Washington, D.C. 20549


                                    FORM 11-K


                   For the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 1995



                        For the Transition Period From to

                         Commission File Number 1-04785



                            (Full title of the plan)


                              DEL WEBB CORPORATION
                 (Exact name of Issuer as specified in charter)

                    6001 North 24th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85016
                                 (602) 808-8000
             (Address, including zip code, and telephone number and
               area code, of Issuer's principal executive offices)

                              Dated: June 28, 1996


         A.       Financial Statements

                  1.       Audited  statements of net  assets available for plan
                           benefits as of December 31, 1995 and 1994.

                  2.       Audited statements of changes in net assets available
                           for plan benefits for the  years   ended December 31,
                           1995 and 1994. 

         B.       Exhibit

                  23.      Consent of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP.

                              DEL WEBB CORPORATION
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

                       Financial Statements and Schedules

                           December 31, 1995 and 1994

                   (With Independent Auditors' Report Thereon)

                          Independent Auditors' Report

Benefits Advisory Committee
Del Webb Corporation
Retirement Savings Plan:

We have audited the  accompanying  statements  of net assets  available for plan
benefits of the Del Webb Corporation  Retirement Savings Plan as of December 31,
1995 and 1994, and the related statements of changes in net assets available for
plan  benefits  for the years then ended.  These  financial  statements  are the
responsibility  of the Plan's  management.  Our  responsibility is to express an
opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We  conducted  our  audits  in  accordance  with  generally   accepted  auditing
standards.  Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain
reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting
the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements.  An audit also includes
assessing the  accounting  principles  used and  significant  estimates  made by
management,  as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the net assets  available  for plan benefits of the Del
Webb Corporation  Retirement  Savings Plan as of December 31, 1995 and 1994, and
the changes in net assets  available  for plan benefits for the years then ended
in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Our  audits  were  made for the  purpose  of  forming  an  opinion  on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole. The supplementary information included in
the attached  Schedules is presented for purposes of additional  analysis and is
not a required part of the basic financial statements. Such information has been
subjected  to the  auditing  procedures  applied  in  the  audits  of the  basic
financial  statements  and, in our  opinion,  is fairly  stated in all  material
respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.

                                                   KPMG PEAT MARWICK LLP
Phoenix, Arizona
May 10, 1996

                              DEL WEBB CORPORATION
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

              Statements of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                           December 31, 1995 and 1994

                                                                                 1995                 1994
                                                                           ------------------   ------------------
    Investments, at fair value (note 4):
      Del Webb Stock Fund                                               $       1,835,793            1,845,227
      Mutual funds                                                             18,240,143           12,078,462
      Money market funds                                                        6,187,609            4,645,682
      Participant loans                                                           601,900              594,960
                                                                           ------------------   ------------------
              Total investments                                                26,865,445           19,164,331
                                                                           ------------------   ------------------

    Participants' contributions                                                    65,777               79,958
    Employer's contributions                                                       26,290               31,332
                                                                           ------------------   ------------------
              Total assets                                                     26,957,512           19,275,621
                                                                           ------------------   ------------------

              Net assets available for plan benefits                    $      26,957,512           19,275,621
                                                                           ==================   ==================

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                              DEL WEBB CORPORATION
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

                       Statements of Changes in Net Assets
                           Available for Plan Benefits

                     Years ended December 31, 1995 and 1994

                                                                                     1995                 1994
                                                                               -----------------    ------------------
Additions to net assets attributed to:
    Investment income:
      Net appreciation (depreciation) in fair value of investments
        (note 3)                                                                  $ 3,302,704             (524,280)
      Interest and dividends                                                        1,331,282              936,267
                                                                               -----------------    ------------------
                                                                                    4,633,986              411,987
                                                                               -----------------    ------------------

      Participants                                                                  3,175,665            2,319,625
        Matching                                                                    1,125,357              844,130
        Discretionary (note 7)                                                        743,904              496,236
                                                                               -----------------    ------------------
              Total additions                                                       9,678,912            4,071,978
                                                                               -----------------    ------------------

Deductions from net assets attributed to:
    Distributions to and withdrawals by participants                                1,959,289            1,356,055
    Administrative and other expenses                                                  37,732               25,656
                                                                               -----------------    ------------------
              Total deductions                                                      1,997,021            1,381,711
                                                                               -----------------    ------------------

              Net increase                                                          7,681,891            2,690,267

Net assets available for plan benefits:
    Beginning of year                                                              19,275,621           16,585,354
                                                                               -----------------    ------------------

    End of year                                                             $      26,957,512           19,275,621
                                                                               =================    ==================

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                              DEL WEBB CORPORATION
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

                          Notes to Financial Statements

                           December 31, 1995 and 1994

(1)    Description of Plan

       The  following  description  of the Del  Webb  Corporation  (Company  and
       Sponsor)   Retirement   Savings   Plan  (Plan)   provides   only  general
       information.  Participants  should refer to the Plan agreement for a more
       complete description of the Plan's provisions.


       The Plan is a defined contribution plan and covers all eligible employees
       of the Company and  participating  affiliates  who are 21 years of age or
       older,  other than those  covered by a  collective  bargaining  agreement
       negotiated in good faith with the Company. Terms of the agreement provide
       for covered employees to become  participants  generally after completion
       of six months of service.


       Participants  may contribute from 2% to 6% of their salary (not to exceed
       the limits set forth by the  Internal  Revenue  Code,  $9,240 in 1995 and
       1994) as required  deposits on which the Company  will provide a matching
       contribution  ("matching  contributions"),  which  is  determined  by the
       Corporation's Board of Directors. During the two years ended December 31,
       1995,  the  matching  contribution  has been 50%.  Participants  may also
       deposit up to 9% of their  salaries  above their  required  deposits as a
       voluntary deposit  ("voluntary  deposits") for which the Company provides
       no  matching  contribution.  The Plan also  allows the  Company to make a
       "discretionary"  contribution  to the Del Webb Stock Fund. The allocation
       of the discretionary  contribution  excludes any participant eligible for
       the Company's Deferred Compensation Plan.

       The  Plan is  subject  to the  regulations  established  by the  Employee
       Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).  As of December 31, 1995,
       the Plan had met the minimum funding requirements established by ERISA.

       Participant Accounts

       The Plan allows for each  participant  to control the allocation of their
       assets  between the  various  investment  funds and make  changes to this
       allocation at any time. Consequently, each participant's account reflects
       earnings or losses resulting from their investment decisions.


       Participants  become  100%  vested  in  their  contributions  as  well as
       employer contributions made on their behalf on the date of contribution.


       Benefits are payable upon termination of employment,  retirement,  death,
       election  at age  59-1/2 or  termination  of the Plan.  Participants  can
       receive  a lump sum  distribution  or  installment  payments  for up to a
       ten-year period.

       Participant Loans

       Generally,  participants  may borrow up to 50% of their  account  balance
       subject to a minimum of $1,000 and a maximum of $50,000.  Minimum monthly
       repayments  of $50 are  required.  Each loan shall bear an interest  rate
       equal to the average  rate on  certificates  of deposit  with  maturities
       equivalent  to the length of the loan at the  beginning  of the month the
       loan is made.  The duration of the loans are subject to a minimum term of
       twelve  months  and a maximum  term of 54 months.  Participant  loans are
       stated at the principal balance of the loans outstanding.

       Investment Funds

       The following is a description of each investment fund as of December 31,

       o Del Webb Stock Fund - investment in common stock of the Company.

       o Fidelity Puritan Fund - investment in a broadly  diversified  portfolio
         of high-yielding securities.

       o Fidelity  Magellan  Fund -  investment  in  stocks  of  companies  with
         above-average growth potential.

       o Fidelity Contra Fund - investment in stocks of companies with potential
         for capital growth.

       o Fidelity  Growth & Income Fund -  investment  in a broadly  diversified
         portfolio of high-yielding securities.

       o Fidelity  Intermediate Bond Fund - investment in various types of bonds
         that offer a return in excess of money market rates.

       o Fidelity Stock Selector Fund - investments in stocks of companies which
         are deemed by the Fund manager to be  undervalued  in relation to other
         companies in the same industry.

       o Fidelity FID Global  Balanced Fund - investments  in stocks,  bonds and
         money market instruments issued anywhere in the world.

       o Fidelity U.S.  Equity Index Fund -  investments  in stocks of companies
         that primarily comprise the S&P 500.

       o Fidelity  Retirement  Money  Market Fund - investment  in  high-quality
         short-term money market instruments.

       o Bank of America Money Market Fund - represents an interest bearing fund
         used  to   accumulate   contributions   temporarily,   which  are  then
         transferred to participant specified investments on a monthly basis.

       Plan Termination

       Although  it has not  expressed  any intent to do so, the Company has the
       right under the Plan to discontinue its  contributions at any time and to
       terminate the Plan subject to the  provisions of the Employer  Retirement
       Income  Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).  In the event of Plan  termination,
       participants will be entitled to 100 percent of their account balances.

  (2)  Summary of Significant Accounting Policies

       Basis of Presentation

       The accompanying  financial  statements have been prepared on the accrual
       basis and present the net assets  available for plan benefits and changes
       in those net assets.

       Investment Valuation

       Investments  in mutual  funds  are  stated  at the  Plan's  proportionate
       interest  in the net  assets of the  funds,  which are  valued at market.
       Investments  in money  market  funds are stated at the  reinvested  share
       values  which  represent  market.  Investments  in  common  stock  of the
       Corporation are valued at the quoted market price. The market  valuations
       are determined by the trustee for the Plan.

       Administrative and Other Expenses

       Other than  trustee  fees,  administrative  expenses of the Plan are paid
       directly by the Company,  accordingly, such expenses are not reflected in
       the accompanying financial statements.

       Securities Transactions

       Purchases and sales of securities are recorded on a trade-date basis.

 (3)   Changes in Fair Market Value of Investments

       Net  appreciation  (depreciation)  in fair  market  value of  investments
       (including  investments  bought,  sold and held)  during the years  ended
       December 31, 1995 and 1994 follows:

                                                                 1995                             1994
                                                    --------------------------------  ------------------------------
                                                      Realized         Unrealized       Realized       Unrealized
                                                     Gain (Loss)          Gain         Gain (Loss)    Gain (Loss)
                                                    --------------    --------------  --------------  -------------
           Del Webb Stock Fund                   $       186,100           86,565         53,468           148,723
                                                    --------------    --------------  --------------  -------------
           Mutual funds:
             Fidelity Puritan Fund                        55,553          487,176         31,730         (260,220)
             Fidelity Magellan Fund                      429,899        1,019,645         78,865         (369,448)
             Fidelity Contra Fund                         10,533           12,106             --                --
             Fidelity Growth & Income Fund                66,092          698,619         29,921         (156,307)
             Fidelity Intermediate Bond Fund              (1,817)          38,500        (15,875)         (44,214)
             Fidelity Stock Selector Fund                 13,251          105,773         11,573          (32,496)
             Fidelity FID Global Balanced Fund             2,430            4,093             --                --
             Fidelity US Equity Index Fund                 5,035           83,151             --                --
                                                    --------------    --------------  --------------  -------------
                                                         580,976        2,449,063        136,214         (862,685)
                                                    --------------    --------------  --------------  -------------
                     Totals                      $       767,076        2,535,628        189,682         (713,962)
                                                    ==============    ==============  ==============  =============
           Net appreciation (depreciation) in
             fair value of investments                  $    3,302,704                        (524,280)
                                                           ==================              =================

                              DEL WEBB CORPORATION
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

                    Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

(4)      Investments

         The following  represents changes in the investments of the plan during
1995 and 1994:

         Year ended December 31, 1995:

                                                                                                      Fidelity       Fidelity      
                                      Del Webb          Fidelity       Fidelity       Fidelity        Growth &     Intermediate    
                                        Stock            Puritan       Magellan        Contra          Income          Bond        
                                        Fund              Fund          Fund            Fund            Fund           Fund       
                                      --------          --------       --------       --------        --------     ------------    
Additions to net assets
 attributed to:
   Investment income:
     Net appreciation (deprecia-
     tion) in fair value of invest-
     ments                            $ 272,665          542,729       1,449,544         22,639        764,711        36,683  
   Interest and dividends                15,919          231,793         402,174         30,508        182,828        41,737  
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------        -------      ---------       -------  
                                        288,584          774,522       1,851,718         53,147        947,539        78,420  
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------        -------      ---------       -------  

     Participants'                      217,076          463,023         814,018         93,483        547,675       199,310  
       Matching                          82,519          155,680         298,858         28,284        188,570        68,050  
       Discretionary                     53,891           84,947         159,031         12,022        107,260        38,069  
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------        -------      ---------       -------  

            Total additions             642,070        1,478,172       3,123,625        186,936      1,791,044       383,849  

Deductions from net assets 
 attributed to:
   Distributions to and with-
     drawals by participants           (214,291)        (205,805)       (875,051)       (26,541)      (179,686)      (44,182) 
   Administrative and other
     expenses                                 -           (6,398)         (4,068)          (236)        (3,195)       (2,572)
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------        -------      ---------       -------  
            Total deductions           (214,291)        (212,203)       (879,119)       (26,777)      (182,881)      (46,754) 
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------        -------      ---------       -------  

Interfund transfers, including loan
 issuances and repayments              (437,213)        (536,711)       (435,939)       260,996         17,060       104,194  
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------        -------      ---------       -------  

            Net increase
               (decrease)                (9,434)         729,258       1,808,567        421,155      1,625,223       441,289  

Net assets available for 
 plan benefits:
   Beginning of year                  1,845,227        3,578,082       5,098,865             -       2,436,096       481,233  
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------        -------      ---------       -------  

   End of year                      $ 1,835,793        4,307,340       6,907,432        421,155      4,061,319       922,522  
                                    ===========        =========       =========        =======      =========       =======  

                                                      Fidelity      Fidelity                  Bank of                           
                                       Fidelity      Retirement        FID       Fidelity     America                           
                                         Stock          Money        Global      US Equity     Money                            
                                       Selector        Market       Balanced       Index       Market     Participant            
                                         Fund           Fund          Fund         Fund         Fund         Loans         Totals
                                       --------      ----------     --------     ---------     ------     -----------      ------
Additions to net assets                                                                                                             
 attributed to:                                                                                                                     
   Investment income:                                                                                                               
     Net appreciation (deprecia-                                                                                                    
     tion) in fair value of invest-                                                                                                 
     ments                              119,024             -          6,523       88,186           -            -        3,302,704 
   Interest and dividends                93,888        276,632           244       10,660       22,547       22,352       1,331,282 
                                        -------      ---------        ------      -------      -------      -------      ---------- 
                                        212,912        276,632         6,767       98,846       22,547       22,352       4,633,986 
                                        -------      ---------        ------      -------      -------      -------      ---------- 
     Participants'                      202,532        450,516        38,524       27,346      136,343           -        3,189,846 
       Matching                          68,323        171,152         9,680       11,379       47,904           -        1,130,399 
       Discretionary                     42,559        238,029         3,827        4,269           -            -          743,904 
                                        -------      ---------        ------      -------      -------      -------      ---------- 
            Total additions             526,326      1,136,329        58,798      141,840      206,794       22,352       9,698,135 
Deductions from net assets                                                                                                          
 attributed to:                                                                                                             
   Distributions to and with-                                                                                                       
     drawals by participants            (36,043)      (376,227)       (1,054)        (409)          -            -       (1,959,289)
   Administrative and other                                                                                                         
     expenses                              (595)       (18,254)           (1)        (141)      (1,250)      (1,022)        (37,732)
                                        -------      ---------        ------      -------      -------      -------      ---------- 
            Total deductions            (36,638)      (394,481)       (1,055)        (550)      (1,250)      (1,022)     (1,997,021)
                                        -------      ---------        ------      -------      -------      -------      ---------- 
Interfund transfers, including loan                                                                                                 
 issuances and repayments                12,561        594,535        15,110      419,797           -       (14,390)             -  
                                        -------      ---------        ------      -------      -------      -------      ---------- 
            Net increase                                                                                                            
               (decrease)               502,249      1,336,383        72,853      561,087      205,544        6,940       7,701,114 
Net assets available for                                                                                                            
 plan benefits:
   Beginning of year                    484,186      4,337,291            -            -       308,391      594,960      19,164,331 
                                        -------      ---------        ------      -------      -------      -------      ---------- 
   End of year                          986,435      5,673,674        72,853      561,087      513,935      601,900      26,865,445 
                                        =======      =========        ======      =======      =======      =======      ========== 

                              DEL WEBB CORPORATION
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

                    Notes to Financial Statements, Continued

         Year ended December 31, 1994:
                                                                                      Fidelity        Fidelity       Fidelity  
                                      Del Webb          Fidelity       Fidelity       Growth &      Intermediate       Stock   
                                        Stock            Puritan       Magellan        Income           Bond         Selector  
                                        Fund              Fund           Fund           Fund            Fund           Fund    
                                      --------          --------       --------       --------      ------------     --------  
Additions to net assets
 attributed to:
   Investment income:
     Net appreciation (deprecia-
     tion) in fair value of invest-
     ments                            $ 202,192         (228,491)       (290,583)      (126,386)      (60,089)       (20,923)  
   Interest and dividends                16,878          281,181         202,372        176,964        45,892         23,721   
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------      ---------       -------        -------   
                                        219,070           52,690         (88,211)        50,578       (14,197)         2,798   
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------      ---------       -------        -------   

     Participants'                      194,158          310,171         721,954        427,666       129,443        138,119   
       Matching                          66,498          123,269         242,234        147,449        48,983         48,990   
       Discretionary                    496,236               -               -              -             -              -    
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------      ---------       -------        -------   
            Total additions             975,962          486,130         875,977        625,693       164,229        189,907   
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------      ---------       -------        -------   

Deductions from net assets 
 attributed to:
   Distributions to and with-
     drawals by participants           (112,653)        (238,289)       (565,888)       (84,427)      (26,825)       (37,521)  
   Administrative and other
     expenses                              (128)          (3,284)         (2,371)        (1,418)         (890)           (14)
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------      ---------       -------        -------   
            Total deductions           (112,781)        (241,573)       (568,259)       (85,845)      (27,715)       (37,535)  
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------      ---------       -------        -------   

Interfund transfers, net                (91,955)         217,438        (259,035)      (127,271)     (315,689)       (85,471)  
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------      ---------       -------        -------   

            Net increase
               (decrease)               771,226          461,995          48,683        412,577      (179,175)        66,901   

Net assets available for 
 plan benefits:
   Beginning of year                  1,074,001        3,116,087       5,050,182      2,023,519       660,408        417,285   
                                    -----------        ---------       ---------      ---------       -------        -------   

   End of year                      $ 1,845,227        3,578,082       5,098,865      2,436,096       481,233        484,186   
                                    ===========        =========       =========      =========       =======        =======   

                                    Fidelity        Bank of                                
                                   Retirement       America                                
                                      Money          Money                                 
                                     Market         Market        Participant              
                                      Fund           Fund            Loans         Totals  
                                   ----------       -------       -----------      ------  
Additions to net assets                                                                    
 attributed to:                                                                            
   Investment income:                                                                      
     Net appreciation (deprecia-                                                           
     tion) in fair value of invest-                                                        
     ments                                -             -                -        (524,280)
   Interest and dividends            160,782        10,827           17,650        936,267 
                                   ---------       -------          -------     ---------- 
                                     160,782        10,827           17,650        411,987 
                                   ---------       -------          -------     ---------- 
     Participants'                   359,929       (41,773)              -       2,239,667 
       Matching                      141,895        (6,520)              -         812,798 
       Discretionary                      -             -                -         496,236 
                                   ---------       -------          -------     ---------- 
            Total additions          662,606       (37,466)          17,650      3,960,688 
                                   ---------       -------          -------     ---------- 
Deductions from net assets                                                                 
 attributed to:                                                                             
   Distributions to and with-                                                              
     drawals by participants        (341,056)            -          (21,069)    (1,427,728)
   Administrative and other                                                                
     expenses                        (14,130)         (875)          (2,546)       (25,656)
                                   ---------       -------          -------     ---------- 
            Total deductions        (355,186)         (875)         (23,615)    (1,453,384)
                                   ---------       -------          -------     ---------- 
Interfund transfers, net             500,469        17,559          143,955             -  
            Net increase                                                                   
               (decrease)            807,889       (20,782)         137,990      2,507,304 
Net assets available for                                                                   
 plan benefits:                                                                             
   Beginning of year               3,529,402       329,173          456,970     16,657,027 
                                   ---------       -------          -------     ---------- 
   End of year                     4,337,291       308,391          594,960     19,164,331 
                                   =========       =======          =======     ========== 

(5)    Participant Data

       The number of  participants  in each investment fund at December 31, 1995
and 1994 was as follows:

                                                                                 1995                 1994
                                                                           ------------------   ------------------
           Del Webb Stock Fund                                                     990                  995
           Fidelity Puritan Fund                                                   502                  413
           Fidelity Magellan Fund                                                  755                  593
           Fidelity Contra Fund                                                    138                   --
           Fidelity Growth & Income Fund                                           513                  364
           Fidelity Intermediate Bond Fund                                         248                  192
           Fidelity Stock Selector Fund                                            241                  159
           FID Global Balanced Fund                                                 64                   --
           Fidelity Retirement Money Market Fund                                   989                  747
           U.S. Equity Index Fund                                                   70                   --

(6)    Federal Income Taxes

       The Plan has received a  determination  letter from the Internal  Revenue
       Service which stated that the Plan and its underlying trust qualify under
       the applicable  provisions of the Internal  Revenue Code and,  therefore,
       are exempt from federal  income  taxes.  There have been no amendments to
       the Plan  subsequent  to the  determination  letter that would effect the
       Plan's tax exempt status,  and in the opinion of the Plan  administrator,
       the Plan and its underlying  trust have operated  within the terms of the
       Plan and remain qualified under the applicable provisions of the Internal
       Revenue Code.

(7)    Non Cash Contributions

       During the year ended  December 31, 1994, Del Webb as sponsor of the Plan
       made a non-cash  discretionary  contribution  consisting of shares of Del
       Webb stock with a market value of $496,236.

                                    Schedule 1

                              DEL WEBB CORPORATION
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

           Item 27a - Schedule of Assets Held for Investment Purposes

                                December 31, 1995


A  comparison  of the cost and fair values of  investments  at December 31, 1995

       Identity                            Description of                                               Current
      of Issuer                              Investments                             Cost                Value
- -----------------------    ------------------------------------------------    -----------------    -----------------
Del Webb
Corporation                Del Webb Stock Fund, 88,931 shares               $       1,311,982            1,835,793

Investments                Fidelity Puritan Fund, 253,224 units                     3,777,153            4,307,340

Investments                Fidelity Magellan Fund, 80,338 units                     5,533,107            6,907,432

Investments                Fidelity Contra Fund, 11,077 units                         409,049              421,155

Investments                Fidelity Growth & Income Fund, 150,141 units             3,360,962            4,061,319

Investments                Fidelity Intermediate Bond Fund, 88,619 units              911,363              922,522

Investments                Fidelity Stock Selector Fund, 44,454 units                 896,886              986,435

Investments                Fidelity FID Global Balanced Fund, 5,674 units              68,760               72,853

Investments                Fidelity U.S. Equity Index Fund, 24,860 units              477,936              561,087

Fidelity                   Fidelity Retirement Money Market Fund,
Investments                    5,673,674 units                                      5,673,674            5,673,674

Bank of America            Bank of America Institutional Fund, 573,435
                               units                                                  513,935              513,935

                           Participant loans                                          601,900              601,900
                                                                               -----------------    -----------------

                                                                            $      23,536,707           26,865,445
                                                                               =================    =================

See accompanying independent auditors' report.

                                   Schedule 2

                              DEL WEBB CORPORATION
                             RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

                 Item 27d - Schedule of Reportable Transactions

                          Year ended December 31, 1995

                                                                            Value of
                                                                            Asset on
Description         Number of       Purchase      Selling        Cost of   Transaction     Net
 of Asset          Transactions      Price         Price          Asset       Date        Gain
- -----------        ------------     --------      -------        -------   -----------    ----
Del Webb Stock Fund    178        $ 2,437,055    2,719,154     2,533,054    2,719,154    186,100
Fidelity Puritan       194          1,453,032    1,266,503     1,210,950    1,266,503     55,553
Fidelity Magellan      228          2,460,092    2,101,069     1,671,170    2,101,069    429,899
Fidelity Growth &
   Income              185          1,573,571      713,059       646,967      713,059     66,092
Fidelity Retirement
   Money Market        241          3,192,982    1,856,600     1,856,600    1,856,600         -

See accompanying independent auditors' report.


         Pursuant to the  requirements  of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
the  trustees  (or  other  persons  who  administer  the  Del  Webb  Corporation
Retirement  Savings Plan have duly caused this annual report to be signed on its
behalf by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                            DEL WEBB CORPORATION
                                            RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN


                                            Name:  Lynn Schuttenberg

                                            Title: Chairman of Benefits Advisory

Dated:  June 28, 1996

                                INDEX TO EXHIBITS

                                                           Page in Sequential
                                                           Numbering System in
                                                           Manually Signed
Exhibit                                                    Original on Which
Number       Description                                   Exhibits May Be Found
- ------       -----------                                   ---------------------

 23          Consent of KPMG Peat Marwick LLP