ESCROW NO.: 13917

                          NOTE SECURED BY DEED OF TRUST

                        INSTALLMENT NOTE - INTEREST ONLY

      $1,500,000.00            MALIBU, CALIFORNIA           APRIL 26, 2000

ON OR BEFORE April 28, 2003 in installments and at the time hereinafter stated,
for value received, I/We, promise to pay to


or order, at place designated by the holder(s) hereof, the principal sum of ONE
MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND AND 00/100 ($1,500,000.00) with interest from
April 28, 2000, at the rate of 6.5% per cent per annum, payable INTEREST ONLY
semi-annually, beginning on the 28th day of October, 2000 and continuing
semi-annually thereafter until the maturity date hereof.

This note is subject to section 2966 of the Civil Code, which provides that the
holder of this note shall give written notice to the trustor, or his successor
in interest, of prescribed information at least 90 and not more than 150 days
before any balloon payment is due.

The privilege is reserved of paying the whole or any portion of this Note at any
time prior to maturity without penalty.

This Note is given and accepted as a portion of the purchase price.

Each payment shall be credited first on interest then due and the remainder on
the principal sum; and interest shall thereupon cease upon the amount so
credited on the said principal. Should default be made in the payment of any
installment when due the whole sum of principal and interest shall become
immediately due at the option of the holder this note. Principal and interest
payable in lawful money of the United States of America. Should suit be
commenced to collect this note or any portion thereof, such sum as the Court may
deem reasonable shall be added hereto as attorney's fees. This note is secured
by a Deed of Trust to FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a California
Corporation as Trustee, affecting the property located at: VACANT LAND - 27465

/s/ Stephen Berman                           /s/ Ana Berman
- --------------------------------             -----------------------------------
Stephen Berman                               Ana Berman

DO NOT DESTROY THIS NOTE: When paid, said original Note, together with the Deed
of Trust securing same, must be surrendered to Trustee for cancellation and
retention before reconveyance will be made