1997 NONSTATUTORY STOCK OPTION PLAN

                                NOVEMBER 10, 1997

                                    ARTICLE I

     1.1. PURPOSES OF THE PLAN. The purposes of this  Nonstatutory  Stock Option
Plan are:

         o        to  attract  and  retain  the  best  available  personnel  for
                  positions of substantial responsibility;

         o        to provide additional  incentive to Employees and Consultants,

         o        to promote the success of the Company's business.

     Options granted under the Plan will be Nonstatutory Stock Options.

     1.2. DEFINITIONS. As used herein, the following definitions shall apply:

          (a) "Administrator" means the Board or the Employee Committee as shall
     be administering the Plan, in accordance with Section 1.4 of the Plan.

          (b)  "Applicable   Laws"  means  the  requirements   relating  to  the
     administration  of stock option plans under U.S. state corporate laws, U.S.
     federal  and state  securities  laws,  the  Code,  any  stock  exchange  or
     quotation  system on which  the  Common  Stock is listed or quoted  and the
     applicable laws of any foreign  country or jurisdiction  where Options are,
     or will be, granted under the Plan.

          (c) "Board" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

          (d) "Code" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

          (e) Common Stock" means the common stock,  par value $0.001 per share,
     of the Company.

          (f) "Company"  means  Microchip  Technology  Incorporated,  a Delaware

          (g)  "Consultant"  means any  person,  including  an  advisor  but not
     including  Directors,  engaged by the Company or a Parent or  Subsidiary to
     render services to such entity.

          (h) "Director" means a member of the Board.

          (i)  "Disability"  means total or permanent  disability  as defined in
     Code Section 22(e)(3).

          (j)  "Employee"  means any person,  excluding  Officers and Directors,
     employed  by the  Company or any Parent or  Subsidiary  of the  Company.  A
     Service  Provider  shall not cease to be an Employee in the case of (i) any
     leave  of  absence  approved  by the  Company  or  (ii)  transfers  between
     locations  of  the  Company  or  between  the  Company,   its  Parent,  any
     Subsidiary, or any successor.  Neither service as a Director nor payment of
     a  director's  fee  by  the  Company  shall  be  sufficient  to  constitute
     "employment" by the Company.

          (k) "Employee  Committee" means a committee of Directors  appointed by
     the Board in accordance with Section 1.4 of the Plan.

          (l)  "Exchange  Act" means the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  as

          (m) "Fair Market  Value"  means,  as of any date,  the value of Common
     Stock determined as follows:

               (i)    If the  Common  Stock is listed on any  established  stock
                      exchange or a national  market system,  including  without
                      limitation  the  Nasdaq  National  Market  or  The  Nasdaq
                      SmallCap  Market  of The  Nasdaq  Stock  Market,  its Fair
                      Market  Value  shall be the  closing  sales price for such
                      stock (or the closing  bid, if no sales were  reported) as
                      quoted on such  exchange or system for the market  trading
                      day on the  date of  determination  or the  closing  sales
                      price on the last market  trading day prior to the date of
                      determination  if there is no reported closing sales price
                      on the  date of  determination,  as  reported  in The Wall
                      Street  Journal or such other source as the  Administrator
                      deems reliable;

               (ii)   If the Common  Stock is  regularly  quoted by a recognized
                      securities dealer but selling prices are not reported, the
                      Fair Market  Value of a Share of Common Stock shall be the
                      mean  between  the high bid and low asked  prices  for the
                      Common  Stock on the last market  trading day prior to the
                      day of  determination,  as  reported  in The  Wall  Street
                      Journal or such other  source as the  Administrator  deems

               (iii)  In the absence of an  established market  for  the  Common
                      Stock,  the Fair Market Value shall be  determined in good
                      faith by the Administrator.

          (n) "Notice of Grant" means a written or electronic  notice evidencing
     certain terms and conditions of an individual  Option grant.  The Notice of
     Grant is part of the Option Agreement.

          (o) "Officer"  means a person who is an officer of the Company  within
     the meaning of Section 16 of the Exchange Act and the rules and regulations
     promulgated  thereunder or who is otherwise  considered an "officer"  under
     applicable NASD or stock exchange rules.

          (p) "Option" means a nonstatutory stock option granted pursuant to the
     Plan,  that is not intended to qualify as an incentive  stock option within
     the meaning of Code Section 422 and the regulations promulgated thereunder.

          (q) "Option  Agreement" means an agreement  between the Company and an
     Optionee evidencing the terms and conditions of an individual Option grant.
     The Option Agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of the Plan.

          (r) "Optioned Stock" means the Common Stock subject to an Option.

          (s) "Optionee" means the holder of an outstanding Option granted under
     the Plan.

          (t)  "Parent"  means  "parent  corporation,"  whether now or hereafter
     existing, as defined in Code Section 424(e).

          (u) "Plan" means this 1997 Nonstatutory Stock Option Plan.

          (v) "Service Provider" means an Employee or Consultant.

          (w)  "Share"  means  a share  of the  Common  Stock,  as  adjusted  in
     accordance with Section 1.3(b), 2.2 and 2.3 of the Plan.

          (x)  "Subsidiary"  means a  "subsidiary  corporation,"  whether now or
     hereafter existing, as defined in Code Section 424(f).


          (a)  Reservation  of  Shares;   Unpurchased  Shares.  Subject  to  the
     provisions  of  Sections  1.3(b),  2.2 and  2.3 of the  Plan,  the  maximum
     aggregate number of Shares which may be optioned and sold under the Plan is
     2,000,000 Shares. The Shares may be authorized, but unissued, or reacquired
     Common  Stock  including  shares  repurchased  by the  Company  on the open

          If an Option  expires or becomes  unexercisable  without  having  been
     exercised in full, the unpurchased  Shares which were subject thereto shall
     become  available  for future grant or sale under the Plan (unless the Plan
     has terminated).

          If  Shares  otherwise  issuable  under  the Plan are  withheld  by the
     Company in  satisfaction  of the  withholding  taxes incurred in connection
     with the  exercise  of an  outstanding  Option,  then the  number of Shares
     available  for issuance  shall be reduced by the gross number of Shares for
     which the Option is exercised, and not by the net number of Shares actually
     issued to the Optionee.

          (b) Adjustments for Organic Changes.  Should any change be made to the
     Common Stock  issuable  under the Plan by reason of any stock split,  stock
     dividend,  recapitalization,  combination of shares,  exchange of shares or
     other change affecting the outstanding  Common Stock as a class without the
     Company's receipt of consideration,  then appropriate  adjustments shall be
     made to (i) the maximum  number and/or class of securities  issuable  under
     the Plan,  and (ii) the number  and/or  class of  securities  and price per
     share in  effect  under  each  Option  outstanding  under  the  Plan.  Such
     adjustments to the outstanding Options are to be effected in a manner which
     shall  preclude the  enlargement  or dilution of rights and benefits  under
     such  Options.  The  adjustments  determined  by the Board  shall be final,
     binding and conclusive.


          (a)  Administration of the Plan. The Plan shall be administered by the
     Board.  The  Board,  however,  may at any time  appoint  a  committee  (the
     "Employee  Committee")  of one or more persons who are members of the Board
     and delegate to such Employee  Committee the power, in whole or in part, to
     administer the Plan.  Unless  otherwise  required by law,  decisions  among
     members of an Administrator shall be by majority vote.

          (b) Term on Committee.  Members of the Employee  Committee shall serve
     for such period of time as the Board may  determine and shall be subject to
     removal by the Board at any time.  The Board at any time may  terminate the
     functions of the Employee  Committee  and reassume all powers and authority
     previously delegated to the Employee Committee.

          (c)  Powers of the  Administrator.  Subject to the  provisions  of the
     Plan, the Administrator shall have the authority, in its discretion:

               (i)    to determine the Fair Market Value of the Common Stock;

               (ii)   to select the  Service  Providers  to whom  Options may be
                      granted hereunder;

               (iii)  to  determine  whether  and to  what  extent  Options  are
                      granted hereunder;

               (iv)   to  determine  the number of shares of Common  Stock to be
                      covered by each Option granted hereunder;

               (v)    to approve forms of agreement for use under the Plan;

               (vi)   to determine the terms and  conditions,  not  inconsistent
                      with  the  terms  of  the  Plan,   of  any  award  granted
                      hereunder.  Such terms and conditions include, but are not
                      limited  to, the  exercise  price,  the time or times when
                      Options   may  be   exercised   (which  may  be  based  on
                      performance criteria),  any vesting acceleration or waiver
                      of forfeiture restrictions, and any restriction 

                      or limitation regarding any Option or the shares of Common
                      Stock relating thereto, based in each case on such factors
                      as  the  Administrator,  in  its  sole  discretion,  shall

               (vii)  to reduce  the  exercise  price of any  Option to the then
                      current  Fair Market Value if the Fair Market Value of the
                      Common Stock  covered by such Option  shall have  declined
                      since the date the Option was granted;

               (viii) to construe and interpret the terms of the Plan and awards
                      granted pursuant to the Plan;

               (ix)   to  prescribe,  amend and  rescind  rules and  regulations
                      relating  to the Plan,  including  rules  and  regulations
                      relating  to  sub-plans  established  for the  purpose  of
                      qualifying  for preferred tax treatment  under foreign tax

               (x)    to modify or amend each Option  (subject to Section 3.1(b)
                      of the Plan),  including  the  discretionary  authority to
                      extend  the  post-termination   exercisability  period  of
                      Options longer than is otherwise  provided for in the Plan
                      as provided in Section 2.1(g);

               (xi)   to  authorize  any  person  to  execute  on  behalf of the
                      Company any instrument  required to effect the grant of an
                      Option or previously granted by the Administrator;

               (xii)  to  determine  the terms and  restrictions  applicable  to

               (xiii) to allow Optionees to satisfy  withholding tax obligations
                      as provided in Section 3.2; and

               (xiv)  to make  all  other  determinations  deemed  necessary  or
                      advisable for administering the Plan.

          (d) Effect of Administrator's Decision. The Administrator's decisions,
     determinations  and  interpretations  shall be  final  and  binding  on all
     Optionees and any other holders of Options.

          (e)   Indemnification.   In   addition   to  such   other   rights  of
     indemnification as they may have, the members of each  Administrator  shall
     be  indemnified  and held  harmless by the Company to the extent  permitted
     under  applicable  law,  for,  from and  against  all  costs  and  expenses
     reasonably incurred by them in connection with any action, legal proceeding
     to which any such  member  thereof  may be party,  by reason of any  action
     taken or failed to be taken,  under or in  connection  with the Plan or any
     rights  granted  thereunder,  and  against  all  amounts  paid  by  them in
     settlement  thereof or paid by them in  satisfaction  of a judgment  of any
     such action, suit or proceeding,  except a judgment based upon a finding of
     bad faith. 

     1.5.  ELIGIBLE  PERSONS UNDER THE PLAN. The persons eligible to participate
in the Plan are Employees and Consultants.

                                   ARTICLE II
                                  OPTION GRANTS


          (a) General.  Options granted to eligible persons pursuant to the Plan
     shall be authorized  by action of the  Administrator.  Each granted  Option
     shall be evidenced by one or more  instruments  in the form approved by the
     Administrator;  provided,  however,  that each such instrument shall comply
     with the terms and conditions specified below.

          (b) Option  Price.  The Option  price per Share  shall be fixed by the
     Administrator and shall in no event be less than one hundred percent (100%)
     of the Fair Market Value of such Common Stock on the grant date.

          (c) Payment of Option Price. The Option price shall become immediately
     due  upon  exercise  of the  Option  and  shall  be  payable  in one of the
     following alternative forms specified below:

               (i)    full  payment  in cash or  check  drawn  to the  Company's

               (ii)   full payment through a  broker-dealer  sale and remittance
                      procedure pursuant to which the Optionee (A) shall provide
                      irrevocable written instructions to a designated brokerage
                      firm to effect the immediate sale of the purchased  Shares
                      and  remit  to  the  Company,  out of  the  sale  proceeds
                      available  on the  settlement  date,  sufficient  funds to
                      cover the aggregate Option price payable for the purchased
                      Shares plus all  applicable  Federal and State  income and
                      employment taxes required to be withheld by the Company in
                      connection  with  such  purchase  and  (B)  shall  provide
                      written   directives   to  the   Company  to  deliver  the
                      certificates  for the  purchased  Shares  directly to such
                      brokerage firm in order to complete the sale transaction.

                      For purposes of this  Section  2.1(c),  the Exercise  Date
                      shall be the date on which  written  notice of the  Option
                      exercise is delivered to the Company. Except to the extent
                      the  sale  and   remittance   procedure   is  utilized  in
                      connection with the exercise of the Option, payment of the
                      Option price for the purchased  Shares must accompany such

          (d) Term and Exercise of Options.  Each Option  granted under the Plan
     shall be  exercisable  at any time or times and  during  such  period as is
     determined by the Administrator and 

     set forth in the instrument evidencing the grant. No such Option,  however,
     shall have a maximum  term in excess of ten (10) years from the grant date.
     During the lifetime of the Optionee,  the Option shall be exercisable  only
     by the Optionee and shall not be assignable or transferable by the Optionee
     other than by will or by the laws of descent and distribution following the
     Optionee's death.

          (e) Termination of Service.  The following provisions shall govern the
     exercise period applicable to any outstanding  Options held by the Optionee
     at the time of cessation of Service or death:

               (i)    Should an Optionee cease Service for any reason (including
                      Disability  but not including  death) while holding one or
                      more  outstanding  Options  under the  Plan,  then none of
                      those  Options  shall  (except  to  the  extent  otherwise
                      provided   pursuant  to  Section   2.1(f)   below)  remain
                      exercisable  for more than a ninety  (90) day  period  (or
                      such   shorter  or  longer   period   determined   by  the
                      Administrator  and set forth in the instrument  evidencing
                      the grant,  but not to exceed twelve (12) months) measured
                      from the date of such cessation of Service.

               (ii)   Any  Option  held  by the  Optionee  under  the  Plan  and
                      exercisable  in  whole  or in  part  on the  date  of said
                      Optionee's  death  may be  subsequently  exercised  by the
                      personal representative of the Optionee's estate or by the
                      person  or  persons  to whom  the  Option  is  transferred
                      pursuant to the Optionee's  will or in accordance with the
                      laws of descent and distribution.  Such exercise, however,
                      must occur  prior to the  earlier of six months  following
                      the date of Optionee's  death or the specified  expiration
                      date  of the  Option  term.  Upon  the  occurrence  of the
                      earlier event,  the Option shall terminate and cease to be

               (iii)  Under no circumstances,  however, shall any such Option be
                      exercisable  after the  specified  expiration  date on the
                      Option term.

               (iv)   During the applicable  post-Service  exercise period,  the
                      Option shall not be  exercisable  for more than the number
                      of shares (if any) in which the  Optionee is vested at the
                      time of  Optionee's  cessation of Service (less any Option
                      Shares  subsequently  purchased by the  Optionee  prior to
                      death).  Upon the  expiration of the limited  post-Service
                      exercise   period  or  (if  earlier)  upon  the  specified
                      expiration date of the Option term, each such Option shall
                      terminate and cease to be outstanding  with respect to any
                      vested shares for which the Option has not otherwise  been
                      exercised.   However,   each   outstanding   Option  shall
                      immediately terminate and cease to be outstanding,  at the
                      time of the Optionee's cessation of Service,  with respect
                      to any  shares for which the  Option is not  otherwise  at
                      that  time  exercisable  or in which the  Optionee  is not
                      otherwise at that time vested. 

               (v)    Should  (A)  the  Optionee's  service  be  terminated  for
                      misconduct  (including,  but not  limited  to,  any act of
                      dishonesty,  willful misconduct, fraud or embezzlement) or
                      (B) the Optionee make any  unauthorized  use or disclosure
                      of  confidential  information  or  trade  secrets  of  the
                      Company  or any  Parent  or  Subsidiary,  then in any such
                      event all  outstanding  Options held by the Optionee under
                      the  Plan  shall  terminate  immediately  and  cease to be

          (f) Discretion to Accelerate  Vesting.  The  Administrator  shall have
     complete  discretion,  exercisable either at the time the Option is granted
     or at any time while the Option remains outstanding,  to permit one or more
     Options held by the Optionee  under this Plan to be  exercised,  during the
     limited post-Service exercise period applicable under Section 2.1(e) above,
     not only with  respect to the number of vested  shares of Common  Stock for
     which  each  such  Option  is  exercisable  at the  time of the  Optionee's
     cessation  of  Service  but also  with  respect  to one or more  subsequent
     installments  of vested  shares for which the Option would  otherwise  have
     become exercisable had such cessation of Service not occurred.

          (g) Discretion to Extend Exercise Period. The Administrator shall also
     have full  power and  authority  to extend the period of time for which the
     Option is to remain  exercisable  following  the  Optionee's  cessation  of
     Service or death from the limited  period in effect  under  Section  2.1(e)
     above  to such  greater  period  of time as the  Administrator  shall  deem
     appropriate.  In no event, however,  shall such Option be exercisable after
     the specified expiration date of the Option term.

          (h)  Definitions.  For purposes of the  foregoing  provisions  of this
     Section 2.1 and for all other purposes under the Plan:

               (i)    The  Optionee  shall  (except  to  the  extent   otherwise
                      specifically  provided in the applicable Option Agreement)
                      be  deemed  to  remain  in  Service  for so  long  as such
                      individual  renders  services  on a periodic  basis to the
                      Company (or any Parent or  Subsidiary)  in the capacity of
                      an Employee or a Consultant.

               (ii)   The Optionee  shall be considered to be an Employee for so
                      long as  Optionee  remains in the employ of the Company or
                      one or more Parent or Subsidiary corporations,  subject to
                      the control and direction of the employer  entity not only
                      as to the work to be  performed  but also as to the manner
                      and method of performance.

          (i) Stockholder  Rights. An Optionee shall have no stockholder  rights
     with  respect to any Shares  covered  by the Option  until such  individual
     shall have exercised the Option and paid the Option price for the purchased


          (a)  Definition.  For  purposes  of this  Plan,  any of the  following
     stockholder approved  transactions to which the Company is a party shall be
     considered a "Corporate Transaction":

               (i)    a merger or  consolidation in which the Company is not the
                      surviving  entity,  except for a transaction the principal
                      purpose  of  which is to  change  the  State in which  the
                      Company is incorporated,

               (ii)   the  sale,   transfer  or  other  disposition  of  all  or
                      substantially all of the assets of the Company in complete
                      liquidation or dissolution of the Company, or

               (iii)  any reverse  merger in which the Company is the  surviving
                      entity but in which securities  possessing more than fifty
                      percent  (50%) of the total  combined  voting power of the
                      Company's outstanding securities are transferred to person
                      or persons  different from those who held such  securities
                      immediately prior to such merger.

          (b)  Acceleration  of  Option.  Upon  the  stockholder  approval  of a
     Corporate  Transaction,  each Option which is at the time outstanding under
     the Plan shall  automatically  accelerate  so that each such Option  shall,
     immediately  prior  to the  specified  effective  date  for  the  Corporate
     Transaction,  become fully  exercisable with respect to the total number of
     shares  of  Common  Stock at the time  subject  to such  Option  and may be
     exercised for all or any portion of such shares.  However,  an  outstanding
     Option  under the Plan shall not so  accelerate  if and to the extent:  (A)
     such Option is, in connection with the Corporate Transaction,  either to be
     assumed by the successor  corporation  or parent  thereof or to be replaced
     with a  comparable  option to purchase  shares of the capital  stock of the
     successor  corporation or parent thereof, (B) such Option is to be replaced
     with a cash incentive program of the successor  corporation which preserves
     the option  spread  existing at the time of the Corporate  Transaction  and
     provides for subsequent payout in accordance with the same vesting schedule
     applicable  to such  Option,  or (C) the  acceleration  of such  Option  is
     subject to other  limitations  imposed by the  Administrator at the time of
     the option grant. The  determination of option  comparability  under clause
     (A) above shall be made by the Administrator,  and its determination  shall
     be final, binding and conclusive.

          (c) Termination of Operations.  Upon the consummation of the Corporate
     Transaction,  all  outstanding  options under the Plan shall  terminate and
     cease to be  outstanding,  except to the extent  assumed  by the  successor
     corporation or its parent company.

          (d) Adjustments on Assumption or Continuation. Each outstanding Option
     under  the  Plan  which  is  assumed  in  connection   with  the  Corporate
     Transaction  or is otherwise  to continue in effect shall be  appropriately
     adjusted,  immediately  after  such  Corporate  Transaction,  to apply  and
     pertain to the number and class of securities  which would have been issued
     to the Option holder,  in consummation of such Corporate  Transaction,  had
     such person exercised the Option 

     immediately prior to such Corporate  Transaction.  Appropriate  adjustments
     shall also be made to the Option  price  payable  per share,  provided  the
     aggregate  Option price payable for such securities  shall remain the same.
     In  addition,  the class and number of  securities  available  for issuance
     under the Plan  following the  consummation  of the  Corporate  Transaction
     shall be appropriately adjusted.

          (e)  Discretion  to  Accelerate.  The  Administrator  shall  have  the
     discretion,  exercisable  either  in  advance  of any  actually-anticipated
     Corporate Transaction or at the time of an actual Corporate Transaction, to
     provide  (upon such  terms as it may deem  appropriate)  for the  automatic
     acceleration  of one or more  outstanding  Options  granted  under the Plan
     which are  assumed or  replaced  in the  Corporate  Transaction  and do not
     otherwise  accelerate  at the time,  in the event  the  Optionee's  Service
     should  subsequently  terminate  within a designated  period  following the
     effective date of such Corporate Transaction.

          (f) Plan Not to Affect  Company.  The grant of Options  under the Plan
     shall in no way  affect the right of the  Company  to  adjust,  reclassify,
     reorganize  or  otherwise  change its capital or business  structure  or to
     merge, consolidate, dissolve, liquidate or sell or transfer all or any part
     of its business or assets.


          (a)  Definition.  For purposes of this Plan, a Change in Control shall
     be deemed to occur in the event:

               (i)    any person or related  group of  persons  (other  than the
                      Company or a person that directly or indirectly  controls,
                      is controlled  by, or is under common  control  with,  the
                      Company)  directly  or  indirectly   acquires   beneficial
                      ownership  (within  the  meaning of Rule 13d-3 of the 1934
                      Act) of  securities  possessing  more than  fifty  percent
                      (50%) of the total combined  voting power of the Company's
                      outstanding  securities  pursuant  to a tender or exchange
                      offer made  directly to the Company's  stockholders  which
                      the Board does not recommend such  stockholders to accept;

               (ii)   there is a change in the  composition  of the Board over a
                      period of twenty-four (24) consecutive months or less such
                      that a majority  of the Board  members  (rounded up to the
                      next whole number) ceases,  by reason of one or more proxy
                      contests  for  the  election  of  Board  members,   to  be
                      comprised  of  individuals  who either (A) have been Board
                      members continuously since the beginning of such period or
                      (B) have been elected or  nominated  for election as Board
                      members  during  such period by at least a majority of the
                      Board  members  described  in clause (A) who were still in
                      office  at  the  time  such  election  or  nomination  was
                      approved by the Board.

          (b)  Discretion  to  Accelerate.  The  Administrator  shall  have  the
     discretionary  authority,  exercisable  either in advance  of any  actually
     anticipated  Change  in  Control  or at the  time of an  actual  Change  in
     Control,  to  provide  for  the  automatic  acceleration  of  one  or  more
     outstanding  Options  under the Plan upon the  occurrence  of the Change in
     Control. The Administrator shall 

     also  have  full  power  and   authority  to  condition   any  such  option
     acceleration  upon the subsequent  termination  of the  Optionee's  Service
     within a specified period following the Change in Control.

          (c) Exercise  Rights.  Any Options  accelerated in connection with the
     Change in Control shall remain fully  exercisable  until the  expiration or
     sooner termination of the Option term.

                                   ARTICLE III


          (a) Amendment and Termination. The Board may at any time amend, alter,
     suspend or terminate the Plan.

          (b) Effect of  Amendment or  Termination.  No  amendment,  alteration,
     suspension  or  termination  of the Plan  shall  impair  the  rights of any
     Optionee,  unless  mutually agreed  otherwise  between the Optionee and the
     Administrator,  which  agreement  must  be in  writing  and  signed  by the
     Optionee  and the  Company.  Termination  of the Plan  shall not affect the
     Administrator's ability to exercise the powers granted to it hereunder with
     respect  to  Options  granted  under  the  Plan  prior  to the date of such


          (a) General.  The  Company's  obligation  to deliver  Shares of Common
     Stock upon the  exercise of Options for such Shares under the Plan shall be
     subject to the  satisfaction  of all  applicable  Federal,  State and local
     income tax and employment tax withholding requirements.

          (b)  Shares  to Pay for  Withholding.  An  Administrator  may,  in its
     discretion and in accordance with the provisions of this Section 3.2(b) and
     such  supplemental  rules as the Administrator may from time to time adopt,
     provide any or all holders of Options  under the Plan with the right to use
     Shares  in  satisfaction  of all or part of the  Federal,  State  and local
     income tax and  employment  tax  liabilities  incurred by such Optionees in
     connection with the exercise of their Options (the "Taxes"). Such right may
     be  provided  to any  such  Optionee  in  either  or both of the  following

               (i)    Stock  Withholding.  The Optionee may be provided with the
                      election  to have the  Company  withhold,  from the Shares
                      otherwise  issuable  upon the exercise of such  Option,  a
                      portion of these  Shares  with an  aggregate  Fair  Market
                      Value equal to the percentage of the applicable Taxes (not
                      to exceed one hundred  percent  (100%))  designated by the

               (ii)   Stock Delivery.  The Administrator may, in its discretion,
                      provide the  Optionee  with the election to deliver to the
                      Company, at the time the Option is exercised, 

                      one or more Shares previously  acquired by such individual
                      (other than  pursuant to the  transaction  triggering  the
                      Taxes) with an  aggregate  Fair Market  Value equal to the
                      percentage of the Taxes  incurred in connection  with such
                      Option exercise (not to exceed one hundred percent (100%))
                      designated by the Optionee.

     3.3 EFFECTIVE  DATE AND TERM OF PLAN.  The Plan is effective as of November
10, 1997 (the "Effective Date"). It shall continue in effect for ten (10) years,
unless sooner terminated under Section 3.1 of the Plan.

     3.4. USE OF PROCEEDS.  Any cash  proceeds  received by the Company from the
sale of Shares  pursuant  to  Option  grants  under  the Plan  shall be used for
general corporate purposes.


          (a) Legal  Compliance.  Shares  shall not be  issued  pursuant  to the
     exercise of an Option  unless the  exercise of such Option and the issuance
     and delivery of such Shares shall comply with  Applicable Laws and shall be
     further  subject to the approval of counsel for the Company with respect to
     such compliance.

          (b) Investment  Representations.  As a condition to the exercise of an
     Option,  the  Company  may  require  the person  exercising  such Option to
     represent  and warrant at the time of any such exercise that the Shares are
     being  purchased only for  investment and without any present  intention to
     sell or  distribute  such  Shares if, in the  opinion  of  counsel  for the
     Company, such a representation is required.

          (c) Securities Registration. No shares of Common Stock or other assets
     shall be issued or  delivered  under this Plan unless and until there shall
     have been compliance with all applicable  requirements of Federal and State
     securities  laws,  including the filing and  effectiveness  of the Form S-8
     registration  statement for the shares of Common Stock  issuable  under the
     Plan, and all applicable listing requirements of any securities exchange on
     which stock of the same class is then listed.

          (d)  Inability to Obtain  Authority.  The  inability of the Company to
     obtain  authority  from any  regulatory  body  having  jurisdiction,  which
     authority is deemed by the Company's  counsel to be necessary to the lawful
     issuance and sale of any Shares hereunder, shall relieve the Company of any
     liability  in  respect to the  failure  to issue or sell such  Shares as to
     which such requisite authority shall not have been obtained.

     3.6.  NO  EMPLOYMENT/SERVICE  RIGHTS.  Neither the action of the Company in
establishing the Plan, nor any action taken by the Administrator  hereunder, nor
any provision of the Plan shall be construed so as to grant any  individual  the
right to remain in the  employ  or  service  of the  Company  (or any  Parent or
Subsidiary) for any period of specific duration,  and the Company (or any Parent
or Subsidiary  retaining  the services of such  individual)  may terminate  such
individual's  employment  or  service  at any time and for any  reason,  with or
without cause. 


          (a)  Assignment.  The right to acquire  Common  Stock or other  assets
     under the Plan may not be assigned,  encumbered or otherwise transferred by
     any Optionee or other Option holder. The provisions of the Plan shall inure
     to the benefit of, and be binding upon,  the Company and its  successors or
     assigns,  whether by Corporate Transaction or otherwise, and the Optionees,
     the legal  representatives  of their respective  estates,  their respective
     heirs or legatees and their permitted assignees.

          (b) Choice of Law. The provisions of the Plan relating to the exercise
     of options and the  vesting of shares  shall be governed by the laws of the
     State of Arizona,  as such laws are applied to  contracts  entered into and
     performed in such State.

          (c) Plan Not Exclusive.  This Plan is not intended to be the exclusive
     means by which the  Company  may issue  options or  warrants to acquire its
     shares of Common  Stock,  stock awards or  issuances,  or any other type of
     award or  issuance.  To the extent  permitted by  applicable  law, any such
     other option,  warrants,  issuance,  or awards may be issued by the Company
     other than pursuant to this Plan, without shareholder approval.

          EXECUTED as of the 10th day of November, 1997.

                                MICROCHIP TECHNOLOGY INCORPORATED,
                                a Delaware corporation

                                By /s/ Steve Sanghi
                                       Steve Sanghi
                                       Its: Chairman of the Board, President and
                                       Chief Executive Officer

Attested by:

/s/ C. Philip Chapman
- -------------------------------
C. Philip Chapman

/s/  Mary Simmons-Mothershed
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Mary Simmons-Mothershed
Assistant Secretary