EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

                        AS AMENDED THROUGH APRIL 26, 1999


     The Microchip  Technology  Incorporated  Employee  Stock Purchase Plan (the
"Plan") is intended to provide eligible employees of the Company and one or more
of its  Corporate  Affiliates  with the  opportunity  to  acquire a  proprietary
interest in the Company through  participation  in a plan designed to qualify as
an employee stock purchase plan under Section 423 of the Code.


     For purposes of  administration of the Plan, the following terms shall have
the meanings indicated:

     BOARD means the Board of Directors of the Company.

     CODE means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended from time to time.

     COMPANY means Microchip Technology Incorporated, a Delaware
corporation,  and any  corporate  successor to all or  substantially  all of the
assets or voting  stock of  Microchip  Technology  Incorporated  which  shall by
appropriate action adopt the Plan.

     COMMON STOCK means shares of the Company's  common stock,  par value $0.001
per share.

     CORPORATE  AFFILIATE  means any  parent or  subsidiary  corporation  of the
Company  (as   determined  in  accordance   with  Code  Section  424)  which  is
incorporated   in  the  United  States,   including  any  parent  or  subsidiary
corporation which becomes such after the Effective Date.

     EARNINGS  means the sum of the following  items of  compensation  paid to a
Participant  by one or more  Participating  Companies  during such  individual's
period of  participation  in the Plan:  (i) regular base  salary,  plus (ii) any
pre-tax  contributions made by the Participant to any Code Section 401(k) salary
deferral plan or any Code Section 125 cafeteria benefit program now or hereafter
established  by the Company or any Corporate  Affiliate  plus (iii) all overtime
payments,   bonuses,   commissions,   profit-sharing   distributions  and  other
incentive-type  payments. There shall, however, be excluded from the calculation
of such Earnings any and all  contributions  (other than Code Section  401(k) or
Code Section 125 contributions) made on the Participant's  behalf by the Company
or one or more Corporate  Affiliates  under any employee benefit or welfare plan
now or hereafter established.

     EFFECTIVE  DATE means March 17, 1993,  the start date of the first offering
period under the Plan.  However,  for any  Corporate  Affiliate  which becomes a
Participating  Company in the Plan after such date, a subsequent  Effective Date
shall be designated with respect to participation by its Eligible Employees.

     ELIGIBLE EMPLOYEE means any person who is engaged, on a regularly-scheduled
basis of more than  twenty (20) hours per week for more than five (5) months per
calendar year, in the rendition of personal services to the Company or any other
Participating Company for earnings considered wages under Section 3121(a) of the

     ENTRY DATE means the date an Eligible  Employee  first  joins the  offering
period in effect under the Plan. The earliest Entry Date under the Plan shall be
the Effective Date.

     FAIR MARKET  VALUE means the fair market  value of the Common  Stock on any
relevant date under the Plan and shall, for any date following the initial March
17, 1993 Effective  Date, be deemed to be equal to the closing selling price per
share of  Common  Stock on the date in  question,  as  officially  quoted on the
Nasdaq  National  Market.  If there is no quoted  selling  price for the date in
question,  then the closing  selling price per share of Common Stock on the next
preceding day for which there does exist such a quotation shall be determinative
of Fair Market Value.

     PARTICIPANT means any Eligible  Employee of a Participating  Company who is
actively participating in the Plan.

     PARTICIPATING  COMPANY  means the Company and such  Corporate  Affiliate or
Affiliates  as may be  designated  from time to time by the Board to extend  the
benefits of the Plan to their Eligible Employees.

     SEMI-ANNUAL  ENTRY  DATE  means the first  business  day of each  March and
September  within an  offering  period in effect  under the Plan.  However,  the
earliest  Semi-Annual  Entry  Date  under the Plan  shall be the March 17,  1993
Effective Date.

     SEMI-ANNUAL PERIOD OF PARTICIPATION means each semi-annual period for which
the Participant actually  participates in an offering period in effect under the
Plan. There shall be a maximum of four (4) semi-annual  periods of participation
within  each  offering  period.  Except  as  otherwise  designated  by the  Plan
Administrator,  the first such  semi-annual  period  (which may actually be less
than six (6) months for the initial offering period) shall extend from the start
date of the offering period through the last business day in August;  subsequent
semi-annual  periods  shall  then be  measured  from the first  business  day of
September and March  thereafter to the last business day of February and August,

     SEMI-ANNUAL  PURCHASE DATE means the last business day of each February and
August  within  an  offering   period  on  which  shares  of  Common  Stock  are
automatically purchased for Participants under the Plan.


     SERVICE means the period during which an individual performs services as an
Eligible Employee and shall be measured from his or her hire date,  whether that
date is before or after the Effective Date of the Plan.


     The Plan shall be  administered  by a committee (the "Plan  Administrator")
comprised of two (2) or more  non-employee  Board members appointed from time to
time  by the  Board.  The  Plan  Administrator  shall  have  full  authority  to
administer the Plan, including authority to interpret and construe any provision
of the Plan and to adopt such rules and regulations for  administering  the Plan
as it may deem necessary in order to comply with the requirements of Section 423
of the Code.  Decisions of the Plan Administrator  shall be final and binding on
all parties who have an interest in the Plan.


     A.  Shares of Common  Stock shall be offered  for  purchase  under the Plan
through a series  of  successive  offering  periods  until  such time as (i) the
maximum  number of shares of Common Stock  available for issuance under the Plan
shall have been purchased or (ii) the Plan shall have been sooner  terminated in
accordance with Article IX.

     B. The Plan  shall  be  implemented  in a  series  of  successive  offering
periods,  each  to be of a  duration  of  twenty-four  (24)  months  or  less as
designated  by the Plan  Administrator  prior to the  start  date.  The  initial
offering  period  will  begin  on the  Effective  Date  and will end on the last
business day in February  1995.  The next offering  period shall commence on the
first business day in March 1995, and subsequent offering periods shall commence
as designated by the Plan Administrator.

     C. Under no  circumstances  shall any offering  period  commence  under the
Plan, nor shall any shares of Common Stock be issued hereunder,  until such time
as (i) the Plan shall have been approved by the Company's  stockholders and (ii)
the  Company  shall  have  complied  with  all  applicable  requirements  of the
Securities Act of 1933 (as amended),  all applicable listing requirements of any
securities exchange on which shares of the Common Stock are listed and all other
applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.

     D. The  Participant  shall be  granted a separate  purchase  right for each
offering  period in which  he/she  participates.  The  purchase  right  shall be
granted on the Entry  Date on which such  individual  first  joins the  offering
period  in  effect  under  the Plan  and  shall be  automatically  exercised  in
successive  semi-annual  installments  on the last business day of each February
and August  within the  remainder  of the  offering  period.  Accordingly,  each
purchase  right may be  exercised  up to two (2)  times  each  calendar  year it
remains outstanding.

     E. The  acquisition  of Common  Stock  through plan  participation  for any
offering  period shall neither limit nor require the acquisition of Common Stock
by the Participant in any subsequent offering period.



     A. Each Eligible  Employee of a Participating  Company shall be eligible to
participate in the Plan in accordance with the following provisions:

          - An individual who is an Eligible  Employee with at least thirty (30)
     days of Service  prior to the start date of the  offering  period may enter
     that offering  period on the  Semi-Annual  Entry Date  coincident with such
     start date or on any subsequent Semi-Annual Entry Date within that offering
     period on which he/she remains an Eligible Employee.  The Semi-Annual Entry
     Date on which such individual  first joins the offering period shall become
     such individual's Entry Date for the offering period, and on that date such
     individual shall be granted his/her purchase right for the offering period.

          - An individual  who is not an Eligible  Employee with at least thirty
     (30)  days  of  Service  on the  start  date  of the  offering  period  may
     subsequently enter that offering period on the first Semi-Annual Entry Date
     on which  he/she is an Eligible  Employee  with thirty (30) or more days of
     Service or on any  subsequent  Semi-Annual  Entry Date within that offering
     period on which he/she remains an Eligible Employee.  The Semi-Annual Entry
     Date on which such individual  first joins the offering period shall become
     such  individual's  Entry Date for that offering  period,  and on that date
     such individual  shall be granted  his/her  purchase right for the offering

     B. To participate for a particular  offering period,  the Eligible Employee
must  complete  the  enrollment  forms  prescribed  by  the  Plan  Administrator
(including a purchase agreement and a payroll deduction  authorization) and file
such forms with the Plan  Administrator  (or its designate) on or before his/her
scheduled Entry Date.

     C. The payroll  deduction  authorized  by the  Participant  for purposes of
acquiring  shares of Common  Stock  under  the Plan may be any  multiple  of one
percent (1%) of the Earnings  paid to the  Participant  during each  Semi-Annual
Period of  Participation  within  the  offering  period,  up to a maximum of ten
percent (10%). The deduction rate so authorized shall continue in effect for the
remainder of the offering  period,  except to the extent such rate is changed in
accordance with the following guidelines:

          - The  Participant  may,  at any time during a  Semi-Annual  Period of
     Participation,  reduce  his/her rate of payroll  deduction.  Such reduction
     shall  become  effective  as soon  as  possible  after  the  filing  of the
     requisite  reduction form with the Plan  Administrator  (or its designate),
     but the Participant may not effect more than one (1) such reduction  during
     the same Semi-Annual Period of Participation.


          - The Participant may not increase  his/her rate of payroll  deduction
     following  his/her  Entry  Date  into the  offering  period.  However,  the
     Participant  may, prior to his/her Entry Date into any new offering period,
     increase the rate of his/her  payroll  deduction by filing the  appropriate
     form with the Plan  Administrator  (or its designate).  The new rate (which
     may not exceed the ten percent (10%) maximum) shall become  effective as of
     the  Participant's  Entry Date into the first offering period following the
     filing of such form.

     Payroll  deductions  will  automatically  cease upon the termination of the
Participant's  purchase  right in accordance  with the provisions of Section VII


     A. The  Common  Stock  purchasable  under  the Plan  shall,  solely  in the
discretion of the Plan  Administrator,  be made available from either authorized
but unissued shares of Common Stock or from shares of Common Stock reacquired by
the Company,  including shares of Common Stock purchased on the open market. The
total  number of shares  which may be issued over the term of the Plan shall not
exceed  3,706,000  shares(1)  (subject to adjustment  under Section VI.B below).
However, not more than 1,390,000(2) shares may be issued under the Plan from and
after March 1, 1995, subject to adjustment under Section VI.B below.

     B. In the  event  any  change is made to the  outstanding  Common  Stock by
reason of any stock dividend, stock split, combination of shares or other change
affecting such outstanding Common Stock as a class without the Company's receipt
of   consideration,   appropriate   adjustments   shall  be  made  by  the  Plan
Administrator  to (i) the class and maximum  number of securities  issuable over
the term of the Plan and from and after the March 1, 1995 effective date of this
restatement,  (ii) the class and maximum  number of securities  purchasable  per
Participant during any one (1) Semi-Annual Period of Participation and (iii) the
class and  number of  securities  and the price per share in effect  under  each
purchase right at the time outstanding under the Plan. Such adjustments shall be
designed to preclude the dilution or  enlargement  of rights and benefits  under
the Plan.


     An Eligible Employee who participates in the Plan for a particular offering
period shall have the right to purchase  shares of Common Stock,  in a series of
successive semi-annual  installments during such offering period, upon the terms
and conditions set forth below and shall execute a purchase agreement  embodying
such  terms  and  conditions  (not  inconsistent  with  the  Plan)  as the  Plan
Administrator may deem advisable.

     PURCHASE  PRICE.  Common  Stock  shall  be  issuable  at the  end  of  each
Semi-Annual  Period of  Participation  within the offering  period at a purchase
price  equal to  eighty-five  percent  (85%) of the LOWER of (i) the Fair Market
Value per share on the  Participant's  Entry Date into that  offering  period or

- ----------
1    Adjusted to reflect the 400,000 share  increase  authorized by the Board on
     April 26, 1999, subject to stockholder approval at the 1999 Annual Meeting.
     Should this  proposed  increase not be  approved,  then the total number of
     shares  which may be  issued  over the term of the Plan  shall  not  exceed

2    Adjusted to reflect the 400,000 share  increase  authorized by the Board on
     April 26, 1999, subject to stockholder approval at the 1999 Annual Meeting.
     Should the  proposed  increase  not be  approved  then the total  number of
     shares  that may be issued  under the Plan  from and after  March 1,  1995,
     subject to adjustment under Section VI.B, below may not exceed 990,000.


(ii) the Fair Market Value per share on the  Semi-Annual  Purchase Date on which
such Semi-Annual  Period of Participation  ends.  However,  for each Participant
whose Entry Date is other than the start date of the offering period, the clause
(i) amount  shall in no event be less than the Fair  Market  Value of the Common
Stock on the start date of that offering period.

     PAYMENT.  Payment for the Common  Stock  purchased  under the Plan shall be
effected  by means of the  Participant's  authorized  payroll  deductions.  Such
deductions  shall begin with the first full  payroll  period  beginning  with or
immediately  following the Participant's Entry Date into the offering period and
shall (unless sooner terminated by the Participant) continue through the pay day
ending with or  immediately  prior to the last day of the offering  period.  The
amounts so collected shall be credited to the  Participant's  book account under
the  Plan,  but no  interest  shall  be paid on the  balance  from  time to time
outstanding in such account.  The amounts  collected  from a Participant  may be
commingled  with the  general  assets of the Company and may be used for general
corporate purposes.

     NUMBER  OF  PURCHASABLE  SHARES.  The  number  of  shares  purchasable  per
Participant for each  Semi-Annual  Period of  Participation  during the offering
period  shall be the number of whole  shares  obtained by  dividing  the payroll
deductions  collected from the  Participant  during that  Semi-Annual  Period of
Participation  by the  purchase  price in effect  for the  Participant  for such
period.  No  Participant  may purchase more than Thirteen  Thousand Five Hundred
(13,500) shares of Common Stock per Semi-Annual Period of Participation, subject
to periodic adjustment under Section VI.B.

     Under no  circumstances  shall purchase rights be granted under the Plan to
any Eligible Employee if such individual would, immediately after the grant, own
(within the meaning of Code Section 424(d)) or hold outstanding options or other
rights to  purchase,  stock  possessing  five  percent (5%) or more of the total
combined  voting power or value of all classes of stock of the Company or any of
its Corporate Affiliates.

     TERMINATION OF PURCHASE RIGHT.  The following  provisions  shall govern the
termination of outstanding purchase rights:

          (i) A Participant may, at any time prior to the last five (5) business
     days  of  the  Semi-Annual  Period  of  Participation,   terminate  his/her
     outstanding  purchase  right  under  the  Plan  by  filing  the  prescribed
     notification  form  with  the Plan  Administrator  (or its  designate).  No
     further payroll  deductions  shall be collected from the  Participant  with
     respect  to the  terminated  purchase  right,  and any  payroll  deductions
     collected  for the  Semi-Annual  Period  of  Participation  in  which  such
     termination  occurs shall, at the  Participant's  election,  be immediately
     refunded  or held  for the  purchase  of  shares  on the  next  Semi-Annual
     Purchase  Date. If no such election is made at the time the purchase  right
     is terminated, then the deductions collected with respect to the terminated
     right shall be refunded as soon as possible.


          (ii) The termination of such purchase right shall be irrevocable,  and
     the Participant may not  subsequently  rejoin the offering period for which
     the terminated purchase right was granted. In order to resume participation
     in any subsequent  offering  period,  such individual must re-enroll in the
     Plan (by making a timely  filing of a new  purchase  agreement  and payroll
     deduction authorization) on or before his/her scheduled Entry Date into the
     new offering period.

          (iii) If the Participant  ceases to remain an Eligible  Employee while
     his/her purchase right remains outstanding,  then such purchase right shall
     immediately  terminate,  and the  payroll  deductions  collected  from such
     Participant  for the  Semi-Annual  Period  of  Participation  in which  the
     purchase right so terminates shall be promptly refunded to the Participant.
     However,  in the event the  Participant's  cessation  of Eligible  Employee
     status occurs by reason of his/her death or permanent disability, then such
     individual  (or the  personal  representative  of the  estate of a deceased
     Participant)  shall have the following  election,  exercisable  at any time
     prior to the last  five (5)  business  days of the  Semi-Annual  Period  of
     Participation in which such cessation of Eligible Employee status occurs:

               - to withdraw all of the  Participant's  payroll  deductions  for
     such Semi-Annual Period of Participation, or

               - to have  such  funds  held for the  purchase  of  shares on the
     Semi-Annual Purchase Date immediately  following such cessation of Eligible
     Employee status.

     If a timely  election  is not made,  then the payroll  deductions  shall be
refunded  as soon as  possible  after  the close of such  Semi-Annual  Period of
Participation.  In no event,  however, may any payroll deductions be made on the
Participant's behalf following his/her cessation of Eligible Employee status.

     STOCK PURCHASE.  Shares of Common Stock shall automatically be purchased on
behalf of each Participant  (other than  Participants  whose payroll  deductions
have  previously  been refunded in accordance  with the  Termination of Purchase
Right provisions above) on each Semi-Annual Purchase Date. The purchase shall be
effected by applying each  Participant's  payroll deductions for the Semi-Annual
Period of Participation  ending on such Semi-Annual Purchase Date (together with
any carryover deductions from the preceding Semi-Annual Period of Participation)
to the purchase of whole shares of Common Stock  (subject to the  limitation  on
the maximum number of purchasable  shares set forth above) at the purchase price
in effect for the Participant for such Semi-Annual Period of Participation.  Any
payroll  deductions not applied to such purchase because they are not sufficient
to purchase a whole share shall be held for the  purchase of Common Stock in the
next Semi-Annual  Period of Participation.  However,  any payroll deductions not
applied  to the  purchase  of Common  Stock by reason of the  limitation  on the
maximum number of shares  purchasable by the Participant  during the Semi-Annual
Period of Participation shall be promptly refunded to the Participant.


     PRORATION OF PURCHASE  RIGHTS.  Should the total number of shares of Common
Stock which are to be purchased  pursuant to outstanding  purchase rights on any
particular  date exceed the number of shares then  available for issuance  under
the  Plan,  the Plan  Administrator  shall  make a  pro-rata  allocation  of the
available  shares on a uniform  and  nondiscriminatory  basis,  and the  payroll
deductions  of each  Participant,  to the  extent  in  excess  of the  aggregate
purchase price payable for the Common Stock pro-rated to such individual,  shall
be refunded to such Participant.

     RIGHTS AS STOCKHOLDER.  A Participant shall have no stockholder rights with
respect to the shares  subject to his/her  outstanding  purchase right until the
shares are actually purchased on the Participant's behalf in accordance with the
applicable  provisions of the Plan. No adjustments  shall be made for dividends,
distributions  or other rights for which the record date is prior to the date of
such purchase.

     A Participant  shall be entitled to receive,  as soon as practicable  after
each  Semi-Annual  Purchase Date, a stock  certificate  for the number of shares
purchased  on  the  Participant's   behalf.   Such  certificate  may,  upon  the
Participant's  request,  be issued in the names of the  Participant  and his/her
spouse as community  property or as joint  tenants  with right of  survivorship.
Alternatively,  the Participant may request the issuance of such  certificate in
"street name" for immediate deposit in a designated brokerage account.

     ASSIGNABILITY. No purchase right granted under the Plan shall be assignable
or transferable by the Participant  other than by will or by the laws of descent
and distribution following the Participant's death, and during the Participant's
lifetime the purchase right shall be exercisable only by the Participant.

     CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP. Should any of the following transactions (a "Change in
Ownership") occur during the offering period:

          (i) a merger or other  reorganization in which the Company will not be
     the surviving  corporation (other than a reorganization  effected primarily
     to change the State in which the Company is incorporated), or

          (ii) a sale of all or  substantially  all of the  Company's  assets in
     liquidation or dissolution of the Company, or

          (iii)  a  reverse  merger  in  which  the  Company  is  the  surviving
     corporation  but in which more than fifty  percent  (50%) of the  Company's
     outstanding voting stock is transferred to person or persons different from
     those who held the stock immediately prior to such merger, or

          then  all   outstanding   purchase   rights   under  the  Plan   shall
automatically  be  exercised  immediately  prior to the  effective  date of such
Change in Ownership by applying the payroll  deductions of each  Participant for
the Semi-Annual Period of Participation in which such Change in Ownership occurs
to the purchase of whole shares of Common Stock at eighty-five  percent (85%) of
the  LOWER  of (i) the Fair  Market  Value  per  share  of  Common  Stock on the
Participant's  Entry  Date  into the  offering  period in which  such  Change in
Ownership  occurs  or (ii) the Fair  Market  Value  per  share of  Common  Stock


immediately  prior to the effective  date of such Change in Ownership.  However,
the  applicable  share  limitations  of Articles VII and VIII shall  continue to
apply to any such  purchase,  and the clause (i) amount above shall not, for any
Participant  whose  Entry Date for the  offering  period is other than the start
date of that  offering  period,  be less than the Fair Market Value per share of
Common Stock on such start date.

     The Company  shall use its best  efforts to provide at least ten  (10)-days
advance  written notice of the  occurrence of any such Change in Ownership,  and
Participants  shall,  following  the receipt of such  notice,  have the right to
terminate  their  outstanding  purchase rights in accordance with the applicable
provisions of this Article VII.


     A. No  Participant  shall be  entitled to accrue  rights to acquire  Common
Stock pursuant to any purchase right  outstanding  under this Plan if and to the
extent such accrual,  when  aggregated  with (I) rights to purchase Common Stock
accrued  under any other  purchase  right  outstanding  under this Plan and (II)
similar  rights  accrued under other  employee  stock purchase plans (within the
meaning of Section 423 of the Code) of the Company or its Corporate  Affiliates,
would otherwise  permit such  Participant to purchase more than $25,000 worth of
stock of the Company or any Corporate Affiliate  (determined on the basis of the
value  of  such  stock  on the  date  or  dates  such  rights  are  granted  the
Participant) for each calendar year such rights are at any time outstanding.

     B. For purposes of applying such accrual limitations,  the right to acquire
Common Stock  pursuant to each purchase right  outstanding  under the Plan shall
accrue as follows:

          (i) The right to acquire  Common Stock under each such purchase  right
     shall accrue in a series of successive semi-annual installments as and when
     the purchase right first becomes  exercisable for each such  installment on
     the last business day of each Semi-Annual Period of Participation for which
     the right remains outstanding.

          (ii) No right to acquire  Common Stock under an  outstanding  purchase
     right shall accrue to the extent the Participant has already accrued in the
     same  calendar  year the right to acquire  Common  Stock  under one or more
     other purchase rights at the rate of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000)
     worth of Common Stock  (determined on the basis of the Fair Market Value on
     the date or dates such rights are  granted)  for each  calendar  year those
     rights are at any time outstanding.

          (iii) If by reason of such accrual limitations,  any purchase right of
     a  Participant  does not  accrue  for a  particular  Semi-Annual  Period of
     Participation,  then the  payroll  deductions  which the  Participant  made
     during  that  Semi-Annual  Period of  Participation  with  respect  to such
     purchase right shall be promptly refunded.


     C. In the  event  there is any  conflict  between  the  provisions  of this
Article VIII and one or more  provisions  of the Plan or any  instrument  issued
thereunder, the provisions of this Article VIII shall be controlling.


     A. The Board may alter,  amend,  suspend or discontinue  the Plan following
the close of any Semi-Annual  Period of  Participation.  However,  the Board may
not, without the approval of the Company's stockholders:

          (i) materially  increase the number of shares  issuable under the Plan
     or the maximum number of shares  purchasable per Participant during any one
     Semi-Annual  Period of  Participation,  except that the Plan  Administrator
     shall have the authority, exercisable without such stockholder approval, to
     effect  adjustments  to the  extent  necessary  to  reflect  changes in the
     Company's capital structure pursuant to Section VI.B;

          (ii) alter the  purchase  price  formula so as to reduce the  purchase
     price payable for the shares issuable under the Plan; or

          (iii) materially  increase the benefits accruing to Participants under
     the  Plan  or  materially   modify  the  requirements  for  eligibility  to
     participate in the Plan.

     B. The Company shall have the right,  exercisable in the sole discretion of
the Plan Administrator,  to terminate all outstanding  purchase rights under the
Plan immediately following the close of any Semi-Annual Period of Participation.
Should the Company elect to exercise such right,  then the Plan shall  terminate
in its  entirety.  No further  purchase  rights shall  thereafter  be granted or
exercised,  and no further  payroll  deductions  shall  thereafter be collected,
under the Plan.


     A. The Plan  Administrator  may, in its absolute  discretion,  impose, as a
condition  to the  issuance of the shares of Common  Stock  purchased  under the
Plan,  the  requirement  that each  Participant  provide the Company with prompt
notice of any  transfer or other  disposition  of those shares which is effected
within two (2) years after  Participant's Entry Date into the offering period in
which the  shares  were  purchased  OR  within  one year  after the  Semi-Annual
Purchase  Date  on  which  those  shares  were  in  fact  purchased.   The  Plan
Administrator  may further require the certificate  evidencing such shares to be
endorsed with a legend  indicating the existence of such notice  requirement and
impose  appropriate stop transfer orders with respect to such certificate in the
absence of such notice.


     B. The  Company  shall not  record on its books of record any  transfer  or
other  disposition  of the shares of Common Stock issued under the Plan which is
not effected in compliance with the foregoing notice requirement.  Moreover, the
Company  may impose,  as a  condition  to the  recordation  of such  transfer or
disposition, the requirement that the Participant satisfy all Federal, state and
local income and  employment  tax  withholding  obligations  applicable  to such
transfer or disposition.


     A. The Plan became effective on the March 17, 1993 Effective Date.

     B. The March 1, 1995 restatement incorporated a series of amendments to the
Plan authorized by the Board in January, 1995 to effect the following changes to
the  Plan:  (i)  allow  Eligible  Employees  to join an  offering  period on any
Semi-Annual Entry Date within that offering period,  (ii) prohibit  Participants
from increasing their rate of payroll deduction under the Plan after their Entry
Date into a particular  offering period,  (iii) obligate  Participants to notify
the Company of any disqualifying disposition (as defined in Code Section 423) of
the shares they  acquire  under the Plan and (iv) and  increase in the number of
shares of Common Stock available for issuance over the term of the Plan.

     C. The Plan shall  terminate  upon the EARLIER of (i) the last business day
in February  2003 or (ii) the date on which all shares  available  for  issuance
under the Plan shall have been sold pursuant to purchase rights  exercised under
the Plan.

     D. All costs and expenses incurred in the  administration of the Plan shall
be paid by the Company.

     E.  Neither the action of the  Company in  establishing  the Plan,  nor any
action  taken  under  the Plan by the Board or the Plan  Administrator,  nor any
provision  of the Plan itself  shall be  construed so as to grant any person the
right to remain in the employ of the Company or any of its Corporate  Affiliates
for any  period  of  specific  duration,  and such  person's  employment  may be
terminated at any time, with or without cause.

     F. The provisions of the Plan shall be governed by the laws of the State of
Arizona without resort to that State's conflict-of-laws rules.


                                   SCHEDULE A

                           COMPANIES PARTICIPATING IN
                          EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN
                              AS OF APRIL 26, 1999

                        Microchip Technology Incorporated
