

     Paul F. Lavallee and Gypsy Hill, L.L.C. and AccuMed International, Inc.

This Agreement (the "Agreement") is made this 13th day of April 1998, by and
between AccuMed International, Inc., a Delaware corporation (the "Corporation"),
and Paul F. Lavallee and Gypsy Hill L.L.C., a South Dakota Limited Liability
Company (the "Executive").

WHEREAS, Executive has served as President and CEO, of Corporation since 
January 29, 1998 (the "Effective Date") and;

WHEREAS , Corporation desires to formalize Executive's duties, responsibilities
and position and Executive is willing to accept such duties, responsibilities
and position, and this Agreement contains the parties' entire agreement and
understanding as to the matters contemplated herein, and supersedes any and all
prior oral or written agreements.

WHEREAS, Corporation desires to retain Executive and Executive is willing to
accept such assignment, all upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set
forth.NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations
hereinafter set forth, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1.       ASSIGNMENT AND DUTIES. Corporation hereby retains Executive and
         Executive accepts assignment with Corporation as Chairman & CEO
         reporting to the Board of Directors of the Corporation, and Executive
         shall perform those duties as usual and customary as a Chairman & CEO
         (i.e., to include but not be limited to General Management, Financial
         and Administrative duties). Executive shall perform such other or
         additional duties as shall be required of Executive from time to time
         by the Board of Directors and consistent with his position.

2.       COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS. During the term of this Agreement, 
         Corporation shall pay Executive the following compensation:

         a.       ANNUAL PAYMENT Executive shall receive an annual payment for
                  services rendered which shall be no less than $225,000.00
                  payable semi-monthly in accordance with Corporation's regular
                  payroll procedures. Executive shall also receive annual
                  performance and compensation reviews which will be conducted
                  by the Board of Directors, or its designee.

         b.       BONUS Executive shall be eligible to receive annual bonuses
                  which shall be up to thirty percent (30%) of Executive's
                  annual payment, based upon performance of mutually agreed upon
                  goals/objectives. The bonus year shall be the calendar year.
                  The Board of Directors, at its sole and absolute discretion
                  may pay Executive a bonus in excess of thirty percent (30%) of
                  his annual payment.

         c.       STOCK OPTIONS On January 30, 1998 the Board of Directors
                  granted to Executive 1,500,000 Shares of the Corporation's
                  Common Stock at a price of $.75 per share.

         (i)      Vesting will occur as follows:

                  500,000 Shares vested immediately and 500,000 Shares will vest
                  each year thereafter on the anniversary date of the grant for
                  the next two (2) years. In the event the control of the
                  Company changes, the entire 1,500,000 Shares shall become
                  immediately vested.

         (ii)     From time to time Stock Options may be granted by the
                  Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors on behalf of
                  the full Board to provide an appropriate long term incentive
                  opportunity and/or to recognize Executive's contributions to
                  the Company.

         d.       BENEFITS The Executive shall be eligible for such Corporation
                  benefits as exist for senior executives of Corporation and
                  subject to the terms and conditions of third party policies.
                  Should Executive not be eligible to receive any of the
                  Corporation's benefits or should any carrier decline to cover
                  Executive, Corporation will use commercially reasonable
                  efforts to obtain, pay for and retain a comparable replacement
                  policy on an individual basis.

         (i)      At Corporation's expense:

                                    Medical Insurance for Executive and
                                    Dependents with $20,000 Life/AD&D for
                                    Executive, fully paid by Corporation.

         (ii)     At Executive's expense:

                      (1)   Excess Life and AD&D Benefit 1 1/2times annual 
                            payment (less $20,000) up to $150,000 cap

                      (2)   Short Term Disability $500/wk benefit for 26 weeks

                      (3)   Long Term Disability 60% of annual payment (maximum
                            of $6000/mo. cap) to age 65

                      (4)   Dental Insurance for Executive and Dependents

                  c. EXPENSES Reimbursement of normal business expenses with
                  submission of expense reports and receipts. The Company will
                  reimburse reasonable travel and living expenses incurred in
                  commuting between Chicago and Executive's home in South

                  d. OTHER COMPENSATION Nothing herein shall preclude Executive
                  from receiving any additional compensation or from
                  participating in the present or future life, major medical,
                  hospitalization, profit sharing, pension or retirement,
                  sickness or disability or other plan for the benefit of the
                  executives of Corporation. In each case, Executive will
                  participate to the extent and in the manner approved or
                  determined by the Board of Directors or otherwise determined.

3.       EXTENT OF SERVICES. Executive shall devote his entire attention and
         energy to the business and affairs of Corporation on a full-time basis.


4.       TERM. The term of this Agreement shall be evergreen, commencing 
         January 29, 1998, subject to the following:

         a.       ILLNESS OR DISABILITY If Executive is absent from assignment
                  by reason of illness or other incapacity for more than 180
                  consecutive days', Corporation may, after such 180 days, but
                  only if Executive has not returned to assignment with
                  Corporation, terminate Executive's assignment by furnishing
                  him with at least 30 days written notice of such intention to
                  termination. Corporation shall be obligated to pay Executive's
                  payment to the date of termination, less that amount equal to
                  the weekly Short Term Disability Benefit, which date shall be
                  for all purposes of this Agreement, the date of termination of
                  his assignment.

          b.      DEATH. If Executive shall die, thereupon his assignment shall
                  terminate, and Corporation shall be only obligated to pay
                  Executive's payment for six (6) months after Executive's

          c.      TERMINATION BY CORPORATION. Upon written notice, Corporation
                  may terminate this Agreement at any time:

         (i)      For Cause. As used herein, "Cause" is defined to mean (1) any
                  act of fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement, or like act of
                  dishonesty; (2) conviction of a felony; (3) other behavior
                  which adversely reflects on the reputation of Corporation; or
                  (4) material failure to perform the services and duties
                  described herein, (5) material violation of any other
                  provisions set forth herein, or material breach of any
                  fiduciary duty to Corporation, if the material failure,
                  violation, or breach unreasonably continues after written
                  notice thereof is given to the Executive by the Corporation
                  and further provided that Executive is given a fair and
                  reasonable opportunity to cure.

         (ii)     Without Cause. If Corporation shall terminate Executive's
                  assignment without Cause, Corporation shall pay Executive's
                  annual payment up to the date of the delivery of such notice
                  of termination, which date shall be for all purposes of this
                  Agreement, the date of termination of his assignment. If the
                  Executive is to be terminated without cause, he shall be given
                  twelve (12) months notice in writing by Corporation.

          d.      TERMINATION BY EXECUTIVE. Executive may terminate this
                  Agreement for any reason after providing one (1) month of
                  written notice. If Corporation is in breach of this Agreement,
                  Executive may, in addition and without prejudice to any other
                  remedies for a breach hereof, terminate this Agreement, after
                  providing written notice to the Corporation and providing
                  Corporation with a reasonable opportunity to cure. If the
                  Corporation thereafter fails to cure, all of Executive's
                  further obligations hereunder shall terminate, except for the
                  requirements of Sections 8 and 10 hereof.

5.       SEVERANCE.

         a.       If Corporation terminates this Agreement without Cause, in
                  addition to the notice requirement provided in Section
                  4(c)(ii) above, Corporation will pay Executive his then
                  current annual payment, concurrent with the notice period, as
                  a lump sum, or for twelve (12) months, semi-monthly, in
                  accordance with Corporation's regular payroll procedures; or
                  some other payment terms not to exceed the annual payment
                  amount; any of the preceeding payment arrangements per choice
                  of the executive.


6.       VACATION. Executive will be immediately eligible for four weeks of 
         vacation per calendar year.

7.       RESTRICTIVE COVENANT. Executive shall not in any manner engage in any
         business directly competitive with Corporation, for a period of one
         year from the date of the termination of this Agreement under the
         following circumstances:

         a.       If this Agreement is terminated for "Cause" by the 
                  Corporation, pursuant to Section 4(c)(i) above; or

         b.       If this Agreement is terminated by Executive, pursuant to
                  Section 4(d) above, for reasons other than a breach by

         In the event that Executive engages in any business directly
         competitive with the Corporation, Executive surrenders his right to the
         continuation of his severance payments under Section 5 above. If a lump
         sum payment or an amount the pro rata share due Executive, from the
         time of termination to the time of his employment with the direct
         competitor, is made to Executive, Executive will refund the overage to
         the Corporation.

8.       CONFIDENTIAL  INFORMATION  AND  DISCOVERIES.  Executive  agrees that 
         all information of a technical or business nature such as know-how,
         trade secrets, secret business information, plans, data, processes,
         techniques, customer information, inventions, discoveries, formulae,
         patterns, devices, etc. (the "Confidential Information"), acquired by
         Executive in the course of his assignment under this Agreement, is a
         valuable business property right of the Corporation. Executive agrees
         that such Confidential Information, whether in written, verbal or model
         form, shall not be disclosed to anyone outside the of Corporation
         without the express written authorization of Corporation, unless said
         individual is subject to the Corporation's non-disclosure agreement or
         other appropriate contractual arrangement. This disclosure restriction
         shall be limited to (a) disclosures for use in any market in which the
         Corporation may then be doing business or may have taken any steps
         toward entering, and (b) for that period of time until the Confidential
         Information is generally available to the trade. 

         Any and all improvements, inventions, discoveries, formulae or
         processes in any way related to Corporation's business which Executive
         may conceive or make during his regular working hours or otherwise
         shall be the sole and exclusive property of Corporation and Executive
         will disclose the same to Corporation and will, whenever requested by
         Corporation to do so (either during the term of this Agreement or
         thereafter), execute and assign any and all applications, assignments
         and/or other instruments and do all things which Corporation may deem
         necessary or appropriate in order to apply for, obtain, maintain,
         enforce and defend patents, copyrights, trademarks or other forms or
         protection, or in order to assign and convey or otherwise make
         available to Corporation the sole and exclusive right, title and
         interest in and to said improvements, inventions, discoveries,
         formulae, processes, applications or patents. After the termination of
         this Agreement, Corporation will compensate Executive for his time and
         effort to comply with the terms of this paragraph 8 and the Executive
         may not decline to comply with any reasonable request.

         No provision in this Agreement is intended to require assignment of any
         of Executive's rights in an invention if no equipment, supplies,
         facilities, or trade secret information of Corporation was used, and
         the invention was developed entirely on Executive's own time; and the
         invention does not relate to the 


         business of Corporation or to Corporation's actual or demonstrably
         anticipated research or development; and does not result from any work
         performed by Executive for Corporation.

9.       ENFORCEMENT. Both parties recognize that the services to be rendered
         under this Agreement by Executive are special, unique and of
         extraordinary character and that in the event of the breach by
         Executive of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement to be
         performed by Executive, then Corporation shall be entitled, if it so
         elects, to institute and prosecute proceedings in any court of
         competent jurisdiction, either in law or in equity, to obtain damages
         for any breach hereof, or to enforce the specific performance hereof by
         Executive or to enjoin Executive from performing acts prohibited above
         during the period herein covered, but nothing herein contained shall be
         construed to prevent such other remedy in the courts as Corporation may
         elect to invoke.

10.      RETURN OF DOCUMENTS. Upon the termination of this Agreement for any
         reason, Executive shall forthwith return and deliver to Corporation and
         shall not retain any original or copies of any books, papers, price
         lists or customer contacts, bids or customer lists, files, books of
         account, notebooks and other documents and data relating to the
         performance of services rendered by Executive hereunder, which were
         provided to or made available to Executive by Corporation, all of which
         materials are hereby agreed to be the property of Corporation.


            a.    NOTICES Any notice required or permitted to be given under
                  this Agreement shall be sufficient if in writing and if sent
                  by registered or certified mail to Executive or Corporation at
                  the address set forth below their signatures at the end of
                  this Agreement or to such other address as they shall notify
                  each other in writing.

            b.    ASSIGNMENT This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to
                  the benefit of Corporation and its successors and assigns and
                  Executive and his personal representatives, heirs, legatees
                  and beneficiaries, but shall not be assignable by Executive.
            c.    APPLICABLE LAW This Agreement shall be deemed to have been
                  made in South Dakota, regardless of the order in which the
                  signatures of the parties shall be affixed hereto, and shall
                  be interpreted, and the rights and liabilities of the parties
                  determined, in accordance with the laws of the State of South
                  Dakota. As part of the consideration for the execution of this
                  Agreement, it is hereby agreed that all actions or proceedings
                  arising directly or indirectly from this Agreement shall be
                  litigated only in the courts of the State of South Dakota or
                  United States courts located therein, and all parties to this
                  Agreement hereby consent to the jurisdiction of any local,
                  state or federal court located within the State of South

            d.    HEADINGS Sections headings and numbers herein are included for
                  convenience of reference only and this Agreement is not to be
                  construed with reference thereto. If there be any conflict
                  between such numbers and headings and the text hereof, the
                  text shall control.

            e.    SEVERABILITY If for any reason any portion of this Agreement
                  shall be held invalid or unenforceable, it is agreed that the
                  same shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the
                  remainder hereof.


            f.    ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement, and its attachments, contains
                  the entire agreement of the parties with respect to its
                  subject matter and supersedes all previous agreements between
                  the parties pertaining to the subject. No officer, executive
                  or representative of Corporation has any authority to make any
                  representation or promise in connection with this Agreement or
                  the subject matter hereof that is not contained herein, and
                  Corporation represents and warrants he has not executed this
                  Agreement in reliance upon any such representation or promise.
                  No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless made
                  in writing and signed by the parties hereto.

            g.    WAIVER OF BREACH The waiver by either party of a breach of any
                  provision of this Agreement shall not operate or be construed
                  as a waiver of any subsequent breach.

            h.    COUNTERPARTS This Agreement may be executed in one or more
                  counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original,
                  but all of which together shall constitute one agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties have caused this Agreement to be duly executed
on the date first above written.

Designee of Board of Directors for:         EXECUTIVE:


By: \S\ J. DONALD GAINES                    By:  \S\ PAUL F. LAVALLEE
   --------------------------------            -------------------------------
                                               Paul F. Lavallee
Member, Board of Directors                     Chairman & CEO
Address: 900 N. Franklin, Suite 401            33 Third St. S.E.
Chicago, IL 60610                              Huron, SD 57350

