Exhibit 10.2

                              SECOND AMENDMENT TO
                         ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY
                           SUNCOR DEVELOPMENT COMPANY
                          EL DORADO INVESTMENT COMPANY
                           DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN

               Pinnacle West Capital Corporation ("Pinnacle West"),  pursuant to
the power  granted to it by Section 11.2 of the  above-named  plan (the "Plan"),
hereby amends the Plan, effective as of January 1, 1994, by making the following
deletions and additions:

I.     Section  3.6  is  deleted  in its entirety and a new Section 3.6 is added
       to read as follows:

       "3.6  Installment  Distributions.  In the  event  a  benefit  is  paid in
             installments under Articles 5, 6, or 8, installment payment amounts
             shall be determined in the following manner:

       (a)   Interest   Rate.   The  interest  rate  to  be  used  to  calculate
             installment  payment amounts shall be a fixed interest rate that is
             determined by averaging  the  Crediting  Rates for the Plan Year in
             which a Participant  becomes  eligible to receive a benefit and the
             four (4) preceding Plan Years. If a Participant has completed fewer
             than five (5) Plan Years,  this average shall be  determined  using
             the Crediting Rates for the Plan Years during which the Participant
             participated in the Plan.

       (b)   Installment  Payments.  For  purposes  of  calculating  installment
             payment amounts, each annual installment payment, starting with the
             first  payment  [which for this  purpose is deemed to be paid as of
             the date that the Participant becomes eligible to receive a benefit
             under this Plan (the "Eligibility Date")] and continuing thereafter
             for each  additional  year that  starts on the  anniversary  of the
             Eligibility Date until the Participant's Account Balance is paid in
             full,  shall be deemed to have been paid prior to the  crediting of
             interest  for  that  year.  (The  result  of this is that  interest
             crediting  shall be made  after  taking  into  account  the  annual
             installment payment for that year.)

       (c)   Amortization.  Based on the interest rate  determined in accordance
             with Section 3.6(b) above, the Participant's  Account Balance shall
             be amortized  in equal  installment  payments  over the term of the
             specified  payment  period.  The  resulting  number  shall  be  the
             installment payment that is to be paid each year."

II.    The First  Sentence of Section 5.2 is deleted in its  entirety  and a new
       first sentence of Section 5.2 is added to read as follows:

       "A  Participant,   in  connection   with  his  or  her   commencement  of
       participation in the Plan, shall elect on an Election Form to receive the
       Retirement  Benefit  in a lump sum or in  equal  annual  payments  over a
       period of 5, 10 or 15 years (the latter  determined  in  accordance  with
       Section 3.5 above)."

III.   Except as specifically  provided herein, the remaining  provisions of the
       Plan, as previously amended, shall remain in full force and effect.

              Pinnacle  West has caused this  Amendment to be signed by its duly
authorized officer as of January 1, 1994.

                                               Pinnacle West Capital Corporation

                                            By:        Faye Widenmann

                                            Its:       Vice President