[FORM OF BOND]

   REGISTERED                                           REGISTERED

   Number __                                                      $

                          ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                               FIRST MORTGAGE BOND,
                              6 5/8% SERIES DUE 2004
                                                        SEE REVERSE FOR
                                                      CERTAIN DEFINITIONS

                                                      CUSIP 040555 BU 7

      Arizona Public  Service Company,  a corporation  of the  State of  Arizona
   (hereinafter called the Company), for value received, hereby promises to pay
   to ______________________________

   6 5/8%                                               6 5/8%
   DUE                                                         DUE
   2004                                                       2004

   or registered assigns, the principal  sum of ____________________ Dollars on
   March 1, 2004, in such coin  or currency of the United States of  America as
   at the time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts,  and to
   pay to the registered owner hereof interest thereon in like coin or currency
   at the rate of 6 5/8% per annum, semiannually  on March 1 and September 1 in
   each year, commencing  September 1, 1994, until the principal hereof is paid
   or made available for payment, such interest to be payable from the March  1
   or  September 1  next preceding  the date  of this  bond.   The  interest so
   payable on any  March 1 or September 1 shall be  paid to the person in whose
   name this  bond, or the bond in exchange or substitution for which this bond
   shall have been issued, shall have been registered at the  close of business
   on the  February 15 or August  15, as the  case may be, next  preceding such
   March 1 or September 1, unless such day is a legal holiday or a day on which
   banking institutions in The City of New York and/or the City of Los Angeles,
   California  are  authorized to  remain  closed, in  which  case on  the next
   preceding  day which  shall not  be a  legal holiday  or day  on which  such
   institutions  are  authorized by  law  to  remain closed.    Payment of  the
   principal of  and interest on this  bond and other amounts,  if any, payable
   upon the redemption  hereof will  be made  at the  office or  agency of  the
   Company maintained for that purpose in the City of  Los Angeles, California,
   and in  the Borough of Manhattan,  The City of New  York, provided, however,
   that payment  of interest may be made at the  option of the Company by check
   mailed  to the address of the person  entitled thereto as such address shall
   appear on the registration books of the Company.

      The provisions of this  bond are continued on  the reverse hereof and such
   provisions shall for  all purposes have the same effect  as though fully set
   forth at this place.

      This  bond shall  not become  obligatory  until  Bank of  America National
   Trust and Savings Association, the Trustee under the Mortgage referred to on
   the reverse hereof,  or its successor  thereunder, or the  co-authenticating
   agent on behalf  of the Trustee or successor trustee,  shall have signed the
   form of authentication certificate endorsed hereon.

      IN WITNESS  WHEREOF, Arizona Public Service  Company has  caused this bond
   to be  signed in its  corporate name  by its  President or one  of its  Vice
   Presidents and its corporate  seal to be  impressed or imprinted hereon  and
   attested by its Secretary or one of its Assistant Secretaries.



      This bond is one  of the bonds, of the series herein designated, described
   or provided for in the within mentioned Mortgage.


   By _____________________________
      Authorized Signatory



      This bond is one  of the bonds, of the series herein designated, described
   or provided for in the within mentioned Mortgage.


   By ____________________________
      Authorized Signatory





   By ____________________________

                          ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY

                    First Mortgage Bond, 6 5/8% Series Due 2004

      This bond is  one of an issue of bonds  of the Company issuable in  series
   and is one of a series known as its First Mortgage Bonds, 6 5/8%  Series due
   2004,  all bonds of  all series  issued and to  be issued  under and equally
   secured  (except  insofar  as any  sinking  or  other  fund, established  in
   accordance with  the provisions of  the Mortgage hereinafter  mentioned, may
   afford additional  security for the  bonds of  any particular  series) by  a
   Mortgage and Deed of Trust (herein, together with any indenture supplemental
   thereto, including the supplemental indentures dated as of December 1, 1947,
   April  1,  1949,  February 1,  1950,  December  1, 1950,  February  1, 1953,
   November 1, 1953, March 1, 1954, October 1, 1957, March 1, 1959, November 1,
   1961, June 1, 1962, December 1,  1962, September 1, 1963, September 1, 1967,
   April  1, 1970, March  15, 1972, April  1, 1974, February 15,  1975, June 1,
   1975, November  15, 1975, April 15,  1977, January 15, 1978,  March 1, 1979,
   October 15, 1979,  May 15, 1980, February  2, 1982, April 15,  1982, July 1,
   1983,  October 15, 1983, June 15, 1984, January  15, 1985, May 1, 1985, June
   1,  1985, November 1, 1985,  January 15, 1986,  March 1, 1986,  May 1, 1986,
   February 1, 1987, June 1,  1987, November 15, 1987, April 1,  1989, February
   15, 1990, May 15, 1990, April 15, 1991, December 15, 1991, January 15, 1992,
   March  1, 1992, June 15,  1992, February 1, 1993,  August 1, 1993, August 1,
   1993, September 15, 1993, and  March 1, 1994, called the Mortgage)  dated as
   of July 1, 1946, executed  by the Company to Bank of America  National Trust
   and Savings Association, as Trustee.   Reference is made to the Mortgage for
   a description of the  property mortgaged and pledged, the nature  and extent
   of the  security, the rights of the holders of  the bonds and of the Trustee
   in respect thereof, the duties and  immunities of the Trustee, the terms and
   conditions  upon  which  the  bonds  are and  are  to  be  secured,  and the
   circumstances under which additional  bonds may be issued.  With the consent
   of the  Company and  to  the extent  permitted by  and  as provided  in  the
   Mortgage, the rights and obligations of the Company and/or the rights of the
   holders of the bonds and/or the terms and  provisions of the Mortgage may be
   modified or altered  by affirmative vote of the holders  of at least seventy
   per centum (70%) in principal amount of the bonds then outstanding under the
   Mortgage  and, if the rights  of the holders  of one or more,  but less than
   all,  series of  bonds then  outstanding are  to be  affected, then  also by
   affirmative vote  of the holders  of at  least seventy per  centum (70%)  in
   principal amount of the bonds then outstanding of each series of bonds so to
   be affected  (excluding in any case bonds disqualified from voting by reason
   of the Company's  interest therein  as provided in  the Mortgage);  provided
   that, without  the consent  of the  holder hereof,  no such  modification or
   alteration  shall, among other  things, impair  or affect  the right  of the
   holder to receive payment of the principal of and interest on  this bond and
   other amounts,  if any, payable upon  the redemption hereof on  or after the
   respective due dates  expressed herein, or permit  the creation of  any lien
   equal  or prior to  the lien of  the Mortgage or  deprive the holder  of the
   benefit of a lien on the mortgaged and pledged property.

      The  principal hereof  may be  declared or  may  become  due prior  to the
   maturity date hereinbefore named on the conditions, in the manner and at the
   time set forth in  the Mortgage, upon the occurrence of a  default as in the
   Mortgage provided.

      This bond is transferable  as prescribed in the Mortgage by the registered
   owner hereof in person, or by his duly authorized attorney, at the office or
   agency  of the  Company in the  City of  Los Angeles, California,  or at the
   office or agency of the Company in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New
   York, upon surrender  and cancellation  of this  bond, and  thereupon a  new
   fully registered bond of the same series for a like principal amount will be
   issued to the transferee in exchange herefor as provided in the Mortgage.

      In  the manner  prescribed in  the Mortgage,  bonds of  this  series, upon
   surrender thereof, for cancellation, at the  office or agency of the Company
   in the City  of Los Angeles, California, or  at the office or agency  of the
   Company  in the Borough of Manhattan, The  City of New York, together with a
   written instrument  of  transfer,  if required  by  the Company  or  by  the
   Trustee, duly  executed by  the registered owner  or by his  duly authorized
   attorney, are exchangeable for a like aggregate principal amount of bonds in
   registered form of the  same series of other authorized denominations.   The
   Bonds are issuable in denominations of One Thousand Dollars  or any integral
   multiples thereof.

      No service  charge shall be  made for any  such transfer  or exchange, but
   the  Company may require the payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or
   other governmental charge payable in connection therewith.

      The bonds of this series will not be redeemable prior to maturity,  except
   that the  bonds of  this series shall  be redeemable in  whole at  any time,
   prior to maturity, upon notice (which may be made subject to  the receipt of
   the  redemption moneys by the Trustee before  the date fixed for redemption)
   published in  one daily newspaper, printed  in the English language,  and of
   general circulation, in the Borough of Manhattan, The City of New York, once
   on at least four (4)  different days before the date fixed for redemption or
   in certain cases by mailing,  the first publication or mailing, as  the case
   may  be, to  be  at least  thirty  (30) days  prior to  the  date fixed  for
   redemption, by  the application of cash  delivered to or deposited  with the
   Trustee pursuant to the provisions  of Section 87 of the Mortgage  (but only
   if and  to the  extent  such Section  is properly  applicable  to bona  fide
   transactions),  at the  following  special redemption  prices, expressed  in
   percentages of the principal amount of the bonds to be redeemed:

                             SPECIAL REDEMPTION PRICES
                      If redeemed during the 12 month period
                                beginning March 1,

   1994 . . . . . .106.16%          1999 . . . . . .103.08%
   1995 . . . . . .105.54%          2000 . . . . . .102.46%
   1996 . . . . . .104.92%          2001 . . . . .. 101.85%
   1997 . . . . . .104.31%          2002 . . . . . .101.23%
   1998 . . . . . .103.69%          2003 . . . . . .100.62%

   in  each  case,  together with  accrued  interest  to  the  date  fixed  for

      The Company and the  Trustee may deem  and treat the person in  whose name
   this  bond is  registered as the  absolute owner  hereof for  the purpose of
   receiving payment and  for all other purposes,  and neither the  Company nor
   the Trustee shall be affected by any notice to the contrary.

      No recourse shall  be had for the payment  of the principal of or interest
   on  this  bond  against any  incorporator  or any  past,  present  or future
   subscriber to the  capital stock,  stockholder, officer or  director of  the
   Company  or of  any predecessor  or successor  corporation, as  such, either
   directly or through the Company or any predecessor or successor corporation,
   under any rule of law, statute or constitution or  by the enforcement of any
   assessment or  otherwise, all such liability  of incorporators, subscribers,
   stockholders, officers and directors  being released by the holder  or owner
   hereof by the acceptance of this bond and being likewise waived and released
   by the terms of the Mortgage.


      The following abbreviations, when used in the  inscription on the face  of
   this Bond,  shall be  construed  as though  they were  written  out in  full
   according to applicable laws or regulations:

      TEN COM - as tenants in common
      TEN ENT - as tenants by the entireties
      JT TEN  - as joint tenants with  right of survivorship and not  as tenants
                in common
      UNIF GIFT MIN ACT - _______Custodian_______
                          (Cust)        (Minor)
                          under Uniform Gifts to Minors

   Additional abbreviations may also be used though not in the above list.

      FOR  VALUE RECEIVED,  the undersigned hereby sells,  assigns and transfers
   ____________________________________  Please  print  or  typewrite  name and
   address of assignee  ___________________________________ the within  Bond of
   ARIZONA PUBLIC  SERVICE COMPANY and  hereby does irrevocably  constitute and
   appoint ______________________________ attorney to transfer the said Bond on
   the  books of the  within-named Company, with full  power of substitution in
   the premises.


   Notice:  The  signature to this assignment must correspond  with the name as
   written upon the face of the Bond in every particular, without alteration or
   enlargement or any change whatever.