WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION

Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
                                (Amendment No. )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [  ]

Check the appropriate box:

[ ] Preliminary Proxy Statement
[ ] Confidential,  for  Use  of  the  Commission  Only  (as  permitted  by  Rule
[X] Definitive Proxy Statement
[ ] Definitive Additional Materials
[ ] Soliciting Material Pursuant to Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                          SWIFT TRANSPORATION CO., INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):

[X] No fee required.
[ ] Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(4) and 0-11.

1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed pursuant to
   Exchange  Act Rule 0-11  (set  forth the  amount on which the  filing  fee is
   calculated and state how it was determined):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5) Total fee paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ ] Fee paid previously with preliminary materials.

[ ] Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange  Act Rule
    0-11(a)(2)  and  identify the filing for which the  offsetting  fee was paid
    previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement number,
    or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

    1) Amount previously paid:


    2) Form, Schedule or Registration No.

    3) Filing party:


    4) Date filed:


                         SWIFT TRANSPORTATION CO., INC.
                                 1455 HULDA WAY
                              SPARKS, NEVADA 89431

                           NOTICE AND PROXY STATEMENT
                           TO BE HELD ON MAY 22, 1997


To Our Stockholders:

         The 1997 Annual Meeting of Stockholders (the "Annual Meeting") of Swift
Transportation  Co., Inc. (the  "Company")  will be held at 10:00 a.m.,  Arizona
Time, on Thursday,  May 22, 1997, at the Company's headquarters facility at 2200
South 75th Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85043, for the following purposes:

         1.       To elect two Class I directors to serve for three-year terms;

         2.       To amend the Swift  Transportation Co., Inc. Stock Option Plan
                  to  increase  the  number of shares  authorized  for  issuance
                  thereunder from 2,300,000 to 2,550,000; and

         3.       To transact  such other  business as may properly  come before
                  the Annual Meeting.  Management is presently aware of no other
                  business to come before the meeting.

         Each  outstanding  share of the  Company's  Common  Stock  entitles the
holder of record at the close of business on March 26, 1997 to receive notice of
and to vote at the  Annual  Meeting  or any  adjournment  thereof  (the  "Record
Date").  Shares of Common  Stock can be voted at the Annual  Meeting only if the
holder is  present in person or by valid  proxy.  A copy of the  Company's  1996
Annual Report to Stockholders, which includes certified financial statements, is
enclosed. Management cordially invites you to attend the Annual Meeting.

                                          By Order of the Board of Directors

                                          /s/ Jerry C. Moyes

Phoenix, Arizona                          Jerry C. Moyes
April 22, 1997                            Chairman of the Board, President
                                          and Chief Executive Officer



                         SWIFT TRANSPORTATION CO., INC.
                                 1455 HULDA WAY
                              SPARKS, NEVADA 89431

                                 PROXY STATEMENT

         This  Proxy  Statement  is  furnished  to  the  stockholders  of  Swift
Transportation  Co., Inc. (the "Company") in connection with the solicitation of
proxies to be used in voting at the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on
May 22, 1997.  The enclosed  proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors of the
Company.  The proxy  materials  relating  to the Annual  Meeting are first being
mailed on or about  April  22,  1997 to  stockholders  of record at the close of
business on March 26, 1997 (the  "Record  Date").  A person  giving the enclosed
proxy  has the power to revoke it at any time  before it is  exercised  by:  (i)
attending  the Annual  Meeting  and voting in person;  (ii) duly  executing  and
delivering a proxy  bearing a later date;  or (iii)  sending  written  notice of
revocation to the Secretary of the Company at P.O. Box 29243, Phoenix,  Arizona,

         The Company will bear the cost of  solicitation  of proxies,  including
the  charges  and  expenses  of  brokerage   firms  and  others  for  forwarding
solicitation  material to beneficial  owners of the outstanding  Common Stock of
the  Company.  In addition to the use of the mails,  proxies may be solicited by
personal interview, telephone or telegraph.

                          VOTING SECURITIES OUTSTANDING

         As of the Record Date,  there were  27,973,284  shares of the Company's
Common Stock  outstanding.  Stockholders are entitled to one vote for each share
held of record  on each  matter  of  business  to be  considered  at the  Annual
Meeting.  Only holders of record of Common Stock at the close of business on the
Record Date will be entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting,  either in person or
by valid  proxy.  Ballots  cast at the  Annual  Meeting  will be  counted by the
Inspector of Elections and determinations of whether a quorum exists and whether
the  proposals  are  approved  will be  announced  at the  Annual  Meeting.  The
Inspector of Elections will treat  abstentions and broker non-votes  received as
shares that are  present and  entitled  to vote for  purposes of  determining  a
quorum,  but as unvoted for purposes of determining  the approval of any matter.
If a broker indicates on the proxy that it does not have discretionary authority
as to certain  shares to vote on a particular  matter,  those shares will not be
considered as present and entitled to vote with respect to that matter.


         A  properly  executed  proxy  in the  enclosed  form  will be  voted in
accordance with the  instructions  thereon.  If no  instructions  are given with
respect to the matters to be acted on, the persons acting under the proxies will
vote the shares represented thereby in favor of the election of the nominees for
directors named herein and at their  discretion as to such other business as may
come before the meeting or any  adjournment  thereof.  The Board of Directors is
not aware of any other  business  to be  brought  before the  meeting.  If other
proper  matters  or matters  of which the Board is not aware a  reasonable  time
prior to the meeting are introduced, then, to the extent permissible by law, the
persons  named in the  enclosed  proxy will vote the shares  they  represent  in
accordance with their judgment.

         The information  included herein should be reviewed in conjunction with
the  consolidated   financial  statements,   notes  to  consolidated   financial
statements,  independent auditors' reports and other information included in the
Company's  1996 Annual  Report to  Stockholders  that was mailed with this Proxy
Statement to all stockholders of record on the Record Date.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                                (Proposal No. 1)

         The  Articles  of  Incorporation  of the  Company  divides the Board of
Directors into three classes serving  staggered terms. One class of directors is
elected each year for a term of three years.  The term of office of directors in
Class I will expire at the Annual Meeting.  At the Annual Meeting,  stockholders
will be asked to elect two  directors  to Class I for terms that will  expire at
the close of the  Annual  Meeting  of  Stockholders  held in 2000.  The Board of
Directors  has nominated  Rodney K. Sartor and Earl H. Scudder,  Jr. as nominees
for election to Class I. Messrs.  Sartor and Scudder are the  incumbent  Class I
directors.  Unless  otherwise  noted  thereon,  the  shares  represented  by the
enclosed  proxy will be voted for the election of Messrs.  Sartor and Scudder as
directors of the Company. If any of them become unavailable for any reason or if
a vacancy should occur before election (which events are not  anticipated),  the
shares  represented  by the enclosed proxy may be voted for such other person or
persons as may be  determined  by the  holders of such  proxy.  Election  of the
director  nominees  will  require  the  affirmative  vote of a  majority  of the
outstanding  Common  Stock  represented  at the Annual  Meeting.  Each  director
elected  will serve for three years and until his  successor is duly elected and



         Information  concerning  the names,  ages,  terms,  positions  with the
Company and business  experience of the Company's  current  directors,  director
nominees and executive officers is set forth below.

                                                                                                    TERM AS
                NAME                     AGE                    POSITION                            EXPIRES
                ----                     ---                    --------                            -------
Jerry C. Moyes(1)(2)                      53      Chairman of the Board,                        Class III - 1999
                                                  President and Chief
                                                  Executive Officer

William F. Riley, III                     50      Executive Vice President,                     Class III - 1999
                                                  Chief Financial Officer,
                                                  Secretary and Director

Rodney K. Sartor                          42      Executive Vice President                       Class I - 1997
                                                  and Director

Alphonse E. Frei(1)(2)                    58      Director                                      Class II - 1998

Lou A. Edwards(2)                         83      Director                                      Class III - 1999

Earl H. Scudder, Jr.(1)                   54      Director                                       Class I - 1997

Kevin H. Jensen                           43      Executive Vice President
- ------------------------------------

(1)      Member of the Audit Committee.
(2)      Member of the Compensation Committee.

         Jerry C. Moyes has served as the Chairman of the Board,  President  and
Chief Executive  Officer of the Company since 1984. Mr. Moyes joined the Company
in 1966 as a Vice  President and served in that capacity  until 1984.  Mr. Moyes
was President of the Arizona Motor Transport Association from 1987 to 1988.

         William F. Riley, III has served as an Executive Vice President,  Chief
Financial Officer,  Secretary and a Director of the Company since March 1990 and
as a Vice  President of Cooper Motor Lines and Swift  Leasing  Co.,  Inc.  since
April 1988 and May 1986, respectively.  Prior to joining Swift in February 1986,
Mr. Riley was employed by Armour Food Co. from 1978 to January 1986,  serving in
various  transportation  and distribution  assignments,  principally  Manager of
Business Planning of Armour Food Express, its truckload motor carrier.

         Rodney K.  Sartor  has  served as an  Executive  Vice  President  and a
Director of the Company since May 1990.  Mr. Sartor joined Swift in May 1979. He
served as  Director  of  Operations  from May 1982  until  August  1988 and as a
Regional Vice President from August 1988 until May 1990.

         Alphonse  E. Frei has served as a  Director  of the  Company  since May
1990. Mr. Frei served in various capacities,  including Chief Financial Officer,
with America West Airlines from 1983 to 1994 and served as a director of America
West  Airlines  from 1986 to  September  1993.  Mr.  Frei has  served in various
executive capacities or as a consultant to a number of business organizations.

         Lou A. Edwards has served as a Director of the Company  since May 1990.
Mr.  Edwards is the President of Sundance  Truck  Centers,  a truck  dealership,
which he  founded  in  1975,  and has 40 years  of  experience  in the  trucking

         Earl H. Scudder,  Jr. has served as a Director of the Company since May
1993. Mr.  Scudder has been President of the Scudder Law Firm,  P.C. in Lincoln,
Nebraska since  February  1990,  and has engaged in the private  practice of law
since 1966. Mr. Scudder also served as a director of Heartland  Express,  Inc. a
publicly-held trucking company, until 1996, and serves as a director of Transcom
Technologies, Inc., a telecommunications company.

         Kevin H.  Jensen  was named an  executive  officer  of the  Company  in
October 1996, and has served as an Executive Vice President of the Company since
December  1994.  Mr.  Jensen  joined the Company in December 1986 and served the
Company  in various  capacities,  including  Director  of  Operations  - Eastern
Division  and Vice  President  - Eastern  Division,  prior to his  promotion  to
Executive Vice President in December 1994.


         Board of Directors.  During the year ended December 31, 1996, the Board
of  Directors  of the  Company  met on four  occasions.  Each  of the  directors
attended all of the  meetings of the Board of Directors  and all of the meetings
held by committees of the Board on which he served.

         Compensation  Committee.  The  Compensation  Committee  of the Board of
Directors,  which met once during 1996,  reviews all aspects of  compensation of
executive  officers of the Company and makes  recommendations on such matters to
the full Board of Directors.  The Report of the Compensation  Committee for 1996
is set forth below.

         Audit Committee. The Audit Committee, which met once during 1996, makes
recommendations  to the Board  concerning  the  selection  of outside  auditors,
reviews the financial statements of the Company and considers such other matters
in relation to the external audit of the financial affairs of the Company as may
be necessary or appropriate in order to facilitate accurate and timely financial
reporting. The Audit Committee also reviews proposals for major transactions.

         Other Committees.  The Company does not maintain a standing  nominating
committee or other committee performing similar functions.

         Compensation  Committee  Interlocks  and  Insider  Participation.   The
Compensation  Committee  of the Board of  Directors  consists of Jerry C. Moyes,
Alphonse E. Frei and Lou A. Edwards.  Mr. Moyes also serves as the President and
Chief Executive Officer of the Company.

         The  Company  leases  various  properties  from  entities  owned  by or
affiliated  with Jerry C.  Moyes.  For the year ended  December  31,  1996,  the
Company expended an aggregate of $968,000 in rental payments on such leases.

         Interstate   Equipment  Leasing,   Inc.   ("Interstate   Leasing"),   a
corporation  wholly-owned  by Jerry C.  Moyes,  leases  tractors  to some of the
Company's  owner  operators.  In connection  with this program,  during 1996 the
Company  acquired  $13,200,000 of new revenue  equipment on behalf of Interstate
Leasing,  for which the Company recognized fee income of $855,000.  During 1996,
the Company also sold used  revenue  equipment to  Interstate  Leasing  totaling
$700,000 and recognized gains of $114,000.

         Interstate  Leasing also  provides air  transportation  services to the
Company.  The Company paid Interstate  Leasing  $450,000 for air  transportation
services for the year ended December 31, 1996. At December 31, 1996, $40,000 was
owed to Interstate Leasing for air transportation services.

         In 1995, Interstate Leasing invested in a regional  less-than-truckload
carrier Jaguar Fast Freight. In 1996, the Company sold Interstate Leasing double
trailer configurations and related

dollies for $45,000 at no gain or loss to the Company. The Company also provides
repair and maintenance services to Jaguar equipment and bills Interstate Leasing
for such services. In 1996, such services totaled $8,000.

         During  1996,  the  Company  provided  transportation  services  to SME
Industries,  Inc. ("SME"), a steel fabrication  company owned by Jerry C. Moyes.
For the year ended  December  31,  1996,  the  Company  recognized  $167,000  in
operating revenue from SME.

         During  1996,  the  Company  acquired a  substantial  amount of revenue
equipment  from  Freightliner  Corporation.   Although  the  Company  negotiated
directly  with  Freightliner,  pursuant to  Freightliner's  marketing  policy of
selling only through  dealers,  the  transactions  are invoiced through Sundance
Truck Centers ("Sundance"),  of which Lou A. Edwards, a director of the Company,
is the President and sole stockholder.  In consideration therefor,  Freightliner
permits  Sundance  to retain a fee of less than one  percent of the  acquisition
price  for  the  equipment.  In  1996,  the  Company  acquired  $101,816,000  of
Freightliner equipment that was delivered through Sundance and Sundance received
approximately  $716,000  in  connection  with such  acquisitions.  In 1996,  the
Company purchased parts and services from Sundance totaling $2,379,000.

         All of the  foregoing  arrangements  were  approved by the  independent
members of the Board of  Directors.  The Company  believes that the terms of the
foregoing  transactions  with entities  affiliated with  Compensation  Committee
members  were as  favorable  to the  Company  as those  which  would  have  been
available from an independent third party.

                              DIRECTOR COMPENSATION

         Directors  who are not  employees  of the  Company  receive  an  annual
retainer of $3,000,  plus $500 per meeting of the Board of Directors attended by
the director.  Pursuant to the Company's  Non-Employee  Director's  Stock Option
Plan,  non-employee  directors  also  receive  an  annual  grant of an option to
purchase  1,000 shares of the Company's  Common Stock at an exercise price equal
to 85% of the fair  market  value of such  stock on the date of grant  and which
vest  immediately  upon the date of grant.  These  options  are  granted  to the
non-employee directors on the last trading day in May.

                             EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION

         The table  below  sets  forth  information  concerning  the  annual and
long-term  compensation  for services in all  capacities  to the Company for the
fiscal years ended December 31, 1996,  1995 and 1994, of those persons who were,
at  December  31, 1996 (i) the Chief  Executive  Officer and (ii) the other four
executive officers of the Company (collectively, the "Named Officers").

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                                                                           Long Term
                                                        Annual Compensation               Compensation
                                                                                           All Other
    Name and Principal Position         Year              Salary           Bonus           Compensation(1)
    ---------------------------         ----              ------           -----           ---------------
Jerry C. Moyes                          1996             $270,371         $366,161          $160,376
Chairman of the Board & President       1995              310,370          329,026           161,907
                                        1994              270,371          343,954           155,114

William F. Riley III                    1996             $162,225         $366,161           $19,553
Executive Vice President &              1995              162,225          329,026            20,519
Chief Financial Officer                 1994              162,226          343,954            13,743

Robert W. Cunningham                    1996             $162,225         $366,161           $18,937
Executive Vice President(2)             1995              162,225          329,026            19,296
                                        1994              162,226          343,954            13,284

Rodney K. Sartor                        1996             $162,225         $366,161           $14,953
Executive Vice President                1995              162,225          329,026            15,581
                                        1994              162,226          343,954             8,253

Kevin H. Jensen                         1996             $162,225         $187,775           $11,928
Executive Vice President(3)

- ------------------------------
(1)      "All  Other  Compensation"  for  each of the  Named  Officers  included
         Company  contributions  in the amount of $11,928 for 1996,  $13,276 for
         1995 and $6,288 for 1994,  pursuant  to the Swift  Transportation  Co.,
         Inc. Retirement Plan, a 401(k) profit sharing plan (the "401(k) Plan").
         The balance of compensation  included in "All Other  Compensation"  for
         each  of the  Named  Officers  during  each of the  identified  periods
         represents  Company  payments  of term  life and  disability  insurance
         premiums on behalf of the respective Named Officers. The amount of such
         insurance  premiums  paid on behalf of Mr. Riley during 1996,  1995 and
         1994 was $7,625,  $7,243 and $7,455,  respectively.  The amount of such
         insurance  premiums paid on behalf of Mr.  Cunningham during 1996, 1995
         and 1994 was  $7,009,  $6,020 and $6,996,  respectively.  The amount of
         such insurance  premiums paid on behalf of Mr. Sartor during 1996, 1995
         and 1994 was $3,025, $2,305 and $1,965, respectively.  The Company does
         not pay such  premiums for Mr.  Jensen.  The Company  procured two term
         life insurance  policies with a combined face amount of $20 million for
         the  benefit of Jerry C. Moyes and his  spouse.  The  aggregate  annual
         premiums paid by the Company for these polices were $ 148,448, $148,631
         and  $148,826  in 1996,  1995 and  1994,  respectively.  The  Company's
         purpose in  maintaining  these policies is to ensure that, in the event
         of the Moyes'  deaths,  their  estate  would be able to satisfy  estate
         taxes  without  having to sell a large  block of the  Company's  Common
         Stock, which might adversely affect the market for the Common Stock.
(2)      Mr. Cunningham resigned his positions with the Company in April 1997.
(3)      Mr.  Jensen was named an  executive  officer of the  Company in October

                        OPTION GRANTS IN LAST FISCAL YEAR

         The  Company  made no grants  of stock  options  to the Named  Officers
during the year ended December 31, 1996.

         The table below sets forth  information with respect to the exercise of
stock  options  during the fiscal year ended  December  31,  1996,  by the Named
Officers.  The  Company  does not have a long-term  incentive  plan or a defined
benefit or actuarial plan and has never issued any stock appreciation rights.

                      OPTION VALUE AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1996

                                                                                                      Value of Unexercised In-the-
                                                                    Number of Unexercised Options     Money Options at Fiscal Year
                                                                       at Fiscal Year End (#)                   End ($)
                               Acquired on
            Name              Exercise (#)(1) Value Realized ($)(2) Exercisable   Unexercisable(3)   Exercisable   Unexercisable(4)
Jerry C. Moyes                      --                --                --               --              --               --
President & Chief Executive
William F. Riley III              36,000           $601,500             --            108,000            --           $2,236,500
Executive Vice President &
Chief Financial Officer
Robert W. Cunningham                --                --              36,000          108,000         $745,500        $2,236,500
Executive Vice President(6)
Rodney K. Sartor                  36,000           $529,500             --            108,000            --           $2,236,500
Executive Vice President
Kevin H. Jensen                     --                --                --             50,000            --            $743,625
Executive Vice President(7)
============================  ==============  ===================  =============  ================  =============  =================

- ----------------------

(1)      Represents  shares of Common  Stock  acquired  pursuant  to exercise of
         options under the Company's  Stock Option Plan.  The exercise price for
         such shares was $2.79 per share.

(2)      Based  on the  $19.50  and  $17.50  last  reported  sales  price of the
         Company's  Common  Stock  on  August  21,  1996  and  April  10,  1996,
         respectively, for Messrs. Riley and Sartor, respectively.

(3)      All outstanding options, other than Mr. Jensen's,  were granted in 1990
         and  one-fifth  of the shares  underlying  such  options  first  became
         exercisable in March 1995. Thereafter,  one-fifth of the options become
         exercisable in each successive  year. The exercise price of the options
         is $2.79 per share. The number of options and the option exercise price
         reflect a 3-for-2  stock  split  treated as a dividend  of one share of
         Common Stock for every two shares of Common Stock outstanding  effected
         on November 18, 1993 and a 2-for-1 stock split treated as a dividend of
         one share of Common  Stock  outstanding  effected on November 18, 1994.
         The options will terminate in September 2000.

(4)      Based on the $23.50 last reported  sales price of the Company's  Common
         Stock on December 31, 1996.

(5)      Mr. Moyes has not been awarded any stock options and is not eligible to
         participate  in the  Company's  Stock  Option  Plan or  Employee  Stock
         Purchase  Plan.  See   "Compensation   Committee  Report  on  Executive
         Compensation" below.

(6)      Mr. Cunningham resigned his positions with the Company in April 1997.

(7)      Mr.  Jensen was granted  options in 1992 and 1994  covering  30,000 and
         20,000 shares of the Company's Common Stock, respectively. The exercise
         price  for  each  of  Mr.   Jensen's   options  is  $7.08  and  $10.94,
         respectively.  One-fifth of the shares  underlying Mr. Jensen's options
         will  become   exercisable   in  December   1997  and  February   1999,
         respectively,  with  one-fifth  of the shares  underlying  such options
         becoming exercisable each successive year thereafter.

                              EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENTS

         The  Company  currently  does  not  have any  employment  contracts  or
severance agreements with any of its executive officers.

                         CHANGE OF CONTROL ARRANGEMENTS

         In the event the Company sells all or substantially  all of its assets,
or merges  with or into  another  corporation,  stock  options  outstanding  are
required to be assumed or equivalent  options are required to be  substituted by
such  successor  corporation  or  a  parent  or  subsidiary  of  such  successor
corporation, unless the Company's Board of Directors determines, in the exercise
of its sole discretion and in lieu of such assumption or substitution,  that the
option  holder  shall have the right to exercise  his or her  option,  including
shares as to which such option would not otherwise be exercisable.  If the Board
makes options fully  exercisable  in lieu of assumption or  substitution  in the
event of a merger or sale of  assets,  the Board must  notify the option  holder
that the option is fully  exercisable  for a period of thirty (30) days from the
date of such  notice  (but  not  later  than the  expiration  of the term of the
option) and the option will terminate upon the expiration of such period.


         Under the  supervision  of the  Compensation  Committee of the Board of
Directors,  the Company has developed and implemented  compensation policies and
programs  which  seek to  enhance  the  profitability  of the  Company  and thus
shareholder  value by aligning the interests of senior  management with those of
its shareholders.  The Company  compensates  senior management  through a mix of
short-term and long-term  compensation  programs. The three principal components
of  executive  compensation  are base  salary,  annual  bonus  awards  and stock
options.  Jerry C. Moyes does not  participate in the  Compensation  Committee's
deliberations concerning his compensation.

         Base Salary.  In setting base salaries of senior  management  for 1996,
including the salary of Jerry C. Moyes,  the Company's Chief Executive  Officer,
the Compensation Committee reviewed and considered (i) compensation  information
disclosed  by similar  publicly  held  truckload  motor  carriers  (all of which
carriers are included in the Nasdaq Trucking and  Transportation  Stocks Index);
(ii)  the  financial  performance  of the  Company,  as  well  as the  role  and
contribution of the particular  executive with respect to such performance;  and
(iii)   nonfinancial   performance   related  to  the   individual   executive's
contributions.  The Compensation  Committee believes that the annual salaries of
the Company's Chief  Executive  Officer and its Executive Vice Presidents are at
or slightly  below median  levels paid by other  publicly held  truckload  motor
carriers of comparable size. However, the Committee believes that, when the base
salary  and  annual  bonus for the  Company's  executives  are  aggregated,  its
compensation  package is competitive  with those provided to similarly  situated
executives in the  truckload  motor  carrier  industry.  The Committee has taken
particular  note of  management's  success in  assimilating  the  operations  of
acquired carriers into the Company's operations, growing the Company in terms of
revenue,   net  earnings  and  earnings  per  share,  and  managing  the  growth
experienced by the Company during the last fiscal year.

         Annual  Bonus.  The  Compensation  Committee  establishes a formula for
determining  the  bonus  pool for the top  executive  officers.  For  1996,  the
Compensation  Committee  determined that the pool for executive bonuses would be
equal to 3.5% of the Company's  pre-tax  income for the year.  The  Compensation
Committee believes that this policy properly motivates the executive officers to
perform to the  greatest  extent of their  abilities  to  generate  the  highest
attainable  profits for the  Company.  The  Compensation  Committee  decides the
allocation  of the bonus  pool  among the top  executive  officers  on an annual

         Stock Options. The Company believes that it is important for executives
to have an equity  stake in the Company in order to  encourage  them to focus on
long-term  prospects.  Toward this end, the Company  makes option  grants to the
Executive  Vice  Presidents  from time to time pursuant to the  Company's  Stock
Option Plan.  In making  option grants to the  Executive  Vice  Presidents,  the
Compensation  Committee  evaluates the  individual  officer's  past and expected
future contributions to the Company's  achievement of its long-term  performance
goals. Because Jerry Moyes is the largest beneficial stockholder of the Company,
the Compensation Committee

has not awarded any stock options to Mr. Moyes, and Mr. Moyes is not eligible to
participate in the Company's  Stock Option Plan or Employee Stock Purchase Plan.
In 1990, the Company awarded options to purchase  180,000 shares of Common Stock
(adjusted for the Company's  3-for- 2 stock split  effected in November 1993 and
adjusted for the  Company's  2-for-1 stock split  effected in November  1994) to
each  of the  then  existing  Executive  Vice  Presidents.  In  light  of  these
substantial  grants,  the Company has not granted any options to those Executive
Vice Presidents since 1990 (although other employees have received option grants
during these years).

         Chief Executive Officer. The two members of the Compensation  Committee
other than Mr. Moyes  evaluate the Chief  Executive  Officer's  performance  and
recommend his salary and bonus to the Board of Directors. As noted above, due to
Mr. Moyes'  substantial  stock  ownership of the Company,  the Committee has not
included stock options as a component of Mr. Moyes' overall compensation. Due in
part to this omission of option  grants,  and  primarily due to his  significant
contributions  to the Company and the Company's  dependence  on Mr.  Moyes,  Mr.
Moyes' base salary is set  significantly  above the base  salaries for the other
executive officers. The Committee believes that Mr. Moyes' total compensation is
appropriate  compared  to the  total  compensation  paid to  CEOs of  comparable
publicly held  truckload  motor  carriers,  especially in light of the Company's
operating results and the increase in stockholder value in 1996.

                             COMPENSATION COMMITTEE

Jerry C. Moyes                 Alphonse E. Frei                   Lou A. Edwards


                          STOCK PRICE PERFORMANCE GRAPH

         The graph below compares  cumulative  total return of the Company,  the
Nasdaq Stock  Market  (U.S.)  Index and the Nasdaq  Trucking and  Transportation
Stocks Index from December 31, 1991 to December 31, 1996. The graph assumes that
$100 was invested on December 31, 1991, and any dividends were reinvested.

                                       12/31/91    12/31/92       12/31/93       12/31/94       12/31/95       12/31/96
Nasdaq Stock Market (US)                  $100      $116.378       $133.595       $130.587       $187.674       $227.164
Swift Transportation Co., Inc.            $100      $197.059       $252.941       $482.353       $358.824       $552.941
Nasdaq Trucking & Transportation Index    $100      $122.375       $148.676       $134.816       $157.209       $173.495



         Section  16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934  requires  the
Company's  officers  and  directors,  and  persons  who own  more  than 10% of a
registered  class  of the  Company's  equity  securities,  to  file  reports  of
ownership and changes in ownership with the  Securities and Exchange  Commission
("SEC").  Officers,  directors and greater than 10% stockholders are required by
SEC  regulation  to furnish the Company  with copies of all Section  16(a) forms
they file.  Based solely upon a review of the copies of such forms  furnished to
the  Company,  or written  representations  that no Forms 5 were  required,  the
Company  believes  that during the Company's  preceding  fiscal year all Section
16(a) filing requirements applicable to its officers, directors and greater than
10% beneficial owners were complied with, except (i) Jerry C. Moyes filed a late
Form 4 relating to the sale of 1,000,000 shares of Common Stock in December 1996
pursuant to an underwritten  public offering for which a registration  statement
on Form S-3 was filed,  and (ii) Kevin H. Jensen filed a late Form 3 relating to
his  appointment  as an  executive  officer of the Company in October 1996 and a
late Form 5 relating to his  purchase of 151 shares of Common  Stock in December
1996 pursuant to the Company's Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

                                 AND MANAGEMENT

         The following table sets forth, as of February 28, 1997, the number and
percentage  of  outstanding  shares of Common Stock  beneficially  owned by each
person known by the Company to  beneficially  own more than 5% of such stock, by
each  director and Named  Officer of the Company and by all  Directors and Named
Officers of the Company as a group.

Name and Address of Beneficial Owner(1)      Shares Beneficially Owned     Percent Owned
- ------------------------------------         -------------------------     -------------
Jerry C. Moyes                                      7,847,152(2)               28.05%
Ronald G. Moyes                                     4,008,157(2)               14.33%
Lou A. Edwards                                        174,500                    *
William F. Riley III                                  104,142                    *
Robert W. Cunningham(3)                                85,242                    *
Rodney K. Sartor                                       67,212                    *
Alphonse E. Frei                                        8,500(4)                 *
Earl H. Scudder, Jr.                                    7,000                    *
Kevin H. Jensen                                           666                    *
FMR Corporation                                     2,498,100                   8.93%
All Directors and Named                             8,294,414(5)               29.53%
     Officers as a group
 (8 persons)

- ---------------------------------------

*     Represents less than 1% of the Company's outstanding Common Stock.
(1)   The address of each  officer,  director  and Ronald G. Moyes is 1455 Hulda
      Way, Sparks, Nevada 89431. The address of FMR Corporation is 82 Devonshire
      Street,  Boston,  Massachusetts  02109.  Information  with  respect to FMR
      Corporation is based upon a Schedule 13G filed by FMR Corporation with the
      Securities and Exchange Commission.

(2)   The  shares  beneficially  owned  by Jerry C.  Moyes  are held by him,  as
      follows:  (i)  7,702,152  shares are held as a co-trustee of the Jerry and
      Vickie  Moyes  Family  Trust,  (ii)  15,000  shares  are held by a limited
      liability company of which Mr. Moyes has controlling  interest,  and (iii)
      130,000 shares are held by SME Industries, Inc. of which Jerry C. Moyes is
      the  majority  shareholder.  The  shares  shown for Jerry C.  Moyes do not
      include  the  4,008,157  shares held by seven  irrevocable  trusts for the
      benefit of six  children of Jerry and Vickie  Moyes and by an  irrevocable
      trust for the benefit of Jerry and Vickie Moyes and six of their children,
      the sole trustee of each of which is Ronald Moyes, who has sole investment
      and voting power over the trusts. The shares shown for Jerry C. Moyes also
      do not  include  160,000  shares  held  by an  irrevocable  trust  for the
      children of Jerry and Vickie Moyes, the sole trustee of which is Gerald F.
      Ehrlich,  who has sole  investment and voting power. Of the shares held by
      the Jerry and  Vickie  Moyes  Family  Trust,  7,599,627  shares  have been
      pledged to secure loans with lending institutions.

(3)   Mr. Cunningham resigned his positions with the Company in April 1997.

(4)   Includes options to purchase 4,000 shares of Common Stock granted pursuant
      to the Company's  Non-Employee  Director's Stock Option Plan. 2,000, 1,000
      and 1,000 of such options became exercisable on the grant dates of May 27,
      1994, May 31, 1995 and May 31, 1996,  respectively.  Also includes options
      to purchase 3,000 shares of Common Stock, which options became exercisable
      on June 3, 1993, the date of grant.

(5)   Includes 7,000 shares of Common Stock  immediately  issuable upon exercise
      of stock options issued to the Company's non-employee directors.  See Note
      3 above.


         During  1996,  the  Company  incurred  fees for legal  services  to the
Scudder Law Firm in the amount of $114,000. Mr. Earl H. Scudder, Jr., a director
of the Company,  is a member of the Scudder Law Firm. The Company  believes that
the terms of the  foregoing  transactions  were as  favorable  to the Company as
those which would have been  available  from an  independent  third  party.  See
"Compensation  Committee  Interlocks  and  Insider  Participation"  above  for a
description  of certain  transactions  between  the  Company  and members of the
Compensation Committee.

                                (Proposal No. 2)


         At the Annual Meeting, the Company will seek stockholder approval of an
amendment (the "Amendment") to the Swift  Transportation  Co., Inc. Stock Option
Plan (the  "Plan") to  increase  the number of shares  authorized  for  issuance
thereunder  from  2,300,000 to 2,550,000.  The Plan provides  employees  with an
incentive to actively direct and contribute to the Company's  growth by enabling
them to acquire a proprietary  interest in the Company.  The Company's  Board of
Directors  has  approved the  Amendment  to the Plan and has  directed  that the
Amendment  be submitted  as a proposal  for  stockholder  approval at the Annual
Meeting. The Plan was originally adopted in 1990.

Current Plan Provisions

         The Plan  authorizes  grants of incentive  stock  options  ("ISOs") and
non-qualified  stock options  ("NQSOs") to employees of the Company.  All of the
Company's  employees,  except Jerry C. Moyes, are eligible to participate in the

         The Board of Directors  believes that use of stock  options  authorized
under the Plan is  beneficial to the Company as a means of promoting the success
and enhancing the value of the Company by linking the personal  interests of its
employees and others to those of its stockholders and by providing employees and
others with an incentive for  outstanding  performance.  These  incentives  also
provide  the  Company  flexibility  in its  ability  to  attract  and retain the
services of  employees  and others  upon whose  judgment,  interest  and special
effort the successful conduct of the Company's operation is largely dependent.

         The  Plan  is  administered  by a  committee  appointed  by  the  Board
consisting of at least two (2)  non-employee  directors (the  "Committee").  The
Committee has the  exclusive  authority to  administer  the Plan,  including the
power to determine eligibility, the types and sizes of options and the timing of

         Generally,  options  issued under the Plan have been subject to vesting
over a nine-year  period,  with 20% of the options  becoming  exercisable by the
holder  thereof on the fifth  anniversary  of the date of grant and 20% becoming
exercisable  on each  successive  anniversary  date of the grant.  To date,  the
exercise  price of options  granted  under the Plan has been equal to 85% of the
fair  market  value of the Common  Stock on the date of the grant.  On March 26,
1997,  the last reported  sale price of the Common Stock on the Nasdaq  National
Market was $26.50 per share.

         Incentive  Stock  Options.  An ISO is a stock option that satisfies the
requirements specified in Section 422 of the Internal Revenue Code (the "Code").
Under the Code, ISOs may only be granted to employees. In order for an option to
qualify as an ISO, the price payable to exercise the option must equal or exceed
the fair  market  value of the stock at the date of the grant,  the option  must
lapse no later than 10 years from the date of the grant,  and the stock  subject
to ISOs that are first  exercisable by an employee in any calendar year must not
have a value of more  than  $100,000  as of the  date of  grant.  Certain  other
requirements must also be met. The Committee  determines the consideration to be
paid to the  Company  upon  exercise  of any  options.  The form of payment  may
include cash, Common Stock, or other property.

         An optionee is not treated as receiving  taxable income upon either the
grant of an ISO or upon the exercise of an ISO. However,  the difference between
the exercise  price and the fair market value on the date of exercise is an item
of tax  preference  at the time of exercise  in  determining  liability  for the
alternative  minimum tax, assuming that the Common Stock is either  transferable
or is not subject to a substantial  risk of  forfeiture  under Section 83 of the
Code. If at the time of exercise,  the Common Stock is both  nontransferable and
is subject to a  substantial  risk of  forfeiture,  the  difference  between the
exercise price and the fair market value of the Common Stock  (determined at the
time  the  Common  Stock  becomes  either  transferable  or  not  subject  to  a
substantial  risk of forfeiture)  will be a tax  preference  item in the year in
which  the  Common  Stock  becomes  either  transferable  or  not  subject  to a
substantial risk of forfeiture.

         If  Common  Stock  acquired  by the  exercise  of an ISO is not sold or
otherwise  disposed  of within  two years from the date of its grant and is held
for at least one year after the date such  Common  Stock is  transferred  to the
optionee upon  exercise,  any gain or loss  resulting  from its  disposition  is
treated as long-term  capital gain or loss.  If such Common Stock is disposed of
before the expiration of the  above-mentioned  holding periods, a "disqualifying
disposition"  occurs.  If  a  disqualifying  disposition  occurs,  the  optionee
realizes  ordinary  income in the year of the  disposition in an amount equal to
the difference  between the fair market value of the Common Stock on the date of
exercise and the exercise  price,  or the selling  price of the Common Stock and
the exercise  price,  whichever is less. The balance of the optionee's gain on a
disqualifying disposition, if any, is taxed as capital gain.

         The  Company is not  entitled to any tax  deduction  as a result of the
grant or  exercise  of an ISO,  or on a later  disposition  of the Common  Stock
received, except that in the event of a

disqualifying  disposition,  the Company is entitled to a deduction equal to the
amount of ordinary income realized by the optionee.

         Non-Qualified  Stock Options.  A NQSO is any stock option other than an
ISO.  Such options are referred to as  "non-qualified"  because they do not meet
the  requirements  of, and are not eligible  for, the  favorable  tax  treatment
provided by Section 422 of the Code.

         No taxable  income is realized by an optionee upon the grant of a NQSO,
nor is the Company entitled to a tax deduction by reason of such grant. Upon the
exercise of a NQSO, the optionee  realizes ordinary income in an amount equal to
the excess of the fair market  value of the Common Stock on the date of exercise
over the  exercise  price and the  Company is entitled  to a  corresponding  tax

         Upon a subsequent  sale or other  disposition  of Common Stock acquired
through  exercise of a NQSO,  the optionee  realizes a  short-term  or long-term
capital  gain  or  loss  to  the  extent  of  any  intervening  appreciation  or
depreciation.  Such a  resale  by the  optionee  has no tax  consequence  to the

         The  following  table sets forth  grants of options made under the Plan
during 1996 to (i) each of the executive  officers named on page three; (ii) all
current executive officers,  as a group; (iii) all current directors who are not
executive  officers,  as a group; and (iv) all employees,  including all current
officers who are not executive  officers,  as a group. Grants under the Plan are
made at the  discretion of the Committee.  Accordingly,  future grants under the
Plan are not yet determinable.

                                     PLAN BENEFITS
                                   Stock Option Plan

                                    Number of Shares           Weighted Average
                                   Subject to Options           Exercise Price
Name and Position                      Granted (#)             Per Share ($/sh)
- -----------------                     -------------           -----------------
Jerry C. Moyes                             --                         --
Chairman of the Board
& President
William F. Riley III                       --                         --
Executive Vice President &
Chief Financial Officer
Robert W. Cunningham                       --                         --
Executive Vice President(1)
Rodney K. Sartor                           --                         --
Executive Vice President
Kevin H. Jensen                            --                         --
Executive Vice President
Executive Officer Group                    --                         --
Director Group                             --                         --
Employee Group                           47,000                     $16.60
- ------------------------------

(1)       Mr. Cunningham resigned his positions with the Company in April 1997.

Amendments to Plan

         The Board of Directors has reviewed the options currently  remaining in
the  option  pool for the  Plan and has  determined  that it is  appropriate  to
increase  the number of shares  authorized  for issuance  under the Plan.  As of
March 14,1997,  (i) 520,500 shares have been issued upon exercise of options and
are included in the total number of shares of outstanding  Common Stock and (ii)
option grants representing 1,521,500 shares were outstanding under the Plan. The
Board believes that an increase in the number of authorized  shares is necessary
for the continued optimal use of the Plan. Therefore, the Board is proposing the
Amendment to the Plan that would  increase the number of shares  authorized  for
issuance under the Plan from 2,300,000 to 2,550,000.

Required Vote

         Approval of the Amendment to the Plan requires the affirmative  vote of
a majority of shares of Common Stock present at the Annual  Meeting in person or
by proxy.  Abstentions  are considered  present for this proposal,  so they will
have the same effect as votes against the  Amendment.  Broker  non-votes are not
considered present for this proposal.


                                RELATIONSHIP WITH
                             INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANTS

         The  principal  independent  public  accounting  firm  utilized  by the
Company  during the fiscal year ended  December  31, 1996 was KPMG Peat  Marwick
LLP, independent certified public accountants (the "Auditors").  It is presently
contemplated that the Auditors will be retained as the principal accounting firm
to be utilized by the Company during the current  fiscal year. A  representative
of the Auditors will attend the Annual  Meeting for the purpose of responding to
appropriate questions and will be afforded an opportunity to make a statement if
the Auditors so desire.

                              STOCKHOLDER PROPOSALS

         Stockholder  proposals for the 1998 Annual  Meeting must be received at
the  principal  executive  offices of the  Company by  December  19,  1997 to be
considered  for  inclusion in the  Company's  proxy  materials  relating to such

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         The Board of Directors does not intend to present at the Annual Meeting
any matters other than those described herein and does not presently know of any
matters that will be presented by other parties.

                           SWIFT TRANSPORTATION CO., INC.

                           /s/ Jerry C. Moyes

                           Jerry C. Moyes
                           Chairman of the Board, President
                           and Chief Executive Officer
April 22, 1997

                         SWIFT TRANSPORTATION CO., INC.

                         Annual Meeting of Stockholders

                                  May 22, 1997


         The  undersigned  hereby  appoints  Jerry C. Moyes and William F. Riley
III, and each of them  individually,  as proxy with full power of  substitution,
and hereby  authorizes them to represent and to vote, as designated  below,  all
shares of Common Stock of Swift  Transportation  Co., Inc. held of record by the
undersigned on March 26, 1997, at the Annual Meeting of  Stockholders to be held
on May 22, 1997, and any adjournments thereof.

       (Continued, and to be marked, dated and signed, on the other side)

The Board of Directors reccommends a vote FOR Proposal I
             Rodney K. Sartor
             Earl H. Scudder, Jr.
WITHHELD FOR:(Write that nominee's name in the space provided below).

                         FOR            FOR ALL

                         [ ]              [ ]

- -------------------

The Board of Directors recommend a vote FOR Proposal 2
Proposal 2 - Approval of amendment  to Stock Option Plan to increase  authorized
shares from 2,300,000 to 2,550,000.

                         FOR            AGAINST

                         [ ]              [ ]

         This  proxy,  when  properly  executed,  will be  voted  in the  manner
directed herein by the undersigned  stockholder.  If no direction is given, this
proxy will be voted for the two  director  nominees  named in proposal 1 for the
increase in the number of shares  authorized  under the  Company's  Stock Option
Plan, and at the discretion of the proxies on such other matters as may properly
come before the meeting or any adjournments thereof.


NOTE:  Please sign as name appears  hereon.  Joint owners should each sign. When
signing as attorney, executor,  administrator,  trustee or guardian, please give
full title as such.

                                   Appendix A

                         SWIFT TRANSPORTATION CO., INC.
                                STOCK OPTION PLAN

                     (as amended through November 18, 1994)

         1.  Purpose of the Plan.  The purposes of this Stock Option Plan are to
attract and retain the best  available  personnel for  positions of  substantial
responsibility to provide successful  management of the Company's  business,  to
provide  additional  incentive to certain key  employees of the Company,  and to
promote the success of the  Company's  business  through the grant of options to
purchase shares of the Company's Common Stock.

         Options granted  hereunder may be either  "Incentive Stock Options," as
defined in Section 422A of the Code, or  "Non-Statutory  Stock  Options," at the
discretion  of the Board and as  reflected  in the terms of the  written  option

         2. Definitions. As used herein, the following definitions shall apply:

                  (a) "Board"  shall mean the Board of  Directors of the Company
         or the Committee, if one has been appointed.

                  (b) "Code"  shall mean the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as
         amended, and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

                  (c) "Common  Stock" shall mean the common stock of the Company
         described in the Company's Certificate of Incorporation, as amended.

                  (d)  "Company"  shall mean a Delaware  corporation,  and shall
         include any parent or subsidiary  corporation of the Company as defined
         in Sections 425(e) and (f), respectively, of the Code.

                  (e)  "Committee"  shall mean the  Committee  appointed  by the
         Board in accordance with paragraph (a) of Section 4 of the Plan, if one
         is appointed.

                  (f) "Employee" shall mean any person,  including  officers and
         directors,  employed by the Company. The payment of a director's fee by
         the Company shall not be sufficient to constitute  "employment"  by the

                  (g) "Exchange  Act" shall mean the Securities and Exchange Act
         of 1934, as amended.

                  (h) "Fair Market Value" shall mean, with respect to the date a
         given  Option is granted or  exercised,  the value of the Common  Stock
         determined  by the Board in such  manner as it may deem  equitable  for
         Plan  purposes but, in the case of an Incentive  Stock Option,  no less
         than is required by applicable laws or

         regulations; provided, however, that where there is a public market for
         the Common Stock,  the Fair Market Value per Share shall be the mean of
         the bid and asked prices of the Common  Stock on the date of grant,  as
         reported in the Wall Street Journal (or, if not reported,  as otherwise
         reported by the National  Association of Securities  Dealers  Automated
         Quotation  System)  or, in the event the Common  Stock is listed on the
         New York Stock Exchange or the American Stock exchange. the Fair Market
         Value per Share shall be the closing price on such exchange on the date
         of grant of the Option,  as reported  in the Wall  Street  Journal.  If
         Options are granted concurrently with an initial public offering of the
         Company's  Common Stock,  the Fair Market Value shall be presumed to be
         the price at which the  shares are  priced to the  public  through  the

                  (i)  "Incentive  Stock  Option"  shall mean an Option which is
         intended to qualify as an incentive  stock option within the meaning of
         Section 422A of the Code.

                  (j) "Option" shall mean a stock option granted under the Plan.

                  (k) "Optioned Stock" shall mean the Common Stock subject to an

                  (l)  "Optionee"  shall mean an Employee of the Company who has
         been granted one or more Options.

                  (m) "Parent" shall mean a "parent corporation," whether now or
         hereafter existing, as defined in Section 425(e) of the Code.

                  (n) "Plan" shall mean this Stock Option Plan.

                  (o)  "Share"  shall  mean a  share  of the  Common  Stock,  as
         adjusted in accordance with Section 11 of the Plan.

                  (p)  "Subsidiary"  shall  mean  a  "subsidiary   corporation,"
         whether now or hereafter existing,  as defined in Section 425(f) of the

                  (q) "Tax Date"  shall mean the date an Optionee is required to
         pay the Company an amount with respect to tax  withholding  obligations
         in connection with the exercise of an option.

         3.  Common  Stock  Subject to the Plan.  Subject to the  provisions  of
Section  11 of the Plan the  maximum  aggregate  number of  shares  which may be
optioned and sold under the Plan is 2,300,000 Shares of Common Stock. The Shares
may be authorized,  but unissued,  or previously issued Shares acquired or to be
acquired by the Company and held in treasury.

         If an  Option  should  expire or become  unexercisable  for any  reason
without having been exercised in full,  the  unpurchased  Shares covered by such
Option  shall,  unless the Plan shall have been  terminated,.  be available  for
future grants of Options.

         4.       Administration of the Plan.

                  (a) Procedure.

                           (i) The Plan  shall be  administered  by the Board in
                  accordance with Securities and Exchange  Commission Rule 16b-3
                  ("Rule 16b-3"); provided.  however, that the Board may appoint
                  a Committee to Administer the Plan at any time or from time to
                  time and, provided further, that if a majority of the Board is
                  eligible   to  be  granted   Options  or  is   otherwise   not
                  "disinterested"  within the meaning of Securities and Exchange
                  Commission Rule 16b-3,  then any participation by directors in
                  the Plan must be administered by a Committee  appointed by the

                           (ii) The  Committee  shall  consist of at least three
                  (3)  persons,  who may, but need not, be members of the Board,
                  none of whom is eligible to be granted Options or is otherwise
                  not  "disinterested"  within  the  meaning of  Securities  and
                  Exchange  Commission  Rule  16b-3  to  administer  the Plan on
                  behalf of the Board,  subject to such terms and  conditions as
                  the Board may prescribe.  Once appointed,  the Committee shall
                  continue to serve until otherwise  directed by the Board. From
                  time to time the Board may increase the size of the  Committee
                  and appoint additional  members thereof,  remove members (with
                  or without  cause),  and appoint  new members in  substitution
                  therefor, fill vacancies however caused, or remove all members
                  of the Committee and thereafter  directly administer the Plan;
                  provided,  however,  that at no time may any  director  who is
                  eligible  to be granted  Options  serve on the  Committee  nor
                  shall a Committee  of less than three (3)  members  administer
                  the Plan.

                  (b) Powers of the  Board.  Subject  to the  provisions  of the
         Plan, the Board shall have the  authority,  in its  discretion:  (i) to
         grant Incentive  Stock Options,  in accordance with Section 422A of the
         Code,  and to grant  "nonstatutory  stock  options;" (ii) to determine,
         upon review of relevant information and in accordance with Section 2 of
         the Plan, the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock; (iii) to determine
         the exercise  price per Share of Options to be granted,  which exercise
         price shall be determined in accordance  with Section 8(a) of the Plan;
         (iv) to determine the Employees to whom, and the time or times at which
         Options shall be granted and the number of shares to be  represented by
         each Option;  (v) to interpret the Plan;  (vi) to prescribe,  amend and
         rescind rules and regulations  relating to the Plan; (vii) to determine
         the terms and provisions of each

         Option granted  (which need not be identical)  and, with the consent of
         the Optionee thereof, modify or amend each Option; (viii) to accelerate
         or defer (with the consent of the  Optionee)  the exercise  date of any
         Option;  (ix) to  authorize  any  person  to  execute  on behalf of the
         Company any  instrument  required to effectuate  the grant of an Option
         previously  granted by the Board;  (x) to accept or reject the election
         made by an  Optionee  pursuant  to Section 17 of the Plan;  and (xi) to
         make all other  determinations  deemed  necessary or advisable  for the
         administration of the Plan.

                  (c) Effect of Board's Decision. All decisions,  determinations
         and  interpretations  of the Board  shall be final and  binding  on all
         Optionees and any other holders of any Options granted under the Plan.

         5.       Eligibility.

                  (a)  Consistent  with  the  Plan's  purposes,  Options  may be
         granted  only to key  Employees  of the  Company as  determined  by the
         Board.  An  Employee  who has been  granted  an  Option  may,  if he is
         otherwise  eligible,  be  granted  an  additional  Option  or  Options.
         Incentive Stock Options may be granted only to those Employees who meet
         the   requirements   applicable   under   Section  422A  of  the  Code.
         Notwithstanding  anything contained herein to the contrary, Jerry Moyes
         shall not be eligible to participate in this Plan.

                  (b) With respect to incentive  Stock Options granted under the
         Plan,  the  aggregate  fair market  value  (determined  at the time the
         Incentive  Stock Option is granted) of the Common Stock with respect to
         which Incentive Stock Options are exercisable for the first time by the
         employee  during any calendar  year (under all plans of the Company and
         its parent and  subsidiary  corporations)  shall not exceed One Hundred
         Thousand Dollars ($100,000).

         The Plan shall not confer upon any  Optionee  any right with respect to
continuation of employment  with the Company,  nor shall it interfere in any way
with his right or the Company's right to terminate his employment at any time.

         6. Shareholder Approval and Effective Dates. The Plan shall take effect
on May 17, 1990, the date on which the Board and all  stockholders  approved the
Plan.  No Option may be granted  after May 1, 2000 (ten years from the effective
date of the Plan); provided,  however, that the Plan and all outstanding Options
shall remain in effect until such Options have expired or until such Options are

         7. Term of  Option.  Unless  otherwise  provided  in the  Stock  Option
Agreement,  the term of each Incentive Stock Option shall be five (5) years from
the date of grant  thereof.  In no case  shall the term of any  Incentive  Stock
Option exceed ten (10) years from the date of grant

thereof.  Unless otherwise  provided in the Stock Option Agreement,  the term of
each Option  which is not an  Incentive  Stock Option shall be eleven years from
the date of grant.  Notwithstanding the above, in the case of an Incentive Stock
Option  granted to an Employee  who, at the time the  Incentive  Stock Option is
granted,  owns ten percent  (10%) or more of the Common  Stock as such amount is
calculated under Section 422A(b)(6) of the Code ("Ten Percent Shareholder"), the
term of the  Incentive  Stock  Option  shall be five (5) years  from the date of
grant  thereof  or such  shorter  time as may be  provided  in the Stock  Option

         8.       Exercise Price and Payment.

                  (a)  Exercise  Price.  The per  Share  exercise  price for the
         Shares  to be  issued  pursuant  to  exercise  of an  Option  shall  be
         determined by the Board,  but in the case of an Incentive  Stock Option
         shall be no less than one  hundred  percent  (100%) of the Fair  Market
         Value per Share on the date of grant;  provided,  further,  that in the
         case of an Incentive  Stock Option  granted to an Employee  who, at the
         time of the grant of such  Incentive  Stock  Option,  is a Ten  Percent
         Shareholder,  the per Share  exercise  price  shall be no less than one
         hundred  ten percent  (110%) of the Fair Market  Value per Share on the
         date of  grant.  In no event  may the  exercise  price in the case of a
         nonstatutory  stock option be less than  eighty-five  (85%) of the Fair
         Market Value per share on the date of grant.

                  (b) Payment.  The price of an  exercised  Option and any taxes
         attributable to the delivery of Common Stock under the Plan, or portion
         thereof, shall be paid:

                           (i) In  United  States  dollars  in cash or by check,
                  bank draft or money order payable to the order of the Company;

                           (ii) At the  discretion  of the  Board,  through  the
                  delivery of shares of Common  Stock,  with an  aggregate  Fair
                  Market Value, equal to the option price; or

                           (iii) By a  combination  of (i) and (ii)  above.  

         The Board shall determine acceptable methods for tendering Common Stock
as  payment  upon  exercise  of an Option and may impose  such  limitations  and
prohibitions  on the use of  Common  Stock to  exercise  an  Option  as it deems
appropriate,  with  respect to  nonstatutory  options,  at the  election  of the
Optionee  pursuant  to Section  17, the  Company  may  satisfy  its  withholding
obligations  by retaining  such number of shares of Common Stock  subject to the
exercised  Option which have an aggregate Fair Market value on the exercise date
equal  to  the  Company's  aggregate  federal,  state,  local  and  foreign  tax
withholding and FICA and FUTA  obligations  with respect to income  generated by
the exercise of the Option by Optionee. 

         9.       Exercise of Option.

                  (a)  Procedure  for  Exercise;  Rights as a  Shareholder.  Any
         Option granted  hereunder  shall be exercisable at such times and under
         such  conditions  as  determined  by the Board,  including  performance
         criteria with respect to the Company and/or the Optionee,  and as shall
         be  permissible   under  the  terms  of  the  Plan.  Unless  other-wise
         determined  by the  Board  at the  time  of  grant,  an  Option  may be
         exercised  in whole or in part.  An Option may not be  exercised  for a
         fraction of a Share.

                  An Option shall be deemed to be exercised  when written notice
         of such exercise has been given to the Company in  accordance  with the
         terms of the Option by the person  entitled to exercise  the Option and
         full  payment  for the  Shares  with  respect  to which  the  Option is
         exercised  has been  received  by the  Company.  Full  payment  may, as
         authorized  by the Board,  consist of any  consideration  and method of
         payment  allowable  under Section 8(b) of the Plan.  Until the issuance
         (as evidenced by the  appropriate  entry on the books of the Company or
         of a duly  authorized  transfer  agent  of the  Company)  of the  stock
         certificate  evidencing  such  Shares,  no  right  to vote  or  receive
         dividends or any other rights as a shareholder shall exist with respect
         to the Optioned Stock,  notwithstanding  the exercise of the Option. No
         adjustment  will be made for a  dividend  or other  right for which the
         record  date is  prior to the date the  stock  certificate  is  issued,
         except as provided in Section 11 of the Plan.

                  Exercise of an Option in any manner shall result in a decrease
         in the number of Shares which  thereafter  may be  available,  both for
         purposes  of the Plan and for sale  under the  Option by the  number of
         Shares as to which the Option is exercised.

                  Notwithstanding   anything  contained  in  this  Plan  to  the
         contrary,  the Board may establish certain restrictions on the times at
         which an  Option  may be  exercised  after a number  of  elapsed  years
         together with cumulative  exercise rights and may retain certain rights
         with  respect to a fixed  repurchase  price for the Option Stock if the
         Employee voluntarily  terminates his employment with the Company within
         a  certain  period  of  time  after  exercising  the  Option  or  whose
         employment is  involuntarily  terminated for gross  misconduct,  fraud,
         embezzlement,  theft,  breach of any fiduciary duty owed to the Company
         or for nonperformance of duties.

                  (b)  Termination  of Status as an Employee.  Unless  otherwise
         provided  in an Option  Agreement  relating to an Option that is not an
         Incentive Stock Option,  if an Employee's  employment by the Company is
         terminated,  except if such  termination  is voluntary or occurs due to
         retirement  with the  consent of the Board,  death or  disability,  the
         Option,  to the extent not exercised,  shall cease on the date on which
         Employee's  employment by the Company is  terminated.  If an Employee's
         termination  is voluntary or occurs due to retirement  with the consent
         of the Board,  then the Employee  may, but only within thirty (30) days
         (or such  other  period of time not  exceeding  three (3)  months as is
         determined  by the Board) after the date he ceases to be an Employee of
         the Company,  exercise his Option to the extent that he was entitled to
         exercise it at the date of such termination.  To the extent that he was
         not entitled to exercise the Option at the date of such termination, or
         if he does not exercise such Option (which he was entitled to exercise)
         within the time specified herein, the Option shall terminate.

                  (c)  Disability.   Unless  otherwise  provided  in  an  Option
         Agreement  relating to an Option that is not an Incentive Stock Option,
         notwithstanding  the provisions of Section 9(b) above,  in the event an
         Employee is unable to  continue  his  employment  with the Company as a
         result of his  permanent  and total  disability  (as defined in Section
         22(e)(3) of the Code),  he may,  but only  within  three (3) months (or
         such other  period of time not  exceeding  twelve  (12) months as it is
         determined  by the Board) from the date of  termination,  exercise  his
         Option to the extent he was entitled to exercise it at the date of such
         termination.  To the extent that he was not  entitled  to exercise  the
         Option  at the date of  termination,  or if he does not  exercise  such
         Option  (which he was entitled to exercise)  within the time  specified
         herein. the Option shall terminate.

                  (d) Death of Optionee.  Unless otherwise provided in an Option
         Agreement  relating to an Option that is not an Incentive Stock Option,
         if  Optionee  dies  during the term of the Option and is at the time of
         his death an Employee of the Company who shall have been in  continuous
         status as an Employee since the date of grant of the Option, the Option
         may be exercised at any time within one (1) year  following the date of
         death (or such other period of time as is determined by the Board),  by
         the Optionee's estate or by a person who acquired the right to exercise
         the  Option by  bequest or  inheritance,  but only to the  extent  that
         Optionee was  entitled to exercise the Option on the date of death.  To
         the extent that decedent was not entitled to exercise the Option on the
         date of death, or if the Optionee's  estate, or person who acquired the
         right to  exercise  the  Option by  bequest  or  inheritance,  does not
         exercise  such Option  (which he was entitled to  exercise)  within the
         time specified herein, the Option shall terminate.

         10.  Non-Transferability of Option. An Option may not be sold, pledged,
assigned, hypothecated,  transferred. or disposed of in any manner other than by
will or by the laws of

descent  or  distribution  and may be  exercised,  during  the  lifetime  of the
Optionee, only by the Optionee.

         11.  Adjustments Upon Changes in Capitalization  or Merger.  Subject to
any required action by the shareholders of the Company,  the number of shares of
Common Stock  covered by each  outstanding  Option,  and the number of shares of
Common Stock which have been  authorized  for issuance  under the Plan but as to
which no Options have yet been  granted or which have been  returned to the Plan
upon cancellations or expiration of an Option, as well as the price per share of
Common Stock covered by each such outstanding  Option,  shall be proportionately
adjusted for any  increase or decrease in the number of issued  shares of Common
Stock  resulting  from a stock  split,  reverse  stock  split,  stock  dividend,
combination or  reclassification  of the common stock,  or any other increase or
decrease in the number of issued shares of Common Stock effected without receipt
of  consideration  by the Company;  provided,  however,  that  conversion of any
convertible securities of the Company shall not be deemed to have been "effected
without receipt of  consideration."  Such adjustment shall be made by the Board,
whose  determination  in that respect  shall be final,  binding and  conclusive.
Except as  expressly  provided  herein,  no issuance by the Company of shares of
stock of any class, or securities  convertible into shares of stock of any class
shall affect, and no adjustment by reason thereof, shall be made with respect to
the number or price of shares of Common Stock subject to an Option.

         In the event of the proposed dissolution or liquidation of the Company,
the Option will terminate immediately prior to the consummation of such proposed
action,  unless otherwise  provided by the Board. The Board may, in the exercise
of its  sole  discretion  in such  instances,  declare  that  any  Option  shall
terminate  as of a date fixed by the Board and give each  Optionee  the right to
exercise  his  Option  as to all or any part of the  Optioned  Stock,  including
Shares as to which the Option would not otherwise be  exercisable.  In the event
of a proposed sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company,  or
the merger of the Company with or into another corporation,  the Option shall be
assumed  or  an  equivalent  option  shall  be  substituted  by  such  successor
corporation or a parent or subsidiary of such successor corporation,  unless the
Board  determines,  in the exercise of its sole  discretion  and in lieu of such
assumption or  substitution,  that the Optionee shall have the right to exercise
the Option as to all of the  Optioned  Stock,  including  Shares as to which the
Option would not  otherwise be  exercisable.  If the Board makes an Option fully
exercisable  in lieu of assumption or  substitution  in the event of a merger or
sale of assets,  the Board shall  notify the  Optionee  that the Option shall be
fully  exercisable for a period of thirty (30) days from the date of such notice
(but not later than the  expiration  of the term of the Option  under the Option
Agreement), and the Option will terminate upon the expiration of such period.

         12. Time of Granting Options. The date of grant of an Option shall, for
all purposes,  be the date on which the Board makes the  determination  granting
such Option. Notice of the determination shall be given to each Employee to whom
an Option is so granted within a reasonable time after the date of such grant.

         13.      Amendment and Termination of the Plan.

                  (a)  Amendment  and  Termination.   The  Board  may  amend  or
         terminate  the Plan from time to time in such  respect as the Board may
         deem  advisable;  provided,  however,  that the following  revisions or
         amendments  shall  require  approval of the holder of a majority of the
         outstanding Shares of the Company entitled to vote:

                           (i) Any  increase in the number of Shares  subject to
                  the Plan,  other than in connection  with an adjustment  under
                  Section 11 of the Plan;

                           (ii) Any  change in the  designation  of the class of
                  employees eligible to be granted Options; or

                           (iii) If the Company  has a class of equity  security
                  registered under Section 12 of the Exchange Act at the time of
                  such  revision  or  amendment,  any  material  increase in the
                  benefits accruing to participants under the Plan.

                  (b) Effect of Amendment or Termination.  Any such amendment or
         termination  of the Plan shall not affect Options  already  granted and
         such Options  shall remain in full force and effect as if this Plan had
         not been  amended  or  terminated,  unless  mutually  agreed  otherwise
         between the Optionee and the Board,  which agreement must be in writing
         and signed by the Optionee and the Company.

         14.  Conditions  Upon  Issuance of Shares.  Shares  shall not be issued
pursuant to the  exercise of an Optionee  unless the exercise of such Option and
the issuance and delivery of such Shares pursuant  thereto shall comply with all
relevant provisions of law, including, without limitation, the Securities Act of
1933,  as amended,  the  Exchange  Act,  the rules and  regulations  promulgated
thereunder,  and the requirements of any stock exchange upon which the Share may
then be listed,  and shall be further subject to the approval of counsel for the
Company with respect to such compliance.

         As a condition  to the  exercise of an Option,  the Company may require
the person  exercising  such Option to represent  and warrant at the time of any
such  exercise  that the  Shares are being  purchased  only for  investment  and
without  any  present  intention  to sell or  distribute  such Shares if, in the
opinion of counsel for the Company,  such a representation is required by any of
the aforementioned relevant provisions of law.

         In the case of an Incentive Stock Option,  any Optionee who disposes of
Shares of Common Stock acquired on the exercise of an Option by sale or exchange
(a) either  within two (2) years after the date of the grant of the Option under
which the Common Stock was acquired

or (b) within one (1) year after the  acquisition of such Shares of Common Stock
shall notify the Company of such  disposition  and of the amount  realized  upon
such disposition.

         15. Reservation of Shares.  The Company,  during the term of this Plan,
will at all times reserve and keep  available  such number of Shares as shall be
sufficient to satisfy the requirements of the Plan.

         Inability of the Company to obtain  authority from any regulatory  body
having  jurisdiction,  which authority is deemed by the Company's  counsel to be
necessary to the lawful issuance and sale of any Shares hereunder, shall relieve
the  Company of any  liability  in respect of the  failure to issue or sell such
Shares as to which such requisite authority shall not have been obtained.

         16.  Option  Agreement.  Options  shall be evidenced by written  option
agreement in such form as the Board shall approve.

         17. Withholding Taxes. Subject to Section 4(b)(x) of the Plan and prior
to the Tax Date,  the  Optionee  may make an  irrevocable  election  to have the
Company  withhold  from those Shares that would  otherwise be received  upon the
exercise of any  nonstatutory  stock  option,  a number of Shares  having a Fair
Market  Value equal to the minimum  amount  necessary  to satisfy the  Company's
federal,  state, local and foreign tax withholding obligations and FICA and FUTA
obligations with respect to the exercise of such Option by the Optionee.

         An  Optionee  who is also an  officer  of the  Company  must  make  the
above-described election:

                  (a) at least six months  after the date of grant of the Option
         (except in the event of death or disability); and

                  (b) either:

                           (i) six months prior to the Tax Date, or

                           (ii)  prior  to the Tax Date and  during  the  period
                  beginning on the third  business day following the date of the
                  Company  releases its  quarterly or annual  statement of sales
                  and earnings and ending on the twelfth  business day following
                  such date.

         18. Miscellaneous Provisions.

                  (a) Plan  Expenses.  Any expenses of  administering  this Plan
         shall be gone by the Company.

                  (b)  Use of  Exercise  Proceeds.  The  payment  received  from
         Optionees  from the  exercise of Options  shall be used for the general
         corporate purposes of the Company.

                  (c) Construction of Plan. The place of  administration  of the
         Plan shall be in the State of Arizona, and the validity,  construction,
         interpretation.  administration and effect of the Plan and of its rules
         and  regulations,  and rights relating to the Plan, shall be determined
         in  accordance  with  the  laws  of the  State  of  Arizona  and  where
         applicable, in the State of Delaware and in accordance with the Code.

                  (d) Taxes.  The  Company  shall be entitled  if  necessary  or
         desirable to pay or withhold the amount of any tax  attributable to the
         delivery of Common Stock under the Plan from other  amounts  payable to
         the Employee  after  giving the person  entitled to receive such Common
         Stock notice as far in advance as practical,  and the Company may defer
         making  delivery  of such  Common  Stock if any such tax may be pending
         unless and until indemnified to its satisfaction.

                  (e)  Indemnification.  In  addition  to such  other  rights of
         indemnification  as they may have as members of the Board,  the members
         of the Board shall be indemnified by the Company  against all costs and
         expenses  reasonably  incurred by them in  connection  with any action,
         suit or  proceeding  to  which  they or any of them  may be a party  by
         reason of any action  taken or  failure  to act under or in  connection
         with the Plan or any Option,  and  against all amounts  paid by them in
         settlement thereof (provided such settlement is approved by independent
         legal counsel  selected by the Company) or paid by them in satisfaction
         of a judgment in any such action. suit or proceeding, except a judgment
         based upon a finding of bad faith;  provided that upon the  institution
         of any such action, suit or proceeding a Board member shall, in writing
         give the Company notice thereof and an opportunity, at its own expense,
         to handle and defend the same before such Board  member  undertakes  to
         handle and defend it on her or his own behalf.

                  (f)  Gender.  For  purposes  of this  Plan,  words used in the
         masculine  gender  shall  include  the  feminine  and  neuter,  and the
         singular shall include the plural and vice versa, as appropriate.

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


Purpose of the Plan...................................................1

         Board    ....................................................1
         Code     ....................................................1
         Common Stock.................................................1
         Company  ....................................................1
         Employee ....................................................1
         Exchange Act.................................................1
         Fair Market Value............................................1
         Incentive Stock Option.......................................2
         Option   ....................................................2
         Optioned Stock...............................................2
         Optionee ....................................................2
         Parent   ....................................................2
         Plan     ....................................................2
         Share    ....................................................2
         Tax Date ....................................................2

Common Stock Subject to the Plan......................................2

Administration of the Plan............................................3
         Powers of the Board..........................................3
         Effect of Board's Decision...................................4


Shareholder Approval and Effective Dates..............................4

Term of Option........................................................4

Exercise Price and Payment............................................5
         Exercise Price...............................................5
         Payment  ....................................................5

Exercise of Option....................................................6

         Procedure for Exercise; Rights as a Shareholder..............6
         Termination of Status as an Employee.........................7
         Death of Optionee............................................7

Non-Transferability of Option.........................................7

Adjustments Upon Changes in Capitalization or Merger..................8

Time of Granting Options..............................................8

Amendment and Termination of the Plan.................................9
         Amendment and Termination....................................9
         Effect of Amendment or Termination...........................9

Conditions Upon Issuance of Shares....................................9

Reservation of Shares................................................10

Option Agreement.....................................................10

Withholding Taxes....................................................10

Miscellaneous Provisions.............................................10
         Plan Expenses...............................................10
         Use of Exercise Proceeds....................................11
         Construction of Plan........................................11
         Taxes    ...................................................11
         Gender   ...................................................11