BOMBARDIER CAPITAL INC.                                     FLOORPLAN REPURCHASE
BOMBARDIER CAPITAL LTD.                                  AGREEMENT ("Agreement")

1. Recitals.  The undersigned vendor (the "Vendor") intends to sell at wholesale
to retail dealers or  distributors  various  products which now or in the future
may exist (the  "Merchandise").  Certain  dealers or  distributors in Canada may
require financial  assistance from Bombardier Capital Ltd. ("BCL"),  and certain
dealers or  distributors in the United States may require  financial  assistance
from  Bombardier  Capital  Inc.  ("BCI")  in order to make such  purchases  from
Vendor.  Retail dealers or distributors  requiring such financial assistance are
hereafter  individually  referred to as a "Buyer" and  collectively as "Buyers,"
and BCI and BCL are each hereafter referred to as "BCG"; provided, however, that
in all instances  where the Buyer is located in Canada,  BCG shall mean BCL, and
in all instances where the Buyer is located in the United States, BCG shall mean
BCI. To induce BCG to finance the  acquisition of Merchandise by any Buyer,  and
in consideration of the financing enabling Vendor to sell Merchandise to Buyers,
Vendor agrees that whenever a Buyer  requests the shipment of  Merchandise  from
Vendor  and  requests  that BCG  finance  its  purchase  of the  Merchandise  in
accordance with any plan of financing  offered by BCG from time to time,  Vendor
may deliver to BCG a Wholesale  Instrument (as hereafter defined) describing the
Merchandise  requested  to be  financed  by  BCG.  As  used  herein,  "Wholesale
Instrument" shall mean, note, invoice, bill of sale, conditional sales contract,
installment sales contracts,  chattel mortgage,  lease.  trust receipt,  chattel
paper,  security  interest,  or other evidence of  indebtedness or obligation of
payment arising out of the sale or delivery of Merchandise to a Buyer.

2. Warranties and Representations. By delivery of a Wholesale Instrument to BCG,
Vendor shall evidence and warrant the following:

     (a)  That Vendor  transfers to the Buyer all right,  title, and interest in
          and  to  the   Merchandise,   contingent   upon  BCG's  financing  the

     (b)  That Vendor's title to the  Merchandise is free and clear of all liens
          and  encumbrances  when  transferred  to the Buyer except for liens in
          favor of BCG;

     (c)  That the  Merchandise has been the subject of a bona fide order by the
          Buyer placed with Vendor and accepted by Vendor and that the Buyer has
          requested that the transaction be financed by BCG;

     (d)  That the Merchandise is new, unused, and free of any defects; and

     (e)  That the  Merchandise  has been  shipped to the Buyer no more than ten
          days prior to the Wholesale  Instrument  date,  and that the Wholesale
          Instrument  date is no more than twenty (20) days prior to delivery of
          the Wholesale Instrument to BCG.

In the event  Vendor  breaches  any of the  foregoing  warranties,  Vendor  will
immediately  upon demand pay to BCG, in cash, an amount equal to the outstanding
balance  owed to BCG  with  respect  to such  Merchandise,  plus the  costs  and
expenses, if any, incurred by BCG in the enforcement of this Agreement.

3. Acceptance of Wholesale  Instrument.  This Agreement shall in no way bind BCG
to  finance  the  acquisition  of any  Merchandise,  but  shall  apply  only  to
transactions accepted by BCG in its sole discretion. BCG's final acceptance of a
transaction  shall be indicated  only by BCG's  issuance to Vendor of a draft or
other  instrument  in an  amount  equal to the  Merchandise  Cost (as  hereafter

4. Payment of Wholesale Instrument.  The amount due from BCG in connect ion with
any  Wholesale  Instrument  shall  be  the  original  wholesale  price  for  the
Merchandise covered by such Wholesale  Instrument,  minus any discount agreed to
by the Vendor and BCG (the "Merchandise Cost").

5.  Repurchase  Obligations.  If BCG pays the Wholesale  Instrument  (whether by
check,  draft,  notice of set off  authorized  hereunder,  or any other  means),
Vendor will  repurchase  such  Merchandise  from BCG on the following  terms and
conditions, whenever and for whatever reason Vendor comes into possession of the
Merchandise or BCG demands repurchase:

     (a)  Vendor will accept delivery of and repurchase the Merchandise,  or any
          portion of the Merchandise that may from time to time be delivered, in
          a  condition  that is new and unused  except for normal  wear and tear
          resulting from display or  demonstration,  at such  location(s) as BCG
          may reasonably designate;

     (b)  Vendor will pay to BCG within thirty (30) days of Vendor's  receipt of
          possession  of the  Merchandise  or  within  ten  (10)  days of  BCG's
          repurchase  demand,  whichever  occurs  first,  an amount equal to the
          total  unpaid  balance  owed  to  BCG  on  the  Merchandise  plus  any
          reasonable  expenses,   charges,  or  penalties  incurred  by  BCG  in
          connection  with  obtaining  possession  of  the  Merchandise,  or  in
          connection  with storage of the  Merchandise  subsequent to repurchase
          demand,  as well as all  applicable  duties and  Canadian  federal and
          provincial  taxes  (including,  but not limited to, goods and services
          taxes) (the "Repurchase Price");

     (c)  The  Repurchase  Price shall be payable to BCG in lawful  money of (i)
          the  United  States if the  Merchandise  was  financed  by BCI or (ii)
          Canada if the Merchandise was financed by BCL.

     (d)  Vendor's  Obligation to repurchase  Merchandise shall terminate on the
          365th  day  after  the  date of  Manufacturer's  Wholesale  Instrument
          covering such Merchandise.


In the event Vendor  defaults in the payment of the  Repurchase  Price when due,
interest  shall  immediately  commence  accruing  on the  unpaid  portion of the
Repurchase  Price at the rate of  eighteen  percent  (18%) per annum until fully
paid. It is the intention of BCG to conform to all applicable laws governing the
rates of interest that may be charged. If the amount contracted for, charged, or
received,  BCG exceeds the maximum  amount  permitted  by law, it is agreed that
such excess will be considered an error and canceled immediately and, if already
paid,  shall be  refunded  to  Vendor  or,  at BCG's  option,  applied  to other
outstanding  liabilities of Vendor to BCG. Merchandise  repossessed by or in the
possession  of BCG may be sold or disposed of by BCG, its agents or  affiliates,
without prior repurchase demand.

6. Bailment and Transfer of Repurchased Merchandise.  Until such time as BCG has
received  payment  of the  Repurchase  Price,  any  Merchandise  subject to this
Agreement, or portion thereof, is held by Vendor solely as bailee for BCG and is
subject to the superior  possessory  right of BCG.  Immediately upon demand from
BCG,  Vendor  shall  surrender  possession  of any  Merchandise  pursuant to the
instructions of BCG. Contemporaneously with full and final payment to BCG of the
Repurchase  Price; the bailment shall terminate and BCG shall transfer to Vendor
any right, title, and interest BCG may have in and to the Merchandise; provided,
however,  that BCG makes no  representation  or warranty in connection with such
transfer that BCG has any right in and to the Merchandise  other than a right of

7. Set Off and  Extensions.  Upon  notice to Vendor,  BCG may  deduct,  set off,
withhold,  or apply any sums or payments due from Vendor to BCG against any sums
due from BCG to Vendor.  If BCG is entitled to a set off under the terms of this
Agreement at the time BCG receives a Wholesale Instrument from Vendor, or before
such Wholesale  Instrument  falls due, then, to the extent of such  entitlement,
BCG's  notice of set off  delivered to Vendor  shall  constitute  payment of the
Wholesale  Instrument.   BCG  may  extend  the  time  for  payment  of,  modify,
restructure,  or defer the obligations of any Buyer without notice to Vendor and
without altering Vendor's obligations hereunder.

8. Waiver.  Vendor waives notice of  non-payment,  protest,  and dishonor of any
Wholesale  Instrument,  and all other notices Vendor might otherwise be entitled
to by law.  Vendor  waives any rights  Vendor may have to require BCG to proceed
against the Buyer or to pursue any other remedy in BCG's  power.  BCG's delay in
or failure to  exercise  any rights  granted  hereunder  shall not  operate as a
waiver of those rights.  Any delay by BCG in  repossessing  Merchandise  that is
subject  to this  Agreement  shall  not  waive or  modify  Vendor's  obligations
hereunder,  so long as BCG pursues  repossession in good faith. In the event BCG
is unable to enforce its  security  interest in any  Merchandise  as a result of
bankruptcy  proceedings or other litigation,  mediation or arbitration affecting
the  Merchandise,  any expiration of Vendor's  repurchase  obligations  shall be
stayed effective the commencement  date of such bankruptcy  proceedings or other
litigation,  mediation or arbitration. Such stay shall continue in effect for no
less than sixty (60) days  subsequent to the dismissal or other  termination  of
the proceedings giving rise to the stay.

9 Financial  Statements.  Vendor will deliver to BCG Vendor financial  statement
for the fiscal  year then most  recently  ended not later than  twenty (20) days
after the  preparation of such financial  statement,  but in no event later than
one-hundred-twenty  (120) days after the  expiration of each of Vendor's  fiscal


years. In addition,  Vendor will promptly deliver to BCG such interim  financial
Statements  as BCG may  reasonably  request  from time to time.  All of Vendor's
financial  statements  shall be prepared in accordance  with generally  accepted
accounting principals.

10.  Binding  Effect.  This  Agreement  shall be  binding  upon and inure to the
benefit  of  the  successors  and  assigns  of BCG  and  Vendor.  All  of  BCG's
obligations  hereunder  may  be  performed  by any of  BCG's  subsidiary  and/or
affiliated companies, and all of the promises Vendor makes hereunder shall inure
jointly and  severally  to BCG and each of BCG's  subsidiary  and/or  affiliated
companies  as the  same  may  exist  from  time to  time.  If BCG  finances  the
acquisition  of any  Merchandise  sold or shipped to a Buyer by any  subsidiary,
affiliated  company,  and/or  distributor  of Vendor,  Vendor agrees that all of
Vendor's  promises and obligations  shall remain in force as if such Merchandise
had been sold or shipped by  Vendor.  BCG may assign its rights and  obligations
under this Agreement  without prior notice to Vendor.  Vendor may not assign its
rights and obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of

11. Termination.  Either party may terminate this Agreement by written notice to
the other party,  the termination to be effective  thirty days after the date of
delivery thereof,  but such termination shall not affect Vendor's liability with
respect to financial transactions entered into by BCG with any Buyer of Vendor's
Merchandise  prior to the  effective  date of  termination,  including,  without
limitation,  transactions  that will not be completed  until after the effective
date of termination.

12. Louisiana.  With respect to transactions  financed by BCG for Buyers located
in the State of  Louisiana,  upon BCG'S  payment  for each item of  Merchandise,
Vendor  hereby  assigns  and grants to BCG  without  warranty  or  recourse  any
vendor's  privilege  and lien on that item granted  under  Louisiana  law to the
fullest  extent  as if BCG had  actually  sold  the  Merchandise  to the  Buyer;
provided,  however,  that nothing  contained in this Agreement shall be deemed a
representation or warranty by Vendor that any valid or enforceable vendor's lien
or privilege exists under Louisiana law.

13. Miscellaneous. Vendor does not intend to enter into a joint venture with BCG
and nothing  contained in this Agreement shall be construed to establish a joint
venture between BCG and Vendor. Notwithstanding any repurchase of Merchandise by
Vendor pursuant to this Agreement,  BCG shall retain a right superior to that of
Vendor to collect any amounts owed by the Buyer to BCG in  connection  with such

14. Merger and Modification.  This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of
the  parties  with  respect  to  the  subject  matter  hereof.   Any  contingent
liabilities  and/or   indebtedness   arising  under  any  repurchase   agreement
previously  executed by the parties  hereto shall remain due and owing under and
pursuant to this  Agreement.  This  Agreement  is  specifically  not intended to
discharge  any  indebtedness  owing  under any  previously  executed  repurchase
agreement.  No course of dealing,  course of performance,  or trade usage and no
parol  evidence of any nature shall be used to supplement or modify the terms of
this Agreement.  If at any time one or more provisions of this Agreement becomes
invalid, illegal, or unenforceable in whole or in part in any jurisdiction,  the
validity,  legality, and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not in


any way be affected or impaired.  This  Agreement may not be modified  except by
written agreement signed by all parties hereto.  Vendor agrees to provide to BCG
such  further  writings,   certificates,  or  other  documentation  as  BCG  may
reasonably request in order to fulfill the intent of this Agreement.

15. Notices. All notices,  other than repurchase demands,  required or permitted
to be  delivered  hereunder  shall be in writing,  and shall be deemed  received
three (3) days after mailed  postage  prepaid,  certified  mail,  return receipt
requested,  to the business  addresses for the parties as written  below,  or to
such other  addresses as the parties may designate in writing from time to time.
All  repurchase  demands shall be in writing and shall be deemed  received three
(3) days after sent by fax or regular  mail,  postage  prepaid,  to the Vendor's
address shown below, or to such other address as Vendor may designate in writing
from time to time.

16.  Counterparts  and  Headings.  This  Agreement  may be  executed  in several
counterparts,  each of which shall be deemed an original,  and such counterparts
shall together  constitute but one and the same agreement.  The section headings
in this  Agreement are inserted for  convenience of reference only and shall not
limit or otherwise effect the meaning of any provision thereof.

17. English. The parties declare that they have requested that this Agreement be
drawn up in the English  language  only.  Les parties  aux  presentes  declarent
qu'elles  ont exige  que le  present  contrat  soit  redige en langue  anglaise,

Notice of the acceptance of this Agreement is hereby waived.

     IN WITNESS  WHEREOF,  the parties  hereto have caused this  Agreement to be
executed by Vendor's undersigned agents, duly authorized.

Date: August 5, 1998                    VENDOR:

                                        Titan Motorcycle Co. of America
                                        [Insert Name of Company]

By: /s/ Francis S. Keery                By: /s/ Robert P. Lobban
    --------------------------------        ------------------------------------
Title: Chief Executive Officer          Title: CFO
       -----------------------------           ---------------------------------

[If a Corporation, two authorized       Address: 2222 West Peoria Avenue
officers must sign.]                             Phoenix, AZ 85029



     The  undersigned,  Secretary  of  Titan  Motorcycle  Co.  of  America  (the
"Corporation")  hereby  certifies to BCG, its successors  and assigns,  that the
foregoing FLOORPLAN REPURCHASE AGREEMENT was approved, and the execution thereof
by Francis S. Keery and Robert P.  Lobban,  acting on behalf of the  Corporation
was authorized,  by resolution of the board of directors of the Corporation duly
adopted at a valid meeting of the board of directors of the Corporation  held on
August 4, 1998,  which resolution has not been amended or revoked and remains in
full forte and effect. I further certify that the signatures appearing above are
in fact the signatures of the persons so authorized.  In witness whereof, I have
subscribed my name and attached the seal of the Corporation  hereto this 5th day
of August, 1998.

                                        /s/ Barbara S. Keery
                                        Secretary                         [seal]



By: /s/ Michael S. Schirmer             By:
    ---------------------------------       ---------------------------------
Name: Michael S. Schirmer               Name:
      -------------------------------         -------------------------------
Title: Operations Manager               Title:
       ------------------------------          ------------------------------

Attn: Manufacturer Accounts Region      Attn: Manufacturer Accounts Region
P.O. Box 991                            5571 Saint Joseph Street
1600 Mountain View Drive                Valcourt, Quebec
Colchester, Vermont                     Canada JOE 2L0
U.S.A. 05446-0991
