U.S. $1,700,000                                                   March 25, 1998

         FOR  VALUE  RECEIVED,  OLAJUWON  HOLDINGS,  INC.,  a Texas  corporation
("OHI"),  hereby  promises to pay to the order of  DENAMERICA  CORP.,  a Georgia
corporation  ("DAC"),  at the office of DAC located at 7373 N. Scottsdale  Road,
Suite D-120,  Scottsdale,  Arizona  85253,  the principal  amount of ONE MILLION
SEVEN HUNDRED  THOUSAND DOLLARS  ($1,700,000.00),  together with interest on the
principal balance  outstanding  hereunder,  to the extent  applicable,  at a per
annum rate equal to the Default  Interest Rate  specified  below,  in accordance
with the following terms and conditions:

         1. Contracted For Rate of Interest. The contracted for rate of interest
of the indebtedness evidenced hereby,  without limitation,  shall consist of the

                  (a) No interest if an Event of Default (as defined  below) has
not occurred;

                  (b) The Default  Interest Rate (as  hereinafter  defined),  as
from  time to time in  effect,  calculated  daily on the  basis of  actual  days
elapsed over a 360-day year,  applied to the principal balance from time to time
outstanding hereunder; and

                  (c) All Additional Sums (as hereinafter defined), if any.

OHI agrees to pay an effective  contracted for rate of interest which is the sum
of the Default  Interest Rate  referred to in  Sub-section  1(b) above,  and the
Additional Sums, if any, referred to in Subsection 1(c) above.

         2. Default  Interest Rate.  The Default  Interest Rate shall be 12% per
annum. The principal balance outstanding  hereunder from time to time shall bear
interest  at the Default  Interest  Rate from the date of the  occurrence  of an
Event of  Default  hereunder  until the  earlier  of:  (a) the date on which the
principal balance outstanding hereunder,  together with all accrued interest and
other amounts payable hereunder, are paid in full; or (b) the date on which such
Event of Default is timely cured in a manner  satisfactory to DAC, (i) if OHI is
specifically  granted  a right  to cure  such  Event  of  Default  in any of the
agreements,  instruments  or  documents  executed in  connection  with the Asset
Purchase  Agreement (as defined below) (the "Purchase  Documents") or (ii) if no
such right to cure is specifically  granted,  then DAC, in its sole and absolute
discretion, permits such Event of Default to be cured.

         3. Payments. The entire principal balance of this Note shall be payable
in full over the first eleven weeks  immediately  following the Closing,  in ten
installments  of $170,000 each beginning at the end of the second week following
the Closing Date and  continuing  on the last day of each of the  following  ten
weeks in accordance with the Schedule of Payments attached as Exhibit A hereto.

         4.  Application  and Place of Payments.  Payments  received by DAC with
respect to the indebtedness  evidenced hereby shall be applied in such order and
manner as DAC in its sole and absolute  discretion may elect.  Unless  otherwise
elected by DAC, all such  payments  shall first be applied to accrued and unpaid
interest  at the Default  Interest  Rate,  next to the  principal  balance  then
outstanding  hereunder,  and the remainder to any Additional Sums or other costs
or added  charges  provided  for  herein  or in any of the  Purchase  Documents.
Payments  hereunder  shall be made at the address for DAC first set forth above,
or at such other address as DAC may specify to OHI in writing.

         5.  Prepayments.  Payments of principal hereof may be made at any time,
or from time to time, in whole or in part,  without  penalty,  provided that all
previously  matured interest and other charges accrued to the date of prepayment
are also paid in full.  Notwithstanding  any  partial  prepayment  of  principal
hereof,  there will be no change in the due date or amount of scheduled payments
due hereunder unless DAC, in its sole and absolute discretion, agrees in writing
to such change.  At the option of DAC, partial  prepayments  shall be applied in
the inverse order of maturity.

         6. Events of Default;  Acceleration.  The occurrence of any one or more
of the following  events shall constitute an "Event of Default"  hereunder,  and
upon such Event of Default, the entire principal balance outstanding  hereunder,
together with all accrued interest and other amounts payable  hereunder,  at the
election of DAC, shall become immediately due and payable, without any notice to

                  (a)  Nonpayment of  principal,  interest or other amounts when
the same shall become due and payable hereunder and such principal,  interest or
other amount shall remain unpaid for five or more days;

                  (b) The  failure of OHI to comply with any  provision  of this
Note and OHI's  failure  to cure such  noncompliance  within ten (10) days after
receipt of written notice thereof from DAC;

                  (c) The  failure of OHI or Akinola  Olajuwon  ("Olajuwon")  to
comply  subsequent to the date hereof with any provision of the Promissory Note,
Second Mortgage or Guaranty and OHI's failure to cure such noncompliance  within
ten (10) days after  receipt of written  notice  thereof  from DAC or such other
time  to  cure  as is  expressly  permitted  in  such  document,  instrument  or

                  (d)  The   dissolution,   winding-up  or  termination  of  the
existence of OHI;

                  (e) The making by OHI or any other  person or entity who is or
may become liable hereunder of an assignment for the benefit of its creditors;

                  (f) The  appointment of (or  application for appointment of) a
receiver  of OHI or any  other  person  or entity  who is or may  become  liable

hereunder,  or the involuntary filing against or voluntary filing by OHI, or any
other person or entity who is or may become liable  hereunder,  of a petition or
application  for relief under  federal  bankruptcy  law or any similar  state or
federal law, or the issuance of any writ of garnishment, execution or attachment
for  service  with  respect  to OHI or any person or entity who is or may become
liable hereunder, or any property of OHI or property of any person or entity who
is or may become liable hereunder; or

                  (g) OHI  transfers  any right or  obligation  under  this Note
without DAC's prior written consent.

         7.   Guaranty/Collateral.   OHI's   obligations  under  this  Note  are
guaranteed  by  Olajuwon  under the  Guaranty  and  additionally  secured by the
property described in the Second Mortgage.

         8. Additional Sums. All fees,  charges,  goods, things in action or any
other  sums or things of  value,  other  than the  interest  resulting  from the
Default Interest Rate, as applicable, paid or payable by OHI (collectively,  the
"Additional Sums"), whether pursuant to this Note, the Purchase Documents or any
other  document or instrument  in any way  pertaining  to this  transaction,  or
otherwise with respect to this transaction, that, under the laws of the State of
Arizona, may be deemed to be interest with respect to this transaction,  for the
purpose of any laws of the State of Arizona that may limit the maximum amount of
interest to be charged with respect to this transaction, shall be payable by OHI
as, and shall be deemed to be, additional interest,  and for such purposes only,
the agreed upon and "contracted for rate of interest" of this transaction  shall
be deemed to be increased by the rate of interest  resulting from the Additional
Sums. OHI understands and believes that this transaction complies with the usury
laws of the State of  Arizona;  however,  if any  interest  or other  charges in
connection  with this  transaction  are ever  determined  to exceed the  maximum
amount  permitted by law,  then OHI agrees  that:  (a) the amount of interest or
charges  payable  pursuant to this  transaction  shall be reduced to the maximum
amount permitted by law; and (b) any excess amount previously collected from OHI
in connection with this  transaction  that exceeded the maximum amount permitted
by law,  will  be  credited  against  the  principal  balance  then  outstanding
hereunder. If the outstanding principal balance hereunder has been paid in full,
the excess amount paid will be refunded to OHI.

         9. Waivers. Except as set forth in this Note or the Purchase Documents,
to the extent  permitted by  applicable  law, OHI, and each person who is or may
become liable  hereunder,  severally waive and agree not to assert:  (a) demand,
diligence,  grace,  presentment  for  payment,  protest,  notice of  nonpayment,
nonperformance,  extension,  dishonor,  maturity,  protest and default;  and (b)
recourse to guaranty or suretyship defenses (including,  without limitation, the
right to require  the DAC to bring an action on this  Note).  DAC may extend the
time for payment of or renew this Note,  release  collateral as security for the
indebtedness evidenced hereby or release any party from liability hereunder, and
any such  extension,  renewal,  release or other  indulgence  shall not alter or
diminish the liability of OHI or any other person or entity who is or may become
liable  on this  Note  except  to the  extent  expressly  set forth in a writing
evidencing or constituting such extension, renewal, release or other indulgence.

         10.  Costs of  Collection.  OHI agrees to pay all costs of  collection,
including,  without  limitation,  attorneys' fees, whether or not suit is filed,
and all costs of suit and

preparation  for suit  (whether at trial or appellate  level),  in the event any
payment of principal,  interest or other amount is not paid when due, or in case
it becomes  necessary  to  protect  the  collateral  which is  security  for the
indebtedness  evidenced  hereby,  or to  exercise  any  other  right  or  remedy
hereunder or in the Purchase Documents, or in the event DAC is made party to any
litigation because of the existence of the indebtedness  evidenced hereby, or if
at any time DAC should incur any  attorneys'  fees in any  proceeding  under any
federal  bankruptcy law (or any similar state or federal law) in connection with
the  indebtedness  evidenced  hereby.  In the  event  of any  court  proceeding,
attorneys'  fees  shall be set by the  court  and not by the  jury and  shall be
included in any judgment obtained by DAC.

         11. No Waiver by DAC.  No delay or  failure  of DAC in  exercising  any
right  hereunder  shall  affect  such  right,  nor shall any  single or  partial
exercise of any right preclude further exercise thereof.

         12.  Governing Law. This Note shall be construed in accordance with and
governed  by the laws of the State of Arizona,  without  regard to the choice of
law rules of the State of Arizona.

         13.  Jurisdiction  and Venue.  OHI hereby  expressly agrees that in the
event any actions or other legal  proceedings are initiated by or against OHI or
DAC  involving  any  alleged  breach or failure by any party to pay,  perform or
observe any sums,  obligations or covenants to be paid, performed or observed by
it under this Note or the Purchase  Documents,  or involving any other claims or
allegations  arising out of the  transactions  evidenced or contemplated by this
Note  or  the  Purchase  Documents,   regardless  of  whether  such  actions  or
proceedings shall be for damages,  specific performance or declaratory relief or
otherwise,  such  actions,  in the sole and absolute  discretion  of DAC, may be
required to be brought in Maricopa  County,  Arizona;  and OHI hereby submits to
the  jurisdiction  of the State of Arizona for such purposes and agrees that the
venue of such actions or  proceedings  shall  properly  lie in Maricopa  County,
Arizona;  and OHI hereby  waives any and all defenses in such  jurisdiction  and

         14. Time of  Essence.  Time is of the essence of this Note and each and
every provision hereof.

         15.  Conflicts;   Inconsistency.  In  the  event  of  any  conflict  or
inconsistency  between the provisions of this Note and the provisions of any one
or more of the Purchase Documents,  the provisions of this Note shall govern and
control to the extent necessary to resolve such conflict or inconsistency.

         16. Amendments. No amendment,  modification, change, waiver, release or
discharge  hereof  and  hereunder  shall be  effective  unless  evidenced  by an
instrument  in  writing  and signed by the party  against  whom  enforcement  is

         17. Severability.  If any provision hereof is invalid or unenforceable,
the other  provisions  hereof shall remain in full force and effect and shall be
liberally  construed in favor of DAC in order to effectuate the other provisions

         18. Binding  Nature.  The provisions of this Note shall be binding upon
OHI and the successors and assigns of OHI, and shall inure to the benefit of DAC
and any  subsequent  holder  of all or any  portion  of  this  Note,  and  their
respective successors and assigns. DAC may from time to time transfer all or any
part of its interest in this Note without notice to OHI.

         19. Notice. Any notice or other communication with respect to this Note
shall: (a) be in writing;  (b) be effective on the day of hand-delivery  thereof
to the party to whom directed, one day following the day of deposit thereof with
delivery charges prepaid,  with a national  overnight  delivery service,  or two
days following the day of deposit thereof with postage prepaid,  with the United
States Postal Service, by regular first class, certified or registered mail; (c)
if directed to DAC, be addressed to DAC at the office of DAC set forth above, or
to such other address as DAC shall have specified to OHI by like notice; and (d)
if directed to OHI, be  addressed  to OHI at the address for OHI set forth below
OHI's name, or to such other address as OHI shall have specified by like notice.

         20. Section  Headings.  The section headings set forth in this Note are
for  convenience  only and shall not have  substantive  meaning  hereunder or be
deemed part of this Note.

         21.  Construction.  This  Note  shall  be  construed  as  a  whole,  in
accordance  with its fair meaning,  and without regard to or taking into account
any  presumption or other rule of law requiring  construction  against the party
preparing this Note.

         22.  Subordination.   All  indebtedness   evidenced  by  this  Note  is
subordinated to other  indebtedness  pursuant to, and to the extent provided in,
and is otherwise  subject to the terms of, the  Intercreditor  and Subordination
Agreement, dated March 25, 1998 (the "Subordination Agreement"), as the same may
be amended,  modified or otherwise  supplemented from time to time, by and among
Olajuwon  Holdings,  Inc. and Akinola  Olajuwon,  as debtors and Global Alliance
Finance Company,  L.L.C., as Senior Lender, and the holders from time to time of
the  obligations  arising  under  the  Subordinated  Notes  referred  to in  the
Subordination Agreement, including, without limitation, this Note.

         23.  Definitions.  Unless otherwise  deferred  herein,  all capitalized
terms  shall have the  meanings  assigned  to such  terms in the Asset  Purchase
Agreement, dated as of January 27, 1998 (the "Asset Purchase Agreement"), by and
between DAC, OHI and Akinola Olajuwon.

         24.  Post-Closing  Agreement.  This Note  shall be subject to the terms
contained in the Post-Closing Agreement between DAC and OHI dated as of the date

         IN WITNESS WHEREOF, OHI has executed this Note as of the date first set
forth above.

                                                      /s/ Akinola Olajuwon
                                                     By:  Akinola Olajuwon
                                                     Its: President

                                                     Address of OHI:

                                                     10375 Richmond Avenue
                                                     Suite 1105
                                                     Houston, Texas 77042