O'Shaughnessy Funds Inc.

                  Building New Standards for Investment Success

                             Aggressive Growth Fund

                  35 Mason Street, Greenwich, Connecticut 06830
                        Toll-Free 877-OSFUNDS (673-8637)
                              NASDAQ Symbol: OSAGX


O'Shaughnessy  Aggressive Growth Fund (the "Fund") is an investment portfolio or
series of O'Shaughnessy  Funds, Inc., an open-end management  investment company
with multiple portfolios or series available for investment.


The investment objective of the Fund is capital appreciation.


The Fund seeks to achieve its objective  through  implementation  of proprietary
aggressive growth models developed by O'Shaughnessy  Capital  Management,  Inc.,
the Fund's investment manager (the "Manager").

The Fund's  portfolio will generally  consist of  approximately 45 common stocks
selected  by the  Manager  which  meet  certain  criteria.  For a more  detailed
description  of the  Fund,  see  "About  the  Fund -  Investment  Objective  and


Although  the  stocks  in which  the  Fund may  invest  have,  in the  Manager's
judgment, the potential to provide superior return, such stocks are likely to be
subject  to  greater  than  average  price  volatility,   which  may  result  in
substantial  declines  in the  Fund's  share  price.  Accordingly,  the  Fund is
suitable  only  for the  most  aggressive  investors.  For a  discussion  of the
additional  risks associated with an investment in the Fund, see "About the Fund
- -- Investment Objective and Policies."


Shares of the Fund will be offered to investors  during the continuous  offering
at a price equal to the next determined net asset value per share.  There are no
fees or charges to purchase or sell shares or to reinvest dividends,  however, a
fee  applies to certain  short-term  redemptions,  see  "Information  About Your
Account - Redemption of Shares". There are no Rule 12b-1 fees.


November 30, 1998

This  Prospectus  contains the information you should know about the Fund before
you  invest.  Please  keep  it for  future  reference.  A  statement  containing
additional  information  about the Fund,  dated November 30, 1998 has been filed
with the Securities and Exchange  Commission  and is  incorporated  by reference
into this Prospectus.  It is available,  at no charge,  by calling or by writing
the Fund at the telephone  number or address set forth above.  The SEC maintains
an internet  site  (http://www.sec.gov)  that contains the SAI,  other  material
incorporated  by  reference  and other  information  about  companies  that file
electronically with the SEC.

O'Shaughnessy Capital Management, Inc.

First Fund Distributors, Inc.


About the Fund .............................................  3
Financial Highlights .......................................  5
Management and Organization of the Fund ....................  9
Information about Your Account ............................. 11
Information on Distributions and Taxes ..................... 18
Performance Information .................................... 19
Net Asset Value ............................................  20
Other Shareholder Services ................................. 21




The following table and example should help you understand the kinds of expenses
you will bear  directly  or  indirectly  as a Fund  shareholder.  In the  table,
"Shareholder Transaction Expenses," shows that you pay no sales charges. All the
money you invest in the Fund goes to work for you,  subject to the fees noted in
the table.  "Annual  Fund  Operating  Expenses"  shows how much it would cost to
operate the Fund for a year, based on estimated  expenses through the end of the
Fund's  first  full  year.  These  costs you pay  indirectly,  because  they are
deducted from the Fund's total assets before the daily share price is calculated
and before  dividends and other  distributions  are made. You will not see these
expenses on your account statement.


Shareholder Transaction Expenses:
Maximum Sales Charge Imposed on
 Purchases (as a percentage of offering price)               None
Maximum Sales Charge Imposed on
     Dividend Reinvestments                                  None
Deferred Sales Charge (as a percentage of
    original purchase price or redemption proceeds,
    whichever is lower)                                      None
Redemption fee (a)
    (on shares held less than 90 days)                       1.50%
Exchange Fee (a) (b)
    (on shares held less than 90 days)                       1.50%

Annual Fund Operating Expenses
(as a percentage of average net assets):
Management Fees (c) (d)                                      0.74%
Rule 12b-1 Fees                                              None
Other Expenses (d)                                           1.26%
Total Fund Operating Expenses (d)                            2.00%

- ----------
(a)  A 1.5%  redemption  fee,  payable to the Funds,  will be assessed on shares
     purchased  and  held  for  less  than  90  days.  Shareholders  who  effect
     redemptions of Fund shares by wire transfer will pay a $12.00 wire transfer
     fee. See "Information About Your Account - Redemption of Shares."
(b)  Shareholders  who  effect  exchanges  of shares  of the Fund for  shares of
     another fund by telephone in accordance with the exchange privilege will be
     charged  a  $5.00  exchange  fee in  addition  to any  fees  applicable  as
     indicated in footnote (a). See  "Information  About Your Account - Exchange
(c)  See "Management and Organization of the Fund - Management."
(d)  To limit the Fund's expenses,  the Manager has voluntarily agreed to reduce
     its fees or  reimburse  the Fund  through at least  September  30,  1999 to
     ensure that the Fund's  total  operating  expenses  do not exceed  2.00% of
     average net assets annually. Any such reductions made by the Manager in its
     fees or  reimbursement  of expenses with respect to the Fund are subject to
     reimbursement  by the  Fund  to the  Manager  (recapture  by the  Manager),
     provided the Fund is able to effect such reimbursement  while keeping total
     operating  expenses at or below 2.00% of average net assets  annually,  and
     that no  reimbursement  will be made after  September 30, 2000. Any amounts
     reimbursed  will have the effect of increasing  fees  otherwise paid by the
     Fund.  In absence of any  reimbursement,  the expense ratio would have been
     2.24% for the fiscal period ended September 30, 1998.



An investor would pay the following expenses on a $1,000 investment assuming:
(1) the operating expense ratio set forth in the table above; (2) a 5% annual
return throughout the period; and (3) redemption at the end of the period:
Cumulative Expenses Paid for the Period of:

One year                                    $ 20
Three years                                 $ 63
Five years                                  $108
Ten years                                   $236

The table and example are  intended to assist  investors  in  understanding  the
costs  and  expenses  that a  shareholder  in the Fund  will  bear  directly  or
indirectly.  The example  should not be considered a  representation  of past or
future expenses or annual rate of return,  and actual expenses or annual rate of
return may be more or less than those shown.


                              FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS

The table that follows is included in the Fund's Annual Report and has been
audited by McGladrey & Pullen, LLP, Independent Certified Public Accountants.
Their reports on the financial statements and financial highlights are included
in the Annual Report. The financial statements and financial highlights are
incorporated by reference into (are legally a part of) the Fund's Statement of
Additional Information.

Per Share Operating Performance
(For a share outstanding throughout the period)

                                              Year            November 1, 1996*
                                              Ended                through
                                        September 30, 1998    September 30, 1997
                                        ------------------    ------------------
Net asset value, beginning of period         $ 14.29               $ 10.00
                                             -------               -------
Income from investment operations:
   Net investment loss                         (0.15)                 (.06)
   Net realized & unrealized
   loss on investments                         (3.21)*                4.35
Total from investment operations               (3.36)                 4.29

Less distributions:
   From net realized gains                     (0.20)                   --
                                             -------               -------
Net asset value, end of period               $ 10.73               $ 14.29
                                             -------               -------
Total Return                                  (23.70%)               42.90%**
                                             =======               =======
Ratios/supplemental data:
Net assets, end of period (millions)         $   8.3               $   5.6

Ratio of expenses to average net assets:
   Before expense reimbursement                 2.24%                 7.01%+
   After expense reimbursement                  2.00%                 1.98%+

Ratio of net investment loss
    to average net assets:
   Before expense reimbursement                (1.77%)               (6.41%)+
   After expense reimbursement                 (1.53%)               (1.39%)+

Portfolio turnover rate                       206.30%               104.77%

* Commencement of operations.
** Not Annualized.
+ Annualized.



To help you decide whether the Fund is appropriate for you, this section takes a
closer look at the Fund's investment objective and policies.

What is the Fund's  objective?  The investment  objective of the Fund is capital
appreciation.  There  can  be no  assurance  that  the  Fund  will  achieve  its
investment objective.

What is the  Fund's  investment  strategy?  The Fund  will seek to  achieve  its
objective  through the  implementation  of proprietary  aggressive growth models
developed by  O'Shaughnessy  Capital  Management,  Inc.,  the Fund's  investment
manager (the "Manager").

The Fund's portfolio will generally consist of approximately 45 stocks, selected
through implementation of the Manager's proprietary aggressive growth models. At
the  time  of  purchase,  such  stocks  will  generally  possess  the  following

- -    a market capitalization in excess of $150 million;

- -    outstanding price performance during the last six months or one year period
     prior to purchase;

- -    high earnings gains during the one year period prior to purchase; and

- -    expected  high future  earnings  gains in the general  consensus  of market

It is expected that the proprietary aggressive growth models used by the Manager
in selecting  stocks for the Fund's  portfolio will select stocks for investment
without  regard to  capitalization,  except  that the  issuers  must have market
capitalizations in excess of $150 million.  The majority of these stocks will be
common  stocks  of  domestic   corporations  and  American  Depository  Receipts

The Manager may invest the Fund's  assets in stocks which do not meet all of the
above  criteria,  if,  in  the  opinion  of the  Manager,  such  stocks  possess
characteristics  similar to stocks  meeting  such  criteria.  In  addition,  the
Manager  may  continue to hold a stock in the Fund's  portfolio  which no longer
meets  the  initial  criteria  for  investment  if  the  Manager  believes  such
investments are consistent with the Fund's investment objective.

What are the  potential  risks of  investing  primarily  in common  stocks?  The
fundamental  risk  associated  with any  common  stock fund is the risk that the
value of the stocks it holds  might  decrease.  Stock  values may  fluctuate  in
response to the  activities of an  individual  company or in response to general
market and/or  economic  conditions.  Historically,  common stocks have provided
greater long-term returns and have entailed greater  short-term risks than other
investment  choices.  Smaller or newer  issuers are more likely to realize  more
substantial growth as well as suffer more significant losses than larger or more
established issuers. Investments in such companies can be both more volatile and
more speculative.


This section takes a detailed look at other investment policies and practices of
the Fund. The Fund's  investments are subject to further  restrictions and risks
described in the Statement of Additional Information.

Shareholder  approval is required to change the Fund's investment  objective and
certain  investment  restrictions noted in the following section as "fundamental
policies." The Manager also follows  certain  "operating  policies" which can be
changed without shareholder approval. However,  significant changes in operating
policies are discussed with shareholders in Fund reports.

The Fund's  holdings  in certain  kinds of  investments  cannot  exceed  maximum
percentages of total assets, which are set forth below. While these restrictions
provide a useful level of detail about the Fund's investments,  investors should


not view them as an accurate  gauge of the potential  risk of such  investments.
The net effect of a particular investment depends on its volatility and the size
of its overall  return in relation to the  performance  of all the Fund's  other

CASH AND SHORT-TERM SECURITIES. The Fund may temporarily invest a portion of its
total assets in cash or liquid short-term  securities pending investment of such
assets in stocks in accordance with the Fund's investment  strategy and in order
to meet redemption requests. The Fund may also invest a portion of its assets in
cash or liquid short-term  securities for temporary defensive  purposes,  but is
under no obligation to do so. Short-term securities in which the Fund may invest
include certificates of deposit,  commercial paper, notes, obligations issued or
guaranteed by the U.S.  Government or any of its agencies or  instrumentalities,
and  repurchase   agreements   involving  such   securities.   See   "Repurchase
Agreements," below.

The  Manager  does not  expect  assets  invested  in cash or  liquid  short-term
securities to exceed 5% of the Fund's total assets at any time.

REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS.  The Fund may invest in repurchase  agreements.  The Fund
may only enter into  repurchase  agreements  with a member  bank of the  Federal
Reserve  System  or a  well-established  securities  dealer  in U.S.  government
securities.  In the  event of a  bankruptcy  or  default  by the  seller  of the
repurchase  agreement  the Fund may suffer  delays and incur  costs or  possible
losses in liquidating the underlying  security which is held as collateral,  and
the Fund may incur a loss if the value of the  collateral  declines  during this
period. As a matter of operating  policy,  the Fund may not invest more than 15%
of its total assets in repurchase agreements maturing in more than seven days.

ILLIQUID SECURITIES. The Fund may invest up to 15% of its net assets in illiquid
securities.  Illiquid  securities are securities  which cannot be readily resold
because  of legal or  contractual  restrictions  or which  cannot  otherwise  be
marketed,  redeemed,  put to the issuer or a third party, or which do not mature
within seven days, or which the Manager,  in accordance with guidelines approved
by the Board of Directors, has not determined to be liquid.

The Fund may purchase,  without regard to the above limitation,  securities that
are not registered under the Securities Act of 1933 (the  "Securities  Act") but
that can be offered and sold to "qualified institutional buyers" under Rule 144A
under the Securities Act,  provided that the Board of Directors,  or the Manager
pursuant to guidelines adopted by the Board,  continuously determines,  based on
the trading markets for the specific Rule 144A security, that it is liquid.

LENDING OF PORTFOLIO SECURITIES. Like other mutual funds, the Fund may from time
to time lend securities from its portfolio to banks, brokers and other financial
institutions to earn additional  income. The principal risk is that the borrower
may  default  on its  obligation  to  return  borrowed  securities,  because  of
insolvency  or otherwise.  In this event,  the Fund could  experience  delays in
recovering its securities and capital.  In accordance  with  applicable law, the
Fund may not lend portfolio securities  representing in excess of 33 1/3% of its
total assets. The lending policy is a fundamental policy.

BORROWING.  The Fund may  borrow  money from banks in an amount up to 33% of its
total assets for extraordinary or emergency purposes such as meeting anticipated
redemptions,  and may  pledge  assets in  connection  with such  borrowing.  The
borrowing policy is a fundamental policy.

SMALL CAP STOCKS. It is anticipated that the Fund's portfolio will include small
cap stocks  (i.e.,  stocks whose issuers have market  capitalizations  exceeding
$150  million but less than $1  billion).  Small cap stocks may present  greater
opportunities for capital appreciation and a higher degree of risk; they tend to
be more  vulnerable to financial and other risks and thus are more volatile than
stocks of larger,  more  established  companies.  Because the Fund may invest in
stocks with  greater than average  volatility,  which may result in  substantial
declines in the Fund's share price,  it is suitable only for the most aggressive

INDUSTRY  CONCENTRATION.  The Fund may not  invest  more  than 25% of its  total
assets  in  any  one  industry  (excluding  U.S.  Government  securities).   The
concentration policy is a fundamental policy.


FOREIGN  SECURITIES.  The Fund  may  invest  up to 25% of its  total  assets  in
securities of foreign issuers,  either through (i) direct purchase of securities
of foreign  issuers or (ii) purchase of American  Depository  Receipts  ("ADRs")
which are  dollar-denominated  securities of foreign  issuers traded in the U.S.
Such  investments  increase  diversification  of the  Fund's  portfolio  and may
enhance  return,  but they also involve  some special  risks such as exposure to
potentially adverse local political and economic  developments,  nationalization
and  exchange  controls;  potentially  lower  liquidity  and higher  volatility;
possible  problems  arising  from  regulatory  practices  that  differ from U.S.
standards;  the imposition of withholding  taxes on income from such securities;
confiscating  taxation;  and the chance that  fluctuations  in foreign  exchange
rates will decrease the investment's  value (favorable  changes can increase its
value).  These risks are heightened  for investment in developing  countries and
there is no limit on the amount of the Fund's  foreign  investments  that may be
invested in such countries.

The Fund may invest in ADRs through both sponsored and unsponsored arrangements.
The  issuers  of  unsponsored  ADRs  are  not  obligated  to  disclose  material
information in the United States, and therefore,  there may not be a correlation
between such information and the market value of the ADRs.

HEDGING AND RETURN  ENHANCEMENT  STRATEGIES.  The Fund is  permitted  to utilize
certain hedging and return enhancement strategies and techniques such as options
on securities  and  securities  indices,  futures  contracts on  securities  and
securities indices and options on futures contracts, as described below.

Futures (a type of potentially high-risk derivative) are often used to manage or
hedge  risk,  because  they  enable the  investor to buy or sell an asset in the
future  at  an  agreed  upon  price.  Options  (another  potentially   high-risk
derivative) give the investor the right, but not the obligation,  to buy or sell
an  asset at a  predetermined  price  in the  future.  The Fund may buy and sell
futures and options  contracts for any number of reasons,  including:  to manage
its exposure to changes in securities prices; as an efficient means of adjusting
its overall exposure to certain markets;  in an effort to enhance income; and to
protect the value of portfolio securities. The Fund may purchase, sell, or write
call and put options on securities, financial indices and futures.

Futures contracts and options may not always be successful hedges;  their prices
can be highly volatile.  Using them could lower the Fund's total return, and the
potential loss from the use of futures can exceed the Fund's initial  investment
in such contracts.

As a matter of operating policy, initial margin deposits and premiums on options
used for  non-hedging  purposes  will not equal  more than 5% of the  Fund's net
asset value.

securities  under a firm commitment  agreement or on a when-issued  basis.  Firm
commitment  agreements  and  when-issued  purchases  call  for the  purchase  of
securities  at an  agreed-upon  price on a specified  future date,  and would be
used,  for example,  when a decline in the yield of securities of a given issuer
is anticipated.  The Fund as purchaser  assumes the risk of any decline in value
of the  security  beginning on the date of the  agreement or purchase.  The Fund
will not  enter  into such  transactions  for the  purpose  of  leveraging,  and
accordingly,  will segregate  liquid assets with its custodian equal (on a daily
marked-to-market  basis)  to  the  amount  of its  commitment  to  purchase  the
when-issued securities and securities subject to the firm commitment agreement.

WARRANTS.  The Fund may  invest in  warrants,  which are  similar  to options to
purchase securities at a specific price valid for a specific period of time. The
Fund may not invest  more than 5% of its net assets (at the time of  investment)
in warrants (other than those attached to other securities). If the market price
of the underlying  security never exceeds the exercise price, the Fund will lose
the entire  investment in the warrant.  Moreover,  if a warrant is not exercised
within the  specified  time period,  it will become  worthless and the Fund will
lose the purchase price and the right to purchase the underlying security.


DIVERSIFICATION.  In  order to  maintain  the  Fund's  status  as a  diversified
investment company,  with respect to 75% of the Fund's total assets: 1) not more
than 5% of the  Fund's  assets may be  invested  in the  securities  of a single
issuer (excluding U.S. Government securities); and 2) the Fund may not hold more
than  10%  of  the  outstanding  voting  securities  of  a  single  issuer.  The
diversification policy is a fundamental policy.

PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS.  In executing portfolio transactions,  the Fund seeks to
obtain  the  best  net  results,  taking  into  account  such  factors  as price
(including the applicable brokerage commission or dealer spread), size of order,
difficulty  of  execution,  operational  facilities of the firm involved and the
firm's risk in positioning a block of securities. While the Fund generally seeks
reasonably  competitive  commission rates, the Fund does not necessarily pay the
lowest commission or spread available. In addition,  consistent with the Conduct
Rules of the National  Association of Securities Dealers,  Inc., the Manager may
consider  sales of shares of the Fund as a factor in the selection of brokers or
dealers to execute portfolio transactions for the Fund.

PORTFOLIO  TURNOVER.  The Fund  anticipates that its annual turnover rate should
not  exceed  200%  under  normal  conditions.  The  portfolio  turnover  rate is
calculated  by dividing  the lesser of the Fund's  annual  sales or purchases of
portfolio  securities  (exclusive  of  purchases  or sales of  securities  whose
maturities  at the time of  acquisition  were  one year or less) by the  monthly
average value of the securities in the portfolio during the year. High portfolio
turnover  involves  correspondingly  greater  transaction  costs  in the form of
brokerage commissions and dealer spreads, which the Fund bears.




GENERAL OVERSIGHT. O'Shaughnessy Funds, Inc. is governed by a Board of Directors
that meets regularly to review the Fund's investment, performance, expenses, and
other business affairs. The Board elects the Fund's officers.

MANAGER.  O'Shaughnessy  Capital Management,  Inc. acts as investment manager of
the Fund pursuant to a management  agreement with O'Shaughnessy  Funds on behalf
of the Fund (the "Management Agreement"). In its capacity as investment manager,
the Manager is responsible for selection and management of the Fund's  portfolio
investments.  For its services,  the Fund pays the Manager a fee each month,  at
the annual rate of 0.74% of the Fund's average daily net assets.

The  Manager's  office is located  at 35 Mason  Street,  Greenwich,  Connecticut
06830.  O'Shaughnessy  Capital  Management was incorporated in 1988. The Manager
serves  as  portfolio  consultant  to  a  unit  investment  trust  and  provides
investment  advisory  services  to  investment   companies  and  individual  and
institutional accounts with assets in excess of $800 million.

PORTFOLIO   MANAGEMENT.   James  P.   O'Shaughnessy   has  had  the   day-to-day
responsibility  for managing the Fund's  portfolio and  developing and executing
the Fund's investment  program since commencement of operations of the Fund. For
the past ten years,  Mr.  O'Shaughnessy  has served as  Chairman  and CEO of the
Manager,  and in such capacity,  has managed equity  accounts for high net worth
individuals and served as portfolio  consultant to a unit investment  trust. Mr.
O'Shaughnessy  is  recognized  as a leading  expert and pioneer in  quantitative
equity  analysis.  He is the author of three  financial  books,  Invest Like the
Best, What Works on Wall Street and How to Retire Rich.

DISTRIBUTOR.  First Fund Distributors,  Inc. (the  "Distributor"),  a registered
broker-dealer,  acts as the principal distributor of the shares of the Fund. The
address of the  Distributor  is 4455 E.  Camelback  Road,  Suite 261 E, Phoenix,
Arizona 85018. The Distributor provides  distribution services to the Fund at no
cost to the Fund.


ADMINISTRATOR.  Pursuant  to an  Administration  Agreement,  Investment  Company
Administration,  LLC (the "Administrator")  serves as Administrator of the Fund.
The Administrator provides certain  administrative  services,  including,  among
other responsibilities,  coordinating relationships with independent contractors
and agents,  preparing for signature by officers and filing of certain documents
required  for  compliance  with  applicable  laws  and  regulations,   preparing
financial  statements,  and arranging for the  maintenance of books and records.
For its  services,  the Fund pays the  Administrator  a fee each  month,  at the
annual rate of 0.10% of the first $100 million of the Fund's  average  daily net
assets, 0.05% of the next $100 million of such net assets, and 0.03% of such net
assets over $200 million, with a minimum fee of $40,000 annually. The address of
the Administrator is 4455 E. Camelback Rd., Suite 261 E, Phoenix, Arizona 85018.
The Administrator and the Distributor are under common control and are therefore
considered affiliates of each other.

TRANSFER  AGENT AND CUSTODIAN.  Firstar  Mutual Fund  Services,  LLC acts as the
Fund's transfer and dividend  disbursing agent (the "Transfer  Agent").  Firstar
Bank  Milwaukee is the Fund's  custodian (the  "Custodian").  The address of the
Transfer Agent and Custodian is 615 E. Michigan Street, Third Floor,  Milwaukee,
Wisconsin 53202.

YEAR 2000 RISK.  Like other business  organizations  around the world,  the Fund
could be  adversely  affected if the  computer  systems  used by its  investment
manager and other  service  providers  do not  properly  process  and  calculate
information  related to dates beginning  January 1, 2000. This is commonly known
as the "Year 2000  Issue."  The Fund's  manager has taken steps that it believes
are  reasonably  designed to address the Year 2000 Issue with respect to its own
computer  systems and the Fund has  obtained  assurances  from the Fund's  other
service providers that they are taking comparable steps.  However,  there can be
no assurance  that these actions will be sufficient to avoid any adverse  impact
on the Fund.


The  Management  Agreement  identifies  the expenses to be paid by the Fund.  In
addition  to the fees  paid to the  Manager,  the Fund pays  certain  additional
expenses,  including  but not limited  to, the  following:  shareholder  service
expenses;  custodial,  accounting,  legal, and audit fees;  administrative fees;
costs of preparing and printing  prospectuses  and reports sent to shareholders;
registration fees and expenses;  proxy and annual meeting expenses (if any); and
independent  Director fees and expenses.  The Manager has voluntarily  agreed to
reduce  fees  payable  to it by the Fund or  reimburse  the  Fund to the  extent
necessary to limit the Fund's aggregate  annual  operating  expenses to 2.00% of
average net assets (the "expense cap").  Any such reductions made by the Manager
in its fees or reimbursement of expenses with respect to the Fund are subject to
recapture  by the Manager  provided  the Fund is able to effect  such  recapture
while keeping total  operating  expenses at or below the annual expense cap, and
that no recapture will be made after September 30, 2000. Any amounts  reimbursed
will have the effect of increasing fees otherwise paid by the Fund.



The Fund is an investment  portfolio or series of O'Shaughnessy Funds. There are
three other investment  portfolios of O'Shaughnessy  Funds,  shares of which are
not offered for sale through this Prospectus:  O'Shaughnessy  Cornerstone  Value
Fund, O'Shaughnessy Cornerstone Growth Fund and O'Shaughnessy Dogs of the Market
Fund (the  "other  O'Shaughnessy  Funds").  The charter of  O'Shaughnessy  Funds
provides that the Board of Directors may issue additional  investment portfolios
of shares and/or  additional  classes of shares for each  investment  portfolio.
O'Shaughnessy Funds was organized as a corporation in Maryland on May 20, 1996.


As with all mutual  funds,  investors  purchase  shares  when they invest in the
Fund.  These shares are a part of a Fund's  authorized  capital stock, but share
certificates are not generally issued.


Each full share and  fractional  share  entitles the  shareholder  to: receive a
proportional  interest in the Fund's  capital gain  distributions;  and cast one
vote  per  share  on  certain  Fund  matters,  including  the  election  of Fund
Directors, changes in fundamental policies, or approval of changes in the Fund's
Management Agreement.

Shareholder  inquiries  may be addressed to the Fund at the address or telephone
number set forth on the cover page of this Prospectus.


The Fund is not  required to hold annual  meetings  and does not intend to do so
except  when  certain  matters,  such  as a  change  in the  Fund's  fundamental
policies, are to be decided. In addition, shareholders representing at least 10%
of all eligible  votes may call a special  meeting if they wish, for the purpose
of voting on the  removal  of any Fund  Director.  If a meeting  is held and you
cannot attend, you can vote by proxy. Before the meeting, the Fund will send you
proxy  materials that explain the issues to be decided and include a voting card
for you to mail back.

                         INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT


The minimum  initial  investment in the Fund is $2,500 for regular  accounts and
$250 for Individual  Retirement  Accounts.  For corporate  sponsored  retirement
plans,  there is no minimum initial  investment.  There is no minimum subsequent
investment requirement for any account,  however, a $100 minimum exists for each
additional investment made through the automatic investment plan.

Investors may make an initial  purchase of shares and subsequent  investments in
the Fund by mail or wire as described  below. The Fund reserves the right in its
sole discretion to waive the minimum investment  amounts,  including in the case
of  investments by employees and affiliates of the Manager and family members of
any  of  the  foregoing,   and  Individual   Retirement   Accounts  ("IRAs")  of
shareholders  of the Fund,  and certain  purchase  programs  made  available  to
clients of financial intermediaries eligible to sell shares of the Fund.

The Internal Revenue Service  requires the correct  reporting of social security
numbers or tax identification  numbers.  The failure to provide this information
will result in the rejection of an investor's Application.


For initial investments,  please send a completed  Application,  together with a
check payable to O'Shaughnessy  Aggressive  Growth Fund to O'Shaughnessy  Funds,
Inc.,  c/o Firstar  Mutual Fund Services,  LLC, at P.O. Box 701,  Milwaukee,  WI
53201-0701 (for Applications sent by U.S. mail) or 615 E. Michigan Street, Third
Floor,  Milwaukee,  WI 53202  (for  Applications  sent via  overnight  courier).
Subsequent investments must be accompanied by a letter indicating the name(s) in
which the  account is  registered  and the account  number or by the  remittance
portion of the account statement and mailed to the address stated above.


If you are wiring funds, call the Fund at 877-OSFUNDS  (673-8637) for an account
number if this is an initial  investment or to inform the Transfer  Agent that a
wire is expected if this is a subsequent investment.

For an initial investment,  prior to or immediately after the funds are wired, a
completed  Application should be sent to O'Shaughnessy  Funds, Inc., c/o Firstar
Mutual Fund  Services,  LLC, at P.O.  Box 701,  Milwaukee,  WI  53201-0701  (for
Applications  sent  by  U.S.  mail)  or 615 E.  Michigan  Street,  Third  Floor,
Milwaukee, WI 53202 (for Applications sent via overnight courier). Instruct your
bank to wire  federal  funds to  O'Shaughnessy  Funds,  c/o Firstar  Mutual Fund
Services, LLC, ABA# 075000022, DDA # 112952137.

The wire should  specify the name of the Fund,  the name(s) in which the account
is  registered,  the  shareholder's  social  security  number  or  employer  tax
identification  number,  the account  number and the amount being wired.  Please
indicate if this is an initial or  subsequent  investment.  Wire  purchases  are
normally used only for large purchases (over $5,000). Your bank may charge you a
fee for sending the wire.


What is the  purchase  price  of  Fund  shares  and  when  do  purchases  become
effective?  Purchases of Fund shares become  effective and shares will be priced
at the net asset value per share ("NAV") next  determined  after the  investor's
check or wire is received by the Transfer Agent.  NAV for the Fund is calculated
as of the close of business on the New York Stock Exchange  ("NYSE")  (currently
4:00 pm, Eastern time).  If your request is received in correct form before 4:00
pm,  Eastern time,  your  transaction  will be priced at that day's NAV. If your
request is received  after 4:00 pm, it will be priced at the next business day's
NAV.  Orders that request a particular day or price for your  transaction or any
other special conditions cannot be accepted.

The time at which  transactions  and shares are priced and the time until  which
orders are accepted may be changed in case of an emergency or if the NYSE closes
at a time other than 4:00 pm, Eastern time.

The purchase order must include the documentation specified above. Please do not
send  purchase  orders to the Fund;  the Fund  forwards  purchase  orders to the
Transfer Agent and a purchase will not become effective until the Transfer Agent
receives all the necessary documentation.


All purchase  orders are subject to  acceptance  or rejection by the Fund or the
Distributor,  in their sole discretion.  The offering of shares may be suspended
whenever the Fund considers  suspension desirable or when required by any order,
rule or  regulation of any  governmental  body having  jurisdiction.  Checks and
money  orders  should  be  drawn  on  United  States  banks;  the  Fund  and the
Distributor reserve the right to reject checks drawn on foreign banks.

The Transfer  Agent will mail a confirmation  of each completed  purchase to the
investor.  If an order is canceled  because an investor's  check does not clear,
the investor will be responsible for any loss incurred by the Fund, the Transfer
Agent, the  Distributor,  the  Administrator or the Manager.  If the investor is
already a shareholder,  the Fund may redeem shares from the account to cover any
loss.  If the investor is not a  shareholder  or if the loss is greater than the
value of the shareholder's  account, the Distributor will be responsible for any
loss to the Fund,  and will  have the  right to  recover  such  amount  from the


If you have  investment  questions  about  the Fund,  or if you  would  like any
additional  information  relating  to an  investment  in the Fund,  please  call
877-OSFUNDS  (673-8637)  (toll-free),  or write to the Distributor at First Fund
Distributors,  Inc., 4455 E. Camelback  Road,  Suite 261 E, Phoenix AZ 85018. If
you are a shareholder and have questions  about your account,  or if you wish to
arrange for wire transactions,  please call the Fund at 877-OSFUNDS  (673-8637).
Before  telephoning,  please  be sure to have your  account  number  and  social
security number or employer tax identification number readily available.


Share  certificates  will not be issued for shares  unless the investor  sends a
written  request for  certificates  to  O'Shaughnessy  Funds,  Inc., c/o Firstar
Mutual Fund  Services,  LLC, at P.O.  Box 701,  Milwaukee,  WI  53201-0701  (for
requests sent via U.S. mail) or 615 E. Michigan Street, Third Floor,  Milwaukee,
WI 53202 (for requests  sent via  overnight  courier).  Share  certificates  are
issued only for full shares and may be redeposited in the shareholder's  account
at any time. In order to facilitate redemptions and exchanges, most shareholders
elect not to  receive  certificates,  since a  shareholder  wishing to redeem or
exchange shares  represented by a certificate  must surrender such  certificate,
properly endorsed on the reverse side together with a signature guarantee.  (See
"Redemption of Shares - When are signature  guarantees  required?"  below). If a
certificate is lost, the shareholder may incur an expense in replacing it.



O'Shaughnessy  Funds may enter into  agreements  with various outside brokers on
behalf of the Funds through which shareholders may purchase shares.  Such shares
may be held by such  outside  brokers in an omnibus  account  rather than in the
name of the  individual  shareholder.  The  Manager  may  reimburse  the outside
brokers for providing  shareholder services to the omnibus accounts in an amount
equal to what the Fund would otherwise have paid to provide shareholder services
to each individual  shareholder account.  Investors may also arrange to purchase
shares of the Fund through other outside broker-dealers with which O'Shaughnessy
Funds does not have an arrangement,  and such broker-dealers may purchase shares
of the Fund by  telephone  if they have made  arrangements  in advance  with the
Fund.  To place a  telephone  order such  broker-dealer  should call the Fund at
877-OSFUNDS (673-8637).  Purchases by broker-dealers become effective and shares
will be priced as  described  above.  If an investor  purchases  shares  through
broker-dealers  other than the Distributor,  such  broker-dealers may charge the
investor a service fee that is reasonable for the service performed,  bearing in
mind that the  investor  could have  acquired  or  redeemed  the  Fund's  shares
directly without the payment of any fee. No part of any such service fee will be
received by the Distributor, the Manager, the Administrator or the Fund.


Shares  of  the  Fund  may  be  exchanged  for  shares  of  each  of  the  other
O'Shaughnessy Funds (i.e.,  O'Shaughnessy  Cornerstone Value Fund, O'Shaughnessy
Cornerstone Growth Fund and O'Shaughnessy Dogs of the Market Fund). Prospectuses
for the other  O'Shaughnessy Funds may be obtained by writing to the Distributor
at  4455  E.  Camelback  Road,  Suite  261  E,  Phoenix  AZ  85018,   Attention:
O'Shaughnessy Funds, Inc. or by calling 877-OSFUNDS (673-8637) (toll-free).

You may also exchange  shares of the Fund for shares of the Firstar Money Market
Fund, a money market mutual fund not affiliated with O'Shaughnessy  Funds or the
Manager.  Prior to making such an exchange, you should obtain and carefully read
the prospectus  for the Firstar Money Market Fund.  The exchange  privilege does
not  constitute  an  offering or  recommendation  on the part of the Fund or the
Manager of an investment in the Firstar Money Market Fund.

If you exchange  into shares of the Firstar  Money Market Fund you may establish
checkwriting  privileges on the Firstar  Money Market Fund.  Contact the Fund at
877-OSFUNDS (673-8637) for a checkwriting application and signature card.


Is there any sales  charge or  minimum  investment  applicable  to an  exchange?
Shareholders  of the Fund may  exchange  their  shares of the Fund,  without the
payment of any sales or service  charge  unless the  exchange  is  effected  via
telephone instructions for which a $5.00 charge will be levied or on shares held
less than 90 days for which a redemption  fee will be charged (see  "Information
About Your Account - Redemption  of Shares"),  for shares of any other fund into
which an  exchange  is  permitted  equal in value to the net asset  value of the
shares being  exchanged.  All exchanges are subject to all applicable  terms set
forth in the  prospectus of the fund into which the exchange is being made. If a
shareholder exchanges shares through a broker-dealer other than the Distributor,
such  broker-dealer  may charge the  shareholder a service fee, no part of which
will be received by the  Distributor,  the Manager,  the Fund,  or the fund into
which the exchange is being made.

At what price is an exchange effected? An exchange is effected at the respective
net  asset  values of the two  funds  with  respect  to which  shares  are being
exchanged  as next  determined  following  receipt  by the fund  into  which the
exchange is being made of all necessary  documentation  in  connection  with the
redemption of Fund shares as described  below under  "Redemption of Shares - How
do I redeem shares by mail?"



Dividend and  distribution  instructions  with respect to exchanged  shares will
remain the same as those given  previously by the  shareholders to the fund from
which  the  shareholder  is  exchanging  the  shares,   unless  the  shareholder
designates  a change in such  instructions  by  writing to the  Transfer  Agent.
Please note that such changed  instructions (i) must be signed by the registered
owners(s)  of the shares,  exactly as the account is  registered  and  signature
guaranteed,  and (ii) include the name of the account,  the account number,  and
the name of the fund for which instructions have changed.


Exchanges  involving the  redemption of shares  recently  purchased by personal,
corporate  or  government  check  will be  permitted  only  after  the  Fund has
reasonable belief that the check has cleared,  which may take up to fifteen days
after the  purchase  date.  The exchange  privilege is available  only in states
where shares of the other  O'Shaughnessy  Funds or the Firstar Money Market Fund
may be sold legally.

The Fund, the other  O'Shaughnessy  Funds and the Firstar Money Market Fund each
reserves the right to reject any order to acquire its shares through exchange or
otherwise  and to restrict or terminate  the exchange  privilege at any time. If
the exchange  privilege is to be permanently  terminated,  the Fund will provide
its shareholders with written notice of such termination.  The Fund reserves the
right to suspend  temporarily  the  telephone  exchange  privilege  in emergency
circumstances  or in cases where,  in the judgment of the Fund,  continuation of
the privilege would be detrimental to the Fund and its  shareholders as a whole.
Such temporary suspension can be without prior notification.


Shareholders who have completed the section of the Fund's  Application  entitled
"Shareholder  Privileges" are eligible to make telephone  requests for exchanges
and may do so by telephoning the Fund at 877-OSFUNDS  (673-8637).  A shareholder
who has not completed the Shareholder  Privileges section of the Application but
who wishes to become  eligible to make telephone  exchanges  should  designate a
change in such  instructions by writing to the Transfer Agent.  Please note that
such changed  instructions must (i) be signed by the registered  owner(s) of the
shares exactly as the account is registered and signature  guaranteed,  and (ii)
include the name of the  account,  the account  number and the name of the Fund.
See "Redemption of Shares - How do I redeem shares by telephone?"  below,  which
describes the time of day at which  telephone  redemptions and exchanges will be
priced and processed.  Telephone  requests for exchanges cannot be accepted with
respect to shares represented by certificates. Shares of the other O'Shaughnessy
Funds or the Firstar Money Market Fund acquired  pursuant to a telephone request
for  exchange  will be held under the same  account  registration  as the shares
redeemed through the exchange.


The  Fund  will  employ  reasonable  procedures  to  confirm  that  instructions
communicated  by telephone are genuine.  Neither the Fund nor any of its service
contractors  will be liable  for any loss or  expense  in  acting  on  telephone
instructions  that are  reasonably  believed to be  genuine.  In  attempting  to
confirm that telephone  instructions  are genuine,  the Fund will use procedures
that are considered reasonable,  including requesting a shareholder to correctly
state the account  number,  the name(s) in which the account is registered,  the
social  security  number(s)  registered to the account,  and certain  additional
personal identification.

Shareholders  should be aware that, at times,  the volume of telephone  calls or
other  factors  beyond the Fund's  control  may make it  difficult  to reach the
Transfer Agent by telephone.  This will be true  particularly  during periods of
drastic economic market changes. In such cases,  shareholders should continue to
telephone or utilize the written exchange procedures described below.

Shareholders  who effect exchanges of Fund shares by telephone will be charged a
$5.00 exchange fee.


To exchange  shares by mail,  send a written  request for exchange signed by the
registered  owner(s) of the  shares,  exactly as the  account is  registered  to
O'Shaughnessy  Funds,  Inc., c/o Firstar Mutual Fund Services,  LLC, at P.O. Box
701,  Milwaukee,  WI  53201-0701  (for  requests  sent by U.S.  mail)  or 615 E.
Michigan  Street,  Third  Floor,  Milwaukee,  WI 53202  (for  requests  sent via
overnight  courier).  The  request for  exchange  should  include the  following
information:  the name of the account,  the account  number,  the number of Fund
shares or the dollar value of Fund shares to be  exchanged,  the shares of which
other fund (either another  O'Shaughnessy Fund or the Firstar Money Market Fund)
that shares of the Fund are to be exchanged for, and the name on the account and
the account number (if already established) with such other fund.


Shareholders  can redeem  their  shares by giving  instructions  to the Transfer
Agent  in  writing  or by  telephone.  As  more  fully  described  below,  these
redemption instructions may have to be accompanied by additional  documentation,
which may include a signature guarantee.

If  a  shareholder  redeems  shares  through  a  broker-dealer  other  than  the
Distributor,  such  broker-dealer  may charge the  shareholder a service fee, no
part  of  which  will  be  received  by  the  Distributor,   the  Manager,   the
Administrator or the Fund.


To redeem shares by mail,  send a written  request for redemption  signed by the
registered  owner(s) of the  shares,  exactly as the  account is  registered  to
O'Shaughnessy  Funds,  Inc., c/o Firstar Mutual Fund Services,  LLC, at P.O. Box
701,  Milwaukee,  WI  53201-0701  (for  requests  sent by U.S.  mail)  or 615 E.
Michigan  Street,  Third  Floor,  Milwaukee,  WI 53202  (for  requests  sent via
overnight  courier).  The request should include the following:  the name of the
account,  the account number, the number of shares or the dollar value of shares
to be redeemed and whether  proceeds  are to be sent by mail or wire,  and if by
wire, giving the wire instructions;  (ii) duly endorsed share  certificates,  if
any have been issued for the shares  redeemed;  (iii) any  signature  guarantees
that are required as described  below;  and (iv) any additional  documents which
might be required for redemptions by  corporations,  executors,  administrators,
trustees, guardians or other similar shareholders.  Except as otherwise directed
by the Fund in its  discretion,  the Transfer Agent will not redeem shares until
it has received all necessary documents;  corporate and institutional  investors
and  fiduciaries  should contact the Transfer Agent to ascertain what additional
documentation is required.



The Fund can  experience  substantial  price  fluctuations  and are intended for
long-term investors. Short-term "market timers" who engage in frequent purchases
and redemptions can disrupt the Funds' investment programs and create additional
transaction  costs that are borne by all  shareholders.  For these reasons,  the
Fund will assess a 1.5% fee on redemptions  (including exchanges) of Fund shares
purchased and held for less than 90 days.

Redemption fees will be paid to the Fund to help offset  transaction  costs. The
Fund will use the  "first-in,  first-out"  (FIFO) method to determine the 90 day
holding  period.  Under this method,  the date of redemption or exchange will be
compared with the earliest  purchse date of shares held in the account.  If this
holding period is less than 90 days, the fee will be assessed.

The fee does not apply to any shares purchased through reinvested  distributions
(dividends  and  capital  gains) or to shares held in  retirement  plans such as
401(k),  403(b),  457, Koegh,  profit sharing,  SIMPLE IRA,  SEP-IRA,  and money
purchase  pension  accounts.  These  exceptions  may not apply to shares held in
broker omnibus  accounts.  The fee does apply to shares held in IRA accounts and
to shares purchased through automatic  investment plans (see "Other  Shareholder
Services - Automatic Investment Plan").


Please do not send  redemption  requests to the Fund.  The Fund must forward all
redemption  requests to the Transfer Agent and  instructions for redemption will
not be effective until received by the Transfer  Agent.  Shares redeemed will be
priced at the net asset value per share next  determined  after  acceptance of a
complete redemption request by the Transfer Agent.  Redemption requests received
by the Transfer  Agent after the close of the NYSE  (currently  4:00 pm, Eastern
time) will be treated as though  received on the next business day. The Transfer
Agent cannot  accept  redemption  requests  that  specify a particular  date for
redemption or special redemption conditions.


Except as indicated  below,  all of the signatures on any request for redemption
or share  certificates  tendered for  redemption  must be  guaranteed by a bank,
broker-dealer, credit union (if authorized under state law), securities exchange
or association,  clearing agency or savings association.  A notary public cannot
provide a signature guarantee.

The Fund will waive the signature guarantee requirement on a redemption request
that instructs that the proceeds be sent by mail if all of the following
conditions apply: (i) the redemption is for $10,000 or less; (ii) the redemption
check is payable to the shareholder(s) of record; (iii) the redemption check is
mailed to the shareholder(s) at the address of record; and (iv) no shares
represented by certificate are being redeemed. Share certificates submitted for
redemption or exchange must be properly endorsed and contain signature
guarantees. In addition, the Fund in its discretion may waive the signature
guarantee for employees and affiliates of the Manager, the Distributor and the
Administrator, and family members of the foregoing.

The  requirement  of a guaranteed  signature  protects  against an  unauthorized
person redeeming shares and obtaining the redemption proceeds.


Shareholders who have completed the section of the Fund's  Application  entitled
"Shareholder Privileges" are eligible to make telephone requests for redemptions
(without  charge)  and  may  do  so  by  telephoning  the  Fund  at  877-OSFUNDS
(673-8637).  A  shareholder  who has not completed  the  Shareholder  Privileges
section of the  Application  but who wishes to become eligible to make telephone
redemptions,  should  designate a change in such  instructions by writing to the
Transfer Agent. Please note that such changed instructions must (i) be signed by
the  registered  owner(s) of the shares exactly as the account is registered and
signature  guaranteed,  and (ii)  include the name of the  account,  the account
number and the name of the Fund.


Telephone  redemptions  cannot be accepted with respect to shares represented by
certificates or for IRA accounts. In such cases,  redemption can only be made by
mail as described above under  "Redemption of Shares - How do I redeem shares by
mail?"  Telephone  requests  for  redemptions  (or  exchanges  -  see  "Exchange
Privilege"  above)  received before the close of business on the NYSE (currently
4:00 pm,  Eastern time) on a business day will be priced and processed as of the
close of  business  on that  day;  requests  received  after  that  time will be
processed as of the close of business on the next business day.

As noted  above,  the Fund will employ  reasonable  procedures  to confirm  that
instructions  communicated  by telephone  are genuine and may,  along with their
service  contractors,  be  liable  for a  failure  to use such  procedures.  See
"Exchange Privilege - How can I make exchanges by telephone?" above.

Shareholders  should be aware that, at times,  the volume of telephone  calls or
other  factors  beyond the Fund's  control  may make it  difficult  to reach the
Transfer Agent by telephone.  This will be true  particularly  during periods of
drastic  economic or market changes.  In the event of difficulty in reaching the
Transfer Agent, shareholders should continue to telephone or utilize the written
redemption  procedures  described  above under  "Redemption of Shares - How do I
redeem shares by mail?"

The Fund reserves the right to terminate the telephone  redemption  privilege at
any time and, if so  terminated,  will  provide the  shareholders  with  written
notice of such termination.  The Fund reserves the right to suspend  temporarily
telephone  redemptions  in emergency  circumstances  or in cases  where,  in the
judgment of the Fund,  continuation of the privilege would be detrimental to the
Fund and its shareholders as a whole.  Such temporary  suspension can be without
prior notification.


Redemption  proceeds may be sent to shareholders by mail or by wire as described
below.  Wire  redemptions  will only be made if the Transfer  Agent has received
appropriate  written wire instructions.  Because of fluctuations in the value of
the Fund's portfolio, the net asset value of shares redeemed may be more or less
than the investor's cost.

REDEMPTION  BY  MAIL.  In the  case  of  shareholders  who  request  that  their
redemption  proceeds  be sent by mail,  the  Transfer  Agent  mails  checks  for
redemption proceeds typically within one or two business days, but no later than
seven days, after it receives the request and all the necessary documents.

REDEMPTION  BY  WIRE.  In the  case  of  shareholders  who  request  that  their
redemption  proceeds be sent by bank wire,  the Transfer Agent  typically  wires
redemption  proceeds the next business day, but no later than seven days,  after
it receives the request and all necessary documents.

Wire  redemptions  will  be  made  only  if  the  Transfer  Agent  has  received
appropriate  written  instructions  from the  shareholder  either on the  Fund's
Application  or by separate  letter.  A shareholder  who has not indicated  wire
instructions  on the  Application,  but would like to have  redemption  proceeds
wired to a particular bank for each redemption  request,  should so designate by
writing to the Transfer Agent.  Please note that such  instructions  must (i) be
signed by the  registered  owner(s)  of the  shares  exactly  as the  account is
registered and signature  guaranteed,  and (ii) include the name of the account,
the account number and the name of the Fund.

A shareholder  who would like to change the wire  instructions  indicated on the
Application  should  designate a change in such  instructions  by writing to the
Transfer  Agent and complying with the  requirements  set forth in the preceding
paragraph.  There is a $1,000  minimum  on  redemption  proceeds  by bank  wire.
Shareholders  who effect  redemptions  by wire  transfer  will pay a $12.00 wire
transfer fee to the Transfer Agent to cover costs  associated with the transfer.
In addition, a shareholder's bank may impose a charge for receiving wires.



Please note that shares paid for by  personal,  corporate  or  government  check
cannot be  redeemed  before the Fund has  reasonable  belief  that the check has
cleared,  which may take up to fifteen days after payment of the purchase price.
This delay can be avoided by paying for shares by certified  check or bank-wire.
An investor  will be notified  promptly by the  Transfer  Agent if a  redemption
request cannot be accepted.


Due to the relatively high cost to the Fund of maintaining  small  accounts,  we
ask you to maintain an account  balance of at least  $2,500.  If your balance is
below $2,500 for three months or longer due to redemptions, we have the right to
close your account after giving you 60 days in which to increase your balance.



Dividend and capital gain distributions are reinvested in additional Fund shares
in your  account  unless  you select  another  option on your  Application.  The
advantage of reinvesting  distributions  arises from  compounding;  that is, you
receive  dividends and capital gain  distributions  on an  increasing  number of
shares.  Distributions  not  reinvested are paid by check or transmitted to your
bank account.


The Fund declares and pays dividends (if any) annually.


A capital gain or loss is the difference  between the purchase and sale price of
a security.  If the Fund has net capital  gains for the year (after  subtracting
any  capital  losses),  they  are  usually  declared  and  paid in  December  to
shareholders of record on a specified date that month.


You need to be aware of the possible tax consequences when: (1) the Fund makes a
distribution  to your  account;  (2) you sell Fund  shares;  or (3) you exchange
shares of the Fund for  shares of one of the  other  O'Shaughnessy  Funds or the
Firstar Money Market Fund.  The  following  summary does not apply to retirement
accounts,  such as IRAs,  which are  tax-deferred  until you withdraw money from

Will I pay taxes on  redemptions  or exchanges of Fund shares?  When you sell or
exchange  shares in the Fund,  you may realize a gain or loss.  Unless you are a
dealer in  securities,  such gain or loss will be capital gain or loss.  Consult
your tax advisor  concerning the tax rate applicable to your sale or exchange of
Fund shares.

A loss recognized on a sale or exchange of shares of the Fund will be disallowed
if other Fund shares are acquired  (whether  through  automatic  reinvestment of
dividends  or  otherwise)  within a 61-day  period  beginning 30 days before and
ending 30 days after the date that the shares are disposed of. In such case, the
basis of the shares acquired will be adjusted to reflect the disallowed loss. In
addition,  if you realize a loss on the sale or exchange of Fund shares held six
months or less,  your short-term loss recognized is reclassified to long-term to
the extent of any long-term capital gain distribution received.



Distributions  of ordinary  income and  short-term  capital gains are taxable as
ordinary  income.  The  dividends  of the  Fund  will  be  eligible  for the 70%
deduction for dividends  received by corporations  only to the extent the Fund's
income consists of dividends paid by U.S. corporations. Distributions designated
as capital gains dividends are taxable as capital gains regardless of the length
of time shares of the Fund have been held.


Pursuant  to the Fund's  investment  objectives,  the Fund may invest in foreign
securities  through  ADRs.  Foreign taxes may be paid by the Fund as a result of
tax laws of countries in which the Fund may invest.  Income tax treaties between
certain  countries and the United States may reduce or eliminate such taxes.  It
is impossible to determine in advance the effective rate of foreign tax to which
the Fund will be  subject,  since the amount of Fund  assets to be  invested  in
various  countries  is not known.  Because  the Fund  limits its  investment  in
foreign  securities,  shareholders  will not be  entitled  to claim  foreign tax
credits with respect to their share of foreign  taxes paid by the Fund on income
from investments of foreign securities held by the Fund.


If you buy  shares  shortly  before  or on the  "record  date" - the  date  that
establishes  you as the person to receive the upcoming  distribution  - you will
receive, in the form of a taxable distribution,  a portion of the money you just
invested.  Therefore,  you may wish to find out the Fund's record date(s) before
investing.   Of  course,  a  Fund's  share  price  may,  at  any  time,  reflect
undistributed capital gains or unrealized appreciation.

The foregoing is a general and abbreviated summary of the applicable  provisions
of the Code and Treasury  regulations  presently in effect, and does not address
the state  and local tax  consequences  of an  investment  in the Fund.  For the
complete provisions, reference should be made to the pertinent Code sections and
the  Treasury  regulations  promulgated  thereunder.  The Code and the  Treasury
regulations are subject to change by legislative or administrative action either
prospectively or  retroactively.  For additional  information  regarding federal
income  tax   consequences  of  an  investment  in  the  Fund,  see  "Additional
Information   About   Dividends  and  Taxes"  in  the  Statement  of  Additional

Shareholders  are urged to consult  their own tax  advisers  regarding  specific
questions as to Federal, state, local or foreign taxes. Foreign investors should
consider  applicable  foreign taxes in their  evaluation of an investment in the

                            PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

This  section  should  help you  understand  the  terms  used to  describe  Fund
performance.  The Fund's  annual  report  will  contain  additional  performance
information and will be available upon request and without charge.


This tells you how much an  investment  in the Fund has  changed in value over a
given time  period.  It reflects any net increase or decrease in the share price
and assumes that all dividends and capital gains (if any) paid during the period
were reinvested in additional shares.  Including reinvested  distributions means
that total return numbers  include the effect of  compounding,  i.e, you receive
income and capital gain distributions on an increasing number of shares.


Advertisements  for the Fund may include  cumulative or compound  average annual
total  return  figures,  which  may be  compared  with  various  indices,  other
performance measures, or other mutual funds.


This is the actual rate of return on an  investment  for a specified  period.  A
cumulative  return does not  indicate how much the value of the  investment  may
have fluctuated between the beginning and the end of the period specified.


This is always hypothetical. Working backward from the actual cumulative return,
it tells you what constant  year-by-year  return would have produced the actual,
cumulative return. By smoothing out all the variations in annual performance, it
gives you an idea of the  investment's  annual  contribution  to your  portfolio
provided you held it for the entire period in question.

                                NET ASSET VALUE

The price at which the Fund's  shares are  purchased  or  redeemed is the Fund's
next  determined  net asset  value per share.  The net asset  value per share is
calculated as of the close of the NYSE (currently 4:00 pm, Eastern time) on each
day that the NYSE is open for business and on each other day in which there is a
sufficient degree of trading in the Fund's portfolio securities that the current
net asset value of the Fund's  shares may be  materially  affected by changes in
the value of the Fund's portfolio securities.


The Fund  determines  the net asset  value per share by  subtracting  the Fund's
total  liabilities from the Fund's total assets (the value of the securities the
Fund holds plus cash and other  assets),  dividing  the  remainder  by the total
number of shares outstanding, and adjusting the result to the nearest full cent.


Securities  listed  on the  NYSE,  American  Stock  Exchange  or other  national
exchanges  are valued at the last sale price on such  exchange  on the day as of
which  the net  asset  value  per  share is to be  calculated.  Over-the-counter
securities  included in the NASDAQ National Market System are valued at the last
sale  price.  If there is no sale on a  particular  security  on such day, it is
valued at the mean between the bid and asked prices.  Other  securities,  to the
extent that market quotations are readily available,  are valued at market value
in  accordance  with  procedures  established  by the  Board of  Directors.  Any
securities  and  other  assets  for  which  market  quotations  are not  readily
available  are valued in good faith in a manner  determined  by the Directors of
the Fund best to reflect their fair value.


                           OTHER SHAREHOLDER SERVICES


An Automatic  Investment Plan allows a shareholder to make automatic  monthly or
quarterly  investments  into a Fund  account,  in amounts of at least  $100,  by
having  the  Transfer  Agent  draw  an  automatic  clearing  house  (ACH)  debit
electronically   against  a  shareholder's   checking  or  savings  account.   A
shareholder  may  establish  an  Automatic  Investment  Plan by  completing  the
appropriate  section on the Application  Form for new accounts or by calling the
Fund at 877- OSFUNDS  (673-8637)  and  requesting an Automatic  Investment  Plan
Application for existing  accounts.  A shareholder should be aware that a signed
Application  should be received by the Transfer  Agent at least 15 business days
prior to the initial transaction. The Transfer Agent will assess a $20.00 fee if
the automatic investment cannot be made due to insufficient funds, stop payment,
or for any other reason. The Fund cannot guarantee acceptance by your bank.


When an account of $10,000 or more is opened or when an existing account reaches
that  size,  a  shareholder  may  participate  in  the  Fund's  Systematic  Cash
Withdrawal Plan by filling out the appropriate  part of the  Application.  Under
this plan, a  shareholder  may receive (or designate a third party to receive) a
monthly or quarterly  check in a stated amount of not less than $50. Fund shares
will be redeemed as necessary to meet withdrawal payments. All participants must
elect  to  have  their  dividends  and  capital  gain  distributions  reinvested
automatically.  A shareholder  who decides later to use this service should call
the Fund at 877-OSFUNDS (673-8637).


Each time a shareholder  invests,  redeems,  transfers or exchanges  shares,  or
receives a  distribution,  the Fund will send a confirmation  of the transaction
which  will  include  a  summary  of  all  of  the  shareholder's   most  recent

At such time as  prescribed by law, the Fund will send to each  shareholder  the
following reports (if they are applicable), which may be used in completing U.S.
income tax returns:

Form 1099-DIV Report taxable  distributions  during the preceding calendar year.
(If a shareholder  did not receive taxable  distributions  in the previous year,
such shareholder will not be sent a 1099-DIV.)

Form 1099-B Reports  redemption  proceeds paid  (including  those resulting from
exchanges) during the preceding calendar year.

Form 1099-R  Report  distributions  from  retirement  plan  accounts  during the
preceding calendar year.

Form 5498 Reports contributions to IRAs for the previous calendar year.

If an investor's shares are held by an outside broker in an omnibus account,  it
is the  responsibility  of such  outside  broker to provide  shareholders  whose
shares are held in the omnibus account with any reports  prescribed by law which
the shareholders require in order to complete their U.S. income tax returns.

Shareholders  will also receive  annual and  semi-annual  reports  including the
financial statements of the Funds for the respective periods.



Eligible  investors  may  invest  in the  Fund  under  the  following  prototype
retirement plans:

    "Education" Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
     "Traditional" Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
     "Roth" Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
     Simplified Employee Pension (SEP) for sole proprietors,
            partnerships and corporations
     Profit-Sharing and Money Purchase Pension Plans for corporations
            and their employees


For  the  convenience  of  investors,   all  dividends  and   distributions  are
automatically  reinvested in full and  fractional  shares of the Fund at the net
asset  value per share at the  close of  business  on the  record  date,  unless
otherwise specified on the Application or requested by a shareholder in writing.
If the  Transfer  Agent  does not  receive  a  written  request  for  subsequent
dividends  and/or  distributions to be paid in cash at least three full business
days prior to a given record date, the dividends and/or distributions to be paid
to a  shareholder  will  be  reinvested.  If a  shareholder  elects  to  receive
dividends and  distributions  in cash and the U.S. Postal Service cannot deliver
the checks,  or if the checks remain uncashed for six months,  the shareholder's
distribution  checks will be reinvested  into the  shareholder's  account at the
then current net asset value.

No  person  has  been  authorized  to  give  any  information  or  to  make  any
representations, other than those contained in this Prospectus, and, if given or
made,  such other  information  or  representations  must not be relied  upon as
having been authorized by the Fund, the Investment Adviser, the Administrator or
the Distributor. This Prospectus does not constitute an offering in any state in
which such offering may not lawfully be made.


                               INVESTMENT MANAGER
                     O'Shaughnessy Capital Management, Inc.
                                 35 Mason Street
                          Greenwich, Connecticut 06830

                     Investment Company Administration, LLC
                       4455 E. Camelback Road, Suite 261 E
                             Phoenix, Arizona 85018

                          First Fund Distributors, Inc.
                       4455 E. Camelback Road, Suite 261 E
                             Phoenix, Arizona 85018

                                 TRANSFER AGENT
                        Firstar Mutual Fund Services, LLC
                             615 E. Michigan Street
                           Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202

                             McGladrey & Pullen, LLP
                                555 Fifth Avenue
                          New York, New York 10017-2416

                                  LEGAL COUNSEL
                      Swidler Berlin Shereff Friedman, LLP
                                919 Third Avenue
                            New York, New York 10022