Securities and Exchange Commission
                             Washington, D.C. 20549

               SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the quarterly period ended          September 30, 1995


                SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the transition period from                   to
                               -----------------    ----------------

Commission file number     1-4473

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

            Arizona                                             86-0011170
- -------------------------------                           ----------------------
(State or other jurisdiction of                               (I.R.S. Employer
 incorporation or organization)                              Identification No.)

400 North Fifth Street,        P.O. Box 53999,      Phoenix, Arizona  85072-3999
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Address of principal executive offices)                             (Zip Code)

Registrant's telephone number, including area code:  (602) 250-1000
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(Former name, former address and former fiscal year, if changed since last

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required
to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during
the  preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter  period that the  registrant  was
required  to file  such  reports),  and  (2) has  been  subject  to such  filing
requirements for the past 90 days.

                                   Yes  X    No
                                       ---      ---

Indicate the number of shares  outstanding  of each of the  issuer's  classes of
common stock, as of the latest practicable date.

                Number of shares of common stock, $2.50 par value,
                outstanding as of November 13, 1995:  71,264,947


ACC    - Arizona Corporation Commission

AFUDC - Allowance for funds used during construction

Company - Arizona Public Service Company

EPA - Environmental Protection Agency

EPEC - El Paso Electric Company

Four Corners - Four Corners Power Plant

ITC - Investment tax credit

June 10-Q - Quarterly  Report on Form 10-Q for the fiscal quarter ended June 30,

NGS - Navajo Generating Station

1994 10-K - Arizona  Public  Service  Company Annual Report on Form 10-K for the
            fiscal year ended December 31, 1994

Palo Verde - Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station

Pinnacle West - Pinnacle West Capital Corporation

SEC - Securities and Exchange Commission

SFAS No. 71-  Statement of Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 71,  "Accounting
              for the Effects of Certain Types of Regulation"
SFAS No. 121 - Statement of Financial Accounting  Standards No. 121, "Accounting
              for the Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets and for Long-Lived Assets
              to Be Disposed Of"

Tribe - Navajo Tribe


Arizona Public Service Company:

We have reviewed the  accompanying  condensed  balance  sheet of Arizona  Public
Service Company as of September 30, 1995 and the related condensed statements of
income for the three-month,  nine-month and twelve-month periods ended September
30, 1995 and 1994 and cash flows for the nine-month  periods ended September 30,
1995 and 1994. These condensed  financial  statements are the  responsibility of
the Company's management.

We conducted our review in accordance with standards established by the American
Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants.  A review  of  interim  financial
information consists principally of applying analytical  procedures to financial
data and of making inquiries of persons responsible for financial and accounting
matters. It is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance
with  generally  accepted  auditing  standards,  the  objective  of which is the
expression of an opinion regarding the financial statements taken as a whole.
Accordingly, we do not express such an opinion.

Based on our review, we are not aware of any material  modifications that should
be made to such condensed financial statements for them to be in conformity with
generally accepted accounting principles.

We have  previously  audited,  in accordance  with generally  accepted  auditing
standards,  the balance sheet of Arizona Public  Service  Company as of December
31, 1994 and the related statements of income, retained earnings, and cash flows
for the year then ended (not presented herein); and in our report dated March 3,
1995, we expressed an unqualified opinion on those financial statements.  In our
opinion,  the information set forth in the accompanying  condensed balance sheet
as of December 31, 1994, is fairly stated, in all material respects, in relation
to the balance sheet from which it has been derived.

Phoenix, Arizona 
November 2, 1995

                         PART I - FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Item 1. Financial Statements
- ----------------------------

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                         CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF INCOME
                                                               Three Months
                                                            Ended September 30,
                                                            1995         1994
                                                         ---------    ---------
                                                         (Thousands of Dollars)

ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUES ..........................   $ 549,082    $ 540,883
                                                         ---------    ---------
  Fuel for electric generation .......................      68,715       70,035
  Purchased power ....................................      23,539       25,532
                                                         ---------    ---------
     Total ...........................................      92,254       95,567
                                                         ---------    ---------
OPERATING REVENUES LESS FUEL EXPENSES ................     456,828      445,316
                                                         ---------    ---------

  Operations excluding fuel expenses .................      75,807       77,555
  Maintenance ........................................      21,758       25,389
  Depreciation and amortization ......................      61,157       58,827
  Income taxes - current .............................      81,163       66,865
  Income taxes - deferred ............................      19,119       25,565
  Other taxes ........................................      35,222       36,000
                                                         ---------    ---------
     Total ...........................................     294,226      290,201
                                                         ---------    ---------
OPERATING INCOME .....................................     162,602      155,115
                                                         ---------    ---------

  AFUDC - equity .....................................       1,111        1,014
  Other - net ........................................     (14,393)      (2,200)
  Income taxes - current .............................       2,727        2,978
  Income taxes - deferred ............................      18,578        1,911
                                                         ---------    ---------
     Total ...........................................       8,023        3,703
                                                         ---------    ---------
INCOME BEFORE INTEREST DEDUCTIONS ....................     170,625      158,818
                                                         ---------    ---------

  Interest on long-term debt .........................      39,063       40,169
  Interest on short-term borrowings ..................       3,275        1,856
  Debt discount, premium and expense .................       2,072        1,927
  AFUDC - debt .......................................      (2,130)      (1,401)
                                                         ---------    ---------
     Total ...........................................      42,280       42,551
                                                         ---------    ---------

NET INCOME ...........................................     128,345      116,267
PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND REQUIREMENTS ................       4,775        5,908
                                                         ---------    ---------
EARNINGS FOR COMMON STOCK ............................   $ 123,570    $ 110,359
                                                         =========    =========

See Notes to Condensed Financial Statements.

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                         CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF INCOME
                                                              Nine Months
                                                           Ended September 30,
                                                          1995           1994
                                                        (Thousands of Dollars)

ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUES ......................   $ 1,266,228    $ 1,284,088
                                                     -----------    -----------

  Fuel for electric generation ...................       160,248        188,093
  Purchased power ................................        49,563         51,899
                                                     -----------    -----------
     Total .......................................       209,811        239,992
                                                     -----------    -----------
OPERATING REVENUES LESS FUEL EXPENSES ............     1,056,417      1,044,096
                                                     -----------    -----------

  Operations excluding fuel expenses .............       207,167        219,998
  Maintenance ....................................        76,081         89,011
  Depreciation and amortization ..................       181,996        174,401
  Income taxes - current .........................       129,638         95,059
  Income taxes - deferred ........................        31,179         52,949
  Other taxes ....................................       105,821        106,809
                                                     -----------    -----------
     Total .......................................       731,882        738,227
                                                     -----------    -----------
OPERATING INCOME .................................       324,535        305,869
                                                     -----------    -----------

  AFUDC - equity .................................         3,645          2,837
  Palo Verde accretion income ....................          --           33,596
  Other - net ....................................       (10,862)        16,976
  Income taxes - current .........................         1,791          4,895
  Income taxes - deferred ........................        28,039        (15,506)
                                                     -----------    -----------
     Total .......................................        22,613         42,798
                                                     -----------    -----------
INCOME BEFORE INTEREST DEDUCTIONS ................       347,148        348,667
                                                     -----------    -----------

  Interest on long-term debt .....................       120,986        120,209
  Interest on short-term borrowings ..............         6,932          4,990
  Debt discount, premium and expense .............         6,082          6,800
  AFUDC - debt ...................................        (6,481)        (3,918)
                                                     -----------    -----------
     Total .......................................       127,519        128,081
                                                     -----------    -----------

NET INCOME .......................................       219,629        220,586
PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND REQUIREMENTS ............        14,358         20,390
                                                     -----------    -----------
EARNINGS FOR COMMON STOCK ........................   $   205,271    $   200,196
                                                     ===========    ===========

See Notes to Condensed Financial Statements.

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                         CONDENSED STATEMENTS OF INCOME
                                                             Twelve Months
                                                          Ended September 30,
                                                          1995           1994
                                                    -----------     -----------
                                                        (Thousands of Dollars)

ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUES ....................    $ 1,608,308     $ 1,647,457
                                                    -----------     -----------

  Fuel for electric generation .................        209,258         242,319
  Purchased power ..............................         61,250          65,595
                                                    -----------     -----------
     Total .....................................        270,508         307,914
                                                    -----------     -----------
OPERATING REVENUES LESS FUEL EXPENSES ..........      1,337,800       1,339,543
                                                    -----------     -----------

  Operations excluding fuel expenses ...........        279,461         296,960
  Maintenance ..................................        106,699         126,806
  Depreciation and amortization ................        243,703         230,111
  Income taxes - current .......................        141,228         105,047
  Income taxes - deferred ......................         39,783          65,634
  Other taxes ..................................        139,827         140,972
                                                    -----------     -----------
     Total .....................................        950,701         965,530
                                                    -----------     -----------
OPERATING INCOME ...............................        387,099         374,013
                                                    -----------     -----------

  AFUDC - equity ...............................          4,749           3,069
  Palo Verde accretion income ..................             --          53,058
  Other - net ..................................        (11,823)         16,417
  Income taxes - current .......................          2,826           5,824
  Income taxes - deferred ......................         28,573         (22,515)
                                                    -----------     -----------
     Total .....................................         24,325          55,853
                                                    -----------     -----------
INCOME BEFORE INTEREST DEDUCTIONS ..............        411,424         429,866
                                                    -----------     -----------

  Interest on long-term debt ...................        160,617         160,556
  Interest on short-term borrowings ............          8,147           5,918
  Debt discount, premium and expense ...........          8,136           9,160
  AFUDC - debt .................................         (8,005)         (5,299)
                                                    -----------     -----------
     Total .....................................        168,895         170,335
                                                    -----------     -----------

NET INCOME .....................................        242,529         259,531
PREFERRED STOCK DIVIDEND REQUIREMENTS ..........         19,242          28,399
                                                    -----------     -----------
EARNINGS FOR COMMON STOCK ......................    $   223,287     $   231,132
                                                    ===========     ===========

See Notes to Condensed Financial Statements.

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                            CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                  September 30,     December 31,
                                                      1995             1994
                                                 -------------     ------------

                                                      (Thousands of Dollars)
  Electric plant in service
   and held for future use .................     $  6,596,545      $  6,475,249
  Less accumulated depreciation
   and amortization ........................        2,274,345         2,122,439
                                                 ------------      ------------
     Total .................................        4,322,200         4,352,810
  Construction work in progress ............          246,515           224,312
  Nuclear fuel, net of amortization ........           59,138            46,951
                                                 ------------      ------------
  Utility plant - net ......................        4,627,853         4,624,073
                                                 ------------      ------------

INVESTMENTS AND OTHER ASSETS: ..............           89,968            90,105
                                                 ------------      ------------
  Cash and cash equivalents ................           23,188             6,532
  Accounts receivable:
     Service customers .....................          141,818           103,711
     Other .................................           22,486            27,008
     Allowance for doubtful accounts .......           (1,751)           (2,176)
  Accrued utility revenues .................           78,851            55,432
  Materials and supplies, at average cost ..           89,285            89,864
  Fossil fuel, at average cost .............           27,160            35,735
  Deferred income taxes ....................            6,314            19,114
  Other ....................................           15,893            14,162
                                                 ------------      ------------
     Total current assets ..................          403,244           349,382
                                                 ------------      ------------

  Regulatory asset for income taxes ........          544,080           557,049
  Palo Verde Unit 3 cost deferral ..........          285,716           292,586
  Palo Verde Unit 2 cost deferral ..........          167,389           171,936
  Unamortized costs of reacquired debt .....           62,720            60,942
  Unamortized debt issue costs .............           18,620            17,673
  Other ....................................          192,816           184,515
                                                 ------------      ------------
     Total deferred debits .................        1,271,341         1,284,701
                                                 ------------      ------------

     TOTAL .................................     $  6,392,406      $  6,348,261
                                                 ============      ============

See Notes to Condensed Financial Statements.

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                            CONDENSED BALANCE SHEETS

                                                     September 30,  December 31,
                                                         1995          1994
                                                     -------------  ------------

                                                         (Thousands of Dollars)
  Common stock .....................................   $  178,162    $  178,162
  Premiums and expense - net .......................    1,039,546     1,039,303
  Retained earnings ................................      431,178       353,655
                                                       ----------    ----------
   Common stock equity .............................    1,648,886     1,571,120
  Non-redeemable preferred stock ...................      193,561       193,561
  Redeemable preferred stock .......................       75,000        75,000
  Long-term debt less current maturities ...........    2,153,116     2,181,832
                                                       ----------    ----------
     Total capitalization ..........................    4,070,563     4,021,513
                                                       ----------    ----------

  Commercial paper .................................       62,200       131,500
  Current maturities of long-term debt .............        3,385         3,428
  Accounts payable .................................       99,101       110,854
  Accrued taxes ....................................      176,175        89,412
  Accrued interest .................................       31,613        45,170
  Common dividends payable .........................       15,000            --
  Other ............................................       68,847        50,487
                                                       ----------    ----------
     Total current liabilities .....................      456,321       430,851
                                                       ----------    ----------

  Deferred income taxes ............................    1,438,024     1,436,184
  Deferred investment tax credit ...................      118,525       142,994
  Unamortized gain - sale of utility plant .........       92,658        98,551
  Customer advances for construction ...............       19,238        16,564
  Other ............................................      197,077       201,604
                                                       ----------    ----------
     Total deferred credits and other ..............    1,865,522     1,895,897
                                                       ----------    ----------


     TOTAL .........................................   $6,392,406    $6,348,261
                                                       ==========    ==========

See Notes to Condensed Financial Statements.

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                                                               Nine Months
                                                            Ended September 30,
                                                           1995          1994
                                                        ---------     ---------
                                                          (Thousands of Dollars)
Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
  Net income .......................................    $ 219,629     $ 220,586
  Items not requiring cash:
    Depreciation and amortization ..................      181,996       174,401
    Nuclear fuel amortization ......................       24,354        23,226
    AFUDC - equity .................................       (3,645)       (2,837)
    Deferred income taxes - net ....................       27,609        74,390
    Deferred investment tax credit - net ...........      (24,469)       (5,935)
    Revenue refund reversal ........................           --        (9,308)
    Palo Verde accretion income ....................           --       (33,596)
  Changes in certain current assets and liabilities:
    Accounts receivable - net ......................      (34,010)      (28,219)
    Accrued utility revenues .......................      (23,419)      (23,641)
    Materials, supplies and fossil fuel ............        9,154         9,611
    Other current assets ...........................       (1,731)       (1,595)
    Accounts payable ...............................          (65)       16,634
    Accrued taxes ..................................       86,763        67,759
    Accrued interest ...............................      (13,557)      (10,926)
    Other current liabilities ......................       18,360        19,353
  Other - net ......................................       11,999        (3,022)
                                                        ---------     ---------
      Net cash flow provided by operating activities      478,968       486,881
                                                        ---------     ---------

Cash Flows from Investing Activities:
  Capital expenditures .............................     (219,597)     (179,836)
  AFUDC - equity ...................................        3,645         2,837
  Other ............................................      (13,354)       (7,361)
                                                        ---------     ---------
      Net cash flow used for investing activities ..     (229,306)     (184,360)
                                                        ---------     ---------

Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
  Long-term debt ...................................       82,863       498,418
  Short-term borrowings - net ......................      (69,300)     (112,500)
  Dividends paid on common stock ...................     (112,500)     (105,000)
  Dividends paid on preferred stock ................      (14,358)      (21,207)
  Repayment of preferred stock .....................           (4)     (104,096)
  Repayment and reacquisition of long-term debt ....     (119,707)     (457,432)
                                                        ---------     ---------
      Net cash flow used for financing activities ..     (233,006)     (301,817)
                                                        ---------     ---------

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents ..........       16,656           704
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period ...        6,532         7,557 
                                                        ---------     ---------
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period .........    $  23,188     $   8,261 
                                                        =========     =========

Supplemental Disclosure of Cash Flow Information:
  Cash paid during the period for:
    Interest (excluding capitalized interest) ......    $ 135,034     $ 132,050
    Income taxes ...................................    $  84,599     $  60,151

See Notes to Condensed Financial Statements.

                        ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY


1. In the opinion of the Company, the accompanying unaudited condensed financial
statements  contain all adjustments  (consisting of normal  recurring  accruals)
necessary  to  present  fairly  the  financial  position  of the  Company  as of
September 30, 1995, the results of operations for the three months,  nine months
and twelve months ended  September 30, 1995 and 1994, and the cash flows for the
nine months  ended  September  30,  1995 and 1994.  It is  suggested  that these
condensed financial  statements and notes to condensed  financial  statements be
read in  conjunction  with the  financial  statements  and  notes  to  financial
statements  included in the 1994 10-K.  Consistent  with the 1995  presentation,
prior year's electric  operating  revenues and other taxes have been restated to
exclude sales tax on electric revenues.

2.  The  Company's  operations  are  subject  to  seasonal  fluctuations,   with
variations occurring in energy usage by customers from season to season and from
month to month  within a  season,  primarily  as a result  of  changing  weather
conditions.  For this and other  reasons,  the results of operations for interim
periods are not  necessarily  indicative  of the results to be expected  for the
full year.

3. All the  outstanding  shares  of  common  stock of the  Company  are owned by
Pinnacle West. Pursuant to a Pledge Agreement, dated as of January 31, 1990, and
as part of a restructuring of substantially all of its outstanding indebtedness,
Pinnacle West granted  certain of its lenders a security  interest in all of the
Company's outstanding common stock.

4. See  "Liquidity  and Capital  Resources" in Part I, Item 2 of this report for
changes in capitalization since December 31, 1994.

5. In May 1994,  the ACC  approved  a retail  rate  settlement  agreement  which
provided for a net annual retail rate reduction of  approximately  $32.3 million
($19 million after tax), or 2.2% on average,  effective June 1, 1994. As part of
the settlement,  the Company reversed  approximately $20 million of depreciation
($15 million  after tax) related to a 1991 Palo Verde  write-off.  The 1994 rate
settlement also provided for the accelerated  amortization of substantially  all
deferred ITCs over a five-year period  beginning in 1995. In addition,  the 1994
rate  settlement  included a moratorium  on filing for  permanent  rate changes,
except  under  certain  circumstances,  prior  to the end of 1996  for  both the
Company and the ACC staff,  and an  incentive  rewarding  reduction  in fuel and
operating and maintenance cost per kilowatt-hour below established targets.

6. The Palo Verde  participants  have  insurance for public  liability  payments
resulting  from  nuclear  energy  hazards to the full limit of  liability  under
federal law. This potential  liability is covered by primary liability insurance
provided by commercial  insurance carriers in the amount of $200 million and the
balance  by an  industry-wide  retrospective  assessment  program.  The  maximum
assessment per reactor under the  retrospective  rating program for each nuclear
incident is approximately $79 million, subject to an annual limit of $10 million
per incident.  Based upon the Company's  29.1%  interest in the three Palo Verde
units, the Company's maximum potential  assessment per incident is approximately
$69 million, with an annual payment limitation of approximately $9 million.

     The Palo Verde participants maintain "all risk" (including nuclear hazards)
insurance for property damage to, and decontamination of, property at Palo Verde
in the aggregate  amount of $2.78 billion,  a substantial  portion of which must
first be applied to  stabilization  and  decontamination.  The  Company has also
secured  insurance  against  portions of any  increased  cost of  generation  or
purchased power and business interruption resulting from a sudden and unforeseen
outage of any of the three units. The insurance  coverage  discussed in this and
the previous paragraph is subject to certain policy conditions and exclusions.

7. The Company has encountered  tube cracking in the Palo Verde steam generators
and has taken, and will continue to take, remedial actions that it believes have
slowed the rate of tube  degradation.  The  projected  service life of the steam
generators is reassessed  periodically  in  conjunction  with  inspections  made
during scheduled outages of the Palo Verde units. The Company's ongoing analyses
indicate that it will be  economically  desirable for the Company to replace the
Unit 2 steam generators, which have been most affected by tube cracking, in five
to ten years.  The Company expects that the steam  generator  replacement can be
accomplished  within financial  parameters  established before replacement was a
consideration, and the Company estimates that its share of the replacement costs
(in 1995 dollars and including installation and replacement power costs) will be
between $30 million and $50  million,  most of which will be incurred  after the
year 2000.  The Company  expects  that the  replacement  would be  performed  in
conjunction with a normal refueling outage in order to limit incremental  outage
time to  approximately  50 days. Based on the latest available data, the Company
estimates  that the Unit 1 and Unit 3 steam  generators  should  operate  for 40
years (until 2025 and 2027,  respectively),  although the Company will  continue
its normal periodic assessment of these steam generators.

8. El Paso  Electric  Company,  one of the joint  owners of Palo  Verde and Four
Corners,  has been operating under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code since 1992.
On  September  29,  1995 EPEC filed  with the  bankruptcy  court a revised  plan
whereby, among other things, certain issues,  including EPEC allegations against
the Company regarding the 1989-90 Palo Verde outages, will be resolved, and EPEC
will  assume  the  joint  facilities  operating  agreements.  If the plan is not
approved,  the Company  does not expect  that there would be a material  adverse
effect on its operations or financial position.

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY

Item 2.  Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
of Operations.
- --------------

Operating Results
- -----------------

The  following  table  summarizes  the  Company's  revenues and earnings for the
three-month,  nine-month and  twelve-month  periods ended September 30, 1995 and

                                Periods ended September 30
                                  (Thousands of Dollars)

                  Three Months          Nine Months             Twelve Months
              ------------------  ----------------------  ----------------------
               1995        1994      1995        1994        1995       1994
              ------------------  ----------------------   ---------------------

revenues      $549,082  $540,883  $1,266,228  $1,284,088  $1,608,308  $1,647,457

Earnings for
common stock  $123,570  $110,359  $  205,271  $  200,196   $  223,287 $  231,132

      Operating  Results - Three-month  period ended September 30, 1995 compared
      to three-month period ended September 30, 1994

      Earnings  increased in the  three-month  period ended  September  30, 1995
primarily  due  to the  accelerated  amortization  of  investment  tax  credits,
customer growth, and lower operations and maintenance expenses.  The accelerated
investment tax credit amortization was a result of the 1994 rate settlement (see
Note 5 of Notes to  Condensed  Financial  Statements  in Part I,  Item 1 of this
report and "Other  Income"  below) and is  reflected as a decrease to income tax
expense.  Operations  and  maintenance  expenses  decreased  due to various cost
reductions.  Partially  offsetting these positive factors were the write-down of
an office building and milder weather.

      Operating Results - Nine-month period ended September 30, 1995 compared to
      nine-month period ended September 30, 1994

      Earnings  increased  in the  nine-month  period ended  September  30, 1995
primarily   due  to  customer   growth,   accelerated   investment   tax  credit
amortization, lower fuel costs, lower operations and maintenance expenses, lower
preferred  stock  dividends,  and a gain  recognized  on  the  sale  of a  small
subsidiary.  The accelerated  investment tax credit amortization was a result of
the 1994 rate settlement (see Note 5 of Notes to Condensed Financial  Statements
in Part I, Item 1 of this report and "Other Income" below) and is reflected as a
decrease to income tax expense. Fuel expense decreased due largely to lower fuel
prices and lower average fuel costs resulting from increased nuclear generation.
Operations  and  maintenance   expenses  were  down  due  to  improved   nuclear
operations,  employee  severance  costs  incurred in 1994 and lower fossil plant
overhaul costs.  Preferred stock dividends decreased due to less preferred stock
outstanding.  Partially  offsetting  these positive  factors were the absence of
non-cash  accretion income and revenue refund  reversals  related to a 1991 rate
settlement  (see Notes 1k and 1f of Notes to  Financial  Statements  in Part II,
Item 8 of the 1994  10-K),  milder  weather,  the  reversal  in 1994 of  certain
previously-recorded  depreciation related to Palo Verde, a retail rate reduction
which became effective June 1, 1994, and the write-down of an office building.

      Operating Results - Twelve-month  period ended September 30, 1995 compared
      to twelve-month period ended September 30, 1994

     Earnings  decreased in the  twelve-month  period ended  September  30, 1995
primarily  due to the absence of non-cash  accretion  income and revenue  refund
reversals  related  to a 1991 rate  settlement  (see Notes 1k and 1f of Notes to
Financial  Statements in Part II, Item 8 of the 1994 10-K),  milder  weather,  a
retail rate reduction  which became  effective June 1, 1994 (see Note 5 of Notes
to  Condensed  Financial  Statements  in Part I,  Item 1 of  this  report),  the
reversal  in 1994 of certain  previously-recorded  depreciation  related to Palo
Verde, increased depreciation expense, and the write-down of an office building.
Depreciation expense increased primarily due to higher plant balances and higher
depreciation  rates.  Partially  offsetting  these  negative  factors were lower
operations  and  maintenance  expenses,   lower  fuel  costs,  customer  growth,
accelerated  investment  tax  credit  amortization,  and lower  preferred  stock
dividends. Operations and maintenance expenses decreased due to improved nuclear
operations  and lower fossil  plant  overhaul  costs.  Fuel expense was down due
largely to lower average fuel costs resulting from increased nuclear  generation
and lower fuel prices. The accelerated  investment tax credit amortization was a
result of the 1994 rate  settlement and is reflected as a decrease to income tax
expense (see "Other Income" below).  Preferred stock dividends  decreased due to
less preferred stock outstanding.

      Other Income

     Other income reflects  accounting  practices  required for regulated public
utilities and represents a composite of cash and non-cash items, including AFUDC
and accretion income on Palo Verde Unit 3, which the Company completed recording
in May 1994. See Note 1k of Notes to Financial  Statements in Part II, Item 8 of
the 1994 10-K.  For the three months  ended  September  30,  1995,  other income
included approximately $11 million of accelerated ITC amortization. Other income
for the nine  months  and  twelve  months  ended  September  30,  1995  included
approximately $19 million of accelerated ITC amortization.

Liquidity and Capital Resources
- -------------------------------

      For the nine  months  ended  September  30,  1995,  the  Company  incurred
approximately  $200  million  in  construction   expenditures,   accounting  for
approximately 71% of the most recently estimated 1995 construction expenditures.
The Company has estimated total  construction  expenditures  for the years 1995,
1996 and 1997 to be approximately $280 million,  $244 million, and $223 million,
respectively. These amounts include about $27 million each year for nuclear fuel

      Since  December  31,  1994,  the Company has (i) issued $75 million of its
Junior  Subordinated  Deferrable  Interest  Debentures  ("MIDS"),  (ii) incurred
approximately  $14 million of  long-term  debt in  connection  with a tax-exempt
financing, (iii) redeemed on March 2, 1995, $49.15 million of its First Mortgage
Bonds, 10.25% Series due 2000, (iv) repurchased approximately $23 million of its
First Mortgage Bonds,  and (v) redeemed on May 1, 1995, $50 million of its First
Mortgage Bonds, 13 1/4% Series due 2007.

      Refunding   obligations   for  preferred   stock  and  long-term  debt,  a
capitalized  lease   obligation,   and  certain  actual  and  anticipated  early
redemptions,  including  premiums thereon,  are expected to total  approximately
$130 million,  $4 million,  and $164 million for the years 1995, 1996, and 1997,
respectively.  During  the first  nine  months  of 1995,  the  Company  refunded
approximately $130 million (100%) of the estimated 1995 total.

     Provisions  in the  Company's  mortgage  bond  indenture  and  articles  of
incorporation  require certain  coverage ratios to be met before the Company can
issue additional first mortgage bonds or preferred stock. In addition,  the bond
indenture  limits the amount of  additional  first  mortgage  bonds which may be
issued to a percentage of net property additions, to the amount of certain first
mortgage bonds that have been redeemed or retired, and/or to cash deposited with
the mortgage  bond  trustee.  As of September  30, 1995,  and  adjusting for the
repurchase  and  incurrence  of   approximately   $9  million  and  $4  million,
respectively,  of long-term  debt, the Company  estimates that the mortgage bond
indenture  and the articles of  incorporation  would have allowed the Company to
issue up to approximately  $1.501 billion and $1.028 billion of additional first
mortgage bonds and preferred stock, respectively.

      The ACC has  authority  over the Company  with  respect to the issuance of
long-term debt and equity  securities.  Existing ACC orders allow the Company to
have up to approximately $ 2.6  billion in long-term debt and approximately $501
million of preferred stock outstanding at any one time.

      Management does not expect any of the foregoing  restrictions to limit the
Company's ability to meet its capital requirements.

Accounting Issue
- ----------------

      In March 1995 the  Financial  Accounting  Standards  Board issued SFAS No.
121,  "Accounting  for the  Impairment of Long-Lived  Assets and for  Long-Lived
Assets to Be Disposed Of," which is effective in 1996.  This statement  requires
that long-lived assets be reviewed for impairment  whenever events or changes in
circumstances  indicate  that the  carrying  amount may not be  recoverable.  An
impairment  loss  would  be  recognized  if  the  sum of  the  estimated  future
undiscounted  cash flows to be  generated  by an asset is less than its carrying
value.  The amount of the loss would be based on a  comparison  of book value to
fair value. The standard also amends SFAS No. 71, "Accounting for the Effects of
Certain Types of Regulation," to require  write-off of a regulatory  asset if it
is no longer  probable that future  revenues will recover the cost of the asset.
This new standard does not impact the Company at this time;  however, it will be
reviewed on an ongoing basis.

- -----------

      A  significant  challenge  for the Company  will be how well it is able to
respond to increasingly competitive conditions in the electric utility industry,
while continuing to earn an acceptable return for its  shareholders.  Strategies
emphasize  managing costs,  stabilizing  electric rates,  negotiating  long-term
contracts with large customers and capitalizing on the growth characteristics of
its service territory.

      One of the issues that must be addressed  responsibly is the recovery in a
more  competitive  environment  of the  carrying  value of  assets  acquired  or
recorded under the existing regulatory environment.

      The 1994 rate  settlement  provided for a study by the Company and the ACC
staff to develop new  procedures to address  market  conditions  and  increasing
competition in the electric utility  industry.  The Company  anticipates  filing
recommendations  with  the  ACC in late  1995.  A  separate  ACC  proceeding  on
competition was opened by the ACC in mid-1994 and is ongoing.

      As the forces of  competition  continue  to impact the  industry,  it will
become  clearer  as to what  customer  sectors  and  what  regions  will be most
affected and what strategies are best to deal with those forces.

                          PART II - OTHER INFORMATION

ITEM 5.  Other Information
- --------------------------

   Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station

   See Note 7 of Notes to Condensed  Financial  Statements  in Part I, Item 1 of
this  report  for  a  discussion  of  issues  regarding  the  Palo  Verde  steam

   Construction and Financing Programs

   See "Liquidity and Capital  Resources" in Part I, Item 2 of this report for a
discussion of the Company's construction and financing programs.

   Navajo Nation

   Four  Corners  Power Plant and Navajo  Generating  Station are located on the
Navajo  Reservation  and  are  held  under  easements  granted  by  the  federal
government  as well as leases  from the Navajo  Tribe.  The  Company is the Four
Corners  operating agent and owns a 100% interest in Four Corners Units 1, 2 and
3, and a 15%  interest in Four  Corners  Units 4 and 5. The  Company  owns a 14%
interest  in NGS Units 1, 2, and 3. In July 1995 the Navajo  Nation  enacted the
Navajo Nation Air Pollution  Prevention  and Control Act, the Navajo Nation Safe
Drinking  Water Act, and the Navajo  Nation  Pesticide  Act  (collectively,  the
"Acts").  See "Navajo  Nation" in Part II, Item 5 of the June 10-Q.  By separate
letters dated October 12 and October 13, 1995 the Four Corners  participants and
the NGS  participants  requested the United States  Secretary of the Interior to
resolve their dispute with the Tribe regarding  whether or not the Acts apply to
operations  of NGS and Four  Corners.  On  October  17,  1995  the Four  Corners
participants and the NGS participants each filed a lawsuit in the District Court
of the Navajo  Nation,  Window Rock  District,  seeking,  among other things,  a
declaratory  judgment  that (i) their  respective  leases and federal  easements
preclude the  application of the Acts to the operations of Four Corners and NGS,
and (ii) the  Navajo  Nation  and its  agencies  and  courts  lack  adjudicatory
jurisdiction  to  determine  the  enforceability  of the Acts as applied to Four
Corners  and NGS. On October 18,  1995,  the Tribe and the Four  Corners and NGS
participants  agreed to  indefinitely  stay the  proceedings  referenced  in the
preceding  two  sentences so that the parties may attempt to resolve the dispute
without  litigation,  and the parties have  requested that the Secretary and the
Court stay these  proceedings.  The Company cannot currently predict the outcome
of this matter.

ITEM 6.  Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K
- -----------------------------------------

     (a)  Exhibits

Exhibit No.     Description
- -----------     -----------

10.1            Letter  Agreement  dated  July  28,  1995,  between  the Company
                and  Jaron  B.  Norberg   regarding  certain  of  Mr.  Norberg's
                retirement benefits

10.2            Second  Amendment   to   Pinnacle   West  Capital   Corporation,
                Arizona Public Service Company,  SunCor Development Company, and
                El  Dorado  Investment   Company  Deferred   Compensation  Plan,
                effective as of January 1, 1994

10.3            Amendment   to  Pinnacle   West  Capital  Corporation,   Arizona
                Public  Service  Company,  SunCor  Development  Company,  and El
                Dorado Investment Company Deferred  Compensation Plan, effective
                as of December 1, 1994

10.4            Amendment   No. 4  to   Pinnacle   West   Capital   Corporation,
                Arizona Public Service Company,  SunCor Development Company, and
                El  Dorado  Investment   Company  Deferred   Compensation  Plan,
                effective as of May 17, 1995

15.1            Letter  in  Lieu  of   Consent   Regarding   Unaudited   Interim
                Financial Information

27.1            Financial Data Schedule

    (b)  Reports on Form 8-K

    During the quarter ended September 30, 1995,  and the period ended  November
    13, 1995, the Company filed the following report on Form 8-K:

    Report filed October 24, 1995  regarding the  resignation of Bank of America
    National  Trust and  Savings  Association  as  trustee  under the  Company's
    Mortgage and Deed of Trust dated as of July 1, 1946, and the  appointment of
    The Bank of New York as the successor trustee.


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  Company  has duly  caused  this  report to be  signed on its  behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY

Dated: November 13, 1995               By Jaron B. Norberg
       -----------------                  ----------------
                                          Jaron B. Norberg
                                          Executive Vice President and
                                          Chief Financial Officer
                                          (Principal Financial Officer
                                          and Officer Duly Authorized
                                          to sign this Report)