EXHIBIT 10.5ac


          THIS  AGREEMENT,  made and  entered into  as of  the _____  day of
_______________,  1994, by and  between Arizona  Public Service  Company, an
Arizona  corporation   (hereinafter  referred  to  as   the  "Company")  and
_______________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Executive"):

                            W I T N E S S E T H :

          WHEREAS, the Executive has been employed by the Company in various
managerial  and  executive capacities  for  a  period  of  years,  possesses
intimate knowledge  of the  business and  affairs of  the  Company, and  has
acquired certain  confidential  information and  data  with respect  to  the

          WHEREAS, the Company desires to  insure, insofar as possible, that
it  will continue  to have the  benefit of  the Executive's  services and to
protect its confidential information and goodwill; and

          WHEREAS, the  Company recognizes  that circumstances may  arise in
which a change  in the control of the Company  through acquisition or other-
wise  occurs thereby causing uncertainty of employment without regard to the
Executive's competence or past contributions which uncertainty may result in
the  loss of  valuable services  of the  Executive to  the detriment  of the
Company and its  shareholders, and  the Company  and the  Executive wish  to
provide  reasonable  security  to  the  Executive  against  changes  in  the
Executive's relationship with the Company in the event of any such change in
control; and

          WHEREAS,  both the Company and  the Executive are  desirous that a
proposal for  any change of control or acquisition will be considered by the
Executive objectively and with  reference only to the business  interests of
the Company and its shareholders;

          WHEREAS,  the Executive will be  in a better  position to consider
the  Company's  best  interests  if  the  Executive  is afforded  reasonable
security, as  provided  in this  Agreement,  against altered  conditions  of
employment which could result  from any such  change in control or  acquisi-
tion; and

          NOW,  THEREFORE,  in consideration  of  the foregoing  and  of the
mutual covenants  and agreements hereinafter  set forth, the  parties hereto
mutually covenant and agree as follows:

        1.     Definitions.

          (a)  "Accrued Benefits"  shall mean  the benefits  payable to
     the Executive as described in Section 6.

          (b)  "Act" shall mean the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

          (c)  "Base Period  Income" shall  be an  amount equal  to the
     Executive's  "annualized  includible compensation"  for  the "base
     period" as defined in Section 280G(d)(l) and (2) of the Code.

          (d)  "Beneficial Owner" shall have  the same meaning as given
     to that term in Rule 13d-3 of the General Rules and Regulations of
     the  Act, provided that  any pledgee of  Company voting securities
     shall not  be deemed to  be the Beneficial Owner  thereof prior to
     its disposition of, or  acquisition of voting rights with  respect
     to, such securities.

          (e)  "Cause"  shall be  limited  to (i)  the engaging  by the
     Executive  in conduct  which has  caused demonstrable  and serious
     injury  to the Company, monetary  or otherwise, as  evidenced by a
     determination  in a binding and final judgment, order or decree of
     a  court or  administrative agency  of competent  jurisdiction, in
     effect after  exhaustion or lapse of  all rights of appeal,  in an
     action, suit or proceeding,  whether civil, criminal,  administra-
     tive or investigative; (ii) conviction  of a felony, as  evidenced
     by a binding  and final judgment,  order or decree  of a court  of
     competent jurisdiction, in effect after exhaustion or lapse of all
     rights of appeal,  which the Company determines  has a significant
     adverse impact on it in the  conduct of its business; (iii) unrea-
     sonable  neglect  or  refusal  by  the  Executive  to perform  the
     Executive's  duties  or  responsibilities   (unless  significantly
     changed without  the Executive's  consent); or (iv)  a significant
     violation by  the Executive of the  Company's established policies
     and procedures as in effect  of the date of the Change  of Control
     which could subject  the Executive to  disciplinary action by  the

          (f)  "Change of Control" shall mean a  change in ownership or
     managerial control of the stock, assets or business of the Company
     resulting from one (1) or more of the following circumstances:

            (i)     A change of control of the Company or Pinnacle West
          Capital Corporation, the parent of  the Company, of a  nature
          that would be  required to  be reported in  response to  Item
          6(e) of  Schedule 14A of Regulation 14A promulgated under the
          Act, or  any successor regulation of  similar import, regard-
          less of whether the Company or Pinnacle West Capital Corpora-
          tion is subject to such reporting requirement;

           (ii)     A  change of  control in  ownership of  the Company
          through a  transaction or  series of transactions,  such that
          any Person (other than  Pinnacle West Capital Corporation) is
          or becomes  the Beneficial Owner, directly  or indirectly, of
          securities of  the Company representing twenty  percent (20%)
          or  more of the combined  voting power of  the Company's then
          outstanding securities;

          (iii)     Any  consolidation  or  merger  of the  Company  or
          Pinnacle West Capital Corporation in which neither the Compa-
          ny nor Pinnacle West Capital Corporation is the continuing or
          surviving  corporation or  pursuant  to which  shares of  the
          common stock of the Company or Pinnacle West Capital Corpora-
          tion would  be converted into cash (other than cash attribut-
          able to  dissenters' rights),  securities  or other  property
          provided  by a Person other than the Company or Pinnacle West
          Capital Corporation, other than  a consolidation or merger of
          either the  Company or  Pinnacle West Capital  Corporation in
          which the holders of  the common stock of either  the Company
          or Pinnacle West Capital Corporation immediately prior to the
          consolidation or  merger have approximately the  same propor-
          tionate ownership  of common stock of  the surviving corpora-
          tion immediately after the consolidation or merger;

           (iv)     The shareholders of either the Company  or Pinnacle
          West Capital  Corporation approve  a sale, transfer  or other
          disposition  of all  or substantially  all  of the  assets of
          either the Company  or Pinnacle West Capital Corporation to a
          Person other than the Company or Pinnacle West Capital Corpo-
          ration; or

            (v)     During any  period  of two  (2) consecutive  years,
          individuals who, at the beginning of such period, constituted
          the  Board of Directors of the Company or Pinnacle West Capi-
          tal Corporation cease, for any reason, to constitute at least
          a  majority thereof,  unless the  election or  nomination for
          election of each new director was approved by the vote  of at
          least two-thirds (2/3) of the directors then still  in office
          who were directors at the beginning of the period.

     Notwithstanding any  provision herein to the  contrary, the filing
     of  a proceeding for the reorganization of the Company or Pinnacle
     West Capital Corporation under Chapter 11 of the Federal Bankrupt-
     cy Code  or any successor or other statute of similar import shall
     not  be deemed  to be  a Change  of Control  for purposes  of this

          (g)  "Code" shall  mean the Internal Revenue  Code as amended
     from time to time.

          (h)  "Disability"  shall have  the same  meaning as  given to
     that term  in the Company's long-term disability  plan for employ-

          (i)  "Employment Period"  shall mean  a period commencing  on
     the date of a  Change of Control, and ending on the earlier (i) of
     the second anniversary of such date, or (ii) the date on which the
     Executive attains  the age  of sixty-five  (65) provided that  the
     Executive meets the  criteria of the "bona  fide executive" excep-
     tion to the requirements of  the Age Discrimination in  Employment
     Act, codified at 29 U.S.C. Section 631(c).

          (j)  "Good Reason" shall mean:

            (i)     the required  relocation of the  Executive, without
          the Executive's  consent, to an employment  location which is
          more than  seventy-five (75)  miles from the  Executive's em-
          ployment location on the date of the Change of Control;

           (ii)     a  significant  reduction  by  the  Company in  the
          compensation and/or benefits provided  to the Executive as in
          effect on the date of  the Change of Control as the  same may
          be increased from time  to time during the  Employment Period
          which reduction is not generally effective for all executives
          employed by the Company (or its successor) in the Executive's
          class or category;

          (iii)     the removal of the Executive from or any failure to
          reelect the Executive  to any  of the positions  held by  the
          Executive on the date of  the Change of Control or any  other
          positions to which the  Executive shall thereafter be elected
          or  assigned except in the event that such removal or failure
          to reelect relates to  the termination by the Company  of the
          Executive's  employment  for Cause  or  by  reason of  death,
          Disability or voluntary retirement;

           (iv)     a   significant   adverse   change,   without   the
          Executive's written consent,  in the nature  or scope of  the
          Executive's authority, powers, functions, duties or responsi-
          bilities, or  a material  reduction in  the level  of support
          services,  staff,  secretarial and  other  assistance, office
          space and accoutrements available to a level below that which
          was  provided to the Executive  on the date  of the Change of
          Control and that which is necessary to perform any additional
          duties  assigned to  the  Executive following  the Change  of
          Control, which change or reduction is not generally effective
          for all executives employed by the Company (or its successor)
          in the Executive's class or category; or

            (v)     breach of any material provision of this  Agreement
          by the Company.

          (k)  "Person" shall mean  any individual, partnership,  joint
     venture, association, trust, corporation  or other entity (includ-
     ing a "group"  as defined in Section  13(d)(3) of the  Act), other
     than an  employee benefit plan of  the Company or an  entity orga-
     nized,  appointed or established pursuant to the terms of any such
     benefit plan.

          (l)  "Termination  Date"  shall  mean,  except  as  otherwise
     provided  in Section 12, (i)  the Executive's date  of death; (ii)
     the date of the  Executive's voluntary early retirement  as agreed
     upon in writing by the Company and the Executive; (iii) sixty (60)
     days after the  delivery of the Notice of  Termination terminating
     the Executive's  employment on  account of Disability  pursuant to
     Section 9, unless  the Executive returns full-time  to the perfor-
     mance of his or her duties prior to the expiration of such period;
     (iv)  the date  of the  Notice of  Termination if  the Executive's
     employment is  terminated by the Executive  voluntarily other than
     for Good Reason; and (v) sixty (60) days after the delivery of the
     Notice of Termination if  the Executive's employment is terminated
     by the  Company (other  than by  reason of  Disability) or by  the
     Executive for Good Reason.

          (m)  "Termination Payment" shall mean the amount described in
     Section 6(b)(i).

          (n)  "Total Payments"  shall mean the sum  of the Termination
     Payment  and  any other  payments  to or  for the  benefit  of the
     Executive  in  the nature  of  compensation, receipt  of  which is
     contingent on the  Change of Control and to  which Section 280G of
     the Code applies.

        2.     Employment  Period.   The  Company  and  the Executive  shall
retain the  right to terminate the  employment of the Executive  at any time
and for any  reason prior to a  Change of Control.   If a Change of  Control
occurs when  the Executive  is employed  by  the Company,  the Company  will
continue thereafter to employ  the Executive, and the Executive  will remain
in the employ of the Company, in accordance with the terms and provisions of
this Agreement, during the Employment Period.

        3.     Duties.   During the Employment Period,  the Executive shall,
in  the same capacities and  positions held by the  Executive at the time of
such Change of Control or in such  other capacities and positions as may  be
agreed  to  by  the  Company  and  the  Executive  in  writing,  devote  the
Executive's best efforts, attention and skill to the business and affairs of
the Company, as such business and affairs now exist and as they  may hereaf-
ter  be conducted.  The services which  are to be performed by the Executive
hereunder are  to be rendered  at an employment  location which is  not more
than seventy-five (75) miles from the Executive's employment location of the
date of the Change of Control, or in such  other place or places as shall be
mutually agreed upon  in writing by the Executive and  the Company from time
to  time.   The  Executive  shall not  be required  to  be absent  from such
employment  location for more than  forty-five (45) consecutive  days in any
fiscal year without the Executive's consent.

        4.     Compensation.   During the  Employment Period,  the Executive
shall be compensated as follows:

          (a)  The  Executive  shall  receive,  at  such  intervals  and  in
accordance with such standard  policies as may be  in effect on the date  of
the Change of Control, an annual salary not less than the Executive's annual
salary as in  effect as  of the date  of the Change  of Control, subject  to
adjustment as provided in Section 5;

          (b)  The Executive shall be  reimbursed, at such intervals  and in
accordance with such standard  policies as may be  in effect on the  date of
the Change  of Control, for any  and all monies advanced  in connection with
the Executive's employment for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by
the Executive on behalf of the Company, including travel expenses;

          (c)  The  Executive  shall  be  included to  the  extent  eligible
thereunder in any and all plans providing general benefits for the Company's
employees, including but not limited to, group  life insurance, hospitaliza-
tion,  disability, medical,  dental,  pension, profit  sharing, savings  and
stock bonus plans and be provided any and all other benefits and perquisites
made available to other  employees of comparable status and position, on the
same terms and conditions  as generally provided to employees  of comparable
status and position;

          (d)  The Executive shall receive annually not less than the amount
of paid  vacation and not  fewer than the  number of paid  holidays received
annually immediately prior  to the Change of Control or  such greater amount
of paid  vacation and  number  of paid  holidays as  may  be made  available
annually to other employees of comparable status and position  with the Com-
pany; and

          (e)  The  Executive  shall  be  included in  all  plans  providing
special benefits to senior  executives, including but not limited  to bonus,
deferred compensation, incentive  compensation, supplemental pension,  stock
option,  stock appreciation,  stock bonus  and similar  or comparable  plans
extended by  the Company from time to time to senior corporate officers, key
employees and other employees of comparable status.

        5.     Annual  Compensation  Adjustments.    During  the  Employment
Period,  the Board of Directors of  the Company, an appropriate committee of
the Board or  the President of the Company,  whichever is appropriate, shall
consider  and appraise, at least annually, the Executive's compensation.  In
determining such compensation, the  Board, the appropriate committee thereof
or the President, whichever is  appropriate, shall consider the commensurate
increases given to other corporate officers and key employees generally, the
scope  and success of the Company's operations, the expansion of Executive's
duties and the Executive's performance of his duties.

        6.     Payments Upon Termination.

          (a)  Accrued  Benefits.    For  purposes of  this  Agreement,  the
Executive's Accrued Benefits shall  include the following amounts:   (i) all
salary earned  or accrued through  the Termination Date;  (ii) reimbursement
for  any and all monies advanced in  connection with the Executive's employ-
ment for reasonable and necessary expenses incurred by the Executive through
the  Termination  Date; (iii)  any and  all  other cash  benefits previously
earned  through the  Termination Date and  deferred at  the election  of the
Executive or pursuant  to any  deferred compensation plans  then in  effect;
(iv) a  lump sum  payment of the  bonus or incentive  compensation otherwise
payable  to the  Executive with  respect to  the year  in which  termination
occurs under any bonus or incentive compensation plan or plans  in which the
Executive is a participant; and (v) all other payments and benefits to which
the  Executive may be entitled  under the terms  of any benefit  plan of the
Company.  Payment of Accrued  Benefits shall be made promptly  in accordance
with  the  Company's prevailing  practice and  the  terms of  any applicable
benefit plans, contracts or arrangements.

          (b)  Termination Payment.  (i) For purposes of this  Agreement and
subject  to the limits set forth in Section 6(b)(ii) hereof, the Executive's
Termination Payment shall be an amount equal to (A) plus  (B), multiplied by
(C), where

               (A)  Equals  the Executive's  rate  of annual  salary, as  in
          effect on  the  date of  the  Change of  Control  and as  adjusted
          thereafter from time to time pursuant to Section 5;

               (B)  Equals  the amount  of the  average annual  dollar award
          paid to the Executive pursuant to the Company's regular bonus plan
          or arrangement  with respect to the four  (4) years (or the number
          of  years  of the  Executive's employment  if  less than  four (4)
          years) preceding the Termination Date which shall be determined by
          dividing  the total dollar amount paid to the Executive under such
          plan or arrangement with  respect to such number of years  by four
          (4) (or the number of years of the Executive's  employment if less
          than four (4) years); and

               (C)  Equals three (3).

          The  Termination Payment shall  be payable  in a  lump sum  on the
Executive's Termination Date.  Such lump sum payment shall not be reduced by
any present value or similar factor.  The Executive shall not be required to
mitigate the amount of such payment  by securing other employment or  other-
wise and such payment shall not be reduced by reason of the Executive secur-
ing other employment or for any other reason.

      (ii)     It is the intention of the Company and the Executive that  no
portion of the Termination Payment  and any other payment under  this Agree-
ment, or  payments to or for  the benefit of  the Executive under  any other
agreement, plan or arrangement be deemed to be an "excess parachute payment"
as defined in Section 280G of the Code.  It is agreed that the present value
of the Total  Payments shall not exceed  an amount equal to  two and ninety-
nine  hundredths (2.99) times the  Executive's Base Period  Income, which is
the  maximum amount which the Executive may receive without becoming subject
to the tax imposed by Section 4999 of the Code or which the Company  may pay
without loss  of deduction under Section 280G(a) of the Code.  Present value
for purposes  of this Agreement  shall be calculated in  accordance with the
regulations issued under  Section 280G of the Code.   Within sixty (60) days
following delivery  of the Notice of Termination or notice by the Company to
the Executive  of its  belief that  there is  a payment  or benefit  due the
Executive which  will result in  an excess  parachute payment as  defined in
Section  280G  of the  Code, the  Executive and  the  Company shall,  at the
Company's  expense, obtain the opinions,  which need not  be unqualified, of
legal  counsel  and certified  public accountants  or  a firm  of recognized
executive compensation consultants.   The Executive shall  select said legal
counsel,  certified public  accountants and  executive compensation  consul-
tants;  provided that if the Company does not  accept one (1) or more of the
parties selected by the  Executive, the Company shall provide  the Executive
with  the names of such  legal counsel, certified  public accountants and/or
executive  compensation  consultants  as  the Company  may  select;  if  the
Executive does  not accept the party or parties selected by the Company, the
legal counsel,  certified public accountants  and/or executive  compensation
consultants selected by the  Executive and the Company, respectively,  shall
select  the legal  counsel,  certified public  accountants and/or  executive
compensation  consultants, whichever  is applicable,  who shall  provide the
opinions required by this Section 6(b)(ii).  The opinions required hereunder
shall set forth (a)  the amount of the Base Period Income  of the Executive,
(b) the present value of Total Payments and (c) the amount and present value
of any excess parachute payments.  In the event that such opinions determine
that there would be an excess parachute payment, the Termination Payment  or
any  other payment  determined by  such counsel  to  be includible  in Total
Payments shall be  reduced or  eliminated as specified  by the Executive  in
writing  delivered to  the Company  within thirty  (30) days  of his  or her
receipt  of  such opinions  or,  if the  Executive  fails to  so  notify the
Company, then  as the Company shall reasonably  determine, so that under the
bases of  calculation set forth  in such  opinions there will  be no  excess
parachute payment.  The  provisions of this Section 6(b)(ii),  including the
calculations, notices and opinions  provided for herein shall be  based upon
the conclusive presumption that the  compensation and benefits provided  for
in Section 4 hereof and any other compensation, including but not limited to
the Accrued Benefits,  earned on or after  the date of Change  of Control by
the  Executive  pursuant to  the  Company's  compensation programs  if  such
payments would have  been made in the  future in any event, even  though the
timing of such payment is triggered by the Change of Control, are reasonable
compensation for services rendered prior to the Change of Control; provided,
however, that in the event legal counsel so requests in  connection with the
opinion  required by this Section  6(b)(ii), a firm  of recognized executive
compensation consultants, selected by the Executive and the Company pursuant
to the procedures set forth above, shall provide an opinion, upon which such
legal counsel may rely, as to the reasonableness of any item of compensation
as  reasonable compensation  for services  rendered prior  to the  Change of
Control by the Executive.  In the event that the provisions of Sections 280G
and 4999  of the Code are repealed without succession, this Section 6(b)(ii)
shall be of no further force or effect.

        7.     Death.   If  the  Executive shall  die during  the Employment
Period,  but after delivery  of a Notice  of Termination by  the Company for
reasons other than Cause or disability or by the Executive  for Good Reason,
the Executive's employment  shall terminate on his or her  date of death and
the Executive's estate,  heirs and  beneficiaries shall be  entitled to  the
Executive's Accrued Benefits as of the Termination Date, all benefits avail-
able to them under the Company's benefits plans as in effect on the Termina-
tion Date  on account of the  Executive's death, and, subject  to the provi-
sions of  this Agreement, to such Termination Payment as the Executive would
have been entitled to had the Executive survived.  In such event, the Termi-
nation  Date shall be  sixty (60) days  following delivery of  the Notice of
Termination subject to the provisions of Section 12.

          If the Executive shall die during the Employment Period, but prior
to the delivery of a Notice of Termination, the Executive's employment shall
terminate and  the Executive's estate, heirs and beneficiaries shall receive
all  the Executive's Accrued Benefits  through the Termination  Date and all
benefits available to them under the Company's benefit plans as in effect on
the Termination Date on account of the Executive's death.

        8.     Retirement.  If, during  the Employment Period, the Executive
and  the  Company shall  execute an  agreement  providing for  the voluntary
retirement  of the Executive from  the Company, the  Executive shall receive
only his or her Accrued Benefits through the Termination Date.

        9.     Termination  for  Disability.    If,   as  a  result  of  the
Executive's  Disability,  the  Executive shall  have  been  absent from  the
Executive's duties hereunder on  a full-time basis for five  (5) consecutive
months during  the Employment Period,  and within sixty (60)  days after the
Company notifies the  Executive in writing that it  intends to terminate the
Executive's  employment,  the  Executive  shall not  have  returned  to  the
performance  of his  or her  duties on  a full-time  basis, the  Company may
terminate the Executive's  employment, subject  to Section 12.   During  the
term of the Executive's Disability prior to termination, the Executive shall
continue to  receive all salary and benefits payable under Sections 4 and 5,
including participation in all employee benefit plans, programs and arrange-
ments in which the  Executive was entitled to participate  immediately prior
to the disability  provided that the Executive's continued  participation is
permitted  under  the  terms and  provisions  of  such  plans, programs  and
arrangements.   In the event that  the Executive's participation in any such
plan, program or arrangement is barred as the result of such Disability, the
Executive shall  be entitled to receive  an amount equal to  the annual con-
tributions, payments, credits or  allocations which would have been  paid by
the Company  to the Executive, to  the Executive's account or  on the Execu-
tive's behalf under such plans, programs and arrangements.  In the event the
Executive's employment is terminated on account of the Executive's Disabili-
ty in accordance with this Section 9, the Executive shall receive his or her
Accrued Benefits in  accordance with  Section 6(a) hereof  and shall  remain
eligible for all benefits  provided by any long-term disability  programs of
the Company in effect at the time of such termination.

       10.     Termination Not  Giving Rise to  a Termination Payment.   If,
during the Employment  Period, the Executive's employment  is terminated for
Cause,  or if  the Executive  voluntarily terminates  his or  her employment
other than for  Good Reason, subject to the procedures  set forth in Section
12,  the Executive  shall be  entitled to  receive only  his or  her Accrued
Benefits in accordance with Section 6(a).

       11.     Termination Giving Rise to a Termination Payment.  If, during
the  Employment Period,  the  Executive's employment  is  terminated by  the
Executive for  Good Reason or by the Company other  than by reason of death,
Disability pursuant to  Section 9 or  Cause, subject to  the procedures  set
forth in Section 12,

          (a)  the Executive shall  be entitled to  receive and the  Company
shall pay the Executive's  Accrued Benefits in accordance with  Section 6(a)
and, in  lieu of further salary payments  for periods following the Termina-
tion Date, as severance pay, a Termination Payment;

          (b)  the  Executive's termination  shall be  treated as  a "Normal
Termination"  as  defined in  the  Pinnacle West  Capital  Corporation Stock
Option and Incentive Plan, which shall entitle the Executive to exercise any
outstanding stock options during the three (3) month period beginning on the
Executive's Termination Date,  and any  restrictions remaining  on any  "Re-
stricted Stock" (as defined in such Stock Option and Incentive Plan) awarded
to the Executive shall lapse on his or her Termination Date; and

          (c)  "out-placement" services  will be provided by  the Company to
the  Executive for a period  beginning on the  Executive's Termination Date.
Such  services shall be provided for a period equal to one (1) week per year
of service with the Company  or an affiliate, plus one (1) week for each two
(2) years by which the Executive's age exceeds age forty (40), plus one  (1)
week for  each Ten Thousand  Dollars ($10,000)  of compensation,  but in  no
event  less than  six  (6)  months.    Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
Executive's right to  out-placement services shall terminate on  the earlier
of the date on which the Executive becomes employed in  a position commensu-
rate with his or her current salary and responsibilities or on the  last day
of the period determined pursuant  to the formula set forth in  this Section
11(c).  The "out-placement"  services shall be provided by  an out-placement
company selected by the Company.

       12.     Termination  Notice and  Procedure.   Any termination  by the
Company or the Executive of the Executive's employment during the Employment
Period  shall  be  communicated by  written  Notice  of  Termination to  the
Executive if such  Notice is delivered by the Company and  to the Company if
such Notice is  delivered by the Executive, all in  accordance with the fol-
lowing procedures:

          (a)  The  Notice  of  Termination   shall  indicate  the  specific
termination provision  in this Agreement relied upon  and shall set forth in
reasonable detail the facts and circumstances alleged to provide a basis for

          (b)  Any Notice of Termination by the Company shall be approved by
a resolution duly adopted by a majority of the directors of the Company then
in office, specifying in detail the basis for such termination.

          (c)  If the Company shall  give a Notice of Termination  for Cause
or by  reason of Disability  and the  Executive in good  faith notifies  the
Company that a dispute exists concerning such termination within the fifteen
(15)  day period  following  the Executive's  receipt  of such  notice,  the
Executive may elect to  continue his or her employment  during such dispute.
If it is thereafter determined that (i) the reason given by the  Company for
termination did exist, the Executive's Termination Date shall be the earlier
of (A) the date on which the dispute is finally determined, either by mutual
written  agreement of the parties or pursuant to Section 14, (B) the date of
the  Company's  Notice  of  Termination  for  Cause,  (C)  the  date  of the
Executive's death, or (D) one day prior to the end of the Employment Period,
and the  Executive shall not be  entitled to a Termination  Payment based on
events occurring after the  Company delivered its Notice of  Termination; or
(ii) the  reason given by  the Company  for termination did  not exist,  the
employment of the Executive shall continue as if the Company  had not deliv-
ered  its Notice  of  Termination and  there  shall be  no  Termination Date
arising out of such notice.

          (d)  If  the  Executive  shall in  good  faith  give  a Notice  of
Termination for  Good Reason and  the Company notifies the  Executive that a
dispute exists concerning the termination within the fifteen (15) day period
following the Company's receipt of  such notice, the Executive may  elect to
continue his or her employment during such dispute.  If it is thereafter de-
termined  that (i) Good Reason  did exist, the  Executive's Termination Date
shall be  the earlier  of  (A) the  date on  which  the dispute  is  finally
determined, either  by mutual written agreement of the parties or by a court
of competent jurisdiction, (B) the date of the Executive's death, or (C) one
day prior to the end of  the Employment Period, and the Executive's Termina-
tion  Payment shall reflect  events occurring after  the Executive delivered
his or  her Notice of  Termination; or (ii)  Good Reason did not  exist, the
employment  of the Executive shall  continue after such  determination as if
the Executive had  not delivered  the Notice of  Termination asserting  Good

          (e)  If  the  Executive  does  not elect  to  continue  employment
pending  resolution of  a dispute  regarding a  Notice of  Termination under
Sections 12(c)  and (d), and  it is finally  determined that the  reason for
termination set forth in such  Notice of Termination did not exist,  if such
notice was delivered by the Executive, the Executive will be  deemed to have
voluntarily  terminated  his  or her  employment  and  if  delivered by  the
Company, the Company will  be deemed to have terminated the  Executive other
than by reason of death, disability or Cause.

          (f)  If the opinion  required to be delivered pursuant  to Section
6(b)(ii)  shall not  have been delivered  on or  before the  date that would
otherwise constitute  the Termination  Date, the  Termination Date  shall be
delayed to the earlier of the date on which such opinion is delivered or one
(1) day prior to the end of the Employment Period.

       13.     Obligations of the Executive.

          (a)  The Executive  agrees that if, during  the Employment Period,
the Executive's employment is terminated in a manner entitling the Executive
to a Termination Payment or the Executive has voluntarily terminated his  or
her employment,  the Executive  shall not,  for a period  commencing on  the
Termination Date and ending after one (1)  year, (i) act in a similar  capa-
city for any electric utility company which competes to a substantial degree
with the  Company in  the State of  Arizona or (ii)  engage in  any activity
involving substantial competition  with the Company in  the electric utility
industry in the State of Arizona, without the prior written  approval of the
Company's Board  of  Directors;  provided,  however, that  nothing  in  this
Section  13(a) shall  prohibit  the Executive  from  owning stock  or  other
securities of a  competitor amounting to less  than twenty percent (20%)  of
the stated capital of such competitor.

          (b)  The  Executive covenants  and agrees, during  the Executive's
employment with the Company  and following his or  her Termination Date,  to
hold  in  strict  confidence any  and  all  information  in the  Executive's
possession  as  a result  of the  Executive's  employment with  the Company;
provided  that nothing in this  Agreement shall be  construed as prohibiting
the Executive from reporting  any suspected instance of illegal  activity of
any nature, any  nuclear safety concern, any workplace safety concern or any
public safety  concern to the  United States Nuclear  Regulatory Commission,
United  States  Department of  Labor or  any  federal or  state governmental
agency or  prohibiting the Executive  from participating in  any way  in any
state  or  federal administrative,  judicial  or  legislative proceeding  or
investigation with respect to any such claims and matters.

       14.     Arbitration.    All claims,  disputes  and  other matters  in
question  between  the parties  arising  under  this  Agreement, other  than
Section 13  which may be enforced by  the Company through injunctive relief,
shall be decided by arbitration in accordance with the rules of the American
Arbitration Association, unless  the parties mutually agree otherwise.   Any
arbitration required under this Agreement shall be held in Phoenix, Arizona,
unless the parties  mutually agree  otherwise.   The Company  shall pay  the
costs of any such arbitration.  The award by the arbitrator shall  be final,
and judgment may be entered upon it in accordance with applicable law in any
state or Federal court having jurisdiction thereof.

       15.     Expenses and Interest.  If, after  a Change of Control a good
faith  dispute arises  with respect  to the  enforcement of  the Executive's
rights under this Agreement or if any arbitration or legal  proceeding shall
be brought  in good faith  to enforce or  interpret any provision  contained
herein, or  to recover damages  for breach hereof  and the Executive  is the
prevailing party, the Executive  shall recover from the Company  any reason-
able attorney's fees  and necessary  costs and disbursements  incurred as  a
result of such dispute or legal proceeding, and prejudgment  interest on any
money judgment obtained by the Executive calculated at the rate of  interest
announced by The  Valley National Bank of Arizona  from time to time  as its
prime rate  from the date  that payments to  the Executive should  have been
made under this Agreement.

       16.     Payment  Obligations  Absolute.    The  Company's  obligation
during and after the Employment Period to pay the Executive the compensation
and to make  the arrangements provided herein shall be absolute and uncondi-
tional and  shall not be  affected by  any circumstances, provided  that the
Company may  apply amounts payable under this Agreement to any debts owed to
the Company  by the Executive on  his or her Termination  Date, and provided
further that the amount payable under  this Agreement shall be offset by any
amounts  payable to the Executive under a separate severance plan, agreement
or  arrangement established  by the Company  so that  in no  event shall the
total amount  received by the  Executive be  more than the  amount permitted
under Section  6(b)(ii).   All  amounts payable  by the  Company under  this
Agreement shall  be paid without notice  or demand.  Each  and every payment
made  under this Agreement by  the Company shall  be final.  Notwithstanding
the foregoing, in the event that the Company has paid an Executive more than
the amount  to which  the Executive  is entitled  under this  Agreement, the
Company shall have  the right to recover all or any part of such overpayment
from the Executive or from whomsoever has received such amount.

       17.     Successors.  (a) If all or substantially all of the Company's
business and assets are sold,  assigned or transferred to any Person,  or if
the  Company  merges into  or consolidates  or  otherwise combines  with any
Person  which is a  continuing or successor  entity, then  the Company shall
assign all of its right, title and interest in this Agreement as of the date
of  such event  to the  Person which  is either  the acquiring  or successor
corporation, and  such Person  shall assume and  perform from and  after the
date of such assignment the terms, conditions and provisions imposed by this
Agreement  upon the Company.  Failure of  the Company to obtain such assign-
ment shall be a breach of this Agreement.  In case of such assignment by the
Company and of  assumption and agreement by such  Person, all further rights
as  well as  all  other  obligations of  the  Company under  this  Agreement
thenceforth  shall cease  and terminate  and thereafter the  expression "the
Company" wherever used herein shall be deemed to mean such Person(s).

          (b)  This Agreement and all rights of the Executive shall inure to
the benefit  of and  be enforceable  by  the Executive's  personal or  legal
representatives,  estates, executors,  administrators, heirs  and beneficia-
ries.   In the event of  the Executive's death,  all amounts payable  to the
Executive  under this  Agreement shall  be paid  to the  Executive's estate,
heirs and representatives.  This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, be
binding  upon and be enforceable  by, any successor,  surviving or resulting
corporation  or other  entity  to  which all  or  substantially all  of  the
Company's  business  and  assets shall  be  transferred  whether by  merger,
consolidation, transfer or sale.  This  Agreement shall not be terminated by
the voluntary or involuntary dissolution of the Company.

       18.     Enforcement.    The provisions  of  this  Agreement shall  be
regarded as divisible, and if  any of said provisions or any part hereof are
declared  invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the
validity and enforceability  of the  remainder of such  provisions or  parts
hereof and the applicability thereof shall not be affected thereby.

       19.     Amendment  or  Termination.   Except  as  otherwise  provided
herein, the  term of this Agreement  shall run until December  31, 1994, and
shall  continue for additional one  (1) year periods  thereafter, unless the
Company notifies the  Executive in writing six (6) months  prior to December
31,  1994 (or  the  anniversary of  that  date in  the  event the  Agreement
continues beyond that  date pursuant to  the provisions of this  Section 19)
that  it does  not intend  to continue the  Agreement.   Notwithstanding the
foregoing, (i) if a Change of Control has occurred on or before the  date on
which the  Agreement has been terminated  by the Company in  accordance with
this Section 19,  the Agreement  shall not  terminate with  respect to  that
Change of  Control until  the end  of the Employment  Period, and  (ii) this
Agreement shall terminate if,  prior to a  Change of Control, the  Executive
ceases to be employed by the Company in an executive position.

          This  Agreement  sets  forth  the  entire  agreement  between  the
Executive  and the Company  with respect to  the subject  matter hereof, and
supersedes all prior oral  or written negotiations, commitments, understand-
ing and writing with respect thereto, including, but not limited to, the Key
Executive  Employment and Severance Agreement by and between the Company and
the Executive executed on or about January 30, 1990.

          This Agreement may not  be terminated, amended or  modified during
its  term as specified  above except by  written instrument executed  by the
Company and the Executive.

       20.     Withholding.  The Company shall  be entitled to withhold from
amounts to  be paid to the Executive under this Agreement any federal, state
or local withholding or other taxes or charges which it is from time to time
required to withhold.   The Company shall be entitled to rely  on an opinion
of counsel if any question as to the amount or requirement of any such with-
holding shall arise.

       21.     Venue; Governing Law.  This Agreement and the Executive's and
Company's  respective rights and obligations  hereunder shall be governed by
and construed  in accordance with  the laws of  the State  of Arizona.   Any
action concerning this Agreement  shall be brought in  the Federal or  state
courts located in  the County of Maricopa, Arizona, and  each party consents
to the venue and jurisdiction of such courts.

       22.     Notice.  Notices given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in
writing and  shall be deemed  given when received,  and if mailed,  shall be
mailed by  United  States  registered  or  certified  mail,  return  receipt
requested, addressee only, postage prepaid, if to the Company, to

          Board of Directors
          Arizona Public Service Company
          400 North 5th Street
          Phoenix, Arizona  85004
          Attention:  Corporate Secretary

or if to the Executive, to

or to such other address as the party to be notified shall have given to the

       23.     Funding.    Benefits  payable  under  this  Agreement   shall
constitute  an unfunded general obligation  of the Company  payable from its
general assets,  and the  Company shall  not be  required  to establish  any
special fund or trust for purposes  of paying benefits under this Agreement.
The Executive  shall not have any  vested right to any  particular assets of
the Company as a result of  execution of this Agreement and shall be  a gen-
eral creditor of the Company.

       24.     No Waiver.   No waiver  by either  party at any  time of  any
breach by the other party of, or compliance with, any condition or provision
of  this Agreement  to be performed  by the  other party  shall be  deemed a
waiver of similar or dissimilar provisions or conditions at the same time or
any prior or subsequent time.

       25.     Headings.   The headings  herein contained are  for reference
only and shall not affect the meaning or interpretation of  any provision of
this Agreement.

          IN  WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company  has caused this  Agreement to be
executed by its duly authorized officer, and the Executive has executed this
Agreement, on the date and year first above written.

                                   ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY

                                   By ___________________________
                                     Its ________________________


By ___________________________
  Its ________________________
