Amendment to Loan Agreement dated April 30, 1995
                          Amendment Date: June 12, 1995

Page 1 of the existing loan  agreement  (dated April 30, 1995) between  CerProbe
Corporation  ("Borrower") and First Interstate Bank of Arizona,  N.A. ("Lender")
defines the borrowing  base as the lesser of (a)  $750,000.00;  or (b) 75.00% of
the  aggregate  amount of  Eligible  Accounts.  This  amendment  will change the
definition of "Eligible Accounts" to include all accounts receivable, as defined
by GAAP.  All other terms,  conditions  and  requirements  in the April 30, 1995
"loan agreement" will remain in place subject to that agreement.



CERPROBE CORPORATION, a Delaware corporation

By:   /s/ Zane Close
         Zane Close, President & CEO


First Interstate Bank of Arizona, N.A.

By:  /s/ Frederick Mitten
         Frederick Mitten, Commercial Loan Officer

                                 LOAN AGREEMENT

Borrower:  Cerprobe Corporation       Lender:  First Interstate Bank of 
           600 South Rockford Drive               Arizona, N. A.
           Tempe, AZ 8528l                     Commercial Banking Division
                                               100 W. Washington
                                               P. O. Box 53456, Dept. #813
                                               Phoenix, AZ 85072-3456

THIS  LOAN  AGREEMENT  between  Cerprobe  Corporation   ("Borrower")  and  First
Interstate  Bank of  Arizona,  N. A.  ("Lender")  is made  and  executed  on the
following terms and  conditions.  Borrower has received prior  commercial  loans
from  Lender or has applied to Lender for a  commercial  loan or loans and other
financial accommodations,  including those which may be described on any exhibit
or  schedule   attached  to  this  Agreement.   All  such  loans  and  financial
accommodations, together with all future loans and financial accommodations from
Lender to Borrower, are referred to in this Agreement individually as the "Loan"
and  collectively as the "Loans."  Borrower  understands and agrees that: (a) in
granting,  renewing,  or extending any Loan,  Lender is relying upon  Borrower's
representations, warranties, and agreements, as set forth in this Agreement; (b)
the granting, renewing, or extending of any Loan by Lender at all times shall be
subject to Lender's sole judgment and  discretion;  and (c) all such Loans shall
be and shall  remain  subject  to the  following  terms and  conditions  of this

TERM. This Agreement shall be effective as of April 30, l995, and shall continue
thereafter  until all  indebtedness  of Borrower to Lender has been performed in
full or until April 27, 1996, whichever is later.

DEFINITIONS.  The following words shall have the following meanings when used in
this  Agreement.  Terms not otherwise  defined in this Agreement  shall have the
meanings attributed to such terms in the Uniform Commercial Code. All references
to dollar  amounts  shall mean amounts in lawful  money of the United  States of

    Agreement.  The word  "Agreement"  means this Loan  Agreement,  as this Loan
    Agreement  may be amended or modified  from time to time,  together with all
    exhibits and schedules attached to this Loan Agreement from time to time.

    Account.  The word "Account" means a trade account,  account receivable,  or
    other right to payment for goods sold or services rendered owing to Borrower
    (or to a third party grantor acceptable to Lender).

    Account  Debtor.  The  words  "Account  Debtor"  mean the  person  or entity
    obligated upon an Account.

    Advance.  The word "Advance"  means a disbursement  of Loan funds under this

    Borrower.   The  word  "Borrower"  means  Cerprobe  Corporation.   The  word
    "Borrower" also includes, as applicable,  all subsidiaries and affiliates of
    Borrower  as  provided  below  in the  paragraph  titled  "Subsidiaries  and

    Borrowing  Base.  The words  "Borrowing  Base" mean, as determined by Lender
    from time to time,  the  lesser of (a)  $750,000.00;  or (b)  75.000% of the
    aggregate amount of Eligible Accounts.

    Business Day. The words "Business Day" mean a day on which  commercial banks
    are open for business in the State of Arizona.

    CERCLA.  The word "CERCLA" means the Comprehensive  Environmental  Response,
    Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended.

    Cash Flow. The words "Cash Flow" mean net income after taxes,  and exclusive
    of extraordinary gains and income, plus depreciation and amortization.

    Collateral.  The word "Collateral" means and includes without limitation all
    property and assets granted as collateral  security for a Loan, whether real
    or  personal  property,  whether  granted  directly or  indirectly,  whether
    granted now or in the future,  and whether granted in the form of a security
    interest,  mortgage,  deed of trust,  assignment,  pledge, chattel mortgage,
    chattel trust,  factor's lien,  equipment  trust,  conditional  sale,  trust
    receipt,   lien,  charge,  lien  or  title  retention  contract,   lease  or
    consignment  intended as a security  device,  or any other  security or lien
    interest  whatsoever,  whether created by law, contract,  or otherwise.  The
    word "Collateral" includes without limitation all collateral described below
    in the section titled "COLLATERAL."

    Debt.  The  word  "Debt"  means  all  of  Borrower's  liabilities  excluding
    Subordinated Debt.

    Eligible Accounts.  The words "Eligible  Accounts" mean, at any time, all of
    Borrower's Accounts which contain selling terms and conditions acceptable to
    Lender.  The net amount of any Eligible  Account  against which Borrower may
    borrow shall  exclude all returns,  discounts,  credits,  and offsets of any
    nature.  Unless otherwise agreed to by Lender in writing,  Eligible Accounts
    do not include:

        (a) Accounts with respect to which the Account Debtor is an officer,  an
        employee or agent of Borrower.

        (b) Accounts  with  respect to which the Account  Debtor is a subsidiary
        of, or  affiliated  with or related  to  Borrower  or its  shareholders,
        officers, or directors.

        (c) Accounts  with  respect to  which  goods are placed on  consignment,
        guaranteed  sale,  or other  terms by reason of which the payment by the
        Account Debtor may be conditional.

        (d) Accounts with respect to which the Account  Debtor is not a resident
        of the United  States,  except to the extent such Accounts are supported
        by insurance, bonds or other assurances satisfactory to Lender.

        (e) Accounts  with respect to which  Borrower is or may become liable to
        the Account  Debtor for goods sold or  services  rendered by the Account
        Debtor to Borrower.

        (f) Accounts which are subject to dispute, counterclaim, or setoff.

        (g) Accounts  with  respect to  which the goods have not been shipped or
        delivered,  or the  services  have not  been  rendered,  to the  Account

        (h) Accounts with respect to which Lender, in its sole discretion, deems
        the  creditworthiness or financial condition of the Account Debtor to be

        (i) Accounts  of any  Account  Debtor  who  has  filed or has had  filed
        against it a petition in bankruptcy or an  application  for relief under
        any  provision  of any  state  or  federal  bankruptcy,  insolvency,  or
        debtor-in-relief acts; or who has had appointed a trustee, custodian, or
        receiver  for the  assets  of such  Account  Debtor;  or who has made an
        assignment for the benefit of creditors or has become insolvent or fails
        generally to pay its debts (including its payrolls) as such debts become

        (j) Accounts  with  respect  to which the  Account  Debtor is the United
        States government or any department or agency of the United States.

        (k) Accounts  which have not  been paid in full  within 90 days from the
        invoice date.

        (l) That  portion of the  Accounts of any single  Account  Debtor  which
        exceeds 10.000% of all of Borrower's Accounts.

        (m) The entire  balance of any Account of any single Account Debtor will
        be ineligible  whenever the portion of the Account over 90 days from the
        invoice date is in excess of 25.000% of the total amount  outstanding on
        the Account.

    ERISA. The word "ERISA" means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
    1974, as amended.

    Event of  Default.  The words  "Event of Default"  mean and include  without
    limitation  any of the  Events of  Default  set forth  below in the  section
    titled "EVENTS OF DEFAULT."

    Expiration Date. The words  "Expiration  Date" mean the earlier of April 27,
    1996 or the date of  termination  of Lender's  commitment to lend under this

    Grantor.  The word "Grantor" means and includes without  limitation each and
    all  of  the  persons  or  entities  granting  a  Security  Interest  in any
    Collateral for the Indebtedness,  including without limitation all Borrowers
    granting such a Security Interest.

    Guarantor.  The word "Guarantor" means and includes without  limitation each
    and all of the guarantors, sureties, and accommodation parties in connection
    with any indebtedness.

    Indebtedness.  The word "Indebtedness" means and includes without limitation
    all Loans,  together with all other  obligations,  debts and  liabilities of
    Borrower  to  Lender,  or any one or more of them,  as well as all claims by
    Lender  against  Borrower,  or any  one or  more  of  them,  whether  now or
    hereafter  existing,  voluntary or involuntary,  due or not due, absolute or
    contingent,  liquidated  or  unliquidated;  whether  Borrower  may be liable
    individually or jointly with others;  whether Borrower may be obligated as a
    guarantor, surety, or otherwise; whether recovery upon such Indebtedness may
    be or hereafter may become barred by any statute of limitations; and whether
    such Indebtedness may be or hereafter may become otherwise unenforceable.

    Lender. The word "Lender" means First Interstate Bank of Arizona, N. A., its
    successors and assigns.

    Line of  Credit.  The  words  "Line  of  Credit"  mean the  credit  facility
    described in the Section titled "LINE OF CREDIT" below.

    Liquid Assets.  The words "Liquid  Assets" mean Borrower's cash on hand plus
    Borrower's receivables.

    Loan. The word "Loan" or "Loans" means and includes  without  limitation any
    and all  commercial  loans  and  financial  accommodations  from  Lender  to
    Borrower,   whether  now  or  hereafter  existing,  and  however  evidenced,
    including  without  limitation  those  loans  and  financial  accommodations
    described  herein or described  on any exhibit or schedule  attached to this
    Agreement from time to time.

    Note.  The word "Note"  means and  includes  without  limitation  Borrower's
    promissory note or notes, if any, evidencing  Borrower's Loan obligations in
    favor of Lender, as well as any substitute,  replacement or refinancing note
    or notes therefor.

    Permitted Liens.  The words  "Permitted  Liens" mean: (a) liens and security
    interests  securing  Indebtedness owed by Borrower to Lender;  (b) liens for
    taxes, assessments, or similar charges either not yet due or being contested
    in good  faith;  (c)  liens  of  materialmen,  mechanics,  warehousemen,  or
    carriers, or other like liens arising in the ordinary course of business and
    securing obligations which are not yet delinquent;  (d) purchase money liens
    or purchase  money security  interests  upon or in any property  acquired or
    held by Borrower in the ordinary  course of business to secure  indebtedness
    outstanding  on the date of this Agreement or permitted to be incurred under
    the paragraph of this Agreement titled  "Indebtedness and Liens";  (e) liens
    and security  interests  which, as of the date of this Agreement,  have been
    disclosed to and approved by the Lender in writing;  and (f) those liens and
    security  interests  which in the aggregate  constitute  an  immaterial  and
    insignificant  monetary  amount with respect to the net value of  Borrower's

    Related  Documents.  The words "Related  Documents" mean and include without
    limitation  all  promissory  notes,  credit  agreements,   loan  agreements,
    environmental agreements,  guaranties, security agreements, mortgages, deeds
    of trust, and all other instruments,  agreements and documents,  whether now
    or hereafter existing, executed in connection with the Indebtedness.

    Security Agreement.  The words "Security Agreement" mean and include without
    limitation any agreements, promises, covenants, arrangements, understandings
    or  other  agreements,  whether  created  by law,  contract,  or  otherwise,
    evidencing, governing, representing, or creating a Security Interest.

    Security  Interest.  The words "Security  Interest" mean and include without
    limitation any type of collateral  security,  whether in the form of a lien,
    charge,  mortgage,  deed of trust,  assignment,  pledge,  chattel  mortgage,
    chattel trust,  factor's lien,  equipment  trust,  conditional  sale,  trust
    receipt, lien or title retention contract,  lease or consignment intended as
    a  security  device,  or any other  security  or lien  interest  whatsoever,
    whether created by taw, contract, or otherwise.

    SARA. The word "SARA" means the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act
    of 1986 as now or hereafter amended.

    Subordinated  Debt.  The words  "Subordinated  Debt" mean  indebtedness  and
    liabilities of Borrower which have been subordinated by written agreement to
    indebtedness owed by Borrower to Lender in form and substance  acceptable to

    Tangible Net Worth.  The words  "Tangible Net Worth" mean  Borrower's  total
    assets excluding all intangible assets (i.e., goodwill, trademarks, patents,
    copyrights,  organizational  expenses,  and similar  intangible  items,  but
    including leaseholds and leasehold improvements) less total Debt.

    Working Capital. The words "Working Capital" mean Borrower's current assets,
    excluding prepaid expenses, less Borrower's current liabilities.

LINE OF CREDIT.  Lender  agrees to make  Advances to Borrower  from time to time
from the date of this Agreement to the Expiration  Date,  provided the aggregate
amount of such  Advances  outstanding  at any time does not exceed the Borrowing
Base.  Within the  foregoing  limits,  Borrower may borrow,  partially or wholly
prepay, and reborrow under this Agreement as follows.

    Conditions  Precedent  to Each  Advance.  Lender's  obligation  to make  any
    Advance to or for the account of Borrower under this Agreement is subject to
    the  following  conditions  precedent,  with  all  documents,   instruments,
    opinions,  reports,  and other items  required under this Agreement to be in
    form and substance satisfactory to Lender:

        (a) Lender  shall have received  evidence  that this  Agreement  and all
        Related Documents have been duly authorized,  executed, and delivered by
        Borrower to Lender.

        (b) Lender shall have received  such  opinions of counsel,  supplemental
        opinions, and documents as Lender may request.

        (c) The security  interests  in the  Collateral  shall  have  been  duly
        authorized, created, and perfected with first lien priority and shall be
        in full force and effect.

        (d) All guaranties  required by Lender for the Line of Credit shall have
        been  executed by each  Guarantor,  delivered to Lender,  and be in full
        force and effect.

        (e) Lender, at its option and for its sole benefit, shall have conducted
        an audit of Borrower's Accounts,  books,  records,  and operations,  and
        Lender shall be satisfied as to their condition.

        (f) Borrower  shall  have paid to Lender all fees,  costs,  and expenses
        specified in this  Agreement  and the Related  Documents as are then due
        and payable.

        (g) There shall not exist at the time of any  Advance a condition  which
        would constitute an Event of Default under this Agreement,  and Borrower
        shall have delivered to Lender the compliance  certificate called for in
        the paragraph below titled "Compliance Certificate."

    Making Loan  Advances.  Advances  under the Line of Credit may be  requested
    either orally or in writing by authorized persons. Lender may, but need not,
    require that all oral  requests be confirmed in writing.  Each Advance shall
    be  conclusively  deemed  to have been  made at the  request  of and for the
    benefit of Borrower  (a) when  credited  to any deposit  account of Borrower
    maintained  with  Lender  or  (b)  when  advanced  in  accordance  with  the
    instructions  of an  authorized  person.  Lender,  at its option,  may set a
    cutoff time, after which all requests for Advances wilt be treated as having
    been requested on the next succeeding Business Day.

    Mandatory Loan Repayments.  If at any time the aggregate principal amount of
    the  outstanding  Advances  shall  exceed  the  applicable  Borrowing  Base,
    Borrower,  immediately upon written or oral notice from Lender, shall pay to
    Lender an amount equal to the difference  between the outstanding  principal
    balance of the Advances and the  Borrowing  Base.  On the  Expiration  Date,
    Borrower shall pay to Lender in full the aggregate  unpaid  principal amount
    of all Advances then outstanding and all accrued unpaid  interest,  together
    with all other applicable fees, costs and charges, if any, not yet paid.

    Facility  Charge.  Borrower  recognizes  that Lender has  incurred  and will
    continue  to  incur   certain   costs  and  expenses  in   connection   with
    establishing, maintaining, servicing, and administering the credit facility.
    To ensure that Lender is able to recover such costs and  expenses,  Borrower
    agrees that,  notwithstanding  any other  provision of this  Agreement,  the
    promissory  note for the Line of Credit,  or the Related  Documents,  Lender
    shall be entitled to collect the following  facility charge,  which Borrower
    hereby  promises  and  agrees  to pay:  So long as  Lender  shall  have  any
    obligation  to extend or continue  credit to Borrower in any form,  Borrower
    shall pay to Lender  on the last day of each and  every  calendar  quarter a
    non-refundable  commitment  fee in the amount of 3/8 of 1%  (percent) of the
    unused balance of the Loan during the preceding calendar quarter.

    Loan  Account.  Lender  shall  maintain  on its books a record of account in
    which  Lender  shall make entries for each Advance and such other debits and
    credits as shall be  appropriate  in  connection  with the credit  facility.
    Lender  shall  provide  Borrower  with  periodic  statements  of  Borrower's
    account, which statements shall be considered to be correct and conclusively
    binding on Borrower unless  Borrower  notifies Lender to the contrary within
    thirty  (30) days  after  Borrower's  receipt  of any such  statement  which
    Borrower deems to be incorrect.

COLLATERAL. To secure payment of the Line of Credit and performance of all other
Loans,  obligations and duties owed by Borrower to Lender, Borrower (and others,
if  required)  shall grant to Lender  Security  Interests  in such  property and
assets as Lender may require  (the  "Collateral",  including without  limitation
Borrower's  present  and  future  Accounts  and  general  intangibles.  Lender's
Security Interests in the Collateral shall be continuing liens and shall include
the proceeds and products of the Collateral,  including  without  limitation the
proceeds of any insurance.  With respect to the Collateral,  Borrower agrees and
represents and warrants to Lender:

    Perfection of Security Interests.  Borrower agrees to execute such financing
    statements  and to take  whatever  other  actions are requested by Lender to
    perfect and continue  Lender's  Security  Interests in the Collateral.  Upon
    request  of  Lender,  Borrower  will  deliver  to Lender  any and all of the
    documents evidencing or constituting the Collateral,  and Borrower will note
    Lender's  interest upon any and all chattel paper if not delivered to Lender
    for  possession  by  Lender.  Contemporaneous  with  the  execution  of this
    Agreement,  Borrower will execute one or more UCC financing  statements  and
    any similar  statements as may be required by applicable  law, and will file
    such financing statements and all such similar statements in the appropriate
    location or locations.  Borrower  hereby  appoints Lender as its irrevocable
    attorney-in-fact  for  the purpose of executing any  documents  necessary to
    perfect or to continue any Security  Interest.  Lender may at any time,  and
    without  further  authorization  from Borrower,  file a carbon,  photograph,
    facsimile,  or other  reproduction  of any financing  statement for use as a
    financing statement. Borrower will reimburse Lender for all expenses for the
    perfection,  termination, and the continuation of the perfection of Lender's
    security interest in the Collateral. Borrower promptly will notify Lender of
    any change in Borrower's  name including any change to the assumed  business
    names of Borrower.  Borrower  also promptly will notify Lender of any change
    in Borrower's  Social  Security  Number or Employer  Identification  Number.
    Borrower  further  agrees to notify Lender in writing prior to any change in
    address or  location of  Borrower's  principal  governance  office or should
    Borrower merge or consolidate with any other entity.

    Collateral  Records.  Borrower does now, and at all times  hereafter  shall,
    keep correct and accurate  records of the  Collateral,  all of which records
    shall be  available  to Lender or  Lender's  representative  upon demand for
    inspection and copying at any reasonable time. With respect to the Accounts,
    Borrower  agrees to keep and  maintain  such  records as Lender may require,
    including without limitation  information  concerning  Eligible Accounts and
    Account balances and agings.

    Collateral  Schedules.  Concurrently with the execution and delivery of this
    Agreement,  Borrower  shall  execute  and  deliver to Lender a  schedule  of
    Accounts and  Eligible Accounts,  in form and substance  satisfactory to the
    Lender.  Thereafter and at such frequency as Lender shall require,  Borrower
    shall execute and deliver to Lender such supplemental  schedules of Eligible
    Accounts  and such other  matters and  information  relating  to  Borrower's
    Accounts as Lender may request.

    Representations  and  Warranties  Concerning  Accounts.  With respect to the
    Accounts,  Borrower  represents  and  warrants to Lender:  (a) Each  Account
    represented  by  Borrower to be an  Eligible  Account  for  purposes of this
    Agreement  conforms to the  requirements  of the  definition  of an Eligible
    Account;  (b) At Account information listed on schedules delivered to Lender
    will be true and correct,  subject to immaterial  variance;  and (c) Lender,
    its assigns,  or agents  shall have the right at any time and at  Borrower's
    expense to inspect,  examine,  and audit  Borrower's  records and to confirm
    with Account Debtors the accuracy of such Accounts.

REPRESENTATIONS  AND WARRANTIES.  Borrower represents and warrants to Lender, as
of the  date of this  Agreement,  as of the  date of each  disbursement  of Loan
proceeds, as of the date of any renewal,  extension or modification of any Loan,
and at all times any Indebtedness exists:

    Organization.  Borrower is a corporation  which is duly  organized,  validly
    existing,  and in good  standing  under the laws of the state of  Borrower's
    incorporation,  is  qualified  to do  business  in the State of Arizona as a
    foreign  corporation,  and is validly  existing and in good  standing in all
    states in which Borrower is doing business.  Borrower has the full power and
    authority to own its  properties  and to transact the businesses in which it
    is presently engaged or presently proposes to engage.  Borrower also is duly
    qualified as a foreign  corporation and is in good standing in all states in
    which the failure to so qualify would have a material  adverse effect on its
    businesses or financial condition.

    Authorization.  The execution,  delivery,  and performance of this Agreement
    and all  Related  Documents  by  Borrower,  to the  extent  to be  executed,
    delivered  or  performed  by  Borrower,  have  been duly  authorized  by all
    necessary action by Borrower;  do not require the consent or approval of any
    other person, regulatory authority or governmental body; and do not conflict
    with,  result in a  violation  of,  or  constitute  a default  under (a) any
    provision of its articles of incorporation or  organization,  or bylaws,  or
    any  agreement or other  instrument  binding  upon  Borrower or (b) any law,
    governmental regulation, court decree, or order applicable to Borrower.

    Financial  Information.  Each  financial  statement of Borrower  supplied to
    Lender truly and completely  disclosed  Borrower's financial condition as of
    the date of the statement,  and there has been no material adverse change in
    Borrower's  financial  condition  subsequent  to the date of the most recent
    financial statement supplied to Lender.  Borrower has no material contingent
    obligations except as disclosed in such financial statements.

    Legal Effect.  This Agreement  constitutes,  and any instrument or agreement
    required  hereunder to be given by Borrower when delivered will  constitute,
    legal,  valid  and  binding  obligations  of  Borrower  enforceable  against
    Borrower in accordance with their respective terms.

    Properties.  Except for Permitted Liens, Borrower owns and has good title to
    all of Borrower's  properties free and clear of all Security Interests,  and
    has not executed any security documents or financing  statements relating to
    such properties. All of Borrower's properties are titled in Borrower's legal
    name, and Borrower has not used, or filed a financing  statement  under, any
    other name for at least the last five (5) years.

    Hazardous  Substances.  The terms "hazardous waste," "hazardous  substance,"
    "disposal,"  "release," and "threatened release," as used in this Agreement,
    shall  have the same  meanings  as set forth in the  "CERCLA,"  "SARA,"  the
    Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. Section 1801, et seq., the
    Resource  Conservation and Recovery Act, 49 U.S.C. Section 6901, et seq., or
    other  applicable  state or Federal  laws,  rules,  or  regulations  adopted
    pursuant to any of the  foregoing.  Except as  disclosed  to and approved by
    Lender in writing,  Borrower  represents  and warrants  that: (a) During the
    period of  Borrower's  ownership of the  properties,  there has been no use,
    generation, manufacture, storage, treatment, disposal, release or threatened
    release of any  hazardous  waste or  substance by any person on,  under,  or
    about any of the properties.  (b) Borrower has no knowledge of, or reason to
    believe that there has been (i) any use, generation,  manufacture,  storage,
    treatment,  disposal,  release, or threatened release of any hazardous waste
    or substance by any prior owners or occupants of any of the  properties,  or
    (ii) any actual or threatened litigation or claims of any kind by any person
    relating to such matters.  (c) Neither Borrower nor any tenant,  contractor,
    agent or other authorized user of any of the properties shall use, generate,
    manufacture,  store,  treat,  dispose of, or release any hazardous  waste or
    substance on, under, or about any of the  properties;  and any such activity
    shall be conducted in compliance  with all applicable  federal,  state,  and
    local laws, regulations, and ordinances,  including without limitation those
    laws, regulations and ordinances described above. Borrower authorizes Lender
    and its agents to enter upon the  properties  to make such  inspections  and
    tests  as  Lender  may  deem  appropriate  to  determine  compliance  of the
    properties with this section of the Agreement. Any inspections or tests made
    by Lender shall be at Borrower's  expense and for Lender's purposes only and
    shall not be construed to create any responsibility or liability on the part
    of Lender  to  Borrower  or to any other  person.  The  representations  and
    warranties  contained  herein  are  based on  Borrower's  due  diligence  in
    investigating  the  properties  for  hazardous  waste.  Borrower  hereby (a)
    releases  and waives any  future  claims  against  Lender for  indemnity  or
    contribution in the event Borrower becomes liable for cleanup or other costs
    under any such laws,  and (b) agrees to indemnify and hold  harmless  Lender
    against any and all claims, losses,  liabilities,  damages,  penalties,  and
    expenses which Lender may directly or indirectly sustain or suffer resulting
    from a breach of this section of the  Agreement or as a  consequence  of any
    use,  generation,  manufacture,  storage,  disposal,  release or  threatened
    release  occurring  prior  to  Borrower's   ownership  or  interest  in  the
    properties,  whether  or not the  same  was or  should  have  been  known to
    Borrower.  The  provisions of this section of the  Agreement,  including the
    obligation to indemnify,  shall survive the payment of the  Indebtedness and
    the termination or expiration of this Agreement and shall not be effected by
    Lender's  acquisition of any interest in any of the  properties,  whether by
    foreclosure or otherwise.

    Litigation and Claims. No litigation,  claim, investigation,  administrative
    proceeding or similar  action  (including  those for unpaid  taxes)  against
    Borrower is pending or threatened, and no other event has occurred which may
    materially  adversely affect Borrower's  financial  condition or properties,
    other than  litigation,  claims,  or other  events,  if any,  that have been
    disclosed to and approved by Lender in writing.

    Taxes. To the best of Borrower's  knowledge,  all tax returns and reports of
    Borrower  that are or were  required to be filed,  have been filed,  and all
    taxes,  assessments and other  governmental  charges have been paid in full,
    except these presently being or to be contested by Borrower in good faith in
    the ordinary  course of business and for which  adequate  reserves have been

    Lien Priority.  Unless otherwise  previously disclosed to Lender in writing,
    Borrower  has not  entered  into or  granted  any  Security  Agreements,  or
    permitted the filing or attachment of any Security Interests on or affecting
    any  of  the  Collateral   directly  or  indirectly  securing  repayment  of
    Borrower's  Loan  and  Note,  that  would be prior or that may in any way be
    superior  to  Lender's  Security   Interests  and  rights  in  and  to  such

    Binding Effect.  This Agreement,  the Note, all Security Agreements directly
    or indirectly  securing repayment of Borrower's Loan and Note and all of the
    Related  Documents  are binding  upon  Borrower  as well as upon  Borrower's
    successors,  representatives  and assigns,  and are legally  enforceable  in
    accordance with their respective terms.

    Commercial  Purposes.  Borrower  intends to use the Loan proceeds solely for
    business or commercial related purposes.

    Employee Benefit Plans.  Each employee benefit plan as to which Borrower may
    have any liability  complies in all material  respects  with all  applicable
    requirements  of law  and  regulations,  and  (i) no  Reportable  Event  nor
    Prohibited  Transaction  (as defined in ERISA) has occurred  with respect to
    any such  plan,  (ii)  Borrower  has not  withdrawn  from  any such  plan or
    initiated  steps to do so, and (iii) no steps  have been taken to  terminate
    any such plan.

    Location of Borrower's Offices and Records. Borrower's place of business, or
    Borrower's  Chief executive  office,  if Borrower has more than one place of
    business,  is located at 600 South Rockford Drive,  Tempe, AZ 85281.  Unless
    Borrower  has  designated  otherwise  in writing  this  location is also the
    office  or  offices  where  Borrower   keeps  its  records   concerning  the

    Information.   All  information  heretofore  or  contemporaneously  herewith
    furnished  by Borrower to Lender for the purposes of or in  connection  with
    this  Agreement  or  any  transaction   contemplated   hereby  is,  and  all
    information  hereafter  furnished by or on behalf of Borrower to Lender will
    be, true and accurate in every material respect on the date as of which such
    information is dated or certified;  and none of such  information is or will
    be incomplete by omitting to state any material fact  necessary to make such
    information not misleading.

    Survival of Representations and Warranties.  Borrower understands and agrees
    that Lender,  without independent  investigation,  is relying upon the above
    representations  and  warranties  in  extending  Loan  Advances to Borrower.
    Borrower  further agrees that the foregoing  representations  and warranties
    shall be  continuing  in nature  and shall  remain in full  force and effect
    until such time as Borrower's  Indebtedness  shall be paid in full, or until
    this Agreement shall be terminated in the manner  provided above,  whichever
    is the last to occur.

AFFIRMATIVE COVENANTS.  Borrower  covenants  and  agrees with Lender that, while
this Agreement is in effect, Borrower will:

    Litigation.  Promptly  inform Lender in writing of (a) all material  adverse
    changes in  Borrower's  financial  condition,  and (b) all  existing and all
    threatened litigation, claims, investigations, administrative proceedings or
    similar actions  affecting  Borrower or any Guarantor which could materially
    affect the financial condition of Borrower or the financial condition of any

    Financial  Records.  Maintain  its  books and  records  in  accordance  with
    generally accepted accounting principles, applied on a consistent basis, and
    permit  Lender to  examine  and audit  Borrower's  books and  records at all
    reasonable times.

    Financial Statements.  Furnish Lender with, as soon as available,  but in no
    event  later  than  ninety  (90)  days  after the end of each  fiscal  year,
    Borrower's balance sheet and income statement for the year ended, audited by
    a  certified  public  accountant  satisfactory  to Lender,  and,  as soon as
    available,  but in no event later than forty five (45) days after the end of
    each fiscal quarter,  Borrower's balance sheet and profit and loss statement
    for the  period  ended,  prepared  and  certified  as  correct  to the  best
    knowledge and belief by Borrower's chief financial  officer or other officer
    or person  acceptable  to  Lender.  All  financial  reports  required  to be
    provided under this Agreement shall be prepared in accordance with generally
    accepted accounting principles, applied on a consistent basis, and certified
    by Borrower as being true and correct.

    Additional Information.  Furnish such additional information and statements,
    lists of  assets  and  liabilities,  agings  of  receivables  and  payables,
    inventory schedules, budgets, forecasts, tax returns, and other reports with
    respect to Borrower's  financial condition and business operations as Lender
    may request from time to time.

    Financial  Covenants  and Ratios.  Comply with the  following  covenants and

        Net  Worth  Ratio. Maintain a ratio of Total Liabilities to Tangible Net
        Worth of less than 1.00 to 1.00.

        Current Ratio. Maintain a ratio of Current Assets to Current Liabilities
        in excess of 2.00 to 1.00.

        Cash  Flow  Requirements.  Maintain  Cash  Flow  at not  less  than  the
        following  level:  The ratio of Cash Flow, plus the net increase or less
        the net decrease in the liability  for deferred  taxes and plus interest
        expense,  to Borrower's Debt Service  Requirement is not to be less than
        2.00 to 1.00.  "Debt Service  Requirement"  is defined as the sum of the
        following that are due within the relevant  period:  (i) obligations for
        borrowed money,  (ii)  obligations  representing  the deferred  purchase
        price of property,  other than trade accounts payable arising in, and on
        terms  customary in, the ordinary course of Borrower's  business,  (iii)
        obligations under  conditional sales agreements,  (iv) obligations under
        leases of personal  property  that would be  capitalized  on the balance
        sheet of  Borrower,  and (v) the  unpaid  principal  amount of loans and
        other  obligations  guaranteed by Borrower,  all as  determined  for the
        relevant  period  in  accordant  with  generally   accepted   accounting
        principles and on a basis consistent with prior periods.

    The following provisions shall apply for purposes of determining  compliance
    with the foregoing financial covenants and ratios:  Covenants to be measured
    and certified quarterly.  Except as provided above, all computations made to
    determine compliance with the requirements contained in this paragraph shall
    be made in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, applied
    on a consistent basis, and certified by Borrower as being true and correct.

    Insurance.   Maintain  fire  and  other  risk  insurance,  public  liability
    insurance,  and such other  insurance  as Lender may require with respect to
    Borrower's properties and operations,  in form, amounts,  coverages and with
    insurance companies reasonably acceptable to Lender.  Borrower, upon request
    of  Lender,  will  deliver  to  Lender  from  time to time the  policies  or
    certificates  of  insurance  in  form  satisfactory  to  Lender,   including
    stipulations  that coverages will not be cancelled or diminished  without at
    least ten (10) days' prior written notice to Lender.  Each insurance  policy
    also shall include an endorsement providing that coverage in favor of Lender
    will not be impaired in any way by any act,  omission or default of Borrower
    or any other person.  In  connection  with all policies  covering  assets in
    which Lender holds or is offered a security interest for the Loans, Borrower
    will provide Lender with such loss payable or other  endorsements  as Lender
    may require.

    Insurance  Reports.  Furnish to Lender,  upon request of Lender,  reports on
    each  existing  insurance  policy  showing  such  information  as Lender may
    reasonably request, including without limitation the following: (a) the name
    of the insurer; (b) the risks insured; (c) the amount of the policy; (d) the
    properties  insured;  (e) the then current  property  values on the basis of
    which  insurance  has been  obtained,  and the manner of  determining  those
    values; and (f) the expiration date of the policy. In addition, upon request
    of Lender  (however  not more often than  annually),  Borrower  will have an
    independent appraiser satisfactory to Lender determine,  as applicable,  the
    actual cash value or replacement  cost of any  Collateral.  The cost of such
    appraisal shall be paid by Borrower.

    Other  Agreements.  Comply  with  all  terms  and  conditions  of all  other
    agreements,  whether now or  hereafter  existing,  between  Borrower and any
    other  party and notify  Lender  immediately  in  writing of any  default in
    connection with any other such agreements.

    Loan  Proceeds.  Use  all  Loan  proceeds  solely  for  Borrower's  business
    operations,  unless  specifically  consented  to the  contrary  by Lender in

    Taxes, Charges and Liens. Pay and discharge when due all of its indebtedness
    and  obligations,  including  without  limitation  all  assessments,  taxes,
    governmental  charges,  levies and liens, of every kind and nature,  imposed
    upon Borrower or its properties,  income,  or profits,  prior to the date on
    which penalties would attach,  and all lawful claims that, if unpaid,  might
    become  a lien or  charge  upon any of  Borrower's  properties,  income,  or
    profits.  Provided  however,  Borrower  will  not be  required  to  pay  and
    discharge any such assessment,  tax, charge,  levy, lien or claim so long as
    (a) the legality of the same shall be contested in good faith by appropriate
    proceedings,  and (b) Borrower shall have  established on its books adequate
    reserves with respect to such contested assessment, tax, charge, levy, lien,
    or  claim  in  accordance  with  generally  accepted  accounting  practices.
    Borrower,  upon demand of Lender, will furnish to Lender evidence of payment
    of the  assessments,  taxes,  charges,  levies,  liens and  claims  and will
    authorize the appropriate  governmental official to deliver to Lender at any
    time a written statement of any assessments,  taxes, charges,  levies, liens
    and claims against Borrower's properties, income, or profits.

    Performance.  Perform and comply with all terms, conditions,  and provisions
    set forth in this Agreement and in the Related Documents in a timely manner,
    and promptly notify Lender if Borrower learns of the occurrence of any event
    which  constitutes  an Event of Default under this Agreement or under any of
    the Related Documents.

    Operations.  Maintain executive and management  personnel with substantially
    the  same  qualifications  and  experience  as  the  present  executive  and
    management  personnel;  provide  written  notice to Lender of any  change in
    executive  and  management  personnel;  conduct  its  business  affairs in a
    reasonable and prudent manner and in compliance with all applicable federal,
    state and municipal laws,  ordinances,  rules and regulations respecting its
    properties,   charters,   businesses  and  operations,   including   without
    limitation, compliance with the Americans With Disabilities Act and with all
    minimum  funding  standards and other  requirements  of ERISA and other laws
    applicable to Borrower's employee benefit plans.

    Inspection.  Permit  employees or agents of Lender at any reasonable time to
    inspect any and all Collateral  for the Loan or Loans and  Borrower's  other
    properties and to examine or audit Borrower's books,  accounts,  and records
    and to make copies and memoranda of Borrower's books, accounts, and records.
    If Borrower now or at any time  hereafter  maintains any records  (including
    without limitation computer generated records and computer software programs
    for the  generation  of such  records) in the  possession  of a third party,
    Borrower,  upon request of Lender,  shall notify such party to permit Lender
    free access to such records at all  reasonable  times and to provide  Lender
    with copies of any records it may request, all at Borrower's expense.

    Environmental Compliance and Reports.  Borrower shall comply in all respects
    with all environmental  protection federal,  state and local laws, statutes,
    regulations and ordinances;  not cause or permit to exist, as a result of an
    intentional or  unintentional  action or omission on its part or on the part
    of any third  party,  on property  owned and/or  occupied by  Borrower,  any
    environmental  activity where damage may result to the  environment,  unless
    such  environmental  activity  is  pursuant  to and in  compliance  with the
    conditions of a permit  issued by the  appropriate  federal,  state or local
    governmental authorities;  shall furnish to Lender promptly and in any event
    within thirty (30) days after receipt thereof a copy of any notice, summons,
    lien,   citation,   directive,   letter  or  other  communication  from  any
    governmental  agency  or  instrumentality   concerning  any  intentional  or
    unintentional  action or omission on Borrower's  part in connection with any
    environmental  activity  whether  or not there is damage to the  environment
    and/or other natural resources.

    Additional  Assurances.  Make, execute and deliver to Lender such promissory
    notes, mortgages, deeds of trust, security agreements, financing statements,
    instruments,  documents and other  agreements as Lender or its attorneys may
    reasonably  request to  evidence  and  secure  the Loans and to perfect  all
    Security Interests.

RECOVERY OF  ADDITIONAL  COSTS.  If the  imposition of or any change in any law,
rule,  regulation or guideline,  or the  interpretation  or  application  of any
thereof by any court or administrative or governmental  authority (including any
request or policy not  having  the force of law)  shall  impose,  modify or make
applicable  any taxes (except U.S.  federal,  state or local income or franchise
taxes imposed on Lender), reserve requirements, capital adequacy requirements or
other  obligations  which would (a) increase the cost to Lender for extending or
maintaining the credit  facilities to which this Agreement  relates,  (b) reduce
the amounts payable to Lender under this Agreement or the Related Documents,  or
(c) reduce the rate of return on Lender's  capital as a consequence  of Lender's
obligations  with  respect to the  credit  facilities  to which  this  Agreement
relates,  then  Borrower  agrees to pay Lender such  additional  amounts as will
compensate  Lender therefor,  within five (5) days after Lender's written demand
for such payment,  which demand shall be  accompanied  by an explanation of such
imposition or charge and a calculation  in reasonable  detail of the  additional
amounts  payable  by  Borrower,  which  explanation  and  calculations  shall be
conclusive in the absence of manifest error.

NEGATIVE  COVENANTS.  Borrower  covenants and agrees with Lender that while this
Agreement is in effect, Borrower shall not, without the prior written consent of

    Indebtedness  and Liens.  (a) Except for trade debt  incurred  in the normal
    course  of  business  and  indebtedness  to  Lender   contemplated  by  this
    Agreement,   create,  incur  or  assume  indebtedness  for  borrowed  money,
    including  capital leases,  (b) except as allowed as a Permitted Lien, sell,
    transfer,  mortgage, assign, pledge, lease, grant a security interest in, or
    encumber  any  of  Borrower's assets,  or  (c)  sell  with  recourse  any of
    Borrower's accounts, except to Lender.

    Continuity   of   Operations.   (a)  Engage  in  any   business   activities
    substantially  different than those in which Borrower is presently  engaged,
    (b) cease operations,  liquidate,  merge,  transfer,  acquire or consolidate
    with any other  entity,  change  ownership,  change  its name,  dissolve  or
    transfer or sell Collateral out of the ordinary course of business,  (c) pay
    any  dividends  on  Borrower's  stock (other than  dividends  payable in its
    stock),  provided,  however that notwithstanding the foregoing,  but only so
    long as no Event of Default has occurred and is  continuing  or would result
    from the payment of dividends,  if Borrower is a "Subchapter S  Corporation"
    (as defined in the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended),  Borrower may
    pay cash  dividends  on its stock to its  shareholders  from time to time in
    amounts  necessary to enable the  shareholders  to pay income taxes and make
    estimated income tax payments to satisfy their liabilities under federal and
    state law  which  arise  solely  from  their  status  as  Shareholders  of a
    Subchapter S  Corporation  because of their  ownership of shares of stock of
    Borrower, or (d) purchase or retire any of Borrower's  outstanding shares or
    alter or amend Borrower's capital structure.

    Loans, Acquisitions and Guaranties.  (a) Loan, invest in or advance money or
    assets, (b) purchase, create or acquire any interest in any other enterprise
    or entity,  or (c) incur any obligation as surety or guarantor other than in
    the ordinary course of business.

CESSATION OF  ADVANCES.  If Lender has made any  commitment  to make any Loan to
Borrower,  whether  under this  Agreement or under any other  agreement,  Lender
shall have no  obligation to make Loan Advances or to disburse Loan proceeds if:
(a) Borrower or any Guarantor is in default under the terms of this Agreement or
any of the  Related  Documents  or any  other  agreement  that  Borrower  or any
Guarantor has with Lender,  or the  occurrence  of any event or condition  which
after notice or the passage of time would  constitute  an Event of Default;  (b)
Borrower or any Guarantor becomes  insolvent,  files a petition in bankruptcy or
similar  proceedings,  or is  adjudged a bankrupt;  (c) there  occurs a material
adverse change in Borrower's financial condition,  in the financial condition of
any  Guarantor,  or in the value of any  Collateral  securing any Loan;  (d) any
Guarantor seeks,  claims or otherwise  attempts to limit,  modify or revoke such
Guarantor's guaranty of the Loan or any other Loan with Lender; or (e) Lender in
good faith deems  itself  insecure,  even though no Event of Default  shall have

agrees with Lender  that,  while this  agreement  is in effect,  Borrower  shall
deliver to Lender within forty five (45) days after the end of each  quarter,  a
detailed  aging of  Borrower's  accounts and contracts  receivable  and accounts
payable as of the last day of that quarter,  together with an explanation of any
adjustments made at the end of that month, all in a form acceptable to Lender.

BORROWING BASE CERTIFICATE.  Unless waived in writing by Lender, Borrower agrees
to provide Lender with a Borrower's  Certificate within 45 days after the end of
each quarter and with each Advance.  Each "Borrower's  Certificate"  shall be in
form acceptable to Lender, duly executed by Borrower and detailing the status of
the Line of Credit as of the date of thereon.

COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATE.  Unless waived in writing by Lender, provide Lender on a
quarterly  basis,  within 45 days after quarter end, a  certificate  executed by
Borrower's  chief financial  officer,  or other officer or person  acceptable to
Lender,  certifying  to financial  covenants  and that the  representations  and
warranties  set forth in this  Agreement  are true and correct as of the date of
the certificate and further  certifying that, as of the date of the certificate,
no Event of Default, or event or condition which after the lapsed time or notice
could result in an Event of Default, exists under this Agreement.

CERTIFICATION OF BALANCE SHEET VALUES. Borrower covenants and agrees with Lender
that,  while this  Agreement is in effect,  Borrower will certify on a quarterly
basis,  within 45 days after  quarter  end,  the value of their  balance  sheet,
specifically, collateral values - inventory and equipment.

RIGHT OF SETOFF.  Borrower  grants to Lender a contractual  possessory  security
interest in, and hereby assigns,  conveys,  delivers,  pledges, and transfers to
Lender all Borrower's right,  title and interest in and to, Borrower's  accounts
with  Lender  (whether  checking,  savings,  or some other  account),  including
without  limitation all accounts held jointly with someone else and all accounts
Borrower may open in the future,  excluding  however all IRA,  Keogh,  and trust
accounts. Borrower authorizes Lender, to the extent permitted by applicable law,
to charge or setoff all sums owing on the Indebtedness  against any and all such
accounts,  and, at Lender's option, to administratively freeze all such accounts
to allow Lender to protect  Lender's  charge and setoff rights  provided on this

EVENTS OF DEFAULT.  Each of the following  shall  constitute an Event of Default
under this Agreement:

    Default on Indebtedness. Failure of Borrower to make any payment when due on
    the Loans.

    Other  Defaults.  Failure of  Borrower  or any  Grantor to comply with or to
    perform when due any other term, obligation, covenant or condition contained
    in this Agreement or in any of the Related Documents, or failure of Borrower
    to  comply  with or to  perform  any other  term,  obligation,  covenant  or
    condition contained in any other agreement between Lender and Borrower.

    Default in Favor of Third Parties.  Should  Borrower or any Grantor  default
    under any loan, extension of credit,  security agreement,  purchase or sales
    agreement,  or any other agreement, in favor of any other creditor or person
    that may materially  affect any of Borrower's  property or Borrower's or any
    Grantor's ability to repay the Loans or perform their respective obligations
    under this Agreement or any of the Related Documents.

    False  Statements.  Any  warranty,   representation  or  statement  made  or
    furnished  to Lender by or on behalf of Borrower  or any Grantor  under this
    Agreement or the Related  Documents is false or  misleading  in any material
    respect at the time made or furnished, or becomes false or misleading at any
    time thereafter.

    Defective Collateralization.  This Agreement or any of the Related Documents
    ceases to be in full force and  effect  (including  failure of any  Security
    Agreement to create a valid and perfected Security Interest) at any time and
    for any reason.

    Insolvency.  The  dissolution or  termination  of Borrower's  existence as a
    going  business,  the insolvency of Borrower,  the appointment of a receiver
    for any part of  Borrower's  property,  any  assignment  for the  benefit of
    creditors,  any  type  of  creditor  workout,  or  the  commencement  of any
    proceeding under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws by or against Borrower.

    Creditor  or  Forfeiture   Proceedings.   Commencement   of  foreclosure  or
    forfeiture   proceedings,   whether  by  judicial   proceeding,   self-help,
    repossession or any other method, by any creditor of Borrower,  any creditor
    of any Grantor against any collateral  securing the Indebtedness,  or by any
    governmental agency. This includes a garnishment,  attachment, or levy on or
    of any of Borrower's deposit accounts with Lender.

    Events Affecting Guarantor.  Any of the preceding events occurs with respect
    to any Guarantor of any of the Indebtedness or any Guarantor dies or becomes
    incompetent, or revokes or disputes the validity of, or liability under, any
    Guaranty of the Indebtedness.

    Change In Ownership. Any change in ownership of twenty-five percent (25%) or
    more of the common stock of Borrower.

    Adverse  Change.  A material  adverse change occurs in Borrower's  financial
    condition,  or Lender believes the prospect of payment or performance of the
    Indebtedness is impaired.

    Insecurity. Lender, in good faith, deems itself insecure.

EFFECT OF AN EVENT OF DEFAULT. If any Event of Default shall occur, except where
otherwise provided in this Agreement or the Related  Documents,  all commitments
and  obligations of Lender under this Agreement or the Related  Documents or any
other  agreement  immediately  will terminate  (including any obligation to make
Loan Advances or disbursements),  and, at Lender's option, all Loans immediately
will become due and payable, all without notice of any kind to Borrower,  except
that  in  the  case  of an  Event  of  Default  of  the  type  described  in the
"Insolvency"  subsection  above,  such  acceleration  shall be automatic and not
optional. In addition, Lender shall have all the rights and remedies provided in
the Related  Documents or available at law, in equity,  or otherwise.  Except as
may be prohibited by applicable  law, all of Lender's  rights and remedies shall
be  cumulative  and may be exercised  singularly  or  concurrently.  Election by
Lender to pursue any remedy shall not exclude  pursuit of any other remedy,  and
an election to make  expenditures  or to take action to perform an obligation of
Borrower or of any Grantor shall not effect  Lender's right to declare a default
and to exercise its rights and remedies.

MISCELLANEOUS  PROVISIONS.  The following miscellaneous provisions are a part of
this Agreement:

    Amendments. This Agreement, together with any Related Documents, constitutes
    the entire  understanding and agreement of the parties as to the matters set
    forth in this  Agreement.  No alteration  of or amendment to this  Agreement
    shall be  effective  unless  given in  writing  and  signed  by the party or
    parties sought to be charged or bound by the alteration or amendment.

    Applicable  Law. This Agreement has been delivered to Lender and accepted by
    Lender in the State of Arizona. If there is a lawsuit,  Borrower agrees upon
    Lender's  request to submit to the  jurisdiction  of the courts of  Maricopa
    County, the State of Arizona. Subject to the provisions on arbitration, this
    Agreement  shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
    the State of Arizona.


        Binding Arbitration. Upon the demand of any party ("Party/Parties"),  to
        a Document (as defined  below),  whether made before the  institution of
        any  judicial  proceeding  or not more than 60 days  after  service of a
        complaint,  third party  complaint,  cross-claim or  counterclaim or any
        answer  thereto or any  amendment  to any of the above,  any Dispute (as
        defined  below) shall be resolved by binding  arbitration  in accordance
        with the terms of this  Arbitration  Program.  A "Dispute" shall include
        any action,  dispute,  claim or controversy of any kind, whether founded
        in contract,  tort,  statutory or common law, equity, or otherwise,  new
        existing or hereafter arising between any of the Parties arising out of,
        pertaining  to  or  in  connection  with  any  agreement,   document  or
        instrument to which this Arbitration  Program is attached or in which it
        appears  or is  referenced  or any  related  agreements,  documents,  or
        instruments  ("Documents").  Any Party  who  fails to submit to  binding
        arbitration  following a lawful  demand by another  Party shall bear all
        costs and expenses,  including  reasonable  attorneys' fees,  (including
        those  incurred  in  any  trial,  bankruptcy  proceeding  or on  appeal)
        incurred by the other Party in obtaining a stay of any pending  judicial
        proceeding and compelling  arbitration of any Dispute. The parties agree
        that any agreement,  document or instrument which includes,  attaches to
        or  incorporates  this  Arbitration  Program  represents  a  transaction
        involving commerce as that term is used in the Federal  Arbitration Act,
        ("FAA") Title 9 United States Code. THE PARTIES  UNDERSTAND THAT BY THIS

        Governing  Rules.  Arbitrations  conducted  pursuant to this Arbitration
        Program shall be  administered by the American  Arbitration  Association
        ("AAA"), or other mutually agreeable administrator  ("Administrator") in
        accordance with the terms of this Arbitration Program and the Commercial
        Arbitration Rules of the AAA. Proceedings hereunder shall be governed by
        the  provisions  of the Federal  Arbitration  Act (Title 9 of the United
        States Code). The arbitrator(s) shall resolve all Disputes in accordance
        with  the  applicable  substantive  law  designated  in  the  Documents.
        Judgment upon any award  rendered  hereunder may be entered in any court
        having  jurisdiction;  provided,  however that  nothing  herein shall be
        construed to be a waiver by any party that is a bank of the  protections
        afforded pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 91 or any similar applicable state law.

        Preservation  of  Remedies.  No  provision  of, nor the  exercise of any
        rights under, this arbitration clause shall limit the right of any Party
        to: (a) foreclose  against any real or personal  property  collateral or
        other security,  or obtain a personal or deficiency  award; (b) exercise
        self-help remedies  (including  repossession and setoff rights);  or (c)
        obtain  provisional  or ancillary  remedies such as  injunctive  relief,
        sequestration,  attachment, replevin, garnishment, or the appointment of
        a  receiver  from  a  court  having  jurisdiction.  Such  rights  can be
        exercised  at any time except to the extent such action is contrary to a
        final award or decision in any arbitration  proceeding.  The institution
        and  maintenance of an action as described  above shall not constitute a
        waiver of the right of any Party to submit the  Dispute to  arbitration,
        nor render  inapplicable the compulsory  arbitration  provisions hereof.
        Any claim or Dispute related to exercise of any  self-help, auxiliary or
        other rights under this paragraph shall be a Dispute hereunder.

        Arbitrator  Powers and  Qualifications;  Awards.  The  Parties  agree to
        select a neutral "qualified"  arbitrator or a panel of three "qualified"
        arbitrators  to  resolve  any  Dispute  hereunder.  "Qualified"  means a
        practicing attorney,  with not less than 10 years practice in commercial
        law, licensed to practice in the state of the applicable substantive law
        designated in the Documents. A Dispute in which the claims or amounts in
        controversy  do not exceed  $1,000,00O.00,  shall be decided by a single
        arbitrator.  A single arbitrator shall have authority to render an award
        up to but not to exceed $1,000,000.00  including all damages of any kind
        whatsoever,  costs, fees, attorneys' fees and expenses.  Submission to a
        single  arbitrator  shall be a waiver of all Parties'  claims to recover
        more than  $1,000,000.00.  A Dispute  involving  claims  or  amounts  in
        controversy exceeding  $1,000,000.00 shall be decided by a majority vote
        of a panel of three qualified arbitrators. An arbitration panel shall be
        composed of one  arbitrator  who would be  qualified  to sit as a single
        arbitrator  hereunder,  one who has at least  ten  years  experience  in
        commercial  lending and one who has at least ten years experience in the
        Borrower's  industry.  The  arbitrator(s)  shall be empowered to, at the
        written  request of any Party in any Dispute,  (a) to  consolidate  in a
        single  proceeding  any  multiple  party  claims that are  substantially
        identical  or  based  upon  the  same  underlying  transaction;  (b)  to
        consolidate  any claims and Disputes  between  other Parties which arise
        out of or relate to the subject matter  hereof,  including all claims by
        or against borrowers,  guarantors, sureties and or owners of collateral;
        and (c) to administer  multiple  arbitration  claims as class actions in
        accordance with Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.  In any
        consolidated   proceeding  the  first  arbitrator(s)   selected  in  any
        proceeding shall conduct the consolidated proceeding unless disqualified
        due to conflict of  interest.  The  arbitrator(s)  shall be empowered to
        resolve  any dispute  regarding  the terms of this  arbitration  clause,
        including  questions about the  arbitrability of any Dispute,  but shall
        have no power to change or alter the terms of this Arbitration  Program.
        The  prevailing  Party in any  Dispute  shall be entitled to recover its
        reasonable  attorneys' fees in any  arbitration,  and the  arbitrator(s)
        shall have the power to award such fees. The award of the  arbitrator(s)
        shall be in writing  and shall set forth the factual and legal basis for
        the award.

        Miscellaneous.  All  statutes of  limitation  applicable  to any Dispute
        shall  apply to any  proceeding  in  accordance  with  this  arbitration
        clause.  The Parties agree, to the maximum extent  practicable,  to take
        any action  necessary to conclude an  arbitration  hereunder  within 180
        days  of  the  filing  of  a  Dispute   with  the   Administrator.   The
        arbitrator(s)  shall be  empowered to impose  sanctions  for any Party's
        failure to proceed  within the times  established  herein.  Arbitrations
        shall be  conducted  in the  state  of the  applicable  substantive  law
        designated in the Documents.  The provisions of this Arbitration Program
        shall survive any termination, amendment, or expiration hereof or of the
        Documents unless the Parties otherwise expressly agree in writing.  Each
        Party agrees to keep all Disputes and arbitration  proceedings  strictly
        confidential,  except for  disclosures  of  information  required in the
        ordinary  course of business of the Parties or as required by applicable
        law or  regulation.  If any  provision  of this  Arbitration  Program is
        declared  invalid by any court,  the remaining  provisions  shall not be
        affected thereby and shall remain fully enforceable.

    Caption  Headings.  Caption  headings in this Agreement are for  convenience
    purposes  only and are not to be used to interpret or define the  Provisions
    of this Agreement.

    Multiple  Parties;  Corporate  Authority.  All obligations of Borrower under
    this  Agreement  shall be joint and several,  and all references to Borrower
    shall mean each and every  Borrower.  This means that each of the  Borrowers
    signing below is responsible for all obligations in this Agreement.

    Consent to Loan Participation. Borrower agrees and consents to Lender's sale
    or transfer, whether new or later, of one or more participation interests in
    the Loans to one or more purchasers, whether related or unrelated to Lender.
    Lender may provide,  without any limitation  whatsoever,  to any one or more
    purchasers, or potential purchasers, any information or knowledge Lender may
    have about  Borrower or about any other  matter  relating  to the Loan,  and
    Borrower  hereby  waives any  rights to privacy it may have with  respect to
    such matters.  Borrower  additionally  waives any and all notices of sale of
    participation  interests,  as well as all notices of any  repurchase of such
    participation  interests.  Borrower  also agrees that the  purchasers of any
    such  participation  interests will be considered as the absolute  owners of
    such  interests in the Loans and will have all the rights  granted under the
    participation   agreement  or   agreements   governing   the  sale  of  such
    participation  interests.  Borrower  further  waives all rights of offset or
    counterclaim  that it may have now or later  against  Lender or against  any
    purchaser of such a participation  interest and unconditionally  agrees that
    either Lender or such purchaser may enforce Borrower's  obligation under the
    Loans  irrespective  of the  failure  or  insolvency  of any  holder  of any
    interest in the Loans.  Borrower  further  agrees that the  purchaser of any
    such participation  interests may enforce its interests  irrespective of any
    personal claims or defenses that Borrower may have against Lender.

    Costs and  Expenses.  Borrower  agrees to pay upon  demand  all of  Lender's
    allocated  costs  of  in-house  counsel  and  expenses,   including  without
    limitation  attorneys'  fees,  incurred in connection with the  preparation,
    execution, enforcement,  modification and collection of this Agreement or in
    connection  with the Loans made pursuant to this  Agreement.  Lender may pay
    someone else to help collect the Loans and to enforce  this  Agreement,  and
    Borrower will pay that amount.  This  includes,  subject to any limits under
    applicable  law,  Lender's  attorneys'  fees and  Lender's  legal  expenses,
    whether or not there is a lawsuit,  including attorneys' fees for bankruptcy
    proceedings  (including  efforts to modify or vacate any  automatic  stay or
    injunction), appeals, and any anticipated pest-judgment collection services.
    Borrower  also will pay any  court  costs,  in  addition  to all other  sums
    provided by law.

    Notices.  All notices  required to be given  under this  Agreement  shall be
    given in writing, may be sent by telefacsimile,  and shall be effective when
    actually delivered or when deposited with a nationally  recognized overnight
    courier or  deposited  in the  United  States  mail,  first  class,  postage
    prepaid,  addressed  to the  party to whom the  notice is to be given at the
    address shown above. Any party may change its address for notices under this
    Agreement by giving formal written  notice to the other parties,  specifying
    that the  purpose  of the notice is to change the  party's  address.  To the
    extent  permitted  by  applicable  law, if there is more than one  Borrower,
    notice to any Borrower will constitute  notice to all Borrowers.  For notice
    purposes, Borrower agrees to keep Lender informed at all times of Borrower's
    current address(es).

    Severability.  If a court of competent  jurisdiction  finds any provision of
    this  Agreement  to  be  invalid  or  unenforceable  as  to  any  person  or
    circumstance,  such  finding  shall not  render  that  provision  invalid or
    unenforceable  as to any other persons or  circumstances.  If feasible,  any
    such  offending  provision  shall be deemed to be  modified to be within the
    limits of enforceability or validity;  however,  if the offending  provision
    cannot be so modified, it shall be stricken and all other provisions of this
    Agreement in all other respects shall remain valid and enforceable.

    Subsidiaries  and  Affiliates of Borrower.  To the extent the context of any
    provisions  of  this  Agreement  makes  it  appropriate,  including  without
    limitation any representation,  warranty or covenant, the word "Borrower" as
    used herein  shall  include all  subsidiaries  and  affiliates  of Borrower.
    Notwithstanding  the foregoing  however,  under no circumstances  shall this
    Agreement be construed to require Lender to make any Loan or other financial
    accommodation to any subsidiary or affiliate of Borrower.

    Successors  and Assigns.  All  covenants and  agreements  contained by or on
    behalf of Borrower  shall bind its successors and assigns and shall inure to
    the benefit of Lender,  its  successors  and  assigns.  Borrower  shall not,
    however,  have the right to assign its rights  under this  Agreement  or any
    interest therein, without the prior written consent of Lender.

    Survival. All warranties, representations, and covenants made by Borrower in
    this  Agreement  or in any  certificate  or other  instrument  delivered  by
    Borrower to Lender under this  Agreement  shall be  considered  to have been
    relied upon by Lender and will  survive the making of the Loan and  delivery
    to Lender of the Related Documents,  regardless of any investigation made by
    Lender or on Lender's behalf.

    Time is of the Essence.  Time is of the essence in the  performance  of this

    Waiver.  Lender  shall not be deemed to have  waived any  rights  under this
    Agreement  unless such  waiver is given in writing and signed by Lender.  No
    delay or  omission  on the part of Lender  in  exercising  any  right  shall
    operate as a waiver of such right or any other right.  A waiver by Lender of
    a provision of this Agreement  shall not prejudice or constitute a waiver of
    Lender's right otherwise to demand strict  compliance with that provision or
    any other  provision of this Agreement.  No prior waiver by Lender,  nor any
    course of dealing  between  Lender and Borrower,  or between  Lender and any
    Grantor,  shall  constitute  a waiver  of any of  Lender's  rights or of any
    obligations  of Borrower  or of any  Grantor as to any future  transactions.
    Whenever  the  consent  of Lender is  required  under  this  Agreement,  the
    granting  of such  consent by Lender in any  instance  shall not  constitute
    continuing  consent in subsequent  instances where such consent is required,
    and in all  cases  such  consent  may be  granted  or  withheld  in the sole
    discretion of Lender.  


Cerprobe Corporation

By: /s/ Zane Close
        Zane Close, President & CEO

First Interstate Bank of Arizona, N. A.

By:  /s/ Frederick Mitten
              Authorized Officer

[LOGO]   Interstate
                                 PROMISSORY NOTE


Borrower:  Cerprobe Corporation       Lender:  First Interstate Bank of 
           600 South Rockford Drive               Arizona, N. A.
           Tempe, AZ 8528l                     Commercial Banking Division
                                               100 W. Washington
                                               P. O. Box 53456, Dept. #813
                                               Phoenix, AZ 85072-3456

Principal Amount: $750,000.00  Initial Rate: 9.250% Date of Note: April 30, 1995

PROMISE  TO PAY.  Cerprobe  Corporation  ("Borrower")  promises  to pay to First
Interstate Bank of Arizona,  N. A. ("Lender"),  or order, in lawful money of the
United States of America, the principal amount of Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand &
00/100 Dollars  ($750,000.00)  or so much as may be  outstanding,  together with
interest on the unpaid outstanding  principal balance of each advance.  Interest
shall be  calculated  from  the date of each  advance  until  repayment  of each

PAYMENT. Borrower will pay this loan in one payment of all outstanding principal
plus all accrued unpaid  interest on April 27, 1996. In addition,  Borrower will
pay regular monthly payments of accrued unpaid interest  beginning May 30, 1995,
and all subsequent interest payments are due on the same day of each month after
that. Interest on this Note is computed on a 365/360 simple interest basis; that
is, by applying the ratio of the annual  interest  rate ever a year of 360 days,
multiplied by the outstanding principal balance, multiplied by the actual number
of days the  principal  balance  is  outstanding.  Borrower  will pay  Lender at
Lender's  address  shown above or at such other place as Lender may designate in
writing. Unless otherwise agreed or required by applicable law, payments will be
applied in any order at Lender's sole discretion.

VARIABLE INTEREST RATE. The interest rate on this Note is subject to change from
time to time based on changes in an index which is the First  Interstate Bank of
Arizona,  N. A. Prime Rate,  which is an index rate that Lender  announces  from
time to  time  for  pricing  certain  loans  (the  "Index").  The  Index  is not
necessarily  the lowest rate charged by Lender on its loans and is set by Lender
in its sole discretion. If the Index becomes unavailable during the term of this
loan, Lender may designate a substitute index after notifying  Borrower.  Lender
will tell  Borrower the current  Index rate upon  Borrower's  request.  Borrower
understands  that  Lender  may make  loans  based on  other  rates as well.  The
interest  rate  change  will not occur  more  often  than  each  day.  The Index
currently  is 9.000% per annum.  The  interest  rate to be applied to the unpaid
principal balance of this Note will be at a rate of 0.250 percentage points over
the Index,  resulting in an initial rate of 9.250% per annum.  NOTICE:  Under no
circumstances  will the interest rate on this Note be more than the maximum rate
allowed by applicable law.

PREPAYMENT. Borrower may pay without penalty all or a portion of the amount owed
earlier than it is due. Early  payments will not,  unless agreed to by Lender in
writing,  relieve Borrower of Borrower's obligation to continue to make payments
of accrued unpaid interest.

DEFAULT.  Borrower  will be in  default  if any of the  following  happens:  (a)
Borrower  fails to make any payment when due.  (b)  Borrower  breaks any promise
Borrower has made to Lender, or Borrower fails to comply with or to perform when
due any other term, obligation, covenant, or condition contained in this Note or
any agreement  related to this Note, or in any other  agreement or loan Borrower
has with Lender.  (c)  Borrower  defaults  under any loan,  extension of credit,
security  agreement,  purchase or sales agreement,  or any other  agreement,  in
favor of any  other  creditor  or  person  that  may  materially  affect  any of
Borrower's  property  or  Borrower's  ability  to  repay  this  Note or  perform
Borrower's obligations under this Note or any of the Related Documents.  (d) Any
representation  or  statement  made or  furnished  to Lender by  Borrower  or on
Borrower's  behalf is false or misleading in any material  respect either new or
at the time made or furnished.  (e) Borrower  becomes  insolvent,  a receiver is
appointed for any part of Borrower's property,  Borrower makes an assignment for
the benefit of creditors,  or any proceeding is commenced  either by Borrower or
against Borrower under any bankruptcy or insolvency laws. (f) Any creditor tries
to take any of Borrower's  property on or in which Lender has a lien or security
interest. This includes a garnishment of any of Borrower's accounts with Lender.
(g) Any of the events  described in this default  section occurs with respect to
any guarantor of this Note.  (h) A material  adverse change occurs in Borrower's
financial  condition,  or Lender believes the prospect of payment or performance
of the Indebtedness is impaired. (i) Lender in good faith deems itself insecure.

LENDER'S  RIGHTS.  Upon default,  Lender may declare the entire unpaid principal
balance on this Note and all accrued unpaid interest  immediately  due,  without
notice, and then Borrower will pay that amount. Upon default,  including failure
to pay upon final maturity,  Lender, at its option, may also, if permitted under
applicable  law,  increase  the  variable  interest  rate on this  Note to 4.250
percentage  points over the Index. The interest rate will not exceed the maximum
rate  permitted by applicable  law.  Lender may hire or pay someone else to help
collect this Note if Borrower  does not pay.  Borrower also will pay Lender that
amount.  This includes,  subject to any limits under  applicable  law,  Lender's
attorneys'  fees and Lender's legal expenses  whether or not there is a lawsuit,
including  attorneys'  fees  and  legal  expenses  for  bankruptcy   proceedings
(including  efforts  to modify  or vacate  any  automatic  stay or  injunction),
appeals,  and  any  anticipated   post-judgment   collection  services.  It  not
prohibited  by  applicable  law,  Borrower  also  will pay any court  costs,  in
addition to all other sums  provided  by law.  This Note has been  delivered  to
Lender and  accepted by Lender in the State of  Arizona.  If there is a lawsuit,
Borrower  agrees  upon  Lender's  request to submit to the  jurisdiction  of the
courts of Maricopa  County,  the State of Arizona.  Subject to the provisions on
arbitration, this Note shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of the State of Arizona.

RIGHT OF SETOFF.  Borrower  grants to Lender a contractual  possessory  security
interest in, and hereby assigns,  conveys,  delivers,  pledges, and transfers to
Lender all Borrower's right,  title and interest in and to, Borrower's  accounts
with  Lender  (whether  checking,  savings,  or some other  account),  including
without  limitation all accounts held jointly with someone else and all accounts
Borrower may open in the future,  excluding  however all IRA,  Keogh,  and trust
accounts. Borrower authorizes Lender, to the extent permitted by applicable law,
to  charge  or  setoff  all sums  owing on this  Note  against  any and all such
accounts,  and, at Lender's option, to administratively freeze all such accounts
to allow Lender to protect  Lender's  charge and setoff rights  provided on this

LINE OF CREDIT.  This Note evidences a revolving line of credit.  Advances under
this Note may be  requested  either  orally or in writing by  Borrower  or by an
authorized  person.  Lender may, but need not, require that all oral requests be
confirmed  in  writing.  All  communications,  instructions,  or  directions  by
telephone  or  otherwise  to Lender are to be directed to Lender's  office shown
above.  The following party or parties are authorized to request  advances under
the line of credit until Lender receives from Borrower at Lender's address shown
above written notice of revocation of their authority:  Zane Close,  President &
CEO;  Roseann  Tavarozzi,  Vice  President  of Finance;  and Pauline  Hostetler,
Controller.  Borrower  agrees to be liable for all sums either:  (a) advanced in
accordance with the instructions of an authorized  person or (b) credited to any
of Borrower's  accounts with Lender.  The unpaid principal balance owing on this
Note at any time may be  evidenced by  endorsements  on this Note or by Lender's
internal  records,  including  daily  computer  print-outs.  Lender will have no
obligation to advance funds under this Note if: (a) Borrower or any guarantor is
in default  under the terms of this Note or any  agreement  that Borrower or any
guarantor has with Lender,  including any agreement made in connection  with the
signing of this Note; (b) Borrower or any guarantor  ceases doing business or is
insolvent;  (c) any  guarantor  seeks,  claims or  otherwise  attempts to limit,
modify or revoke such guarantor's  guarantee of this Note or any other loan with
Lender;  (d)  Borrower  has  applied  finds  provided  pursuant to this Note for
purposes  other than  those  authorized  by Lender;  or (e) Lender in good faith
deems itself insecure under this Note or any other agreement  between Lender and

GENERAL  PROVISIONS.  Lender may delay or forgo  enforcing  any of its rights or
remedies under this Note without losing them.  Borrower and any other person who
signs,  guarantees or endorses this Note,  to the extent  allowed by law,  waive
presentment, demand for payment, protest and notice of dishonor. Upon any change
in the terms of this Note, and unless otherwise  expressly stated in writing, no
party who signs this Note, whether as maker,  guarantor,  accommodation maker or
endorser,  shall be released from liability.  All such parties agree that Lender
may renew or  extend  (repeatedly  and for any  length of time)  this  loan,  or
release any party or guarantor or collateral; or impair, fail to realize upon or
perfect Lender's security interest in the collateral;  and take any other action
deemed  necessry by Lender without the consent of or notice to anyone.  All such
parties  also agree that Lender may modify  this loan  without the consent of or
notice to anyone other than the party with whom the modification is made.

EFFECTIVE  RATE.  Borrower  agrees to an effective  rate of interest that is the
rate  specified in this Note plus any  additional  rate resulting from any other
charges in the nature of  interest  paid or to be paid in  connection  with this



Cerprobe Corporation

By:  /s/ Zane Close
         Zane Close, President & CEO

                         AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE INSURANCE
Borrower:  Cerprobe Corporation       Lender:  First Interstate Bank of 
           600 South Rockford Drive               Arizona, N. A.
           Tempe, AZ 8528l                     Commercial Banking Division
                                               100 W. Washington
                                               P. O. Box 53456, Dept. #813
                                               Phoenix, AZ 85072-3456

INSURANCE  REQUIREMENTS.   Cerprobe  Corporation  ("Grantor")  understands  that
insurance coverage is required in connection with the extending of a loan or the
providing  of  other  financial  accommodations  to  Grantor  by  Lender.  These
requirements  are set forth in the security  documents.  The  following  minimum
insurance coverages must be provided on the following described  collateral (the

Collateral: All Inventory and Equipment.
            Type. All risks, including fire, theft and liability.
            Amount. Full insurable value.
            Basis. Replacement value.
            Endorsements.  Lender's loss payable  clause with  stipulation  that
            coverage  will not be cancelled or  diminished  without a minimum of
            ten (10) days' prior written notice to Lender.

INSURANCE  COMPANY.  Grantor may obtain  insurance  from any  insurance  company
Grantor may choose that is reasonably acceptable to Lender.  Grantor understands
that credit may not be denied solely because insurance was not purchased through

INSURANCE  MAILING  ADDRESS.  All  documents  and other  materials  relating  to
insurance for this loan should be mailed, delivered or directed to the following

            First Interstate Bank

            PO Box 3330, MS BV-l20
            Portland, OR 97208-3330

FAILURE TO PROVIDE INSURANCE.  Grantor agrees to deliver to Lender,  thirty (30)
days from the date of this  Agreement,  evidence of the  required  insurance  as
provided  above,  with an effective date of April 30, 1995, or earlier.  Grantor
acknowledges and agrees that if Grantor fails to provide any required  insurance
or fails to continue  such  insurance  in force,  Lender may do so at  Grantor's
expense as provided in the applicable  security  document.  The cost of any such
insurance, at the option of Lender, shall be payable on demand or shall be added
to the indebtedness as provided in the security document.  GRANTOR  ACKNOWLEDGES

AUTHORIZATION.  For purposes of insurance  coverage on the  Collateral,  Grantor
authorizes  Lender to provIde to any person  (including  any insurance  agent or
company)  all  information  Lender  deems  appropriate,  whether  regarding  the
Collateral, the loan or other financial accommodations, or both.



Cerprobe Corporation

By:  /s/ Zane Close
         Zane Close, President & CEO

                               FOR LENDER USE ONLY
                             INSURANCE VERIFICATION
      DATE:                                 PHONE:                       
           ----------------------                  ---------------------
      AGENT'S NAME: 
