WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                                  SCHEDULE 14A
                                 (Rule 14a-101)

                            SCHEDULE 14A INFORMATION
                Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the
               Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.   )

Filed by the Registrant [X]
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant [ ]

Check the appropriate box:
[X]  Preliminary Proxy Statement             [ ]  Confidential, For Use of the
[ ]  Definitive Proxy Statement                   Commission Only (as permitted
[ ]  Definitive Additional Materials              by Rule 14a-6(e)(2))
[ ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to
     Rule 14a-11(c) or Rule 14a-12

                              AMTECH SYSTEMS, INC.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                (Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    (Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if Other Than the Registrant)

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]  No fee required.

[ ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11.

1)   Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2)   Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3)   Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction  computed  pursuant
     to Exchange  Act Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is
     calculated and state how it was determined):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4)   Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5)   Total fee paid:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials:

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[ ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule
0-11(a)(2)  and  identify  the  filing  for  which the  offsetting  fee was paid
previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement  number, or
the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

     1)   Amount previously paid:
     2)   Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.:
     3)   Filing Party:
     4)   Date Filed:

                              AMTECH SYSTEMS, INC.
                              131 SOUTH CLARK DRIVE
                              TEMPE, ARIZONA 85281


                         TO BE HELD ON FEBRUARY 26, 1999


To Our Shareholders:

     The 1999 Annual Meeting of Shareholders of AMTECH SYSTEMS, INC., an Arizona
corporation  (the  "Company"),  will be held at the Wyndham Garden Hotel, 427 N.
44th Street,  Phoenix,  Arizona,  on February 26, 1999,  at 3:00 p.m.,  Mountain
Standard time, for the following purposes:

     1. To elect five (5) directors to serve for one year terms;

     2. To consider and act upon a proposal to amend the  Company's  Articles of
Incorporation  to effect a reverse  stock split of one share of Common  Stock of
the  Company  for  every  two  shares  of  Common  Stock  that  are  issued  and

     3. To transact such other  business as may properly come before the meeting
or any postponement(s) or adjournment(s) thereof.  Management is presently aware
of no other business to come before the meeting.

     The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on January 29, 1999,
as the record date (the "Record  Date") for the  determination  of  shareholders
entitled  to  notice  of and to  vote  at the  meeting  or any  postponement  or
adjournment thereof.  Shares of Common Stock can be voted at the meeting only if
the holder is present at the meeting in person or by valid proxy.  A copy of the
Company's 1998 Annual Report, which includes audited financial  statements,  was
mailed with this Notice and Proxy Statement to all shareholders of record on the
Record Date.

     Management  of the  Company  cordially  invites  you to attend  the  Annual
Meeting.  Your  attention  is directed to the  attached  Proxy  Statement  for a
discussion of the foregoing proposals and the reasons why the Board of Directors
encourages you to vote for approval of such proposals.

                            By Order of the Board of Directors

                            Robert T. Hass, Secretary

Tempe, Arizona
January 31, 1999


                               THE UNITED STATES.


                              AMTECH SYSTEMS, INC.
                              131 SOUTH CLARK DRIVE
                              TEMPE, ARIZONA 85281


                                 PROXY STATEMENT


     This Proxy  Statement is being furnished to shareholders of AMTECH SYSTEMS,
INC.,  an  Arizona   corporation  (the   "Company"),   in  connection  with  the
solicitation  of proxies by the Board of  Directors  for use at the 1999  Annual
Meeting of  Shareholders of the Company to be held on February 26, 1999, at 3:00
p.m.,  Mountain Standard Time, and any adjournment or postponement  thereof (the
"Annual  Meeting").  A copy of the Notice of the Meeting  accompanies this Proxy
Statement.  This Proxy  Statement  and the  accompanying  form of Proxy Card are
being mailed on or about January 31, 1999.


     Only  shareholders  of record at the close of  business on January 29, 1999
(the "Record  Date") are entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting
or any adjournment or postponement thereof. On the Record Date, 4,232,632 shares
of  Common  Stock,  $.01  par  value  (the  "Common  Stock"),  were  issued  and
outstanding. Each holder of Common Stock is entitled to one vote, exercisable in
person or by proxy,  for each share of the Company's Common Stock held of record
on the Record Date.

     At the Annual Meeting,  five (5) directors are to be elected to serve for a
term of one year or until their respective successors are elected and qualified.
Each  shareholder  present at the Annual Meeting,  either in person or by proxy,
will have an aggregate  number of votes in the  election of  directors  equal to
five (the number of persons  nominated for election as directors)  multiplied by
the  number  of  shares  of  Common  Stock  of the  Company  held by  each  such
shareholder on the Record Date. The resulting  aggregate  number of votes may be
cast  by the  shareholder  for  the  election  of  any  single  nominee,  or the
shareholder  may distribute  such votes among any number or all of the nominees.
The five nominees  receiving the highest  number of votes will be elected to the
Board of Directors.

     All valid proxies  received  before the Annual Meeting and not revoked will
be  exercised.  All  shares  represented  by proxy  will be  voted,  and where a
shareholder  specifies by means of his or her proxy a choice with respect to any
matter  to be acted  upon,  the  shares  will be voted  in  accordance  with the
specifications so made. If the signed proxy is returned without instructions and
authority to vote is not specifically  withheld,  the persons named in the proxy
solicited  by the  Board of  Directors  intend to vote for the  election  of the
nominees for director  listed below and for the proposal to amend the  Company's
Articles of Incorporation.  Abstentions and broker non-votes will be included in
the determination of the number of shares represented for a quorum, and have the
same effect as "no" votes in  determining  whether the  proposals  are approved.
Proxies  may be  revoked  at any time  prior to the time they are voted by:  (a)
delivering  to the  Secretary of the Company a written  instrument of revocation
bearing a date  later  than the date of the  proxy;  or (b) duly  executing  and
delivering to the Secretary a subsequent  proxy relating to the same shares;  or
(c)  attending the meeting and voting in person,  provided that the  shareholder
notifies the  Secretary of the meeting of his or her intention to vote in person
at any time prior to the voting of the proxy.  In order to vote their  shares in
person at the meeting,  shareholders  who own their shares in "street name" must
obtain a special proxy card from their broker.

     The cost of soliciting proxies, including the cost of preparing and mailing
the Notice and Proxy Statement,  will be paid by the Company.  Solicitation will
be  primarily by mailing this Proxy  Statement to all  shareholders  entitled to
vote at the meeting.  Proxies may be solicited by officers and  directors of the
Company   personally   or  by  telephone  or   facsimile,   without   additional
compensation. The Company may reimburse brokers, banks and others holding shares
in their  names  for  others  for the cost of  forwarding  proxy  materials  and
obtaining proxies from beneficial owners.

     The Board of Directors does not know of any matters other than the election
of directors and the proposal to amend the Company's  Articles of  Incorporation
that are  expected to be  presented  for  consideration  at the Annual  Meeting.
However, if other matters properly come before the meeting, the persons named in
the accompanying proxy intend to vote thereon in accordance with their judgment.

                              ELECTION OF DIRECTORS
                                 (PROPOSAL ONE)


     The present terms of the Company's current directors, Jong S. Whang, Robert
T. Hass,  Donald F.  Johnston,  Alvin Katz and Bruce R.  Thaw,  expire  upon the
election and  qualification  of their  successors at the  Company's  1999 Annual
Meeting  of  Shareholders.  The Board of  Directors  has  nominated  each of the
current  directors  as nominees  for election as directors in the election to be
held at the Annual Meeting.

     The Board of Directors  intends to vote its proxies for the election of its
nominees,  for a term to expire at the next Annual Meeting.  In that regard, the
Board of Directors solicits authority to cumulate such votes.

     If any nominee should become unavailable for any reason, which the Board of
Directors  does not  anticipate,  the  proxy  will be voted  for any  substitute
nominee or nominees who may be selected by the Board of Directors prior to or at
the Annual  Meeting,  or, if no substitute is selected by the Board of Directors
prior to or at the Annual Meeting, for a motion to reduce the present membership
of the Board to the number of  nominees  available  and to create an  additional
vacancy to be filled by the Board of Directors.  The information  concerning the
nominees and their share  holdings in the Company has been  furnished by them to
the Company.


     The  following  table  sets  forth  information   regarding  the  officers,
directors and director nominees of the Company,  including biographical data for
at least the last five years.

       NAME             AGE                 POSITIONS WITH THE COMPANY
       ----             ---                 --------------------------
Jong S. Whang           53      President, Chief Executive Officer and Director

Robert T. Hass          48      Vice President-Finance, Chief Financial Officer,
                                Treasurer, Secretary and Director

Donald F. Johnston      73      Director

Alvin Katz              69      Director

Bruce R. Thaw           46      Director

     JONG S. WHANG has been President, Chief Executive Officer and a Director of
the  Company  since  its  inception  and was one of its  founders.  Mr.  Whang's
responsibilities  as  President  include  the  sales  effort  for the  Company's
semiconductor  equipment  business and  development of new products and business
opportunities  in that industry.  He has twenty-five  years of experience in the
semiconductor   industry,   including   time  spent  in  both   processing   and
manufacturing of equipment components and systems.  From 1973 until 1979, he was
employed by Siltronics,  Inc.,  initially as a technician  working with chemical
vapor deposition (CVD) and later as manager of the quartz fabrication plant with
responsibility of providing technical  marketing support.  From 1979 until 1981,
he was employed by U.S. Quartz,  Inc. as manufacturing  manager. In 1981 he left
U.S. Quartz to found the Company.

     ROBERT T. HASS has been Vice  President-Finance,  Chief Financial  Officer,
Treasurer and  Secretary of the Company since June 3, 1992.  Mr. Hass has served
as a Director of the Company since February 29, 1996.  From 1991 until May 1992,
he operated a financial  consulting  practice  under the name of Hass  Financial
Consulting Services,  a sole proprietorship.  From 1985 to 1991, Mr. Hass served
as Director of Accounting  Services and then  Controller for  Lifeshares  Group,
Inc., a holding  company  which owned and operated real estate  development  and
insurance  subsidiaries,  and from 1988 to 1991 served as  Controller  and Chief
Accounting Officer of some of those  subsidiaries.  From 1984 to 1985, he served
as Vice President-Finance and Treasurer of The Victorio


Company, a privately owned holding company which owned and operated agriculture,
chemical,  commercial real estate brokerage,  marketing research and commodities
futures  brokerage  businesses.  From 1977 to 1984,  he was  employed in various
capacities  including Vice President,  Chief Financial  Officer and Treasurer by
Altamil Corporation,  then a public company, which manufactures truck equipment,
wirebound containers, and precision aluminum forgings. From 1972 to 1977, he was
employed as an auditor with Ernst & Ernst,  now known as Ernst & Young.  He is a
Certified Public Accountant.

     DONALD F.  JOHNSTON has been a Director of the Company since April 9, 1994,
and also  served as a  Director  from  March 1983 to  December  1992.  He is not
otherwise  employed  by the  Company.  From  1985 to March  1993,  he  served as
President  and Chief  Executive  Officer of JAI,  Inc., a management  consulting
firm.  From 1985 to March  1993,  when he  retired,  he acted as  marketing  and
management  consultant to companies in the electronics  industry.  From November
1983 until October 1985,  he was  President of Process  Control,  Inc. of Tempe,
Arizona. He has held senior management  positions with Montgomery Ward & Co. and
the Hotpoint Division of the General Electric Company. He has also served as the
Vice-President  of B.F.  Goodrich and the Philco Ford Division of the Ford Motor
Company.  Mr. Johnston also served as President of Mirco, Amstar Electronics and
Hera Investment Co.

     ALVIN  KATZ has been a Director  of the  Company  since May 1, 1995.  Since
1981,  he has been an adjunct  professor of business  management  at the Florida
Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. From 1991 until the company was sold
in September 1992, he was Chief Executive Officer of Odessa Engineering Corp., a
company engaged in the manufacture of pollution monitoring equipment.  From 1957
to 1976,  Mr.  Katz was  employed  by  United  Parcel  Service  holding  various
managerial  positions,  including  District  Manager  and  Corporate  Manager of
Operations Planning,  Research and Development. He is also a Director of Blimpie
International,  a fast food franchisor,  Nastech Pharmaceutical Company, Inc., a
company  engaged in research,  development  and  marketing of nasally  delivered
pharmaceuticals, BCT International, Inc., a franchisor of wholesale thermography
printing plants, OZO Diversified Technology,  Inc., a manufacturer of depaneling
equipment  for the  semiconductor  industry,  and Micron  Instruments,  Inc.,  a
manufacturer  of  infrared  temperature  measurement  devices,  all of which are
publicly held corporations.

     BRUCE R. THAW has been a Director  of the  Company  since May 1, 1995.  Mr.
Thaw has been a practicing  attorney since 1978. Since 1995, Mr. Thaw has been a
self-employed  attorney, and from 1984 to 1995, he was a partner in the law firm
of  Abrams  &  Thaw.  Mr.  Thaw  is  also a  Director  of  Information  Resource
Engineering,  Inc., a publicly  traded  company that designs,  manufactures  and
markets   computer   network   security   systems  and  products,   and  Nastech
Pharmaceutical Company, Inc., a publicly traded company engaged in the research,
marketing and development of pharmaceutical  products.  Mr. Thaw does not render
legal services to the Company.


     During the 1998 fiscal  year,  there were five (5) meetings of the Board of
Directors.  No  director  attended  less  than 75% of the Board  meetings  while
serving as such director or less than 75% of all committee  meetings on which he
served as a committee member.

     The Audit Committee,  the Compensation and Option Committee and the Finance
Committee  are  the  standing  committees  of  the  Board  of  Directors.  These
committees are comprised as follows:

           AUDIT                    AND OPTION                 FINANCE
           -----                   ------------                -------
           B.R. Thaw               D.F. Johnson               A. Katz
           D.F. Johnston           A. Katz                    B.R. Thaw

     The Audit  Committee held two (2) meetings during the 1998 fiscal year. The
Audit Committee is responsible for maintaining  communication between the Board,
the  Company's  independent  auditors and members of financial  management  with
respect to the  Company's  financial  affairs in  general,  including  financial
statements and audits,  the adequacy and effectiveness of the Company's internal
accounting  controls  and  systems  and the  retention  and  termination  of the
independent auditors.

     The  Compensation and Option Committee held one (1) meeting during the 1998
fiscal  year.  The  Compensation  and  Option  Committee  makes  recommendations
concerning officer compensation, employee benefit programs and retirement plans.


     The Finance Committee held one (1) meeting during the 1998 fiscal year. The
Finance  Committee  is  responsible  for  communication  between the Board,  the
Company's  lender or  prospective  lender(s)  and other  financial  sources  and
members of financial management.

     All current  committee members are expected to be nominated for re-election
at a Board meeting to be held following the Annual Meeting of Shareholders.


     Directors who are full-time  employees of the Company receive no additional
compensation for serving as directors.  Non-employee  directors  receive fees of
$700 per Board meeting  attended and $250 per  committee  meeting  attended.  In
addition,  under the Company's  Non-Employee  Directors  Stock Option Plan, each
outside director receives an annual grant of options to purchase 6,000 shares of
Common  Stock.  The  exercise  price of the options is the fair market  value of
Common  Stock on the date of grant and each  option  has a term of ten years and
becomes  exercisable  in  three  equal  installments  commencing  on  the  first
anniversary  of the  date  of  grant  and  continuing  for  the  two  successive
anniversaries  thereafter.  In the event of the  disability  (as  defined in the
plan) or death of an outside  director,  all options  remain  exercisable  for a
period of twelve months  following the date such person ceased to be a director,
but only to the extent  such  option was  exercisable  on the date the  director
ceased to be a director.


     The Compensation  and Option Committee is composed of Messrs.  Johnston and
Katz, neither of whom is an officer or employee of the Company.



     The  following  table  sets  forth  certain   information   concerning  the
beneficial  ownership of the  Company's  Common Stock as of January 20, 1999, by
(i) each director and each nominee for director of the Company,  (ii) certain of
the Company's executive officers (the "Named Executive Officers"), and (iii) all
executive  officers and directors as a group.  There are no persons known to the
Company  who  beneficially  own  five  percent  (5%) or  more  of the  Company's
outstanding  Common Stock.  This  information  was determined in accordance with
Rule 13(d)-3 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and is based
upon the information  furnished by the persons listed below. Except as otherwise
indicated,  each  shareholder  listed possesses sole voting and investment power
with respect to the shares indicated as being beneficially owned.

                                            NUMBER OF SHARES        PERCENT OF
NAME AND ADDRESS(1)(2)                    BENEFICIALLY HELD(3)     OWNERSHIP (3)
- ----------------------                    --------------------     -------------
Jong S. Whang                                  186,410(4)               4.3%

Bruce R. Thaw                                   41,000(5)                 1%

Donald F. Johnston                              15,250(6)                 *

Robert T. Hass                                  14,000(7)                 *

Alvin Katz                                     139,000(8)               3.3%

Directors and Executive Officers of
the Company as a group (5  persons)            395,660(9)               9.3%
- ----------
*    Less than 1%.

(1)  The  address for each  person  listed in this table is c/o Amtech  Systems,
     Inc., 131 South Clark Drive, Tempe, Arizona 85281.


(2)  Mr. Whang is the Company's President,  CEO and a director.  Mr. Hass is the
     Vice President-Finance, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, Secretary and a
     director. Messrs. Johnston, Katz and Thaw are presently directors.

(3)  The  shares  and  percentages  shown  include  the  shares of Common  Stock
     actually  owned as of January 20, 1999, and the shares of Common Stock with
     respect to which the person had the right to acquire  beneficial  ownership
     within 60 days of such date pursuant to options or warrants.  All shares of
     Common Stock that the identified  person had the right to acquire within 60
     days of January  20,  1999 upon the  exercise  of options or  warrants  are
     deemed to be  outstanding  when  computing the percentage of the securities
     owned by such person,  but are not deemed to be outstanding  when computing
     the percentage of the securities owned by any other person.

(4)  Includes (i) 18,976  shares held jointly with Mr.  Whang's  spouse and (ii)
     83,034 shares issuable upon the exercise of presently  exercisable  options
     with an exercise price of $.56 per share.

(5)  Includes  12,000 shares  issuable  upon  exercise of presently  exercisable
     options with an exercise price of $.56 per share,  and warrants to purchase
     4,000 shares of Common Stock at an exercise price of $2.25 per share.

(6)  Includes 14,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of presently  exercisable
     options with an exercise price of $.56 per share.

(7)  Includes 1,000 shares  issuable upon the exercise of presently  exercisable
     options with an exercise price of $.56 per share.

(8)  Includes 14,000 shares issuable upon the exercise of presently  exercisable
     options with an exercise price of $.56 per share.

(9)  Includes  126,034  shares  issuable upon exercise of presently  exercisable
     options and 4,000 shares issuable upon exercise of outstanding warrants.


     Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended,  requires
the Company's directors and executive officers,  as well as persons beneficially
owning more than 10% of the Company's  outstanding Common Stock, to file certain
reports of ownership  with the Securities  and Exchange  Commission  (the "SEC")
within  specified time periods.  Such officers,  directors and  shareholders are
also  required by SEC rules to furnish  the  Company  with copies of all Section
16(a) forms they file.

     Based  solely  on its  review of such  forms  received  by it,  or  written
representations  from  certain  reporting  persons,  the Company  believes  that
between  October  1,  1997 and  September  30,  1998 all  Section  16(a)  filing
requirements  applicable to its officers,  directors and 10%  shareholders  were
complied  with,  except  that one  report was not  timely  filed to reflect  the
automatic  option grant to Mr. Katz  arising  under the  Company's  Non-employee
Directors Stock Option Plan.



     The  following  table sets  forth  annual and  long-term  compensation  for
services in all  capacities to the Company for the fiscal years ended  September
30, 1998, 1997 and 1996, of the Company's Chief Executive Officer, and the other
most highly  compensated  executive  officer of the Company who received  annual
compensation  exceeding  $100,000  during such  periods  (the  "Named  Executive

                           SUMMARY COMPENSATION TABLE

                                         ANNUAL COMPENSATION         COMPENSATION
                               ------------------------------------  ------------
     NAME AND          FISCAL                        OTHER ANNUAL     RESTRICTED     ALL OTHER
- ------------------      ----   ------   ---------  ----------------  ------------ ----------------
Jong S. Whang           1998  $167,147  $    0           --              --         $  3,037
President and Chief     1997   139,615  33,994(1)        --              --            3,693
Executive Officer       1996   100,000  59,870           --              --            3,106
Robert T.  Hass         1998  $ 96,105  $7,245           --              --            2,123
Vice President-Finance  1997    89,838  10,771           --              --            1,935
- ----------
(1)  On  February  24,  1989,  the  Board of  Directors  approved  an  incentive
     compensation  plan for Mr. Whang,  which  provides for an annual cash bonus
     equal  to 2% of  the  annual  profits  of  the  Company  before  taxes  and
     extraordinary  items;  plus 2% of the amount by which the  revenues  of the
     Company'  s  semiconductor  equipment  business  in each year  exceed  such
     revenues  for the  previous  year.  It is a condition to the payment of any
     bonus that Mr. Whang have been continually employed by the Company and that
     the  Company  have  realized a profit  after the  payment of the bonus.  On
     February 28, 1997,  Mr. Whang entered into an employment  contract with the
     Company,  which contract  incorporated Mr. Whang's  incentive  compensation
     plan and added  additional  bonus  eligibility  criteria.  See  "Employment
     Contracts with Executive  Officers," below.  Effective October 4, 1998, Mr.
     Whang voluntarily initiated a 20% reduction in his salary to $130,200.

(2)  Other  compensation to Messrs.  Whang and Hass,  consisting of the use of a
     Company car, vacation pay and other perquisites,  did not exceed $50,000 or
     10% of base compensation during any fiscal year covered by this table.

(3)  Amounts for Mr. Whang include annual insurance  premiums paid on whole-life
     insurance  for the  benefit  of Mr.  Whang's  spouse of $225 and  $3,106 in
     fiscal 1997 and 1996,  respectively,  and Company matching contributions in
     the Amtech  Systems,  Inc.  401(k) Plan (the "Amtech  401(k) Plan") for Mr.
     Whang of $3,037 and $3,438 in 1998 and 1997, respectively.  Amounts for Mr.
     Hass represent  Company  matching  contributions in the Amtech 401(k) Plan.
     Effective October 4, 1998, Mr. Hass' annual salary was reduced to $85,500.



     There were no grants of stock  options  during the 1998  fiscal year to the
Named Executive Officers.


     The  following  table  shows  the  stock  options  exercised  by the  Named
Executive  Officers  during fiscal year 1998 and the value of stock options held
by him, as of the end of fiscal year 1998.

                        AND FISCAL YEAR-END OPTION VALUES

                                             NUMBER OF UNEXERCISED       VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                                   OPTIONS               IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS
                                             AT SEPTEMBER 30, 1998       AT SEPTEMBER 30, 1998
               SHARES ACQUIRED   VALUE    --------------------------- ---------------------------
    ----       ---------------  --------  -----------  -------------- -----------  --------------
Jong S. Whang         --             --      41,517        166,067       $ --          $ --

Robert T. Hass     8,000         $9,504       1,000          1,500       $ --          $ --


     During the 1998  fiscal  year,  the Company did not amend or reprice any of
its stock options held by executive officers of the Company.


     On February 28, 1997, the Company  entered into a five (5) year  employment
agreement with its President,  Jong S. Whang.  Under the terms of the agreement,
Mr. Whang is entitled to an annual salary of $162,750,  with annual increases of
at least 5% to be  determined  by the Board of Directors at the end of each year
of the agreement.  Effective October 4, 1998, Mr. Whang voluntarily  initiated a
20% reduction in his salary to $130,200. He is entitled to receive the following
additional  annual incentive cash  compensation of up to 50% of his base salary,
to be calculated as follows:  (i) a bonus equal to 2% of the annual  earnings of
the Company before taxes and  extraordinary  items, and (ii) a bonus equal to 2%
of the amount by which the  revenues of the  Company's  semiconductor  equipment
business in each year exceeds such revenues for the previous year. During fiscal
year  1998,  Mr.  Whang  did not earn a cash  bonus  pursuant  to the  foregoing
formula. It is a condition to the payment of any cash bonus that Mr. Whang shall
have been  continuously  employed  by the Company and that the total of all cash
and stock bonuses is limited to 10% of the Company's  pre-tax  earnings for that
year.  Profits are determined  without taking into account the first  $3,200,000
expended  or  invested  by the  Company  in  the  development  of  the  proposed
photo-assisted  CVD product.  In addition,  Mr. Whang was granted  207,584 stock
options  pursuant to the  agreement.  These options were granted on February 28,
1997  and  vest at the rate of 20% per full  year of  service  over a five  year
period. To the extent not already  exercisable,  the options become  immediately
exercisable  upon:  (i) the  dissolution  or  liquidation  of the  Company  or a
reorganization,  merger or consolidation in which all or substantially all prior
shareholders do not continue to own more than 60% of the then outstanding shares
of Common Stock and voting securities, (ii) the sale of all or substantially all
of the assets of the Company,  or (iii) the occurrence of a change in control of
the  Company  as  discussed  in  the  agreement.  The  agreement  also  contains
confidentiality  and non-compete  provisions.  If Mr. Whang is terminated  other
than for "cause," he is entitled to receive as severance  pay salary,  incentive
compensation  and  vacation  accrued  through the date of  termination  plus the
greater of $155,000 or the balance of his compensation to the end of the term of
the  employment  agreement  computed  using the latest  applicable  salary  rate
without consideration of any reductions in base pay below $155,000. Mr. Whang is
also  entitled  to  participate  in any benefit  plans  generally  available  to
employees of the Company.


     The  Compensation  and Option Committee of the Company's Board of Directors
(the "Committee), which is composed entirely of independent,  outside directors,
establishes  the general  compensation  policies  of the  Company  and  specific
compensation  for each executive  officer of the Company,  and  administers  the
Company's  stock  option  program.   The  Committee's  intent  is  to  make  the
compensation  packages of the  executive  officers of the Company  sufficient to
attract and retain  persons of  exceptional  quality,  and to provide  effective
incentives to motivate and reward Company executives for achieving the financial
and strategic goals of the Company essential to the Company's long-term success


and to growth in shareholder value. The Company's executive compensation package
consists of three main components:  (1) base salary, (2) incentive cash bonuses,
and (3) stock options.


     The Committee's  approach is to offer executives salaries  competitive with
those of other executives in the industry in which the Company operates. To that
end, the  Committee  evaluates the  competitiveness  of its base salary based on
information drawn from a variety of sources, including published and proprietary
survey  data  and  the  Company's  own   experience   recruiting  and  retaining
executives,   although  complete  information  is  not  easily  obtainable.  The
Company's  base salary  levels are intended to be  consistent  with  competitive
practice  and  level  of  responsibility,   with  salary  increases   reflecting
competitive  trends,  the overall  financial  performance of the Company and the
performance of the individual executive.


     In  addition  to  base  salary,   executives  are  eligible  to  receive  a
discretionary annual bonus. At the beginning of each year, the Committee and the
Chief  Executive  Officer (the "CEO")  review each  individual  executive's  job
responsibilities  and goals for the upcoming  year.  The amount of the bonus and
any performance criteria vary with the position and role of the executive within
the  Company.  In  addition,  for all  executives,  the  Committee  reviews  the
Company's  actual  financial   performance   against  its  internally   budgeted
performance in determining year-end bonuses, if any. However, the Committee does
not set  objective  performance  targets for  executives  other than the CEO and
sales and marketing personnel.


     The  Company,  from  time to time,  grants  stock  options  and  shares  of
restricted stock in order to provide certain executives with a competitive total
compensation  package and to reward them for their contribution to the long-term
price  performance  of the Company's  Common Stock.  Grants of stock options and
restricted stock are designed to align the executive's interest with that of the
shareholders  of the Company.  In awarding  option  grants,  the Committee  will
consider,  among other things, the amount of stock and options presently held by
the executive,  the  executive's  past  performance and  contributions,  and the
executive's anticipated future contributions and responsibilities.


     The base  salary for the CEO for the fiscal  year 1998 was  increased  from
$155,000 in fiscal 1997 to $162,750 in fiscal 1998, pursuant to the terms of the
February 28, 1997 employment  agreement entered into by the Company and the CEO.
The CEO's increased base salary is based upon the  compensation of executives in
comparable positions in the semiconductor industry, adjusted for the size of the
Company  (total  assets and  revenues).  Effective  October 4, 1998,  Mr.  Whang
voluntarily initiated a 20% reduction in his base salary to $130,200.

     On  February  24,  1989,  the  Board of  Directors  approved  an  incentive
compensation  plan for the CEO, which provides for an annual cash bonus equal to
2% of the annual  profits of the Company before taxes and  extraordinary  items;
plus 2% of the  amount  by which the  revenues  of the  Company's  semiconductor
equipment  business in each year exceed such revenues for the previous  year. It
is a condition  to the  payment of any bonus that the CEO have been  continually
employed by the  Company  and that the total of such cash  bonuses is limited to
10% of the  Company's  pre-tax  earnings  for that year.  The CEO did not earn a
bonus in 1998 pursuant to such incentive compensation plan. The CEO's employment
agreement  with  the  Company  incorporates  the  incentive   compensation  plan
described above. See "Employment Contracts With Executive Officers," above.

                                               COMPENSATION AND OPTION COMMITTEE

                                                              Donald F. Johnston
                                                                      Alvin Katz


     The  Company  did not have any  transactions  during  fiscal  1998 with any
director,  director  nominee,  executive  officer,  security holder known to the
Company to own of record or  beneficially  more than 5% of the Company's  Common
Stock, or any member of the immediate family of any of the foregoing persons, in
which the amount involved exceeded $60,000.


     The  following  graph  assumes that $100 was invested on October 1, 1992 in
each of the following:  the Company's  Common Stock,  the Nasdaq Composite Index
and the Nasdaq Industrial Index.

RETURNS INDEX FOR:      9/30/93  9/30/94  9/29/95  9/30/96  9/30/97  9/30/98
- ------------------      -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------
Amtech Systems, Inc.     100.0    93.33    243.33   253.33   143.33    40.00
Nasdaq Composite Index   100.0    100.2    136.81   160.85   220.99   222.06
Nasdaq Industrial Index  100.0    99.66    125.83   134.71   176.28   132.25

                           EFFECT REVERSE STOCK SPLIT
                                 (PROPOSAL TWO)

     The Company's Board of Directors has unanimously approved and determined to
submit  to  the  Company's   shareholders   an  amendment  (the  "Reverse  Split
Amendment") to the Company's Articles of Incorporation as currently amended (the
"Articles  of  Incorporation"),  to effect a reverse  stock split (the  "Reverse
Split")  of one share of the  Company's  Common  Stock  for every two  shares of
Common Stock that are currently issued and  outstanding.  The Board of Directors
has  unanimously  approved  and  recommends  a vote FOR Proposal Two in order to
improve the  likelihood  of regaining  and  maintaining  a bid price of at least
$1.00 for the Company's Common Stock and thereby improving the Company's ability
to maintain its listing on the Nasdaq SmallCap Market. See below discussion.

     If the  shareholders  approve  Proposal  Two,  the  Company's  Articles  of
Incorporation  will be amended to replace the existing provision relating to the
Company's  authorized  capital with the following  provision  relating  thereto.
Accordingly, Article 5 of the Articles of Incorporation shall be amended to read
as follows:

     The  authorized  capital stock of the  corporation  is  200,000,000  shares
     divided into  100,000,000  shares of common stock,  without par value,  and
     100,000,000  shares  of  preferred  stock.  Each  two  (2)  shares  of  the
     Corporation's  Common  Stock  issued  as of the date on which  Articles  of
     Amendment are filed (the "Split  Effective  Date"),  shall be automatically
     changed  and  reclassified,  as of the  Split  Effective  Date and  without
     further  action,  into one (1) fully  paid and  nonassessable  share of the
     Corporation's Common Stock; provided, however, that any fractional interest
     resulting  from such change and  classification  shall be rounded upward to
     the nearest whole share.

     If the shareholders approve Proposal Two, the Reverse Split Amendment shall
become   effective   upon  the  filing  of  an  amendment  to  the  Articles  of
Incorporation  with  the  Arizona  Corporation  Commission.  The  Reverse  Split
Amendment will amend the Company's  Articles of  Incorporation to give effect to
the amendment made pursuant to Proposal Two. The Reverse Split Amendment,  as it
will appear if Proposal  Two is  approved  by the  shareholders,  is attached as
Exhibit A. If Proposal Two is not approved by the shareholders,  the Articles of
Incorporation will not be amended.

     The proposed  Reverse  Split  Amendment  will not affect any  shareholder's
proportionate  equity  interest  in  the  Company  or the  rights,  preferences,
privileges or priorities of any shareholder,  other than an adjustment which may
occur due to the rounding up of fractional shares.  Likewise,  the Reverse Split
Amendment will not affect the total  shareholders'  equity of the Company or any
components of shareholders'  equity as reflected on the financial  statements of
the  Company  except  (i) to change the  numbers  of the issued and  outstanding


shares of capital stock and (ii) for an  adjustment  which will occur due to the
costs  incurred by the Company in connection  with this Proxy  Statement and the
implementation of the Proposal as approved by the shareholders. However, because
the number of shares of capital  stock that the Company is  authorized  to issue
will not be decreased in proportion  to the one for every two share  decrease in
the number of issued  shares,  the  number of shares  which are  authorized  but
unissued,  and the  percentage of ownership of the Company  represented  by such
shares  if they are  issued  in the  future  in the  discretion  of the Board of
Directors, effectively will be increased.

     The following  table  illustrates  the  principal  effects on the Company's
capital stock of the Reverse Split, assuming a one-for-two reverse split:

                        NUMBER OF SHARES OF CAPITAL STOCK

                                        PRIOR TO REVERSE          AFTER REVERSE
                                             SPLIT                    SPLIT
                                        ----------------          -------------
Authorized                                100,000,000              100,000,000
Issued and outstanding (1)                  4,232,632                2,116,316
Available for future issuance              95,767,368               97,883,684

Authorized                                100,000,000              100,000,000
Issued and outstanding                        -0-                      -0-
Available for future issuance             100,000,000              100,000,000

- ----------
(1)  Excludes (i) 384,584 shares  issuable upon exercise of outstanding  options
     (192,292  shares  after  the  Reverse  Split),  and (ii)  2,625,000  shares
     issuable upon exercise of outstanding  warrants (1,312,500 shares after the
     Reverse Split), each as of January 28, 1999.


     As amended  effective August 22, 1997, Rule 4450 of the NASDAQ  Marketplace
Rules  provides that issuers  listed on the NASDAQ  SmallCap  Market  maintain a
minimum bid price of $1.00 per share for the listed stock.  The Company's shares
of Common Stock have  continuously  traded below $1.00 since  November 11, 1998,
and will be delisted from the NASDAQ  SmallCap Market unless such shares achieve
a minimum bid price of $1.00 or more for ten  consecutive  trading  days between
__________ __, 1998 and _________ __, 1999. The Board of Directors believes that
such a delisting  could  adversely  affect the ability of the Company to attract
new investors,  may result in decreased  liquidity of the outstanding  shares of
Common  Stock and,  consequently,  could  reduce the price at which such  shares
trade and the  transaction  costs  inherent to trading such shares.  The Company
believes  that, if the Reverse Split  Amendment is approved,  there is a greater
likelihood  that the minimum bid price of the Common Stock will be maintained at
a level over $1.00 per share.

     Even  though  a  Reverse  Stock  split,  by  itself,   does  not  impact  a
corporation's  assets or prospects,  reverse  splits can result in a decrease in
the  aggregate  market value of a  corporation's  equity  capital.  The Board of
Directors,  however, believes that this risk is off-set by the prospect that the
Reverse Stock Split will improve the likelihood that the Company will be able to
maintain its NASDAQ SmallCap Market listing and may, by increasing the per share
price,  make an  investment  in the Common  Stock more  attractive  for  certain
investors.  There can be no  assurance,  however,  that  approval of the Reverse
Split  Amendment  will succeed in raising the bid price of the Company's  Common
Stock above $1.00 per share,  that such minimum  price,  if  achieved,  would be
maintained,  or that even if the NASDAQ's  minimum bid price  requirements  were
satisfied,  the  Company's  Common Stock would not be delisted by the NASDAQ for
failure  to meet the  minimum  net  tangible  assets  requirement,  or for other



     Pursuant  to the  proposed  Amendment,  every  two  shares  of  issued  and
outstanding  Common Stock would be converted and reclassified  into one share of
post-split  Common  Stock,  and any  fractional  interests  resulting  from such
reclassification  would be  rounded  upward  to the  nearest  whole  share.  For
example,  a holder of 100 shares prior to the Split  Effective Date would be the
holder of 50 shares at the Split  Effective  Date.  The proposed  Reverse  Split
would become  effective  upon the Split  Effective  Date.  Shareholders  will be
notified  after  the  Split  Effective  Date  that the  Reverse  Split  has been

     Shareholders will not receive  certificates for shares of post-split Common
Stock.  Accordingly,  shareholders  should not forward their certificates to the
Company or its transfer  agent.  Beginning  on the Split  Effective  Date,  each
certificate  representing shares of the Company's pre-split Common Stock will be
deemed for all  corporate  purposes to  evidence  ownership  of the  appropriate
number of shares of post-split Common Stock.

     No service charge will be payable by  shareholders  in connection  with the
exchange  of  certificates,  all  costs of which  will be borne  and paid by the

     If the shareholders approve Proposal Two,  shareholders have no right under
Arizona law to dissent from the Reverse Split or to dissent from the rounding up
of fractional interests resulting from the Reverse Split.


     The  primary  objectives  of the Reverse  Split are to increase  the market
value per share of the  Company's  Common Stock.  The Company's  Common Stock is
currently listed on the NASDAQ SmallCap Market under the symbol "ASYS." However,
the Company has received  notice from The NASDAQ Stock Market  ("NASDAQ") of its
intent to delist the  Common  Stock for  failure to  maintain  the  minimum  bid
requirement  of $1.00 per share for  continued  inclusion  of such  stock on the
NASDAQ SmallCap Market. The Company anticipates that the Reverse Split will have
the effect of increasing the minimum bid price of its Common Stock sufficient to
permit it to satisfy the applicable minimum bid price criteria.

     Additionally,  the Board of Directors  believes  that the current price per
share of the Company's  Common Stock may reduce the effective  marketability  of
the  Common  Stock  because of the  reluctance  of  certain  brokerage  firms to
recommend  the  purchase  of  lower-priced  stocks  to  their  clients.  Certain
institutional  investors  have  internal  policies  preventing  the  purchase of
lower-priced  stocks and many brokerage houses do not permit lower-priced stocks
to be used as collateral  for margin  accounts.  Further,  a number of brokerage
houses have policies and practices  that tend to discourage  individual  brokers
within those firms from dealing in lower-priced  stocks.  Some of those policies
and  practices   pertain  to  the  payment  of  brokers'   commissions   and  to
time-consuming  procedures  that  function to make the handling of  lower-priced
stocks  unattractive to brokers from an economic  standpoint.  In addition,  the
structure of trading commissions tends to have an adverse impact upon holders of
lower-priced  stocks because the brokerage  commission on a sale of lower-priced
stocks  generally  represents  a higher  percentage  of the sale  price than the
commission on a relatively higher-priced stock.

     The Board of Directors  believes that the recent low per share market price
of  the  Common  Stock  impairs  the   marketability  of  the  Common  Stock  to
institutional  investors  and  members of the  investing  public  and  creates a
negative  impression  with respect to the  Company.  Many  investors  and market
makers look upon lower priced stocks as unduly  speculative  in nature and, as a
matter of policy,  avoid  investment  and trading in such stocks.  The foregoing
factors adversely affect both the pricing and the liquidity of the Common Stock.
Thus,  the  potential  increase in trading price is expected to be attractive to
the financial community and the investing public and in the best interest of the

     The Board of Directors is hopeful that the decrease in the number of shares
of Common Stock  outstanding as a consequence of the proposed Reverse Split, and
the resulting  anticipated  increased  price level,  will  stimulate  additional
interest in the Company's  Common Stock and possibly  promote greater  liquidity
for the Company's shareholders.  There can be no assurance,  however, that there
will be any greater liquidity,  and it is possible that the liquidity could even
be  adversely  affected  by the reduced  number of shares of Common  Stock which
would be outstanding after the proposed Reverse Split is effected.


     If the  Reverse  Split  becomes  effective,  management  expects the quoted
market price of the Company's Common Stock to increase as a result of decreasing
the  number  of shares  outstanding  without  altering  the  aggregate  economic
interest in the Company  represented by such shares. The Board believes that the
increased  market price may serve to mitigate the present  reluctance,  policies
and practices on the part of brokerage  firms referred to above and diminish the
adverse impact of trading  commissions on the potential market for the Company's
shares of Common  Stock.  There can be no assurance,  however,  that the Reverse
Split will achieve these  desired  results,  that any such increase  would be in
proportion  to the  one-for-two  Reverse Split Ratio or that the per share price
level of the Common Stock  immediately  after the proposed  Reverse Split can be
maintained for any period of time.

     The Reverse Split may result in some shareholders owning "odd lots" of less
than 100 shares. The costs, including brokerage commissions,  of transactions in
odd lots are generally  higher than the costs in transactions in "round lots" of
even multiples of 100.

     The secondary result of the effective  increase in the number of authorized
but unissued shares of Common Stock is for the Company to have additional shares
of Common Stock  authorized and available for issuance as the need arises.  Such
share issuances may be made for possible future  financing  transactions,  stock
acquisitions,  asset purchases,  stock dividends or splits,  issuances under any
stock option plan that may be adopted in the future, and other general corporate
purposes.  If Proposal Two is  approved,  shareholders  will have no  preemptive
rights with respect to the additional  authorized  shares of Common Stock.  Such
shares of Common  Stock may be issued on such  terms,  at such times and on such
conditions as the Board may determine in its discretion.

     The Board of Directors is not aware of any present efforts by any person to
accumulate  the  Company's  capital  stock or to obtain  control of the  Company
through a tender offer, merger or other business  combination,  proxy contest or
otherwise.  The Board has not  formulated  any  program,  nor  entered  into any
agreement or understanding,  and has no current intention, to issue any unissued
and unreserved  shares of Common Stock for the purpose of impeding or preventing
any proposed takeover.


     The  Company  has not sought and will not seek a ruling  from the  Internal
Revenue  Service  or an  opinion of counsel  regarding  the  federal  income tax
consequences of the Reverse Split Amendment. A summary of the federal income tax
consequences  of the Reverse Split as  contemplated in Proposal Two is set forth
below.  The  discussion  is based on the  present  federal  income tax law.  The
discussion is not intended to be, nor should it be relied on as, a comprehensive
analysis of the tax issues  arising  from or relating  to the  proposed  Reverse
Split  Amendment.  Income tax  consequences  to  shareholders  may vary from the
federal tax consequences described generally below.  STOCKHOLDERS SHOULD CONSULT

     The proposed Reverse Split constitutes a "recapitalization"  to the Company
and its  shareholders  to the  extent  that  issued  shares of Common  Stock are
exchanged for a reduced number of shares of Common Stock. Therefore, neither the
Company nor its shareholders  will recognize any gain or loss for federal income
tax purposes as a result thereof.

     The shares of Common  Stock to be issued to each  shareholder  will have an
aggregate basis, for computing gain or loss, equal to the aggregate basis of the
shares of such stock  held by such  shareholder  immediately  prior to the Split
Effective Date. A shareholder's holding period for the shares of Common Stock to
be issued will  include the holding  period for the shares of Common  Stock held
thereby  immediately prior to the Split Effective Date provided that such shares
of stock were held by the  shareholder as capital assets on the Split  Effective


     Each holder of Common  Stock is  entitled  to one vote per share held.  The
holders of a majority of the shares of the Common Stock  issued and  outstanding
constitutes  a quorum.  The  affirmative  vote of holders  of a majority  of the
outstanding  shares of Common Stock of the Company entitled to vote and present,
in person or by proxy,  at the  Annual  Meeting  is  required  for  approval  of
Proposal Two, provided that the number of shares present, in person or by proxy,
constitutes a quorum.  In the event that a quorum is not present or  represented
at the Annual Meeting, the shareholders entitled to vote at the meeting present,
in person or by proxy,  shall have the power to adjourn the Annual Meeting until
a quorum  shall be present or  represented.  Proxies  solicited  by the Board of
Directors will be voted for approval of Proposal Two.


     A Shareholder  voting through a proxy who abstains with respect to approval
of Proposal Two shall be considered to have cast a negative vote with respect to
Proposal Two.


                                  OTHER MATTERS


     Arthur  Andersen  LLP,  has  been  selected  as the  Company's  independent
auditors for the current fiscal year,  which ends September 30, 1999.  That firm
has served as the Company's  independent  auditors since 1983. During the fiscal
year ended  September 30, 1998,  Arthur  Andersen LLP provided audit services to
the  Company.  Representatives  of that firm are  expected  to be present at the
Annual Meeting with the  opportunity to make a statement if they desire to do so
and to be available to respond to appropriate questions.


     The Annual  Report of the Company for the fiscal year ended  September  30,
1998, is enclosed herewith.


     In order to ensure  that your  shares  will be  represented  at the  Annual
Meeting,  please sign and return the enclosed Proxy in the envelope provided for
that purpose,  whether or not you expect to attend. Any shareholder may, without
affecting any vote previously taken,  revoke a written proxy by giving notice of
revocation  to the  Company in writing or by  executing  and  delivering  to the
Company a later dated proxy.


     Any shareholder  who wishes to present any proposal for shareholder  action
at the next Annual Meeting of  Shareholders to be held in 2000, must be received
by the Company's Secretary,  at the Company's offices, not later than October 4,
1999, in order to be included in the Company's proxy statement and form of proxy
for that meeting. Such proposals should be addressed to the Corporate Secretary,
Amtech  Systems,  Inc.,  131 South  Clark  Drive,  Tempe,  Arizona  85281.  If a
shareholder  proposal is introduced at the 2000 Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders
without any discussion of the proposal in the Company's proxy statement, and the
shareholder  does not notify the  Company on or before  December  17,  1999,  as
required by SEC Rule 14(a)-4(c)(1),  of the intent to raise such proposal at the
Annual  Meeting of  Shareholders,  then proxies  received by the Company for the
2000 Annual  Meeting will be voted by the persons named as such proxies in their
discretion with respect to such proposal.  Notice of such proposal is to be sent
to the above address.

                                    BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                    Robert T. Hass, Secretary
Tempe, Arizona
January 31, 1999


                              AMTECH SYSTEMS, INC.


     The undersigned shareholder of Amtech Systems, Inc., an Arizona corporation
(the "Company"),  hereby acknowledges receipt of the Notice of Annual Meeting of
Shareholders  dated January 31, 1999 and hereby appoints Jong S. Whang or Robert
T. Hass and each of them,  proxies  and  attorneys-in-fact,  with full  power of
substitution,  on behalf and in the name of the  undersigned,  to represent  the
undersigned at the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of AMTECH SYSTEMS,  INC. to be
held at the Wyndham Garden Hotel, 427 N. 44th Street, Phoenix,  Arizona on March
5, 1999 at 3:00 p.m.,  Mountain  Standard  time,  and at any  adjournment(s)  or
postponement(s)  thereof,  and to vote  all  shares  of  Common  Stock  that the
undersigned would be entitled to vote if then and there personally  present,  on
the matters set forth below.

1. ELECTION OF DIRECTORS    [ ] FOR all nominees listed below (except as
                                marked to the contrary below):

Jong S. Whang   Robert T. Hass   Donald F. Johnston   Alvin Katz   Bruce R. Thaw

          [ ]  WITHHOLD AUTHORITY to vote for all nominees listed above

INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, write
that nominee's name in the space provided below:

- -----------------------------------------
     The  undersigned  agrees that the proxy  holder is  authorized  to cumulate
votes  in the  election  of  directors  and to vote  for  less  than  all of the

2.   To approve an  amendment  to the  Company's  Articles of  Incorporation  to
     effect a reverse  stock  split of one  share of Common  Stock for every two
     shares of Common Stock that are issued and outstanding.

                  FOR        AGAINST        ABSTAIN
                  [ ]          [ ]            [ ]


Dated:              , 1999
                                   Please  sign  exactly  as your  name  appears
                                   above.  When  shares are held in common or in
                                   joint tenancy, both should sign. When signing
                                   as  attorney,  as  executor,   administrator,
                                   trustee or  guardian,  please give full title
                                   as  such.  If a  corporation,  sign  in  full
                                   corporate   name  by   President   or   other
                                   authorized officer. If a partnership,  please
                                   sign in  partnership  name  by an  authorized

Please return in the enclosed, postage-paid envelope.
     I Will      Will not      attend the Meeting.
           -----          -----