Translation from French



- -        Kaufman & Broad France, a societe anonyme with a capital of FF
         19,414,200, whose registered office is at 44 rue Washington, 75008
         Paris, identified under the number 702 022 724 RCS Paris,

         represented by its Chairman
         Mr. Guy Nafilyan

                                                        ON THE ONE HAND

                                             Hereinafter referred to as

                                                         THE "PROMISOR"


- -        Mr./Mrs./Miss [name]
         residing at [address]

                                                      ON THE OTHER HAND

                                             Hereinafter referred to as

                                                      THE "BENEFICIARY"


Kaufman & Broad France is a societe anonyme with a capital of FF 19,414,200


divided into 194,142 shares of 100 francs each, whose registered office is at 44
rue Washington, 75008 Paris, identified under the number 702 022 724 RCS Paris.

The extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Kaufman & Broad France
of October 30, 1997 authorized the Board of Directors to grant options to
purchase shares of the company to managers and/or employees of the company and
of companies or other entities of its group.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 217-1 of the Law of June 24, 1966
on commercial companies, which permits a derogation from the prohibition - set
forth in Article 217 of such law for a company to acquire its own shares, the
extraordinary general meeting authorized the Board to purchase the necessary
shares from the shareholders to allow the employees to exercise options.

Making use of this authorization, the Board, during its October 30, 1997
meeting, awarded part of the stock options.

The Board of Directors therefore has the possibility of acquiring shares of
Kaufman & Broad France to allow the award of the balance of the options.

Mr./Mrs./Miss [name] holds [number] shares out of the 194,142 shares composing
the capital stock of Kaufman & Broad France.


I. The Promisor hereby irrevocably promises to the Beneficiary to purchase, or
to cause to be purchased, by any individuals or legal entities it might
substitute for itself, and at the Beneficiary's first request, according to the
conditions defined below, all or part, as the latter may choose, of the [number]
shares representing all of the shares held as of this day by Mr./Mrs./Miss

The Beneficiary accepts such promise as a promise and reserves the right to make
use thereof according to the conditions defined below.

The Beneficiary shall have the option of exercising this promise to purchase, at
one or more times as he/she may choose, for all or the part that he/she may
consider appropriate, between February 1 and March 31 inclusive of each calendar
year as from 2002 and until 2012 inclusive.

Thereafter, if the Beneficiary has not notified his/her acceptance, the Promisor



shall cease to be bound and this promise to purchase shall lapse without
indemnity on either side because the option has not been exercised.

The Beneficiary's exercise of this promise to purchase shall be notified by
registered letter indicating the number of shares covered by the exercise of the
option, the postmark attesting to the date.

The parties expressly agree that this promise shall not have any effect in the
event of a sale by the majority shareholder of Kaufman & Broad France of all or
part of such latter company's shares. In such an event, and once it shall become
aware of the proposed sale, the Promisor shall notify the Beneficiary thereof in
writing. This promise shall lapse upon the Beneficiary's receipt of such

II. If the promise hereunder is exercised within the period stipulated above,
the sale of the shares shall occur for a price determined by dividing the
consolidated equity (US GAAP standards) of Kaufman & Broad France at November 30
of the last fiscal year ended by the number of issued shares outstanding at such

The sale price of the shares shall be payable by the Promisor or its substitutes
within 30 days of the exercise in return for the Beneficiary's delivery of the
transfer orders corresponding to the shares which are the subject of the promise
to purchase and, if required, any corresponding certificates of recording in an
account which the Beneficiary might hold.

III. The shares acquired will be delivered to the Promisor, with ownership and
acquisition of rights effective as from their acquisition, therefore with right
to dividends and interim dividends distributed as from such date.

They must be free of any charge, pledge or other impediment to their sale, the
Beneficiary being required to have full ownership thereof without any

IV. This promise to purchase is binding on both the Promisor and all its assigns
jointly between them, without the benefit of discussion or division.

a) In the event of the merger acquisition of Kaufman & Broad France by another
company, the promise hereunder would be carried over to the shares of the
absorbing company which had been delivered to the Beneficiary in exchange for
the shares of Kaufman & Broad France which it owns.



b) In the event of a capital increase by the capitalization of reserves, profits
or premiums and by the issuance of new shares, the free shares awarded to the
Beneficiary for the shares belonging to him/her would be added to those referred
to herein, without any modification of the price referred to above.

c) In the event of a capital increase by subscription in cash, this promise
would also apply to new shares which might be subscribed for by the Beneficiary
before exercising this promise, for a price which will be equal to the price
paid by the Beneficiary for the subscription.

d) In the event of the transformation of the legal form of Kaufman & Broad
France, the benefit of this promise would be extended to the equity interests
delivered by such transformed company in exchange for the shares which are the
subject matter of this promise, whatever their form and nature.

VI. Each of the undersigned parties shall bear the cost, which so undertakes, of
counsel's fees and the fees of any other person having respectively given them
opinions, advice and assistance.

VII. For the performance hereof, and any consequences, the undersigned elect
domicile respectively in their above-designated domiciles where all
notifications may be made to them in performance hereof.

                                   Executed in Paris
                                   In two originals

THE PROMISOR(1)                                              THE BENEFICIARY(2)

- --------
(1)      Signature preceded by the handwritten words "Good for promise to
         purchase (number written in full and in figures) shares of Kaufman &
         Broad France".

(2)      Signature preceded by the handwritten words "Good for acceptance of
         this promise to 



Kaufman & Broad France                                       [name]
Guy Nafilyan

- ----------
         purchase shares as a promise".


                                                         Translation from French

                             KAUFMAN & BROAD FRANCE
                A societe anonyme with a capital of FF 19,414,200
               Registered office: 44 rue de Washington 75008 Paris
                              702 022 724 RCS Paris

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------


- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The extraordinary general meeting of the shareholders of Kaufman & Broad France
held on October 30, 1997 authorized the creation of a stock option plan of the
company in favor of certain employees and/or managers of the company or its
French subsidiaries, such options entitling their holders to acquire shares
within the limit of a maximum of 19,414 shares, i.e., practically 10% of the
capital stock of Kaufman & Broad France.

This stock option plan is governed by the provisions of Articles 208-1 to 208-8
of the Law of June 24, 1966 on commercial companies and by Articles 174-8 to
174-21 of the Decree of March 23, 1967.

The Board of Directors, in its October 30, 1997 meeting, making use of the
authorization granted to it by the extraordinary general meeting referred to
above, defined the terms and conditions of the stock option plan and designated
the beneficiaries of the options and the number of options awarded to them.



         The Board of Directors decided to award options to

         Mr. Pierre Beauchef
         Mr. Patrick Zamo
         Mrs. Beatrice Terray
         Mr. Daniel Raze
         Mr. Christian Delapierre
         Mr. David Holland
         Mr. Guy Carrie
         Mr. Erick Bonnard


         Mr. Eric Gerlach
         Mr. Jean-Pierre Farion
         Mr. Alain Morvan
         Mrs. Anne Cohendy
         Mr. Claude Maitre
         Mr. Olivier Perrin
         Mr. Gerard Belorgey

         employees of G.I.E. Kaufman & Broad.

         Mr. Guy Nafilyan
         Mr. Joel Monribot
         Mr. Hugues le Masne

         directors of Kaufman & Broad France

         As of today's date, each of the beneficiaries named above holds less
         than 10% of the capital stock.


         The number of shares covered by the purchase options is 19,414 shares,
         of a par value of 100 francs each, of Kaufman & Broad France, and they
         are awarded to the above-named beneficiaries in the following

         Mr. Guy Nafilyan                                9,707 options
         Mr. Joel Monribot                               2,912 options
         Mr. Hugues le Masne                               388 options

         directors of Kaufman & Broad France.

         Mr. Pierre Beauchef                               971 options
         Mr. Patrick Zamo                                  582 options
         Mrs. Beatrice Terray                              388 options
         Mr. Daniel Raze                                   388 options
         Mr. Christian Delapierre                           97 options
         Mr. David Holland                                  97 options
         Mr. Guy Carrie                                     97 options
         Mr. Erick Bonnard                                  97 options
         Mr. Eric Gerlach                                  194 options
         Mr. Jean-Pierre Farion                             97 options



         Mr. Alain Morvan                                  194 options
         Mrs. Anne Cohendy                                  97 options
         Mr. Claude Maitre                                  97 options
         Mr. Olivier Perrin                                 97 options
         Mr. Gerard Belorgey                                97 options

         employees of G.I.E. Kaufman & Broad.

         Total                                          16,597 options

         The options being irrevocable, this number may not be modified during
         the term of the options, except in the case of an adjustment of the
         number of shares and of the purchase price made necessary by the
         completion of the financial operations referred to in paragraph 5


         The granting of the options constitutes an irrevocable undertaking on
         the part of the company in favor of the beneficiary.

         The options may be exercised by the beneficiary personally. The options
         and the rights resulting from the options granted are not assignable
         and not attachable. However, in the event of the death of a
         beneficiary, and in accordance with Article 208-7 of the Law on
         commercial companies, such beneficiary's assigns may exercise the
         option within six months of the death, as indicated below.

         The exercise of the option is optional for the beneficiary.


         The purchase price of the shares by the beneficiaries at the time such
         options are exercised has been determined on the basis of the
         consolidated equity at November 30, 1996 (US GAAP standards), i.e., FF

         The price per share obtained therefrom is FF 1,440.90 (FF 279,739,000
         divided by 194,412 shares).

         The above-mentioned price was defined by the extraordinary general
         meeting of October 30, 1997 in light of the report issued by the



         The price as determined shall be paid as indicated in paragraph II-2


         In accordance with the law, the purchase price of the shares may not be
         modified during the term of the option, i.e., until the term of the

         However, if during such period the company carries out certain
         financial transactions having an impact on the capital, the Board of
         Directors will adjust the price of the shares subject to not as yet
         exercised options, so that the total value of the current options of
         the beneficiaries remains constant. The terms and conditions for the
         calculation of these adjustments are defined by the law.

         The financial transactions referred to above are the following:

         -  issuance of shares to be subscribed for in cash;

         -  issuance of bonds giving a right to shares (bonds with warrants,
            convertible or exchangeable into shares);

         -  capitalization of reserves, profits or issuance premiums;

         -  distribution of reserves in cash or in portfolio shares;

         -  reduction of the capital because of losses.


         The 2,817 shares remaining to be awarded after the initial distribution
         (i.e., the difference between the 19,414 authorized shares and the
         16,597 shares awarded under paragraph I-2 above) may be awarded in the
         coming years. These future awards will be made between March 1 and June
         30 of each year - subject to modifications of the law or the
         regulations limiting the periods during which the options may be
         awarded - the exercise price being determined on the basis of the
         consolidated equity of Kaufman & Broad France (US GAAP standards) at
         the previous November 30.





         1.1      The options may only be exercised by their beneficiaries if
                  they are employees and/or managers of the company or of one of
                  the companies and/or other entities of its group affiliated to
                  it within the meaning of the provisions of Article 208-4 of
                  the Law of June 24, 1966 on the day the option is exercised,
                  subject to the exceptions stipulated below.

                  The options may be exercised as from the fifth anniversary of
                  the date of their award by the Board of Directors and until
                  the term of the plan.

                  The options will expire on the 15th anniversary of the date of
                  their award.

                  Any option not exercised on the expiration date of this period
                  will lapse.

                  The options may be exercised at any time during this period,
                  at one or more times, but without exceeding five times, within
                  the limits established in paragraph 2 below.

         1.2      During the first five years of the plan, i.e., until October
                  30, 2002, the option may be exercised in advance by the
                  beneficiary at the time of the occurrence of one of the
                  following events and under the conditions set forth below:

                  -     in the event of the death or invalidity of the
                        beneficiary corresponding to the classification in the
                        3rd or 4th category provided for in Article 310 of the
                        Social Security Code, during a period of six months as
                        from the day of the death or the acknowledgment of the
                        invalidity; at the end of this period, any unexercised
                        option will no longer be valid;

                  -     in the event of taking retirement/being asked to retire,
                        during a one-month period as from the day on which he
                        stops work; at the end of this period, any unexercised
                        option will no longer be valid;

                  -     in the event of resignation, during a one-month period
                        as from notification of the resignation; at the end of
                        this period, any 



                        unexercised option will no longer be valid;

                  -     in the event of the sale of all the shares of Kaufman &
                        Broad France by Kaufman & Broad Home Corporation, during
                        a period starting as from the beneficiary's being
                        notified of the proposed sale of the shares of Kaufman &
                        Broad France and expiring one clear day preceding the
                        date scheduled for the completion of the sale of the
                        shares, as will be mentioned in the notification sent to
                        the beneficiary; upon expiration of this period, the
                        unexercised options will no longer be valid;

                  -     in the event of the sale of a part of Kaufman & Broad
                        Home Corporation's shareholding in Kaufman & Broad
                        France, during a period starting as from the
                        beneficiary's being notified of the proposed sale of the
                        shares of Kaufman & Broad France and expiring one clear
                        day preceding the date scheduled for the completion of
                        the sale of the shares, as will be mentioned in the
                        notification sent to the beneficiary; upon expiration of
                        this period, the unexercised options will no longer be
                        valid; each beneficiary may exercise a part of his
                        options equal to the part of the capital of Kaufman &
                        Board France sold by Kaufman & Broad Home Corporation;
                        the balance of the exercisable options either in the
                        event of a further sale by Kaufman & Broad Home
                        Corporation of its shareholding in Kaufman & Broad
                        France according to the conditions indicated above, or
                        in the absence of a further sale, as from the tenth
                        anniversary of the award date of the balance of the

         1.3      As from October 31, 2002, the option will lose its validity in
                  advance at the time of the occurrence of one of the following
                  events and under the conditions set forth below:

                  -     in the event of the death or invalidity of the
                        beneficiary corresponding to the classification in the
                        3rd or 4th category provided for in Article 310 of the
                        Social Security Code, at the end of a period of six
                        months as from the day of the death or of the
                        acknowledgment of the invalidity;

                  -     in the event of taking retirement/being asked to retire,
                        at the end of a one-month period as from the day on
                        which he stops 




                  -     in the event of resignation, at the end of a one-month
                        period as from the day of notification of the

                  -     in the event of the sale of at least 50% of the shares
                        of Kaufman & Broad France by Kaufman & Broad Home
                        Corporation and/or in the event of a change of control
                        of Kaufman & Broad Home Corporation, at the end of a
                        period starting as from the beneficiary's being notified
                        of the proposed sale or change of control referred to in
                        this paragraph, and expiring one clear day preceding the
                        date scheduled for the completion of the sale or the
                        change of control referred to above, as mentioned in the
                        notification sent to the beneficiary;

         1.4      The options granted to the beneficiary shall no longer be 

                  -     in the event of dismissal;

                  -     in the event of removal from office or non-renewal of
                        his term of office.




         The options may be exercised partially or totally.

         The exercise of the option shall be notified by its beneficiary (or in
         the case of death, by his assigns) by registered letter with return
         receipt requested sent to the company (or to the body instructed by the
         latter) in a form stipulated by the company with the assistance of the
         option exercise form attached hereto. This form will be completed,
         dated and signed when the option is exercised.

         The form will be accompanied by the payment by check of the amount of
         the purchase price of the shares.

         However, to enable the accomplishment of the financial transactions
         reserved to shareholders, the company may reserve the option of
         suspending the exercise of the stock options granted during a maximum
         of three months.

         In this case, the beneficiaries will be informed of the dates of the
         suspension and resumption of the exercise of the options by letter sent
         at least fifteen days in advance.

         If an option is exercised partially, the balance will remain
         exercisable according to the same conditions.



         The shares will obligatorily be in registered form, thus fulfilling all
         the conditions required to be able to benefit from the favorable tax
         regime granted to stock options.

         The shares acquired will acquire their rights as from the first day of
         the fiscal year during which the options are exercised, the date of the
         option exercise form attesting thereto. They will be entitled to the
         whole amount of the dividend paid for such fiscal year.

         They will be subject to all the provisions of the by-laws.




         The shares acquired will be immediately transferable.


1.       The benefit gained by the beneficiary at the time the option is
         exercised (difference between the value of the shares when the option
         is exercised and the purchase price, hereinafter referred to as the
         "capital gain on the acquisition") is not taxed immediately and will
         only be subject to taxation at the time of the sale of the shares by
         the beneficiary of the purchase option.

         At this time, the "capital gain on the sale" equal to the difference
         between the actual selling price and the value of the share on the date
         the option is exercised will be subject to the regime governing capital
         gains on securities.

         In the current state of the legislation and in accordance with the
         combined provisions of Articles 92-B and B bis of the French Tax Code
         (CGI), this capital gain will only be subject to income tax (at the
         proportional rate of 16% increased by the social deduction of 2%, the
         CSG at the current rate of 7.5% and the CRDS at the current rate of
         0.5%, i.e., a total deduction of 26%), in the event that the amount of
         the sales made by the beneficiary of the option plan exceeds an annual
         ceiling (fixed at FF 100,000 for 1997).

         To assess this taxation threshold, all of the sales of shares, whether
         they are listed or unlisted (other than those of partnerships and
         companies in which the transferor holds more than 25% of the shares)
         made by the tax household during the year concerned must be taken into

         The "capital gain on the acquisition" which had not been taxed at the
         time the option was exercised is, subject to reaching the capital gains
         taxation threshold, taxed at the time of the sale of the shares at the
         rate of 30% (increased by the social deduction of 2%, the CSG at the
         current rate of 7.5% and the CRDS at the current rate of 0.5%, i.e., a
         total deduction of 40%), if, in accordance with the provisions of
         Article 163-bis C of the CGI, the two following conditions have been

         -      the shares acquired upon exercise of the option remained in
                registered form,


         -      the period between the award date of the options and the date of
                sale of the shares is more than five years.

         The beneficiary may also, in this case, opt to have the "capital gain
         on the acquisition" taxed for income tax for the year of the sale of
         the shares, in the category of wages and salaries (without applying the
         system of the quotient).

         If the beneficiary does not respect one of the two above-mentioned
         conditions, the "capital gain on the acquisition", reduced however, by
         the amount of any capital loss on the sale constitutes for the
         beneficiary an additional compensation to be added to his taxable
         salary of the year of the sale.

         However, adding back is carried out by a system of quotients which
         takes into account the number of years that have elapsed between the
         offering and the sale.

         As an exception to the rule of unavailability, the shares may be sold
         before the expiration of the five-year period fixed by Article 163-bis
         C of the CGI without losing the benefit of the favorable tax regime
         provided for in such article in the following four cases:

         -      dismissal of the holder provided that such shares have been
                acquired at least three months prior to the notification of

         -      the holder's being asked to retire provided that such shares
                have been acquired at least three months prior to his stopping

         -      the holder's invalidity corresponding to the classification in
                the 2nd or 3rd category provided for in Article L 341-1 of the
                Social Security Code;

         -      death of the holder.


         -      For the year in which the option is exercised, the company will
                be required to deliver to the beneficiary, no later than
                February 15 of the following year, an individual statement
                mentioning its corporate name, the place of its principal place
                of business and the place of its registered office, if
                different, the dates of the award and exercise of



                the options, the number of shares acquired and their unit
                purchase price. Moreover, the company will send within the same
                period (no later than February 15) a duplicate of such statement
                to the local tax authorities on which it depends.

         -      For the year in which the shares are sold, if this occurs prior
                to the end of the period of unavailability, the company must
                send, no later than February 15 of the following year, to the
                beneficiary and to the local tax authorities of the
                beneficiary's domicile, an individual statement mentioning the
                date of the sale (or the conversion into bearer shares) of the
                shares and the dates of the award and exercise of the option,
                the number of shares concerned, their purchase price and their
                value on the date on which the option is exercised.

         In the event of an exchange without a cash distribution (soulte)
         resulting from a public offering, merger, split-off, division or
         regrouping of shares carried out in accordance with the applicable
         regulations, the declaration obligations referred to above will be
         transferred to the company whose shares have been delivered in exchange
         for those acquired under the option and will henceforth cover these new


         For the year in which the option is exercised, the beneficiary must
         send with his tax declaration the individual statement delivered to him
         by the company.

         For the year in which the shares are sold, the beneficiary is required
         to indicate on his tax declaration of the year of the sale on the one
         hand the difference between the value of the shares on the date the
         option is exercised and their purchase price(1) and on the other hand
         the capital gain recorded on the date of the sale, equal to the
         difference between the sale price and the value of the shares on the
         date on which the option is exercised, if the conditions for taxation
         of this capital gain are met.

         The failure, both by the company and the beneficiary, to respect the
         declaration obligations mentioned above shall result in the forfeiture
         of the favorable tax regime of Article 163 bis C of the CGI and the
         taxation under 

- --------
(1)      This capital gains being taxable either in the category of wages and
         salaries (sale before the expiration of the period of unavailability)
         or at the current rate of 40% (sale after the expiration of the period
         of unavailability).



         ordinary law conditions of the benefit obtained at the time the option 
         is exercised. Moreover the company, with regard to the obligations it 
         has not respected, is liable for the fiscal fines provided for in 
         Articles 1725 and 1726 of the CGI.


         The benefit obtained from exercising the option (i.e., the difference
         between the value of the share on the date the option is exercised and
         the option price) is exempt from social security contributions, with
         the exception of the part of the discount exceeding 5% of the price of
         the share at the time the option is granted.

         However, pursuant to Article L 242-1 paragraph 2 of the Social Security
         Code, social security contributions are due in the event that the
         holder of the option sells the shares subscribed for or acquired
         pursuant to his right insofar as the conditions provided for in Article
         163 bis C-I of the CGI are not met, i.e., in particular before the
         expiration of a five-year period which started on the award date of the
         option. Such benefit will then be considered as additional salary and
         will be subject as such to social security contributions when the
         conditions of form and time provided for in Article 163 bis C-I
         referred to above are not satisfied, i.e., when the shares are not in
         registered form or when, except for a special event concerning the
         beneficiary (dismissal, being asked to retire, invalidity or death),
         they are sold before the expiration of a five-year period as from the
         date of the award of the option, the principle of being subject to such
         contributions being applicable to both the employer and the employee
         share of the contributions, and extending to deductions whose base is
         aligned on that of the social security contributions, it being
         specified that the benefit obtained from the exercise of the option
         will in these cases be subject to the CSG and the CRDS as salaries and
         no longer as income from assets.

                                          Made in Paris, on October 25, 1997

                                          The Board of Directors
                                          Guy Nafilyan, Chairman