THIS ASSIGNMENT  AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") is between F&M Investments,  L.L.C.
(hereinafter "Owner"), a Limited Liability Corporation with a principal place of
business located at 6135  Rivercliffe  Drive,  Atlanta,  GA 30328, and Consygen,
Inc. (hereinafter "Purchaser"), an Arizona corporation with a principal place of
business located at 125 South 52nd Street, Tempe, AZ 85281:


WHEREAS,  subject only to those  exceptions  disclosed in this Agreement,  Owner
owns all right,  title,  and  interest in and to that certain  computer  program
identified as iPublisher (the "Program");

WHEREAS,  the Program  contains  certain  software  components,  which are to be
assigned  to, and assumed by,  Purchaser  pursuant  to this  Agreement,  and the
Program contains no other software components in which any third party may claim
superior or joint  ownership,  nor is the Program a derivative work of any other
software programs not owned in their entirety by Owner;

WHEREAS,  Owner desires to sell, assign, grant, convey, and transfer the Program
to  Purchaser,  and  Purchaser  desires  to buy  and  acquire  the  Program,  in
accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement;

WHEREAS, Owner shall permit Purchaser access to the Program and Owner's software
developer(s)  for a period of up to three days  commencing June 17, 1999 for the
purpose of technical evaluation which shall include at Owner's sole discretion a
demonstration  of the Product and part of the source code and provide  Purchaser
the opportunity to ask technical  questions.  This meeting will occur in Atlanta
at Owner's place of business.


NOW, THEREFORE,  for the sum of Six Hundred Thousand Dollars  ($600,000.00 U.S.)
receipt of which is acknowledged by Owner as "Consideration" for transfer of the
Program and which shall be paid by Purchaser in four installments;

1.   A  non-refundable   deposit  of  Sixty  Thousand  Dollars  ($60,000.00  US)
     "Deposit"  shall be paid upon  completion and acceptance of the purchaser's
     technical  evaluation.  The  Deposit is due and  payable  immediately  upon
     successful  technical  evaluation and shall when accepted by Owner, but not
     until then,  guaranty  that Owner  suspend  any  discussions  currently  in
     progress  or which  might  otherwise  commence  with any  other  party  for
     transfer of Product, other than Purchaser.

2.   A second  non-refundable  deposit of Sixty Thousand Dollars ($60,000.00 US)
     shall be paid within 10 business days of the initial deposit.

3.   A third  non-refundable  deposit of Sixty Thousand Dollars  ($60,000.00 US)
     shall be paid within 10 business days of the second deposit.

4.   The Balance of Four Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars  ($420,000.00 US) shall
     be paid by Purchaser to complete the technology transfer within 10 business
     days of the third deposit.

The timetable  presented herein will provide full payment to Owner by July 30th,
1999. As  applicable  and as deemed  prudent by Purchaser,  Purchaser may opt to
accelerate the payment process.


NOW  THEREFORE  where  Owner and  Purchaser,  intending  to be legally  bound to
additional terms and conditions, hereby agree as follows:

                                    SECTION 1
                              CONVEYANCE OF RIGHTS

         Effective  as of the  receipt  of the  Consideration  paid  in-full  as
specified above (the "Effective  Date"),  and subject to the rights reserved and
retained  pursuant  to  Section 3 of this  Agreement,  Owner  hereby  transfers,
grants,  conveys,  assigns,  and  relinquishes  exclusively  to Purchaser all of
Owner's  right,  title,  and  interest  in and to  both  the  tangible  and  the
intangible property  constituting the Program, in perpetuity (or for the longest
period of time otherwise permitted by law).


                                    SECTION 2
                          DELIVERY OF PHYSICAL OBJECTS

         Within five (5) days after the Effective Date of this agreement,  Owner
shall  deliver to Purchaser (1) a master copy of the Program (in both source and
object code form), which shall be in a form suitable for copying; (2) all system
and user documentation, and (3) all marketing and market related information, if
any, pertaining to the Program.

                                    SECTION 3

         Notwithstanding  any other provision of this Agreement,  Owner reserves
and  retains for its own  benefit,  one copy of the Program (in both object code
and  source  code  form)  solely  for  reference  purposes  with  respect to its
obligations under this Agreement.

                                    SECTION 4
                               WARRANTIES OF TITLE

         4.1  Owner  represents  and  warrants  that  Purchaser  shall  receive,
pursuant to this Agreement as of the effective date of this Agreement,  complete
and exclusive  right,  title, and interest in and to all tangible and intangible
property rights existing in the Program,  except for those matters  addressed in
Section 5 (concerning software components contained in the Program licensed from
third  parties).  Subject to the  foregoing  exceptions,  Owner  represents  and
warrants that it has developed the Program  entirely through its own efforts for
its own  account  and that the  Program is free and clear of all liens,  claims,
encumbrances, rights, or equities whatsoever of any third party.


         4.2 Owner  represents  and warrants  that the Program does not infringe
any patent,  copyright,  or trade secret of any third party; that the Program is
fully eligible for protection  under  applicable  copyright law and has not been
forfeited  to  the  public   domain;   and  that  the  source  code  and  system
specifications for the Program have been maintained in confidence.

         4.3  Owner  represents  and  warrants  that  all  personnel,  including
employees,  agents,  consultants,  and  contractors,  who have contributed to or
participated in the conception and development of the Program have been party to
a for-hire relationship with Owner that has accorded Owner full, effective,  and
exclusive  original  ownership of all tangible and intangible  property  thereby
arising with respect to the Program.

         4.4 Owner  represents  and  warrants  that there are no  agreements  or
arrangements in effect with respect to the marketing,  distribution,  licensing,
or  promotion  of the  Program  by  any  independent  salesperson,  distributor,
sublicensor, or other remarketer or sales organization.

                                    SECTION 5
                         THIRD-PARTY SOFTWARE COMPONENTS

         Owner  represents  and warrants that it has duly obtained the right and
license to use, copy, modify, and distribute the software  components  contained
in the Program;  that the Program contains no other software components in which
any third party may claim superior or joint ownership.

                                    SECTION 6
                               END-USER AGREEMENTS

         Owner  represents  and warrants  that it has not granted  rights in the
Program to any third parties.


                                    SECTION 7
                               FURTHER ASSURANCES

         Owner shall execute and deliver such further conveyance instruments and
take such further  actions as may be  necessary  or  desirable to evidence  more
fully the  transfer  of  ownership  of all of the  Program to  Purchaser.  Owner
therefore agrees

     1.   To execute,  acknowledge,  and deliver any  affidavits or documents of
          assignment and conveyance regarding the Program

     2.   To provide  testimony in connection with any proceeding  affecting the
          right, title, or interest of Purchaser in the Program

     3.   To perform any other acts deemed  necessary to carry out the intent of
          this Agreement

                                    SECTION 8
                           PROTECTION OF TRADE SECRETS

         For purposes of this Agreement,  "Program Trade Secret" means the whole
or any portion or phase of any  scientific  or  technical  information,  design,
process,  procedure,  formula,  or  improvement  included in the Program that is
valuable  and not  generally  known  to the  business  concerns  engaged  in the
development  or marketing  of products  competitive  with the Program.  From and
after the  effective  date  hereof,  and for so long  thereafter  as the data or
information  remains Program Trade Secrets,  Owner shall not use,  disclose,  or
permit  any person not  authorized  by  Purchaser  to obtain any  Program  Trade
Secrets  (whether  or not the Program  Trade  Secrets are in written or tangible
form), except as specifically authorized by Purchaser.


                                    SECTION 9
                          LIMITED WARRANTY; NO SUPPORT


         9.2 Except as expressly provided in a separate  agreement,  Owner shall
not be responsible to Purchaser for, or have any duty to conduct or perform, any
training  or  instruction;  any  presale  or  postsale  marketing  support;  any
licensing,   sublicensing,   leasing,  or  distribution;  or  any  modification,
correction, updating, enhancement, or technical support of the Program.

         9.3  Notwithstanding  paragraph  9.2,  and only after the  Transfer has
become  effective,  Owner  agrees  to  provide  up to  two  weeks  of  technical
assistance  at its  offices  in  Atlanta,  Georgia  to no  more  than  three  of
Purchaser's  software  developers.  The  purpose  of which is to  assist  in the
transfer  of certain  technical  knowledge  including  specifics  of the Program
source  code  and  algorithms.  Owner  will  provide  up to  two  full  days  of
face-to-face  training and assistance with the Purchaser's  software developers.
"Full-day"  shall mean from 8AM until 6PM with a one-hour break for lunch.  This
training  will be  provided  by Win  Pham.  For up to  twelve  additional  days,
Purchaser's  software developers can use Owner's facility during normal business
hours,  where Win Pham will be  available  remotely or on a  face-to-face  basis
scheduled  in advance,  to answer  technical  questions  and  provide  technical
support.  After this period of time, no other  services will be provided  unless
scheduled in advance at Owner's  published  hourly  rates.  All travel  expenses
including meals, and lodging and other costs of Purchaser's  software developers
shall be the sole responsibility of Purchaser.



         10.1 This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of, and be binding upon,
the  parties  hereto,  together  with their  respective  legal  representatives,
successors, and assigns.

         10.2 This  Agreement  shall be governed by, and construed in accordance
with, the laws of the State of Georgia.

         10.3 This Agreement merges and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous
agreements, assurances,  representations, and communications between the parties


         IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have executed this  Agreement
effective as of the date shown above.


/s/ Michael Mittel
Michael Mittel
F&M Investments, L.L.C.
Its Manager
Date: 6/17/99


/s/ Steven M. Smith
Steven M. Smith
Executive Vice President
June 16, 1999