or obtain damages or other relief in connection
with, this Agreement or the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

     8.3 All  consents  of other  parties  and all other  consents,  orders  and
permits of federal,  state and local regulatory  authorities (including those of
the  Commission  and of state  blue sky and  securities  authorities,  including
no-action  positions of and exemptive orders from federal and state authorities)
deemed  necessary  by the  Vanguard  Trust  or the  Provident  Trust  to  permit
consummation, in all material respects, of the transactions contemplated by this


Agreement  will have been  obtained,  except if the  failure  to obtain any such
consent,  order or permit would not involve a risk of a material  adverse effect
on the assets or properties of the Acquiring Fund or the Selling Fund,  provided
that either the Vanguard  Trust or the Provident  Trust may for itself waive any
of the conditions in this paragraph 8.3.

     8.4  The  Vanguard  Trust  Registration   Statement  and  the  Registration
Statement will each have become  effective under the 1933 Act and no stop orders
suspending the effectiveness of the Vanguard Trust Registration Statement or the
Registration  Statement  will have been issued and, to the best knowledge of the
Vanguard Trust or the Provident  Trust, no  investigation or proceeding for that
purpose will have been  instituted  or be pending,  threatened  or  contemplated
under the 1933 Act.

     8.5 The parties will have received a favorable  opinion of Morgan,  Lewis &
Bockius, LLP, addressed to, and in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to
the Provident Trust  substantially to the effect that,  provided the acquisition
contemplated  hereby is carried out in accordance  with this Agreement and based
upon customary certificates with respect to matters of fact from the officers of
the  Provident  Trust  and the  Vanguard  Trust,  that for  federal  income  tax

          (a) the  transfer of all or  substantially  all of the Selling  Fund's
assets in exchange for Acquiring Fund Shares and the assumption by the Acquiring
Fund of the Liabilities of the Selling Fund will  constitute a  "reorganization"
within the meaning of Section  368(a)(1)(F)  of the Code and the Acquiring  Fund
and the Selling Fund are each a "party to a  reorganization"  within the meaning
of Section 368(b) of the Code;

          (b) no gain or loss will be recognized by the Acquiring  Fund upon the
receipt of the assets of the Selling Fund solely in exchange for Acquiring  Fund
Shares  and the  assumption  by the  Acquiring  Fund of the  Liabilities  of the
Selling  Fund;  however,  no opinion will be expressed as to whether any accrued
market discount will be required to be recognized as ordinary income;

          (c) no gain or loss will be  recognized  by the Selling  Fund upon the
transfer of the Selling  Fund's assets to the Acquiring Fund in exchange for the
Acquiring  Fund  Shares  and  the  assumption  by  the  Acquiring  Fund  of  the
Liabilities of the Selling Fund or upon the  distribution  of the Acquiring Fund
Shares to the Selling  Fund's  shareholders  in exchange for their shares of the
Selling Fund;

          (d) no gain or loss will be recognized by  shareholders of the Selling
Fund upon the  exchange  of their  Selling  Fund Shares for the  Acquiring  Fund
Shares  and the  assumption  by the  Acquiring  Fund of the  Liabilities  of the
Selling Fund;

          (e) the aggregate tax basis for the Acquiring Fund Shares  received by
each of the Selling Fund Shareholders pursuant to the Reorganization will be the
same  as the  aggregate  tax  basis  of the  Selling  Fund  Shares  held  by the
shareholder  immediately prior to the Reorganization,  and the holding period of
the Acquiring Fund Shares to be received by each Selling Fund  shareholder  will


include the period  during  which the  Selling  Fund  Shares  exchanged  for the
Acquiring  Fund Shares were held by the  shareholder  (provided that the Selling
Fund Shares were held as capital assets on the date of the Reorganization); and

          (f) the  tax  basis  of the  Selling  Fund's  assets  acquired  by the
Acquiring  Fund will be the same as the tax basis of the  assets to the  Selling
Fund  immediately  prior to the  Reorganization,  and the holding  period of the
assets of the Selling Fund in the hands of the  Acquiring  Fund will include the
period during which those assets were held by the Selling Fund.

     Notwithstanding  anything in this  Agreement to the  contrary,  neither the
Vanguard Trust nor the Provident  Trust may waive the conditions set out in this
paragraph 8.5.

                                   ARTICLE IX


     9.1 The Vanguard Trust  represents and warrants to the Provident Trust, and
the  Provident  Trust  represents  and warrants to the Vanguard  Trust,  that no
brokers or finders or other  entities  are  entitled to receive any  payments in
connection with the transactions provided for in this Agreement.

     9.2  The  Vanguard  Group,   Inc.  ("The  Vanguard  Group")  and  Provident
Investment  Counsel,  Inc.  each  agree to bear the fees,  costs,  and  expenses
incurred in connection with the  transactions  contemplated by this Agreement in
the manner set forth in the Fund Sponsorship Agreement,  dated February 7, 2002,
to which each is a party; provided,  however, that The Vanguard Group shall also
bear the fees, costs, and expenses of  PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP in performing
the audit of the financial statements of the Selling Fund and the Acquiring Fund
for the fiscal year ending  October 31, 2002,  and the Selling Fund or Provident
Investment  Counsel,  Inc.  ("Provident"),  as mutually  agreed between such two
parties, shall bear the fees, costs, and expenses of PricewaterhouseCoopers  LLP
in performing the limited procedures required under paragraph 7.8.

     9.3 (a) Provident will indemnify and hold harmless the Vanguard Trust,  the
Acquiring Fund, The Vanguard Group, Inc., their trustees,  directors,  officers,
employees,  and affiliates  (each,  a "Vanguard  Indemnified  Party"),  from and
against any and all damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney's
fees and costs)  incurred by any of them as a result of any breach or failure of
the Provident Trust's  representations or warranties under this Agreement, or as
a result of any willful  misconduct or negligence by the Provident  Trust in the
performance (or failure to perform) of the Provident  Trust's  obligations under
this Agreement.

          (b) Provident's  agreement to indemnify a Vanguard  Indemnified  Party
pursuant to this paragraph 9.3 is expressly  conditioned upon Provident's  being
notified of any action or claim brought against any Vanguard  Indemnified  Party
within thirty (30) days after that party receives notice of the action or claim.
The failure of a Vanguard Indemnified Party to notify Provident will not relieve
Provident  from any liability  that Provident may have otherwise than on account
of this indemnification agreement.


          (c) In case any  action  or  claim is  brought  against  any  Vanguard
Indemnified  Party and that party timely notifies  Provident of the commencement
of the action or claim, Provident will be entitled to participate in and, to the
extent  that it wishes to do so, to assume  the  defense of the action or claim.
Provident shall be entitled to select and engage counsel reasonably satisfactory
to the  Vanguard  Indemnified  Party to handle and defend  against any action or
claim. In the event Provident does not assume full control over the handling and
defense of any action or claim,  the Vanguard  Indemnified  Party shall have the
right to handle,  defend,  and/or settle any such action or claim as it may deem
appropriate,  at the cost and expense of  Provident.  Provident  shall not enter
into the  settlement of any action or claim on behalf of a Vanguard  Indemnified
Party without the prior written consent of the Vanguard Indemnified Party.

     9.4 (a) The Vanguard  Group will  indemnify and hold harmless the Provident
Trust, the Selling Fund,  Provident  Investment  Counsel,  Inc., their trustees,
directors,  officers,  employees and affiliates (each, a "Provident  Indemnified
Party"),  from and against any and all damages,  costs and  expenses  (including
reasonable attorney's fees and costs) incurred by any of them as a result of any
breach or failure of the Vanguard  Trust's  representations  or warranties under
this  Agreement,  or as a result of any willful  misconduct or negligence by the
Vanguard  Trust in the  performance  (or  failure to  perform)  of the  Vanguard
Trust's obligations under this Agreement.

          (b) Vanguard's  agreement to indemnify a Provident  Indemnified  Party
pursuant to this paragraph 9.4 is expressly  conditioned  upon Vanguard's  being
notified of any action or claim brought against any Provident  Indemnified Party
within thirty (30) days after that party receives notice of the action or claim.
The failure of a Provident Indemnified Party to notify Vanguard will not relieve
Vanguard from any liability  that Vanguard may have otherwise than on account of
this indemnification agreement.

          (c) In case any  action  or claim is  brought  against  any  Provident
Indemnified Party and that party timely notifies Vanguard of the commencement of
the action or claim,  Vanguard  will be entitled to  participate  in and, to the
extent  that it wishes to do so, to assume  the  defense of the action or claim.
Vanguard shall be entitled to select and engage counsel reasonably  satisfactory
to the Provident  Indemnified  Party to handle and defend  against any action or
claim.  In the event Vanguard does not assume full control over the handling and
defense of any action or claim, the Provident  Indemnified  Party shall have the
right to handle,  defend,  and/or settle any such action or claim as it may deem
appropriate,  at the cost and expense of Vanguard. Vanguard shall not enter into
the settlement of any action or claim on behalf of a Provident Indemnified Party
without the prior written consent of the Provident Indemnified Party.


                                    ARTICLE X


     10.1 The Vanguard Trust and the Provident  Trust agree that neither of them
has  made  any  representation,  warranty  or  covenant  not set  forth  in this
Agreement and that this  Agreement  represents the entire  agreement  among them
with respect to the Reorganization.

     10.2  The  representations,  warranties  and  covenants  contained  in this
Agreement or in any document delivered in accordance with its terms will survive
the consummation of the transactions contemplated under this Agreement.

                                   ARTICLE XI


     11.1  This  Agreement  may be  terminated  at any  time at or  prior to the
Closing Date by: (i) mutual  agreement of the  Provident  Trust and the Vanguard
Trust;  (ii) the Provident  Trust,  in the event the Vanguard  Trust has, or the
Vanguard  Trust in the event the Provident  Trust has,  materially  breached any
representation,  warranty  or  agreement  contained  in  this  Agreement  to  be
performed at or prior to the Closing Date;  or (iii) the Provident  Trust or the
Vanguard Trust in the event a condition included in this Agreement  expressed to
be precedent to the obligations of the terminating party or parties has not been
met and it reasonably appears that it will not or cannot be met.

     11.2 In the event of any such termination,  neither the Vanguard Trust, nor
the Provident  Trust, nor any series thereof other than the Selling Fund and the
Acquiring Fund, nor their respective trustees or officers, will be liable to the
other party or parties.

                                   ARTICLE XII


     This Agreement may be amended,  modified or supplemented in writing in such
manner as may be mutually agreed upon by the authorized officers of the Vanguard
Trust and the Provident Trust; provided,  however, that following the meeting of
the  Selling  Fund's  shareholders  called  pursuant  to  paragraph  5.2 of this
Agreement,  no  amendment  may have the effect of changing  the  provisions  for
determining  the number of the Acquiring Fund Shares to be issued to the Selling
Fund's  Shareholders  under this Agreement to the detriment of the  shareholders
without their further approval.


                                  ARTICLE XIII


     13.1 Any notice,  report,  statement or demand required or permitted by any
provisions of this Agreement will be in writing and given by prepaid  telegraph,
telecopy, or certified mail as follows:

          If to the Vanguard Trust, at:

          Vanguard Whitehall Funds
          P.O. Box 2600
          Valley Forge, PA 19482
          Attention:  Joel M. Dickson
          Telephone: 610-669-5846
          Facsimile:  610-503-5855

          If to the Provident Trust, at:

          Provident Investment Counsel
          300 North Lake Avenue
          Pasadena, California  91101-4106


                                   ARTICLE XIV


     14.1 The article and paragraph headings contained in this Agreement are for
reference  purposes  only  and  will  not  affect  in any  way  the  meaning  or
interpretation of this Agreement.

     14.2 This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts,  each of
which will be deemed an original.

     14.3 This Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance  with
the laws (without giving effect to the  conflicts-of-law  principles thereof) of
the State of Delaware.

     14.4 This  Agreement  will bind and inure to the  benefit of the parties to
the Agreement and their respective  successors and assigns, but no assignment or
transfer of the  Agreement or of any rights or  obligations  under the Agreement
may be made by either  party  without  the written  consent of the other  party.
Nothing  expressed or implied in this  Agreement is intended or may be construed
to confer upon or give any person,  firm or corporation,  other than the parties
to the  Agreement and their  respective  successors  and assigns,  any rights or
remedies under or by reason of this Agreement.

                                    * * * * *

     IN WITNESS WHEREOF,  the parties hereto have caused this Agreement and Plan
of Reorganization to be executed as of the date first set forth herein.


- -----------------------------------         ------------------------------------
Signature                   Date            Signature                    Date

- -----------------------------------         ------------------------------------
Print Name                  Title           Print Name                   Title

(as to the provisions of Paragraphs         provisions of Paragraphs 9.2 and
9.2 and 9.5 only)                            9.3 only)

- -----------------------------------         ------------------------------------
Signature                   Date            Signature                    Date

- -----------------------------------         ------------------------------------
Print Name                  Title           Print Name                   Title
