Exhibit 10.2

         This Employment and Consulting  Agreement (the  "Agreement") is entered
into as of the 10th day of July, 1996 between DEL WEBB  CORPORATION,  a Delaware
corporation (the "Company"), and PHILIP J. DION ("Dion").


         Throughout this Agreement,  certain defined terms will be identified by
the  capitalization  of the first letter of the defined word or the first letter
of each substantive word in a defined phrase. Whenever used, these terms will be
given the indicated meaning.


         (a)      Employment Period

         The  "Employment  Period"  shall  begin  on July  10,  1996  and end on
November 30, 1999. During the Employment  Period,  Dion shall perform the duties
of  Chairman  of the Board and Chief  Executive  Officer  of  Company.  As Chief
Executive  Officer,  Dion shall  supervise  and direct the entire  operation  of
Company  and,  to  the  extent  practicable,  its  "Subsidiaries".   During  the
Employment Period, Dion also shall perform such additional duties related to the
business and affairs of Company and its  Subsidiaries as may be delegated to him
from  time to time by the Board of  Directors  of  Company  (the  "Board").  Any
additional duties delegated to Dion by the Board shall be consistent with Dion's
position as Chief  Executive  Officer and  Chairman of the Board and shall be of
the type customarily assigned to the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the
Board of a  comparable  corporation.  For purposes of this  Agreement,  the term
"Subsidiary" shall mean any corporation,  partnership,  joint venture,  or other
entity in which  Company  directly  or  indirectly  has a 20% or greater  equity

         (b)      Consulting Period

         Dion's  status as an  "employee"  of Company  shall end on November 30,
1999, the last day of the Employment Period, unless this Agreement is terminated
previously  pursuant to the  provisions  hereof.  If this Agreement has not been
previously  terminated,  Dion shall become a part-time  consultant to Company on
December  1, 1999 and  shall  continue  to serve as a  part-time  consultant  to
Company until  November 30, 2001.  The period  beginning on December 1, 1999 and
ending on November  30, 2001 shall be  referred to as the  "Consulting  Period".
During the  Consulting  Period,  Dion shall  serve as  Chairman  of the Board of
Company if he is elected to the Board of  Directors by the  stockholders  and is
appointed  as  Chairman by the  directors,  in each case  pursuant to  Company's
Bylaws.  In such case, Dion shall perform the duties assigned to the Chairman of
the Board by  Company's  Bylaws.  If he is  serving  as a member of the Board of
Directors during the Consulting

Period Mr. Dion shall  receive,  in addition to the  Consulting Fee set forth in
Section  5, the same fees for  attendance  and  committee  assignments  as other
non-employee Board members; provided, that during the Consulting Period he shall
not receive any additional  fee for acting as Chairman of the Board.  Regardless
of whether  Dion is  serving  as  Chairman  of the Board  during the  Consulting
Period, Dion shall perform such additional or other duties as may be assigned to
him by the Board as long as such duties are of the type customarily  assigned to
a  retired  Chief  Executive  Officer  acting  as a  part-time  consultant  to a
comparable  corporation.  Dion shall not be  required  to perform  more than 600
hours of consulting services in either of the 12-month periods (December 1, 1999
to November 30, 2000 and December 1, 2000 to November 30, 2001)  included in the
Consulting  Period.  The Consulting Period shall not commence and Dion shall not
be a  consultant  if this  Agreement  is  terminated  prior to  December 1, 1999
pursuant to the provisions  hereof. The Consulting Period may be extended for an
additional one-year period on such terms and conditions as the parties may agree

         (c)      Board Nomination

         Company  will  recommend  to the  Nominating  Committee  that  Dion  be
submitted to the  stockholders as a Board candidate  following the expiration of
his term on the Board that begins in calendar year 1996.  Dion's nomination will
be left to the  discretion  of the  Nominating  Committee,  which shall act in a
manner that it deems to be in the best interests of Company's  stockholders.  As
provided in Section 11(b)(1), if Dion is not nominated and elected to the Board,
or is elected to the Board but not the  Chairmanship,  he shall have Good Reason
to terminate this Agreement.

         (d)      General

         Dion agrees that at all times during both the Employment Period and the
Consulting  Period  he will  faithfully,  industriously,  and to the best of his
ability, experience, and talents, perform all of the duties that may be required
of and from him and fulfill all of his  responsibilities  hereunder  pursuant to
the express and explicit  terms hereof,  to the reasonable  satisfaction  of the
Board.  Dion also  agrees  that  during the  Employment  Period,  he will devote
substantially  all of his  undivided  time,  attention,  knowledge,  and skills,
during  customary  business  hours,  to the business  and  interests of Company,
subject to such  reasonable  vacations and sick leave as are provided  under the
general  policies of Company as they may exist from time to time and  consistent
with past practice.  During the Employment Period,  Dion also shall maintain his
residence  at a location  within the city or in or near a suburban  community of
the city in which the executive offices of Company are located.


         In  addition to any other  benefits  to which Dion may become  entitled
pursuant to any plan or program  sponsored  by  Company,  if this  Agreement  is
terminated  during the Employment  Period by reason of the death of Dion, Dion's
widow or, if she shall not survive him, his estate shall be paid at

the rate of Dion's  "Base  Salary" (as  determined  pursuant to Section 4) as in
effect at the time of his death for a period of 12 calendar months following the
date of his death.


         Dion shall receive the following  compensation  for services during the
Employment Period.

         (a)      Base Salary

         Dion shall receive "Base Salary"  during the  Employment  Period at the
rate of $500,000 per year. Base Salary shall be payable as nearly as possible in
equal bi-weekly installments.  The Base Salary may be adjusted from time to time
in accordance with the procedures  established by Company for salary adjustments
for executive officers, but it may not be reduced below the Base Salary provided

         (b)      Incentive and Benefit Plans

         During the Employment  Period,  Dion shall participate in any incentive
compensation  plans,  pension or profit  sharing plans,  stock  purchase  plans,
executive  retirement  plans, any annuity or group benefit plans and any medical
plans and other benefit plans that are now or in the future may be maintained by
Company  for its  executive  officers,  all in  accordance  with the  terms  and
conditions  of the plans.  Dion shall not be  entitled to  participate  in these
plans  during  the   Consulting   Period   except  to  the  extent  that  Dion's
participation is continued pursuant to other provisions of this Agreement (e.g.,
Section 6) because of the  circumstances  pursuant  to which his  employment  is
terminated.  During  the  Employment  Period  (but not the  Consulting  Period),
Company will  provide  Dion with an  automobile  and an active  membership  in a
country club of Dion's  choice in  accordance  with the  policies and  practices
applicable  to the Chief  Executive  Officer.  The  automobile  and country club
policies  for  executive  officers  may be  modified  from time to time,  but no
reduction in the level of benefits provided or expenses reimbursed will apply to
Dion in the absence of his consent.  At the conclusion of the Employment Period,
Dion  shall  retain  the  country  club  membership  in his  name  and  shall be
responsible for dues and other expenses associated therewith.


         Dion shall receive a  "Consulting  Fee" of $200,000 per year during the
Consulting  Period. The Consulting Fee shall be payable as nearly as possible in
equal bi-weekly  installments or in such other  installments as Company and Dion
may agree. Except as provided elsewhere in this Agreement, the Consulting Fee is
the only  compensation  to which Dion will be  entitled  for  services  rendered
during the  Consulting  Period.  The Consulting Fee will represent a payment for
services  rendered  by an  independent  contractor  and will not be  subject  to
withholding or employment taxes.


         If  Dion's   employment  is  continued  until  the  expiration  of  the
Employment Period, or if Dion's employment is terminated prior to the expiration
of the Employment  Period by Company without Cause pursuant to Sections 10 or 12
or by Dion for Good  Reason  pursuant  to  Sections 11 or 12, Dion also shall be
entitled to  continued  coverage  under any and all health  plans  sponsored  by
Company for the benefit of its executive level employees (the "Executive  Health
Plans"),  with such coverage to continue until the later of the death of Dion or
his spouse.  The coverage  afforded to Dion and his spouse  under the  Executive
Health Plans and the premiums  they will be required to pay shall be the same as
the coverage  afforded to and the premiums charged to any active executive level
employee,  provided  that the benefits  may be reduced by any  benefits  payable
pursuant to Part A or Part B of Medicare  or any  replacement  national or state
health care  program  (all of which  programs  are  collectively  referred to as

         After Dion  becomes  eligible  for  Medicare  coverage,  in lieu of the
continued coverage of Dion under the Executive Health Plans, Company may, at its
expense,  purchase a Medicare supplement for Dion, with such Medicare supplement
to provide the best coverage available under any Medicare  supplement  generally
available in the location in which Dion resides; provided, however, that Company
may  elect to  provide  a  Medicare  supplement  other  than the best  available
supplement  as long as such  supplement  provides  Dion (when  combined with the
coverage  afforded to Dion by Medicare) with coverage  reasonably  comparable to
the coverage  offered to executive level  employees  under the Executive  Health
Plans. If Dion becomes eligible to receive  Medicare  coverage prior to the date
on which Dion's spouse becomes  eligible to receive  Medicare  coverage,  Dion's
spouse shall continue to receive coverage under Company's Executive Health Plans
until she,  too, is eligible for Medicare  coverage,  at which point Company may
purchase a  Medicare  supplement  for Dion's  spouse on the same terms set forth
above for Dion.

         Notwithstanding anything in this Section to the contrary,  Company will
exert its best  efforts to assure  that any  coverage  afforded  to Dion and his
spouse pursuant to this Section under the Executive Health Plans or any Medicare
supplement  allows Dion and his spouse to choose their own  physicians and other
medical care providers.

         If Company,  after a good faith effort,  is unable to provide continued
coverage to Dion and/or his spouse under the  Executive  Health Plans because of
restrictions  imposed by any insurance  carrier that  provides  coverage for any
claims  incurred  under the  Executive  Health  Plans,  in lieu of the continued
coverage of Dion and/or his spouse, Company may pay Dion or his spouse a monthly
amount  equal to 150% of the cost of  providing  coverage  under  the  Executive
Health  Plans to executive  level  employees  with covered  families the size of
Dion's.  Such cost shall be determined  conclusively  by Company.  Such payments
shall continue  unless or until the Company  provides Dion and his spouse with a
Medicare supplement in accordance with the preceding provisions of this Section.

         Company  intends to provide Dion and his spouse with  medical  coverage
that is the same as or  comparable  to the coverage  offered to its senior level
executives  until such time as they  become  eligible  for  Medicare.  Following
eligibility for Medicare,  Company intends to provide Dion and his spouse with a
high  quality  Medicare  supplement.  If  due to  changes  in  medical  programs
available to Company or in Medicare the preceding  provisions of this Section do
not  accomplish  this  objective,  Company  and  Dion  (or  his  spouse  if Dion
predeceases her) will enter into good faith negotiations to reach an alternative
agreement that will carry out this intention.


         Dion  covenants  and agrees to hold in  strictest  confidence,  and not
disclose to any person, firm or corporation, without the express written consent
of Company,  any and all of Company's  or any  Subsidiary's  confidential  data,
including but not limited to information and documents  concerning  Company's or
any Subsidiary's  business,  customers,  and suppliers,  market methods,  files,
trade  secrets,  or other  "know-how"  or  techniques  or  information  not of a
published  nature which shall come into his  possession,  knowledge,  or custody
concerning the business of Company or any Subsidiary,  except as such disclosure
may be required by law or in connection with Dion's employment  hereunder.  This
covenant and agreement of Dion shall  survive this  Agreement and continue to be
binding upon Dion after the expiration or termination of this Agreement, whether
by  passage  of time or  otherwise  so long as such  information  and data shall
remain confidential.

         Dion   acknowledges   that,   in  the  event  of  his   breach  of  the
confidentiality   provisions   of  this  Section  7,  money   damages  will  not
sufficiently  compensate  Company or the  applicable  Subsidiary for its injury.
Dion  accordingly  agrees that in addition  to such money  damages,  Dion may be
restrained and enjoined from continuing breach of the provisions of this Section
7 without any bond or other  security  being  required  by any court.  Dion also
acknowledges  that any  breach  of this  Section 7 would  result in  irreparable
damage to Company or the applicable Subsidiary.


         (a)      Death

         This Agreement shall  terminate upon Dion's death.  Dion's estate shall
be entitled to receive the Base Salary,  or Consulting Fee, due through the date
of his death,  but no Base Salary,  Consulting  Fee, or other payment or benefit
will be payable in the future  except as  expressly  provided  elsewhere in this

         (b)      Permanent Disability

         At Company's  option,  this Agreement also shall terminate in the event
of Dion's "Permanent  Disability" upon notice in writing to Dion to that effect.
For purposes of this Agreement,  "Permanent  Disability" shall mean that because
of physical or mental illness or disability, with or without

accommodation,  Dion shall have been  continuously  unable to perform his duties
hereunder for a consecutive period of 180 days.

         If this  Agreement is terminated  during the  Employment  Period due to
Dion's Permanent Disability, Dion shall receive all of the payments and benefits
called for by Section 10, other than the benefits called for by Section 10(b)(8)
and (9) relating to stock  options,  stock  appreciation  rights and  restricted
stock.  If this  Agreement is  terminated  during the  Consulting  Period due to
Dion's  Permanent  Disability,  Dion shall be entitled to receive the Consulting
Fee  throughout  the  balance  of the  Consulting  Period  and Dion shall not be
entitled to receive any other amounts or benefits except to the extent expressly
provided in other provisions of this Agreement (e.g., Section 6).

         (c)      Lapse of Provisions

         This Section 8 shall cease to apply following the termination of Dion's
employment pursuant to Sections 10, 11, or 12.


         (a)      General

         Company may terminate this Agreement for "Cause" upon written notice to
Dion. If Company  terminates  this Agreement for "Cause",  Dion's Base Salary or
Consulting Fee, whichever is applicable at the time, shall immediately cease and
Dion  shall be  entitled  to no other  payments  or  benefits  pursuant  to this
Agreement,  except for any vested rights  pursuant to any benefit plans in which
Dion participates.

         (b)      "Cause" Defined
         Termination  of this Agreement for "Cause" shall mean (i) breach of any
material  provision  of this  Agreement  by Dion  which  is not  cured  within a
reasonable  time after  receipt by Dion of written  notice of such  breach  from
Company,  or (ii) conviction of Dion of any felony, or any other crime involving
moral turpitude (meaning a crime that necessarily  includes the commission of an
act of gross depravity, dishonesty, or bad morals).


         (a)      General

         Termination  of this  Agreement  by Company for reasons  other than (i)
death,  (ii) Permanent  Disability,  (iii) Cause, or (iv) upon expiration of the
Employment  Period  and  the  Consulting  Period  shall  be  referred  to  as  a
termination "without Cause". If this Agreement is terminated without Cause,

Dion is entitled to receive 30 days advance written notice. This Agreement shall
continue  during such notice period.  The termination of this Agreement shall be
effective on the 30th day (the  "Termination  Date")  following the day on which
the notice is given (the "Notice Date").

         (b)      Payments and Benefits

         If Company  terminates  this  Agreement  without Cause pursuant to this

                  (1)      If the Termination  Date occurs during the Employment
                           Period,  Company will pay Dion his Base Salary as set
                           forth in  Section 4 (or as it may be  increased  from
                           time to time),  plus  16-2/3%  of the Base  Salary in
                           lieu of  employee  benefits  referred  to in  Section
                           4(b), in equal bi-weekly installments. With each such
                           payment,   Company  also  shall  make  an  "Incentive
                           Compensation   Payment"  to  Dion.   The   "Incentive
                           Compensation  Payment" shall equal the average annual
                           "Incentive  Compensation"  paid to  Dion  by  Company
                           during the five  fiscal  years  preceding  the fiscal
                           year in which the Termination  Date occurs divided by
                           26.  For   purposes  of  this   Section,   "Incentive
                           Compensation"  refers to the amounts  payable to Dion
                           pursuant to any management incentive  compensation or
                           bonus program  sponsored by Company during the fiscal
                           years included in the five-year averaging period. The
                           payments  called for by the  preceding  provisions of
                           this Section shall continue throughout the Employment
                           Period.  Company  then shall pay Dion the  Consulting
                           Fee  in  equal  bi-weekly  payments   throughout  the
                           Consulting Period.

                  (2)      If the Termination  Date occurs during the Consulting
                           Period,  Company shall continue to pay the Consulting
                           Fee for the balance of the Consulting Period.

                  (3)      If the  Notice  Date  occurs  during  the  Employment
                           Period (but not the Consulting Period),  Company will
                           pay  any  reasonable  expenses  incurred  by  Dion in
                           finding new employment  and any  reasonable  costs of
                           moving Dion and his family and  possessions  to a new
                           location, with such expenses not to exceed $50,000 in
                           the  aggregate.  Alternatively,  Dion  may  elect  to
                           receive  a lump sum  payment  of  $50,000  in lieu of
                           reimbursement for such expenses.

                  (4)      Company will pay Dion's  automobile  expenses for the
                           remainder of the Employment Period in accordance with
                           the provisions of Section 4(b).

                  (5)      Company will pay the dues of the club  referred to in
                           Section  4(b)  for the  remainder  of the  Employment
                           Period in accordance  with the  provisions of Section

                  (6)      Company will pay any expenses  incurred in connection
                           with any conventions,  seminars,  or travel scheduled
                           prior to the Notice Date,  regardless  of whether the
                           Notice Date occurs  during the  Employment  Period or
                           the Consulting Period.

                  (7)      If  the  termination  occurs  during  the  Employment
                           Period,  Dion will continue to accrue  benefits under
                           Company's  Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan No.
                           1 (the "SERP") until the end of the Employment Period
                           to the same extent and on the same basis as if Dion's
                           actual  employment  were  continued to the end of the
                           Employment  Period.  At the  end  of  the  Employment
                           Period,  Dion  will  be  entitled  to  begin  to draw
                           benefits  pursuant to the  provisions of the SERP and
                           his SERP Participation Agreement.

                  (8)      If the  Notice  Date  occurs  during  the  Employment
                           Period,  any  stock  options  or  stock  appreciation
                           rights to purchase  or  relating  to Common  Stock of
                           Company held by Dion on the Notice Date which are not
                           at the Notice Date currently exercisable shall on the
                           Notice Date  automatically  become exercisable and be
                           exercisable for 90 days thereafter.

                  (9)      If the  Notice  Date  occurs  during  the  Employment
                           Period, all shares of Common Stock of Company held by
                           Dion under any Company  Restricted  Stock Plans which
                           are still subject to  restrictions on the Notice Date
                           shall as of that date  automatically  become  free of
                           all restrictions.

         (c)      Office Space and Services

         If Company  terminates  this  Agreement  without Cause pursuant to this
Section 10, from the Notice Date until the "Benefit  Termination  Date"  Company
will provide Dion with suitable office space  (substantially  equivalent to that
occupied by Dion on the Notice Date) and private secretarial  services away from
Company's offices in an office complex of Dion's choice in Phoenix, Arizona. The
"Benefit  Termination  Date" shall be the date  following the  Termination  Date
which is the later of (i) the  expiration of both the  Employment and Consulting
Periods as provided in Section 2 hereof,  or (ii) the first  anniversary  of the
Termination Date.

         (d)      Non-Disparagement

         Provided that Company duly performs all of its  obligations  arising by
virtue of a termination of Dion pursuant to this Section, Dion will not publicly
disparage  Company or its  officers,  directors,  employees,  or agents and will
refrain from any action  which would  reasonably  be expected to cause  material
adverse public  relations or embarrassment to Company or to any of such persons.
Similarly,  provided that Dion duly performs all of his  obligations to Company,
Company  (including  its officers,  directors,  employees,  and agents) will not
disparage Dion and will refrain from any action which

would reasonably be expected to result in embarrassment to Dion or to materially
and  adversely  affect his  opportunities  for  employment.  The  preceding  two
sentences shall not apply to disclosures required by applicable law, regulation,
or order of court or governmental agency.

         (e)      Other Plans

         Except to the extent specified in this Section 10, this Agreement shall
not affect Dion's  participation in,  distributions from and vested rights under
any pension, profit sharing, or other employee benefit plan of Company or any of
its Subsidiaries, which will be governed by the terms of those respective plans.

         (f)      Minimum Benefit Period; COBRA

         At a minimum, if Dion's employment is terminated without Cause pursuant
to this  Section 10 during  the  Employment  Period,  until the later of (i) the
expiration of the Employment  Period or (ii) for one year after the  Termination
Date, Company shall arrange to provide Dion with life, disability, accident, and
group health  benefits and coverages  substantially  similar to those which Dion
was  receiving  immediately  prior to the Notice Date.  The cost to Dion of such
coverage shall not be more than the cost to Dion of similar coverage immediately
prior to the Notice Date. The benefits  provided by this Section 10(f) shall not
be due for any period for which Dion is entitled to receive a payment of 16-2/3%
of his Base Salary for the Employment  Period pursuant to Section  10(b)(1).  In
addition,  the parties do not intend to duplicate any benefits. As a result, the
provisions of this Section shall not apply with respect to a particular  benefit
if and so long as the  benefit  is  continued,  or if a  payment  in lieu of the
benefit is due, pursuant to any other provision of this Agreement.  Dion's right
to  continued  life,  disability,  accident,  and  health  benefits  shall be in
addition  to and not in lieu of Dion's  rights  under the  Consolidated  Omnibus
Reconciliation Act of 1986 ("COBRA").


         (a)      General
         Dion may terminate  this  Agreement at any time,  with or without "Good
Reason".  If Dion  terminates this Agreement  without "Good Reason",  Dion shall
provide  Company with 90 days advance  written  notice.  If Dion terminates this
Agreement  with Good  Reason,  Dion shall  provide  Company with 30 days advance
written notice.

         (b)      Good Reason Defined

         For purposes of this  Agreement,  "Good  Reason" shall mean and include
each of the following:

                  (1)      Without   Dion's   express   written   consent,   the
                           assignment to him of any duties that are inconsistent
                           with his  positions,  duties,  responsibilities,  and
                           status  with  Company  as in effect on the  "Relevant
                           Date",  or  demotion,  or a change  in his  titles or
                           offices as in effect on the Relevant  Date (except as
                           specifically  contemplated by this Agreement), or any
                           removal of him from or any failure to  re-appoint  or
                           re-elect  him to any of  such  positions,  except  in
                           connection with the termination of this Agreement for
                           Cause,  Permanent  Disability,  as a  result  of  his
                           death,  by him  other  than  for Good  Reason,  or by
                           Company upon the  expiration  of the  Employment  and
                           Consulting Periods.

                  (2)      A  reduction  by  Company  in Dion's  Base  Salary or
                           Consulting  Fee as in effect on the date hereof or as
                           the same may be increased from time to time.

                  (3)      During  the  Employment  Period,  the  taking  of any
                           action by Company which would adversely affect Dion's
                           participation  in or  materially  reduce his benefits
                           under any thrift, incentive, or compensation plan, or
                           any pension,  life insurance,  health and accident or
                           disability plan in which Dion is participating on the
                           Relevant  Date,   unless  a  comparable   replacement
                           program is offered to Dion.

                  (4)      Assignment of Dion to, or the relocation of Company's
                           office at which Dion is  principally  employed  as of
                           the Relevant Date to, a location  which would require
                           a  round-trip  commute  to work from  Dion's  present
                           residence of more than 120 miles per day.

                  (5)      Failure   of   Company   to   obtain   an   agreement
                           satisfactory  to  Dion  from  any  successor  to  the
                           business, or substantially all the assets, of Company
                           to assume  this  Agreement  or issue a  substantially
                           similar agreement.

                  (6)      The  termination of this Agreement by Company without
                           Cause  or  any  attempted   termination   by  Company
                           purportedly for Cause if it is thereafter  determined
                           that Cause did not exist  under this  Agreement  with
                           respect to the termination.

                  (7)      Breach of any material  provisions of this  Agreement
                           by  Company  which is not cured  within 30 days after
                           receipt by Company of written  notice of such  breach
                           from Dion.

For purposes of this Section 11, the "Relevant Date" is the date of execution of
this  Agreement.  For  purposes of Section 12, the  "Relevant  Date" is the date
specified in Section 12(d).

         (c)      Effect of Good Reason Termination

         If Dion  terminates  this  Agreement  for Good  Reason,  Dion  shall be
entitled to receive all of the payments  and benefits  provided by Section 10 to
the same extent as if this  Agreement  had been  terminated  by Company  without

         (d)      Effect of Termination without Good Reason

         If Dion  terminates this Agreement  without Good Reason,  Dion shall be
entitled  to  receive  his Base  Salary or  Consulting  Fee (as the case may be)
through the effective date of his termination. Dion's entitlement to receive any
other  amount shall be  determined  in  accordance  with the  provisions  of any
incentive or benefit plans in which Dion  participates  on the effective date of
the termination.


         (a)      General
         The Board  recognizes  that the continuing  possibility of a "Change in
Control"  of  Company  is  unsettling  to Dion and other  senior  executives  of
Company.  Therefore,  the  arrangements  set forth  below are being made to help
assure a continuing dedication by Dion to his duties to Company, notwithstanding
the occurrence or potential  occurrence of a "Change in Control." In particular,
the Board  believes it important,  should Company  receive  proposals from third
parties with respect to its future, to enable Dion,  without being influenced by
the  uncertainties of his own situation,  to assess and advise the Board whether
such proposals  would be in the best  interests of Company and its  stockholders
and to take such  other  action  regarding  such  proposals  as the Board  might
determine to be appropriate.  The Board also wishes to demonstrate to executives
of Company  that  Company is concerned  with the welfare of its  executives  and
intends to see that loyal executives are treated fairly.

         (b)      Eligibility to Receive a Severance Benefit

         In  view  of the  foregoing  and in  further  consideration  of  Dion's
continued employment with Company, Company agrees that if a Change in Control of
Company occurs during the Employment Period (but not the Consulting Period) Dion
shall be entitled to the severance benefits provided in subparagraph (f) of this
Section 12 if prior to the  expiration  of 24 months after the Change in Control
of Company  Dion  terminates  his  employment  with  Company  for Good Reason or
Company  terminates  Dion's  employment  without  Cause.  If Dion  triggers  the
application of this Section by terminating  employment for Good Reason,  he must
do so  within  120  days  following  the  occurrence  of  the  last  event  that
constitutes Good Reason.  The full severance  benefits  provided by this Section
shall  be  payable  regardless  of the  period  remaining  until  the end of the
Employment Period.

         (c)      Change in Control Defined

         For purposes of this  Agreement,  a "Change in Control"  shall  include
both an "Actual Change in Control" and a "Potential Change in Control".

         An "Actual  Change in Control"  shall be deemed to have occurred in any
or all of the following instances:

                  (1)      Any  "person" as such term is used in Sections  13(d)
                           and 14(d) of the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as
                           amended,  other  than a  trustee  or other  fiduciary
                           holding  securities under an employee benefit plan of
                           Company or a corporation owned directly or indirectly
                           by the stockholders of Company in  substantially  the
                           same  proportions  as  their  ownership  of  stock of
                           Company,  is or becomes  the  "beneficial  owner" (as
                           defined in Rule 13d-3  under said Act),  directly  or
                           indirectly, of securities of Company representing 20%
                           or more of the  total  voting  power  represented  by
                           Company's  then  outstanding  Voting  Securities  (as
                           defined below); or

                  (2)      During   any   period  of  two   consecutive   years,
                           individuals  who  at the  beginning  of  such  period
                           constitute  the Board of Directors of Company and any
                           new director whose election by the Board of Directors
                           or nomination for election by Company's  stockholders
                           was approved by a vote of at least  two-thirds of the
                           directors  then  still  in  office  who  either  were
                           directors  at the  beginning  of the  period or whose
                           election or nomination for election was previously so
                           approved,  cease  for  any  reason  to  constitute  a
                           majority thereof; or

                  (3)      The  stockholders  of  Company  approve  a merger  or
                           consolidation of Company with any other  corporation,
                           other  than a merger  or  consolidation  which  would
                           result   in  the   Voting   Securities   of   Company
                           outstanding  immediately prior thereto  continuing to
                           represent  (either  by  remaining  outstanding  or by
                           being   converted  into  Voting   Securities  of  the
                           surviving  entity)  at least 80% of the total  voting
                           power represented by the Voting Securities of Company
                           or  such  surviving  entity  outstanding  immediately
                           after such merger or consolidation; or

                  (4)      The   stockholders  of  Company  approve  a  plan  of
                           complete  liquidation  of Company or an agreement for
                           the  sale  or  disposition  by  Company  of  (in  one
                           transaction  or a  series  of  transactions)  all  or
                           substantially all Company's assets.

         A "Potential Change in Control" shall be deemed to have occurred in any
or all of the following instances:

                  (1)      Company enters into an agreement, the consummation of
                           which  would  result in the  occurrence  of an Actual
                           Change in Control;

                  (2)      Any person (including  Company) publicly announces an
                           intention to take or to consider taking actions which
                           if consummated would constitute a Change in Control;

                  (3)      Any person  other  than a trustee or other  fiduciary
                           holding  securities under an employee benefit plan of
                           Company  or  a   corporation   owned,   directly   or
                           indirectly,   by  the   stockholders  of  Company  in
                           substantially the same proportions as their ownership
                           of stock of Company who is or becomes the  beneficial
                           owner,  directly  or  indirectly,  of  securities  of
                           Company  representing  10% or  more  of the  combined
                           voting power of the Company's then outstanding Voting
                           Securities,   increases   such  person's   beneficial
                           ownership  of  such  securities  by  five  percentage
                           points (5%) or more over the  percentage  so owned by
                           such person; or

                  (4)      The Board of  Directors  adopts a  resolution  to the
                           effect  that,  for  purposes  of  this  Agreement,  a
                           Potential Change in Control has occurred.

         For purposes of this Section,  the term "Voting  Securities" shall mean
and include any  securities of the Company which vote generally for the election
of directors.

         (d)      Good Reason Defined

         For  purposes of this  Section,  "Good  Reason"  shall have the meaning
assigned to it in Section  11,  except  that for  purposes  of this  Section the
"Relevant  Date" shall be the day prior to the Change in Control  and  paragraph
(3) of Section 11(b) shall read as follows:

         (3)      The  failure  by  Company to  continue  in effect any  thrift,
                  incentive,   or  compensation  plan,  or  any  pension,   life
                  insurance,  health and  accident or  disability  plan in which
                  Dion is participating on the Relevant Date (or plans providing
                  Dion with substantially  similar benefits),  the taking of any
                  action  by  Company  which  would   adversely   affect  Dion's
                  participation  in or materially  reduce his benefits under any
                  of such plans or deprive him of any  material  fringe  benefit
                  enjoyed  by him as of the  Relevant  Date  or any  later  date
                  (except for  acceleration of stock options or restricted stock
                  as contemplated by this Agreement).

         (e)      Notice of Termination by Dion

         Any  termination by Dion under this Section 12 shall be communicated by
written  notice to Company which shall set forth in reasonable  detail the facts
and circumstances claimed to provide a basis for such termination.

         (f)      Effect of Termination

         If Dion is entitled to receive a severance  benefit pursuant to Section
12(b) hereof, Company will provide Dion with the following severance benefits in
addition to the benefits to which Dion is entitled pursuant to Section 10 or 11:

                  (1)      Within five days following Dion's termination, a lump
                           sum severance payment equal to the difference between
                           (i) the sum of three  years  of  Dion's  yearly  Base
                           Salary  as set  forth  in  Section  4 or as it may be
                           increased  from time to time,  three  years of fringe
                           benefits  calculated  at 16-2/3% of such Base  Salary
                           and three year's of Incentive  Compensation  Payments
                           calculated in accordance with Section  10(b)(1);  and
                           (ii) the total amounts due to Dion, if any,  pursuant
                           to Section 10(b)(1).

                  (2)      The amounts due to Dion pursuant to Section  10(b)(1)
                           will be accelerated  and paid to Dion in one lump sum
                           within five days following Dion's termination without
                           any discount for early payment.

                  (3)      The office  space and  secretarial  services to which
                           Dion is entitled  pursuant to Section  10(c) shall be
                           provided   until  the   earlier  of  (i)  the  second
                           anniversary  of Dion's  Notice Date or (ii) when Dion
                           secures suitable other employment.

         (g)      Excise and Income Tax Gross-Up

         The Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the "Code") imposes  significant tax
burdens  on Dion and  Company  if the total  amounts  received  by Dion due to a
change  in  control  exceed  prescribed  limits.  These  tax  burdens  include a
requirement that Dion pay a 20% excise tax on certain amounts received in excess
of the prescribed limits and a loss of deduction for Company. If, as a result of
these Code  provisions,  Dion is  required  to pay such  excise  tax,  then upon
written  notice from Dion to Company,  Company shall pay Dion an amount equal to
the total excise tax imposed on Dion  (including  the excise taxes on any excise
tax  reimbursements  due  pursuant to this  sentence and the excise taxes on any
federal and state tax  reimbursements  due  pursuant to the next  sentence).  If
Company is obligated to pay Dion  pursuant to the  preceding  sentence,  Company
also shall pay Dion an amount  equal to the "total  presumed  federal  and state
taxes"  that  could  be  imposed  on  Dion  with   respect  to  the  excise  tax
reimbursements  due to Dion pursuant to the  preceding  sentence and the federal
and state tax reimbursements due to Dion pursuant to this sentence. For purposes
of the preceding sentence, the

"total presumed  federal and state taxes" that could be imposed on Dion shall be
conclusively  calculated  using a  combined  tax  rate  equal  to the sum of the
maximum marginal  federal and state income tax rates and the hospital  insurance
(or "HI") portion of FICA.  Based on rates in effect as of the date of execution
of this Agreement,  the "total presumed  federal and state taxes" rate is 46.65%
(39.6% federal income tax rate plus 5.6% state income tax rate plus 1.45% HI tax
rate).  No  adjustments  will be made in this combined rate for the deduction of
state  taxes  on  the  federal  return,  the  loss  of  itemized  deductions  or
exemptions,  or for any other purpose.  Dion shall be responsible for paying the
actual  taxes.  The  amounts  payable  to Dion  pursuant  to  this or any  other
agreement or  arrangement  with  Company  shall not be limited in any way by the
amount that may be paid pursuant to the Code without the imposition of an excise
tax or the loss of  Company  deductions.  Either  Dion or  Company  may elect to
challenge any excise taxes imposed by the Internal  Revenue Service and Dion and
Company agree to cooperate with each other in prosecuting  such  challenges.  If
Dion elects to litigate or otherwise  challenge  the  imposition  of such excise
tax,  however,  Company will join Dion in such  litigation or challenge  only if
Company's  General  Counsel  determines  in good faith that Dion's  position has
substantial merit and that the issues should be litigated from the standpoint of
Company's best interest.


         (a)      Restrictive Covenant

         In  consideration  of  Company's  agreements  contained  herein and the
payments to be made by it to Dion pursuant hereto,  Dion agrees that, during the
duration of this restrictive covenant he will not:

                  (1)      Without  the prior  written  consent  of the Board of
                           Directors of Company,  engage in a Competing Business
                           within the geographical  limits of any state (or such
                           lesser  geographical area as may be set by a court of
                           competent   jurisdiction)   in   which   any  of  the
                           businesses of Company are being conducted on the date
                           of  termination  of  this  Agreement  or  within  the
                           geographical  limits  of any  state  (or such  lesser
                           geographical  area  as  may  be  set  by a  court  of
                           competent   jurisdiction)   in  which  the  Company's
                           business  plan,  as in effect on the  earlier  of the
                           date of the competitive  activity by Dion or the date
                           of  termination  of  this   Agreement,   contemplates
                           conducting  business  within two years  following the
                           date of termination of this Agreement; or

                  (2)      Directly or indirectly, for himself, or on behalf of,
                           or in  conjunction  with, any other person or entity,
                           seek to hire and/or hire any  individual  employed by
                           Company or any Subsidiary  immediately  prior to such
                           hiring or  solicitation  or during the prior one-year

         (b)      Duration of Covenant.

         Generally,  this restrictive covenant shall apply during the Employment
Period and the Consulting  Period and for the one-year period following the date
of  termination  of this  Agreement and any renewals  thereof.  If the Competing
Business in which Dion engages or intends to engage is a business  involving the
development  or  management  of  an  age-restricted   community,   however,  the
limitations of Section 13(a)(1) shall apply during the Employment Period and the
Consulting  Period  and  for  the  two-year  period  following  the  date of the
termination of this Agreement and any renewals thereof.

         (c)      Remedies; Reasonableness.

         Dion acknowledges and agrees that a breach by Dion of the provisions of
this Section will  constitute  such damage as will be irreparable  and the exact
amount of which will be  impossible  to ascertain  and, for that reason,  agrees
that  Company  will be  entitled to an  injunction  to be issued by any court of
competent  jurisdiction  restraining  and  enjoining  Dion  from  violating  the
provisions of this Section.  The right to an injunction  shall be in addition to
and not in lieu of any other  remedy  available  to Company  for such  breach or
threatened breach, including the recovery of damages from Dion.

         Dion  expressly  acknowledges  and  agrees  that (i)  this  Restrictive
Covenant is reasonable as to time and  geographical  area and does not place any
unreasonable  burden upon him;  (ii) the general  public will not be harmed as a
result of enforcement of this restrictive  covenant;  and (iii) Dion understands
and  hereby  agrees to each and every  term and  condition  of this  Restrictive

         (d)      Survival of Provision.

         Termination of this Agreement,  whether by passage of time or any other
cause,  shall not constitute a waiver of Company's rights under this Section 13,
nor a release of Dion from his obligations thereunder.

         (e)      Competing Business

         For purposes of this Agreement, Dion shall be deemed to be engaged in a
"Competing  Business"  if,  in  any  capacity,  including  but  not  limited  to
proprietor, partner, officer, director, or employee, he engages or participates,
directly or  indirectly,  in the  operation,  ownership,  or  management  of any
proprietorship,   partnership,  corporation,  or  other  business  entity  which
competes,  in whole or in part,  with the then actual business of Company or any
business  contemplated by Company's business plan as in effect on the earlier of
the date of the competitive  activity by Dion or the date of termination of this
Agreement.  Indirect  participation  in the  operation  or ownership of any such
entity shall include any investment by Dion in any such entity,  by way of loan,
guaranty, or stock ownership (other than ownership of 1% or less of any class of
equity or other securities of a company

which is listed and  regularly  traded on any  national  securities  exchange or
which is regularly traded over-the-counter). At the written request of Dion from
time to time,  Company  shall  furnish  Dion with a written  description  of the
business or businesses in which Company is then actively engaged.

         (f)      Change of Control.

         The  provisions  of this Section shall lapse and be of no further force
or effect if Dion's  employment is terminated by Company  without  Cause,  or by
Dion for Good Reason, following a Change in Control.


         (a)      Mediation

         Any and all disputes arising under, pertaining to or touching upon this
Agreement  (excepting  the  Confidentiality  provisions  of  Section  7 and  the
Restrictive  Covenant and Competing  Business  provisions of Section 13), or the
statutory rights or obligations of either party hereto, shall, if not settled by
negotiation,  be subject to non-binding mediation before an independent mediator
selected by the  parties  pursuant to Section  14(d).  Any demand for  mediation
shall be made in writing  and served  upon the other  party to the  dispute,  by
certified mail,  return receipt  requested,  at the address specified in Section
18. The  demand  shall set forth with  reasonable  specificity  the basis of the
dispute and the relief  sought.  The mediation  hearing will occur at a time and
place convenient to the parties in Maricopa County,  Arizona,  within 30 days of
the date of selection or appointment of the mediator.

         (b)      Arbitration

         In the event that the dispute is not  settled  through  mediation,  the
parties  shall  then  proceed  to  binding  arbitration  before a panel of three
independent  arbitrators  selected pursuant to Section 14(d). The mediator shall
RECOURSE TO COURT,  WITH OR WITHOUT A JURY TRIAL. The arbitration  hearing shall
occur at a time and place convenient to the parties in Maricopa County, Arizona,
within 30 days of selection or appointment of the last of the three arbitrators.
If  Company  has  adopted  a policy  that is  applicable  to  arbitrations  with
executives, the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with said policy to
the extent that the policy is  consistent  with this  Agreement  and the Federal
Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C.  ss.ss. 1-16. If no such policy has been adopted,  the
arbitration  shall be  governed  by the then  current  arbitration  rules of the
American   Arbitration   Association  or  its  successor  (the   "Association").
Notwithstanding any provisions in such rules to the contrary, the

arbitrators  shall issue findings of fact and  conclusions of law, and an award,
within 15 days of the date of the hearing unless the parties otherwise agree.

         (c)      Damages

         In case of breach of  contract or policy,  damages  shall be limited to
contract damages.  In cases of intentional  discrimination  claims prohibited by
statute,  the  arbitrators  may direct  payment  consistent  with 42 U.S.C.  ss.
1981(a)  and the Civil  Rights Act of 1991.  In cases of  employment  tort,  the
arbitrators  may award  punitive  damages  if  proved  by clear  and  convincing
evidence. Issues of procedure,  arbitrability, or confirmation of award shall be
governed by the Federal Arbitration Act, 9 U.S.C. ss.ss. 1-16, except that Court
review of the arbitrators' award shall be that of an appellate court reviewing a
decision of a trial judge sitting without a jury.

         The  arbitrators  may  not  award   reinstatement.   Instead,   if  the
arbitrators  find  that  the  termination  by  Company  was  not  for  Permanent
Disability or not for Cause or that the termination by Dion was for Good Reason,
Dion shall only be entitled to the  benefits of Section 10 or 12 (in the case of
termination  by Company)  and Sections 11 or 12 (in the case of  termination  by
Dion) and, in either  case,  payment of his  reasonable  legal  expenses in such
arbitration.  Until a final,  binding  determination  has been entered relieving
Company of its duty to provide  payments  hereunder,  Company shall pay Dion all
amounts  to which he would be  entitled  under  Section  10,  calculated  on the
assumption that Dion's employment had been terminated without Cause.

         (d)      Selection of Mediator or Arbitrators

         The parties shall select the mediator from a panel list made  available
by the Association.  If the parties are unable to agree to a mediator within ten
days of  receipt  of a demand  for  mediation,  the  mediator  will be chosen by
alternatively  striking from a list of five  mediators  obtained by Company from
the Association. Executive shall have the first strike.

         The parties  also shall select the  arbitrators  from a panel list made
available by the Association.  Company and Dion each shall select one arbitrator
from such panel list within ten days of receipt of such list.  After Company and
Dion have each selected an  arbitrator,  the two  arbitrators  so selected shall
select the third arbitrator from such list within the next ten days.

         (e)      Expenses

         The costs and  expenses of any  arbitration  shall be borne by Company.
Should Dion or Company,  at any time,  initiate  mediation  or  arbitration  for
breach of this Agreement,  Company shall reimburse Dion for all amounts spent by
Dion to pursue such mediation or arbitration,  regardless of the outcome, unless
the  mediator or  arbitrator  finds  Dion's  action to have been  frivolous  and
without merit.


         Company  shall  provide Dion with an  appropriate  office and part-time
secretarial  and other  support  during the  Consulting  Period.  Company  shall
continue to provide  such office and  part-time  secretarial  and other  support
after the  expiration of the  Consulting  Period until the earlier of the Annual
Meeting  that  occurs in 2005 or the last day of Dion's  service  as a member of
Company's Board of Directors. This Section shall survive the termination of this
Agreement,  but only if the  termination  occurs  due to the  expiration  of the
Consulting  Period on November 30, 2001 (or November 30, 2002 if the  Consulting
Period is extended pursuant to Section 2(b)).


         This  Agreement  shall  inure to the  benefit  of and be  binding  upon
Company,  its  successors  and  assigns,   including  but  not  limited  to  any
corporation,  person, or other entity which may acquire all or substantially all
of the assets and  business  of  Company or any  corporation  with or into which
Company  may  be  consolidated  or  merged,  and  Dion,  his  heirs,  executors,
administrators, and legal representatives, provided that the obligations of Dion
may not be delegated.


         Dion  represents  that the execution and  performance of this Agreement
will not result in a breach of any of the terms and conditions of any employment
or other agreement between Dion and any third party.

18.      NOTICES

         All notices  hereunder shall be in writing and delivered  personally or
sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid:

         If to Company, to:                 Del Webb Corporation
                                            6001 North 24th Street
                                            Phoenix, Arizona  85016
                                            Attention:  General Counsel

         If to Dion, to:                    Philip J. Dion
                                            6110 East Caballo Lane
                                            Paradise Valley, Arizona  85253

Either  party may change the  address to which  notices  are to be sent to it by
giving 10 days'  written  notice of such change of address to the other party in
the  manner  above  provided  for  giving  notice.  Notices  will be  considered
delivered  on personal  delivery or on the date of deposit in the United  States
mail in the manner provided for giving notice by mail.


         The entire  understanding  and  agreement  between the parties has been
incorporated  into  this  Agreement,  and this  Agreement  supersedes  all other
agreements  and  understandings  between  Dion and Company  with  respect to the
relationship of Dion with Company.


         This Agreement  shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with
the laws of the State of Arizona.

21.      CAPTIONS

         The  captions  included  herein  are  for  convenience  and  shall  not
constitute a part of this Agreement.


         If any one or more of the provisions or parts of a provision  contained
in this  Agreement  shall  for any  reason  be held to be  invalid,  illegal  or
unenforceable  in any respect,  such  invalidity or  unenforceability  shall not
affect any other  provision or part of a provision of this  Agreement,  but this
Agreement  shall be  reformed  and  construed  as if such  invalid or illegal or
unenforceable  provision or part of a provision had never been contained  herein
and such provisions or part thereof shall be reformed so that it would be valid,
legal  and  enforceable  to the  maximum  extent  permitted  by  law.  Any  such
reformation  shall be read as narrowly as possible to give the maximum effect to
the mutual intentions of Dion and Company.


         In the event that Dion's  employment is terminated and payments  become
due to Dion  pursuant  to this  Agreement,  Dion shall have no duty to  mitigate
damages or to become re-employed by another employer.


         The  termination of this Agreement by either party also shall result in
the termination of Dion's employment and consulting relationship with Company in
the absence of an express written agreement  providing to the contrary.  Neither
party intends that any oral employment or consulting relationship continue after
the termination of this Agreement.


         This  Agreement is the result of negotiation  between  Company and Dion
and both have had the opportunity to have this Agreement reviewed by their legal
counsel and other advisors.  Accordingly,  this Agreement shall not be construed
for or against Company or Dion,  regardless of which party drafted the provision
at issue.

                                      DEL WEBB CORPORATION

                                      By: /s/ Mary Lynn Schuttenberg

                                      Its: V.P. Human Resources

                                            /s/ Philip J. Dion
                                               PHILIP J. DION      