Exhibit 3.2

             OF LIGHTPATH TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Filed February 6, 1998

It is hereby certified that:

          1. The name of the  Company  (hereinafter  called  the  "Company")  is
LightPath Technologies, Inc., a Delaware corporation.

         2. The  certificate  of  incorporation  of the Company  authorizes  the
issuance of five million  (5,000,000)  shares of preferred stock, $.01 par value
per share,  and  expressly  vests in the Board of  Directors  of the Company the
authority provided therein to issue any or all of said shares in one (1) or more
Series C and by  resolution or  resolutions  to establish  the  designation  and
number and to fix the  relative  rights  and  preferences  of each  series to be

         3. The Board of  Directors of the  Company,  pursuant to the  authority
expressly  vested in it as  aforesaid,  has  adopted the  following  resolutions
creating a Series C issue of Preferred Stock:

         RESOLVED,  that  five  hundred  (500) of the five  million  (5,000,000)
authorized shares of Preferred Stock of the Company shall be designated Series C
Preferred  Stock,  $.01 par value per share,  and shall  possess  the rights and
preferences set forth below:

         Section 1. Designation and Amount. The shares of such series shall have
a par  value of $.01 per share and  shall be  designated  as Series C  Preferred
Stock (the "Series C Preferred Stock") and the number of shares constituting the
Series C Preferred  Stock shall be five  hundred  (500).  The Series C Preferred
Stock shall be offered at a purchase price of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) per
share (the  "Original  Series C Issue  Price"),  with an eight  percent (8%) per
annum accretion rate as set forth herein.

         Section 2. Rank. The Series C Preferred Stock shall rank: (i) junior to
any other  class or series of capital  stock of the  Company  hereafter  created
specifically  ranking  by its  terms  senior  to the  Series C  Preferred  Stock
(collectively,  the  "Senior  Securities");  (ii) prior to all of the  Company's
Class A, Class E-1,  Class E-2,  and Class E-3 Common  Stock,  all at a $.01 par
value per share ("Common Stock");  (iii) prior to any class or series of capital
stock of the Company  hereafter  created not  specifically  ranking by its terms
senior to or on parity with any Series C Preferred Stock of whatever subdivision
(collectively,  with the Common Stock, "Junior Securities");  and (iv) on parity
with the Series A Preferred  Stock,  Series B Preferred Stock and with any class
or series of capital stock of the Company hereafter created specifically ranking
by its terms on parity with the Series C Preferred  Stock ("Parity  Securities")
in each case as to  distributions  of assets upon  liquidation,  dissolution  or
winding  up  of  the  Company,   whether  voluntary  or  involuntary  (all  such
distributions being referred to collectively as "Distributions").

         Section  3.  Dividends.  The  Series C  Preferred  Stock  will  bear no
dividends, and the holders of the Series C Preferred Stock ("Holders") shall not
be entitled to receive dividends on the Series C Preferred Stock.

         Section 4.        Liquidation Preference.

                  (a) In the event of any liquidation, dissolution or winding up
of the Company ("Liquidation Event"), either voluntary or involuntary,  the then
Holders of shares of Series C  Preferred  Stock  shall be  entitled  to receive,
immediately  after  any  distributions  to  Senior  Securities  required  by the
Company's  Certificate of Incorporation  or any certificate of designation,  and
prior in preference to any distribution to Junior  Securities but in parity with
any distribution to Parity  Securities,  an amount per share equal to the sum of
(i) the  Original  Series C Issue Price for each  outstanding  share of Series C
Preferred  Stock and (ii) an amount equal to eight  percent (8%) of the Original
Series C Issue Price, per annum,  accruing daily, for the period that has passed
since the date that,  in  connection  with the  consummation  of the purchase by
Holder of shares of Series C Preferred Stock from the Company,  the escrow agent
first had in its possession  funds  representing  full payment for the shares of
Series  C  Preferred  Stock  (such  amount  being  referred  to  herein  as  the
"Premium").  If upon the occurrence of such event,  and after payment in full of
the preferential  amounts with respect to the Senior Securities,  the assets and
funds  available to be  distributed  among the Holders of the Series C Preferred
Stock and Parity  Securities shall be insufficient to permit the payment to such
Holders  of the full  preferential  amounts  due to the  Holders of the Series C
Preferred Stock and the Parity Securities,  respectively, then the entire assets
and funds of the Company legally available for distribution shall be distributed
among the Holders of the Series C Preferred Stock and the Parity Securities, pro
rata, based on the respective  liquidation  amounts to which each such series of
stock  is  entitled  by the  Company's  Certificate  of  Incorporation  and  any
certificate(s) of designation relating thereto.

                  (b)  Upon  the  completion  of the  distribution  required  by
subsection 4(a), if assets remain in this Company,  they shall be distributed to
holders of Junior  Securities in accordance  with the Company's  Certificate  of
Incorporation including any duly adopted certificate(s) of designation.

                  (c) At each Holder's option, a sale, conveyance or disposition
of all or substantially  all of the assets of the Company or the effectuation by
the Company of a  transaction  or series of related  transactions  in which more
than fifty percent (50%) of the voting power of the Company is disposed of shall
be deemed to be a Liquidation Event as defined in Section 4(a); provided further
that (i) a consolidation,  merger, acquisition, or other business combination of
the Company with or into any other publicly  traded  company or companies  shall
not be treated as a  Liquidation  Event as defined in Section  4(a) but  instead
shall be treated  pursuant to Section  5(d)  hereof,  and (ii) a  consolidation,
merger,  acquisition,  or other business combination of the Company with or into
any other  non-publicly  traded  company  or  companies  shall be  treated  as a
Liquidation  Event as defined in Section 4(a).  The Company shall not effect any
transaction  described in subsection  4(c)(ii) unless it first gives thirty (30)
business  days prior  notice of such  transaction  during  which time the Holder
shall be  entitled to  immediately  convert any or all of its shares of Series C
Preferred  Stock into Class A Common Stock at the Conversion  Price,  as defined
below,  then in effect,  which conversion shall not be subject to the conversion
restrictions set forth in Section 5(a).

                  (d) In the event that,  immediately  prior to the closing of a
transaction  described  in Section  4(c) which would  constitute  a  Liquidation
Event,  the cash  distributions  required by Section  4(a) or Section 6 have not
been made,  the Company  shall  either:  (i) cause such closing to be reasonably
postponed  until  such cash  distributions  have been  made,  (ii)  cancel  such
transaction,  in which  event the rights of the  Holders  of Series C  Preferred
Stock  shall  be the  same  as  existing  immediately  prior  to  such  proposed
transaction  or (iii)  agree,  and  shall  require  that any  successor  company
resulting from a Liquidation Event agrees, to make such distributions as quickly
after the closing of such Liquidation Event as reasonably practicable,  upon the
same  terms  and in the same  

amounts as the Company would have made if such distribution was made immediately
prior to the closing of such transaction.

         Section  5.  Conversion.  Subject to Section  4(c)  herein,  the record
Holders of this Series C Preferred Stock shall have conversion rights as follows
(the "Conversion Rights"):

                  (a)  Right to  Convert.  The  record  Holder  of the  Series C
Preferred Stock shall be entitled to convert,  subject to the Company's right of
redemption  set forth in Section  6(a) and the  conversion  restrictions  herein
below, any or all the aggregate principal amount of the Series C Preferred Stock
on or after the date that is four (4) months  after the Last  Closing  Date,  as
defined  below,  at the office of the Company or its  designated  transfer agent
(the "Transfer Agent"), into that number of fully-paid and non-assessable shares
of Class A Common Stock calculated in accordance with the following formula (the
"Conversion Rate"):

         Number of shares of Class A Common Stock issued upon  conversion of one
         (1) share of Series C Preferred Stock =

                         (.08) (N/365) (10,000) + 10,000
                                Conversion Price


         o N= the number of days between (i) the date that, in  connection  with
         the  consummation of the initial purchase by Holder of shares of Series
         C Preferred  Stock from the Company,  the escrow agent first had in its
         possession funds  representing  full payment for the shares of Series C
         Preferred  Stock for which  conversion is being  elected,  and (ii) the
         applicable  Date of Conversion (as defined in Section  5(b)(iv)  below)
         for the  shares of Series C  Preferred  Stock for which  conversion  is
         being elected, and

         o Conversion  Price = the lesser of (x) 100% of the average Closing Bid
         Price,  as that term is defined below,  of the Company's Class A Common
         Stock for the five (5) trading days ending on January 28,  1998,  which
         is $6.675 (the  "Fixed  Conversion  Price"),  or (y) 85% of the average
         Closing  Bid Price,  as that term is defined  below,  of the  Company's
         Class A  Common  Stock  for  the  five  (5)  trading  days  immediately
         preceding  the Date of  Conversion,  as defined  below  (the  "Variable
         Conversion Price"),

provided,  however,  that, unless otherwise  indicated herein,  beginning on the
date that is four (4) months  following the Last Closing Date, as defined below,
the right of the Holder to convert  into Class A Common Stock using the Variable
Conversion Price initially shall be limited to a maximum of twenty percent (20%)
of the aggregate principal amount of the Series C Preferred Stock issued to such
Holder, and for each one (1) month period which expires  thereafter,  the Holder
shall accrue the right to convert into Class A Common Stock an additional twenty
percent (20%) of the aggregate  principal amount of the Series C Preferred Stock
issued to such Holder,  (the number of shares that may be converted at any given
time using the  Variable  Conversion  Price,  in the  aggregate,  is referred to
hereinafter as the "Conversion Quota"); and provided, further, in the event that
the Holder  elects not to convert its full  Conversion  Quota during any one (1)
month period,  the unconverted  amount shall be carried forward and added to the
Conversion Quota, and thereafter the Holder may, from time to time,  convert any
portion of the Conversion Quota at the Variable  Conversion Price; and provided,
further,  that subsequent to the date that is nine (9) months following the Last
Closing Date, 

there  shall be no  restrictions  on the number of shares of Series C  Preferred
Stock  that may be  converted  into  Class A Common  Stock  using  the  Variable
Conversion Price; and provided,  further,  that a Holder can convert one hundred
percent (100%) of the Series C Preferred  Stock,  or any portion  thereof,  into
Class A Common Stock using the Fixed  Conversion Price on or after the date that
is four (4)  months  after  the  Last  Closing  Date  whether  or not the  Fixed
Conversion Price is less than the Variable Conversion Price.

         As used  herein,  "Last  Closing  Date" shall mean the date of the last
closing  of a  purchase  and sale of the Series C  Preferred  Stock that  occurs
pursuant to the offering of the Series C Preferred Stock by the Company.

         For  purposes  hereof,  any Holder  which  acquires  shares of Series C
Preferred  Stock from another  Holder (the  "Transferor")  and not upon original
issuance from the Company shall be entitled to exercise its conversion  right as
to the  percentages of such shares  specified under Section 5(a) in such amounts
and at such times such that the number of shares eligible for conversion by such
Holder at any time shall be in the same  proportion that the number of shares of
Series C Preferred  Stock acquired by such Holder from its  Transferor  bears to
the total number of shares of Series C Preferred Stock originally  issued by the
Company to such Transferor (or its predecessor Transferor).

         For  purposes  hereof,  the term  "Closing  Bid  Price"  shall mean the
closing bid price of the Company's  Class A Common Stock on the Nasdaq Small Cap
Market,  or if no longer traded on the Nasdaq Small Cap Market,  the closing bid
price on the principal national securities  exchange or the  over-the-counter on
which the Class A Common  Stock is so traded and if not  available,  the mean of
the high and low prices on the  principal  national  securities  exchange or the
over-the-counter system on which the Class A Common Stock is so traded.

                  (b)  Mechanics  of  Conversion.  In order to convert  Series C
Preferred  Stock into full shares of Class A Common Stock,  the Holder shall (i)
send via  facsimile,  on or  prior  to 11:59  p.m.,  New  York  City  time  (the
"Conversion  Notice  Deadline") on the Date of  Conversion,  a copy of the fully
executed  notice of conversion  ("Notice of  Conversion")  to the Company at the
office of the  Company  and to its  designated  transfer  agent  (the  "Transfer
Agent")  for the Series C  Preferred  Stock  stating  that the Holder  elects to
convert, which notice shall specify the Date of Conversion, the number of shares
of Series C Preferred Stock to be converted, the applicable Conversion Price and
a calculation of the number of shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon such
conversion  (together  with a copy of the front page of each  certificate  to be
converted)  and (ii) surrender to a common courier for delivery to the office of
the Company or the Transfer Agent,  the original  certificates  representing the
Series C Preferred Stock being converted (the "Preferred  Stock  Certificates"),
duly endorsed for  transfer;  provided,  however,  that the Company shall not be
obligated to issue  certificates  evidencing  the shares of Class A Common Stock
issuable upon such conversion unless either the Preferred Stock Certificates are
delivered to the Company or its Transfer Agent as provided  above, or the Holder
notifies  the Company or its  Transfer  Agent that such  certificates  have been
lost,  stolen or destroyed  (subject to the  requirements  of  subparagraph  (i)
below).  Upon  receipt  by the  Company  of a  facsimile  copy  of a  Notice  of
Conversion, the Company shall immediately send, via facsimile, a confirmation of
receipt of the Notice of  Conversion  to Holder  which  shall  specify  that the
Notice of Conversion  has been  received and the name and telephone  number of a
contact  person  at  the  Company  whom  the  Holder  should  contact  regarding
information  related  to the  Conversion.  In the  case of a  dispute  as to the
calculation  of the  Conversion  Rate,  the Company shall  promptly issue to the
Holder the number of Shares that are not  disputed and shall submit the disputed
calculations  to its outside  accountant via facsimile  within three (3) days of
receipt of Holder's Notice of Conversion. 

The Company shall cause the  accountant to perform the  calculations  and notify
the Company and Holder of the results no later than two  business  days from the
time it receives the disputed  calculations.  Accountant's  calculation shall be
deemed conclusive absent manifest error.

                           (i) Lost or Stolen Certificates.  Upon receipt by the
Company  of  evidence  of the loss,  theft,  destruction  or  mutilation  of any
Preferred Stock  Certificates  representing  shares of Series C Preferred Stock,
and (in the case of  loss,  theft  or  destruction)  of  indemnity  or  security
reasonably  satisfactory to the Company,  and upon surrender and cancellation of
the Preferred Stock Certificate(s),  if mutilated, the Company shall execute and
deliver new Preferred Stock  Certificate(s) of like tenor and date. However, the
Company shall not be obligated to re-issue such lost or stolen  Preferred  Stock
Certificates  if Holder  contemporaneously  requests the Company to convert such
Series C Preferred Stock into Class A Common Stock.

                           (ii)  Delivery of Common Stock Upon  Conversion.  The
Company  shall or shall cause the Transfer  Agent to, no later than the close of
business on the second (2nd) business day (the "Deadline")  after receipt by the
Company or the Transfer  Agent of a facsimile copy of a Notice of Conversion and
receipt by Company or the Transfer  Agent of all  necessary  documentation  duly
executed and in proper form  required  for  conversion,  including  the original
Preferred Stock Certificates to be converted (or after provision for security or
indemnification  in the case of lost or destroyed  certificates,  if  required),
issue and surrender to a common courier for either  overnight or (if delivery is
outside the United  States) two (2) day delivery to the Holder at the address of
the Holder as shown on the stock  records of the Company a  certificate  for the
number of shares of Class A Common  Stock to which the Holder  shall be entitled
as aforesaid.

                           (iii) No Fractional  Shares. If any conversion of the
Series C Preferred Stock would create a fractional share of Class A Common Stock
or a right  to  acquire  a  fractional  share  of  Class A  Common  Stock,  such
fractional share shall be disregarded and the number of shares of Class A Common
Stock  issuable  upon  conversion,  in the  aggregate,  shall be the next higher
number of shares.

                           (iv) Date of Conversion. The date on which conversion
occurs  (the "Date of  Conversion")  shall be deemed to be the date set forth in
such Notice of  Conversion,  provided (i) that the advance copy of the Notice of
Conversion is sent via facsimile to the Company before 11:59 p.m., New York City
time,  on the Date of  Conversion,  and (ii) that the original  Preferred  Stock
Certificates representing the shares of Series C Preferred Stock to be converted
are  surrendered by depositing  such  certificates  with a common  courier,  for
delivery to the Company or the  Transfer  Agent as  provided  above,  as soon as
practicable  after the Date of  Conversion.  The person or persons  entitled  to
receive the shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon such  conversion  shall
be treated for all  purposes  as the record  Holder or Holders of such shares of
Class A Common Stock on the Date of Conversion.

                  (c) Automatic Conversion or Redemption. Each share of Series C
Preferred Stock  outstanding on the date which is three (3) years after the Last
Closing  Date or, if not a  business  day,  the first  business  day  thereafter
("Termination Date")  automatically shall, at the option of the Company,  either
(i) be converted ("Automatic Conversion") into Class A Common Stock on such date
at the Conversion Rate then in effect (calculated in accordance with the formula
in Section 5(a)  above),  and the  Termination  Date shall be deemed the Date of
Conversion with respect to such  conversion for purposes of this  Certificate of
Designation,  or (ii) be redeemed  ("Automatic  Redemption")  by the Company for
cash in an amount  equal to the Stated  Value (as  defined  in  Section

6(b)(i) below) of the shares of Series C Preferred Stock being redeemed.  If the
Company elects to redeem, on the Termination Date, the Company shall send to the
Holders  of  outstanding   Series  C  Preferred  Stock  notice  (the  "Automatic
Redemption  Notice")  via  facsimile  of  its  intent  to  effect  an  Automatic
Redemption of the outstanding  Series C Preferred Stock. If the Company does not
send such notice to Holder on such date, an Automatic Conversion shall be deemed
to have occurred. If an Automatic Conversion occurs, the Company and the Holders
shall follow the applicable  conversion procedures set forth in this Certificate
of Designation; provided, however, that the Holders are not required to send the
Notice of Conversion  contemplated  by Section  5(b).  If the Company  elects to
redeem,  each Holder of  outstanding  Series C Preferred  Stock shall send their
certificates  representing  the Series C Preferred  Stock to the Company  within
five (5) days of the date of receipt of the Automatic Redemption Notice from the
Company,  and the  Company  shall pay the  applicable  redemption  price to each
respective Holder within five (5) days of the receipt of such certificates.  The
Company  shall not be  obligated  to deliver  the  redemption  price  unless the
certificates  representing  the Series C Preferred  Stock are  delivered  to the
Company,  or, in the  event one or more  certificates  have been  lost,  stolen,
mutilated or destroyed,  unless the Holder has complied with Section 5(b)(i). If
the Company  elects to redeem under this  Section 5(c) and the Company  fails to
pay the Holders the redemption  price within five (5) days of its receipt of the
certificates  representing the shares of Series C Preferred Stock to be redeemed
as required by this Section 5(c), then an Automatic  Conversion  shall be deemed
to have  occurred and, upon receipt of the  Preferred  Stock  certificates,  the
Company shall immediately  deliver to the Holders the certificates  representing
the  number of shares of Class A Common  Stock to which the  Holders  would have
been entitled upon Automatic Conversion.

                  (d) Adjustment to Conversion Rate.

                           (i) Adjustment to Fixed Conversion Price Due to Stock
Split,  Stock Dividend,  Etc. If, prior to the conversion of all of the Series C
Preferred Stock,  the number of outstanding  shares of Common Stock is increased
by a stock split,  stock dividend,  or other similar event, the Fixed Conversion
Price shall be proportionately  reduced,  or if the number of outstanding shares
of Common Stock is decreased by a combination or  reclassification of shares, or
other  similar  event,  the  Fixed  Conversion  Price  shall be  proportionately

                           (ii) Adjustment to Variable  Conversion Price. If, at
any time  when any  shares  of the  Series C  Preferred  Stock  are  issued  and
outstanding,  the number of  outstanding  shares of Common Stock is increased or
decreased by a stock split, stock dividend,  or other similar event, which event
shall have taken place  during the  reference  period for  determination  of the
Conversion  Price for any conversion of the Series C Preferred  Stock,  then the
Variable  Conversion Price shall be calculated giving  appropriate effect to the
stock split,  stock  dividend,  combination,  reclassification  or other similar
event  for  all  five  (5)  trading  days  immediately  preceding  the  Date  of

                           (iii) Adjustment Due to Merger,  Consolidation,  Etc.
If, prior to the conversion of all Series C Preferred Stock,  there shall be any
merger, consolidation, exchange of shares, recapitalization,  reorganization, or
other similar event,  as a result of which shares of Class A Common Stock of the
Company  shall be changed  into the same or a different  number of shares of the
same or  another  class or  classes  of stock or  securities  of the  Company or
another  entity  or there is a sale of all or  substantially  all the  Company's
assets  or  there  is a  change  of  control  transaction  not  deemed  to  be a
liquidation  pursuant  to Section  4(c),  then the Holders of Series C Preferred
Stock shall  thereafter  have the right to receive upon  conversion  of Series C
Preferred  Stock,  upon the basis and upon the  terms and  conditions  specified
herein and in lieu of the shares of Class A Common

Stock immediately  theretofore issuable upon conversion,  such stock, securities
and/or other assets which the Holder would have been entitled to receive in such
transaction had the Series C Preferred Stock been converted immediately prior to
such transaction, and in any such case appropriate provisions shall be made with
respect to the rights and  interests  of the  Holders of the Series C  Preferred
Stock to the end that the  provisions  hereof  (including,  without  limitation,
provisions  for the  adjustment  of the  Conversion  Price and of the  number of
shares  issuable  upon  conversion  of  the  Series  C  Preferred  Stock)  shall
thereafter be  applicable,  as nearly as may be  practicable  in relation to any
securities  thereafter  deliverable upon the exercise hereof.  The Company shall
not effect any transaction  described in this subsection 5(d)(iii) unless (a) it
first  gives  at  least   thirty  (30)  days  prior   notice  of  such   merger,
consolidation,  exchange of shares, recapitalization,  reorganization,  or other
similar  event  (during  which time the Holder  shall be entitled to convert its
shares  of Series C  Preferred  Stock  into  Class A Common  Stock)  and (b) the
resulting  successor or acquiring entity (if not the Company) assumes by written
instrument the obligations of the Company under this  Certificate of Designation
including this subsection 5(d)(iii).

                           (iv) No Fractional  Shares.  If any adjustment  under
this Section  5(d) would create a fractional  share of Class A Common Stock or a
right to acquire a fractional  share of Class A Common  Stock,  such  fractional
share  shall be  disregarded  and the  number of shares of Class A Common  Stock
issuable upon conversion shall be the next higher number of shares.

         Section 6. Redemption by Company.

                  (a)  Company's  Right to  Redeem  Upon  Receipt  of  Notice of
Conversion.  If the Variable  Conversion  Price of the Company's  Class A Common
Stock is less than the Fixed  Conversion  Price (as defined in Section 5(a)), at
the time of receipt of a Notice of  Conversion  pursuant  to Section  5(b),  the
Company shall have the right, in its sole  discretion,  to redeem in whole or in
part any Series C Preferred  Stock  submitted for  conversion at the  Redemption
Rate  (as  defined  below),  immediately  prior  to and in  lieu  of  conversion
("Redemption  Upon Receipt of Notice of  Conversion").  If the Company elects to
redeem  some,  but not  all,  of the  Series C  Preferred  Stock  submitted  for
conversion,  the Company  shall  redeem from among the Series C Preferred  Stock
submitted by the various  shareholders  for conversion on the applicable date, a
pro-rata amount from each such Holder so submitting Series C Preferred Stock for

                           (i)  Redemption  Price  Upon  Receipt  of a Notice of
Conversion.  The redemption price of Series C Preferred Stock under this Section
6(a) shall be  calculated  as follows  ("Redemption  Rate"):  120% of the Stated
Value,  where  Stated  Value  shall have the same  meaning as defined in Section
6(b)(i) below.

                           (ii)  Mechanics of Redemption  Upon Receipt of Notice
of Conversion. The Company shall effect each such redemption by giving notice of
its election to redeem,  by facsimile,  by 5:00 p.m. New York City time the next
business day following receipt of a Notice of Conversion from a Holder,  and the
Company shall provide a copy of such  redemption  notice by overnight or two (2)
day courier,  to (A) the Holder of the Series C Preferred  Stock  submitted  for
conversion at the address and facsimile  number of such Holder  appearing in the
Company's  register  for the  Series C  Preferred  Stock  and (B) the  Company's
Transfer Agent.  Such redemption  notice shall indicate whether the Company will
redeem all or part of the Series C Preferred  Stock submitted for conversion and
the applicable redemption price.

                           (iii)  Redemption  Buy-In.  If (i)  subsequent to the
tender  of a Notice  of  Conversion,  but  prior to its  receipt  of a Notice of
Redemption Upon Notice of Conversion,  the Holder sells shares of Class A Common
Stock (the  "Redemption  Sold Shares") which such Holder  anticipated  receiving
upon such  conversion,  (ii) the Company  effects a  Redemption  Upon Receipt of
Notice of  Conversion  with  respect  to such  conversion,  and (iii) the Holder
purchases (in an open market transaction), no later than the close of trading on
the trading day following its receipt of the Notice of Redemption Upon Notice of
Conversion, shares of Class A Common Stock to make delivery upon the sale of the
Redemption  Sold Shares (a  "Redemption  Buy-In"),  the  Company  shall pay such
Holder (in addition to the applicable  Redemption  Rate) the amount by which (x)
such Holder's total purchase price (including brokerage commission,  if any) for
the shares of Class A Common Stock  purchased in the  Redemption  Buy-In exceeds
(y) the net  proceeds  received by such  Holder from the sale of the  Redemption
Sold Shares.  For example,  if a Holder purchases shares of Class A Common Stock
having a total  purchase  price of $11,000  to cover a  Redemption  Buy-In  with
respect to shares of Class A Common Stock sold for $10,000,  the Company will be
required to pay such Holder $1,000.  A Holder shall provide the Company  written
notification  (and  trading  records,  if  reasonably  requested by the Company)
indicating any amounts payable to Holder pursuant to this Section.

                  (b) Company's  Right to Redeem at its  Election.  At any time,
commencing  twelve (12) months and one (1) day after the Last Closing Date,  the
Company shall have the right, in its sole discretion,  to redeem ("Redemption at
Company's  Election"),  from time to time,  any or all of the Series C Preferred
Stock;  provided (i) the Company  shall first  provide  thirty (30) days advance
written  notice as provided in  subparagraph  6(b)(ii) below (which can be given
beginning thirty (30) days prior to the date which is twelve (12) months and one
(1) day after the Last Closing  Date),  and (ii) that the Company  shall only be
entitled to redeem Series C Preferred Stock having an aggregate Stated Value (as
defined  below)  of  at  least  Three  Hundred  Seventy-five   Thousand  Dollars
($375,000).  If the Company  elects to redeem some, but not all, of the Series C
Preferred  Stock, the Company shall redeem a pro-rata amount from each Holder of
the Series C Preferred Stock.

                           (i)  Redemption  Price  At  Company's  Election.  The
"Redemption Price At Company's  Election" shall be calculated as a percentage of
Stated Value,  as that term is defined  below,  of the Series C Preferred  Stock
redeemed pursuant to this Section 6(b), which percentage shall vary depending on
the date of Redemption at Company's  Election (as defined  below),  and shall be
determined as follows:

         Date of Notice of Redemption at Company's Election                              % of Stated Value
         --------------------------------------------------                              -----------------

         12 months and 1 day to 18 months following Last Closing Date                          130%
         18 months and 1 day to 24 months following Last Closing Date                          125%
         24 months and 1 day to 30 months following Last Closing Date                          120%
         30 months and 1 day to 36 months following Last Closing Date                          115%

         For purposes  hereof,  "Stated Value" shall mean the Original  Series C
Issue Price (as defined in Section 1) of the shares of Series C Preferred  Stock
being  redeemed  pursuant to this Section  6(b),  together with the accreted but
unpaid Premium (as defined in Section 4(a)).

                           (ii)  Mechanics of Redemption at Company's  Election.
The Company  shall  effect each such  redemption  by giving at least thirty (30)
days prior written notice ("Notice of Redemption At Company's  Election") to (A)
the Holders of the Series C Preferred  Stock  selected  for  

redemption,  at the address and facsimile number of such Holder appearing in the
Company's  Series C Preferred Stock register and (B) the Transfer  Agent,  which
Notice  of  Redemption  At  Company's  Election  shall be  deemed  to have  been
delivered  three (3) business days after the Company's  mailing (by overnight or
two (2) day courier,  with a copy by  facsimile) of such Notice of Redemption At
Company's  Election.  Such Notice of  Redemption  At  Company's  Election  shall
indicate  (i) the  number of shares of Series C  Preferred  Stock that have been
selected  for  redemption,  (ii) the date  which  such  redemption  is to become
effective  (the  "Date of  Redemption  At  Company's  Election")  and  (iii) the
applicable  Redemption  Price At Company's  Election,  as defined in  subsection
(b)(i) above.  Notwithstanding the above, Holder may convert into Class A Common
Stock  pursuant  to  Section 5,  prior to the close of  business  on the Date of
Redemption  at  Company's  Election,  any Series C  Preferred  Stock which it is
otherwise entitled to convert,  including Series C Preferred Stock that has been
selected for redemption at the Company's  election  pursuant to this  subsection
6(b);  provided,  however,  that the Company shall still be entitled to exercise
its right to redeem upon receipt of a Notice of  Conversion  pursuant to Section

                  (c) Company Must Have  Immediately  Available  Funds or Credit
Facilities.  The Company shall not be entitled to send any Redemption Notice and
begin the redemption procedure under Sections 6(a) and 6(b) unless it has:

                           (i) the full amount of the redemption  price in cash,
available  in a  demand  or other  immediately  available  account  in a bank or
similar financial institution; or

                           (ii) immediately available credit facilities,  in the
full  amount  of  the  redemption  price  with  a  bank  or  similar   financial
institution; or

                           (iii) an agreement with a standby underwriter willing
to purchase  from the Company a sufficient  number of shares of stock to provide
proceeds  necessary  to  redeem  any  stock  that  is  not  converted  prior  to
redemption; or

                           (iv) a  combination  of the  items  set forth in (i),
(ii) and (iii) above, aggregating the full amount of the redemption price.

         If the foregoing  conditions of this Section 6(c) are satisfied and the
Company complies with Section 6(d) hereof, then any shares of Series C Preferred
Stock  called  for by a  Redemption  at  Company's  Election  shall  cease to be
outstanding  for all purposes  hereunder  (including  the right to convert or to
accrete  additional  Premium  or  to  exercise  any  other  right  or  privilege
hereunder)  on the Date of  Redemption  at Company's  Election and shall instead
represent  the right to  receive  the  Redemption  Price at  Company's  Election
without interest from and after the Date of Redemption at Company's Election.

                  (d) Payment of Redemption Price.

                           (i) Each  Holder  submitting  Preferred  Stock  being
redeemed  under  this  Section  6 shall  send  their  Series C  Preferred  Stock
Certificates so redeemed to the Company or its Transfer  Agent,  and the Company
shall  pay the  applicable  redemption  price  to that  Holder  within  five (5)
business days of the Date of Redemption at Company's Election. The Company shall
not be obligated to deliver the  redemption  price  unless the  Preferred  Stock
Certificates so redeemed are delivered to the Company or its Transfer Agent, or,
in the event one (1) or more certificates have been lost,  stolen,  mutilated or
destroyed, unless the Holder has complied with Section 5(b)(i).

                           (ii) If the  Company  elects  to redeem  pursuant  to
Section 6(a) hereof,  and the Company fails to pay Holder the  redemption  price
within the time frame as required by this Section  6(d),  then the Company shall
issue  shares of Class A Common  Stock to any such  Holder who has  submitted  a
Notice of Conversion in  compliance  with Section 5(b) hereof.  The shares to be
issued  to  Holder  pursuant  to this  provision  shall be the  number of shares
determined using a Conversion Price (as defined in Section 5 hereof) that equals
the lesser of (i) the  Conversion  Price on the date Holder  sends its Notice of
Conversion  to Company or Transfer  Agent via  facsimile or (ii) the  Conversion
Price on the date the Transfer  Agent  issues  Class A Common Stock  pursuant to
this Section 6(d)(ii).

                  (e)  Blackout  Period.   Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  the
Company  may not  either  send out a  redemption  notice or effect a  redemption
pursuant to Section  6(b) above  during a Blackout  Period  (defined as a period
during which the Company's officers or directors would be prohibited from buying
or selling stock  pursuant to the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,
because of their holding of material non-public information), unless the Company
shall first  disclose the non-public  information  that resulted in the Blackout
Period;  provided,  however, that no redemption shall be effected until at least
ten (10) days after the Company shall have given the Holder  written notice that
the Blackout Period has been lifted.

         Section 7. Voting Rights.  The Holders of the Series C Preferred  Stock
shall have no voting  power  whatsoever,  except as  otherwise  provided  by the
General Corporation Law of the State of Delaware ("Delaware Law"), and no Holder
of  Series  C  Preferred  Stock  shall  vote  or  otherwise  participate  in any
proceeding in which  actions  shall be taken by the Company or the  shareholders
thereof or be entitled to notification as to any meeting of the shareholders.

         Notwithstanding  the above,  the  Company  shall  provide  Holder  with
notification  of any meeting of the  shareholders  regarding any major corporate
events  affecting  the  Company.  In the event of any taking by the Company of a
record of its shareholders  for the purpose of determining  shareholders who are
entitled to receive payment of any dividend or other distribution,  any right to
subscribe for, purchase or otherwise acquire any share of any class or any other
securities  or  property   (including  by  way  of  merger,   consolidation   or
reorganization),  or  to  receive  any  other  right,  or  for  the  purpose  of
determining  shareholders  who  are  entitled  to vote in  connection  with  any
proposed sale, lease or conveyance of all or substantially  all of the assets of
the  Company,  or any  proposed  liquidation,  dissolution  or winding up of the
Company, the Company shall mail a notice to Holder, at least ten (10) days prior
to the record date specified therein, of the date on which any such record is to
be taken for the purpose of such dividend,  distribution,  right or other event,
and a brief  statement  regarding  the amount and  character  of such  dividend,
distribution, right or other event to the extent known at such time.

         To the extent  that under  Delaware  Law the vote of the Holders of the
Series C Preferred Stock, voting separately as a class, is required to authorize
a given action of the Company, the affirmative vote or consent of the Holders of
at least a majority of the shares of the Series C Preferred Stock represented at
a duly held  meeting at which a quorum is  present  or by  written  consent of a
majority of the shares of Series C Preferred  Stock  (except as otherwise may be
required under Delaware Law) shall constitute the approval of such action by the
class.  To the  extent  that  under  Delaware  Law the  Holders  of the Series C
Preferred  Stock are entitled to vote on a matter with holders of Class A Common
Stock,  voting together as one (1) class, each share of Series C Preferred Stock
shall be  entitled to a number of votes equal to the number of shares of Class A
Common  Stock 

into which it is then  convertible  using the record date for the taking of such
vote of stockholders as the date as of which the Conversion Price is calculated.
Holders of the Series C Preferred  Stock also shall be entitled to notice of all
shareholder  meetings or written  consents  with  respect to which they would be
entitled  to vote,  which  notice  would be provided  pursuant to the  Company's
by-laws and applicable statutes.

         Section  8.  Protective  Provision.  So  long as  shares  of  Series  C
Preferred Stock are  outstanding,  the Company shall not without first obtaining
the approval (by vote or written  consent,  as provided by Delaware  Law) of the
Holders of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the then outstanding shares of
Series C Preferred  Stock, and at least  seventy-five  percent (75%) of the then
outstanding Holders:

                  (a) alter or change the rights,  preferences  or privileges of
the Series C Preferred  Stock or any  securities  so as to affect  adversely the
Series C Preferred Stock;

                  (b)  create  any  new  class  or  series  of  stock  having  a
preference  over or on parity with the Series C Preferred  Stock with respect to
Distributions  (as  defined  in  Section  2 above) or  increase  the size of the
authorized number of Series C Preferred; or

                  (c) do any act or thing not authorized or contemplated by this
Designation  which  would  result in  taxation  of the  holders of shares of the
Series C Preferred Stock under Section 305 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986,
as  amended  (or  any  comparable  provision  of the  Internal  Revenue  Code as
hereafter from time to time amended).

         In the event Holders of at least seventy-five percent (75%) of the then
outstanding shares of Series C Preferred Stock and at least seventy-five percent
(75%) of the then  outstanding  Holders  agree to allow the  Company to alter or
change the rights, preferences or privileges of the shares of Series C Preferred
Stock,  pursuant to subsection (a) above, so as to affect the Series C Preferred
Stock,  then the Company  will  deliver  notice of such  approved  change to the
Holders of the Series C Preferred Stock that did not agree to such alteration or
change (the  "Dissenting  Holders") and Dissenting  Holders shall have the right
for a period of thirty (30)  business  days to convert  pursuant to the terms of
this Certificate of Designation as they exist prior to such alteration or change
(notwithstanding  the holding requirements set forth in Section 5(a) hereof), or
continue to hold their shares of Series C Preferred Stock, as amended.

         Section 9.  Status of  Converted  or Redeemed  Stock.  In the event any
shares of Series C Preferred  Stock shall be converted  or redeemed  pursuant to
Section 5 or Section 6 hereof,  the shares so  converted  or  redeemed  shall be
canceled,  shall return to the status of authorized but unissued Preferred Stock
of no  designated  series,  and shall not be issuable by the Company as Series C
Preferred Stock.

         Section  10.  Preference  Rights.  Nothing  contained  herein  shall be
construed  to prevent the Board of Directors of the Company from issuing one (1)
or more series of Preferred Stock with dividend and/or  liquidation  preferences
junior to the dividend  and  liquidation  preferences  of the Series C Preferred

         Section 11. Authorization and Reservation of Shares of Common Stock.

                  (a)  Authorized  and Reserved  Amount.  The Company shall have
authorized  and reserved  and keep  available  for  issuance  one million  seven
hundred fifty thousand (1,750,000) shares of Class A Common Stock (the "Reserved
Amount")  solely for the purpose of  effecting  the  conversion  of the Series C
Preferred  Stock,  and exercise of the warrants to acquire  Class A Common Stock
(the "Common Warrants") issued or to be issued to the Holders. The Company shall
at all times  reserve and keep  available  out of its  authorized  but  unissued
shares of Class A Common Stock a  sufficient  number of shares of Class A Common
Stock to provide for the full conversion of all  outstanding  Series C Preferred
Stock,  and  issuance  of the  shares  of  Class A Common  Stock  in  connection
therewith  and the full  exercise  of the Common  Warrants  and  issuance of the
shares of Class A Common Stock in connection therewith.

                  (b) Increases to Reserved  Amount.  Without limiting any other
provision  of  this  Section  11,  if the  Reserved  Amount  for any  three  (3)
consecutive  trading  days (the last of such  three (3)  trading  days being the
"Reservation  Trigger Date") shall be less than one hundred  twenty-five percent
(125%) of the number of shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon  conversion
of this Series C Preferred  Stock,  and exercise of the Common  Warrants on such
trading days (a "Share  Authorization  Failure"),  the Company shall immediately
notify all Holders of such occurrence and shall take action as soon as possible,
but in any  event  within  sixty  (60) days  after a  Reservation  Trigger  Date
(including, if necessary, seeking shareholder approval to authorize the issuance
of additional shares of Class A Common Stock) to increase the Reserved Amount to
one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the number of shares of Class A Common Stock
then issuable upon conversion of the Series C Preferred  Stock,  and exercise of
the Common Warrants.

                  (c) Reduction of Reserved Amount Under Certain  Circumstances.
Prior to complete  conversion of all Series C Preferred  Stock the Company shall
not reduce the number of shares  required to be reserved for issuance under this
Section 11 without  the written  consent of all  Holders  except for a reduction
proportionate  to a reverse  stock split  effected for a business  purpose other
than  affecting the  obligations  of Holder under this Section 11, which reverse
stock  split  affects  all  shares of Class A Common  Stock  equally.  Following
complete  conversion of all the Series C Preferred  Stock, the Company may, with
fifteen (15) days prior written notice to Holder,  reduce the Reserved Amount to
one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the number of shares of Class A Common
Stock issuable upon the full exercise of the Common Warrants; provided, however,
that the Reserved  Amount shall  continue to be subject to increase  pursuant to
Section 11 hereof.

                  (d)  Allocation  of  Reserved  Amount.  Each  increase  to the
Reserved  Amount  shall be  allocated  pro rata among the  Holders  based on the
number of Series C Preferred  Stock,  and Common Warrants held by each Holder at
the time of the  establishment  of or increase in the  Reserved  Amount.  In the
event a Holder shall sell or otherwise  transfer any of such  Holder's  Series C
Preferred  Stock, or Common  Warrants,  each transferee shall be allocated a pro
rata portion of such transferor's  Reserved Amount.  Any portion of the Reserved
Amount which  remains  allocated to any person or entity which does not hold any
Series C Preferred Stock shall be allocated to the remaining  Holders,  pro rata
based on the number of Series C Preferred  Stock,  and Common Warrants then held
by such Holders.

         Section 12. Failure to Satisfy Conversions.

                  (a) Conversion Failure Payments. If, at any time, (x) a Holder
submits a Notice of Conversion  (or is deemed to submit such notice  pursuant to
Section 5(d)  hereof),  and the Company  fails for any reason to deliver,  on or
prior to the expiration of the Deadline ("Delivery

Period") for such  conversion,  such number of shares of Class A Common Stock to
which  such  Converting  Holder is  entitled  upon such  conversion,  or (y) the
Company  provides  notice to Holder  at any time of its  intention  not to issue
shares of Class A Common Stock upon exercise by Holder of its conversion  rights
in accordance with the terms of this Certificate of Designation (each of (x) and
(y) being a  "Conversion  Failure"),  then the Company  shall pay to such Holder
damages in an amount equal to the lower of:

                           (i) "Damages Amount" X "D" X .005, and
                           (ii)  the  highest   interest   rate   permitted   by
applicable law, where:

         "D"  means  the  number of days  beginning  the date of the  Conversion
Failure  through and  including  the Cure Date with  respect to such  Conversion

         "Damages Amount" means the Original Series C Issue Price for each share
of Series C Preferred  Stock subject to  conversion  plus all accrued and unpaid
interest thereon as of the first day of the Conversion Failure.

         "Cure Date" means (i) with respect to a Conversion Failure described in
clause (x) of its definition, the date the Company effects the conversion of the
shares  of Series C  Preferred  Stock  submitted  for  conversion  and (ii) with
respect to a Conversion  Failure described in clause (y) of its definition,  the
date  the  Company  undertakes  in  writing  to issue  Class A  Common  Stock in
satisfaction  of all  conversions of Series C Preferred Stock in accordance with
the terms of this Certificate of Designation.

         The  payments  to which a Holder  shall be  entitled  pursuant  to this
Section are referred to herein as  "Conversion  Failure  Payments."  The parties
agree  that  the  damages  caused  by a breach  hereof  would  be  difficult  or
impossible  to  estimate  accurately.  A Holder  may  elect to  receive  accrued
Conversion  Failure  Payments  in cash or to convert  all or any portion of such
accrued Conversion  Failure Payments,  at any time, into Class A Common Stock at
the lowest Conversion Price in effect during the period beginning on the date of
the Conversion Failure through the Cure Date for such Conversion Failure. In the
event a Holder  elects to receive any  Conversion  Failure  Payments in cash, it
shall so notify the  Company in  writing no later than three (3)  business  days
after the  Deadline  and  failure to so notify the  Company,  shall  entitle the
Company,  in its  sole  discretion,  to elect to make  such  Conversion  Failure
Payments in cash,  Class A Common Stock or some  combination  of the two. In the
event a Holder  elects to convert all or any portion of the  Conversion  Failure
Payments,  such Holder shall indicate on a Notice of Conversion  such portion of
the  Conversion  Failure  Payments  which  such  Holder  elects to so convert in
accordance  with this  Section  12(a) and such  conversion  shall  otherwise  be
effected in accordance with provisions of Section 5.

                  (b) Buy-In  Cure.  Unless a  Conversion  Failure  described in
clause (y) of Section  12(a) hereof has occurred  with respect to such a Holder,
if (i) the Company  fails for any reason to deliver  during the Delivery  Period
shares of Class A Common  Stock to a Holder  upon a  conversion  of the Series C
Preferred  Stock and (ii) after the applicable  Delivery  Period with respect to
such conversion, a Holder purchases (in an open market transaction or otherwise)
shares of Class A Common Stock to make  delivery  upon a sale by a Holder of the
shares of Class A Common Stock (the "Sold Shares") which such Holder anticipated
receiving upon such  conversion (a "Buy-In"),  the Company shall pay such Holder
(in addition to any other remedies  available to Holder) the amount by which (x)
such Holder's total purchase price (including brokerage commission,  if any) for
the shares of Class A Common  Stock so  purchased  exceeds (y) the net  proceeds
received by such  Holder 

from the sale of the Sold Shares.  For example,  if a Holder purchases shares of
Class A Common Stock having a total  purchase price of $11,000 to cover a Buy-In
with  respect to shares of Class A Common  Stock sold for  $10,000,  the Company
will be required to pay such Holder  $1,000.  A Holder shall provide the Company
written  notification  indicating any amounts payable to Holder pursuant to this
Section 12.

                  (c)  Adjustment  to  Conversion  Price.  If a  Holder  has not
received  certificates  for all shares of Class A Common  Stock  within five (5)
business days following the expiration of the Delivery  Period with respect to a
conversion of any portion of any of such Holder's  Series C Preferred  Stock for
any reason,  then the Conversion Price for the affected Series C Preferred Stock
shall  thereafter  be the  lesser  of (i)  the  Fixed  Conversion  Price  on the
Conversion  Date  specified in the Notice of  Conversion  which  resulted in the
Conversion  Failure and (ii) the lowest  Conversion  Price in effect  during the
period  beginning on, and including,  such Conversion Date through and including
the Cure Date. If there shall occur a Conversion  Failure of the type  described
in clause (y) of Section 12(a),  then the Fixed Conversion Price with respect to
any conversion  thereafter shall be the lowest Conversion Price in effect at any
time during the period  beginning on, and including,  the date of the occurrence
of such  Conversion  Failure through and including the Cure Date. The Conversion
Price shall thereafter be subject to further adjustment for any events described
in Section 5(d).

         Section 13. Events of Default.

                  (a) Holder's Option to Demand Prepayment.  Upon the occurrence
of an Event of Default (as herein defined),  each Holder shall have the right to
elect at any time and from time to time  prior to the cure by  Borrower  of such
Event of Default to have all or any portion of such  Holder's  then  outstanding
Series C  Preferred  Stock  prepaid by the  Company  for an amount  equal to the
Holder Demand Prepayment Amount (as herein defined).

                           (i) The right of a Holder to elect  prepayment  shall
be exercisable  upon the occurrence of an Event of Default by such Holder in its
sole discretion by delivery of a Demand Prepayment Notice (as herein defined) in
accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section 13. Notwithstanding the
exercise of such  right,  the Holder  shall be  entitled  to exercise  all other
rights and  remedies  available  under the  provisions  of this  Certificate  of
Designation and at law or in equity.

                           (ii) A Holder shall effect each demand for prepayment
under this Section 13 by giving at least two (2) business  days prior to written
notice (the "Demand Prepayment  Notice") of the date which such prepayment is to
become  effective (the "Effective Date of Demand of  Prepayment"),  the Series C
Preferred Stock selected for prepayment and the Holder Demand  Prepayment Amount
to the  Borrower  at the  address  and  facsimile  number  provided in the stock
records of the Company,  which Demand  Prepayment Notice shall be deemed to have
been  delivered on the business day after the date of  transmission  of Holder's
facsimile  (with a copy  sent by  overnight  courier  to the  Borrower)  of such

                           (iii) The Holder  Demand  Prepayment  Amount shall be
paid to a Holder whose Series C Preferred Stock are being prepaid within one (1)
business day  following the Effective  Date of Demand of  Prepayment;  provided,
however,  that the Borrower shall not be obligated to deliver any portion of the
Holder Demand  Prepayment Amount until one (1) business day following either the
date on which the Series C Preferred  Stock being  prepaid are  delivered to the
office of the  Borrower or the Transfer  Agent,  or the date on which the Holder
notifies the Borrower or the 

Transfer  Agent that such  Series C  Preferred  Stock have been lost,  stolen or
destroyed and delivers the  documentation  required in  accordance  with Section
5(b)(i) hereof.

                  (b)  Holder  Demand  Prepayment  Amount.  The  "Holder  Demand
Prepayment  Amount"  means the greater of: (a) 1.3 times the Stated Value of the
Series C Preferred  Stock for which  demand is being made,  plus all accrued and
unpaid interest thereon and accrued and unpaid  Conversion  Failure Payments (if
any) through the date of prepayment and (b) the product of (1) the highest price
at which the Class A Common  Stock is traded on the date of the Event of Default
(or the most recent highest closing bid price if the Class A Common Stock is not
traded on such date) divided by the Conversion Price in effect as of the date of
the Event of  Default,  and (2) the sum of the Stated  Value and all accrued and
unpaid Conversion Failure Payments (if any) through the date of prepayment.

                  (c) Events of Default.  An "Event of Default" means any one of
the following:

                           (i) a Conversion  Failure  described in Section 12(a)

                           (ii)  a  Share  Authorization  Failure  described  in
Section 11(b) hereof, if such Share Authorization  Failure continues uncured for
ninety (90) days after the Reservation Trigger Date;

                           (iii) the Company fails,  and such failure  continues
uncured for three (3) business days after the Company has been notified  thereof
in writing by a Holder, to satisfy the share reservation requirements of Section
11 hereof;

                           (iv) the  Company  fails  to  maintain  an  effective
registration  statement as required by Section 2, Section 3 and Section 6 of the
Registration  Rights  Agreement,  between  the Company  and the  Holder(s)  (the
"Registration  Rights Agreement") except where such failure lasts no longer than
three (3)  consecutive  trading  days and is caused  solely  by  failure  of the
Securities and Exchange Commission to timely review the customary  submission of
or respond to the customary requests of the Company;

                           (v) for three (3) consecutive  trading days or for an
aggregate  of ten (10) trading  days in any nine (9) month  period,  the Class A
Common Stock  (including any of the shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon
conversion of the Series C Preferred Stock, and exercise of the Common Warrants)
is (i) suspended from trading on any of NASDAQ SmallCap,  NMS, NYSE, AMEX or the
OTC  Bulletin  Board,  or (ii) is not  qualified  for trading on at least one of
NASDAQ SmallCap, NMS, NYSE, AMEX or the OTC Bulletin Board;

                           (vi) the Company  fails,  and such failure  continues
uncured for three (3) business days after the Company has been notified  thereof
in writing by a Holder, to remove any restrictive  legend on any certificate for
any shares of Class A Common  Stock  issued to a Holder upon  conversion  of any
Series C Preferred Stock, or exercise of any Common Warrant as and when required
by this  Certificate  of  Designation,  the Common  Warrants,  the  Subscription
Agreement,  between the Company and the Holder(s) (the "Subscription Agreement")
or the Registration Rights Agreement;

                           (vii) the Company breaches, and such breach continues
uncured for three (3) business days after the Company has been notified  thereof
in writing by a Holder,  any  significant  

covenant or other material term or condition of this Certificate of Designation,
the  Subscription  Agreement,  the Common  Warrants or the  Registration  Rights

                           (viii) any  representation or warranty of the Company
made  herein or in any  agreement,  statement  or  certificate  given in writing
pursuant hereto or in connection herewith  (including,  without limitation,  the
Subscription  Agreement and Registration  Rights  Agreement),  shall be false or
misleading in any material respect when made;

                           (ix) the  Company or any  subsidiary  of the  Company
shall  make an  assignment  for the  benefit of its  creditors,  or apply for or
consent to the  appointment of a receiver or trustee for it or for a substantial
part of its property or business, or such receiver or trustee shall otherwise be
appointed; or

                           (x)   bankruptcy,   insolvency,   reorganization   or
liquidation proceedings or other proceedings for relief under any bankruptcy law
or any law for the  relief of debtors  shall be  instituted  by or  against  the
Company or any  subsidiary of the Company (and such  proceedings  shall continue
unstayed for thirty (30) days).

                  (d) Failure to Pay Damages Amount. If the Company fails to pay
the Holder Demand Prepayment Amount within five (5) business days of its receipt
of a Demand  Prepayment  Notice,  then such Holder shall have the right,  at any
time and from time to time prior to the payment of the Holder Demand  Prepayment
Amount, to require the Company,  upon written notice, to immediately convert (in
accordance  with the terms of Section 5) all or any portion of the Holder Demand
Prepayment  Amount,  into  shares  of Class A Common  Stock at the then  current
Conversion Price, provided that if the Company has not delivered the full number
of shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon such conversion  within five (5)
business days after the Company receives written notice of such conversion,  the
Conversion  Price with  respect to such Holder  Demand  Prepayment  Amount shall
thereafter be deemed to be the at the lowest  Conversion  Price in effect during
the period  beginning  on the date of the Event of Default  through  the date on
which the  Company  delivers  to the Holder the full  number of freely  tradable
shares of Class A Common Stock issuable upon such  conversion.  In the event the
Company  is not able to pay all  amounts  due and  payable  with  respect to all
Series C  Preferred  Stock  subject to Holder  Demand  Prepayment  Notices,  the
Company shall pay the Holders such amounts pro rata,  based on the total amounts
payable to such Holder relative to the total amounts payable to all Holders.

Signed on  February 6, 1998

                                        /s/Donald E. Lawson
                                        Donald E. Lawson, President
