Exhibit 10.50
                          PLEDGE AND SECURITY AGREEMENT
                              AND IRREVOCABLE PROXY

entered into as of the 7th day of May, 1997, by SOUTHHAMPTON  ENTERPRISES CORP.,
a British  Columbia  corporation  (hereinafter  called  "Pledgor"),  whose chief
executive office is located at 9211 Diplomacy Row, Dallas,  Texas 75247 in favor
of THOMAS E. DOOLEY,  JR., as agent for Sellers (defined below),  and his heirs,
personal  representatives,  successors and assigns  (hereinafter called "Secured
Party"),  whose  address is 12401 East Saddle Horn  Drive,  Scottsdale,  Arizona

1.       RECITALS

         1.1 The  parties  identified  on  Schedule  1 hereto  (the  "Sellers"),
Pledgor,  and Southhampton  Enterprises Inc., a Texas  corporation  ("SEI") have
entered  into a Stock  Purchase  Agreement  dated  April 21,  1997  (the  "Stock
Purchase Agreement"), which provides for the purchase by SEI from Sellers of all
of the issued and outstanding  common stock of The Antigua Group, Inc., a Nevada
corporation ("Antigua").

         1.2 Secured Party has agreed to make certain  financial  accommodations
to  Pledgor in  connection  with the Stock  Purchase  Agreement,  provided  that
Secured Party receives,  among other things,  a pledge and security  interest in
all  stock and  securities  issued by SEI now  owned or  hereafter  acquired  by

         1.3 Imperial Bank, a California  banking  corporation  ("Imperial") has
agreed to  provide  certain  financing  to Antigua  according  to the terms of a
Credit Agreement, of even date herewith, by and among Imperial, Pledgor, SEI and
Antigua. In connection  therewith and as a condition of that financing,  Pledgor
has executed and delivered to Imperial a Pledge and  Irrevocable  Proxy Security
Agreement,  of even date  herewith,  granting to Imperial a pledge and  security
interest in, among other things, all stock and securities issued by SEI owned or
acquired by Pledgor (the "Imperial Pledge Agreement").

         1.4 The  Cruttenden  Roth Bridge  Fund,  L.L.C,  a  California  limited
liability company ("Cruttenden") has also agreed to provide certain financing to
Antigua according to the terms of a Securities Purchase Agreement,  of even date
herewith,  by and among  Cruttenden,  Pledgor,  SEI and Antigua.  In  connection
therewith  and as a  condition  of that  financing,  Pledgor  has  executed  and
delivered to Cruttenden a Security and Pledge Agreement,  of even date herewith,
granting to  Cruttenden a pledge and security  interest in, among other  things,
all  stock  and  securities  issued by SEI owned or  acquired  by  Pledgor  (the
"Cruttenden Pledge Agreement").

         1.5  Pledgor,  as of the date of this  Agreement,  is the  owner of the
shares of the common stock of SEI listed on Exhibit A attached hereto.


         2.1 Pledgor hereby assigns, transfers,  pledges and delivers to Secured
Party and grants Secured Party a security interest in all issued and outstanding
stock in SEI now owned or  hereafter  acquired  by  Pledgor,  including  without
limitation the stock described on Exhibit "A" hereto, together with all earnings
thereon, all additions thereto, all proceeds thereof from sale or otherwise, all
substitutions  therefor,  and all  securities  issued with respect  thereto as a
result  of  any  stock  dividend,   stock  split,   

warrants or other rights, reclassification,  readjustment or other change in the
capital  structure  of SEI,  and the  securities  of any  corporation  or  other
properties  received  upon the  conversion  or exchange  thereofpursuant  to any
merger,  consolidation,  reorganization,  sale of assets or other  agreement  or
received upon any liquidation of SEI or such other  corporation (all hereinafter
called the "Pledged  Securities"),  subject,  however, to the prior and superior
pledge and  security  interests of Imperial  and  Cruttenden  under the Imperial
Pledge Agreement and the Cruttenden Pledge Agreement, respectively.

         2.2 In connection with the execution of this  Agreement,  Pledgor shall
irrevocably  direct  Imperial or Cruttenden,  as the case may be, to deliver the
Pledged Securities,  together with all stock transfer powers executed by Pledgor
and delivered to Imperial or Cruttenden, as the case may be, to Secured Party at
c/o  Quarles & Brady,  One East  Camelback  Road,  Suite 400,  Phoenix,  Arizona
85012-1649, Attention: P. Robert Moya, Esq., or at such other address as Secured
Party may from time to time designate to Imperial or Cruttenden, as the case may
be, in writing,  at such time as all of the obligations  secured by the Imperial
Pledge  Agreement and the  Cruttenden  Pledge  Agreement  have been satisfied or
Pledgor is otherwise  entitled to the release of the Pledged Securities from any
interest  under  the  Imperial  Pledge  Agreement  and  the  Cruttenden   Pledge
Agreement. In addition,  Pledgor shall cause the following legend to be added to
all certificates evidencing the Pledged Securities:


         2.3  Upon   termination  of  the  Imperial  Pledge  Agreement  and  the
Cruttenden  Pledge  Agreement,  Pledgor  shall deliver to Secured Party all then
existing  certificates  for the Pledged  Securities,  together with  appropriate
stock  transfer  powers  therefor  duly  executed  by  Pledgor  in  blank,  with
signatures  guaranteed  as  required  by the  transfer  agent  for  the  Pledged
Securities. Immediately upon receipt, Pledgor shall deliver to Secured Party all
certificates  and other  evidences of the Pledged  Securities that come into the
possession,  custody or control of Pledgor  after  termination  of the  Imperial
Pledge Agreement and the Cruttenden Pledge Agreement,  together with appropriate
stock  transfer  powers  therefor  duly  executed  by  Pledgor  in  blank,  with
signatures  guaranteed  as  required  by the  transfer  agent  for  the  Pledged
Securities,  and any other property constituting part of the Pledged Securities,
free and clear of any prior lien, claim, charge or encumbrance.

         2.4  Secured  Party may  receive,  hold  and/or  dispose of the Pledged
Securities  subject and  pursuant to all the terms,  conditions  and  provisions
hereof until the Obligation (defined below) has been discharged in full. Secured
Party shall be under no duty to exercise, or to withhold the exercise of, any of
the rights,  powers,  privileges and options expressly or implicitly  granted to
Secured Party in this Agreement, and shall not be responsible for any failure to
do so or delay in so doing.


         3.1 This Agreement  shall secure,  in such order of priority as Secured
Party may elect:

                  (a) Payment of the sum of $5,198,000.00 with interest thereon,
         extension  and  other  fees,  late  charges,  prepayment  premiums  and
         attorneys' fees, according to the terms of that Promissory Note of even
         date herewith, made by Pledgor,  payable to the order 

         of  Secured  Party,  and all  extensions,  modifications,  renewals  or
         replacements thereof (hereinafter called the "Three Year Note");

                  (b) Payment of the sum of $325,000.00  with interest  thereon,
         extension  and  other  fees,  late  charges,  prepayment  premiums  and
         attorneys' fees, according to the terms of that Promissory Note of even
         date herewith, made by Pledgor,  payable to the order of Secured Party,
         and all extensions,  modifications,  renewals or  replacements  thereof
         (hereinafter called the "Two Year Note");

                  (c) Payment of the sum of $855,000.00  with interest  thereon,
         extension  and  other  fees,  late  charges,  prepayment  premiums  and
         attorneys' fees, according to the terms of that Promissory Note of even
         date herewith, made by Pledgor,  payable to the order of Secured Party,
         and all extensions,  modifications,  renewals or  replacements  thereof
         (hereinafter called the "Profit Note");

                  (d) Payment, performance and observance by Pledgor, SEI and/or
         Antigua of each  covenant,  condition  and  provision  contained in any
         other  security  agreement or pledge  agreement  of even date  herewith
         securing  payment of the Note (defined  below) or in any other document
         or  instrument  evidencing,  securing  or  executed  and  delivered  in
         connection  with the  indebtedness  evidenced  by the  Note,  and which
         specifically refers to the Note, and of all monies expended or advanced
         by Secured Party pursuant to the terms thereof or to preserve any right
         of Secured Party thereunder; and

                  (e) Payment,  performance  and  observance  by Pledgor of each
         covenant,  condition,  provision and agreement  contained herein and of
         all monies  expended or advanced by Secured Party pursuant to the terms
         hereof,  or to preserve  any right of Secured  Party  hereunder,  or to
         protect or preserve the Pledged Securities or any part thereof;

         3.2 The Three  Year  Note,  the Two Year Note and the  Profit  Note are
herein  severally and collectively  called the "Note".  All the indebtedness and
obligations  secured by this  Agreement  are hereafter  collectively  called the


         Pledgor hereby represents and warrants that:

         4.1  Pledgor  (i) is  duly  organized,  validly  existing  and in  good
standing under the laws of the  jurisdiction  in which it is organized;  (ii) is
qualified to do business and is in good standing under the laws of each state in
which it is doing  business;  (iii)  has full  power  and  authority  to own its
properties and assets and to carry on its business as now conducted; and (iv) is
fully  authorized  and  permitted  to execute and deliver  this  Agreement.  The
execution,  delivery and  performance by Pledgor of this Agreement and all other
documents  and  instruments  relating to the  Obligation  will not result in any
breach of the terms and  conditions  of, nor  constitute  a default  under,  any
agreement or instrument under which Pledgor is a party or is obligated.  Pledgor
is not in default in the performance or observance of any covenants,  conditions
or provisions of any such agreement or instrument.

         4.2 The address of Pledgor set forth at the beginning of this Agreement
is the chief executive office of Pledgor.

         4.3 The Pledged Securities are and shall be duly and validly issued and
pledged  in  accordance  with  applicable  law,  and this  Agreement  shall  not
contravene any law,  agreement or commitment binding Pledgor or SEI, and Pledgor
shall defend the right,  title,  lien and security  interest of Secured Party in
and to the Pledged  Securities against the claims and demands of all persons and
other  entities  whatsoever,  subject  only  to the  interest  of  Imperial  and
Cruttenden  under  the  Imperial  Pledge  Agreement  and the  Cruttenden  Pledge

         4.4  Pledgor  has the right,  power and  authority  to convey  good and
marketable title to the Pledged  Securities;  and the Pledged Securities and the
proceeds  thereof  are and  shall be free and  clear of all  claims,  mortgages,
pledges,  liens,  encumbrances and security interest of every nature whatsoever,
except the  interest  of  Imperial  and  Cruttenden  under the  Imperial  Pledge
Agreement and the Cruttenden Pledge Agreement, respectively.


         5.1 Pledgor irrevocably constitutes and appoints Secured Party, whether
or not the Pledged  Securities  have been  transferred  into the name of Secured
Party or its nominee, as Pledgor's proxy with full power, in the same manner, to
the same extent and with the same effect as if Pledgor  were to do the same,  in
the sole discretion of Secured Party:

                  (a) To call a meeting of the  stockholders  of SEI and to vote
         the Pledged  Securities,  to seek the consent of such stockholders,  to
         remove the directors of SEI, or any of them, and to elect new directors
         of SEI, who  thereafter  shall  manage the affairs of SEI,  operate its
         properties  and carry on its business,  and  otherwise  take any action
         with respect to the business,  properties  and affairs of SEI that such
         new directors shall deem necessary or appropriate,  including,  but not
         limited to, the  maintenance,  repair,  renewal or alteration of any or
         all of the  properties of SEI, the leasing,  subleasing,  sale or other
         disposition of any or all of such properties, the borrowing of money on
         the credit of SEI (whether  from  Secured  Party or others) that in the
         judgment of such new  directors  shall be  necessary to preserve any of
         such  properties  or to  discharge  the  obligations  of  SEI,  and the
         employment of any or all agents, attorneys, counsel, or other employees
         as  deemed  by such  new  directors  to be  necessary  for  the  proper
         operation or conduct of the business, properties and affairs of SEI;

                  (b) To  consent to any and all  actions by or with  respect to
         SEI for which consent of the stockholders of SEI is or may be necessary
         or appropriate; and

                  (c) Without  limitation,  to do all things that Pledgor can do
         or could do as stockholder  of SEI,  giving Secured Party full power of
         substitution and revocation;

provided,  however,  that the  foregoing  irrevocable  proxy  (i)  shall  not be
exercisable by Secured Party until  termination of the Imperial Pledge Agreement
and the  Cruttenden  Pledge  Agreement,  (ii) after  termination of the Imperial
Pledge Agreement and the Cruttenden Pledge  Agreement,  shall not be exercisable
by Secured Party, and Pledgor alone shall have the foregoing  powers, so long as
there is no Event of Default  hereunder,  and (iii) shall terminate at such time
as this Agreement is no longer in full force and effect.  The foregoing proxy is
coupled with an interest  sufficient in law to support an irrevocable  power and
shall be  irrevocable  and shall  survive  the death or  incapacity  of Pledgor.
Pledgor  hereby revokes any proxy or proxies  heretofore  given to any person or
persons and agrees not to give any other proxies in derogation hereof until such
time as this Agreement is no longer in full force and effect.


         6.1 Pledgor shall not sell,  transfer,  assign or otherwise  dispose of
any of the Pledged  Securities  or any interest  therein  without  obtaining the
prior  written  consent of Secured  Party and shall keep the Pledged  Securities
free of all  security  interests  or  other  encumbrances  except  the  lien and
security  interests granted herein,  the interest of Imperial under the Imperial
Pledge  Agreement,  and the interest of Cruttenden  under the Cruttenden  Pledge

         6.2 Pledgor  shall pay when due all taxes,  assessments,  expenses  and
other charges which may be levied or assessed against the Pledged Securities.

         6.3 Pledgor,  without the prior written consent of Secured Party, shall
not authorize or permit SEI to: (i) issue any additional  shares of any class of
capital stock of SEI; (ii) issue any securities convertible into or exchangeable
for shares of capital stock of SEI; (iii) issue any warrants, options, contracts
or other  commitments  entitling  any person or entity to purchase or  otherwise
acquire shares of capital stock of SEI; or (iv)  reorganize or liquidate,  merge
or  consolidate  with any other  entity,  make any other  change in its  capital
structure, or sell substantially all of its assets.

         6.4 Pledgor shall give Secured Party  immediate  written  notice of any
change in Pledgor's name as set forth above and of any change in the location of
Pledgor's chief executive office.

         6.5  Pledgor,  at its cost and  expense,  shall  protect and defend the
Pledged  Securities,  this  Agreement  and all of the  rights of  Secured  Party
hereunder against all claims and demands of other parties. Pledgor shall pay all
claims and  charges  that in the  reasonable  judgment  of Secured  Party  might
prejudice,  imperil or otherwise  affect the Pledged  Securities.  Pledgor shall
promptly notify Secured Party of any levy,  distraint or other seizure, by legal
process or otherwise,  of all or any part of the Pledged  Securities  and of any
threatened or filed claims or proceedings that might in any way affect or impair
the terms of this Agreement.

         6.6 If Pledgor  shall fail to pay any taxes,  assessments,  expenses or
charges,  to  keep  all of the  Pledged  Securities  free  from  other  security
interests,  encumbrances or claims,  or to perform otherwise as required herein,
Secured Party may advance the monies necessary to pay the same or to so perform.

         6.7 All rights,  powers and remedies  granted Secured Party herein,  or
otherwise available to Secured Party, are for the sole benefit and protection of
Secured Party, and Secured Party may exercise any such right, power or remedy at
its option and in its sole and absolute  discretion without any obligation to do
so. In addition,  if, under the terms hereof, Secured Party is given two or more
alternative  courses  of  action,  Secured  Party may elect any  alternative  or
combination  of  alternatives  at  its  option  and  in its  sole  and  absolute
discretion.  All monies  advanced by Secured Party under the terms  hereof,  all
amounts  paid,  suffered or incurred by Secured Party under the terms hereof and
all  amounts  paid,  suffered or incurred  by Secured  Party in  exercising  any
authority granted herein,  including reasonable  attorneys' fees, shall be added
to the Obligation,  shall be secured hereby,  shall bear interest at the highest
rate payable on any of the  Obligation  until paid, and shall be due and payable
by Pledgor to Secured Party immediately without demand.

         6.8  Secured  Party  shall  use  such   reasonable  care  in  handling,
preserving and protecting the Pledged Securities in its possession as it uses in
handling similar  property for its own account.  Secured Party,  however,  shall
have no liability  for the loss,  destruction  or  disappearance  of any Pledged
Securities  unless there is affirmative proof of a lack of due care; the lack of
due care  shall not be  implied  solely by  virtue of any loss,  destruction  or
disappearance.  Secured Party shall not be required to take any steps  necessary
to preserve any rights in the Pledged  Securities  against  prior  parties or to
protect, perfect, preserve or maintain any security interest given to secure the
Pledged Securities.

         6.9 Immediately upon demand by Secured Party, Pledgor shall execute and
deliver to Secured Party such other and  additional  applications,  acceptances,
stock powers,  authorizations,  irrevocable proxies,  dividend and other orders,
chattel  paper,  instruments  or other  evidences  of  payment  and  such  other
documents as Secured Party may reasonably request to secure to Secured Party the
rights,  powers and  authorities  intended to be conferred upon Secured Party by
this Agreement.  All  assignments  and  endorsements by Pledgor shall be in such
form and substance as may be satisfactory to Secured Party.


         7.1 "Event of Default"  hereunder  shall mean any "Event of Default" as
defined in the Note.

         7.2 Upon the  occurrence  of any Event of Default and at any time while
such Event of Default is  continuing,  Secured  Party  shall have the  following
rights and remedies and may do one or more of the following:

                  (a)  Declare  all  or  any  part  of  the   Obligation  to  be
         immediately due and payable,  and the same, with all costs and charges,
         shall be collectible thereupon by action at law;

                  (b) Transfer the Pledged  Securities  or any part thereof into
         its own  name  or that of its  nominee  so that  Secured  Party  or its
         nominee may appear of record as the sole owner thereof;

                  (c)  Exercise  any and all  rights  of  conversion,  exchange,
         subscription,  or any other rights, privileges or options pertaining to
         any of the Pledged Securities including,  but not limited to, the right
         to exchange,  at its discretion,  any or all of the Pledged  Securities
         upon the merger,  consolidation,  reorganization,  recapitalization  or
         other  readjustment  of SEI or upon the  exercise by Pledgor or Secured
         Party of any right, privilege or option pertaining to any of the shares
         of the Pledged Securities,  and in connection  therewith to deposit and
         deliver  such  shares  of  Pledged   Securities   with  any  committee,
         depository,  transfer  agent,  registrar  or any other agency upon such
         terms as  Secured  Party  may  determine  without  liability  except to
         account for the property actually received by it;

                  (d) Receive and retain any dividend or other  distribution  on
         account of the Pledged Securities; and

                  (e) Sell any or all of the Pledged  Securities  in  accordance
         with the provisions hereof;

but Secured  Party shall have no duty to exercise any of the  aforesaid  rights,
privileges or options and shall not be  responsible  for any failure to do so or
delay in so doing.  Pledgor  waives all  rights to be advised or to receive  any
notices,  statements or communications  received by Secured Party or its nominee
as the record owner of all or any of the Pledged  Securities.  Any cash received
and retained by Secured Party as additional  collateral hereunder may be applied
to payment in the manner provided in Subparagraph below.

         7.3 In connection  with Secured Party's right to sell any or all of the
Pledged Securities,  upon the occurrence of any Event of Default and at any time
while such Event of Default is continuing:

                  (a) (i)  Secured  Party  shall  have the right at any time and
                  from time to time to sell, resell,  assign and deliver, in its
                  discretion,  all or any part of the Pledged  Securities in one
                  or more units, at the same or different  times, and all right,
                  title and  interest,  claim and demand  therein,  and right of
                  redemption  thereof, at private sale, or at public sale to the
                  highest bidder for cash,  upon credit or for future  delivery,
                  Pledgor  hereby  waiving and  releasing to the fullest  extent
                  permitted by law any and all equity or right of redemption. If
                  any of the Pledged  Securities  are sold by Secured Party upon
                  credit or for  future  delivery,  Secured  Party  shall not be
                  liable for the failure of the purchaser to purchase or pay for
                  same, and, in the event of any such failure, Secured Party may
                  resell such Pledged  Securities.  In no event shall Pledgor be
                  credited  with  any  part of the  proceeds  of the sale of any
                  Pledged  Securities  until cash  payment  thereof has actually
                  been received by Secured Party.

                           (ii) No demand, advertisement or notice, all of which
                  are hereby expressly  waived,  shall be required in connection
                  with any sale or other  disposition  of all or any part of the
                  Pledged Securities that threatens to decline speedily in value
                  or that is of a type customarily sold on a recognized  market;
                  otherwise  Secured  Party shall give Pledgor at least five (5)
                  days' prior notice of the time and place of any public sale or
                  of the time after which any private sale or other dispositions
                  are to be made, which Pledgor agrees is reasonable,  all other
                  demands,  advertisements and notices being hereby waived. Upon
                  any  sale,  whether  under  this  Agreement  or by  virtue  of
                  judicial  proceedings,  Secured Party may bid for and purchase
                  any or all of the Pledged Securities and, upon compliance with
                  the terms of the sale, may hold,  retain,  possess and dispose
                  of  such  items  in its own  absolute  right  without  further
                  accountability,  and as purchaser at such sale,  in paying the
                  purchase price,  may turn in any note or notes held by Secured
                  Party  in  lieu  of cash up to the  amount  that  would,  upon
                  distribution  of the net  proceeds of such sale in  accordance
                  with Subparagraph hereof, be payable to Secured Party. In case
                  the  amount so payable  thereon  shall be less than the amount
                  due  thereon,  the note or notes  turned  in (in lieu of cash)
                  shall be returned to the holder  thereof after being  properly
                  stamped to show the partial payment effected by such purchase.

                  (b) Pledgor  recognizes  that  Secured  Party may be unable to
         effect a sale to the public of all or a part of the Pledged  Securities
         by reason of prohibitions  contained in applicable securities laws, but
         may be compelled  to resort to one or more sales to a restricted  group
         of  purchasers  who will be obliged to agree,  among other  things,  to
         acquire such Pledged  Securities for their own account,  for investment
         and not with a view to the  distribution  or  resale  thereof.  Pledgor
         agrees  that  sales so made  may be at  prices  and  other  terms  less
         favorable  to the seller than if such Pledged  Securities  were sold to
         the public,  and that Secured  Party has no obligation to delay sale of
         any such Pledged  Securities for the period of time necessary to permit
         the issuer of such Pledged  Securities to register the same for sale to
         the public under the applicable  securities  laws.  Pledgor agrees that
         negotiated sales made under the foregoing circumstances shall be deemed
         to have been made in a commercially reasonable manner.

                  (c) In all sales of  Pledged  Securities,  public or  private,
         Secured Party shall apply the proceeds of sale as follows:

                           (i) First,  to the payment of all costs and  expenses
                  incurred  hereunder  or for the sale,  transfer,  or delivery,
                  including broker's and attorneys' fees;

                           (ii)     Next to the payment of the Obligation; and

                           (iii)  The  balance,  if any,  to  Pledgor  or to the
                  person or persons entitled thereto upon proper demand.

         7.4 Secured Party shall have the right,  for and in the name, place and
stead of Pledgor, to execute  endorsements,  assignments or other instruments of
conveyance or transfer with respect to all or any of the Pledged  Securities and
any  instruments,  documents and statements that Pledgor is obligated to furnish
or  execute  hereunder.  Pledgor  shall  execute  and  deliver  such  additional
documents as may be necessary to enable Secured Party to implement such right.

         7.5  Pledgor  shall  pay all  costs  and  expenses,  including  without
limitation court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by Secured Party
in enforcing  payment and  performance  of the  Obligation or in exercising  the
rights and  remedies of Secured  Party  hereunder.  All such costs and  expenses
shall be secured by this Agreement and by all other lien and security  documents
securing the Obligation. In the event of any court proceedings,  court costs and
attorneys'  fees shall be set by the court and not by jury and shall be included
in any judgment obtained by Secured Party.

         7.6 In  addition  to any  remedies  provided  herein  for an  Event  of
Default, Secured Party shall have all the rights and remedies afforded a secured
party  under  the  Uniform  Commercial  Code and all other  legal and  equitable
remedies  allowed under  applicable law. No failure on the part of Secured Party
to exercise any of its rights hereunder  arising upon any Event of Default shall
be  construed  to  prejudice  its  rights  upon the  occurrence  of any other or
subsequent Event of Default. No delay on the part of Secured Party in exercising
any such rights shall be  construed to preclude it from the exercise  thereof at
any time while that Event of Default is  continuing.  Secured  Party may enforce
any one or more rights or remedies  hereunder  successively or concurrently.  By
accepting  payment or performance  of any of the Obligation  after its due date,
Secured Party shall not thereby waive the agreement  contained  herein that time
is of the  essence,  nor shall  Secured  Party waive either its right to require
prompt payment or performance when due of the remainder of the Obligation or its
right to consider the failure to so pay or perform an Event of Default.

         7.7 The exercise by the Secured  Party of its rights and remedies  upon
the occurrence of an Event of Default shall be subject to the rights of Imperial
and Cruttenden  under the Imperial  Pledge  Agreement and the Cruttenden  Pledge
Agreement, respectively.


         8.1 The  acceptance  of this  Agreement  by Secured  Party shall not be
considered a waiver of or in any way to affect or impair any other security that
Secured Party may have, acquire  simultaneously  herewith,  or hereafter acquire
for the  payment  or  performance  of the  Obligation,  nor shall the  taking by
Secured  Party at any time of any such  additional  security be  construed  as a
waiver  of or in any way to affect or  impair  the  right and  interest  granted
herein; Secured Party may resort, for the payment or

performance of the Obligation,  to its several securities therefor in such order
and manner as it may determine.

         8.2 Without notice or demand,  without the necessity for any additional
endorsements,  without  affecting the  obligations  of Pledgor  hereunder or the
personal  liability of any person for payment or performance of the  Obligation,
and without  affecting the rights and interests  granted herein,  Secured Party,
from time to time,  may:  (i) extend the time for  payment of all or any part of
the  Obligation,  accept a renewal note therefor,  reduce the payments  thereon,
release any person liable for all or any part thereof,  or otherwise  change the
terms of all or any part of the  Obligation;  (ii) take and hold other  security
for  the  payment  or  performance  of the  Obligation  and  enforce,  exchange,
substitute,  subordinate,  waive or release any such security; (iii) join in any
extension or  subordination  agreement;  or (iv) release any part of the Pledged
Securities from this Agreement.

         8.3 Pledgor  waives and agrees not to assert:  (i) any right to require
Secured Party to proceed  against any guarantor,  to proceed  against or exhaust
any other security for the Obligation,  to pursue any other remedy  available to
Secured Party, or to pursue any remedy in any particular  order or manner;  (ii)
the benefits of any statute of  limitations  affecting the  enforcement  hereof;
(iii)  the  benefits  of  any  legal  or  equitable  doctrine  or  principle  of
marshalling;  (iv)  demand,  diligence,  presentment  for  payment,  protest and
demand,  and notice of  extension,  dishonor,  protest,  demand and  nonpayment,
relating to the Obligation; and (v) any benefit of, and any right to participate
in, any other security now or hereafter held by Secured Party.

         8.4 The terms herein shall have the meanings in and be construed  under
the Uniform  Commercial  Code. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed
according to the internal laws of the State of Arizona.  Each  provision of this
Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid under
applicable  law, but if any  provision  of this  Agreement is held to be void or
invalid, the same shall not affect the remainder hereof which shall be effective
as though the void or invalid provision had not been contained herein.

         8.5 No modification,  rescission,  waiver,  release or amendment of any
provision of this Agreement shall be made except by a written agreement executed
by Pledgor and Secured Party.

         8.6 This  Agreement  shall remain in full force and effect until all of
the Obligation shall have been paid and performed in full.

         8.7 No setoff or claim that  Pledgor  now has or may in the future have
against  Secured  Party shall  relieve  Pledgor  from paying or  performing  its
obligations hereunder.

         8.8 Time is of the  essence  hereof.  If more than one Pledgor is named
herein,  the word Pledgor shall mean all and any one or more of them,  severally
and  collectively.  All  liability  hereunder  shall be joint and several.  This
Agreement  shall be binding upon, and shall inure to the benefit of, the parties
hereto and their heirs,  personal  representatives,  successors and assigns. The
term "Secured Party" shall include not only the original Secured Party hereunder
but also any future owner and holder,  including pledgees,  of the note or notes
evidencing  the  Obligation.  The  provisions  hereof shall apply to the parties
according to the context  thereof and without  regard to the number or gender of
words or expressions used.

         8.9 All notices required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be in
writing and shall be given at the place and in the manner  provided in the Stock
Purchase Agreement.

         8.10  All  exhibits  and  schedules  attached  to  this  Agreement  are
incorporated herein at each reference thereto.

         8.11 A carbon,  photographic or other reproduced copy of this Agreement
and/or any financing  statement  relating  hereto shall be sufficient for filing
and/or recording as a financing statement.

         8.12  Secured  Party may bring any action or  proceeding  to enforce or
arising out of this Agreement in any court of competent jurisdiction. Any action
or proceeding  brought by Debtor arising out of this Agreement  shall be brought
solely in a court of competent  jurisdiction  located in the County of Maricopa,
State of Arizona,  or in the United  States  District  Court for the District of
Arizona.  Pledgor  waives any  objection  which it may now or hereafter  have to
venue of any such action or  proceeding  and waives any right to seek removal of
any action or  proceeding  commenced  in  accordance  herewith.  If either party
commences any action or  proceeding  arising out of this  Agreement,  in a court
located in the  County of  Maricopa,  State of  Arizona,  or the  United  States
District  Court for the District of Arizona,  the other party hereby agrees that
it will submit and does hereby irrevocably  submit to the personal  jurisdiction
of such courts and will not attempt to have such action  dismissed,  abated,  or
transferred on the ground of forum non convenience or similar grounds; provided,
however, that nothing contained herein shall prohibit any party from seeking, by
appropriate motion, to remove any action brought in a Arizona state court to the
United States  District Court for the District of Arizona.  If such action is so
removed,  however, neither party shall seek to transfer such action to any other
district,  nor shall  either  party seek to transfer to any other  district  any
action which the other party originally commences in such federal court.

         8.13  Pledgor  agrees  that  a  summons  and  complaint  or  equivalent
documents  commencing  an action or proceeding in any court shall be validly and
properly  served and shall confer personal  jurisdiction  over Pledgor if served
upon Bonn, Luscher, Padden & Wilkins, 805 North Second Street, Phoenix,  Arizona
85004,  Attention:  John M. Welch,  Esq.,  whom Pledgor  hereby  designates  and
appoints as Pledgor's  authorized  agent to accept and acknowledge on its behalf
service of any and all process  which may be served in such action or proceeding
in any such court.  Pledgor shall be sent, by certified mail to Pledgor's notice
address as provided  herein, a copy of such summons and complaint at the time of
service  upon such agent;  provided,  however,  that any such copy shall be sent
solely as a courtesy  for Pledgor and its failure to receive  such copy shall in
no way affect the validity and propriety of the service made on Pledgor  through
such  agent.  Pledgor  agrees that if it desires to make any change in its agent
for service,  such change shall be subject to Secured Party's written  approval,
which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld.


         IN  WITNESS  WHEREOF,  these  presents  are  executed  as of  the  date
indicated above.

                                    SOUTHHAMPTON ENTERPRISES CORP., a British   
                                    Columbia corporation
                                    By /s/ L. Steven Haynes
                                      Its President

                                   SCHEDULE 1

- -------

         Thomas E. Dooley, Jr. and Gail A. Dooley,  Trustees under the Thomas E.
         Dooley and Gail Dooley Revocable Trust of 1988, dated 10/4/88

         Thomas E. Dooley as Custodian Under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act fbo
         Kim L. Dooley

         Thomas E. Dooley as Custodian Under the Uniform Gifts to Minors Act fbo
         Shawn T. Dooley

         Thomas E. Dooley, Jr. and Gail A. Dooley,  Trustees under the Thomas E.
         Dooley and Gail Dooley Revocable Trust of 1988, dated 10/4/88

         E. Louis Werner, Jr. Trustee, E. Louis Werner, Jr. Revocable Intervivos
         Trust dated December 31, 1982

         Bobbi D. Hunter,  Trustee  under the 1989 Trust  Agreement  established
         separate  irrevocable Gift Trusts f/b/o the children of Thomas and Gail
         Dooley dated March 7, 1989
                                   Page 1 of 1

                                   Exhibit "A"

1,000  shares  of  common  stock  in  Southhampton  Enterprises,  Inc.,  a Texas
                                   Page 1 of 1