
The undersigned, for value received, unconditionally and absolutely guarantee(s)
to Comerica Bank-California ("Bank") a California banking corporation, and to
the Bank's successors and assigns, payment when due, whether by stated maturity,
demand, acceleration or otherwise, of all existing and future indebtedness to
the Bank of Bay Area Multimedia, Inc. ("Borrower") or any successor in interest,
including without limit any debtor-in-possession or trustee in bankruptcy which
succeeds to the interest of this party or person (jointly and severally the
"Borrower"), however this Indebtedness has been or may be incurred or evidenced,
whether absolute or contingent direct or indirect, voluntary or involuntary,
liquidated or unliquidated, joint or several, and whether or not known to the
undersigned at the time of this Guaranty or at the time any future Indebtedness
is incurred (the "Indebtedness").

The Indebtedness guaranteed includes without limit: (a) any and all direct
indebtedness of the Borrower to the Bank, including indebtedness evidenced by
any and all promissory notes; (b) any and all obligations or liabilities of the
Borrower to the Bank arising under any guaranty where the Borrower has
guaranteed the payment of Indebtedness owing to the Bank from a third party; (c)
any and all obligations or liabilities of the Borrower to the Bank arising from
applications or agreements for the issuance of letters of credit; (d) any and
all obligations or liabilities of the Borrower to the Bank arising out of any
other agreement by the Borrower including without limit any agreement to
indemnify the Bank for environmental liability or to clean up hazardous waste;
(e) any and all indebtedness, obligations or liabilities for which the Borrower
would otherwise be liable to the Bank were it not for the invalidity,
irregularity or unenforceability of them by reason of any bankruptcy, insolvency
or other law or order of any kind, or for any other reason, including without
limit liability for interest and attorneys' fees on or in connection with, any
of the Indebtedness from and after the filing by or against the Borrower of a
bankruptcy petition whether an involuntary or voluntary bankruptcy case,
including, without limitation, all attorneys' fees and costs incurred in
connection with motions for relief from stay, cash collateral motions,
nondischargeability motions, preference liability motions, fraudulent conveyance
liability motions, fraudulent transfer liability motions and all other motions
brought by Borrower, Guarantor, Bank or third parties in any way relating to
Bank's rights with respect to such Borrower, Guarantor, or third party and/or
affecting any collateral securing any obligation owed to Bank by Borrower,
Guarantor, or any third party, probate proceedings, on appeal or otherwise; (f)
any and all amendments, modifications, renewals and/or extensions of any of the
above, including without limit amendments, modifications, renewals and/or
extensions which are evidenced by new or additional instruments, documents or
agreements; and (g) all costs of collecting Indebtedness, including without
limit reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.

The undersigned waive(s) notice of acceptance of this Guaranty and presentment,
demand, protest, notice of protest, dishonor, notice of dishonor, notice of
default, notice of intent to accelerate or demand payment of any Indebtedness,
and diligence in collecting any Indebtedness, and agree(s) that the Bank may
modify the terms of any Indebtedness, compromise, extend, increase, accelerate,
renew or forbear to enforce payment of any or all Indebtedness, or permit the
Borrower to incur additional Indebtedness, all without notice to the
undersigned and without affecting in any manner the unconditional obligation of
the undersigned under this Guaranty. The undersigned further waive(s) any and
all other notices to which the undersigned might otherwise be entitled. The
undersigned acknowledge(s) and agree(s) that the liabilities created by this
Guaranty are direct and are not conditioned upon pursuit by the Bank of any
remedy the Bank may have against the Borrower or any other person or any
security. No invalidity, irregularity or unenforceability of any part or all of
the Indebtedness or any documents evidencing the same, by reason of any
bankruptcy, insolvency or other law or order of any kind or for any other
reason, and no defense or setoff available at any time to the Borrower, shall
impair, affect or be a defense or setoff to the obligations of the undersigned
under this Guaranty.

The undersigned deliver(s) this Guaranty based solely on the undersigned's
Independent Investigation of the financial condition of the Borrower and is
(are) not relying on any information furnished by the Bank. The undersigned
assume(s) full responsibility for obtaining any further information concerning
the Borrower's financial condition, the status of the Indebtedness or any other
matter which the undersigned may deem necessary or appropriate from time to
time. The undersigned waive(s) any duty on the part of the Bank, and agree(s)
that it is not relying upon nor expecting the Bank to disclose to the
undersigned any fact now or later known by the Bank, whether relating to the
operations or condition of the Borrower, the existence, liabilities or financial
condition of any co-guarantor of the Indebtedness, the occurrence of any default
with respect to the Indebtedness, or otherwise, notwithstanding any effect these
facts may have upon the undersigned's risk under this Guaranty or the
undersigned's rights against the Borrower. The undersigned knowingly accept(s)
the full range of risk encompassed in this Guaranty, which risk includes without
limit the possibility that the Borrower may incur Indebtedness to the Bank after
the financial condition of the Borrower, or its ability to pay its debts as they
mature, has deteriorated.

The undersigned represent(s) and warrant(s) that: (a) the Bank has made no
representation to the undersigned as to the creditworthiness of the Borrower;
and (b) the undersigned has (have) established adequate means of obtaining from
the Borrower on a continuing basis financial and other information pertaining to
the Borrower's financial condition. The undersigned agree(s) to keep adequately
informed of any facts, events or circumstances which might in any way affect the
risks of the undersigned under this Guaranty.

The undersigned grant(s) to the Bank a security interest in and the right of
setoff as to any and all property of the undersigned now or later in the
possession of the Bank. The undersigned subordinate(s) any claim of any nature
that the undersigned now or later has (have) against the Borrower to and in
favor of all Indebtedness and agree(s) not to accept payment or satisfaction of
any claim that the undersigned now or later may have against the Borrower
without the prior written consent of the Bank. Should any payment, distribution,
security, or proceeds, be received by the undersigned upon or with respect to
any claim that the undersigned now or may later have against the Borrower, the
undersigned shall immediately deliver the same to the Bank in the form received
(except for endorsement or assignment by the undersigned where required by the
Bank) for application on the Indebtedness, whether matured or unmatured, and
until delivered the same shall be held in trust by the undersigned as the
property of the Bank. The undersigned further assign(s) to the Bank as
collateral for the obligations of the undersigned under this Guaranty all claims
of any nature that the undersigned now or later has (have) against the Borrower
(other than any claim under a deed of trust or mortgage covering real property)
with full right on the part of the Bank, in its own name or in the name of the
undersigned, to collect and enforce these claims.

The undersigned agree(s) that no security now or later held by the Bank for the
payment of any Indebtedness, whether from the Borrower, any guarantor, or
otherwise, and whether in the nature of a security interest, pledge, lien,
assignment, setoff, suretyship, guaranty, indemnity, insurance or otherwise,
shall affect in any manner the unconditional obligation of the undersigned under
this Guaranty, and the Bank, in its sole discretion, without notice to the
undersigned, may release, exchange, enforce and otherwise deal with any security
without affecting in any manner the unconditional obligation of the undersigned
under this Guaranty. The undersigned acknowledge(s) and agree(s) that the Bank
has no obligation to acquire or perfect any lien on or security interest in any
asset(s), whether realty personalty, to secure payment of the Indebtedness, and
the undersigned is (are) not relying upon any asset(s) in which the Bank has or
may have a lien or security interest for payment of the Indebtedness.

The undersigned acknowledge(s) that the effectiveness of this Guaranty is not
conditioned on any or all of the Indebtedness being guaranteed by anyone else.

Until the Indebtedness is irrevocably paid in full, the undersigned waive(s) any
and all rights to be subrogated to the position of the Bank or to have the
benefit of any lien, security interest or other guaranty now or later held by
the Bank for the Indebtedness or to enforce any remedy which the Bank now or
later has against the Borrower or any other person. Until the Indebtedness is
irrevocably paid in full, the undersigned shall have no right of reimbursement,
Indemnity, contribution or other right of recourse to or with respect to the
Borrower or any other person. The undersigned agree(s) to indemnify and hold
harmless the Bank from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, costs
and expenses, including without limit reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by
the Bank in connection with the


undersigned's exercise of any right or subrogation, contribution,
indemnification or recourse with respect to this Guaranty. The Bank has no duty
to enforce or protect any rights which the undersigned may have against the
Borrower or any other person and the undersigned assume(s) full responsibility
for enforcing and protecting these rights.

Notwithstanding any provision of the preceding paragraph or anything else in
this Guaranty to the contrary, if any of the undersigned is or becomes an
"insider" or "affiliate" (as defined in Section 101 of the Federal Bankruptcy
Code, as it may be amended) with respect to the Borrower, then that undersigned
irrevocably and absolutely waives any and all rights of subrogation,
contribution, indemnification, recourse, reimbursement and any similar rights
against the Borrower (or any other guarantor) with respect to this Guaranty,
whether such rights arise under an express or implied contract or by operation
of law. It is the intention of the parties that the undersigned shall not be (or
be deemed to be) a "creditor" (as defined in Section 101 of the Federal
Bankruptcy Code, as it may be amended) of the Borrower (or any other guarantor)
by reason of the existence of this Guaranty in the event that the Borrower
becomes a debtor in any proceeding under the Federal Bankruptcy Code. This
waiver is given to induce the Bank to enter into certain written contracts with
the Borrower included in the Indebtedness. The undersigned warrant(s) and
agree(s) that none of Bank's rights, remedies or interests shall be directly or
indirectly impaired because of any of the undersigned's status as an "insider"
or "affiliate" of the Borrower, and undersigned shall take any action, and shall
execute any document, which the Bank may request in order to effectuate this
warranty to the Bank.

If any indebtedness is guaranteed by two or more guarantors, the obligation of
the undersigned shall be several and also joint, each with all and also each
with any one or more of the others, and may be enforced at the option of the
Bank against each severally, any two or more jointly, or some severally and some
jointly. The Bank, in its sole discretion, may release any one or more of the
guarantors for any consideration which it deems adequate, and may fail or elect
not to prove a claim against the estate of any bankrupt, insolvent, incompetent
or deceased guarantor; and after that, without notice to any other guarantor,
the Bank may extend or renew any or all indebtedness and may permit the Borrower
to incur additional Indebtedness, without affecting in any manner the
unconditional obligation of the remaining guarantor(s). This action by the Bank
shall not, however, be deemed to affect any right to contribution which may
exist among the guarantors.

Any of the undersigned may terminate their obligation under this Guaranty as to
future Indebtedness (except as provided below) by (and only by) delivering
written notice of termination to an officer of the Bank and receiving from an
officer of the Bank written acknowledgement of delivery; provided, the
termination shall not be effective until the opening of business on the fifth
(5th) day following written acknowledgement of delivery. Any termination shall
not affect in any way the unconditional obligations of the remaining
guarantor(s), whether or not the termination is known to the remaining
guarantor(s). Any termination shall not affect in any way the unconditional
obligations of the terminating guarantor(s) as to any Indebtedness existing at
the effective date of termination or any Indebtedness created after that
pursuant to any commitment or agreement of the Bank or any Borrower loan with
the Bank existing at the effective date of termination (whether advances or
readvances by the Bank are optional or obligatory), or any modifications,
extensions or renewals of any of this Indebtedness, whether in whole or in part,
and as to all of this Indebtedness and modifications, extensions or renewals of
it, this Guaranty shall continue effective until the same shall have been fully
paid. The Bank has no duty to give notice of termination by any guarantor(s) to
any remaining guarantor(s). The undersigned shall indemnify the Bank against all
claims, damages, costs and expenses, including without limit reasonable
attorneys' fees and costs, incurred by the Bank in connection with any suit,
claim or action against the Bank arising out of any modification or termination
of a Borrower loan or any refusal by the Bank to extend additional credit in
connection with the termination of this Guaranty.

Notwithstanding any prior revocation, termination, surrender or discharge of
this Guaranty (or for any lien, pledge or security interest securing this
Guaranty) in whole or part, the effectiveness of this Guaranty, and of all
liens, pledges and security interests securing this Guaranty, shall
automatically continue or be reinstated, as the case may be, in the event that
(a) any payment received or credit given by the Bank in respect to the
Indebtedness is returned, disgorged or rescinded as a preference, impermissible
setoff, fraudulent conveyance, division of trust funds, or otherwise under any
applicable state or federal law, including, without limitation, laws pertaining
to bankruptcy or insolvency, in which case this Guaranty, and all liens, pledges
and security interests securing this Guaranty, shall be enforceable against the
undersigned as if the returned, disgorged or rescinded payment or credit had not
been received or given by the Bank, and whether or not the Bank relied upon this
payment or credit or changed its position as a consequence of it; or (b) any
liability is imposed, or sought to be imposed, against the Bank relating to the
environmental condition of, or the presence of hazardous or toxic substances on,
in or about, any property given as collateral to the Bank by the Borrower,
whether this condition is known or unknown, now exists or subsequently arises
(excluding only conditions which arise after any acquisition by the Bank of any
such property, by foreclosure, in lieu of foreclosure or otherwise, to the
extent due to the wrongful act or omission of the Bank), in which case this
Guaranty, and all liens, pledges and security interests securing this Guaranty,
shall be enforceable against the undersigned to the extent of all liability,
costs and expenses (including without limit reasonable attorneys' fees and
costs) incurred by the Bank as the direct or indirect result of any
environmental condition or hazardous or toxic substances. In the event of
continuation or reinstatement of this Guaranty and the liens, pledges and
security interests securing it, the undersigned agree(s) upon demand by the Bank
to execute and deliver to the Bank those documents which the Bank determines are
appropriate to further evidence (in the public records or otherwise) this
continuation or reinstatement, although the failure of the undersigned to do so
shall not affect in any way the reinstatement or continuation. If the
undersigned do(es) not execute and deliver to the Bank upon demand such
documents, the Bank and each Bank officer is irrevocably appointed (which
appointment is coupled with an interest) the true and lawful attorney of the
undersigned (with full power of substitution) to execute and deliver such
documents in the name and on behalf of the undersigned. For purposes of this
Guaranty, "environmental condition" includes, without limitation, conditions
existing with respect to the surface or ground water, drinking water supply,
land surface or subsurface and the air; and "hazardous or toxic substances"
shall include any and all substances now or subsequently determined by any
federal, state or local authority to be hazardous or toxic, or otherwise
regulated by any of these authorities.

Although the intent of the undersigned and the Bank is that California law shall
apply to this Guaranty, regardless of whether California law applies, the
undersigned further agree(s) as follows: With respect to the limitation, if any,
stated in the Additional Provisions below on the amount of principal guaranteed
under this Guaranty, the undersigned agree(s) that (a) this limitation shall not
be a limitation on the amount of Borrower's Indebtedness to the Bank; (b) any
payments by the undersigned shall not reduce the maximum liability of the
undersigned under this Guaranty unless written notice to that effect is actually
received by the Bank at or prior to the time of the payment; and (c) the
liability of the undersigned to the Bank shall at all times be deemed to be the
aggregate liability of the undersigned under this Guaranty and any other
guaranties previously or subsequently given to the Bank by the undersigned and
not expressly revoked, modified or invalidated in writing.

The undersigned waive(s) any right to require the Bank to: (a) proceed against
any person, including without limit the Borrower; (b) proceed against or exhaust
any security held from the Borrower or any other person; (c) give notice of the
terms, time and place of any public or private sale of personal property
security held from the Borrower or any other person, or otherwise comply with
the provisions of Section 9-504 of the California or other applicable Uniform
Commercial Code; (d) pursue any other remedy in the Bank's power; or (e) make
any presentments or demands for performance, or give any notices of
nonperformance, protests, notices of protest, or notices of dishonor in
connection with any obligations or evidences of Indebtedness held by the Bank as
security. In connection with any other obligations or evidences of Indebtedness
which constitute in whole or in part indebtedness, or in connection with the
creation of new or additional Indebtedness.

The undersigned authorize(s) the Bank, either before or after termination of
this Guaranty, without notice to or demand on the undersigned and without
affecting the undersigned's liability under this Guaranty, from time to time to:
(a) apply any security and direct the order or manner of sale of it, including
without limit, a nonjudicial sale permitted by the terms of the controlling
security agreement, mortgage or deed of trust, as the Bank in its discretion may
determine; (b) release or substitute any one or more of the endorsers or any
other guarantors of the Indebtedness; and (c) apply payments received by the
Bank from the Borrower to any Indebtedness of the Borrower to the Bank, in such
order as the Bank shall determine in its sole discretion, whether or not this
Indebtedness is covered by this Guaranty, and the undersigned waive(s) any
provision of law regarding application of payments which specifies otherwise.
The Bank may without notice assign this Guaranty in whole or in part. Upon the
Bank's request, the undersigned agree(s) to provide to the Bank copies of the
undersigned's financial statements.


The undersigned waive(s) any defense based upon or arising by reason of (a) any
disability or other defense of the Borrower or any other person; (b) the
cessation or limitation from any cause whatsoever, other than final and
irrevocable payment in full, of the Indebtedness; (c) any lack of authority of
any officer, director, partner, agent or any other person acting or purporting
to act on behalf of the Borrower which is a corporation, partnership or other
type of entity, or any defect in the formation of the Borrower; (d) the
application by the Borrower of the proceeds of any Indebtedness for purposes
other than the purposes represented by the Borrower to the Bank or intended or
understood by the Bank or the undersigned; (e) any act or omission by the Bank
which directly or indirectly results in or aids the discharge of the Borrower or
any Indebtedness by operation of law or otherwise; or (f) any modification of
the Indebtedness, in any form whatsoever including without limit any
modification made after effective termination, and including without limit, the
renewal, extension, acceleration or other change in time for payment of the
Indebtedness, or other change in the terms of any Indebtedness, including
without limit increase or decrease of the interest rate. The undersigned
understands that, absent this waiver, Bank's election of remedies, including but
not limited to its decision to proceed to nonjudicial foreclosure on any real
property securing the Indebtedness, could preclude Bank from obtaining a
deficiency judgment against Borrower and the undersigned pursuant to California
Code of Civil Procedure sections 580a, 580b, 580d or 726 and could also destroy
any subrogation rights which the undersigned has against Borrower. The
undersigned further understands that, absent this waiver, California law,
including without limitation, California Code of Civil Procedure sections 580a,
580b, 580d or 726, could afford the undersigned one or more affirmative defenses
to any action maintained by Bank against the undersigned on this Guaranty.

The undersigned waives any and all rights and provisions of California Code of
Civil Procedure sections 580a, 580b, 580d and 726, including, but not limited to
any provision thereof that: (i) may limit the time period for Bank to commence a
lawsuit against Borrower or the undersigned to collect any Indebtedness owing by
Borrower or the undersigned to Bank; (ii) may entitle Borrower or the
undersigned to a judicial or nonjudicial determination of any deficiency owed by
Borrower or the undersigned to Bank, or to otherwise limit Bank's right to
collect a deficiency based on the fair market value of such real property
security; (iii) may limit Bank's right to collect a deficiency judgment after a
sale of any real property securing the Indebtedness; (iv) may require Bank to
take only one action to collect the Indebtedness or that may otherwise limit the
remedies available to Bank to collect the Indebtedness.

The undersigned waives all rights and defenses arising out of an election of
remedies by Bank even though that election of remedies, such as a nonjudicial
foreclosure with respect to security for a guaranteed obligation, has destroyed
the undersigned's rights of subrogation and reimbursement against Borrower by
the operation of Section 580d of the Code of Civil Procedure or otherwise.

The undersigned acknowledges and agrees that this is a knowing and informed
waiver of the undersigned's rights as discussed above and that Bank is relying
on this waiver in extending credit to Borrower.

The undersigned acknowledge(s) that the Bank has the right to sell, assign,
transfer, negotiate, or grant participations in all or any part of the
Indebtedness and any related obligations, including without limit this
Guaranty. In connection with that right, the Bank may disclose any documents
and information which the Bank now or later acquires relating to the
undersigned and this Guaranty, whether furnished by the Borrower, the
undersigned or otherwise. The undersigned further agree(s) that the Bank may
disclose these documents and information to the Borrower. The undersigned
agree(s) that the Bank may provide information relating to this Guaranty or to
the undersigned to the Bank's parent, affiliates, subsidiaries and service

The total obligations under this Guaranty shall be UNLIMITED unless specifically
limited in the Additional Provisions of this Guaranty, and this obligation
(whether unlimited or limited to the extent indicated in the Additional
Provisions) shall include, IN ADDITION TO any limited amount of principal
guaranteed, any and all interest on all Indebtedness and any and all costs and
expenses of any kind, including without limit reasonable attorneys' fees and
costs, incurred by the Bank at any time(s) for any reason in enforcing any of
the duties and obligations of the undersigned under this Guaranty or otherwise
incurred by the Bank in any way connected with this Guaranty, the Indebtedness
or any other guaranty of the Indebtedness (including without limit reasonable
attorneys' fees and other expenses incurred in any suit involving the conduct of
the Bank, the Borrower or the undersigned). All of these costs and expenses
shall be payable immediately by the undersigned when incurred by the Bank,
without demand, and until paid shall bear interest at the highest per annum rate
applicable to any of the Indebtedness, but not in excess of the maximum rate
permitted by law. Any reference in this Guaranty to attorneys' fees shall be
deemed a reference to fees, charges, costs and expenses of both in-house and
outside counsel and paralegals, whether or not a suit or action is instituted,
and to court costs if a suit or action is instituted, and whether attorneys'
fees or court costs are incurred at the trial court level, on appeal, in a
bankruptcy, administrative or probate proceeding or otherwise. Any reference in
the Additional Provisions or elsewhere (a) to this Guaranty being secured by
certain collateral shall NOT be deemed to limit the total obligation of the
undersigned under this Guaranty or (b) to this Guaranty being limited in any
respect shall NOT be deemed to limit the total obligation of the undersigned
under any prior or subsequent guaranty given by the undersigned to the Bank.

The undersigned unconditionally and irrevocably waive(s) each and every defense
and setoff of any nature which, under principles of guaranty or otherwise,
would operate to impair or diminish in any way the obligation of the
undersigned under this Guaranty, and acknowledge(s) that each such waiver is by
this reference incorporated into each security agreement, collateral
assignment, pledge and/or other document from the undersigned now or later
securing this Guaranty and/or the Indebtedness, and acknowledge(s) that as of
the date of this Guaranty no such defense or setoff exists. The undersigned
acknowledge(s) that the effectiveness of this Guaranty is subject to no
conditions of any kind.

This Guaranty shall remain effective with respect to successive transactions
which shall either continue the Indebtedness, increase or decrease it, or from
time to time create new Indebtedness after all or any prior Indebtedness has
been satisfied, until this Guaranty is terminated in the manner and to the
extent provided above.

The undersigned warrant(s) and agree(s) that each of the waivers set forth
above are made with the undersigned's full knowledge of their significance and
consequences, and that under the circumstances, the waivers are reasonable and
not contrary to public policy or law if any of these waivers are determined to
be contrary to any applicable law or public policy, these waivers shall be
effective only to the extent permitted by law.

This Guaranty constitutes the entire agreement of the undersigned and the Bank
with respect to the subject matter of this Guaranty. No waiver, consent,
modification or change of the terms of this Guaranty shall bind any of the
undersigned or the Bank unless in writing and signed by the waiving party or an
authorized officer of the waiving party, and then this waiver, consent,
modification or change shall be effective only in the specific instance and for
the specific purpose given. This Guaranty shall inure to the benefit of the
Bank and its successors and assigns. This Guaranty shall be binding on the
undersigned and the undersigned's heirs, legal representatives, successors and
assigns including, without limit, any debtor in possession or trustee in
bankruptcy for any of the undersigned. The undersigned has (have) knowingly and
voluntarily entered into this Guaranty in good faith for the purpose of
inducing the Bank to extend credit or make other financial accommodations to
the Borrower, and the undersigned acknowledge(s) that the terms of this
Guaranty are reasonable. If any provision of this Guaranty is unenforceable in
whole or in part for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be

Additional Provisions (if any):

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                                                         DATE: November 13, 2000

Bay Area Multimedia, Inc.                           Comerica Bank-California
333 W Santa Clara St., Ste 930                      P.O. Box 49032
San Jose, CA 95113                                  San Jose, CA 95161-9032

RE: Fee on $1,000,000.00   Note, dated November 13, 2000, and maturing Demand
Officer 48134

Loan Fee                                          $1,000.00

     Total Due:                                   $1,000.00

[ ]  Customer Check Attached

[X]  Charge DDA No. 1891-220855

Acknowledged by: /s/ RAYMOND MUSCI


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The undersigned, for value received, unconditionally and absolutely guarantee(s)
to Comerica Bank-California ("Bank") a California banking corporation, and to
the Bank's successors and assigns, payment when due, whether by stated maturity,
demand, acceleration or otherwise, of all existing and future indebtedness to
the Bank of Bay Area Multimedia, Inc. ("Borrower) or any successor in interest,
including without limit any debtor-in-possession or trustee in bankruptcy which
succeeds to the interest of this party or person (jointly and severally the
"Borrower"), however this indebtedness has been or may be incurred or evidenced,
whether absolute or contingent direct or indirect, voluntary or involuntary,
liquidated or unliquidated, joint or several, and whether or not known to the
undersigned at the time of this Guaranty or at the time any future indebtedness
is incurred (the "Indebtedness").

The Indebtedness guaranteed includes without limit: (a) any and all direct
Indebtedness of the Borrower to the Bank, including Indebtedness evidenced by
any and all promissory notes; (b) any and all obligations or liabilities of the
Borrower to the Bank arising under any guaranty where the Borrower has
guaranteed the payment of indebtedness owing to the Bank from a third party; (c)
any and all obligations or liabilities of the Borrower to the Bank arising from
applications or agreements for the issuance of letters of credit; (d) any and
all obligations or liabilities of the Borrower to the Bank arising out of any
other agreement by the Borrower including without limit any agreement to
indemnify the Bank for environmental liability or to clean up hazardous waste;
(e) any and all Indebtedness, obligations or liabilities for which the Borrower
would otherwise be liable to the Bank were it not for the invalidity,
irregularity or unenforceability of them by reason of any bankruptcy, insolvency
or other law or order of any kind, or for any other reason, including without
limit liability for interest and attorneys' fees on, or in connection with, any
of the Indebtedness from and after the filing  by or against the Borrower of a
bankruptcy petition whether an involuntary or voluntary bankruptcy case,
including, without limitation, all attorneys' fees and costs incurred in
connection with motions for relief from stay, cash collateral motions,
nondischargeability motions, preference liability motions, fraudulent conveyance
liability motions, fraudulent transfer liability motions and all other motions
brought by Borrower, Guarantor, Bank or third parties in any way relating to
Bank's rights with respect to such Borrower, Guarantor, or third party and/or
affecting any collateral securing any obligation owed to Bank by Borrower,
Guarantor, or any third party, probate proceedings, on appeal or otherwise; (f)
any and all amendments, modifications, renewals and/or extensions of any of the
above, including without limit amendments, modifications, renewals and/or
extensions which are evidenced by new or additional instruments, documents or
agreements; and (g) all costs of collecting Indebtedness, including without
limit reasonable attorneys' fees and costs.

The undersigned waive(s) notice of acceptance of this Guaranty and presentment,
demand, protest, notice of protest, dishonor, notice of dishonor, notice of
default, notice of intent to accelerate or demand payment of any Indebtedness,
and diligence in collecting any Indebtedness, and agree(s) that the Bank may
modify the terms of any Indebtedness, compromise, extend, increase, accelerate,
renew of forbear to enforce payment of any of all Indebtedness, or permit the
Borrower to incur additional Indebtedness, all without notice to the
undersigned and without affecting in any manner the unconditional obligation of
the undersigned under this Guaranty. The undersigned further waive(s) any and
all other notices to which the undersigned might otherwise be entitled. The
undersigned acknowledge(s) and agree(s) that the liabilities created by this
Guaranty are direct and are not conditioned upon pursuit by the Bank of any
remedy the Bank may have against the Borrower or any other person or any
security. No invalidity, irregularity or unenforceability of any part or all
of the Indebtedness or any documents evidencing the same, by reason of any
bankruptcy, insolvency or other law or order of any kind or for any other
reason, and no defense or setoff available at any time to the Borrower, shall
impair, affect or be a defense or setoff to the obligation of the undersigned
under this Guaranty.

The undersigned deliver(s) this Guaranty based solely on the undersigned's
Independent Investigation of the financial condition of the Borrower and is
(are) not relying on any information furnished by the Bank. The undersigned
assume(s) full responsibility for obtaining any further information concerning
the Borrower's financial condition, the status of the Indebtedness or any
other matter which the undersigned may deem necessary or appropriate from time
to time. The undersigned waive(s) any duty on the part of the Bank, and
agree(s) that it is not relying upon nor expecting the Bank to disclose to the
undersigned any fact now or later known by the Bank, whether relating to the
operations or condition of the Borrower, the existence, liabilities or
financial condition of any co-guarantor of the Indebtedness, the occurrence of
any default with respect to the Indebtedness, or otherwise, notwithstanding any
effect these facts may have upon the undersigned's risk under this Guaranty or
the undersigned's rights against the Borrower. The undersigned knowingly
accept(s) the full range of risk encompassed in this Guaranty, which risk
includes without limit the possibility that the Borrower may incur Indebtedness
to the Bank after the financial condition of the Borrower, or its ability to
pay its debts as they mature, has deteriorated.

The undersigned represent(s) and warrant(s) that: (a) the Bank has made no
representation to the undersigned as to the creditworthiness of the Borrower
and (b) the undersigned has (have) established adequate means of obtaining from
the Borrower on a continuing basis financial and other information pertaining to
the Borrower's financial condition. The undersigned agree(s) to keep adequately
informed of any facts, events or circumstances which might in any way affect
the risks of the undersigned under this Guaranty.

The undersigned grant(s) to the Bank a security interest in and the right of
setoff as to any and all property of the undersigned now or later in the
possession of the Bank. The undersigned subordinate(s) any claim of any nature
that the undersigned now or later has (have) against the Borrower to and in
favor of all Indebtedness and agree(s) not to accept payment or satisfaction of
any claim that the undersigned now or later may have against the Borrower
without the prior written consent of the Bank. Should any payment, distribution,
security, or proceeds, be received by the undersigned upon or with respect to
any claim that the undersigned now or may later have against the Borrower, the
undersigned shall immediately deliver the same to the Bank in the form received
(except for endorsement or assignment by the undersigned where required by the
Bank) for application on the Indebtedness, whether matured or unmatured, and
until delivered the same shall be held in trust by the undersigned as the
property of the Bank. The undersigned further assign(s) to the Bank as
collateral for the obligations of the undersigned under this Guaranty all claims
of any nature that the undersigned now or later has (have) against the Borrower
(other than any claim under a deed of trust or mortgage covering real property)
with full right on the part of the Bank, in its own name or in the name of the
undersigned, to collect and enforce these claims.

The undersigned agree(s) that no security now or later held by the Bank for
the payment of any Indebtedness, whether from the Borrower, any guarantor, or
otherwise, and whether in the nature of a security interest, pledge, lien,
assignment, setoff, suretyship, guaranty, Indemnity, insurance or otherwise,
shall affect in any manner the unconditional obligation of the undersigned
under this Guaranty, and the Bank, in its sole discretion, without notice to
the undersigned, may release, exchange, enforce and otherwise deal with any
security without affecting in any manner the unconditional obligation of the
undersigned under this Guaranty. The undersigned acknowledge(s) and agree(s)
that the Bank has no obligation to acquire or perfect any lien on or security
interest in any asset(s) whether realty or personalty, to secure payment of
the Indebtedness, and the undersigned is (are) not relying upon any asset(s) in
which the Bank has or may have a lien or security interest for payment of the

The undersigned acknowledge(s) that the effectiveness of this Guaranty is not
conditioned on any or all of the Indebtedness being guaranteed by anyone else.

Until the Indebtedness is irrevocably paid in full, the undersigned waive(s) any
and all rights to be subrogated to the position of the Bank or to have the
benefit of any lien, security interest or other guaranty now or later held by
the Bank for the Indebtedness or to enforce any remedy which the Bank now or
later has against the Borrower or any other person. Until the Indebtedness is
irrevocably paid in full, the undersigned shall have no right of reimbursement,
indemnity, contribution or other right of recourse to or with respect to the
Borrower or any other person. The undersigned agree(s) to indemnify and hold
harmless the Bank from and against any and all claims, actions, damages, costs
and expenses, including without limit reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by
the Bank in connection with the

undersigned's exercise of any right of subrogation, contribution,
indemnification or recourse with respect to this Guaranty. The Bank has no duty
to enforce or protect any rights which the undersigned may have against the
Borrower or any other person and the undersigned assume(s) full responsibility
for enforcing and protecting these rights.

Notwithstanding any provision of the preceding paragraph or anything else in
this Guaranty to the contrary, if any of the undersigned is or becomes an
"insider" or "affiliate" (as defined in Section 101 of the Federal Bankruptcy
Code, as it may be amended) with respect to the Borrower, then that undersigned
irrevocably and absolutely waives any and all rights of subrogation,
contribution, indemnification, recourse, reimbursement and any similar rights
against the Borrower (or any other guarantor) with respect to this Guaranty,
whether such rights arise under an express or implied contract or by operation
of law. It is the intention of the parties that the undersigned shall not be (or
be deemed to be) a "creditor" (as defined in Section 101 of the Federal
Bankruptcy Code, as it may be amended) of the Borrower (or any other guarantor)
by reason of the existence of this Guaranty in the event that the Borrower
becomes a debtor in any proceeding under the Federal Bankruptcy Code. This
waiver is given to induce the Bank to enter into certain written contracts with
the Borrower included in the Indebtedness. The undersigned warrant(s) and
agree(s) that none of the Bank's rights, remedies or interests shall be directly
or indirectly impaired because of any of the undersigned's status as an
"insider" or "affiliate" of the Borrower, and undersigned shall take any action,
and shall execute any document, which the Bank may request in order to
effectuate this warranty to the Bank.

If any indebtedness is guaranteed by two or more guarantors, the obligation of
the undersigned shall be several and also joint, each with all and also each
with any one or more of the others, and may be enforced at the option of the
Bank against each severally, any two or more jointly, or some severally and some
jointly. The Bank, in its sole discretion, may release any one or more of the
guarantors for any consideration which it deems adequate, and may fail or elect
not to prove a claim against the estate of any bankrupt, insolvent, incompetent
or deceased guarantor; and after that, without notice to any other guarantor,
the Bank may extend or renew any or all Indebtedness and may permit the Borrower
to incur additional Indebtedness, without affecting in any manner the
unconditional obligation of the remaining guarantor(s). This action by the Bank
shall not, however, be deemed to affect any right to contribution which may
exist among the guarantors.

Any of the undersigned may terminate their obligation under this Guaranty as to
future Indebtedness (except as provided below) by (and only by) delivering
written notice of termination to an officer of the Bank and receiving from an
officer of the Bank written acknowledgement of delivery; provided, the
termination shall not be effective until the opening of business on the fifth
(5th) day following written acknowledgement of delivery. Any termination shall
not affect in any way the unconditional obligations of the remaining
guarantor(s), whether or not the termination is known to the remaining
guarantor(s). Any termination shall not affect in any way the unconditional
obligations of the terminating guarantor(s) as to any Indebtedness existing at
the effective date of termination or any Indebtedness created after that
pursuant to any commitment or agreement of the Bank or any Borrower loan with
the Bank existing at the effective date of termination (whether advances or
readvances by the Bank are optional or obligatory), or any modifications,
extensions or renewals of any of this Indebtedness, whether in whole or in part,
and as to all of this Indebtedness and modifications, extensions or renewals of
it, this Guaranty shall continue effective until the same shall have been fully
paid. The Bank has no duty to give notice of termination by any guarantor(s) to
any remaining guarantor(s). The undersigned shall indemnify the Bank against all
claims, damages, costs and expenses, including without limit reasonable
attorneys' fees and costs, incurred by the Bank in connection with any suit,
claim or action against the Bank arising out of any modification or termination
of a Borrower loan or any refusal by the Bank to extend additional credit in
connection with the termination of this Guaranty.

Notwithstanding any prior revocation, termination, surrender or discharge of
this Guaranty (or of any lien, pledge or security interest securing this
Guaranty) in whole or part, the effectiveness of this Guaranty, and of all
liens, pledges and security interests securing this Guaranty, shall
automatically continue or be reinstated, as the case may be, in the event that
(a) any payment received or credit give by the Bank in respect of the
Indebtedness is returned, disgorged or rescinded as a preference, impermissible
setoff, fraudulent conveyance, diversion of trust funds, or otherwise under any
applicable state or federal law, including, without limitation, laws pertaining
to bankruptcy or insolvency, in which case this Guaranty, and all liens, pledges
and security interests securing this Guaranty, shall be enforceable against the
undersigned as if the returned, disgorged or rescinded payment or credit had not
been received or given by the Bank, and whether or not the Bank relied upon this
payment or credit or changed its position as a consequence of it; or (b) any
liability is imposed, or sought to be imposed, against the Bank relating to the
environmental condition of, or the presence of hazardous or toxic substances on,
in or about, any property given as collateral to the Bank by the Borrower,
whether this condition is known or unknown, now exists or subsequently arises
(excluding only conditions which arise after any acquisition by the Bank of any
such property, by foreclosure, in lieu of foreclosure or otherwise, to the
extent due to the wrongful act or omission of the Bank), in which case this
Guaranty, and all liens, pledges and security interests securing this Guaranty,
shall be enforceable against the undersigned to the extent of all liability,
costs and expenses (including without limit reasonable attorneys' fees and
costs) incurred by the Bank as the direct or indirect result of any
environmental condition or hazardous or toxic substances. In the event of
continuation or reinstatement of this Guaranty and the liens, pledges and
security interests securing it, the undersigned agree(s) upon demand by the Bank
to execute and deliver to the Bank those documents which the Bank determines are
appropriate to further evidence (in the public records or otherwise) this
continuation or reinstatement, although the failure of the undersigned to do so
shall not affect in any way the reinstatement or continuation. If the
undersigned do(es) not execute and deliver to the Bank upon demand such
documents, the Bank and each Bank officer is irrevocably appointed (which
appointment is coupled with an interest) the true and lawful attorney of the
undersigned (with full power of substitution) to execute and deliver such
documents in the name and on behalf of the undersigned. For purposes of this
Guaranty, "environmental condition" incudes, without limitation, conditions
existing with respect to the surface or ground water, drinking water supply,
land surface or subsurface and the air; and "hazardous or toxic substances"
shall include any and all substances now or subsequently determined by any
federal, state or local authority to be hazardous or toxic, or otherwise
regulated by any of these authorities.

Although the intent of the undersigned and the Bank is that California law shall
apply to this Guaranty, regardless of whether California law applies, the
undersigned further agree(s) as follows: With respect to the limitation, if any,
stated in the Additional Provisions below on the amount of principal guaranteed
under this Guaranty, the undersigned agree(s) that (a) this limitation shall not
be a limitation on the amount of Borrower's Indebtedness to the Bank; (b) any
payments by the undersigned shall not reduce the maximum liability of the
undersigned under this Guaranty unless written notice to that effect is actually
received by the Bank at or prior to the time of the payment; and (c) the
liability of the undersigned to the Bank shall at all times be deemed to be the
aggregate liability of the undersigned under this Guaranty and any other
guaranties previously or subsequently given to the Bank by the undersigned and
not expressly revoked, modified or invalidated in writing.

The undersigned waive(s) any right to require the Bank to: (a) proceed against
any person, including without limit the Borrower; (b) proceed against or exhaust
any security held from the Borrower or any other person; (c) give notice of the
terms, time and place of any public or private sale of personal property
security held from the Borrower or any other person, or otherwise comply with
the provisions of Section 9-504 of the California or other applicable Uniform
Commercial Code; (d) pursue any other remedy in the Bank's power; or (e) make
any presentments or demands for performance, or give any notices of
nonperformance, protests, notices of protest, or notices of dishonor in
connection with any obligations or evidence of Indebtedness held by the Bank as
security, in connection with any other obligations or evidences of Indebtedness
which constitute in whole or in part Indebtedness, or in connection with the
creation of new or additional Indebtedness.

The undersigned authorize(s)  the Bank, either before or after termination of
this Guaranty, without notice to or demand on the undersigned and without
affecting the undersigned's liability under this Guaranty, from time to time to:
(a) apply any security and direct the order or manner of sale of it, including
without limit, a nonjudicial sale permitted by the terms of the controlling
security agreement, mortgage or deed of trust, as the Bank in its discretion may
determine; (b) release or substitute any one or more of the endorsers or any
other guarantors of the Indebtedness; and (c) apply payments received by the
Bank from the Borrower to any Indebtedness of the Borrower to the Bank, in such
order as the Bank shall determine in its sole discretion, whether or not this
indebtedness is covered by this Guaranty, and the undersigned waive(s) any
provision of law regarding application of payments which specifies otherwise.
The Bank may without notice assign this Guaranty in whole or in part. Upon the
Bank's request, the undersigned agree(s) to provide to the Bank copies of the
undersigned's financial statements.

The undersigned waive(s) any defense based upon or arising by reason of (a) any
disability or other defense of the Borrower or any other person; (b) the
cessation or limitation from any cause whatsoever, other than final and
irrevocable payment in full, of the Indebtedness; (c) any lack of authority of
any officer, director, partner, agent or any other person acting or purporting
to act on behalf of the Borrower which is a corporation, partnership or other
type of entity, or any defect in the formation of the Borrower; (d) the
application by the Borrower of the proceeds of any Indebtedness for purposes
other than the purposes represented by the Borrower to the Bank or intended or
understood by the Bank or the undersigned; (e) any act or omission by the Bank
which directly or indirectly results in or aids the discharge of the Borrower or
any Indebtedness by operation of law or otherwise; or (f) any modification of
the Indebtedness, in any form whatsoever including without limit any
modification made after effective termination, and including without limit, the
renewal, extension, acceleration or other change in time for payment of the
Indebtedness, or other change in the terms of any Indebtedness, including
without limit increase or decrease of the interest rate. The undersigned
understands that, absent this waiver, Bank's election of remedies, including but
not limited to its decision to proceed to nonjudicial foreclosure on any real
property securing the Indebtedness, could preclude Bank from obtaining a
deficiency judgment against Borrower and the undersigned pursuant to California
Code of Civil Procedure sections 580a, 580b, 580d or 726 and could also destroy
any subrogation rights which the undersigned has against Borrower. The
undersigned further understands that, absent this waiver, California law,
including without limitation, California Code of Civil Procedure sections 580a,
580b, 580d or 726, could afford the undersigned one or more affirmative defenses
to any action maintained by Bank against the undersigned on this Guaranty.

The undersigned waives any and all rights and provisions of California Code of
Civil Procedure sections 580a, 580b, 580d or 726, including, but not limited to
any provision thereof that: (i) may limit the time period for Bank to commence a
lawsuit against Borrower or the undersigned to collect any Indebtedness owing by
Borrower or the undersigned to Bank; (ii) may entitle Borrower or the
undersigned to a judicial or nonjudicial determination of any deficiency owed by
Borrower or the undersigned to Bank, or to otherwise limit Bank's right to
collect a deficiency based on the fair market value of such real property
security; (iii) may limit Bank's right to collect a deficiency judgment after a
sale of any real property securing the Indebtedness; (iv) may require Bank to
take only one action to collect the Indebtedness or that may otherwise limit the
remedies available to Bank to collect the Indebtedness.

The undersigned waives all rights and defenses arising out of an election of
remedies by Bank even though that election of remedies, such as a nonjudicial
foreclosure with respect to security for a guaranteed obligation, has destroyed
the undersigned's rights of subrogation and reimbursement against Borrower by
the operation of Section 580d of the Code of Civil Procedure or otherwise.

The undersigned acknowledges and agrees that this is a knowing and informed
waiver of the undersigned's rights as discussed above and that Bank is relying
on this waiver in extending credit to Borrower.

The undersigned acknowledge(s) that the Bank has the right to sell, assign,
transfer, negotiate, or grant participations in all or any part of the
Indebtedness and any related obligations, including without limit this Guaranty.
In connection with that right, the Bank may disclose any documents and
information which the Bank now or later acquires relating to the undersigned and
this Guaranty, whether furnished by the Borrower, the undersigned or otherwise.
The undersigned further agree(s) that the Bank may disclose these documents and
information to the Borrower. The undersigned agree(s) that the Bank may provide
information relating to this Guaranty or to the undersigned to the Bank's
parent, affiliates, subsidiaries and service providers.

The total obligation under this Guaranty shall be UNLIMITED unless specifically
limited in the Additional Provisions to this Guaranty, and this obligation
(whether unlimited or limited to the extent indicated in the Additional
Provisions) shall include, IN ADDITION TO any limited amount of principal
guaranteed, any and all interest on all Indebtedness and any and all costs and
expenses of any kind, including without limit reasonable attorneys' fees and
costs, incurred by the Bank at any time(s) for any reason in enforcing any of
the duties and obligations of the undersigned under this Guaranty or otherwise
incurred by the Bank in any way connected with this Guaranty, the Indebtedness
or any other guaranty of the Indebtedness (including without limit reasonable
attorneys' fees and other expenses incurred in any suit involving the conduct of
the Bank, the Borrower or the undersigned). All of these costs and expenses
shall be payable immediately by the undersigned when incurred by the Bank,
without demand, and until paid shall bear interest at the highest per annum rate
applicable to any of the Indebtedness, but not in excess of the maximum rate
permitted by law. Any reference in this Guaranty to attorneys' fees shall be
deemed a reference to fees, charges, costs and expenses of both in-house and
outside counsel and paralegals, whether or not a suit or action is instituted,
and to court costs if a suit or action is instituted, and whether attorneys'
fees or court costs are incurred at the trial court level, on appeal, in a
bankruptcy, administrative or probate proceeding or otherwise. Any reference in
the Additional Provisions or elsewhere (a) to this Guaranty being secured by
certain collateral shall NOT be deemed to limit the total obligation of the
undersigned under this Guaranty or (b) to this Guaranty being limited in any
respect shall NOT be deemed to limit the total obligation of the undersigned
under any prior or subsequent guaranty given by the undersigned to the Bank.

The undersigned unconditionally and irrevocably waive(s) each and every defense
and setoff of any nature which, under principles of guaranty or otherwise, would
operate to impair or diminish in any way the obligation of the undersigned under
this Guaranty, and acknowledge(s) that each such waiver is by this reference
incorporated into each security agreement, collateral assignment, pledge and/or
other document from the undersigned now or later securing this Guaranty and/or
the Indebtedness, and acknowledge(s) that as of the date of this Guaranty no
such defense or setoff exists. The undersigned acknowledge(s) that the
effectiveness of this Guaranty is subject to no conditions of any kind.

This Guaranty shall remain effective with respect to successive transactions
which shall either continue the Indebtedness, increase or decrease it, or from
time to time create new Indebtedness after all or any prior Indebtedness has
been satisfied, until this Guaranty is terminated in the manner and to the
extent provided above.

The undersigned warrant(s) and agree(s) that each of the waivers set forth above
are made with the undersigned's full knowledge of their significance and
consequences, and that under the circumstances, the waivers are reasonable and
not contrary to public policy or law. If any of these waivers are determined to
be contrary to any applicable law or public policy, these waivers shall be
effective only to the extent permitted by law.

This Guaranty constitutes the entire agreement of the undersigned and the Bank
with respect to the subject matter of this Guaranty. No waiver, consent,
modification or change of the terms of this Guaranty shall bind any of the
undersigned or the Bank unless in writing and signed by the waiving party or an
authorized officer of the waiving party, and then this waiver, consent,
modification or change shall be effective only in the specific instance and for
the specific purpose given. This Guaranty shall inure to the benefit of the Bank
and its successors and assigns. This Guaranty shall be binding on the
undersigned and the undersigned's heirs, legal representatives, successors and
assigns including, without limit, any debtor in possession or trustee in
bankruptcy for any of the undersigned. The undersigned has (have) knowingly and
voluntarily entered into this Guaranty in good faith for the purpose of inducing
the Bank to extend credit or make other financial accommodations to the
Borrower, and the undersigned acknowledge(s) that the terms of this Guaranty are
reasonable. If any provision of this Guaranty is unenforceable in whole or in
part for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be effective.

Additional Provisions (if any):

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


13, 2000.


                                          BY: /s/ RAYMOND MUSCI
                                             Signature of Raymond Musci

                                                Its: N/A
WITNESS:                                            (If Applicable)

- -------------------------------------     BY:
Signature of                                 ----------------------------------
                                             Signature of

                                                    (If Applicable)

                                          GUARANTOR'S ADDRESS

                                          20760 Monte Sunset Drive
                                          Street Address

                                          San Jose           CA         95120
                                          City              State      Zip Code


Bay Area Multimedia, Inc.



                                                 Date: November 13, 2000

Obligor Name (Typed or Printed): Bay Area Multimedia, Inc.

Obligor Number:                                  Lender's Cost Carrier #: 95760

Address: 333 W Santa Clara St., Ste 930    San Jose    CA       USA     95113
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
               STREET ADDRESS               CITY      STATE   COUNTRY  ZIP CODE

The undersigned hereby authorizes Comerica Bank-California ("Bank") to charge
the account designated below for the payments due on the loan(s) as designated
below and all renewals, extensions, modifications and/or substitutions thereof.
This authorization will remain in effect unless the undersigned requests a
modification that is agreed to by the Bank in writing. The undersigned remains
fully responsible for all amounts outstanding to Bank if the designated account
is insufficient for repayment.

[X]  Automatic Payment Authorization for all payments on all current and
     future borrowings, as and when such payments come due (which payments
     include, without limitation, principal, interest, fees, costs, and
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]  Automatic Payment Authorization for all payments on only the specific
     borrowing identified below, as and when such payments come due (which
     payments include, without limitation, principal, interest, fees, costs, and

Specific Obligation Number:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[ ]  Automatic Payment Authorization for less than all payments on only the
     specific borrowing identified below, as and when such payments come due.

Specific Obligation Number:

[ ]  Principal and interest payments only

[ ]  Principal payments only

[ ]  Interest payments only


- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Payment Due Date: Loan payments will be charged to the account designated below
on the dates such payments become due unless that day is a Saturday, Sunday, or
Bank holiday in which case such payments will be charged on the following
business day, with interest to accrue during this extension as provided under
the loan documents.

Account to be Changed:

     [X]  Checking                           Comerica Account No. 1891220855

     [ ]  Savings                            Comerica Account No.
                   -----------------------                        ----------

Number of lead days to issue billing

(Charge to account are withdrawals pursuant to account resolution)

Bay Area Multimedia, Inc.

By:  /s/ RAYMOND MUSCI                      Its: President
   -----------------------------                 --------------------------
   SIGNATURE OF                                  TITLE

By:                                         Its:
   -----------------------------                 --------------------------
   SIGNATURE OF                                  TITLE

By:                                         Its:
   -----------------------------                 --------------------------
   SIGNATURE OF                                  TITLE

By:                                         Its:
   -----------------------------                 --------------------------
   SIGNATURE OF                                  TITLE

                                   Bank Copy

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                Date: November 13, 2000

I (we) hereby authorize and direct Comerica Bank-California ("Bank") to pay

to Comerica DDA # 1891220855                                $600,000.00
   -----------------------------------------------------     -------------------
to Comerica DDA # 1891220848                                $ 20,000.00
   -----------------------------------------------------     -------------------
to                                                          $
   -----------------------------------------------------     -------------------
to                                                          $
   -----------------------------------------------------     -------------------

of the proceeds of my (our) loan from the Bank evidenced by a note in the
original principal amount of:

$1,000,000.00                             ,     dated November 13, 2000 .
 -----------------------------------------      ------------------------


    Bay Area Multimedia, Inc.

By:  /s/ RAYMOND MUSCI              Its: President
   SIGNATURE OF                         TITLE

By:                                 Its:
   SIGNATURE OF                         TITLE

By:                                 Its:
   SIGNATURE OF                         TITLE

By:                                 Its:
   SIGNATURE OF                         TITLE