CURE AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT

     This CURE AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT ("Agreement"), by and among  El Paso
Electric  Company,  a  Texas  corporation  ("EPE"),  Debtor  and  Debtor  In
Possession  in its proceedings  under Chapter 11  of Title 11  of the United
States Code, 11  U.S.C. Sections 101-1330  (the "Code") currently pending in
the United States Bankruptcy Court  for the Western  District of Texas  (the
"Court"),  Case No. 92-10148 FM (the "Case"); each of Arizona Public Service
Company  ("APS"),  Salt River  Project  Agricultural  Improvement and  Power
District ("SRP"), Southern California Edison Company ("SCE"), Public Service
Company  of New Mexico  ("PNM"), Southern California  Public Power Authority
("SCPPA"), and the Department of Water and Power of the  City of Los Angeles
("LADWP"), as the other  participants, along with EPE (the  "Participants"),
in  the  Arizona  Nuclear  Power  Project  ("ANPP")  pursuant  to  the  ANPP
Participation  Agreement,  dated  as  of  August 23,  1973,  as  amended  by
Amendment Nos. 1 through 13 thereto (the "Participation Agreement"); each of
APS, SRP, SCE, PNM, SCPPA, and  LADWP, as the other parties, along  with EPE
(the  "Switchyard  Participants"),  to  the  ANPP  High  Voltage  Switchyard
Participation  Agreement, dated  as  of August  20,  1981, as  amended  (the
"Switchyard Agreement");  and  each  of APS,  SRP,  and PNM,  as  the  other
parties,  along with  EPE (the "Valley  Transmission Participants"),  to the
ANPP Valley  Transmission System Participation Agreement, dated as of August
20,  1981, as amended (the "Valley Transmission Agreement"), is entered into
as of November 19, 1993.

     Capitalized  terms used  in  this Agreement,  unless otherwise  defined
herein, shall have the  meanings assigned to such terms in the Participation
Agreement.  When  used herein, the term "Other Parties"  shall mean each and
all of  the parties to this  Agreement other than  EPE, and the  term "Other
Participants" shall mean  each and all  of the Participants other  than EPE.
Where used herein the term "Assume" shall mean "assume" as such term is used
in Section  365 of the  Code.  The terms  "include" and "including"  are not
limiting, regardless of whether accompanied by the additional words "but not
limited to," or words of similar impact.

                              R E C I T A L S:

     a.   On January 8, 1992  (the "Petition Date"), EPE filed  its petition
for relief under Chapter 11 of the Code in the Court.

     b.   On  February  13, 1992,  the  Court  approved a  stipulation  (the
"Stipulation")  between EPE and APS,  as Operating Agent,  which among other
things allocated $9,255,000 of the invoices previously rendered to EPE under
the  Participation Agreement as pre-petition general unsecured claims of the
Other Participants.

     c.   On  September 9,  1992,  EPE  filed a  complaint  which  commenced
Adversary Proceeding  No. 92-1285FM  (including all related  proceedings and
contested matters, if any, the "Lease Litigation") before the Court.

     d.   EPE   has   proposed  its   "Modified   Third   Amended  Plan   of
Reorganization," as corrected September 15, 1993 (together with any modified
or amended  plan proposed by  EPE providing  for the acquisition  of EPE  by
Central and South West Corporation ("CSW") by means of a  merger between EPE
and  a wholly-owned,  special purpose  subsidiary of  CSW, with  EPE as  the
surviving  corporation ("Reorganized  EPE"),  generally referred  to as  the
"Plan").  For purposes of this Agreement, references to the "Effective Date"
shall mean the Effective Date as provided in the Plan, and references to EPE
will  be deemed to refer also to Reorganized  EPE with respect to any period
on or after the  Effective Date, notwithstanding any separate  references to
Reorganized EPE herein.

     e.   EPE  and  the  Other Parties  hereto  desire  to  provide in  this
Agreement for  the terms  and  conditions under  which  EPE would  cure  its
defaults  under  and  Assume  the Participation  Agreement,  the  Switchyard
Agreement,  the  Valley   Transmission  Agreement,  and   related  contracts
described or scheduled herein.

     f.   The  Other Participants believe  that the  Participation Agreement
and  related agreements are contracts and/or agreements that are not capable
of  being Assumed pursuant  to Code Section  365 without the  consent of the
Other Participants;  EPE disagrees  and  believes that  said agreements  are
subject  to   assumption  under  Code  Section   365;  notwithstanding  said
positions, the Parties  have agreed  to settle and  provide that  Assumption
will be allowed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions
contained herein, and subject to the terms and conditions stated herein, the
parties hereto agree as follows:

     1.   EPE Assumption.   Subject to all of  the terms and  conditions set
     forth in this  Agreement, EPE agrees to Assume, on  the Effective Date,
     the  Participation  Agreement,  the  Switchyard  Agreement, the  Valley
     Transmission Agreement, and  to the  extent that EPE  is not  precluded
     from such assumption, the  following executory agreements and unexpired
     leases relating to  the ownership, operation, and maintenance  of ANPP,
     the ANPP High  Voltage Switchyard, and/or the "Transmission System," as
     such  term is defined in the Valley Transmission Agreement (the "Valley
     Transmission System"):

          (a)  all of the Project Agreements;

          (b)  all Nuclear Fuel Agreements,  and all nuclear fuel agreements
          relating  to  the purchase,  sale,  lease, transfer,  disposition,
          storage, transportation, mining, conversion,  milling, enrichment,
          processing, fabrication, and reprocessing  of any Nuclear Fuel for
          use in,  used in  or removed  from a Reactor  entered into  by the
          Project  Manager  or  the Operating  Agent  on  behalf  of EPE  or
          pursuant to which EPE  is a party, excluding the  "RGRT Agreement"
          (as such term is defined in the Plan);

          (c)  all   agreements  between   EPE   (or  EPE   and  the   Other
          Participants or any  of them) and any  third party for  land, land
          rights, or water rights relating to ANPP;

          (d)  certain agreements  listed on  Schedule 1 hereto  relating to
          tax or other indemnification obligations between EPE and the Other
          Participants, or any of them (the "Tax Agreements");

          (e)  certain agreements  listed on Schedule 2  hereto entered into
          pursuant to or  relating to  the Switchyard  Agreement and/or  the
          Valley Transmission Agreement or relating to the ANPP High Voltage
          Switchyard and/or  the Valley  Transmission System or  pursuant to
          which  the   ANPP  High  Voltage  Switchyard   and/or  the  Valley
          Transmission  System are  constructed, operated,  or owned  by the
          participants; and

          (f)  certain agreements  listed on Schedule 3  hereto entered into
          pursuant to or relating to the Participation Agreement or relating
          to ANPP or  pursuant to  which ANPP is  constructed, operated,  or
          owned by the Participants

     (collectively, the  "ANPP Assumed  Agreements").   Notwithstanding  any
     provision  of this  Agreement  to  the  contrary,  EPE  shall  have  no
     obligation to  assume the Palo Verde Leases,  and the Palo Verde Leases
     shall not constitute ANPP Assumed Agreements.  EPE agrees that the Palo
     Verde Leases do  not include the Tax  Agreements.  After  the Effective
     Date, nothing in the Case,  the Plan, or any order confirming  the Plan
     (the "Confirmation Order") shall entitle EPE to interfere with, oppose,
     or deny  prior operating procedures  and actions taken,  conducted, and
     approved by the  Participants prior  to the Effective  Date, except  in
     accordance with procedures provided  under the ANPP Assumed Agreements.
     Any cure and Assumption by EPE  of the ANPP Assumed Agreements shall be
     deemed to have occurred only upon the Effective Date.

     2.   EPE Payments under the  ANPP Assumed Agreements.  On,  or promptly
     following,   the  date  of   entry  of  the   Confirmation  Order  (the
     "Confirmation  Date"), subject to all  of the terms  and conditions set
     forth in this  Agreement, as a condition of its  Assumption of the ANPP
     Assumed Agreements, EPE will pay the following amounts to the following

          (a)  the amount of $9,255,000.00 under the Participation Agreement
          to  the  Operating  Agent for  the  benefit  of all  of  the Other

          (b)  the amount  of $38,658.50 under the  Switchyard Agreement, to
          SRP, as  operating agent under  the Switchyard Agreement,  for the
          benefit of all of the Switchyard Participants, other than EPE; and

          (c)  the  amount  of  $12,933.47  under  the  Valley  Transmission
          Agreement to SRP, as operating agent under the Valley Transmission
          Agreement,  for  the benefit  of  all of  the  Valley Transmission
          Participants, other than EPE.

     If this Agreement is terminated pursuant to Sections 8(c) or 11 hereof,
     the  amounts specified in subparagraphs (a) through (c) of this Section
     2 shall be returned and repaid by the Operating Agent, SRP as operating
     agent  under the Switchyard Agreement, and SRP as operating agent under
     the  Valley   Transmission  Agreement,  respectively,  to  EPE  without
     interest promptly  upon receipt  of a wire  transfer number  evidencing
     transfer from EPE  of the  amounts described  in Section  3(i) of  this

     3.   Parties' Agreement To Actions.  The parties agree to the following
     actions and agreements:

          (a)  to  the Assumption by EPE  of the ANPP  Assumed Agreements on
          the Effective Date without further requirements or steps to comply
          with Section 365 of  the Code, and the Other  Parties hereby waive
          as  of the Effective Date,  any otherwise applicable  issues as to
          compliance with Section  365; provided, however, that  EPE may not
          so  Assume unless  it (i)  has paid  its participant-share  of all
          outstanding  and due  invoices  and assessments  presented by  the
          operating agents under or pursuant to the Participation Agreement,
          the Switchyard  Agreement, and the Valley  Transmission Agreement;
          (ii) is in  compliance with  all payment, funding,  and any  other
          material   obligations  pursuant   to   Section  8A.7.2   of   the
          Participation Agreement;  and (iii) otherwise has complied  in all
          material respects with the terms and conditions of this Agreement;
          provided, however,  that unless any  of the Other  Parties informs
          EPE  by written notice, on  or before the  Confirmation Date, that
          EPE  is not in compliance  with this Agreement,  and specifies the
          nature  of  such  noncompliance, EPE  shall  be  deemed  to be  in
          compliance with this Agreement as of the Confirmation Date;

          (b)  that  EPE's payment of the amounts  set forth in Section 2 of
          this Agreement in compliance with  said Section shall constitute a
          complete and  full accord,  satisfaction, settlement, and  cure of
          all  payment  defaults  of EPE  (as  to  which  EPE  is  the  sole
          defaulting Participant) existing and known by the Other Parties as
          of the date of a Court order approving  this Agreement (the "Court
          Approval  Date"),  together  with all  interest  thereon  accruing
          through   and   including  the   Confirmation   Date,  under   the
          Participation  Agreement, the  Switchyard  Agreement,  the  Valley
          Transmission  Agreement  and  all other  ANPP  Assumed Agreements;
          provided,  however, that  nothing contained  in this  Agreement or
          pursuant  to any discharge or release  in or pursuant to the Plan,
          the  Confirmation Order,  any  order of  the  Court requiring  the
          filing of claims by a deadline (the "Bar Date"), or the Code shall
          operate to relieve EPE of any other liability or obligation it may
          have that is asserted under any of the ANPP Assumed Agreements for
          liabilities and obligations which are assessed or asserted against
          EPE in common with one or more of the Other Parties;

          (c)  that, on the  Effective Date, except as to claims that may be
          asserted  and which are preserved under Section 12 hereof, (i) EPE
          shall,  by the terms of this Agreement, be released and discharged
          from  (A)  any  and  all  claims,  causes  of  action,  rights  of
          termination, and all other  rights and remedies of any  other kind
          and  nature at  law or  equity held  by any  of the  Other Parties
          arising from  actions taken or failures to act by EPE in the Lease
          Litigation  prior to  the Court  Approval Date  and (B)  any other
          defaults  of EPE  under the  ANPP Assumed Agreements  existing and
          known by  the Other Parties prior to  the Court Approval Date, and
          (ii) the Other Parties  shall, by the terms of  this Agreement, be
          released and discharged from any and all claims, causes of action,
          rights of termination  and all  other rights and  remedies of  any
          other kind  and nature at law  or equity held by  EPE arising from
          any defaults  of any of  the Other Parties under  the ANPP Assumed
          Agreements existing and known  by EPE prior to the  Court Approval
          Date;  provided,  however,  that  nothing in  this  Agreement,  or
          pursuant to the Plan, the Confirmation Order, the Bar Date, or the
          Code shall operate to relieve EPE  and/or any of the Other Parties
          of any liability  or obligation it  or they may  have that may  be
          assessed  or asserted  under  any of  the ANPP  Assumed Agreements
          against two or  more of  the participants in  common, and  further
          provided, however,  that nothing in this  paragraph shall diminish
          or impair the Release referred to in Section 5 hereof;

          (d)  that  the release  and discharge by  EPE pursuant  to Section
          3(c)(ii) above shall be  deemed to apply  to claims and causes  of
          action against  the Other  Parties solely  in their  capacities as
          participants, but not in their capacities as operating agents;

          (e)  that, on the Effective  Date, except as to claims that may be
          asserted  and  which are  preserved under  Section 12  hereof, EPE
          shall,  by the terms  of this Agreement, be  released by the Other
          Parties from any liability  for attorneys' fees and administrative
          costs or claims incurred  in connection with the Case  at any time
          prior to the Confirmation Date, not to include any such attorneys'
          fees  and administrative costs or claims (i) that might arise from
          any of the Other Parties' transactions with EPE regarding the sale
          of power or transmission  other than pursuant to the  ANPP Assumed
          Agreements;  or (ii)  that may  be  asserted by  any of  the Other
          Parties which are unrelated to the ANPP Assumed Agreements;

          (f)  that, notwithstanding  any and  all other provisions  of this
          Agreement, including without  limitation subparagraphs 3(c),  (d),
          and (e)  above, if EPE shall assert  in writing any claims, causes
          of action, rights of  termination or other rights and  remedies of
          any  kind or  nature at law  or equity  existing and  known by EPE
          prior to  the Court Approval Date  and arising from any  actual or
          alleged act or  failure to act  prior to  the Court Approval  Date
          ("Claims")  by  APS  or  SRP, respectively,  in  their  respective
          capacities as  operating  agent  under  any of  the  ANPP  Assumed
          Agreements,  any and all releases and discharges granted by APS or
          SRP, respectively (whichever  is the subject  of such Claims),  to
          EPE pursuant to  subparagraph 3(c)(i)(B), (d), or  (e) above shall
          forthwith become null, void and of no further force or effect; and
          APS  or  SRP,  respectively  (whichever  is  the  subject  of such
          Claims), shall be entitled to assert any and all claims, causes of
          actions, rights of termination and  other rights and remedies free
          of the provisions of subparagraphs 3(c)(i)(B),  (d), and (e) above
          and  of the  releases and  discharges to  which reference  is made

          (g)  that, immediately upon its  receipt of the payments specified
          in Section 2 of this Agreement, APS, as Operating Agent, shall pay
          to EPE  the amount of $3,818,409.62  representing amounts withheld
          by APS,  as of the date  hereof, and not distributed  to EPE under
          the Participation Agreement;

          (h)  that, immediately upon its  receipt of the payments specified
          in Section 2 of this Agreement,  SRP, as operating agent under the
          Switchyard Agreement and the  Valley Transmission Agreement, shall
          pay to  EPE the  respective amounts  of $8,047.92  and $12,708.88,
          representing  amounts withheld  by SRP,  as operating  agent under
          such agreements, as of the date hereof, and not distributed to EPE
          under  the  Switchyard  Agreement  and   the  Valley  Transmission
          Agreement, respectively;

          (i)  that  if this  Agreement is  terminated pursuant  to Sections
          8(c)  or 11 hereof, the amounts specified in subparagraphs (g) and
          (h)  of  this  Section 3  shall  be  returned  and repaid  without
          interest to the respective operating agents by EPE promptly and in
          any event within five (5) business days of such termination; and

          (j)  that, on the Effective Date, solely for purposes of the Plan,
          the Other  Parties shall be deemed  to have withdrawn  any and all
          proofs  of claims filed  in the Case  by APS, as  Operating Agent,
          SRP,  as operating  agent under  the Switchyard Agreement  and the
          Valley  Transmission Agreement,  and the  Other Parties  solely in
          their capacities as parties to and/or  participants under the ANPP
          Assumed  Agreements; provided,  however, that  such action  by the
          Other  Parties shall have no effect on any liability or obligation
          of EPE hereunder or under the ANPP Assumed Agreements.

     The intent of this Agreement (including but not limited to this Section
     3) is that if,  for example and not by way of  limitation, a claim such
     as an environmental claim is made against any of the parties hereto for
     damages commencing on the date of an act, event, or occurrence  whether
     before or after the Petition Date, then EPE, as a participant under the
     Participation  Agreement, the Switchyard  Agreement, and/or  the Valley
     Transmission Agreement, as the case may  be, shall be and remain liable
     for  its pro  rata  share, based  upon  its full  participant  interest
     pursuant to such agreements, of any damages awarded on account  of such
     claim,  notwithstanding  any  and  all  provisions  or effect  of  this
     Agreement, the Plan, the Confirmation Order, the Bar Date, or the Code.
     To the extent this Agreement releases,  waives, or limits claims of the
     Other Parties against EPE or  of EPE against the Other Parties,  as the
     case may be, such claims are limited to those which  result solely from
     breaches  of  EPE or  the  Other  Parties  but not  to  liabilities  or
     obligations which are assessed  or asserted against EPE in  common with
     one  or  more  of the  Other  Parties  or  which  result,  directly  or
     indirectly,  from  claims by  entities  other  than the  Other  Parties
     against EPE in common with one or more of the Other Parties.

     4.   Interim  Agreements.  Subject to  all of the  terms and conditions
     set forth in this  Agreement, during the period after  the Confirmation
     Date and until and including the earlier to occur of the Effective Date
     and the date  upon which this Agreement  shall have been terminated  in
     accordance with Section 8(c) or 11 hereof:

          (a)  EPE and the  Other Parties  agree that, with  respect to  all
          matters relating to the ANPP Assumed Agreements, EPE and the Other
          Parties shall be governed  by the provisions of such  ANPP Assumed
          Agreements  and  this  Agreement;  provided,  however,  that  this
          section  (i) shall not impair  EPE's right to  assert, or prohibit
          EPE  from asserting, any argument or defense that the Court should
          assume or  exercise jurisdiction, and  (ii) shall  not impair  the
          Other Parties' right to assert, or prohibit the Other Parties from
          asserting,  any  argument or  defense  that the  Court  should not
          assume or  exercise jurisdiction.   Notwithstanding the  preceding
          sentence, none of  the automatic stay of Section  362 of the Code,
          the post-confirmation  injunction of  Sections 524 and  1141 under
          the Code,  or  any  stay  or  injunction under  the  Plan  or  the
          Confirmation Order shall be applicable  to any actions or remedies
          taken  by  the Other  Parties  under the  ANPP  Assumed Agreements
          (including  the giving of notice of  default and implementation of
          appropriate remedies  and enforcement procedures)  to address  any
          action or inaction of EPE subsequent to the Confirmation Date.

          (b)  Except  as expressly  provided in  Section 3  hereof, nothing
          contained  in  this  Agreement  or  pursuant  to  the  Plan,   the
          Confirmation Order, the Bar  Date, or including without limitation
          any  discharge, injunction, or release pursuant to the Plan or the
          Confirmation Order shall operate to waive, affect, or restrict  in
          any manner  whatsoever the rights of  the Other Parties  or of EPE
          under  any of the ANPP Assumed Agreements to enforce in accordance
          therewith  any  and  all rights  thereunder  with  respect to  any
          default  or  breach  of  EPE  or  the  Other  Parties  under  such
          agreements.  No waiver or release contained herein with respect to
          any default or breach of EPE or the Other Parties under any of the
          ANPP  Assumed  Agreements  will  be  deemed  to  have  waived  any
          subsequent default or breach of EPE or the Other Parties under any
          of the  ANPP Assumed Agreements notwithstanding  the similarity of
          said subsequent  default or breach to similar defaults or breaches
          of EPE or the  Other Parties waived or released  herein; provided,
          however,  that the Other Parties agree that, except as provided in
          Section 3(a) hereof, they will not assert any defaults or breaches
          under the ANPP Assumed Agreements as  a bar to EPE's assumption of
          the ANPP Assumed Agreements.

          (c)  Nothing contained in this Agreement,  the Case, the Plan,  or
          the  Confirmation  Order  shall  entitle EPE  to  interfere  with,
          oppose,  or deny  prior  operating procedures  and actions  taken,
          conducted, and approved  by the ANPP Participants  pursuant to the
          ANPP  Assumed Agreements,  except  in  accordance with  procedures
          provided under the ANPP Assumed Agreements.

     5.   Limited Waiver and  Release.  Concurrently  with the execution  of
     this Agreement, EPE and APS will  execute the limited waiver of statute
     of limitations  attached hereto as Appendix A and made a part hereof by
     reference (the "Limited Waiver").  On the Effective Date, EPE  and each
     of  the Other  Parties will  execute and  deliver the  release attached
     hereto  as  Appendix B  and  made  a  part  hereof  by  reference  (the

     6.   Form  of Payments.  All  payments required pursuant  to Sections 2
     and  3 of  this Agreement  shall be made  by wire  transfer of  cash or
     immediately available  funds pursuant to written  instructions from the
     party to whom payment is to be made.

     7.   No  Amendment   or  Change.    Nothing  in  this  Agreement  shall
     constitute  or  be  deemed  to constitute  any  amendment,  change,  or
     modification of  any  type  or  nature  of  any  of  the  ANPP  Assumed

     8.   The Plan.

          (a)  It  is the intent of  the Parties to this Agreement  that (i)
          this  Agreement be  approved by the  Court, become  effective, and
          continue to be  effective and  binding on EPE  as a party  hereto,
          (ii) EPE's Assumption of the ANPP Assumed Agreements in accordance
          with this Agreement is a condition  precedent to the effectiveness
          of  the Plan,  (iii) subject  to the  provisions of  Section 11(d)
          hereof,  this Agreement will  be the exclusive  procedure by which
          EPE   can   Assume  the   ANPP   Assumed   Agreements,  and   (iv)
          notwithstanding anything  to the  contrary in the  Plan, including
          but not limited to Section 7.7 thereof, or in the Merger Agreement
          (as  such  term is  defined  in the  Plan),  in the  event  of any
          inconsistency between  the Plan or  the Merger Agreement  and this
          Agreement, this Agreement will control.

          (b)   EPE  shall use  all  reasonable efforts,  in good  faith, to
          obtain  a  Confirmation  Order   which  provides  that  (i)  EPE's
          Assumption of the ANPP Assumed  Agreements in accordance with this
          Agreement is a  condition precedent  to the  effectiveness of  the
          Plan,  (ii) subject to the  provisions of Section  11 hereof, this
          Agreement  will be the exclusive procedure by which EPE can Assume
          the ANPP Assumed Agreements, and (iii) notwithstanding anything to
          the contrary in the Plan, including but not limited to Section 7.7
          thereof, or  in the Merger Agreement  (as such term is  defined in
          the Plan), in the  event of any inconsistency between the  Plan or
          the  Merger  Agreement and  this  Agreement,  this Agreement  will

          (c)  In the event that the Confirmation Order does not contain all
          of the provisions  of Section  8(b)(i), (ii) and  (iii) set  forth
          above, then any of the Other Parties may terminate this Agreement,
          in which  case this  Agreement  shall be  void and  of no  further
          effect.   Upon such  a termination, any  extensions provided under
          Section  9  or provided  under  any separate  stipulations  of the
          parties  shall survive  and  control.   If  the Agreement  is  not
          terminated  by the Other Parties  on or prior  to the Confirmation
          Date, then EPE shall be deemed to be in full  compliance with this
          Agreement  on  the Confirmation  Date,  and  unless terminated  in
          accordance with  Section 11  herein, this Agreement  shall be  the
          exclusive procedure through  which EPE may assume the ANPP Assumed

          (d)  The Other Parties, solely in their capacities as  parties to,
          and/or   participants   under,   the  ANPP   Assumed   Agreements,
          acknowledge  and agree  that so  long as  this Agreement  has been
          approved  by an Approval Order (as defined in Section 9(a) hereof)
          in accordance with Section 9(a) hereof and has not been terminated
          under Sections 8(c)  or 11  hereof, the Other  Parties, solely  in
          their capacities as  parties to and/or participants under the ANPP
          Assumed Agreements,  will not object to or vote for or against the

          (e)   APS,  as  Operating  Agent,  will  reasonably  cooperate  in
          required Nuclear Regulatory Commission proceedings and will assist
          in providing information for other regulatory proceedings (if any)
          required  for  the  Assumption  of  the  ANPP  Assumed  Agreements
          pursuant to this Agreement; and

          (f)  If  the Plan is  amended, EPE will  make all best efforts  to
          ensure  that the Plan  will be consistent  with the terms  of this

     9.   Procedures and Timing.

          (a)  Promptly following the execution of this Agreement by  all of
          the parties hereto, the parties hereto (and the Mediator, if he is
          agreeable)  shall  jointly  file  motions  for  approval  of  this
          Agreement.  EPE  shall use its best efforts to  obtain an order of
          the Court approving its  entry into this Agreement as  provided in
          Section  10(b) hereof (the "Approval  Order").  EPE  agrees to the
          extension,  as  to the  Other Parties,  of  any deadline  that may
          otherwise be applicable to the  Other Parties, to dates determined
          by the Court, for (i) filing objections or casting ballots on  the
          Plan (which deadline as so extended  shall not be prior to six (6)
          days  after  the  entry of  any  order  denying  the joint  motion
          referred  to  above); (ii)  filing or  completion of  any pretrial
          stipulation,  order,  or schedule  regarding  confirmation  of the
          Plan; (iii) completion of  any discovery regarding confirmation of
          the Plan; or (iv)  presentation of any evidence or  examination of
          any witness in any hearing on confirmation of the Plan; and in the
          event of any  termination of this Agreement (x) EPE  and the Other
          Parties  shall cooperate with each  other in good  faith to enable
          the Other  Parties and EPE  to make a  full presentation  of their
          positions during the confirmation proceedings, and (y) each of the
          Other Parties  shall have the right  to object to the  Plan and to
          vote for or against confirmation of the Plan;

          (b)  if, prior to the entry  of the Approval Order, any change  of
          circumstance  occurs in  the  Case  or  under  the  Plan  that  is
          materially  adverse to the Other  Parties under the  terms of this
          Agreement or under the ANPP Assumed Agreements, then, upon written
          notice by any  of the Other Parties, this Agreement  shall be void
          and  without  effect  unless   such  change  of  circumstances  is
          expressly waived by all  of the Other Parties;  provided, however,
          that  the extensions  granted or  for which  provision is  made in
          subparagraph  (a) above shall remain applicable for at least seven
          (7)  days after  the declaration  by a  Participant of  a material
          adverse change; and

          (c)  Subject  to consent  of the Mediator,  EPE shall  provide the
          Other Parties access, on  a confidential basis, to a  draft of the
          proposed settlement  of issues  relating to the  Lease Litigation,
          including any proposed revision  of any agreements related  to the
          Palo Verde Leases (as such term  is defined in the Plan).  To  the
          extent that any settlement among EPE and the parties  to the Lease
          Litigation  requires the  consent of  the Other  Participants, the
          Other  Participants  will review  the  settlement  in good  faith,
          consistent with Section 15 of the Participation Agreement, and the
          required  consent,  if any,  will  not  be unreasonably  withheld.
          After the Court Approval Date, any agreement relating to the Lease
          Litigation or modification  of such agreement, either  in the Case
          or pursuant  to the Plan,  that violates any  of the ANPP  Assumed
          Agreements shall be addressed pursuant to the procedures under the
          ANPP Assumed Agreements.  The Other Participants agree that, based
          solely  on the description of the consensual treatment of Class 6,
          Class 12(a), and  Class 12(b) (as  such terms  are defined  in the
          Modified  Third  Amended  Plan  of  Reorganization,  as  corrected
          September  15, 1993 (the "Current Plan")), as set forth in Section
          3.8(A) and (C) and  Section 3.14(A) and (B)  of the Current  Plan,
          and on the representations  and warranties of EPE set  forth below
          in  this Section 9(c)(i) and (ii), the Other Participants agree to
          waive the  requirement under the Participation  Agreement, if any,
          for their  consent to  such consensual treatment.   Assuming  that
          Classes 6, 12(a),  and 12(b) accept  the consensual treatment  set
          forth in Section 3.8(A) and (C) and Section 3.14(A) and (B) of the
          Current  Plan,  EPE  hereby  represents  and  warrants as  of  the
          Effective Date to the Other Participants that:

               (i)    Reorganized  EPE  will  not  seek  to  be  treated  or
               classified  as, and will not be deemed, a Transferee, as such
               term  is  defined  in  Section  15.10  of  the  Participation
               Agreement,  and   for  all  purposes  of   the  Participation
               Agreement, Reorganized  EPE will be deemed  to have succeeded
               by operation of law to  all of the rights and obligations  of
               Reorganized EPE under the Participation Agreement and to have
               been previously a Participant thereunder; and

               (ii)  the liabilities or obligations of  Reorganized EPE with
               respect to its full 15.8 percent participant interest in  the
               ANPP shall not be  affected, released, or waived as  a result
               of any release  of Class  6 Claims, Class  12(a) Claims,  and
               Class 12(b) Claims,  and to  the extent not  covered by  such
               Classes, any  of  the Lease  Obligation Bondholders,  Secured
               Lease Obligation Bondholders, Palo Verde  Indenture Trustees,
               Funding Corporations, Owner Trustees, Owner Trusts, and Owner
               Participants (as  such terms are  defined in the  Plan) under
               any  provision  of  the  Plan,  the  OP  Settlement,  or  the
               Settlement Agreements (as such terms are defined in the Plan)
               or  otherwise in  the Case  from any liability  or obligation
               with  respect  to   ANPP  or  the  Palo   Verde  Leases;  and
               Reorganized EPE  agrees to  indemnify the  Other Participants
               and  hold  them  harmless to  the  extent  that  any of  said
               releases results  in any  of the Other  Participants becoming
               obligated   for  more   than  their   respective  participant
               interests;   provided,   however,   that  Reorganized   EPE's
               obligation  to  indemnify  the  Other  Participants hereunder
               shall  in no event result  in payments by  Reorganized EPE in
               respect  of any  such liability  or obligation which,  in the
               aggregate, per  occurrence, exceed  an amount equal  to EPE's
               proportionate Participant - share in ANPP.

          A  further  condition to  the  Other  Parties'  waiver of  consent
          pursuant to this  Section 9(c) is that, as  of the Effective Date,
          neither the "OP Settlement" (as defined in the Plan) or amendments
          to  the  Plan  shall  materially and  adversely  affect  the Other

     10.  Conditions  to Binding  Effect; Persons  Bound; Assignments.   If,
     between  the date  this Agreement  is executed  and the  Court Approval
     Date,  the  Other  Parties  have  not  terminated  this   Agreement  in
     accordance with Section 9(b) hereof, this Agreement will become binding
     upon EPE and the  Other Parties on the earliest date  upon which all of
     the following have occurred:  (a) this Agreement has  been executed and
     delivered  by EPE and each  of the Other  Parties; (b) an  order of the
     Court approving  this Agreement has been entered; (c) at least ten (10)
     days have elapsed  since the date such order was  entered by the Court,
     and no stay of the order approving this Agreement is in effect; and (d)
     EPE and  APS  have executed  and delivered  the Limited  Waiver.   This
     Agreement shall  be binding upon  and inure to  the benefit of  EPE and
     each  of the Other Parties and their respective successors and assigns,
     including Reorganized EPE; provided,  however, that (i) the requirement
     in subpart (c) of the preceding sentence can be waived by EPE and Other
     Parties.  None of the  parties hereto may assign  any of its rights  or
     obligations  hereunder except  to a party  who, concurrently  with such
     assignment, becomes  a Participant pursuant  to and in  accordance with
     the  Participation Agreement  with  respect to  the assigning  person's
     interest in ANPP.  Any person who becomes a Participant  shall be bound
     by this Agreement.

     11.  Termination.  (a)  During the period after the Court Approval Date
     and on or prior to the Confirmation Date, this Agreement will terminate
     and  be  of  no  further  force or  effect  in  the  event  that:   (i)
     confirmation  of the  Plan is  denied by  the Court;  (ii) the  Plan is
     withdrawn by EPE;  or (iii) there is any change in  the Plan as on file
     on  the  Court Approval  Date  or  in  the  Case which  materially  and
     adversely  affects  any  of  the  Other  Parties,  in  their reasonable
     discretion, and any  of the  Other Parties so  affected promptly  shall
     have notified EPE and each of the Other Parties of the same.

     (b)  In the  event that, on or  prior to the Confirmation  Date, any of
     the Other Parties notifies EPE  that it is not in compliance  with this
     Agreement, EPE or any of the Other Parties shall have the right, on the
     earlier to  occur of (i)  five business days  after the date  that such
     notice  was sent by  facsimile transmission  with receipt  confirmed or
     (ii)  the Confirmation Date, to declare this Agreement to be terminated
     and  of no  further force  and effect.   Upon  such a  termination, any
     extensions  provided under  Section 9  or provided  under any  separate
     stipulations of the parties shall survive and control.

     (c)  Notwithstanding that this Agreement  shall have become binding and
     shall not have been  terminated prior to the Confirmation Date, EPE and
     the Other Parties shall have the  right to declare this Agreement to be
     terminated and of no further force and effect subject to the provisions
     of Section 11(d) hereof in  the event that (i)  the Plan is revoked  in
     accordance with its terms or (ii) the Confirmation Order is vacated.

     (d)  In the event that one or more of the conditions  to binding effect
     contained in Section  10 hereof are not satisfied or  are not waived or
     this Agreement shall have been terminated in accordance with its terms:
     (i)  the parties agree that  the Stipulation shall  continue to control
     issues between EPE and the  Other Parties pending any further  order of
     the Court; and (ii)  this Agreement and the agreements and recitals set
     forth  herein will  have no  further force  and effect  and may  not be
     utilized in any subsequent  proceeding or court; provided, however,  in
     the event of any termination of this Agreement, any extensions provided
     under  Section 9  or provided  under any  separate stipulations  of the
     parties shall survive and remain as a binding requirement and agreement
     of EPE and the Other Parties.

     12.  Preservation of  Certain EPE or  PNM Rights, Claims  and Remedies.
     Nothing in this  Agreement shall impair or modify  any right, claim, or
     remedy  of EPE  or  PNM  in connection  with  the issues  described  in
     Appendix  A  of  the Transition  Agreement,  dated  September  2, 1993,
     between PNM and EPE  (the "Transition Agreement") or waive  any default
     of EPE or PNM that  may exist pursuant to any agreement  (collectively,
     the "Preserved Claims"); provided, however:

          (a)  PNM and EPE agree that (i) PNM will not assert a non-monetary
          default  by EPE  under the  ANPP Assumed  Agreements as  a bar  to
          Assumption  of the ANPP Assumed Agreements by EPE pursuant to this
          Agreement,  and (ii)  PNM or  EPE will  not assert  a non-monetary
          default by either PNM or EPE under the ANPP Assumed Agreements  at
          any time prior to or on the Confirmation Date;

          (b)  If (i) the  Transition Agreement terminates  and EPE and  PNM
          are unable  to reach the Amended Interim Agreement contemplated by
          the  Transition Agreement, and (ii) PNM or EPE determines that the
          party contemplating  the claim is itself  materially and adversely
          affected in its ability to import remote generation as a result of
          EPE or PNM import  of generation entitlement from PVNGS,  then PNM
          or  EPE  may  pursue  any  and  all  Preserved  Claims  after  the
          Confirmation Date; and

          (c)  In no event shall PNM or EPE assert prior to the Confirmation
          Date that  a default under  the Transition Agreement,  the Interim
          Transmission Agreement and Agreement  to Arbitrate Between EPE and
          PNM,  or any  other agreement  may or  shall constitute  a default
          under any of the ANPP Assumed Agreements.

     Except  as provided in this Section 12, PNM and EPE will be governed by
     the  terms of  this Agreement,  including the  waivers and  releases in
     Section 3 and in the Release.

     13.  Governing  Law.  This Agreement will be governed by, and construed
     in accordance with, the laws of the State of Arizona.

     14.  Execution  in Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in any
     number of counterparts.

     15.  Headings.  Section headings in  this Agreement are included herein
     for  convenience of reference  only and shall not  constitute a part of
     this Agreement for any other purpose.

     16.  Modification,   Waiver,   Etc.      No   amendment,  modification,
     supplement, waiver, or consent made hereunder shall be effective unless
     in writing and  signed, in the case  of an amendment, modification,  or
     supplement, by all of the parties hereto, and,  in the case of a waiver
     or consent, by the party or parties making such waiver or consent.

     17.  Notices.  Any and all notices with respect to this Agreement shall
     be in writing, both by facsimile  transmission and by first class mail,
     directed as follows:

     To EPE and Palo Verde Owners
     Corporate Secretaries:

               To EPE
               Eduardo Rodriguez
               303 Oregon Street
               El Paso, Texas  79901

               To APS
               Nancy C. Loftin
               400 N. 5th Street
               Sta. 9068
               Phoenix, Arizona 85004

               To PNM
               Patrick T. Ortiz
               Alvarado Square
               MS 0804
               Albuquerque, New Mexico 87158

               To SRP
               William K. O'Neal
               P.O. Box 52025
               PAB 215
               Phoenix, Arizona 85072

               To SCE
               Kenneth S. Stewart
               2244 Walnut Grove Avenue
               Room 330
               Rosemead, California 91770

               To LADWP
               Judith K. Kasner
               111 N. Hope Street
               Room 1555
               Los Angeles, California 90051

               To SCPPA
               Eldon A. Cotton
               111 N. Hope Street
               Room 1155
               Los Angeles, California 90051

To Counsel:

               To EPE
               Bryan Krakauer
               SIDLEY & AUSTIN
               One First National Plaza
               Chicago, IL 60603

               To APS
               Donald L. Gaffney
               SNELL & WILMER
               One Arizona Center
               400 E. Van Buren
               Phoenix, AZ 85004-0001

               To SRP
               Gary Keltner
               2 North Central, Suite 1600
               Phoenix, AZ 85004-2393

               To CSW
               Joris M. Hogan
               MILBANK, TWEED, HADLEY & McCLOY
               One Chase Manhattan Plaza
               New York, NY  10005

Except as otherwise  provided in this Agreement, Notices  shall be deemed to
be  received upon  the earlier to  occur of,  (i) in  the case  of facsimile
transmission,  receipt by the  party to whom  such notice is  addressed, and
(ii) in the  case of delivery by first class mail, on the third business day
following the date upon which the notice is mailed.  During the confirmation
hearing, all notices hereunder  to counsel attending the hearing  shall also
be made by hand delivery.

EPE   agrees  that  a  representative  of  management  from  APS  (the  "APS
Representative") will receive all notices and/or documents that are provided
to the Oversight Committee, as that term is defined in the Plan.

                                       EL PASO ELECTRIC COMPANY

                                       By:         David H. Wiggs
                                       Its:  Chairman and Chief Operating

                                       ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY

                                       By:         William F. Conway
                                       Its:  Executive Vice President -

                                       SALT RIVER PROJECT AGRICULTURAL
Attest:                                IMPROVEMENT AND POWER DISTRICT

By:                                    By:         David G. Areghini
   _______________________________        __________________________________
Its:                                   Its:  Associate General Manager,
                                             Power, Construction &
                                             Engineering Svcs
    ______________________________         _________________________________

                                       SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY

                                       By:     Harold B. Ray
                                       Its:  Sr. Vice President

                                       PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF
                                       NEW MEXICO

                                       By:       M. Phyllis Bourque
                                       Its:      Sr. Vice President

                                       SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PUBLIC
Attest:                                POWER AUTHORITY

By:     Glenda L. Robinson             By:        Eldon A. Cotton
   ______________________________         __________________________________
Its:  Administrative Secretary         Its:            Agent
    _____________________________          _________________________________

                                       DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER OF
Attest:                                THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES

By:     Glenda L. Robinson            By:        Eldon A. Cotton
   ______________________________         __________________________________
Its:  Administrative Secretary         Its: Assistant General Manager- Power
    _____________________________          _________________________________

                                 Schedule 1

                               TAX AGREEMENTS

          1.   That certain  letter agreement,  dated August 14,  1986, from
Arizona Public Service Company ("APS"), El Paso Electric Company ("EPE") and
Public  Service  Company  of  New  Mexico  ("PNM"),  addressed  to  Southern
California  Edison Company ("SCE"), Re:  "Arizona Public Service Company, El
Paso Electric Company and Public Service Company of New Mexico:  Refinancing
of  Interests in  Palo  Verde Nuclear  Generating  Station" (the  "Indemnity

          2.   That certain  Contribution Agreement, dated as  of August 14,
1986, by and between APS, EPE and PNM, relating to the Indemnity Letter.

          3.   That certain  letter agreement,  dated August 21,  1986, from
APS, EPE and PNM, addressed to SCE, amending the Indemnity Letter.

          4.   That certain  letter agreement, dated December  2, 1986, from
APS, EPE and PNM, addressed to SCE, further amending the Indemnity Letter.

          5.   Any similar  agreement(s) entered  into by EPE  in connection
with EPE's 1987 sale/leaseback transactions.

          6.   Any  indemnity agreements  entered into  between APS  and EPE
whereby  EPE  indemnified  APS  for  any  liabilities  arising  out  of  APS
delivering Annual Reports of  Operating Agent (relating to  PVNGS insurance)
under EPE's sale/leaseback transactions.

          7.   Indemnity Agreement,  effective  as  of  December  29,  1983,
between APS and EPE relating to the issuance of $63,500,000 principal amount
of  Annual Tender Pollution  Control Revenue Bonds,  1983 Series  A (El Paso
Electric  Company Palo  Verde Project), and  other indemnity  agreements, if
any, relating to other pollution control bond issuances on behalf of EPE.

                                 Schedule 2


          Those agreements,  contracts,  leases, purchase  orders and  other
documents shown on the attached Annex A.


     *    "Agreements, contracts, leases, purchase orders and  other similar
     documents" are  referred to  collectively herein  as "Agreements."   By
     generating  the attached Annex  A, the Switchyard  Participants and the
     Valley  Transmission Participants have made a good faith effort to list
     all ongoing active Agreements currently in effect at or with respect to
     the ANPP  High Voltage Switchyard  and the Valley  Transmission System.
     This list  is subject to change  at any time as  old Agreements expire,
     existing Agreements are amended or are extended, and new Agreements are
     entered into.   The  parties to  the Cure  and Assumption  Agreement to
     which this  Schedule  2 is  attached agree  that the  listing of  these
     Agreements is not intended to, and will not, limit the  liabilities and
     obligations  of  EPE  as  a  Switchyard  Participant  or  as  a  Valley
     Transmission  Participant in  common with  the other  such participants
     with respect to any and  all Agreements in effect or to be in effect at
     or with respect  to the  ANPP High  Voltage Switchyard  and the  Valley
     Transmission System, whether or not listed hereon.

                                   ANNEX A

          The  following agreements as the  same shall have  been amended to

          1.   ANPP  Kyrene 500/230 KV Switchyard Interconnection Agreement,
effective on or about July 24, 1980.

          2.   Palo  Verde-North Gila  Line  ANPP  High  Voltage  Switchyard
Interconnection Agreement, effective on or about June 7, 1984.

          3.   ANPP   Transmission   Project-Westwing   Switchyard   Amended
Interconnection Agreement, effective on or about August 14, 1986.

          4.   All  other agreements of any  type or nature  entered into by
SRP as operating agent relating to  the ANPP High Voltage Switchyard  and/or
the Valley Transmission System.

                                 Schedule 3

                              ANPP AGREEMENTS*

          Those agreements,  contracts,  leases, purchase  orders and  other
documents  shown on the attached computer-generated Annex A and the attached
Annex B.


     *    "Agreements, contracts,  leases, purchase orders and other similar
     documents" are  referred to  collectively herein  as "Agreements."   By
     generating the attached Annex A and Annex B, the Participants have made
     a good faith effort to list  all ongoing active Agreements currently in
     effect at or with  respect to ANPP.  This list is  subject to change at
     any time as old  Agreements expire, existing Agreements are  amended or
     are extended, and new Agreements are entered into.  The  parties to the
     Cure  and Assumption  Agreement to  which this  Schedule 3  is attached
     agree that the listing of these Agreements is not intended to, and will
     not, limit the liabilities  and obligations of EPE as a  Participant in
     ANPP in common with the Other  Participants with respect to any and all
     Agreements  in effect or to  be in effect  at or with  respect to ANPP,
     whether or not listed hereon.

                                   ANNEX A

                                   ANNEX B

          The  following agreements as the  same shall have  been amended to

          1.   Agreement for  Construction of Arizona Nuclear Power Project,
dated as of January 15, 1973, between  APS, as Agent for all Participants in
Arizona Nuclear Power Project, and Bechtel Power Corporation.

          2.   Agreement for Engineering and Procurement Services, dated  as
of  January 15, 1973,  between APS,  as Project  Manager of  Arizona Nuclear
Power Project, and Bechtel Power Corporation.

          3.   Agreement No. 13904 - Option  and Purchase of Effluent, dated
as of April 23, 1973, among  APS and the Cities of Phoenix,  Glendale, Mesa,
Scottsdale,  and  Tempe,  the Town  of  Youngtown,  and  Salt River  Project
Agricultural Improvement and Power District.

          4.   Nuclear Steam Supply System  Contract, dated as of August 20,
1973,  between APS as  Project Manager of Arizona  Nuclear Power Project and
Combustion Engineering, Inc.

          5.   Turbine  Generator  Contract,  dated as  of  March 21,  1974,
between APS, as  Project Manager and Operating Agent for  Palo Verde Nuclear
Generating Station, and General Electric Company.

          6.   Supplemental Agreement  of  Settlement, dated  June 2,  1980,
between APS, Salt River Project Agricultural Improvement and Power District,
Southern California Edison Company, Public Service Company of New Mexico, El
Paso  Electric Company,  Arizona Electric  Power  Corporation Inc.,  and The
Department of Energy, ANPP.

          7.   Agreement for  Delivery of  Natural UF6, dated  June 2, 1980,
between  APS,  Salt  River  Agricultural  Improvement  and  Power  District,
Southern California Edison Company, Public Service Company of New Mexico, El
Paso Electric  Company, Arizona  Electric Power  Cooperative, Inc.,  and the
Department of Energy, ANPP.

          8.   Agreement for  the Sale and Purchase  of Wastewater Effluent,
dated  as of  June 12, 1981,  between APS,  Salt River  Project Agricultural
Improvement  and Power  District and  the City  of Tolleson,  as amended  by
Amendment No. 1 thereto dated  as of November 12, 1981, and  Amendment No. 2
thereto dated as of June 4, 1986.

          9.   Master  Purchase and  Sale  Agreement for  Renewal Parts  and
Factory Repair Work for Palo Verde  Nuclear Steam Supply Systems and Related
Equipment,  dated  as  of  August 14,  1981,  between  APS   and  Combustion
Engineering, Inc.

          10.  Master  Purchase and  Sale  Agreement for  Renewal Parts  and
Factory  Repair Work for Palo  Verde Turbine Generators  and Auxiliary Drive
Turbines,  dated  as  of  August 6,  1982, between  APS  as  agent  for  all
Participants in Palo Verde  Nuclear Generating Station and General  Electric

          11.  Master Agreement between APS and Singer Link-Miles Simulation
Corporation - Agreement No. PV 89-20903, dated as of July 27, 1989.

          12.  Contract, dated July 17,  1991 Under Master Agreement Between
APS and Simulation, Systems & Services Technologies for the Procurement of a
Second Simulator for the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station.

          13.  All purchase  orders entered into  by the Project  Manager or
the Operating Agent relating to ANPP.

          14.  All software and other licensing agreements relating to ANPP.

          15.  All agreements for legal services  or support entered into by
the Operating Agent relating to ANPP.

          16.  All settlement agreements entered into by the Project Manager
or the Operating Agent relating to ANPP.

          17.  All  agreements  for   confidentiality,  indemnification   or
waivers  entered into by the Project Manager or the Operating Agent relating
to ANPP.

          18.  All  other agreements of any  type or nature  entered into by
the Project Manager or the Operating Agent relating to ANPP.

                                 Appendix A


          This AGREEMENT is by and between El Paso Electric Company, a Texas
corporation  ("EPE")   and  Arizona  Public  Service   Company,  an  Arizona
corporation  ("APS"), individually  and as  Operating Agent  (the "Operating
Agent")  under  the Arizona  Nuclear  Power  Project ("ANPP")  Participation
Agreement  dated as  of August  23,  1973, as  amended by  Amendment Nos.  1
through 13 thereto (the "Participation Agreement").

          WHEREAS,  EPE has commenced a  voluntary case under  Chapter 11 of
the  United States  Bankruptcy Code  (11 U.S.C. Sections 101-1330)  which is
currently  pending in  the United  States Bankruptcy  Court for  the Western
District  of  Texas (the  "Court"), Case  No.  92-10148 FM  (the "Bankruptcy
Action"); and

          WHEREAS,  this Agreement is being executed  in connection with and
as an integral part of  that certain Cure and Assumption Agreement  dated as
of  November __, 1993  among EPE,  APS, and  other parties  (the "Assumption

          WHEREAS, capitalized  terms used herein and  not otherwise defined
will have the meanings assigned to such terms in the Assumption Agreement;

          WHEREAS,  Section  5  of  the  Assumption  Agreement  contemplates
execution of this Agreement by EPE and APS, and execution  of the Release by
EPE, APS and each of the Other Parties on the Effective Date;

          WHEREAS, upon  the Release becoming  effective under Section  2 of
the Release,  each  Participant will  release  each other  Participant  from
certain claims (the "Released Claims"); and

          WHEREAS, pursuant to  the Plan, EPE and  CSW have entered  into an
Agreement and Plan of Merger dated as of May  3, 1993, as amended on May 18,
1993, and  August 27,  1993, and  as may hereafter  be amended  (the "Merger
Agreement") providing for the acquisition of EPE by CSW by means of a merger
(the "Merger") between EPE and a wholly-owned, special purpose subsidiary of

          WHEREAS, the  Release shall be effective only  upon the "Effective
Date" of the Merger  (as that term is defined in  the Plan of Reorganization
(the "Merger Effective Date"), but shall have absolutely no force and effect
and  shall be null and void if  the Merger Agreement is terminated, it being
the express  intention  of EPE  and APS  that  if the  Merger  is not  fully
consummated,  the Release Claims can  be pursued by EPE and  APS in the same
manner and with  the same effect as if these Released  Claims were to be the
subject of  litigation and/or arbitration  instituted as of  the day  of the
signing of this Agreement;

          NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of  the  mutual covenants  and
agreements  of the  parties contained  herein, the  parties hereto  agree as

          A.   EPE  and APS acknowledge and stipulate that:  (i) APS and EPE
are  parties to the Bankruptcy Action pending  before the Court; and (ii) as
of  the date  of the  execution of  this Agreement,  APS and EPE  each could
exercise whatever right  that party has, if  any, to commence litigation  to
adjudicate  the Released Claims and assert defenses against the other party.
Nothing herein will impair  EPE's right to  assert that the Released  Claims
could, as  of the date of  execution of this Agreement,  be litigated before
the  Court and nothing herein will prohibit  APS from asserting any contrary
position relating to the appropriate forum for any such litigation.

          B.   Consistent  with part F below,  in the event  that the Merger
Agreement is terminated according to its terms and action is taken by filing
a claim or initiating  an arbitration proceeding to adjudicate  the Released
Claims on or before ninety (90) days from the date upon which the Assumption
Agreement is terminated:

               (1)  EPE and APS each agrees that the rights and  protections
     granted to them by the following two sentences of Section 21.5.2 of the
     Arizona  Nuclear  Power  Project  Participation  Agreement  are  hereby
     relinquished and shall not  apply to any litigation or  dispute between
     EPE  and APS  to adjudicate  the Released  Claims:   "A claim  based on
     Willful Action must be perfected by filing suit in a court of competent
     jurisdiction within three years  after the Willful Action occurs.   All
     claims made thereafter  relating to  the same Willful  Action shall  be
     barred by this Section 21.5.2."; and

               (2)  the  party  against which  Released  Claims are  brought
     shall  not assert a  defense to those  claims based upon  any period of
     limitation,  whether  prescribed by  regulation  or  applicable law  or
     contract provision.

          C.   EPE  and APS  each consent to  the entry  of an  order by the
Court (the "Approval Order")  incorporating the terms of this  Agreement and
providing that:   (i) the terms of  this Agreement are binding  upon EPE and
APS;  (ii) subject to part F(i) below,  any period of limitation that arises
from  applicable law, regulation or contract provision that is applicable to
the Released Claims shall be suspended so that the period of limitation will
not  expire prior  to  ninety  (90)  days  after the  date  upon  which  the
Assumption  Agreement  is  terminated;  and  (iii)  the  Court  will  retain
jurisdiction over  EPE and APS to  interpret and enforce  the Approval Order
and this Agreement.

          D.   Upon the  execution  of this  Agreement,  EPE and  APS  shall
cooperate  to  secure prompt  entry  of the  Approval  Order.   EPE  and APS
stipulate  that entry of any  order approving and/or  enforcing the terms of
this Agreement is necessary and appropriate (within the meaning of 11 U.S.C.
Section 105)  to implement  the  Plan.   APS and  EPE reserve  the right  to
contest the content of such an order other than the Approval Order.

          E.   EPE and APS agree that each party will be deciding whether to
commence or to forgo commencing litigation to adjudicate the Released Claims
in reliance upon the provisions of this Agreement.

          F.   Except as provided in this Agreement, nothing herein shall be
deemed to:  (i) revive or make actionable any claims that, as of the date of
execution of  this Agreement and entry  by the Court of  the Approval Order,
are already  time-barred by operation  of any applicable  limitation period,
including,   but  not  limited  to,  Section  21.5.2  of  the  Participation
Agreement; or (ii) cause either APS (individually  or as Operating Agent) or
EPE to waive any claim or  defense available to either party, including, but
not limited to,  those provided  under Section 21.5.2  of the  Participation
Agreement or other applicable statutes of limitation, other than as provided
in  this  Agreement,  until release  occurs  pursuant  to the  terms  of the
Assumption Agreement on the Effective Date.

          G.   If  a court  of  competent jurisdiction  determines that  any
provision  of this  Agreement  is not  enforceable,  that provision  may  be
severed from this Agreement and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain
in full force and effect.

          H.   This Agreement  shall be binding upon  the signatories, their
predecessors,   successors,   assigns,    affiliated   entities,    parents,
subsidiaries and upon Reorganized EPE.

          I.   This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts.

                         EL PASO ELECTRIC COMPANY



                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY



                                 Appendix B


     This RELEASE is made as  of                  , 199  , by and among  the
Participants  who  are   parties  to  the  Arizona   Nuclear  Power  Project
Participation Agreement dated as of August 23, 1973, as amended by Amendment
Nos.  1 through  13  thereto (the  "Participation Agreement").   Capitalized
terms used herein  and not otherwise  defined herein will have  the meanings
assigned to such terms in the Cure and Assumption Agreement dated as of
        , 199_  among El Paso Electric Company ("EPE") and the Other Parties
(the "Assumption Agreement").

     WHEREAS, this  Release is being  executed in connection with  and as an
integral part of the Assumption Agreement; and

     WHEREAS,  when used  hereinafter, the  terms "Participants"  and "Other
Participants" will include the Project Manager and the Operating Agent.

     NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements
of the parties contained herein and in the Assumption Agreement, the parties
hereto agree as follows:

     1.   Release.  Except as otherwise expressly stated herein, each of the
Participants  hereby  releases  each other  Participant  and  each of  their
respective  past and  present  subsidiaries, affiliates,  agents,  officers,
directors,  and employees (collectively, the "Released Parties") of and from
all causes  of action, suits, claims,  and demands whatsoever, in  law or in
equity, whether  based on contract, tort,  or otherwise, and whether  or not
based on  active or passive negligence or Wilful Action of any person, which
any such Participant or  any of their respective subsidiaries  or affiliates
ever had  or now has  on account of  or by reason  of any breach  or default
under the  Participation Agreement  arising or existing  on or prior  to the
Petition  Date, arising out of or relating  to the outages at any Generating
Unit at ANPP commencing  in 1989.  Notwithstanding anything to  the contrary
herein,  nothing  herein  shall be  interpreted  or  deemed  to release  any
Participant from any obligation to perform all of its duties and fulfill all
of  its   responsibilities  under   and  in   strict  compliance   with  the
Participation  Agreement, any of  the ANPP Assumed  Agreements, or otherwise
with respect to ANPP from and after the date of execution hereof.

     2.   Effective Date.  This Release shall become effective only upon (a)
the execution and delivery hereof by all parties hereto and (b) satisfaction
of  all  conditions to  effectiveness of  the  Assumption Agreement  and the
effectiveness  thereof as provided in  paragraph 10 thereof,  and, except as
provided below, thereafter this  Release shall be binding upon and  inure to
the benefit of  each of the Participants and the  other Released Parties and
their respective successors and assigns.

     3.   Governing  Law.  This Agreement will be governed by, and construed
in accordance with, the laws of the State of Arizona.

     4.   Execution  in Counterparts.  This Agreement may be executed in any
number of counterparts.

                                       EL PASO ELECTRIC COMPANY


                                       ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY


                                       SALT RIVER PROJECT AGRICULTURAL
Attest and Countersign                 IMPROVEMENT AND POWER DISTRICT

_________________________________      ____________________________________
Its:_____________________________      Its:________________________________

                                       SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY


                                       PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF
                                       NEW MEXICO


                                       SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PUBLIC
Attest:                                POWER AUTHORITY

_________________________________      By:_________________________________
Its:_____________________________      Its:________________________________

                                       DEPARTMENT OF WATER AND POWER OF
Attest:                                THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES

_________________________________      By:_________________________________
Its:_____________________________      Its:________________________________

Accepted and Agreed:

