Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a)
                     of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                 (Amendment No.)

Filed by the Registrant [X]

Filed by a party other than the Registrant [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ]   Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ]   Confidential, for  Use  of the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by  Rule
[X]   Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ]   Definitive Additional Materials
[ ]   Soliciting Material Pursuant to ss.240.14a-12

                               Avesis Incorporated

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X]   No fee required
[ ]   Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11

      1.   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:
      2.   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:
      3.   Per unit  price or other  underlying  value of  transaction  computed
           pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the
           filing fee is calculated and state how it was determined):
      4.   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: ____________________
      5.   Total fee paid: _______________________

      Fee paid previously with preliminary materials
      Check box if any part of the fee is offset as  provided  by  Exchange  Act
      Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement
      number, of the Form or Schedule and the date of its filing.

      1.       Amount Previously Paid: ____________________________
      2.       Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: ___________________
      3.       Filing Party: ____________________________
      4.       Date Filed: ____________________________

                               AVESIS INCORPORATED
                      100 West Clarendon Avenue, Suite 2300
                             Phoenix, Arizona 85013

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          To Be Held December 18, 1996

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         The Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Avesis  Incorporated,  a Delaware
corporation  (the  "Company"),  will be held on Wednesday,  December 18, 1996 at
11:00 a.m. local time, at 17133 Erica Rose Court, Boca Raton, Florida 33496, for
the following purposes:

         1.   To elect directors for the ensuing year and until their successors
are elected and  qualified; and

         2.   To transact such other business as may  properly  come  before the
meeting or any  adjournment thereof.

         The foregoing  items of business are more fully  described in the Proxy
Statement  accompanying  this Notice.  A copy of the Company's  Annual Report on
Form  10-KSB  for  the  year  ended  May  31,  1996,  which  includes  financial
statements, also accompanies this Notice.

         Only  stockholders  of record at the close of business on November  19,
1996 are entitled to receive  notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting or any
adjournment thereof. A list of stockholders entitled to vote at the meeting will
be open for inspection at the Company's  corporate  headquarters for any purpose
germane to the meeting during ordinary  business hours for ten days prior to the

         All stockholders are cordially  invited to attend the Annual Meeting in


                                   Kenneth L. Blum, Sr.
                                   Acting President and Chief Executive Officer

Phoenix, Arizona
November 19, 1996

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please  complete,  date and sign the enclosed  proxy and mail it promptly in the
enclosed envelope to assure  representation  of your shares,  whether or not you
expect to attend the Annual Meeting.  If you attend the Annual Meeting,  you may
revoke the proxy and vote your shares in person.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                               AVESIS INCORPORATED
                      100 West Clarendon Avenue, Suite 2300
                             Phoenix, Arizona 85013

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                 PROXY STATEMENT
                         ANNUAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS
                          To Be Held December 18, 1996

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


         Proxies in the  accompanying  form are solicited on behalf,  and at the
direction, of the Board of Directors of Avesis Incorporated (the "Company"). All
shares  represented  by properly  executed  proxies,  unless such  proxies  have
previously  been revoked,  will be voted in accordance with the direction on the
proxies.  If no  direction  is  indicated,  the  shares  will be  voted  for the
Company's nominees for election as directors at the Annual Meeting, The Board of
Directors is not aware of any other matter which may come before the meeting. If
any other matters are properly presented at the meeting for action,  including a
question of adjourning  the meeting from time to time,  the persons named in the
proxies and acting  thereunder  will have  discretion to vote on such matters in
accordance with their best judgment.

         When stock is in the name of more than one  person,  the proxy is valid
if signed by any of such persons unless the Company  receives  written notice to
the contrary. If the stockholder is a corporation, the proxy should be signed in
the name of such  corporation by an executive or other  authorized  officer.  If
signed as attorney, executor,  administrator,  trustee, guardian or in any other
representative  capacity,  the  signer's  full title should be given and, if not
previously  furnished,  a certificate or other evidence of appointment should be

         This Proxy  Statement and the form of proxy which is enclosed are being
mailed to the Company's stockholders commencing on or about November 20, 1996.

         A  stockholder  executing and returning a proxy has the power to revoke
it at any time before it is voted.  A  stockholder  who wishes to revoke a proxy
can do so by  executing  a  later-dated  proxy  relating  to the same shares and
delivering  it to the  Secretary of the Company  prior to the vote at the Annual
Meeting,  by written notice of revocation received by the Secretary prior to the
vote at the Annual  Meeting  or by  appearing  in person at the Annual  Meeting,
filing a written  notice or revocation  and voting in person the shares to which
the proxy relates.

         In  addition  to the use of the  mails,  proxies  may be  solicited  by
personal  interview,  telephone  and  telegram by the  directors,  officers  and
regular  employees  of the Company.  Such  persons  will  receive no  additional
compensation for such services. Arrangements will also be

made with certain  brokerage  firms and certain other  custodians,  nominees and
fiduciaries  for the  forwarding  of  solicitation  materials to the  beneficial
owners  of  Common  Stock  held of record  by such  persons,  and such  brokers,
custodians,  nominees and  fiduciaries  will be reimbursed for their  reasonable
out-of-pocket  expenses incurred in connection therewith.  All expenses incurred
in connection with this solicitation will be borne by the Company.

         The mailing address of the principal corporate office of the Company is
100 West Clarendon Avenue, Suite 2300, Phoenix, Arizona 85013.


         Only  stockholders  of record at the close of business on November  19,
1996 (the "Record Date"), will be entitled to vote at the meeting. On the Record
Date,  there were issued and  outstanding  4,100,420  shares of Common Stock and
388,180 shares of $10 Class A Nonvoting Cumulative  Convertible Preferred Stock,
Series 2 ("Series 2 Preferred").  Each holder of Common Stock is entitled to one
vote,  exercisable in person or by proxy, for each share of the Company's Common
Stock held of record on the Record Date. Shares of the Series 2 Preferred do not
have voting  rights with respect to the matters  included on the Annual  Meeting
agenda.  The presence of a majority of the Common Stock,  in person or by proxy,
is  required  to  constitute  a quorum for the conduct of business at the Annual
Meeting.  The  Inspector of Election  appointed by the Board of Directors  shall
determine the shares  represented at the meeting and the validity of proxies and
ballots,  and  shall  count all votes and  ballots.  The  affirmative  vote of a
majority of such quorum is required with respect to the approval of the proposal
set forth  herein.  Abstentions  and broker  non-votes  are each included in the
determination  of the  number of shares  present  for quorum  purposes.  Because
abstentions  represent shares entitled to vote, the effect of an abstention will
be the same as a vote cast against a proposal.  A broker non-vote,  on the other
hand,  will not be  regarded  as  representing  a share  entitled to vote on the
proposal and, accordingly, will have no effect on the voting for such proposal.

Security Ownership of Certain Beneficial Owners and Management

             As of October 19, 1996 there were 4,100,420  shares of Common Stock
outstanding.  The  table  below  sets  forth as of  October  19,  1996,  certain
information  regarding  the shares of Common  Stock  beneficially  owned by each
director  of the  Company  and  each  named  executive  officer  in the  Summary
Compensation  Table, by all of the Company's executive officers and directors as
a group, and by those persons known by the Company to have owned beneficially 5%
or more of the  outstanding  shares of Common  Stock,  which  information  as to
beneficial  ownership is based upon statements  furnished to the Company by such

                                 Common issuable
                                 upon conversion
                               or exercise of: (1)
                                                                                Total Common
                              Common          Series 2           Options        Beneficially        Percent of
Name and Address              Stock       Preferred Stock      Or Warrants        Owned (1)         Common (2)
- ----------------              -----       ---------------      -----------        ---------         ----------
Gerald L. Cohen*             153,359           55,685            100,000            309,044             7.3

William R. Cohen*             48,521(5)        17,630            100,000            166,151             4.0

William L. Richter           417,120          114,282(3)         521,000(3)       1,052,402(3)         22.8
c/o Richter & Co., Inc.
950 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10022

Sam Oolie*                   220,021(7)        60,058            100,000            380,079             8.9

Frank Cappadora*               ---               ---             485,500            485,500            10.6

Kenneth L. Blum, Sr.         140,000(8)         5,000              ---              145,000             3.5
17133 Ericarose Street
W. Boca Raton, FL 33496

Kenneth L. Blum, Jr. (4)      50,000             ---           1,839,750          1,889,750            31.8
11460 Cronridge Drive
Suite 120
Owings Mills, MD 21117

Alan S. Cohn(4)               50,000             ---            1,829,750          1,879,750            31.7
11460 Cronridge Drive
Suite 120
Owings Mills, MD 21117

Benjamin D. Ward., Sr.       931,888             ---               ---              931,888             22.7
4712 North 41st Place
Phoenix, Arizona 85018

All directors and            979,021          252,656             876,000         2,107,677             51.4
executive officers as
a group (6 persons)(4)      (3)(5)(6)(7)

*   Address: 100 West Clarendon, Suite 2300, Phoenix, Arizona 85013.

(1)      Includes  shares of Common Stock with  respect to which the  identified
         person had the right to acquire  beneficial  ownership  on or within 60
         days of the date of the above table pursuant to the Series 2 Preferred,
         options or warrants, as indicated.

(2)      The  percentages  shown include  Common Stock  actually owned as of the
         date of the above  table and  Common  Stock of which the person had the
         right to  acquire  beneficial  ownership  within  60 days of such  date
         pursuant to the Series 2 Preferred,  options or warrants, as indicated.
         In calculating the percentage of ownership,  all shares of Common Stock
         which the identified  person had the right to acquire within 60 days of
         the date of the above table are deemed to be outstanding when computing
         the  percentage of Common Stock owned by such person but are not deemed
         to be  outstanding  when computing the percentage of Common Stock owned
         by any other person.

(3)      Includes  common shares  issuable upon conversion or exercise of 22,300
         shares of Series 2  Preferred,  240,000  warrants  and  71,000  options
         indirectly owned via a corporation,  Richter & Co., Inc. ("RCI"), which
         thereby  beneficially owns in its own name 8.3% of the Company's Common
         Stock.  Also includes  common shares  issuable upon conversion of 3,883
         and 4,530 shares of Series 2 Preferred held via two other corporations.
         Also includes common shares issuable upon conversion of 2,500 shares of
         Series 2  Preferred  and 10,169  shares of Common  Stock held by family
         members, as to which Mr. Richter disclaims beneficial ownership.

(4)      Mr. Blum, Jr. and Mr. Cohn perform substantial services for the Company
         pursuant to the  Management  Agreement but are not  necessarily  deemed
         executive officers of the Company.

(5)      Includes 6.67% of the 6,337 shares of common stock and 19,412 shares of
         preferred stock held by CFC  Associates,  with respect to which William
         R. Cohen owns 6.67% of the outstanding stock.

(6)      William  R.  Cohen and Sam  Oolie own 6.67% and 20% of the  outstanding
         stock of CFC Associates, respectively.

(7)      Includes 20% of the 6,337  shares of common stock and 19,412  shares of
         preferred stock held by CFC Associates, with respect to which Mr. Oolie
         owns 20% of the  outstanding  stock.  Also  includes  30,000  and 8,679
         shares,  owned by Mr. Oolie's  daughters and wife  respectively,  as to
         which Mr. Oolie disclaims beneficial ownership.

(8)      The indicated shares are held by Mr. Blum's spouse.


                                   PROPOSAL 1

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

Vote Required; Nominees

         Five  persons  have been  nominated  by the Company for election at the
1996 Annual  Meeting as directors for terms  expiring at the 1997 Annual Meeting
and until their  successors  have been duly elected and  qualified.  Each of the
nominees currently is a director of the Company.

         Shares  represented  by the  enclosed  proxy  will  be  voted  FOR  the
Company's  nominees,  unless  otherwise  specified  on the proxy.  If any of the
nominees  shall be unable or  unwilling  to serve as a director,  it is intended
that the proxy will be voted for the election of such other person or persons as
the  Company's  management  may  recommend  in the  place of such  nominee.  The
management  has no  reason  to  believe  that  any of the  nominees  will not be
candidates or will be unable to serve.

         All  directors  will hold  office  until  the next  Annual  Meeting  of
Stockholders and the election and  qualification of their  successors.  Officers
are elected annually and serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.

         Set forth  below is certain  biographical  information  relating to the

         William  R.  Cohen,  65,  Co-Chairman  of the  Board,  has  served as a
Director of the Company  since April 1986.  Mr.  Cohen is the  President of Star
Uniform  Rental  Company and Go Lightly Candy  Company.  Mr. Cohen has served as
Chairman of American Mobile  Communications,  a cellular  communications company
and has also held  various  positions  with CFC  Associates,  a venture  capital
partnership,  and its predecessor organizations.  Mr. Cohen serves as a lifetime
trustee of the Hospital Center,  Orange, New Jersey. Mr. Cohen is not related to
Gerald L. Cohen.

         William L. Richter,  53,  Co-Chairman of the Board, has been a director
of the Company since August 1993 and has previously  served as an advisor to the
Company's  Board of  Directors.  Mr.  Richter  has  been  President  of  Richter
Investment  Corp.  and its  wholly-owned  subsidiary,  Richter  & Co.,  Inc.,  a
registered  broker-dealer  firm (or its predecessor  organization)  for the past
five years.  Mr. Richter was Co-Chairman of  Rent-A-Wreck  of America,  Inc., an
automobile rental franchise  operation,  from November 1989 to June 1993 and has
been Vice Chairman of that Company since June 1993.

         Kenneth L. Blum, Sr., 70, has served as a Director of the Company since
August 1993. Mr. Blum has been Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
of Rent-A-Wreck of America, Inc. an automobile rental franchise operation, since
June 1993 and served as its  President  from January 1994 to October  1994.  Mr.
Blum co-founded United HealthCare, Inc., a Baltimore,  Maryland-based healthcare
company,  in 1974 and served as its President and Chief

Executive  Officer  until  1990.  Since  1990,  Mr.  Blum has been a  management
consultant  to a variety of companies,  including  National  Computer  Services,
Inc., a computer service bureau;  American Business Information Systems, Inc., a
high-volume laser printing company; and Mail-Rx, a mail-order  prescription drug
company. Mr. Blum is the father of Kenneth L. Blum, Jr. and the father-in-law of
Alan S. Cohn. Mr. Blum has been acting President and Chief Executive  Officer of
the Company since September 1996. See "Executive Officers; NHE."

         Gerald L.  Cohen,  52, has served as a Director  of the  Company  since
March 1985.  Mr. Cohen is a managing  director of Greenley  Capital  Company,  a
limited partnership which is a New York-based investment banking firm. Mr. Cohen
is the sole  shareholder of its general partner  (Greenley  Corp.).  From August
1982 through April 1989, Mr. Cohen was a managing  director of Richter,  Cohen &
Co., a New York-based  investment  banking firm (a predecessor of Richter & Co.,
Inc.) Mr. Cohen also serves as a Director of Marketing  Systems of America.  Mr.
Cohen is not related to William R. Cohen.

         Sam Oolie,  60, has served as a Director  of the  Company  since  March
1985.  Mr.  Oolie has been  Chairman  and Chief  Executive  Officer  of  No-Fire
Technologies,  Inc., a  manufacturer  of fire  retardant  coatings and textiles,
since  August 1995 and has been  Chairman of Oolie  Enterprises,  an  investment
company,  since  July  1985.  Mr.  Oolie  has held  various  positions  with CFC
Associates,  a venture capital partnership,  and its predecessor companies since
January  1984. He was Vice Chairman of American  Mobile  Communications,  Inc. a
cellular telephone  company,  from February 1987 until July 1989 and Chairman of
the Nostalgia Network,  a 24-hour cable television  program service,  from April
1987  until  January  1990.  Mr.  Oolie  also  serves  as a  Director  of  Noise
Cancellation   Technologies,   Inc.,  Comverse   Technology,   Inc.  and  NoFire
Technology, Inc.

Executive Officers; NHE

         Kenneth L. Blum, Sr., 70, has been acting President and Chief Executive
Officer of the Company since September 1996. See "Vote Required; Nominees."

         Neal Kempler, 28, has been the Corporate Secretary of the Company since
June 1996.  Mr. Kempler has been the Vice President of Operations of the Company
since August 1996 and was the Assistant to the  President/Director  of Marketing
from January 1993 until August 1996. Mr. Kempler served as Account  Executive of
National Health Enterprises,  Inc., a management  company,  from June 1990 until

         Effective  March  18,  1993,  the  Company  entered  into a  Management
Agreement (the "Management Agreement") with National Health Enterprises, Inc., a
Maryland   corporation   ("NHE")   pursuant   to  which  NHE  agreed  to  manage
substantially  all  aspects  of  the  Company's  business,  subject  to  certain
limitations and the direction of the Company's Board of Directors.  See "Certain

         The following  individuals,  though not  necessarily  deemed  executive
 officers of the  Company,  are  providing  significant  services to the Company
 pursuant to the Management Services Agreement:

         Kenneth L. Blum, Jr., 32, is President and Chief Executive  Officer and
the sole  stockholder  of NHE.  Mr. Blum is also  President of  Rent-A-Wreck  of
America,  Inc., an automobile rental franchise operation,  President of National
Computer  Services,  Inc., a computer service bureau,  and President of American
Business Information Systems,  Inc., a high-volume laser printing company.  Alan
S. Cohn, 41, is providing sales and marketing  services on behalf of the Company
through an arrangement with NHE. Kenneth L. Blum, Sr., a member of the Company's
Board of Directors,  is the father of Kenneth L. Blum, Jr. and the father-in-law
of Alan S. Cohn.

Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance

         Under  the  securities  laws  of  the  United  States,   the  Company's
directors, its executive officers, and any persons holding more than ten percent
of the Company's Common Stock are required to report their initial  ownership of
the Company's  Common Stock and any subsequent  changes in that ownership to the
Securities  and Exchange  Commission.  Specific due dates for these reports have
been  established and the Company is required to disclose any failure to file by
these dates.  All of these filing  requirements  were satisfied,  except (i) Sam
Oolie  reported on a Form 4 dated June 12, 1996 the sale of securities on May 7,
1996  and  reported  on a  subsequent  amendment  to  that  Form 4 the  sale  of
securities by his spouse on May 1, 1996,  and (ii) the Company did not receive a
copy of any report from  Benjamin  D. Ward  regarding  a sale of  securities  on
August 21, 1995. In making these  disclosures,  the Company has relied solely on
representations  obtained  from  certain of its former  and  current  directors,
executive  officers and ten percent  holders  and/or  copies of the reports that
they have filed with the Commission.

Meetings and Committees

         The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors  consists of Gerald Cohen
and Sam Oolie. This committee recommends engagement of the Company's independent
public  accountants  and is primarily  responsible  for  approving  the services
performed by the Company's  independent public accountants and for reviewing and
evaluating  the  Company's  accounting  principles  and its  system of  internal
accounting  controls.  The Audit  Committee  met one time during the fiscal year
ended May 31, 1996.

         Currently,  there is no nominating or  compensation  committee or other
committee performing similar functions.

         The Board of  Directors  of the Company  held a total of four  meetings
(including  telephonic  meetings)  during  the fiscal  year ended May 31,  1996.
During the fiscal year ended May 31, 1996, no director  attended  fewer than 75%
of the aggregate of all meetings of the Board of Directors  and the  committees,
if any, upon which such director served.

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

The  following  table and  related  notes set forth  information  regarding  the
compensation  awarded  to,  earned  by or paid  to the  Company's  former  Chief
Executive  Officer for services  rendered to the Company  during the years ended
May 31, 1996,  1995 and 1994. No other  executive  officer who was serving as an
executive  officer at the end of fiscal  1996  received  salary and bonus  which
aggregated  at least  $100,000 for services  rendered to the Company  during the
year ended May 31, 1996.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                        Annual Compensation           Long Term Compensation/Awards
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name and Principal Position          Year                   Salary ($)                      Options/SARs (#)
- ---------------------------          ----                   ----------                      ----------------
Frank Cappadora, CEO                 1996                   $24,000 (1)                          (2)
                                     1995                   $14,000 (1)                          (2)
                                     1994                       (1)                              (2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Mr. Cappadora was President and Chief Executive  Officer of the Company from
    September  1992 until  September 1996 and was designated to such position by
    the Board of Directors in connection with the Management  Agreement  between
    the Company and NHE. NHE received cash  compensation  of $220,000  under the
    Management Agreement for the year ended March 18, 1994 and $200,000 per year
    thereafter   plus  expense   reimbursements   and  is  entitled  to  receive
    commissions  pursuant  to a  Marketing  Agreement.  Mr.  Cappadora  is not a
    stockholder  of  NHE,  and his  compensation  from  NHE  and its  affiliated
    entities is not tied directly to the services  performed by Mr. Cappadora on
    behalf of the Company. During 1995 and 1996 Mr. Cappadora received a portion
    of his compensation  directly from the Company,  while the remaining portion
    was paid to him by NHE.

(2) NHE received  options for the purchase of 4,400,000  shares of the Company's
    Common Stock in March 1993 in connection with the Management  Agreement.  As
    of October 19, 1996, Mr.  Cappadora  holds options for 485,500 shares of the
    Company's  Common Stock,  which options were transferred to Mr. Cappadora by
    NHE in March 1993.  The options are  exercisable  at $.48 per share  through
    March 18, 2003.

See also -- "Certain Transactions -- Stock Option Grant."

                      AND FY-END OPTION/SAR VALUE TABLE (1)

         The  following  table  sets  forth  information  with  respect  to  the
executive officer named in the Summary  Compensation Table concerning the number
and  value of  options  outstanding  at the end of the  last  fiscal  year.  The
executive  officer  named in the Summary  Compensation  Table did not receive or
exercise any options during the last fiscal year.

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                          Number of Securities Underlying             Value of Unexercised
                                             Unexercised Options/SARs              In-the-Money Options/SARs
                                                  at FY-End (#)                          at FY-End ($) (2)
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Name                                      Exercisable        Unexercisable        Exercisable       Unexercisable
- ----                                      -----------        -------------        -----------       -------------
Frank Cappadora                             485,500              -----             $100,984             -----
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) Consists entirely of stock options.

(2) Based on the  difference  between  the  average of the closing bid and asked
    prices on May 31,  1996,  of $0.688 as  reported by the  National  Quotation
    Bureau,  Inc.  and an  exercise  price of $.48 per share.  See Note 2 to the
    Summary Compensation Table and "Certain Transactions -- Stock Option Grant."

Employment   Contracts,   Termination  of  Employment,   and   Change-in-Control

         In the  event  of  termination  of the  Management  Agreement  with NHE
without  cause,  all options  granted to NHE in connection  with the  Management
Agreement remain outstanding for the balance of their 10-year term. See "Certain
Transactions -- Stock Option Grant."

Director Compensation

         Directors  are  reimbursed  for  out-of-pocket   expenses  incurred  in
connection with each Board of Directors or committee meeting attended. Directors
who also are  employees  of the  Company  are  eligible  to  participate  in the
Company's  Incentive  Stock Option Plan and the Company's  401(k) Plan,  and all
directors are eligible to  participate  in the Company's  1993 Stock Option Plan
(the "1993 Plan").  Pursuant to the 1993 Plan, options for 100,000 shares of the
Company's  Common  Stock  were  granted  on April 8,  1993 to each of  directors
William R. Cohen,  Gerald L. Cohen,  and Sam Oolie.  The exercise  price of such
options  is $.40 per  share,  which  was at least the fair  market  value of the
Company's Common Stock on the date of grant. Options for 25,000 shares of Common
Stock were  exercisable  by each of the optionees as of the date of grant,  with
the  balance  vesting  in equal  parts at the end of each of the 10  three-month
periods  following the date of grant. At May 31, 1996 options for 100,000 shares
of Common Stock were exercisable by each of the optionees.

Certain Transactions

         Management  Agreement.  Effective  March 18, 1993, the Company  entered
into a Management  Agreement (the  "Management  Agreement") with NHE pursuant to
which NHE agreed to manage  substantially all aspects of the Company's business,
subject to certain  limitations  and the  direction  of the  Company's  Board of
Directors.  The Management  Agreement  provided cash compensation of $220,000 in
the first year and  $200,000  per year  thereafter,  as well as options  for the
purchase of up to 4,400,000  shares of the Company's  Common Stock, as described
below.  The  Management  Agreement  has an initial  term of five years,  and the
Company has the right to extend it for up to two  additional  two-year  periods.
The  Management  Agreement is terminable  by the Company for cause,  as defined.
Pursuant to the Management  Agreement,  the Company has agreed that it will not,
without NHE's consent, issue (i) securities for consideration less than the fair
market  value  thereof;  (ii) shares of Common Stock to any  director,  officer,
employee,  or affiliate for less than $.40 per share; or (iii) securities to any
director, officer, employee, or affiliate except to the extent of 300,000 shares
of Common Stock plus options previously issued to such persons.

         The  Management   Agreement   includes  certain   representations   and
warranties and  limitations on solicitation by NHE of customers and employees of
the  Company  during  the term of the  Management  Agreement  and for two  years
thereafter.  The Management  Agreement also requires that NHE hold in confidence
the Company's confidential  information,  provides that confidential information
developed  by NHE shall  belong to NHE,  and further  provides  that the Company
shall have a  nonexclusive,  royalty-free,  perpetual  license  to  confidential
information developed by NHE.

         Stock  Option  Grant.  Effective  March 18,  1993,  the Company  issued
10-year  options  (the  "Options")  to NHE for the  purchase of up to  4,400,000
shares of the  Company's  Common  Stock,  of which  Options for the  purchase of
1,400,000  shares were  exercisable as of the date of grant at an exercise price
of $.40 per share.  The remaining  Options (an  aggregate of 3,000,000  Options)
could become  exercisable under their original terms at prices ranging from $.40
to $.80 contingent upon achievement of profitability  targets.  Pursuant to such
provisions,  Options for the purchase of 500,000  shares became  exercisable  at
$.432  based upon the  Company's  results for the  quarter  ended May 31,  1994.
Effective  December 5, 1994, the Board of Directors  approved the vesting of the
remaining 2,500,000 of these Options at an exercise price of $.48 per share, and
NHE and the Company agreed that the exercise price of the 500,000  Options which
had vested at $.432 per share would be increased to $.48 per share.  The actions
of the Board of Directors were predicated upon the Board's view of the Company's
performance  relative  to the  original  vesting  criteria  and  other  relevant
considerations.  Options remain  exercisable  throughout the 10-year term of the
Options,  except  that  Options  terminate  120 days  after  termination  of the
Management Agreement by the Company for cause.

         The Options are  transferable  only to employees or  affiliates  of NHE
performing  substantial services for or on behalf of the Company or to employees
of the Company,  subject to compliance  with applicable law. NHE transferred all
of the Options in March 1993,  principally to Kenneth L. Blum, Jr., Alan S. Cohn
and Frank Cappadora.  Effective  December 5, 1994,

Messrs. Blum, Jr., Cohn and Cappadora transferred an aggregate of 125,000 of the
Options  exercisable  at $.48 per  share  to  Richter  & Co.,  Inc.  ("RCI")  in
consideration of services  performed and to be performed by RCI on behalf of NHE
in connection with NHE's provision of management services to the Company. RCI in
turn transferred 50,000 of such Options to William L. Richter effective December
5, 1994. Transferred Options may revert to NHE if a transferee ceases performing
substantial services for or on behalf of the Company.

         Stock  Purchase.  Kenneth L. Blum,  Jr. and Alan S. Cohn each  acquired
50,000 shares (the "Shares") of the Company's Common Stock on March 18, 1993 for
consideration of $.40 per share.

         Subordinated  Promissory Notes. On March 18, 1993, the Company obtained
loans in the amount of $80,000 from each of Mr. Blum and Mr. Cohn. The notes are
due March 18, 1998 and bear interest at the rate of 6% per annum,  provided that
the notes may be  accelerated by the holders  thereof if the Company  terminates
the Management  Agreement  without cause.  Interest is payable  semiannually  in
arrears, commencing September 18, 1993. The notes are unsecured and subordinated
to the Company's  outstanding 9 1/2%  Debentures and future  indebtedness of the
Company for borrowed money.

         Registration Rights Agreement.  The Company entered into a Registration
Rights Agreement (the "Registration Rights Agreement")  effective March 18, 1993
with NHE, Mr. Blum, and Mr. Cohn. The Registration Rights Agreement provides two
demand registrations with respect to the Shares and the shares issuable pursuant
to the Options  ("Registrable  Securities").  The first demand  registration  is
exercisable at the request of holders of at least 900,000 Registrable Securities
after the exercise by NHE and/or its  transferees  of at least 900,000  Options.
The second demand  registration  is  exercisable at the request of holders of at
least 1,000,000  Options after  completion of a fiscal year in which the Company
has Profits of at least  $1,000,000.  The  Registration  Rights  Agreement  also
provides  piggyback  registration  rights with respect to registrations in which
other selling  stockholders are  participating.  The Company is obligated to pay
the  offering  expenses  of each  such  registration,  except  for  the  selling
stockholders'  pro rata portion of underwriting  discounts and  commissions.  No
precise  prediction can be made of the effect,  if any, that the availability of
shares pursuant to registrations  under the  Registration  Rights Agreement will
have on the market price  prevailing from time to time.  Nevertheless,  sales of
substantial  amounts of the Common Stock  pursuant to such  registrations  could
adversely affect prevailing market prices.

         Marketing  Agreement.  Effective  March 18,  1993,  the Company and NHE
entered into a Marketing  Representation  Agreement (the "Marketing  Agreement")
pursuant to which NHE is entitled to receive a commission equal to 7 1/2% of the
enrollment  fees (as  defined)  from  Sponsor  contracts  generated  by NHE. The
Company  also agreed to pay NHE  commissions  equal to 2 1/2% of the  enrollment
fees  from  Sponsor  contracts  with  respect  to which NHE  provides  marketing
assistance in procuring the contract,  but does not itself  generate the initial
Sponsor contact. The term of the Marketing Agreement is coextensive with that of
the   Management   Agreement.   In  fiscal  1996  and  1995,  the  Company  paid
approximately  $200,000 and $66,000,  respectively,  to NHE under the  Marketing

         Software  Development   Services.   During  fiscal  1995,  the  Company
contracted with National  Computer  Services,  Inc.  ("NCS") to develop software
related to the Company's vision,  dental and hearing programs.  The Company paid
approximately  $324,000 and $162,000 to NCS for such services during fiscal 1996
and 1995,  respectively.  Additionally,  the Company has contracted  with NCS to
lease its computer  system.  Once the software  development is completed and the
system is  converted,  the Company  will pay NCS a monthly  lease fee of $2,500.
Kenneth L. Blum,  Jr., a principal of NHE, is President and a stockholder of NCS
and the son of Kenneth L. Blum, Sr., a director of the Company.

         Litigation  Agreement.  The  Company  entered  into an  agreement  with
Kenneth  L.  Blum,  Sr.,  a director  of the  Company;  Kenneth L. Blum,  Jr., a
principal of NHE;  and Alan S. Cohn,  who  provides  marketing  services for the
Company through an arrangement  with NHE, with respect to potential  liabilities
and expenses in  connection  with a suit  initiated by United  HealthCare,  Inc.
("United")  against  the  Company  and  these  individuals  in June  1994  and a
countersuit  filed  against  United in December 1994 by these  individuals.  The
agreement provided that the Company would indemnify the individuals in an amount
based upon the gross profit earned on the contract  which was the subject of the
action brought by United and overall Company pretax  profitability  and gave the
Company  an  interest  in any net  proceeds  received  in  connection  with  the
countersuit.  All litigation between the parties was dismissed with prejudice in
May 1995, pursuant to a settlement.  The Company paid approximately  $140,000 in
legal fees during  fiscal 1995 pursuant to the  agreement,  which did not exceed
the gross profit earned on the contract in question.

         Investment  Banking  Services.  The  Management  Agreement  and related
transactions with NHE and certain other substantial transactions were structured
and  negotiated  for the Company by Richter & Co.,  Inc., a New York  investment
banking firm ("RCI"),  which received cash  consideration of $50,000 and 10-year
warrants (the  "Warrants")  to acquire  400,000  shares of the Company's  Common
Stock, of which 127,273 were exercisable upon grant at $.40 per share. Under the
original terms of the Warrants,  the balance of the Warrants became  exercisable
contingent upon achieving  profitability  targets in the same manner  originally
applicable  to the  Options,  as  described  above.  The shares of Common  Stock
issuable pursuant to the Warrants are entitled to piggyback  registration rights
with respect to any registration in which the shares of Common Stock sold to Mr.
Blum, Jr. and Mr. Cohn or the Common Stock issuable  pursuant to the Options are
included.  A principal of RCI, William L. Richter,  is a member of the Company's
Board of Directors. RCI has assigned Warrants for the purchase of 160,000 shares
of the  Company's  Common Stock to Mr.  Richter.  Mr.  Richter and his firm have
provided and expect to continue to provide  substantial  investment services for
Messrs. Blum, Sr. and Jr., Mr. Cohn and various of their affiliated entities. To
that extent,  RCI may be deemed to have had a conflict of interest  with respect
to its efforts on behalf of the Company in effecting  the  Management  Agreement
and related  agreements  with NHE. The  Company's  Board of Directors  took into
account  the  potential  conflict  of  interest  issues  referred  to  above  in
structuring  and entering into the  investment  banking  agreement  with RCI and
believes  that the  agreement  was  desirable  and in the best  interests of the
Company notwithstanding such possibility.

         As a result of actions  taken by the Board of  Directors on December 5,
1994 in connection  with the Options,  the 400,000  Warrants  referred to in the
preceding  paragraph  have the  following  terms:  50,909  Warrants  held by Mr.
Richter and 76,364 Warrants held by RCI are  exercisable at $.40 per share;  and
109,091  Warrants  held by Mr.  Richter  and  163,636  Warrants  held by RCI are
exercisable at $.48 per share.

         Effective  December 5, 1994,  Messrs.  Blum,  Jr.,  Cohn and  Cappadora
transferred an aggregate of 125,000 options exercisable at $.48 per share to RCI
(of  which  50,000  were  transferred  in  turn  by  RCI  to  Mr.  Richter),  in
consideration of services rendered and to be rendered by RCI on behalf of NHE in
connection with NHE's provision of management services to the Company.

         Financial  Advisor  Agreement.  Effective January 18, 1995, the Company
retained RCI as exclusive  financial  advisor and  placement  agent.  RCI's fees
under this arrangement are payable only upon completion of defined  transactions
and,  in such  event,  are  calculated  upon the  basis of a  percentage  of the
transaction  value.  The  agreement  is  terminable  by the Company upon 90 days
notice,  provided  that RCI is  entitled to receive  certain  fees for two years
following  termination  in the event a transaction  is concluded  with an entity
introduced to the Company by RCI.

         RCI  provides   substantial  ongoing  financial  management  and  other
services to the Company at no charge. In the opinion of management, the terms of
the Company's  arrangements  with RCI, NHE and NCS taken as a whole are at least
as favorable to the Company as could be obtained from third parties.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

             The  Company  is  unaware  of  any  other  matters  that  are to be
presented  for action at the  meeting.  Should any other  matter come before the
meeting,   however,   the  persons  named  in  the  enclosed   proxy  will  have
discretionary  authority  to vote all  proxies  with  respect to such  matter in
accordance with their judgment.


             The  Company  has  selected  KPMG  Peat  Marwick  LLP to audit  the
consolidated  financial statements of the Company for the fiscal year ending May
31, 1996. KPMG Peat Marwick LLP's representatives are not expected to be present
at the Annual Meeting.

                              REPORT ON FORM 10-KSB

         A copy of the Company's Form 10-KSB for the year ended May 31, 1996 has
been enclosed with this Proxy Statement.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

             Proposals  intended to be presented  at the 1997 Annual  Meeting of
Stockholders  must be received by the Company by July 23, 1997 to be  considered
for inclusion in the Company's proxy materials relating to that meeting.

                                    AVESIS INCORPORATED

                                    KENNETH L. BLUM, SR.
                                    Acting President and Chief Executive Officer

November 19, 1996

                                                      AVESIS INCORPORATED
                                     100 West Clarendon, Suite 2300, Phoenix, Arizona 85013


     The undersigned hereby appoints Kenneth L. Blum, Sr. and Neal A. Kempler,  as Proxies,  each with the power to appoint his
substitute, and hereby authorizes each of them to represent and to vote, as designated below, all the shares of Common Stock of
Avesis  Incorporated,  a Delaware  corporation  (the  "Company") held of record by the undersigned on November 19, 1996, at the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on December 18, 1996, and at any adjournment thereof.
      William R. Cohen, Kenneth L. Blum, Sr., Gerald L. Cohen, Sam Oolie, William L. Richter.
      [ ]   VOTE FOR all nominees listed, except as indicated             [ ]   WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees.
            to the contrary below (if any).  (Instructions:  To withhold
            your vote for any individual nominee, write the nominee's
            name in the space below.)

2. In their  discretion,  to vote upon such other  business as may properly come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment.

                                                                            Please sign  exactly as name  appears on your stock
                                                                            certificates.   When   shares  are  held  by  joint
                                                                            tenants,   both  should   sign.   When  signing  as
                                                                            attorney,  executor,   administrator,   trustee  or
                                                                            guardian,  please  give  full  title as such.  If a
                                                                            corporation,  please give full  corporate  name and
                                                                            indicate  that  execution  is by president or other
                                                                            authorized officer.  If a partnership,  please sign
                                                                            in partnership name by authorized person.

                                                                            Stockholder Name(s):  (Print)





                                                                            Signature if held jointly