East Point Realty Trust Lease Agreement

Lease dated as of the 30th day of June,  1995 by and between  East Point  Realty
Trust having its  principal  place of business at 4 Bellows  Road,  Westborough,
Massachusetts, (hereinafter called the "Lessor"), and CerProbe, Inc., a Delaware
Corporation,  having  their  principal  place of  business  at 4  Bellows  Road,
Westborough, Massachusetts (hereinafter called the "Lessee").


In consideration of the rent reserved herein and the mutual covenants  contained
herein, the Lessor hereby leases to the Lessee and Lessee hereby leases from the
Lessor, a portion of the Building (the "Building")  located on Land owned by the
Lessor (the "Land") at 4 Bellows Road,  Westborough,  MA. The entire first floor
of the  Building  leased to the Lessee is shown on  Exhibit A  attached  hereto,
which exhibit is incorporated by reference,  and consists of approximately 6,144
square feet of  "Rentable"  space;  together  with all rights and  appurtenances
belonging  thereto  (hereinafter  called  the  "Leased  Premises").  The  Lessee
recognizes that a portion of the "Rentable" square feet of the premises includes
areas which may not be readily  usable by the Lessee.  The Lessee shall have the
right to use in  common,  with  others  entitled  thereto,  the  parking  areas,
hallways,  stairways and elevator  necessary for access to said Leased  Premises
and lavatories nearest thereto.

2. TERM.

(a)   Initial Term.

The  Lessee  is to have and to hold the  Leased  Premises  for an  initial  Term
("Term") of five (5) years. The Term shall commence on the 1st day of July, 1995
(hereinafter the "Lease  Commencement  Date"),  and end on the 30th day of June,

(b) The  Lessee  shall  have the option to extend the Term of this Lease for one
additional  Term of two  (2)  years  (the  "Option  Term").  Lessee  shall  have
exercised  this option by giving  Lessor  written  notice of such exercise on or
before the first day of March, 2000.

3. RENT.

(a)   Base Rent.

The  Lessee  agrees to pay to Lessor a Base  Rent  ("Base  Rent") at the rate of
$70,656 dollars per year and Additional Rent ("Additional  Rent") at the rate of
$21,504 dollars per year,  payable in advance in monthly  installments of $7,680
for the first year of the lease  Term.  The  Additional  Rent is an  estimate by
Lessor of common  area  maintenance  ("CAM"),  real estate  taxes and  insurance

                                   Monthly         Monthly            Monthly
Lease Year                        Base Rent     Additional Rent     Rent Payment
----------                        ---------     ---------------     ------------

One ......................         $5,888            $1,792            $7,680
Two ......................         $6,016            $1,792            $7,808
Three ....................         $6,016            $1,792            $7,808
Four .....................         $6,144            $2,048            $8,192
Five .....................         $6,144            $2,048            $8,192

Thereafter, payments shall be made in equal monthly installments, in advance, on
or before the first (1st) day of each and every calendar month of the Term.

(b)  Rent To Be Net.

It is the  purpose  and intent of the  Lessor and the Lessee  that the Base Rent
shall be net to the Lessor so that this Lease  shall  yield,  net to the Lessor,
the Base Rent  specified in Section  3(a) hereof in each Lease Year,  except for
the  structural  repairs  which  shall be the  responsibility  of the  Lessor as
provided for in Section 9 of this Lease.

(c)   Common Area Maintenance, Taxes and Insurance Expenses.

The Lessee  agrees to pay  50.00% of all common  area  maintenance  (CAM),  real
estate  taxes,  property and liability  insurance  coverages on the Land and the
Building as Additional  Rent. Said Additional Rent is estimated to be $1,792 per
month by Lessor and shall be added to the monthly  Base Rent.  In years four and
five of the lease Term, the estimated charges for Additional Rent shall increase
to $2,048 per month. At the end of each calendar year or at the end of the lease
Term,  the Lessor shall provide a  reconciliation  of expenses  incurred for the
period.  The Lessor shall either bill the Lessee for  additional CAM charges due
or provide the Lessee a credit for the Base Rent due for the next rental period.
Upon the end of the lease Term, the Lessor will provide a reconciliation  of the
Additional Rent incurred by Lessee. Upon request, Lessee shall have the right to
review all invoices pertaining to Additional Rent.

     (1)    Common Area Maintenance (CAM).

     CAM charges shall include all Land and Building  maintenance,  repair,  and
operational costs necessary  including but not limited to the following:  common
area  electricity,  all utilities not  individually  metered to specific  tenant
spaces, water and sewer charges,  janitorial and cleaning,  HVAC maintenance and
repair, supplies, paint and wallpaper,  sprinklers,  window cleaning,  relamping
and reballasting lighting fixtures, exterior lighting, rubbish removal, property
management,  alarm system and inspections,  security,  elevator  maintenance and
repair, parking lot maintenance including restripping and sealcoating, landscape
maintenance, snow plowing, sanding and snow removal.

     (2)    Real Estate Taxes.

     Lessee shall pay to Lessor 50.00% of the real estate taxes, betterments and
other  assessments  charged  and  assessed  against the  Building  and Land at 4
Bellows Road during each year of the Term.

     (3)    Insurance.

     Lessee shall pay to Lessor 50.00% of the insurance premiums for coverage on
all common areas of the Building and Land at 4 Bellows Road. Lessor shall obtain
such  insurance  for the Leased  Premises,  the  Building,  and any  appurtenant
parking  areas as it deems  appropriate,  and the Lessee  shall have no right to
proceeds or claims thereunder.

     To the  extent  that the  Lessee's  use of the Leased  Premises  causes any
additional  premium  for the  Lessor's  insurance,  the  Lessee  shall  pay such
additional  premium as Additional Rent within ten (10) days of Lessee's  written
request  therefor.  The Lessee shall obtain its own insurance to cover losses to
its property,  equipment,  fixtures, or inventory and the Lessee shall be solely
responsible for any losses not covered by its insurance according to Section 13.

(d)  Additional Rent.

All Additional  Rent payments for  Additional  rent shall be due within ten (10)
days of a Notice by Lessor to Lessee that such payments are due. Lessor reserves
the same rights and remedies against the Lessee for default in making Additional
Rent  payments  as the Lessor  shall have for default in the payment of the Base
Rent,  including but not limited to, the right to seek and recover such payments
as rent under any applicable provisions of the United States Bankruptcy Code.

(e)  Late Charges.

If Base Rent or Additional  Rent for any month has not been paid by the close of
business of the tenth (10th)  business day of said month,  the Lessee  agrees to
pay a late charge of five (5%) percent of the total amount due to the Lessor. An
assessed  late  charge  shall be  deemed  Additional  Rent and  shall be due and
payable ten (10) days after the  notification of such  assessment.  In the event
that the Base Rent or Additional  Rent has not been received  within thirty (30)
days  following the payment due date, an additional  interest  charge of one and
one half  (1.5%)  percent per month shall be payable to the Lessor from the date
the payment  was due and this charge shall  constitute  Additional  Rent payable

(f)    Option Term Rent.

The Base  Monthly  Rent  during the Option  Term shall be equal to the then fair
market rent for comparable  space upon comparable  terms in the Westborough area
but said rent shall not be less than the Base Rent of the previous Term.


(a) lessee shall be responsible  for paying 100% of the cost of utilities to the
Leased  Premises  until  the  expiration  of the Term  hereof  or until  earlier
termination  of this Lease.  All such  utilities are  separately  metered in the

(b) The Lessor  shall not be liable to the Lessee in damages or otherwise if the
furnishing  of any one or more of the  utilities  is  interrupted,  impaired  or
terminated  because of the  failures,  repairs,  acts of God,  installations  or
improvements  nor shall any  interruption,  impairment  or  termination  release
Lessee from the  performance  of any of its  obligations  hereunder.  The Lessor
reserves the right to stop  service on any or all  utilities  when  necessary by
reason of accident or emergency,  or mechanical breakdown, or requirement of law
or any cause beyond  Lessor's  reasonable  control or for repairs,  alterations,
replacements or improvements which, in the judgement of the Lessor are desirable
and necessary,  until the reason for such stoppage  shall have been  eliminated.
Lessor shall use reasonable  efforts at all times to keep all utilities in sound
working order and good repair.


The  taking of  occupancy  of the whole or part of the  Leased  Premises  by the
Lessee, shall be conclusive evidence, as against the Lessee, that Lessee accepts
possession  of the same and that the Leased  Premises and the  Building  were in
good and satisfactory condition at the time occupancy was so taken.


(a) Lessee  covenants  and agrees that it will use the Leased  Premises  for the
purpose of  maintaining  professional  offices,  for the purpose of  developing,
manufacturing and marketing of high performance  probing and interface  products
for   use   in   the   testing   of   integrated   and   hybrid   circuits   and
semiconductor-related  products,  as well as incidental uses thereto, and for no
other purpose.

(b) The Lessee will not permit the Leased  Premises to be used for any  unlawful
or  immoral  purpose.  Lessee in the  conduct of its  business,  will at its own
expense,  comply with all applicable laws, ordinances,  rules and regulations of
any and all governmental  authorities having jurisdiction of the Leased Premises
as they specifically apply to Lessee's use of the Leased Premises, now or in the
future.  Lessee  shall keep the inside and  outside of all doors and windows and
the Leased  Premises  clean and shall  maintain  the Leased  Premises at its own
expense in a clean,  attractive  and sanitary  condition.  Lessee  covenants and
agrees to maintain the  temperature of the Leased premises at a minimum of fifty
(50) degrees during the winter months.

(c) Lessee does hereby, for itself and its heirs,  successors and assigns, agree
to and hereby does indemnify,  defend and hold harmless, Lessor and its assigns,
successors  and  grantees,  from any and all  liabilities,  assessments,  suits,
damages,  costs and expenses,  attorney's fees or judgements  arising out of the
Lessee's  handling  and  disposal of hazardous  wastes  and/or toxic  substances
including  any and all clean-up  expenses  required  under  applicable  laws and

(d) It is agreed  that the Leased  Premises  will be used for light  assembly of
components for printed circuit boards using hand soldering irons, hand tools and
bench top electrical test equipment.  These operations involve the use of common
wire solder,  flux and EPA approved  solvents--all  in small  quantities.  These
solvents are common  non-flammable  cleaning agents. ln addition,  the operation
will  involve  the use of a  standard  office  photocopier  with its  associated
chemicals and a small bake oven for drying boards.


Lessee  accepts the Leased  Premises in the  condition  in which they are on the
date of the commencement of the Term hereof, acknowledging that it has inspected
the Leased Premises and that they are in good order and condition sufficient for
the uses intended by the Lessee. Lessor has made and the Lessee has relied on no
representations or warranties,  expressed or implied,  as to the condition of or
rentability  for a particular use of the Leased  Premises,  except as may be set
forth herein.


Upon termination of this Lease,  Lessee shall, on Lessor's request,  restore the
Leased  Premises  to  their  original  condition  prior  to  the  making  of any
improvements  or  alterations  by Lessee,  except for initial  construction  and
improvements as completed by The Wellington  Property  Management Group prior to
the Lease  Commencement  Date and except for reasonable wear and tear, damage by
fire or other casualty and acts of God.


(a)  During  the  Term,  Lessee  shall,  at its own cost and  expense,  make all
necessary  repairs on and to the  interior of the Leased  Premises so as to keep
the Leased premises in the same  condition.  Lessee shall be responsible for the
cleaning of the Leased  Premises and removal of refuse from Leased Premise to be
deposited into the dumpster.

(b) Lessor shall be responsible for structural  repairs within a reasonable time
to the Building  including roof  replacement,  Building  foundation,  structural
columns and beams, exterior walls, replacement of HVAC system(s) and resurfacing
of the parking lot with bituminous asphalt.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  all
damage or injury to the Building or Leased  Premises caused by the moving of the
Lessee's  fixtures,  furniture and equipment  shall be repaired by the Lessee at
its sole cost and expense, to the reasonable satisfaction of the Lessor.


(a) The Lessee,  with the prior  written  consent of the Lessor,  shall have the
right  to make  such  alterations,  additions  and  improvements  to the  Leased
Premises as may be necessary or desirable for its business.

(b) The Lessee, before making any alterations,  additions or improvements, shall
at its own expense obtain all permits,  approvals and  certificates  required by
any  governmental  authority and shall  promptly  deliver  copies of same to the
Lessor.  The Lessee will cause the Lessee's  contractors and  subcontractors  to
carry such worker's  compensation,  general  liability and personal and property
damage insurance as the Lessor may reasonably require. The Lessee agrees to hold
the Lessor free and harmless from any liability for labor or materials  supplied
for such work and shall keep the Leased  Premises free from  mechanics  liens of
any kind by obtaining  waivers thereof and by removing or bonding any lien filed
within ten (10) days from receipt of notice of the filing thereof.

(c) Any and all  alterations,  additions or  improvements to the Leased Premises
made by the Lessee  shall  become the  property  of the Lessor  without  payment
therefor by the Lessor.

(d) The Lessee shall be  responsible  for the cost of any  modifications  to the
existing space. The Wellington Property Management Group will provide consulting
services in the form of space  planning and design  services free of charge.  ln
addition,  The Wellington Property Management Group will provide the Lessee with
tenant  buildout and  construction  services at cost with no markup for overhead
and profit.


(a) If the  Lessee  shall at any time fail to make any  payment  other than Base
Rent or  Additional  Rent or perform any act on its part to be made or performed
under this Lease,  then the Lessor,  after ten (10) days'  notice to the Lessee,
except when other  notice is  expressly  provided  for in this Lease (or without
notice in case of an  emergency),  and without  waiving or releasing  the Lessee
from any obligation of the Lessee contained in this Lease, may, but shall not be
required to:

(1) Pay any tax or assessment payable by the Lessee;

(2) Take out, pay for and maintain any of the insurance policies provided for in
this Lease, or

(3) Make any other payments or perform or cause to be performed any act required
of the Lessee under this Lease;  and may enter upon the Leased  Premises for any
such purpose, and take all such action thereon as may be necessary therefor.

(b) All sums so paid by the Lessor and all costs and  expenses  incurred  by the
Lessor  in  connection  with the  performance  of any such  act,  together  with
interest  thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum or such lesser
rate  as may at the  time  be the  maximum  rate  permitted  by  law,  from  the
respective  dates of the  Lessor's  making of such  payment or incurring of each
such cost and  expense,  shall be paid by the  Lessee to the Lessor on demand as
Additional Rent hereunder.


This Lease and the term and estate hereby  granted are subject to the limitation
that if the Lessee shall (1) fail to pay when due any  installment  of Base Rent
and/or  Additional  Rent;  (2) default in the  observance or  performance of any
term,  covenant or  condition  of this Lease on Lessee's  part to be observed or
performed;  (3)  liquidate or cease to exist,  declare  insolvency,  seek relief
under law for the  relief of  debtors,  make an  assignment  for the  benefit of
creditors,  or  be  the  subject  of a  voluntary  or  involuntary  petition  in
bankruptcy  or  receivership  then the Lessor may  immediately  give to Lessee a
written  notice of  intention  to end the term as of the date  specified in such
notice with the same effect as if the notice were the expiration of this Lease.

If this Lease and the term shall  terminate as provided above or by or under any
summary  proceeding  or any other  action or  proceeding,  then,  in any of said

(a)  Lessee  shall pay to Lessor  all Rent to the date upon which this Lease and
the term  shall  have  terminated  or to the date of  re-entry  upon the  Leased
Premises by the Lessor as the case may be.

(b) Lessor  shall be entitled to retain all  monies,  if any,  paid by Lessee to
Lessor,  but such monies shall be credited by Lessor against any Rent due at the
time of such termination or re-entry or against any damages payable by Lessee.

(c)  Lessee  shall be  liable  for and  shall  pay to  Lessor  as  damages,  any
deficiency  between the Rent payable  hereunder  for the period which  otherwise
would have constituted the unexpired  portion of the term and the net amount, if
any, of rents collected  under any reletting for any part of such period,  first
deducting  from the rents  collected  under any such  reletting  all of Lessor's
expenses in connection with the  termination of this Lease or Lessor's  re-entry
upon the Leased  Premises and in connection  with such  reletting  including all
repossession  costs,  brokerage  commissions,  legal expenses,  attorney's fees,
alteration  costs and other  expenses of preparing the Leased  Premises for such

(d) Lessor and Lessor's agents may  immediately  re-enter the Leased Premises or
any part  thereof,  without  notice,  by  summary  proceedings  or by any  other
applicable  court action or  proceeding  (without  being  liable to  indictment,
prosecution  or damages  therefor),  and may repossess  the Leased  Premises and
dispossess  Lessee and any other persons from the Leased Premises and remove any
and all of its or their property and effects from the Leased  Premises and in no
event shall re-entry be deemed an acceptance of surrender of this Lease.

(e) The Lessor shall provide the Lessee with written  notice that the Lessee has
10 days to cure any and all payments past due for Base Rent and Additional  Rent
together  with any late  charges or  penalties  that have accrued and Lessor may
accelerate  all Rent due for the  balance of the term of this Lease and  declare
the same to be immediately due and payable if the Lessee owes to the Lessor Base
Rent,  Additional Rent and Late Charges in excess of fifteen thousand  ($15,000)
dollars and fails to remit the total  balance  due Lessor  within 10 days of the
written notice.

Each right of Lessor provided for in this Lease shall be cumulative and shall be
in addition to every other right  provided for in this Lease or now or hereafter
existing  at law or in equity,  by statute or  otherwise,  and the  exercise  or
beginning  of the exercise by Lessor of any one or more of such rights shall not
preclude the simultaneous or later exercise by Lessor of any or all other rights
provided for in this Lease or now or hereafter  existing at law or in equity, by
statute or otherwise.


(a) From and after the Lease Commencement Date, the Lessee shall at its own cost
obtain and keep in full  force and  effect  public  liability  insurance  in the
amount of one million  ($1,000,000.00)  dollars combined single limit for bodily
injury, death and property damage arising out of any one occurrence,  protecting
Lessor,  Lessor's agents and Lessor's  employees  against any and all claims for
bodily injury,  death or property  damage arising  directly or indirectly out of
Lessee's use of the Leased  Premises and the Land and  Building.  Such policy or
policies shall name the Lessor as an additional insured.

(b) From and after the earlier of the Lease  Commencement Date or Occupancy Date
("Occupancy  Date"),  the Lessee  shall at its own cost  obtain and keep in full
force and effect  insurance  against loss or damage by fire, and other risks and
hazards (including burglary,  vandalism,  malicious mischief, theft and breakage
of glass within the Leased  Premises) to Lessee's  property and improvements for
full replacement value thereof.

(c) The  policies  required  hereunder  shall be issued by  insurance  companies
licensed to do business in the Commonwealth of  Massachusetts  and shall provide
for at least twenty (20) days' notice to the Lessor  before  cancellation.  Upon
execution  of this  Lease,  Lessee  shall  deliver  to  Lessor  certificates  of
insurance  showing  the  coverage  in  force  from  the  earlier  of  the  Lease
Commencement  Date or Occupancy  Date, as well as any  replacement  certificates
issued during the Term.

(d)  Lessee  shall not carry any stock of goods or do  anything  in or about the
Leased  Premises  which will in any way tend to increase the insurance  rates on
the Leased Premises and/or the Land and Building.


Upon not less than fifteen (15) days prior written  request,  the Lessor and the
Lessee agree, each in favor of the other, to execute,  acknowledge and deliver a
statement in writing  certifying that this Lease is unmodified and in full force
and  effect or, if there  have been any  modifications  that the same is in full
force and effect as  modified  and stating  the  modifications,  and the date to
which the basic rent  hereunder  and other  charges have been paid and any other
information reasonably requested.  Any such statement delivered pursuant to this
paragraph may be relied upon by any prospective purchaser,  mortgagee or lending


The Lessee  covenants  and agrees to  subordinate  the lien of this Lease to any
mortgages,  and/or  security  agreements  which may be placed against the Leased
Premises, provided that any new mortgagees agree in writing to honor this Lease,
as long as Lessee is not its default hereunder.


Lessor shall be solely responsible for any and all brokerage commissions due The
Wellington Property Management Group arising out of representation of the Lessor
in the negotiation of this Lease Agreement.

The Lessee  represents  and warrants that it has not dealt with any broker other
than The Wellington  Property  Management  Group as the authorized  agent of the
Lessor and agrees to indemnify and hold the Lessor harmless, as aforesaid,  from
any claims for brokers'  commissions  arising by reason of its having dealt with
brokers other than the authorized agent of the Lessor.


Except as herein elsewhere  provided to the contrary,  all of the obligations of
the Lessor and the Lessee hereunder are subject to the following conditions:  if
performance  other  than the  payment of money is  prevented  by reason of fire,
strike,  labor  difficulty,  inability to obtain supplies or other  difficulties
beyond the reasonable control of the party required to perform such obligations,
the performance shall be excusable during the period of such inability.


The Lessor  covenants that upon the Lessee's paying the Base Rent and Additional
Rent herein  reserved and performing and observing all the other covenants to be
performed and observed on the part of the Lessee,  the Lessee may use and occupy
the  Leased  Premises  throughout  the  full  Term of  this  Lease  without  any
disturbance  by the Lessor.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  if any person not
claiming by, through or under the Lessor shall disturb or attempt to disturb the
Lessee's use, the Lessor shall not be deemed in breach of this Section 18 if the
Lessor shall  immediately  thereafter at its own expense cause such disturbances
to cease.


Notice is hereby  given  that the  Lessor  shall not be liable  for any labor or
materials  furnished,  or to be  furnished,  to the Lessee and that no mechanics
liens or other liens for any such labor or  materials  shall attach to or affect
the  reversionary or other estate or interest of the Lessor in and to the Leased
Premises.  The Lessee  further  agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Lessor
against any and all costs it may suffer on account of the same.


The Lessor and Lessee each hereby waives all claims, causes of action and rights
of  recovery  against  the other,  and their  respective  agents,  officers  and
employees, for any damages to or destruction of property or business,  including
but not limited to Lessor's and/or Lessee's  improvements,  which shall occur on
or about the Leased  Premises  and shall  result from any of the perils  insured
under  any and all  policies  of  insurance  maintained  by Lessor  and  Lessee,
regardless  of  cause,  including  the  negligence  of  either  party  and their
respective agents,  officers and employees,  but only to the extent of recovery,
if any, under such policy or policies of insurance. Each party agrees that their
fire and extended coverage insurance policies will include such a clause so long
as the same is obtainable and is includable without extra cost, or if extra cost
is  chargeable  therefor,  each party will  advise the other  thereof and of the
amount thereof.  Each party,  at its option,  may pay the same, but shall not be
obligated to do so.


Nothing  contained in this Lease shall limit or curtail  Lessor's right to sell,
mortgage or otherwise deal with its fee interest in the Leased  Premises  and/or
the Land and Building, or affect Lessor's right to assign the Rent payable under
this  Lease  either as  further  collateral  security  under a fee  mortgage  or
otherwise. Any such assignment of Rent shall be honored by Lessee.


If any mortgagee, by foreclosure sale or deed given in lieu thereof, becomes the
owner of the Leased Premises,  Lessee agrees to attorn to and recognize any such
mortgagee,  successor thereto or assignee thereof,  becoming such owner, for all
purposes, in place of and instead of the Lessor named herein.


(a) If the entire  building on the Leased  Premises shall be taken for public or
quasi-public purposes, then this Lease shall terminate as of the date the Lessee
shall be  required  by law to vacate  the  premises  and  surrender  them to the
authority making the taking.

(b) If such portion of the building on the Leased  Premises shall be taken as to
render  the Leased  Premises  unsuitable  for the  continuance  of the  Lessee's
business  in  substantially  the same  manner  as the same was  being  conducted
immediately  prior to such  taking,  then the  Lessee  shall  have the  right to
terminate this Lease at Lessee's sole discretion by giving written notice to the
Lessor  within thirty (30) days after receipt of Notice of Entry for purposes of
effectuating  the  taking.  If the cost of  repairing  or  restoring  the Leased
Premises after a partial taking is more than twenty (20%) percent of their value
as determined by the City of Westborough's  tax assessment  immediately prior to
such taking, the Lessor may at its option terminate this Lease by written notice
to the Lessee  within  thirty (30) days after the date of the taking;  provided,
that if this Lease shall not be so terminated, the Lessor shall restore, only to
the extent of the receipt of the eminent domain proceeds,  the building with all
reasonable dispatch to a complete architectural unit as close as possible to the
condition the building was in immediately prior to said taking. Any provision of
the  subparagraph (b) to the contrary  notwithstanding,  the Lessor shall not be
required  to  restore  if  the  Lessor's   mortgagees  shall  refuse  to  permit
application  of the  Lessor's  condemnation  proceeds  towards the costs of such

(c) If the Leased Premises, or any part thereof,  shall be rendered untenantable
and  this  Lease  is not  terminated,  the Rent  herein  reserved  or a just and
proportionate part thereof, shall be suspended or abated according to the nature
and extent of the taking from the date of such taking until the Leased  Premises
shall be restored, and if after such restoration the Leased Premises are smaller
than they were  prior to the  taking or the  utility  thereof  to the  Lessee is
otherwise diminished, the annual rent shall be equitably reduced.

(d) Upon any such taking,  the proceeds  thereof shall be payable to the Lessor,
and the Lessee  shall have  absolutely  no right or interest  in any award.  The
Lessee  hereby  irrevocably  appoints  the  Lessor as its  attorney  in fact for
purposes  of  collecting  any  such  condemnation  award  and  dealing  with all
governmental authorities with respect thereto. This power of attorney is coupled
with an interest and is irrevocable.

(e) If the Lessor shall be obligated to repair or restore as  aforesaid,  and if
the Leased  Premises are not  repaired or restored  within four (4) months after
the date of such  taking,  then the Lessee may, in addition to all other  rights
and remedies it may have, terminate this Lease.


The parties  hereto  agree that if at any time a dispute  should arise as to the
propriety  or  necessity  of the Lessee  making any  payment or  performing  any
obligations  required  hereunder,  the Lessee may pay or perform  the same under
protest and such payment or performance under protest shall not be considered to
be voluntary on the part of the Lessee.


In the event that either party to this Lease brings an action  against the other
to enforce any  covenant of this Lease,  including  actions for Base Rent and/or
Additional  Rent or other  payments  due and  actions  in summary  process,  the
prevailing  party,  as  determined  by the  entry  of a  judgment  by a court of
competent  jurisdiction,  shall be  indemnified  by the other party  against all
legal costs and charges, including reasonable attorney's fees.


No assent,  expressed or implied,  by one party to any breach of any covenant or
condition herein contained on the part of the other to be performed or observed,
and no waiver, expressed or implied, of or failure by one party to insist on the
other's prompt performance or observance of any such covenant or condition shall
be deemed to be a waiver of or assent to any  succeeding  breach of the same, or
any other covenant or condition,  and, except as provided herein,  any party may
assert its rights and remedies  hereunder without any prior or additional notice
to the other that it proposes to do so. The payment by the Lessee and acceptance
by the Lessor of Base Rent and/or  Additional Rent or silence by either party as
to any breach  shall not be  construed  as waiving  any of such  party's  rights
hereunder  unless  such  waiver  is in  writing.  No  payment  by the  Lessee or
acceptance  by the Lessor of a lesser  amount  than shall be due the Lessor from
the  Lessee  shall be deemed to be  anything  but  payment on  account,  and the
acceptance by the Lessor of a check for a lesser amount with an  endorsement  or
statement  thereon or upon a letter  accompanying said check shall not be deemed
an accord  and  satisfaction  and the  Lessor  may  accept  said  check  without
prejudice  to recover the balance  due or pursue any other  remedy  which any be
available to it.


Any and all rights and remedies which either party may have  hereunder  shall be
cumulative and the exercise of any one of such rights shall not bar the exercise
of any other right or remedy which said party may have.


Lessee  shall  notify the Lessor of its intent to vacate the Leased  Premises or
exercise of the Option Term or  negotiate  a new Lease  Agreement  not less than
four (4) months' written notice prior to the end of the current lease Term to be
sent by registered mail, return receipt requested,  to the Lessor.  Provided the
Lessee has affirmed its intention of remaining at the Leased  Premises,  a Lease
agreement  shall be mutually  agreed to by both  parties no later than three (3)
months prior to the end of the current lease Term.

The Lessee, at the expiration of the Term hereof, or at any prior termination as
herein provided, shall peaceably yield up the Leased Premises and all additions,
improvements  and alterations made thereupon in the same condition and repair as
the same were in at the  commencement  of the Term hereof,  or may have been put
thereafter,  reasonable wear and use, damage by fire or other casualty,  acts of
God, acts of war and the enemy and acts of paramount authority only excepted.

The Lessee and those claiming by, through or under the Lessee,  may, at any time
prior to the expiration of the Term hereof, or prior termination thereof, remove
its personal property, trade fixtures and any equipment installed by it from the
Leased  Premises,  provided that if such removal causes any damage to the Leased
Premises, the Lessee shall promptly repair the same.


If the Lessee or anyone claiming by, through or under the Lessee shall remain on
the Leased Premises after the expiration of the Term hereof,  the Lessee or such
other person or entity so holding over shall be a tenant at sufferance and shall
be liable for use and  occupancy  charges  based on the monthly Base Rent during
the last year of the lease Term at the rate of one and one half (1.5)  times the
rent  payable  during any hold over period after the Term or Option Term of this
Lease has  terminated,  subject to all of the other terms and conditions of this
Lease  insofar as the same are  applicable to a  month-to-month  tenancy and the
Lessee  as  a  holdover  tenant  shall  be  considered  solely  as a  tenant  at
sufferance.  Lessor  reserves  all rights to accept or reject the hold over rent
thereafter and reserves all rights and remedies with respect to the  termination
of this Lease Agreement.


The Lessee agrees that the Lessor upon reasonable  advance notice to the Lessee,
or without notice in the case of emergency,  may enter upon the Leased  Premises
at reasonable hours so as not to unduly interfere with the normal conduct of the
Lessee's business,  or at any time in the case of emergency,  for the purpose of
inspecting  the  same  and  making  repairs  thereto  as it may be  required  or
permitted to do under the terms of this Lease Agreement.

The Lessor shall have the right  during the Term  hereof,  to place signs on the
exterior of the Building indicating that the Building is for rent or sale and to
have access to the Leased Premises,  with reasonable  notice, for the purpose of
showing it to prospective tenants, mortgage lenders or purchasers.


The Lessee  shall not  transfer,  sublet,  or assign this Lease or the  Lessee's
interest in and to all or any part of the Leased Premises,  without the Lessor's
prior written  consent which shall not be unreasonably  withheld by Lessor.  Any
attempted transfer,  subletting,  assignment,  license to use,  hypothecation or
other  alienation  of the Lease by the Lessee  shall be void and shall confer no
rights on third parties and shall constitute a breach of this Lease.


Whenever in this Lease it shall be required or permitted that notice,  demand or
other  communication be given or served by either party to this Lease to or upon
the other,  such notice  shall be deemed to have been duly  delivered,  given or
served if in writing and mailed by certified or registered mail,  return receipt
requested,  postage prepaid, addressed to the party to whom it is to be given or
served in the case of the Lessor at the most recent place to which rental checks
were mailed and in the case of the Lessee at the Leased Premises. Each party may
change its above  address for purpose of notices by notice to the other party in
the manner hereinabove provided.


The Lessee agrees that upon request of Lessor,  the Lessee will execute whatever
instruments  may be necessary of the recording of a short form of notice of this


The Lessor agrees that upon request of Lessee,  the Lessor will execute whatever
instruments  may be necessary of the recording of a short form of notice of this
Lease.  The form of notice as prescribed in  Massachusetts  general laws. In the
event the Lessee records the entire Lease, and only at the Lessor's option,  the
entire Lease Agreement becomes null and void.


This Lease contains the entire and exclusive  agreement  between the parties and
supersedes   and   terminates   all  prior  or   contemporaneous   arrangements,
understandings  and agreements,  whether oral or written.  This Lease may not be
amended  or  modified,  except in  writing  and  executed  by the Lessor and the


In construing  this Lease,  feminine or masculine  pronouns shall be substituted
for those of  neuter  form and vice  versa,  and the  plural  for  singular  and
singular for plural in any place where the context may require.


This Lease shall be governed by and  interpreted in accordance  with the laws of
Massachusetts.  If any provision of this Lease shall be determined to be invalid
or  unenforceable  under  applicable  law,  such  provision  shall,  insofar  as
possible,  be  construed  or applied in such manner as will permit  enforcement;
otherwise,  this Lease shall be  construed as if such  provision  had never been
made a part hereof.


The headings used herein are used only for  convenience of reference and are not
to be considered a part of this Lease or to be used in determining the intent of
the parties hereto.


This Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of all  successors and
permitted assigns,  including all permitted sub-tenants,  of the parties hereto.
Each sub-tenant or assignee shall as a precondition to the Lessor's  approval of
the Lessee's subletting the Leased Premises or assigning this Lease execute such
written  instruments  as the Lessor  shall  reasonably  require  evidencing  its
agreement to be bound by each and every Term of this Lease,  provided  that such
an  agreement  shall not  operate to release  the  Lessee  from its  obligations
hereunder unless the Lessor shall in writing agree.

In Witness  whereof,  the parties  hereto  have  affixed or caused to be affixed
their respective signatures this 30th day of June, 1995.

   Witness:                             LESSOR: EAST POINT REALTY TRUST

   /s/ Richard H. Laughlin              BY:  /s/ Richard Modowitz
   ------------------------                 -------------------------------
                                            Its: Trustee

   Witness:                             LESSEE: CERPROBE, INC.

   /s/ Laura M. Back                    BY: /s/ C. Zane Close
   ------------------------                 --------------------------------
                                        Its: President and C.E.O.