FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

                                Fair Market Value
                             As of December 31, 1995

                           W A L L E R   C A P I T A L
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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


               Preamble......................................................    I - 1
               Statement of Appraisal and Limiting Conditions................    I - 3
               Summary and Conclusion........................................    I - 5
               General Economic Outlook and the Specific Industry Outlook....    I - 7
SECTION II     THE SYSTEMS                                                     
               Gilroy Region.................................................   II - 1
               Hesperia Region...............................................  II - 10
               San Louis Obispo Region.......................................  II - 19
               Tulare Region.................................................  II - 28
               Central Oregon Region.........................................  II - 37
               Dallas Region.................................................  II - 45
               Coos Bay Region...............................................  II - 55
SECTION III    DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW ANALYSIS                                   
               Introduction..................................................  III - 1
               Income Statement Summary......................................  III - 1
               Capital Expenditure Summary...................................  III - 6
               Terminal Value................................................  III - 7
               Comparable System Sales.......................................  III - 7
               Discount Rate.................................................  III - 8
               Conclusion....................................................  III - 9
               A.       Discounted Cash Flow Analysis by Region

               B.       Summary Appraisal of Exchange Systems

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                                                      WALLER CAPITAL CORPORATION
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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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At the request of Falcon Cable Systems Company ("Falcon" or the "Company"), a
California Limited Partnership, Waller Capital Corporation ("Waller Capital")
has conducted an appraisal of the fair market value of the assets of Falcon. The
Company operates cable television systems that serve approximately 135,000
subscribers located in California and Oregon (the "Systems").

Neither Waller Capital nor any of their representatives have any active or
contemplated direct interest in Falcon or any affiliates of Falcon.

The purpose of this appraisal is to determine the value a buyer would assign to
the Company on a going concern basis if a willing seller, under no undue
pressure to sell, placed the Company for sale. The valuation is determined as of
December 31, 1995, on a cash-for-assets basis.

As directed by Falcon, the Systems were divided into seven regions; Gilroy
Region, Tulare Region, Hesperia Region, San Luis Obispo Region, Coos Bay Region,
Dallas Region and Central Oregon Region (the "Regions"). The general methodology
of the appraisal was to evaluate the Discounted Cash Flow ("DCF") stream
generated by each Region over a ten-year period (fiscal 1996 to 2005) and apply
relevant market and economic factors. Ten-year projections have been prepared by
Waller Capital as part of the DCF analysis. Developing projections required a
general understanding of each Region's current business and future plans. This
understanding was obtained through: i) discussions with management concerning
business operations and future prospects; ii) a review of each Region's December
31, 1995 fiscal year end unaudited financial statements; iii) a review of
Falcon's 1993 and 1994 unaudited regional and audited consolidated financial
statements; iv) a review of other operating and subscriber data; v) an analysis
of demographic data as it relates to the service areas of each Region; and (vi)
on-site due diligence of the Systems.

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                                                      WALLER CAPITAL CORPORATION

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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Projections for the years 1996 to 2005 were made by Waller Capital based upon
each Region's 1995 unaudited financial statements which we believe to be
generally reasonable. The general expense structure of the Systems was projected
according to market and inflationary factors as it was judged to be efficient.
In addition, specific adjustment was made for partnership expenses, as
determined by Waller Capital, which were not allocated back to each Region.

A sale is assumed to occur in the tenth year (2005) of the DCF model. The cash
flow sales multiples selected for each Region reflect the long-term prospects
for cash flow growth and the cash flow quality. The multiples selected also
account for the presumed technical condition of each Region at the time of sale.
The multiples were applied against the full tenth-year of each Region's cash

This analysis utilized a discount rate derived from Waller Capital's Weighted
Average Cost of Capital ("WACC") model. This discount rate is consistent with
the WACC for an average cable buyer, private or public, utilizing a mix of debt
and equity to capitalize operations.

Waller Capital's analysis was further supported by comparable system sales.
Waller Capital examined specific transactions to determine if an appropriate
multiple of cash flow could be derived from current market information. Waller
Capital examined multiples from announced and completed cable television
transactions for the twelve months preceding December 31, 1995, relying upon
data from Paul Kagan Associates, Inc., transactions executed by Waller Capital
and general industry information. However, comparable sales data is difficult to
generalize from because of the variability of factors such as system size,
growth prospects, penetration, location, demographics, technical system
condition and franchise terms, which are often not publicly available. Given
these limitations, Waller Capital is of the opinion that comparable sales data
offers only an approximation of factors that help determine a fair market value.

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                                                      WALLER CAPITAL CORPORATION

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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This appraisal has been prepared pursuant to the following general assumptions
and general limiting conditions:

1.       Waller Capital assumes no responsibility for the legal description or
         matters including legal or title considerations. Title to the subject
         assets, properties, and business interests are assumed to be good and
         marketable unless otherwise stated.

2.       The subject assets, properties, and business interests are appraised
         free and clear of any and all liens or encumbrances unless otherwise

3.       Waller Capital assumes responsible ownership and competent management
         with respect to the subject assets, properties, or business interests.

4.       The information furnished by others is believed to be generally
         reliable. However, Waller Capital issues no warranty or other form of
         assurance regarding its accuracy.

5.       Waller Capital assumes that there is full compliance with all
         applicable federal, state, and local regulations and laws unless
         noncompliance is stated, defined, and considered in the appraisal

6.       Waller Capital assumes that all required licenses, certificates of
         occupancy, rights of entry or easement, consents, or legislative or
         administrative authority from any local, state, or national government,
         private entity or organization have been or can be obtained or renewed
         for any use on which the valuation opinion contained in this report is

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                                                      WALLER CAPITAL CORPORATION

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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7.       Possession of this valuation report, or a copy thereof, does not carry
         with it the right of publication. It may not be used for any purpose by
         any person other than the party to whom it is addressed without Waller
         Capital's prior written consent and, in any event, only with proper
         written qualifications and only in its entirety.

8.       Waller Capital, by reason of this valuation, is not required to furnish
         a complete valuation report, or to give testimony, or to be in
         attendance in a court of law or other arbitration with reference to the
         assets, properties, and business interests in question unless
         arrangements have been previously made.

9.       No part of the contents of this report (especially any conclusions of
         value, the identity of the appraisers, or the firm with which the
         appraisers are associated) shall be disseminated to the public through
         advertising, public relations, news, sales, or other media without
         Waller Capital's prior written consent and approval.

10.      Waller Capital assumes no responsibility for any financial reporting
         judgements which are appropriately those of management. Management
         accepts the responsibility for any related financial reporting with
         respect to the assets, properties, and business interests encompassed
         by this appraisal.

11.      Waller Capital has no responsibility to update this report for any
         changes occurring subsequent to the issuance of this report, except as
         Waller Capital may be retained to do so in the future under a separate
         contract and agreement.

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                                                      WALLER CAPITAL CORPORATION

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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Based on the investigation and analyses discussed in this report, it is Waller
Capital Corporation's opinion that the fair market value of Falcon Cable Systems
Company, as of December 31, 1995, was $213,672,442. On a per region basis the
value was determined as follows:

Gilroy                                                            $ 57,640,720
Hesperia                                                            28,865,947
San Luis Obispo                                                     21,988,550
Tulare                                                              22,269,159
Coos Bay                                                            35,486,280
Dallas                                                              27,257,132
Central                                                             20,164,654
TOTAL VALUE                                                       $213,672,442

This value was based on the Discounted Cash Flow analysis and was supported by
our comparable system sales analysis.

Falcon Cable Systems Company serves 135,470 subscribers in 35 systems which are
grouped into seven regions. The systems are spread over 800 miles from southern
California to northern Oregon. There is an average of 3,871 subscribers per
headend with an average technical capacity of 41 channels. After four years of a
lack of liquidity and capital scarcity, the Systems are generally in need of
upgrades and rebuilds. Two of the Company's regions have lost basic subscribers
in the last three years, however, during the period from FYE 1993 through FYE
1995 overall basic subscribers have increased at a 2.2% annual rate. Pay
subscription has fallen 11% over the same period. From FY 1993 to FY 1995
revenue has dropped by over $800 thousand or -1.5% and cash flow has dropped by
$2.8 million, or 8.9%. On a pre-management fee and partnership expense basis
five of the seven regions had operating margins in excess of 50%.

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The California regions are all located within areas adjacent to the operations
of a number of different MSOs, however, all of the regions in Oregon are
surrounded by either TCI or other Falcon owned systems.

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                                                      WALLER CAPITAL CORPORATION

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1995 was a blockbuster year for almost all U.S. equity markets. The Dow Jones
Industrials and the S&P 500 returned 36.8 % and 37.5%, respectively. The U.S.
bond market fared equally well, with 30-year Treasury yields dropping from 7.85%
to 6.25% and providing a total return of over 25%. Real GDP growth ended the
year at 3.3%, with an inflation rate (CPI, which includes the volatile energy
and food components) of 2.9%. The average unemployment rate held steady at 5.6%.
Most economists feel that the Federal Reserve orchestrated a "soft-landing",
quelling runaway inflation fears, while not stifling economic output and future
capital spending plans. Public companies showed overpowering strength in the
equity markets, benefiting from decreasing interest rates, low and stable
inflation, increasing productivity, lower operating costs, restructurings and a
tremendous increase in liquidity due to substantial mutual fund inflows.
Companies with international sales exposure benefitted from the weaker U.S.
dollar. The technology sector fared best as companies not only increased actual
capital spending dollars, but also increased the percentage of technology
spending as a percent of total capital spending to approximately 50% -- up
dramatically from years past. The merger and acquisition market was also highly
active, with media, cable, technology, defense and health care companies leading
the charge. A record $442 billion in merger and acquisition deals were recorded
by Securities Data Co., a leading database for merger and acquisition activity.

The prognosis for 1996 appears less optimistic than 1995, yet moderately strong,
for the financial markets. In early December, the Federal Reserve lowered the
discount rate from 5.50% to 5.25% as a preemptive strike against a stagnating
economy. Inflation is expected to edge up slightly to 3.2% and GDP growth is
expected to decrease moderately to 2.8%. Bond yields are expected to primarily
maintain their current historical low levels, which bodes well for residential
construction activity. Finally, with U.S. equities at record levels, companies
are finding that acquisitions are a faster and

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more cost effective way to grow revenues in a marketplace where raising prices
is not an option.

Corporate capital spending is expected to remain healthy and companies are
projecting moderate growth with controlled costs. Consumer spending is showing
signs of flattening, as consumer debt begins to approach the saturation point.
On the legislative front, Congress also aims to complete a tax-reform bill and
pass a balanced-budget bill during 1996. Labor cost control improvements,
technology, inventory management and manufacturing efficiencies appear to have
built a solid foundation for long-term, sustainable, non-inflationary economic
growth in 1996.


The robust merger and acquisition market for cable television systems witnessed
from 1986 to middle of 1989 was driven by the very positive outlook for the
fundamentals of the cable industry and readily available credit. With the prior
arrival of basic rate deregulation, rising penetration of services and growing
ancillary revenues, the cable television industry utilized its natural operating
leverage to produce strong cash flow growth. Simultaneously, the high yield debt
market and commercial banks made enormous amounts of capital available at ever
increasing multiples of cash flow.

In late 1989, the market for cable systems reversed, with price multiples
falling approximately 20% on average and the volume of sales greatly reduced.
The principle cause of this reversal was a severe constriction of credit. The
high yield market virtually collapsed in conjunction with Drexel Burnham
Lambert's failure. Commercial banks virtually ceased providing new credit to
cable television in response to the implementation of Highly Leveraged
Transactions ("HLT") reporting requirements by the Comptroller of the Currency,
and banks' overall need to improve capital ratios.

The cable television market experienced some improvements beginning in late
1991. Waller Capital experienced a renewed interest in transactions, with
increased numbers of interested buyers and bidders. Commercial banks slowly
returned to the market, albeit at reduced debt/cash flow multiples.

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Large Multiple System Operators ("MSOs") accessed long-term fixed-rate debt at
attractive terms. Also, many new equity investors successfully sought entry into
the market, including: Hallmark, Meredith Corp., Kohlberg, Kravis and Roberts &
Co. and Warburg, Pincus. In addition, low interest rates aided buyers in the
market. While the overall consensus for cable television's future prospects were
attractive in this period, many cable operators were experiencing a decline in
their fundamentals. The economic recession and other factors lead to reduced
basic unit growth and pay unit declines. Basic rate growth was flattening.
Simultaneously, expense pressures from programming suppliers and customer
service requirements were rising. The overall impact of these forces would limit
cash flow growth from traditional video services in many markets.

In 1992 and 1993, enthusiasm grew among cable operators and the investment
community for cable television's prospects for generating revenue from the
distribution of data and voice, in addition to expanded video services. Spurred
by improved economics of fiber optic deployment and prospects for video
compression, financial expectations for large MSOs in large markets rose.

On October 5, 1992, Congress voted to override a presidential veto and enacted
the 1992 Cable Act. On April 1, 1993, the FCC disclosed the methodology by which
it began to regulate cable television. The 1992 Cable Act allows for a greater
degree of regulation of the cable industry with respect to, among other things:
(1) cable system rates for both basic and certain nonbasic services; (2)
programming access and exclusivity arrangements; (3) access to cable channels by
unaffiliated programming services; (4) leased access terms and conditions; (5)
horizontal and vertical ownership of cable systems; (6) customer service
requirements; (7) franchise renewals; (8) television broadcast signal carriage
and payments for retransmission consent; (9) technical standards; (10)
subscriber privacy; (11) consumer protection issues; (12) cable equipment
compatibility; (13) obscene or indecent programming; and (14) prohibiting cable
operators from requiring subscribers to subscribe to tiers of service other than
basic service as a condition of purchasing premium services. Additionally, the
legislation encourages competition with existing cable systems by: (1) allowing

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municipalities to own and operate their own cable systems without having to
obtain a franchise; (2) preventing franchising authorities from granting
exclusive franchises or unreasonably refusing to award additional franchises
covering an existing cable system's service area; and (3) prohibiting the common
ownership of cable systems and co-located MMDS or SMATV systems.

The disclosure of the benchmarks imposed by the FCC in April 1993 had a negative
impact on the market for cable television systems. Rate freezes through the
summer limited cash flow growth. More importantly, many systems faced basic rate
rollbacks with future cash flow growth limited by inflation related increases.
The uncertainty lend to reduced commercial bank lending, a critical aspect of
the marketplace.

However, as the September 1, 1993, compliance date for benchmark pricing
approached, increasing rumors of Regional Bell Operating Company ("RBOC")
acquisition interest following the Southwestern Bell acquisition of Hauser
Communications, combined with a clear incentive for cable MSOs to consolidate to
access capital and compete in voice and data telecommunications, pushed system
market values higher. During late September, Paul Kagan's Cable TV Finance
newsletter noted Southwestern Bell, BellSouth and NYNEX as interested in
acquiring Viacom Cable. Clearly, confidence in cable capital markets and
valuations were on an upswing.

Regulatory matters dictated the market for cable systems again in 1994. RBOC
interest early in the year created a near frenzy in the market. Moreover, the
FCCs announced alterations to current rate regulation schemes on February 22nd
once again caused a serious market disruption. The market's bellwether
transaction, Bell Atlantic/TCI, collapsed, bringing the market for cable systems
down. Other RBOCs were soon to follow Bell Atlantic's lead and the demand for
cable systems was greatly reduced.

The transaction marketplace stalled until mid-summer 1994, as cable operators
once again worked

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to understand the impact of potential 17% basic rate rollbacks and unclear
cost-of-service guidelines. However, as in the prior year, cable operators were
willing to focus on acquisition opportunities once they assimilated these
changes. Perhaps the forces driving consolidation were now even stronger as
competition from telephone companies was more likely. The necessity to amass
capital and critical market mass to compete in voice and data telecommunications
was more evident.

Transaction activity picked up strongly in the second half of 1994 despite
generally weak capital markets. Commercial banks were supportive of the largest
MSOs, with commercial bank capital in short supply for many smaller and
mid-sized operators. The high yield debt market was weak as rising short-term
rates limited demand among high yield buyers. Public equity markets were
depressed by the exodus of RBOCs. However, many sellers were willing to accept
securities from buyers, the sale of Times Mirror, Summit Communications and
Newhouse Broadcasting being noteworthy.

Competitive forces increased their pressures upon the cable industry in late
1994 with two new digital DBS/DSS providers joining the four-year veteran
PrimeStar Partners ("PrimeStar") owned by GE American Communications. October
saw the launch of GM-Hughes Electronics' DirecTV ("DirecTV") and Hubbard
Broadcasting's United States Satellite Broadcasting ("USSB"), both using the
much-publicized 18-inch (Ku-band) digital satellite dish technology. The reduced
size of these antennae, coupled with broad channel offerings and digital-quality
audio, in large measure offset the initial high startup equipment price
associated with the new systems, and demand for the dishes was very brisk. While
most attractive to rural customers outside cable service areas, the DBS/DSS
systems are also very competitive inside cable service areas in the market for
premium and tier-level customers. The entry of DirecTV and USSB, along with
PrimeStar, has subjected cable MSOs in many areas to effective competition,
placing pressure on service rates. This pressure is likely to increase in the
future as DBS/DSS providers introduce interactivity to their product offerings.

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By year-end 1994, the market for systems had stabilized. In addition, the fall
elections brought optimism on the regulatory front. Republican Senate Commerce
Committee chairman Larry Pressler introduced legislation that aimed to achieve
sweeping cable/telecommunications deregulation and reform. The market was
enthusiastic that an approved bill would provide for the repeal of the current
federally controlled cable rate structure, and fully open the local cable and
telephony markets to both MSOs and telcos. In addition, the legislation
contemplated allowing the RBOCs to enter long-distance and telecom equipment
making markets, as well as relax the restrictive broadcast station ownership
rules currently in place.

1995 was a year of restructurings, mergers, acquisitions, strategic
joint-ventures, leveraging and the beginning of a what will prove to be a long
battle for the multimedia consumer dollar. Telcos, MSOs and long-distance
carriers ("LDC"s) formed alliances in an attempt either to protect themselves
from unserved areas or to complement their current product offerings: i) Bell
Atlantic/NYNEX (wireless, video programming) ii) U.S. West/Pactel's Airtouch
Communications (wireless); iii) AT&T/McCaw Cellular (wireless); iv)
Disney/BellSouth Corp./Ameritech Corp./SBC Communications (programming); v)
MCI/News Corp. (DBS, Internet); vi) Sprint/TCI/Comcast/Cox (cable, wireline and
wireless telephony). Perhaps the last alliance is the most telling of what will
be MSO's preferred method of competing in an open playing field where consumers
can choose one provider for cable, telephony and long-distance. Senator
Pressler's pending telecommunications reform legislation reform has caused
cellular providers, MSOs and LDCs to rethink their growth and product strategies
in an open, competitive environment and without exclusive franchise areas or
protected products.

Over $20 billion in mergers occured during 1995, including Time
Warner/Cablevision Industries, Intermedia/Viacom, TCI/Viacom, Time
Warner/Houston Industries (Paragon/KBLCOM), Comcast/E.W. Scripps, Marcus/Sammons
and Gannett/Multimedia. MSOs faced the key operating decision of whether to
consolidate into strategic clusters or to sell-out to the highest bidder. Access

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to capital was a key factor in this decision. The enormous expected costs to
upgrade cable plant using fiber so that voice and data transmission would be
possible prompted MSOs to look for scale economies by growing quickly via

While the demand for capital remained strong throughout the year, the supply of
capital was also available through private and public debt markets to qualified
MSOs. In addition, an abundance of private equity was available to cable
companies as demonstrated by the following: i) Austin Ventures/B.T. Capital
extended $20 million to Classic Cable; ii) Calpers extended $250 million to
Comcast; iii) Goldman Sachs extended $180 million to Marcus Cable; iv) Hicks
Muse extended $115 million to Marcus; v) J.P. Morgan extended $125 million to
FrontierVision; vi) Kelso/Charterhouse extended $300 million to Charter
Communications; and vii) Spectrum Partners/Fleet Ventures/T.A. Associates
extended $50 million to Galaxy.

DBS competition also grew into a credible threat to cable's subscriber base.
Primestar, DirecTV, USSB and Echostar began to acquire subscribers at an
increasing rate. Due to several multi-million dollar marketing campaigns, DBS
has now become a significant threat to the high-end cable customer. However, the
lack of local broadcast stations, the high cost of initial setup and certain
logistical problems have hampered wide-scale defections to DBS services.

RBOCs have also entered the video market by acquiring wireless cable operators,
or MDS/MMDS operators. The markets believe that RBOCs view wireless cable as a
short-term, stop-gap measure to deliver video to the home, while they are
developing a long-term, cost-effective, quality delivery method. Among some of
the more salient deals are NYNEX & Bell Atlantic/CAI Wireless ($668), CS
Wireless/Bakersfield, CA ($186 MM)/Cleveland and Dayton, OH and Dallas, TX ($502
MM), CAWS/ACS Entertainment ($248 MM), Pacific Telesis/S.A. Cross Country ($175

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In conclusion, the major themes for cable television in 1995 were consolidation,
capital formation, competition and deregulation legislation. The cable industry
continues to exhibit attractive opportunities for growth and appreciation to
well positioned MSOs. In the long- term, cable television will play an integral
part in the dynamic reshaping of the larger media and telecommunications

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                                                      WALLER CAPITAL CORPORATION

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                                 II. THE SYSTEMS
                                 GILROY REGION
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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                  GILROY REGION


The Gilroy Region ("Gilroy" or the "Region") is composed of four cable
television systems (the "Systems") which serve communities in Monterey County
and San Benito County in Northern California. The Systems are served by four
headends located in Gilroy, Soledad Peak, Greenfield and King City. The
following map highlights the location of the Systems within the state of

                               [Map of Region]

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                                  GILROY REGION

                                   [CHART 1]

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

                                         1993             1994             1995
                                       ------           ------           ------
HOMES PASSED                           54,557           54,496           56,219

BASIC SUBSCRIBERS                      31,338           31,996           33,078
     % PENETRATION                       57.4%            58.7%            58.8%

PAY UNITS                              16,011           14,693           13,070
     % PENETRATION                       51.1%            45.9%            39.5%
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                                  GILROY REGION

                                   [CHART 2]

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

($ IN THOUSANDS)             1993                 1994                    1995
                             ----                 ----                    ----
REVENUES                  $13,602              $13,249                 $13,146

EXPENSES                    4,763                5,537                   5,512

SYSTEM CASH FLOW          $ 8,839              $ 7,713                  $7,633
         % MARGIN           64.9%                 58.2%                   58.1%
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                                  GILROY REGION

As of December 31, 1995, the Systems passed 56,219 homes with 664 miles of plant
(84 homes per mile) and served 33,078 basic subscribers (58.8% basic
penetration) and 13,070 pay units (39.5% pay penetration). The charts and tables
on the preceding pages demonstrate the historical operating and financial
performance of the Systems.

The Gilroy Region generated homes passed growth of 1.5% annually since 1993 and
subscriber growth of 2.7% annually over the same period. This subscriber growth
resulted in a small increase in basic penetration from 57.4% in 1993 to 58.8% in
1995. Pay subscription eroded over time from 15,573 (51.1% penetration) to
13,070 (39.5% penetration) over the same period.

Gilroy has had a relatively flat revenue history with an actual $456 thousand
decline in revenue from FY 1993 through FY 1995. This decline was attributable
to revenue losses sustained as a result of reregulation and pay subscription
losses. System cash flow has declined from a high of $8.8 million in 1993 to
$7.6 million in 1995, which is flat from the previous year. The operating margin
has been flat at 58% for the last two years.


The communities served by the Gilroy Region are situated in the heart of the
fertile Santa Clara Valley, just 15 miles from the Pacific Ocean in the
surrounding rolling hills and farmland. Gilroy is approximately one-half hour
from the center of the nations computer industry in San Jose/Silicon Valley and
the beautiful and diverse recreational areas on the Monterey Peninsula. The
communities are also strategically located at the junction of two of
California's most important highways, Interstate 101 between San Francisco and
Los Angeles, and US 152 linking 101 and Interstate 5 which serves California's
Central Valley. The demographics of the Gilroy Region vary from the rapidly
expanding companies of Silicon Valley to the north, to a migrant worker
component in King City to the south.

Gilroy is the self-proclaimed Garlic Capital of the World, and since 1979, home
to the Gilroy Garlic

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                                  GILROY REGION

Festival. Surrounding the Region is an important agricultural center which
provides enormous quantities of broccoli, cauliflower and other staples. The
city is a regional shopping hub with over 130 stores in 517,500 square feet of
retail space. King City and Soledad Peak are small communities that support the
surrounding farmland and serve as a base for the large migrant work force. The
largest employers in the Region are highlighted below:

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
COMPANY                                              EMPLOYEES               PRODUCT/SERVICE
- -------                                              ---------               -----------------
Gilroy Foods, Inc.                                      1,100*               Food Processing
Outlet Shopping Centers                                 1,000+               Discount Retail
Gilroy Unified School District                           865**               Education
A&D Christopher                                           574*               Grower, Processor
Nob Hill Foods/Corp. Offices                               418               Supermarket Chain
South Valley Hospital                                      310               General Hospital
Gilroy Auto Dealers                                        303               Sales
Hecker Pass, A Family Adventure                           300*               Theme Park
WalMart                                                    240               Discount Retail
City of Gilroy                                             225               City Government

* Seasonal peak employment                                                   ** Contract basis
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The communities within the Gilroy Region have enjoyed historically strong
growth. However, the Region has suffered as of late along with the rest of the
California economy. The closure of the nearby Fort Ord military base in 1993
also adversly impacted the local economy.


The Gilroy Region is served by four headends identified as Gilroy, Greenfield,
Soledad Peak and King City.

The system serving the city of Gilroy is the largest in the region. The system
was originally constructed in 1970 and upgraded in 1983 to 300 MHz . The headend
is primarily Scientific Atlanta components with a mix of Regal and Scientific
Atlanta electronics in the plant. The Gilroy headend is located several miles
west of Gilroy in the mountains to improve off-air reception and improve sight

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                                  GILROY REGION

paths for microwave links. The headend microwaves signal to receive sites in the
City of Gilroy, Morgan Hill, Hollister and Spring Hill. Spring Hill is a
repeater which feeds Aromos, Las Lomas, Oak Hill/Castorville, San Juan Bautista
and Prunedale. The Spring Hill site also feeds Laguana Seca which further feeds
La Mesa and Carmel Highlands.

The Greenfield system passes 2,621 homes with 40 miles of plant. The system is
operating at 300 MHz. The headend is a mix of Scientific Atlanta, Standard,
Jerrold, Blonder Tongue and ISS components with a mix of Magnavox and Scientific
Atlanta electronics in the plant.

The headend located on Soledad Peak is located just west of Highway 101 in the
mountains. The headend uses microwave to deliver signal to the Soledad and
Gonzalez systems. The Gonzalez receive site is fiber connected to the Chualar
system. The systems are primarily 400 MHz with Scientific Atlanta components in
the headend and plant.

The King City system passes 2,847 homes with 60 miles of plant. The system is
operating at 300 MHz. The headend is a mix of Scientific Atlanta, Standard,
Jerrold, Blonder Tongue and ISS components with a mix of Regal, Magnavox and
Scientific Atlanta electronics in the plant.


The Systems' rate and channel line-ups vary slightly by system due to technical
capacity, franchise and retransmission/must-carry issues, but generally offer a
basic service, a tier and a satellite package. The following highlights the
basic rates, tier rates and the total number of channels.

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                                  GILROY REGION

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              SERVICE RATE SUMMARY

                                                               BASIC                   TIER                       TOTAL
FRANCHISE                                                       RATE                   RATE                    CHANNELS
- ---------                                                       ----                   ----                    --------
Gilroy, CA                                                    $20.76                  $5.57                          35
Hollister, CA                                                  21.03                   5.82                          35
Morgan Hill, CA                                                21.72                   5.55                          35
San Benito County, CA                                          22.76                   5.86                          35
Santa Clara County, CA                                         21.83                   5.21                          35
King City, CA                                                  20.18                   1.66                          35
Monterey County, CA                                            20.97                   1.23                          35
Gonzales, CA                                                   11.74                   7.95                          35
Monterey County, CA                                            12.68                   8.34                          35
Soledad, CA                                                    11.85                   7.95                          35
Monterey County, CA                                            21.99                   4.05                          35
San Juan Bautista, CA                                          19.44                   5.21                          35
La Mesa Naval Post Grad School, CA                             19.21                   1.29                          35
Monterey County (Lag Seca/RTG), CA                             22.45                   4.05                          35
Greenfield, CA                                                 19.75                   1.82                          35
Monterey County, CA                                            20.22                   0.70                          35
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Gilroy has approximately 12,600 addressable subscribers which generated an
average 5.6% buy rate in 1995.


The Gilroy Region systems are operated from a centrally located facility in
Gilroy, two satellite offices in King City and Soledad and a part time office in
Greenfield. The Gilroy facility serves as the office, warehouse and technical
center for the entire Region. The two other offices are walk-in payment centers.
The Region utilizes a PC-based CSG billing system under master contract through
Falcon. The Region is operated by a total of 27 staff members including: a
System Manager, an Office Manager, a Plant Manager, 7 Technicians, 1 Lead
Installer, 5 Installers / Dispatchers, 7 Customer Service Representatives
("CSRs") and an Advertising Salesperson. There are also 2 CSRs in King City and
1 CSR in Soledad. None of the employees are covered by collective bargaining
agreements, nor has there been any organized effort to unionize.

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                                  GILROY REGION

The Region operates under the authority of 13 franchises. Approximately 80% of
the subscribers are in franchises that are within 3 years of renewal or in some
cases have not been renewed and are still being negotiated.


Falcon Cable charges Falcon Cable Systems Company a Management Fee of 5.0% of
total revenues. For the purposes of this appraisal, system cash flow was
determined prior to the Management Fee. Each region was then charged a
reimbursement of partnership expenses of 5.73% of total revenues. This charge is
comprised of reimbursed partnership expenses and miscellaneous charges. The
reimbursed partnership expense was calculated as 3.73% of total revenues. In
FY1995 the Gilroy Region was charged $1,980,591 (3.73% of Partnership Revenues
of $52.9 million) as Reimbursed Expense under Partnership Expense which
discussions with Falcon management confirmed represented expenses of the entire
Company and should be allocated accordingly. An additional 2% of revenues was
added to each Region's Unallocated Partnership expense to account for
miscellaneous services and support provided by the general partner of Falcon
Cable Systems Company including management, financial, programming, billing,
marketing, legal, programming and other services and discounts.


The Systems are not currently overbuilt by any other franchised cable operator.
There is an MMDS operator which delivers signal in Greenfield which has caused a
small subscriber loss. Within the immediate surrounding area are the following
operators: Tele-Communications, Inc., Intermedia Partners and Post Newsweek


The Gilroy region has the widest range of demographics of the Falcon systems.
The systems to the north including Gilroy have excellent growth prospects as
Silicon Valley continues to expand,

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                                  GILROY REGION

however King City to the south is at the lower end of the demographic scale.

The franchising environment in the Systems appears difficult as many of the
franchising authorities have filed to prevent Falcon's bid for the small system
exclusion following the lead of the Naval Postgraduate School. In addition,
approximately 80% of subscribers are in franchises that have either expired or
expire within the next three years.

Homes passed growth is projected to be relatively robust at 1.7% versus an
historical 1.5% with continual improvement in subscriber penetration. Revenue
and cash flow are projected to increase, reversing the historical trend, due to
rate increases, subscriber gains and continued generation of revenue from other

The plant will require a rebuild in the next three years to eliminate channel
lock, permit revenue gains, eliminate multiple microwave connections, improve
system signal integrity, reduce cost of operation, and to aid the franchise
renewal process for those areas due to expire in the next three years.

In the event of a sale the most likely buyer is TCI/Intermedia, and possibly
Post Newsweek. However, TCI is the dominant player in the northern California

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                                 HESPERIA REGION
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                                 HESPERIA REGION


The Hesperia region ("Hesperia" or the "Region") is composed of five cable
television systems (the "Systems") which serve the communities of Adelanto,
Rosamond/Mojave, North Edwards, Boron and Hesperia in the state of California.
The following map highlights the location of the Systems in the state of

                                 [MAP OF REGION]

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                                   [CHART 1]


(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

                               1993            1994            1995
                               ----            ----            ----
HOMES PASSED                 27,332          28,031          28,312

BASIC SUBSCRIBERS            16,420          17,611          18,513
  % PENETRATION                60.1%           62.8%           65.4%

PAY UNITS                     7,438           8,907           8,366
  % PENETRATION                45.3%           50.6%           45.2%

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                                 HESPERIA REGION

                                   [CHART 2]


(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

($ in thousands)                     1993           1994            1995
                                     ----           ----            ----
REVENUES                           $7,085         $7,321          $7,847

EXPENSES                            2,956          3,204           3,645

SYSTEM CASH FLOW                   $4,129         $4,117          $4,202
      % MARGIN                       58.3%          56.2%           53.5%

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                                 HESPERIA REGION

As of December 31, 1995, the Systems passed 28,312 homes with 678 miles of plant
(42 homes per mile) and served 18,513 basic subscribers (65.4% basic
penetration) who subscribed to 8,366 pay units (45.2% pay penetration). Revenue
and cash flow for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995 were $7.847 million
and $4.202 million respectively (53.5% operating margin). The charts and tables
on the preceding pages demonstrate the historical operating and financial
performance of the Systems.

The historical subscriber summary indicates that the Hesperia Region generated
homes passed growth of 1.8% annually since 1993 and subscriber growth of 6.2%
over the same period. Homes passed growth slowed in 1995 to 1.0% versus 2.6% in
1994. Basic subscribers continued to climb with penetration reaching 65% in 1995
from 60% in 1993. Pay subscribers declined from 8,907 at FYE 1994 to 8,366 at
FYE 1995, a loss of 6.1%.

In the Hesperia Region, revenue has climbed over the preceding three years at a
compound growth rate of 5.2% fueled by subscriber gains which offset revenue
losses as a result of reregulation. However, the operating margin declined over
the period from 58.3% in 1993 to 53.5% in 1995 resulting in a flat actual cash
flow over the three year period.


Hesperia is the largest community in the Hesperia Region. Hesperia is located
approximately 20 miles north of the City of San Bernardino along Interstate 15
and approximately 80 miles north and east of Los Angeles. The area is an extreme
outer bedroom community for Los Angeles and for San Bernardino. The closing of
George Air Force Base, a large area employer, approximately three years ago, had
a severe negative effect on the economy. System management estimated that a
large portion of the population was on welfare and the area suffered from high

The City of Adelanto was founded in 1915 by inventor E.H. Richardson. Richardson
built the

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                                 HESPERIA REGION

community with money received from the sale of his patent for what was later
developed as the Hotpoint Electric Iron. Adelanto was developed as one of the
first master planned communities in Southern California. The city is located
approximately 95 miles northeast of Los Angeles on State Highway 395 in the
California High Desert and 35 miles north of San Bernardino via Interstate 15.
Major employers in Adelanto include:

EMPLOYER                                                       EMPLOYEES
- --------                                                       ---------
Roadway Express, Inc.                                              1,000
Adelanto School District                                             272
Iron Horse Trucking                                                  200

Adelanto, like Hesperia, suffers from unemployment and a large percentage of
welfare recipients. However, the city has constructed several industrial parks
to encourage the influx of new business and has developed a Fast Track process
to minimize the time it takes to gain building permits and other authorizations
required to begin business operations in the city.

Boron is located approximately 35 miles to the north of Adelanto and is an
abandoned boron mining town. The mine has been closed and the community is
slowly shrinking. The Rosamond/Mojave system is located approximately 60 miles
from Adelanto and approximately 20 miles west of Boron. The communities are
composed of small tract homes and are outer bedroom communities for Los Angeles
and other cities in Los Angeles and San Bernardino counties. North Edwards is
adjacent to Edwards Air Force base and approximately 10 miles west of Boron.
Edwards is a major U.S. base and is the West Coast home and landing site for the
NASA Space Shuttle.


The system serving Hesperia passes 16,948 homes with 415 miles of plant. The
system was originally constructed in 1972 and rebuilt in 1988 to 330 MHz. The
plant is technically sound and there is a nearly complete fiber project which
will replace significant portions of the trunk in order to reduce

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                                 HESPERIA REGION

amplifier cascades. Management indicated that the area was built out and that
future growth was occurring primarily under existing plant. The system has a
microwave receive site at the office/headend which receives microwave signals
from Los Angeles off-air networks at a site on Blue Ridge Mountain. The Blue
Ridge site is also used to send the off-air signals to Adelanto.

The Adelanto system passes 2,600 homes with 62 miles of plant. The system was
constructed in 1972 and rebuilt in 1988 to 330 MHz. Adelanto acts as a microwave
distribution source for the community of Silver Lake, a small retirement
community with 1,802 homes passed by 41 miles of plant located outside of

The Rosamond/Mojave system is linked together via a fiber run which permitted
the elimination of a headend. The system was originally built in 1974 and is
currently operating at 300 MHz. The Boron system passes 1,256 homes with 27
miles of plant. The system was originally constructed in 1967 and 60% rebuilt in
1991. The system is operating at 270 MHz. The North Edwards system passes 235
homes with 7 miles of plant. The system was constructed in 1990 and is operating
at 450 MHz.


The Hesperia Region has a main office located in Hesperia and a satellite office
in Mojave. The Hesperia office is open for walk-in payments customer service and
subscriber inquires. The Region uses a CSG-based billing system under a master
contract through Falcon. The Hesperia Region is operated by 21 employees
including, a System Manager, an Office Manager, a Chief Technician, 3
Technicians, 3 Installers, 1 Dispatch Supervisor and 6 Customer Service
Representatives ("CSRs"). The Mojave office has 2 CSRs and 3 Technicians. None
of the employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements, nor has there
been any organized effort to unionize.

The Hesperia Region operates under the authority of four franchises. The
earliest franchise expiration

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                                 HESPERIA REGION

is in 2006.


The Systems rate and channel line-ups vary slightly by system due to franchise
and retransmission/must-carry issues but generally offer a basic package
composed of a variety of Los Angeles off-air signals, a tier package, a
satellite package, premium networks, and pay-per-view channels. The following
highlights the basic rates, tier rates and the number of channels available in
each franchise area:

                              SERVICE RATES SUMMARY

FRANCHISE                              BASIC RATE    TIER RATE     TOTAL CHANNELS
- ---------                              ----------    ---------     --------------
Hesperia, CA                               $19.43        $7.95                 44
Kern County, CA                             15.66         4.90                 41
Adelanto, CA                                18.36         7.78                 43
San Bern. Co. (Silver Lake), CA             17.85         9.25                 44
Kern County, CA                             16.54         6.07                 41
Kern County, CA                             15.39         1.70                 28

Hesperia has approximately 6,000 addressable subscribers which generated an
average buy rate of 11% in 1995.


Falcon Cable charges Falcon Cable Systems Company a Management Fee of 5.0% of
total revenues. For the purposes of this appraisal, system cash flow was
determined prior to the Management Fee. Each region was then charged a
reimbursement of partnership expenses of 5.73% of total revenues. This charge is
comprised of reimbursed partnership expenses and miscellaneous charges. The
reimbursed partnership expense was calculated as 3.73% of total revenues. In
FY1995 the Gilroy Region was charged $1,980,591 (3.73% of Partnership Revenues
of $52.9 million) as Reimbursed Expense under Partnership Expense which
discussions with Falcon management confirmed

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                                 HESPERIA REGION

represented expenses of the entire Company and should be allocated accordingly.
An additional 2% of revenues was added to each Region's Unallocated Partnership
expense to account for miscellaneous services and support provided by the
general partner of Falcon Cable Systems Company including management, financial,
programming, billing, marketing, legal, programming and other services and


The systems are not currently overbuilt by any other franchised cable system.
Within the immediate surrounding area are Booth American Company, Century
Communications, Comcast Corp. and Tele-Communications, Inc.


The Hesperia Region has had strong growth over the preceding three years,
however, the economy of the communities served by the Systems continues to
suffer. Homes passed growth based on information from management and other
sources is projected to decrease to .8% per annum, however, basic penetration is
projected to continue to rise.

The Systems were originally constructed in the early 1970s. They are operated at
330 MHz and are channel locked. The Systems will require a rebuild over the next
few years in order to raise rates and fend off competition.

In the event of a sale, the most likely buyers include Century,
Tele-Communications, Inc. and Mediacom, which recently announced the purchase of
11,000 subscribers in Ridgecrest, CA for $120.8 million ($1,890 per subscriber),
or 7.5x cash flow. (This transaction will not close until early 1996). The
Systems would command a premium market price due to the historical growth in
subscribers and revenues. However, at 65% basic penetration, continual
subscriber growth will be more difficult to maintain and the market demographics
present a difficult economic outlook. In

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                                 HESPERIA REGION

addition, the purchase price would be discounted for the cost of rebuilding all
of the Systems.

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                             SAN LUIS OBISPO REGION
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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                             SAN LUIS OBISPO REGION


The San Luis Obispo Region ("SLO" or the "Region") is composed of two cable
television systems (the "Systems") which serve the communities of Atascadero,
Los Alamos, Guadeloupe, Los Osos, Cambria and portions of San Luis Obispo County
in the state of California. The following map highlights the location of the
Systems within the state of California.

                                 [MAP OF REGION]

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                             SAN LUIS OBISPO REGION

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]


(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

                                       1993          1994           1995
                                       ----          ----           ----
HOMES PASSED                         25,399        25,699         26,138

BASIC SUBSCRIBERS                    15,717        15,669         15,635
   % PENETRATION                       61.9%         61.0%          59.8%

PAY UNITS                             5,161         5,224          3,733
   % PENETRATION                       32.8%         33.3%          23.9%

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                             SAN LUIS OBISPO REGION

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]


(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

($ IN THOUSANDS)                   1993            1994           1995
                                   ----            ----           ----
REVENUES                         $6,486          $6,134         $5,729

EXPENSES                          2,734           2,967          3,194

SYSTEM CASH FLOW                 $3,751          $3,168         $2,535
    % MARGIN                       57.8%           51.6%          44.2%

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                             SAN LUIS OBISPO REGION

As of December 31, 1995, the Systems passed 26,138 homes with 409 miles of plant
(64 homes per mile) and served 15,635 basic subscribers (59.8% basic
penetration) who subscribed to 3,733 pay units (23.9% pay penetration). Revenue
and cash flow for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995 were $5.729 million
and $2.535 million respectively (44.2% operating margin). The charts and tables
on the preceding pages demonstrate the historical operating and financial
performance of the Systems.

The SLO Region experienced homes passed growth of approximately 1.4% annually
over the period from 1993 through 1995. Over the same period, basic subscribers
dropped resulting in a three year net subscriber loss of 82 subscribers. This
resulted in basic penetration declining from 61.9% in 1993 to 59.8% in 1995. Pay
subscription also declined precipitously from 5,161 to 3,733 (32.8% pay
penetration to 23.9%) over the period.

The SLO Region's revenues have fallen by $757 thousand over the period from 1993
through 1995. This decline was attributable to regulation which decreased rates,
and the falling number of pay subscribers. Over the period, the Region had
incremental expense increases which caused system cash flow to decline from $3.8
million to $2.5 million, a decline of 34%, resulting in a margin decrease from
57.8% to 44.2%.


The communities served by SLO are located in the heart of California's Central
Coast, approximately 210 miles south of San Francisco, 210 miles north of Los
Angeles, and 17 miles inland from the Pacific Ocean, in the San Lucia Mountains.
Atascadero, with a population of over 25,000, and the largest city served in the
SLO region, is the second largest community in San Luis Obispo County.

Following the general trend in California, the economy in San Luis Obispo County
has suffered over the last few years, however, the 1996 San Luis Obispo County
Economic Outlook prepared by the

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                             SAN LUIS OBISPO REGION

Regents of the University of California indicates that a recovery is in
progress. The report concluded that labor markets have demonstrated clear
improvement, retail gains are underway and that incomes have begun to modestly
rise again. The report also points to new residential development, positive net
in-migration and estimates that 2,775 people will relocate to the county in
1996. In the near term the report predicts population growth of 1.4% per annum
through 2004.

The employment environment of SLO County remains relatively stable as one-fourth
of all residents work for some level of government. The county is also
increasing its tourism base which serves the Hearst Castle, the local vineyards
and the beaches along California's scenic Route 1.

The city of Atascadero was founded in 1913 as a planned utopian colony by Edward
Gardner Lewis, a successful magazine publisher from the East. Many of Mr.
Gardner's principles have survived through to the present as a result of
Atascadero's city charter, which calls for the preservation of open space and
the protection of trees and hillsides. The population of Atascadero is 25,225.
Growth from 1980 through 1990 was 43%, and since 1980 the city has averaged 700
new residents per year. The major employer in the area is the Atascadero State
Hospital which has over 1,500 employees.

Cambria is a small community to the northwest of Atascadero along Route 1, and
just south of San Simeon State Park. The community is comprised primarily of
retirees, artists and individuals who serve the tourist trade. Los Osos is to
the southwest of Atascadero and just south of Morro Bay. The community is a
small bedroom community for the City of San Luis Obispo as well as home to
employees of Pacific Gas & Electric's Diablo Canyon Nuclear Facility. Los Osos
also has a significant retirement component. Guadeloupe is the southern most
system located approximately 30 miles to the south of Atascadero just outside of
Santa Maria.

The following chart highlights the population and economic growth of San Luis
Obispo County:

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                             SAN LUIS OBISPO REGION

                                   1990            1992               1994             1995
                                   ----            ----               ----             ----
Population                      221,843         221,902            231,549          236,038
     Growth                         N/A            .03%               4.3%             1.9%

Taxable Retail Sales
(000s)                       $1,260,520      $1,914,174         $1,246,975              N/A

The following chart highlights the demographic and economic growth of the City
of Atascadero:

(DOLLAR VALUES IN MILLIONS)          1990        1991        1993           1995
                                     ----        ----        ----           ----
Population in the County          217,162     221,340     228,380        236,038
Taxable Retail                                                          
- - County                         $1,730.5    $1,662.5    $1,679.0(1)     1,654.0(1)
Populations in City Limits                                              
- - Atascadero                       23,138      23,382      24,091         25,225
Taxable Retail Sales                                                    
- - City                             $132.0      $187.0      $185.0         $151.0(1)
Total Number of Dwellings                                               
- - City                              8,875       8,973       9,127          9,273
Total School Enrollment                                                 
- -Atascadero                         5,275       5,436       5,686          5,924


The SLO Region is served by two headends located in Atascadero and Los Alamos.
Atascadero serves the city of Atascadero and surrounding areas of San Louis
Obispo County, and microwaves signal to Cambria, Los Osos and Guadeloupe. Los
Alamos is a stand-alone system.

The Atascadero headend is located on the grounds of the Atascadero State
Hospital. The system uses a receive site located on Cuesta Peak to receive
off-air signals which are then fibered to the Atascadero headend and microwaved
to the other receive sites. All satellite signals are received at the Atascadero
headend and fibered to Cuesta Peak for transmission to the other systems. Los
Angeles off-air networks are received via a microwave signal from a vendor.

- -----------
(1) Results from previous years.

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                             SAN LUIS OBISPO REGION

The SLO Region, with the exception of the city of Atascadero, Guadeloupe and Los
Alamos, have been rebuilt (approximately 50% of the Region's plant miles) within
the last year to 750 MHz fiber-to-the-node technology at an estimated cost of
$5.5 million. The fiber project also included the installation of a new headend
in Atascadero and a fiber connection between Atascadero and Cuesta Peak. This
has significantly increased signal quality and reduced outages. Atascadero is
slated to be rebuilt in the next few years as part of the refranchising effort
(franchise expiration for Atascadero is 2001).

Los Alamos is a small community that was built in 1985 to 450 MHz with a
40-channel capacity.


The Region is served by one office located in Atascadero. The Atascadero office
also shares space with the Falcon Western Region Division Office. The office is
open for walk-in payments, customer service and subscriber inquires. The Region
uses a CSG-based billing system under a master contract through Falcon. The SLO
Region is operated by 17 employees including, a System Manager, an Office
Manager, a Chief Technician, 2 Maintenance Technicians, 1 Service Technician, 1
Installer/Technician, 2 Installers, 1 Dispatch Supervisor, 1 Warehouse
Supervisor, 5 Customer Service Representatives and 1 Advertising Sales Manager.
None of the employees are covered by collective bargaining agreements, nor has
there been any organized effort to unionize.


The Systems' rate and channel line-ups vary slightly by system due to franchise
and retransmission/must-carry issues but generally offer a basic line-up
composed of a variety of Oxnard, Los Angeles, Santa Maria, Santa Barbara and San
Luis Obispo, California off-air signals, a tier package, a satellite package,
premium networks, and pay-per-view channels. The following highlights the basic
rates, tier rates and the total number of channels available by franchise area:

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                             SAN LUIS OBISPO REGION

                              SERVICE RATE SUMMARY

                                  BASIC          TIER                TOTAL
FRANCHISE                          RATE          RATE             CHANNELS
- ---------                          ----          ----             --------
Atascadero, CA                   $16.56         $7.66                   37
Guadalupe, CA                     17.42          6.10                   37
Los Alamos, CA                    15.60          2.18                   21
San Luis Obispo, CA               15.83          7.03                   58

At FYE 1995, the Systems had 5,019 addressable subscribers and an average buy
rate of 5.5%.


Falcon Cable charges Falcon Cable Systems Company a Management Fee of 5.0% of
total revenues. For the purposes of this appraisal, system cash flow was
determined prior to the Management Fee. Each region was then charged a
reimbursement of partnership expenses of 5.73% of total revenues. This charge is
comprised of reimbursed partnership expenses and miscellaneous charges. The
reimbursed partnership expense was calculated as 3.73% of total revenues. In
FY1995 the Gilroy Region was charged $1,980,591 (3.73% of Partnership Revenues
of $52.9 million) as Reimbursed Expense under Partnership Expense which
discussions with Falcon management confirmed represented expenses of the entire
Company and should be allocated accordingly. An additional 2% of revenues was
added to each Region's Unallocated Partnership expense to account for
miscellaneous services and support provided by the general partner of Falcon
Cable Systems Company including management, financial, programming, billing,
marketing, legal, programming and other services and discounts.


The Systems are not currently overbuilt by any other franchised cable system.
Within the immediate surrounding area are Sonic Communications, Time Warner
Cable and Comcast Corp.

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                             SAN LUIS OBISPO REGION


The SLO Region serves attractive, stable, economically improving markets. Falcon
completed a portion of the rebuild of the Systems that was required, however, a
large portion of the plant, located in the city of Atascadero, must be rebuilt
within the next few years, not only to assure a franchise renewal, but also to
ensure the reversal of subscriber erosion already sustained.

The revenue losses sustained since 1993 should be reversed as the advent of
deregulation permits the service rates to rise. The state of the economy and a
refranchising environment will not permit a large recapture, but rate increases
in the 4% range are sustainable. The completion of the rebuild will also improve
signal quality, reduce outages and lead to basic subscriber gains as well as
permit growth of other revenue sources and the retention of pay subscribers.
Homes passed growth of 1.7% is projected and penetration increases are projected
to increase the number of basic subscribers by approximately 2.4% per annum.

In the event of a sale of SLO, likely acquirors include Comcast, Time Warner and
possibly TCI/Intermedia as they continue to consolidate much of Northern
California. The Systems would command an average price in the market based on
growth potential and demographics, but would be discounted by the cost of
rebuilding Atascadero, and for the negative trend of historical operating and
financial results.

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                                 TULARE REGION
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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                  TULARE REGION


The Tulare Region ("Tulare"or the "Region") is composed of three cable systems
(the "Systems") which serve the communities of Posey, Springville, California
Hot Springs, Camp Nelson, Three Rivers, Woodlake, Lemon Cove, Terra Bella,
Woodville, Strathmore, Porterville, Pet, Exeter, Farmersville, Ivanhoe, Cutler,
Orosi, Orange Cove, Oak Ranch and Lindsay. These communities are all located in
and around Tulare County, California. The following map indicates the location
of the Tulare Region within the state of California.

                                 [Map of Region]

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                                                      Waller Capital Corporation

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                  TULARE REGION

                               [CHART 1 OMITTED]

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

                                                           1993                        1994                        1995
                                                           ----                        ----                        ----
Homes Passed                                             38,340                      39,514                      41,053

Basic Subscribers                                        16,552                      15,562                      15,249
     % Penetration                                        43.2%                       39.4%                       37.1%

Pay Units                                                11,064                       9,316                       7,110
     % Penetration                                        66.8%                       59.9%                       46.6%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                  TULARE REGION

                               [CHART 2 OMITTED]

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

($ in thousands)                                           1993                        1994                        1995
- ----------------                                           ----                        ----                        ----
Revenues                                                 $7,493                      $6,802                      $6,506

Expenses                                                 $3,787                      $3,469                      $3,338

System Cash Flow                                         $3,706                      $3,334                      $3,169
         % Margin                                         49.5%                       49.0%                       48.7%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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                                  TULARE REGION

As of December 31, 1995, the Systems passed 41,053 homes with 675 miles of plant
(60 homes per mile) and served 15,249 basic subscribers (37.1% basic
penetration) who subscribed to 7,110 pay units (46.6% pay penetration). Revenue
and system cash flow for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995 were $6,506,018
and $3,168,517 respectively (48.7% operating margin). The charts and tables on
the preceding pages demonstrate the operating and financial perfomance of the
Systems over the last three years.

As the historical results indicate, the Systems have been losing subscribers
over the last three years despite a 7% increase in homes passed over the period.
Subscribers have fallen from 16,552 in 1993 to 15,249 in 1995, a 7.7% decline,
and penetration has fallen from 43.2% in 1993 to 37.1% in 1995.

The Tulare Region revenues and cash flow have also been decreasing over the last
three years from $7.4 million in revenues in 1993 to $6.5 million in 1995, a 12%
decline, and from $3.7 million to $3.2 million in cash flow for the same period,
a 14% decline. The declines were attributable to subscriber losses as well as
reregulation related rate decreases and other incremental expense increases.


The communities served by the Tulare Region systems are located approximately
180 miles north of Los Angeles, 230 miles south of San Francisco and Sacremento
and 45 miles south of Fresno. There are three systems in the Region,
Porterville, Posey/Jack Ranch and California Hot Springs.

Porterville is the largest with approximately 98% of the Region's total
subscribers. Porterville is located in Tulare County which is the heart of
California's agri-business region. Tulare County's agri-business' produce over
46 products which yield over $1,000,000 in annual sales including almonds,
cotton, citrus and grapes. In the county, approximately 32,000, or 25% of the
employment base is employed in agriculture. The area was hit with a disaterous
freeze in the early 1990s which destroyed a large number of the citrus and other
trees. Replanted trees are just beginning to mature and output

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                                  TULARE REGION

is again begining to surge.

Posey/Jack Ranch and California Hot Springs are east of the Porterville system,
in or near the mountains. Posey/Jack Ranch is a retirement community drawing
retirees from as far away as Los Angeles who, in a search for cheaper housing
and a quieter lifestyle, will commute or semi-retire to the area. There is also
a sprinkling of logging and cattle ranching in the communities and surrounding

The following chart highlights the major employers in Tulare County:

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EMPLOYER                                                        EMPLOYEES             DESCRIPTION
- --------                                                        ---------             -----------
Dairyman's Coop. Creamery Assoc.                                      650             Dairy Products
Tulare City School District                                           640             Education
Tulare Joint Union H.S. District                                      450             Education
Tulare District Hospital                                              435             Medical Facilities
Haagen-Dazs                                                           300             Ice Cream
Kraft General Foods                                                   300             Cheese & Dairy Products
City of Tulare                                                        250             Municipality
Southern Cal. Edison                                                  250             Utility Services
Grumman/Olsen Ind., Inc.                                              200             Truck Bodies
PSI Tronix                                                            175             Electronics
Kings County Truck Lines                                              150             Transportation Services
Kraft U.S.A. South                                                    130             Cheese & Dairy Products
Stella Cheese                                                         120             Cheese & Dairy Products
J.D. Heiskell                                                         100             Grain Processor
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The following chart highlights the demographic trends in Tulare County over the
last 10 years:

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                                  TULARE REGION

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                         1985                1988                1990               1993
                                                         ----                ----                ----               ----
Population-County                                     260,300             295,000             319,600            340,000

Taxable Sales-County(in $1,000's)                  $1,549,525          $1,793,916          $2,148,811         $2,243,541

Population City of Tulare (area 225,000)               26,356              28,040              33,249             39,314

Taxable Sales City of Tulare(in 1,000's)             $177,463            $218,719            $266,637           $283,997

Housholds City of Tulare                                9,550              10,500              11,900             13,500

K-12 School Enrollment                                  8,029               8,744               9,364             10,512
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Tulare Region is served by three headends located in Porterville, Posey/Jack
Ranch and California Hot Springs. The Tulare Systems have a total of 675 miles
of plant (79% aerial and 21% underground).

The Porterville headend serves as a microwave distribution site for 16
sub-systems in the surrounding area. Porterville microwaves signal to Blue
Ridge, Rich Grove, Pixley (which distributes via microwave to Earlimont),
Tipton, Lindsay and Venus Hills. Blue Ridge is a secondary site which
distributes to Springville, Camp Nelson and Three Rivers. Venus Hills is also a
secondary distibution site which transmits to Woodlake, Lin Cove, Farmerville,
Pat Tract and Orosi. Headend hardware is primarily Scientific Atlanta components
and the system is a mixture of various manufactures. Presently the system is
configured to a mixture of between 300 MHz to 750 MHz with a 24-mile fiber trunk
overlay completed in 1995 (estimated cost of $196,000) which is engineered to
750 MHz.

The California Hot Springs system is composed of 18 miles of plant serving 161
basic subscribers. The system was built in 1963 and upgraded in 1986 to 400 MHz.
The headend is primarily Scientific Atlanta equipment with a mixture of Jerrold
and Scientific Atlanta equipment in the system.

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                                  TULARE REGION

The Posey/Jack Ranch system is composed of 12 miles of plant serving 126 basic
subscribers. The system was built in 1963 and upgraded in 1986 to 400 MHz. The
headend is primarily Scientific Atlanta equipment with a mixture of Jerrold and
Scientific Atlanta equipment in the system.


The Systems' rate and channel line-ups vary slightly by system due to franchise
and retransmission/must-carry issues but generally offer a basic composed of a
variety of Fresno, Los Angeles, Bakersfield, Hanford and Visalia, California
off-air signals, a tier, a satellite package, 5 premium networks, and 1 channel
of pay-per-view (Request 1). The following highlights the basic rates, tier
rates and the number of channels available by franchise area:

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                              SERVICE RATE SUMMARY
                                                                BASIC                      TIER                   TOTAL
FRANCHISE                                                        RATE                      RATE                CHANNELS
- ---------                                                        ----                      ----                --------
Exeter, CA                                                     $18.69                      4.97                      40
Farmersville, CA                                                18.36                      4.79                      40
Lindsay, CA                                                     17.25                      5.32                      40
Orange Cove, CA                                                 14.92                      3.90                      40
Porterville, CA                                                 15.90                      5.80                      40
Tulare County, CA                                               18.48                      4.88                      40
Woodlake, CA                                                    15.86                      5.95                      40
Tulare County, CA                                               19.72                      0.00                      13
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

There are 7,857 addressable subscribers in the Systems which generated a 5.8%
average buy rate.


The Tulare Region is operated from a centrally located facility in Porterville.
The Porterville facility serves as the office, warehouse and technical center
for the entire Region. The office is open for walk in payments, customer service
and inquiries. The office utilizes a PC-based CSG billing system under a master
contract through Falcon. The Tulare Region is operated by a total of 25 staff

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                  TULARE REGION

including: a System Manager, an Office Manager, a Chief Technician, 4
Technicians, 5 Installers, 1 converter repair/warehouse/inventory, 2
Dispatchers, 1 Construction/Engineering Supervisor, 7 Customer Service
Representatives and 2 Advertising Salepersons. None of the employees are covered
by collective bargaining agreements, nor has there been any organized effort to

The Region operates under the authority of 7 franchises, of which 5 expire
within the next 3 years, including Tulare County, the largest in terms of


Falcon Cable charges Falcon Cable Systems Company a Management Fee of 5.0% of
total revenues. For the purposes of this appraisal, system cash flow was
determined prior to the Management Fee. Each region was then charged a
reimbursement of partnership expenses of 5.73% of total revenues. This charge is
comprised of reimbursed partnership expenses and miscellaneous charges. The
reimbursed partnership expense was calculated as 3.73% of total revenues. In
FY1995 the Gilroy Region was charged $1,980,591 (3.73% of Partnership Revenues
of $52.9 million) as Reimbursed Expense under Partnership Expense which
discussions with Falcon management confirmed represented expenses of the entire
Company and should be allocated accordingly. An additional 2% of revenues was
added to each Region's Unallocated Partnership expense to account for
miscellaneous services and support provided by the general partner of Falcon
Cable Systems Company including management, financial, programming, billing,
marketing, legal, programming and other services and discounts.


The Systems are not currently overbuilt by any other franchised cable system,
however, a Fresno based MMDS operator currently has approximately 3,000
subscribers within the zip codes of areas served by the Systems. The MMDS
provider does not have a comparable channel line-up but is competing for the
more price sensitive subscribers.

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                  TULARE REGION

Within the immediate surrounding area are Continental Cablevision and Northland


The Tulare Region is suffering from the severe effects of the general California
economic slump, the aftershocks of the damage done to its citrus crops and the
effect of cable reregulation. The introduction of competition to the market has
also hurt subscriber growth and retention, and increased the price awareness of
the subscribers.

Homes passed growth was projected to continue at historic levels in the short
term, and subscriber losses should be stemmed and begin to grow as the economy
improves. The Systems are in need of a rebuild from the current 270/330/400 MHz
capacity in order to encourage subscriber growth, permit rate increases, fend
off competition and to ensure orderly franchise renewals. The introduction of
digital MMDS will vastly increase the competitivness of MMDS and reduce its
dependence on price comparisons.

In the event of a sale, there are several operators in the region including
Continental and Northland. The purchase price for the Region, however, would be
depressed by the recent historical subscriber, revenue and cash flow trends, by
the presence of a viable, operating competitor and by the cost of the rebuild of
the Systems.

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                              CENTRAL OREGON REGION
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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                              CENTRAL OREGON REGION


The Central Oregon Region ("Central Oregon" or the "Region) is composed of six
cable television systems (the "Systems") in areas surrounding Eugene, Oregon and
one system near the border of California. The Systems were operated from
headends located in Brownsville, Veneta/Noti, Cottage Grove, Sutherlin, Cave
Junction and one located atop Bear Mountain which services nine hub sites via
microwave. The following map indicates the location of the Systems within the
state of Oregon.

                                 [MAP OF REGION]

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                              CENTRAL OREGON REGION

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]


(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

                                      1993                 1994               1995
                                      ----                 ----               ----
HOMES PASSED                        26,355               26,355             26,355

BASIC SUBSCRIBERS                   13,808               14,198             14,225
  % PENETRATION                       52.4%                53.9%              54.0%

PAY UNITS                            5,293                5,477              5,505
  % PENETRATION                       38.3%                38.6%              38.7%

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                              CENTRAL OREGON REGION

                               [GRAPHIC OMITTED]


(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

($ IN THOUSANDS)                         1993                 1994                1995
                                         ----                 ----                ----
REVENUES                               $5,228               $5,029              $5,001

EXPENSES                                2,180                2,217               2,289

SYSTEM CASH FLOW                       $3,048               $2,812              $2,712
    % MARGIN                             58.3%                55.9%               54.2%

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                              CENTRAL OREGON REGION

As of December 31, 1995, the Systems passed 26,355 homes with 660.3 miles of
plant (39.9 homes per mile) and served 14,225 basic subscribers (54.0% basic
penetration) who subscribed to 5,505 pay units (38.7% pay penetration). Revenue
and system cash flow for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995 were $5,001,040
and $2,712,460, respectively (54.2% margin). The charts and tables on the
preceding pages, depict the operating and financial performance of the Systems
over the last three years.

The Central Oregon Region has not experienced any homes passed growth in the
last three years. Basic subscribers in the Region have increased at a compound
annual growth rate of 1.5% since 1993 and only .2% between 1994 and 1995. Pay
penetration has remained flat at between 38.3% and 38.7%.

In terms of revenue and cash flow, the Region generated a compound annual growth
rate of 3.3% and 1.8%, respectively, over the period from 1993 through 1995. The
Region's operating margin is extremly high at 55% especially when considering
the geographic spread of the Systems and the average system size.


The Central Oregon Region has been evolving from a logging based economy towards
high tech industries, recently being labeled the "Silicon Forest". Two large
international manufacturers, Sony and Hyundai, have opened plants just outside
Eugene. The Sony plant employs 600 people and produces CD ROM discs, and the
Hyundai plant staffs over 1,600 people.

Cottage Grove is experiencing growth in trailer parks and retirees. McKinsey
River is growing and is already a highly cable saturated area. Coburg, Creswell,
Marcola and Brownsville, the suburbs of Eugene, are undergoing subdivision
growth as the population moves outside the larger city. The caves in Cottage
Grove have also been instrumental in luring tourist dollars to the area.

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                              CENTRAL OREGON REGION


The Central Oregon Region is operated from headends in Cave Junction, Sutherlin,
Brownsville, Cottage Grove,Veneta and Bear Mountain. The Region passes 26,355
homes with 660 miles of plant, of which 605 (92%) is of aerial contruction and
54 (8%) is underground construction.

The Bear Mountain headend uses AML microwave to feed nine additional systems in
Drain, Oak Ridge/Westford, Rural Cottage Grove, Creswell, Coburg,
Marcola/Walterville, Vida/Nimord, Blue River/McKinsey Ridge and Pleasant
Hill/Dexter/Lowell, over an eight hub split.

The Veneta and Cave Junction systems were rebuilt in 1995. Management plans to
increase channel offerings in early 1996.


The Systems offer various amounts of programming from 28 channels of service in
Oakland, Sutherlin and the outlying Douglas County areas of Oakland and
Sutherlin, to 44 channels of service in the Cottage Grove and Lane County
(Cottage Grove) franchises. The Systems rate and channel line-ups vary slightly
by system due to technical capacities and franchise and
retransmission/must-carry issues. They generally offer a basic service composed
of a variety of Eugene, Roseburg, Medford, Corvallis and Winston off-air
signals, a tier package, up to two satellite packages and up to six pay services
(pay services available include Cinemax, The Disney Channel, HBO, The Movie
Channel, Showtime and Encore). There are no pay-per-view services in any of the
addressable systems.

Rates vary from $14.01 to $25.87 for basic, $1.46 to $5.80 for the tier package,
$2.17 to $6.00 for satellite package 1 and $4.50 or $5.00 for satellite package
2. The relations with the franchising authorities are good, and only Florence
and Dunes City have certified with the FCC. The following table lists rates for
the three packages of service and the number of basic and pay channels being

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                              CENTRAL OREGON REGION

                              SERVICE RATE SUMMARY

                                           BASIC         TIER    SATELLITE 1    SATELLITE 2         TOTAL           PAY
FRANCHISE                                   RATE         RATE           RATE           RATE      CHANNELS      CHANNELS
- ---------                                   ----         ----           ----           ----      --------      --------
Brownsville                               $20.06        $5.57          $3.85            N/A            33             4
Cave Junction                              17.27         9.83           2.95            N/A            34             4
Coburg                                     15.98         7.39           5.00          $4.00            38             5
Cottage Grove                              20.46         1.18           7.19            N/A            45             6
Creswell                                   15.95         7.39           5.00           4.00            38             5
Douglas Co. (Drain/Yoncalla)               15.08         6.95           5.00           4.00            38             5
Douglas Co. (Sutherlin/Oakland)            19.04         3.15           4.55            N/A            29             4
Drain                                      15.84         6.95           5.00           4.00            38             5
Josephine County                           17.51        10.09           2.95            N/A            34             4
Lane Co. (Bear Mtn.)                       16.15         7.76           5.00           4.00            38             5
Lane Co. (Cottage Grove)                   20.43         0.78           7.19            N/A            45             6
Lane Co. (Cott. Grv./Bear Mtn.)            18.48         7.07           5.00           4.00            38             5
Lane Co. (Veneta)                          15.90         4.92           5.90            N/A            31             4
Linn Co. (Brownsville)                     23.95         2.40           3.84            N/A            33             4
Lowell                                     15.57         7.39           5.00           4.00            38             5
Oakland                                    19.45         2.80           4.55            N/A            28             4
Oakridge                                   14.34         7.39           5.00           4.00            38             5
Sutherlin                                  19.48         2.89           4.55            N/A            29             4
Veneta                                     15.51         4.89           5.90            N/A            31             4
West Fir                                   14.37         6.36           5.00           4.00            38             5
Yoncalla                                   15.21         6.95           5.00           4.00            38             5


The regional office for Central Oregon is located in Springfield due to its
location in the center of the sprawling Bear Mountain system. Springfield is not
serviced by Falcon. Additional offices include a leased office site in Cottage
Grove and a part-time leased office site in Oak Ridge. The Springfield office is
staffed by an Office Manager, 4 Customer Service Representatives ("CSRs"), 4
Technicians, 3 Installers and a Dispatcher, in addition to the Regional Manager
and Chief Technician. The other offices are both staffed with a single CSR.
Additionally, the Region operates two tech centers, in Sutherlin and Cave
Junction, each staffing one Technician.

Although nearly all of the systems in the Region are addressable, channel
capacity limitations have restricted the option of pay-per-view services. There
are no ad insertions in the Central Oregon

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                              CENTRAL OREGON REGION

Region as well.


Falcon Cable charges Falcon Cable Systems Company a Management Fee of 5.0% of
total revenues. For the purposes of this appraisal, system cash flow was
determined prior to the Management Fee. Each region was then charged a
reimbursement of partnership expenses of 5.73% of total revenues. This charge is
comprised of reimbursed partnership expenses and miscellaneous charges. The
reimbursed partnership expense was calculated as 3.73% of total revenues. In
FY1995 the Gilroy Region was charged $1,980,591 (3.73% of Partnership Revenues
of $52.9 million) as Reimbursed Expense under Partnership Expense which
discussions with Falcon management confirmed represented expenses of the entire
Company and should be allocated accordingly. An additional 2% of revenues was
added to each Region's Unallocated Partnership expense to account for
miscellaneous services and support provided by the general partner of Falcon
Cable Systems Company including management, financial, programming, billing,
marketing, legal, programming and other services and discounts.


The Systems are beginning to see a smattering of DBS dishes in the area,
although the impact to date has been insignificant. They are not currently
overbuilt by any other franchised cable operator. American Telecasting has
announced plans to begin MMDS service within two years. There are some SMATV
operators but they are largely unsuccessful due to the inability to receive
off-air channels without microwave. Franchise relations with all of the
authorities have been excellent to date.

The Systems are surrounded by either TCI systems or other Falcon partnerships,
with very minimal local, single system operators.

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                              CENTRAL OREGON REGION


The Central Oregon region is composed of small (average of 2,300 subscribers per
system) cable systems in the heart of northern Oregon. The Region has maintained
steady growth as the Systems have been built out and have increased revenue and
cash flow on a marginal basis every year. This growth is expected to continue,
however, at a slower pace into the future.

The Systems with the exception of Veneta and Cave Junction, are in need of a
rebuild including the unwieldy 8 hub AML microwave distrution site.

In the event of a sale, the Systems would command a below average price due to
the small system size, the announced intent of American Telecasting, the low
historical subscriber growth and the cost of rebuild. In addition, the Systems
are surrounded by TCI and Falcon systems thus limiting the pool of likely
acquirers and minimizing the possible bidders.

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                                 DALLAS REGION
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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  DALLAS REGION


The Dallas Region ("Dallas" or the "Region") is composed of seven cable systems
(the "Systems") including five which serve communities along the northern coast
of Oregon approximately 75 miles west of Portland (the "Tillamook Systems") and
two others located 75 miles south of Portland (the "Dallas Systems"). The
Systems are located in Tillamook, Netarts, Nehalem, Brickyard Road and Wilson
River on the coast and in Dallas and Silverton in the interior of the state. The
following map indicates the location of the Dallas Region within the state of

                                 [Map of Region]

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                                  DALLAS REGION

                               [CHART 1 OMITTED]

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

                                      1993           1994                1995
                                      ----           ----                ----
Homes Passed                        21,514         23,349              23,770

Basic Subscribers                   14,466         16,380              16,928
     % Penetration                   67.2%          70.2%               71.2%

Pay Units                            6,868          7,578               7,139
     % Penetration                   47.5%          46.3%               42.2%
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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                                  DALLAS REGION

                               [CHART 2 OMITTED]

- -------------------------------------------------------------------            

(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

($ in thousands)                      1993        1994         1995
                                      ----        ----         ----
Revenues                            $5,750      $6,006       $6,074

Expenses                             2,273       2,394        2,410

System Cash Flow                    $3,477      $3,612       $3,664
         % Margin                    60.5%       60.1%        60.3%
- -------------------------------------------------------------------

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                                                      Waller Capital Corporation

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                  DALLAS REGION

As of December 31, 1995, the Systems passed 23,770 homes with 467 miles of plant
(51 homes per mile) and served 16,928 basic subscribers (71.2% basic
penetration) who subscribed to 7,139 pay units (42.2% pay penetration). Revenue
and system cash flow for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995 were $6,074,204
and $3,664,003 respectively (60.3% margin). The charts and tables on the
preceding pages demonstrate the operating and financial performance of the
Dallas Region over the last three years.

The Dallas Region has been increasing homes passed at a compound annual growth
rate of 5.1% since 1993. The area is benefitting from infill new home
construction as well as new subdivision growth. The growth peaked in 1994 at
8.5% annual growth and declined to 1.8% in 1995. Basic subscriber growth has
been continuous with a compound annual rate of 8.1%, however, like homes passed
growth, this was primarily in 1994 and dropped to 3.3% in 1995 on a year-to-year
basis. Basic penetration is 71.2% which would indicate that the market is well

The Systems' revenues and cash flows have grown steadily over the past three
years. Total revenue and cash flow have grown at a compound annual rate of 2.8%,
which lags subscriber growth due to rate adjustments resulting from
reregulation. The Systems' operating margin of over 60% is well in excess of
industry norms.


The Systems experienced steady historical growth in the past and this is
projected to continue into the future. The Oregon coastal area in and around the
Tillamook Systems is growing rapidly from the expanding tourist trade as well as
the existing fishing industry. Many of the communities comprising the Tillamook
Systems are becoming second homes for Portland and northern California
residents, and many of the franchise areas are witnessing the development of a
number of new subdivisions.

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                  DALLAS REGION

The Dallas and Silverton systems serving the communities of Monmouth,
Independence, Silverton, Dallas and Falls City are undergoing growth from the
immigration of residents from Salem and Portland. These towns offer a higher
quality of life and a small town atmosphere within easy commuting distance.
Major businesses in the Dallas area include Pregitser Computer Chips, Boise
Cascade, a new WalMart, Caterpillar and Western Oregon State College in addition
to a large scale logging industry. The area is experiencing strong housing
growth and Falcon is building nearly 20 miles of new plant each year and
benefitting from continuous infill growth.


The Systems currently operate from 7 headend sites located in Nehalem,
Tillamook, Netarts, Brickyard, Wilson River, Dallas and Silverton. The Systems
pass 23,700 homes with 467 miles of plant of which 382 (82%) is underground
construction and 84 (18%) is of aerial construction.

Tillamook Systems

The five headends comprising the Tillamook Systems serve the communities of Bay
City, Brickyard Road, Cannon Beach, Garibaldi, Manzanita, Nehalem, Netarts,
Oceanside, Rockaway Beach, Tillamook, Wheeler and Wilson River. The headend in
Nehalem microwaves to a site on Angora Peak and then down to Cannon Beach,
Nehalem and Garibaldi. The other four headends, in Tillamook, Netarts, Brickyard
Road and Wilson River, service their own towns and neighboring communities.

The largest of the Tillamook Systems' headends is located in Nehalem. The
Nehalem system passes 6,197 homes with 129.9 plant miles (47.7 homes per mile)
of which 102.1 miles (78.6%) are aerial and 27.8 miles (21.4%) are underground.
Nehalem provides service to 4,608 customers or 27.2% of the Systems' total
subscribers. Nehalem was rebuilt in 1986 and currently is designed to 330 MHz

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                                  DALLAS REGION

Netarts, Brickyard Road and Wilson River were all built in the 1960's and
operate at 270 MHz capacity. The Tillamook headend was built in 1958 and given
an electronics upgrade in 1983. It is operating at 330 MHz channel capacity.

A complete rebuild was begun in October of 1995 to consolidate and upgrade the
five headends comprising the Tillamook Systems into one central headend to be
located in Tillamook. The rebuild will be completed by the end of 1996. The
rebuild is being engineered at 750 MHz using a fiber to feeder design. The
majority of the new plant will be underground at a cost of $22,500 per mile and
any aerial additions will cost $16,500 per mile. All of the rebuilt areas will
become addressable. The rebuild will be instrumental in allowing Falcon to
increase rates while offering additional services and increasing penetrations.
It will also correct the leakage problems dominant in the Tillamook systems. The
completed Tillamook system will be built to 500 homes per node. Nehalem will be
interconnected by March 1996 and Wilson River by May 1996.

Dallas Systems

The headend in Dallas feeds Monmouth via a seven mile fiber run, and Falls City
and Jefferson through fiber to microwave hops. The Dallas system is the Region's
largest providing service to 6,684 customers or 39.5% of the Systems' total
subscriber base. The headend was built in 1987 and upgraded in 1995 with 750 MHz
fiber plant. The coaxial plant is currently operating at 330 MHz. The Dallas
system passes 9,034 homes with 157.7 miles of plant (57.3 homes per mile) of
which 120.2 miles (76.2%) are aerial and 37.5 miles (23.8%) are underground.

The Dallas and Silverton systems are building line extensions at 330 MHz at a
cost of $10,500 per mile for aerial and $18,500 per mile for underground with
the majority built in conduit.

CLI testing is ongoing in all of the Systems, and all systems have passed the
FCC proof of performance tests. A complete audit of the Systems was conducted
three years ago.

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                                  DALLAS REGION


The Systems offer various amounts of programming from a five channel basic
package in Wilson River to 40 channels of service in all of the Dallas Systems'
franchises. The Systems rate and channel line-ups vary slightly by system due to
technical capacities and franchise and retransmission/must- carry issues. They
generally offer a basic service composed of a variety of Portland and Vancouver,
Washington off-air signals, a tier package, a satellite package, up to seven pay
services (pay services available include Cinemax, The Disney Channel, HBO, The
Movie Channel, Showtime, Playboy and Encore), and one channel of pay-per-view
(Request 1) in all of the addressable systems. The following table lists rates
for the three packages of service and the number of basic and pay channels being

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                         SERVICE RATE SUMMARY

                                       BASIC          TIER       SATELLITE           TOTAL           PAY
FRANCHISE                               RATE          RATE            RATE        CHANNELS      CHANNELS
- ---------                               ----          ----            ----        --------      --------
Bay City                              $14.58         $7.56           $5.18              34             7
Brickyard Road                         17.23          0.00            0.00              18             2
Cannon Beach                           13.91          8.39            5.18              34             7
Clatsop County                         15.68         10.97            5.18              40            10
Dallas                                 17.00          5.70            6.40              40             7
Falls City                             16.59          5.24            5.94              40             7
Garibaldi                              14.43          7.71            5.18              34             7
Independence                           16.76          5.22            6.40              40             7
Jefferson                              17.99          4.38            5.93              40             7
Manzanita                              14.60          8.57            5.18              34             7
Marion County                          18.39          3.91            5.94              40             7
Monmouth                               16.87          5.20            6.40              40             7
Mt. Angel                              18.14          4.97            6.40              37             7
Nehalem                                15.85          8.26            5.18              34             7
Netarts/Oceanside                      17.23          0.00            0.00              18             2
Polk County                            18.01          5.64            5.93              40             7
Rockaway Beach                         14.43          7.49            5.18              34             7
Silverton                              18.70          5.06            6.40              37             7
Tillamook                              19.04          5.47            2.42              29             5
Tillamook Co. (Tillamook)              20.16          4.45            2.42              29             5
Tillamook Co. (Nehalem)                15.24          9.07            5.18              34             7
Wheeler                                15.85          7.15            5.18              34             7
Wilson River                           10.00          0.00            0.00               5             0
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                                  DALLAS REGION

Rates vary from $10.00 to $20.16 for basic, $3.91 to $9.07 for the tier package
and $2.30 to 5.95 for the satellite package. Only the franchising authorities in
Dallas, Monmouth, Independence and Silverton have certified.

The Systems have 6,768 addressable subscribers and generated a 5.3% average buy
rate in 1995.


The Dallas Region is operated from a Company-owned and centrally located
facility in Dallas. The Dallas facility serves as the office, warehouse and
technical center for the entire Region. The office is open for walk-in payments,
customer service and inquiries. The office utilizes a PC-based CSG billing
system under a master contract through Falcon. The Dallas office is staffed by a
total of 11 workers including: a System Manager, an Office Manager, an Engineer,
a Lead Technician, 1 Technician, 2 Installers, 1 Dispatcher, 2 Customer Service
Representatives ("CSRs") and 1 Advertising Salesperson. Additional full-time
offices are located in Tillamook, Nehalem and Silverton and one part-time office
is located in Garibaldi. The Tillamook office is operated under an Office
Manager, a Technical Supervisor, 2 CSRs and 4 Installer/Technicians. Each of the
Nehalem and Garibaldi offices are run by a CSR, while the Silverton office is
staffed by 2 CSRs. The Tillamook Systems' customers can receive service by
calling an 800 telephone number which rings in Tillamook. None of the employees
are covered by collective bargaining agreements, nor has there been any
organized effort to unionize.


Falcon Cable charges Falcon Cable Systems Company a Management Fee of 5.0% of
total revenues. For the purposes of this appraisal, system cash flow was
determined prior to the Management Fee. Each region was then charged a
reimbursement of partnership expenses of 5.73% of total revenues. This charge is
comprised of reimbursed partnership expenses and miscellaneous charges. The
reimbursed partnership expense was calculated as 3.73% of total revenues. In
FY1995 the Gilroy

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                                  DALLAS REGION

Region was charged $1,980,591 (3.73% of Partnership Revenues of $52.9 million)
as Reimbursed Expense under Partnership Expense which discussions with Falcon
management confirmed represented expenses of the entire Company and should be
allocated accordingly. An additional 2% of revenues was added to each Region's
Unallocated Partnership expense to account for miscellaneous services and
support provided by the general partner of Falcon Cable Systems Company
including management, financial, programming, billing, marketing, legal,
programming and other services and discounts.


The Systems are not currently overbuilt by any other franchised cable operator,
nor are there any nearby MMDS or SMATV operators. The Systems have experienced
minimal DBS subscriber erosion and non-cable customers can only receive off-airs
from Eugene or Portland. Franchise relations with all of the authorities have
been excellent to date.

The Systems are surrounded by either TCI systems or other Falcon partnerships.
Opportunities do exist to tie the northern Tillamook area into Falcon's Astoria
system, and the southern Tillamook area into Falcon's Lincoln City System.


The Dallas Region experienced strong growth over the last three years, but this
growth appears to have slowed down in 1995. Homes passed growth fell to 1.8% in
1995 and basic subscriber growth was 3.3%. The Region has built plant in all
existing locations where economically feasible and basic penetration has climbed
to an above average 71%. This growth is projected to slow down, especially
penetration growth, as the market is saturated.

The Tillamook portion of the plant will undergo a rebuild in 1996 to 750 MHz and
the remainder of the Dallas systems will require a rebuild in the near future to
compete effectively and to relieve

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                                  DALLAS REGION

channel lock.

In the event of a sale, the likely acquirers of the Systems would be either
Falcon or TCI. An analysis of the neighboring operators indicates that Falcon
and TCI are the only operators close enough to permit any consolidation
opportunity and economies of scale. This would severely hamper any marketing
effort. In addition, the Systems are comprised of two clusters over 75 miles
apart effectively diluting a purchase price premium that could be generated from
selling a 17,000 subscriber cluster. The Region's operating margin of over 60%
while impressive, is well in excess of industry averages and would most likely
be discounted by a potential acquior.

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                                COOS BAY REGION
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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                 COOS BAY REGION


The Coos Bay Region ("Coos Bay" or the "Region") is composed of eight cable
television systems (the "Systems") along the central Oregon coast just southwest
of Eugene in the communities of Mapleton and Florence (the "Florence Systems"),
and Reedsport, Coos Bay, Coquille, Myrtle Point, Bandon and Powers (the "Coos
Bay Systems"). The Systems are serviced through a regional office in Coos Bay
and smaller offices in outlying areas. The following map indicates the location
of the Coos Bay Region within the state of Oregon.

                                 [Map of Region]

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                                 COOS BAY REGION

                               [CHART 1 Omitted]

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

                                         1993             1994             1995
                                         ----             ----             ----
Homes Passed                           30,526           31,078           31,489

Basic Subscribers                      21,439           21,767           21,847
     % Penetration                       70.2%            70.0%            69.4%

Pay Units                               7,551            8,624            7,771
     % Penetration                       35.2%            39.6%            35.6%
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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                 COOS BAY REGION

                               [CHART 2 Omitted]

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(Fiscal Years Ended December 31)

($ in thousands)                         1993             1994             1995
                                         ----             ----             ----
Revenues                               $8,090           $8,354           $8,633

Expenses                                3,508            3,703            3,886

System Cash Flow                       $4,591           $4,651           $4,747
         % Margin                        56.7%            55.7%            55.0%
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                                 COOS BAY REGION

As of December 31, 1995, the Systems passed 31,489 homes with 580 miles of plant
(54 homes per mile) and served 21,847 basic subscribers (69.4% basic
penetration) who subscribed to 7,771 pay units (35.6% pay penetration). Revenue
and system cash flow for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1995 were $8,632,868
and $4,746,505, respectively (55.0% margin). The charts and tables on the
preceding pages, depict the operating and financial performance of the Systems
over the last three years.

The Systems have been increasing homes passed at a 1.6% compound annual growth
rate over the period from 1993 to 1995. Over the same period, basic subscribers
increased at a 1% compound annual rate and basic penetration hovered at 70%
indicating the market reached saturation. Pay subscription spiked to 39% in
1994, from 35% in 1993, but retreated to 35% in 1995.

Revenue and cash flow increased at a 3.3% and 1.6% compound annual growth rate,
respectively, between 1993 and 1995. The slow cash flow growth resulted in the
operating margin declining from 56% in 1993 to 55% in 1995.


Coos Bay's port has helped the city to become a major exporter of lumber and to
develop a strong fishing industry. The city has numerous businesses and is also
a common retirement area. Nearby Bandon conducts a strong tourist trade. Bandon
has a large cranberry industry and is also home to many retirees. Coquille is
the county seat and is home to many Coos Bay commuters. It has a modest lumber
industry and some retirees. These three towns are all experiencing slow growth.


The Coos Bay Region's eight cable systems consist of 580 miles of plant,
consisting of 485 (84%) miles are of aerial construction and 95 (16%) are
underground construction.

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                 COOS BAY REGION

The largest system in Coos Bay recently underwent a complete rebuild, including
electronics and drops, in 1993 to 450 MHz using a fiber to feeder design. To
date, a total of 235 miles of plant have been rebuilt. The rebuild included a 16
node fiber run to Hauser which previously operated as a stand-alone headend.
There is an ongoing plan to replace old drops in the Coos Bay Region. Coos Bay
represents the majority of the Region's total customers.

The remaining headends comprising the Coos Bay Systems are Reedsport, Coquille,
Myrtle Point, Bandon and Powers. Reedsport was constructed in 1971 to 270 MHz
and last underwent an electronics upgrade in 1985. A former stand alone headend
in Gardiner was fiber connected to Reedsport in 1993. The Coquille headend
underwent a complete coax rebuild in 1992 to 61 channels and 450 MHz capacity.
Myrtle Point was constructed in 1970 as a 300 MHz system. Myrtle Point shares
its headend site with Coquille as well as some of its electronics. Myrtle Point
is tied into the headends with fiber. Powers is a 300 MHz system built in 1980.
Bandon, originally constructed in 1980, underwent an electronics upgrade in 1992
and now is designed to 450 MHz.

There are plans underway to tie the Bandon headend into the Coos Bay system with
AML microwave or fiber, and then Coquille via a 25 mile fiber run. Myrtle Point
and Reedsport also are potential interconnect candidates to the Coos Bay system,
however, both will need to be rebuilt to handle the additional channel capacity.
The Reedsport system is only a six mile fiber run from Hauser in the Coos Bay
system and Myrtle Point is already partially connected to the Coquille system.

A rebuild of the Florence system was completed in 1993. It included a new
headend and the replacement of all drops, trunks and feeder. The system was
originally operating at 450 MHz and the rebuild was spaced at 450 MHz but could
be upgraded to 550 MHz with a module changeout. All rebuild completed in the
last 9 months was spaced to 750 MHz. Currently the system has 1,500 addressable
converters in the field. Florence, due to its channel capacity and other revenue
generating sources, has the highest revenue per subscriber in the Company.

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                 COOS BAY REGION

Mapleton is a small headend that completes the Florence Systems and operates at
300 MHz capacity. The Florence Systems previously operated autonomously, but
joined the Coos Bay Region on January 1, 1996.

The five channels of pay-per-view available from the Coos Bay and Florence
headends, have been very successful in the addressable homes with over half of
the region's subscribers having addressable converters. Buy rates for the
addressable customers in 1995 averaged 31% in Coos Bay and 22% in Florence. The
addressable converters are also required for the premium channels and the
satellite packages.


The Coos Bay Region is operated out of a regional office in Coos Bay, an office
in Florence, and a satellite office in Reedsport. The offices are owned and also
house the headends for those systems. The office in Coos Bay is staffed by a
System Manager, an Office Manager, a Chief Technician, 4 Technicians, 4
Installers, 6 Customer Service Representatives ("CSRs"), and 2 Advertising
Executives. The Florence office employs a Lead Technician, a Technician, an
Installer, 2 CSRs, and 1 part-time CSR. The Reedsport office staffs 1 CSR and 1
technician. The Coos Bay office utilizes a PC-based CSG billing system that is
received via satellite under a master contract through Falcon.

Advertising revenue is growing from the ad insertions underway on five channels
in the Coos Bay Systems and 6 channels in Florence. The Coos Bay service area
has the option of subscribing to the Sega Channel, an additional source of
revenue for the Company.

Marketing takes the form of telemarketing and twice yearly non-subscriber
promotions. Door-to- door sales are contracted out of house.

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                 COOS BAY REGION


The Systems offer various amounts of programming from 20 channels in the Lane
County (Mapleton) franchise to 61 channels of service in the Coos Bay, North
Bend and Hauser franchises. The Systems' rate and channel line-ups vary slightly
by system due to technical capacities and franchise and
retransmission/must-carry issues. The following table lists rates for the three
packages of service and the number of basic and pay channels being offered.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                             SERVICE RATE SUMMARY

                                            BASIC          TIER    SATELLITE 1   SATELLITE 2        TOTAL           PAY
FRANCHISE                                    RATE          RATE           RATE          RATE     CHANNELS      CHANNELS
- ---------                                    ----          ----           ----          ----     --------      --------
Bandon                                     $17.61         $2.74          $3.96           N/A           37             4
Coos Bay                                    17.42          5.80           6.00         $5.00           61             7
Coos Co. (Bandon)                           19.95          3.89           3.96           N/A           37             4
Coos Co. (Coos Bay/N. Bend)                 17.32          5.60           6.00          5.00           61             7
Coos Co. (Coquille)                         17.48          3.98           3.55           N/A           37             4
Coos Co. (Myrtle Point)                     20.19          1.54           4.41           N/A           36             5
Coos Co. (Powers)                           15.18          3.89           3.30           N/A           23             2
Coos Co. (Winchester Bay)                   23.44          1.85           3.33           N/A           35             5
Coquille                                    17.38          3.97           3.55           N/A           37             4
Dunes City                                  25.87          5.02           3.50          4.50           56             6
Florence                                    25.87          4.99           3.50          4.50           56             6
Gardiner                                    23.20          1.46           3.33           N/A           35             5
Hauser                                      18.89          4.48           6.00          5.00           61             7
Lakeside                                    22.95          2.25           3.33           N/A           35             5
Lane Co. (Florence)                         25.87          3.45           3.50          4.50           56             6
Lane Co. (Mapleton)                         14.01          1.73           2.17           N/A           17             2
Myrtle Point                                20.19          1.54           4.41           N/A           36             5
North Bend                                  17.62          5.64           6.00          5.00           61             7
Powers                                      17.00          2.45           3.30           N/A           23             2
Reedsport                                   23.20          2.44           3.33           N/A           35             5
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Systems generally offer a basic service composed of a variety of Eugene,
Coos Bay, Portland, Medford and Corvallis off-air signals, a tier package, up to
two satellite packages, up to seven pay services (pay services available include
Cinemax, The Disney Channel, HBO, The Movie Channel, Showtime, Playboy, Encore
and Sega), and five channels of pay-per-view (Request 1 and 4, Spice,

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                                 COOS BAY REGION

Action and Viewer's Choice) in all of the addressable systems.

Rates vary from $14.01 to $25.87 for basic, $1.46 to $5.80 for the tier package,
$2.17 to 6.00 for the satellite package 1 and $4.50 or $5.00 for satellite
package 2. The relations with the franchising authorities are good.


Falcon Cable charges Falcon Cable Systems Company a Management Fee of 5.0% of
total revenues. For the purposes of this appraisal, system cash flow was
determined prior to the Management Fee. Each region was then charged a
reimbursement of partnership expenses of 5.73% of total revenues. This charge is
comprised of reimbursed partnership expenses and miscellaneous charges. The
reimbursed partnership expense was calculated as 3.73% of total revenues. In
FY1995 the Gilroy Region was charged $1,980,591 (3.73% of Partnership Revenues
of $52.9 million) as Reimbursed Expense under Partnership Expense which
discussions with Falcon management confirmed represented expenses of the entire
Company and should be allocated accordingly. An additional 2% of revenues was
added to each Region's Unallocated Partnership expense to account for
miscellaneous services and support provided by the general partner of Falcon
Cable Systems Company including management, financial, programming, billing,
marketing, legal, programming and other services and discounts.


The Systems are beginning to see a strong influx of DBS, C-Band, Primestar and
DirecTV satellite dishes in the area. They are not currently overbuilt by any
other franchised cable operator, nor are there any MMDS or SMATV operators.
Non-cable customers can receive off-airs from locally originated NBC and CBS
stations in Coos Bay, and Eugene based FOX and ABC stations from translators in
Coos Bay.

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                                 COOS BAY REGION

The Systems are surrounded by either TCI systems or other Falcon partnerships,
with very minimal local, single system operators. An opportunity exists to
acquire a nearby 130 subscriber system in Green Acres.


The Coos Bay Region is composed of extremely attractive cable systems. Homes
passed growth is expected to continue at rates fairly consistent with historical
trends, and subscriber growth will be fueled by homes passed growth and modest
increases in penetration above the current 69%.

The majority of the Systems have been rebuilt and headends have been
interconnected via fiber trunk, which has also been used to reduce cascades in
the last few years. The exceptions are Reedsport and Gardiner which need to be
rebuilt immediately. To date, the rebuilds have been to 450 MHz limiting channel
availability in the future and requiring updating to compete with digital
mega-channel capacity competitors.

As noted above, the only nearby operators are Falcon and TCI. The entire Region
hugs the Oregon coastline and is fairly remote from other major population
centers. The opportunity for a buyer to acquire the Coos Bay Region would not
include the opportunity to build a significant cluster in the Region and would
reduce the pool of likely buyers which would be reflected in the sales price for
the Region.

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                          DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW ANALYSIS


A discounted cash flow ("DCF") approach was utilized to value Falcon because the
DCF measures the current value of an investment as the present value of its
future economic benefits such as earnings, cost savings, and proceeds from

DCF models were developed for each of the regions (the "Regions") to value
Falcon. To arrive at system cash flow, operating expenses were deducted from
projected revenues. Cash flows recorded on the balance sheet (capital
expenditures) were subtracted from system cash flow to determine debt free net
cash flow. In addition, we incorporated our estimates of long-term growth,
discount rate and other factors. Our DCF analysis yielded the value of Falcon's
aggregate assets, as of December 31, 1995.


Homes Passed and Subscriber Revenues


Homes passed growth was projected on a by-Region basis based on a combination of
trailing homes passed growth, economic variables, future prospects and unserved
areas reachable by existing plant. This analysis resulted in homes passed growth
ranging from .8% to 1.7% per annum depending on the Region.


Basic and expanded basic service were combined, in order to evaluate these
rates. Basic/Expanded Tier reflects the subscribers for the most penetrated
service in the region's rate package. Subscriber growth was based on a
combination of factors including the region's demographics, current

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                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY

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                          DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW ANALYSIS

penetration, historical trends, availability of off-air signals, current rates,
service offerings, and technical quality of the system plant.


The New Product Tier was projected according to historical trends, system
demographics, quality of service and overall penetration. There can be no
assurance that the Regions' will continue to offer a New Product Tier Service,
however, it is assumed that if the service is canceled it would be rolled into a
different package in a revenue neutral manner.


Subscriber growth was based on a combination of factors including the Regions'
demographics, current penetration, historical trends, availability of off-air
signals, other entertainment alternatives, rates, service offerings, and
technical quality of the system plant. Pay subscription for the Systems has been
tending downward. This was projected to stabilize then grow slightly over time
as the Systems were rebuilt and were able to expand channel options and offer


Mini Pay subscribers were projected according to historical trends, system
demographics, quality of service and overall penetration. There can be no
assurance that the Regions will continue to offer a Mini-Pay, however it is
assumed that if the service is canceled it would be rolled into a different
package in a revenue neutral manner.

Service Rates


For the purposes of this analysis, the basic and tier revenue were combined and
analyzed against the number of basic subscribers. Basic revenue includes Primary
1st Outlet, Primary Commercial,

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Expanded Tier and Al Tier as defined in Falcon's unaudited financial
presentation. This method was used because there were over 80 separate channel
line-ups and rates cards utilized by the Company with wide discrepancies within
regions. Rate growth was projected after considering current rates and a
combination of factors including the region's demographics, current penetration,
historical trends, availability of off-air signals, service offerings, and
technical quality of the system plant.


NPT Revenue/Sub/Month was determined by averaging total NPT Revenue over total
NPT subscribers in a given Region. However, each Region had differences within
its various systems in rates and offerings. Growth in averaged revenue was
determined by considering current rates and a combination of factors including
the Region's demographics, current penetration, historical trends, service
offerings, and technical quality of the system plant.


Pay Revenue/Sub/Month was determined be averaging total Pay Revenue over total
Pay Subscribers in a given Region. Each Region had differences within its
various systems in rates and offerings. Growth in average rates was determined
by considering current rates and a combination of factors including the Region's
demographics, current penetration, historical trends, service offerings, and
technical quality of the system plant.


Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month was determined be averaging total Mini-Pay Revenue
over total Mini-Pay subscribers in a given Region. Each Region had differences
within its various systems in rates and offerings. Growth in average revenue was
determined by considering current rates and a combination of factors including
the Region's demographics, current penetration, historical trends, availability
of off-air signals, service offerings, and technical quality of the system

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PPV Rev/Sub/Month was determined by dividing PPV Revenue by Basic Subscribers
and allocating the revenue on a per subscriber (whether or not addressable)
basis. Each Region was composed of varying demographics which were averaged over
the ten year projections It is assumed that significant capital would be
allocated to rebuilding the Systems over the term creating the subsequent
availability of PPV to all subscribers. Therefore, the allocation of revenue
over the entire subscriber base would reflect the average revenue generated by
PPV over the term of the projections. Each of the Regions was individually
analyzed and factors including demographics, and other services was considered
when determining the revenue growth.


Other Revenue/Sub/Month was determined by dividing total other revenues by the
number of basic subscribers. Other Revenue includes Radio Services, Primary
Additional Outlet, Remote Control, Converter Rental, Other-VCR, Maintenance
Contracts, New Customer-Pay Installs, New Customer Basic Installs, Installs-Non
New Customers, Guide Revenues, Other-Late Charges, Other-Franchise Pass Thru,
FCC User Fees Pass Through, QVC Monthly Commission, QVC Carriage Payment,
Classified Ads and Ad Insertions Sales as allocated in Falcon's unaudited
financial presentation.

Operating Expenses

Revenues were reduced by the following expenses in order to determine system
cash flow:


Technical Expenses were determined by dividing 1995 Technical Expense by the
number of Basic Subscribers in the Region to determine Technical Expenses per
Basic Subscribers. This number was then increased by an inflation factor and
multiplied by year-end subscribers in the Region.

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Production and Local Origination expense was allocated only in the Coos Bay and
Dallas Regions. This expense was projected based on its 1995 percentage of
revenue, and applied throughout the projection period.


Advertising Expense was determined by applying 1995's Advertising Expenses as a
percentage of total revenues. This percentage was utilized throughout the
projection period.


Marketing Expense was determined by dividing 1995 Marketing Expense by Region by
the number of Basic Subscribers in the Region to determine a marketing
coefficient which was then increased by an inflation factor and multiplied by
year-end subscribers in the Region.


General and Administrative Expenses were determined by dividing 1995 General and
Administrative Expense by Region by the number of Basic Subscribers in the
Region to determine a general and administrative coefficient which was then
increased by an inflation factor and multiplied by year-end subscribers in the


Programming Expenses was determined by calculating the programming operating
margin as a percent of total "service only" revenues. That margin was then
applied to programming revenue in the applicable year.


Unallocated Partnership Expenses were calculated as 5.073% of total revenues.
This percent was

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calculated by allocating the Partnership Expenses which accrue in the Gilroy
Region financial presentation ($1.9 million) prepared by Falcon, which Falcon
management confirmed represented expenses of the entire Company. This line item
represented 3.073% of total revenue. This expense was allocated to each Region.
An additional 2.0% was added to each Region's Unallocated Partnership expense to
account for miscellaneous services provided by the General Partner which are not
allocated including management, financial, programming, billing, marketing,
legal, programming and other services and discounts.


System cash flow was then reduced by capital expenditures to determine debt free
net cash flow.

Capital Expenditures can be segregated into three categories; maintenance,
growth and rebuild. Maintenance capital is defined as normal and ordinary
capital expenditures required to maintain the cable plant and headend in normal
working condition. Capital expenditures are also required in order to expand the
size of existing plant to pass new homes. The Falcon systems also need
significant capital to rebuild and upgrade existing plant. On average the Falcon
systems have 41 channels of capacity which is nearly fully allocated. In order
to increase service rates or add new services Falcon will have to rebuild the
majority of its systems.

Over the period from 1993 through 1995, the Partnership delayed a number of
rebuild and upgrade projects because of uncertainty related to the reregulation
of the cable industry and in addition the Partnership's limited access to
capital. The result of these delays was that the Systems are less technically
advanced than many comparable cable systems. The Systems are in need of a major
capital influx to upgrade its facilities so as to renew franchises, remain
competitive against overbuilds, MMDS and DTH providers and to implement of
services which will add incremental revenues. In addition, the technical
deficiencies of the plant have limited channel capacity and hampered rate

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                          DISCOUNTED CASH FLOW ANALYSIS


The DCF analysis assumed a buyer with sufficient liquidity would begin a program
of rebuilds and upgrades, focusing on the most deficient systems and then moving
to upgrade the higher technical quality systems in later years.


The valuation model utilized an exit multiple (which was applied to the 10th
year's cash flow) thereby assuming a sale of the Systems at the end of the DCF
projection period. The exit multiple utilized for all of the Regions' was 9.0x
with the exception of Central Oregon for which an 8.75x multiple was applied.
The exit multiple was determined after analyzing current and projected
demographics, growth prospects, the technical condition of the Systems at the
time of sale and projected operating margins. This was then offset against the
number of logical buyers for Systems with the above characteristics, the amount
of consolidation that has already occurred in the Regions' general market and
comparable system sales in the previous twelve months.


The Falcon systems have 135,000 subscribers operating as seven regions with an
average of 19,300 subscribers per region. The Regions are all located on the
west coast, from southern California to northern Oregon. While a 135,000
subscriber company is attractive, the geographic spread (approximately 850
miles) of the Systems would reduce their attractiveness to any one buyer and
would most likely be packaged for sale by Region. For a comparable system sale
analysis, systems of similar size both for the whole company and for the Regions
were incorporated. Comparables were selected for a variety of criteria including
size, multiple locations and ex-urban demographics. The following is a selected
list of comparable transactions completed in 1995.

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SELLER                     BUYER                              VALUE       SUBS         VPS             CF       CF MULT.
- ------                     -----                              -----       ----         ---             --       --------
                                                         ($000,000)      (000)                 ($000,000)
US Cable                   V Cable                           $219.0      252.5      $  867          $34.2            6.4
Leadership/Ist Carol       Adelphia/Olympus                   177.9      108.0       1,647           22.0            8.1
Clear Channels             Adelphia                           122.3       69.2       1,767           15.1            8.1
United Video               FrontierVision                     120.0       88.0       1,364           13.0            9.2
Donrey Media Group         TCA Cable Prtnrs                   101.6       60.0       1,693           10.4            9.8
TCI                        Post-Newsweek                       89.0       63.0       1,413           10.9            8.2
Century                    Rock Associates                     84.0       47.0       1,787            8.7            9.7
Douglas Cable Comm.        Galaxy Telecom LP                   65.5       60.0       1,092            7.8            8.4
WK Communications          Classic Cable                       65.1       31.0       2,100            6.6            9.8
Mission Cable              Classic                             57.5       42.6       1,350            7.0            8.3
C-4 Media                  FrontierVision                      44.7       40.4       1,106            5.3            8.5
United Video               Classic Cable                       37.0       22.4       1,652            3.9            9.5
Friendship Cable           Galaxy Telecom                      21.0       18.0       1,167            3.0            7.0
Fanch Comm.                Leonard Comm.                       17.2       12.1       1,421            2.0            8.4
Doulgas Comm.              Anderson Pac. Corp.                 17.1       16.0       1,069            2.1            8.1
Cable Vid. Enterprises     Universal Cab. Comm.                16.0       12.2       1,311            1.9            8.5
American Cable Ent.        Classic Cable                       13.3        9.8       1,357            1.6            8.5
                                                             ------      -----      ------          -----            ---

                           TOTALS/WEIGHTED AVERAGES                                 $1,332                           8.2

The comparable system sales analysis yielded an average sales price of $1,322
per subscriber and 8.2x cash flow. This supports and validates the Waller
Capital's analysis which resulted in $1,577 per subscriber and 8.33x operating
cash flow for Falcon Cable Systems Company.


The resultant debt-free net cash flow streams and terminal value were discounted
to present value at 13.5%. The discount rate was based on the risk-adjusted
industry Weighted Average Cost of Capital ("WACC"). WACC is an estimate of the
overall rate of return required for an investment by both equity and debt
owners. Determination of the weighted average cost of capital required a
separate analysis of the cost of equity and the cost of debt.

The equity component was determined by using the Capital Asset Pricing Model
("CAPM"). The CAPM incorporates estimates of the risk-free rate for the use of
funds, an equity risk premium, an

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industry premium (Beta), as well as the risks inherent with a specific
investment in the Systems. The debt component of the cost of capital was
determined by using the after-tax cost of debt appropriate for the Company.


Based on the investigation and analysis outlined in this report, the fair market
value of Falcon's seven regional systems, as of December 31, 1995, were as

                  Gilroy                                       $ 57,640,720
                  Hesperia                                       28,865,947
                  San Louis Obispo                               21,988,550
                  Tulare                                         22,269,159
                  Coos Bay                                       35,486,280
                  Dallas                                         27,257,132
                  Central                                        20,164,654
                  TOTAL VALUE                                  $213,672,442

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                                IV. APPENDIX

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W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N
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Falcon Cable TV - Gilroy, California                                          
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (000 unless otherwise specified)                

                                                        12/31/95                         FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                           Year             1995                  1996          1997           1998  
                                         Period                0                     1             2              3  
                                                       ----------               ---------------------------------------
Operations Statistics
- --------------------------------------
                                                                     % Growth
Homes Passed:                                             56,219                 57,231        58,175         59,135     
                     % Growth                                                       1.8%          1.7%           1.7%    

Basic/Expanded Tier                                       33,073                 33,652        34,323         35,008     
                     % Penetration                          58.8%                  58.8%         59.0%          59.2%    
                     % Growth                                - -                    1.8%          2.0%           2.0%    
New Product Tier (NPT 1)                                  13,992                 14,235        14,519         14,913     
                     % Penetration                          42.3%                  42.3%         42.3%          42.6%    
                     % Growth                                - -                    1.7%          2.0%           2.7%    
Pay                                                       13,010                 13,192        13,626         14,073     
                     % Penetration                          39.3%                  39.2%         39.7%          40.2%    
                     % Growth                                - -                    1.4%          3.3%           3.3%    
Mini-Pay                                                     403                    404           412            420     
                     % Penetration                                                  1.2%          1.2%           1.2%    
                     % Growth                                - -                    0.2%          2.0%           2.0%    
Basic Revenue& Tier/Sub/Month                            $ 24.36                $ 25.09       $ 25.84        $ 26.61     
                     % Growth                                - -       3.0%         3.0%          3.0%           3.0%    

NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month                                  $  3.90                $  4.02       $  4.14        $  4.26     
                     % Growth                                - -       3.0%         3.0%          3.0%           3.0%    

Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                                    $  7.87                $  8.00       $  8.14        $  8.28     
                     % Growth                                - -       1.7%         1.7%          1.7%           1.7%    

Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                               $  2.94                $  2.99       $  3.05        $  3.12     
                     % Growth                                - -       2.0%         2.0%          2.0%           2.0%    

PPV Rev/Sub/Month                                        $  0.34                $  0.35       $  0.36        $  0.37     
                     % Growth                                                       3.0%          3.0%           3.0%    
Other Revenue/Sub/Month                                  $  3.65                $  3.76       $  3.87        $  3.99     
                     % Growth                                - -       3.0%         3.0%          3.0%           3.0%    

                                                              FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                         1999       2000        2001        2002          2003            2004           2005
                                            4          5           6           7             8               9             10
Operations Statistics
- --------------------------------
Homes Passed:                           60,111     61,103     62,111       63,136        64,177         65,236         66,313
                     % Growth              1.7%       1.7%       1.7%         1.7%          1.7%           1.7%           1.7%

Basic/Expanded Tier                     35,706     36,417     37,142       37,881        38,635         39,403         40,186
                     % Penetration        59.4%      59.6%      59.8%        60.0%         60.2%          60.4%          60.6%
                     % Growth              2.0%       2.0%       2.0%         2.0%          2.0%           2.0%           2.0%
New Product Tier (NPT 1)                15,318     15,732     16,157       16,592        17,038         17,495         17,963
                     % Penetration        42.9%      43.2%      43.5%        43.8%         44.1%          44.4%          44.7%
                     % Growth              2.7%       2.7%       2.7%         2.7%          2.7%           2.7%           2.7%
Pay                                     14,532     15,004     15,488       15,986        16,497         17,022         17,561
                     % Penetration        40.7%      41.2%      41.7%        42.2%         42.7%          43.2%          43.7%
                     % Growth              3.3%       3.2%       3.2%         3.2%          3.2%           3.2%           3.2%
Mini-Pay                                   428        437        446          455           464            473            482
                     % Penetration         1.2%       1.2%       1.2%         1.2%          1.2%           1.2%           1.2%
                     % Growth              2.0%       2.0%       2.0%         2.0%          2.0%           2.0%           2.0%
Basic Revenue& Tier/Sub/Month          $ 27.41    $ 28.24    $ 29.08      $ 29.95       $ 30.85        $ 31.78        $ 32.73
                     % Growth              3.0%       3.0%       3.0%         3.0%          3.0%           3.0%           3.0%

NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month                $  4.39    $  4.52    $  4.66      $  4.80       $  4.94        $  5.09        $  5.24
                     % Growth              3.0%       3.0%       3.0%         3.0%          3.0%           3.0%           3.0%

Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                  $  8.42    $  8.56    $  8.71      $  8.85       $  9.00        $  9.16        $  9.31
                     % Growth              1.7%       1.7%       1.7%         1.7%          1.7%           1.7%           1.7%

Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month             $  3.18    $  3.24    $  3.31      $  3.37       $  3.44        $  3.51        $  3.58
                     % Growth              2.0%       2.0%       2.0%         2.0%          2.0%           2.0%           2.0%

PPV Rev/Sub/Month                      $  0.38    $  0.39    $  0.40      $  0.41       $  0.43        $  0.44        $  0.45
                     % Growth              3.0%       3.0%       3.0%         3.0%          3.0%           3.0%           3.0%
Other Revenue/Sub/Month                $  4.15    $  4.31    $  4.48      $  4.66       $  4.85        $  5.05        $  5.25
                     % Growth              4.0%       4.0%       4.0%         4.0%          4.0%           4.0%           4.0%

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Falcon Cable TV - Gilroy, California                                     
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (000 unless otherwise specified)           

                                                   12/31/95                    FYE 12/31, (Projected) 
                                                   --------      ---------------------------------------------------------------
                                      Year             1995         1996             1997              1998           1999      
                                    Period                0            1                2                 3              4      
                                                   --------      ---------------------------------------------------------------
Income Statement Summary    
- ------------------------
  Basic & Tier                                     $ 9,666,283   $10,130,511      $10,642,671    $11,180,596     $11,745,576 
  NPT 1                                                655,057       686,412          721,115        762,936         807,133 
  Pay                                                1,228,380     1,266,691        1,330,694      1,397,693       1,467,821 
  Mini-Pay                                              14,197        14,510           15,096         15,705          16,339 
  PPV                                                  133,654       140,073          147,154        154,592         162,404 
  Other                                              1,448,122     1,517,669        1,594,396      1,674,984       1,776,708 
                                                    ----------   -----------      -----------    -----------     -----------    
                            Total Revenue           13,145,693   $13,755,867      $14,451,127    $15,186,505     $15,975,980 
                                      % Growth            --             4.6%             5.1%           5.1%            5.2%
  Technical                                        $ 1,069,936   $ 1,126,764      $ 1,189,475    $ 1,255,662     $ 1,325,516 
  Production and Local Origination                           0             0                0              0               0 
  Advertising                                           89,174        93,313           98,029        103,018         108,373 
  Marketing                                            284,931       300,065          316,765        334,391         352,994 
  General and Administrative                         2,050,887     2,159,816        2,280,022      2,406,892       2,540,792 
  Programming                                        1,999,921     2,092,310        2,198,057      2,310,013       2,427,605 
  Partnership Expenses                                 753,248       788,211          828,050        870,187         915,424 
                                                    ----------   -----------      -----------    -----------     -----------    
         Total Operating Expenses                  $ 6,248,097   $ 6,560,478      $ 6,910,398    $ 7,280,162     $ 7,670,704 
                                      % Growth            --             5.0%             5.3%           5.4%            5.4%
* 1995 Adjusted for Partnership Expenses                                                                                     
  U.L.System Cash Flow (EBITDA)                    $ 6,897,596   $ 7,195,389      $ 7,540,729    $ 7,906,343     $ 8,305,276 
                                      % Margin            52.5%         52.3%            52.2%          52.1%           52.0%
                                      % Growth            --             4.3%             4.8%           4.8%            5.0%
  Revenue / Subscriber / Month                     $     33.12   $     34.06      $     35.09    $     36.15     $     37.29 
  SCF / Subscriber / Year                          $     208.6   $     213.8      $     219.7    $     225.8     $     232.6 

                                                 2000           2001          2002          2003           2004           2005     
Income Statement Summary                            5              6             7             8              9             10     
- -------------------------------             -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
  Basic & Tier                               $12,338,965   $12,962,186   $13,616,733   $14,304,174    $15,026,154    $15,784,402
  NPT 1                                          853,839       903,194       955,345     1,010,450      1,068,671      1,130,184
  Pay                                          1,541,218     1,618,029     1,698,404     1,782,502      1,870,487      1,962,530
  Mini-Pay                                        16,997        17,682        18,395        19,136         19,907         20,708
  PPV                                            170,609       179,226       188,276       197,781        207,764        218,248
  Other                                        1,884,589     1,998,997     2,120,328     2,248,998      2,385,449      2,530,152
                                             -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------    -----------    
                   Total Revenue             $16,806,216   $17,679,314   $18,597,482   $19,563,041    $20,578,432    $21,646,224
                             % Growth                5.2%          5.2%          5.2%          5.2%           5.2%           5.2%


  Technical                                  $ 1,399,241   $ 1,477,050   $ 1,559,169   $ 1,645,834    $ 1,737,298    $ 1,833,824
  Production and Local Origination                     0             0             0             0              0              0
  Advertising                                    114,005       119,928       126,156       132,706        139,594        146,837
  Marketing                                      372,627       393,348       415,217       438,296        462,654        488,359
  General and Administrative                   2,682,110     2,831,257     2,988,664     3,154,787      3,330,107      3,515,132
  Programming                                  2,551,114     2,680,835     2,817,079     2,960,171      3,110,453      3,268,283
  Partnership Expenses                           962,996     1,013,025     1,065,636     1,120,962      1,179,144      1,240,329
                                             -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------    -----------    -----------    
         Total Operating Expenses            $ 8,082,094   $ 8,515,443   $ 8,971,920   $ 9,452,757    $ 9,959,250    $10,492,765
                             % Growth                5.4%          5.4%          5.4%          5.4%           5.4%           5.4%
* 1995 Adjusted for Partnership Expenses
  U.L.System Cash Flow (EBITDA)              $ 8,724,122   $ 9,163,871   $ 9,625,562   $10,110,284    $10,619,183    $11,153,459
                             % Margin               51.9%         51.8%         51.8%         51.7%          51.6%          51.5%
                             % Growth                5.0%          5.0%          5.0%          5.0%           5.0%           5.0%

 Revenue / Subscriber / Month                $     38.46   $     39.67   $     40.91   $     42.20    $     43.52    $     44.89
 SCF / Subscriber / Year                     $     239.6   $     246.7   $     254.1   $     261.7    $     269.5    $     277.5
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W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N                         
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Falcon Cable TV - Gilroy, California                                      
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (000 unless otherwise specified)            

                                                    12/31/95                          FYE 12/31, (Projected) 
                                                    --------           ------------------------------------------------------
                                          Year          1995                 1996               1997                1998     
                                        Period             0                    1                  2                   3     
Capital Expenditure Analysis
- ------------------------------------------------
System Cash Flow                                    $   6,897,596       $   7,195,389      $   7,540,729      $   7,906,343
                           % Growth                                               4.3%               4.8%               4.8%
                    Total Capital Expenditures                              4,826,776          4,841,563          4,871,729
                           % of Revenue                                          35.1%              33.5%              32.1%
                         Total Capex / Basic Sub                        $       143.4      $       141.1      $       139.2
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Debt Free Cash Flow                                                     $   2,368,613      $   2,699,166      $   3,034,614
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                 FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                                           1999              2000               2001              2002           
                                                              4                 5                  6                 7           
System Cash Flow                                     $   8,305,276      $   8,724,122      $   9,163,871      $   9,625,562   
                           % Growth                            5.0%               5.0%               5.0%               5.0%  

                    Total Capital Expenditures           1,602,472          1,633,801          1,665,727          1,698,263   
                           % of Revenue                       10.0%               9.7%               9.4%               9.1%  

                         Total Capex / Basic Sub     $        44.9      $        44.9      $        44.8      $        44.8   

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Debt Free Cash Flow                                  $   6,702,804      $   7,090,321      $   7,498,144      $   7,927,299   
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                      FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                                           2003               2004            2005      
                                                              8                  9              10      
System Cash Flow                                     $  10,110,284      $  10,619,183      $  11,153,459
                           % Growth                            5.0%               5.0%               5.0%

                    Total Capital Expenditures           1,731,418          1,765,206          1,799,637
                           % of Revenue                        8.9%               8.6%               8.3%

                         Total Capex / Basic Sub     $        44.8      $        44.8      $        44.8

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Debt Free Cash Flow                                  $   8,378,866      $   8,853,977      $   9,353,823
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                   Aggregate Value        Value per 1995 Subscriber    Multiple of 1995 SCF
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FAIR MARKET VALUE                    $57,640,720                  $1,743                       8.4
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N
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                                                             12/31/95                               FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                           ----------                ----------------------------------------------
                                                    YEAR         1995                     1996      1997      1998     1999    2000
                                                  PERIOD            0                        1         2         3        4       5
- --------------------------------------------------------   ----------                ----------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------
                                                                         % GROWTH
   Homes Passed:                                            28,280                    28,492    28,731    28,973    29,216    29,462
                                  % Growth                                               0.8%      0.8%      0.8%     0.8%      0.8%

   Basic/Expanded Tier                                      18,513                    18,737    18,995    19,256    19,520    19,787
                                  % Penetration               65.5%                     65.8%     66.1%     66.5%    66.8%     67.2%
                                  % Growth                      --                       1.2%      1.4%      1.4%     1.4%      1.4%

   New Product Tier (NPT 1)                                   8,712                    8,825     8,966     9,108    9,253     9,399
                                  % Penetration                47.1%                    47.1%     47.2%     47.3%    47.4%     47.5%
                                  % Growth                       --                      1.3%      1.6%      1.6%     1.6%      1.6%

   Pay                                                        8,366                    8,469     8,586     8,704    8,921     9,142
                                  % Penetration                45.2%                    45.2%     45.2%     45.2%    45.7%     46.2%
                                  % Growth                       --                      1.2%      1.4%      1.4%     2.5%      2.5%

   Mini-Pay                                                     141                      150       152       154      351       554
                                  % Penetration                 0.8%                     0.8%      0.8%      0.8%     1.8%      2.8%
                                  % Growth                       --                      6.3%      1.4%      1.4%     1.4%      1.4%

   Basic Revenue& Tier/Sub/Month                             $25.60                   $26.37    $27.16    $27.97    $28.81    $29.68
                                  % Growth                       --            3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%     3.0%      3.0%

   NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month                                    $3.21                    $3.33     $3.47     $3.61    $3.75     $3.90
                                  % Growth                       --            4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%     4.0%      4.0%

   Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                                      $7.08                    $7.22     $7.36     $7.51    $7.66     $7.81
                                  % Growth                       --            2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%     2.0%      2.0%

   Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                                 $3.44                    $3.51     $3.58     $3.65    $3.73     $3.80
                                  % Growth                       --            2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%     2.0%      2.0%

   PPV Rev/Sub/Month                                          $0.46                    $0.48     $0.49     $0.51    $0.54     $0.57
                                  % Growth                                               3.0%      3.0%      3.0%     6.0%      6.0%
   Other Revenue/Sub/Month                                    $4.52                    $4.70     $4.89     $5.09    $5.29     $5.50

                                  % Growth                       --            4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%     4.0%      4.0%

                                                             FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                    YEAR        2001      2002      2003
                                                  PERIOD           6         7         8
- --------------------------------------------------------   ------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------
   Homes Passed:                                              29,709    29,959    30,210
                                  % Growth                       0.8%      0.8%      0.8%

   Basic/Expanded Tier                                        20,058    20,331    20,607
                                  % Penetration                 67.5%     67.9%     68.2%
                                  % Growth                       1.4%      1.4%      1.4%

   New Product Tier (NPT 1)                                    9,547     9,698     9,850
                                  % Penetration                 47.6%     47.7%     47.8%
                                  % Growth                       1.6%      1.6%      1.6%

   Pay                                                         9,367     9,596     9,830
                                  % Penetration                 46.7%     47.2%     47.7%
                                  % Growth                       2.5%      2.4%      2.4%

   Mini-Pay                                                      762       976     1,195
                                  % Penetration                  3.8%      4.8%      5.8%
                                  % Growth                       1.4%      1.4%      1.4%

   Basic Revenue& Tier/Sub/Month                              $30.57    $31.49    $32.43
                                  % Growth                       3.0%      3.0%      3.0%

   NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month                                     $4.06     $4.22     $4.39
                                  % Growth                       4.0%      4.0%      4.0%

   Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                                       $7.97     $8.13     $8.29
                                  % Growth                       2.0%      2.0%      2.0%

   Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                                  $3.88     $3.96     $4.04
                                  % Growth                       2.0%      2.0%      2.0%

   PPV Rev/Sub/Month                                           $0.60     $0.64     $0.68
                                  % Growth                       6.0%      6.0%      6.0%

   Other Revenue/Sub/Month                                     $5.72     $5.95     $6.19
                                  % Growth                       4.0%      4.0%      4.0%

                                                             FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                    YEAR      2004      2005
                                                  PERIOD         9        10
- --------------------------------------------------------   -------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------
   Homes Passed:                                            30,464    30,720
                                  % Growth                     0.8%      0.8%

   Basic/Expanded Tier                                      20,887    21,170
                                  % Penetration               68.6%     68.9%
                                  % Growth                     1.4%      1.4%

   New Product Tier (NPT 1)                                 10,005    10,162
                                  % Penetration               47.9%     48.0%
                                  % Growth                     1.6%      1.6%

   Pay                                                      10,068    10,310
                                  % Penetration               48.2%     48.7%
                                  % Growth                     2.4%      2.4%

   Mini-Pay                                                  1,420     1,651
                                  % Penetration                6.8%      7.8%
                                  % Growth                     1.4%      1.4%

   Basic Revenue& Tier/Sub/Month                            $33.40    $34.40
                                  % Growth                     3.0%      3.0%

   NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month                                   $4.56     $4.75
                                  % Growth                     4.0%      4.0%

   Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                                     $8.46     $8.63
                                  % Growth                     2.0%      2.0%

   Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                                $4.12     $4.20
                                  % Growth                     2.0%      2.0%

   PPV Rev/Sub/Month                                         $0.72     $0.76
                                  % Growth                     6.0%      6.0%

   Other Revenue/Sub/Month                                   $6.44     $6.69
                                  % Growth                     4.0%      4.0%


- --------------------------------------------------
W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N
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                                                     12/31/95                        FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)                       
                                                   ----------         ------------------------------------------------------   
                                         Year            1995               1996           1997           1998          1999    
                                       Period               0                  1              2              3             4    
                                       ------      ----------         ------------------------------------------------------   
- -------------------------------------  
   Basic & Tier                                    $5,687,270         $5,928,869     $6,190,805     $6,464,133    $6,749,341    
   NPT 1                                              335,208            353,149        373,122        394,211       416,479    
   Pay                                                710,582            733,741        758,719        784,525       820,160    
   Mini-Pay                                             5,827              6,319          6,534          6,756        15,718    
   PPV                                                102,952            107,325        112,067        117,015       125,736    
   Other                                            1,004,759          1,057,611      1,115,058      1,175,592     1,239,378    
                                                    ---------          ---------      ---------      ---------     ---------    
                        TOTAL REVENUE               7,846,598         $8,187,014     $8,556,304     $8,942,232    $9,366,812    
                           % Growth                        --                4.3%           4.5%           4.5%          4.7%   

EXPENSES:                                            Adjusted
   Technical                                       $  635,589         $  665,806     $  698,596     $  732,980      $769,035    
   Production and Local Origination                         0                  0              0              0             0    
   Advertising                                         73,173             76,348         79,791         83,390        87,350    
   Marketing                                          276,177            289,307        303,555        318,495       334,162    
   General and Administrative                       1,260,508          1,320,434      1,385,464      1,453,655     1,525,161    
   Programming                                      1,384,338          1,442,512      1,505,599      1,571,427     1,643,751    
   Partnership Expenses                               449,610            469,116        490,276        512,390       536,718    
                                                      -------            -------        -------        -------       -------    
          Total Operating Expenses                 $4,079,395         $4,263,522     $4,463,281     $4,672,338    $4,896,178    
                          % Growth                         --                4.5%           4.7%           4.7%          4.8%   
* Adjusted for Partnership Expenses
   U.L.SYSTEM CASH FLOW (EBITDA)                   $3,767,203         $3,923,491     $4,093,024     $4,269,895    $4,470,635    
                        % Margin                         48.0%              47.9%          47.8%          47.7%         47.7%   
                        % Growth                           --                4.1%           4.3%           4.3%          4.7%   

   Revenue / Subscriber / Month                    $    35.32         $    36.41     $    37.54     $    38.70    $    39.99    
   SCF / Subscriber / Year                         $    203.5         $    209.4     $    215.5     $    221.7    $    229.0    

                                                                 FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                    2000           2001           2002            2003    
                                                       5              6              7               8    
- ------------------------------------- 
   Basic & Tier                               $7,046,939     $7,357,460     $7,681,457      $8,019,508    
   NPT 1                                         439,991        464,816        491,026         518,697    
   Pay                                           857,288        895,966        936,258         978,226    
   Mini-Pay                                       25,280         35,472         46,326          57,873    
   PPV                                           135,104        145,166        155,973         167,580    
   Other                                       1,306,589      1,377,408      1,452,026       1,530,646    
                                               ---------      ---------      ---------       ---------    
                        TOTAL REVENUE         $9,811,191    $10,276,288    $10,763,066     $11,272,530    
                           % Growth                  4.7%           4.7%           4.7%            4.7%   

   Technical                                  $  806,842    $   846,485    $   888,051     $   931,634    
   Production and Local Origination                    0              0              0               0    
   Advertising                                    91,494         95,831        100,370         105,121    
   Marketing                                     350,590        367,816        385,877         404,815    
   General and Administrative                  1,600,140      1,678,759      1,761,194       1,847,628    
   Programming                                 1,719,307      1,798,235      1,880,682       1,966,805    
   Partnership Expenses                          562,181        588,831        616,724         645,916    
                                                 -------        -------        -------         -------    
          Total Operating Expenses            $5,130,554    $ 5,375,957    $ 5,632,899     $ 5,901,918    
                          % Growth                   4.8%           4.8%           4.8%            4.8%   
* Adjusted for Partnership Expenses
   U.L.SYSTEM CASH FLOW (EBITDA)              $4,680,637    $ 4,900,332    $ 5,130,167     $ 5,370,612    
                        % Margin                    47.7%          47.7%          47.7%           47.6%   
                        % Growth                     4.7%           4.7%           4.7%            4.7%   

   Revenue / Subscriber / Month               $    41.32    $      42.70   $     44.12      $    45.58    
   SCF / Subscriber / Year                    $    236.5    $      244.3   $     252.3      $    260.6    

                                              FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                   2004           2005
                                                      9             10
- -------------------------------------
   Basic & Tier                             $ 8,372,217    $ 8,740,210
   NPT 1                                        547,912        578,754
   Pay                                        1,021,935      1,067,455
   Mini-Pay                                      70,148         83,185
   PPV                                          180,046        193,434
   Other                                      1,613,480      1,700,752
                                              ---------      ---------
                        TOTAL REVENUE       $11,805,737    $12,363,790
                           % Growth                 4.7%           4.7%

   Technical                                $   977,330    $ 1,025,240
   Production and Local Origination                   0              0
   Advertising                                  110,094        115,298
   Marketing                                    424,671        445,489
   General and Administrative                 1,938,252      2,033,269
   Programming                                2,056,762      2,150,722
   Partnership Expenses                         676,469        708,445
                                                -------        -------
          Total Operating Expenses          $ 6,183,577    $ 6,478,463
                          % Growth                  4.8%           4.8%
* Adjusted for Partnership Expenses
   U.L.SYSTEM CASH FLOW (EBITDA)            $ 5,622,160    $ 5,885,327
                        % Margin                   47.6%          47.6%
                        % Growth                    4.7%           4.7%

   Revenue / Subscriber / Month             $     47.10    $     48.67
   SCF / Subscriber / Year                  $     269.2    $     278.0

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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                                                                    12/31/95                FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                                 -----------  ---------------------------------------------------
                                                         Year          1995         1996          1997          1998         1999
                                                       Period             0            1             2             3            4
                                                                 -----------  ---------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- --------------------------------------------------------------

   System Cash Flow                                              $3,767,203   $3,923,491    $4,093,024    $4,269,895   $4,470,635
                               % Growth                                             4.1%          4.3%          4.3%         4.7%

                        Total Capital Expenditures                               823,481     3,743,300     3,754,439    3,765,707
                               % of Revenue                                        10.1%         43.7%         42.0%        40.2%

                             Total Capex / Basic Sub                               $43.9        $197.1        $195.0       $192.9

   DEBT FREE CASH FLOW                                                        $3,100,010      $349,724      $515,455     $704,928
                                                                              ==========      ========      ========     ========

                                                               FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                              2000          2001         2002
                                                                 5             6            7
- ------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------

   System Cash Flow                                     $4,680,637    $4,900,332   $5,130,167
                               % Growth                       4.7%          4.7%         4.7%

                        Total Capital Expenditures         877,104       888,631      900,289
                               % of Revenue                   8.9%          8.6%         8.4%

                             Total Capex / Basic Sub         $44.3         $44.3        $44.3

   DEBT FREE CASH FLOW                                  $3,803,534    $4,011,701   $4,229,877
                                                        ==========    ==========   ==========

                                                                FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                              2003          2004          2005
                                                                 8             9            10
- ------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------

   System Cash Flow                                     $5,370,612    $5,622,160    $5,885,327
                               % Growth                       4.7%          4.7%          4.7%

                        Total Capital Expenditures         912,081       924,008       936,070
                               % of Revenue                   8.1%          7.8%          7.6%

                             Total Capex / Basic Sub         $44.3         $44.2         $44.2

   DEBT FREE CASH FLOW                                  $4,458,531    $4,698,153    $4,949,257
                                                        ==========    ==========    ==========

                                                  AGGREGATE VALUE    VALUE PER 1995 SUBSCRIBER    MULTIPLE OF 1995 SCF

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FAIR MARKET VALUE                                   $28,865,947               $1,559                      7.7
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N


                                     12/31/95                   FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                     --------              -------------------------------
                               Year      1995                1996     1997    1998    1999  
                             Period         0                   1        2       3       4  
                             ------  --------              -------------------------------
Operations Statistics                           % Growth
- ---------------------                           --------
  Homes Passed:                        26,138              26,582   27,034  27,494  27,961  
         % Growth                                             1.7%     1.7%    1.7%    1.7% 
  Basic/Expanded Tier                  15,635              16,003   16,418  16,843  17,277  
         % Penetration                   59.8%               60.2%    60.7%   61.3%   61.8% 
         % Growth                        --                   2.4%     2.6%    2.6%    2.6% 
  New Product Tier (NPT 1)              4,466               4,561    4,728   4,901   5,080  
         % Penetration                   28.6%               28.5%    28.8%   29.1%   29.4% 
         % Growth                        --                   2.1%     3.7%    3.7%    3.6% 
  Pay                                   3,733               3,873    4,104   4,345   4,596  
         % Penetration                   23.9%               24.2%    25.0%   25.8%   26.6% 
         % Growth                        --                   3.7%     6.0%    5.9%    5.8% 
  Mini-Pay                                  0                   0        0       0       0  
         % Penetration                                        0.0%     0.0%    0.0%    0.0% 
         % Growth                        --                  --       --      --      --    
  Basic Revenue & Tier/                
   Sub/Month                           $22.24              $23.22   $24.24  $25.30  $26.42  
         % Growth                        --         4.4%      4.4%     4.4%    4.4%    4.4% 
  NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month              $ 3.31              $ 3.44   $ 3.58  $ 3.72  $ 3.87  
         % Growth                        --         4.0%      4.0%     4.0%    4.0%    4.0% 
  Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                $ 9.28              $ 9.47   $ 9.66  $ 9.85  $10.05  
         % Growth                        --         2.0%      2.0%     2.0%    2.0%    2.0% 
  Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month             --                  --       --      --      --    
         % Growth                        --         --       --       --      --      --    
  PPV Rev/Sub/Month                    $ 0.16              $ 0.16   $ 0.17  $ 0.18  $ 0.20  
         % Growth                                             3.0%     3.0%    8.0%    8.0% 
  Other Revenue/Sub/Month              $ 4.97              $ 5.17   $ 5.38  $ 5.60  $ 5.82  
         % Growth                        --         4.0%      4.0%     4.0%    4.0%    4.0% 

                                           FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005
                                   5       6       7       8       9      10
Operations Statistics        
- ---------------------        
  Homes Passed:               28,437  28,920  29,412  29,912  30,420  30,937
         % Growth                1.7%    1.7%    1.7%    1.7%    1.7%    1.7%
  Basic/Expanded Tier         17,722  18,176  18,641  19,117  19,603  20,100
         % Penetration          62.3%   62.9%   63.4%   63.9%   64.4%   65.0%
         % Growth                2.6%    2.6%    2.6%    2.6%    2.5%    2.5%
  New Product Tier (NPT 1)     5,263   5,453   5,648   5,850   6,057   6,271
         % Penetration          29.7%   30.0%   30.3%   30.6%   30.9%   31.2%
         % Growth                3.6%    3.6%    3.6%    3.6%    3.5%    3.5%
  Pay                          4,856   5,126   5,406   5,697   5,998   6,311
         % Penetration          27.4%   28.2%   29.0%   29.8%   30.6%   31.4%
         % Growth                5.7%    5.6%    5.5%    5.4%    5.3%    5.2%
  Mini-Pay                         0       0       0       0       0       0
         % Penetration           0.0%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%    0.0%
         % Growth               --      --      --      --      --     --
  Basic Revenue & Tier/       
   Sub/Month                  $27.58  $28.79  $30.06  $31.38  $32.76  $34.21
         % Growth                4.4%    4.4%    4.4%    4.4%    4.4%    4.4%
  NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month     $ 4.03  $ 4.19  $ 4.36  $ 4.53  $ 4.71  $ 4.90
         % Growth                4.0%    4.0%    4.0%    4.0%    4.0%    4.0%
  Pay Revenue/Sub/Month       $10.25  $10.45  $10.66  $10.87  $11.09  $11.31
         % Growth                2.0%    2.0%    2.0%    2.0%    2.0%    2.0%
  Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month    --      --      --      --      --     --
         % Growth               --      --      --      --      --     --
  PPV Rev/Sub/Month           $ 0.21  $ 0.23  $ 0.25  $ 0.27  $ 0.29  $ 0.31
         % Growth                8.0%    8.0%    8.0%    8.0%    8.0%    8.0%
  Other Revenue/Sub/Month     $ 6.05  $ 6.29  $ 6.55  $ 6.81  $ 7.08  $ 7.36
         % Growth                4.0%    4.0%    4.0%    4.0%    4.0%    4.0%

W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N


                                               12/31/95                                   FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                              ---------             ---------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Year        1995                  1996        1997         1998          1999           2000
                                     Period           0                     1           2            3             4              5
                                     ------   ---------             ---------------------------------------------------------------
Income Statement Summary 
- ------------------------                                          
 Basic & Tier                                $4,172,358            $4,458,348  $4,775,317   $5,114,432    $5,477,218     $5,865,307
 NPT 1                                          177,400               188,410     203,148      218,998       236,042        254,368
 Pay                                            415,739               439,914     475,577      513,565       554,012        597,061
 Mini-Pay                                             0                     0           0            0             0              0
 PPV                                             29,828                31,445      33,229       36,816        40,787         45,183
 Other                                          933,229               993,376   1,059,924    1,130,844     1,206,419      1,286,950
                                              ---------             ---------   ---------    ---------     ---------      ---------
            Total Revenue                    $5,728,554            $6,111,493  $6,547,194   $7,014,654    $7,514,479     $8,048,869
                 % Growth                      --                         6.7%        7.1%         7.1%          7.1%           7.1%
Expenses:                                      Adjusted
 Technical                                     $627,259              $664,476    $705,582     $749,173      $795,399       $844,414
 Production and Local Origination                     0                     0           0            0             0              0
 Advertising                                     87,515                93,365     100,021      107,163       114,799        122,962
 Marketing                                      226,985               240,453     255,327      271,102       287,829        305,566
 General and Administrative                   1,099,901             1,165,161   1,237,240    1,313,678     1,394,734      1,480,683
 Programming                                  1,138,066             1,214,767   1,302,500    1,396,342     1,496,711      1,604,049
 Partnership Expenses                           328,246               350,189     375,154      401,940       430,580        461,200
                                              ---------             ---------   ---------    ---------     ---------      ---------
        Total Operating Expenses             $3,507,972            $3,728,410  $3,975,824   $4,239,398    $4,520,051     $4,818,874
                 % Growth                         --                      6.3%        6.6%         6.6%          6.6%           6.6%
* Adjusted for Partnership Expenses       
 U.L.System Cash Flow (EBITDA)               $2,220,582            $2,383,083  $2,571,370   $2,775,256    $2,994,428     $3,229,995
                 % Margin                          38.8%                 39.0%       39.3%        39.6%         39.8%          40.1%
                 % Growth                         --                      7.3%        7.9%         7.9%          7.9%           7.9%
 Revenue / Subscriber / Month                    $30.53                $31.83      $33.23       $34.71        $36.24         $37.85
 SCF / Subscriber / Year                         $142.0                $148.9      $156.6       $164.8        $173.3         $182.3

                                                                      FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                        Year       2001          2002          2003          2004           2005
                                      Period          6             7             8             9             10
                                      ------  ------------------------------------------------------------------
Income Statement Summary                   
- ------------------------                                           
 Basic & Tier                                $6,280,439    $6,724,476    $7,199,403    $7,707,342     $8,250,560 
 NPT 1                                          274,069       295,245       318,003       342,460        368,738
 Pay                                            642,860       691,565       743,343       798,366        856,819
 Mini-Pay                                             0             0             0             0              0
 PPV                                             50,049        55,436        61,398        67,996         75,298
 Other                                        1,372,757     1,464,182     1,561,586     1,665,355      1,775,900
                                              ---------     ---------     ---------    ----------     ----------
            Total Revenue                    $8,620,175    $9,230,903    $9,883,733   $10,581,519    $11,327,314 
                 % Growth                           7.1%          7.1%          7.1%          7.1%           7.0%
 Technical                                     $896,385      $951,487    $1,009,905    $1,071,837     $1,137,489 
 Production and Local Origination                     0             0             0             0              0
 Advertising                                    131,690       141,020       150,994       161,654        173,047
 Marketing                                      324,373       344,313       365,452       387,863        411,621
 General and Administrative                   1,571,814     1,668,435     1,770,873     1,879,470      1,994,591
 Programming                                  1,718,830     1,841,561     1,972,780     2,113,064      2,263,026
 Partnership Expenses                           493,936       528,931       566,338       606,321        649,055
                                              ---------     ---------     ---------     ---------      ---------
        Total Operating Expenses             $5,137,028    $5,475,747    $5,836,342    $6,220,208     $6,628,830 
                 % Growth                           6.6%          6.6%          6.6%          6.6%           6.6%
* Adjusted for Partnership Expenses        
 U.L.System Cash Flow (EBITDA)               $3,483,146    $3,755,157    $4,047,391    $4,361,311     $4,698,484 
                 % Margin                          40.4%         40.7%         41.0%         41.2%          41.5%
                 % Growth                           7.8%          7.8%          7.8%          7.8%           7.7%

 Revenue / Subscriber / Month                    $39.52        $41.27        $43.09        $44.98         $46.96 
 SCF / Subscriber / Year                         $191.6        $201.4        $211.7        $222.5         $231.8 
W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N


                                               12/31/95                                    FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                              ---------              -------------------------------------------------------------
                                       Year        1995                   1996        1997         1998          1999         2000
                                     Period           0                      1           2            3             4            5
                                     ------   ---------              -------------------------------------------------------------
Capital Expenditure Analysis
- ----------------------------
 System Cash Flow                            $2,220,582             $2,383,083  $2,571,370   $2,775,256    $2,994,428   $3,229,995 
                % Growth                                                   7.3%        7.9%         7.9%          7.9%         7.9%

         Total Capital Expenditures                                    745,900   2,464,311    2,483,133       802,374      822,043 
                % of Revenue                                              12.2%       37.6%        35.4%         10.7%        10.2%

           Total Capex / Basic Sub                                       $46.6      $150.1       $147.4         $46.4        $46.4 

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Debt Free Cash Flow                                                $1,637,183    $107,059     $292,123    $2,192,054   $2,407,952 
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                               Aggregate Value                            Value per 1995 Subscriber
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FAIR MARKET VALUE                                               $21,988,550                                        $1,406          
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                      FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                        Year          2001          2002          2003           2004           2005
                                      Period             6             7             8              9             10
                                      ------     -------------------------------------------------------------------
Capital Expenditure Analysis
- ----------------------------
 System Cash Flow                               $3,483,146    $3,755,157    $4,047,391     $4,361,311     $4,698,484 
                % Growth                               7.8%          7.8%          7.8%           7.8%           7.7%

         Total Capital Expenditures                842,149       862,701       883,708        905,180        927,127
                % of Revenue                           9.8%          9.3%          8.9%           8.6%           8.2%

           Total Capex / Basic Sub                   $46.3         $46.3         $46.2          $46.2          $46.1 

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Debt Free Cash Flow                            $2,640,998    $2,892,456    $3,163,683     $3,456,131     $3,771,357 
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                       Multiple of 1995 SCF
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FAIR MARKET VALUE                                                                               9.9
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N

Falcon Cable TV - Tulare, California
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (000 unless otherwise specified)

                                          12/31/95                            FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                          --------              -----------------------------------------------
                                   Year       1995                1996       1997      1998     1999       2000 
                                 Period          0                   1          2         3        4          5 
                                 ------   --------              -----------------------------------------------
Operations Statistics                                % Growth
- ---------------------                                --------
 Homes Passed:                              41,053              41,464     41,878    42,297   42,720     43,147 
                  % Growth                                         1.0%       1.0%      1.0%     1.0%       1.0%
 Basic/Expanded Tier                        15,249              15,466     15,788    16,115   16,490     16,871 
                  % Penetration               37.1%               37.3%      37.7%     38.1%    38.6%      39.1%
                  % Growth                   --                    1.4%       2.1%      2.1%     2.3%       2.3%
 New Product Tier (NPT 1)                    7,001               7,099      7,247     7,429    7,635      7,845 
                  % Penetration               45.9%               45.9%      45.9%     46.1%    46.3%      46.5%
                  % Growth                   --                    1.4%       2.1%      2.5%     2.8%       2.8%
 Pay                                         7,110               7,207      7,389     7,574    7,783      7,997 
                  % Penetration               46.6%               46.6%      46.8%     47.0%    47.2%      47.4%
                  % Growth                   --                    1.4%       2.5%      2.5%     2.8%       2.7%
 Mini-Pay                                        0                   0          0         0        0          0 
                  % Penetration                                    0.0%       0.0%      0.0%     0.0%       0.0%
                  % Growth                   --                   --         --        --       --         -- 
 Basic Revenue& Tier/Sub/Month              $22.05              $22.98     $23.96    $24.98   $26.04     $27.15 
                  % Growth                   --        4.3%        4.3%       4.3%      4.3%     4.3%       4.3%
 NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month                     $5.47              $ 5.63     $ 5.80    $ 5.98   $ 6.16     $ 6.34 
                  % Growth                   --        3.0%        3.0%       3.0%      3.0%     3.0%       3.0%
 Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                       $7.07              $ 7.28     $ 7.50    $ 7.72   $ 7.96     $ 8.19 
                  % Growth                   --        3.0%        3.0%       3.0%      3.0%     3.0%       3.0%
 Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                  $0.00              $ 0.00     $ 0.00    $ 0.00   $ 0.00     $ 0.00 
                  % Growth                   --        0.0%        0.0%       0.0%      0.0%     0.0%       0.0%
 PPV Rev/Sub/Month                           $0.48              $ 0.49     $ 0.51    $ 0.52   $ 0.54     $ 0.56 
                  % Growth                             3.0%        3.0%       3.0%      3.0%     3.0%       3.0%
 Other Revenue/Sub/Month                     $7.22              $ 7.44     $ 7.66    $ 7.89   $ 8.13     $ 8.37 
                  % Growth                   --        3.0%        3.0%       3.0%      3.0%    3.0%       3.0%

                                      2001      2002      2003      2004       2005
                                         6         7         8         9         10
Operations Statistics            
- ---------------------            
 Homes Passed:                      43,579    44,014    44,455    44,899     45,348
                  % Growth             1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%       1.0%
 Basic/Expanded Tier                17,257    17,650    18,049    18,454     18,865
                  % Penetration       39.6%     40.1%     40.6%     41.1%      41.6%
                  % Growth             2.3%      2.3%      2.3%      2.2%       2.2%
 New Product Tier (NPT 1)            8,059     8,278     8,501     8,729      8,961
                  % Penetration       46.7%     46.9%     47.1%     47.3%      47.5%
                  % Growth             2.7%      2.7%      2.7%      2.7%       2.7%
 Pay                                 8,214     8,437     8,663     8,895      9,131
                  % Penetration       47.6%     47.8%     48.0%     48.2%      48.4%
                  % Growth             2.7%      2.7%      2.7%      2.7%       2.7%
 Mini-Pay                                0         0         0         0          0
                  % Penetration        0.0%      0.0%      0.0%      0.0%       0.0%
                  % Growth            --        --        --        --         --
 Basic Revenue& Tier/Sub/Month      $28.30    $29.50    $30.76    $32.07     $33.43 
                  % Growth             4.3%      4.3%      4.3%      4.3%       4.3%
 NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month            $ 6.53    $ 6.73    $ 6.93    $ 7.14     $ 7.35 
                  % Growth             3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%       3.0%
 Pay Revenue/Sub/Month              $ 8.44    $ 8.69    $ 8.95    $ 9.22     $ 9.50 
                  % Growth             3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%       3.0%
 Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month         $ 0.00    $ 0.00    $ 0.00    $ 0.00     $ 0.00 
                  % Growth             0.0%      0.0%      0.0%      0.0%       0.0%
 PPV Rev/Sub/Month                  $ 0.57    $ 0.59    $ 0.61    $ 0.63     $ 0.64 
                  % Growth             3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%       3.0%
 Other Revenue/Sub/Month            $ 8.62    $ 8.88    $ 9.15    $ 9.42     $ 9.70 
                  % Growth             3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%       3.0%



                                                  --------              ---------------------------------------------------------
                                                  12/31/95                                  FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                  --------              ---------------------------------------------------------
                                           Year       1995                     1996           1997           1998            1999
Income Statement Summary                  Period         0                        1              2              3               4
- ----------------------------------------------------------              ---------------------------------------------------------

 Basic & Tier                                   $4,034,444               $4,265,731     $4,539,661     $4,830,638      $5,153,049
 NPT 1                                             459,527                  479,928        504,623        532,841         564,025
 Pay                                               603,044                  629,619        664,858        701,977         742,999
 Mini-Pay                                                0                        0              0              0               0
 PPV                                                87,677                   91,592         96,305        101,249         106,711
 Other                                           1,321,320                1,380,317      1,451,343      1,525,852       1,608,175
                                                 ---------               ----------     ----------     ----------      ----------
             Total Revenue                      $6,506,012               $6,847,187     $7,256,790     $7,692,557      $8,174,959
                       % Growth                        - -                      5.2%           6.0%           6.0%            6.3%

Expenses:                                         Adjusted
 Technical                                        $634,621                 $666,175       $703,854       $743,581        $787,503
 Production and Local Origination                        0                        0              0              0               0
 Advertising                                       122,569                  128,997        136,713        144,923         154,011
 Marketing                                         184,260                  193,422        204,362        215,896         228,649
 General and Administrative                      1,116,860                1,172,392      1,238,703      1,308,617       1,385,915
 Programming                                     1,279,191                1,349,026      1,432,816      1,522,239       1,621,276
 Partnership Expenses                              372,794                  392,344        415,814        440,783         468,425
                                                ----------               ----------     ----------     ----------      ----------
        Total Operating Expenses                $3,710,295               $3,902,356     $4,132,262     $4,376,039      $4,645,778
                       % Growth                        - -                      5.2%           5.9%           5.9%            6.2%
* Adjusted for Partnership Expenses
 U.L.System Cash Flow (EBITDA)                  $2,795,717               $2,944,832     $3,124,528     $3,316,518      $3,529,181
             % Margin                                 43.0%                    43.0%          43.1%          43.1%           43.2%
             % Growth                                  - -                      5.3%           6.1%           6.1%            6.4%

 Revenue / Subscriber / Month                       $35.55                   $36.89         $38.30         $39.78          $41.31
 SCF / Subscriber / Year                            $183.3                   $190.4         $197.9         $205.8          $214.0


                                                2000           2001           2002            2003           2004             2005
Income Statement Summary                           5              6              7               8              9               10
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Basic & Tier                             $5,496,056     $5,860,937     $6,249,045      $6,661,818     $7,100,779       $7,567,544
 NPT 1                                       596,923        631,625        668,226         706,824        747,526          790,440
 Pay                                         786,271        831,913        880,049         930,809        984,330        1,040,756
 Mini-Pay                                          0              0              0               0              0                0
 PPV                                         112,450        118,478        124,808         131,457        138,439          145,770
 Other                                     1,694,655      1,785,494      1,880,902       1,981,100      2,086,319        2,196,802
                                          ----------     ----------     ----------     -----------    -----------      -----------
             Total Revenue                $8,686,356     $9,228,447     $9,803,030     $10,412,008    $11,057,392      $11,741,311
                       % Growth                  6.3%           6.2%           6.2%            6.2%           6.2%             6.2%

 Technical                                  $833,880       $882,843       $934,533        $989,095     $1,046,683       $1,107,461
 Production and Local Origination                  0              0              0               0              0                0
 Advertising                                 163,645        173,858        184,683         196,155        208,314          221,199
 Marketing                                   242,114        256,330        271,338         287,180        303,901          321,548
 General and Administrative                1,467,532      1,553,702      1,644,670       1,740,693      1,842,042        1,949,004
 Programming                               1,726,476      1,838,214      1,956,883       2,082,902      2,216,714        2,358,789
 Partnership Expenses                        497,728        528,790        561,714         596,608        633,589          672,777
                                          ----------     ----------     ----------      ----------     ----------       ----------
        Total Operating Expenses          $4,931,376     $5,233,737     $5,553,820      $5,892,633     $6,251,243       $6,630,778
                       % Growth                  6.1%           6.1%           6.1%            6.1%           6.1%             6.1%
* Adjusted for Partnership Expenses
 U.L.System Cash Flow (EBITDA)            $3,754,980     $3,994,709     $4,249,210      $4,519,375     $4,806,149       $5,110,533
             % Margin                           43.2%          43.3%          43.3%           43.4%          43.5%            43.5%
             % Growth                            6.4%           6.4%           6.4%            6.4%           6.3%             6.3%

 Revenue / Subscriber / Month                 $42.91         $44.56         $46.28          $48.07         $49.93           $51.87
 SCF / Subscriber / Year                      $222.6         $231.5         $240.8          $250.4         $260.4           $270.9

W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N

Falcon Cable TV - Tulare, California
Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (000 unless otherwise specified)

                                          12/31/95                                    FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                         ---------             ---------------------------------------------------------------
                                   Year       1995                  1996         1997         1998        1999            2000 
Capital Expenditure Analysis     Period          0                     1            2            3           4               5 
- ----------------------------     ------  ---------             ---------------------------------------------------------------
System Cash Flow                        $2,795,717            $2,944,832   $3,124,528   $3,316,518   $3,529,181     $3,754,980  
               % Growth                                              5.3%         6.1%         6.1%         6.4%           6.4% 

      Total Capital Expenditures                                 798,598    3,614,122    3,629,877    3,647,787        865,973  
              % of Revenue                                          11.7%        49.8%        47.2%        44.6%          10.0% 

         Total Capex / Basic Sub                                   $51.6       $228.9       $225.2       $221.2          $51.3  

Debt Free Cash Flow                                           $2,146,234    $(489,594 )  $(313,359 )  $(118,606 )   $2,889,007  

                                                  2001        2002         2003          2004          2005
Capital Expenditure Analysis                         6           7            8             9            10
- ------------------------------               --------------------------------------------------------------
System Cash Flow                            $3,994,709  $4,249,210   $4,519,375    $4,806,149    $5,110,533 
               % Growth                            6.4%        6.4%         6.4%          6.3%          6.3%

      Total Capital Expenditures               884,438     903,186      922,220       941,544       961,163
              % of Revenue                         9.6%        9.2%         8.9%          8.5%          8.2%

         Total Capex / Basic Sub                 $51.3       $51.2        $51.1         $51.0         $51.0 

Debt Free Cash Flow                         $3,110,271  $3,346,024   $3,597,155    $3,864,605    $4,149,370 

                                        Aggregate Value      Value per 1995 Subscriber       Multiple of 1995 SCF
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FAIR MARKET VALUE                         $22,269,159          1,460                                  8.0
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (000 unless otherwise specified)

                                          Year      1995             
                                        Period         0             
Operations Statistics                           --------              
- ---------------------
                                                           % Growth
    Homes Passed:                                 26,355             
                         % Growth                                    

    Basic/Expanded Tier                           14,225             
                         % Penetration              54.0%            
                         % Growth                     --             

    New Product Tier (NPT 1)                       9,266             
                         % Penetration              65.1%            
                         % Growth                     --             

    Pay                                            5,505             
                         % Penetration              38.7%            
                         % Growth                     --             

    Mini-Pay                                          11             
                         % Penetration               0.1%            
                         % Growth                     --             

    Basic Revenue& Tier/Sub/Month                 $21.16             
                         % Growth                     --       4.3%  

    NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month                       $ 4.19             
                         % Growth                     --       4.0%  

    Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                         $ 7.96             
                         % Growth                     --       2.0%  

    Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                    $ 5.53             
                         % Growth                     --       2.0%  

    PPV Rev/Sub/Month                             $ 0.08             
                         % Growth                                    

    Other Revenue/Sub/Month                       $ 2.26             
                         % Growth                     --       4.0%  

                                                                              FYE 12/31, (Projected) 
                                      Year    1996     1997     1998     1999     2000     2001     2002     2003     2004     2005
                                    Period       1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8        9       10
Operations Statistics                       ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------                       
    Homes Passed:                           26,487   26,672   26,859   27,047   27,236   27,427   27,619   27,812   28,007   28,203
                         % Growth              0.5%     0.7%     0.7%     0.7%     0.7%     0.7%     0.7%     0.7%     0.7%     0.7%
    Basic/Expanded Tier                     14,455   14,690   14,927   15,166   15,409   15,654   15,901   16,152   16,405   16,661
                         % Penetration        54.6%    55.1%    55.6%    56.1%    56.6%    57.1%    57.6%    58.1%    58.6%    59.1%
                         % Growth              1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%
    New Product Tier (NPT 1)                 9,560    9,862   10,171   10,486   10,808   11,136   11,471   11,813   12,162   12,519
                         % Penetration        66.1%    67.1%    68.1%    69.1%    70.1%    71.1%    72.1%    73.1%    74.1%    75.1%
                         % Growth              3.2%     3.2%     3.1%     3.1%     3.1%     3.0%     3.0%     3.0%     3.0%     2.9%
    Pay                                      5,594    5,685    5,851    6,021    6,194    6,371    6,551    6,735    6,923    7,114
                         % Penetration        38.7%    38.7%    39.2%    39.7%    40.2%    40.7%    41.2%    41.7%    42.2%    42.7%
                         % Growth              1.6%     1.6%     2.9%     2.9%     2.9%     2.9%     2.8%     2.8%     2.8%     2.8%
    Mini-Pay                                    14       15       15       15       15       16       16       16       16       17
                         % Penetration         0.1%     0.1%     0.1%     0.1%     0.1%     0.1%     0.1%     0.1%     0.1%     0.1%
                         % Growth             31.4%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%     1.6%
    Basic Revenue & Tier/Sub/Month          $22.06   $23.00   $23.97   $24.99   $26.05   $27.16   $28.32   $29.52   $30.77   $32.08 
                         % Growth              4.3%     4.3%     4.3%     4.3%     4.3%     4.3%     4.3%     4.3%     4.3%     4.3%
    NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month                  $4.36    $4.53    $4.71    $4.90    $5.10    $5.30    $5.52    $5.74    $5.97    $6.20 
                         % Growth              4.0%     4.0%     4.0%     4.0%     4.0%     4.0%     4.0%     4.0%     4.0%     4.0%
    Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                    $8.12    $8.28    $8.45    $8.62    $8.79    $8.97    $9.15    $9.33    $9.52    $9.71 
                         % Growth              2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%
    Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month               $5.64    $5.75    $5.87    $5.98    $6.10    $6.23    $6.35    $6.48    $6.61    $6.74 
                         % Growth              2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%     2.0%
    PPV Rev/Sub/Month                        $0.08    $0.08    $0.08    $0.09    $0.09    $0.10    $0.10    $0.11    $0.12    $0.12 
                         % Growth              3.0%     3.0%     3.0%     6.0%     6.0%     6.0%     6.0%     6.0%     6.0%     6.0%
    Other Revenue/Sub/Month                  $2.35    $2.45    $2.55    $2.70    $2.86    $3.03    $3.21    $3.41    $3.61    $3.83 
                         % Growth              4.0%     4.0%     4.0%     6.0%     6.0%     6.0%     6.0%     6.0%     6.0%     6.0%

W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (000 unless otherwise specified)

                                    12/31/95        FYE 12/31, (Projected)     
                                    --------  ----------------------------------
                            Year        1995       1996        1997        1998 
                          Period           0          1           2           3 
Income Statement Summary                      ----------------------------------
- ------------------------
 Basic & Tier                     $3,611,860 $3,826,258  $4,053,597  $4,294,089 
 NPT 1                               466,060    500,103     536,538     575,452 
 Pay                                 526,042    545,247     565,176     593,354 
 Mini-Pay                                730        978       1,014       1,051 
 PPV                                  12,829     13,428      14,055      14,710 
 Other                               386,283    408,231     431,450     455,951 
                                  ---------- ----------  ----------  ----------
             Total Revenue        $5,003,805 $5,294,245  $5,601,829  $5,934,606 
                       % Growth           --        5.8%        5.8%        5.9%

Expenses:                           Adjusted
 Technical                          $443,453   $466,396    $490,553    $515,918 
 Production and Local Origination          0          0           0           0 
 Advertising                               0          0           0           0 
 Marketing                           120,328    126,554     133,108     139,991 
 General and Administrative          856,767    901,094     947,765     996,772 
 Programming                         868,032    918,533     972,020   1,030,010 
 Partnership Expenses                286,718    303,360     320,985     340,053 
                                   ---------  ---------   ---------   ---------
        Total Operating Expenses  $2,575,298 $2,715,937  $2,864,432  $3,022,743 
                       % Growth           --        5.5%        5.5%        5.5%

 U.L.System Cash Flow (EBITDA)    $2,428,507 $2,578,308  $2,737,397  $2,911,863 
             % Margin                   48.5%      48.7%       48.9%       49.1%
             % Growth                     --        6.2%        6.2%        6.4%

 Revenue / Subscriber / Month         $29.31     $30.52      $31.78      $33.13 
 SCF / Subscriber / Year              $170.7     $178.4      $186.3      $195.1 

                                                                   FYE 12/31, (Projected)                                  
                            Year           1999         2000        2001         2002        2003        2004        2005
                          Period              4            5           6            7           8           9          10
Income Statement Summary           -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
- ------------------------
 Basic & Tier                        $4,548,482   $4,817,562  $5,102,162   $5,403,160  $5,721,483  $6,058,112  $6,414,078 
 NPT 1                                  617,005      661,368     708,722      759,257     813,179     870,702     932,057
 Pay                                    622,784      653,519     685,611      719,114     754,088     790,589     828,681
 Mini-Pay                                 1,089        1,129       1,170        1,212       1,256       1,301       1,347
 PPV                                     15,843       17,062      18,374       19,784      21,301      22,933      24,688
 Other                                  491,070      528,851     569,496      613,216     660,244     710,825     765,226
                                     ----------   ---------   ----------   ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------
             Total Revenue           $6,296,273   $6,679,491  $7,085,533   $7,515,744  $7,971,550  $8,454,462  $8,966,079 
                       % Growth             6.1%         6.1%        6.1%         6.1%        6.1%        6.1%        6.1%

 Technical                           $  542,551   $  570,513  $  599,869   $  630,688  $  663,040  $  697,000  $  732,645 
 Production and Local Origination             0            0           0            0           0           0           0
 Advertising                                  0            0           0            0           0           0           0
 Marketing                              147,217      154,805     162,770      171,133     179,911     189,126     198,798
 General and Administrative           1,048,227    1,102,251   1,158,969    1,218,511   1,281,016   1,346,628   1,415,497
 Programming                          1,091,354    1,156,243   1,224,877    1,297,468   1,374,241   1,455,432   1,541,291
 Partnership Expenses                   360,776      382,735     406,001      430,652     456,770     484,441     513,756
                                      ---------    ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------   ---------   ---------
        Total Operating Expenses     $3,190,126   $3,366,546  $3,552,486   $3,748,452  $3,954,979  $4,172,627  $4,401,988 
                       % Growth             5.5%         5.5%        5.5%         5.5%        5.5%        5.5%        5.5%

 U.L.System Cash Flow (EBITDA)       $3,106,147   $3,312,945  $3,533,047   $3,767,292  $4,016,572  $4,281,836  $4,564,091 
             % Margin                      49.3%        49.6%       49.9%        50.1%       50.4%       50.6%       50.9%
             % Growth                       6.7%         6.7%        6.6%         6.6%        6.6%        6.6%        6.6%

 Revenue / Subscriber / Month            $34.60       $36.12      $37.72       $39.39      $41.13      $42.95      $44.85 
 SCF / Subscriber / Year                 $204.8       $215.0      $225.7       $236.9      $248.7      $261.0      $273.9 

W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N

Discounted Cash Flow Analysis (000 unless otherwise specified)

                                                12/31/95     FYE 12/31, (Projected)               
                                                --------   ---------------------------------------
                                          Year      1995         1996           1997        1998  
                                        Period         0            1              2           3  
                                                --------   ---------------------------------------
Capital Expenditure Analysis
- ----------------------------
 System Cash Flow                              $2,428,507   $2,578,308     $2,737,397    $2,911,863  
                    % Growth                                       6.2%           6.2%          6.4% 

             Total Capital Expenditures                        701,160     2,632,342   2,643,512  
                    % of Revenue                                  13.2%         47.0%       44.5% 

                  Total Capex / Basic Sub                        $48.5        $179.2      $177.1  

 Debt Free Cash Flow                                        $1,877,148      $105,055    $268,351  

                                                                           FYE 12/31, (Projected)                                  
                                         Year       1999        2000         2001        2002        2003        2004        2005   
                                       Period          4           5            6           7           8           9          10   
Capital Expenditure Analysis
- ----------------------------
 System Cash Flow                             $3,106,147  $3,312,945   $3,533,047  $3,767,292  $4,016,572  $4,281,836  $4,564,091 
                    % Growth                         6.7%        6.7%         6.6%        6.6%        6.6%        6.6%        6.6%

             Total Capital Expenditures        3,454,802     766,214      777,748     789,407     801,190     813,100     825,138
                    % of Revenue                    54.9%       11.5%        11.0%       10.5%       10.1%        9.6%        9.2%

                  Total Capex / Basic Sub         $227.8       $49.7        $49.7       $49.6       $49.6       $49.6       $49.5 

 Debt Free Cash Flow                           $(348,655) $2,546,732   $2,755,298  $2,977,885  $3,215,382  $3,468,736  $3,738,953 

                                             Aggregate Value       Value per 1995 Subscriber         Multiple of 1995 SCF

FAIR MARKET VALUE                            $20,164,654                $1,418                          8.3

W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N

FALCON CABLE TV - DALLAS, OREGON                                       

                                         12/31/95                                        FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                         --------              --------------------------------------------------------------------
                                  Year       1995                1996      1997      1998      1999      2000      2001      2002  
                                Period          0                   1         2         3         4         5         6         7  
- --------------------------------------   --------              --------------------------------------------------------------------
Operations Statistics
- --------------------------------------
                                                   % Growth
 Homes Passed:                             23,770              24,174    24,585    25,003    25,428    25,860    26,300    26,747  
                       % Growth                                   1.7%      1.7%      1.7%      1.7%      1.7%      1.7%      1.7% 

 Basic/Expanded Tier                       16,928              17,212    17,505    17,802    18,105    18,413    18,726    19,044  
                       % Penetration         71.2%               71.2%     71.2%     71.2%     71.2%     71.2%     71.2%     71.2% 
                       % Growth               --                  1.7%      1.7%      1.7%      1.7%      1.7%      1.7%      1.7% 

 New Product Tier (NPT 1)                   7,458               7,635     7,817     8,003     8,194     8,388     8,587     8,790  
                       % Penetration         44.1%               44.4%     44.7%     45.0%     45.3%     45.6%     45.9%     46.2% 
                       % Growth               --                  2.4%      2.4%      2.4%      2.4%      2.4%      2.4%      2.4% 

 Pay                                        7,139               7,310     7,487     7,668     7,853     8,041     8,234     8,431  
                       % Penetration         42.2%               42.5%     42.8%     43.1%     43.4%     43.7%     44.0%     44.3% 
                       % Growth               --                  2.4%      2.4%      2.4%      2.4%      2.4%      2.4%      2.4% 

 Mini-Pay                                     241                 241       245       249       253       258       262       267  
                       % Penetration          1.4%                1.4%      1.4%      1.4%      1.4%      1.4%      1.4%      1.4% 
                       % Growth               --                 -0.0%      1.7%      1.7%      1.7%      1.7%      1.7%      1.7% 

 Basic Revenue& Tier/Sub/Month             $21.74              $22.61    $23.52    $24.46    $25.44    $26.45    $27.51    $28.61  
                       % Growth               --       4.0%       4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0% 

 NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month                    $3.86               $4.01     $4.17     $4.34     $4.51     $4.69     $4.88      5.08  
                       % Growth               --       4.0%       4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0% 

 Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                      $7.60               $7.67     $7.75     $7.83     $7.90     $7.98     $8.06     $8.14
                       % Growth               --       1.0%       1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0% 

 Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                 $3.08               $3.15     $3.21     $3.27     $3.34     $3.41     $3.47     $3.54  
                       % Growth               --       2.0%      $2.0%     $2.0%     $2.0%     $2.0%     $2.0%     $2.0%     $2.0% 

 PPV Rev/Sub/Month                          $0.22               $0.23     $0.24     $0.25     $0.26     $0.27     $0.28     $0.29  
                       % Growth                        4.0%       4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%

 Other Revenue/Sub/Month                    $2.93               $3.02     $3.11     $3.20     $3.30     $3.40     $3.50     $3.61  
                       % Growth               --       3.0%       3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0% 

                                         12/31/95                   FYE 12/31, (Projected)
                                  Year       1995                  2003      2004      2005
                                Period          0                     8         9        10
- --------------------------------------   --------                  ------------------------
Operations Statistics
- --------------------------------------                             ------------------------
 Homes Passed:                                                    27,202    27,664    28,134
                       % Growth                                      1.7%      1.7%      1.7%

 Basic/Expanded Tier                                              19,368    19,697    20,032
                       % Penetration                                71.2%     71.2%     71.2%
                       % Growth                                      1.7%      1.7%      1.7%

 New Product Tier (NPT 1)                                          8,998     9,210     9,426
                       % Penetration                                46.5%     46.8%     47.1%
                       % Growth                                      2.4%      2.4%      2.4%

 Pay                                                               8,633     8,839     9,049
                       % Penetration                                44.6%     44.9%     45.2%
                       % Growth                                      2.4%      2.4%      2.4%

 Mini-Pay                                                            271       276       280
                       % Penetration                                 1.4%      1.4%      1.4%
                       % Growth                                      1.7%      1.7%      1.7%

 Basic Revenue& Tier/Sub/Month                                    $29.76    $30.95    $32.18
                       % Growth                                      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%

 NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month                                           $5.28     $5.49     $5.71
                       % Growth                                      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%

 Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                                             $8.22     $8.31     $8.39
                       % Growth                                      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%

 Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                                        $3.61     $3.69     $3.76
                       % Growth                                      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%

 PPV Rev/Sub/Month                                                 $0.30     $0.31     $0.33
                       % Growth                                     4.0%      4.0%      4.0%

 Other Revenue/Sub/Month                                           $3.71     $3.83     $3.94
                       % Growth                                      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                                12/31/95          FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                                 Year               1995          1996         1997        1998
                                                               Period                  0             1            2           3
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------        ----------  -------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   Basic & Tier                                                               $4,416,771    $4,670,493   $4,939,887  $5,224,820
   NPT 1                                                                         345,351       367,677      391,514     416,879
   Pay                                                                           650,659       672,942      696,108     720,036
   Mini-Pay                                                                        8,919         9,096        9,436       9,788
   PPV                                                                            44,723        47,292       50,020      52,905
   Other                                                                         595,570       623,727      653,360     684,401
                                                                                 -------       -------      -------     -------
                        TOTAL REVENUE                                         $6,061,993    $6,391,227   $6,740,325  $7,108,829
                                  % Growth                                           - -          5.4%         5.5%        5.5%

EXPENSES:                                                                       Adjusted
   Technical                                                                    $237,985      $250,446     $263,618    $277,483
   Production and Local Origination                                               12,181        12,843       13,544      14,285
   Advertising                                                                    72,619        76,563       80,745      85,159
   Marketing                                                                      87,885        92,487       97,351     102,471
   General and Administrative                                                    932,115       980,922    1,032,513   1,086,818
   Programming                                                                 1,067,415     1,126,185    1,188,543   1,254,414
   Partnership Expenses                                                          347,352       366,217      386,221     407,336
                                                                                 -------       -------      -------     -------
          Total Operating Expenses                                            $2,757,552    $2,905,662   $3,062,536  $3,227,967
                                  % Growth                                           - -          5.4%         5.4%        5.4%
* Adjusted for Partnership Expenses
   U.L.System Cash Flow (EBITDA)                                              $3,304,441    $3,485,565   $3,677,789  $3,880,862
                        % Margin                                                   54.5%         54.5%        54.6%       54.6%
                        % Growth                                                     - -          5.5%         5.5%        5.5%

   Revenue / Subscriber / Month                                                   $29.84        $30.94       $32.09      $33.28
   SCF / Subscriber / Year                                                        $195.2        $202.5       $210.1      $218.0

                                                                           12/31/95            FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                                 Year          1995       1999       2000        2001        2002
                                                               Period             0          4          5           6           7
                                                                         ---------- ---------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   Basic & Tier                                                          $4,416,771 $5,526,187 $5,844,938  $6,182,074  $6,538,656
   NPT 1                                                                    345,351    443,867    472,581     503,131     535,633
   Pay                                                                      650,659    744,751    770,277     796,640     823,868
   Mini-Pay                                                                   8,919     10,154     10,533      10,926      11,334
   PPV                                                                       44,723     55,957     59,184      62,598      66,208
   Other                                                                    595,570    716,917    750,978     786,657     824,031
                                                                            -------    -------    -------     -------     -------
                        TOTAL REVENUE                                     6,061,993 $7,497,832 $7,908,491  $8,342,026  $8,799,730
                                  % Growth                                      - -       5.5%       5.5%        5.5%        5.5%

EXPENSES:                                                                  Adjusted
   Technical                                                               $237,985   $292,078   $307,439    $323,609    $340,629
   Production and Local Origination                                          12,181     15,066     15,891      16,763      17,682
   Advertising                                                               72,619     89,819     94,739      99,932     105,415
   Marketing                                                                 87,885    107,861    113,534     119,505     125,790
   General and Administrative                                               932,115  1,143,979  1,204,147   1,267,479   1,334,142
   Programming                                                            1,067,415  1,323,998  1,397,507   1,475,164   1,557,207
   Partnership Expenses                                                     347,352    429,626    453,157     477,998     504,225
                                                                            -------    -------    -------     -------     -------
          Total Operating Expenses                                       $2,757,552 $3,402,428 $3,586,414  $3,780,450  $3,985,091
                                  % Growth                                      - -       5.4%       5.4%        5.4%        5.4%
* Adjusted for Partnership Expenses
   U.L.System Cash Flow (EBITDA)                                         $3,304,441 $4,095,405 $4,322,077  $4,561,576  $4,814,639
                        % Margin                                              54.5%      54.6%      54.7%       54.7%       54.7%
                        % Growth                                                - -       5.5%       5.5%        5.5%        5.5%

   Revenue / Subscriber / Month                                              $29.84     $34.51     $35.79      $37.12      $38.51
   SCF / Subscriber / Year                                                   $195.2     $226.2     $234.7      $243.6      $252.8

                                                                                12/31/95         FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                                 Year               1995        2003          2004         2005
                                                               Period                  0           8             9           10
                                                                              ----------  -------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   Basic & Tier                                                               $4,416,771  $6,915,806    $7,314,709   $7,736,622
   NPT 1                                                                         345,351     570,210       606,995      646,125
   Pay                                                                           650,659     851,987       881,025      911,013
   Mini-Pay                                                                        8,919      11,758        12,197       12,652
   PPV                                                                            44,723      70,027        74,067       78,339
   Other                                                                         595,570     863,181       904,190      947,148
                                                                                 -------     -------       -------      -------
                        TOTAL REVENUE                                         $6,061,993  $9,282,968    $9,793,182  $10,331,899
                                  % Growth                                           - -        5.5%          5.5%         5.5%

EXPENSES:                                                                       Adjusted
   Technical                                                                    $237,985    $358,545      $377,403     $397,252
   Production and Local Origination                                               12,181      18,653        19,678       20,761
   Advertising                                                                    72,619     111,204       117,316      123,770
   Marketing                                                                      87,885     132,406       139,370      146,700
   General and Administrative                                                    932,115   1,404,311     1,478,171    1,555,916
   Programming                                                                 1,067,415   1,643,886     1,735,467    1,832,230
   Partnership Expenses                                                          347,352     531,914       561,149      592,018
                                                                                 -------     -------       -------      -------
          Total Operating Expenses                                            $2,757,552  $4,200,921    $4,428,556   $4,668,647
                                  % Growth                                           - -        5.4%          5.4%         5.4%
* Adjusted for Partnership Expenses
   U.L.SYSTEM CASH FLOW (EBITDA)                                              $3,304,441  $5,082,047    $5,364,627   $5,663,252
                        % Margin                                                   54.5%       54.7%         54.8%        54.8%
                        % Growth                                                     - -        5.6%          5.6%         5.6%

   Revenue / Subscriber / Month                                                   $29.84      $39.94        $41.43       $42.98
   SCF / Subscriber / Year                                                        $195.2      $262.4        $272.4       $282.7

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
W A L L E R  C A P I T A L  C O R P O R A T I O N
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                             12/31/95          FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                                 Year            1995          1996         1997         1998
                                                               Period               0             1            2            3
                                                                         ------------- --------------------------------------

- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
   System Cash Flow                                                        $3,304,441    $3,485,565   $3,677,789   $3,880,862
                               % Growth                                                        5.5%         5.5%         5.5%

                        Total Capital Expenditures                                        2,893,388    2,908,575    2,924,021
                               % of Revenue                                                   45.3%        43.2%        41.1%

                             Total Capex/Basic Sub                                           $168.1       $166.2       $164.3

   DEBT FREE CASH FLOW                                                                     $592,177     $769,214     $956,841
                                                                                           ========     ========     ========

                                                                                                FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                                                               1999         2000        2001
                                                                                                  4            5           6

- -------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------
   System Cash Flow                                                                      $4,095,405   $4,322,077  $4,561,576
                               % Growth                                                        5.5%         5.5%        5.5%

                        Total Capital Expenditures                                          939,730      955,705     971,952
                               % of Revenue                                                   12.5%        12.1%       11.7%

                             Total Capex/Basic Sub                                            $51.9        $51.9       $51.9

   ----------------------------------------------------                             ----------------------------------------
   DEBT FREE CASH FLOW                                                                   $3,155,675   $3,366,372  $3,589,624
                                                                                         ==========   ==========  ==========
   ----------------------------------------------------                             ----------------------------------------

                                                                                                 FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                                                          2002        2003        2004        2005
                                                                                             7           8           9          10

- -------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------
   System Cash Flow                                                                 $4,814,639  $5,082,017  $5,364,627  $5,663,252
                               % Growth                                                   5.5%        5.6%        5.6%        5.6%

                        Total Capital Expenditures                                     988,475   1,005,279   1,022,369   1,039,749
                               % of Revenue                                              11.2%       10.8%       10.4%       10.1%

                             Total Capex/Basic Sub                                       $51.9       $51.9       $51.9       $51.9

   DEBT FREE CASH FLOW                                                              $3,826,164  $4,076,768  $4,342,258  $4,623,503
                                                                                    ==========  ==========  ==========  ==========

                                                 AGGREGATE VALUE          VALUE PER 1995 SUBSCRIBER          MULTIPLE OF 1995 SCF
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FAIR MARKET VALUE                                  $27,257,132                     $1,610                            8.2
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



                                                     --------                ------------------------------------
                                                     12/31/95                       FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                     --------                ------------------------------------
                                              Year       1995                  1996      1997      1998      1999
                                            Period          0                     1         2         3         4
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------      -------------------------------------
Operations Statistics
                                                              % Growth
 Homes Passed:                                         31,489                31,804    32,122    32,443    32,768
                                     % Growth                                   1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%

 Basic/Expanded Tier                                   21,847                22,097    22,350    22,606    22,865
                                    % Penetration        69.4%                 69.5%     69.6%     69.7%     69.8%
                                   % Growth               - -                   1.1%      1.1%      1.1%      1.1%

 New Product Tier (NPT 1)                              13,487                13,686    13,865    14,046    14,230
                                    % Penetration        61.7%                 61.9%     62.0%     62.1%     62.2%
                                   % Growth               - -                   1.5%      1.3%      1.3%      1.3%

 Pay                                                    7,771                 7,971     8,174     8,380     8,590
                                    % Penetration        35.6%                 36.1%     36.6%     37.1%     37.6%
                                   % Growth               - -                   2.6%      2.5%      2.5%      2.5%

 Mini-Pay                                                 306                   309       313       316       320
                                    % Penetration         1.4%                  1.4%      1.4%      1.4%      1.4%
                                   % Growth               - -                   1.1%      1.1%      1.1%      1.1%

 Basic Revenue& Tier/Sub/Month                         $22.91                $23.77    $24.66    $25.58    $26.54
                                   % Growth               - -      3.8%         3.8%      3.8%      3.8%      3.8%

 NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month                                $3.39                 $3.52     $3.67     $3.81     $3.96
                                   % Growth               - -      4.0%         4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%

 Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                                  $7.38                 $7.45     $7.53     $7.60     $7.68
                                   % Growth               - -      1.0%         1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%

 Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month                             $3.60                 $3.67     $3.74     $3.82     $3.89
                                   % Growth               - -      2.0%         2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%

 PPV Rev/Sub/Month                                      $0.53                 $0.56     $0.58     $0.60     $0.62
                                   % Growth                        4.0%         4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%

 Other Revenue/Sub/Month                                $4.72                 $4.86     $5.01     $5.16     $5.31
                                   % Growth               - -      3.0%         3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%

                                                                        FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                         2000      2001      2002      2003      2004      2005
                                                            5         6         7         8         9        10
- --------------------------------------------------    ---------------------------------------------------------
Operations Statistics

 Homes Passed:
                                     % Growth          33,095    33,426    33,760    34,098    34,439    34,783
                                                          1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%
 Basic/Expanded Tier
                                   % Penetration       23,127    23,392    23,659    23,930    24,204    24,481
                                   % Growth              69.9%     70.0%     70.1%     70.2%     70.3%     70.4%
                                                          1.1%      1.1%      1.1%      1.1%      1.1%      1.1%
 New Product Tier (NPT 1)
                                    % Penetration      14,416    14,604    14,795    14,988    15,184    15,382
                                   % Growth              62.3%     62.4%     62.5%     62.6%     62.7%     62.8%
                                                          1.3%      1.3%      1.3%      1.3%      1.3%      1.3%
                                     % Penetration      8,712     8,835     8,960     9,086     9,214     9,344
                                   % Growth              37.7%     37.8%     37.9%     38.0%     38.1%     38.2%
                                                          1.4%      1.4%      1.4%      1.4%      1.4%      1.4%
                                    % Penetration         324       327       331       335       339       343
                                   % Growth               1.4%      1.4%      1.4%      1.4%      1.4%      1.4%
                                                          1.1%      1.1%      1.1%      1.1%      1.1%      1.1%
 Basic Revenue& Tier/Sub/Month
                                   % Growth            $27.54    $28.57    $29.64    $30.75    $31.91    $33.10
                                                          3.8%      3.8%      3.8%      3.8%      3.8%      3.8%
 NPT 1 Revenue/Sub/Month
                                   % Growth             $4.12     $4.29     $4.46     $4.64     $4.82     $5.02
                                                          4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%
 Pay Revenue/Sub/Month
                                   % Growth             $7.75     $7.83     $7.91     $7.99     $8.07     $8.15
                                                          1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%      1.0%
 Mini-Pay Revenue/Sub/Month
                                   % Growth             $3.97     $4.05     $4.13     $4.21     $4.30     $4.38
                                                          2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%      2.0%
 PPV Rev/Sub/Month
                                  % Growth              $0.65     $0.68     $0.70     $0.73     $0.76     $0.79
                                                          4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%      4.0%
 Other Revenue/Sub/Month
                                   % Growth             $5.47     $5.64     $5.80     $5.98     $6.16     $6.34
                                                          3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%      3.0%



                                                 --------         -------------------------------------------------------
                                                 12/31/95                          FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                 --------         -------------------------------------------------------
                                           Year      1995                1996          1997           1998           1999
                                         Period         0                   1             2              3              4
- ---------------------------------------------------------         -------------------------------------------------------

Income Statement Summary

 Basic & Tier                                  $6,005,889          $6,302,492    $6,613,729     $6,940,322     $7,283,027
 NPT 1                                            548,476             578,819       609,849        642,541        676,981
 Pay                                              687,957             712,675       738,139        764,367        791,382
 Mini-Pay                                          13,209              13,621        14,053         14,498         14,957
 PPV                                              139,973             147,240       154,883        162,923        171,380
 Other                                          1,237,351           1,289,072     1,342,951      1,399,080      1,457,552
                                                ---------          ----------    ----------     ----------    -----------
             Total Revenue                      8,632,855          $9,043,918    $9,473,604     $9,923,730    $10,395,279
                       % Growth                       - -                 4.8%          4.8%           4.8%           4.8%

Expenses:                                        Adjusted
 Technical                                       $683,125            $715,134      $748,641       $783,717       $820,434
 Production and Local Origination                  10,937              11,458        12,002         12,572         13,170
 Advertising                                      110,004             115,242       120,717        126,453        132,462
 Marketing                                        231,570             242,421       253,779        265,669        278,116
 General and Administrative                     1,274,150           1,333,852     1,396,350      1,461,772      1,530,256
 Programming                                    1,576,577           1,653,081     1,733,080      1,816,946      1,904,867
 Partnership Expenses                             494,663             518,217       542,838        568,630        595,649
                                               ----------          ----------    ----------     ----------     ----------
        Total Operating Expenses               $4,381,026          $4,589,404    $4,807,407     $5,035,759     $5,274,954
                       % Growth                       - -                 4.8%          4.8%           4.8%           4.7%
* Adjusted for Partnership Expenses
 U.L.System Cash Flow (EBITDA)                 $4,251,829          $4,454,514    $4,666,197     $4,887,971     $5,120,324
             % Margin                                49.3%               49.3%         49.3%          49.3%          49.3%
             % Growth                                 - -                 4.8%          4.8%           4.8%           4.8%

 Revenue / Subscriber / Month                      $32.93              $34.11        $35.32         $36.58         $37.89
 SCF / Subscriber / Year                           $194.6              $201.6        $208.8         $216.2         $223.9

                                                                        FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                 2000          2001          2002          2003          2004          2005
                                                    5             6             7             8             9            10

Income Statement Summary

 Basic & Tier                              $7,642,638    $8,019,990    $8,415,956    $8,831,454    $9,267,447    $9,724,943
 NPT 1                                        713,264       751,488       791,758       834,181       878,873       925,955
 Pay                                          810,598       830,272       850,417       871,042       892,159       913,781
 Mini-Pay                                      15,431        15,920        16,424        16,944        17,481        18,034
 PPV                                          180,275       189,632       199,474       209,827       220,716       232,170
 Other                                      1,518,464     1,581,919     1,648,022     1,716,883     1,788,619     1,863,348
                                          -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------   -----------
             Total Revenue                $10,880,671   $11,389,221   $11,922,050   $12,480,331   $13,065,294   $13,678,231
                       % Growth                   4.7%          4.7%          4.7%          4.7%          4.7%          4.7%

 Technical                                   $858,870      $899,105      $941,222      $985,310    $1,031,462    $1,079,773
 Production and Local Origination              13,785        14,429        15,104        15,811        16,552        17,329
 Advertising                                  138,647       145,127       151,917       159,030       166,484       174,295
 Marketing                                    291,145       304,784       319,061       334,007       349,651       366,028
 General and Administrative                 1,601,946     1,676,990     1,755,547     1,837,780     1,923,860     2,013,969
 Programming                                1,995,171     2,089,854     2,189,131     2,293,229     2,402,384     2,516,844
 Partnership Expenses                         623,462       652,602       683,133       715,123       748,641       783,763
                                           ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------    ----------
        Total Operating Expenses           $5,523,025    $5,782,891    $6,055,116    $6,340,291    $6,639,036    $6,952,000
                       % Growth                   4.7%          4.7%          4.7%          4.7%          4.7%          4.7%
* Adjusted for Partnership Expenses
 U.L.System Cash Flow (EBITDA)             $5,357,645    $5,606,330    $5,866,935    $6,140,040    $6,426,259    $6,726,231
             % Margin                            49.2%         49.2%         49.2%         49.2%         49.2%         49.2%
             % Growth                             4.6%          4.6%          4.6%          4.7%          4.7%          4.7%

 Revenue / Subscriber / Month                  $39.21        $40.57        $41.99        $43.46        $44.98        $46.56
 SCF / Subscriber / Year                       $231.7        $239.7        $248.0        $256.6        $265.5        $274.8



                                                    --------     -------------------------------------------------
                                                    12/31/95               FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                    --------     -------------------------------------------------
                                             Year       1995           1996         1997         1998         1999
                                           Period          0              1            2            3            4
- ------------------------------------------------------------     ---------------------------------------------------
Capital Expenditure Analysis

 System Cash Flow                                 $4,251,829     $4,454,514   $4,666,197   $4,887,971   $5,120,324
                    % Growth                                            4.8%         4.8%         4.8%         4.8%

             Total Capital Expenditures                           1,184,920    1,648,376    1,661,982    2,725,740
                    % of Revenue                                       13.1%        17.4%        16.7%        26.2%

                  Total Capex / Basic Sub                             $53.6        $73.8        $73.5       $119.2

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Debt Free Cash Flow                                             $3,269,594   $3,017,822   $3,225,990   $2,394,585
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                                                             FYE 12/31, (PROJECTED)
                                                        2000          2001         2002         2003         2004         2005
                                                           5             6            7            8            9           10
- -----------------------------------------         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Capital Expenditure Analysis

 System Cash Flow                                 $5,357,645   $5,606,330   $5,866,935   $6,140,040   $6,426,259   $6,726,231
                    % Growth                             4.6%         4.6%         4.6%         4.7%         4.7%         4.7%

             Total Capital Expenditures            2,739,652    2,753,720    1,267,945    1,282,329    1,296,875    1,311,583
                    % of Revenue                        25.2%        24.2%        10.6%        10.3%         9.9%         9.6%

                  Total Capex / Basic Sub             $118.5       $117.7        $53.6        $53.6        $53.6        $53.6

- -----------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
 Debt Free Cash Flow                              $2,617,993   $2,852,611   $4,598,990   $4,857,711   $5,129,384   $5,414,648
- -----------------------------------------         ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          Aggregate Value     Value per 1995 Subscriber   Multiple of 1995 SCF
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FAIR MARKET VALUE           $35,486,280               $1,624                    8.3
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


As part of the appraisal (the "Appraisal") process Waller Capital determined
that appraised value of certain cable systems (the "Systems") which could be
subject to Section 3.14 of the Falcon Cable Systems Company partnership
agreement's plan of liquidation.

Falcon Holdings Group, L.P. provided the following list of Systems which
separated those Systems which would be allocated (the "Allocation") to Marc
Nathanson (the "Proposed Exchange Systems") and the remaining cable systems
(the "Remaining Systems").


Bandon (System)                                 Gilroy (Region)
Coquille (System)                               San Luis Obispo (Region)
Myrtle Point (System)                           Central Oregon (Region)
Powers (System)                                 Tulare (Region)
Nehalem (System)                                Coos Bay (System)
Netarts (System)                                Dallas (System)
Tillamook (System)                              Gardiner (System)
Brickyard Road (System)                         Hauser (System)
Silverton (System)                              Reedsport (System)
Florence (System)                               Mapleton (System)
Hesperia (Region)                               Wilson River (System)

In the Allocation, if a Region was left intact, the value determined in the
Appraisal was incorporated, however, if a Region's systems were split between
the Proposed Exchange Systems and the Remaining Systems, the valuation on a per
system basis was subject to the methodology described below.


The appraisal analysis of the Proposed Exchange Systems and the Remaining
Systems was consistent with the analysis performed to provide the appraisal of
all of Falcon Cable Systems Company. In 

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                WALLER CAPITAL CORPORATION
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


addition, certain assumptions were required including but not limited to; (a)
the use of a one month annualized billing statement prepared on a per headend
basis to allocate regional revenue on a per headend basis; (b) capital
expenditures were allocated on a per headend basis versus across a Region as in
the Appraisal; (c) capital expenditures were not increased to create headends
for those systems that would be separated from a signal origination source due
to the allocation; (d) the assumed operating margin was the margin achieved by
the Region in which the headend is located as it was determined to be
unreasonable to derive a margin on a per headend basis (due to among other
things a wide disparity in channel line-ups, rates and operating expenses), and
(e) the exit multiple and the weighted average cost of capital remained
consistent with the assumptions in the Appraisal's Discounted Cash Flow
Analysis made for each applicable Region.


The following table summarizes the values assigned on a per headend basis (or
in the case of Hesperia, the entire Region) for those assigned for distribution
subject to the Section 3.14 sale, a plan of liquidation:

                           PROPOSED EXCHANGE SYSTEMS

SYSTEM                           SUBSCRIBERS                     VALUATION
- ------                           -----------                    -----------     
Bandon                               1,549                      $ 2,015,229
Coquille                             1,796                        2,279,242
Myrtle Point                           774                          996,374
Powers                                 203                          216,457
Nehalem                              4,608                        7,314,278
Netarts                                830                          948,909
Tillamook                            2,478                        4,053,336
Brickyard Road                         484                          502,530
Silverton                            1,753                        2,734,442
Florence                             3,751                        7,300,686
Hesperia (Region)                   18,513                       28,865,947
                                 -----------                     ----------
TOTAL                               36,739                      $57,227,430

- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                 WALLER CAPITAL CORPORATION
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                          FALCON CABLE SYSTEMS COMPANY
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The Remaining Systems and appraised values are as follows:

                               REMAINING SYSTEMS
SYSTEM                        SUBSCRIBERS                VALUATION
- ------                        -----------               -----------
Gilroy (Region)                 33,073                  $57,640,720
San Louis Obispo (Region)       15,635                   21,988,550
Central Oregon (Region)         14,225                   20,164,654
Tulare (Region)                 15,249                   22,269,159
Coos Bay (System)               10,385                   17,981,662
Dallas (System)                  6,684                   11,670,175
Gardiner (System)                  102                       87,396
Hauser (System)                    491                      606,994
Reedsport (System)               2,600                    3,834,126
Mapleton (System)                  196                      168,124
Wilson River (System)               91                       33,453
                              -----------              ------------
TOTAL                           98,731                 $156,445,013

I have included this analysis as an Appendix to our formal appraisal because of
the inter-related nature of the information. The analysis and conclusions are
subject to the caveats and other limitations discussed herein.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
                                                   WALLER CAPITAL CORPORATION