Securities and Exchange Commission
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

               SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the quarterly period ended       March 31, 1995


                SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the transition period from                 to 
                               ---------------    ----------------- 

Commission file number     1-4473

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

              Arizona                               86-0011170
- -------------------------------                 -------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                 (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                 Identification No.)

400 North Fifth Street, P.O. Box 53999, Phoenix, Arizona 85072-3999
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                 (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (602) 250-1000
- -------------------------------------------------------------------
(Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last 

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                                 Yes  X  No 
                                    -----   -----

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

                Number of shares of common stock, $2.50 par value,
                outstanding as of May 12, 1995:  71,264,947



  ACC    - Arizona Corporation Commission

  AFUDC - Allowance for funds used during construction

  Company - Arizona Public Service Company

  CSW - Central and South West Corporation

  EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

  EPEC - El Paso Electric Company

  Four Corners - Four Corners Power Plant

  ITCs - Investment tax credits

  1994 10-K - Arizona Public Service  Company Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
       fiscal year ended December 31, 1994

  Palo Verde - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station

  Pinnacle West   - Pinnacle West Capital Corporation

  SFAS No. 71 - Statement of Financial  Accounting Standards No. 71, "Accounting
       for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation"
  SFAS No.  121  -  Statement  of  Financial   Accounting   Standards  No.  121,
       "Accounting  for the  Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets and for Long-Lived
       Assets to Be Disposed Of"


  Arizona Public Service Company:

  We have reviewed the  accompanying  condensed  balance sheet of Arizona Public
  Service Company as of March 31, 1995 and the related  condensed  statements of
  income for the three-month and  twelve-month  periods ended March 31, 1995 and
  1994 and cash flows for the three-month periods ended March 31, 1995 and 1994.
  These condensed  financial  statements are the responsibility of the Company's

  We  conducted  our review in  accordance  with  standards  established  by the
  American  Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants.  A review of  interim
  financial  information consists principally of applying analytical  procedures
  to financial data and of making inquiries of persons responsible for financial
  and  accounting  matters.  It is  substantially  less in  scope  than an audit
  conducted in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards,  the
  objective of which is the  expression  of an opinion  regarding  the financial
  statements taken as a whole. Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

  Based on our  review,  we are not  aware of any  material  modifications  that
  should  be made to  such  condensed  financial  statements  for  them to be in
  conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

  We have previously  audited,  in accordance with generally  accepted  auditing
  standards,  the balance sheet of Arizona Public Service Company as of December
  31, 1994 and the related  statements of income,  retained  earnings,  and cash
  flows for the year then ended (not presented herein);  and in our report dated
  March 3,  1995,  we  expressed  an  unqualified  opinion  on  those  financial
  statements.  In our opinion,  the  information  set forth in the  accompanying
  condensed  balance  sheet as of  December  31, 1994 is fairly  stated,  in all
  material  respects,  in relation  to the balance  sheet from which it has been

  Phoenix, Arizona
  May 11, 1995

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION
Item 1. Financial Statements

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                         CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                             Three Months
                                                            Ended March 31,
                                                          1995          1994
                                                        ---------    ---------
                                                        (Thousands of Dollars)
ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUES .........................   $ 336,968    $ 346,049
                                                        ---------    ---------
  Fuel for electric generation ......................      46,710       57,968
  Purchased power ...................................       8,210       10,063
                                                        ---------    ---------
     Total ..........................................      54,920       68,031
                                                        ---------    ---------
OPERATING REVENUES LESS FUEL EXPENSES ...............     282,048      278,018
                                                        ---------    ---------
  Operations excluding fuel expenses ................      65,566       66,336
  Maintenance .......................................      25,866       31,285
  Depreciation and amortization .....................      60,426       57,910
  Income taxes - current ............................      17,167       12,944
  Income taxes - deferred ...........................       4,455        8,192
  Other taxes .......................................      35,354       34,204
                                                        ---------    ---------
     Total ..........................................     208,834      210,871
                                                        ---------    ---------
OPERATING INCOME ....................................      73,214       67,147
                                                        ---------    ---------

  AFUDC - equity ....................................       1,186          846
  Palo Verde accretion income .......................        --         19,980
  Other - net .......................................       4,784         (396)
  Income taxes - current ............................      (2,061)         506
  Income taxes - deferred ...........................       3,783       (7,299)
                                                        ---------    ---------
     Total ..........................................       7,692       13,637
                                                        ---------    ---------
INCOME BEFORE INTEREST DEDUCTIONS ...................      80,906       80,784
                                                        ---------    ---------
  Interest on long-term debt ........................      41,872       39,476
  Interest on short-term borrowings .................       1,224        1,595
  Debt discount, premium and expense ................       1,974        2,412
  AFUDC - debt ......................................      (1,996)      (1,167)
                                                        ---------    ---------
     Total ..........................................      43,074       42,316
                                                        ---------    ---------
NET INCOME ..........................................      37,832       38,468
PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND REQUIREMENTS ...............       4,807        7,510
                                                        ---------    ---------
EARNINGS FOR COMMON STOCK ...........................   $  33,025    $  30,958
                                                        =========    =========

See Notes to Condensed Financial Statements.

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                         CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF INCOME

                                                            Twelve Months
                                                            Ended March 31,
                                                         1995           1994
                                                      -----------    -----------
                                                        (Thousands of Dollars)
ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUES ......................   $ 1,617,087    $ 1,594,572
                                                      -----------    -----------
  Fuel for electric generation ...................       225,845        234,394
  Purchased power ................................        61,733         68,679
                                                      -----------    -----------
     Total .......................................       287,578        303,073
                                                      -----------    -----------
OPERATING REVENUES LESS FUEL EXPENSES ............     1,329,509      1,291,499
                                                      -----------    -----------

  Operations excluding fuel expenses .............       291,522        285,822
  Maintenance ....................................       114,210        121,904
  Depreciation and amortization ..................       238,624        225,031
  Income taxes - current .........................       110,872         91,090
  Income taxes - deferred ........................        57,816         69,579
  Other taxes ....................................       141,965        137,879
                                                      -----------    -----------
     Total .......................................       955,009        931,305
                                                      -----------    -----------
OPERATING INCOME .................................       374,500        360,194
                                                      -----------    -----------

  AFUDC - equity ..................................        4,281          2,520
  Palo Verde accretion income .....................       13,616         76,870
  Other - net .....................................       21,195         (2,001)
  Income taxes - current ..........................        3,363          4,309
  Income taxes - deferred .........................       (3,890)       (26,238)
                                                      -----------    -----------
     Total .......................................        38,565         55,460
                                                      -----------    -----------
INCOME BEFORE INTEREST DEDUCTIONS ................       413,065        415,654
                                                      -----------    -----------
  Interest on long-term debt .....................       162,236        162,275
  Interest on short-term borrowings ..............         5,834          6,776
  Debt discount, premium and expense .............         8,416          9,349
  AFUDC - debt ...................................        (6,271)        (4,434)
                                                      -----------    -----------
     Total .......................................       170,215        173,966
                                                      -----------    -----------

NET INCOME .......................................       242,850        241,688
PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND REQUIREMENTS ............        22,571         30,461
                                                     -----------    -----------
EARNINGS FOR COMMON STOCK ........................   $   220,279    $   211,227
                                                     ===========    ===========

See Notes to Condensed Financial Statements.

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                            CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                     March 31,         December 31,
                                                                                       1995               1994
                                                                                   -----------        -----------
                                                                                       (Thousands of Dollars) 
        Electric plant in service and held for future use ..................       $ 6,499,665        $ 6,475,249
        Less accumulated depreciation and amortization .....................         2,175,110          2,122,439
                                                                                   -----------        -----------
           Total ...........................................................         4,324,555          4,352,810
        Construction work in progress ......................................           234,865            224,312
        Nuclear fuel, net of amortization ..................................            62,857             46,951
                                                                                   -----------        -----------
           Utility plant - net .............................................         4,622,277          4,624,073
                                                                                   -----------        -----------

INVESTMENTS AND OTHER ASSETS :  ............................................            91,554             90,105
                                                                                   -----------        -----------

        Cash and cash equivalents ..........................................             9,898              6,532
        Accounts receivable:
           Service customers ...............................................            79,368            103,711
           Other ...........................................................            23,551             27,008
           Allowance for doubtful accounts .................................            (1,271)            (2,176)
        Accrued utility revenues ...........................................            45,547             55,432
        Materials and supplies, at average cost ............................            90,872             89,864
        Fossil fuel, at average cost .......................................            35,762             35,735
        Deferred income taxes ..............................................            16,917             19,114
        Other ..............................................................            16,991             14,162
                                                                                   -----------        -----------
           Total current assets ............................................           317,635            349,382
                                                                                   -----------        -----------

        Regulatory asset for income taxes ..................................           555,004            557,049
        Palo Verde Unit 3 cost deferral ....................................           290,296            292,586
        Palo Verde Unit 2 cost deferral ....................................           170,421            171,936
        Unamortized costs of reacquired debt ...............................            60,827             60,942
        Unamortized debt issue costs .......................................            19,150             17,673
        Other ..............................................................           193,786            184,515
                                                                                   -----------        -----------
           Total deferred debits ...........................................         1,289,484          1,284,701
                                                                                   -----------        -----------
           TOTAL ...........................................................       $ 6,320,950        $ 6,348,261
                                                                                   ===========        ===========

See Notes to Condensed Financial Statements.                                                            


                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                            CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS


                                                                      March 31,   December 31,
                                                                        1995          1994
                                                                     ----------   ----------
                                                                      (Thousands of Dollars)    

        Common stock .............................................   $  178,162   $  178,162
        Premiums and expenses - net ..............................    1,039,299    1,039,303
        Retained earnings ........................................      344,180      353,655
                                                                     ----------   ----------
           Common stock equity ...................................    1,561,641    1,571,120
        Non-redeemable preferred stock ...........................      193,561      193,561
        Redeemable preferred stock ...............................       75,000       75,000
        Long-term debt less current maturities ...................    2,156,828    2,181,832
                                                                     ----------   ----------
           Total capitalization ..................................    3,987,030    4,021,513
                                                                     ----------   ----------

        Commercial paper .........................................       80,500      131,500
        Current maturities of long-term debt .....................       53,364        3,428
        Accounts payable .........................................       75,721      110,854
        Accrued taxes ............................................      142,941       89,412
        Accrued interest .........................................       34,451       45,170
        Other ....................................................       60,769       50,487
                                                                     ----------   ----------
           Total current liabilities .............................      447,746      430,851
                                                                     ----------   ----------

        Deferred income taxes ....................................    1,436,473    1,436,184
        Deferred investment tax credit ...........................      139,136      142,994
        Unamortized gain - sale of utility plant .................       96,352       98,551
        Customer advances for construction .......................       17,628       16,564
        Other ....................................................      196,585      201,604
                                                                     ----------   ----------
           Total deferred credits and other ......................    1,886,174    1,895,897
                                                                     ----------   ----------


           TOTAL .................................................   $6,320,950   $6,348,261
                                                                     ==========   ==========

See Notes to Condensed Financial Statements.                                                                            


                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY

                                                                 Three Months
                                                                Ended March 31, 
                                                               1995        1994
                                                             ---------   -------
                                                            (Thousands of Dollars)          
Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
  Net income .............................................   $  37,832    $  38,468
  Items not requiring cash:
    Depreciation and amortization ........................      60,426       57,910
    Nuclear fuel amortization ............................       7,723        6,433
    AFUDC - equity .......................................      (1,186)        (846)
    Deferred income taxes - net ..........................       4,531       16,580
    Deferred investment tax credit - net .................      (3,858)      (1,089)
    Refund obligation - net ..............................        --         (5,344)
    Palo Verde accretion income ..........................        --        (19,980)
  Changes in certain current assets and liabilities:
    Accounts receivable - net ............................      26,895       25,327
    Accrued utility revenues .............................       9,885       12,115
    Materials, supplies and fossil fuel ..................      (1,035)       4,412
    Other current assets .................................      (2,829)      (2,302)
    Accounts payable .....................................     (26,184)     (17,920)
    Accrued taxes ........................................      53,529       44,601
    Accrued interest .....................................     (10,719)      (7,759)
    Other current liabilities ............................      10,302       12,863
  Other - net ............................................     (12,566)       2,993
                                                             ---------    ---------
      Net cash flow provided by operating activities .....     152,746      166,462
                                                             ---------    ---------

Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
  Long-term debt .........................................      73,811       98,899
  Short-term borrowings - net ............................     (51,000)     (69,000)
  Dividends paid on common stock .........................     (42,500)     (42,500)
  Dividends paid on preferred stock ......................      (4,827)      (7,621)
  Repayment of preferred stock ...........................          (4)     (14,225)
  Repayment and reacquisition of long-term debt ..........     (51,867)     (60,285)
                                                             ---------    ---------
      Net cash flow used for financing  activities .......     (76,387)     (94,732)
                                                             ---------    ---------

Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
  Capital expenditures ...................................     (72,730)     (68,684)
  AFUDC - equity .........................................       1,186          846
  Other ..................................................      (1,449)      (2,842)
                                                             ---------    ---------
      Net cash flow used for investing activities ........     (72,993)     (70,680)
                                                             ---------    ---------

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents ................       3,366        1,050
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period .........       6,532        7,557
                                                             ---------    ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period ...............   $   9,898    $   8,607
                                                             =========    =========

Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information:
  Cash paid during the period for:
    Interest (excluding capitalized interest) ............   $  51,900    $  47,246
    Income taxes .........................................   $    --      $    --   

See Notes to Condensed Financial Statements.                                                            


                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY


1. In the opinion of the Company, the accompanying unaudited condensed financial
statements  contain all adjustments  (consisting of normal  recurring  accruals)
necessary to present  fairly the  financial  position of the Company as of March
31, 1995, the results of operations for the three months and twelve months ended
March 31, 1995 and 1994, and the cash flows for the three months ended March 31,
1995 and 1994. It is suggested  that these  condensed  financial  statements and
notes  to  condensed  financial  statements  be read  in  conjunction  with  the
financial  statements  and notes to  financial  statements  included in the 1994
10-K.  Consistent with the 1995  presentation,  prior year's electric  operating
revenues  and other taxes have been  restated  to exclude  sales tax on electric

2.  The  Company's  operations  are  subject  to  seasonal  fluctuations,   with
variations occurring in energy usage by customers from season to season and from
month to month  within a  season,  primarily  as a result  of  changing  weather
conditions.  For this and other  reasons,  the results of operations for interim
periods are not  necessarily  indicative  of the results to be expected  for the
full year.

3. All the  outstanding  shares  of  common  stock of the  Company  are owned by
Pinnacle West. Pursuant to a Pledge Agreement, dated as of January 31, 1990, and
as part of a restructuring of substantially all of its outstanding indebtedness,
Pinnacle West granted  certain of its lenders a security  interest in all of the
Company's outstanding common stock.

4. See  "Liquidity  and Capital  Resources" in Part I, Item 2 of this report for
changes in capitalization since December 31, 1994.

5. In May 1994,  the ACC  approved  a retail  rate  settlement  agreement  which
provided for a net annual retail rate reduction of  approximately  $32.3 million
($19 million after tax), or 2.2% on average,  effective June 1, 1994. As part of
the settlement,  the Company reversed  approximately $20 million of depreciation
($15 million  after tax) related to a 1991 Palo Verde  write-off.  The 1994 rate
settlement also provided for the accelerated  amortization of substantially  all
deferred ITCs over a five-year period  beginning in 1995. In addition,  the 1994
rate  settlement  included a moratorium  on filing for  permanent  rate changes,
except  under  certain  circumstances,  prior  to the end of 1996  for  both the
Company and the ACC staff,  and an  incentive  rewarding  reduction  in fuel and
operating and maintenance cost per kilowatt-hour below established targets.

6. The Palo Verde  participants  have  insurance for public  liability  payments
resulting  from  nuclear  energy  hazards to the full limit of  liability  under
federal law. This potential  liability is covered by primary liability insurance
provided by commercial  insurance carriers in the amount of $200 million and the
balance  by an  industry-wide  retrospective  assessment  program.  The  maximum
assessment per reactor under the  retrospective  rating program for each nuclear
incident is approximately $79 million, subject to an annual limit of $10 million
per incident.  Based upon the Company's  29.1%  interest in the three Palo Verde
units, the Company's maximum potential  assessment per incident is approximately
$69 million, with an annual payment limitation of approximately $9 million.

         The Palo Verde  participants  maintain  "all risk"  (including  nuclear
hazards) insurance for property damage to, and  decontamination  of, property at
Palo Verde in the aggregate  amount of $2.78 billion,  a substantial  portion of
which must first be applied to stabilization  and  decontamination.  The Company
has also secured  insurance against portions of any increased cost of generation
or  purchased  power  and  business  interruption  resulting  from a sudden  and
unforeseen outage of any of the three units. The insurance coverage discussed in
this and the previous  paragraph  is subject to certain  policy  conditions  and

7. The Company has encountered  tube cracking in the Palo Verde steam generators
and has taken, and will continue to take, remedial actions that it believes have
slowed further tube problems to manageable levels. Although the steam generators
are  capable of  operating  for their  designed  life of 40 years,  the  Company
believes that, at some point, long-term economic considerations could make steam
generator replacement desirable.

8. El Paso  Electric  Company,  one of the joint  owners of Palo  Verde and Four
Corners,  has been operating under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code since 1992.
A plan whereby EPEC would become a wholly-owned  subsidiary of Central and South
West  Corporation has been confirmed by the bankruptcy  court, but cannot become
fully  effective  until  several other  approvals are obtained.  Under the plan,
certain issues,  including EPEC  allegations  regarding the 1989-1990 Palo Verde
outages, would be resolved, and EPEC would assume the joint facilities operating
agreements.  CSW has stated that  several  matters  have arisen which may impede
completion  of the merger.  If the plan is not  approved,  the Company  does not
expect  that  there  would be a material  adverse  effect on its  operations  or
financial position.

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY

Item 2. Management's  Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
of Operations.

Operating Results

The  following  table  summarizes  the  Company's  revenues and earnings for the
three-month and twelve-month periods ended March 31, 1995 and 1994:

                                            Periods ended March 31
                                            (Thousands of Dollars)

                                   Three Months               Twelve Months
                               -----------------------   -----------------------
                                  1995         1994         1995         1994
                               -----------------------   -----------------------
Operating revenues .........   $  336,968   $  346,049   $1,617,087   $1,594,572

Earnings for common
stock ......................   $   33,025   $   30,958   $  220,279   $  211,227

         Operating Results - Three-month period ended March 31, 1995 compared to
         three-month period ended March 31, 1994

         Earnings  increased  in the  three-month  period  ended  March 31, 1995
primarily due to lower fuel costs, lower operations and maintenance  expenses, a
gain  recognized on the sale of a small  subsidiary,  and lower  preferred stock
dividends.  Fuel  expense  was lower due  largely  to lower  average  fuel costs
resulting  from  increased  nuclear  generation  and lower  natural gas and coal
prices. Operations and maintenance expenses decreased due to improved Palo Verde
operations  and lower fossil plant overhaul  costs.  Preferred  stock  dividends
decreased due to less preferred stock  outstanding.  Partially  offsetting these
positive factors were decreased  operating  revenues and the absence of non-cash
income related to a 1991 rate settlement,  which the Company completed recording
in May 1994 (see "Other Income" below).  Operating  revenues were down primarily
due to milder weather and a retail rate reduction which became effective June 1,
1994 (see Note 5 of Notes to Condensed Financial Statements in Part I, Item 1 of
this  report),  partially  offset by  customer  growth.  The effects of the rate
reduction  were  substantially   offset  by  the  accelerated   amortization  of
investment tax credits provided for in the 1994 rate settlement.

         Operating  Results - Twelve-month  period ended March 31, 1995 compared
         to twelve-month period ended March 31, 1994
         Earnings  increased  in the  twelve-month  period  ended March 31, 1995
primarily due to increased  operating revenues,  lower fuel expenses,  and lower
preferred stock dividends. Operating revenues were up due to customer growth and
warmer  weather,  partially  offset  by a retail  rate  reduction  which  became
effective  June 1, 1994.  The effects of the rate  reduction  were offset by the
reversal of certain previously recorded  depreciation related to Palo Verde (see
Note 5 of Notes to  Condensed  Financial  Statements  in Part I,  Item 1 of this
report) and the  accelerated  amortization  of investment tax credits.  Although
sales were up, fuel expenses were down primarily due to lower average fuel costs
resulting from increased  nuclear  generation.  Preferred  stock  dividends were
lower  due to less  preferred  stock  outstanding.  Partially  offsetting  these
positive  factors were the decrease in non-cash  income related to the 1991 rate
settlement  (see  "Other  Income"  below) and  increased  depreciation  expense.
Depreciation expense was up primarily due to higher plant balances and increased
nuclear decommissioning costs reflecting the most recent site-specific study.

         Other Income

         Other income  reflects  accounting  practices  required  for  regulated
public  utilities  and  represents  a  composite  of cash  and  non-cash  items,
including  AFUDC.  For the three  months  ended  March 31,  1995,  other  income
included a gain of about $5 million on the sale of a small subsidiary.  Included
in other income for the twelve months ended March 31, 1995, were $8.2 million of
after-tax  accretion  income on Palo Verde  Unit 3 and a  one-time  depreciation
reversal  related to Palo Verde of approximately  $15.0 million,  after tax. See
Note 5 of Notes to  Condensed  Financial  Statements  in Part I,  Item 1 of this

         Other  non-cash  income,  in the twelve  months  ended March 31,  1995,
included $2.4 million of after-tax income (included in operating  revenues) from
the  reversal  of the  Palo  Verde  refund  obligation  which  was  recorded  in
accordance  with the 1991 rate  settlement.  The Company has recorded all of the
Unit  3  accretion  income  and  refund  reversals  related  to  the  1991  rate
settlement.  See Note 1 of Notes to Financial  Statements  in Part II, Item 8 of
the 1994 10-K.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

         For the  three  months  ended  March 31,  1995,  the  Company  incurred
approximately   $61  million  in  construction   expenditures,   accounting  for
approximately 20% of the most recently estimated 1995 construction expenditures.
The Company has estimated total  construction  expenditures  for the years 1995,
1996, and 1997 to be approximately $300 million, $257 million, and $236 million,
respectively. These amounts include about $27 million each year for nuclear fuel

         Since  December 31, 1994, the Company has (i) issued $75 million of its
Junior  Subordinated  Deferrable  Interest  Debentures  ("MIDS"),  (ii) incurred
approximately  $4 million of  long-term  debt in  connection  with a  tax-exempt
financing, (iii) redeemed on March 2, 1995, $49.15 million of its First Mortgage
Bonds, 10.25% Series due 2000, (iv) repurchased on March 17, 1995, approximately
$2.5  million of its First  Mortgage  Bonds,  9 1/2%  Series  due 2021,  and (v)
redeemed on May 1, 1995, $50 million of its First Mortgage Bonds, 13 1/4% Series
due 2007 (the "13 1/4% Bonds").

         Refunding  obligations  for  preferred  stock  and  long-term  debt,  a
capitalized  lease   obligation,   and  certain  actual  and  anticipated  early
redemptions,  including  premiums thereon,  are expected to total  approximately
$109 million,  $4 million,  and $164 million for the years 1995, 1996, and 1997,
respectively.  During  the first  three  months of 1995,  the  Company  refunded
approximately $52 million (48%) of the estimated 1995 total.

         Provisions  in the Company's  mortgage  bond  indenture and articles of
incorporation  require certain  coverage ratios to be met before the Company can
issue additional first mortgage bonds or preferred stock. In addition,  the bond
indenture  limits the amount of  additional  first  mortgage  bonds which may be
issued to a percentage of net property additions, to the amount of certain first
mortgage bonds that have been redeemed or retired, and/or to cash deposited with
the mortgage  bond  trustee.  As of March 31, 1995,  and  adjusting  for the (i)
incurrence of  approximately  $4 million of long-term debt in connection  with a
tax-exempt  financing  and (ii)  redemption  of the 13 1/4%  Bonds,  the Company
estimates  that the mortgage bond  indenture  and the articles of  incorporation
would have allowed the Company to issue up to  approximately  $1.417 billion and
$928  million  of  additional   first  mortgage   bonds  and  preferred   stock,

         The ACC has authority  over the Company with respect to the issuance of
long-term debt and equity  securities.  Existing ACC orders allow the Company to
have up to approximately  $2.6 billion in long-term debt and approximately  $501
million of preferred stock outstanding at any one time.

         Management  does not expect any of the foregoing  restrictions to limit
the Company's ability to meet its capital requirements.

Accounting Issue

         In March 1995 the Financial  Accounting Standards Board issued SFAS No.
121,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets and for  Long-Lived
Assets to Be Disposed Of," which is effective in 1996.  This statement  requires
that long-lived assets be reviewed for impairment  whenever events or changes in
circumstances  indicate  that the  carrying  amount may not be  recoverable.  An
impairment  loss  would  be  recognized  if  the  sum of  the  estimated  future
undiscounted  cash flows to be  generated  by an asset is less than its carrying
value.  The amount of the loss would be based on a  comparison  of book value to
fair value. The standard also amends SFAS No. 71, "Accounting for the Effects of
Certain Types of Regulation," to require  write-off of a regulatory  asset if it
is no longer  probable that future  revenues will recover the cost of the asset.
This new standard does not impact the Company at this time,  however, it will be
reviewed on an ongoing basis.


         A significant  challenge for the Company will be how well it is able to
respond to increasingly competitive conditions in the electric utility industry,
while continuing to earn an acceptable return for its  shareholders.  Strategies
emphasize  managing costs,  stabilizing  electric rates,  negotiating  long-term
contracts with large customers and capitalizing on the growth characteristics of
its service territory.

         One of the issues that must be addressed responsibly is the recovery in
a more  competitive  environment  of the  carrying  value of assets  acquired or
recorded under the existing regulatory environment.

         Pursuant  to the  1994  rate  settlement,  APS and the ACC  staff  will
develop  certain  procedures  that are responsive to the  competitive  forces in
larger customer segments,  with the objective of making joint recommendations to
the ACC in 1995. A separate ACC proceeding on competition  was opened by the ACC
in mid-1994 and is expected to continue for some months.

         As the forces of competition  continue to impact the industry,  it will
become  clearer  as to what  customer  sectors  and  what  regions  will be most
affected and what strategies are best to deal with those forces.

                           PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

ITEM 5.  Other Information
         Construction and Financing Programs

         See "Liquidity and Capital  Resources" in Part I, Item 2 of this report
  for a discussion of the Company's construction and financing programs.

        Environmental Matters

        As previously reported, on November 24, 1994, the United States Court of
  Appeals for the  District of Columbia  Circuit  vacated the rules for nitrogen
  oxides  emissions  limitations  and  remanded  them  to the  EPA  for  further
  consideration. See "Environmental Matters" in Part I, Item 1 of the 1994 10-K.
  On March 28, 1995, the EPA issued revised rules for nitrogen oxides  emissions
  limitations,  which will require the Company to install  additional  pollution
  control  equipment at Four Corners.  In the year 2000 Four Corners must comply
  with either these or more stringent requirements which might be promulgated by
  the EPA. The EPA has until 1997 to set more stringent  requirements.  Based on
  its initial  evaluation,  the Company currently  estimates its capital cost of
  complying with the March 28 rules will be approximately  $20 million,  most of
  which will be incurred in 1997.

        As previously  reported,  the EPA established a "Grand Canyon Visibility
  Transport  Commission"  to  complete a study by  November  1995 on  visibility
  impairment in the "Golden Circle of National  Parks" in the Colorado  Plateau.
  See  "Environmental  Matters"  in Part I,  Item 1 of the  1994  10-K.  The EPA
  recently  agreed to the extension of the  completion of this study until March
  or April 1996.

  ITEM 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K

         (a)  Exhibits

  Exhibit No.                Description
  -----------                -----------
  15.1                       Letter in Lieu of Consent
                             Regarding Unaudited Interim
                             Financial Information

  27                         Financial Data Schedule

         (b)  Reports on Form 8-K

         During the quarter ended March 31, 1995,  and the period ended  May 12,
1995, the Company filed the following reports on Form 8-K:

         Report filed  January 11, 1995,  comprised of exhibits to the Company's
Registration  Statements  (Registration  Nos. 33-61228 and 33-55473) relating to
the  Company's  offering  of $75 million of its Junior  Subordinated  Deferrable
Interest Debentures.


                Pursuant to the  requirements of the Securities  Exchange Act of
1934,  the Company has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                            ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY

Dated:        May 12, 1995                  By Jaron B. Norberg
        -------------------------              ----------------
                                               Jaron B. Norberg
                                               Executive Vice President and
                                               Chief Financial Officer
                                               (Principal Financial Officer
                                               and Officer Duly Authorized   
                                               to   sign    this